Reading Fundamentals 1 - Expert Editions
Reading Fundamentals 1 - Expert Editions
Reading Fundamentals 1 - Expert Editions
Reading 1 Vocabulary
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Vocabulary is the set of words that make up a language. Have you ever wanted to explain something to
What Is someone, but you just couldn’t find the right words? It would help to know more words so you could express
Vocabulary? yourself better. Words are the tools we use to communicate with each other. The more vocabulary words you
know, the better you will be able to understand what you read. Knowing more words will also improve your
ability to communicate through speaking, listening, and writing.
Useful Vocabulary
Here’s a starter list of some vocabulary criticize, v. to find the faults in something or incident, n. something that happens; a single
words that are useful to know. The someone: I don’t think people should criticize event: The police wrote a report of the incident.
words are separated into three other people’s looks. influence, n. the effect of something on a person,
deceive, v. to lie or trick: His lies helped him thing, or event: The teacher’s influence helped
categories: Easy, Average, and Challenging.
deceive the police and escape. the child do better in school.
PARTS OF SPEECH ABBREVIATIONS defy, v. to challenge or refuse to obey: The little interfere, v. to get in the way of something: I don’t
boy decided to defy his mother and take a cookie. like it when commercials interfere with my TV
adjective adj. dismal, adj. gloomy or dreary: The rain and wind shows.
adverb adv. made it a dismal day. leadership, n. the ability to guide or direct
noun n. distinct, adj. different or separate: Leopards are people; the person or people in charge: He
distinct from cheetahs. showed great leadership when he spoke to the
verb v.
durable, adj. lasting; tough: Her boots were made angry crowd. The leadership of the company
of durable leather that lasted through the winter. prepared its mission statement.
employ, v. to pay someone to do work: The leisure, n. the time free from work for relaxation: I
• • • Easy • • • company needed to employ ten more workers. enjoy reading during my leisure time!
absence, n. lack of something or someone: We enthusiasm, n. excitement or eagerness: The magnificent, adj. wonderful, excellent: The
missed her in her absence. puppy showed its enthusiasm by jumping in mountain looked magnificent.
accurate, adj. correct or free from errors: My the air and barking. mechanical, adj. operated by or using a machine:
math homework was accurate. essential, adj. necessary; being of great need: The mechanical arm lifted the box.
affection, n. fond feeling toward someone or Water is essential for living things to grow. mischievous, adj. behaving in a way to cause
something: Hugging someone is a good way to fascinate, v. to attract; to cause attention or trouble without meaning any harm: The
show your affection. interest: Bright colors fascinate babies. mischievous boy drew with crayons on the
approval, n. support or permission for forbid, v. to command someone not to do wall.
something: My dad gave me his approval to go
something: My parents forbid me from coming monstrous, adj. wicked or cruel; very large and
on the field trip.
barely, adv. hardly; almost not at all: The ice home after 11 at night. ugly: In fairy tales, witches cast monstrous
skater barely completed her jump. genuine, adj. real; being what is claimed: The spells. I watched the alligator open its
betray, v. to break a promise or let someone diamond was genuine. monstrous jaws.
down: If you tell my secret, you will betray me. guarantee, n. a formal promise that something moral, adj. relating to what is right and wrong: I
boundary, n. the official line between two areas is of good quality: The television came with a think it’s not moral to do something bad and
or regions: The map shows the boundary guarantee that it would work right. then lie about it.
between the two countries. hideous, adj. very ugly or horrible: Warthogs are necessity, n. something that is a basic need: Air is
characteristic, n. a special quality of something: hideous. a necessity for living things.
Stripes are a characteristic of tigers. hinder, v. to prevent; to cause a delay: I did not numerous, adj. many in number: There were
civilization, n. a society that has a high level of
culture and government: The ancient Egyptian want the bad weather to hinder my plans for a numerous flies in the barn.
civilization lasted thousands of years. picnic. observation, n. careful watching; a remark about
communication, n. the sharing of information immigrant, n. a person who comes to another something watched: We can learn a lot about
between people through speaking or writing: country to live: My grandfather was an nature through careful observation. The
Sign language is a form of communication. immigrant to the United States. scientist made an observation of the moon.
Useful Vocabulary (continued)
occasional, adj. happening sometimes but not typical flower that does well in most gardens. humane, adj. kind and caring: I believe in the
regularly: We made occasional visits to the beach. urgent, adj. needing immediate action or humane treatment of animals.
organize, v. to unite a group of persons for a attention: The police got an urgent call from a incredible, adj. hard to believe, surprising: Her
common purpose; to arrange in a certain order: person in trouble. acts on the trapeze were incredible.
Our class wanted to organize a group to collect vibration, n. a shaking or quick moving back and influential, adj. having a lot of power to
coats for needy children. Please organize the forth: We could feel the vibration from the change something: The United States is
files alphabetically. passing train. influential in solving world problems.
patriotic, adj. supporting and defending your wondrous, adj. amazing; causing awe: The valley inscription, n. written words or letters: The
country: One way to be patriotic is to follow the laws. was a wondrous sight to see. gravestone had an inscription.
performance, n. a presentation of something wrath, n. fury or great anger: In her wrath, the institution, n. a large business like a hospital or
artistic to an audience: Everyone clapped when tigress lunged at the hunter. college: The institution studied diseases.
she finished her performance. yield, v. to produce; to give way: We hope our jubilant, adj. very happy or excited: The fans were
petrify, v. to cause terror or scare badly: Snakes garden will yield lots of tomatoes this year. The jubilant when their team won the championship.
petrify me. accident happened because the driver did not legible, adj. clear enough to read: My handwriting
plentiful, adj. being in large numbers: Apples are yield to the oncoming car. is very legible.
plentiful near my home. lieutenant, n. an assistant to someone of a higher
portable, adj. able to be carried: You need to take rank: The captain gave the job to his lieutenant.
portable water bottles on the hike.
• • • Average • • • majority, n. most of the people or things in a
prevention, n. stopping something or someone: group: The majority of students are in favor of
The best prevention of illness is a lot of rest. accuracy, n. the correctness or truthfulness of the proposed class trip.
privilege, n. an advantage or right that not something: Readers trust the accuracy of our massive, adj. very large, huge: The massive
everyone has: Use of the club’s swimming pool local newspaper. building made a giant shadow.
Vo ab
ambitious, adj. having a strong desire to be melancholy, adj. sad or depressed: I could tell she
is a privilege of members only.
successful: The young girl was so ambitious, was melancholy by the way she hung her head.
promote, v. to raise someone to a higher position;
she planned to be President of the United States mingle, v. to mix together; to move within a group
to support or encourage someone or something:
one day. of people: The author mingled description with
My boss wants to promote me to manager.
appendix, n. information collected at the back dialogue in her novel. I like to mingle at parties.
Many schools promote the use of computers in
of a book; an organ in the lower right-hand minority, n. a small number of people or things
the classroom.
part of the abdomen: The appendix had a list in a group: People not in costumes were the
purify, v. to make clean and free of something
of countries in the United Nations. When the minority at the Halloween party.
harmful: In some countries people need to monopoly, n. a situation where one company
purify their water before drinking it. appendix is inflamed, it is called appendicitis.
approximate, adj. not exact, but close in controls an industry or business: The law ended
qualify, v. to meet the skills needed to do a job or the company’s monopoly on telephone service.
activity: I had a fast enough time to qualify for number: We figured out the approximate
number of people at the meeting by looking municipal, adj. relating to a town or city: Our
the next swimming race. town has its own municipal trash service.
quantity, n. the amount or number of something: around the room.
bashful, adj. shy or modest: Some people are narrative, n. a story: Her narrative of the night’s
The recipe tells you the quantity of all the events was full of details.
items you need. bashful when they have to speak in public.
novelty, n. something new or different: Having my
recommend, v. to suggest that something biography, n. the story of a person’s life: I really
own room is a novelty.
or someone is worthy or acceptable: I liked the biography of Queen Elizabeth II.
obligation, n. something that has to be done: The
recommend the spaghetti. chasm, n. a deep crack in the ground: The bridge
police have an obligation to protect citizens.
recreation, n. something people do to relax across the chasm looked very unstable.
obstacle, n. something that gets in the way or
and enjoy themselves: I like to read novels for circumstances, n. the conditions that affect what
blocks progress: The fence was an obstacle to
recreation. happens: The writer said the circumstances of
the escaping fox.
reference, n. a mention of someone or something: his poor childhood gave him ideas for his books. opponent, n. the other side in a competition or
He made a reference to yesterday’s argument. compromise, n. an agreement in which all sides contest: My opponent beat me in our chess game.
relate, v. to find or show a connection between give up something: My sister and I made a peninsula, n. a narrow piece of land that sticks
things: I see how doing well in sports can relate compromise about the TV show we would watch. out into water: The southern part of Florida is a
to doing well in life. correspondence, n. written messages: The peninsula.
remedy, n. a cure or treatment: Some people say woman kept up the correspondence with her perpetual, adj. lasting forever; happening over
honey is a remedy for a sore throat. husband while he was at war. and over: The earth is in perpetual revolution
resemble, v. to be similar to someone or dependent, adj. needing help: Baby gorillas are around the sun.
something, especially in appearance: My sister dependent on their mothers for the first year of life. precede, v. to come or go before: The host should
and I resemble each other. dishonest, adj. not truthful, lying: The salesman precede the guest speaker.
responsibility, n. being in charge or control of was dishonest when he said that the store precision, n. the state of being exact or careful:
something: It is your responsibility to turn in would take back all returns. The mechanic fixed the car with precision.
your homework on time. effective, adj. successful; getting results: The prejudice, n. an opinion made without complete
rigid, adj. not being easily moved; stiff: Heavy advertisement was effective in getting many knowledge of something: Some people have a
books should be put on a rigid shelf. people to buy the cereal. prejudice against others who are different from
schedule, n. a plan that tells the order and timing environment, n. the surroundings of living themselves.
of events: I like my class schedule this year. things, including the land, water, air, plants, and prominent, adj. noticeable; well-known: The
sensation, n. a feeling: I had the sensation that animals: We need to protect the environment U.S. Capitol building is a prominent place in
someone was watching me. for all creatures. Washington, D.C.
species, n. a group of living things that share the exaggerate, v. to say that something is more than publicity, n. an action to make people aware of
same qualities: Dogs belong to the same species. what it is: Commercials tend to exaggerate something: Publicity like commercials can help
stingy, adj. not willing to give or spend money: My what products can do. sell products.
friend can be stingy with her birthday gifts. famine, n. a serious lack of food: People in many quench, v. to satisfy a thirst: I like to quench my
suspend, v. to hang something; to stop something African countries experience famine. thirst with water.
for a short time: For birthday parties, we like to flimsy, adj. weak and easily broken: The house was radiant, adj. bright and glowing; beaming with
suspend streamers from the ceiling. They will made of flimsy materials. happiness: The diamond was radiant in the
suspend operations at the plant until all the formerly, adv. during an earlier time: The mayor sunshine. Aunt Liz was a radiant bride.
was formerly a business owner. rebellion, n. a fight against an authority: There
machines have been inspected.
geology, n. the study of rocks, soil, and minerals: was a rebellion against the local government.
sympathy, n. the ability to share someone else’s
In geology you study what the earth is made of. recollection, n. a memory of something: To my
feelings: She showed her sympathy by giving
guardian, n. a person who protects someone: recollection, there were only three people at
me a hug.
The boy’s aunt became his guardian when his the meeting.
thorough, adj. very careful in doing something;
parents died. reign, n. a period of rule: The king’s reign
complete: We gave the dog a thorough
heave, v. to move something heavy: It was hard to was marked by peace.
scrubbing after his run-in with the skunk.
heave the rock over the cliff. reluctant, adj. not wanting to do something:
triumphant, adj. showing or feeling pride;
hemisphere, n. half of a sphere like the earth: The The boy was reluctant to ride the bike without
successful: The baseball team was triumphant training wheels.
after its big win. She delivered a triumphant United States is in the Northern Hemisphere.
hostile, adj. showing or feeling hatred or anger: representative, n. a person who speaks
speech at the rally. for others, especially in government: Our
typical, adj. common or usual: The daisy is a The village was hostile toward all outsiders.
Useful Vocabulary (continued)
representative worked to get a new traffic light I used my birth certificate to certify that I was things that are not related: The top drawer of my
on our street. a citizen. dresser is full of miscellaneous odds and ends.
residence, n. the place where someone lives: His coincidence, n. something that happens by mobilize, v. to organize people to take action: We
residence was an apartment on the fifth floor. chance: It was a coincidence that I ran into my will mobilize as many volunteers as possible to
scald, v. to burn with hot liquid or steam: Test the old friend at the mall. help clean up the litter.
water first so you don’t scald your hands. confidential, adj. secret or private: The note had monarchy, n. government ruled by one leader
scenic, adj. having beautiful natural features: The scenic confidential information. like a king: France used to be a monarchy
drive took us through the mountains and forests. conspicuous, adj. easily seen: The coffee stain on ruled by a king or queen.
sentiment, n. a feeling or attitude: Her sentiment her dress was conspicuous. motive, n. the reason for doing something: A
was that the store closing was a terrible event. contradict, v. to argue against someone: My detective tries to find out a criminal’s motive
sheath, n. a protective covering over a blade or mother doesn’t like it when I contradict her. for a crime.
cumbersome, adj. hard to carry because of nominate, v. to suggest someone for a position
some parts of living things: He put his sword
or office: We held an assembly to nominate
into its sheath. The sheath of a grass leaf weight, size, or shape: The large moving box
people for class officers.
wraps almost entirely around the stem. was cumbersome.
notorious, adj. well known for being bad: Al
shrewd, adj. smart; making good judgments: My debris, n. pieces of something that has been
Capone was a notorious gangster.
grandfather was a shrewd businessman. broken: There was debris from the accident all
occurrence, n. an event or happening: Flooding is
smolder, v. to smoke or burn slowly without a along the road. a regular occurrence in the rainy state.
flame: We watched the fire smolder long after deprive, v. to take or keep something away: If you oppression, n. unjust or cruel use of power: The
the flames had died out. deprive a plant of water, it will die. peasants put up with years of oppression by
speculate, v. to guess or wonder: She didn’t want to dictate, v. to say aloud for someone to write down; to the wealthy landowner.
speculate about why her brother never showed up. make rules: The boss wanted to dictate a letter to
ul a ry !
optical, adj. relating to sight: I went to the eye
supervise, v. to oversee or manage: Her new job his secretary. Principals dictate school policies. doctor for my regular optical exam.
was to supervise the cashiers at the store. discriminate, v. to treat people unfairly because pacify, v. to calm or soothe: The mother did
suspicion, n. a belief in something without they are different: It is illegal to discriminate everything she could to pacify the crying baby.
having the facts: I had a suspicion that my little against people because of their skin color. perimeter, n. the outside limits of an area: Our
brother took my watch. dispense, v. to give out: The drugstore can fence goes along the perimeter of our yard.
temptation, n. a strong desire for something: dispense medicine. persistence, n. the action of steadily working
Chocolate is a temptation for me. dissatisfied, adj. not pleased or happy: I was toward something: She showed persistence in
testify, v. to make a formal statement about something dissatisfied with my grade. trying to reach her goals.
experienced: The witness was asked to testify about economy, n. the way a government makes plight, n. a dangerous or difficult situation: We
what happened the night of the crime. and uses goods and services: The country’s were saddened by the plight of the family who
tradition, n. a practice that has been handed economy is based on farming. lost everything in the fire.
down through generations: Our family has a emigrant, n. a person who leaves a country to live portray, v. to represent something in art, words,
tradition of helping at a homeless shelter on in another: The emigrant came to the United or a performance: It was the job of the painter
Thanksgiving. States by ship. to portray his subject’s feelings.
turbulent, adj. unsettled and full of unrest: The enclosure, n. the area inside a fence or boundary: propaganda, n. information spread to push a
1960s were turbulent in the United States. The sheep were in the enclosure. cause and harm the opposing side: The group’s
unruly, adj. difficult to control or manage: The enrollment, n. the people officially listed for propaganda worked at getting people to vote
something like a class: The enrollment for the for their cause.
child was unruly in class.
prosperity, n. success and wealth: The village
utilize, v. to make use of: When we recycle, we music class is full.
enjoyed prosperity while the crops were doing well.
utilize as much of our waste as we can. evacuate, v. to move people out of a dangerous
quota, n. the share assigned to each member of
valiant, adj. brave or courageous: He made a place: The city needed to evacuate people from
a group: He met his quota by selling a certain
valiant effort to hold off his attacker. the flooded area.
number of cars.
vigorous, adj. very strong and active; showing extinguish, v. to put out something that is
ravenous, adj. very hungry: I was ravenous after
a lot of energy: The chocolate milk needs a burning: You cannot use water to extinguish a my soccer practice.
vigorous shaking to mix it up. stovetop grease fire. recede, v. to go back: As the waves recede from
vital, adj. necessary for life: A regular supply of faulty, adj. containing problems; not working: The the beach, they leave behind new shells.
food is vital to all living things. faulty wiring caused the fire. remorse, n. a strong feeling of guilt: I felt
warrant, n. a written statement that gives foremost, adj. most important: Getting to your remorse for teasing my sister and making her cry.
someone a right to do something: The police job on time should be foremost in your plans. resource, n. something that can be used or is
had a warrant for her arrest. frolic, v. to play or behave in a happy, lively way: helpful: Trees are a resource to both people
The mother enjoyed watching her child frolic at and animals.
the park. revelation, n. surprising new and valuable
• • • Challenging • • • gaudy, adj. looking showy or flashy: Her bright information: It was a revelation to learn that
orange dress was gaudy. she could also dance.
abolish, v. to end or do away with: Many guttural, adj. sounding like the harsh and rough signify, v. to be a sign of something: In some
Northerners wanted to abolish slavery. noises from the back of the throat: He made a cultures, a rainbow may signify good luck.
accessible, adj. easy to reach: The trail is guttural sound as he hit the floor. sparse, adj. spread-out, thin: The trees left after
accessible from my house. haphazard, adj. not planned, disorganized: He the forest fire were sparse.
adjacent, adj. near or next to: Our farm is did his chores in a haphazard way. stamina, n. physical strength to do something for
adjacent to a stream. hereditary, adj. passed through birth from one a long time: You need a lot of stamina to run a
affirm, v. to say for certain that something is true: generation to the next: Her red hair was hereditary. marathon.
The president wanted to affirm the company’s illuminate, v. to light up: The lights from fireflies strenuous, adj. physically tiring or needing great
plan to hire more workers. illuminate summer nights. energy: Lifting weights is a strenuous activity.
authentic, adj. something that is real and original immerse, v. to cover in liquid: I like to immerse swindle, v. to cheat someone out of money: The
and not a fake: My family has an authentic myself in a bath when I’m sick. crook knew how to swindle every kind person
blanket from the Navajo nation. inaugurate, v. to put someone in office with a on the street.
bankrupt, adj. without money; unable to pay off formal ceremony: We inaugurate the President tarnish, v. to make something lose its shine; to
debts: He went bankrupt after he lost his job. hurt someone’s reputation: Silver will tarnish
of the United States in January.
beneficial, adj. good or helpful: Milk is beneficial when exposed to air. The girl was afraid the
inconvenient, adj. causing difficulty: Morning is
to most young children. rumors would tarnish her image.
an inconvenient time for a visit.
bondage, n. the condition of being controlled tremor, n. a shaking or trembling movement:
inventory, n. a list of items: The company made
by someone else and having no freedom: Part We could feel the tremor of the earthquake
an inventory of all its products. beneath our feet.
of her bondage was to work in the fields from lapse, n. a slight error or mistake: His rude
sunrise to sunset. vengeance, n. punishment for a wrongdoing;
comment was a lapse in his good behavior. revenge: The king looked for vengeance after
calamity, n. a disaster or terrible situation: The liberate, v. to free or release: The soldiers marched
hurricane was a calamity for the whole town. his son was killed.
into the camp to liberate the prisoners. yearn, v. to want something very badly: I yearn
camouflage, n. the covering up of something maintenance, n. work done to keep a machine to be at the beach in the summer.
by making it look like the surroundings: The working: We get regular maintenance on our car. zeal, n. strong support and excitement for a cause:
soldiers wore camouflage to hide themselves meager, adj. not enough: The poor family lived on She worked with great zeal for the candidate.
from the enemy. meager food supplies.
certify, v. to state officially that something is true: miscellaneous, adj. made up of many different
Strategies for Building Vocabulary
Even if you have a large list of vocabulary words that you know, Understand word origins and roots: Many words in English have
you will still come across some that you don’t know. When origins, or beginnings, in other languages like ancient Greek or Latin.
you read an unfamiliar word, you may be able to “solve” the When you know a Greek or Latin root, or origin, you can understand
meaning of the word by breaking it down into parts that you the English words that share that root. Below are some Greek and
do know. Here are some word-solving strategies. Latin roots that can help you solve unfamiliar words.
Recognize base words and compound words: A Root Origin Meaning Example Words
base word is a group of letters that have meaning on aud Latin hear audience, auditorium
their own. A base word can be one letter, like I or a. It bio Greek life biography, biology
could be a much longer word, like challenge. Base words dict Latin speak, tell dictate, predict
can be combined into compound words. For example, geo Greek earth geography, geology
the words play and ground can be combined to make the spect Latin see inspect, spectator
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