Crux v19n04 Apr
Crux v19n04 Apr
Crux v19n04 Apr
Published by the Canadian Mathematical Society.
Crux Mathematicorum is a problem-solving journal at the Crux Mathematicorum est une publication de resolution de
senior secondary and university undergraduate levels for problemes de niveau secondaire et de premier cycle
those who practice or teach mathematics. Its purpose is universitaire. Bien que principalement de nature educative,
primarily educational but it serves also those who read it for elle sert aussi a ceux qui la lisent pour des raisons
professional, cultural or recreational reasons. professionnelles, culturelles ou recreative.
Problem proposals, solutions and short notes intended for Les propositions de problemes, solutions et courts articles
publication should be sent to the appropriate member of the a publier doivent etre envoyes au membre approprie du
Editorial Board as detailed on the inside back cover. conseil de redaction tel qu'indiqu6 sur la couverture arrfere.
Crux Mathematicorum is published monthly (except July Crux Mathematicorum est publie mensuellement (sauf juillet
and August). The subscription rates for ten issues are et aout). Les tarifs d'abonnement pour dix numeros
detailed on the inside back cover. Information on Crux figurent sur la couverture airriere. On peut egalement y
Mathematicorum back issues is also provided on the inside retrouver de plus amples renseignements sur les volumes
back cover. anterieurs de Crux Mathematicorum
The support of the Department of Mathematics & Statistics Nous rendons hommage a l'appui du departement de
of the University of Calgary and of the Department of math&natique et statistique de l'Universite de Calgary et du
Mathematics of the University of Ottawa is gratefully departement de mathematiques de l'Universite d'Ottawa.
Richard K. Guy
Margaret J. Kenney of Boston College, in the Student Math Notes enclosed with the
Nov. 1986 NCTM News Bulletin, proposed the following p r i m e p y r a m i d as a classroom
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
1 4 3 2 5
1 4 3 2 5 6
1 - - - - - 7
Row n contains the numbers 1,2, . . . , n . It begins with 1 and ends with n. The
sum of two consecutive entries in a row is prime.
There are various questions we may ask.
2. How many ways are there of arranging the numbers in row n? (Check that the
arrangements shown above are unique.)
3. Can you find a pattern that will serve for an infinity of rows?
1 + 2(2 + 3 + • • • + (n - 1)) + n = n 2 - 1,
so the average sum of two consecutive members is n + 1, The probability that a number
of this size is prime is about 1 / l n n . So, if we wrote the numbers down at random, our
chance of success would only be about
However, there are (n — 2)! ways in which the numbers may be arranged and when we
1 N n-n(*-2)!
1 -
(which is our chance of failure if we try every order) we find that we're pretty certain to
succeed. Of course, this isn't a proof, but if you start answering question 2, you find
n= 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
# of solutions * 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 8 28 84 216
will work.
Here is a more convincing algorithm which it may be possible to formalize into a
rigorous proof. It's clear that we have to arrange the numbers alternately odd and even.
This reduces our number of arrangements from (n — 2)! to
n - 1 ! n-1
. 2 . L 2 J
but this is still a pretty huge number.
Assume for the moment that n is odd. You can see how the argument is easily
adapted for n even. Take n = 11 for an example. Consider all 4! ways of arranging the
odd numbers 3, 5, 7, 9 between 1 and 11, leaving spaces for the even numbers. Then we
can fill in the even numbers, subject only to the constraints that
the number 2 4 6 8 10
mustn't sit next to 7 5 or 11 3 or 9 1 or 7 5 or 11
But this is almost' exactly Lucas's classical probleme des menages, to seat couples
round a table with no-one sitting next to their own spouse. The difference is that some
even numbers have as many as two spouses, but the number of legal arrangements is still
a substantial fraction of the ((n — l ) / 2 ) ! arrangements, and this grows rapidly. For n = 11
you could be unlucky. You can't seat the even numbers among the arrangements
1 . 3 . 9 . 5 . 7 . 11, 1 . 7 . 3 . 5 . 9 . 11,
1 . 7 . 9 . 5 . 3 . 11, 1 . 9 . 3 . 5 . 7 . 11,
1 . 3 . 9 . 7 . 5 . 11, 1 . 7 . 3 . 9 . 5 . 11,
1 . 7 . 9 . 3 . 5" . 11, 1 . 7 . 9 . 3 . 5 . 11,
as many as eight.
What is going on? The constraints above are only needed to avoid the divisor 3.
The odd and even arrangement avoids the divisor 2. And since our sums are at most
11 -f 10.< 25 we don't have to worry about divisor 5. For larger n we need watch out only
for divisors < y/2n — 1 and the number of constraints is less than
n n n
+ + +
6~ 10 14 '"
where the denominators are twice the odd primes less than y/2n. Unfortunately this series,
even when added only thus far, is divergent. Its sum is presumably en In In V ^ , where c
is something like 0.43, though one needs a much more powerful telescope than the one I've
used. A better estimate, possibly good enough to formalize into a proof, could be obtained
by using the inclusion-exclusion principle.
Although there is no necessary connexion between one row and another, note that
any row can probably be used as the initial segment of a later row, provided we leave
ourselves enough room to manoeuvre. We couldn't extend 1 6 5 2 3 4 7 to a row of length
8, 9 or 10, but it can be the beginning of
1 6 5 2 3 4 7 10 9 8 11 12 or 1 6 5 2 3 4 7 12 11 8 9 10 13,
1 6 5 2 3 4 7 12 11 8 15 14 9 10 13 16
1 6 5 2 3 4 7 12 11 8 9 10 13 16 15 14 17
1 6 5 2 3 4 7 10 9 8 11 12 17 14 15 16 13 18
1 6 5 2 3 4 7 10 9 8 11 18 13 16 15 14 17 12 19
and probably any longer row. Note how bits of the 'twin prime' construction can be
patched together.
Editor's note. Crux readers are encouraged to check out the long and interesting
interview with Professor Guy, complete with photos, which graces a recent issue of the
College Mathematics Journal (Volume 24, Number 2, March 1993). Look for Richard and
Louise mountaineering on the cover!
No. 144
All communications about this column should be sent to Professor R.B. Woodrow,
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta,
Canada, T2N IN4.
The first set of problems we give are "pre-Olympiad" even though the title seems to
say otherwise. They are the 9th form problems of the XXV Soviet Mathematical Olympiad,
written at Smolensk, Russia, April 17-24, 1991. My thanks go to Georg Gunther, Sir
Wilfred Grenfell College, Corner Brook, Newfoundland, leader of the Canadian LM.O.
team, for collecting and forwarding these to me.
For an Olympiad set this issue we give the problems of the 22nd Austrian Math-
ematical Olympiad (2nd Round). Many thanks to Walter Janous, Ursulinengymnasium,
Innsbruck, Austria, for sending them to me.
22nd A U S T R I A N M A T H E M A T I C A L O L Y M P I A D 1991
2nd Round — May 7, 1991 (Time allowed: 4 hours)
1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1
-+ . .+ + . = o.
x x +2 x +4 x +6 x +8 z + 10 x + 12 x + U
3* Determine the number of all square numbers contained in the sequence
{a 0 , ai, a2, •. •} where a 0 = 91 and a n + i = 10a n -f ( — l ) n , n > 0.
4o Let A, B be two points on a circle k of radius r such that Ai? = c.
(i) Give a construction of all triangles ABC having k as their circumcircle and such
that one of the medians sa or Sb (through vertices A or £?, resp.) is of given length d.
(ii) How have r, c and d to be chosen such that AABC is uniquely determined?
Final Round, 1st Day — June 11, 1991 (Time allowed: 4 hours)
1 . We are given a convex solid K in R 3 (i.e. for any two points of K the segment
joining them belongs to K), and two parallel planes S\ and 62 with mutual distance 1 both
tangent to K. Let e be parallel to £1 and £2? between S\ and e2 and at distance d\ from
S\. Determine the values of d\ such that the part of K between £1 and e has (a) at least,
(b) at most half of the volume of K1
2 . Determine all functions / : Z \ { 0 } — > Q satisfying the functional equation
x. + y\ f{x) + f{y)
3 . (a) Show that 91 \ n37 - n for all n G IN.
(b) Determine the greatest integer k such that k \ n37 — n for all n £ N .
Final Round, 2nd Day — June 12, 1991 (Time allowed: 4 hours)
4 . The sequence {an} is defined by a\ = 1, a 2 = 0 and a2k+i = a>k + ak+i,
&2k+2 = 2afc+i, k > 1. Determine a m , where m = 2 1 9 + 91.
n + i 1
^ l + (n + l ) y (l+nr>
\ n + 2 J U + l
is valid.
6* Determine the number of numbers (ag . . . ao)io which have no initial zeros and
do not contain the block of digits 1991, when written in decimal notation.
* * *
E b C a G
GF _a DE __b
h c ' ta c
Therefore GF = JDJB iff ai& = 6t 0 . So the problem really is to show that a£& = bta => a = b.
Suppose a ^ &, say a < b. Then it is well known that i& < i a , and hence ati < bta,
a contradiction.
Even if one does not use the "well-known" fact, it is possible to give an elementary
proof of it from atf, = bta. Suppose at^ = bta. Suppose a ^ 6, say a < b. Then LlAB <
LIB A, hence 5 / < AL Since B / / L F = (a + c)/6 and AI/ID = (6 + c)/a, it follows that
^ a + 6+ c ia a + 6+ c
a+ c f b+ c f .
1 e
/7 \
, L ,
a + b+ c fr < a +, Lb+, c ^ -» ( a + c )** < (& + c)*a-
Since atfc = bta it follows that ci& < ct a , and i& < ta.
5}C * 5[C
Next a typo spotted by an ever vigilant reader, Edward T.H. Wang, Wilfrid Lau-
rier University, Waterloo, Ontario. Problem 4 of the Singapore Interschool Mathematics
Competition, Part A [1993: 65] should replace a - f f e + 1 by a + b + c= 1, to read
Shortly after the March number of the Corner was off to the printers, the mail
brought a package of solutions to the five Selection Questions For the 1990 Irish I.M.O.
Team, as well as to problem 1 of the 1988 Chinese Olympiad Training Camp. Thanks to
Michael Selby, University of Windsor, for the solutions.
The next solutions we give deal with responses to the problems More Selection
Questions For the 1990 Irish I.M.O. Team [1992: 65].
1 . Let ABC be a right-angled triangle with right angle at A. Let X be the foot of
the perpendicular from A to BC and Y the midpoint of XC. Let AB be extended to D
so t h a t AB — BD. Prove that DX is perpendicular to AY.
Solutions by Seung-Jin Bang, Seoul, Republic of Korea; by Dieter Bennewitz,
Koblenz, Germany; by C Bradley, Clifton College, Bristol, United Kingdom; by Bob
Prielipp, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh; and by Pavlos Maragoudakis, student, Uni-
versity of Athens, Greece. Most solvers used coordinates in one form or another. We use
the (slightly) more geometric proof of Maragoudakis.
Let BC be extended to X' so that BX = BX'. Then AX' and XD are parallel
and of equal length. It is enough to prove that triangle YAX' is right-angled at A. Let
BC = a, AC = 6, AB = c. We have AX = ha = (BC)/a. Also, by similar triangles,
b = XC • a. Therefore XC = b /a, and XY = b /2a. Now c = XB • a so XB = c2/a.
2 2 2 2
From Pythagoras,
h2c2 b4
2 2 2
AY = AX + XY =°-^ + i-. (1)
a2 4a 2
Because XB is the median of triangle AXD,
,r ^2 2C 4 0 2 b2C2
2 2
XD = —-
a2 + 2c - a2
and rt o
2r4 h2c2
(AX')2 = 4 + 2c' - -T • W
a2 a2
We also have
(X'Y)2 = {XY + 2XB)2 =
which gives
/)4 4r 4 2b2 c2
X Y2
' = TI + -^ + ±
T-- (3)
4a 2 a2 a2
Finally lYAX' = 90° iff (X'Y)2 = AY2 + {AX')2 which by (1), (2) and (3) is equivalent
2c 4 2b2c2 n 2
—1 + — j2,- = 2c 2 ,
a a
i.e. c2 + 62 = a 2 , which is true.
2. The real number x satisfies all the inequalities
mean x3 > 4 or x > 2 2 / 3 . But 2 2 / 3 + 2 4 / 3 > 4, by the Arithmetic Mean - Geometric Mean
inequality, so we have a contradiction.
On the other hand n = 3 is possible, for example x = 3/2 will do, since
2< +
2 U) = T < 4 ' 4<
U ) + (2) = T < 8 '
3 4
0 /3\ /3\ 135 .,„
x3 - (a 2 + b2 + c2)x - 2abc = 0.
(ex cos 0, ab cos 9?, c sin 0) = \{2cx sin 0, —2ab sin <p, 2x— 2c cos 0).
So, 2A = cot 6 = - cot 9?, showing that 0 + <^ = 180°. Also 2\(x - ccos 9) = csin0, from
which x cos (9 = c, and cos c/p = —c/z. Substituting back in (1) gives
4 . Let ABC be a triangle and let the internal bisectors of the angles at A and B
meet the sides BC and AC at D and D, respectively. Let CF and C G be the perpendiculars
from C to the lines BE and AD, respectively. Prove that the line FG is parallel to AB.
Solutions by Christopher J. Bradley, Clifton College, Bristol, U.K.; and by Pavlos
Maragoudakis, student, University of Athens, Greece. We use the solution of Maragoudakis.
Let / denote the incentre of the triangle, Q
i.e. the point of intersection of AD and BE. The
quadrilateral IFCG can be inscribed in a circle
since LlFC + LlGC = 180°. So
From (1), (2) we have LlFG = \LB = ZADF. Thus AD is parallel to FG as required.
5 . Let n = 2& — 1 where k > 6 is an integer. Let T be the set of all n-tuples
(xi,x2,..-.,xn) where :rt-is 0 or 1 (i = 1 , 2 , . . . ,ra). F o r x = ( x l 5 . . . , x n ) a n d y = ( j / i , . . . ,y n )
in T, let d!(x,y) denote the number of integers j with 1 < j < n such that Xj ^ j/j. (In
particular, d ( x , x ) = 0). Suppose that there exists a subset S of T with 2k elements which
has the following property: given any element x in T, there is a unique element y in S
with d ( x , y ) < 3. Prove that n — 23.
Solution by Christopher J. Bradley, Clifton College, Bristol, U.K.
It is not clear whether such a set S exists, but if it does, then it clearly partitions
T into disjoint subsets Tt- such that the elements of Tt- are linked to the element x in S
(uniquely) by the specification that the distance from any element in Tt- to x is less than
or equal to three. Furthermore these subsets will each have the same number of elements,
M + M + Q + Q . The conditions of the problem require this to be equal to 2( n " 1 )/ 2 .
This is only true if n = 23.
Next come solutions to some of the problems from the Second, Third, and Fourth
Tests of the 1988 Chinese Olympiad Training Camp [1992: 66,67].
2 . Second Test. For a finite sequence A of 0's and l's, let f(A) denote the sequence
obtained from A by replacing each 1 by 0 , 1 , and each 0 by 1,0; e.g., / ( ( I , 0,0,1)) =
The extra 1 creeps into a2n because of a "010" created in the centre, which occurs only on
even rows.
From these equations one may eliminate bn to obtain
a 2n +2 = 2a 2 n +i + 1, n > 0, (4)
a 2 n +i = 2a 2 n - 1, n > 1. (5)
Also, for the start ax = 0 and a2 — 1. Observe that there is a different recurrence
relation for odd and even n, so readjusting to take account of this, from (4) and (5), one
a 2 n+i = 4 a 2 n - i + 1, n > 1 (6)
a 2n +2 = 4a 2 n - 1, n > 1. (7)
The solution of these difference equations provides the answer to the problem:
[Editor's note: this problem is the same as Crux 1790 [1992: 275].]
3 . Second Test. A mathematics teacher wants her two intelligent students S and P
to derive the exact value of a 2-digit natural number n by revealing the number of positive
divisors of n to S and the sum of the digits of n to P. A brief conversation between S and
P goes as follows:
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12
11, 13 25 10, 14, 15 16 12, 18 64 24 36 48 60
17, 19 49 21,22, 26 81 20,28 30 80 72
23,29 27, 33, 34 32,44 40 84
31, 37 35, 38, 39 45, 50 42 90
41, 43 46,51, 55 52, 63 54 96
47, 53 57, 58, 62 68, 76 56
59, 61 65, 69, 74 92,98 66
67, 71 75, 77, 82 99 70
73, 79 85, 86, 87 78
83, 89 93, 94, 95 88
P can not determine n, so n is neither 10 nor 99, and the sum of the digits lies between 2
and 17 inclusive. S can't either, so, from the table n is neither 36 nor 64. But he knows
whether n is even or not. So n can have only 2, 3, 8, 10 or 12 divisors because from the
table these are the columns which have only even or only odd number entries.
Then P says that he knows n. This means that among the 2-digit numbers with 2,
3, 8, 10 or 12 divisors there is exactly one with the sum of its digits equal to the sum of
the digits of n. We therefore make a second table which shows the sum of the digits of the
numbers with 2, 3, 8, 10 or 12 divisors:
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
11 30 13 23 42 25 17 54 19 29 48 67 59 78 79 89
31 41 60 43 53 72 37 47 66 49 96 88
40 24 61 71 90 73 56 84 97
70 91 83
From this table S can see that n is one of the numbers 11, 59, 89, 30. Then he says he
also knows n. This means that among 11, 59, 89, 30 there is exactly one with its number
of divisors the same as for n. The numbers 11, 59, 89 have 2 divisors, so n must be the
number 30.
1 . Third Test. Suppose the inscribed circle of AAiA2A3 touches the sides A2A3,
A3A1 and A\A2 at 7 \ , T2 and T 3 respectively. From the midpoints M i , M2 and M 3 of A2A3,
A3A1 and AiA2, draw lines perpendicular to T2T3, I3T1, and T1T2 respectively. Prove that
these three perpendicular lines are concurrent at a point P and determine the location of
Solution by Christopher J. Bradley, Clifton College, Bristol, U.K.
We make use of the following known lemma, which can be called the distance lemma.
Given its usefulness in problems in geometry it is surprising it is not more widely known.
Lemma. Given any triangle ABC with sides a, 6, c, then it is possible to choose an
origin 0 such that with OA = x, OB = y, and OC = z and areal coordinates ( a , / ? , 7 ) ,
any point P in the plane of the triangle has OP = a x + /3y + 7Z with a + ft + 7 = 1.
Furthermore 0 can be chosen so that if P i ( a i , / ? i , 7 i ) and P 2 (^i? ^2,72) axe given then
/ a + b—c a — 6 + c\
(a + b-c -a + b + c\ fa-b +c -a + b + c \
(,—26 '°' 26 J ^ ( — 2 ^ — ' — 2 T — ' °j
respectively. M x , M 2 , M 3 have coordinates ( 0 , 1 / 2 , 1 / 2 ) , ( 1 / 2 , 0 , 1 / 2 ) and ( 1 / 2 , 1 / 2 , 0 )
respectively. We have
T2T3 = — — — ( c - 6, 6, - c ) .
2>rW 6 + c , c + a , a + 6 ) -
We have
It follows that the perpendiculars from Mi to T2T3, M 2 to T3T1 and M3 to TiT 2 are
concurrent at K. It is easily verified that K is the centre of mass of a uniform wire in the
shape of triangle AiA2As and it lies on the line joining the incentre to the centroid of the
triangle. It is also the radical centre of the three excircles.
2 . Third Test. Consider a quadrilateral ABCD inscribed in a circle. Suppose we
fix A and C and move B and D along the arcs AC and CA in the clockwise direction in
such a way that BC — CD. Let M denote the point of intersection oi AC and BD. Find
the locus of the circumcenter of triangle AMB.
Comment and solution by Christopher J. Bradley, Clifton College, Bristol, U.K.
There appears to be something mildly wrong with the wording of the question,
for in order to maintain BC = CD then if D moves clockwise along CA then B must
move anticlockwise along AC. However, I shall answer this amended question rather than
suppose the question should read AB = CD, which is rather a different question altogether.
Set up a coordinate system with O the centre of the circle, and having A(cos a, sin a ) ,
C ( l , 0) where a is fixed. Let B have coordinates (cos 0, sin 9). Then for BC = CD we have
D(cos9, — sin#). We require the locus of the circumcentre of triangle AMB as 9 varies,
and shall prove it is a circle. The equation of AC is x s i n a + j/(l — cos a ) = sin a. The
equation of BD is x = cos 9. So the coordinates of M are
/ . s i n a ( l — cos 9)\
cos 9 , '- .
\ I — cos a J
Let (X,Y) be the coordinates of the circumcentre S of triangle ABM. The condition
SA = SB gives X cos a + Y sin a = X cos 9 + Y sin #, and the condition SB = SM gives,
after some algebra,
,. . a . 9 . a +9
Y sin — — sin - sin ——-
2 2 2
giving the coordinates as
( . 9 a +9 a . 9 . a +9 a\
sin - cos —-— esc — , sin - sin esc —
I 2 2 2 ' 2 2 2
or _T/ . a . fa n\ . a
2A sin - = sin I ~ + 0J - sin - ,
/ ( x i , x2, . . . , ! „ = 7 - ; ; + 7-: : ; +
1 + x2 H \- xn 1 + xi + x3 H h x„
1 + xi + x2 H + x n _i
and find all n-tuples (xi, x2l • • • ? #n) which yield this minimum value.
Solutions by Christopher J. Bradley, Clifton College, Bristol, U.K.; and by Murray
S. Klamkin, University of Alberta. We give Klamkin's solution and generalization.
The sum can be rewritten as
n n
x- 2
/(*!,..., xn) = £ - f - = -n + £ r—- .
Applying Cauchy's inequality
w X
t= l z=l * \i=l /
Since ^ = 1 ( 2 - ^ ) = 2n - 1,
2n 2 n
m i n / ( x i , x 2 , . . - , a : n ) . = -2n
—-—1 - ra = 2n - 1
s \ , x „,„^ ^, , n
F ( - L - ) + ( n - 1)F(0) > G(xux2,...,xn) >
\a — s/ as — 1
Here the maximum value is achieved for the n-tuple (5, 0, 0 , . . . , 0) and the minimum value
is achieved for the n-tuple (1/s, 1/s,.. - , 1/s).
[1] A.W. Marshall, I. Olkin, Inequalities: Theory of Majorization and its Applications,
Academic Press, N.Y., 1979.
2 . Fourth Test, (a) Prove that there exist positive real numbers A such that [Xn]
and n have the same parity for all positive integers n. ([•] denotes the greatest integral
part function.)
(b) Find one such number A.
That concludes the file of solutions to problems from the March 1992 number as
well as this month's Corner. Send me your Olympiad and pre-Olympiad contests as well
as vour nice solutions.
* *
Problem proposals and solutions should be sent to B. Sands, Department of
Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4-
Proposals should, whenever possible, be accompanied by a solution, references, and other
insights which are likely to be of help to the editor. An asterisk (*) after a number indicates
a problem submitted without a solution.
Original problems are particularly sought. But other interesting problems may also
be acceptable provided they are not too well known and references are given as to their
provenance. Ordinarily, if the originator of a problem can be located, it should not be
submitted by somebody else without permission.
To facilitate their consideration, your solutions, typewritten or neatly handwritten
on signed, separate sheets, should preferably be mailed to the editor before N o v e m b e r 1,
1993, although solutions received after that date will also be considered until the time when
a solution is published.
[FPQ] = [EQP]
[EDA] [FBC] '
- +- +1^(1 +-) .
1835. Proposed by Joaquin Gomez Rey, LB. Luis Bunuel, Alcorcdn, Madrid,
for n = 1 , 2 , 3 , . . . .
1 8 3 6 * Proposed by Jisho Kotani, Akita, Japan.
Let ABCD be a quadrilateral inscribed in a circle T, and let ACDBD = P. Assume
that the center of T does not lie on AC or BD. Draw circles with diameters AB, BC',
C D , DA, and let the areas of the moon-shaped regions inside these circles and outside T
be Fu F 2 , F 3 , F4. Mu M 2 , M 3 , M4 are the midpoints of the sides of ABCD, and Hu H2,
^ 3 , H4 are the feet of the perpendiculars from P to the sides of ABCD. Prove that, if
F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 = area(ADCD), then Mi, M 2 , M 3 , M 4 , # i , # 2 , # 3 , # 4 are concyclic.
1837. Proposed by Andy Liu, University of Alberta.
A function / : 1R —> I R + is said to be strictly log-convex if
/ ( x , ) / ( x 2 ) > ( / ( ^ ) )
for all £i, x 2 6 IR, with equality if and only if xi = x 2 . / is said to be strictly log-concave
if the inequality is reversed.
(a) Prove that if / and g are strictly log-convex functions, then so is / + g.
(b)* Does the same conclusion hold for strictly log-concave functions?
1838. Proposed by Stoyan Kapralov and Iliya Bluskov, Technical University,
Gabrovo, Bulgaria.
Find all sequences a\ < a 2 < • • • < an of positive integers such that
No problem is ever permanently closed. The editor will always be pleased to consider
for publication new solutions or new insights on past problems.
(l + 3^2)2
1 + 9s2
(l+3.2)2_(* + 2 ) 2
_ l ^ , 4 , ^ _ 1 (Q , (n 2\z\
! > 8
1 + 9s 2
9< £0*H-§('+(*-*)
9V t J 9\ V y/ij J~ 9'
with equality when t = 2, i.e. s = 1/3.
From (2) and (4), and LDAP + LQPA = LQDA + LDQP, we get
As A, P , C , D are concyclic, we have LQDA = LQBC. Then we obtain from (1) and (5)
LFEG = Z Q £ C - Z P P A = LPBC. (6)
By (3) and (6), AFEG is similar to APBC.
When Q i s a point on A S produced beyond J3, the proof is similar. And when
AB\\CD, we get PT\\AB\\CD and then J5, P , G are collinear, so we have APAD =
APBC. From A F £ G - A P A D we get A F £ G - APBC.
Also solved by D.J. SMEENK, Zaltbomrnel, The Netherlands.
Smeenk in fact notes that the locus of point P is an arc of the circle with centre Q
which is orthogonal to T.
i^j J l<i^j<r ^3 T<ijij<n ^3 l<i<r *^J r<i<n ^3
r<j<n l<J<r
= x1 (y - •) + x 2 (y - — ) + ••• + xr (y - — )
V X\J \ x2J V xrJ
+xr+i b — —— + xr+2 6- — H h xn ( 6
\ Xr+1J \ Xr+2J \ Xn
+{xx + x2 + • • • + xr)b + ( — + — + ••• + — ) a
\X\ X2 Xr J
= xy — r + ab — (n — r) + xb + j/a = (x + a)(y + 6) — n
> (y/xy + vab)2 —n [true by Cauchy's inequality]
> (r + \/o6) - 7v
[equivalent to £ ^ = 1 x; • X^=i I/31* ~ r 2 ' w hich is again true by Cauchy's inequality],
which is independent of x i , . . . , xr.
Equality holds in the first inequality if and only if x/y = a/b, and in the second
inequality if and only if x\ — x2 = • • • = x r ( = x / r = r/y). So 5 attains its minimum
value if and only if
#1 — #2 ~ ' " * — xr — y T •
/ a r e a ( A £ F C ) \ _ / c o s ( 7 / 2 ) - sin( 7 /2) -f l \ 2
rjJJ Varea( A A B C ) J 2cos(7/2)
we have
CE-CPsinfl C P - C g s i n e _ CE-CQsm(e + 9)
2 2 ~ 2
which implies
sine sin(£ + 0) sin#
By the law of sines for ACPD,
= \/2CP,
sin(45° + 0) sin 45°
thus we get
1 V2smU5° + 6) , . ., , 1 V2sin(45° + y )
— —- and similarly ••-- (2)
CP h CQ h
_ =
x/2sin(e + 0)sin(45°
__ + 0) y/2 sin 6 sin(45°
_ + if)
^ ' m £
= 2 sin(£ + 9) sin(45° + 9) - 2 sin 9 sin(45° + <p)
= [cos(45° - e) - cos(45° + e + 20)} - [cos(45° + <p - 9) - cos(45° + 9 + ^)]
= [cos(45° - e) + cos(45° + e)\ - [cos(45° + £ + 20) + cos(45° + y - 9)\
= 2 cos 45° cos e - 2 cos(45° + e) cos 29
— A/2 cos e — A/2(COS £ — sin e) cos 20.
Thus we have
C£= ,.fe5in£ x „,. (3)
COS 6 + (sill £ — COS 5) COS 26
Similarly we get
CF=- _Ai^£___. (4)
cos £ + (sin £ — cos e) cos 2<£>
We have CAcos2# = h = CB cos2<p, therefore we obtain from (3) and (4)
and note
cos 29 cos 2(p = -[cos(2<? + 2(f) + cos(20 - 2<p)] = -[cos 2£ + cos 2(9 - 97)]
Case I: e = 45°. Then sine — cose = 0, and therefore we get from (5) and (6)
/cos(7/2)-sin(7/2) + l \ 2 ^ 1 = 1
\ 2cos(7/2) J 4 cos 2 45° 2 '.
and hence the given relation holds. [Editor's note: this case is the IMO problem mentioned
When e 7^ 45°, we have sine — cose 7^ 0. We put
cos e 7 9 . 9
a = __ ^ 6 = a — sin e ;
sin £ — cos e
then (5) becomes
where by (6)
(a + cos 29)(a + cos 2<p) = a2 + a(cos 20 + cos 2c/?) + cos 26 cos 2y>
= a 2 + 2a cos(# + ip) cos(0 — 9?) + cos 2 (0 — ^ ) — sin 2 e
= a 2 + 2a cos e cos(9 — ip) + cos 2 (0 — <£>) — sin 2 £
= cos 2 (0 — y>) + 2a cos e cos(# — <p) + b.
x 2 — sin 2 e
/(*) x2 + 2a cos e - x + h
for which
/ \ 2 cose . 2 sine
g(cos £) = cos £ + — h sin e = — — < 0,
and sin e — cos e sin 6 — cos £
,., 1 .9 sin£ — cos£ + 1 + sin 2 £(sin£ — cos£)
0(1) = 1 + _ + sin2£ = _ _ _ i . L
sin £ — cos e sin £ — cos e
sin e — cos e + 1 + sin 2 £(sin £ — cos e) > sin 2 e — cos e + 1 + sin 3 £ — sin 2 £ cos £
= (1 - cos £)(1 + sin 2 e) + sin 3 e > 0,
therefore g ( l ) < 0. Because g{x) is a convex function, we have g{x) < 0 for cos£ < x < 1.
Since a < 0, we get from (8) that /'(a;) > 0. Hence / ( # ) is increasing in cos£ < x < 1 and
has maximum at x = 1, i.e., when 8 = Lp. Therefore as in Case II the maximum value of
[EFC]/[ABC] is again
/cos(7/2)-sin(7/2) + l \ 2
V 2cos( 7 /2) | "
[Editor's note: in all cases, the given maximum occurs when CA — CB, i.e., when
for which x\2 = xXl. The value k = 1/e is excluded because Y — 1/e is tangent to
Y — (InX)lX at X = e where the curve has its (maximum) turning point. Furthermore,
for any pair of such values Xj,x2 we have xX2 = xx^ > e e , and conversely, if c > e e unique
x1,x2 exist with xX2 = x2l — c.
In terms of the original problem, this implies that for 0 < a < l / e e there are two
more solutions of the simultaneous equations y — ax and x = ay. For taking such an a we
can then find corresponding x1,x2 with xX2 = x2x = 1/a and set either x = l/a?i, y = l/x2
or x — l/x2, y = l/a:i, and then we have
i /1 y/x2 , i /1 y/xi ., i i
= a =
— I ~^2 I — ( ~~^f J ' with a = —^ = —£- .
X\ \%l / *^2 V *^ 2 / *^ 1 *^2
,r y
It is now claimed that all solutions of the equations y = a , x = a derive from one
of the above two methods. For if the equations hold then In 3/ = x In a and In x — y In a so
xhix = ylnj/. Now put a; = l / s i and y = l / x 2 ; then
1 , ,( 1 \ 1 , ,f 1
— In — ) = — In => ^1 In 2:2 = o ^ l n ^ i ==> x^1 = x%2
Xi 'V x i / X2 'Kx2
So for 1 > a > l / e e there is one solution and for 0 < a < l / e e there are three.
(I suppose some might say that a = l / e e leads to a triple root.)
Also solved by H.L. ABBOTT, University of Alberta; CHARLES ASHBACHER,
Cedar Rapids, Iowa; FRANCISCO BELLOT ROSADO, LB. Emilio Ferrari, Valladolid,
Spain; DAVID DOSTER, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, Connecticut; HANS
ENGELHAUPT, Franz-Ludwig-Gymnasium, Bamberg, Germany; MARCIN E. KUCZMA,
Warszawa, Poland; P. PENNING, Delft, The Netherlands; UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA
PROBLEM SOLVING GROUP, Tucson; and the proposer. Four incorrect solutions were
sent in.
Ashbacher points out that the problem appeared as problem 4334 in School Science
and Mathematics (proposed by its editor Richard A. Gibbs), with solution on pages 292-293
of the May/June 1992 issue.
The equation xy = yx has been frequently studied. See for instance Mathematics
Magazine, Vol. 63 (1990) 30-33, or Mathematical Gazette, Vol. 71 (1987) 131-135.
>jc ^ * * *
u2 - 1
Uo — 1 , U i — AC, ... , Un+1 — , ... ,
where k > 1 is an integer. Moreover, (a2 + b2 — l)/ab = fc and thus can take any integer
value greater than 1.
Proof. Let AC > 1 be any integer. Since
it follows by induction that if a and 6 are any two consecutive terms in the sequence then
a2 + b2 - 1 __ u2 + u\ - 1 _ 1 + k2 - 1
All pairs (a, 6) with 1 < a < b such that ab divides a2 + b2 — 1 arise in this fashion.
If a = 1 then put k = b and we are done. Now suppose that 1 < a < b and a6 divides
a2 •+ b2 — I. Let c = (a 2 — l ) / 6 so that c is an integer, 1 < c < a, and
ca (a2 — l)ab ab
Hence the pair (a, b) gives rise to the smaller pair (c,a) satisfying the same divisibility
criterion. This process can be continued until we obtain t h e pair (l,fc), where
k = (a 2 + b2 — l)/ab. Therefore (a, 6) = ( u n , u n + i ) for some n. [Editor's comment Note
that the equation c = (a 2 — l)/fe says that the sequence 6, a, c , . . . ,fc,1 generated by this
process is just a sequence of u n 's in reverse order.]
Also solved by H.L. ABBOTT, University of Alberta; HAYO AHLBURG, Benidorm,
Alicante, Spain; CHARLES ASHBACHER, Cedar Rapids, Iowa; SAM BAETHGE,
Science Academy, Austin, Texas; MARGHERITA BARILE, student, Universitdt Essen,
Germany; CHRISTOPHER J. BRADLEY, Clifton College, Bristol, U.K.; DAVID
DOSTER, Choate Rosemary Hall, Wallingford, Connecticut; HANS ENGELHAUPT,
Franz-Ludwig-Gymnasium, Bamberg, Germany; RICHARD I. HESS, Rancho Polos
Verdes, California; RANDY HO, student, University of Arizona, Tucson; JUN-HUA
HUANG, The 4th Middle School of Nanxian, Hunan, China; WALTHER JANOUS,
_ 1 + y/E
cos 2 a = (3)
GJ = HJ = LN = MN = = 1200 uncia. (2)
With F\G = 1748 uncia and F2H = 1992 uncia we furthermore have
FiG + F2H
CJ = „ = 1870 uncia. (3)
Now let us cast our minds back 2200 years, to the great Apollonios. To him, the
figure was quite familiar, and he would have been happy to point out that
CL = CM = CA=CB = = 1300 SaKTvXot} (4)
He had proved that A, L, M and B are points of the ellipse's circumcircle [1].
Using (1) to (4), we now simply have
2 2
CN = VCM* - MN* = W ( ^ ) - (^r) = 500 S&KTVXOI (5)
NJ = CJ-CN = 1370 SaKTvXot. (6)
This is also the elevation of P above ground.
If P were touching ground, the line LPNM would already signify ground level, and
the solution would stop at (5). Thanks to Apollonios — and to Pythagoras, of course —
solution (5) is not tricky, and (6) is not trickier, but "elementary, dear Watson".
By the way, since LLPFX = LMPF2 [2], we have
[1] It is a pleasure to honor this great mathematician whose works are so rarely quoted
today: A-KOXXUJVLOV Hspjalov KUJVLKUJV 7', 1/ (Apollonios of Pergae, c. 220 B.C.,
Conies III, 50).
[2] 'ATTOWUH/LOV Uepjalov KLOULKUJI/ 7', /i7/' (Conies III, 48).
Also solved by SAM BAETHGE, Science Academy, Austin, Texas; HANS
ENGELHAUPT, Franz-Ludwig-Gymnasium, Bamberg, Germany; RICHARD L HESS,
Rancho Palos Verdes, California; FRIEND H. KIERSTEAD JR., Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio;
KEE-WAI LAU, Hong Kong; J.A. MCCALLUM, Medicine Hat, Alberta; P . PENNING,
Delft, The Netherlands; P. TSAOUSSOGLOU, Athens, Greece; and the proposer. One
incorrect solution was sent in.
By the Pigeonhole Principle, there are two pairs { l , i } and { l , j } that are assigned the
same pair from {11,12,13,14} and so the intersection of the resulting 4-element sets has
3 elements.
n = 15 will work. See the following chart for assigning pairs.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 where a = 11,12
1 b c d e / 9 h i 3 b= 11,13
2 d e / 9 h i 3 a c = 12,13
3 / 9 h i 3 a b d= 11,14
4 h i 3 a b c c = 12,14
5 3 a b c d /=13,14
6 b c d e 0 = 11,15
7 d e / h = 12,15
8 / 9 i = 13,15
9 h j = 14,15
For example, the pair {5,9} gets assigned to c, or {12,13}, to form the 4-element set
[Editor's note. Ho's rule here is simply to assign to each pair {x, y} from { 1 , 2 , . . . , 10} one
of the 10 pairs from {11,12,13,14,15} depending on what x + y is modulo 10. Thus it is
clear that no two pairs { x i , y i } and {22,2/2} w i t h an element in common can be assigned
the same pair, so the resulting 4-element sets must have at most two elements in common.]
Also solved by H.L. ABBOTT, University of Alberta; JUN-HUA HUANG, The 4th
Middle School of Nanxian, Hunan, China; WALTHER JANOUS, Ursulinengymnasium,
Innsbruck, Austria; STOYAN N. KAPRALOV, Technical University, Gabrovo, Bulgaria;
MARGIN E. KUCZMA, Warszawa, Poland; KEE-WAI LAU, Hong Kong; ANDY LIU,
University of Alberta; R.P. SEALY, Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick;
and the proposer.
Abbott generalized the result by replacing { 1 , 2 , . . . , 10} by { 1 , 2 , . . . , m } and
{ 1 1 , 1 2 , . . . , n } by {m + l , r a + 2 , . . . , m + s}. The minimum value of s (depending on
m) can be found as above.
As pointed out by both Kapralov and the proposer, the problem is related to the
construction of ^balanced tournament designs77.
Dr. G.W. Sands, Editor-in-Chief Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary,
Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4
Dr. R.E. Woodrow, Editor-in-Chief Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Calgary,
i Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4
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