BSMSGuidelines 2022oct-Ver1
BSMSGuidelines 2022oct-Ver1
BSMSGuidelines 2022oct-Ver1
October 2022
1. Overview of the BS-MS Dual Degree Programme
This Guidebook contains information on the rules and regulations applicable to the BS-
MS dual degree programme. Every student is expected to adhere to all the academic regulations
of the programmes and have an understanding of the requirements of the programmes as given
in the guidebook. The rules and regulations of the academic programmes are subject to periodic
The Institute reserves the right to modify/amend/revise any rules without prior notice.
For special cases not covered in this Guidebook, the decision of Academic Deans’ Committee
(A-DC) or the IISER Pune Senate will be final and binding.
The BS-MS dual degree programme is a fully residential programmes, nominally of 5 years
duration. The programme is organized around a credit-based semester system. An academic year
is organized as two semesters in which courses are taught, and two breaks.
From the second year onward, students are encouraged to do projects/internships at IISER Pune
or other institutes during summer breaks.
Academic Calendar
The academic calendar with all important dates (such as date of commencement of semester, last
date for registration, mid-semester and end-semester exam dates, date of announcement of
grades, repeat examination dates, holidays and vacation) will be announced before the start of
each semester on the Institute’s Webpage (, on the
intranet ( and available on the Students folder:
After admission, every student is assigned a unique registration number (e.g. 20221×××). This
number is used throughout the course of their study. Students are required to be present on
campus on the first day of instruction of every semester. Details of courses offered for each
semester will be notified before the end of the preceding semester.
from the date of registration till the award of the degree. The system manages details regarding
registration of courses, grades, attendance and projects.
Late registration is allowed up to 2 weeks, under medical reasons only, if fully supported with
medical certificates upon approval from Dean, Academics. Late registration will invite a penalty.
A student who has not registered within 2 weeks from the start of the semester, will be considered
to have left the programme and will be removed from the rolls.
Fees pertaining to tuition, hostel, mess etc., should be paid by the students before the start of each
semester within the date notified through a payment gateway via SAM. Fees will be subject to
revision periodically and details will be announced before the commencement of the semester.
Students who do not clear their outstanding dues will not be permitted to register and their
attendance will not be counted until all dues, including the fees for the ongoing semester are paid.
Students facing financial difficulties can approach the Financial Assistance Committee
( Financial Assistance depends on the availability of endowment funds
that are donated by individuals/corporates.
Academic Conduct
Each student is expected to conduct himself/herself in a responsible manner befitting to their
association with an institute of learning. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to,
cheating in examinations, copying assignments, plagiarism, research misconduct, tampering with
academic documents, transcripts or marks, and forgery of signatures.
The Institute reserves the right to academically dismiss a student at any time for academic
misconduct and/or for failure to maintain a satisfactory academic record and/or wilful or
unethical violation of the code of conduct and/or wilful damage of Institute property. Each
student is expected to be familiar with the ‘Ordinance for maintenance of discipline and good
conduct by students’, available on the IISER Intranet:
A student may be dismissed when the Dean, Academics judges that academic progress towards
the degree has virtually ceased. A dismissed student may appeal against their dismissal only once,
citing any mitigating circumstances not conveyed to the Dean’s Office earlier.
Monitoring of Performance
The Institute has a committee for monitoring academic performance (MoCA, Monitoring
committee for Academics), which monitors students’ progress and advises students facing
academic difficulties. The parents/guardians can contact the MoCA for various academic issues
of their wards.
Curricular Pattern
The pattern of courses in the BS and BS-MS programmes are as follows.
a. In the first one and a half years (or three semesters), all students take common, compulsory
courses that give them a broad background in the sciences. In the 3rd semester, besides the
compulsory courses, students choose two elective courses.
b. In the 4th semester, all students take two compulsory courses and six elective courses. At
this point, a student can begin to exercise any one of these three options: to Major in one
discipline; to Major in one discipline and minor in another; to not choose a Major and take
a combination of courses of their choice within the scope of the timetable.
c. If a student wishes to have a Major or Minor, she/he has to take a certain number of
prescribed courses in the 4th to 8th Semesters (i.e. for five semesters) to fulfil the major or
minor requirements. These courses and the Department specific requirement for
Major/Minor are detailed in the document ‘BS-MS Curriculum at IISER Pune’, available
at the online Student’s Notice board.
d. The student can choose to register for credited summer internships in India or abroad,
during summer breaks between Year 2/3 and Year 3/4.
e. In the fifth year (i.e. two semesters), the student works on a research project and writes a
MS thesis.
The distribution of courses across semesters and across disciplines is shown in the table below.
Discipline Sem 1 Sem 2 Sem 3 Sem 4 Sem Sem
5–8 9 – 10
C C C E1 C E1 E2
Biology 2 1 1 1 – 3 ≥5 Research
Chemistry 1 2 1 1 – 3 ≥5 project and
Mathematics 1 2 1 1 – 3 ≥5 MS thesis
Physics 2 1 1 1 – 3 ≥5
Earth and Climate 1 1 1 1 – 3 ≥5
Humanities and – 1 1 – – – ≥3
Social Sciences
Foundation 2 – – – 2 – –
Total number of 9 8 6 2 of 5 2 6 of 15 6-7 per
courses for a semester
• C: Compulsory courses
• E1 and E2: Elective courses; students choose an appropriate number as indicated in the last row
• Repeat examinations for C and E1 courses are allowed, only when a student has a F or I grade, in a
subsequent semester when the repeat exam for that course is offered.
• Repeat exams for E2 are offered, for a student with F or I grade, only once, at the end of the semester
for which the course is registered. For E2 courses, with F or I grade, and to meet the credit
requirements, the student must either repeat the entire course or substitute/replace credits with
another course.
• Student majoring in a subject/discipline should choose elective courses to meet the credit requirements
for that ‘Major/Minor’.
A detailed description and list of courses is available in the latest “BS-MS Curriculum at IISER
Pune” document. The document is revised every year, with the current version dated August
2021. This document is available on the Students Notice Board
The medium of instruction for all courses is English. Details of courses offered in each semester
will be announced before the semester begins, via email and the same information will be
available on the Students Notice Board. The general distribution of credits over the semesters is
shown below.
99 85 36 220
• In Semesters 5–8, students are allowed to credit minimum of 18 and a maximum of 28 credits.
• In Semesters 5–8, students are allowed to drop a course, within a timeframe of 1 month after start of the
• The total credits (220) can include a maximum of 4 elective summer internship credits. 2 credits are awarded
for two months of internship, with only one internship per year considered. Credited internships are only
permitted in the summer breaks between Year 2/3 and Year 3/4.
There are three components of assessment of performance in a course as given below.
Semester 1-3:
Semester 4-8:
Continuous assessment will be based on the overall academic performance of the student
throughout the semester, derived from quizzes, assignments, projects, test papers, oral
presentations, etc. At the discretion of the Instructor, this may also include participation in
tutorials, effective interaction in lectures, regularity in submitting assignments, etc. The details
will be announced by the coordinator of the course at the beginning of the semester.
Mid-semester examinations are not mandatory for E1 and E2 courses, the Instructor however has
to communicate this decision to the students in class (and the Academic section) at the start of
the course. Also, in the absence of Mid-Sem examinations, continuous assessment (>30%)
becomes important and mandatory.
At the end of each semester, a letter grade is awarded for each course registered by the student.
The grade awarded reflects the overall proficiency acquired by the student in that topic. The
grading is relative, done separately for each course by the instructor or the coordinator of the
course in consultation with the participating faculty. The Instructor should share the corrected
answer scripts with students before the grades are formally released by the academic office. Grade
statistics, as defined by the academic office, for each course should also be released to students by
the instructor.
A+ is the highest grade, while D is the lowest passing grade. F indicates failure in the course. The
grade I means that the course is incomplete, and this grade has to be substituted by another letter
grade in the course of time. Depending on whether the course is mandatory or not, the student
will have to repeat or substitute for the course, or repeat exams and complete the course. For a
Pass/Fail course, the letter P will indicate that the student has completed the course requirements.
1. Grading is on a 10-point scale with the following correspondence between letter grades
and grade points:
A+ A B+ B C+ C D F
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0
• The choice of A/A+ boundary value has to be actively made in the calculation template
circulated by the Academic Office. The value that appears in the cell in red is a suggested
value, but must not to be taken as universal.
• In all cases, including small classes where faculty may assign grades according to their
discretion, faculty should adhere to the recommended grading guidelines as far as is
reasonable, and no letter grade should be ‘skipped’ arbitrarily (that is, the number of
students assigned a particular intermediate grade between A+ to D should not be zero,
unless the discontinuity of the marks distribution makes this inevitable).
7. Students can clarify details regarding the grade obtained in any course with the course
instructor within 5 days of announcement of grades. The corrections, if any, will be
reported to the Academic Office by the instructor/coordinator and no
corrections/revisions/complaints regarding grades will be allowed on any grounds after
this procedure.
8. The student’s performance is indicated by the number of credits that he/she has earned
and quantified by the grade point average (GPA), which is the average of the grade points
weighed by the credits of the course. Courses with P/F are counted for credits, but not for
calculating CGPA.
Academic Transcript
The academic transcript, with details of the courses registered and grades obtained, will be
available to the student once the results for that semester are declared officially. In addition the
transcript shows the grade point average for the current semester (SGPA) and the cumulative
grade point average (CGPA).
The SGPA is based on all courses registered for in the semester, while the CGPA takes into
account only those courses that are complete. The number of credits registered for and the
number of credits completed is indicated on the semester transcript.
The CGPA is a weighted average of the grade points earned by the student based on cumulative
evaluation of performance in all evaluated/credited courses. The CGPA can be notionally
converted to a percentage by multiplying the CGPA by a factor of 10.
One copy of the semester transcript is issued free of charge from the academic office. A graduation
transcript is issued with the degree certificate. Additional copies will be available against
payment. A consolidated transcript is available against payment at any time.
Self-Study, outside the classroom and without direct supervision, is strongly recommended in
order to deepen the understanding of any subject. Recommended study hours are as listed below.
3. Requirements for Completing the Programme
Semester-wise Checks
The BSMS Program is a 5 Year Program. There are Four major checkpoints (Year 1, Year
2, Year 4, Year 6). At these checkpoints, based on the guidelines below, a student will be
mandated to, or given the option of, formally exiting the program, usually with a Certificate
(CoS, Certificate of Study), Diploma (DiS, Diploma in Science) or Degree (BSMS or BS). The
checkpoints are based on credits completed (CC) or Cumulative Grade Point average (CGPA). A
CC is allocated when the student is awarded a letter grade A+, A, B+, B, C+, C, D or P (Pass).
The letter grades F(Fail) or I(Incomplete) do not count as CC.
The system described below will be implemented from the 2022 batch onwards. For
batches before 2022, the guidelines in the BSMS2019 handbook apply.
The caps on the DiS, BS and BSMS Programs are 2.5, 5 and 6 years respectively. Students
who require more time to meet the credit requirement will only be allowed under exceptional
circumstances, such as serious, long term medical illness during the tenure of the program.
Year 2.5, Sem 5 123 • End of extra semester for candidates exiting with a DiS. If
credits (CC ≥ 90) not complete, then mandatory exit with
a CoS.
• All F and I grades (Sem 1-3) must be cleared by Year 2.5
to continue for a degree. Else, mandatory exit with DiS.
Year 3.0, Sem 6 142 Warning: Clear F and I grades for Sem 4 (requirement for BS
or BSMS degree).
Year 3.5, Sem 7 163 Warning: Clear F and I grades for Sem 5 (requirement for
‘Major/Minor’, in choice of discipline).
Year 4.0, Sem 8 184 If CC <184, student can take extra semester(s) within a 6-year
Mandatory: Clear F and I grades for Sem 4.
Warning: Clear F and I grades for Sem 6 (requirement for
‘Major/Minor’, in choice of discipline).
Year 4, CC≥184 Any student can leave with a BS Degree, provided they meet
BS Degree the credit requirement and do not have F or I grade in Sem 1-
Checkpoint 4.
Year 5.0, Sem 10 CC≥220 A maximum of two registrations are allowed for the MS thesis
project. A student can exit with a BS degree at any point after
starting MS project, provided they meet the posted credit
Year 6, CC≥184 or Student exits with a BS or a BSMS, provided they meet the
Terminal CC≥220 posted credit/project requirement(s).
1. A total of 4 elective summer credits, 2 credits per summer, are allowed after end of Sem 4 and Sem 6.
2. Degrees are awarded at the Convocation, once a year, which is usually held in the last week of May or the
first week of June.
3. The requirements for a ‘Major/Minor’ are discipline specific and must be met independent of semester-
wise checks for granting of a degree, with respect to that ‘Major/Minor’ discipline/subject.
Repeat Exams
Students are offered a repeat examination opportunity in the same semester in which they took
the course to make up for F or I grade. The repeat examination, held approximately 3-4 weeks
after the end-of-semester examination, is offered for all C, E1 and E2 courses of Semesters 1‒8.
For all C and E1 courses of Semesters 1‒ 3 students must clear these courses before end of Sem
5. For all C and E1 courses in Semester 4, students with F or I grade are eligible to write the
repeat exam to clear the course any number of times until they clear it, but only when the
course is offered again in the subsequent years. However, a student can neither register for the
MS thesis, nor can exercise the BS option, unless the F or I grade of Core courses (Semesters 1–
4) are cleared.
The repeat examination (C, E1, E2) can only lead to a D grade for students initially awarded an
F grade.
For E2 courses, and only when an F grade has been awarded, the student can substitute/replace
the course (and therefore CC) by taking another course in subsequent semesters or repeat the
same course by attending it afresh. The second option is only available when a student can
repeat the full course, completing all attendance and examination requirements. In such cases,
when a student repeats the full course, completing all attendance and examination
requirements, and only for E2 courses, the F grade can be replaced by any other grade, not only
D. Apart from this exception, grade improvement exams, where a lower grade in any course is
replaced by a higher grade by giving repeat exams or by repeating the course is not supported in
the Academic system.
Marks and grading for repeat exams. The score in the repeat examination is a replacement for
the entire set of evaluations of that course for F grades. In the case of I grades, the score will
substitute proportionately for the missed evaluations, and grading will be according to the grade
boundaries of the entire semester.
4. For courses without examinations and also for Pass/Fail courses, the instructor can
implement stricter attendance guidelines (>60%) and also have the discretion of assigning
a percentage of marks for attendance. The marks and guidelines have to be formally
announced at the start of the semester to the class.
5. No medical certificates will be considered for exemption from attendance, except as
explained in Point 4. Absence for extra-curricular purposes, casual illnesses, or other
emergencies must be managed by the student within the 40% grace provided.
Nonetheless, students are advised to inform the academic office of long term
hospitalization or mental illness or other issues that may lead to long absence.
6. Absence in a quiz or a mid-semester or end-semester exam can be exempted only in case
of a severe medical condition, such as hospitalization, subject to the following.
(a) A medical certificate endorsed by the IISER Pune Medical Officer must be
furnished within two working days of the medical absence. Late submission will
not be entertained. The medical certificate is to be submitted to the academic
office. Students should not approach the instructor(s) with respect to medical
certificates, they should however inform the instructor that they are not attending
the examination on medical grounds.
(b) Absence on medical grounds on the day of the quiz or exam, when granted by the
Dean, will be intimated to the respective instructors by the academic office.
(c) Upon receiving the intimation of medical exemption for a missed quiz or
assignment, the instructor may either give a repeat quiz, or pro-rate the score of
other internal evaluations to compensate for the missed evaluation. The choice is
left to the instructor; the academic office need not be consulted on this matter.
(d) A missed mid-sem or end-sem exam cannot be compensated independently by the
instructor. In such cases, the student will be awarded an I (incomplete) grade at
the end of the semester and will have to appear for a repeat exam (typically
conducted a month after the close of semester). The score in this exam will be
appropriately scaled to compensate for the missed exam, and the grade will be
accordingly awarded.
7. Absence for a laboratory based quiz or viva-voce can also be exempted based on a serious
medical condition. Instructors have discretionary power to repeat or replace missing lab
modules, lab record evaluations, lab quizzes or viva-voce. However, if >20% of modules
of a laboratory course have been missed, the student will be awarded an I (incomplete)
grade. A student has to repeat partial/entire laboratory course in a future semester to
replace the I with a letter grade. Elective laboratory courses can be replaced by any other
lecture based courses provided they are not counted for the students choice of Major.
4. MS Project and Graduation
Students who meet the full course credit requirements within the time frame explained above
must submit their MS Project proposal for approval by the departmental committee.
For every project, a Thesis Assessment Committee (TAC), consisting of the supervisor and an
expert will be constituted by a departmental projects committee. For projects which are
supervised by a non-IISER Pune member, the expert must be from IISER Pune. In such cases an
endorsement of the project and consent from the supervisor must be furnished along with the
proposal. Forms can be downloaded from the intranet.
Students must attend the course or workshop on academic ethics, offered twice a year, before
registering for fifth year project.
If a student fails to secure at least 17 marks out of 35 after Semester IX, they will have to start the
project afresh. It can be with the same supervisor or a new supervisor. The final score for the
project is given by the marks out of 100 divided by 10, rounded off to one decimal place. This
score will be used for calculating the CGPA at end of the programme. If a student scores less than
5.0 at the end of the project, they will be declared failed in the project. They may either apply for
an extension to continue the project to improve the score, or to start a new project for another
year, provided the 6-year duration is not exceeded. Extension of the project duration or
withdrawal from a semester for medical or any other reasons will be at the discretion of the A-
To graduate with both BS and MS degrees from IISER Pune, a student must have:
• completed credits as per Section 3 above,
• completed the BS and also MS project with a score of 5.0 or above,
• no disciplinary action/case pending against them.
• No Dues and/or financial clearance.
To graduate with a BS degree only, a student must have:
• completed the minimum course credits as described in Section 3 above,
• completed 4.0 years of residence,
• no disciplinary action/case pending against them.
• No Dues/Financial clearance.
To be awarded a DiS only, a student must have:
• completed 90 credits,
• completed at least 2.0 years of residence,
• no disciplinary action/case pending against them.
• No Dues/Financial clearance.
In addition to the degree certificates, a consolidated transcript of courses and projects completed,
and the CGPA, and a Transfer Certificate is issued upon graduation.
A provisional certificate will be issued to eligible students if they complete the requirements of
the degree(s) mid-year. It will be valid only till the degree certificate is awarded.
5. Scholarships
IISER Pune will endorse applications to different agencies initiated by the students. However,
applying to an agency, renewal of a scholarship etc. is entirely the responsibility of the student.
The Institute has no role in the decision making of the awarding agency as to the award and its
The Institute offers a few scholarships, details of which can be found on the intranet
The Library is open from 9 am to 11 pm on all days including holidays for browsing as well as
issuing and return of books. Library Annexe is open 24x7.
● All students are entitled to register as members of the library to use the facilities and services
● Use of library facilities and services implies acceptance of its rules and procedures.
Circulation System
An 'Automated Circulation Kiosk' installed in the library enables users to issue, return, and renew
books by themselves. The kiosk is operational from 9 am to 11 pm on all days including holidays.
For each transaction, the kiosk generates a receipt with details of documents transacted and due
dates. To use the automated kiosk services, users need to get their fingerprint recorded once at
the circulation desk during library working hours. Kiosk will not allow users to get books issued
if their library account quota is already full. It will also not allow for the renewal of overdue
books and books having reservations. Security cameras and sensors are in operation to monitor
library traffic.
Circulation Policy
● Borrowing Privileges: BS-MS Students – 4 books for 30 days
● Overdue charges for non-return of books after the due date
- Rs 1/- per day per book for 3 days after the due date
- Rs 5/- per day per book from the 4th day onwards
● Documents marked as “Reference Copy” are for use within the library premises.
● A document issued may be renewed, provided there is no pending reservation against it.
● Borrower should bring material physically to the library for renewal.
● Members are held responsible for all items issued on their name, until they are returned to the
● If an issued book is lost / damaged, it is to be either replaced with the latest edition or
compensated by double the original cost at the prevailing exchange rate. The penalty is not
refundable if the lost book is found later.
● No material from the library should be taken out without proper issue. The borrowing facility
can be restricted or suspended in case of misbehavior or misuse of the library facilities /
materials. Any type of violation may lead to suitable disciplinary action.
General Rules
● The books issued should not be brought to the library except for returning.
● Students can bring their personal books and other printed material inside the Library Annexe
but not to the main library.
● Students can recommend books or any other reading materials for the library through a faculty
● Computers installed in the library are meant for catalogue browing and accessing e-resources
for academic and research purposes.
Photocopy / Printing
Students can avail of the photocopy and printing facility @ Rs.1/- per page with a limit of 100
pages per day.
Access to Resources
● Library catalogue (OPAC):
● Search the catalogue to know bibliographic details of books, number of copies, status of book,
issued to whom, due date, new additions of books to the library, and to reserve books.
● Online Resources: IP based access is available to all the subscribed online resources which are
listed on the library webpage:
Digital Repository
● An institutional repository has been set up to preserve and provide instant access to knowledge
generated within the institute for the overall academic development of the scientific
community. It encompasses full text resources like MS theses, PhD theses, publications of
faculty and students, , conference proceedings, newspaper clippings, etc.
● It is mandatory to deposit an electronic copy of project reports, dissertations, and theses
submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree programmes.
Computer Facility
The computer and information technology infrastructure available at the Institute is to be used
only for official and academic work in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed from
time to time. It is a shared facility to be jointly used by the students, faculty and other technical
and non-technical staff of the Institute. Hence students must use it in a responsible manner
without causing inconvenience to other users in the Institute. They should follow the guidelines
issued from time to time by the IT committee of the Institute.
● Institute reserves the right to monitor email (including the contents of email), data and
file systems, internet and all other online activities of the students and no privacy is
● Institute also reserves the right to restrict the quantum of use of these facilities by the
● Institute does not take any responsibility for loss of data stored on the computer/electronic
media in the Institute for any reason whatsoever.
Computing Ethics
● Students must use only those computing resources authorized for use by the Institute. Any
unauthorized access and use of computing resources by students will invite penal action.
● The entire computer and information technology infrastructure at the Institute must be
used only for academic and institution-related work. Any unauthorized use of these
facilities, including for any commercial and other personal use, is against the rules of the
● Students should not authorize anyone else to use their computer/internet access accounts
for any reason and they will be held responsible for any misuse arising from such
unauthorized use.
● Students must not copy, move or manipulate in any way the system and application
related software stored in the system. They should not copy, distribute, display or disclose
third-party proprietary software without prior authorization from the licensor.
Proprietary software should not be installed on systems not properly licensed for its use.
● Intentional misuse of computing systems of any kind including installing and/or spreading
malware, viruses, trojans, spams, etc., will invite penal action.
● Attempts to access unauthorized data of the Institute, trying to modify or delete them will
be dealt with serious punishment. The Institute reserves the right to initiate legal action
and in some cases, criminal prosecution, depending on the severity of the violation.
● Any violation of the rules will invite disciplinary action including suspension of computer
accounts, denial of computing facilities to suspension or dismissal of the student from the
Institute. In addition, the violator may be required to make up for any loss to the Institute's
7. Health Centre
IISER Pune is fortunate to be close to several good hospitals and has an ambulance available
24x7 to transfer students in case of emergencies. Students are covered by a group student health
insurance policy which provides cashless care at network hospitals. On campus, there is a clinic
open during working hours run by the Institute’s Chief Medical Officer. There is also a male
and female nurse who are both resident on campus and are available outside working hours in
case of emergencies. Extra staff are hired when needed to handle extra workload such as in the
event of a spike in Covid cases. First-aid kits are available through the campus.
Mental health is taken very seriously at IISER. We currently have a visiting psychiatrist who
comes once a month and three counsellors who are available throughout the week. Counsellors
also hold group sessions to manage stress and sensitize the community to mental health issues.
Please save the Wellness Clinic number 020-2590 8020. You can reach the clinic, the
counsellors, and the ambulance via this number. Outside office hours, the clinic number will
connect you to the nurse who resides on campus (wait for the clinic phone to ring a few times).
For more details about health facilities on campus, please
see . This site is accessible only from within the
IISER network. The clinic can also be reached by email at In case of a
medical emergency, please call the clinic right away, do not email and wait for a reply. For
medical policy related issues please email the Medical Committee at
Academic Staff
Academic Deans
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