TheLink 10244164
TheLink 10244164
TheLink 10244164
D A Y OF M IRAC L ES W ayne C . Lee 18
Ross 46
Raymond M Veh .
BENN Y Mario D e Marco
OP EN LETTER To MA N S y M illers
Front : This young guy is s mbohc of how we feel as we face this perplex
in g New Year Ri ght? PK oto by H Ar mstr ong Roberts
Back : We should count tim e b y heart throbs —
. . .
“ ”
Philip Jam es B ailey Photo
. . .
C opyrigh t 1 9 7 0 b y Th e Gen era l Comm iss ion on Ch ap lains an d Arm e d F or ces Pe rs onneL
L ike d Article on Ap ocryp ha
Ap ocryp ha : What s That? b y M elvin G W illiam s in th e S eptem ber i s sue of
“ ”’
THE L I N K is great I t is nice to s ee that at least s om e profess ors are aware that
“ ” “ ”
there are o ther bo oks of the B ible than the sixty s ix that are tau gh t in the
m aj ority of the church s chools H owever I take excep tion t o the sentence readin g :
I t is unfortunate that this ap o cryp hal literature h a s been l ost to the Prote stant
worl d.
The Protestant E pis cop al Chu rch of the in additi on t o the Rom an
C atholic s h a s always used the Ap ocrypha in its teachin g s an d it is Often qu oted
from the p ulp it ; an d I s ubm it that this is a sizable chunk of the worl d Protestant
p op ulation .
Arkansas 72 l 1 6 .
E du cation in G o d s Grac e
( C ontinue d on p ag e 65)
E xecu tiv e E dit o r A RAY AP PE L Q UI S T
E dit o r . . LAW RE NC E P F I TZ GE RM D
B y Lo r en a O C o n no r
a n d M e lville H Le o n ar d .
HO W s o m e a ir lin e s te wa r d e s se s
s pen d t h e ir v a ca t i o n s
ta n t r o le in th e Fou n da t ion s wo r k as
ev er make it .
“ ”
What was she doin g here anyway ? ,
The Dollies began in 1 965 she ,
She could be so aking up the sun recalled when two United Ai rlines
to edu cate and help people in other Dooley F ou ndatio n would pay her
parts of the world and Offered to ,
living costs .
a irline app rov ed the idea and the it on her m ap Imagine going s om e
, .
p s B ut
They ret urned s o enthusiasti c that she knew her destination : Khong
stewardesses from theirs and other International Airp ort .
while on leav e fr o m E astern whi le wasn t on the map ! Had she made a
C amero n n ow c o ncedes it was She recalls At 6 A M you d hear
. .
above It became
. home very After breakfast C a s s re 3 first stu
qu ickly Other. D o oley D o llies soon dents were the t wo sons of the go v
made her welcome S till it to ok a . e rn or of the p rovince .
bit of adjusting . They mainly wanted to discu s s
C assie recalls that after the in American politics m usic and hip , ,
” “
tense heat of the day it felt like 20 , p ies ,
C assie remembers I s p ent .
Buffalo meat you simp ly canno t cho y who o p erated the pharmacy at
” “
swallow she says I t s ju st like ea t
, ,
Kh ong Next came members of the
ing granu les of rubber Po rk mixed . 50 bed hos pital and finally La o med
favorites She called it Laos spa Under C assie s capable in s tr uc
ghetti . ti ons , her eager st udents learn ed
P an Am e rim n pu ppe tee r tea ches pu blic heal th .
to watch this American teaching M y last trip to Khong In te m a
E nglish with gestures and violent tio n a l ( the airport ) didn t seem half
facial expressions C assie didn t mind. as bumpy as the first trip I was filled
says to kn ow that I had been a o
, also filled with happiness because I
ce pte d s o well . felt that I had accomplished s ome
The Lao enjo yed le a rn ing expres thing wo rthwhile I had made many
sions that would sh ock their teacher . wonderfu l friends and had spen t
Good grief a s tudent cried one
many hap py hours with them .
day .
Go od grief ! Where d you learn
ASSI E C amero n was not the only
” “ ”
go o d grief? C assie exclaimed An d . D o ol ey Dollie who liked her
OPPOSI T E PAG E : T OP Cass ie C am er on si ttin g w th chi ldr en on a boat
an d C assie .
stewardess Stella Saint felt much the
ple don t adj us t quickly F or some it .
her experience so enriching that she the stamina for the work required .
asked for, and was granted a second , Petite S e yem Cozatillin has much
leave of absen ce . the same reaction .
In Nepal Stella taught basic Eng You have to be willing to give
lish to children up to the s ixth grade yourself completely to be able to,
and helped to take care of pre make sa crifices to work u nder diffi
kindergarten children She also . cult conditio ns and hav e a great deal
helped at a Tibetan refugee camp . of patience Y ou don t have too many
Stella found the childr en a partien t ools to work with therefore you ,
says a large can or drum with sev
The girls also rely on kin dness
eral punctures We would p our warm . which they give fr eely .
water into it while the children stoo d Says S e ye m : It never ceased to
beneath . ama ze me to think how m uch we
Stella received the Splendid have in America and how little it
American Award from B P Khati . .
takes to make the Laoti an children
Ambassador from Nepal in early ,
happy Their greatest need a p art
1 969 in ceremonies in Washingt o n ,
from medicine and food was love ,
stewardesses in the program Stella ,
s ays .
“ ’
It s a different world the girls
face : filth death disease and the, , ,
By W ill iam M P in s o n , J
. r.
S h o u ld a m an ’
s b e d e t e r m in e d b y h is p le a s u r e s ?
a c t io n s
S h o u ld gir ls b e l
p y
a m a t e s f o r l
p ya b o ys ?
for years Now others are taking a swing M any in the New Left
. .
Articles and carto ons on sex and pictures of girls are probably the
magazine s basic ingredients Take them away and the circulatio n
would more likely nose dive than skyrocket But o ther magazines stress
sex and carry pictures of girls in various stages of undress Yet they .
philos ophers would have been app alled by the simple pleas ur e prin
person who sp ends his life seeking pleasure seld om perhaps never , ,
s o n may soon find himself s pe nding all o f his time in p urs uit o f pleas
ure Or what is req uired to bring pleas ure m a y also begin to bring
pain If he reduces the stim ulation to avoid the p ain he finds little
the pleasure approach to life And much of this talk reveals what is to
has appeared in print : The playboy philosophy c laims that any sexual
pra ctice between coriSen tin g adults in private n o t involving minors
and not involving c o ercio n in which no one gets hurt and which is I n
, ,
“ ”
people can know beforehand that no one will get hurt whatever
that phrase means I s uppose this co uld be possible if neither of them
cared for the other n either were part of a f am ily neither had ven ereal
, ,
In regard to sexu al rela tions a V icious cycle exists for people who
fo llow the pleas ure principle If they care for their partner the y risk
being hur t If t hey don t care sex often ceases to be fun Harve y C ox
s tates his point well : Sex is fun b ut when it becomes nothing b ut
fun then pretty soon it is n ot even fun anymore
, ( The Playbo y .
some have charged the playboy philo sophy with being antisexua l .
That hardly seems accurate But it is res tricte d in its general approach
It misses the full power and beauty of sex by m aj oring on the physi cal .
Hefner p ro fesses to prefer emotion with his sex But the maga z ine as .
a whole presents a pict ure in the main o f sex with ou t love emotion , ,
or invo lv ement .
ance The bea uty wonder and po tential o f sex is reduced to a p hysi
, ,
and wo e to the partner who doesn t perform well The p layb oys
realize this all too well One p layb oy in a letter to the editors com .
plained I don t seem to be able to perform enou gh to satisfy the
. In fact my fears about even tually being depleted take much
o f the p leas ure out of sex for me even when I m performing well
touch the degree of intimacy reflects the depth of feeling Thu s the
, .
deeper the intimacy the deeper the feeling for one another should be .
ment : Do n t get so involved that the relatio n affects yo u E ither case .
and sometimes inaccurate But the main problem is not what the play .
world Although Pla yb oy has raised many questions it has pro vided n o
lems have resu lted from a man s follo wing the playb o y philosophy
told a convo cation in medicine and theology tha t prema rital sexual
relati ons resulting fro m expo s ure to the so called new mo rality have -
have n ot been eliminated by the pill and penicillin In fact the trend .
of marriage and family Pla yb oy claims that its approach to life will
If this is the case what is to happen ten or fifteen years later when a
in tu rning her in fo r a new model ? And what abo ut the girls ? Accord
ing to the playboy phil o sophy shouldn t they have a chance to play
befo re marriage too ? But if they d o wo n t they be p ast their according
, ,
to Pla ym a te prime by the time they marry ? If they don t play will
really what they want in a husband ? The idea is simp ly not work able
n o t if it is kep t within the g uidelines of the p layb oy p hilosophy .
In spite o f these few exp ressed concerns for marriage the bulk of ,
trap to be avo ided E ditorial comments rev eal a m ore s ubtle b ut still
The pleas ure approach to life can be destru ctive to hum an rela
tions in general It can degenerate easily into using people as things
t o gain pleas ure M a n has enou gh temp tati o n in this direction withou t
, ,
having valu e mainly becau se they bring pleas ure to the playboy I n
. .
“ ”
the Playboy C olo ring B oo k the toys in the playboy s pad are the
playmates And th is is what is said abou t the toys ( girls ) : These are
beca use variety is the s pice of life The playbo y likes his life s picy . .
. .
M ake one of the girls a redh ead It do es not matter which is which . .
A Better W a y
The C hristian cannot co nsider a person made in G o d s image as a
toy One for whom C hrist died has in e s tirna b le worth An individu al
. .
The Bible insists that all pers ons be treated as hav ing worth in
and o f themselves regardless of physical attractiveness mental quick ,
, , ,
potential value to Jes us cause he took time to help , .
The Bible s view of sex is far more adequ ate than Pla yb oy s
’ ’
further reveals that sex is a gift from God and not evil in itself How .
ever the Bible regards s ex s o highly that certain standards are set in
o rder that sex will function for man s go o d n ot his harm The pla yboy
framework for man s m ost m eaningful relations The relatio n between .
husband and wife is compared to that between Christ and the Chur ch
( p
E hesians 5 : 3 2 33 ) Lo ve and trust are basic Unfaithfulness has no
gives life meaning But squee zing the j uice o ut of the concept Pla yb oy
leaves us nothing much b ut the pulp of pleas ure Pla yb oy says : Get .
wealth ; enjoy sens ual activity ; live for yourself America has had an .
Maybe that is why Jes us has s uch an appeal Jesus knew who he .
Wa s and what life was for No better example of a robust respo nsible
nonconfo rmist can be found He simply refu sed to cower before men s
By W a yn e C Lee
Lu ci f e r , Ge o r g e , an d th e c h u r ch co lle ct i o n ar e
Ta n gle d T
th i s h a ppe n in g on th e
g ot home fro m visiting his sick sister . shad ow so you can gu ess how the
When M ark said Lucifer Wa s s ome sight o f Lucifer curdled his bravery .
far away .
stay without busting a hame strap if I wouldn t tru st that painter any
it hadn t been for George B o ggle farther t han I could throw Lu cifer
George was a painter trying to put Tipp y said on e day watching George
o ur ranch on canvas Now a painter . paint a p ictu re Of the sto ne wall that
o n a cattle ranch is ab ou t as usefu l enclosed a small cemetery on the
as a goat The combina tion was as
. hillside put there by previou s own .
welcome as quicks and in a river ers of the ranch He s as shifty eye d
cros s m g But you kn ow the Major
. as a snow blind rooster
Yo u don t think he d ste al our ’ ’
Lucifer he reported s o lemnly
“ “
Maybe Tippy said The Major ,
fuming when we left for church .
. .
g fu nd asked i n disbelief .
m oney i n a pillowcase in his closet .
Didn t know we had any lun atics
Bu t I hadn t noticed George sh o w
in this country Tippy said , .
ing any interest in it George s paint . We were all upset o ver Lucifer s
signature in the lower righthand when the Major discovered his closet
corn er by George ,
. door Op en .
“ “
I d do better work if that go at The church money is gone ! he
, bellowed .
You ll get u sed to him the Ma
” ’
. escaped honoree from a cannibal s
to thinking that pair of horns fits so up s upper .
” “
right on the seat of your pants . Where have you been ? the Ma
Tomorrow s S unday the Major
” “
with us ? Up in a tree George said dis ,
George sh oo k his head Wasn t a
g u s t e d ly Th t. g o at g o t l o ose and
it the proph ets in your Bible who butted his way into my room I wen t .
Waited for signs to tell them what to Ou t th e wind o w and climbed a tree
d o ? When I see a S ign that tells m e doWn along the creek I S tayed there .
my ways . We v e go t to find Lucifer the
right about George Ho w did George . We changed from our S und ay best
earn his living ? Nobody in his right -
and hurried outside We saw where .
paint ings .
broken .
He must be dragging a couple
S omeh ow George s latest painting
g o t ou tside that night within range o f feet of chain Tipp y guessed
’ “
Of Lucifer s chain Tippy admitted . He probably ate the pillowcase
” “ ’
no g uilt when he brou ght in the r e and the money I added If he d ,
“ ”
Pai nted by George ; eaten by thing .
Ge o r g e , like t h e p r o p h e t s O f O ld , a wa it e d a Go d s ig n -
E xcept ,the M ajor exclaimed I tho ught George had acted afraid
s uddenly no goat not e v en Lucifer , , ,
o f the go at b u t that was n o thing
the hill I guess he had his eye on
said I m going to ask George some
. was making plenty of them all in ,
mo re questions . one direction He came to that wall
been here today Tippy declared ,
. me more than what I s aw rise from
The Maj o r n o dded I looked into . that little cemetery It was anything .
“ ’
Probably It s only five miles to . We figured later that Lucifer had
watch ed the hou se After abou t five . Lu cifer explo ded like a meteor ,
the yard and yelled fOr Ge orge to grabbed whatever was handy when
the ground he had expected to land
on erup ted under him like a volcan o .
. .
“ ”
Then came the parting of ways .
sail over it Geo rge let go when it
. The Majo r grinned We foun d a .
his valise p o pping o pen money ,
this a day of miracles .
spilling everywhere .
Lucifer didn t quite make the wall
and fell back on George George had .
enemy man ,
George planned to leave with this
money while we were at church b ut ,
“ ’
Then he added in s u rprise There s ,
Those two d ouble ea gles are a
first p ayment toward making thin gs
“ ’
be en hearing the phrase They don t fight like they used to
, ,
many years and if you enjoy a good boxing bout like I do you ll
a gre e with this statement I would say that boxing was at its gr eatest
durin g the early part o f the century when tirries were hard and many
youngsters fough t from hunger .
About that era there was one youngs ter in the li ghtweight division
who was really a master of the game His name was Benjamin Leiner .
One n ight he and some other boys were on the roof of a building
looking in through the huge skylight Benny became excited at the .
action lost his balance and c rashed thr ou gh the glass and landed
below The angered owner collared Benny who was da zed by the fall
, ,
and was about to call the poli ce when the fast talking 1 6 year old - - -
told him that he couldn t affo rd to pay for the glass b ut would s ub for
agre ed and put Benny on the card that night He won the m atch and
thus began the ca reer of one of the most brilliant lightweights in the
ri ng .
Benny had his black ha ir parted in the center and slicked back It .
was his trademark After a hard fight his hair would still be in place
had a heart attack and died in the ring His wish had come true
—M ario D e M arco
. .
Do e s S m o kin g Ca u s e Ca n c e r ?
By G . C ur t is J o n es
E was knowledgeable in the field of drug abuse His le ctu re was .
o f her new brand o f cigarettes At last I interrupted : M y dear you
‘ ’
There was a time I continued when I s m
o ked a few cigarettes
and from six to sev en cigars a day I quit beca use I was aware of .
early as 1 795 when p ipe smoking was linked with lip c ancer From .
men be tween the ages of fifty and seventy They shared their .
- -
. .
, ,
day smo ker q11i t In fact acc ording to M e dica l W orld N ews February
, ,
1 96 9 ,
d o cto rs ha v e stopped smo king Perhaps they know .
Luther L Terry fo rmer S urgeon General said : It was n ot until
, ,
hazardou s to health .
What is cancer ? C ancer is aword in the E nglish langu age derived ,
tiss ues C ancer cells then break off or leav e the original mass and
are carried by the blood or lymph to distant sites of the body There .
From the National C ancer Institute and the Natio nal Research C ouncil
as well as o ther sources we learn of the escalation in lun g cancer
in the United States ov er the p ast thirty years It was formerly .
, ,
Government 2
centuries ago : D O you n ot kn o w that you are God s temple a nd
God will destroy him For God s temple is h o ly and that temple
2 . I bid .
, p . 1 47 .
“ ”
H ow a n
yo u s ta n d cra c er crum
k . bs in b ed ?
I am a wo man .
fu lfill my purpose .
country .
1 11 60649
e ar .
W Jam es
“ ”
HE passage of time leads us Wingate organized his Chindit
on ce more to the threshold of a a rmy It was comp rised of
an expedition made its way deep into pedition crossed a t Toh n a ; a diver
the heart of Japanese held territory
. s io n a ry force forded the river a few
whom nobody could defeat in jungle blo ody battle ens ued which res ulted
warfare Field Marshal Archibald
. in nearly one third of the 500 m a n
- -
I n th e m id s t o f in t e n s e d a n ge r , t h e
s o ldie r r e m e m b e r ed
Lou is e Ha s kin s qu o ta tio n P u t yo u r h a n d in t o th e h a n d of
simply : Those unable to walk would tion and in that time a m iracle
hav e to be abandoned . might happen .
the arrival of a Ja panese p atrol The . pondered on his narrow escap e God .
rumble of a pproaching vehicles drew he felt must have willed the Japa
nearer on the road below him . nese away from his hiding place .
The first truck with its load O f , C o m p letely c ompo sed he reached ,
fi cer gabble o ut instructions to his printed text his mother had sent
men who divided into two lines . him in her last letter against the ,
Fanning out from the grass verge ,
day when he might need extra
both p a rties with bayonets nu
, help It was the quotation from
ing for British survivo rs of the bat I said to the m an who stood at the
tle M a c Horton s lips opened to call g ate of the year Giv e m e a li ght
life had he been so al one and afraid . trees and warmed his shiv ering body .
to do What the text said he wou ld H o rto n crawled u p the slope and
p u t his hand in the hand o f G o d ; o nto the track In a fev erish and
A C H OR TON pre pared for his thro ugh a red mis t o f p ain be saw '
from the ground His lips wrenched . He glanced aloft and traced the a n
in agony as v icious stabbing p ains , n oyin g shaft of light c oming thro ugh
shot through his torn disturbed limb ,
. a small grill high up in a stone
He sl umped to the gro und tears o f , wall s o he was in prison He then .
rage and desp eration in his eyes . noticed a p olished brass j ug near
M a cH or ton thou ght hard He wou ld . his hand E asing himself up he
clearing Slowly he crawled towards
. S h s h sh !
the lip and carefully lowered the He turned his head in fri ght and ,
crutch down into the clearing With . saw a figure rise from the other side
the s up po rt in j ust the ri ght positi on , o f the bed The man was tall and
Ma c Horto n lowered himself o nto the thin and completely robed in yell ow
had cov ered what seemed like three stiffened as he saw the gaitered legs
tain stream gurgling its way to the V ehicle en g ines s puttered into life ;
River C hindwin S oo n the young Of .
B y R a ym o nd M . V eh
the M ilwa ukee Journa l recently car C ollege and university camp uses east
ried this statement : and west have had demonstrations
involving greater or lesser violen ce .
m orons and of course
, pig s ,
Fortune maga z ine poll finds that
D uring the fo rcib le d is pe rs a l of fl
youth are s i gnificantly changing
the crowd fifteen people were ar
, their values E v erywhere one see s
less than the p revio us night when The p olling done by Fortune had
the first disturbance occurred
b ut the hatred th e contem p t of one
as one of the prin ciple findings that
Dr . V eh is a
retire d editor f
or the E vang e lica l U ited n Bre thren
C hurch, who now lives 530 Park C rest D rive, Thie ns ville, Wis
at .
C hancellor Alexander Heard of Van power oriented .
that the in vasion of C ambodia had their lives in all its phases ; p lus a
the effect of disaffecting p ushing desire to be involved in changes that
leftward large numbers of s tu affect s o ciety at large Most youth .
dents of normally moderate and con are impatien t for change and are
s e rv a tive politi cal viewpoints . s uspicious of what they call the
Heard s memorandums made pub
system .
behave will inevitably shape deci Youth demand that their co untry be
s ively fut ure life in the United right with itself and with the world
States and our domestic tran before they give it their full s upp ort .
tivities have increased in the past ten by which to live and they fervently
years until many are worried about seek them with no little anguish of
violence on a widespread scale The . sp irit They are frankly s uspect of
What indeed are rebelliou s young
, , institu tion the same trust they de
people trying to say in their actions ? mand for themselves They are pro .
s cio us ne s s of concern fo r the h uman They are convinced that they can d o
person There is a strong aversion for
. a better job than the last generation
any structure they co nsider to b e did and are anxiou s to make the
dehumani z ing or depers onalizing . world over according to their con
They seek a system based on a uthen c e pts o f what it sho uld be .
that is person oriented not money or
dence of a deep awareness of one s
u niqueness as a human individual . academic education The gr eat bulk .
The recent song s ums up this feeling . of United States citi zens ar e not
. Let me be let me be let me , , against dissidents and their goals .
One thing rebel youth s philosophy Indeed there have been some ao
with the o lder generation The th rust . lems of urban dev elopment the e f ,
“ ”
o f the entire ed u catio n o f the n ow fee ts of dru gs on the human system ,
generation has shown that change is pollution and the p op ulation explo
the order of the day and that a wh o le sion D ep artments in studies of black
new generatio n has grown u p under history and culture have been in
circumstances unlike any other gen stitu ted in m ultip le un iversities Pro .
e r a tio n has faced Never in history . fe s s ors hav e u p dated their mater ials
their p arents and grandparents ha ve been the press ures to end the
who grew up in a world withou t the war in Sou theast Asia which have
ai rplane and television What . brou ght th ousands of our men h ome
happens in the last 2 5 years is never from the war z one the scaling down ,
the o lder generation to fill in the sistence that there be less emphasis
younger b ut this time too mu ch
, o n war and the war machine and
has hap pened in this perio d We . more emphasis on food housing and , ,
h umanity at home .
ourselves so we can t pass it on
recent release which states that radi more emphasis upo n people up o n ,
per cent of all college and univer Many c ommunities have e mbarked
s ity st udents A profess o r Of the Uni u p o n so ci al programs for the poor
States colleges and univ ersities fee l E v en ch u rches are reckoning with
that these institutions sh ould stand the life style of this rebel generati on
te m p or an e ity
C ovenant gro up s of
D a ily Bib le Re a di n g s
ten to twenty fiv e people with flexi -
1 Thessal o ni an s .
learned to us e it well I I .
R eve la ti on
( Apo ca lypse ) . . 3 z8 1 2
I as k
Mar k
to kn o w -
Go d ’
s love as I go .
Po llyann a Se dziol
m o tt o on wall whi ch a
re ds: Life is n ot a
p ro blem to be l
so ve d; b ut a
Wh t Sh ll W a .
a e Do
This Saturday Night?
her e At Wurtsm ith Air F o rce
. Better kno wn ju st as The Cofl ee
B ase located on Lake Huron about
, Hous e La Gadda da Vida began
Detroit for a weekend service proi This turned out t o b e a wise deci -
ect in the inner city . D uring this sion The coffee house has p roved to
o n e o f Detroit s downtown ch ur ch e s
fr equency Why can t we o pen a night were chosen and the yo ung
, ,
coffee house at the chapel ? Fin ally people of PYAC decided that they
the decision was made to try the idea themselves wou ld serve as waiters
and serious planning began Many . and kitchen help In addi tion to cof
questions were rai sed : Hours ? What fee and tea the fare would include
kind of progr am ? What about ex lem o nade sweet rolls and dishes Of
, ,
most imp ortant questio n had to do came hot sp iced cider was added
discussion the decision wa s made Many names were propo sed and
that if we were to be fai thfu l to the discussed Finally the group settled
Cha plain M cG ror y ta lks with a va ca tio n ing co llege s tu den t , so n of an Air
For ce Mas ter Sergean t se r vin g in Vietn am , a n d on e of th e yo u n g e
p po elo n
th e base .
gr oup of
yo un g airmen .
a n g in g Wa r
By W . B .
J.M a r t in
persisted through many and varied threatening p olitical ideas and insti
systems of gov ernment from fe udal tution s ?
ism to free enterprise capitalism She
She ha s faced the impact of the change and the spre a d of change
has had to respond to chan g ing con Where o nce new ideas affected only
d ition s The New Testament itself
. a select few an elite who could read
and write and so had time to be,
two ways : either to resist the to rrent
digested b efore they reached the o f change and to retr eat into the
There is also a third fa ctor : the down its own distinctive message .
ligious rev ol utions and refo rmations . and liberal theology and the social
But modern violence seems to have go spel for the mess we a re in There
beco me a way of life for downtro d is a call back to the Old time re -
den ( and not so downtro dden ! ) ligio n and some of this is good
, ,
, ,
for those who demand change in a accu rate statem ent in t hat sentence
hurry She is reviled for her slow
. was the last ! But the audience
ness attacked for her seeming in
wanted to believe that su ch an idyllic
difference to massive social evils and state of affairs co uld be reinstated if
inequalities and by many of the , ,
o nly the ch urches ceased to med
young sco rned and bypassed The
, . dle with politics and retu rn to the
“ ”
yo ung chant the theme s ong of Bob -
simple gospel In other words they
Dylan The times they are a chang
wished to tu rn their backs on change ,
churches to accommodate their wor
people are apt to react in one of ship and vocabulary their life style ,
to meet the youth style and the
- -
happ ening When all sociological .
changing manners and mores of the analyses hav e been scru tini z ed it still ,
rising generation Jett is oning the . rema ins tru e that trouble is caused
formal t raditional liturgies of the by troubled p eople People who are .
where banners and balloons take the E rich Fromm has s u ccinctly put it ,
place of stained glass windows But . All destru ctiveness is caused by un
in the process they not only change lived life The energy of the spirit .
This is al own message This was Paul s for
God ( C o lossians .
ways a danger where men bend the m ula God who thro u gh C hrist rec
, ,
But these two m o des of procedu re than ev er We cannot meet and heal .
have one thing in commo n : they are the p olarizations of our socie ty until
re a ct io ns rather than res pons e s t o a and unless we hav e allowed the liv
changing world They a re fearful ing Christ to heal our own deep divi
sions Only if we are armed With the
p ushed aro und by the wo rld rather p ower of the g o spel can we liv e and
one first has to understand the si tua I go back to where I started The .
say to a D allas au dience In this ,
Let me link that up with some
changing world there are three kinds words from Robert Pen n Warren s
o f people : people who make things n o v el length poem-
Brother to ,
It will be forged beneath the ham wielded in love .
On th e anvil of an gu ish .
days than these God s church h a s
The hammer of anguish let us , But always there has come the call
no te no t the hamm er o f p anic or
, !
to a faithfu l few a remnant a ,
“ ”
the hammer O f fear Only as C hris
. stum p as Isaiah put it t o put
tian people are anguished about the their confidence in the Liv ing Lord ,
anguish will come from seeing men Jes us said Upo n this ro ck I will
I I .
Frankly, we don ’
t ge t an awfu l lo t of t hese .
Di d th e h e r f a th e r ?
E1 Wong stood beside his between Vin cent Stern s
young friend Ju dson Phillip s
, , shoulder blades .
and s urveyed the scene The dead . He tou ched the arm of the young
man lay sprawled face downward on man be side him We had better go .
the grass He was fat an d gr ay haired ;
inside he said
, .
the lawn o n which he lay was broad He led the way up the steps a
“ ”
Vincent Stern the wealthy art col
The young man said Heather ! ,
lecto r who lay murdered amid all and rushed over to her .
time customer Of Mei Wong s Bom an d black bear ded saw Mei Wong
bay Art and C urio sity S hOp The . in the hallway and came to him The .
Wong had su mmoned him to th e lot o f trouble He glanced at the
mering metal O f the large shears together in th e living ro om They .
are both in trouble . The young man nodded Yes We . .
Mei Wong motioned the youn g plan to get married .
man to join them and then re tum ed The Inspector showed n o interest
“ ”
to the hallway The old C hinese
. in this Yo u knew the dead man ?
“ “
gentleman told him This is my ,
Yes Heather
. Miss Stern his ,
ti ons . o nce
“ ”
GO ahead Ju dson Phillips blu e
The Inspec tor s tone became more
eyes loo ked dire ctly into those of the crisp Have yo u any idea what hap
bearded Inspector . pened here this afterno on ?
Inspector Bannerjee sighed as if it N O Mr Wo n g was the first t o
. .
all had a most un p leasant aspect for get in tou ch with me He told me .
Y ou are Juds on Phillips E mployed
with the United States Universal Im what it was .
porters You have been seeing Miss
. I quite understand the tall man ,
” “
Stern regularly? said dryly When were you here
Wa s J u d s o n Ph illips h e r a cco m p lice ?
” “
last? It could have been easy the tall ,
left Heather at the front gate about sharp and in the bo dy deep I would .
And then you went?
“ ’ ”
Wong an appealing glance That s . s uspect .
“ ”
where he reached me . Your s uggestion is lo gical Mei ,
“ ” “
That is correct the old art , Wong agreed blandly Will you .
’ ”
No I happened to be the o nly
. I do n t want him to leave Bombay .
one there to day .
He said Did M iss Stern and you
man to uched her shou lder gently .
ever di scuss her stepfather s atti tude
It will be all right he said , .
t oward your proposed marriage ? She loo ked up at them D O they .
The you ng man looked u ncomfort think I did it ?
” “
able Yes . . M e i Wong shru gged At the mo .
Insp ecto r Bannerjee spo ke aga in in ment they may thin k anythi ng What .
his bored voice With Stern dead . is mo st important is how mu ch they
she will c ome into several millions . can prov e Tell me ju st what did
” ”
That will make a nice d o wry . ha ppen ?
J udson Phillips sp oke hotly I . The girl sighed After J udson le ft .
d o n t care for your thinking ! me I walked in the driv eway The
No p rints on the shears except those seemed in a hurry I noticed him .
smudged .
man . There was n o theft attempt . A nerv ous boy of about ten
Nothing to uched in the house I . dressed in a flashy cowboy s uit eu
th ink she did it lost her nerve and
, , te re d hesitantly .
called us Unless you can add other
. You re wasting time Inspecto r
” “
details Mei Wong
. Bannerjee demurred I qu es tioned .
The old C hinese collector sighed . this b oy and his father yesterday .
“ ”
Perhaps at a later time He s the son of the Am erican vice
suspicion o f mu rder Judson
. Bu t he hasn t told you eve ry
Phillips was allowed to go free b ut ,
thing Mei Wong s miled knowingly
, .
M e i Wo ng knew he was also under As you say this is the boy Miss ,
filled stu dio high in the E mp ire certain c owboy stage and is handy
Hotel His expressi on was in scrut
. with a lariat .
highly a ctive pace At length a smile . raised What has that to do with
crossed his face and he nodded to the murder?
himself . I realized last night Mei Wong ,
The next morning he called on said Th is morning I talked to Billy
. .
p o lice headquarters He said I have .
Stern warned him not to ride his
the addition al details now Inspe c ,
bicycle on the grounds Billy had .
The bearded man stared at him dered o n the lawn trying his new
“ ”
across the desk Wh at are they ? . lariat He saw the shears on the
Mei W ong sank heav ily in a chair ground and picked them up Loop .
and it creaked beneath his massive ing the rope through the handle s
weight You say that because there
he began swinging the S hears in a
was no struggle Vincent Stern mus t ,
circle o ver his head .
have been ki lled by someone b e both But how does this bear on the
knew and tru sted I think there is . murder ? the Inspector snapped .
another answer He was killed by . Mei Wong s eyes narrowed Jus t
s omeone he hated b ut who was only as Billy whirled the shears at fu11 tilt
afraid of him . Stern came up , He saw the angry
Inspector Ba nne rj e e s white teeth face of the man and became panic
were revealed as he smiled Som e . stricken He loosened his h o ld on the
o ne he hated and who was afraid of rope and one end of it went free .
him Go on
. . The shears shot along its length
M e i Wo ng nodded I will pro . throu gh the air like a flying dagger
d uce a witness He went to the door. headed for Stem Th e old man in .
and opening it said C ome along , , ,
stinctively turned away to shield
himself and the shears buried in his small voice said Yes , .
back .
Mei Wong smiled Under the cir .
Never for sake of pea ce and qu iet deny your o wn exp erience or
co nvictions Dag Ha m m ersi ld
. .
, you
to rment if you do not trust enough 4 Frank C rane
. .
By J oh n C . H a n ey
o f u s will come to feel like those They h ung their harps on the willow
ancient Israelites who were carted trees and sat down to weep Indeed .
, ,
Cha pla in Ha ney is s ta tioned at the Nava l Oflicer Ca ndid ate S chool ,
to do when we wanted to do it we ,
feel that unless one has been there
ha ve a di fferent kind of freedo m pers onally he j ust can t understand
. .
But once the initial shock wears o ff S QD N M C B and the like are con
, ,
and we are out of the training situa fusing enou gh When these change .
kind of evo lution We are free to . However most ch urches compile
make some very basic cho ices as to lists of their men and wo men in the
who ou r buddies will be how we , military serv ice and peri odically print
will spend our liberty what we will , a roster o f names and addresses in
do with our pay the kind of person , the parish newsletter or in the S un
we will be . day morning b ulletin Frequently .
It is n ot surprising with all the the p astor will ins ure that the news
changes we have listed that we fail letter is re gula rly sent to the church s
to keep in touch with the local men and women in the service and
church back h ome We may carry a . may s upplement these mailings with
few fond mem ories with us b ut ,
his own p ers o nal letters D uring the .
more likely than not we feel we are year special services of rec o gnition
in our o wn kind of babylonian cap o r special prayers by the congrega
tivity and relegate to the rear shelf tion may be observ ed to hono r tho se
o f our mind ou r l o cal church at away from h ome on activ e duty .
Turn ed Off oppo rtunities to escape from the in
Meanwhile the service on the m ess
tense press ure of tr aining and every
decks with the lingering odor of food day routine .
the service in the field ; or the servi ce the service changing while the
in the beautiful b ut str ange chapel church back home tri es to keep in
“ ”
may leave us turned off Th e . tou ch with him as he mo ves about ,
civilian ch urches near by ( if we are what of the traffic fro m the man or
lu cky enou gh to be on duty in the woman to the ch urch itself? The
States ) may take a dim view of us contact may be b rief sporadic , ,
since we are in the military becau se dwin dling and finally nonexistent
, .
“ ”
we are tr ansient an d temporary in Once a ch urch loses contact with
o ur residence . the young adult in uniform and the ,
Once the pressu re of training is young adult stops writing his name ,
the young adult may roll over and which means that to ma ke frie nds ,
presses his rebellion in many ways . old friends hesitating to make him
“ ”
One way is to t urn off his former self known to the church or ch apel
“ ” “
church religion in favo r of his own near him the young adult tu rns
set of s tandards and those dictated off his reli gi on And since ch urches
come to feel that the church in gen sho rtsighted in their goa ls the young ,
e ra ! and their lo cal church in partic adult may be allowed by the church
ular have ceas ed to have any to sever his connection .
m eaning or r elevance for their lives . But the young adult on activ e
the eyes and conscience of his local make co mmi ttees function and help
“ ”
he an ambassador of his church to b e said for co untri es o verseas with
people overseas b ut he may find
their own special problems Misin: .
own lo cal ch urch ! He may b rin g the n o informatio n The youn g adult in
done as he keeps in tou ch with the What about you? Have you writ
folks back home . ten your church lately ? How abou t
“ ” “ ”
When the young adult retur ns getting turned on and tuned in
home he will find a warm welcome
to the pro blems around you and de
waiting if he has kept in tou ch with termine
his He may ho me
attracts m odern
MAC IN E giving a ll those books them out I f they hadn t b een for
away free ! is the way a young free I would never have taken one
s ee yo u a n d tal k to yo u m ore
New Testament from one of the abou t Jesus Christ at your litera
team of the Free Bible Literatur e ture table next to my table ( S D S
Society working on the camp us of a M aybe we can rap som e m ore on
large eastern university . what he says I ve been rea din g
C ha pla in s t oo k th e helm ~
an d s teer e d
Ca ll at B o lling AF B , W as hingt on D C , .
in th e P M O C progr am ; for
ser ving as a
T h e pr ogr am was des igned to tell th e
uni que wa y Th e
. Good tim ers , an of
mad e in Ju n e , 1 97 0, at a PMOC an d
” “ ”
B a se . Th e G oo d tim er s ca m e o n ag ai n
wi th “
Let It Be, ”
B r idge Over
Ruff , Pr esi den t of th e Fort Sh a tter Ar ea
T r oubled W a ter s ”
an d t hen th e hap
la ins t un ed in for a m in i Th e
sin g- in .
Good tim er s ”
l ded
co n c u th e ro
p g r am
Dr R o lan d Wied er an d er s 1 st VP o f th e
In picture: L t o R : Th e R ev E m erso n .
H AVE WI LL TRAVE L P a s t o r t o t h e D e af .
t io n h as he ld m o re t ha n 20 co m ple te
Dave M ur d a y N CO I C o f th e W o od
a se r m o n They ha ve a singing tr io
( H o dges h is wi fe Pa ts y M ur d a y) so lo ist
, ,
“ ”
a br ain storm in g a n d B ible stu dy m ee t
in g ea ch m on t h T h e gr o up co m e s f ro m
fi r s t pla ce in t h e Arm y M at er ie l C om
m an d ( A M G) Cha pe l Ar t Co n tes t wi t h
h is o il pa in tin g en ti tle d: C r ucifi x ion
A t awa r ds ce r em on y he ld a t H q .
A M G o n M a y 2 7 1 970 M G R C Fo rbes
, , , . .r
h d h s t win n e r s
( g )
r i t ann o u n ce t e co n t e .
Ch ( C O L ) J a m e s V C o le m. a n ( lef t )
s ta t ed t ha t th e co n t e s t s p on so r e d b y t h e
ex p ess io n ligio u s thou gh t thr ough
of r e
Chapel t o par ticipate in a com pre hens ive progr am on var iou s as pect s of
Dr Wm B all
. . .
1 N e w Year s D ay B ut it hasn t always been J an 1 Th e ancient
’ ’
Jan . . . . .
year in Ne w England .
Jan 1 I t s a great da y for football : The Rose B owl ; The S u gar B owl; the
. .
Ja n . 1 Feast of the C ircum cision S ign of the covenant God m ade with
. .
, ,
da y in 1 800 .
1 7 06 .
2 64 m m “:
p p ared no t only fo r individu al reading b u t also fo r group,
What is your answer to the question : Does smoking cause can
cer ? How does cigarette smoking cut years out of your li fe ? Why
hav e so many doctors given up smoking ?
phy of life ? How did Jes us live and what did he teach us about living ?
1 97 0 .
treatm ent b ut to s e t forth the widely varying methods God has used in preparing
a n d trainin g each man fo r the destiny marked o ut fo r h im .
An exam ination of how extensive is drug abuse what each drug does and does ,
S t , B oston , M ass 02 1 08 1 97 0
. . . .
of lif e which is o n e o f Am erica s richest yet m o st ne glec ted herita ges Bateman
. .
The H o ly Triang l e by J oel Ne de rhood Baker B ook House Grand Rap ids M ich .
, ,
49506 1 97 0
. .
The chap ters of this book are brief exam inations of m arriage the hom e the , ,
resp onsibilities of parents sexual l ove abortion and o ther m atters that affect u”s
, , ,
s o deeply an exam ination of these in the light of the B ible the Word of God ,
N J 07 675 1 97 0
. . . .
An intrig uing title an d a g ood book Here is the exciting story of Cam p us .
a small b oy c arrying a load of news
“ ’
papers u nder his arm : Don t all
those p ape rs make you tired my ,
lad ?
“ “
Naw replied the b oy I don t ’
read em —
Q uo te . .
As I hav e forgotten my no tes this
morning the minister began his
serm on I will re ly on the Lord for
better .
“ ’
Ancient C iti zen : Yup Last one .
P op took th e car ”
” petered out about a year a go
m e if I mig ht d
n ee it !
Gene ra l Feat ures .
Pop , my teacher gave me a zero An Indian petitioned the judge of
for telling the tru th . an Ari zona court to give him a
“ ” “
H ow
ome ? c shorter name What is you r name .
“ ”
When she asked me wh o dis cov n ow? asked the judge .
And what do you want to shorten
Sign on the door of marriage it to? asked the j udge .
license bureau :
Out to l unch thi nk it over ! grunted Toot —Ab out Face
, . .
little girl fished for awhi le then , same hat for 1 5 years de cided with
threw down her p o le and cried I , a heavy h eart that it was at last neces
quit Asked for an explanation she
, sary to b uy a new o n e .
“ ”