AP Summer Assignment

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AP Chemistry Summer Assignment

There are THREE parts to the AP Chemistry Summer Assignment.

• Part 1 deals with the memorization of common ions used in the course
• Part 2 provides information and practice on the use of significant figures rules in
• Part 3 provides rules and practice for writing the names and formulas for ionic
compounds, binary molecular compounds, and acids

There is a website, sciencegeek.net, that I use that has links to videos and review activities
to help with the summer assignment. Please make use of them.


This part of the summer assignment for AP Chemistry is quite simple (but not easy). You
need to master the formulas, charges, and names of the common ions. On the first day of
the school year, you will be given a quiz on these ions. You will be asked to:

• write the names of these ions when given the formula and charge
• write the formula and charge when given the names

There are several resources in this packet. First, there is a list of the ions that you must know
on the first day. This list also has some suggestions for making the process of memorization
easier. For instance, many of you will remember that most of the monatomic ions have
charges that are directly related to their placement on the periodic table. There are naming
patterns that greatly simplify the learning of the polyatomic ions as well.

Also included is a copy of the periodic table used in AP Chemistry. This table is the same that
the College Board allows you to use on the AP Chemistry test. Notice that it has the symbols
of the elements but not the written names. You need to take that fact into consideration
when studying for the aforementioned quiz!

Also included is a sheet of flashcards for the polyatomic ions that you must learn. I strongly
suggest that you cut them out and begin memorizing them immediately. Use the hints on
the common ions sheet to help you reduce the amount of memorizing that you must do.

Do not let the fact that there are no flashcards for monatomic ions suggest to you that the
monatomic ions are not important. They are every bit as important as the polyatomic ions.
If you have trouble identifying the charge of monatomic ions (or the naming system) then I
suggest that you make yourself some flashcards for those as well.

Doubtless, there will be some of you who will procrastinate and try to do all of this studying
just before the start of school. Those students may even cram well enough to do well on the
initial quiz. However, they will quickly forget the ions, and struggle every time that these
formulas are used in lecture, homework, quizzes, tests and labs. All research on human
memory shows us that frequent, short periods of study, spread over long periods of time will
produce much greater retention than long periods of study of a short period of time. I could
wait and throw these at you on the first day of school, but I don’t think that would be fair to
you. Use every modality possible as you try to learn these – speak them, write them, visualize


Unless you have been exposed to significant figure rules in another course, this topic will
take a bit of study. Attached you will find a two-sided page with explanations of the rules,
and examples of problem solving in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

There is also a page of problems for you to complete: this page is due at the beginning of
class on the first day of the new school year.

There are some excellent videos and practice activities produced by Khan Academy for this
subject. Links to videos, practice activities, and other review activities can also be found on

You will be putting together what you mastered from PART 1 to complete this section. You
will get much practice naming and writing the formulas for ionic and molecular compounds
along with acids. For this part, please complete the tables with the correct name or formula:
this page is due at the beginning of class on the first day of the new school year.

There are some excellent videos and practice activities produced by Khan Academy for this
subject. Links to videos, practice activities, and other review activities can also be found on
Common Ions and Their Charges

A mastery of the common ions, their formulas and their charges, is essential to success in
AP Chemistry. You are expected to know all of these ions on the first day of class, when I will give you a
quiz on them. You will always be allowed a periodic table, which makes indentifying the ions on the left
“automatic.” For tips on learning these ions, see the opposite side of this page.

From the table: Ions to Memorize

Cations Name Cations Name
H+ Hydrogen Ag+ Silver
Li+ Lithium Zn2+ Zinc
Na+ Sodium Hg22+ Mercury(I)
K+ Potassium NH4+ Ammonium
Rb+ Rubidium
Cs+ Cesium
Be2+ Beryllium Anions Name
Mg2+ Magnesium NO2- Nitrite
Ca2+ Calcium NO3- Nitrate
Ba2+ Barium SO32- Sulfite
Sr2+ Strontium SO42- Sulfate
Al3+ Aluminum HSO4- Hydrogen sulfate (bisulfate)
OH- Hydroxide
Anions Name CN- Cyanide
H- Hydride PO43- Phosphate
F- Fluoride HPO42- Hydrogen phosphate
Cl- Chloride H2PO4- Dihydrogen phosphate
Br- Bromide NCS- Thiocyanate
I- Iodide CO32- Carbonate
O2- Oxide HCO3- Hydrogen carbonate (bicarbonate)
S2- Sulfide ClO- Hypochlorite
Se2- Selenide ClO2- Chlorite
N3- Nitride ClO3- Chlorate
P3- Phosphide ClO4- Perchlorate
As3- Arsenide BrO- Hypobromite
Type II Cations Name BrO2- Bromite
Fe3+ Iron(III) BrO3- Bromate
Fe2+ Iron(II) BrO4- Perbromate
Cu2+ Copper(II) IO- Hypoiodite
Cu+ Copper(I) IO2- iodite
Co3+ Cobalt(III) IO3- iodate
Co2+ Cobalt(II) IO4- Periodate
Sn4+ Tin(IV) C2H3O2- Acetate
Sn2+ Tin(II) MnO4- Permanganate
Pb4+ Lead(IV) Cr2O72- Dichromate
Pb2+ Lead(II) CrO42- Chromate
Hg2+ Mercury(II) O22- Peroxide
C2O42- Oxalate
NH2- Amide
BO33- Borate
S2O32- Thiosulfate
Tips for Learning the Ions

“From the Table”

These are ions can be organized into two groups.
1. Their place on the table suggests the charge on the ion, since the neutral atom gains or loses a
predictable number of electrons in order to obtain a noble gas configuration. This was a focus in first
year chemistry, so if you are unsure what this means, get help BEFORE the start of the year.
a. All Group 1 Elements (alkali metals) lose one electron to form an ion with a 1+ charge
b. All Group 2 Elements (alkaline earth metals) lose two electrons to form an ion with a 2+
c. Group 13 metals like aluminum lose three electrons to form an ion with a 3+ charge
d. All Group 17 Elements (halogens) gain one electron to form an ion with a 1- charge
e. All Group 16 nonmetals gain two electrons to form an ion with a 2- charge
f. All Group 15 nonmetals gain three electrons to form an ion with a 3- charge

Notice that cations keep their name (sodium ion, calcium ion) while anions get an “-ide” ending
(chloride ion, oxide ion).

2. Metals that can form more than one ion will have their positive charge denoted by a roman numeral
in parenthesis immediately next to the name of the

Polyatomic Anions
Most of the work on memorization occurs with these ions, but there are a number of patterns that can
greatly reduce the amount of memorizing that one must do.

1. “ate” anions have one more oxygen then the “ite” ion, but the same charge. If you memorize the
“ate” ions, then you should be able to derive the formula for the “ite” ion and vice-versa.
a. sulfate is SO42-, so sulfite has the same charge but one less oxygen (SO32-)
b. nitrate is NO3-, so nitrite has the same charge but one less oxygen (NO2-)

2. If you know that a sufate ion is SO42- then to get the formula for hydrogen sulfate ion, you add a
hydrogen ion to the front of the formula. Since a hydrogen ion has a 1+ charge, the net charge on
the new ion is less negative by one.
a. Example:
PO43- HPO42- H2PO4-
phosphate hydrogen phosphate dihydrogen phosphate

3. Learn the hypochlorite chlorite chlorate perchlorate series, and you also know the series
containing iodite/iodate as well as bromite/bromate.
a. The relationship between the “ite” and “ate” ion is predictable, as always. Learn one and you
know the other.
b. The prefix “hypo” means “under” or “too little” (think “hypodermic”, “hypothermic” or
i. Hypochlorite is “under” chlorite, meaning it has one less oxygen
c. The prefix “hyper” means “above” or “too much” (think “hyperkinetic”)
i. the prefix “per” is derived from “hyper” so perchlorate (hyperchlorate) has one more
oxygen than chlorate.
d. Notice how this sequence increases in oxygen while retaining the same charge:

ClO- ClO2- ClO3- ClO4-

hypochlorite chlorite chlorate perchlorate
Sulfate Hydrogen
Sulfite sulfate

Dihydrogen Hydrogen
Phosphate Phosphate Phosphate

Nitrite Nitrate Ammonium

Thiocyanate Carbonate carbonate

Borate Chromate Dichromate

Permanganate Oxalate Amide


Hydroxide Cyanide Acetate


Peroxide Hypochlorite Chlorite

Chlorate Perchlorate Thiosulfate

HSO4-  SO42- SO32-

HPO42- H2PO4- PO43-


NH4+ NO3- NO2-


HCO3-  CO32- NCS-


Cr2O72- CrO42- BO33-

NH2- C2O42- MnO4-

C2H3O2- CN- OH-


ClO2- ClO- O22-


S2O32- ClO4- ClO3-


Significant Figures in Measurement and Calculations
A successful chemistry student habitually labels all numbers, because the unit is important. Also of great
importance is the number itself. Any number used in a calculation should contain only figures that are
considered reliable; otherwise, time and effort are wasted. Figures that are considered reliable are called
significant figures. Chemical calculations involve numbers representing actual measurements. In a
measurement, significant figures in a number consist of:
Figures (digits) definitely known + One estimated figure (digit)
In class you will hear this expressed as "all of the digits known for certain plus one that is a guess."

Recording Measurements
When one reads an instrument (ruler, thermometer, graduate, buret, barometer, balance), he expresses
the reading as one which is reasonably reliable. For example, in the accompanying illustration, note the
reading marked A. This reading is definitely beyond the
7 cm mark and also beyond the 0.8 cm mark. We read
the 7.8 with certainty. We further estimate that the
reading is five-tenths the distance from the 7.8 mark to
the 7.9 mark. So, we estimate the length as 0.05 cm
more than 7.8 cm. All of these have meaning and are therefore significant. We express the reading as
7.85 cm, accurate to three significant figures. All of these figures, 7.85, can be used in calculations. In
reading B we see that 9.2 cm is definitely known. We can include one estimated digit in our reading, and
we estimate the next digit to be zero. Our reading is reported as 9.20 cm. It is accurate to three significant

Rules for Zeros

If a zero represents a measured quantity, it is a significant figure. If it merely locates the decimal point, it
is not a significant figure.
Zero Within a Number. In reading the measurement 9.04 cm, the zero represents a measured
quantity, just as 9 and 4, and is, therefore, a significant number. A zero between any of the other digits in
a number is a significant figure.
Zero at the Front of a Number. In reading the measurement 0.46 cm, the zero does not
represent a measured quantity, but merely locates the decimal point. It is not a significant figure. Also, in
the measurement 0.07 kg, the zeros are used merely to locate the decimal point and are, therefore, not
significant. Zeros at the first (left) of a number are not significant figures.
Zero at the End of a Number. In reading the measurement 11.30 cm, the zero is an estimate
and represents a measured quantity. It is therefore significant. Another way to look at this: The zero is not
needed as a placeholder, and yet it was included by the person recording the measurement. It must have
been recorded as a part of the measurement, making it significant. Zeros to the right of the decimal point,
and at the end of the number, are significant figures.
Zeros at the End of a Whole Number. Zeros at the end of a whole number may or may not be
significant. If a distance is reported as 1600 feet, one assumes two sig figs. Reporting measurements in
scientific notation removes all doubt, since all numbers written in scientific notation are considered
significant. 1 600 feet 1.6 x10 feet Two significant figures
1 600 feet 1.60 x 10 feet Three significant figures
1 600 feet 1.600 x 10 feet Four significant figures
Sample Problem #1: Underline the significant figures in the following numbers.
(a) 0.0420 cm answer = 0.0420 cm (e) 2 403 ft. answer = 2 403 ft.
(b) 5.320 in. answer = 5.320 in. (f) 80.5300 m answer = 80.5300 m
(c) 10 lb. answer = 10 lb. (g) 200. g answer = 200 g
3 3
(d) 0.020 ml answer = 0.020 ml (h) 2.4 x 10 kg answer = 2.4 x 10 kg

Rounding Off Numbers

In reporting a numerical answer, one needs to know how to "round off" a number to include the correct
number of significant figures. Even in a series of operations leading to the final answer, one must "round
off" numbers. The rules are well accepted rules:
1. If the figure to be dropped is less than 5, simply eliminate it.
2. If the figure to be dropped is greater than 5, eliminate it and raise the preceding figure by 1.
3. If the figure is 5, followed by nonzero digits, raise the preceding figure by 1
4. If the figure is 5, not followed by nonzero digit(s), and preceded by an odd digit, raise the
preceding digit by one
5. If the figure is 5, not followed by nonzero digit(s), and the preceding significant digit is even,
the preceding digit remains unchanged
Sample Problem #2: Round off the following to three significant figures.
(a) 3.478 m answer = 3.48 m (c) 5.333 g answer = 5.33 g
(b) 4.8055 cm answer = 4.81 cm (d) 7.999 in. answer = 8.00 in.

In multiplying two numbers, when you wish to determine the number of significant figures you should
have in your answer (the product), you should inspect the numbers multiplied and find which has the least
number of significant figures. This is the number of significant figures you should have in your answer (the
product). Thus the answer to 0.024 x 1244 would be rounded off to contain two significant figures since
the factor with the lesser number of significant figures (0.024) has only two such figures.
Sample Problem #3: Find the area of a rectangle 2.1 cm by 3.24 cm.
Solution: Area = 2.1 cm x 3.24 cm = 6.804 cm
We note that 2.1 contains two significant figures, while 3.24 contains three significant figures. Our product
should contain no more than two significant figures. Therefore, our answer would be recorded as 6.8 cm
Sample Problem #4: Find the volume of a rectangular solid 10.2 cm x 8.24 cm x 1.8 cm
Solution: Volume = 10.2 cm x 8.24 cm x 1.8 cm = 151.2864 cm
We observe that the factor having the least number of significant figures is 1.8 cm. It contains two
significant figures. Therefore, the answer is rounded off to 150 cm .

In dividing two numbers, the answer (quotient) should contain the same number of significant figures as
are contained in the number (divisor or dividend) with the least number of significant figures. Thus the
answer to 528 0.14 would be rounded off to contain two significant figures. The answer to 0.340 3242
would be rounded off to contain three significant figures.
Sample Problem #5: Calculate 20.45 2.4
Solution: 20.45 2.4 = 8.52083
We note that the 2.4 has fewer significant figures than the 20.45. It has only two significant figures.
Therefore, our answer should have no more than two significant figures and should be reported as 8.5.

Addition and Subtraction

In adding (or subtracting), set down the numbers, being sure to keep like decimal places under each
other, and add (or subtract). Next, note which column contains the first estimated figure. This column
determines the last decimal place of the answer. After the answer is obtained, it should be rounded off in
this column. In other words, round to the least number of decimal places in you data.
Sample Problem #6: Add 42.56 g + 39.460 g + 4.1g
42.56 g
39.460 g
4.1 g
Sum = 86.120 g
Since the number 4.1 only extends to the first decimal place, the answer must be rounded to the first
decimal place, yielding the answer 86.1 g.

Average Readings
The average of a number of successive readings will have the same number of decimal places that are in
their sum.
Sample Problem #7: A graduated cylinder was weighed three times and the recorded weighings
were 12.523 g, 12.497 g, 12.515 g. Calculate the average weight.
12.523 g
12.497 g
12.515 g
37.535 g
In order to find the average, the sum is divided by 3 to give an answer of 12.51167. Since each number
extends to three decimal places, the final answer is rounded to three decimal places, yielding a final
answer of 12.512 g. Notice that the divisor of 3 does not effect the rounding of the final answer. This is
because 3 is an exact number - known to an infinite number of decimal places.

Give the number of significant figures in each of the following:

____ 402 m ____ 34.20 lbs ____ 0.03 sec

____ 0.00420 g ____ 3 200 liters ____ 0.0300 ft.
____ 5.1 x 104 kg ____ 0.48 m ____ 1 400.0 m
____ 78 323.01 g ____ 1.10 torr ____ 760 mm Hg

Multiply each of the following, observing significant figure rules:

17 m x 324 m = ________________ 1.7 mm x 4 294 mm = __________________

0.005 in x 8 888 in = _____________ 0.050 m x 102 m = ____________________
0.424 in x .090 in = ______________ 324 000 cm x 12.00 cm = _______________
Divide each of the following, observing significant figure rules:

23.4 m 0.50 sec = ______________ 12 miles 3.20 hours = ________________

0.960 g 1.51 moles = ____________ 1 200 m 12.12 sec = __________________

Add each of the following, observing significant figure rules:

3.40 m 102.45 g 102. cm

0.022 m 2.44 g 3.14 cm
0.5 m 1.9999 g 5.9 cm

Subtract each of the following, observing signigicant figure rules:

42.306 m 14.33 g 234.1 cm

1.22 m 3.468 g 62.04 cm

Work each of the following problems, observing significant figure rules:

Three determinations were made of the percentage of oxygen in mercuric oxide. The
results were 7.40%, 7.43%, and 7.35%. What was the average percentage?

A rectangular solid measures 13.4 cm x 11.0 cm x 2.2 cm. Calculate the volume of the

If the density of mercury is 13.6 g/ml, what is the mass in grams of 3426 ml of the

A copper cylinder, 12.0 cm in radius, is 44.0 cm long. If the density of copper is

8.90 g/cm3, calculate the mass in grams of the cylinder. (assume pi = 3.14)
Ionic Nomenclature

Ionic nomenclature is the simplest of the three types of nomenclature here. Of course, the presumption is
that you completed the summer assignment and remember the names of the common ions.

First identify the cation (positive ion) by name. Second, identify the anion by name. Then, put the two
names together.

AlCl3 – The cation is aluminum. The anion is chloride. The compound is aluminum chloride.

Na2SO4 – The cation is sodium. The anion is sulfate. The compound is sodium sulfate.

Notice that there is no use of prefixes to denote the quantity of each ion. That is because the charge of the
ions guarantees that there is only one proportion in which they can combine, so prefixes are unnecessary.

For metals that can have more than one oxidation state, it is important to identify the oxidation state in the
name, using Roman numerals.

FeCl3 – Because the three chloride ions have a TOTAL charge of -3, so the iron must have a +3 charge.
Therefore, the compound is iron(III) chloride.

Cr(NO3)3 – Three nitrate ions have a TOTAL charge of -3, so the chromium must have a +3 charge.
Therefore, the compound is chromium(III) nitrate.

When writing formulas from names:

1. Write the formula of the cation
2. Write the formula of the anion
3. Balance the formula electrostatically, using subscripts
a. If you need more than one of a polyatomic ion, you must place the subscript outside of
a set of parentheses that surround the polyatomic ion.

Calcium phosphide – Calcium is Ca2+ and phosphide is P3-. The balanced formula is Ca3P2.
Aluminum nitrite – Aluminum is Al3+ and nitrite is NO2-. The balanced formula is Al(NO2)3.

Write the name Write the formula

PbCl2 Iron(III) nitride
Na2C2O4 Calcium thiocyanate
KCN Sodium sulfite
(NH4)2CO3 Copper(I) phosphate
Cu(NO3)2 Cesium nitrite
MgO2 Cobalt(III) oxide
SnF2 Aluminum sulfate
FeBr3 Lithium sulfide
Ca(C2H3O2)2 Ammonium phosphate
Binary Molecular Nomenclature

Rules for Binary Molecular Compounds Prefixes

1. The naming system is for compounds composed of two nonmetallic 1 – mono
elements. 2 – di
2. The first element keeps its name 3 – tri
a. The first element gets a prefix if it has a subscript in the 4 – tetra
formula 5 – penta
3. The second element gets the –ide suffix (ending) 6 – hexa
a. The second element ALWAYS gets a prefix 7 – hepta
8 – octa
9 – nona
10 - deca

Compound Name Compound Formula

Carbon dioxide
Carbon monoxide
Diphosphorus pentoxide
Dinitrogen monoxide
Silicon dioxide
Carbon tetrafluoride
Sulfur dioxide
Phosphorus pentafluoride
Oxygen difluoride
Nitrogen dioxide
Dinitrogen trioxide

Compound Formula Compound Name

Naming Acids

Acids are divided into two groups: Binary and Oxyacids. Binary acids consist of two
elements. Oxyacids consist of 3 elements, one of which is oxygen.

1. NAMING BINARY ACIDS: The name of the binary acid consists of two words. The
first word has three parts:
the “hydro” prefix
the root of the nonmetal element
the “ic” ending
The second word is always “acid”
HCl = hydro chlor ic acid = hydrochloric acid
HBr = hydro brom ic acid = hydrobromic acid
HF = hydro fluor ic acid = hydrofluoric acid

2. NAMING OXYACIDS: These are more difficult to name because these acids have
hydrogen, a nonmetal, and may have varying numbers of oxygen atoms. For example,
H2SO5, H2SO4, H2SO3, and H2SO2 are all acids. How do we name them? To begin, we
need a point of reference. Our reference point is this:
The “ate” ions (sulfate, nitrate, etc) make the “ic” acids (sulfuric acid, nitric acid)
SO42- = sulfate ion H2SO4 = sulfuric acid
NO3 = nitrate ion HNO3 = nitric acid

Once we have our point of reference, the acid with one more oxygen than the -ic acid is
called the per-_________-ic acid. The acid with one less oxygen then the -ic acid is
called the ___________-ous acid. If the acid has one less oxygen than the -ous acid, it
is called the hypo-____________-ous acid.
H2SO5 = persulfuric acid HNO4 = pernitric acid
H2SO4 = sulfuric acid HNO3 = nitric acid
H2SO3 = sulfurous acid HNO2 = nitrous acid
H2SO2 = hyposulfurous acid HNO = hyponitrous acid

The KEY: All you really need to know are the “ate” ions. After that, you can use the
above scheme to name any oxyacid. To refresh your memory, here are some of the
common “ate” ions:
sulfate = SO42- nitrate = NO3-
chlorate = ClO3- bromate = BrO3-
phosphate = PO4 carbonate = CO32-
Naming Acids - Problems

Name these binary acids:

HF____________________________ HCl___________________________
H2S___________________________ HBr___________________________

Name these oxyacids:

H2CO _______________________________________

HClO _______________________________________


Write the formulas for these acids (they may or may not actually exist!):

perbromic acid____________________________________
nitrous acid_______________________________________
hypobromous acid_________________________________
chromic acid______________________________________
chromous acid_____________________________________
pernitric acid______________________________________
sulfurous acid_____________________________________
perchromic acid____________________________________

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