Correlation refers to the relationship between two variables and is measured by the correlation coefficient. The correlation coefficient ranges from +1 to -1, where +1 is a perfect positive correlation, -1 is a perfect negative correlation, and 0 is no correlation. The Pearson product-moment coefficient of correlation is used to determine the magnitude of the relationship between two continuous variables and is calculated using the formula provided. Simple linear regression predicts the value of the dependent variable given the independent variable and is used when there is a relationship between the two variables.
Correlation refers to the relationship between two variables and is measured by the correlation coefficient. The correlation coefficient ranges from +1 to -1, where +1 is a perfect positive correlation, -1 is a perfect negative correlation, and 0 is no correlation. The Pearson product-moment coefficient of correlation is used to determine the magnitude of the relationship between two continuous variables and is calculated using the formula provided. Simple linear regression predicts the value of the dependent variable given the independent variable and is used when there is a relationship between the two variables.
Correlation refers to the relationship between two variables and is measured by the correlation coefficient. The correlation coefficient ranges from +1 to -1, where +1 is a perfect positive correlation, -1 is a perfect negative correlation, and 0 is no correlation. The Pearson product-moment coefficient of correlation is used to determine the magnitude of the relationship between two continuous variables and is calculated using the formula provided. Simple linear regression predicts the value of the dependent variable given the independent variable and is used when there is a relationship between the two variables.
Correlation refers to the relationship between two variables and is measured by the correlation coefficient. The correlation coefficient ranges from +1 to -1, where +1 is a perfect positive correlation, -1 is a perfect negative correlation, and 0 is no correlation. The Pearson product-moment coefficient of correlation is used to determine the magnitude of the relationship between two continuous variables and is calculated using the formula provided. Simple linear regression predicts the value of the dependent variable given the independent variable and is used when there is a relationship between the two variables.
✓ Correlation refers to the degree of relationship between v = df = n – 2 (% of error)
variables. It is a measure of relationship between variables.
✓ Correlation analysis attempts to measure the strength of such Example: Below are the midterm (x) and final (y) grades. Is there a relationship between two variables by means of a single number significant relationship between the midterm and the final called the correlation coefficient. examinations of 10 students in Mathematics? ✓ Correlation changes in value from 1.00 to 0 to -1.00. x y x2 y2 xy ✓ There is a perfect positive correlation of r = +1. It indicates that 1 75 80 for every decrease of x, there is a corresponding decrease of y. 2 70 75 ✓ There is a perfect negative correlation if the value of r = -1. It 3 65 65 indicates that for every increase of x, there is a corresponding 4 90 95 decrease of y. 5 85 90 ✓ If r = 0 then there is no correlation between the two variables x 6 85 85 and y. 7 80 90 8 70 75 Correlation Coefficient Values: 9 65 70 0 to ± 0.20 – slight correlation; almost negligible relationship 10 90 90 ± 0.21 to ± 0.40 – slight correlation; but small relationship ± 0.41 to ± 0.70 – moderate correlation; substandard relationship ± 0.71 to ± 0.90 – high correlation; marked relationship ± 0.91 to ± 1.00 – very high correlation; very dependable Simple Linear Regression Analysis relationship ✓ It predicts the value of y given the value x. ✓ It is used when there is relationship between independent PEARSON PRODUCT MOMENT variable (x) and dependent variable (y) COEFFICIENT OF CORRELATION ✓ This is used to determine the magnitude of relationship between y = a + bx where : y = dependent variable variables (x & y) which are both continuous data. 𝑛∑𝑥𝑦−∑𝑥∑𝑦 ✓ The independent variable can be represented by x while the 𝑏= x = independent variable 𝑛∑𝑥 2 −(∑𝑥)2 dependent variable can also be represented by y. 𝑎 = 𝑦̅ − 𝑏𝑥̅ a = y intercept 𝑛∑𝑥𝑦−∑𝑥∑𝑦 𝑟𝑥𝑦 = b = slope of the line √[𝑛∑𝑥 2 −(∑𝑥)2 ][𝑛∑𝑦 2 −(∑𝑦)2 ] Example: Suppose the midterm report is x = 88, what is the value Where x = observed data for individual variables of the final grade? y = observed data for dependent variables n = size of sample r = coefficient of correlation between x & y