Crux v20n03 Mar
Crux v20n03 Mar
Crux v20n03 Mar
Published by the Canadian Mathematical Society.
Problems: 1921-1930 73
Crux Mathematicorum is a problem-solving journal at the Crux Mathematicorum est une publication de resolution de
senior secondary and university undergraduate levels for problemes de niveau secondaire et de premier cycle
those who practice or teach mathematics. Its purpose is universitaire. Bien que principalement de nature educative,
primarily educational but it serves also those who read it for elle sert aussi a ceux qui la lisent pour des raisons
professional, cultural or recreational reasons. professionnelles, culturelles ou recreative.
Problem proposals, solutions and short notes intended for Les propositions de problemes, solutions et courts articles
publication should be sent to the appropriate member of the a publier doivent etre envoyes au membre approprie du
Editorial Board as detailed on the inside back cover. conseil de redaction tel qu'indique sur la couverture arriere.
Crux Mathematicorum is published monthly (except July Crux Mathematicorum est publie mensuellement (saufjuillet
and August). The subscription rates for ten issues are et aout). Les tarifs d'abonnement pour dix numeros
detailed on the inside back cover. Information on Crux figurent sur la couverture arriere. On peut egalement y
Mathematicorum back issues is also provided on the inside retrouver de plus amples renseignements sur les volumes
back cover. anterieurs de Crux Mathematicorum.
The support of the Department of Mathematics & Statistics Nous rendons hommage a Pappui du departement de
of the University of Calgary and of the Department of mathematique et statistique de l'Universite de Calgary et du
Mathematics of the University of Ottawa is gratefully departement de mathematiques de PUniversite d'Ottawa.
That is, we seek the real numbers x for which equation (1) holds. Let
then the function f(x) is continuous on the open interval I I = (—oo, oo). Since /(—3) =
—6 < 0 and /(—2) = 2 > 0, f(x) has at least one zero point on the open interval (—3, —2)
by virtue of the Intermediate Value Theorem (see [1] or [2]). Likewise, we can see that
f(x) has at least one zero point on the open interval (—2, —1).
We can also see that f(x) has one and only one positive zero point, once we have
taken into account the fact that / ( 3 ) = —18 < 0, / ( 4 ) = 8 > 0 and that (1) is a cubic
In this note, we will generalize the above-mentioned problem. It is of special interest
to determine as precisely as possible the interval containing positive zero points.
2* RESULTS Since the equation (1) does not have —1, —2, —3 as its roots,
division of both sides of (1) by (x + l)(x + 2)(x + 3) will not bring about a change when
studying how its roots are separated. This means that it suffices to study how the zero
points of the real-valued function
are distributed in order to study how the roots of the equation (1) are separated.
The following result shows the separation of the roots of the equation (1) generalized
in the form of (2).
has one zero point on each of the open intervals (—at-, — at__i) (i = 2 , . . . , n), and further,
one positive zero point on (s — an,s(n — l ) / n ) .
Now, we will prepare three lemmas for our proof of this theorem, the first of which
is well-known, i.e., arithmetic means dominate geometric means, and geometric means
dominate harmonic means.
Lemma 1: For any n positive numbers ai, a 2 ,. 5 U"nj
«i + a2 H h an n
n 1/ai + l/a 2 H + l/an
Equality holds in each inequahty if and only if
Proof. As the proof of the inequahty on the left side is well known, see [3; p. 52-59]
for example, we will prove only the inequality on the right side. By the arithmetic-mean-
geometric-mean inequality, we obtain
\ I ^ =. :
: —
* ( •
i^a,i + x ~~ (ai H h a n + nx)/x s + nx
which is the value of g(x) when a^ = • • • = a n , and equality holds if and only if a\ = • • • =
a n . Therefore #(#) is larger than the right hand member, provided that a\ < • • • < an.
This completes the proof of Lemma 2. Q
/W = i - Exr r ar («.->0A->0)
Si + «
are distributed.
A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t : The author would like to thank Mr. Isao Ashiba, the editor
and the referee for their helpful suggestions.
[1] E.W. Swokowski, Functions and Graphs, 3rd edition, Prindle, Weber & Schmidt,
Boston, Massachusetts, 1980.
[2] G.H. Hardy, A Course of Pure Mathematics, Cambridge University Press, 1967.
[3] E. Beckenbach and R. Bellman, An Introduction to Inequalities, Random House and
the L.W. Singer Company, 1961.
[4] R.C. Thompson, Elementary Modern Algebra, Scott, Foresmanand Company, Glenview,
Illinois, 1974.
All communications about this column should be sent to Professor R.E. Woodrow,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta,
Canada, T2N 1N4*
The Olympiad Contest we give this issue is the 9th Balkan Mathematical Olympiad,
under the auspices of the Greek Mathematical Society. My thanks go to Georg Gunther,
Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, Corner Brook, who collected this contest, and many others,
when he was team leader at the Moscow I.M.O.
Find every n such that A(m, n) is divisible by 1992 for every ra.
2 . (Cyprus). Prove that for each positive integer n
(2n2 + 3n + l)n>6n(n\)2.
3 . (Greece). Let ABC be a triangle and let D, E, F be points on sides B<7, C-A,
A 5 respectively (different from A, 5 , C). If AFDE is inscribable in a circle show that:
A(DEF) (EF\2
(ABC) - UDJ *
4* (Romania). For every integer n > 3 find the minimum positive integer /(n)
such that every subset of the set A = { 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . , n} which contains f(n) elements contains
elements x^y,z £ A which are pairwise relatively prime.
* * *
As a pre-Olympiad contest this month we give the problems of Part II of the Alberta
High School Mathematics Competition for 1994. My thanks go to the chairman of the
contest board, Alvin Baragar of The University of Alberta, for furnishing a copy.
February 8, 1994
((n+i^i) '(n+i^)2)
contains an integer JV.
(b) Find the smallest integer JV which is contained in such an interval for some n.
4 . ABCDE is a convex pentagon in the plane. Through each vertex draw a
straight line which cuts the pentagon into two parts of the same area. Prove that for some
vertex, the line through it must intersect the "opposite side" of the pentagon. (Here the
opposite side to vertex A is the side CD, the opposite side to B is DE, and so on.)
5 . Let a, &, c be real numbers. Their pairwise sums a + b^h+c and c+a are written
on three round cards and their pairwise products afe, be and ca are written on three square
cards. We call (a, 6, c) a tadpole if we can form three pairs of cards, each consisting of one
round card and one square card with the same number on both. An example of a tadpole
is (0,0,0).
(a) Find all possible tadpoles of the form (a, a, a).
(b) Prove that there is a tadpole that is not of the form (a, a, a). (You do not have to find
the actual values of a, 6, and c.)
* * *
We next start the solutions readers have submitted to problems from the 1993
numbers of the Corner. The first solutions are to some of the problems of the 1991-92
A.H.SM.C. Part JJ [1993: 4].
1 . The Committee to Halt Excessive Amount of Photocopying (CHEAP) is itself
accused of over-expenditure in photocopying, even though it never makes more than one
copy of anything. The new committee set up to investigate this accusation makes, for
each of its 13 members, a photocopy of everything CHEAP has photocopied, so that it
can study whether the expenditure has been justified. Each committee is charged 7 cents
per page for the first 2000 pages and 5 cents per page thereafter. It turns out that the
photocopying expenditure of the new committee is 10 times that of CHEAP. How many
photocopies did CHEAP make? Find all possible solutions.
Solution by Federico Ardila, student, Colegio San Carlos, Bogota, Colombia.
Let Ai, A2 be, respectively, the number of photocopies made by CHEAP and the
new committee, and Pi, P2 be the respective costs (in cents). We have
A2 = 13AX (1)
P2 = lOPi (2)
There are three cases:
i) Ax > 2000.
Here Px = 2000 • 7 + (Ax - 2000) • 5 = 5AX + 4000, P 2 = 2000 • 7 + (A2 - 2000) • 5 =
65AX +4000, by (1). Now, (2) gives
x 2 - 2x(y + z) + (y- z)2 = 0.
Now Ai = (t/ + z) 2 - (y - z)2 = 4yz > 0.
So t/ and z are both nonpositive or both nonnegative. By symmetry all three of
a:, y, z are nonpositive or nonnegative and we may assume the latter. Factoring (1) gives
(v^+ ^/y + v^)(%/y + >fi- v^)(v^ + V* -y/v)(>fi + Vy - v ^ ) = o- This holds if
y ^ + y ^ = ^/J, o r % / J + v / ^ = v ^ o r V y + V ^ = : V^- ®* course if we also use the
condition ax + by + cz = 0, a, 6, c € R + we see that the only solution i s # = y = z = 0
since x^y^z >Q oi x,y,z < 0.
5* ABCD is a square piece of paper with sides of length 1 metre. A quarter-circle
is drawn from B to D with centre A. The piece of paper is folded along EF, with E on
AB and F on AD, so that A falls on the quarter-circle. Determine the maximum and
minimum areas that the triangle AEF could have.
Solution by Seung-Jin Bang, Albany, California; and by Panos E. Tsaoussoglou,
Athens, Greece. We give Tsaoussoglou's solution.
Let the perpendicular from A to EF meet
EF at P. Since folding along EF puts A on the
circle, AP is half the radius. Let EP = M, FP =
iV, A2£ = x and A F = y.
Then M2 = x2 - \, N2 = y2 - \ and the
area of AEF is given by
1(^-1/4 + ^-1/4).
Also a:2 + y2 = (M + N)2 = x2 - 1/4 + y2 - 1/4 + 2^/z 2 - 1/4^/z/2 - 1/4 giving
yx2 — 1/4AA/ 2 — 1/4 = 1/4. Applying the Arithmetic-Geometric mean inequality we get
that the minimum area is l / 2 y 1/4 = 1/4. This occurs when Jx2 — 1/4 = Jy2 — 1/4, i.e.
x = y and Jx2 — 1/4 = 1/4 so x = y = \/2/2.
For the maximum area take x = 1 (or y = 1). Then \/3/2 • y y2 — 1/4 = 1/4 and
y = \/3/3. In both cases x = 1, y = -\/3/3, a: = \/3/3, y = 1 the area is \/3/6.
The next solutions are to problems of the 1991 British Mathematical Olympiad
[1993: 4-5].
1 . Prove that the number
3 n + 2 x 17"
where n is a non-negative integer, is never a perfect square.
Solutions by Federico Ardila, student, Colegio San Carlos, Bogota, Colombia; Seung-
Jin Bang, Albany, California; J. Brenner, Palo Alto, California; Pavlos Maragoudakis,
Pireas, Greece; Stewart Metchette, Culver City, California; Waldemar Pompe, student,
University of Warsaw, Poland; Bob Prielipp, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh; Dale
Shoults, student, The University of Calgary; D.J. Smeenk, Zaltbommel, The Netherlands;
Panos E. Tsaoussoglou, Athens, Greece; and Chris Wildhagen, Rotterdam, The Nether-
lands. We give Pompe's solution.
If n = 0, we have 3° + 2 x 17° = 3, and it is not a perfect square. If n > 1, we have:
1 7 = 1 mod 8 3 2 = 1 mod 8
172 = l m o d 8 and 32* = 1 mod 8
2 x 17n = 2 m o d 8 3 2 * + 1 = 3 mod 8
_ J 3 mod 8, if n is even
3 n + 2 x IT
-i 5 mod 8, if n is odd.
Is it true that if (*) holds then AC is perpendicular to BD1 Give a reason for your answer.
Solutions by Federico Ardila, student, Colegio San Carlos, Bogota, Colombia; by
Seung-Jin Bang, Albany, California; by Pavlos Maragoudakis, Pireas, Greece; by Dale
Shoults, student, The University of Calgary; by D.J. Smeenk, Zaltbommel, The Nether-
lands; and by Edward T.H. Wang, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario. We
give Ardila's solution.
Suppose AC ± BD. By Pythagoras
So we have
EA2 + EB2 + EC2 + ££> 2 = 4r 2 - r 2 (cos ZAOD + cos LDOC + cos ZCOB + cos LBOA).
But ZAOZ> + LBOC =AD + BC= 2(LACD + LBDC) = 2(90°) = 180°. So cos ZA0I> +
cos LBOC = cos LDOC + cos ZBOA = 0 and (*) follows.
AC may not be perpendicular to BD even when (*) holds. For example, let ABCD
be a rectangle that is not a square. Then E is the centre of the circle and EA = EB =
EC = ED = r, so (*) holds, but AC / BD.
4 . Find, with proof, the minimum value of (x + y)(y + z) where x, y, z are positive
real numbers satisfying the condition xyz(x + y + z) = 1.
Solutions by Federico Ardila, student, Colegio San Carlos, Bogota, Colombia; by
Seung-Jin Bang, Albany, California; by Pavlos Maragoudakis, Pireas, Greece; by Waldemar
Pompe, student, University of Warsaw, Poland; by Henry Ricardo, Tappan, New York; by
Dale Shoults, student, The University of Calgary; by Panos E. Tsaoussoglou, Athens,
Greece; and by Edward TM. Wang, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, We
give Pompe's two solutions.
S o l u t i o n L Consider a triangle ABC with sides a = y + z,b = x + z, c = x + y
respectively. (Such a triangle of course exists because a + b> c, etc.) Then s = x + y + z,
5 — a = x, 5 — 6 = y, and s — c = z. According to Heron's formula
(x + y)(y + z) = ^->2.
Equality holds, for example, when x = z = 1 and y = \ / 2 — 1. Therefore 2 is the desired
minimum value.
Solution I I . We will use the Arithmetic Mean-Geometric Mean inequality. We
Equality holds, for example, when x = z = 1 and y = y/2 — 1, giving 2 as the minimum
5 . Find the number of permutations (arrangements) PiiP2,P3,P4iP5<>P6 of 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6 with the property: for no integer n, 1 < n < 5, do |?i,2?2? • • • ,Pn form a permutation
of 1 , 2 , . . . , n .
M = X>n(JV-n)!
Since a is square free a\y. Write y = ab. Then 1 — x = am2 — 2ky = am2 — 2kab =
a(rn 2 — 2kb) and as x = an 2 so 1 = a(n 2 + m 2 — 2kb). Thus a | l so x = n 2 , as we wished
to prove.
7® A ladder of length I rests against a vertical wall. Suppose that there is a rung on
the ladder which has the same distance d from both the wall and the (horizontal) ground.
Find explicitly, in terms of I and d, the height h from the ground that the ladder reaches
up the wall.
Applying Pythagoras to the large right triangle, I2 = hi + h\. Combining with (2) gives
,2=(M^_2(M2) (3)
Using the quadratic formula on (3) to solve for h\h2 gives h\h2 = d? + dy/d2 + Z2, (4)
the positive sign is needed because y/d? +12 > d and the negative sign would make
hih2 < 0. Set m = d + y/d2 + I2. We have hih2 = dm. (5)
Combining (1) and (5) we have hi + hm. Multiplying by h2, substituting dm for hih2 and
rearranging gives h\ — mh2 + dm = 0.
Solving this for h2, replacing m in terms of d and /, and simplifying gives the two
possible values of h.
* * *
Next some misprints that crept into his solutions and were spotted by Seung-Jin
Bang, Albany, California.
In [1993: 6], 23rd line (solution of #5) uf(n + 2) - 2 n + 3 /(n + 1) = .. .* should read
"f(n + 2) - 22n+3f(n + 1) = ..."
In [1993: 9] 16th line (solution of #10) "the number of elements in X is m" should
read "the number of elements in X is 4m".
* * *
internal bisector of the angle at B meet the side AC at F and the line i at G. If GF = DE
prove that AC = BC.
Solution by K.R.S. Sastry, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
If AC ^ BC then suppose AC > BC.
Then 0 > or, /3/2 > or/2 and referring to the figure,
we have AI > BI, IE > IG, whence ID > IF.
Thus AI + ID > BI + IF, or AD > BF. (1)
Now AABD and AECD are similar, so
BD c _AD
DC b~ DE'
Also AAFB ~ ACFG giving AF/FC = c/a =
BF/FG. Thus
AD FG__c £
D£ X
£F " 6 X
c or B F =
6 < 1
This yields AD < BF, contradicting (1). The supposition AC < BC also leads to a
contradiction. We conclude AC = BC.
Remark. This is a variant of the famous Steiner-Lehmus (also infamous! — for the
inumerable wrong proofs) theorem: If two internal angle bisectors of a triangle are equal,
then the triangle is isosceles.
That concludes this number. Send me your Olympiad and pre-Olympiad contests
as well as your nice solutions.
Problem proposals and solutions should be sent to B. Sands, Department of
Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N IN4.
Proposals should, whenever possible, be accompanied by a solution, references, and other
insights which are likely to be of help to the editor. An asterisk (*) after a number indicates
a problem submitted without a solution.
Original problems are particularly sought. But other interesting problems may also
be acceptable provided they are not too well known and references are given as to their
provenance. Ordinarily, if the originator of a problem can be located, it should not be
submitted by somebody else without permission.
To facilitate their consideration, your solutions, typewritten or neatly handwritten
on signed, separate sheets, should preferably be mailed to the editor before O c t o b e r 1,
1994, although solutions received after that date will also be considered until the time when
a solution is published.
(a) Let g(n) = / ( / ( n ) ) . Show that </(n — #(n)) = 0 for all n > 0.
(b) For any n > 1, let r(n) be the least integer r such that / r ( n ) = 0 (where
/*(») = / ( / ( » ) ) , / 3 ( " ) = / ( / 2 ( n ) ) , etc.). Compute
liminf —7-7 .
PA + PB + PC = 2(PD + PE + PF).
No problem is ever permanently closed. The editor will always be pleased to consider
for publication new solutions or new insights on past problems.
2 34
- n1 J
n+1 n(n +1) '
while in case (b),
\ / o O O O A ,
223344 jfe k fc + 1 fc2(fc + l)
_ / T r 07N 112233 Jb-lJb-1 k 1 1
Pr{X = 2k) = 2 2 3 3------
44 Jb k k + lk + 1 k(k + l)2
Hence in case (a),
E(X) = £ ) nPr(X = ») = f ) - i - = oo,
n l
n=l n=l "*"
using the known fact that X J £ = I ( 1 / ^ 2 ) = ?r2/6. [J^difor^ no£e: for example, see the recent
article "6/7T2" by Gareth Jones, in the December 1993 Mathematics Magazine, pages 290-
298, especially §5.]
Also solved by FEDERICO ARDILA, student, Colegio San Carlos, Bogota,
Colombia; CHRISTOPHER J. BRADLEY, Clifton College, Bristol, TJX.; JORDI DOU,
Barcelona, Spain; KEITH EKBLAW, Walla Walla Community College, Walla Walla,
Washington (with only an approximate value given for part (h)); HANS ENGELHAUPT,
Franz-Ludwig-Gymnasium, Bamberg, Germany; RICHARD I. HESS, Rancho Palos Verdes,
California; WALTHER JANOUS, Ursulinengymnasium, Innsbruck, Austria; BEATRIZ
MARGOLIS, Paris, France; R.P. SEALY, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New
Brunswick; and the proposer.
Both Hess and Janous proved the more general result that if an extra white marble
is added after every kth white marble is drawn, then E(X) = 1 + ((k) where ((z) =
J2^L 1 (l/n 2 ) is the Riemann Zeta function.
* * * * 3fC
1-*1-*1... ; 12->12->12... .
We first consider G(u,v). Since d2G/du2 = 6u(2u — v — 1), we see t h a t , for any
fixed v > 0, the first order derivative dG/du is a decreasing function of u G [0, (v + l)/2]
and an increasing function of u G [(v + l ) / 2 , oo). Thus dG/du (regarded as a function of
u, for v fixed) assumes at u = (u + l ) / 2 its (strict) minimum value
Consequently dG/du > 0 for u G [0, oo) and hence (7(u, v) is increasing in u. So
So we must verify
In (3), the second and the third inequalities are true at u = 0 and at u = 9/8; and
since the functions involved are concave in [0,9/8], these two inequalities are satisfied in
that interval.
The first inequality in (3) and the first two inequalities in (4) hold trivially.
To prove the third inequality of (4), we again use the lemma. Denoting the poly-
nomial 159u 6 -300u 5 +128u+320 by tp(u) we compute cp"(u) = 30u3(159u - 200); so <p(u)
is convex in the interval [200/159, oo). Choosing a = 3/2 and ft = 8/5 we can easily verify
conditions (2). Therefore ip{u) > 0 for u > 200/159; in particular, <£>(200/159) > 0. And
since y>(0) > 0 and (p is concave in [0,200/159], we conclude y>{u) > 0 for all u > 0. This
seems to complete the proof of F(u, v) > 0 for u, v > 0.
Thus, for A = 3 and A = 5 the proposed inequality is true for every triple of real
numbers x, y, z, with equality only for x = y = z = 0.
Counterexamples for A > 7 were also found by CHRISTOPHER J. BRADLEY,
Clifton College, Bristol, U.K.; RICHARD I. HESS, Rancho Palos Verdes, California; and
A. N. 'T WOORD, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
There was one incorrect solution sent in.
ta + hi h + tCj tc + ta
Both parts also solved by CHARLES ASHBACHER, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; HANS
ENGELHAUPT, Franz-Ludwig-Gymnasium, Bamberg, Germany; JOHN G. HEUVER,
Grande Prairie Composite H.S., Grande Prairie, Alberta; and R.P. SEALY, Mount
Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick. Part (a) solved by FEDERICO ARDILA,
student, Colegio San Carlos, Bogota, Colombia; CHRISTOPHER J. BRADLEY, Clifton
College, Bristol, U.K.; J.A. MCCALLUM, Medicine Hat, Alberta; P. PENNING, Delft,
The Netherlands; CHRIS WILDHAGEN, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; and the proposer.
One incorrect solution was received.
Can anyone find an infinite family of solutions?
Letting AF/AD = A and BE/BC = fi and cancelling the sines we see that this equality-
is equivalent to A(l — A) = fi(l — fi), or
(JI - A)(JI + A - 1) = /x2 - A2 - fi + A = 0,
and this occurs if and only if /z = A or \i = 1 — A, i.e.,
AD " BC ° A£> " BC '
which we may interpret as E and F dividing BC and AD respectively in the same ratio,
as we wished to prove.
Also solved by MARGIN E. KUCZMA, Warszawa, Poland; and the proposer.
There are only positive solutions of (2), because A,G,H > 0. Rewrite (2) as
AU solutions of the equation u3 — pu + q = 0 are real numbers if and only if the condition
q2/A < p3/27 holds, so it follows that (1) is equivalent to
2 / s~i*\ 3
A3 G3 , ^ 3 / A\2
('-DM-&) ('-£)•
which is equivalent to (3).
1 8 3 5 . [1993: 113] Proposed by Joaquin Gomez Rey, LB. Luis Bunuel, Alcorcon,
Madrid, Spain.
for n = 1,2,3,... .
s^Ofc )
Solution by Richard Mcintosh, University of Regina.
For any function / ( # ) , define the difference operator A by Af(x) = f(x +1) — f(x).
Then it can be found in every book on finite differences that
£<-)-'(:) (!-;)=»•
t(_l)(_.2)...(-n + l)
tf-^ffld-iO-^K-- !)-^ (n-1)!
= 1.
a2 + b2 + c2 + d? = 8R2.
We shall prove that the diagonals of ABCD are perpendicular. Let the segment
CC be the diameter of F; because of the assumption that the diagonals do not pass
through 0 , C ^ A. Since CDC and CBC are both right angles, we get
or (CD)2 + (CB)2 = a2 + ft2. According to the lemma, points A and C lie on a circle
centred at the midpoint M of BD (where M ^ 0 by assumption). This implies (by sym-
metry in OM) that a = DA = B C . Therefore LDCA = ZC'CB. Since LCDB = ZCC'B
we get that the triangles DPC and CBC are similar, which implies (since LCBC = 90°)
that AC and P D are perpendicular.
Now our problem is to prove that if diagonals AC and BD are perpendicular, then
Mi, M 2 , M 3 , M 4 , J?i, H2j H3, JI4 are concyclic. Obviously M1M2M3M4 is a rectangle and
has a circumcircle with diameters M1M3 and M2M±, so
showing that j?i, P , M3 lie on a line. [This is the theorem of Brahmagupta, e.g., see
Theorem 276 on page 137 of Court's College Geometry, or Theorem 3.23 on page 59 of
Coxeter & Greitzer, Geometry Revisited. See also the similar result pointed out by Jordi
Don on [1991: 53]!—Ed] Therefore IM3H1M1 = 90° and hence H\ lies on the circumcircle
of M1M2M3M4. The same argument shows that H2, £T3, H4 lie on that circle too, which
was to be shown.
Also solved hy FEDERICO ARDILA, student, Colegio San Carlos, Bogota,
Colombia; FRANCISCO BELLOT ROSADO, LB. Emilio Ferrari, Valladolid, Spain;
JORDI DOU, Barcelona, Spain; P. PENNING, Delft, The Netherlands; D.J. SMEENK,
Zalihommel, The Netherlands; and the proposer.
The proposer adds that the argument can be reversed: If M\, M2, M3, M4 are
concyclic then Pi + F2 + P 3 + F4 = area(AJBCD).
Dou points out that the second part of the proof (the final paragraph above, start-
ing with AC ± BD) provides the solution to Crux 1866 [1993: 203]. Bellot notes the
relationship of our problem to number 3 from the 1991 British Math. Olympiad [1993: 5].
He gives two references that investigate further properties of "orthodiagonal quadrilaterals":
[1] Jordan Tabov, Simple properties of the orthodiagonal quadrilaterals, Mathematics and
Informatics, 1:1 (February 1991), 1-5.
[2] Agnis Andzans, On the inscribed orthodiagonal quadrilaterals, Mathematics and
Informatics, 3:1 (1993), 6-8.
* * * # #
/(*•>/(*,)> (/(^p)) 2
for all #i 5 #2 £ IRj with equality if and only if #i = #2- / is said to be strictly log-concave
if the inequality is reversed.
(a) Prove that if / and g are strictly log-convex functions, then so is / + g.
(b)* Does the same conclusion hold for strictly log-concave functions?
Combination of solutions of Marcin E. Kuczma, Warszawa, Poland; and A.N.
't Woord, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
(a) If / and g are strictly log-convex, then for any real numbers #i, x 2 ,
= [/(^)]%2/(fi±f2)g(fi±ii) + [ J (fi±^)]
< f(xi)f(x2) + 2y/f(x1)f(x2)g(xi)g(x2) + g{xt)g(x2)
< f(xi)f(x2) + f(xx)g{x2) + f(x2)g(xi) + g{x{)g(x2)
= [f(x1)+g(x1)][f(x2)+g(x2)]
= (f + g)(xi)-(f + g)(x2),
where the second inequality follows by the A.M.-G.M. inequality. Equality holds if and
only if xi = x2.
(b) The answer is NO. For example,
are strictly log-concave, because l n / ( x ) and hig(x) are strictly concave. Yet
* * * # *
x + 2y + Sz + 4w + 5t = 26,
x = 5 — 4K; — 15i,
y = 3 + 6w + 20f,
z = 5 - 4w - lOt.
Thus the only solutions are (£, WjX,y,z) = (0,0,5,3,5), (£, u;, x, t/, z) = (0,1,1,9,1),
(t,ti;,a:,jf,z) = ( 0 , 2 , - 3 , 1 5 , - 3 ) and (t,iy,x,t/,z) = (1,0,-10,23,-5). Clearly the last
two do not solve the problem. Therefore the only sequences which satisfy the conditions
of the problem are
( n - l ) 2 = a ( 1 0 * - 2 ) + 2,
which has solutions for a = 1 and k any positive even integer. The given example is for
k = 2 and n = 11. Others are:
k = 4, n = 101 and 10202 = 1012 + 1 = 1022 - 0202,
k = 6, n = 1001 and 1002002 = 10012 + 1 = 10022 - 002002,
k = 8, n = 10001 and 100020002 = 100012 + 1 = 100022 - 00020002,
II. Solution by P. Penning, Delft, The Netherlands.
Write N = 100a + b with 0 < 6 < 100. Then
100a + b = x2 + a = (x + l) 2 - 6,
and so
2z + l = a + 6 and x2 = 99a + 6. (1)
2m = x — 1 and a = 2c + 1
[for note from (1) that
98a = x2 - 2x - 1 = (x - I ) 2 - 2, (2)
from which it is easy to see that x and a must both be odd.— Ed.]. From (2) we get
49(2c+l) = 2 m 2 - l o r
m = 49t; ± 5 (3)
where t; is an integer. There are only two solutions within the constraint 0 < h < 100,
v = 0? m = 5, c = 0, a = 19 a: = 11, 6 = 22
which leads to the given example 122; and
x2 - 198x - 99 = - 9 8 6 ,
100 < (x - 99) 2 < 9900,
10 < \x - 99| < 100,
so 0 < x < 89 or 109 < x < 199. Now (3) and x = 2m + 1 give
x = 98t; + 1 ± 10,
and the only integer solutions are t; = 0, x = 11, and v = 2, x == 187, as claimed.]
J4ISO so/verf 6y FEDERICO ARDILA, student, Colegio San Carlos, Bogota,
Clifton College, Bristol, U.K.; MIGUEL ANGEL CABEZON OCHOA, Logrono, Spain;
TIM CROSS, Wolverley High School, Kidderminster, U.K.; KEITH EKBLAW, Walla
Walla Community College, Walla Walla, Washington; HANS ENGELHAUPT, Franz-
Ludwig-Gymnasium, Bamberg, Germany; RICHARD K. GUY, University of Calgary;
RICHARD I. HESS, Rancho Palos Verdes, California; JOHN HEUVER, Grande Prairie
Composite H.S., Grande Prairie, Alberta; WALTHER JANOUS, Ursulinengymnasium,
Innsbruck, Austria; J.A. MCCALLUM, Medicine Hat, Alberta; WALDEMAR POMPE,
student, University of Warsaw, Poland; A.N. 'T WOORD, Eindhoven University of Tech-
nology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands; and the proposer.
Engelhaupt, Guy, Hess and the proposer found both solutions I and II. The other
solvers were nearly evenly divided between those with Solution I (usually finding the infinite
family) and those with Solution II.
Guy and Hess give other solutions too, e.g.
395930202 = 198972 + 39593 = 198982 - 0202.
This last solution with (4) hints at another infinite family(?). Guy's solution was in fact
a complete analysis of the problem, finding "all" solutions in some sense.
1 8 4 0 . [1993: 114] Proposed by Jun-hua Huang, The 4th Middle School of Nanxian,
Hunan, China.
Let AABC be an acute triangle with area F and circumcenter O. The distances
from O to BC, CA, AB are denoted da, cfc, dc respectively. AAiBiCi (with sides a\, &i,
ci) is inscribed in AABC, with Ai G BC etc. Prove that
Short articles intended for publication should be sent to Dr. Hanson, contest problem sets and solutions to Olympiad Corner
problems should be sent to Dr. Woodrow and other problems and solutions to Dr. Sands.
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