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Diffraction of Light
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{o follow crooked passages nor fo bend into the shadow". He explained this by describing how particles of light
Always travel in a straight line, and how objects kept in the path of the light cast.a shadow becouse the particles
aan ever spread out behind the object. However, a set of experiments on the propagation of light through small
tpediures performed, by Francesco Urimaldi, Augustine Frcmel, Troms Youn: and a few others firmly
areilished that light actually enters into the shadow region with a definite pattern when it passes through around
gn edge. The resulting pattern depends on the relative size ofthe aperture/obstacle and the w avelength of light. If
eases is much larger than the wavelength, the bending will be almost unnoticeable. However, if the two are
similar in size, the diffraction will be considerable.
Many books describe diffraction as bending of light around an edge or obstacle. However, iti actually due to the
redicribution of energy. Superposition of waves due to various secondary sources on the obstacle occurs along
Gifferent angular directions. Patter on the screen isthe resultant of all these at corresponding angles. Two slit
interference (as in biprism experiment) is a special case of diffraction.
(0 size of obstacle (a) and wavelength
Depending on the relative scale of the observation distance (D) with respect (
fer. Fresnel diffraction occurs when
of light (2) one can classify two regimes of diffraction ~ Fresnel and Fraunho!
the distances of source and screen from the diffracting object are finite (Incident and diffracted wavefronts are
spherical or cylindrical) Incase of Fraunhofer diffraction, these distances are infinite (Plane wavefronts). Sound
waves ean also diffract just as with electromagnetic waves. Diffraction can also occur with particles (electrons,
neutrons etc.) as they can display wave like properties under certain conditions. In this experimental problem,
Wve will use a low power solid-state laser as a source of an intense beam of monochromatic light. When such 2
beam is incident on various diffracting components like, plane diffraction grating, a thin wire, single slit, wire
mesh ora two-dimensional diffraction grating, the light emerging from these components show a variety of
interesting diffraction patterns.
1) Single Slit:
When a (monochromatic) beam of light is incident on a narrow single slit, the light emerging from the slit shows
a diffraction pattern on a screen. The distribution of the intensity of light received on a screen show a pattern of
Varying intensity consisting of a bright central maximum with alternate minima and maxima of decreasing
intensity on either
ion pattern of a narrow slit due to a plane wave front
The positions ofthe minima (zeros) of the intensity distrib
(the Fraunhofer diffraction pattem) are given by the relation
asin8, = 2 (Form =1,2,3, mn)
Where, 2is the wavelength of the incident light, ais the width of the slit and nis the angle corresponding to m!*
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I) Plane Diffraction Grating:
A plane transmission diffraction grating consists of a large number of
opaque region. The grating concentrates the diffracted light along a pa
slit, which has a rather broad diffraction maximum. The maxima (bright intense sP\
grating are called principal maxima (Fig. 1). They are quite intense and are also Wi
mm one another by an
lar direction in contrast to the single
ots) produced by a diffraction
idely separated.
its separated fro
o— 8° ever maximum
Jo 2° one oxasim
a= [== 1 order mvasitme
ser see : [= censeat minnn
22" order maxionum
DiNtaction grating
Je 3" onder mayimum
white sereen
The expression, relating wavelength 2 of light used and the grating spacing d, with angle of deviation for the mi
order maximum Om is,
dsin0,, = m2
(For m= 1,2,3 .)
‘m represents the order of maxima and Om give the angular position of the m'* order maximum intensity point with
respect to the central maximum.
I) Circular Aperture:
Diffraction pattern due to a circular aperture is similar to a single slit diffraction but the mathematics involved is
more complicated which gives the expression nearly identical to that of the single slit. Hence, we may apply the
same expression to the diffraction due to a circular aperture,
dsin@,, =m For m=1,2,3..
where, dis the diameter of the circular aperture and On is the angle of deviation for the m' dark ring. The variable
mv has the following values:
msl, m=1.22
m=2, m=2.23
m= 4.24
hickness) a
Figure A: Diffraction pattern of single wire of diameter (1
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Figure B:
iffraction pattern of spring of pitch d using a wire of thickness a.
A laser beam of wavelength a, falli
t \g normally on a cylindrical wire of diameter a is diffracted in the direction
Perpendicular to the wire. The result
ing intensity pattern as observed on a screen is shown ure A
‘The intensity distribution as a function of angle 0 with the incident direction is given by
1) = 1€0)[252] where p= 2848
The central spot is bright and for other angles, when sinf is zero (f # 0), the intensity vanishes.
‘Thus, the intensity distribution has »’* minimum at the angle Oy given by
sin®, = tn(2/a)_ wheren=1,2,3....
Here + refers to both sides of the central spot (0
The diffraction pattern due to two parallel identical wires of width a kept at a distance d from each other (Fig B)
is a combination of two patterns (diffraction due to a single wire and interference due to two wires).
‘The resultant intensity distribution is given by
1(8) = 1(0)cos?é eey where, =
For a screen placed at a large distance D from the wire, the positions of the minima on the screen are observed at
-asin® _ ndsind
and 6 ==
n2 due to diffraction and at xem = + (m—-2)2 due to interference (where m, n= 1, 2,3...)
Figure C: Helical spring (these symbols are not used i
the expressions given above)
Apparatus provided:
1) Laser source, 2) A set of necessary mounts, 3) A set of sereens (regular and for blocking the light), 4) Four
clamps to fix a plane paper (to be used as a screen), 5) Measuring scales and tape, 6) Diffracting elements (thin
wire, single slit, circular aperture, diffraction gratings, helical spring) 7) Reading torch 8) Laser safety goggles
NIUS (PHYSICS), HBCSE-TIFR, MumbaiPage 4 of 4
ngs. Negligence on your part may
1) Always wear laser safety goggles whe
cily or after reflection from a surface,
working with laser b
ing with laser b Jaser beam, either
ye. It may cause permanent blindness under some
you al
to enter anyone’
Sosa e Took directly into a taser beam with naked eye or through any optical devies
tissue paper to clean the optical surface, ch the optical surfaces with your fingers: use the
5) Do not switch the laser source ON or OFF frequently during the meast
Tight blocking sereen to block the laser beam.
tS treat the taser source as any other electrical device, It should never
7) Never work with ki ment and adjustments. One sh
sament and adjustments. One should always
have sufficient light in the room " * Mawar
aoasuring tape carefully to avoid any injury. ‘The tap.
8) Use the n
5) Do not try to touch or clean the thin wire or the wire mesh, thi
urements of alignment. Instead use the
bbe tampered with, while the power cord is
aser source in complete dark room during ali
5 metallic, and the edges are very sharp.
is may cause a permanent damage.
tal Problems:
form suitable experiments to
rents 10. SER light by most reliable method by choosing 2!
Justify your choice.
re” What kind of pattern do you expect i
‘ble slit and verify your prediction.
Design and pe
1) Determine the wavelength of the
element among those given to you.
3) Determine diameter of the given Wi
2 ame width as the diameter of the wire? Use a suital
3) Determine diameter of the given circular aperture.
ne Gifferent parameters (thickness of its wire, Pl
table diffraction
£ the wire is replaced by a slit of
sch and angle) of the given helical spring