Neuroetologia de MC Lean
Neuroetologia de MC Lean
Neuroetologia de MC Lean
Recent Titles in
Human Evolution, Behavior, and Intelligence
Westport, Connecticut
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Acknowledgments xxix
Introduction xxxi
16. Reification and Hegemony: The Human Brain as the Linkage Between
Macro and Micro Level Political Phenomena
17. Upshifting and Downshifting the Triune Brain: Roles in Individual and
Social Pathology
Jaak Panksepp
I offer this foreword to validate and extend Paul MacLean's strategic conject-
ures concerning the evolved bases for emotions and related neuromental
processes. Neuroevolutionary perspectives such as those advocated by MacLean
are essential to explore the fundamental nature of the human mind. It remains a
pity that some neuroscientists currently marginalize the approach to brain/mind
organization that the MacLean legacy constitutes. I do not believe these investi-
gators provide credible theoretical alternatives. It is true that some emotion
researchers who have criticized or ignored MacLean's contributions (e.g.,
Joseph LeDoux and Edmund Rolls, respectively) have made important
contributions to relatively circumscribed areas, but MacLean sought to elucidate
the overall mind-brain puzzle as a functioning whole. Surely the path to substan-
tive progress must be paved by a synthesis of molecular and molar perspectives.
Those who pursue proximal fine-grained research ought not to pretend they
offer more robust interpretations than does MacLean (and others who hew to
more conceptually integrative points of view). Indeed, the larger evolutionary
considerations must frame molecular analyses—not vice versa.
I do not here reiterate critical points raised in the many fine chapters in this
volume (note especially the one by Jerry Cory to whose points I will add). I
certainly affirm, however, that some critics unfairly treat MacLean's legacy;
they sweep his sagacious and broad perspective away as if it were detritus of a
pre-scientific past. MacLean's "limbic system" concept (didactically sound
though it is) and his enunciation of general patterns in the evolution of brain and
emotions (sound though they are as well) have too commonly been the focus of
recent attacks by those who seem to consistently ignore MacLean's abundant
empirical contributions. Some senselessly gratuitous attacks reflect inadequate
historical or conceptual perspectives while misrepresenting MacLean's position,
perhaps with opportunistic intent.
X Foreword
Mind evolution must necessarily be inferred from living brain functions, not
fossilized tissues. None can parse such issues with the precision all would
desire, but this should not prevent continuing inquiry into such important topics.
Here I note that MacLean pursued these matters with a unique devotion, one
adventurous, scientific and humanistic. Regrettably, modern molecular neuro-
science does not adequately admire his intuitive sensibility. Rather, the guiding
principle once again holds that if you can't measure it concretely and
unambiguously, it would be best to be silent. Many have forgotten or never
recognized Immanuel Kant's famous dictum from The Critique of Pure Reason:
"Concepts without factual content are empty; sense-data without concepts are
blind. The senses cannot think, the understanding cannot see. By their union
only can knowledge be produced."
The most productive avenue to understanding the evolved emotional systems
of the brain would specify how coordinated systems of neuronal activities
generate global behavioral and psychological "existential" states in sentient
organisms. Ethological study of natural behavior in animals best delineates
global functions of the brain and mind. A minute analysis of isolated elements
can lead instead to an ontological myopia that focuses on molecular analyses for
their own sake rather than conceptualizing and perceiving actual neuromental
operating systems. In other words, reductionism with no clear vision of what
needs to be reduced litters the grove of science with leaves in need of raking and
We see similar premature reductionism in biological psychiatry. A psychiatry
that only pays attention to molecules, and not to evolutionary issues of how
brain emotional systems are organized represents an extreme case of scientific
short-sightedness. It often misses the functional forests (e.g., networks) because
it details the neuronal-molecular undergrowth. Paul MacLean recognized the
necessity of viewing both the broad sweep of the canopies and the underlying
details: he charted a path by which we might study both levels. This volume
shares his broad vision, without dismissing the essential details to which all
scientists must attend.
Now all reasonable scholars, unlike the behaviorists of the 20th century,
accept that we need neuronal concepts to understand how behavior and the mind
work. But few recognize the important corollary: without certain basic
psychological concepts—ones best represented by the instinctual affective urges
of animals—we cannot understand the brain. When we understand such intrinsic
mind/brain processes, we can more ably develop an evolutionary psychiatry that
sees the ancient affective personality-creating forces of the brain/mind as novel
targets for both chemotherapy and psychotherapies. This level of analysis will
also inform us how these ancient phylogenetic progressions of brain/mind
development still affect the subjective complexities of human lives.
The specific mental contents of individual lives—thoughts and memories
that make us fully human—are brought to us abundantly by various informa-
tionally encapsulated "channel-functions" of the brain. Yet the affective founda-
tions for mental being stem from more ancient and deeply organic network
"state-functions" of the brain. These underlying organic processes generate
Foreword xiii
dawn for our pedagogy and science should the superficial views of the neo-
behaviorist critics prevail indefinitely. In my estimation, intellectual travesties
ensue without a holistic view of emotions that aspires to clarify the neuronal-
network foundations upon which such large-scale mind/brain processes subsist.
The molecular analyzes of some critics have usefully worked out details of
limited problems, but shed little light on how brain matters eventually generate
coherent emotional states and affective experiences.
Thus far I have spoken generally. Now let me be more concrete and frank in
extending Jerry Cory's rebuttal of selected MacLean critics; his chapter
principally considers those who reviewed MacLean's 1990 opus. Since he
doesn't refer specifically to the views of Joseph LeDoux, I will bring these into
focus. Widely hailed as "the leading expert on the emotional brain" (Gazzaniga,
et al. 1998, Textbook of Cognitive Neuroscience, p. 516), LeDoux's empirical
work in fact represents the apotheosis of a learning-centered, neo-behaviorist
neuroscience that hasn't yet come to grips with the evolved nature of
emotionality. He has been most dismissive of MacLean's integrative views, and
he has been the most sustained opponent of the limbic system concept within
"the emotional brain" community. In articulating and pushing forward his own
agenda, LeDoux (1996, 2000) has explicitly misrepresented MacLean's perspec-
tives. To all appearances he has done so intentionally—unless he has either
misunderstood or not carefully read what MacLean actually wrote in The Triune
Brain in Evolution.
A malaise in modern brain-emotion research emerges from neuroscientists
ignoring affective states of consciousness. By applying some bitter medicine, I
hope to make some critical points that are hard to achieve using more sugar-
coated (i.e., unforthright) intellectual maneuvers. Although I may not change the
minds or hearts of those who need it most, a new generation of scholars may
learn through the mistakes and miscommunications of present and preceding
LeDoux selected what he perceives to be the weakest link in the armor of the
competition (i.e., Paul MacLean's "limbic system" concept as an anatomical
entity) for launching a subtle attack on those who accept emotional feelings as
an important topic for neuroscientific inquiry. Indeed, LeDoux has falsely
claimed that MacLean employed the "limbic system" as an explanation of a
monolithic emotion process—a simply incorrect statement. MacLean applies the
concept only to circumscribe approximate neuronal territories as appropriate
targets for inquiry. LeDoux's claim is especially arbitrary since he cites no
chapter or verse from MacLean's magnum opus (indeed, the book is not even
cited in most of his recent reviews, with preference given to MacLean's earlier
and less timely materials).
Although LeDoux's group has done excellent empirical work in the area of
fear learning, he ignores whole swaths of relevant data collected under
conceptual approaches other than his own. Along the way he has selected
subsidiary issues (e.g., the "limbic system" concept of MacLean's work, and my
own ontological position that certain other animals probably experience
emotional feelings) as reasons to disregard our empirical work and to avoid our
XVI Foreword
ignored the importance of Damasio's (1999) basic insight that body mapping
(and by implication, particularly the mapping of the needs of the body in the
environment of evolutionary adaptation) represents a foundation for integrative
neuroscience in general and consciousness studies in particular. Most theories of
attentional functions (prerequisite to working memory) assume that working
memory distills what attentional functions capture in conscious workspace. They
thereby emphasize the importance of a host of subcortical, midline thalamic and
reticular structures structurally very close to the affective core of the brain and
probably inexorably intertwined with such systems.
MacLean put these epistemic concerns at the forefront of his agenda of brain
research; for this reason, many humanists have admired his work. Rather than
conceptualize the fuller complexity of brain substrates of emotionality, LeDoux
chose to "escape from the shackles of subjectivity" (2000: 156). However, in
pursuing the "easily" doable, he employs a series of subtle "sleight of mind"
marketing-type tricks which help many believe he has actually been studying
and encouraging the study of basic emotional processes in the brain, something
rather far from the truth. In his most recent book, LeDoux (2001) lists the
various traditional memory-learning information-processing "tricks" he uses to
study "emotions." Although his traditional memory research program is solid, he
offers no credible new solution to "the emotion problem." To sustain such
Janus-faced posturing, different and more substantive ideas of others must be
ignored and/or suppressed. His studied inattention to actual neuroethological
research implicitly emphasizes such work as irrelevant to emotional processes.
Instead of dealing with substantive empirical and theoretical issues while
criticizing MacLean, LeDoux chooses shallow criticism of subsidiary or surface
issues remarkably easy to caricature. Of course, the same could easily be done
for amygdalar research (Panksepp 2000a: 139-140).
The way MacLean posits the limbic-system little resembles the way LeDoux
abuses the concept. Surely there have been many others who have employed
MacLean's ideas in oversimplified ways, but MacLean used the concept as
biologists might use taxonomic concepts such as genera, kingdoms, etc.—to
partition the complexity of nature. Most evolutionists recognize that such
concepts have no ontological reality—rather they represent "practical kinds"
that conceptualize inquiry more effectively than the positivistic harvesting of
data without guiding theories.
The main practical question about the limbic system concept concerns
whether it pointed effectively toward the main brain areas essential for
emotionality. Overwhelming evidence shows the concept is robustly affirmed,
as through meta-analysis of PET and fMRI imaging of brain arousals during
felt-emotions. Did the limbic concept give us a definitive mechanistic explana-
tion of how emotions emerge from detailed operations of enormous numbers of
neural systems that course through the limbic system? No, it did not. However,
it identified a set of neuronal correlates that must always precede causal studies.
Many investigators who take the expanded limbic neuro-geography seriously
have made enormous advances in characterizing those causes. In this context, it
is worth noting that the most comprehensive PET study of internally
XX Foreword
ignore the weight of evidence, and sustain our uniquely human arrogance about
our place in nature?
LeDoux states (in Gazzaniga et al. 1998: 516): "Many emotions . . . involve
phylogenetically old brain systems that evolved to control the body behaviorally
and physiologically in response to environmental challenges. These systems take
care of things like defense against danger, sexual behavior, maternal behavior,
eating, and other things like this. These are the kinds of emotional systems we
can study in the animal brain" He skillfully avoids addressing the issue of
affect in enunciating this view. In any event, these are the types of systems
MacLean and investigators following in his tradition have long studied using all
the care of standard science. For some of us interested in human emotions, such
studies entail the reasonable corollary that a study of the neural substrates of the
objective natural emotional behaviors of animals can guide us to an
understanding of the ancestral neural sources of human feelings.
A half century ago the field of emotion research needed a preliminary
surveyor to plot the organizational framework for understanding emotions.
MacLean provided a most credible plot, as long as one is willing to absorb it all
with an open mind and appreciate that some needed "corrections" and
elaborations are inevitable (Panksepp 1998). This type of work and thinking can
interface with an understanding of psychiatric issues more readily than any other
pre-clinical strategy that is available. Emotional states probably have phenomen-
ological meaning for all mammals.
In sum, evolved functions of the brain, such as the various emotional
systems, cannot be adequately conceptualized in channel-function information-
processing terms. Additionally needed are concepts that recognize hundreds of
thousands of neurons working spontaneously together to generate organic
pressures for action and feeling within the visceral neural core of animate
existence. In 1949 and 1952 MacLean offered the "limbic system" concept as
the most suitable piece of neuroevolutionary territory wherein we could begin to
investigate emotional systems in earnest. During the ensuing forty years, he
followed his own advice well, and the weight of evidence still affirms he had
surveyed the functional terrain of the brain remarkably accurately.
Let me now re-emphasize a key distinction I have used throughout this
foreword—one all investigators need to consider if interested in the intimate
relations between brain functions and mind. Emotional feelings are not simply
informationally encapsulated "channel functions" of the brain (as Marcel
Mesulam used the term in his Behavioral Neurology). Rather, evolved emotional
systems represent global "state-functions" reliant on complex organic organi-
zation of broadly operating brain systems. Single unit electrophysiological
approaches ideally suited for studying channel functions cannot inform on the
state functions emerging from large ensembles of neurons and supportive
organic processes operating dynamically together to weave the "whole cloth" of
the basic psychobehavioral processes of the brain. To understand neuromental
"organ systems" requires experimental strategies other than single cell
recordings from one brain location; classical stimulus-control paradigms may
not optimally capture the patterned activities of such evolved brain/mind
xxiv Foreword
systems. What is needed are multiple, simultaneous recordings from many brain
sites during spontaneous emotional behaviors, and an integration of those data
with neurogenetic, neurochemical and neuroethological perspectives.
Concurrent electrophysiological and neurochemical studies may provide
great insights using many probes positioned at just the right points within
specific emotional systems (starting in higher regions of the amygdala and
working down to the periaqueductal gray). Increasingly sophisticated EEG and
MEG algorithms may usher in new and insightful neurodynamic measures that
may monitor emotional feelings more directly (e.g., as Walter Freeman's EEG
measurement of chaotic neurodynamics highlighted perceptual processes; see
How the Brain Makes Up Its Mind). The broad anatomies of emotional systems
will expand (like the "limbic system" expanded) as our knowledge ripens from
harvesting the right kinds of facts. No single center for emotions in the brain
exists, contrary to the implications of certain amygdalophiles. The "limbic
system," as originally proposed, simply recognized the major brain territory in
which our empirical confrontation with the diverse circuits for the various
emotional miseries and joys might be most successfully consummated.
MacLean's insight has proven fundamentally correct.
The information-processing metaphor holds more importance for analyzing
the many "channel functions" of the brain that control sensory processes rather
than for understanding the more organic and holistic emotional processes.
Clearly the cognitive revolution oversold "information-processing," at least for
understanding the deeper sources of our emotions and motivations, and perhaps
even the foundations of certain cognitive processes. This unfortunately draws
many young investigators to the comparatively idle pursuit of computing mind
before they gain clear understanding of the global neural underpinnings of
organic action systems that evolution built into the lower reaches of the neuro-
mental apparatus shared with so many other creatures.
Despite heavy investment in behavioristic models of fear-learning and the
associated information processing of conditioned stimuli, investigators should
open their minds to larger evolutionary issues entailed by neuro-ethological and
psycho-ethological state-systems approaches. Traditional perception-to-action
models, with response systems deemed totally unconscious, do not suffice. As
we come to understand the evolved emotional operating systems of the brain,
action-to-perception processes may end up as more important for understanding
the foundations of consciousness than the now dubious promise of cognitive
computationalism (Jerry Fodor 2000, The Mind Does Not Work That Way). In
sum, the evolved "instinctual" action systems that control emotional states of the
brain represent essential targets for study if we wish to understand how
emotional feelings arise within the brain.
MacLean sought to tackle such important issues, and we would have a much
healthier climate for research on the neural basis of emotions if all relevant
approaches could work in some type of consilience rather than the present
competitively fearsome "conformity enforcement." At least animal investigators
now agree emotional behaviors are in the objective realm of traditional science,
while many investigators of human psychology have taken the next step and also
Foreword XXV
rich fabric of thought and data. Although chapters vary in depth and other
qualities, none trivializes the core processes that underpin our extremely rich
cognitive apparatus. For those interested in the archeology of mind, and the
tethers that bind us still to the evolutionary adaptations that emerged in "deep
time," this volume will be treasured. We will not understand the emergence of
new mind/brain functions, such as trends for semantically-mediated sociality,
mild-mannered deception as well as scientific Machiavellianism and the
underpinnings of cultural ritual unless we pay our full respects to the older
adaptations upon which our higher mental faculties are grounded.
I wish to acknowledge useful comments on earlier versions of this foreword by Russell Gardner,
Anesa Miller, David Pincus, Doug Watt, and Daniel Wilson.
Blumberg, M.S., & Sokoloff, G. (2001). Do infant rats cry? Psychological Review, 108,
Damasio, A.R. (1999). The Feeling of What Happens, Body and Emotion in the Making
of Consciousness. New York: Harcourt Brace.
Damasio, A.R., Grabowski, T.J., Bechara, A., Damasio, H., Ponto, L.L.B., Parvizi, J. &
Hichwa, R.D. (2000). Subcortical and cortical brain activity during the feeling of
self-generated emotions. Nature Neuroscience, 3, 1049-1056.
Fodor, J. (2000) The Mind Doesn 7 Work That Way: The Scope and Limits of Computa-
tional Psychology. The MIT Press: Cambridge UK.
Freeman, W.J. (1999). How Brains Make up Their Minds. London, Weidenfeld &
Gainotti, G. (2001). Hemisphere asymmetries for autonomic functions, Evidence from
normal subjects and brain-damaged patients. In A. Kazniak (ed.) Emotions, Qualia
and Consciousness. (Pp. 235-246), London, World Scientific.
Gazzaniga, M.S., Ivry, R.B. & Mangun, G.R. (1998). Cognitive Neuroscience: The
Biology of Mind. New York: W. W. Norton.
Hill, E.M., & Newlin, D.B. (eds.) (2002). Special Issue: Evolutionary Psychobiological
Approaches to Addiction. Addiction, 97, 375-474.
Knutson, B., Burgdorf, J. & Panksepp, J. (2002). Ultrasonic vocalizations as indices of
affective states in rats. Psychological Bulletin, In press.
Lamb R. J.; Preston K. L.; Schindler C. W.; Meisch R. A.; Davis F.; Katz J. L.;
Henningfield J. E.; & Goldberg S. R. (1991). The reinforcing and subjective effects
of morphine in post-addicts: a dose-response study. The Journal of Pharmacology
and Experimental Therapeutics, 259, 1165-1173.
LeDoux, J.E. (1996). The Emotional Brain. New York, Simon & Schuster.
LeDoux, J.E. (1999). Psychoanalytic theory, Clues from the brain. NeuroPsycho-
analysis, 1, 44-49.
LeDoux, J.E. (2000). Emotion circuits in the brain. Annual Review of Neuroscience, 23,
LeDoux, J.E. (2001). The Synaptic Self. New York: Viking.
MacLean, P.D. (1990). The Triune Brain in Evolution, Role in Paleocerebral Functions.
New York: Plenum Press.
Foreword xxvii
Mesulam, M.M. (2000). Principles of Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology, 2" edition,
New York: Oxford University Press.
Panksepp, J. (1982). Toward a general psychobiological theory of emotions. The
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 5, 407-467.
Panksepp, J. (1990). The psychoneurology of fear: Evolutionary perspectives and the role
of animal models in understanding human anxiety. In Handbook of Anxiety, (pp. 3 -
58), Amsterdam: Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press.
Panksepp, J. (1998). Affective Neuroscience, The foundations of human and animal
emotions. New York: Oxford University Press.
Panksepp, J. (1999a). Emotions as viewed by psychoanalysis and neuroscience, An
exercise in consilience, NeuroPsychoanalysis, 1, 15-38.
Panksepp, J. (1999b). Drives, id energies, and the neuroscience of emotions: Response to
the commentaries. NeuroPsychoanalysis, 7, 69-89.
Panksepp, J. (2000a). Emotions as natural kinds within the mammalian brain. In: M.
n d
Lewis and J. Haviland (eds.) The Handbook of Emotions, 2 edition, pp. 137-156.
New York: Guilford.
Panksepp, J. (2000b). The neuro-evolutionary cusp between emotions and cognitions,
implications for understand consciousness and the emergence of a unified mind
science. Consciousness & Emotion, 1, 17-56.
Panksepp, J. (2000c). On preventing another century of misunderstanding, Toward a
psychoethology of human experience and a psychoneurology of affect. Neuro-
Psychoanalysis, 2, 240-255.
Panksepp, J. (2001). The long-term psychobiological consequences of infant emotions:
Prescriptions for the twenty-first century. Infant Mental Health Journal, 22, 132-173.
Panksepp, J. (2002a). At the interface of affective, behavioral and cognitive neuros-
ciences. Decoding the emotional feelings of the brain. Brain and Cognition, In press.
Panksepp, J. (2002b). Can anthropomorphic analyses of "separation cries" in other
animals inform us about the emotional nature of social loss in humans? Psychological
Review (in press).
Panksepp, J. & Burgdorf, J. (1999) Laughing rats? Playful tickling arouses high
frequency ultrasonic chirping in young rodents. In , S. Hameroff, C. Chalmers, and A.
Kazniak,(eds). Toward a science of consciousness III (pp. 231-244) Cambridge, MA:
MIT Press.
Panksepp, J., Knuston, B. & Burgdorf, J. (2002a). The role of emotional brain systems in
addictions: A neuro-evolutionary perspective. Addiction, 97, 459-469.
Panksepp, J., Nocjar, C , Burgdorf, J., Panksepp, J.B., & Huber, R. (2002b). The role of
emotional systems in addiction: A neuroethological perspective. In R. Bevins & M.
Bardo (eds). 5Cf Nebraska Symposium on Motivation: Motivational Factors in the
Etiology of Drug Abuse, (in press) Lincoln, Nebraska: Univ. of Nebraska Press.
Stern, D.N. (1985). The Interpersonal World of the Infant: A view from psychoanalysis
and developmental psychology. New York: Basic Books.
Stern, D.N. (1999). Vitality contours: The temporal contour of feelings as a basic unit for
constructing the infant's social experience. In P. Rochat (Ed.), Early Social
Cognition: Understanding other in the first months of life. (pp. 67-80). Mahwah, NJ:
Trevarthen, C. (2001). Intrinsic motives for companionship in understanding: Their
origin, development, and significance for infant mental health. Infant Mental Health
Journal, 22: 95-131.
The editors wish to thank Seymour Itzkoff, series editor, Dr. James Sabin,
Director of Academic and Research Development, Catherine A. Lyons,
production supervisor, Megan Peckman and Terri M. Jennings, production
editors, Greenwood Publishing Group for their support and guidance in the
production of this book. We are grateful for a grant from Pfizer Corporation in
support of the symposium on the work of Paul MacLean sponsored by the
Across Species Comparisons and Psychopathology Society (ASCAP) held in
Boston, Massachussetts, July 16-17, 1999, the essential proceedings of which
are reported in this volume. We also wish to acknowledge the valuable support
of Suzi Gardner in organizing and producing the Boston symposium. The
production of this book was further supported by a grant from the Center for
Behavioral Ecology, San Jose, California. Tony Tidwell, Alex Bayne, Nicole
Bayne, Abby Bayne and other staff members of the Center were of great support
in the research and preparation of the manuscript.
Elsevier Science for permission to use Tables 10.1 (pp. 172-173), 10.2
(175-177), and 10.3 (178-180) from Pontius, A.A. 1997. "Homicide linked
to moderate repetitive stresses kindling limbic seizures in 14 cases of Limbic
Psychotic Trigger Reaction." Aggression & Violent Behavior, 2: 125-141.
Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins for permission to reprint Figure 12.2, page
219 (spike and wave EEG seizure discharges) from Mirsky AF, Tecce, JJ:
XXX Acknowledgments
Little Brown Time Warner Books for permission to reprint Figure 12.3
page 220 (diagram of centrencephalic system) from Jasper, W. and Penfield,
H.H. Epilepsy and the Functional Anatomy of the Human Brain, 1954.
Academic Press for permission to use Figure 12.5, page 222 (effect of
electrical stimulation of the brain on visually controlled behavior in the
Macaca mulatto) from Bakay Pragay E, Mirsky AF, Fullerton BC, Oshima
HI, Arnold SW: Effect of electrical stimulation of the brain on visually
controlled (attentive) behavior in the Macaca mulatta. Experimental
Neurology 1975; 49: 203-220.
Kluwer Academic for permission to use Figure 12.7, page 224 (semi-
schematic representation of attention system of human brain) from Mirsky
AF, Anthony BJ, Duncan CC, Ahearn MB, Kellam SG: Analysis of the
elements of attention: A neuropsychological approach. Neuropsychology
Review 1991; 2: 109-145.
The chapter by C.U.M. Smith deals with the new findings in developmental
evolutionary biology and molecular genetics. These new fields provide insights
into the evolutionary process, which is characterized by a remarkable mix of
conservation and divergence in brain evolution as well as body plans and other
features. Smith relates these exciting new discoveries to the evolutionary
perspective of MacLean, which emphasized the conservation of ancient brain
structures as well as the variation emanating therefrom in the phylogenetic
history of change, leading toward the full evolution of the human brain. Smith
emphasizes especially the continuities in the development of the visual system.
The chapter by Neil Greenberg, who early worked with MacLean on the
striatal system in lizards, updates that earlier work with new findings that extend
our understanding of this portion of our neural architecture, already prominent in
reptiles ancestral to present-day mammals and, indeed, humans. In keeping with
MacLean's earlier insights, the striatal complex (MacLean's protoreptilian
complex) demonstrably affects and organizes not only motor behavior, but the
sequencing of complex behavior, including language and cognition. This is also
emphasized by Philip Lieberman in Human Language and Our Reptilian Brain
Russell Gardner, Jr.'s chapter appropriately provides the foundation for a
two-part focus on clinical theory and applications. Gardner draws upon the new
findings discussed in the previous chapters to address the current lack of a
satisfactory framework for psychiatry and the related helping sciences. Gardner
sees MacLean's emphasis on social behaviors that stemmed from adaptations
originating in deep time as a impetus for a revival of MacLean's influence.
Results from data generated by the genome project, as well as other genetic and
brain research, combine with the need of psychiatry and related disciplines to
connect brain actions with normal human communicative behavior. This con-
vergence leads Gardner to the idea that psychiatry's basic science should be
designated sociophysiology. He concludes that the social brain concept allows
psychiatry and its allied clinical disciplines to utilize pathogenesis in a manner
parallel to practice in other specialties.
The next three chapters apply triune theory to the theoretical and applied
study of clinical depression. John Price applies the triune model to early
vertebrate escalation and de-escalation (fight/submission) strategies. The paleo-
mammalian, or limbic emotional centers add intense emotional tone to these
strategies including the anger, exhilaration, and rage of the escalation strategy
and the fear, depression, shame, and guilt of de-escalation. The neomammalian
or higher cortical structures bring conscious, rational decision to fight or to
submit. Depressive illness may result from conflict between the newer and older
Leon Sloman discusses the social competition model of depression to clarify
the evolutionary and communicative function of subordinate mechanisms that
contribute to psychological and biological features of depression. Within a
context inclusive of other models, such as attachment theory, discrete emotion
theory, and cognitive behavior therapy, variations in self-esteem and mood
fluctuations reflect the operation of genetically programmed mechanisms with
XXXV Introduction
chapter by Roger Masters, like that of Pontius provides a very specific, although
different focus. Applying findings of evolutionary neuroscience to social theory
and policy, he reports new information on how environmental pollution by
heavy metals affects evolved neural architecture of the human central nervous
system. Introduction of these heavy elements into the environment by modern
industrialized and technological civilization factors importantly in causing
behavioral abnormalities, including violence and learning deficits. Since these
important social effects can only be properly understood by a full appreciation
of the advances in evolutionary neuroscience, Masters concludes by calling for
an end to academic isolation between the natural and the social sciences.
Following this challenge by Masters, albeit at a different level of integration,
the next four chapters also move to a convergence between neural architecture
and social interactions. Steven Peterson's chapter opens this section with a
discussion of the connection between ancient brain structures and the socially
and politically significant phenomena of reification and hegemony. He shows
how MacLean's research provides valuable insight for understanding the
biological roots of these human social tendencies. Kent Bailey's paper
represents his most current application of phylogenetic regression-progression
theory. Building on MacLean's three levels of the brain (neocortical, paleo-
mammalian, and reptilian), Bailey's theory postulates that human experience, at
any given moment, is the product of the dynamic interplay of newer progressive
(neocortical) tendencies with older and often more urgent regressive ones. The
theory postulates that regression is inherently pleasurable, easily stimulated, and
reflects a loss or diminution of higher cortical controls linked to inhibition by
social enculturation. Bailey applies his model to explicating the recent school
tragedy at Littleton, Colorado.
Gerald Cory's chapter uses the dynamic interaction of MacLean's three-level
concept to develop reciprocal algorithms of behavior, based upon the tug and
pull of ego and empathy, neocortical representations of early vertebrate self-
preservational programming, and later evolved mammalian affectional program-
ming. Cory argues for the shaping effect of this neural architecture upon social
exchange, economics, and political institutions. The chapter by Daniel Levine
and Nilendu Jani applies contributions from the perspective of neural and
cognitive modeling to triunian theory. They construct and report preliminary
testing of a neural network model that simulates the dynamic interaction of the
ego-empathy reciprocal algorithm. Inclusively, the three chapters show potential
for convergence toward a multidimensional model of individual and social
The concluding chapter sums up the several convergences indicated by the
previous chapters, assesses the current state of MacLean's contribution, and
focuses appropriate questions toward the frontiers of research and theory.
Lieberman, P. (2000). Human Language and Our Reptilian Brain. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press.
MacLean, P. D. (1990) The Triune Brain in Evolution: Role in Paleocerebral Functions.
NY: Plenum.
Panksepp, Jaak and Jules B. Panksepp. (2000). "The Seven Sins of Evolutionary
Psychology." Pp. 108-131 in Evolution and Cognition. Vol 6, No 2.
Science. 1990. Review of MacLean's The Triune Brain in Evolution V. 250 (Oct 12),
Karl H. Pribram
MacLean's interests and mine were so compatible that I was sure it would be a
joy to have him collaborate.
MacLean and I did a series of experiments together. He was a delightful
companion, and it was a joyous experience all around. We continued the
chemical stimulation studies begun by Warren McCulloch, Gerhardt Bonin and
Percival Bailey, concentrating on the medial and basal cortex which they had
not been able to reach (MacLean & Pribram 1953; Pribram & MacLean 1953).
We worked with monkeys, with acallosal opossums (they really smelled awful),
and found the cortical region (orbitofrontal and perirhinal) excited by electrical
stimulation of the vagus nerve. But then, when it came to writing up our results,
we encountered great difficulty. MacLean's gift for naming, though often useful
in promoting ideas, seemed to me to be applied rather rashly: The term "limbic"
used by Paul Broca (his Grande Lobe Limbique) was at that time restricted to
the cortex of the cingulate gyrus. My friend and mentor Jerzy Rose was dead set
against extending the term to the entire mediobasal rim of the hemisphere.
MacLean's persuasion won the day, and I happily supported his enterprise since
I had shown a commonality of physiological effects from electrical stimulation
of the entire region and a commonality of effects on behavior from resections of
the variety of anatomical structures that comprised the Grande Lobe (Pribram
1954; Pribram 1958a; Pribram & Bagshaw 1953; Pribram & Fulton 1954;
Pribram & Kruger 1954).
Another term that MacLean coined was the "schizophysiology" of cortical
processing. This term was based on the finding we obtained using strychnine
neuronography: Although much of the neocortex had an input to the hippo-
campus, there was apparently no direct output from the hippocampus to the
neocortex. This was an important finding, which I have used recently in trying
to model the functions in learning of the hippocampus. The term schizo-
physiology never attained the recognition it deserved, partly because chemical
stimulation of the cortex, that is, strychnine neuronography, went out of fashion.
But all did not go so smoothly with the term "visceral brain." On the basis of
the work that Livingston, Ward, Kaada, Epstein and I had done to show that
electrical excitation of the mediobasal cortex produced changes in respiratory
and heart rate, in blood pressure (and later in gastrointestinal activity), MacLean
coined the term the "visceral" brain to apply to the limbic forebrain. This reson-
ated with established views.
James Papez had pronounced his famous (limbic) circuit to be responsible
for emotions. William James had popularized the James-Lange theory that
emotions were due to feedback to the brain from the viscera when they were
engaged by a stimulating event. Walter Cannon and P. Bard had critiqued
James' theory and replaced it with a thalamic theory. Lashley had critiqued the
Cannon-Bard theory as similarly flawed. Papez and MacLean came to the
rescue: The limbic system, not the thalamus nor the viscera per se, was
responsible for our emotions—though both (hypo)thalamus and viscera are
critically involved because of their connections to the limbic brain.
Pribram and MacLean in Perspective 5
But I had reservations. These stemmed from a patient I had described who
had localized seizures of sweating (a viscero-autonomic response) induced by a
localized tumor in the classical precentral motor cortex (Bucy & Pribram 1943).
I had enlisted Patrick Wall to use the same stimulation technique I had used
to map the mediobasal (limbic) motor cortex to map viscero-autonomic
responses from the lateral cortex. We aimed to discern whether the lateral and
mediobasal responses could be distinguished as to which were more para-
sympathetic and which were more sympathetic. We were unable to make such a
distinction, but the experiments did demonstrate that the mediobasal motor
cortex is not the exclusive cortical regulator of the viscero-autonomic system
(Wall & Pribram 1950). In fact, our data supported Papez's view that emotions
were attitudes that involved the entire body, including the somatic as well as the
visceral musculature.
The lack of exclusivity of viscero-autonomic control by the mediobasal
cortex made it inappropriate to call the limbic forebrain a visceral brain. Nor
could I go along with the uncritical acceptance of the James-Lange viscerally
based theory of emotions. MacLean and I agreed to seriously disagree on this
point and did so publicly on several occasions.
Some years later, my experiments discovered the importance of the amyg-
dala to the habituation of the orienting response. My colleague Muriel Bagshaw
and I used visceral and autonomic indicators and showed that when viscero-
autonomic activity failed to be involved in generalized orienting, the response
failed to become habituated (Bagshaw, Kimble & Pribram 1965; Kimble,
Bagshaw & Pribram 1965; Pribram, Reitz, McNeil & Spevack 1979). Orienting
to novelty was, as the experiments of Eugene Sokolov had shown, due to a
mismatch between an established representation of the familiar, a neuronal
model, and the current sensory input. (Sokolov and Luria had visited my new
laboratories at Stanford University when I received an appointment there in
1959.) MacLean's intuition was not so far off after all. However, viscero-
autonomic processing had more to do with the familiarization and valuation of
episodes of experience based on familiarity, a kind of memory process, than it
has to do with emotional feeling per se.
By the end of the 1970s, I endorsed Nina Bull's attitude theory of emotions
to which Lashley had alerted me. I found out her theory was also supported by
James Papez in a chapter of her book (Bull 1951/1968). The attitude theory's
biological base included not only visceral manifestations but also endocrine and,
importantly, somatic muscular responses to social and other environmental
situations, and therefore practically the entire brain (Pribram 1970, 1980).
Another and perhaps the most widely known "name" that MacLean proposed
is that of the triune brain. The idea for a division of the brain into a core, a
limbic, and a neo- set of systems came about after World War II. Before that
time the techniques available divided the central nervous system horizontally:
spinal, brain stem, isolated forebrain and decorticated preparations were
ordinarily studied. By contrast, during the 1940s and 1950s, three groups of
investigators began to study the brain "from the inside out." Magoun and
Lindsley, first at Northwestern University in Chicago and then at the University
6 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
Bagshaw, M. H., Kimble, D. P. & Pribram, K. H. (1965) The GSR of monkeys during
orienting and habituation after ablation of the amygdala, hippocampus and
inferotemporal cortex. Neuropsychologia, 11, pp. 111-119.
Bucy, P. C. & Pribram, K. H. (1943) Localized sweating as part of a localized convulsive
seizure. Archives of Neurology & Psychiatry, 50, pp. 456-461.
Bull, N. (1951/1968) The Attitude Theory of Emotion. Nervous and Mental Disease
Monographs Series, No. 81. NY: Johnson Reprint Corporation.
Fulton, J. F., Pribram, K. H., Stevenson, J. A. F., & Wall, P. (1949) Interrelations
between orbital gyrus, insula, temporal tip and anterior cingulate gyrus. Transactions
of the American Neurological Association, pp. 175-179.
Kaada, B. R., Pribram, K. H. & Epstein, J. A. (1949) Respiratory and vascular responses
in monkeys from temporal pole, insula, orbital surface and consulate gyrus. Journal
of Neurophysiology, 12, pp. 347-356.
Kimble, D. P., Bagshaw, M. H. & Pribram, K. H. (1965) The GSR of monkeys during
orienting and habituation after selective partial ablations of cingulate and frontal
cortex. Neuropsychologia, 3, pp. 121-128.
Lennox, M. A., Dunsmore, R. H., Epstein, K. A., & Pribram, K. H. (1950) Electrocor-
ticographic effects of stimulation of posterior orbital, temporal, and cingulate areas of
Macaca Mulatta. Journal of Neurophysiology, 13, pp. 383-388.
MacLean, P. D. (1990) The Triune Brain in Evolution: Role in Paleocerebral Functions.
New York: Plenum.
MacLean, P. D. (1997) The brain and subjective experience: Question of multilevel role
of resonance. The Journal of Mind and Behavior, Vol. 18, Nos. 2 & 3, pp. 247 [145]
268 [166].
MacLean, P. D. & Pribram, K. H. (1953) Neuronographic analysis of medial and basal
cerebral cortex. I. Cat. Journal of Neurophysiology, 16, pp. 312-323.
Pribram, K. H. (1954) Concerning three rhinencephalic systems. Electroencephalo-
graphy & Clinical Neurophysiology, 6, pp. 708-709.
8 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
Paul D. MacLean is a scientific thinker well ahead of his time. Following his
deeply held interest in the larger questions of human life, he started out studying
philosophy. Being unable to find satisfactory answers to questions such as the
origin and meaning of life—why humans in spite of their unrivaled intelligence
often behaved in seemingly irrational ways threatening their individual as well
as species survival—he turned to medicine and the study of the human brain.
He anticipated the brain, as the biological substrate of these behaviors, held the
key to better understanding of these fundamental questions as well as hopefully
their answers.
MacLean was, for many years, chief of the Laboratory of Brain Evolution
and Behavior of the National Institute of Mental Health. In 1952, drawing upon
the nineteenth century French scientist Paul Broca's designation of the great
limbic node that surrounded the brain stem of mammals, he introduced the
conceptual term "limbic system" into the neuroscientific literature. In 1968 he
introduced the concept of the triune brain, which became widely popularized
after the publication of Carl Sagan's rather overly dramatic and simplified
discussion of it in The Dragons of Eden (1977). MacLean, further developing
the triune brain concept, which aroused great interest in psychiatry, education,
and the lay public, produced his detailed and highly documented volume, The
Triune Brain in Evolution: Role in Paleocerebral Functions in 1990.
10 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
MacLean's triune brain concept has been acknowledged the single most
influential idea in neuroscience since World War II (e.g., Durant in Harrington
1992: 268). Nevertheless, following the publication of his 1990 opus, MacLean
received highly critical reviews in two prominent science periodicals, Science
(October 12, 1990: 303-305) and American Scientist (September-October 1992:
497^498). Both reviews were written by neurobiologists who claimed that
MacLean's triune brain concept has had limited acceptance or been largely
ignored by professional neurobiologists.
Anton Reiner, at that time a recent graduate, wrote the Science review, the
more extensive of the two. After initially recognizing MacLean as a trailblazer
of neuroscience, whose triune brain concept has been well-received outside the
field of brain research, as the centerpiece of Sagan's popular, The Dragons of
Eden, and frequently as the only discussion of brain evolution in psychiatry and
psychology textbooks, Reiner makes several points critical of the triune brain
He notes firstly that since MacLean introduced the concept, there has been
tremendous growth in neuroscientific research that has greatly extended our
knowledge of brain function and evolution. This statement carries the general
implication, which Reiner later makes explicit, that the concept is out of date.
Second, in initiating a criticism of MacLean's concept of the limbic system,
Reiner writes: "MacLean's presentation of the role of the hippocampus in limbic
functions is not well reconciled with the current evidence that the hippocampus
plays a role in memory" (1990: 304).
Third, Reiner contends that current research indicates that MacLean's repti-
lian complex is not a reptilian invention but seems to be present in vertebrates
all the way back to jawless fishes.
Fourth, Reiner asserts that MacLean overreaches the evidence when he
claims that the basal ganglia are the neural seat for the control of species-typical
types of behaviors.
Fifth, Reiner states that the limbic system, a widely used term MacLean
authored as a pioneer neuroresearcher, is not properly represented by MacLean.
Contrary to MacLean, as Reiner would have it, the limbic system did not appear
first in early mammals. Amphibians, reptiles, and birds also have limbic features
such as the septum, amygdala, a different-looking hippocampal complex, and
maybe even a cingulate cortex.
Sixth, Reiner maintains that MacLean assigns the functions of parental
behavior, which Reiner claims that MacLean regards as uniquely mammalian, to
the mammalian cingulate cortex, ignoring the fact that some reptiles (croco-
diles), all birds, and possibly even some extinct reptiles (dinosaurs) also engaged
in parental behavior.
Seventh, Reiner makes a couple of other criticisms of MacLean concerning
(a) his preference for correspondence over the more evolutionarily appropriate
concept of homology and (b) his apparently uncritical acceptance of Haeckel's
idea that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny.
Reappraising MacLean's Triune Brain Concept
Book reviews because of their very nature are usually overly brief and
usually cannot deal in depth with the points they take issue with. Reviewers,
then, are often themselves guilty of the same kinds of oversimplifications and
misinterpretations that they seek to expose in their reviews. When Reiner states
"I strongly believe the triune-brain idea to be wrong," he is caught up in the
same oversimplifying tendency that he claims unjustifiably to find troublesome
in MacLean.
The triune brain concept may be wrong in some of its particulars, right in
others, but still be very useful and valid in its more general features. After all, at
this stage of our knowledge of the brain, although it is quite advanced over the
1960s and 1970s, there are not a great number of things we can say with
absolute confidence—very few generalizations that are without arguable inter-
pretations of more detailed research data. Further, Reiner takes apart but does
not offer a replacement generalization. His analysis is destructive, not construc-
tive. This type of analysis is the easy part of the job. Almost anybody can do it.
However in his apparent eagerness to discredit and take apart MacLean's
useful generalization, Reiner also fails to study his subject closely and therefore
engages in some very careless scholarship. He makes significant omissions,
outright errors, and substantial misrepresentations of MacLean's work. Let's
look at the points Reiner raises one by one.
1. Reiner blatantly misstates the facts when he claims that the triune brain
concept as well as MacLean's book are outdated and lack up-to-date document-
ation. Reiner's first point (i.e., that there has been a great growth in knowledge
about the brain since MacLean first announced his triune brain concept in the
1960s and 1970s) implies that MacLean has left the concept untouched and
undocumented since that time and has therefore not considered any of the more
recent findings. The implications of this statement are belied by the currency of
research cited by MacLean and included in his discussions. To back up his case
for the alleged outdated ideas and data in the book, Reiner baldly states "only a
handful of papers from the '80s' are cited" (Reiner 1990: 305). This categor-
ically false statement is easily contradicted by a count of bibliographic items.
The bibliography of this work contains over 180 entries (a big handful indeed!)
that date from 1980 to at least 1988 and over 220 entries that date between 1975
12 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
and 1979. This amounts to at least 400 entries of rather recent documentation—
keeping in mind that the publication date of MacLean's book and Reiner's
review was for both 1990.
2. Reiner misstates or ignores the facts when he says, "MacLean's present-
ation of the role of the hippocampus in limbic functions is not well reconciled
with the current evidence that the hippocampus plays a role in memory." The
phrasing of this statement implies that MacLean is unaware of or fails to report
on the extensive research indicating the role of the hippocampus in memory.
Such an implication is totally unwarranted. MacLean devotes fully two chapters
to reporting and discussing such research. These chapters even have "memory"
in their titles. Chapter 26 is titled Microelectric Study of Limbic Inputs Relevant
to Ontology and Memory (emphasis mine). Chapter 27 is titled Question of
Limbic Mechanisms Linking a Sense of Individuality to Memory (emphasis
mine) of Ongoing Experience. These chapters deal at length with the role of the
hippocampus in memory and propose an integrative role for the hippocampus in
tying learning to affect or emotion (For a summary of MacLean's discussion on
these matters, consult 1990: 514-516).
3. Claiming that the reptilian complex is not a reptilian invention, Reiner
misrepresents MacLean's position. On this third point, Reiner contends that
current research indicates that MacLean's reptilian complex is not a reptilian
invention but seems to be present in vertebrates all the way back to jawless
fishes. This is largely a taxonomic question. At what point do we declare
something to be a fish, an amphibian, an amniote, a reptile, or a mammal? And
do we view mammals as branching off from the amniote tree before we have
distinct reptiles in the line of descent? Or do we prefer the more likely probab-
ility that mammals descended in a line from the ancient mammal-like reptiles of
the predinosaur Permian-Triassic periods called therapsids, who represent a
branching of the ancient reptile line (cotylosaurs). Therapsids appeared approxi-
mately 230 millions years ago, and approximately 50 million years before the
emergence of the great dinosaurs of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods.
MacLean knows these facts and clearly acknowledges them, while support-
ing a lineage for mammals that traces back to the therapsids, of the synapsida
subclass that branched off from the diapsida line that eventually produced the
great dinosaurs many years later. This is the standard position in evolutionary
theory today. One might wish to compare the phylogenetic tree in MacLean
(1990: 34) with Butler and Hodos (1996: 72), Strickberger (1996: 396), and
Hickman et al. (1984: Fig. 27.1). And it is the accepted position of standard
zoology texts (e.g., Miller & Harley 1992; Hickman et al. 1984, 1990). Mam-
mals, and ultimately us humans, then, did not evolve from dinosaurs but from a
parallel lineage that split much further back in geologic time.
If the term reptilian brain or reptilian complex causes confusion with modern
reptiles, and because the reviewers don't wish to read MacLean's work closely,
the reptilian complex could be thought of, and perhaps redesignated, as the
ancient amniote complex or even the early vertebrate complex. And, of course,
as MacLean acknowledges thoroughly, this early brain complex is not the
reptilian brain of modern reptiles but it is also not the same as that of the early
Reappraising MacLean's Triune Brain Concept 13
limbic cortical and subcortical representation (e.g., see Fuster 1997: esp. 169;
Frith 1997: 98; Frith 1989: 154-155). Recent reports by Damasio (1999),
Panksepp (1998) and Carter et al. (1997) provide hope that mainstream neuro-
science will direct more serious research toward a better understanding of these
difficult and ignored questions which are so critical to a full understanding and
appreciation of humanity.
Reiner also indiscriminately uses the blanket term "parental behavior"
coupled with attributing that same blanket usage to MacLean. In this usage,
Reiner shows a remarkable deficit of scholarship, naivete, or both. MacLean is
not discussing all parental behavior. He is discussing those nurturing behaviors
that are the most distinguishing characteristic of mammals and a fundamental
part of their taxonomic classification and differentiation from birds and reptiles.
These behaviors must be found in either new structures or modifications to
existing structures. As Butler and Hodos point out, new structures may be added
to organ systems, but modification of existing structures appears to be more
common (1996: 86). The jury is still out on the neurophysiology of these
defining mammalian behavioral features. What is more, with the emphasis on
cognition in neuroscience, until very recently surprisingly little attention has
been paid to the extensive work on the neural and hormonal basis of the
motivational and emotional aspects of maternal care. This is openly acknow-
ledged by leading scholars in the brain science field (e.g., Rosenblatt &
Snowden 1996; LeDoux 1997: 68; Kandel, Schwartz & Jessell 1995). The
previously cited works by Panksepp (1998) and Carter et al. (1997) represent a
step in the right direction.
The blanket term "parental care" as used by Reiner in his criticism of
MacLean amounts to condemnation by indiscriminate generalization. Parental
care has been defined by a leading authority as "any kind of parental behavior
that appears likely to increase the fitness of the parent's offspring" (Clutton-
Brock 1991: 8). This very broad and inclusive term includes even nest and
burrow preparation. The very production of eggs is included. This kind of
"parental care" is found in the earliest vertebrates with very primitive brains
indeed. If the all-inclusive definition of parental care can be stretched to include
the production of eggs and digging a hole to place them in, perhaps it could
conceivably be stretched to include even the sharing of cellular membranes
during asexual reproduction by single-celled organisms.
But specifically, what about parental care in modern reptiles? Contrary to
Reiner's claim, MacLean reports on parental care in crocodiles (MacLean 1990:
136-137) and also in some species of skink lizards (MacLean 1990: 136, 2 4 8 -
249). A recent review article on parental care among reptiles by Carl Gans of the
Department of Biology, University of Michigan, brings us up to date. Gans
claims that the most spectacular example of reptilian parental care takes place
among crocodiles. Both parents respond to the call of hatchlings who vocalize
underground while emerging from the eggs. The adults dig them up and
transport them to water in their large buccal pouch (Pooley 1977). The young
are then washed and stay shortly in association with the adults. After a relatively
brief period, however, the juveniles' response to the adults reverses. The
Reappraising MacLean's Triune Brain Concept 17
juveniles disperse suddenly into small, nearby channels where they may dig
themselves tunnels. Gans notes: "In view of the fact that crocodylians may be
cannibalistic (emphasis mine), there seems to be both an inhibition of cannibal-
ism in the parents and an inhibition of a possible adult avoidance reaction in the
neonates" (1996: 153).
This kind of short-lived parental care during which the cannibalism of
parents is inhibited may be impressive in reptiles, but it is a far, far cry from the
highly developed family-related behavior in mammals; behavior that is so
further developed in the human species that it extends often throughout an entire
lifetime and becomes the basis for a vastly extended social life. The equating of
parental care in reptiles with parental care in mammals is simply ludicrous. It is
this mammalian family behavior that concerns MacLean, and the neural sub-
strate is appropriately sought in the brain modifications that became prominent
with the appearance of mammals.
7. Reiner's further inaccuracies: recapitulation, homology, and correspon-
dence, and so on. Near the end of his review Reiner makes the following
isolated statement: "MacLean also errs in his apparent sweeping acceptance of
Haeckel's idea that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny" (1990: 305). Again,
Reiner distorts and misrepresents. From a close review of the book it is by no
means clear that MacLean "sweepingly" accepts Haeckel's concept. In fact he
only refers to it once (MacLean 1990: 46), while at the same time noting the
well-known exceptions. Haeckel's concept has been largely superceded in
neuroscience today by the principles of von Baerian recapitulation. The von
Baerian version holds that while ontogeny does not recapitulate phylogeny in
the thoroughgoing Haeckelian sense, it does recapitulate the features of an
organism in terms of the organism's general to more specific classification. In
other words, the von Baerian principles state that the more general features of an
organism develop before the more specific features do (Butler & Hodos 1996:
51-52). The issue, however, is still not so clearly settled. The emergent discip-
line of evolutionary developmental biology is looking more closely into such
questions (Hall 1992; Thomson 1988). For instance, evolutionary biologist
Wallace Arthur, in summarizing the main themes of this emerging discipline,
writes: "No single comparative embryological pattern is universally found or
can be described as a 'law'. Von Baerian divergence, its antithesis (conver-
gence) and a broadly Haeckelian (quasi-recapitulatory) pattern can all be found,
depending on the comparison made"(1997: 292).
On the additional point that MacLean prefers to think in terms of correspon-
dence rather than homology probably reflects his functional-behavioral orienta-
tion. In fact it is specifically in discussing the issue of the relationship between
structure and behavior that (MacLean 1990: 37) makes this comment. Later, he
returns to a more standard use of homology (MacLean 1990: 228). There is, in
fact, presently no sure-fire way of demonstrating that homologues have the same
one-to-one functions or produce the same one-to-one behaviors across species.
In reporting that MacLean, at one point, expresses preference for the term
"correspondence" because of the confusion in the definition of homology,
Reiner shows what can only be considered a misplaced and sophomoric
18 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
behavior, for example, can we say factually that the medial preoptic area plays
the same part in the maternal behavior of humans that it does it the rat brain?
No, we cannot. At least not yet. But neuroscientists, after first hedging them-
selves, and following homologous logic, seem inclined to think so. Nevertheless,
it is entirely within the realm of possibility that we may find that it does so only
in part or not at all. As neuroresearcher Joseph LeDoux notes: "Some innate
(emphasis mine) behavioral patterns are known to involve hierarchically
organized response components" (1996: 120). And further on he adds: "Species
differences can involve any brain region or pathway, due to particular brain
specializations required for certain species-specific adaptations or to random
changes"(1996: 123). And neurologist Richard Restak points out that in the case
of animals, multiple limbic areas may increase, modify or inhibit aggression. He
notes further that even the same area may increase or inhibit responses under
different experimental conditions and depending on the animal selected for
experiment. As an example, he points out that the destruction of the cingulate
gyrus (a limbic component) increases aggressive behavior in cats and dogs,
whereas, on the contrary, such an operation has a calming effect in monkeys and
humans (1994: 149).
Or perhaps, as Blessing notes, there are multiple representations. Then we
might have to go to correspondence rather than homology (even homoplasy
might not apply, since homoplasy, or parallel evolution, would probably not
apply in such closely related species) to account for the behavioral circuitry. In
other words, the corresponding neural circuitry—that circuitry controlling
maternal behavior—may be found in the same, slightly differing, multiple, or
perhaps (though highly unlikely) even totally different structural homologues or
In fact, if homology is correct and functionally, to include behaviorally,
uniform—that is, the same structures account for the same functions and
behaviors across classes, orders, and species—this finding would support the
triune brain concept as set out by MacLean, which says generally that the
protoreptilian complex common to both reptiles and mammals functions largely
the same in both classes. This finding would also support MacLean's position
that the expanded circuitry areas of the mammalian complex bear character-
istically mammalian functions and are the circuitry for characteristically mam-
malian behaviors, such as nursing; a defining taxonomic feature of mammals
(which, in part distinguishes them from reptiles and birds).
In a final series of somewhat gratuitously negative comments, Reiner writes
about some of MacLean's legitimate speculations. For example, Reiner states
"and mathematical skill (he thinks the cerebellum could be involved)"(Reiner
1990: 305).
And why not? See MacLean's discussion on the subject (MacLean 1990:
548-552). Recent research indicates that the cerebellum is not just a motor
mechanism, but is also likely involved in higher cognitive and perhaps even
language function. Especially relevant is the rather well-supported hypothesis
that indicates a cerebellar mechanism involved in all tasks that require precise
temporal computations. This could well suggest an involvement in mathe-
20 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
work that have become commonplace in some sectors of neurobiology over the
past decade. They seemingly merely parroted the errors and misrepresentations
of Reiner and others rather than reading MacLean's 1990 work closely and
open-mindedly. There is no point in repeating the responses given earlier to
Reiner's review. The same points hold for Butler and Hodos' comments. The
rebuttal points are clearly made and easily accessible to verification by anyone
who chooses to make the effort. The categorical statement by Butler and Hodos
that the extensive body of work in comparative neurobiology over the past three
decades unequivocably contradicts MacLean's theory, which they apparently
have not read, constitutes on that point poor, if not irresponsible, scholarship.
The triune brain concept may have its limitations. But its shortcomings have
been patently misrepresented in some cases and grossly exaggerated in others.
Whatever its faults may ultimately prove to be, the triune brain concept gets at a
fundamental evolutionary pattern. The mammalian modifications, differentia-
tions, and elaborations to the early vertebrate and ancestral amniote brains had
the effect of introducing endothermy (warm-bloodedness), maternal nursing,
enhanced mechanisms of skin contact and comfort, as well as enhanced visual,
vocal, and other cues to bond parents to offspring and serve as the underpinning
for the extended and complex family life of humankind. The mammalian mod-
ifications, therefore, added greatly enhanced affectional, other-interested behav-
ior to the primarily (although not exclusively) self-preservational, self-interested
behaviors of ancestral amniotes and early vertebrates (not necessarily their
modern representatives).
The simplistic representation and attempted demolition of MacLean's triune
brain concept is not good science. Reiner's review, where it has any validity at
all, is like discovering a termite or two in the bathroom wall, and then
proceeding to pronounce a full alarm that the house is full of termites, only to
find that it is necessary to treat a few boards in the subflooring. Further, in his
deconstructive, analytic fervor, Reiner has offered no alternative higher level
generalization. The review represents a dysfunction common to a lot of scient-
ific practice, that of an analytical approach that takes apart but can't put back
together. Perhaps we should call it analytic myopia. Uninterested in the bigger
questions of humanity that we so desperately need help on, and lacking an
interest in therapy, these analytic myopics continue their fine-grained focus.
Fine-grained focus is fine, laudable, and very much needed. It becomes analyti-
cally myopic, however, when it fails to place in context what it finds and
defines, when it employs sloppy scholarship, and when it attempts prejudicially
to destroy or deconstruct that which it lacks the imagination and courage to put
On the other hand, the theories of brain evolution that Butler and Hodos
review favorably and the synthesis that they present at the end of their book
focus on the immunohistological, hormonal, and morphological mechanics
22 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
(1996: 463-473). They say, in fact, almost nothing at all about behavior or the
significance for behavioral evolution of the various mechanisms of evolution
they identify. And they make no attempt whatsoever to confront the larger
behavioral questions of humanity where we need help and guidance from
neuroscience in defining the neurobiological basis of human nature in order to
establish links up the scale of generalization with the social sciences. The
theories they present are only of interest to the technical aspects of neuroscience.
They are not, however, incompatible, but tend to support MacLean's concepts
when these concepts are accurately and thoughtfully considered.
The key point in comparing these theories with that of MacLean's is that
they are comparable, at best, only in part. They ask and respond to different
questions. MacLean tries to address the larger questions of human nature and
behavior. The others show no interest in such questions but address the fine-
grained technical questions of anatomical and functional evolution. At the level
where they meet, they do not contradict each other but are largely compatible.
At the point where they diverge, they primarily address different questions. This
is, I think, the root of the tension between the two. MacLean's concept facing up
the scale of integration is useful and has been appropriately well received in the
therapeutic sciences, and is also very useful for the social sciences. On the other
hand, it has not been, but may yet become, more useful and better received in
other quarters of neuroscience, especially when subjective experience is
eventually given its due in the study of consciousness. There are, in fact, recent
signs that the importance of subjective experience, which is of great interest to
MacLean, is gaining fuller recognition in the newer studies of consciousness
(Damasio 1994, 1999; Smith 1996: 471^174; Searle 1997; Edelman & Tononi
2000, Cory 2000a,b).
The triune brain concept may need modification, then, as the body of
neuroscience grows—but certainly not outright rejection. With appropriate clari-
fications, it is still by far the best concept we have for linking neuroscience with
the larger, more highly integrated concepts of the social sciences. This is true
even if its level of integration has limited utility for some neuroscience
researchers who are doing ever more fine-grained research into neural archi-
tecture and function.
The transitions from early vertebrate to amniote to synapsid reptile to
mammal were in behavioral effect transitions from nearly exclusively self-
preserving organisms with relatively little or less complex social life to, at least
in part, a nurturing, "other-maintaining," "other-supporting," or "other-
interested" organism. And that makes all the difference in the world for human
evolution. Our other-maintaining mechanisms combined with our self-preserv-
ing ones provide the biological glue as well as the dynamic for our remarkable
behavioral evolution, our social life, and ultimately the crucial social and
political factor of our moral consciousness.
The qualitative differences between the familial and social behaviors of even
the most caring of reptiles (say, modern crocodiles), birds or social insects and
the mammal we call human are overwhelmingly evident. Humans with their
social, cognitive, and language skills, for better or for worse, dominate the
Reappraising MacLean's Triune Brain Concept 23
planet and no other species comes close. Any neurobiologist who cannot see or
appreciate the difference suffers from analytic myopia or some form of
misplaced species egalitarianism (cf. Butler & Hodos 1996: 3-4). The proper
study of humans is humans and to some extent their lineal ancestors. The triune
brain concept integrates some fundamental patterns out of much that is yet
unknown and uncertain in neuroscience. And this generalization, when properly
understood, appreciated, and applied, is the most useful bridging link, thus far
articulated, between neuroscience and the larger and pressingly critical questions
of humanity's survival, as well as the hoped for transformation of humanity into
a truly life-supporting, planet-preserving and enhancing custodial species.
When other neuroscience researchers reach the conceptual point in their
grasp of the discipline that they feel an increasing obligation to take a more
integrative view and proceed to move up the scale of generalization in order to
confront the larger questions of human life, they will likely produce concepts
closely resembling the triune brain. Homology and behavioral evolution will
almost inevitably take them in that direction. Frankly, despite its current lack of
popularity in some quarters of neurobiology, I think that the triune brain concept
will continue to be influential, and with appropriate modifications as research
progresses, provide an important underpinning for interdisciplinary communi-
cation and bridging. The chapters constituting this volume amply demonstrate
its heuristic value and it integrative utility.
1. A highly favorable review of MacLean's 1990 book was written by Emre Kokmen,
M.D., of the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, in Journal of Neurosurgery. V. 75, Dec,
1991, p. 998. In this chapter I focus on the reviews in Science and American Scientist
because they have reached a wider audience and have become red flag reviews
unjustifiably inhibiting the thoughtful application of the triune brain concept in related
fields as well as in the psychological and social sciences.
2. The use of the term "additions" is deliberately avoided here because it has been the
source of some confusion (see Butler & Hodos 1996: 86). New brain structures do not
spring de novo out of nowhere but rather evolve from the differentiation of previously
existing structures. When differentiations become sufficiently established, they are often
referred to loosely as "additions." This does not deny that seemingly new additions may
possibly and occasionally arise, but the intent here is to emphasize the phylogenetic
continuity that underpins the concept of homology.
3. The accuracy and utility of the concept and term "limbic system" has itself been a
separate topic of some disagreement in recent years. Some authors state that it does not
represent a truly functional system and that the term should be discarded. Others defend
its use. Most texts continue to find the term useful and because of its longtime usage it
will probably remain in the literature. Some recent and prominent scholars illustrate the
controversy well. Pierre Gloor of the Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University,
in his thoroughgoing work The Temporal Lobe and Limbic System, by the very use of the
term in the title indicates his position. Further on in the text, while acknowledging the
controversy he writes that this system in mammals exhibits an organization that is
24 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
sufficiently different from that characterizing other areas of the cerebral hemisphere to
merit such a designation (Gloor 1997: 106).
And well-known neurologist Richard Restak tells us that based upon a large body of
experimental work, it is appropriate to conclude that, "depending on the areas stimulated,
the limbic system serves as a generator of agreeable-pleasurable or disagreeable-aversive
affects" (1994: 143). Nevertheless, there is little agreement among neuroscientists con-
cerning the contributions of the different components, and their mutual influence on each
other (1994: 149).
On the other hand William Blessing, a neuroscientist at Flinders University, in his
study of the lower brain stem, feels that emphasis on the limbic system has detracted
from the study of brain stem mechanism, that it has been "plagued by its anatomical and
physiological vagueness and by the lack of precision with which the term is used"
(Blessing 1997: 15). Further, he thinks the term should be dropped from the literature
(Blessing 1997: 16).
A third recent author, neuroscientist Joseph LeDoux (1996: Ch. 4) argues that
because the limbic system is not solely dedicated to the single global function of emotion,
a claim that MacLean fully recognizes in his chapters on memory (1990: Chs: 26 & 27),
that the concept should be abandoned. LeDoux apparently prefers a single functional
criterion for the definition of a system, whereas MacLean seems to prefer a combination
of functional and anatomical criteria. Le Doux concludes his argument by stating: "As a
result, there may not be one emotional system in the brain but many" (1996: 103).
Compare this with the concluding line of the definitional description by Kandel et al.,
authors of the most widely used textbook on neuroscience and behavior: "The limbic
system contains neurons that form complex circuits that play an important role in
learning, memory, and emotion"(1995: 708).
The use and value of the conceptual term "limbic system," then, seems to depend on
one's research focus and how one chooses to define a system. It might be added that the
definition of what constitutes a system is controversial in all disciplines, not just in
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CUM. Smith
cannot but find this approach appealing. For, as Theodosius Dobzhansky fam-
ously said, "nothing in biology makes sense without evolution."
I have titled this chapter Deep Time and the Brain because the time scales
of molecular evolution are far greater than even the 200 million years which
MacLean considers in his "palaeopsychology." Indeed, one must increase that
vast number by more than an order of magnitude. For the first biological mole-
cules appeared on the surface of the planet well over three thousand million
years ago (Figure 3.1). The earliest vestiges of living organisms can be detected
in South African and Australian rocks dating back 3.5 billion years BP. It is
humbling to realise that the world of bacteria has held tenure on the earth
throughout the vast period of time from that day to this. Homo sapiens has been
around for at most 0.001% of that duration. It took, however, an immense length
of time for the next significant development to occur: the origin of the
eukaryocytes. No doubt there were many false starts, many unsuccessful ven-
tures, but the earliest eukaryote microfossils date back little further than 1.5
billion years ago. Then evolution accelerates. After the elapse of only about
another 0.75 billion years we begin to find the traces of multicellular forms.
These take the form of worm tracks and the occasional simple platyhelminth-
like worm itself. Then in the Burgess shales of 525 million years ago, and the
slightly older Ediacaran outcrops in Australia, we find preserved a remarkable
array of metazoan forms. These have been brilliantly described by Stephen
Gould in his best-seller, Wonderful Life, and by Conway Morris in his equally
fascinating book, The Crucible of Creation.
One of the most fascinating developments of recent years stems from the
coming together of the centuries-old subject of palaeontology and the up-to-the-
minute, laboratory-bound, highly fashionable and highly technical study of
molecular biology. For it turns out that the molecules, and not only the
molecules but also the molecular systems and cascades on which our bodies
depend have locked up in their structure messages from times past. For eyes that
can read them they speak of our ancestry and of the vicissitudes of our
ancestors. Not all biological molecules, of course. The smaller molecules and
even the sometimes quite large lipids and carbohydrates do not bear the imprint
of the past. But the molecules that have been called the "informational macro-
molecules," the proteins and nucleic acids, by that very token, do.
As mutations alter the sequence of nucleotides over geological time so the
sequence of amino acids in the proteins for which they code also alter. The
situation is not (it never is!) straightforward. Homologous genes within different
taxa evolve at different rates; different genes within the same taxa evolve at
Deep Time and the Brain 33
3.0 x 10 « 9
t t
3.5 x 10 - 9
Earliest microfossils
4.0 x 10"
When did brains begin? The answer to this question depends on what is
meant by the term "brain." One is tempted to say as soon as bilaterality evolved.
The radial symmetry of the Cnidaria and Ctenophora induces little more than a
nerve net. But the so-called "urbilateralia" of 800 million years ago, like all
bilateral forms, naturally entered new environments one end pointing forwards.
Over time an antero-posterior axis would become established. At some point in
Deep Time and the Brain 35
the vast Precambrian period, the assembly of morphopoietic genes known as the
Hox complex developed. This complex then, as now, is responsible for
morphological differentiation along the antero-posterior axis. Each segment in
our worm-like ancestor came to have a separate identity. Well before the times
when the Ediacaran and Burgess deposits were laid down the so-called
"zootype," a heterotrophic, bilateral, anteroposteriorly differentiated, form had
Once the antero-posterior axis had been established sensory cells—chemo-
receptors, mechanoreceptors, even photoreceptors—would tend to concentrate
on the anterior extremity where new environments were first encountered. The
process, which Ariens Kappers termed neurobiotaxis, would then take over.
Nerve complexes concerned with the analysis of input from the sensory surfaces
would develop in close association with these surfaces. In this process we can
see the origin of a major anteriorly placed ganglion, or "brain." Similarly neuro-
biotaxis would have ensured that ganglia and their connectives would develop in
a longitudinal strip close to the ventral surface, next to the substratum, where
tactile and other stimuli would predominate.
It is thus of considerable interest to find that several genes controlling the
early development of the neurectoderm of invertebrates {Drosophila) show
sequence homology with several of those controlling the early development of
the neurectoderm in vertebrates {Xenopus). Evidently these genetic systems
predate the evolutionary schism between the protostomata and the deutero-
stomata: an event which occurred at least 750 million years ago. But yet more
interestingly it has been shown that these homologous genes control develop-
ment of the ventral surface in invertebrates {Drosophila) and the dorsal surface
in vertebrates {Xenopus)} It looks as though the old idea that one of the early
events in chordate evolution was a 180° twist so that the nerve cord faces
upwards has received confirmation from modern molecular embryology. The
twist, presumably, is to be associated with the adoption of a free-swimming life-
style in the surface waters of ancient oceans by our chordate ancestors. In this
position the major sensory input, light and the shadows of predators and prey,
would come from above rather than below.
After these preliminaries let us turn to some particular instances of mole-
cular evolution in the brain. I shall start with the ubiquitous "serpentine" 7TM
proteins, then look briefly at the molecular designs of voltage—and ligand-gated
ion channels, and end with a brief account of the remarkable homogeneity of the
molecular processes at work in the early phases of neuroembryology. I hope to
leave you with an impression of the depth of the interrelationships between all
animal brains, an impression of the huge antiquity of the molecular mechanisms
at work, with, in short, the impression which the young Charles Darwin
expressed in 1837 in one of his post-Beagle notebooks: "animals our fellow
brethren in pain, disease, death and suffering . . . we may all be netted
together." And this, I feel sure, is also the vision that energised Paul
MacLean's thinking in developing his theory of the triune brain.
36 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
This is one of the most ubiquitous of all conformational motifs (see Figure
Figure 3.2. Conformation of 7TM "Serpentine" Molecules. In the upper part, the
cylinders represent alpha-helical stretches of the molecule. The lower part represents the
"barrel of staves" conformation.
plan view. In vivo ( t h e lower part) the conformation also makes use of the third
dimension to give the so-called "barrel-of-staves" structure.
The most ancient 7TM proteins are found in the halophilic (salt-loving)
bacteria. This group of bacteria is classified with the Archaebacteria, which, in
being able to survive extreme temperatures, salt concentrations, pH, and so on,
is thought to number amongst its members representatives of the earliest life
forms on the planet's surface. The membrane of Halobacterium halobium can be
separated into three fractions: yellow, red, and purple. The purple fraction can
be formed into crystalline sheets that can be examined in the electron
microscope. In addition to lipids it contains a 26 kDa protein, bacterio-rhodop-
sin, which because of the crystalline nature of the purple membrane can be
subjected to X-ray diffraction. The seven closely packed alpha-helices extending
through the membrane can thus be examined in atomic detail. As with other
rhodopsins, the opsin apoprotein of bacteriorhodopsin is loosely bound to a
retinal chromophore which lies across the tunnel in the centre of the "barrel of
staves." It can, perhaps, be seen as a trapped agonist. On receipt of a photon of
appropriate wavelength the retinal transforms from an all trans to a 13-cis
configuration and transfers a proton from the cytoplasmic to the extracellular
side. In contrast to the rhodopsins of vertebrate retinae the retinal does not
detach and migrate from its opsin apoprotein to regenerate, nor does it function
as a photosensor. In the bacterial membrane it acts as a proton pump.
In the animal kingdom 7TM proteins seem to have evolved in association
with second-messenger (especially G-protein) signaling systems. G-proteins are
again, exceedingly ancient. They are well known in the prokaryocytes as well as
in the eukaryocytes. They constitute a large superfamily whose members all
have the ability to dephosphorylate G T P . This enables them to act as molecular
time switches. In consequence, G-proteins linked to 7TM membrane receptors
are found in many parts of the animal body, not only in many sensory systems
but also in the subsynaptic membranes of metabotropic synapses. They are at
work, for instance, in alpha and beta adrenergic synapses, muscarinic choli-
nergic synapses, dopaminergic synapses, the many subtypes of serotinergic
(5HT) synapses, in metabotropic glutamate synapses, in many peptidergic
synapses, and so on. The neurotransmitter activates a 7TM receptor, which then
activates the G-protein system and this, in turn, activates a membrane effector,
often adenylyl cyclase, to generate a second messenger, which diffuses away
into the cytosol. Some 2 to 3 % of the mammalian genome is believed to be
devoted to coding different variants of the 7TM conformation. They form a huge
evolutionarily related family.
7TM proteins and G-protein signaling systems also constitute the molecular
bases of many sensory systems. These include photoreceptor cells, the rods and
cones (where the G-proteins are known as transducins), olfactory cells, some,
but not all, gustatory cells, and, possibly, some thermoreceptors. We have
already touched on bacteriorhodopsin. Let us now look briefly at the rhodopsins
of the animal kingdom.
Although rhodopsins form the basis for photoreception throughout the
Animalia, invertebrate and vertebrate rhodopsins differ in several ways. For
38 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
Let us turn from the great superfamily of 7TM, G-protein coupled channels
to the equally ubiquitous, equally important, directly operated ion channels.
There are two cases: Those that respond to voltage changes across the
membrane and those which respond to various ligands; such as Acetylcholine,
Glycine, and GABA. The former respond very rapidly (c. 0.5 msec) to changes
in voltage across the membrane in which they are situated. These are responsible
for all the electrical activity upon which the nervous system depends. The latter,
which are equally important, open (though rather more slowly) to allow the
passage of ions in response to various chemical ligands.
It has been suggested that the great assemblage of ion channels all originated
from the stretch-sensitive channels of prokaryocytes (see Figure 3.3). The latter
channels are ubiquitous. All prokaryocytes need some means of sensing and
responding to osmotic stress (caused, perhaps, by rain downpours). They also
need some means of sensing cell volume in order to trigger cell division. Two
such channels have been analysed in molecular detail in E.colr. the MscL
(mechanosensitive large) channel is unselective; the MscS (mechanosensitive
small) channel is anion selective. Stretch-sensitive channels are also well known
in the metazoa, though not (yet) at the molecular level.
Deep Time and the Brain 39
3000 Ma
Earliest prokaryotes
complete. Differing populations of these variant K -channels go far to ensure
that each neuron in the brain is physiologically unique: each has its own
2 + +
Figure 3.3 shows that voltage-gated C a and N a channels are thought to be
derived from the voltage-gated K -channel by two gene duplications. They
consist of a single huge protein (over 1800 amino acid residues) made up of four
homologous domains each of which resembles a single K -subunit. The voltage-
gated Na -channel has not so far been found in the protista. It appears to have
been invented by stem metazoa for long distance signaling (i.e. nerve impulses).
It is interesting to note that whilst it is found in the Cnidaria (]e\\y fish) it is
absent from the nervous system of the tiny nematode C.elegans.
Figure 3.3 summarises the evolutionary relationships amongst these ion
channels as they are presently understood. The expanding triangles of the figure
indicate the increasing diversity of each receptor over evolutionary time. This
increasing diversity over time was also, of course, a feature of the metabotrobic
receptors discussed in the previous section. At least twelve different types of G-
protein coupled 5HT receptor are known. The structural and hence biophysical
diversity of metabotropic receptors is increased yet further by the heterogeneity
of G-protein subunits and second messengers. It is also worth noting in Figure
3.3 that ligands did not gain control over ion channels until quite late in
evolutionary history and have subsequently undergone rather rapid and rather
huge diversification: 60 subtypes of nACh-R; 40 subtypes of GABA^-R, and so
on. When one speaks of "the" nACh-R, for instance, or of "the" 5HT-R, one is
not referring to a unique molecular structure such as, for instance, glucose or
phenylalanine, but of a whole family of similar molecules. The brain is
heterogeneous all the way down.
condition there is a complete or partial failure of the iris to develop along with
other defects including cataract, corneal opacity, glaucoma and so on. The
incidence lies between 1/64 000 and 1/96 000. In addition, mutations of Pax-6
can lead to defects in the anterior chamber of the eye, including opacity of the
central cornea, known as Peter's anomaly. In fact, differences in the degree of
inactivation of Pax-6 lead to a large number of ocular defects affecting nume-
rous parts of the eye, especially the anterior chamber.
As indicated above, Pax-6 is found throughout the animal kingdom.
Drosophila geneticists have shown that it is possible to transplant the gene into
other parts of the embryo insect's anatomy where it will induce "ectopic" eyes.
Eyes can be induced in legs, antennae, wings, and so on. The insect can be
covered with eyes! These eyes, moreover, are no mere approximations to the
real thing. They consist of a full complement of different cells and structures:
primary, secondary and tertiary pigment cells, cornea, cone and pseudocone
cells, retinula cells with fully developed rhabdomeres, and so on. The cells are
organised to form ommatidia and are electrically active. It is not yet known,
however, whether the optic nerve fibres project to the correct regions of the
insect's brain. Here, then, is a striking instance of latent morphopoietic mechan-
isms waiting to be triggered or "uncovered" in insect cells.
Further work has shown that Pax-6 extracted from embryo mice will also
induce ectopic eyes (not, of course, mouse eyes!) in Drosophila. Finally, it has
been found that Pax-6 from squid, normally essential in the early development
of cephalopod's highly evolved eye, can also induce ectopic eyes in Drosophila.
These eyes, again, are anatomically almost normal. Both squid and mouse eyes
are vesicular eyes bearing no obvious resemblance to the compound eyes of
All of these findings appear to point in one direction. They suggest that very
early in the evolution of the animal kingdom, perhaps at the stage represented by
the urbilateralia, a genetic system evolved to program the development of
complex eyes. This system has remained, essentially unchanged, at the basis of
all the huge variety of different complex animal eyes. Instead of a polyphyletic
origin it may be that all eyes, above the level of simple eyes (eyespots), or ocelli,
have a unitary origin. At the time of writing the jury is still out. But, taken
together with the other evidence from molecular biology discussed above, the
story of the Pax-6 gene reinforces the gathering vision of a remarkable unity in
diversity throughout the animal kingdom. We look down through more than half
a billion years and recognise ourselves.
soon have complete data on the mouse, Mus, the fruit fly, Drosophila, the
Zebrafish, Danio, and so on. The total genome (10, 099 genes; 97 Mbp) of the
nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, was published in 1998. It appears that over
30% of the genome codes for the nervous system. Neurotransmitter receptors,
synthesis and release systems, all show remarkable molecular similarity to those
found in Homo sapiens and other mammals. The genome contains genes for
+ 2+
over 80 V G K channels, 9 V G C a channels and some 90 neurotransmitter-
gated channels (LGICs).
Locked up in the deluge of data from the molecular biology and molecular
neurobiology labs will be many messages detailing the evolutionary history of
the brain. Messages which will make those described in the foregoing pages pale
into insignificance. Nevertheless, even our present understanding reminds us, at
the molecular level, of MacLean's theory. The molecular mechanisms at work in
our brains, the synaptic receptors and ion channels upon which that
neurophysiology is built, reach back deep into time, to origins in the precam-
brian. Their molecular sequences speak to us of the relatedness of all living
forms. Locked up in within them are messages which hint at dramatic events in
the remote past: such as the genome duplications mentioned earlier. Molecular
embryology, furthermore, reveals that ancient systems persist, often overlaid by
more recent strata, but still waiting for, and capable of, being triggered or
uncovered by appropriate stimuli. Does this not remind us, at the molecular
level, of Paul MacLean's evolutionary neurobiology and evolutionary neuro-
psychiatry? We are thus, I believe, fully justified in concluding that the message
of the molecules is entirely consistent with his vision. The human brain is
conditioned by, and bears the mark of, the "vast backward and abysm" of
evolutionary time.
Neil Greenberg
As Paul MacLean indicated the basal ganglia is emerging from the shadow cast
by the most conspicuous clinical expression of its dysfunction: motor disorders.
What is revealed is the nexus of a widely distributed system which functions in
integrating action with cognition, motivation, and affect. Prominent among non-
motor functions are striatal involvement in building up of sequences of behavior
into meaningful, goal-directed patterns and repertoires and the selection of
appropriate learned or innate sequences in concert with their possible predictive
control. Further, the striatum seems involved in declarative and strategic
memory (involving intentional recollection and the management of retrieved
memories, respectively). Findings from reptile experiments indicate striatal
control over specific assemblies of innate units of behavior that involve autono-
mic modulation. Its involvement in the appropriate expression of species-typical
action patterns in reptiles and primates provides an interesting vantage point
from which to interpret its involvement in the assembly of units of behavior into
specific adaptive behavioral patterns.
"Basal ganglia" is the term most favored by clinicians for the striatal
complex—an array of structures collectively called the R-complex by Paul D.
MacLean ("R" for "reptilian)." It includes the corpus striatum (caudate and
putamen). The putamen is so intermeshed with an afferent projection (the globus
pallidus) that the two structures are occasionally regarded together as the
lenticular nucleus. The nucleus accumbens—once regarded as part of the septum
46 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
or olfactory system—is, along with the olfactory tubercle, sometimes called the
"olfactostriatum" in higher primates, and it is now viewed as a medial extension
of the caudate-putamen in mammals. The caudate, putamen, and globus pallidus
are sometimes referred to collectively as "neostriatum" while nucleus
accumbens, olfactory tubercle, and ventral pallidum are called "paleostriatum."
These terms suggest relative phylogenetic antiquity that Butler and Hodos
(1996) find unwarranted, and so they term these aggregates dorsal and ventral
"striato-pallidal complex," respectively, in their recent textbook of comparative
vertebrate neuroanatomy. The collection of structures includes adjacent gray
matter termed substantia innominata which encompasses nucleus basalis (the
basal nucleus of Meynert) which is well interdigitated with the overlying
lenticular nucleus.
Although often included in the basal ganglia because of topology, MacLean
did not include the amygdala and claustrum. The amygdala has multiple con-
nections with the hypothalamus and is regarded as part of the limbic system
although it may well function as the major mediator of interactions between
limbic and striatal functions. The claustrum has no known major connections
with core striatal structures. Neither did MacLean define substantia nigra as part
of the striatal complex but he discussed its outputs in concert with those of the
striatum because of the similarities of its pars reticulata to globus pallidus.
Andre Parent (1986) proposed as core structures, the dorsal striatum (caudate
nucleus, putamen), ventral striatum (nucleus accumbens and part of the olfactory
tubercle), and the pallidum. As associated structures, he identified the sub-
stantia nigra, ventral tegmental area, and subthalamic nucleus (see Table 4.1).
The core structures, striatum and pallidum, which originate in the lateral and
medial parts of the developing telencephalon along with the associated
structures, are now often regarded as a basal ganglia system. The structural plan
is very conservative and manifest from amphibians through reptiles, birds, and
mammals (Marin, Smeets & Gonzalez 1998). In the dorsal striatum, chemo-
specific stains reveal that two classes of chemically (and probably functionally)
specific cells are present. Strands of cells called "striosomes" are embedded in a
larger "matrix" and appear to possess reciprocal connections with the dopa-
minergic cells of the substantia nigra. They thus have the potential to regulate
dopaminergic activity, and indeed, stimulation in or near a striosome is more
likely to evoke self-stimulation by an animal that can control its own electrode.
The matrix consists of neurons that participate in paths between cortical areas
and lower centers.
Parent and Hazrati (for example, 1995a, 1995b) incorporate striatum, palli-
dum, and substantia nigra, along with the subthalamic nucleus as basal ganglia.
While the first three are regarded as main axis, the subthalamic nucleus, along
with the pars compacta of substantia nigra, the centromedian/ parafascicular
thalamic complex, dorsal raphe and pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus are
regarded as control structures that provide various neurochemical modulation
(Parent and Hazrati 1995b). They reviewed the anatomical details of cortico-
striatal projections, the intrinsic organization of the striatum, the striatofugal
system, and the output structures of the striatum, positing a cortico-basal
Adaptive Functions of the Corpus Striatum 47
caudate and putamen (sometimes "dorsal" or "non-limbic striatum"),
ventral striatum (sometimes, "limbic striatum"), n accumbens and part of
olfactory tubercle; = olfactostriatum
The rich connections the striatum receives from the cortex feed forward into
other parts of the basal ganglia such as the internal and external pallidum, and
from the internal pallidum to the thalamus and thence back to the cortex. This
one-way traffic involving inhibitory as well as excitatory synapses consists of a
fairly well-separated parallel pattern. In Edelman's view, this pattern is ideally
suited to effect independent neural routines. But further, because of the way
these isolated parallel loops are connected to the thalamocortical system with its
dynamic reciprocities, these routines would remain, in Edelman and Tononi's
(2000) view, unconscious for cognitive routines much like those of motor
programs. These routines within the basal ganglia or between the basal ganglia
and cortex might then compete for representation in the cortex in a way that
maintains the seeming "unity of behavior and thought," and explains why we
tend to have or implement one conscious activity at a time (Edelman & Tononi
2000: 186).
The basal ganglia seem as important as the prefrontal cortex in the analysis
of serial order in which events or perceptions are detected and the control of
behavior based on such information. Beiser and Houk (1998) noted that frontal
lobe patients and those with Huntington's or Parkinson's disease can manifest
strikingly similar deficits. This led them to propose a model to gain insight into
the ways the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia work to transform sequences of
input into patterns of neural activity. The model involves an encoding process
whereby the serial order of stimuli is represented as a spatial pattern of neural
activity, utilizing topographically specific circuits that loop from prefrontal
cortex through basal ganglia and thalamus and then back. Recurrent cortico-
striatal projections and collateral inhibition between striatal spiny units were
able, then, to sustain representations of contextual events in working memory.
A decoding process would then transform spatial patterns of neural activity to
sequences of actions.
control into action repertoires" (p. 460) or stereotyped responses (such as "fixed
action patterns") in general.
For example, the accumbens has been linked to the highly stereotyped
behavior of laughing, whether in response to a joke or contagious laughter, by
means of MRI (Shibata et al. 2000). Different causes of laughter were inter-
preted at other sites (ventromedial frontal lobe for "getting it" or anterior
supplemental motor area for contagious laughter), but all scans also showed
activity in the nucleus accumbens.
While the accumbens is also often associated with appetitive motivation (for
example, Paradiso et al. 1999) and reward (Wise & Bozarth 1984; other refer-
ences in Paradiso et al. 1999), various stressful situations evoke dopamine
release in accumbens (Salamone 1994; but not the nigrostriatal system; Herve et
al. 1982; Thierry et al. 1976, in: Bowers et al. 1987).
Accumbens is also prominently associated with negative emotional valence
in adult humans shown pictures designed to evoke affect. Subjects whose brains
were being scanned by positron emission tomography (PET) while being shown
neutral, negative, or positive affect-evoking pictures manifested different pat-
terns of activity depending on the stimulus. Negative valence would reasonably
dominate an aversive or avoidance situation while positive valence implies a
pleasant or approach situation. When compared to the effects of a neutral
stimulus, viewing unpleasant pictures stimulated increased blood flow primarily
in limbic striatum, including nucleus accumbens. Pleasant pictures, on the other
hand, evoked increased activity in the phylogenetically newer cortical limbic
areas including prefrontal cortex (Paradiso et al. 1999). The authors suggest that
detection and rapid stereotyped response to avoidance situations is reasonably
coordinated with older, conserved mechanisms, but the basal ganglia may in
Graybiel's (1995) view also be a critical part of a distributed forebrain system
that helps assemble and express learned as well as innate sequences of behavior.
Indeed, Graybiel feels evidence is accumulating that basal ganglia may parti-
cipate significantly in planning and cognition (1997).
Neurochemistry, Neuroendocrinology
vasodilating agent described in the 1930s, was found about 20 years later to
exist in high concentrations in the medial segment of the globus pallidus, as well
as caudate nucleus and hypothalamus.
Dopamine (DA) is the neurotransmitter most prominently associated with the
basal ganglia, and indeed, across taxa, it is one of its most conservative traits
(see Marin, Smeets & Gonzalez 1998). In mammals, different subclasses of
dopaminergic receptors, Dl and D2 are associated with the so-called direct and
indirect basal ganglia subsystems, respectively. These pathways represent the
conceptual if not anatomical basis for understanding of motor control and their
disorders. These systems are recently viewed in terms of an "opponent parallel
pathway hypothesis" in which direct and indirect systems compete with each
other to cause net inhibition or excitation of activity, respectively. This is similar
to Mink's (1996) "focused selection and inhibition hypothesis," in which a
specific motor program is activated while competing programs are broadly
inhibited. In either event, motor activity is perceived as the outcome of a balance
in activity of these pathways maintained in part by activation of Dl and D2
dopamine receptors. Thus, if the direct pathway predominated, motor activity
might be excessive (as in Huntington's disease) and if the indirect pathway was
relatively more active, Parkinsonian poverty of movement might be seen
(Graybiel 2000). Interestingly, Dl and D2 receptors can be seen in a laminar
pattern in lizards (Clark et al. 2000, see below).
In the mammalian brain, DA is found principally in the substantia nigra,
from whence it is projected to caudate/putamen (dorsal striatum), and in the
ventral tegmental area, the mesolimbic projection of which supplies forebrain
sites (including nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle, amygdala, septal area,
and the prefrontal cortex). There is also a dopaminergic projection from the
hypothalamus to the median eminence (where it modulates reticular formation
output), in a system around the fourth ventricle, and in local circuits intrinsic to
the retina, olfactory bulb, and the optic tectum.
The functional specificity of alternative projections was underscored by the
finding that a single gene (in the mutant mouse, weaver) could differentially
cause severe dopamine depletion in the mesolimbic and nigrostriatal systems
affecting the "nonlimbic" dorsal (caudate/putamen) but not the "limbic" ventral
(including n. accumbens) striatum (Roffler-Tarlov & Graybiel 1984). While
diseases of the basal ganglia can impair learning of sensorimotor skills, the
effects, according to Gabrieli (1998), are not uniform. Repetitive tasks appear
basal ganglia-dependent while tasks requiring new associations apparently
depend on the cerebellum. Alternatively, Gabrieli suggests that open-loop skill
learning (depends on planning and delayed feedback about errors) is cerebellar,
while closed-loop skill learning (continuous feedback about errors) is striatal.
Adaptive Functions of the Corpus Striatum 51
Motor Functions
•initiates motor patterns of cognitive or motivational significance (Heimer
etal. 1982)
•motor sequence planning, coordination (Graybiel 1995)
•inhibition of competing motor programs (Mink 1996)
Sensory Functions
•somatosensory motor control (Schneider & Lidsky 1981; other refs in
Brown etal. 1997)
•somatosensory discrimination; pain (see Brown et al. 1997)
•visual discrimination (Pribram 1977) including facial expression and
•hallucinations (Middleton & Strick 1996, other refs in Brown et al. 1997)
•auditory (see Brown et al. 1997)
Cognitive Functions
•cognitive sequence planning ("acquisition, retention, and expression of
•cognitive patterns" Graybiel 1997)
•expectations, prediction (ventral striatum, Schultz et al. 1992; Schultz
•attention (Schneider 1984; Parent 1986: 247; Brown and Marsden 1998;
Hayes etal. 1998)
•categorizing (tactile stimuli, Merchant et al. 1997)
•learning (Jueptner et al. 1997); procedural memory (for habits and skills:
Jog et al. 1999); habit learning & acquisition of nonmotor dispositions
and tendencies (Knowlton et al. 1996)
•classify spatial patterns and serial ordering of sensory events (Beiser &
Houk 1998)
•executive function ("focused and sustained attention in concert with
flexibility of thought . . . planning and regulation of adaptive and goal
directed behavior . . . [utilizing] working memory" (Peigneux 2000; and
see Brown et al. 1997)
•creativity (ventral striatum becomes activated when predictions are
violated by stimuli that appear in an unexpected context: references in
Cotterill 2001).
*Note. Adapted from Brown et al. (1997), Parent (1986), and MacLean (1990) and others. These
are exemplars of research reports and reviews that demonstrate or suggest the diversity of
functions in which the basal ganglia (see Table 4.1) integrates or participates; no attempt has been
made to be exhaustive.
Adaptive Functions of the Corpus Striatum 53
Motor Functions
behavioral pattern. This possibility has informed the Jacksonian view that
stereotypies are expressed when higher nervous functions fail to control motor
patterns organized at a lower level (Dantzer 1986).
Dysfunctional stereotypies in humans are associated with schizophrenia and
early autism where they appear in apparent independence of the environment,
and in captive animals or those impaired by brain damage or dopamine-affecting
drugs, where they appear more context dependent. Repetitive patterns as rocking
movements, grooming patterns, vocalizations, and pacing, although apparently
rooted in adaptive behavioral patterns, can rapidly become dysfunctional.
Clinicians associate them with frustration such as that when a selection cannot
be made between incompatible alternatives. A stressfully barren stimulus envi-
ronment or restrictive confinement and unavoidable stress are also prominently
associated with the expression of stereotypies (see Mason 1991 for a critical
Motor stereotypies were found by Canales and Graybiel (2000) to be related
to an apparent imbalance of activation between the two neurochemically distinct
elements of the striatum, striosomes and the extrastriosomal matrix, in which
they are embedded. When they induced different levels of stereotypy in rats by
applying psychomotor stimulants in concert with dopamine receptor agonists,
the degree of imbalance between activity of striosomes and the matrix predi-
cated the degree of motor stereotypy.
Motor stereotypies (and possible comparable cognitive phenomena) are often
fragments of more complex ensembles. The "chunking" of action repertoires
within the striatum was proposed by Graybiel (1998) as a counterpart of the
older idea of information chunking. As an adaptive mechanism, the assembly,
adjustment, and reassembly of a relatively small number of behavioral patterns
is much more efficient than the mastery of a huge collection of alternative
programmed sequences. For example, the striatal coding of action sequences is
apparently reorganized as the learning of new habits proceeds (Jog et al. 1999).
Tom Insel (1988) correctly cautioned that the repetitive motor performance
of obsessive-compulsive disorder may not be homologous, but their common
underlying neural circuitry in normal and inappropriate expression may yield
important clues about potential sites for therapeutic intervention. Further clues
may be expected from considering the selective modulation of circuits by
specific elements of the stress response or other neurochemically distinctive
mechanisms for maintaining balance between competing, opposing, or comple-
mentary systems. It is interesting that stereotyped motor patterns are seen in
different but related contexts. Highly adaptive forms such as species-typical
displays and clearly dysfunctional forms such as clinical stereotypies are related
not only by the fixity of expression but by stress-evoking context. Indeed,
attempts at stress reduction have been implicated in the etiology of pathological
expressions of repetitive motor patterns (Cooper & Nicol 1991).
Stereotypies beg comparison with obsessive-compulsive (OCD) behavior,
which has been associated with basal ganglia since at least the mid 1980s
(Cummings & Frankel 1985). For example, OCD was specifically associated
with lesions of the lenticular nuclei, especially the pallidum by Laplane (1994).
56 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
Ranjit C. Chachko and colleagues observed five cases in which the symptoms
presented by patients, associated with depression, could be mistaken for a delu-
sional disorder, but more likely involved an impaired cortex-basal ganglia-
thalamus-cortex circuit (Chachko et al. 2000). In Baxter's (et al. 2000) review,
activity of the caudate was significantly correlated with that of orbital cortex and
thalamus in untreated patients who subsequently responded well to treatment. In
a smaller population who did not respond well, the correlation of activity in
these brain regions was weaker.
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is, along with Tourette's
Syndrome and OCD (with which it is often comorbid—Sheppard et al 1999),
often regarded as a dopamine-based frontostriatal neurodevelopmental disorder
(e.g., Bradshaw & Sheppard 2000). When striatal activity was determined by
tomographic assessment of regional blood flow in children with ADHD, it was
found to be low (Lou et al. 1989). This may be attributable to functional abnor-
malities of the putamen, as determined by a new type of fMRI used by Anderson
and colleagues (2000) to look at steady-state rather than dynamic brain activity.
Interestingly, students suffering from ADHD appear to have reduced sympatho-
adreno-medullary responses to cognitive challenge (Anderson et al. 2000).
Schizophrenia can also be regarded as a frontostriatal disorder. The dopa-
minergic systems have long been implicated in the etiology of psychosis and the
success of dopamine-blocking neuroleptic drugs was a major impetus to the so-
called dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia. Projections from the ventral
tegmental area to the ventral striatum (nucleus accumbens) were especially
implicated. Haber and Fudge (1997) reviewed the dopamine system with parti-
cular attention to its amygdalar connections and hypothesized that overstimu-
lated amygdalar projections to the substantia nigra stimulates excessive mid-
brain dopaminergic activity. In a review of the few studies that examined
pathology of the basal ganglia associated with schizophrenia, Heckers (1997)
found little support for neuropathies involving regional brain volume or cell
density. Neuromodulation, on the other hand, remains an important potential
variable. Graybiel (1997) suspected that the basal ganglia's potential function as
a cognitive pattern generator that parallels its function as an organizer of motor
patterns made it a candidate for a role in schizophrenia. Shortly thereafter, Holt
(et al. 1999) hypothesized that cholinergic interneurons of the striatum might be
responsible for impaired output and tested the idea by measuring densities of
neurons marked by their immunoreactivity to choline acetyltransferase. A
patchy decrease in cell densities was identified in the ventral striatum (ventral
caudate and nucleus accumbens) of schizophrenic versus control brains. Holt's
tentative conclusion is that the reduced function of striatal interneurons
disrupted the pathways from ventral striatum that end in the prefrontal cortex.
Adaptive Functions of the Corpus Striatum 57
Teuber (1976) was convinced that, along with motor difficulties, the impair-
ment of striatal structures resulted in characteristic perceptual and cognitive
deficits (see Parent 1986 on nucleus basalis). The idea that attentional
competition involves ventral striatum in a manner parallel to dorsal striatum's
58 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
involved in cognition. In this regard it is interesting that Cools and van den
Bercken (1977) regarded the neostriatum as the substrate of high-order
information processing needed to link two or more behavioral acts to form an
integrated behavioral program (Cools 1985).
The nucleus basalis varies greatly between taxa and is most distinctively
differentiated in cetaceans and primates. Functional differences between its
neurons and those of other basal ganglia (Parent 1986) and its significant
projections to limbic and widespread neocortical sites (MacLean 1990: 57)
suggest it is likely involved in cognitive functions such as learning and attention,
at least in primates (Parent 1986: 247).
Among the diversity of significant problems that attend damage to basal
ganglia, some resemble specific symptoms of schizophrenia. For example,
damage to the substantia nigra in the area where the loop involving TE is likely
to synapse (medial pars reticulata) can evoke hallucinations, probably by
altering the normal balance of inhibitory and excitatory influences in a way that
results in abnormal excitation of Area TE, known to be able to stimulate
hallucinations. Middleton and Strick (1996) pointed out that the visual anoma-
lies attributable to interfering with the TE-striatal loop are much like those
sometimes seen as a side effect of dopaminergic therapy for Parkinsonism,
"Might this mechanism also underlie the hallucinations of schizophrenia?" they
ask. There is supporting data, they note, indicative of significant changes in
activation of areas that participate in the proposed loop during hallucinations of
schizophrenics. A detailed and closely reasoned argument for the involvement
of basal ganglia in the etiology of schizophrenia was advanced by Graybiel
The major output structures of the basal ganglia, GPi and SNr, report back to
the ventral anterior and lateral thalamic nuclei, which then project back to the
cerebral cortex. Parent and Hazrati (1995a) regard this as a source of redund-
ancy, which can make the same information available to different brain centers.
Their analysis includes other targets of the GPi and SNr, such as the centro-
median thalamic nucleus (which receives information from cortical motor and
sensory cortices as well as brain stem reticular information), the habenula (a
major limbic relay that may constitute a functional limbic interface with basal
ganglia), and the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (which may be a
functional interface between cerebellum and basal ganglia). Other targets are
functionally associated with memory, rewarded motor behavior, and various
ways of combining cortical information at the striatal level.
Selective neurochemistry is the key to our fullest understanding of function.
For example, there is a growing sense that the reward functions of dopamine are
less significant than—and may even be explained by—its role in underscoring
the significance of stimuli that predict reward. This in part helps explain why
nonrewarding behavior may be manifest if it is associated with a dopamine
surge, as is often the case in addiction to cigarette smoking or cocaine use (see
brief review by Wickelgren 1998 and references therein). Another unexpected
way dopamine affects behavior was shown by Hayes (et al. 1998) on
Parkinson's patients asked to shift attentional set (the conditions that regulate
60 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
responding, executive process) from (for example) the color of a stimulus to its
shape as a cue for a response. These patients were significantly slower than
control subjects and had difficulty filtering a competing but irrelevant set. When
the deficit in switching was correlated with the amelioration of motor symptoms
attributable to an 1-dopa-based medication, it became apparent that deficit is
based on dopamine insufficiency.
2000). When lesions were limited to the basal forebrain, a more transient
expression of confabulation may result (Fischer et al. 1995).
that the basal ganglia act as part of a distributed forebrain system that helps to encode
such repertoires through behavioral learning, and that is engaged in the expression of
such repertoires once they have been internalized. The basal ganglia also may be critical
to the expression of innate behavioral routines. Experimental findings on reward-based
learning suggest that neural activity in the striatum and substantia nigra, pars compacta
changes during behavioral learning. New evidence also suggests extreme specificity in
the neural connections interrelating the basal ganglia, cerebral cortex, and thalamus.
Adaptive control of behavior may centrally depend on these circuits and the evaluator-
reinforcement circuits that modulate them.
basal ganglia are involved in the control of cognitive as well as motor pattern
generators. Disorders of the basal ganglia may thereby contribute to neural
circuit dysfunctions that are expressed as positive and negative symptoms of
schizophrenia." Further, they are likely important in initiating volitional activity
(Graybiel 1990).
Cotterill (2001) echoes Mink's (1996) idea that basal ganglia control activity
mainly by the inhibition of competing motor programs (above) but goes further
in his belief that modulation of sensory cerebrum signals to motor areas by the
basal ganglia and cerebellum can lead to cognition and consciousness.
Assuming the primacy of output over sensation for adaptive behavior, Cotterill
considers that consciousness serves mainly to review probable outcomes of
likely motor patterns in a given situation and hold those that have potentially
adverse outcomes at a subthreshold level—thought but not actions.
Connections and loops between basal ganglia and other sites associated with
cognitive function further underscore the adaptive potential of these structures.
The cerebral frontal, parietal, and temporal cortices provide input to the basal
ganglia, while only the frontal lobe was believed to be a major target of the
striatum. The inferotemporal cerebral site known as Area TE is one of two
specific visual areas associated with visual discrimination and recognition, and
has recently been determined to also receive from, as well as project to, the basal
ganglia. Using retrograde transneuronal tracers, Middleton and Strick (1996)
observed that the pars reticulata of the substantia nigra, a major striatal output
nucleus, projects back to TE by means of the thalamus. In the authors' view, if a
portion of these connections forms a closed loop, as seems likely, striatal
structures could influence high-order visual processing, which could explain
some perceptual anomalies as well as movement disorders.
A strict segregation of striatal output pathways, however, is less certain in
light of findings by Parent and others (briefly reviewed in Parent et al. 2000) of
striatal efferents with highly collateralized axons, most of which reach two or
three target structures. "It is now apparent," Parent et al. write, "that the basal
ganglia system is a complex and widely distributed neuronal network" (2000:
pressures in ways that feed back to affect their subsequent evolution (see, e.g.,
Jablonski & Bottjer 1990; Hoffmann & Hercus 2000). Adaptive behavior is the
outcome of the assimilation of a continuing stream of experience into the
structure and coordination of the brain. Coping with challenges to meet adaptive
needs almost constitutes a working definition of stress, and in light of recent
ideas about the effects of coping on selective activation of specific pathways (for
example, Huether 1996; Greenberg 2001), specific neurophysiological compon-
ents of the stress response may well be central to the expression of creativity as
well as its continuing adaptive function. But deviation from the norm is a
hazardous business, and thus creativity and dysfunction are hazardously close,
linked often, at least, in popular culture.
Among the hallmarks of creative behavior is the recombination of infor-
mation from different sources in novel and potentially useful ways. The striatum
may well be capable of combining information from different cortical areas as
their respective terminal fields converge (see Parent & Hazrati 1995a). Adaptive
and dysfunctional creativity both depend upon the selective expression of neural
events that ultimately result in the creation and/or expression of novel neural
constructs, typically known by their influence on behavior. These may represent
familiar things seen in new ways, new things seen unhindered by their evocation
of stereotypes, and various combinations of clarity of discrimination or categor-
izing. Cotterill (2001) reviews the idea that stimuli detected out of expected
context likely activate the ventral striatum, as it monitors the reliability of
predictions made in the prefrontal cortex. Expectations may be cognitive as well
as motor and the fact that chemical signals of the stress response are evoked by
even mild dissonance (Hadley 1996), such as discrepancies between perceptions
and expectations (Goldstein 1987), it is reasonable that the basal ganglia, known
to be sensitive to stress (Zigmond, Strieker & Berger 1987; Salamone 1994) are
deeply involved.
ventricular ridge (DVR) has long been suspected to be related to the prominence
of species-typical motor patterns in the life of reptiles (Bellairs 1970: 336).
When Marin, Smeets and Gonzalez (1998) integrated their work with the
amphibian basal ganglia into a phylogenetic overview, they discerned dorsal and
ventral striatopallidal systems in all tetrapods. Inputs from the thalamus and
cortex ("pallium" in lower vertebrates) are always through the striatum and
provide access to several classes of information. The cortex of mammals has
excellent representation in the striatum, whereas the reptilian basal ganglia
receives most of its projects from the dorsal ventricular ridge. This large distinc-
tive subventricular structure is apparently derived from the pallium and often
compared to isocortex of mammals. Further, the proposition that well-organized
projections of modulatory dopaminergic neurons from a substantia nigra/ventral
tegmental complex to dorsal and ventral striatum in all tetrapods can be
defended by new findings in amphibians. They concluded that although many
functions of the basal ganglia system are unique to mammals, the conservatism
of the system is remarkable. There is, however, an interesting difference detailed
by Clark & Baxter (2000). They used a radio-tagged marker ( I-DOI) that
preferentially binds to specific classes of serotonergic receptors. While such
staining highlights a patchy striosomal pattern in mammals, the lizard, Anolis
carolinensis shows no such pattern.
The major connections of the basal ganglia in the lizard, Varanus are
illustrated in Figure 4.1.
Figure 4.1. Basal Ganglia Connections in a Lizard. Major connections of the basal
ganglia in the lizard, Varanus. CL = lateral cerebellar nucleus, CP = nucleus of the
posterior commissure, EA = anterior entopeduncular nucleus, EP = posterior
entopeduncular nucleus, GP = globus pallidus, IC = intercollicular nucleus, RI =
nucleus reticularis inferior, SN = substantia nigra, STR = striatum, T = optic tectum
(after Parent 1986 and Ten Donkelaar and De Boer-Van Huizen 1981).
Adaptive Functions of the Corpus Striatum 65
Figure 4.2. Posture and Display of the Lizard, Anolis Carolinensis. A, anole at rest.
B, ethological units of behavior that are coordinated in the "bobbing" display: HN =
headnods, PU = pushups, and DW = dewlap extension. C, expression of modifier.
ET = extended throat, expressed when the animal is in the presence of a potential
adversary. D, when a conspecific adversary is identified, modifiers denoting conspec-
ific aggression appear and are often imposed upon the basic bobbing display, CC =
nuchal and dorsal crest, DW = dewlap extension, ES = darkly pigmented "eyespot"
appears, ET = extended throat, and SE = sagittal expansion, enlargement of the
profile of the body in the sagittal plane (adapted from Greenberg 1977).
Adaptive Functions of the Corpus Striatum 67
Forebrain Lesions
Social Dominance
If intact animals, fresh from the field and known to be reproductively active,
are allowed to cohabit a vivarium after a territorial confrontation, the winner
typically goes about his business, alert to the cohabiting loser, but generally
unperturbed as long as the loser responds with appropriate indications of
deference when subjected to an occasional challenge display. A classic social
dominance relationship has been established. The winner monopolizes the best
sites to watch for predators, prey, or mating opportunities, while the loser, no
less active in foraging or feeding, acts with apparent indifference to the trap-
pings of power. Observed for as long a month in this condition, such subord-
inate males were found to have elevated levels of the chronic stress hormone
corticosterone (Greenberg et al. 1984) and roughly half the normal circulating
levels of the hormone testosterone (Greenberg & Crews 1990), indicating that
the change in behavior subsequent to losing a fight is more likely a consequence
of an altered hormone-mediated motivational state than a conditioned response
to a more powerful cagemate.
The significance of the famous bobbing display and its variations awaits the
clarifying resolution of ethological analysis to more fully appreciate the signifi-
cance of their control by the basal forebrain. It seems relevant, however, that the
ability to express the species-typical action pattern is unaffected, but the
capacity to recognize a conspecific and manifest the appropriate response to an
intruding male's species typical display is profoundly impaired. This is not a
mere motor impairment. If the consequences of basal ganglia lesions can be
construed as social agnosia, a defect of cognitive processing, is the process
impaired in this lizard? In mammals, one of the several cerebral cortical inputs
to basal ganglia is area TE in the inferotemporal area. This is interesting because
this area, apparently essential to visual recognition and discrimination, also
receives input from substantia nigra pars reticulata via the thalamus, creating a
circuit that allows basal ganglia to influence higher order aspects of visual
processing (Middleton & Strick 1996). Possibly related is the finding that rats
which work for stimulation of their nucleus accumbens will reduce their
responding under uncontrollable (but not controllable) stress in a way that
indicated a loss or reduction of the reinforcing value associated with the
stimulation (Bowers et al. 1987), recalling the social agnosia of paleostriatal
lesioned lizards mentioned earlier.
70 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
substantia nigra pars compacta, although some studies also report effects in
locus caeruleus and the ventral tegmental area (reviewed by Langston & Irwin
1986). While the primary site of cell death is the pars compacta of the substantia
nigra (SN), the adjacent ventral tegmental area and other sites are also often
affected. The selectivity appears sensitive to both the age of the animal (less
selective in older subjects, Marsden & Jenner 1987) and the amount of MPTP
administered. In fact, at low levels, many SN cells may survive while conspi-
cuous mesostriatal axonopathies appear and tyrosine hydroxylase immuno-react-
ivity in the striatum decreases (Kitt et. al. 1987).
MPTP Experiment
also seen in striatal terminals in areas that also show catecholamine histofluore-
scence and AChE reactivity (Greenberg, Font & Switzer 1988), supporting the
putative homology of the reptilian striatal afferents and the mammalian meso-
striatal pathway.
The projections revealed by the MPTP treatment confirm and extend our
knowledge of ascending midbrain projections in lizards. Parts of this projection
system are similar to the mesostriatal dopaminergic pathway of mammals;
however, the distribution of argyrophilic perikarya found in lizards markedly
differs from reports of cell damage in MPTP treated mammals. Difficulty in
interpretation is attributable to species variability (Langston & Irwin 1986;
Kopin & Markey 1988) and the possibility that non-catecholaminergic neurons
may be affected by MPTP (Switzer & Campbell 1987 with C57 mice).
When aggressive pairs of rats set up social dominance relationships, both are
stressed, but subordination involves additional burdens. Such males manifest
behavior much like chronic depression. They appear defensive, voluntary alco-
hol consumption increases, and lifespans are shortened. Corticosterone is eleva-
ted and testosterone is reduced in rats much as in lizards (above) and most
vertebrates. Most relevant to understanding the neurochemistry of stress and
stress-related dysfunction, subordinates also manifest changes in serotonin
systems indicative of increased 5-HIAA/5-HT ratios in various brain areas and
altered 5-HT(lA) receptor binding at some sites (Blanchard et al. 1993).
prepare us to make the most of what natural or laboratory experiments show us.
Striatal-lesioned lizards, for example, may appear unimpaired unless provided
with an appropriate venue for expression—an expression one might never look
for or find if ignorant of the details of their natural history.
In recent decades, research is becoming more collaborative. The isolation
that results from great disciplinary depth is being overcome by interdisciplinary
research teams. But even in such an environment, ideas are born in a single mind
and then shared, and often the visionary idea is the next generation's dogma. In
an echo of the evolutionary process, ideas that lead to insights that successfully
solve problems are retained and when the problems are solved they become
available for some other use or are even allowed to disappear. Insights about the
basal ganglia, which began as gross estimates based on major trauma or disease,
have become replaced by progressively more subtle understanding as more
detail becomes available and particularly as the diversity of precisely described
behavioral patterns associated with their function in a diversity of taxa and
contexts is examined.
This is the essence of the ethological method, in which an appreciation of the
expressions of comparable behavioral patterns in diverse taxa and in their
natural environments instills a sense of the awesome richness of possibilities
that nature fosters. An appreciation of this breadth of application by supreme
masters of their fields such as Paul D. MacLean will continue to enrich us by
virtue of their model of wide-ranging imagination grounded in deep disciplinary
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Adaptive Functions of the Corpus Striatum 81
MacLean's neuroethology flared in popularity in the third quarter of the
twentieth century, but then undeservedly suffered reduced reputation at the
century's end. As the new one begins, however, his emphases take on added
importance; his focus, that is, upon social behaviors that stemmed from
adaptations originating in deep time. This conclusion results from supporting
data generated by the genome project as well as other genetic and brain research,
on the one hand, and the need for psychiatry (and its allied clinical human
service disciplines) to connect brain actions with normal human communicative
behavior, on the other hand. Ability to do this helps both the assessment and
treatment of those needing care. Caretaking of any kind, a social behavior,
usually involves conspecifics (fellow members of a same species), an outcome
of the expanded human brain: These facts combined with the largely social or
communicative nature of psychiatric symptoms fostered the idea that psychi-
3 4
atry's basic science should be designated sociophysiology. ' Such a basic
science characterizes the ills of this medical specialty as variations in the social
and communicational functions of the body mediated in the brain. MacLean
underlined ancient roots of communicative behavior in a way now unfortunately
ignored by leading neuroscientists. Practical and research implications follow
from dividing psychopathology, its treatments and normal related social
communications into those evolved early versus late, roughly speaking,
components that humans share with other animals and those uniquely human.
86 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
Paul MacLean began this process; those of us doing clinical and correlated
research work need to continue it to render our efforts more rational and more
effective. MacLean's influence should foster our clinical enterprises becoming
ever more relationship-based, nonexploitative benefits of the enlarged human
So, parallel to structure, old behaviors fulfilling their core functions persist in
various modified forms. Natural selection involved mating, territoriality and
social rank hierarchy as early and continuing devices that serve organism
function, well-being, and survival. The basic plans giving rise to proteins and
structures result in traces that remain preserved in the fossil record in contrast to
the movements that always remain inferential, never observable in the long-dead
animals that exhibited them once. Yet inferred or not, we presume from obser-
vations of present-day species that they must have occurred.
Deviations from these fundamental DNA and protein brain structures
produce present-day pathology in psychiatry and abnormal psychology. These
"disorders" appear as maladaptive communications and social functions, for
example, on direct inspection, mania represents the patient as in a state that
dictates the person take over, even when doing that gives the individual (and
those close to him or her) problems. The person does not represent a resource
for others as would be the case if functionally taking over leadership of, say, a
needy group. For MacLean subcortical structures that evolved as foundations to
cortex required more emphatic investigational attention than did the cortical
structures and functions themselves (he in fact worked little with cortical
mechanisms despite their great volume and structural homogeneity). Thus, he
fruitfully examined contemporary lizards, readily available reptiles whose
common ancestor with humans extended to more remotely deep time than any
mammal. In reptiles, MacLean (often with Neil Greenberg, who contributed a
chapter to the present volume) described not only courtship and territoriality
with which we are all familiar in ourselves and in fellow humans, but an added
host of behaviors that surface in an out-of-context manner after people
experience frontal lobe trauma or are impacted by damage to the subcortical
connections with the frontal lobes, especially basal ganglia.
Thus, in psychiatric clinical evaluations, I have noted the behaviors of
patients with deficient frontal lobes. Characteristic signs and symptoms of such
damage include perseveration (repetition of the same behavior), echopraxia
(imitating the examiner's behavior in an obligatory manner), and echolalia
(although reptiles do not speak, their tendency to imitate extends to this sphere
in brain-damaged humans). One easily concludes that for most of us most of the
time, cortical structures that evolved during mammalian stages of development,
suppress, modulate and/or alternatively express such tendencies. We normally
exhibit more subtle repetitions, echopraxia and echolalia in our communica-
tional repertoires; compared to someone with deficient frontal cortex, intact
brains allow a person to integrate these functions smoothly and subtly. For
instance, normal conversation features postural echoing of the participants to
each other; doing so often means each signals reassurance and good feeling. A
speaker's words earn the compliment of repetition by the listener which indi-
cates an appreciation of the speaker's point while urging continuation of the
interaction. Such smooth useful integration represents some of the benefits of
these late-developing brain parts. Old tendencies and modern talents merge in
the ebbs and flows of meaningful conversation that we take for granted.
88 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
It is now recognized that in all animals there are molecular commonalities with respect to
genetic coding, enzymatic reactions, and so on, that carry over into complex cellular
assemblies. Nowhere is the uniformity of complex cellular assemblies more striking than
in the cerebral evolution of vertebrates . . . the human forebrain has evolved and
expanded to its great size, while retaining commonalities of three neural assemblies that
reflect an ancestral relationship to reptiles, early mammals, and late mammals.
[W]e do not gain our undoubted complexity over worms and plants by using many more
genes . . .[indeed], Where do our genes come from? Mostly from the distant evolutionary
past. In fact, only 94 of 1,278 protein families in our genome appear to be specific to
vertebrates. The most elementary of cellular functions . . . evolved just once and stayed
pretty fixed since the evolution of single-celled yeast and bacteria. The biggest difference
between humans and worms or flies is the complexity of our proteins . . . The history is
one of new architectures being built from old pieces.
although he knew the structure was not limited to subserving smell as previously
thought, because he found it well developed in the dolphin, an animal without
olfactory nerves. MacLean, however, expanded on Papez's early description of
the core circuitry for emotion and proposed that neurons in the limbic structures
possessed critical meaning for the distinctively mammalian family which he
concluded probably originated in an early mammal seemingly transitional from
reptilians. Candidate transitional animals, the therapsids, left great numbers of
fossils behind in South Africa, a fact that MacLean felt represented opportunity
for future investigations.
I recall MacLean's speaking to a completely filled auditorium at the 1982
annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association (APA). Among many
findings, he told the audience that lizards sometimes die after losing status in a
social rank struggle. This note, significant for psychiatrists involved daily with
suicidal patients, paralleled developments from other writers, who, similar to
him and acknowledging his pioneering observations, saw affective states as
deeply inherited parts of ancient body plans that provided the neuronal
framework for individuals to communicate with their conspecifics. Thus, Price
and Gardner especially highlighted the social rank hierarchical nature of what
have been traditionally labeled "affective" disorders. Subsequently, Jaak
Panksepp, who investigates emotions in mammals, paid tribute to the pioneering
efforts of MacLean in the forward of his own impressive work entitled Affective
Neuroscience. Panksepp studied with John Paul Scott, a MacLean contem-
porary, who wrote on the evolution of culture in 1989. Panksepp demonstrated
that emotions prominently associate with conspecific social life.
MacLean's neuroethology paved the way for the sociophysiology
3, 4
framework. This holds that the physiology of social processes essentially
provides the foundation for the medical specialty as well as for its related
clinical human sciences. The postulation promises to align psychiatry with its
sister specialties in explaining its pathologies in light of normal brain operations
fashioned over evolutionary time. McKinney and Tucker in their editorial intro-
duction to a special issue of Seminars in Clinical Neuropsychiatry suggest that
psychiatry should redevelop as a "relationship focused enterprise grounded in
sociophysiology to encompass complex behaviors, especially communication,
ancient reaction patterns, brain functions, cellular actions and genomic mechan-
In summary, MacLean emphasized evolutionary happenings in deep time,
especially conspecific communication mediated in the brain's subcortical struc-
tures (emphasizing the cortical mantle less). He underlined the approximate
origins of family life, which he asserts the evolution of the limbic system likely
made possible. He pioneered methodology focusing on across-species compari-
sons and contrasts. These ideas and research should have importantly configured
a basic science for psychiatry utilized to frame clinical procedures and guide
research efforts for the medical specialty and its related clinical human sciences.
But as yet this does not represent common knowledge. The advent of sociophy-
siology is recent, still considered provocative rather than obvious. MacLean's
work and the paradigm that he framed out represent template-forming precursors
90 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
for our subsequent work; yet his reputation seems to have nose-dived, not even
outlasting his active career. This requires examination.
from precursor primate to human that presumably enlisted new genes to underlie
new behaviors. In the best sense of falsifying Popperian science. Baltimore's
above citation refutes this. Nearly all of human biology (and behavior) stems
from precursor species, not arisen de novo\
LeDoux, Gazzaniga's student, wrote a widely read and reviewed book on
emotions which suggested that MacLean overly emphasized how they all stem
from the limbic system as though acting singly; rather, LeDoux emphasized his
impression that each emotion had an independently acting system. Again, his
prevailing critique attacked the overall work via criticizing such details while
seeming to miss the signal contribution that connected the evolution of such
organism attributes to ancient structures stemming from deep time, on the one
hand, and the organism's need to communicate with its conspecifics on the other
hand. LeDoux's book strikingly omits reference to animals more primitive than
mammals. He may also be wrong on some items. For example, LeDoux asserted
MacLean was wrong to include the hippocampus in the emotion system, saying
this because the explicit memory function of this brain part has come clear in
recent decades. Yet in this era of understanding how brain parts interact, who
can say that it departed from the emotion system? Memory connects strongly to
emotional charge of an experience. LeDoux thus joins in the problematic
overemphasis on cortex, a tendency shared by linguists such as Pinker, who
working in the shadow of Chomsky, prefers to think of language as a localized
cortical function. As already mentioned, Lieberman, another linguist, more
recently argued for increased emphasis on subcortical systems. In contrast to
LeDoux, Panksepp credits MacLean for recognizing the import of ancient
evolutionarily derived systems while delineating seven emotion systems in the
rat subcortex.
A quarter century ago, E.O. Wilson's sociobiology sustained attacks for
being politically (not factually) incorrect. This may have also influenced
attitudes about MacLean's work. Segerstrale reviewed the controversies about
sociobiology, and concluded that Wilson's application of population biology to
the affairs of many animals, even human, was a more correct track than that of
the critics (despite her initial bias in the other direction). Why had they been so
critical? What fears dictate the preventive actions of countering such research
work? A partial factor stems from an unfortunate public infatuation with
eugenics that occurred in many countries in the early 20th century, especially
after it became conflated with the horrible and unethical research conducted by
the Nazi regime in World War II. Additionally, we now know that application
of eugenics to combat mental illness, mental retardation and various inherited
illnesses does not work, as inheritance mechanisms are multiplex and often
weak. The full horror of the era seems to have taken some decades to sink in.
Thus, the current neglect of the work of Paul MacLean may additionally stem
from its post-World War II timing. Much of his work preceded the 1975 opus of
Wilson and bore more directly on the brain than did that of Wilson, an
entomologist. Certainly, neither Wilson's nor MacLean's thinking and research
endorsed eugenic or Nazi horrors. Rather MacLean with confidence integrated
Relevance for Psychiatry's Basic Science 93
animal's social context, instead using withdrawal of the animal's siphon when
electrically stimulated as the model for "fear" or "anxiety." Additionally, they
expressed enthusiasm towards the discoveries in the molecular-cellular-organic
(MCO) realms of analysis rather than issues in the BME realms. Thus, they
excitedly focused on discoveries involving the ancient sources of neuronal
mechanisms and propounded that this would accelerate the continued work with
BME issues. This has tremendous importance for the sociophysiological frame-
work for psychiatry and related clinical activities. But what they do not seem to
have tumbled to, or have actively avoided, are the social and communicational
facets of neuronal process. The sociophysiological perspective argues, on the
other hand, that the analyses should represent a BME-MCO docking with two-
way travel of information and discoveries.
In the meantime, mainstream psychiatry in the wake of post-psychoanalytic
thinking gained respectability for its work guided by firm operational criteria for
its disorders even though considerations no longer take center stage of mechan-
isms for how disorders come about. Effective drugs make treatments briefer and
seemingly more scientific, because their actions are anchored in brain chemistry.
Yet debate ensues about whether the overall quality of life has increased and
interminable discussions of drug side effects preoccupy many psychiatrists and
their patients during the brief "med-check" sessions, the only ones available
with present funding practices. A curious avoidance continues of discussion on
the brain's involvement with cultural, psychological, societal and humanitarian
In my opinion, as a need for this gains power with increased public demand
for explanations, MacLean's reputation will grow again. It stems from a
confluence of factors that I sense possesses importance for clinicians and
researchers. Partly this hinges on the framework of descriptive-pharmaceutical
psychiatry combined with medical economic strictures. Influences that foster the
"twisted molecule" model of illness envision ever more precise drugs to do their
remedies by untwisting the knots (similar to the way that psychoanalysts once
aimed at untwisting developmental knots). Sensitive observers have suggested
that drug companies and managed care together work towards the "the goal of
relationshipless psychiatry." Least contact with greatest impersonality represents
an ideal powered by managed care's need to restrict costs combined with drug
companies wishing to emphasize their products. These extraordinarily powerful
economic forces frame much of a present day clinician's work with patients.
This argument does not deny drug benefits; they exist and some people benefit
greatly, but patients regret the loss of personal relationship with the
psychiatrist—of all specialties one might expect interpersonal expertise in this
realm of medicine, but this seems to be fading fast.
Dramatic evidence reveals the approach's downside. At this time, only about
500 of 15,000 U.S. medical school graduates go into psychiatry, compared to
12% of my 1962 graduating class at the University of Chicago. I conjecture that
the new trend resulted in part from the lack of a satisfying intellectual
framework for the field, as well as medical school curricula trending away from
psychiatry in order to encourage students to go into primary care specialties (if
Relevance for Psychiatry's Basic Science 95
they do not, they lose funding based on state and national strictures). In the
meantime, psychoanalytic and other psychotherapeutic clinicians provide the
time for the details of their patient's experience; they work outside managed
care. From informal contacts, I conclude that they are in demand by people
willing to pay for skill and confidentiality.
Despite these trends and facts, I believe that the time will come when not
only psychiatry, but also the humanities and other disciplines will view brain
studies as integral to their traditions in the realms of thought products and other
results of human endeavors. Daniel X. Freedman, another MacLean student and
psychiatrist leader, suggested that the term "biological psychiatry" represented a
redundancy. All psychiatry must be biological just as phenomena on the BME
level of analysis must stem from brain actions. In like vein, there can be no
unbiological social science. In Three Seductive Ideas, Kagan suggests"" that
clinical and social-psychological sciences must be integrated with the rest of
biology, stating specifically, "At present the fragile threads that comprise
concepts in the social sciences are far too separate." He also noted, "One must
know the history of. . . animals to predict their current behavior." Isaac Marks
in surveying anxiety disorders concluded that highly functional propensity states
underlie fear that become malfunctional in the relatively benign present human
7 38
existence/ A recent quote from biologist Deric Bownds suggests in a
MacLean-like crescendo: "Newer structures of the brain encapsulate older ones.
Their feedback to lower levels of the brain can modulate the way in which more
ancient structures regulate homeostasis, emotions, and movement."
Thus Freedman, Kagan, Marks, and Bownds with many others testify to the
importance of a docking between BME and MCO levels of analysis. MacLean's
neuroethology explicitly pioneered this. His research program exemplified the
first clear view of the paradigm of sociophysiology. The biology of social
processes requires additional exploration. The highly similar concepts of
neuroethology and sociophysiology differ only in that the latter term more
closely coheres to the model furnished by the rest of medicine (cardiovascular,
gastrointestinal or renal physiology) and therefore more fittingly entitles a basic
science of psychiatry. Sociophysiology focuses on normal behaviors of special
relevance to psychiatry and related clinical disciplines on the one hand. Thus, all
the disturbances that bring patients or clients to caregivers entail disruptions in
social and communicational attributes; ranging from panics that are aided by
someone nearby, to certainty of harm stemming from out-group enemies
(persecutory delusions), to limitations in memory functions that then disrupt
normal social life. On the other hand, physiology refers to body-workings—
much in the brain of course—that mediate this sociality as well as its disturbing
and distressing components that bring people to the helping professional. These
can range from family quarrels and accompanying violence, to school-related
problems such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, to persecutory
96 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
[T]he body plans of almost all living animals appeared in a very short time, over half a
billion years ago, and have remained essentially unchanged ever since. The evolutionary
information from most genes . . . is lost by random mutation over this evolutionary
timescale. It would be ideal to examine evolution of the developmental regulatory genes
that are involved in generating metazoan body plans. These genes should . . . have paral-
leled the stasis of the body plans they helped to create . . . The Hox genes encode
transcription factors, and they have been found in all metazoans examined.
In summary, both the invertebrate and vertebrate body plans lay deeply
buried within their genomes. The age of common insect-vertebrate ancestor is
Relevance for Psychiatry's Basic Science 97
over 500 million years before the present. Both express central organizational
functions that have retained much in common in presently living animals. Thus,
Horn genes in drosophila homologous to Hox genes in vertebrates are both
oriented in the same direction. Knocking out anterior genes "allows" the usually
more posterior ones to actuate in the more anterior position. The mouse Hox-6
gene put in the fly produces the same developmental controls as does the fly's
original gene. Discovery of these "master control genes" signaled that basic
body plan extended further back in deep time than had been anticipated.
Evolution uses old architecture in its new projects.
Behavior, though it leaves no manifest traces in fossils, does dictate physical
structure. Form follows function. A highly respected neuroanatomist in the
tradition of Cajal during the first half of the twentieth century, C. Judson
Herrick, summarized this thesis in his posthumously published The Evolution of
Human Nature. "In all animals that have a nervous system, it controls the
adaptation of the species to its environment. When its behavior is adequate the
species survives; the more complex the behavior, the more elaborate is the
structure of the nervous system." Conspecifics needed to recognize one another,
including their sexual identity and mating potential. Might such recognitions
stem from ancient gene constellations not yet discovered? Fly genes expressed
in developing mouse brain include orthodenticle that produces a protein almost
identical to that of drosophila. Exploring genes that clearly underlie behavior,
the drosophila gene per determines circadian cyclicity. The fly fruitless gene
less clearly determines sex, but its disruption alters the ability of fruitflies to
carry through the sequence of mating. Though expressed in mammals, we do
not know yet how it might represent a component of the brain base for
vertebrate mating. Yet we know already at this early stage of investigation that
this must exemplify something too important to lapse (so that natural selection
has not reinvented it). This would represent behavior as reflecting homology
rather than convergent evolution, a core tenet for the key sociophysiological
proposition that psychiatric behaviors stem from ancient origins, though poorly
timed and aimed. Curiously, Darwin's Expression of the Emotions in Man and
Animals made a similarly conservative argument.
15 10
Price and I suggested several decades ago that the ancient biology of
social rank hierarchy likely underpins affective illness. In fact these represent
"communicational states." Manic behavior indeed resembles out-of-context
leadership communication. With the concept of propensity states antedating
language in communication (psalic), sociophysiology proposes that communi-
cation and sociality represent important ancient brain states. Signaling the
"planful" attributes of living matter emphasized by Ernst Mayr, psalic also
refers to programmed spacings and linkages |n conspecifics, fundamental aims
of communication. Particular psalics take definition from the three legs of
existing in (1) normal humans, (2) psychiatrically disturbed humans, and (3)
animals. Two psalics alluded to here include alpha psalic (seen in mania, normal
leadership, and animal dominance) and audience psalic (state of receptivity to
conspecifics as in cult membership, normal audiences, and animal subordi-
98 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
that fosters mating and reproduction, (6) a maternal CARE system that nurtures
infants, and (7) a roughhousing PLAY system that provides youngsters with
skill-honing opportunities.
Genome deletion syndromes represent natural experiments for future BME-
MCO interactional analyses. Examples include Fragile X Syndrome, Prader-
Willi (PWS) and Angelman Syndromes (AS). The latter two feature a deletion
in chromosome 15qll-13, and differ from each other in that PWS lacks
chromosome material from the father and AS parallel material from the mother.
This phenomenon represents parental or genomic imprinting. The two syn-
dromes differ markedly phenotypically with a hypothalamic deficiency in PWS
and in AS the cortex affected; these patients show more severe retardation; they
never learn to speak but laugh incessantly. This has permitted the speculation
that through parental imprinting mechanisms, cortex normally results from
action of the mother's genes and hypothalamic structures from the father's
counterpart genes. PWS patients show infantile flaccidity, overeating from ages
2-6 on, they remain sexually underdeveloped even with sexual hormone
treatments, but in striking contrast to AS patients show only mild to moderate
retardation. They demonstrate typical personalities. In work that I conducted at
Texas Children's Hospital, 125 patients were investigated using questionnaire
survey of parents and other significant others. All showed tempestuous demand-
ing behavior with low threshold to frustration regardless of age. They showed
tantrums and never-ending "terrible twos." On the other hand, an anecdotal case
of a patient showed overeating but not the frustration-aggression pattern had
been labeled with "acquired PWS" because he sustained hypothalamic damage
from surgery for a brain tumor in the hypothalamus; he did not in fact have PWS
at all.
Frustration-aggression needs examination. The behaviorally interactive pat-
tern also shows up in other retarded patients. In normal development any parent
is well aware of the problem. Normally this modulates over time, though as any
parent also knows, he or she—even though adult and supposedly mature—
remains also vulnerable to it as when a child becomes aggravating. Frustration-
aggression links to low levels of serotonin in the brain. How hypothalamus
connections to the orbital frontal lobe foster modulation or exacerbation of such
reactions in connections to variously intact nervous systems represents
necessary future work, part of a future MacLean-inspired research program. We
need to learn how the behavior constellation is encoded in the genome and how
it is modulated over normal development. What circuits in the brain are
activated, what circumstances with other people typically affect it, and how are
its cell assembly characteristics parallel to R-complex cell assembly? Where is it
triggered and how is it modulated?
100 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
normal cardiac function. The relevant physiological focus for psychiatry is the
social brain.
The social brain concept focuses on the interaction between brain physi-
ology and the individual's environment. The brain is the organ most influenced
on the cellular level by social factors across development; in turn, the
expression of brain function determines and structures an individual's personal
and social experience. The social brain framework may have greater direct
impact on the understanding of some psychiatric disorders than others.
However, it helps organize and explain all psychopathology. A single gene-
based disorder like Huntington disease is expressed to a large extent as social
dysfunction. Conversely, traumatic stress has structural impact on the brain as
does the socially interactive process of psychotherapy.
Brains, including human brains, derive from ancient adaptations to diverse
environments and are themselves repositories of phylogenetic adaptations. In
addition, individual experiences shape the brain through epigenesis, i.e., the
expression of genes is shaped by environmental influences. Thus, the social
brain is also a repository of individual development. On an ongoing basis, the
brain is further refined through social interactions; plastic changes continue
through life with both physiological and anatomical modifications.
In contrast to the conventional biopsychosocial model, the social brain
formulation emphasizes that all psychological and social factors are biological.
Conversation, feeling, and thinking can happen only from brain-actions in the
involved individuals. Non-biological and non-social psychiatry cannot exist.
Molecular and cellular sciences offer fresh and exciting contributions to such a
framework but provide limited explanations for the social facets of individual
The social brain formulation is consistent with current research and clinical
data. Moreover, it ultimately must:
• account for the role of interpersonal relationships for brain function and
102 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
In conclusion, the concept of the brain as an organ that manages social life
provides significant power for psychiatry's basic science. Burgeoning develop-
ments in neural and genetic areas put added demands on the conceptual
structures of psychiatry. Findings from such incoming work must be juxtaposed
and correlated with the behavioral and experiential facets of psychiatry to give
it a complete and rational basis. Psychiatry's full and unified entry into the
realm of theory-driven and data-based medical science has arrived. The social
brain concept allows psychiatry to utilize pathogenesis in a manner parallel to
practice in other specialties.
30. Walker, M: German eugenics. Review of book by S.F. Weiss: Race Hygiene and
National Efficiency. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988. Science 1988; 240:
31. Paul, DB: A history of the eugenics movement and its multiple effects on public
policy. Review of book by Daniel J. Kevles: In the Name of Eugenics: Genetics and the
Use of Human Heredity. Alfred A. Knopf. Scientific American, January, 1986, pp 27-31.
32. Gabbard, GO: Editorial: Empirical evidence and psychotherapy: a growing scien-
tific base. American Journal of Psychiatry. 2001; 158: 1-3.
33. Kandel, ER, Squires, LR: Neuroscience: breaking down scientific barriers to the
study of the brain and mind. Science. 2000; 290: 1113-1120.
34. Kandel, Eric: A new intellectual framework for psychiatry. American Journal of
Psychiatry. 1998; 155:457-469.
35. Rosack, J: Nobel-Prize winner to speak at annual meeting. Psychiatric News. May
4, 2001, pp. 16-17.
36. Kagan, Jerome: Three Seductive Ideas. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press, 1998.
37. Marks, IM: Fears, Phobias, and Rituals: Panic, Anxiety, and Their Disorders.
NY: Oxford University Press, 1987.
38. Bownds, Deric: Biology of Mind: Origins and Structures of Mind, Brain, and
Consciousness. Bethesda, MD: Fitzgerald Science Press, 1999.
39. Calvin, WH: The Ascent of Mind: Ice Age Climates and the Evolution of Intelli-
gence. NY: Bantam Books, 1990.
40. Edelman, GM: Neural Darwinism: The Theory of Neuronal Group Selection. NY:
Basic Books, 1987.
41. Weiner, J: Time, Love, Memory: A Great Biologist and His Quest for the Origins
of Behavior, 1999.
42. Fortey, Richard: Trilobite: Eyewitness to Evolution. NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 2000.
43. Martindale, MQ, Kourakis, MJ: Hox clusters: size doesn't matter. Nature. 1999;
399: 730-731.
44. Bartelmez, GW: Charles Judson Herrick October 6, 1868-January 29, 1960.
National Academy of Sciences: Biographical Memoirs Volume XLIII. Washington, D.C.:
National Academy Press, 1973, pp. 77-108.
45. Darwin, C: The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals. London: John
Murray, 1872.
46. Gardner, R: The brain and communication are basic for clinical human sciences.
British Journal of Medical Psychology. 1998; 71: 493-508.
47. Mayr, E: The Growth of Biological Thought: Diversity, Evolution, and Inher-
itance. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982.
48. Wilson, DR: Evolutionary epidemiology: Darwinian theory in the service of
medicine and psychiatry. Acta Biotheoretica. 1993; 41: 205-218.
49. Price, J, Sloman, L, Gardner, R Jr., Gilbert, P, Rohde, P. (1994) The social
competition hypothesis of depression. British J. Psychiatry. 164: 309-315. Reprinted in
Baron-Cohen, S. (Ed.) (1997) The Maladapted Mind: Classic Readings in Evolutionary
Psychopathology. Hove, East Sussex, UK: Psychology Press.
50. Gilbert, Paul, Bailey, Kent G. (editors): Genes on the Couch. Philadelphia, PA:
Taylor & Francis, 2000.
51. Bailey, Kent: Human Paleopsychology: Applications to Aggression and
Pathological Processes. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1987.
52. Bakker, C, Gardner, R, Koliatsos, V, Kerbeshian, J, Looney, JG, Sutton, B,
Swann, A, Verhulst, J, Wagner, KD, Wamboldt, F, Wilson, DR (listed alphabetically)
Relevance for Psychiatry's Basic Science 105
John S. Price
The message I got from the work of Paul MacLean entailed the following:
the mammalian forebrain has evolved into three "central processing assemblies"
for coordination of information and decision-making about how to respond to
changes in the environment. These three assemblies coordinate their actions but
make somewhat independent decisions. For ease of communication I talk about
the rational brain situated roughly in the neocortex (MacLean's neomammalian
brain), an emotional brain in the limbic system (MacLean's paleomammalian
brain), and an instinctive brain situated in the corpus striatum (MacLean's
108 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
reptilian brain or R-complex). The rational brain uses all the information that we
normally consider conscious, and its decisions have the character of
voluntariness with full awareness. The emotional brain has restricted access to
the information of consciousness; its decisions have both voluntary and involun-
tary components, with only partial awareness of its decisions; the information
used in emotional brain decision-making includes elements unavailable to the
rational brain, as Pascal noted in his famous aphorism "Le coeur a ses raisons
que la raison ne connait pas" (The heart has its reasons which are not known to
Reason). The instinctive brain has different sources of information that have not
been much studied yet; its decisions are involuntary with no awareness of any
ensuing course of action until that action takes place.
This new conception of the forebrain replaced my previous idea, that of
homogeneous brain expansion since the time of the common human and
reptilian ancestor some 250 million years ago, and included the general principle
that higher centres control the lower ones, largely through inhibition.
The numerous theories of unconscious processes attest to psychiatry's
inevitable concern with brain or mind levels. When treating patients with
depression and anxiety, the clinician finds it obvious that higher centres do not
control the lower ones. No patient with his rational brain can command his
emotional brain to feel less depressed or anxious. From the time of Coue and
Samuel Smiles to the more recent efforts of psychological healers, people have
stood before their mirrors and repeated to themselves such phrases as, "Every
day, in every way, I am getting better and better." But these techniques do not
work. In fact, they make patients worse, because they arouse expectations of
improvement that remain unfulfilled, therefore resulting in disappointment and a
sense of failure. An outstanding feature of psychiatric practice hinges on the fact
that the rational brain of homo sapiens, the acme of the evolutionary process,
has no more control over the lower brain centres than does the rider over a
runaway horse.
Rational control over the lower brains could easily have evolved. The fact
that it has not should tell us something—namely, that painful and incapacitating
processes such as depression which emerge so much against our conscious will
are, in fact, performing one or more functions of adaptive value. It appears that
the rider does not always know best. There is survival value in having a horse
that sometimes makes the decisions.
involves some form of loss or failure. But if, for example, in a group of our
hunter/gatherer ancestors, hunting had gone badly, it would not be adaptive for
the hunters to become so depressed that they were unable to gather effectively.
As with foraging decisions, so with predator avoidance, there is little place for
depressed mood. Only in the case of dealing with climatic adversity do we get a
suggestion that depression might perform some function analogous to hiberna-
tion during the winter, and keep us out of harm's way until spring comes along.
But, in spite of the attention devoted recently to seasonal affective disorder
(SAD), psychiatry is not a seasonal matter, and there is no suggestion that we
might close our consulting rooms during the summer and take jobs as water-ski
Social theories of the adaptive value of depression take the form of cries for
help, changes of social niche, relinquishing of unattainable social goals, and
adjustment to loss. At the time I first became engaged with this field, it was
thought that depression served some function in relation to loss, separation or
bereavement. This reasoning never convinced me. Although it was clear that a
social or romantic bond of many years' duration could not be broken without
some grief, it never seemed likely that a depressive episode of several months'
duration could be adaptive following the loss of a good ally or partner.
Depression is incapacitating, and if you lose a partner, there is the work of the
partner to do in addition to your own, so that an increase in capacity would be
more advantageous than depression.
More likely has been the possibility that elevation and depression of mood
serve a function in relation to social competition. The reasons for this are as
Depressed patients feel like failures and losers.
Manic patients feel successful and like winners.
The basic strategy set of social competition contains the two alternative
strategies of escalation (fight) and de-escalation (flight or submission), which
have similarities to elevated and depressed mood, respectively.
Competing animals can switch rapidly from escalation to de-escalation in the
way that a manic-depressive patient can switch from mania to depression.
Monkeys who have failed in social competition and thus are low ranking may
behave in a restricted and dysphoric manner similar to that of depressed
In our discussions of these matters, we played with ideas of there being two
different types of submission, voluntary and involuntary, and that depression
reflected only involuntary submission—so that an alternative to depression
could be those forms of voluntary submission that go under the terms of
humility, reasonableness, and willingness to compromise. But the water was
murky, and we could not see the way ahead clearly.
Then came triune brain theory. Although it would be too much to say that all
then was light, it did clarify our ideas greatly. One could say that we passed the
white light of escalation/de-escalation theory through the prism of triune brain
theory and saw the resolution of clearly identifiable patterns of behaviour at
each level of the triune brain (see Table 6.1 next page).
In response to social adversity, or ranking stress as we called it, each level of
the triune brain seemed to make a decision between escalation and de-escalation.
Sometimes the decisions agreed. Then there was likely to be a quick resolution
of the conflict through either defeat, acceptance of defeat, and reconciliation on
the one hand, or success, acceptance of the other's submission, and reconcil-
iation on the other. At other times the decisions did not agree, and then trouble
ensued, leading to psychopathology.
We have been concerned at the amount of criticism MacLean has received
from his fellow neuroanatomists, but we note that these criticisms have been
over details, and have not challenged the essential concept of three relatively
independent central processing assemblies; in fact, in their authoritative mono-
graph on the evolution of the vertebrate nervous system, Butler and Hodos
state: "Longitudinal transmission of information within the nervous system and
the presence of rostrocaudally localised areas of integration and control are
7, p 4 6 3
keystones of the chordate nervous system."
The most efficient way to bring about conflict resolution operates at the
rational level. One of two competitors should be able to say, "The other guy is
more powerful, so I will give in." The lower agonistic strategy sets can be left
alone and this could be called functional agonism. But, unfortunately, the human
animal often prefers to not give in. On the way to my present location, I passed a
T-shirt with the caption, "Never surrender," and this sums up a slogan which has
been reiterated over the centuries ever since the Titans were thrown out of
Escalation, De-escalation, Mood Disorders 111
Table 6.1. The Social Competition Strategy Set at Three Levels of the
Triune Brain/Mind
Escalation De-escalation
escalation. There are many causes for this, and I will defer discussion of them to
a later section.
Prolonged instinctive de-escalation may also stem from inappropriate emot-
ional escalation. An example entails the parents whose child has been killed by a
drunken hit-and-run driver. The parents know there is nothing they can do at the
rational level, but there is often sustained anger that cannot be satisfied or
usefully discharged. The continued "punishment" and hurt accesses the instinc-
tive agonistic strategy set and if de-escalation is selected, chronic depression
ensues that cannot be resolved because continued emotional escalation persists.
The third clinical variety is emotional de-escalation associated with rational
escalation. This describes, characteristically, wives consulting for marriage
guidance. They experience emotional distress, weep, and otherwise de-escalate
emotionally. But at the rational level they have escalated in that they are
determined to change their husbands' behaviour; to make him less spendthrift,
or less unfaithful, or just to pay them more attention. Their failure to achieve this
change for the better in the husbands took them to marriage guidance. But the
husbands typically sit in the session stony-faced, turned away from their
weeping wives, apparently unmoved by their distress. They do not want to
change, but they feel confused by their wives' behaviour, escalated at one level
and de-escalated at the other.
In a fourth clinical variety the patient de-escalates at all levels, but the
submission is not being accepted by the important other person. This occurs
sometimes from ignorance, sometimes from cruelty. The fifth and final example
of dysfunctional agonism is seen when the instinctive strategy set is too easily
accessed, and de-escalation occurs inappropriately to the situation. These
patients are oversensitive, too easily moved to tears. Sloman's chapter in this
volume deals with them extensively.
The treatment that arises from our model can be listed in four stages with the
injunction: Try the first stage first, and if that doesn't work, try the second stage,
and so on.
1. Find a rational solution. There is nothing wonderful about the operation of
the lower levels, and their mobilisation of emotional distress and depressed
mood suggest failsafe mechanisms because the higher-level has failed to solve
the problem.
The therapist's task involves:
(d) if a third party is causative, dealing with the problem. Such a third
party may be demanding obedience that conflicts with obedience to
another, therefore preventing the patient from making a desired submis-
sion. This occurs commonly in patients caught between the demands of
a dominant parent and a dominant spouse. They cannot submit to both
at the same time, because the demands are incompatible. Or the third
party may not accept the submission, perhaps because he or she fails to
recognise what is going on.
(e) if the patient's instinctive agonistic strategy set is too easily access-
ed, perhaps due to "kindling" by physical or emotional abuse in child-
hood, setting in motion appropriate measures. These may range from
long-term individual psychotherapy to a self-assertion class. (See
Sloman, this volume.)
(f) if the patient has had to give up some unattainable goal or much-
loved incentive, considering the need for "bereavement counselling" of
some sort. Rosen discusses this well.
2. Reframing the situation. If the situation that gave rise to the depression
seems insoluble, consider how it may seem differently to the patient. Here the
rational brain tries to control the informational input to the emotional brain.
Since it cannot influence the emotional brain directly, this represents the closest
approximation to influencing the decision-making function at the emotional
level. The best reframing process in the Western world is Christianity. Reframed
pain and suffering take on Christ-like qualities: the more one suffers, the more
one shares the experience of the Saviour. Gurdjieff reframed suffering to his
disciples as opportunities to work on the self and so improve the "true self"
which, given enough opportunity and enough work, might become immortal.
The classical reframing, quoted by Watzlawick, is Tom Sawyer's punishment
of having to paint a fence. This prevented him from going fishing with his
friends, so Tom reframed it as a marvellous opportunity to have fun with paint.
This reframing gained such success that his friends forgot all about fishing and
begged him to let them do the job themselves. For the parent of a child killed by
a hit-and-run driver, it may help to see the driver as someone sick rather than
bad, perhaps as someone in the throes of epilepsy or a heart attack.
114 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
For centuries, thinkers have expressed intimations that the mind functions in
a way dictated by the triune nature of the brain. Plato, in a chapter entitled "The
three parts of the soul" describes various functions and asks: "Are we using the
same part of ourselves in all these three experiences, or a different part in each?
Do we gain knowledge with one part, feel anger with another, and with yet a
third desire the pleasures of food, sex, and so on? Or is the whole soul at work in
l3, p 132
every impulse and in all these forms of behaviour?"
Eastern philosophy, brought to the West after World War I by Gurdjieff,
used the metaphor of the horse and cart to describe the mind. It talked of a
driver, a horse and a cart, and of the connections between the three elements.
The driver represents the rational mind, the horse the emotional mind, and the
cart the instinctive mind. This philosophy aimed to create a fourth element, the
"true self" representing a "master," who controlled the driver, and told him
where to go. Gurdjieff established a teaching centre near Paris; its prospectus
a modern man represents three different men in a single individual—the first of whom
thinks in complete isolation from the other parts, the second merely feels, and the third
acts only automatically, according to established or accidental reflexes of his organic
functions . . . they not only never help each other, but are, on the contrary, automatically
compelled to frustrate the plans and intentions of each other; moreover, each of them, by
dominating the other in moments of intensive action, appears to be the master of the
14, p 1 3 8
situation, in this way falsely assuming the responsibility of the real "I."
In summary, the concept of the triune mind has been part of human folk
knowledge for over two millennia. Paul MacLean's description more recently
provided a neuroanatomical basis for this knowledge, offering an enormous
boost to the heuristic value of the triune model. In this chapter and elsewhere 1
attempted to demonstrate some applications to psychiatric practice; and in the
future I would anticipate that it will have a profound influence on the fields of
individual and social psychology.
It is, of course, just a theory, that should be compared with other theories
dealing with the same material. Birtchnell, for example, has put forward a two
level theory that may have advantages in certain circumstances; sometimes
it is useful to contrast the rational brain with the remainder of the brain.
However, the three-level theory has the advantage of dealing with the emotions
116 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
separately. For instance, it clarifies the relation between depressed emotion and
depressed mood (the former focused on an object rapidly responds to changes in
the object's situation, in contrast to depressed mood that remains unfocused or
self-focused, and unresponsive to circumstances present). The present theory
challenges previous theories of emotion, which, for instance, combine anger and
depressed emotion in the same category of negative emotion in contrast to the
positive emotions of joy and happiness. According to triune mind/brain theory,
anger joins with joy as an escalating emotion, in contrast to depressed emotion
seen as a component of a de-escalating strategy. Empirical research will decide
which theory most usefully conceptualizes the data.
1. MacLean PD: The Triune Brain in Evolution. New York: Plenum Press, 1990.
2. Ellenberger HF: The Discovery of the Unconscious: The History and Evolution of
Dynamic Psychiatry. New York: Basic Books, 1970.
3. Beck AT: The development of depression. In D Freedman & H Kaplan (Eds.)
Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry. Philadelphia, PA: Williams and Wilkins, 1974.
Pp. 3-27.
4. Gardner R: The brain and communication are basic for clinical human sciences.
British Journal of Medical Psychology. 1998, 71: 493-508.
5. Huntingford F & Turner A: Animal Conflict. London: Chapman & Hall, 1987.
6. Price JS: The effect of social stress on the behaviour and physiology of monkeys.
In K Davison & A Keff (Eds.) Contemporary Themes in Psychiatry. London: Gaskell,
1989, pp. 459-466.
7. Butler AB & Hodos W: Comparative Vertebrate Neuroanatomy. New York: Wiley
Liss, 1996.
8. Gardner R, Jr. & Price JS: Sociophysiology and depression. In: T Joiner & JC
Coyne (Eds.) The Interactional Nature of Depression: Advances in Interpersonal
Approaches, Washington, DC: APA Books, 1999, pp. 247-268.
9. Rosen DH: Transforming Depression: Egocide, Symbolic Death, and New Life.
NewYork: Putnam, 1993.
10. Ouspensky PD: In Search of the Miraculous: Fragments of an Unknown
Teaching. London:Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1950.
11. Watzlawick P, Beavin JH, Jackson DD: The Pragmatics of Human Communi-
cation: A Study of Interactional Patterns, Pathologies and Paradoxes. New York: W.W.
Norton, 1950.
12. Weissman N M & Markowitz JC: (1994) Interpersonal psychotherapy: current
status. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1994; 51: 599-606.
13. Cornford FM: The Republic of Plato. Translated with introduction and notes.
London: Oxford University Press, 1992.
14. Bennett JG: Gurdjieff. Making a New World. London: Turnstone Books, 1976.
15. Price JS: The adaptive function of mood change. British Journal of Medical
Psychology 1998; 71: 465-477.
16. Birtchnell J: The inner brain and the outer brain. The ASCAP Newsletter, 1999,
12(01), 11-17.
Escalation, De-escalation, Mood Disorders 117
Leon Sloman
The effective IDS reduces motivation to continue the struggle, adjusts aspira-
tions, and increases readiness to flee or submit, while engaged or considering
engaging in a confrontation. While a mild IDS may be characterized as "disap-
pointment," a more powerful IDS may be associated with feelings of depression.
Flexible responsiveness to a changed situation and a strong "sense of self"
represent hallmarks of an effective IDS. A more self-confident person finds it
easier to change his stance and admit he was wrong. The behavior of the winner
may have a substantial impact on the loser's IDS. For example, the winner may
show magnanimity and perhaps share the spoils of the fight or, in other species,
accept grooming from the defeated rival. This friendliness and positive acknow-
ledgment of the loser's prowess makes it easier to accept defeat.
Involuntary Defeat Strategy and Depression 121
The effective functioning of the IDS brings a recognition that further struggle
would be futile, which ends the conflict and leads to the acceptance of the new
status quo, which switches off of the IDS. When the conflict is over, the IDS no
longer serves any useful function, except in an attenuated form by discouraging
the individual who has lost from attacking the victor who has demonstrated
superior prowess. The effective IDS leading to acceptance of defeat thus frees
the individual to resume more productive activities, resume an affiliative
relationship with the opponent, or run away to safety. Effective functioning of
the IDS causes loss of motivation to struggle any more, which prompts the
decision that it would be useless to continue. This is followed by adjustment to
the new situation, namely, acceptance of the subordinate role which, in turn,
leads to a termination of the IDS. The outcome of such encounters may leave
people with a more realistic appraisal of their own and others' strengths and
abilities and also leave them free to move on to face new challenges. However,
in the instance of escape, the IDS may be terminated without acceptance, since
the individual may be generating resources for renewed attack.
To summarize, when the IDS functions effectively, it helps avoid unneces-
sary conflict or brings conflict to an end. Termination of the conflict leads to
escape, or submission and/or acceptance. When the submission has been
accepted and the need to submit subsides, the IDS switches off. Similarly, if one
escapes and feels free, the IDS is no longer required. However, if the IDS does
not bring them to relinquish their unattainable goals, individuals may become
depressed, abusive to others, or locked into unproductive power struggles that
lead to dysfunctional interactions in both family and other social domains
(Sloman 1981).
accounts for how, when the IDS has been overstimulated at an earlier point in
time, a smaller amount of stimulation is subsequently required to produce the
same strength of reaction. The notion of kindling purports to explain why the
first depressive illness may be precipitated by a major loss, while subsequent
relapses are triggered by much smaller losses.
When accepting subordinate status functions better than persisting in a self-
defeating strategy, why are we not programmed to show acceptance more
readily? One answer involves fighting strategies. To win, we must maintain our
belief that victory will come our way. If we react to every minor setback, we
might betray this information to our adversary. This would give him more heart
and thus bring about our own defeat. It seems likely that one reason why the IDS
evolved was to counteract this implacable resolve to win at all costs. Social life
would not be possible with a Titan mentality (Price, personal communication).
Maynard Smith (1982), using game theory, showed how assessor strategy
allows the contestant to evaluate whether the opponent or potential opponent is
stronger or weaker and then respond appropriately. If the animal correctly
evaluates that it would lose if it came to a fight, it might be in that animal's
interest to take flight relatively uninjured. On the other hand, if the animal
correctly evaluates that it would win, its best interest may be served by fighting
and benefiting from the spoils of victory. These spoils might comprise a rise in
status with better access to food, territory, and mating partners. Thus, that the
animal makes an accurate judgment of comparative strength holds great
importance. If the assessor strategy is off the mark, the IDS might be prema-
turely triggered or may fail to be triggered at the appropriate times. Both of
these can have negative consequences for the individual.
The king's pain of having his "subjects tramping hourly on his heart" may
not appear like the IDS, because it can take the form of incapacity, such as
illness, old age, possession by the devil, or some other condition unrelated to the
contest at issue. However, for the king this helps him submit. Is it not more
reassuring to see your opponent old and sick than stepping down in full
possession of his faculties, still able to make a speech which rings our heart with
sympathy, and oratorical ability but which could have been turned alternatively
to speeches requesting allies to support him in a come-back? For the king to
become reconciled and step down gracefully may not have been a viable option
(Price, personal communication). Those of less exalted status, who experience a
major defeat may find other arenas where they can experience success so that
their setback is only temporary.
The relationship between the competitors may make it painful for the loser to
submit and for the winner to accept the submission. For example, if the
contestants feel too much bitterness, triggering of the loser's IDS may fail to
stimulate acceptance by either party. If the adversary refuses to accept
submission and continues to behave agonistically by using put-downs, for
instance, this is likely to generate more anger and resentment. There may also be
pressure from other members of the same group who want the struggle to
Support from other members of the group can also make it easier to accept
defeat. This may take the form of solicitude, or praise for the loser's efforts.
Gardner (1982) found that alpha individuals on the dominance hierarchy and
manic patients responded to questionnaires in a similar fashion, and his proposal
of a relationship between dominant behavior and manic illness represents a
seminal contribution. He deduced that inborn strategies that had an adaptive
function by helping alpha individuals attain and maintain their dominant status
could also become maladaptive by contributing to manic illness. Gardner's
model of manic illness complements Price's (1969) model of depression.
According to Price, increasing intensity of the Involuntary Defeat Strategy
associated with continued agonistic loss can culminate in depressive illness.
Similarly, deduced from Gardner's formulations, an increasingly intense out-of-
control Involuntary Dominant Strategy culminates in mania.
One unanswered question is whether mania is more closely related to one
particular form of dominant behavior. For example, is it related to the immediate
reaction to winning, which is associated with feelings of elation, high self-
confidence, and ritualistic behavior like throwing one's arms up in the air or
doing a victory dance? Or, is it related to the more long-term pattern associated
with being at the top of the hierarchy? After the feelings of triumph associated
with winning have faded, a residuum often manifests as increased self-
confidence. A third pattern that can be called "pseudo-dominance,"is character-
ized by a bullying or controlling attitude towards those perceived as weaker than
oneself and hierarchically lower. This behavior could be considered to be a
Involuntary Defeat Strategy and Depression 127
close interrelationship between winning and losing is also shown by the fact that
the greatest triumph may be to "pluck victory from the jaws of defeat." Gardner
(1982: 143-148) commented that both mania and depression are obviously
primitive in that they are separated from social reality. This enables one to
argue, in these conditions, the likely reptilian origins of agonistic behavior.
Early learning plays an important role in the priming of the biological see-
saw. When conditions are optimal, the child learns when to challenge and when
to submit. The abused or severely repressed child tends to be overly primed to
respond in a subordinate fashion. In later years this child's subordinate response
may be prematurely triggered by any minor or imagined slight, exhibiting an
unbalanced see-saw.
In some cases, because genetic and experiential factors interplay, forceful
and frequent moves of the see-saw lead to an oscillation between overactivation
(depression) at one end of the see-saw and overactivation (mania) at the other
end. Sharp transitions from depression to mania and vice versa may exemplify
this, as observed in bipolar disorder. This oscillation may also occur with a
lesser force in cyclothymic personality. Overactivation refers to the escal-ation
of a normally adaptive mechanism to the point that it becomes largely
maladaptive as when the IDS manifests as clinical depression, the dominant
strategy manifests as mania, or when fear, anxiety vomiting, and diarrhea, all of
which have important adaptive functions, intensify too much.
Case of Dorothy
Case of Leila
Leila was a 42-year-old married woman I saw in couples therapy. She had
been abused by her previous husband and we had been working on how she
could give up playing a victim role. In a dream a few days after the previous
session, Leila found herself in an anxiety-producing situation and felt that she
could react in an angry or frustrated way. She suddenly realized that she didn't
have to react in either way and felt an incredible sense of calm. She became
aware that she had been reacting as if she had a great need for power and was
reminded of the biblical injunction "The meek shall inherit the earth." She had
been trying to make sense of why she needed to take a subordinate position.
When she could give up her need for power, she became less involved in
agonistic conflicts. This, in turn, relieved her of having to take a "one-down"
These cases illustrate two sides of the same coin. Dorothy illustrates the
value of freeing up people to express themselves without triggering the subordi-
nate strategy. Leila illustrates the merits of avoiding getting into agonistic
conflict with opponents who are clearly more powerful than oneself. These two
approaches are interdependent as people often compensate for feelings of
130 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
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Daniel R. Wilson
The triune concept of brain, though now principally associated with the work
of Paul MacLean, is actually quite a staple of medical history. The Smith Papy-
rus, ca 1750 BCE, is the earliest extant written reference to "brain" (Garrison
1929). However, despite their otherwise advanced attention to matters of body
and mind, even as the body itself was ritualistically embalmed for mummifi-
cation and all other major organs were venerated in cenoptic jars, the Egyptians
paid so little regard to the neuromental substance that it was routinely disgorged
from the brain case and discarded. The Egyptian civilization, which was advan-
ced in so many aspects, did not contribute much to neuroscience theory or
Nevertheless, the Greeks as early as Plato established sophisticated con-
cepts of brain science (although Aristotle held to the less accurate belief that the
heart was the seat of the soul). This Platonic neuroscience is noteworthy in many
respects, not the least by its close resemblance to MacLean's tripartite arrange-
ment. The "Epithimetikon" constituted the basic appetitive level over which
operated the "Thintoeides" apparatus of affect and the "Logistikon" a more
rarefied level of rationality. These clearly correspond to basal midbrain, limbic
and cerebral components identified in contemporary neurology.
Thereafter, Galen of Pergamum, among his many accomplishments, likewise
propounded a triunian concept of neuromentality. Not only was he prescient in
fixing "the seat of the soul" in the frontal lobes, he further noted this lay above
mere vegetative and animal levels of the brain. St. Augustine of Hippo, too, had
a tripartite system. This took shape in his masterful weaving of Neo-Platonism
into the fabric of Christianity. His works such as Confessiones or De civitate
Dei, and especially De Trinitate, constructed a triunian foundation upon which
Disorders: Evolutionary Epidemiologic Analyses 135
much of the apparatus of Western culture was subsequently raised. Thus, via the
extended vitality of Galenic ideas in medicine and Augustinian ideas in theo-
logy, triunian concepts secured primacy for well more than a millennium of
early neuroscience.
Hence, any triune conceptual system has considerable resonance with
essential characteristics of Western culture as well as subtle but inescapably
religious overtones. Other examples abound. More recently, Freud put forth a
highly influential triune schema with id, ego, and superego having obvious
correlates in MacLean's neuroethological discoveries (MacLean 1990).
So, old though it is, the triune model entered the 20th century with remark-
able vigor and soon came to explicitly influence contemporary neuroscience.
But other crucial discoveries accrued between the waning days of medieval
scholasticism and the extraordinary efflorescence of neuroscience in the late
20th century. These can concisely be recapped with reference to a series of
classic events that relate intimately to the theme of this chapter and this book
In 1664, Thomas Willis published the first meaningful dissection and
assessment of the functional anatomy of distinct subcortical structures including
the basal ganglia, or corpus striatum (Parent 1986). Its central position and wide
range of vivid cortical and brain stem tracts led Willis to believe it was perhaps
the "sensorium communale" of Aristotle, a structure which was at the time
thought to originate all motor efferents and receive all sensory afferents.
However, neurology soon turned its attentions toward exciting histological
studies of the cortex, and efforts to localize higher mental functions as cortical
research reigned in the 18th and 19th centuries. A few scholars sustained
research on the basal ganglia and discovered that functions long ascribed to it
were actually properties of adjacent corticospinal paths and, so, the striatum
"seemed to fall from its high estate and depreciate in physiological significance"
(Wilson 1914: 428). Yet experimental research pertaining to the striatum
advanced rapidly via lesion-induced disorders of motor functions (Wilson 1914;
Cajal 1928).
The corpus striatum re-emerged as a major element of the "extrapyramidal
motor system," which grouped it with brain stem nuclei as a complete and
independent motor unit (Carpenter 1981; Parent 1986). The term "basal ganglia"
generally refers to these major anatomical telencephalic subcortical nuclei at the
base of the forebrain, formally the corpus striatum (striatum and globus palli-
dus), with the substantia nigra and subthalamic nucleus. This work, both in
methods and findings, was of a piece with the subsequent experiments of neuro-
ethologists in general, and MacLean in particular.
Meanwhile, in 1878, Broca published his crucial hypothesis concerning "le
grande lobe linibique" which helped to begin to break loose a variety of popular
quasi- and pseudoscientific formulations (The author, who once taught medicine
and anthropology at the University of Cincinnati, is especially appreciative of
the "System of Medical Anthropology," which his predecessor, Professor
Buchanan, taught at the university in 1847 as something of a phrenology of the
body whole; as it happens, "the region of moral insanity" is depicted from the
136 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
mid-thigh to the navel of a Rubenesque lady). As for Professor Broca, his great
achievements and their connections with 20th century neuroethology are
detailed elsewhere in this and other volumes. Here it is necessary only to note
how Broca also was of a piece with the neuroethology soon to follow.
In 1921, the German-born American physiologist Otto Loewi identified the
vagusstoffi which is to say the first neurotransmitter has been known for less
than a century. From this, a plethora in structure and function of types, subtypes
and variations upon neurotransmitters continue to be identified as neuroethology
was greatly enriched by continuing research. Then in 1937, Papez extended
Broca's hypothesis toward a more complete description of the mechanisms of
emotion that MacLean subsequently elaborated in remarkable detail.
This brief sketch of the general historical context in which triunian neuro-
ethology arose is further enriched by diverse, yet keenly relevant parallel
findings, as from evolutionary neurobiology, neurotransmitter research, and
game mathematics. These findings are discussed next as prelude to a preli-
minary effort to delineate how such compatible findings from diverse fields
form a coherent picture of the Darwinian origins of mental and brain patho-
phenotypies, emphasizing manic-depression as an example. Therefore, we turn
to a brief review of neuromental evolution before examining all this in connec-
tion to disorders of mood and thought processes as typified in and by mania and
Though neurons are distinct from general somatic cells, the pattern of their
evolutionary derivation from less specialized cells is obvious. Essentially, in the
course of physiologic operations living cells inevitably induce micro-electrical
potentials across the membrane. This sets the stage in which phylogenetic
refinements of transmembrane conduction evolved from depolarization pheno-
mena. Disturbance of primitive cell membranes alters electrical potentials only
locally. Yet, rather basic refinements in the spatial and chemical aspects of cells
gave rise to processes of propagative depolarization that, coupled with synapsi-
tic complexes, provide the principal means of interneuronal communication.
From such beginnings developed dispersed neural systems, as is evident in
Medusa (jellyfish). Here there is coordinated neural action to maintain the
swimming sweep but nothing anatomically identifiable as a nervous system in a
centralized sense. The helminths are the earliest taxa with an overt central neural
apparatus. That is, worms have a brain from and to which a neural cord entrains
the rest of the soma. This arrangement is highly canalated in the HOX
(homeobox) gene cluster with imago anatomical referents in all subsequent
species (Vernier et al. 1995). Still, though a central brain of sorts is evident in
helminths, much somatic intellect is retained at this phylogenetic level; decapi-
tated worms can breed, feed, dig, locomote, and inure to mazes.
Disorders: Evolutionary Epidemiologic Analyses 137
Increased synaptic density plus expansion of total cortical volume leave no doubt the
postnatal period is one of very rapid synaptogenesis in human frontal cortex. By age 2
years, synaptic density is at its maximum; at about the same time when other components
of cerebral cortex also cease growing and when total brain weight approaches that of the
adult. Synaptic density declines subsequently, reaching an adult value that is only about
6 0 % of the maximum (Huttenlocher 1990).
nately than do those of the D cluster. Such differential distribution explains the
relative efficacy and limited toxicity of antipsychotic drugs that operate on
mammaloid D —opposed to more primitive reptilo-vertebrate circuits (Owens
& Risch 1995).
These very distinctive anatomical and functional dopamine receptor subtypes
indubitably derive from a phylogenetically common ancestral form. Each
subtypic modification of the template branched off as an innovative resolution
of specific selective pressures extant at different times in the environment of
phylogenetic adaptation (MacLean 1990). In mammaloprimatoid brain, such
innovations were necessary to modulate social behavior in increasingly sophisti-
cated ways.
Again, the complexity of serotonin is akin to that of dopamine (Owens &
Risch 1995). However, serotonin is even more widely distributed in the brain
(and thus may have less specific subdistribution than dopamine). Serotonin
clusters within four types with a total of more than a dozen subtypes. As it
happens, the rapid pace of discoveries in serotonergic microneuronanatomy
makes a detailed account of current knowledge not only difficult but all too
ephemeral and is, in any event, well beyond the range of present discussion.
Crucially, assays of serotonin receptor mRNA densities vary considerably
across brain regions but, taken together, these assays indicate serotonin
mediation of widely diverse cognitive and behavioral activities; notably, the
projections of the dorsal raphe-striatum. These are phylogenetically earlier
features largely fixed in the course of reptilian brain evolution in a mode similar
to D . The serotonin projections of medial raphe-hippocampal system originated
later in evolution and address different phylogenetic demands. Given such
robust microanatomical and functional links to limbic structures and functions,
these later serotonin innovations modulate affective-cognitive demands unique
to mammalian social evolution (MacLean 1990).
In aggregate, these rapidly accruing researches concerning neurotransmitter
subtypology call for a revised dopamine hypothesis in which normal thought
and mood are contingent upon orchestrated actions of diverse modulators—
perhaps especially dopamine and serotonin—as well as other quasi-transmitter
agents such as neurohormones and endogenous opioids. As for the classic
neurotransmitters, dopamine and serotonin appear to mediate normative moods
and thoughts whereas derangements in dopamine/serotonergic physiology
induce disease such as psychosis, abulia, mood and extrapyramidal effects.
Psychotic and mood symptoms arise when prefrontal cortex and/or meso-
limbic systems are significantly altered with respect to dopaminergic and/or
serotonergic function (Janssen et al. 1988; Davis et al. 1991; Meltzer 1992).
Serotonin depletion typically aggravates symptoms via initial escalation of
mood and activity, soon followed by irritability and thought disorder. Such
irritability is frequently accentuated by reduction of serotonergic circuits,
particularly when these are also affected by sleep deprivation (Keck, pc 1997).
Moreover, compounds with high (S i /D ) ratios of raphe-hippocampal-limbic
rh 2
and antagonizes 5-HT moieties. These moieties elicit dopamine release "down-
competitive games (Kemper 1990). These rises can include even nonphysical
contests such as chess (Mazure et al. 1992). Thus neurotransmitter and endo-
crine parameters not only reflect general features of social status, affect, and
mood but directly link to reproductive biology itself.
Major subtypes of neurotransmitter receptors, particularly dopamine and
serotonin, have unique anatomical distributions and functional consequences.
These consequences are quite germane to, among other concerns, the resolution
of stress engendered by social competition. This resolution is most often
accomplished via innovative capacities for cognitive-affective assessment and
behavior. These capacities successively typified the brains and psychology of
reptiles, then social mammals and, most distinctively primates (Dunbar 1988;
Mithen 1996).
Acquisitive - emotive/ RHP Roused mood, Low mood
likely to win likely to lose
Affect > cognition Aggressive/sadistic Morbid/
SI > S 2 D 2 , 3 , 4 > D 1 +EPS Sl,D3,4&NE///g/z S1,D3,4&NE
*(resource holding potential) Low
prevail either adaptively or, more often, maladaptively. The latter maladaptive
release of reptilian repertoires is usefully termed "phylogenetic regression"
(Bailey 1987).
A major inhibition on social dynamics which might otherwise tend toward
robustly Nietzschean "will to power" among individuals—kin or not—is the
mother-offspring unit itself. Many lower species, especially those of an reelect-
ed nature—depend on extravagant numbers of little cared-for offspring rather
than extravagant nurturance of few offspring; indeed, some parents, not recog-
nizing their young, cannibalize them (Pianka 1970).
However, this emphasis on quality of reproductive effort shifts toward
quality as species become more K-selected. These trends are utmost in eusocial
mammals such as the primates. As kinship becomes better recognized, inclusive
survival is promoted via more perspicacious nurturant investments such as
nursing, teaching, and so on. MacLean (1985) outlines the behavioral patterns
evolved in consequence to in the evolution of mother-offspring bonds. Caring
dependency fosters greater exploration of the environment as well as enhanced
play with peers, and so, social skills and insight are acquired.
Such skills art the cement of eusociality and are, in turn, subserved by the
magnificent efflorescence of neurotransmitter subtypologies whose evolutionary
origins and functions have been sketched here in a preliminary manner as a spur
to improved current and, especially future, understanding via novel programs of
synthetic research.
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James C. Harris
The brain provides foresight in planning for ourselves and others. There is also
evidence that it functions to help us gain insight into the feelings of others . . .
in the complex organization of the old and new structures, we have presumably
a neural ladder, a visionary ladder, for ascending from the most primitive
sexual feelings to the highest level of altruistic sentiments . . . If through
education, we could only apply what the brain already knows, the year 2000
might see the beginning of a truly golden age. (MacLean, P. D., 1968)
Paul MacLean has long emphasized the importance of the integration of the
triune brain and spoken of our capacity to act altruistically toward others. He
brings to neuroscience and cognitive neuroscience an approach that is uniquely
an evolutionary perspective on the integration of the brain functions and beha-
vior as illustrated in this opening quotation.
I propose to focus on the evolution of sociability as the outcome of the
integration of the triune brain. In doing so I will review the contributions of
Adolph Meyer, Charles Darwin, Kropotkin and the Russian evolutionists,
Antonio Damasio, and Frans De Waal. I will discuss recent investigations in
autistic disorder to illustrate the impact of the failure of brain development on
socialization. In taking this theme I draw upon three of MacLean's key points:
(1) The integration of the brain results in empathetic responses. Vision is a
cold sense that must be linked to feeling to allow one to look with feeling; that
is, to have empathy. This linking emerges from the connections of the prefrontal
cortex with the limbic cingulate cortex (in MacLean's terms the parental cortex
and its connections). The prefrontal cortex is associated with the executive
functions of self-regulation, planning, anticipation, but also with emotion
regulation and potentially with empathetic and altruistic feelings.
156 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
I begin with the proposal that the evolutionary process proceeds toward
greater sociability and that brain integration is aided by mutual interpersonal
support. Still there are competing viewpoints about the value of studying the
brain to appreciate the origins of sociability. On the one hand, Richard Dawkins,
the author of The Selfish Gene (1976), writes "Be warned that if you wish, as I
do, to build a society in which individuals cooperate generously and unselfishly
toward the common good, you can expect little help from biological nature. Let
us try to teach generosity and altruism, because we are born selfish" (Dawkins
But Stephen Jay Gould counters with this statement: "Why should our nasti-
ness be the baggage of an apish past and our kindness uniquely human? Why
should we not seek continuity with other animals for our noble traits as well?"
De Waal (1996) provides evidence for the view expressed by Gould (1980,
1988). In his Good Natured: The Origins of Right and Wrong in Humans and
Other Animals, he provides the example of the Japanese macaque, Mozu, who at
age 18 had survived as a member of her troop and raised five offspring despite
having no hands and feet. From paleontology there are examples from the fossil
record of survival into adulthood of Neanderthal and other early humans
afflicted with dwarfism, paralysis of limbs, and inability to chew. The survival
of the handicapped who are a burden to the group may be the earliest example of
compassion in evolution. Although others have suggested that such evidence
may merely indicate tolerance, De Waal provides evidence from ecological
studies of macaques, chimpanzees, and bonobos where examples of animal
empathy and social intelligence have been observed. This includes observations
of responses to the distress of another, self-awareness, transmission of informa-
tion, and the manipulation of social relationships. He provides examples from
the primate literature of coalition formation where help from a friend is obtained
in a confrontation, of friendly reunions following aggressive encounters, and of
social support provided to the loser by others who were not involved.
Such interest in the evolutionary origins of culture are continuing as
discussed in the June 25, 1999 issue of Science. Two reviews, "Chimps in the
Wild Show Stirrings of Culture" (Vogel 1999) and "Are Our Primate Cousins
Conscious" provide summaries of recent research.
Consistent with the findings of De Waal, van Schaik and his colleagues
(Pennisi 1999), when comparing five chimpanzee field studies, noted that those
with the higher social tolerance (e.g., meat sharing, female-female grooming)
Empathy, Autism, and the Triune Brain 157
had the highest tool use. This suggests the importance of social tolerance in
development. The authors ask: Is there a rudimentary consciousness in chimpan-
zees, even the prerequisites for morality? We are a long way from chimpanzees
in evolutionary terms, but there were many evolutionary links to humans, with
selective forces acting from Australopithecus africanus (4.5 million years ago)
to Homo erectus (1.8 million years ago) to Cro-Magnon to Homo sapiens. The
capacity to overcome instinctive behavior is an evolutionary advance marked by
the emergence of increasing social intelligence. According to Kramer (1999)
and de Waal (1989) this may involve the ability to categorize social stimuli
(including vocal and nonvocal communication); recognize kin and non-kin;
understand dominance hierarchies; courtship and mating behavior; form
alliances; resolve conflicts; cooperate in predator vigilance and defense;
cooperate in foraging and hunting; engage in deception; and participate in social
The advances are associated with being aware of one's self and others' (and
knowing the difference), and understanding that others also have mental states, a
critical aspect of recent "theory of mind research." We have moved in our
understanding of animal behavior from David Premack's query, "Do chimps
have a theory of mind?" to Marc Hauser's "Wild Minds" and Frans de Waal's:
Good Natured: the Origins of Right and Wrong in Humans and other Animals.
one form at the expense of another. Yet he reminds us that in Russia the natural
setting was a great, sparsely populated plain. "Where were Darwin's wedges in
this environment?" In Russia the populations were most obviously checked by
physical circumstances. These circumstances were often so severe that one
form's slight advantage over another could easily seem insignificant. He notes
that "a sudden blizzard or an intense drought might obliterate entire populations
of insects, birds, and cattle without regard for difference among them." Thus the
Russian evolutionists proposed "mutual aid" as the driving force in evolution
that allowed survival to continue. They pointed out that those species with the
most highly evolved brains have the greatest brain weight, show the greatest
social cooperation, and are the most sociable (Todes 1989). This view proposes
that brain evolution may be moving toward greater sociability. The work of de
Waal (1996) that was previously mentioned provides modern support for the
mutual aid hypothesis. De Waal points to the work of Trivers (1972) on the
evolution of reciprocal altruism and to the more controversial topic of group
selection for altruistic behavior (Wilson & Sober 1994).
Further support of the role of the brain in sociability and evidence for the
grounding of morality in neurobiology comes from case reports of changes in
human behavior following brain damage. The most famous case may be that of
Phineas Gage, a 25-year-old railroad foreman, whose brain damage was sus-
tained when a iron tamping rod was forced through his ventromedial frontal
cortex. Remarkably he survived with his elementary mental functions intact.
His speech was reported to be normal as was his memory, however, his person-
ality changed. Previously pleasant and reliable, he became irresponsible and lost
respect for social conventions. Damasio's Descarte's Error (1994) provides
other examples of similar antisocial personality change following brain tumors
and other damage to this brain region. Damasio continues with the theme of the
importance of the "body in the mind" in The Feeling of What Happens: Body
and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness (1999). Dolan (1999) follows up
on these findings in his "On the Neurology of Morals."
The work of Paul MacLean has considered the brain's evolutionary under-
pinnings for social behavioral deficits and altruism. MacLean's work on the
integrated function of the triune brain is in keeping with the Russian evolution-
ists' emphasis in evolutionary theory. Such evolutionary steps toward sociabi-
lity have been investigated by MacLean in his studies of the effects of brain
lesions on behavior in lizards, rodents, and squirrel monkeys.
He discusses an increase in sociability and social responsiveness that
emerges with particular evolutionary advances in brain development as we move
up the evolutionary ladder from reptiles to primates. Most striking are those
evolutionary changes that lead to cooperation in family life. Indeed, based on
MacLean's work, it has been proposed that consciousness may have its rudimen-
tary beginnings with affective arousal directed toward the feeding of the young
Empathy, Autism, and the Triune Brain 159
performance influenced by affective state rather than the term we use today,
depressive disorder.
Meyer spoke of integrated mental functioning and MacLean uses the meta-
phor of the integration of the triune brain. Such formulations may be helpful in
monitoring the outcome of psychotherapy as the therapist looks for examples of
spontaneous acts of prosocial behavior as evidence of integrated functioning.
An integrated performance by the individual that is responsible and that is
ethically correct is a goal to work toward in psychotherapy. One literary
example of a disciplined spontaneous gesture is in Herman Hesse's The Glass
Bead Game, when Joseph Knecht, knowing the risk to his life, dives to save a
drowning child. Although he drowns himself in the act of saving the child's life,
his act of self-sacrifice has enduring effects on the behavior of others.
What are the evolutionary origins of responsible behavior and self-sacrifice
for the benefit of others? Is it, perhaps, based in parenting behavior? Did
parental behaviors evolve only to maintain the gene pool or do they also
provide, in acts of courage or in empathetic responses, models to establish a
culture of generosity? Meyer focused on a "disciplined spontaneity" as
indicative of integrated performance of the "person in action;" responsible,
effective, and adaptive.
One issue that becomes apparent as we study brain evolution and behavior is
that evolutionary approaches can inform psychotherapy. A goal of psycho-
therapy is to reduce self-deception in relationships with others and, in so doing,
to become empathetic and demonstrate compassion towards others. This linking
of affect and cognition is basic to psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is an
interpersonally attuned approach to the person that deals with the minute
particularities of moments of therapeutic contact between therapist and patient.
Such an interpersonal encounter provides an opportunity for empathetic
understanding and, as a result, for changes in behavior. MacLean's emphasis on
epistemics, the study of subjective understanding, is particularly important for
psychotherapy where an understanding of one's own self-deception and the
recognition of deceptive behavior towards others is most pertinent. Indeed it
may be that the goal of psychotherapy is to realize, confront, and confirm the
effects of self-deception on oneself and others and to change one's subsequent
behavior. The metaphor of the integration of the triune brain may be considered
a basis for psychotherapy as the therapist looks for spontaneous acts of prosocial
behavior as outcome variables and as evidence of integrated functioning.
Empathy, Autism, and the Triune Brain 161
In the study of the brains of autistic individuals, brain weight was measured
in 19 cases. An age difference was noted; 8 of 11 brains from persons younger
than 12 years of age showed a significant increase in brain weight compared to
the control group. However, 6 of 8 brains of those over age 18 had weights that
were lower than expected, although not statistically significantly reduced. In the
neocortex no abnormality in external configuration of the cortex was identified.
However, on microscopic examination, 8 of the 9 brains had unusually small
and more closely packed neurons and less distinct laminar architecture in the
anterior cingulate gyrus; in one brain there was a minor malformation in the
orbitofrontal cortex in one hemisphere. The remainder of the cerebral cortex
appeared unremarkable.
In the allocortex and subcortical forebrain area no abnormalities were found
in the striatum, pallidum, thalamus, hypothalamus, basal forebrain, bed nucleus
of the stria terminalis, or in myelination. In all 9 brains the forebrain abnor-
malities were confined to the limbic system. The neurons in the hippocampal
fields, CA 1-4, subiculum, entorhinal cortex, mammillary bodies, amygdala, and
medial septal nucleus were abnormally small and more densely distributed than
in age- and sex-matched controls. When Golgi methods were used to demon-
strate neuronal processes, the neurons in hippocampal CA 1 and CA 4 regions
showed reduced complexity and in the extent of their dendritic arbors.
In the amygdala, small neuronal size and increased cell packing density were
most pronounced in the cortical, medial and central nuclei, whereas the lateral
nuclei appeared to be comparable to controls in 8 of 9 brains. The significant
exception to this pattern was in a 12-year-old boy with normal intelligence and
significant behavioral problems. In this brain the entire amygdala was diffusely
abnormal. These findings are of considerable interest because the human
amygdala is required for accurate social judgments (Bechara et al. 1995;
Adolphs & Damasio 1998). Bilateral damage to the amygdala impairs proces-
sing fearful facial expressions (Adolphs & Damasio 1998).
Abnormalities in the cerebellum and brain stem included: (1) curtailment of
normal development of neurons in the forebrain limbic system; (2) apparent
congenital decrease in the number of Purkinje cells; and (3) age related changes
in cell size and number of neurons in the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca,
in the cerebellar nuclei, and in the inferior olive. Kemper and Bauman (1998)
conclude that, although their report is descriptive, their neuropathological find-
ings are consistent with the origins of infantile autism being in the prenatal
development of the brain with ongoing pathological processes that persist into
adult life. They note that the best correlations with clinical features of autism are
the consistent findings in the limbic forebrain. The findings in the anterior
cingulate, hippocampus, subiculum, entorhinal cortex, and mammillary body are
aspects of an interrelated forebrain circuit that is linked to the septum and
amygdala. Experimental lesions in these areas have produced deficits in
memory, emotion, and other behaviors like those described in autistic persons.
These abnormalities in the development of the cingulate and limbic brain are
consistent with MacLean's lesions revealing effects on parenting and play when
these regions are lesioned in intact animals (Murphy, MacLean & Hamilton
Empathy, Autism, and the Triune Brain 163
1981). These findings are also consistent with the work of Murray and Mishkin
(1985), who reported that bilateral ablations of the amygdala result in severe
impairment in crossmodal associative memory in monkeys. These authors pro-
pose that the amygdala may be important for the integration and generalization
of modality-specific information by multiple sensory systems in the brain, a
problem that is a characteristic feature in autism. Malkova et al. (1997) found
that socioemotional deficits that followed bilateral ablation of the amydala and
hippocampus in neonatal monkeys increased with age and persisted into
adulthood; however, comparable lesions placed in adult monkeys resulted in
relatively mild behavioral deficits. Animal models such as these are consistent
with the neurodevelopmental deficit proposed in autism because there is
evidence that representational memory in humans is normally acquired after
birth. Therefore, it is possible that a developmental abnormality in the limbic
memory circuit may become clinically evident after birth, consistent with a
deterioration in social, language, and cognitive ability that is commonly reported
in the first two years of life in autism.
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Anneliese A. Pontius
Great concepts do not suddenly emerge like Aphrodite out of foam but have
an evolving history. Thus, in 1952 Paul MacLean, who for the first time coined
the term "limbic system" (a central part of his "three brain" or "triune brain"
concept) belongs to a lineage of great creative researchers (Mega et al. 1997).
To trace the essential steps, this lineage started with Paul Broca's (1878) "grand
lobe limbique," which focused on olfactory processing. James Papez (1937)
combined anatomical findings with clinical reports of emotional disturbances
with lesions to the cingulate and other medial structures. He proposed a
mechanism of emotions, processed within a two-way circuit, known as the
"Papez circuit," leading to internal or external expression of emotion. Next, in
1948, Paul Yakovlev distinguished three phylogenetic functional zones of brain
development, as reflected by myelogenetic stages: These zones comprised the
oldest inner zone, the visceral system or entopallium; the middle zone or the
mesopallium which includes Broca's grand limbic lobe—as well as orbitofrontal
and insular cortex; and the most recently developed neocortical outer zone.
Yakovlev's conception stemmed from physiological and cytoarchitectonic
Finally, Paul MacLean's (1952) limbic system concept links Papez' medial
circuit with Yakovlev's basal lateral structures of the "middle zone." As pointed
out in a recent survey by Mega et al. (1997: 5), MacLean's concept of the limbic
system has survived—with refinement typical in science—as "consistent
anatomic-clinical correlations have been found."
Thus, recently investigators increasingly focus on a potential role of limbic
system structures in neuropsychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia (Arnold
1997); depression (Mayberg 1997): drug abuse and the reward system (Koob &
Nestler 1997). Further research addresses the spontaneously occurring auras of
partial seizures. Such auras are frequently analogous to experiential phenomena
elicited through electrical stimulation of limbic structures (Fried 1997a).
Herein such anatomico-physiological findings are supplemented by clinical
correlation that utilizes frequently neglected contributions of clinician scientists
(Geschwind 1984). As MacLean (1998: 274) warned: "the marvelous technique
of brain imaging has led to the wrongful impression that it will replace classical
methods," including patients' case histories. Further, Reich et al. report findings
on information coding suggesting that simple averaging of neuronal firing as
used in imaging techniques significantly underestimates the information-proces-
sing that is occurring.
Paul MacLean, one of those rare creative conceptualizers, has dared attemp-
ting an integration of results from animal experiments with uniquely human
insights and experiences. His background in the classics and in philosophy
greatly enhanced his integrative power.
Limbic Seizures with Motiveless Homicide 169
different parts.
A less abstract clinical application of such principles, guiding the detection
of complex patterns, led to the hypothesis of a new subtype of partial seizures,
"Limbic Psychotic Trigger Reaction" (LPTR). This presents a further elabo-
ration of MacLean's conceptualizations. LPTR has been consistently found in
repeatedly clinical observations of a specific class of partial seizures, in which
essential features of the triune brain concept become manifest, observable, and
potentially measurable. Of specific relevance in LPTR is the relationship
between the evolutionarily young prefrontal lobes and the old limbic system,
noted to be reciprocally interrelated (Nauta 1971; Weinberger 1984).
A final noteworthy point, on all levels of pattern detection from the most
abstract to the clinical, holds that a theory applies to a kind of classes or
situations that give data certain general properties (i.e., that the data belong to
the class defined by the scope of the variables). One need not know anything
about individual attributes of the data so long as we are satisfied to know merely
the sort of pattern that will appear; not its particular manifestation. Nonetheless,
pattern detection extends the range of theoretical knowledge, as has been the
case with MacLean's triune brain.
Note. It is of note that in all 14 cases (and in 2 newly identified ones) the essential criteria were
present (Pontius, 1981, 1984, 1987, 1993b, 1994, 1996). As is the case with any syndrome in cases
where the essential pattern of LPTR is preserved, not all of the criteria would be required, except for
the following essential criteria: Transient psychosis within a pattern that implicates a partial limbic
seizure with no significant quantitative alteration of consciousness and without significant amnesia
for the unplanned, stimulus-triggered, motiveless acts.
In addition to the 14 (now 16) white homocidal men, LPTR has also been implicated in three
male juveniles charged with motiveless unplanned setting of fires (Pontius 1993b) and one man with
bizarre bank robbery (Pontius 1994).
It is important to observe that several of the clinical symptoms are objectifiable by reports from
frequently present witnesses (because the acts were unplanned) and from police reports (because of
the patients' typical confessions).
3. Being called "boob" (idiot) as a child Stabbing "friend" after hearing him
by adoptive mother with big breasts say "boob" while passing by a domed
("boobs"). Church with a statue of Christ, whom
"friend" seemingly "criticized" when
saying "boob."
Boot camp training with sights and Shooting blindly at eight policemen
sounds of live ammunition, often after hearing their sirens and crackling
reexperienced over years by listen- sounds in the underbrush and seeing
ing to "graduation tapes": "The Sounds their car lights flashing.
of Boot Camp" with sergeant's com-
mands: Kill! Kill!
8. Being the only one of five male Fatal stabbing of female stranger while
family members who did not she was talking about her husband and
fulfill father's wish to become an son being officers in the Armed Forces.
officer in the Armed Services
from which he "flunked."
10. Hearing mother crying when hit Fatal hitting of his crying and choking
by father. Patient had helped her infant "to save her" a day after patient's
by hitting father back. As an adult, mother died.
patient repeatedly saved his crying
and choking infant by whacking her
on the back.
11. Repeated leg injuries inflicted by Fatal stabbing of prostrate male strang-
stepfather during childhood and later er whom he first heard before he could
by stepfather-like codefendant, and see his mouth move (as in English-dub-
repeated watching of karate movies ed karate movies), while patient also
with fixed action program, culminating suffered leg pain.
in stabbing the prostrate loser.
12. Being bitten in finger by brother Stabbing friendly male stranger, mov-
as a child, later inguinal hernia operation ing his mouth while eating, which led
under local anesthesia. To patient's belief that he was about to
be "cannibalized," while hallucinating
that his testicles and entire body were
being cut.
14. Loneliness since an anal rape Fatal hitting of female lover, who
as a child by a "friendly" man, while insisted on increased emotional close-
having stomach aches and seeing ness, unbearable to patient in context
leaves moving. Later, only seeing or of revived loneliness during severe
hearing the sound of moving leaves stomachaches with unformed visual
and/or stomachaches repeatedly revived hallucinations.
extreme feelings of loneliness, threaten-
ing annihilation.
15. Girl friend had repeatedly mentioned Girl friend mentioned again ex-wife's
his painful divorce in context of his name, and he "knew like the amen in
ex-wife's name. church" that she would continue with
painful divorce details, whereupon he
strangled her.
16. Being repeatedly jilted by women Hearing female neighbor talk decep-
with "excuses:" "it's not your fault." tively to her boy friend while a TV
sitcom was on about rejecting women
saying 7 times "its not your fault,"
whereupon he attacked one woman
Limbic Seizures with Motiveless Homicide 177
17. Secretive parents repeatedly made The male survivor of a machete attack
unpleasant plans driving him to had seemed to move secretively behind
some unknown destination (e.g., a screen when another man said with-
doctors), which made him increas- out explanation: "I have to make a
ingly suspicious of unrevealed plans phone call," he killed him with a
about him. kitchen knife.
(I. Fried, Lancet 1997, 350: 1845-1848) (A. A. Pontius)
Risk Factors
Differential Diagnoses
Suggested Pathopsysiology
Deficient Interaction Between Prefrontal Cortices/Amygdala
b) orbitofrontal cortex
B. Subjective/Objective Experience
A) Reciprocal Relation Between the Old Limbic and the New Frontal Lobe
The validity of the coexistence of evolutionarily old and new parts and
functions in humans' "triune brain" becomes most directly manifest in the specific,
primarily neuroethological aspects of limbic seizures. Such factors are most apparent in
that subtype of partial seizures proposed as Limbic Psychotic Trigger Reaction (LPTR)
(Pontius 1981-2002) during which the patients do not lose consciousness, defined in
quantitative terms and operationally as responsiveness to simple commands and as the
ability to perform willful acts. In all these aspects of consciousness, LPTR patients are
not impaired, and they do lay down memories of their acts, which they recall, talking
about them with deep distress.
On a more comprehensive level of defining consciousness, however, there is an
essential qualitative difference during LPTR as compared with the LPTR patients' usual
behavior. Thus, LPTR patients cannot perform activities (except possibly during their
aura; see Pontius, in press) that are not only thoughtfully planned, but also willed and
with emotional concomitants. Instead, they act with flat affect, unthinking and without
volition like automatons, "autopiloted" or "like a reflex," as some patients put it.
Based on such symptomatology characteristic of seizures, it seems reasonable
to deduce that a limbic hyperactivation during LPTR seizures temporarily overwhelms
the evolutionarily younger prefrontal lobe system, since both systems are reciprocally
interrelated (Nauta 1971; Weinberger 1984).
The human prefrontal lobe system essentially mediates and integrates various
aspects of socialized behavior. Thus, socially destructive consequences can ensue even if
there is a transient disturbance of the normal fronto-limbic balance. Such behavioral
consequences can range from socially inappropriate, self-injurious acts (as astutely
portrayed by Proust's M. Swann, who proposed marriage to a "despised courtesan" upon
hearing a specific piece of music) (Pontius 1993b); to bizarre, unthinking, primitive
robbing of a bank by a devout monk with sudden delusions of grandeur (Pontius 2001);
to senseless firesetting by three juveniles upon encounter with fire-related stimuli
(Pontius 1999). The wide range of such strangely out-of-character acts, all of which also
occurred with fleeting autonomic activation and psychosis, also include unplanned,
motiveless, reflex-like homicidal acts in 17 social loners (Pontius 1981-2002) remini-
scent of animals' defensive or predatory patterns of killing.
In the context of delusional experiences, it may also be of note that recent imaging
studies of the brain in presurgery patients by Fried (1997: 118; showed that
auras and various psychotic symptoms and experiential phenomena known to occur in
partial seizures could also be elicited by direct electrical brain stimulation within the
temporal lobe. A comprehensive study by Palmini & Gloor (1992) assigned localizing,
though not lateralizing, significance to most types of auras when elicited by careful
history taking. With respect to an implicated role of extero- and/or intero-ceptive
experiences in partial seizures, their influences can be represented in the phenomenology
of aural delusions in TLE (MacLean 1990: 496).
Further, specifically in LPTR, any one of both kinds of extero- or interoceptive
experiences (and their typical input into the hippocampus) might also be represented by
the phenomenology of the various individualized stimuli. Such stimuli are viewed as
triggering seizure kindling, since those stimuli appear to represent and constitute the final
stimuli in a preceeding series of a similar kind, and thereby ultimately kindling the limbic
seizure of LPTR.
Alternatively, it could be hypothesized that the auras and experiential phenomena in
LPTR may already represent ictal events, or at least merge imperceptibly into ictal events
whereby a proposed kindling mechanism would not be necessary. Rather, recurrent
sinusitis or other nasopharyngeal infections could just constitute a sufficiently irritating
hippocampal stimulation to elicit a seizure.
With respect to a more comprehensive role of the ventromedial temporal lobe (which
includes hippocampus and amygdala), recent research by Arnold (1997) and van Hoesen
(1997: 19-20, 27-28) has implicated this area in a variety of psychiatric disorders
(including schizophrenia) and in neurological disorders, particularly those following
mechanical injuries to the particularly vulnerable area around the tentorium cerebelli.
(Here it may also be of note that the MRI of LPTR case 17 showed that "the
subarachnoid spaces in the posterior fossa and supratentorial compartments are dilated").
In summary, three out of the four LPTR cases who had MRI scans showed signs of
inflammation in the nasal-pharyngeal area (inch sinus), as did the one TLE patient. In
addition, one LPTR case who had no MRI had recurrent severe aphtous stomatitis,
leaving only one out of six partial seizure patients without problems in the naso-
pharyngeal area. These findings may alert the clinician to a potential link between partial
seizures and vagal overstimulation. Such may also occur in other areas of the body. It just
happens that MRI scans of the brain also depict the areas here presented.
In addition, the findings on MRI or on other scans need to be supplemented by
extensive detailed history taking, as emphasized by Fenwick (1993: 569), who stated that
MRI or other "objective tests" being reported as "within normal limits" may be highly
significant when combined with clinical and neuropsychometric findings which implicate
temperolimbic damage. Thus "normal" findings on "objective tests" do not exclude the
possibility of fleeting partial seizures.
Glenn E. Weisfeld
In this chapter an ethological perspective will be applied to the role of the frontal
lobes in the emotion of pride and shame. First the neural mediation of emotion
in general will be described using fear as an example. Then the mediation of
dominance motivation will be traced; many ethologists believe that dominance
behavior underlies pride and shame in humans. Next the mediation of complex
social behavior by the prefrontal cortex will be addressed. Last, a modification
of the emotion-reason dichotomy will be proposed in light of the foregoing
In the last few years the phylogenetic approach to the study of behavior has
been advanced dramatically by Joseph LeDoux and by Jaak Panksepp. These
investigators have adopted an ethological approach to the study of the brain.
Ethologists investigate the basic behaviors that have evolved in a given species.
An ethological approach to neuroanatomy starts with one of these basic, species-
wide behaviors and seeks to analyze its neural mediation. This is opposite to the
experimental and clinical approach of starting with a particular brain structure
and trying to determine its behavioral effects.
One advantage of complementing the experimental and clinical approaches
with the ethological approach is that the latter emphasizes a complete, balanced
view of the animal's entire set of evolved behaviors, its ethogram. Ethology,
with its focus on behavior as it occurs in natural or semi-natural habitats rather
than in laboratory or clinical settings, draws attention to the essential adaptive
behaviors of the organism. By contrast, the clinical and experimental views of
the organism's behavior are liable to be fragmented and artificial, comprising
isolated neural mechanisms such as the function of the cranial nerves and the
perception of visual stimuli. Ethology focuses on emotions, or motives, because
these generally correspond with the behavioral elements of an animal's
ethogram—feeding, mating, defensive aggression, flight, and so on.
Taking this functional, ethological approach, LeDoux (1996) traced the
neural pathway for the rat's response to fear stimuli.
Hypothalamus Midbrain
— i —
— i —
Figure 11.2. Neocortical Fear Pathway
This conditioned fear response occurs even in the absence of the neocortex.
The neocortex merely refines responsiveness to stimuli, so that in its absence the
rat also freezes in reaction to tones that differ from the warning one (Figure
11.2). In other words, with inadequate specification of the stimulus, the organ-
ism errs on the side of caution and freezes. The neocortex merely refines the
emotional response, but is not essential for it. Thus these neural mechanisms are
consistent with a phylogenetic analysis of the evolution and importance of the
limbic system compared with the neocortex. Analogously, the primary soma-
tosensory cortex refines localization of pain stimuli, which are less precisely
localized by subcortical structures.
Additional components of the emotion of fear are evoked through the amyg-
dala also. The hypothalamus directs the sympathetic division to orchestrate
appropriate adjustments of the viscera, and directs the pituitary to do the same
for the endocrine system. The freezing response itself, and associated emotional
expressions (or displays), are coordinated by the midbrain, which is a primitive,
196 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
brain stem structure that mediates various fixed action patterns (Panksepp 1998).
The affect of fear seems to register in the amygdala, and possibly also the
hypothalamus and limbic midbrain; the pleasure and pain centers of the brain are
confined to limbic structures. Contextual cues associated with fear (i.e., the
subject's surroundings when traumatized), are remembered by the hippocampus.
Thus the characteristic facets of an emotion—eliciting stimuli, affect, overt
behavior, emotional expressions, and visceral and hormonal adjustments—are
all accounted for by LeDoux's model.
This system seems to be representative of other mammalian emotional
pathways too, involving various senses in addition to audition. Emotions in
general are elicited by sensory input passing through the thalamus to the
amygdala, hippocampus, and other limbic structures and on to the hypothalamus
and midbrain. Responsiveness likewise is modified via a neocortical detour
between the thalamus and the limbic system. Thus, the limbic system and
especially the amygdala seem to have evolved to modify brain stem mechanisms
of motivated behaviors. The origins of this system are indicated by the fact that
the oldest part of the amygdala, the medial nucleus, receives inputs from the
vomeronasal organ, which responds to pheromones bearing social information.
The amygdala appears to be especially devoted to social and alimentary
emotions. Patients with amygdaloid seizures report anger, guilt, sadness, loneli-
ness, disgust, and (in women only) erotic sensations (Gloor 1997).
Bilateral amygdalar lesions in lizards, hamsters, dogs, and monkeys often result
in a decline in dominance aggression and/or a fall in rank (Kling & Mass 1974;
Kling & Brothers 1992). In one representative study, two macaques with amyg-
dalar lesions failed to form a dominance relationship (Kling 1972).
Tin. a.1 a m u s
Amyg dala
structures receive multimodal sensory input from the thalamus and also direct
information from the olfactory bulb. Both respond to a range of primary and
secondary reinforcers (Rolls 1999). The OFC sends signals to the amygdala and
also directly to the hypothalamus and midbrain (Figure 11.4), thus both
projecting to and bypassing the amygdalar pathway for dominance. These
frontal lobe projections may contribute to emotional expression (Crosby,
Humphrey & Lauer 1962), as do downstream amygdalar outputs. Furthermore,
the OFC and amygdala are involved in the recognition of faces and facial
expressions (Rolls 1999). Electrical stimulation of the OFC, like the amygdala,
can result in autonomic changes (Butter, Snyder & McDonald 1970). And, like
the amygdala, the OFC is rich in serotonin receptors (Masters & McGuire 1994).
Serotonin receptors are more abundant in dominant vervet monkeys than in
subordinates (Damasio 1994).
Figure 11.4. Dominance Pathway with Orbitofrontal Cortical Imput
What, then, do these two structures do differently, so that both are necessary?
Morgan's canon reminds us that lower neural structures ought to be invoked to
explain a given behavior wherever possible; in phylogenetic terms, we might say
that even primitive organisms needed to fulfill all the functions necessary for
survival and reproduction, so that any capacities that evolved later had to be
elaborations of these earlier mechanisms. In general, primitive brain structures
are not superseded by later ones, but are modified by them. Nature is basically
conservative, and evolution tends to proceed by accretion, not by radical
replacement. In the case of the OFC, this structure, which is cephalad to the
200 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
amygdala and evolved later, appears to modulate the actions of the amygdala
(see Panksepp 1998). The OFC does not seem to have eclipsed the amygdala.
Indeed, the amygdala expanded in the primate line leading to hominids (Kling &
Brothers 1992), perhaps mainly to process inputs from the OFC. Chance (1961)
suggested that this burgeoning of the amygdala and associated parts of the
prefrontal cortex in hominid evolution relates to the increased complexity of
dominance competition in our species, to be discussed below.
One clue to the relation between the OFC and the amygdala may be found in
the processing of olfactory stimuli, olfaction being a primitive vertebrate sense
that partially bypasses the thalamic sensory relay station (Stuss & Benson 1986).
The amygdala receives information directly from the olfactory bulb and
vomeronasal organ (Halgren 1992; Gloor 1997). This information might include
the odor of a threatening adult male. Thus, the amygdala may respond to direct,
unprocessed olfactory releasers (i.e., it may contain more innate releasing
mechanisms). By contrast, the OFC is considered the highest-order processor of
olfactory information. The anterolateral (neocortical) part of the OFC, especially
on the right side, may interpret olfactory and gustatory information and then
pass it on to the amygdala for a more refined behavioral response (Gloor 1997).
The OFC receives input from all sensory modalities and is the only cortical
structure to do so. In sum, these neocortical regions of the OFC may act as other
areas of the neocortex do in the conditioning of emotional responses: They may
refine emotional responsiveness to stimuli from various sensory modalities.
They may provide a less direct but more precise pathways for learned emotional
The OFC does seem to refine dominance behavior as mediated by the
amygdala. As noted above, monkeys with bilateral OFC lesions usually with-
draw from dominance encounters and therefore fall in rank (Fuster 1997). In
addition, lesions often result in behavior that is inappropriate for the animal's
rank. A dominant animal may defer to a subordinate; a subordinate may attack a
superior and seem surprised at being attacked in return (Fulton 1951). A low-
ranking operate may steal food from under the nose of a dominant one (Brody &
Rosvold 1952). Thus, bilateral OFC lesions in a group of monkeys usually de-
stabilize the dominance hierarchy.
Brody and Rosvold (1952) attributed this hierarchical disorganization to the
"disappearance or marked diminution of learned avoidance responses in the low-
status animals" (p. 415). Lesioned high-status animals might likewise fail to
retain attack responses learned previously. Snyder (1970) explained the effects
of OFC lesions as resulting from decreased aggression, inappropriate or dimi-
nished submission signaling, and inability to perceive threat signals. However,
these deficits could be accounted for by ignorance of cagemates' ranks, as
proposed by Brody and Rosvold. Recent evidence indicates that the OFC can
learn and unlearn associations faster than the amygdala (Rolls 1999), which it
generally inhibits (Davidson 2001). Thus, the OFC may mediate learning about
other animals' ranks, much as the auditory neocortex helps to identify tones
associated with pain. An OFC-lesioned animal generally avoids dominance
encounters, but perhaps from an inability to choose appropriate opponents rather
Aspects of Pride and Shame 201
[The] patient does not respond normally to social signals . . . and may therefore not
interact in any socially insightful or appropriate way with persons around him and may in
addition engage in socially unacceptable behavior such as undressing in a public place.
This probably indicates a combination of defects that are partially perceptual—not at an
elementary level, but rather on the level of relating environmental signals to the fund of
personal memories and acquired social attitudes that guide our behavior in everyday
living. This probably indicates a lack of proper interplay of temporal and frontal associ-
ation cortex with the hippocampal system and the amygdala (p. 707).
out a series of actions aimed at a later objective. The dorsolateral cortex (DL) is
considered the highest level of organization of the voluntary motor system of the
frontal lobe, as will now be reviewed very briefly.
The simplest, most primitive level is the primary motor cortex in the
precentral gyrus. Neurons from this area, laid out somatotopically, send output
to the motor neurons of the spinal cord via the pyramidal and extrapyramidal
tracts. This constitutes the basic wiring diagram for voluntary action; all the
motor units are innervated.
The premotor cortex constitutes the next higher level of organization. Here
more organized, functionally meaningful movement patterns are represented.
The premotor cortex is more directly related to adaptive behaviors than is the
primary motor area, through which it operates. The premotor area mediates the
execution of functional, rather than robotic, skilled movement patterns, such as
driving a car (Crosby, Humphrey & Lauer 1962). These motor skills are
presumably built up through practice; we develop skills appropriate for our
particular environment and circumstances. The supplementary motor area,
dorsal to the premotor cortex, seems to be active when we mentally rehearse a
contemplated action, as well as while we carry out the act (Kolb & Whishaw
The DL seems to supervise and coordinate even more complex functional
actions, those protracted over some period of time. It operates through the
premotor and primary motor areas. A DL lesion might result in difficulty in
carrying out a purposeful series of actions, such as those involved in taking a
cigarette and a match from their packages and lighting the cigarette (Crosby et
al. 1962), or making a sandwich. A patient with a DL lesion might perform
actions out of sequence or perseverate at one step in the process. The DL is also
necessary for performing delayed-response tasks, in which the rhesus or human
infant must pause for some interval before making the correct response (Levin et
al. 1991). Likewise, the DL has been shown to be essential for the Piagetian
capacity of object permanence in rhesus and human infants, the ability to
remember the existence of objects that have passed from view (Diamond 1985).
The DL is one of the last parts of the cortex to develop and evolve, and is far
larger in humans than in the chimpanzee (Girgis 1971). It therefore can be
expected to mediate some of our most distinctively human aptitudes, of which
the formulation and execution of long-term plans is certainly one. The late
ontogeny of the DL is reflected by children's impulsiveness and their difficulty
in sustaining attention to a task. The prefrontal cortex grows rapidly between
ages 2 and 5 (Petrie 1952); by about age 5, children are generally low enough in
impulsiveness to enter school and sustain attention to the teacher or task. Not
until adolescence is the area fully myelinated, thus allowing for the full maturity
of sustained attention, planning, and logical chains of reasoning by about age 12
(Fuster 1997). Presumably, behavioral maturation in adulthood is largely a
matter of developing adaptive plans for practical and social tasks, and continu-
ing to refine these plans in the light of experience. Consistent with the late
evolution of this structure, it can be lesioned quite extensively without causing
204 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
very profound or even noticeable behavioral deficits, let alone death. For
example, IQ may remain unchanged (Teuber 1972).
The DL is connected with the lateral thalamus, dorsal caudate, and hippo-
campus, and with other high-order areas of the neocortex. This would allow it to
assemble perceptual information and memories of past events in order to build
up a plan of action. A person needs to remember the elements of the plan while
constructing and executing it, an aptitude sometimes referred to as working
memory and doubtless demanded in delayed response tasks. DL lesions can also
disrupt the directing of eye and head movements, which appear to be involved in
attention (Fuster 1997). Being able to sustain attention on sources of task-
relevant visual input would seem to be essential for planning. Children with
attention deficit disorder sometimes show decrements on prefrontal lobe
function tests.
What of the role of the adjacent OFC in these planned movement sequences?
The OFC seems to aid this capacity by buffering the DL from distraction (Fuster
1997). It insulates the DL from interference by extraneous sensory input, and
thus lessens impulsiveness. The observed failure of OFC patients to pursue their
occupation, or exhibit "drive" and "motivation," may result partly from inter-
ference in the planning function of the DL (Stuss & Benson 1986). By contrast,
some patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder show heightened activity of
the OFC, as though they are overly fixated on a goal (Malloy 1987; Panksepp
1998). Malloy (1987) suggested that their behavior is opposite to that of
sociopaths, who are impulsive and often exhibit diminished OFC activity (Fuster
1997; Pontius 1972; Schore 1994). However, attention deficit disorder may be a
more directly opposite condition to obsessive-compulsive disorder, since socio-
pathy adds the symptom of reduced sensitivity to pride and shame. The
impulsivity of sociopaths may stem from reduced sensitivity to social evalu-
ation. The sociopath is freed from the constraints imposed by social evaluation,
and therefore can formulate intentions simply and quickly.
consequences that the patient fails to foresee or to care about. I once observed a
man who had suffered a stroke around the anterior portion of the circle of Willis.
He could very well anticipate the pain of an injection; in fact, he protested
vociferously and shamelessly about receiving it. Thus, he foresaw, and feared,
pain but he did not anticipate or experience shame. He was boorish and profane,
and appeared unconcerned with pursing his career as a professor—with
maintaining his social status. In another case, a middle-aged man with a frontal
lobe tumor delighted in playing practical jokes such as turning a garden hose on
his neighbors (Critchley, O'Leary & Jennett 1972). Obviously, he too foresaw
the consequences of his actions, but did not fear the outrage of his victims.
The distinctively emotional nature of OFC function may have been obscured
in the earlier literature by (1) the interconnections between and proximity of the
OFC and DL, which is involved in planning; (2) a failure to appreciate the
limbic nature of the OFC; and (3) the prevalence of behaviorism over ethology
in American psychology.
The emotional nature of prefrontal lobe function is suggested by an addi-
tional line of argument. Planning any action probably requires anticipating
various types of affective consequences, not just pride and shame. Biological
goals are emotional; we seek to execute behaviors that make us feel better. We
mentally rehearse our possible courses of action by imagining their affective
consequences, and then choose the most promising one. We also ruminate over
past successes and failures, repeatedly experiencing the affects associated with
the events, presumably so that we learn from these reenactments (Nesse 1990).
Temporal lobe seizures, probably involving the hippocampus and amygdala,
sometimes result in vivid recollections of past experiences, complete with the
original affective tone (LeDoux 1996). Then too, when we experience an
emotion vicariously, by imagining its occurrence, we tend to undergo some of
the visceral changes associated with that emotion, indicating that the
anticipatory experience is actually emotional and not just cognitive. If we
merely contemplated various possible action sequences, we would have no way
of evaluating them. All evaluation is affective (see Pugh 1977).
This evaluation of the affective payoffs of various extended plans seems to
involve the prefrontal cortex in humans (Damasio 1994), although other species
that lack this structure can foresee future events and formulate simple plans or
intentions. Well before Damasio, Nauta (1973) proposed that this interaction
between the frontal cortex and the limbico-subcortical axis could be, among
other things, an important prerequisite for the normal human ability to compare
alternatives of thought and action plans. This suggestion attributes to the
limbico-subcortical axis the function of a "sounding board" or "internal test-
ground" enabling man to preview the affective consequences in any particular
action he might consider (p. 312).
Consistent with this interpretation, the OFC contains neurons that fire only in
response to stimuli that have been paired with rewards. Such neurons would be
necessary for anticipating the payoff of a given course of action (Panksepp
1998). MacLean (1993) added some insights to this matter of behavioral
planning. First, he recognized the emotional nature of planning and the involve-
206 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
ment of the frontal lobe. He noted that the frontal cortex affords an endless
number of prospects that at the emotional level can induce concern and anxiety
or joyful anticipation" (p. 81). He observed that this ability to anticipate
emotional consequences is diminished by prefrontal lobotomy. He invoked the
term "envision" for this capacity and related it to the fact that the visual part of
the pulvinar nucleus is connected with the prefrontal cortex. We envision the
consequences of our actions.
Damasio (1994) suggested that the DL specializes in evaluating impersonal,
abstract plans. Social planning seems to include the OFC as well. OFC lesions
do not seem to impair the ability to solve hypothetical social problems affecting
imaginary people, but only the subject's ability to formulate his own social plans
(Bechara, Damasio, Damasio & Anderson 1994). Such a patient may deliberate
endlessly, unable to take a simple decision. Much earlier, Teuber (1964)
characterized this effect of an OFC lesion as follows: "the patient is not
altogether devoid of capacity to anticipate the course of events, but cannot
picture himself in relation to those events as a potential agent. Abnormal fixity,
or abnormal oscillation of action, other-directedness, and impulsiveness, all
could follow from such a change" (p. 440). These two abilities seem to be
developmentally distinct as well. Moore (1999) concluded that patients who
sustain prefrontal cortical damage in infancy never develop the ability to analyze
moral situations involving others, but patients with damage in adulthood may.
In summary, the OFC, acting on the amygdala, seems to motivate us to
maintain and enhance our prestige, or social rank, or self-esteem. It contains
neurons that respond to stimuli that have been paired with rewards, perhaps
including representations of socially valued deeds. The DL seems to participate
in evaluation of the anticipated emotional consequences of planned courses of
action. Anticipation of the affective consequences, for pride and shame specifi-
cally, of our planned actions appears to involve the OFC as well as the DL.
1. When an emotion arises from interoceptors (e.g., hunger and thirst), the pathway
seems to originate in the hypothalamus. Nevertheless, a high fraction of amygdalar cells
in cats and humans respond to visceral information such as blood C O 2 , heart rate, and
respiration rate (Halgren 1992).
2. A possibly related symptom of frontal lobe pathology is Witzelsucht, or facetious-
ness. Although this affliction strikes all of us on occasion, it seems to be related to right
frontal lobe damage (Levin, Eisenberg & Benton 1991). It may be caused by a
combination of social insensitivity (reduced capacity for shame) and mania, which often
results from right frontal lobe lesions, that is, from greater left than right frontal lobe
activity. Clinical series cited by Levin et al. suggest that the right orbital gyrus is
typically involved. Likewise, episodes of ictal laughter apparently can result from a
stimulating lesion of the left orbital area (Loiseau, Cohadon & Cohadon 1971).
Similarly, clinical depression is associated with increased utilization of serotonin in the
lower medial prefrontal cortex, primarily on the left side; experimentally induced
pleasant thoughts are related to reductions in regional blood flow, especially to the right
prefrontal and bilateral tempero-parietal regions (McGuire, Fawzy, Spar & Troisi 2000).
3. It is possible that a lesion sustained before age 3 might not lead to derangement of
the pride/shame system because the latter seems to mature between ages 2 and 5. Other
brain areas might assume the function of the lesioned ones. At age 2 children typically
begin to exhibit concern with personal success and failure, and dominance hierarchies
gradually take shape from 2 to 6 (Weisfeld & Wendorf 2000).
4. Clinical cases such as these suggest that the OFC mediates guilt, shame,
embarrassment, and feelings of occupational failure alike. Therefore, these different
terms may not reflect evolutionarily separate emotions, but merely semantic distinctions.
For example, subjects often refer to experiencing "guilt" when privately contemplating
their transgression of social norms, and to "shame" when the offense is public (Weisfeld
1997a). The affect is likely to be identical in the two situations since apparently it is
mediated by the same neural structure (although Stuss & Benson [1986] suggested that
drive and motivation are disturbed most by pathology involving the [neocortical] medial
convexity and frontal polar structures, whereas social disinhibition seems to be most
pronounced following [limbic] orbital frontal disturbance). Likewise, a multitude of
terms are used to refer to competitive behavior in humans, including social comparison,
self-esteem, power motivation, rivalry, achievement motivation, and approval motivation.
But these terms all involve the affect of pride and shame, whether explicitly referred to or
not. Moreover, the characteristic emotional displays of this emotion—direct gaze, relaxed
demeanor, and erect posture and their antithetical expressions—are typical primate
Aspects of Pride and Shame 211
dominance displays, suggesting a single, common evolved origin for this emotion
(Weisfeld & Linkey 1985). Distinctions among shame, guilt, embarrassment, and the like
may be useful therapeutically, but they probably do not reflect fundamentally different
motives (Weisfeld 1997a). It is unlikely that more than one of these motives exists in our
primate relatives, or that humans evolved any new motives not possessed in rudimentary
form in simians (Panksepp 1994).
5. Obsessive-compulsive disorder also seems to involve the basal ganglia. Recogni-
tion of this fact provides a nice illustration of the benefits of ethological thinking. The
obsessive hand washing of patients is reminiscent of self-cleaning in animals, which
involves the basal ganglia. Rapoport (1989) reasoned that pathological hand washing
might reflect an abnormality in these structures. Indeed, patients were found to have low
levels of serotonin in these areas, and responded therapeutically to serotonin-enhancing
drugs (Wise & Rapoport 1988).
6. Nevertheless, visceral feedback is unlikely to play a major role in these vicarious
affective experiences, any more than it does in directly experienced emotions. These
visceral adjustments to emotional state doubtless evolved to set the body in an appro-
priate pattern of visceral activation, not to provide the brain with belated feedback about
its own output. Additional arguments against the James-Lange theory of the origin of
affects were offered by Cannon (1927) and remain valid. For example, quadriplegics are
not emotionally impaired by their reduced visceral feedback; they do not show affects
that are inappropriate for their situations, for example, they do not feel hungry when they
should be angry, as might be the case if affects depended mainly on visceral feedback.
For further discussion, see Weisfeld (1997b), Panksepp (1998), and Rolls (1999).
7. A recent study has offered some additional details on this capacity (O'Doherty,
Kringelbach, Rolls, Homak & Andrews 2001). Patients with OFC lesions tend to show
deficits on gambling tasks, i.e., being able to make choices based on anticipated gains and
losses. An fMRI study of normal patients revealed heightened activity in the lateral OFC
when they made a choice that caused them to lose money, and deactivation when they
were rewarded. The opposite pattern was observed for activity in the medial OFC. The
magnitude of the change in activation was related to the extent of the gain or loss. Thus,
lesions in this region may affect ability to gauge the consequences of one's actions.
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The theoretical context that guides our conceptual view of the neuro-
psychology of attention is, broadly speaking, evolutionary-developmental. The
basic neural foundation for attention is a brain stem system that has existed for
millions of years, and is still present and functioning in the brains of modern
216 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
The writings of MacLean have emphasized the critical role of deep subcort-
ical structures in the maintenance and elaboration of numerous behaviors,
including, as we have pointed out, vigilance or sustained attention. A similar
conclusion could have been reached on the basis of an entirely different line of
evidence, namely, the behavioral and electrophysiological signs associated with
various types of seizure disorders, particularly as manifest in the clinical pheno-
menon of petit mal or absence epilepsy.
MacLean took considerable advantage of the knowledge to be gained from
the experiments in nature that comprise seizure disorders. Particularly memo-
rable is his discussion of how elaborate, articulated behaviors might occur in
complex partial epilepsy without any recollection on the part of the patient.
MacLean accounted for this by noting that the hippocampus, the master control
mechanism for memory, was inoperative throughout such episodes—in a
seizure-induced bioelectric storm—and thus memory function was temporarily
218 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
As background, it should be noted that Hughlings Jackson enunciated the
principle of three levels of differentiation or integration of functioning of the
central nervous system. The first two levels were concerned, respectively, with
representation of body parts and coordination of movements or sensations. The
highest level of integration was a functional rearrangement of sensory and motor
behavioral components that constitute the neural basis of consciousness. Jackson
suggested that this highest level might reside in the frontal lobes or, to use
MacLean's terminology, the neomammalian brain. In contrast, the neurosurgeon
Wilder Penfield and the neurologist Herbert Jasper proposed that the third level
was localized deep within the brain stem or "centrencephalon."
The concept of the centrencephalic system was derived from the results of
numerous experimental studies of the electrical activity of the brain in animals.
The results pointed to a major coordinating role for midline brain stem structures
in the functioning of neural activity in the forebrain, which eventually makes
conscious activity possible. Penfield and Jasper maintained, further, that petit
mal seizures provide an example of a disorder of the centrencephalic system: the
primary manifestation of this type of seizure is a brief interruption of conscious-
ness or attention that occurs in conjunction with bilaterally-symmetrical, three-
per-second E E G discharges. A petit mal seizure was described in 1954 by
Penfield and Jasper :
Interference with the centrencephalic system of the higher brain stem produces loss of
consciousness. In the presence of deep coma due to a small critically placed local lesion
in the higher brain stem, the motor mechanism may seem to remain intact. The patient
lies in bed and moves occasionally as in deep sleep, like the enchanted "sleeping beauty"
of the French nursery tale . . . When epileptic discharge occurs in the gray matter of the
centrencephalic system of the higher brain stem, the patient is initially unconscious
because the discharge interferes with local ganglionic function . . . The system of nerve
fibers and ganglionic centers within the brain stem may be called centrencephalic since,
because of its central position, it provides symmetrical connections with the whole brain.
Through it, one may suppose that this part of the cortex, or that part, could be used
Functional Analysis of Attention
simultaneously or in sequence, depending upon the pattern and the requirements of the
existing state of consciousness (italics added), (p. 1444)
The italicized portion of text suggests that different regions of the cortex may be
implicated in different attentional functions, according to the requirements of the
situation, and relates directly to the theoretical localization of attention functions
in cortical areas that we have proposed.
Figure 12.2. Bilateral Symmetrical and Synchronous Three per Second Spike-and-Wave
EEG Seizure Discharges (with permission) (see Appendix for more detail).
Penfield and Jasper proposed that the diagnostic label petit mal epilepsy be
replaced with centrencephalic epilepsy. In their theorizing, therefore, con-
sciousness was either localized in, or regulated by, deep brain stem structures.
The reasoning is analogous to that used by MacLean in accounting for the
memory blackout during a hippocampal seizure. In the case of an absence
attack, however, the seizure is in the centrencephalon, or, we may say, the
reptilian brain. Thus, attention is temporarily suspended. Figure 12.3 illustrates
the centrencephalic system of Penfield and Jasper, the central integrating
mechanism for coordinating and regulating the activities of the two cerebral
220 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
Figure 1 2 . 3 . The Centrecephalic System of Penfield and Jasper (with permission) (see
also Appendix).
more finely focused attention may be restricted to a limited aspect of a given sense mode
(italics added) (p. 1589)
Figure 12.4. Lindsley's Ascending Reticular Activating System (with permission) (see
also Appendix).
As in the case of the quotation from Penfield above, the portion in italics
presages the theoretical, functional localization of attention functions in cortical
areas that we have proposed.
There is thus considerable overlap among the three concepts of reptilian
brain, centrencephalon, and reticular activating system. Such overlap is to be
expected, as the three concepts all draw from the same repository of data
concerning the organization and development of attentional functions within the
central nervous system.
Our thesis is that the system responsible for the regulation of consciousness
also supports those aspects of attentive behavior characterized as "sustained."
This view is supported by the results of numerous experiments showing that the
capacity for sustained attention or vigilance is dependent upon the integrity of
the midline brainstem system (reptilian brain, centrencephalon, or reticular core
of the brain stem).
Some of this research involved the development of monkey models that
permitted direct exploration of brain structures and systems thought to be
involved in the maintenance of sustained attention. All of these experiments
involved monkeys trained to perform tests of sustained attention. They comprise
lesion studies of the effects of electrical stimulation of subcortical brain
regions, and the recording and identification of "attention" cells in subcor-
14, 15
tical and cortical areas of the monkey brain. This work is described in detail
222 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
in the original publications; we excerpt here some of the key results indicating
the critical role of brain stem (reptilian brain) structures in the support of
sustained attention.
Figure 12.5 presents sagittal sections of the macaque brain, indicating the
location of electrical brain stimulation-induced effects on a test of sustained
attention, a monkey version of the Continuous Performance Test As shown in
Figure 12.5, critical points for inducing lapses of attention (i.e., errors of
omission) cluster in the mesencephalic and pontine reticular formations and in
the pons.
20 __j i i i i l I i
15 -I
o -\
20 IS K> 10 15 20
20 L _i_ _i_
5 -
O -
5 -
lO -
15 ~i— n—
20 15 10 10 15 20
G 0 T R I A L S
• A
Figure 12.7. Structures of Attention and their Functions (with permission) (see Appendix
for more detail).
Figure 12.1. Schematic diagram of the evolution of the human cerebrum. The
brain expands in hierarchic fashion along the lines of three basic patterns that
may be characterized as reptilian, paleomammalian, and neomammalian (after
Figure 12.2. The relation between a burst of spike-and-wave activity and
performance in a patient with petit mal epilepsy. The top six channels in the
tracing represent a standard antero-posterior EEG run, with electrode placements
determined by the 10-20 system. Note the symmetrical and synchronous three-
per-second pattern that characterizes petit mal (absence) seizures. The next
channel is a 1-s time mark. Below this are represented the stimuli presented to
the patient; those that required a response are seen as upward deflections from
the baseline; other stimuli appear as downward deflections. The patient's
responses are shown on the lowest channel, indicated as upward deflections. The
patient failed to respond to the two stimuli occurring during the spike-and-wave
burst, but responded correctly to those before and after the burst. Reproduced
from Mirsky and Tecce (with permission).
Figure 12.3. According to Penfield and Jasper, the centrencephalic system is
the chief central integrating mechanism for various areas of cortex. It is defined
as the neuron system, centering in the higher brain stem, having equal functional
relationships with the two cerebral hemispheres. The to-and-fro projection path-
ways are considered as integral parts of the system. Indicated are the connec-
tions involved in making records of past experience available (memory
mechanism) and executing voluntary movements (supra-cortical motor). Repro-
duced from Penfield and Jasper (with permission).
Figure 12.4. The ascending reticular activating system projected schemati-
cally on the monkey brain. The reticular formation, consisting of the multi-
neuronal, multisynaptic central core of the region from medulla to hypotha-
lamus, receives collaterals from specific sensory pathways and projects diffusely
upon the cortex. Reproduced from Lindsley (with permission).
Figure 12.5. Sagittal sections of macaque brain showing the location of
electrical brain stimulation-induced effects on a sustained attention test (CPT) in
the monkey. Points which when stimulated caused errors of omission on the test
(filled squares) are concentrated in the more medial portions (lateral 1.0-4.0,
upper figure) of the lower brain stem (i.e., reptilian brain). Points which when
stimulated caused errors of commission (Xs) are concentrated more in the lateral
sections of the brain (lateral 4.5-6.5, lower figure). The open circles indicate no
behavioral effect of stimulation. Abbreviations: MRF, mesencephalic reticular
formation; PRF, pontine reticular formation; MED, medulla oblongata; Col s,
superior colliculus; Col i, inferior colliculus; AC, anterior commissure; OCH,
optic chiasm; CC, corpus callosum; TH, thalamus; IC, internal capsule; Rub, red
nucleus; SN, substantia nigra; Caud, caudate nucleus; Pal, pallidum; Put,
putamen. Reproduced from Bakay Pragay, Mirsky et al. (with permission).
Functional Analysis of Attention 227
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2. MacLean PD: The Brain in Relation to Empathy and Medical Education. Journal
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3. MacLean PD: The Triune Brain in Evolution: Role in Paleocerebral Functions.
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pp. 308-342.
6. Jackson JH: Selected writings of John Hughlings Jackson. Taylor J (Ed): Volume I,
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7. Penfield W, Jasper HH: Epilepsy and the Functional Anatomy of the Human Brain.
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11. Mirsky, AF, Oshima HI: Effect of subcortical aluminum cream lesions on
attentive electroencephalogram in monkeys. Experimental Neurology, 1973; 39: 1-18.
228 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
12. Bakay Pragay E; Mirsky AF; Fullerton BC; Oshima HI; Arnold SW: Effect of
electrical stimulation of the brain on visually controlled (attentive) behavior in the
Macaca mulatta. Experimental Neurology, 1975; 49: 203-220.
13. Mirsky AF, Bakay Pragay E, Harris S: Evoked potential correlates of stimulation
induced impairment of attention in Macaca mulatta. Experimental Neurology, 1977; 57:
14. Bakay Pragay, E; Mirsky, AF; Ray, CL; Turner, DF & Mirsky, CV Neuronal
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15. Ray C; Mirsky AF; Bakay Pragay E: Functional analysis of attention-related unit
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16. Rosvold HE, Mirsky AF, Sarason I, Bransome ED Jr, Beck LH: A continuous
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17. Mirsky AF, Duncan CC: Behavioral and electrophysiological studies of absence
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18. Tatman JE: Elements of Attention and Concentration in Normal Aging Adults:
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DC, 1992.
19. Mirsky AF: Disorders of attention: A neuropsychological perspective. In Lyon
GR, Krasnegor NA (Eds): Attention, Memory and Executive Function, Baltimore: Paul H.
Brookes, 1995, pp. 71-95.
20. Goldstein K, Scheerer M: Abstract and concrete behavior: An experimental study
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21. Mirsky AF; Yardley SJ; Jones BP; Walsh D; Kendler KS: Analysis of the
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23. Mirsky AF; Pascualvaca DM; Duncan CC; French LM: A model of attention and
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and Hygiene, 1995; 53: 552-557.
James Brody
This chapter proposes the combining of models from statistical physics with the
evolutionary neuroscience of Paul MacLean. "Chaos," "stasis," and "phase
transition" apply broadly in statistical physics and offer a platform for our
understanding of biological organizations. Darwinian natural and sexual selec-
tion, nature's reliance on two sexes, and the dynamic properties of genes,
families, culture, and morality suggest striking similarities with the phases and
transitions seen in physical systems. There is also a basis through binary and
tertiary models for MacLean's triune brain concept. Integrating these ideas from
physics, evolution, and neuroscience should provide useful insights and lead to a
unified theoretical approach for the diagnosis and treatment of human emotional
This chapter is based on presentations given in Boston (7/99), Manhattan (11/99) and
Amherst, MA (6/00). Thanks to Howard Bloom, Donald Mender, M.D., Ladislav Kovac,
Ph.D., for their encouragement.
232 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
defines what we know about 'everyday' matter and its transformations . . . (and)
. . . is promising to offer insights into phenomena once considered outside the
physicist's domain: traffic flow, economics, cell biology and allometric scaling
1 p 7 4
(the relation of biological functions to body mass), to name a few." '
This chapter attempts to relate a few concepts of statistical physics to the
evolutionary neuroscience of Paul MacLean. The first part establishes the
necessary concepts borrowed from physics. The second part connects these
ideas with MacLean's concepts of the limbic system and the triune brain.
Finally, the integrated model is applied to diagnosis and therapy of emotional
distress. It will be argued here that (1) some models from statistical physics
apply to human groups and individual CNS organization, (2) our developmental
paths are necessarily more channeled than we often realize, and (3) there is a
coherent physical and evolutionary model for our psychological characteristics,
a model that might inform our clinical work. The following sketch, and it is only
that, reaches across customary disciplinary gaps. In addition to bridging from
physics to biology, the following paragraphs jump several more levels to
reconstruct basic aspects of how people weave order in their lives and how we
view psychopathology. It's a stretch!
This discussion incurs the risk of our dealing with metaphors, behavior
patterns that are similar to each other only through our descriptions and
explanations of them. Life grew from simple combinations of molecules to ever
more complex ones that even at the bacterial level seem to parallel human
2, J 4 5
organizations. ' ' These similarities may be independent metaphors or it may
be that they arise from a shared statistical environment that builds and supports
only particular kinds of organizations. The similarities discussed in this
chapter—like those in statistical physics—occur at many levels of inorganic and
biological organization and may be analogous products that were sculpted,
independently at times, from different origins in response to similar environ-
mental contingencies.
Phase boundaries, also called phase transitions, are common. Our most
personal sense of one is when we float in a pool of water, too heavy to rise in the
air and too light to sink. We also find them in magnetism and conductivity and
in fluids and gases. It can be argued that water itself is a phase boundary
between steam and ice, one that is essential in order for complex life to evolve.
The earth's orbit, our atmosphere, average global temperature range, and present
climate all have the property of a phase boundary that separates contrasting and
almost limitless extremes in solidity or temperature.
There are phase transitions in the number of hours that we sleep and in
physiological variables such as heart rate, blood pressure, and in the partial
pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in our blood. Neural firing patterns
sometimes exhibit a narrow range of increased sensitivity to small changes in
input while being generally resistant to changes on either side of that range.
234 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
11 12
Traffic flow, crowd panic, and even hand clapping in auditoriums move
between randomness and coherence. Human life occupies a phase boundary
that runs 26,000 miles laterally but from only three miles below to five miles
above the surface of the earth, a distribution like that of a water spider. And most
important for this discussion, we show phase transitions when we organize
ourselves into groups through our logical and social computations}^
Hamilton explained how selfish genes can evolve altruism, but it is also
evident that, starting with bacterial communities long ago, altruistic genes
evolved selfishness. Species and people can drift to either side of a phase
boundary and, like a tacking sailboat running into the wind, must be able to
come about. Kauffman remarks: "tentative evidence supports the hypothesis that
parallel-processing systems coevolving to carry out complex tasks . . . do in fact
6 p 232
evolve both from the ordered regime and from the chaotic regime''
Speciation itself represents a decision, a movement from a larger group into two
smaller ones and a simplification, an extinction, through the elimination of
intermediate forms.
It is possible to find "simplify" and "complicate" at many levels. For
example, we have opposing muscle groups—extensors that push things away
from us (simplifiers) and flexors that pull us together (complicators). Miller
discusses natural selection and sexual selection as processes for uniformity and
variation. Bloom draws a similar model with his concepts of "conformity
enforcers" and "diversity generators" in cultures of bacteria and human groups.
Stevens and Price discuss "distancing" of individuals; that is, you can have a
position within a hierarchy but may also participate to varying degrees in that
hierarchy, moving yourself from chaotic to static networks and back again by
varying your connectedness.
Thus, we should be able to distinguish processes such as aggression,
migration, abortion, helplessness, and the development of social tools or
technologies that simplify a life or a social organization from those that help it to
become more complex such as bonding, empathy, kin selection, reciprocity,
altruism, and moral codes. Individuals as well as groups and species oscillate
between degrees of connectedness, and it is another stretch but not a leap to
reconsider why moralists sin and sinners periodically hide behind morals.
stasis and fast but invariant outcomes from any input; an average of four or more
interconnections produces chaos and decision times of a billion years or more.
The shift between decision and indecision occurs when the average number of
interconnections is between 2.5-3.5. In this narrow range of connectedness, a
^ decision' appears in 317 msec even in networks of 100,000 participants—a
time consistent with biological events.
There are some fascinating implications from these effects. They suggest a
reason why we have two sexes (plus 1 dependent child for 4 years) instead of
three sexes or five. Removing or adding connections and tasks between people
will make individual behavior, respectively, more variable or less so. According
to Sigmund, 2 competitors will produce oscillations in the population frequency
18, p 5 6 - 5 9
of each of them. Add a third and the frequencies tend to stabilize for
each of them. It is tempting to speculate that any stable biological system will
have at least three mutually regulatory components such as an activator, an
inhibitor, and a switch. In a variation of this schema, some species have the
same relationships observed in the game Stone-Paper-Scissors. That is, species
A dominates species B and B dominates C, but C dominates A ! Increasing the
number, the diversity, of species usually increases the stability of the entire
example from Hayes of a SAT or "satisfiability" problem: "You are chief of
protocol for the embassy ball. The crown prince instructs you either to invite
Peru or to exclude Qatar. The queen asks you to invite either Qatar or Romania
or both. The king, in a spiteful mood, wants to snub either Romania or Peru or
both. Is there a guest list that will satisfy the whims of the entire royal family?"
Hayes's protocol example translates easily into ones that contain hunter and
gatherer variables such as past resource availability, profitable search tactics
(each member is given assignments that match his or her skills: not everybody
gets to throw a spear!), and the presence of competing demands within and
between groups. Time of year, health of the participants, stockpiles of
equipment, and available technologies are all factors in the computations which
could easily become foundations for selective pressures in human groups. The
anthropologist, Sarah Hrdy, observes: "humans . . . live in families where
mothers simultaneously care for multiple young. Closer birth spacing . . .
exacerbated dilemmas confronted by mothers who must then decide on how to
27, p 2 0 3 - 2 0 4
allocate resources among dependent young with competing needs." It
is easy to imagine that any advantage in negotiating such conflicts would
translate into enhanced reproductive success.
According to Hayes, solution time varies linearly with the number of
participants but shows a phase transition related to the number of demands that
each of them makes. One or two demands (variables) from each participant
(clause) can be solved with linear-time algorithms and are trivial. Solution
difficulty increases sharply when there are three or more variables per clause.
2 5 , 2 6
Hayes comments, "there is a critical value . . . below which almost all cases
are (rapidly) satisfiable and above which they are almost all unsatisfiable (at
whatever length investment is made)." The really "difficult" problems for
computational scientists or for mothers of three children are in the phase
boundary between possible and impossible, the ones that will take persistence
and cleverness to unravel. Because of conflicting social demands, we cannot
solve them easily but we can not simply walk away from them. Such problems
are the essence of the word "maybe. "
Langton remarked once that life evolves to the edge of chaos. People and
species are similarly guided. In good times and in moments of speculation we
take on more tasks, but dump the excess in bad. Unlike Kauffman's transistors,
humans move themselves into greater or lesser degrees of involvement with
other humans, serving their own self interest by either maneuver. This steering
is accomplished by genes, receptors, channel capacity, hormones, social
learning, sudden changes in status, and our executive functions. (Further,
blocking these personal maneuvers elicits substantial affective distress!)
Mercenaries, bounty hunters, and outlaws are guided primarily by their
immediate self interest. At the opposite extreme, Hamlet was immobilized, split
between his own ambition and loyalties to other people. He became a western
Physics and Evolutionary Neuroscience 237
icon for chaotic indecision. He has his equals in the anonymous many of us who
dare not act without first consulting every relative and every neighbor or who
are paralyzed by the conflicts between our self-interest and our duties to an
abusive partner. Mothers who do not allow hierarchies between their young
children and women who go directly from child care to attending their ailing
parents also lose themselves in a steel web of conflicting duties and incompat-
ible agendas.
Disconnecting allows an independent decision to do or don't do, one that
occurs without disrupting the rest of an orderly network; chaos and indecision,
however, are characterized by the words "reactive," "convulsive," "unpredict-
able," or "endless." A bias toward indecision is reflected in words such as
"cooperative," "mutualistic," "rule-bound," "traditional," "other-directed," and
"enabler." Sensitive people sometimes immerse themselves in chaotic networks
but feel "ambivalent", "confused," "guilt-ridden," or "helpless." Once people
are wrapped in a network, more extreme conditions of unpredictability elicits
panic and words like "trapped," "overwhelmed," or "paralyzed."
Ball remarks, "The point is that phase transitions are global and abrupt—they
show matter behaving at its most nonlinear, with effects quite out of proportion
to cause." Given the power of phase transitions, it is small wonder that we pay
so much attention to adjusting our task loads and personal ties, that we generate
so much affect in connection with those adjustments, and that we have such
ambivalence about them and argue forever about free will vs. determinism,
selfishness vs. sharing, and men vs. women.
Events on complexity's scale, like water to a fish, surround us so much that
we must balance our lives within it. Therefore, we have tactics—conscious and
unconscious, volitional and not—that help us to navigate between confinement
and isolation. Such tactics are emergent in our self-talk, our language that
explains to our self what we did. The words "simplify" and "complicate" merely
head the index of a long list of words that describe variations in our
Slack time? Most of us validate the expression "Work expands to fill the
time available" with hobbies, new relationships, and incomplete obsessions. On
the other hand, if we are overwhelmed or short of resources, then our emotions
and our executive functions rearrange priorities, make lists, shunt work off to
other people, or discontinue tasks. Even an essayist straddles a phase boundary
between monotony and circumstantiality when she manages the number of ideas
—probably an average of 2.5—on the page at any one time. If we don't use our
executive functions for these decisions, we feel "overwhelmed" or want time for
ourselves. Anger or depression, guilt, or denial will then automatically adjust
our task list on the basis of immediate self-interest instead of more long term
238 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
Natural selection corrects for mismatch between niches and individual traits.
Therefore, in a stable niche it eventually reduces differences between indivi-
Physics and Evolutionary Neuroscience 239
duals. Small differences in traits for obtaining food or avoiding predators lead to
cumulatively greater numbers of offspring who carry the more advantageous
On the other hand, sexual selection increases variation and operates in a
different niche, one that consists of the receptors of possible mates. Receptor
systems are sensitive to small differences between individuals of the same sex.
Small gradations are magnified as only one participant successfully mates out of
10 or a hundred contenders in each generation.
Receptors alert predators as well as mates and predation helps ensure that
costumes (size, brightness and contrast, symmetry), activity level, and resources
are correlated with both survival and with healthier children. If you draw atten-
tion to yourself and are clumsy, you will probably die sooner. It is, therefore, no
surprise that displays interact with niche abundance and with predators. Safer,
richer environments and high population turnover lead to both fancier costumes
and greater behavioral variability that explores settings to their limits. Bad times
erode the advertising budget and we all slink when in dangerous neighborhoods.
The structural variability of the brain does not usually affect gross anatomical features
that are characteristic for the animal species. But the size and position of cortical areas,
the distribution of neurotransmitters, and peptides, the thickness of fiber tracts, the
number of neurons constituting a nucleus, the recruitment of muscles during stereotyped
behaviors such as locomotion, and particularly the microanatomy of neurons and
neuronal circuits vary significantly from individual to individual in virtually all animal
3 3 p 10
species. '
One part of the brain, the anterior commissure...varies seven-fold in area between one
person and the n e x t . . . the massa intermedia . . . is not found at all in one in four people.
The primary visual cortex can vary three-fold in area . . . our amygdala . . . can vary two-
fold in volume—as can our hippocampus . . . Most surprising, our cerebral cortex varies
34, p 143
in non-learning impaired people nearly two-fold in volume.
It appears likely for many reasons that a "universal human nature" is an
assembly of traits that does not exist in an individual human or perhaps even
within groups of them. Alliances and hierarchies manage differences between
people within each generation; they make corrections that correspond to those
made between generations by natural and sexual selection.
One explanation for hierarchies is that they minimize spilled blood within a
group; dominance and priority are decided by ritualistic displays. Hierarchies
also, like sexual selection, magnify differences in the consequences experienced
by each participant. Small disparities in ability have large effects on differential
reproductive success because dominant members inhibit reproduction by
subordinates. However, a third explanation can be offered.
240 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
We are genetically and psychologically different from each other and, like
bacteria who swap packets of DNA when distressed, we help each other.
Differences between people lead to economic and social exchanges. As Krebs
and others have pointed out, we offer things that are easy for us to make in
37 38 39
return for goods and services that are difficult. ' '
While alliances allow mutual aid, they also slow things down. As in
Kauffman's simulations, organizational slowing will occur as soon as 2 parties
begin to work as equals for a common goal. Further, decision times will
accelerate indefinitely as you include a 3rd, 4th, or more members, each with
conflicting demands. (The same temporal changes are also seen in SAT
problems.) Humans make hierarchies within a few moments after a social
contact is made and prevent an explosion in the latencies of decisions made by a
group. Seven individuals take the lead from one or two. Debate shortens in
primate troops, human regiments, academic committees, and families. Amy tells
her little brothers what to do and life continues with less interruption for her
Genes are an accumulation of receptors and strategies that worked in our past
and that may be needed again in our futures. They stabilize us across niches and
generations and narrow the range of our likely responses so that we are less
random and more apt to use behaviors that have worked for us in the past. Genes
Physics and Evolutionary Neuroscience 241
are functional parallels to a weaver, taking nucleotide fibers and aligning them
into a single experience that can be acted upon by other experiences. Because of
genes our future behavior is less chaotic and more orderly than might be
expected otherwise.
Linearity is observed in physical development as well in the behavior of
identical twins, but it is true that different outcomes can be elicited by varied
environments from a common set of genes. Skomer voles will be aggressive or
tame as a function of their rearing and some grasshoppers will be fat and
wingless or lean and winged as a function of their diet. It is as if the same
genes can work either side of a phase transition. However, genes have a range of
normal variability that is often small or that leads to very predictable bifurca-
tions, not purees, in response to variations in niche conditions. As Darlington
observed, genes will give you a stomach in one place and a liver in another but
never produce "stiver" in between.
Executive Functions
Executive functions are the most newly evolved, most variable between
individuals, and most newly analyzed tool that we have for pursuit of our long
term self-interests. Working memory, word retrieval, a sense of time, task
prioritization, regulation of affect, and our ability to sit under a tree while we
analyze situations and synthesize novel solutions—all are thought to be aspects
46 47
of human executive functions. ' We make a stack of tasks to be done, arrange
them in temporal priority, and return to our stack if we are interrupted. An
infinite array of stimuli are filtered and organized and reactions are delayed or
242 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
for creativity and invention but also for the opposite phenomenon of
organizational incompetence in which males exaggerate personal assets but
minimize those of their competition, a strategy that closely parallels the lies
that we tell in courtship, politics, and sometimes before armed conflicts.
Dendrites?: Females—rules and networks. Females appear to have a bias
towards monitoring environmental details, reflected in their superior incidental
memory and recognition for subtle cues from other people. Their sense of
smell is keener than that of a male and they are usually better at recognizing
discord in the facial expressions of other women. Females are usually more
compliant than males and better able to sit at desks and follow teachers'
directions through school. While human females take in a wider spectrum of
influences before acting, both verbal rules and social networks limit chaotic
outcomes for them. This "bias towards chaos" is honored in recognition of
feminine sensitivity but ridiculed with talk about their shopping, driving, and
changing their minds.
Chaos and stasis helped structure our genome and became unrecognized
pillars for our conduct and how we view it. Moral codes are a spun web that
sanctions both initiative and restrictions on it. In human relationships and
cultures the fences around personal action include tradition, rules, memories,
and fears about pain, sickness, or confinement. They also include spite, guilt,
shame, and worry about what might happen to our children.
People who are surrounded by reactive networks but ignore them see
themselves as independent or self-actualizing but may be punished as
"impulsive," "unilateral," "inconsiderate," "egoistic," "narcissistic," "selfish," or
244 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
"uncooperative" by the other members. On the other hand, that same individual
will appear average in a disconnected network where he bothers very few people
at any one time. There can also be an overly cooperative individual in a static,
disconnected network, distressed by the lack of reciprocity but working
excessively to create and maintain it by complicating everyone else's lives!
Constrained actions and actors generally receive greater social approval in
such words as "responsible," "dependable," "cooperative," "thoughtful," and
"mature." We each find exactly these sentiments in our personal Greek chorus
that prompts, praises, and scolds us. There is also a tendency for the dissipation
of human and natural resources to be judged as bad except in displays such as
weddings and holidays.
Anxiety and social confinement are associated with fretting, worry, and
generalized inhibition of coherent behavior. We can be indecisive or we can
revert to more primitive thinking, becoming even more helpless and forgetful
and failing to make subtle distinctions or to engage in problem solving. We look
for allies to protect us, to arrange our lives, or to pick up our load. Constrained
behavior—anxiety disorders, many depressions, and some of the personality
disorders—nest with the "internalizing" ones.
We are still tubes that follow our mouths. Even before we were worms,
however, we were viruses and bacteria. We were active or waiting, advancing or
retreating. We signaled success and replicated or after a failure, waited for better
times or explored another niche. We also formed organizational nets with
impressive capacity for parallel information processing and collective problem
solving. Thus, activity level, initiative, sleep and appetite, and avoiding the
stench of death are all recursive elaborations of very old mechanisms. The same
holds true for our reactions to allergens, poisons or to a glut of food. Depression
may well have started as being poisoned, hungry or thirsty, too hot or too cold or
too alone. Imagine salmonella discovering thawed hamburger after a period of
starvation. Would they have a manic episode? Probably. And lithium would
probably calm them down.
MacLean defined a triune brain in which the brain stem and striatum, the
limbic system, and the neocortex are seen as three stages in the evolution of the
human brain. It seems reasonable to expect different behaviors from each of
them. Erratic sleep cycles, helplessness, deep pain, nausea, and physical harm
disturb insects, lizards, mice and men. It is tempting within mammals to extend
this analysis to reproduction, mother-infant attachment, grooming, social
alliances, and economic swaps. However, pioneering analyses such as
MacLean's have some dangers.
First, our common sense will mislead us about physical and behavioral
relationships. For example, the geneticists have found that whales and hippos
are siblings! This kind of surprise is also seen in clinical research. An array of
behavioral problems from depression to guilt to grandiosity to OCD to weight
and sleep regulation all respond to changes in serotonin. A family of discomforts
has been defined by their responses to a single medicine and we, after listening
to Prozac now have the concept of serotonin spectrum disorders that provide a
single umbrella for our emotional whales and hippos. This is not a unique tale.
For millennia we considered illness to be an outcome of damnation rather than
of germs and contaminated water. As with Prozac and depression, a new tool—
the microscope—ended a superstition and a stack of books, written by the
authorities who practiced it, moved to the history section in the library.
Second, evolution is disorderly. It is noted for redirecting an existing
structure rather than designing something from scratch for a new purpose.
Further, we are just beginning to unravel the extent to which retroviruses and
reverse mutations scribbled freely in genomes. This latter phenomenon makes it
possible for a physical trait to appear, then disappear back to an earlier form, and
then reappear. Thus, tracing a reflex through time and arranging a phylogenetic
order for it becomes very difficult since those traits are usually more labile than
sensory or physical ones.
248 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
about water leaking from coffins that were removed from an old cemetery. If we
consider that we share receptor mechanisms, there is less surprise that most of us
will nurture a helpless chick or baby squirrel or that one species may protect the
young of another.
It is a step from sensory guides to the motor and communication sequences
that satisfy them. Our daily posturing, our advances and retreats, and many of
the large motor sequences that we display when making a sale or standing in line
for a cup of coffee are recognizable by our dog or cat and possibly by a lizard.
Reptiles may share our foundations for assertion, claiming territory, courtship,
and submission, finding a home, establishing and defending territory, ritualistic
displays for dominance, defense or surrender, triumph, hoarding, greeting, social
groups, flocking, and migration. (Any temptation to include lizards in our
lineage is often panned. However, mice—a close genetic relative to humans—
have homeobox regulator genes that are similar to drosophila and to humans! ^
6 4
If we share these fundamentals with drosophila and other bilaterally symme-
trical species, we may as well include Komodo Dragons in our family!)
Despite the wired characteristics of the brain stem, it is open to definition by
outer experiences. Because of this feature, we can travel a life course of either
impulsiveness or stability as a function of early events. And more immediately
from moment to moment, we repeat whatever it was that we were thinking or
doing when we got a reinforcement. Outside consequences turn neuromotor
randomness into routines; each of us solves a problem with whatever systems
were active when it was first solved. Thus, it becomes certain that with
increased neural complexity and increased environmental variability, no two
creatures will ever use identical neurological structures in order to solve the
same external problem. Individual differences in brain structure^ are consistent
with this speculation; so is the analysis presented in a recent book by Edelman
and Tononi.
Constraint, Impulse
We need to "keep our act together" at the same time that we want to have fun
and most of us negotiate this conflict from moment to moment with our
children, peers, spouses, and employers. We also negotiate with our pet, our
lawn, automobile, and the wiring in our basement that consistently blows out a
fuse when we most need to use our computer. Our clients often represent one of
two kinds of negotiator, internalizers and externalizers, and treatment consists of
moving either strategist towards the middle. We seek more freedom for the
internalizers who are frightened and trapped but some limits, boundaries, and
complications for the externalizers, whom we call impulsive, selfish and
thoughtless. (Successful treatment will also produce freedom for the wives,
parents, teachers, and parole officers who originally sent them our way!)
Simplifiers can be interchangeable and include allies who do things for you,
lessened guilt (including tools such cognitive therapy or fluoxetine), forming
lines and hierarchies, making lists, delegating tasks, breaking chores into smaller
segments, putting things off, and old memories of being safe and in control.
Chain saws and bulldozers, assertion training and visualization, Prozac and
alcohol, cannibis, or cocaine are simplifiers just as are fungi, bacteria, and
neuronal apoptosis. Complicators can also be interchangeable, and include
allies who force you to stay out of trouble, bosses, mates, teachers, parents,
252 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
contracts, ministers, legal authorities, moral codes, deadlines, rules, and lawyers
who are working for someone else. Cement, fences, signs, and walls are
complicators and so are pets, school, and television shows.
Active Darwinism
We seek and build niches that give us more choices. The label Active
Darwinism describes this process by which organisms select and modify their
environments. Furthermore, we apply a Darwinian consequence to our
worlds when we choose homes, toys and tools, plants and pets that suit us and
duplicate them with saws and hammers or with selective breeding of other
creatures. To the extent that humans are selective factors, environments compete
for human approval; environments and creatures in them that meet human
demands are kept and multiplied.
Despite structural order from phase transitions and from phylogeny,
j 3 , 3 4
development makes no two brains identical in neuroanatomical detail or in
their tricks that acquire food, partners, or possessions. While evolution specifies
reinforcement systems and environment offers choices, we differ in the
strategies and neuroanatomy that we use to achieve those rewards, in our
selecting and arranging environments, and in our explanations for what we d o .
more effective than those who do not. (Some of this respect for the
client's individual nature will entail breaking current practices and
recognizing the sometimes identities of traits and circumstances between
that client and members of his immediate biological family.)
4. Clients will always pick among the therapist's offerings whether or not
that is the therapist's intent. The richer the menu offered, the greater the
chance for client satisfaction and clients will reinforce therapists for
developing suitable menu options.
5. There will be some conflict of interests to the extent that client and
therapist characteristics do not match. However, greater similarity
between client and therapist might predict stronger alliances between
them. This one REALLY understands me!" Active Darwinism will be
reflected in our picking friends who agree with us but listening to
contrary advice may be a violation of our instincts. Seeking conflicting
opinions may be newly evolved, easily impaired, and an important
diagnostic marker of its own.
6. While there will be substantial uniformity of automatic thoughts—
perhaps because, as MacLean approach suggests, we all started with the
same "lizard"—there will also be substantial variability between people.
The array of automatic thoughts available to the client will vary with his
or her age, reproductive standing, access to resources, seasons of the
year, and significant changes in his or her niche.
7. To the extent that language reflects evolved sensory and motor conflicts
with regard to chaos and stasis, stereotyped client verbal patterns will
sometimes reflect conflicts between genes.
engineers in stasis—who will insist on knowing the formulae for attraction and
repulsion and the variables that participate in each one. (Perhaps of necessity,
there's also a third group, one chaotic in circumstances and ideas, who doesn't
believe numbers and graphs!)
A similar skepticism will exist for applying phase models to such evolu-
tionary human behavioral features as ambivalence, impulsiveness, and guilt-
until some tools for prediction and manipulation are created. T-mazes and
operant chambers, stop watches and microswitches, lab assistants, and electro-
mechanical programming gadgets made it possible for nearly anyone to observe
similar functional relations in the behavior of a wide array of birds and
mammals. Likewise, data from population biology and math from Haldane,
Pearson, and Sewall Wright revived Darwinism. Systematic awareness of
phase transitions in human conduct awaits a tinker and mathematician as well as
a rat and pigeon to uncover them.
Some theoretical issues for research to explore include: (1) our emotional
reactions to inter- and intrapersonal chaos, order, and phase transitions, (2) the
role of natural and sexual selection and of alliances and hierarchies in life's
oscillation between chaos and stasis, and (3) the possibility of sexual roles
allowing a species to pursue risk and constraint at the same time. More
clinically, and as sketched in Table 13.1, I would (4) rearrange how we view
pathologies and (5) incorporate the formal recognition of various constraints and
simplifiers that we offer to our clients and the complementary roles of such. We
might also formalize (6) the idea that more primitive threats and rewards will
override newer ones, and (7) the probability that response competition, through
reciprocal inhibition, will occur in a hierarchic manner between our varied
75 76 77,78
psychological a d a p t a t i o n s . ' ' Finally, we can begin to align clinical views
with those of common sense, that the striking behavioral similarities found in
twins reared apart will also be found between generations in a family and that
such patterns can more deliberately inform the choices that each of us makes.
Karl Pribram asked, "How is it that I can sense so much and do so little?"
As Pribram himself taught us, one of the important decisions for life is that of
20 46 47 50 8 0
go/no-go, the cueing of action or inhibition. ' ' ' ' Along these lines,
Allman reminds us that an E. coli merges the influences from a dozen
receptors but its motor, its flagellum, turns either clockwise or counter-
clockwise. Neurons take in a wide array of information but generate relatively
few outputs. A floor trader in the stock market considers a lot of factors but
compresses them into b u y " or "wait" while he adjusts his course from moment
to moment. His decisions are an adaptive walk between chaos and stasis, taken
in the same manner as a bacterium, a neuron, a bird, a species, a diagnostician,
or a scientist like Karl Pribram or Paul MacLean.
Physics and Evolutionary Neuroscience 255
26. Anderson P: Computing: Solving problems in finite time. Nature, 1999; 400:
27. Hrdy S: Mother Nature: A History of Mothers, Infants, and Natural Selection.
NY: Pantheon, 2000.
28. Eibl-Eibesfeldt I: Human Ethology. NY: Aldine de Gruyter, 1989.
29. McGuire M & Troisi A: Darwinian Psychiatry. NY: Oxford, 1998.
30. Jamison K: Touched by Fire: Manic Depressive Illness and the Artistic
Temperament. NY: Free Press, 1993.
31. Kuhn T: The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (3rd Ed), Chicago: Univ. of
Chicago Press, 1992.
32. Bateman A: Intrasexual selection in drosophila. Heredity, 1948; 2: 349-368.
33. Sporns O: Selectionist and instructionist ideas in neurobiology. In O Spoms & G
Tononi (Eds) Selectionism and the Brain: International Review of Neurobiology. NY:
Academic, 1994; 37: 4-26.
34. Skoyles J: In Bloom, H. (2000) Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind from
the Big Bang to the 21st Century. NY: Wiley, 2000, p. 143.
35. Tooby J & Cosmides L: The psychological foundations of culture. In Barkow J,
Cosmides L, & Tooby J (Eds): The Adapted Mind: Evolutionary Psychology and the
Generation of Culture. NY: Oxford, 1992.
36. Lorenz K: On Aggression. NY: Harcourt, 1966.
37. Krebs D: Evolution of moral dispositions in the human species. Presentation at
the Hunter School of Social Work, Manhattan, NY, May 5, 1999.
38. Dunbar R: Grooming, Gossip, and the Evolution of Language. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press, 1996.
39. Ridley M: Origins of Virtue. NY: Penguin, 1996.
40. Wright R: Three Scientists and Their Gods: Looking for Meaning in a Age of
Information. NY: Times Books, 1988.
41. Popper K: In Search of a Better World. Lectures & Essays from Thirty Years.
London: Routledge, 1995.
42. Brody J: Active Darwinism offsets mismatch. Presentation at Human Behavior
and Evolution Society, Amherst, MA, June 8, 2000.
43. Bouchard T; Lykken D; McGue M; Segal N; & Tellegen A: Sources of human
psychological differences: The Minnesota study of twins reared apart. Science, 1990;
250: 223-228.
44. Darlington C: Introduction. In Galton, F. Hereditary Genius. Gloucester, MA:
Peter Smith, 1972.
45. Smith CUM: Deep time and the brain: Message of the molecules. Paul MacLean
Symposium, Boston, July 16, 1999.
46. Bronowski J: A Sense of the Future. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1977.
47. Barkley R: ADHD and the Nature of Self Control. NY: Guilford, 1997.
48. Diamond J: Why is Sex fun?: The Evolution of human sexuality. NY: Basic, 1997.
49. Kimura D: Sex and Cognition. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999.
50. Allman JM: Evolving Brains. NY: Scientific American Library, 1999.
51. Miller G: Human Language and Intelligence as Sexually Selected Fitness
Indicators. Given at the Hunter School of Social Work, April 14, 1999.
52. Buss D: The psychology of human mate selection: Exploring the complexity of
the strategic repertoire. In Crawford C & Krebs D (Eds.) Handbook of Evolutionary
Psychology. Mah wah, NJ: Erlbaum, 1998, pp. 405-430.
53. Goos LM & Silverman I: Sex Related Factors in the Perception Of Threatening
Facial Expressions. Manuscript submitted for publication, 2000.
Physics and Evolutionary Neuroscience 257
Seymour W. Itzkoff
concerned to connect the past with the neo-pallium and modern human
isocortical structures and behaviors.
Even given MacLean's recognition of the crucial role of causal thinking in
the powerfully selective rise of humans to dominance, his acceptance of the role
of language in coordinating the higher integrative conceptual powers of modern
humans, the paleoneurological substrate nevertheless interests him most as he
explores the morphological and neurological heritages that underlie all human
In its evolution the human forebrain expands along the lines of three basic formations that
anatomically and biochemically reflect an ancient relationship, respectively to reptiles,
early mammals, and late mammals. The three formations are labeled at the level of the
forebrain that constitutes the cerebral hemispheres comprised of the telencephalon and
In summary, except for their derivation from the original stock (the stem reptiles), all
extant reptiles have a lineage entirely separate from the therapsids. For comparative
neurobehavioral studies on reptiles I chose to focus on lizards because as will be
explained, they suggest a closer resemblance to early mammal-like reptiles than other
existing forms . . . it is requisite to characterize the structures of the basal forebrain that
represent a common denominator in reptiles, birds, and mammals, and finally to
comment on the long-standing, enigma regarding their functions. In regard to the
question of correspondence of structures in the three classes of animals, the evidence
rests on phylogenetic, embryological, neuroanatomical, and neurrochemical data.
As in the case of lizards, the stilted, staccato steps of the displays of the great apes seem
to carry the message of a series of exclamation marks. The Schragstellung gait of the
Komodo dragon . . . calls to mind the goose step of a military parade. The question
naturally arises as to whether the striking similarity between the challenge displays of
animals as diverse as lizards and gorillas represent "convergent" or "parallel" evolution.
Among different species the sideways presentation and the stilted, staccato steps have
such an uncanny resemblance that it would almost seem that the challenge display had
been genetically packaged and handed up the phylogenetic tree of mammals.
Taxonomy establishes vertebrates within the over two dozen animal phyla.
The subkingdom of animals now compares to the subkingdoms of plants, fungi,
and various protozoa subkingdoms, fellow participants in the eukaryote
kingdom of complex sexually reproducing unicellular and multicellular life
forms. Finally, taxonomy includes the so-called prokaryote kingdoms, the
eubacterial and archaebacterial worlds, from which the eukaryotes separated
unknown billions of years ago. The distinctions are clear. Our line consists of
life forms with characteristics that include motility, heterotrophy (herbivores and
carnivores), that become environmental and ecological chance takers in highly
variable spatial and time frames. We are movers and opportunists, feeding on
Issues in Triarchic Theory 263
it is doubtful that this evolutionary trend was in large part shaped by the
pressures of the reptilian hordes. The original Permian climatic and ecological
crisis (250-45mya) more than likely shaped the mammalian body plan.
Miniaturization was probably a defensive preadaptation along with internal
homeothermy, nocturnal vision, and exploration. Useful, too, for some mam-
mals, was the ancient placental pattern of internal gestation.
Besides the archosaurs/dinosaurs, mammals likely needed to defend
against other cynodonts. So opportunity arose for these then-tiny creatures, c.
200mya, when the visually adapted and energetically mobile archosaurs pressed
the therapsid cynodonts into extinction. Jerison, but not Quiroga, for example,
believed that the therapsid/cynodont brain was more reptile than mammal-like,
therefore implicitly arguing, as I do here, for a longer period of separated if
parallel evolution of the two lines. "Although there may have been some
expansion of the cerebellum . . . (T)he mammal like reptiles, in short were
reptilian and not mammalian with respect to the evolution of their brains." I
find it persuasive that intraspecific adaptive and selective dynamics pushed
much of mammalian evolution c. 215-65mya. This early 5-10 times expansion
in brain/body ratios may have resulted from this earlier post-Permian ( 2 4 5 -
15mya) evolutionary dynamic. Not the limbic system so much as the expanding
cortex perhaps comprised the locus of their powerful adaptive and selective
thrust into dominance.
It is often thought that the suzerainty of the placental mammals over a wide
variety of other mammal lines, marsupials, multituberculates, and monotremes
stemmed from a new reproductive innovation late into mammalian history, c.
100-65mya. Yet placental reproduction can be traced back to sharks and skates
living in the seas some 400mya. Today there are many forms of fish that
reproduce in the viviparous and oviparous manner, as any aquarium lover can
testify. The advantages of viviparity cannot be assigned merely to reproductive
efficiency. Ultimately, placental reproduction gave increased opportunity for the
extension of fetal brain growth within the womb as compared with brain
truncated fetal birth in marsupial young. Many evolutionists see the reproductive
patterns of the marsupials as an insignificant advance beyond other vertebrate
oviparous reproductive patterns. Note, in addition to the monotreme's ancient
reproductive structures, they possess comparative cortical impotency at
maturity. The final phase of brain-body ratio growth, 10-30X the classic
reptile brain, led to the dominance of the placental mammals by the KT
boundary in the Paleocene, c. 65mya. The power of the mammals cannot be
argued to lie within R-complex/limbic system functionalities. Rather the
dominating feature stemmed from neocortical capacity linked to the reconsti-
tuted 150my-heritage of existing mammalian morphologies and behaviors.
Isaacson phrases the evolutionary implications of the accretative mammalian
defensive morphological suite as follows:
Another way to conceptualize the limbic system may be to see it as a regulator of the R
complex. On the basis of behavioral analysis, this regulation seems to be inhibitory in
nature. Stimulation of the limbic system often produces a suppression of ongoing
266 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
behavior, and lesions made within it often seem to "release" various activities . . . The r
complex is necessary for ritualistic displays and the averbal communication associated
with them. At the human level, MacLean believes that certain behavioral tendencies are
due to an inheritance of dispositions mediated by this same, primal brain region. These
include certain violent reactions, the preference for routine or 'ritualistic' actions, and
some form of displacement activities.
In the evolutionary tradition that spans the period from the eukaryote impact
on the evolutionary flux of life to the vertebrate land living tetrapods, mammals
and primates inherited the line of succession of this time-deep adaptive tradition.
From about the period of presumed placental diversification, evidence, mole-
cular as well as fossil/geological, c.l00-90mya, the primates exemplify this
adaptive trend: motility, adaptability to variable environments, omnivorous food
habits, defensiveness, nonspecialized behavior, higher-than-average body-brain
ratios, and high intelligence.
The particular specialized adaptive niche occupied by the primates took a
long time to be grooved into the genetic morphological and behavioral memory
bank. Much contemporary controversy concerns the place of Homo and its
immediate antecedents. To be fair with the history of these controversies over
human evolution, we ought to place the various positions on these issues into the
hypothetical. On the basis of modern Darwinism, the roots of the hominids will
likely be found on an outer branch, as with the mammals and their most ancient
aqueous progenitors, the Osteolepiforms.
It thus took c.l50my, from c.365-215mya, for the power of higher intelli-
gence to make its first land-adaptive impact, meaning the survival of the
remnant products of the reptile, synapsid, therapsid, cynodont line. The sur-
vivors probably represent a long deviant proto-mammal branch. Then, another
125my allowed the higher brain-to-body ratio of the placentals to demonstrate
its adaptive and selective power. The primates were a not hidden peripheral
spiral of this ancient defensive, intelligent, outlander tradition. But they did not
make their ultimate taxonomic success until the coming of Hss, with that
creature's devastating selective power over almost all of animal and plant life.
The primates needed some 75-80my to effect this most recent impact of
intelligence and adaptability over other distant taxa. The hominids themselves
needed 35-30my from the time of their most probable separation from the
various anthropoid branches in the Oligocene to establish the power of their
enveloping isocortex.
Recalling that in this chapter (#28 "Special Role of Prefrontal Neocortex") our primary
concern is with paleopsychic processes, we focus in this final discussion on human
evolution as it pertains to (1) shedding of tears with crying; (2) the role of play in
acculturation and creativity; and (3) the "memory of the future" All of these topics reflect
in some degree the concurrent evolution of a sense of empathy and altruism. Since they
are conditions that appear to depend particularly on the linkage of the frontal neocortex
with the thalamocingulate division in the limbic system, it is relevant as background to
summarize what is known about the time course of the evolution of the present-day
human cranium with its distinctive elevation of the brow overlying the prefrontal region
of the brain.
model, in the serotenergic system we can distinguish a reptilian part (i.e., of the R-
omplex) and a mammalian part (i.e., of the limbic system), the latter being formed
in particular by raphes obscurus and dorsal raphes nuclei. Ascending fibres extend
from the pontine nuclei (MRN and DRN) to several telencephalic regions, among
which are basal ganglia."
Reduction in serotenergic action leads to (a) increase of intraspecific compet-
ition; (b) increase of magical thought; (c) temporal epilepsy. Reduction in
serotenergic function weakens the limbic system's ability to resist hierarchy-
making structures, as well as obsessive-compulsive disorders.
Although inhibited by the limbic system, the human brain's R-complex
preserved and still preserves the structures and hierarchy-forming functions that
give rise to submission to leaders. MacLean sees "the immensely powerful
being" as created by the action of the R-complex on the neocortex. Ernandes and
Giammanco see the weakening over the span of human evolution of the
inhibitory influence of the limbic system on the R-complex's influence over the
The question is, why did this happen, why the weakening? They answer that
the brain makes causal connections between temporally variable inputs of
perceptual information in a rationally verifiable and experientially adaptable
manner, if the cortex can find the cause. In the case of magical thought, when
inputs cannot be organized cortically in rational verifiable behavior, the result is
nonfunctional illogical responses, that is, faith. Magical thought thus stems from
its unconscious origins in the R-complex. The neocortex makes this conscious
and tries to give it an appearance of rationality by embedding these emotions
(limbic system) in a nexus of associated symbolism.
Such symbolic systems lead to the acceptance of powerful human gods, as
well as supernatural forces and gods. "Initiatory rites occur at critical ages of
individual development with emotional involvement. They mainly operate on
the limbic system and the r-complex. The limbic system provides the ingredients
for the strong affective feeling of conviction attached to beliefs, while the r-
complex is the seat of 'imprinting,' until religious beliefs as to the existence of a
supernatural Powerful Being become strong and well established."
From Desmond Morris: "in a behavioral sense, religious activities consist of
the coming together of large groups of people to perform repeated and
prolonged submissive displays to appease a dominant individual. The dominant
individual takes many forms in different cultures, but always has a common
factor of immense power."
recently evolved limbic structures. Even more MacLean saw the behavioral
impacts of these latter systems on human life, considering but not emphasizing
the impact of Homo's cortical accretions. So, too, in turning to the evolutionary
record, he tended to view mammal evolution as adaptively and selectively
defined by the behavioral impact of limbic system structures. To MacLean, they
provide definition, in contrast with the underlying reptilian R-complex, and thus
have been decisive in the selective sense.
We have here the traditional chicken-or-egg argument. Which element,
traditional limbic structures or cortical causal and evaluative factors, tilted the
selective equation? The debate transitions into the evolution of the hominids.
Here the isocortical growth explosion unanimously seems the reason for
hominid and Hss success. MacLean understandably pointed to the ongoing
impact on behavior of these phylogenetically ancient structures. Compared to
the base primates, they possess inordinate prominence in Homo's brain. Still, the
isocortex maintains its roles as the decisive selective element in human evolu-
tion. The isocortex seeks out causes, relationships, and ventures predictions of
the future. In its hyper-corticality linked with the ancient mammalian structures,
this brain structure discovered the keys to mastering the physical and biological
MacLean, as we have noted above, viewed the innovative mammalian
physical and brain structures—lactation, the protective nursing mother, the
audio-vocal cries of protection and defense, play—as crucial adaptive factors
that allowed for the positive selection of this class of animals. These led to their
eventual domination over the other tetrapods, reptiles, and amphibians. The
more contextual evolutionary perspective would place a much greater emphasis
on the larger cortex of the mammalian brain, as compared with the reptiles,
because it fostered the adaptive efficacy of these animals. Indeed, as MacLean
notes, a number of these adaptations may already have been part of the
therapsid/cynodont suite of adaptations (homeothermy, internal gestation) before
the evidentiary extrusion of the mammals 215-200mya.
Most have conceded that, compared with the extroverted visual and
energetically dynamic reptile adaptive patterns, the mammalian suite of
brain/behaviors originally had defensive functions. But without the suzerainty of
a larger cortex to coordinate such defenses behaviors, their selective impact on
the evolutionary destiny of the mammals would have been marginal, as evident
in a number of marsupial and monotreme lines. These lines, without the
competitive pressures exerted by placentals would have held their own against
existing reptile forms, and, indeed, with a limbic brain, did proliferate.
Emotional control epitomized in the limbic areas without the coordinating
powers of the neocortex, however, would have never won the selective battle for
the placentals.
And, of course, the primate line, once an intelligent, defensive, side branch
of the placentals, made its living by "staying out of the way" through protective
brain-power. Eventually, use of that brainpower linked to a powerful and
energetically dynamic limbic system, destroyed innumerable long prospering
species that existed to that point. MacLean admits the closely linked morpho-
270 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
logical and behavioral connections in the human brain between the various parts
of the limbic system and the isocortex. So much so, it is difficult to see where
one function ends and the other kicks in. Still, the following quotation reflects
the deep impression of the power of the limbic system on human behavior.
[T]he complete lack of memory for what happened during automatisms (psychomotor
epilepsy) is primarily owing to a disturbance of limbic function and a resulting failure of
the integration of internally and externally derived experience, upon which a sense of
reality of the self depends. Without an integrated sense of self, there is, so to speak, no
place to deposit a memory of ongoing experience . . . [T]he limbic cortex receives more
extensive input from interoceptive systems than the neocortex and, also of crucial
importance, receives input from the various exteroceptive systems. It should be recalled
at this point that psychomotor epilepsy provides evidence that the limbic system is
involved in self-realization, as evident by such experiences during the aura as feelings of
enhanced feelings of reality, increased awareness, or self-duplication ('mental diplopia')...
the phenomenology of psychomotor epilepsy reveals that even the least obtrusive feelings
generated by limbic activity are tinged with some degree of affect...the saying that
'something does not exist until you give it a name': Something does not exist unless it is
imbued with an qffective feeling, no matter how slight.
for the peripheral and now highly specialized chimpanzees and gorillas. Indeed,
it is likely that much of African ape evolution since the Miocene, 20mya, has
been selectively influenced by the increasingly successful australopithecines and
then their supplanters, Homo. Only recently has the weight of evidence replaced
the lineal view of the fossil record with a new awareness of the long-in-process
branching nature of hominid evolution.
Scientific opinion has now solidified the awareness that the first truly
modern humans were the Cro-Magnons, Hss, of Europe and West Asia. The
power of their ballooning cortex is revealed in the spontaneous symbolic
effusions of their technology, art, and social discipline. In the richness of their
cultural productions, we can envision the workings of the paleoneurological
structures. But they are filtered through and disciplined by the isocortex. There
had been, before this bursting of traditional hominid boundaries c.45,000 B.P.
many forms of Homo. It is difficult to know what their cultural potential could
have been were they to have lived within the protective bosom of the Cro-
Magnons. The Neanderthals, a primitive progressive erectine type with a large
brain, are increasingly viewed as having lived side by side with the Cro-
Magnons in Europe and West Asia, and for at least 10,000 years. Perhaps they
were even protected by the moderns. Certainly, much interbreeding took place.
Skulls as far back as 90,000 B P—Qafzeh, Skuhl. in the Near East, later,
Predmost and Mladec in Moravia, 35,000 B.P—reveal such a relationship. Most
recently discovered is an apparently post-Neanderthal hybrid child, at about
23,000 B.P.
In addition, large populations of humans lived away from the center of this
final evolutionary thrust that received, though only gradually and variably, the
genetic biochemistry that produced the modern cortex. Our contemporary
inheritance, then, is mixed in terms of the cortical and cultural assimilation of
these evolutionary dynamics. But, the ancient paleoneurology exists in all
humans, an inheritance dated in the tens and hundreds of millions of years. And
it shows itself in the variety of human interpersonal behaviors, as well as
cultural and civilizational life-styles. Some of us can fall under the thrall of R-
complex and limbic passions of allegiance to human tyrants, religions that
demand the debasement of human reason to myth, magic and superstition.
Weak cognitive profiles are victimized by the devotional totems emanating from
Hollywood or Yankee Stadium. Highly intelligent and educated peoples, such as
the Germans or Japanese, can surrender their rationality to "the myth of the
state." The Cro-Magnons, at 30,000 B.P, evidence in their art, monuments, and
technology little mythology or violence. The classical Greeks and the early
modern Europeans were intellectually moved to draft written constitutions in
which democratic practices acted to nullify the sway of the ancient neurological
regime. This represents strong evidence for the latent powers of the neocortex in
human sociobiological affairs.
272 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
The possibility is suggested that through the neofrontal connections with the thalamo-
cingulate division, a parental concern for the young generalizes to other members of the
species, a psychological development that amounts to an evolution from a sense of
responsibility to what we call conscience.
What is substantially new in the known history of biology is that this concern extends not
only to the human family, but to all living things—an evolutionary turnabout that could
affect a turnabout in what has heretofore seemed a vicious life-death struggle long
recognized as the struggle between good and evil.
It is well and good to identify the source of so-called human altruism in the
nurturing concern of parents for their young. This sense of responsibility,
however, is not strictly rooted in the genetics of neofrontal/ thalamocingulate
maternity. Nurturing is now a freely chosen behavior, and, equally, discarded in
neglect and cruelty. We human beings can extend our sense of "responsibility"
and "conscience" toward the young of others. In similar cognitive acquiescence,
we can act to destroy the children of strangers. The puzzling voluntarism of
human intraspecific violence finds a parallel in the mystery of mental dysfunc-
tion. We human animals uniquely display this. Some would place a sociobio-
logical tonality onto these malfunctionings as heralding defeat and biological
ostracism. Yet the behaviors seem to have persisted over long spans of time.
The biochemistry that we now see as complicit, at least in part, has not been
expelled from the genome. In fact, many individuals afflicted with bipolar
syndrome are socially successful and creative persons.
Hans Eysenck hypothesized a close relationship between schizophrenia and
genius; they seem to occupy different sides of a sometimes permeable brain
behavioral membrane. The genius sees in the given symbolic structure possi-
bilities inherent in the fluid malleability of factual reality. The schizophrenic
envisions possibilities that are beyond the facticity of the given. The sense of
possibility in one grows out of a sense that the real is never permanently
embedded. In the other there is no public facticity from which to envision real
possibilities. Who can say where in triune brain structure this fluidity of
thought is made possible?
Issues in Triarchic Theory 273
1. Triarchic rather Triune because the former reflects the semi-independent variability
of the three morphological structures in terms of their behavioral correlates. Triune
implies as with the "Trinity" a merging of three factors in a unity of expression.
2. MacLean, P. D. 1990. The Triune Brain in Evolution, NY: Plenum, p. 10.
3. MacLean, 1990. pp. 578-579.
4. MacLean, P. D. 1968 "Alternative neural pathways to violence," in Alternatives to
Violence, L, Ng., ed., New York: Time-Life Books, pp. 24-34.
5. MacLean, 1990, pp. 33-35.
6. MacLean, 1990, pp. 232-233. See also Gadjusek, D. C. 1970. "Physiological and
psychological characteristics of Stone Age Man," in Symposium on Biological Bases of
Human Behavior, Eng. Sc., 33: 58-59.
7. Janvier, P. 1984. "The relationship of the Osteostraci and the Galeaspida," Journal
of Vertebrate Paleontology, 4: 344-358; Long, J. 1995 The Rise of the Fishes, Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 30, 32, 34.
8. Radinsky, L. 1987. The Evolution of Vertebrate Design, Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, pp. 50-52.
9. Woese, C. R., Kandler, O., and Wheelis, M. L. 1990. "Towards a Natural System
of Organism: Proposal for the Domains Archae, Bacteria, Eucarya," Proceedings.
National Academy of Science, 87: 4576-4579; Kandler, O. 1993. Progressive Botany,
54: 1-24; de Duve, C. 1995. Vital Dust, NY: Basic Books; Sogin, M. 1991. "Early
Evolution and the origin of the Eucaryotes," Current Opinion Genetic Development, 1:
10. Henderson, L. 1913 The Fitness of the Environment, NY: Macmillan.
11. Nisbet, E. G. 1991 Living Earth, New York: Harper Collins, p.l 11; Dawkins, R.
1995. River Out of Eden. NY: Basic Books.
12. Margulis, L. 1992. Simbiosis and Cell Evolution, 2nd edition. San Francisco: W.
H. Freeman; Wilford, J. N. 1996. "First Branch in Life's Tree Was 2 Billion Years Old,"
The New York Times reported in Science, 1/30/96.
13. Jerison, H. 1973. Evolution of the Brain and Intelligence, NY: Academic Press.
274 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
14. Smith, H. 1961. From Fish To Philosopher, New York: Anchor-Doubleday, pp.
120-121; Long, J. 1995. The Rise of the Fishes, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, pp. 201,
209; Jerison, H., 1973, op. cit, p, 28.
15. MacLean, 1990, pp. 95-97.
16. MacLean, 1990, p. 257; Jerison, H. 1973.op. cit.
17. Radinsky, 1987, The Evolution of Vertebrate Design, op. cit.
18. Jerison, H. 1973. Op. Cit, p 154; Quiroga, J.C. 1979. "The brain of two
marnmal-like reptiles (Cynodontia-Therapsida)," Jnl. Hirnforsch, 20: 341-350; Quiroga,
J. C. 1980. "The brain of a mammal-like reptile Probaingnathus jenseni (Therapsida,
Cynodontia). A correlative paleo-neurological approach to the isocortex at the reptile-
mammal transition," Jnl. Hirnforsch, 21: 299-336.
19. Jerison, H. 1982. "The Evolution of Biological Intelligence," in R. J. Sternberg,
ed., Handbook of Human Intelligence, Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, pp.
723-791; Jerison, H. 1977. "The Theory of Encephalization," Annals of the N Y Acad, of
Sciences: 299: 146-160.
20. Bone, Q., Marshall, N., Blaxter, J. 1995. Biology of Fishes, London: Blackie
Academic and Professional, pp.178, 180-182.
21. MacLean, 1990, p. 92; Gadow, H. F. 1911. "Reptiles-Anatomy" in Encyclo-
paedia Britannica, 11th ed., New York: Cambridge University Press, v. 23, p. 170.
22. Isaacson R. L. 1982. The Limbic System, 2nd ed., NY: Plenum Press, p. 246.
23. Ahlberg, P. E., and Johanson, Z. 1998. "Osteolepiforms and the ancestry of tetra-
pods." Nature, Vol. 395, 10/22/98, 792-794.
24. MacLean, 1990, p. 552.
25. Ernandes, M. and Giammanco, S. 1998. "MacLean's Triune Brain and the Origin
of the 'Immense Power of Being' Idea," Mankind Quarterly, Winter 1998, Vol. 39: 2,
173-201 (184).
26. Ernandes, M. and Giammanco, S., 1998, p. 184.
27. Ernandes, M. and Giammanco, S., 1998, p. 180; see, Voogd, J. R., et. al. 1998. in
Niewenhuys, R., et al., eds., The Central Nervous System of the Vertebrates, Berlin-
Springer-Verlag, pp. 1636-2097 (p. 1872).
28. Ernandes, M. and Giammanco, S., 1998, p. 191.
29. Ernandes, M. and Giammanco, S. 1998, p. 192; Rapoport, J. L. 1989. "The
Biology of Obsessions and Compulsions," Scientific American, 260:3: 62-69.
30. Ernandes, M. and Giammanco, S. 1998, p. 187.
31. Ibid, p. 184.
32. Ibid, p. 188.
33. Morris, D. 1994. The Naked Ape, London: Vintage/ Random House, p. 121.
34. MacLean, 1990. p. 578.
35. Cassirer, E. 1945. The Myth of the State, New Haven: Yale University Press.
36. MacLean, 1990. p. 562; MacLean, P. D. 1985a. "Brain evolution relating to
family, play, and the separation call," Archives General Psychiatry, 42: 405-417.
37. MacLean, 1990. p. 562.
38. Eysenck, H. 1995. Genius: The Natural History of Creativity, Cambridge: Cam-
bridge University Press.
Roger D. Masters*
The evolutionary perspective in the study of the brain and social behavior is the
hallmark of Paul MacLean's science. His limbic system and triune brain
concepts have been among the most influential in neuroscience over the most
recent decades. The full significance of the evolutionary neuroethology which
he so tirelessly championed, however, has yet to be felt within the social
sciences and even less yet in areas of social policy where it potentially
illuminates some important, even urgent areas of concern. This chapter reports
the results of findings in environmental pollution, specifically the effects of
heavy metals upon violent social behavior, and emphasizes the necessity for
bringing the perspective of evolutionary neuroscience into our social sciences
and our social policy-making.
* The research on silicofluoride toxity reported here was suggested by and conducted in
collaboration with Myron J. Coplan (PE, Intelliquity consulting, Natick, MA), whose
expertise and precision have been invaluable.
276 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
1997; Gazzaniga, Ivry & Mangun 1998; McGuire & Troisi 1998). However, for
most social scientists, following Locke and the behaviorist tradition in
psychology, the brain remains a black box responding to environmental stimuli.
This outdated view of the brain as a tabula rasa still resonates in the widespread
assertions of the "social construction" of human cultural and political behavior.
Although many traditional assumptions about the human brain are clearly
false, the social sciences remain dominated by a generation totally unaware of
neuroscientific research. As a result, it is commonplace to "explain" learning
deficits, substance abuse, and antisocial behavior solely by such factors as
poverty, socioeconomic status, and racial or sexual prejudice. Of course, these
conditions greatly influence all of us. But their effects are mediated by each
individual's central nervous system, a product of millions of years of species
evolution, that processes similar information in varying ways due to differential
genetic propensities, fetal and neonatal development, diet, maternal and paternal
bonding, early learning and social experience—along with myriad other inputs
to the human brain. To understand how such complex factors contribute to
violent behavior, an understanding of the revolutionary advances in neuro-
science becomes both invaluable and indispensable (Raine 1993; Wilson &
Petersilia 1995; Niehof 1999). We begin this discussion by considering the
effects of environmental elements that are toxic to the proper functioning of our
evolved neural architecture.
Neurotoxins are among the factors that can change brain function and thus
alter behavior (on the following, in addition to Aschner & Kimelberg 1996;
Purvis et al. 1997; and Gazzaniga, Ivry and Mangun 1998; see esp., Lippard &
Berg 1994). The central nervous system (CNS) is perhaps the subtlest and most
sensitive chemical system in the human body—as most of us learned the first
time we drank too much alcohol.
Mere environmental exposure to toxic chemicals is, however, not the whole
story. Evolution has also built in a degree of protection for the nervous system.
Given the complexity of neurochemistry, it should hardly be a surprise that
natural selection has to some extent buffered the central nervous system against
potentially harmful chemicals in the environment.
If a toxin is swallowed, its effects depend on whether it crosses the gut-blood
barrier. Once in the bloodstream (whether from ingestion or wounds), toxins
must also cross the blood-brain barrier before they can influence brain function
and behavior. However, because the selective passage of many toxic chemicals
through cell membranes is determined by a variety of physicochemical variables
including size, charge, hydrophilicity, lipophilicity, etc., toxicologists have
focused on toxin-induced health risks such as cancer and birth defects rather
than on social behavior.
Despite its buffering effect against certain elements, the blood-brain barrier
does, however, possess channels that function to allow the passage of essential
Pollution, Brain Chemistry, and Violence 277
elements that play a regulatory role in cellular function. These elements are
sometimes positively charged ions ("cations") and sometimes negatively
charged ones ("anions"). Many essential elements, including calcium, iron, and
zinc, are called divalent cations because they have an electrical charge of 2+.
Individuals deficient in these elements are more likely to absorb toxic heavy
2+ 2+ J+
metals that are also cations, including lead (Pb ), manganese (Mn , M n ,
4+ 2+ 3+
M n ) , cadmium (Cd ), or aluminum (Al ). These toxic elements can cross the
acetylcholine channel, that allows only positively charged ions to pass into cells
with little discrimination between cations (Lippard & Berg 1994: 159). Inhala-
tion of toxins provides a more direct and more dangerous route, because some
molecules can move through the nasal cavity to the brain directly, bypassing the
blood-brain barrier altogether.
Within the brain, another mechanism of detoxification can sometimes fail,
leading to unwanted behavioral effects. Glial cells function to absorb the products
of chemical reactions in the brain and release them to the bloodstream (Aschner &
Kimelberg 1996). But this process is subject to a number of biochemical constraints
that sometimes do not effectively remove toxins. For example, the cellular surface
of neurons normally maintains a net electrochemical balance between positive and
negative charges—the so-called Donnen Equilibrium. If this balance is disturbed
with a resulting net negative charge, uptake of positive cations increases without
regard to the toxicity of the elements involved. As a result, the combination of an
imbalance in normal chemical elements plus exposure to such toxic metals as lead,
manganese, cadmium, or aluminum can easily result in brain uptake (Lippard &
Berg 1994: ch. 6).
Based on these considerations, we hypothesize that such heavy metals more
likely influence behavior than do many industrial neurotoxins. To be sure,
endocrine disruptors (Coburn, Dumanoski and Myers 1997) can also have
important effects on behavior, as is suggested by recent findings linking them
with a preference for same-gender sexual partners (Crews et al. 2000). Despite
these facts, traditional studies of the toxicity of many elements including
cadmium (Ashner & Kimelberg 1996: Ch. 11) and fluoride (e.g., Dunipace et al.
1989, 1996; Jackson et al. 1997), have continued to focus almost entirely on
cancer and similar diseases.
One difficulty in studying the effects of heavy metals on behavior is that
exposure does not alone account for dysfunctional outcomes. Neuronal uptake
of heavy metals largely depends on other factors such as dietary deficits, stress,
or exposure to substance abuse, which damage the brain's normal mechanisms of
defense against toxins (Bryce-Smith 1983, 1986; Ashner & Kimelberg 1996).
Hence the poor, with diets lacking sufficient calcium, iron, or zinc, are at higher
risk for the negative effects of heavy metals. Likewise affected are those persons
with hypolactasia or other genetic conditions that predispose toward diets low in
calcium and other essential minerals.
Of the heavy metals harmful to normal learning and behavior, lead is the best
known (Needleman, ed. 1991; Needleman 1998). Its effects were noted long ago
by Benjamin Franklin, who wrote a friend: "the Opinion of this mischievous
Effect from Lead is at least above Sixty Years old; and you will observe with
278 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
Concern how long, a useful Truth may be known and exist, before it is generally
receiv'd and practic'd on." (Masters, Hone and Doshi 1998:13). Manganese and
cadmium have also been associated with increased aggressiveness or hyper-
active behavior and learning, deficits. In addition, long-term exposure to manga-
nese or to organophosphates has been implicated in a form of Parkinsonism
(Dicalzi et al. 2000; Pryadarshi et al. 2000; Weiss 2000). Some researchers
believe aluminum is a risk factor in Alzheimer's Disease although evidence is
Environmental exposure leading to uptake of heavy metals can therefore
contribute as a co-factor to many behavior deficits and social dysfunctions.
Among the conditions that have been studied are learning disabilities (Bryce-
Smith 1983, 1986), low IQ (Needleman, ed. 1991), attention deficit disorder
(ADD) as well as hyperactivity (ADHD) (Tuthill 1996; Manuzza 1989, 1998),
teenage pregnancy, alcoholism, drug abuse, and crime (Masters, Hone and
Doshi 1998). In each case, neurochemical imbalances that interfere with normal
information processing and impulse control number among the risk-factors
associated with dysfunctional or anti-social behaviors.
Specific mechanisms underlying these findings have been studied at the
neuroanatomical level. For instance, attentional focusing, and behavioral inhibi-
tion represent functions regulated by circuits in the basal ganglia (structures
deep in what MacLean called the R-complex). Two inhibitory circuits in this
structure, regulated by the neurotransmitters dopamine and GABA (gamma-
amino butyric acid), facilitate continued information search and optimize
responses to environmental stimuli (Purvis et al. 1997: 348-349; Gazzaniga,
Ivry and Mangun 1998: 412-420). By reducing the levels of these neuro-
transmitters, lead or manganese can produce defects in inhibition (Masters,
Hone and Doshi 1998). Not surprisingly, therefore, recent studies have shown
substantial numbers of hyperactive (ADHD) children with elevated levels of
lead (Tuthill 1996) or manganese in head hair. Masters, Hone and Doshi. have
compiled data revealing that head hair has been used as a marker of heavy metal
uptake over the preceding 2-3 months (1998: 13-48).
Other factors that contribute to observed correlations include vulnerability of
neuroanatomical structures to heavy metal toxicity. One important structure for
learning, whose functions are only now being understood by neuroscientists is
the hippocampus. There CA1 and CA3 neurons establish lasting connections
between synaptic firing patterns through longterm potentiation (LTP), that
increases responses when paired stimuli are perceived, as well as long term
depression (LTD), which reduces associative responses as part of habit forma-
tion. These basic mechanisms for learning and habituation depend on calcium,
magnesium, and the neurotransmitter glutamate (Purvis et al. 1997: 440-451;
Gazzaniga, Ivry and Mangun 1998: 285-287). Lead can both lower levels of
glutamate and replace calcium, thereby disrupting the normal regulatory
functions of ion channels. Such neurotoxic effects may explain why lead uptake
so widely correlates with lower IQ and other learning disabilities (Bryce-Smith
1983; 1986; Needleman, ed. 1991; Needleman 1998).
Pollution, Brain Chemistry, and Violence 279
As noted, studies over the last decade in the U.S. and Europe repeatedly
found a linear inverse relationship between individual lead levels (as measured
in blood or head hair) and IQ (Bryce-Smith 1983, 1986). Some critics have gone
to extreme lengths to challenge these findings—for example by claiming that
because impulsive children eat lead paint that, in turn, causes low IQ, impulsi-
vity rather than lead toxicity represents the root cause (Juberg 1977: 9). In a
series of carefully controlled studies, Herbert Needleman and his colleagues
(Needleman, ed. 1991; Needleman et al. 1996) have demonstrated the error of
this hypothesis. Most recently, this research team has compared infants at birth,
showing that there were no early differences in the response patterns of children
subsequently found to have higher lead uptake and attention deficit disorder
(Needleman 1999).
Poor impulse control apparently contributes to the learning deficits
associated with heavy metal toxicity. This finding is plausible on neuro-
ethological grounds. For example, ritalin, the most widely used medication for
hyperactivity, increases dopamine—a neurotransmitter with inhibitory functions
whose levels are reduced among individuals who absorb too much lead. Indeed
Walker (1998) has reported that removing lead is an effective therapy for
hyperactivity and notes that, since cocaine and ritalin have similar effects on
dopamine, drugging ADHD children to make life easier for parents and teachers
is both medically unwise and ethically unsound.
Given an association between poor impulse control during childhood and
subsequent violent behavior (Manuzza et al. 1989, 1998), others focused on
levels of lead and manganese in the head hair of criminals. Seven different
280 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
groups of violent offenders were compared to those in the same prison convicted
of property crime. This provided a valuable test. Robbery and theft are more
likely to be preceded by planning than barroom brawls. Hence these studies
provide an assessment of impulsiveness that takes into consideration other
factors leading to criminal behavior. In all seven samples, the violent offenders
had significantly higher levels of either lead and cadmium or manganese
(Masters, Hone and Doshi 1998).
Two prospective studies confirmed these findings by showing that children
with early evidence of high lead uptake more likely exhibit later behavioral
dysfunction (Denno 1993; Needleman 1996). The larger of these samples, based
on data from the Philadelphia Biosocial Study, revealed that blood lead levels at
age 7 significantly predicted juvenile and adult crime (Denno 1994).
A second approach analyzes the extent that heavy metal pollution associates
with geographical areas at risk for higher rates of behavior dysfunction.
Although anecdotal data are risky, it may be worth noting that a numberof the
major school shootings in the United States over the last two years have
occurred in communities that are Superfund sites. Only in Springfield, Oregon—
where Kip Kinkle acted alone—is there no evidence of industrial releases of
heavy metals. Springfield is about 40 miles from the nearest Superfund pollution
site. In all other cases—most notably Littleton, Colorado, where the Superfund
site was ignored by all the journalists—there is striking evidence of toxic
pollution with heavy metals and other toxins (Rymer and Alpert 1999).
The Environmental Protection Agency's Toxic Release Inventory for lead
and manganese, two of the principal heavy metals implicated in poor impulse
control, provided more convincing statistical data for these heavy metals.
Comparing all counties in the United States on over twenty socio-economic and
demographic measures, including income levels, population density and size,
racial composition, and education, industrial releases of heavy metal pollution
were a statistically significant risk factor for higher rates of violent crime (Table
15.1). Lead or manganese pollution interact with each other and with above
average rates of alcoholism. Communities with any two or all three of these risk-
factors have signficantly higher rates of violent crime than those with only one
(Masters, Hone & Doshi 1998).
Pollution with neurotoxins like lead can, moreover, last for many years
(Bailey et al. 1994). Indeed, although forest areas may be able to recycle toxic
metals quickly, some estimates suggest that in an urban soil, lead toxicity may
last for up to fifty years. Because children play in the dirt and lick their
fingers—a behavior increased by the sweet taste of lead—neighborhoods
adjoining heavily used urban highways represent areas of risk. Within a number
of American urban communities, including cities as different as Milwaukee and
New Orleans, careful studies by Howard Mielke and associates found that areas
along highways that were heavily traveled when automobiles used leaded
Pollution, Brain Chemistry, and Violence 281
gasoline have higher levels of lead in the soil around housing units (Mielke
It might be objected that the number of years chosen for the lagged variable,
while based on the lag needed to track prenatal exposure of those 14 to 17 at the
time of FBI crime reports, is arbitrary. Alternative explanations, however, are
not entirely satisfactory. For example, some experts have claimed that the
decline in violent crime since 1991 is due to the falling demand for crack
cocaine. But this merely displaces the problem, since one has to ask why the
demand for crack declined. This is particularly important because lead down-
regulates dopamine whereas cocaine up-regulates dopamine—in that respect
cocaine acts on dopamine the way Prozac acts on serotonin (cf. Martin 1983;
Dewey 1986; Cook et al. 1995). Moreover one factor associated with enhanced
lead uptake (silicofluoride usage in public water supplies, discussed in detail
below) is correlated with increased levels of cocaine use at the time of arrest in
an NIJ study of over 30,000 criminals in 24 cities. Because this effect was
predicted by our research (Masters, Coplan & Hone 1999b) whereas it does not
follow from traditional socioeconomic or racial models of substance abuse and
crime, changes in cocaine usage cannot be invoked as a cause that is unrelated to
absorption of lead from the environment.
Given linkages between lead and deficits in impulse control based on the
neurochemical mechanisms outlined above, the hypothesis of a lagged positive
effect from removing lead gasoline could be further tested by looking at
additional measures that reflect impulsive behavior (Nevin 2000). One report
suggests, for example, that sales of leaded gas highly correlate with the
consumption of alcohol (DelRosso et al. 1999). Another tentative study suggests
that rates of teen-age pregnancy were weakly correlated with leaded gasoline
sales, albeit with a lag time of 14 years (Lauer et al. 1999). While both drinking
and sexual promiscuity seem at first connected to impulsiveness, alcohol
consumption provides an especially interesting test because the genetics and
biochemistry of alcoholism gained wide study over the last decade.
Whereas the effects of lead neurotoxicity described above concern behaviors
associated with dopamine, the consensus of recent scholarship points to crucial
deficits in another neurotransmitter, serotonin (Masters & McGuire 1994: Ch.
6). Little evidence links lead toxicity to abnormal serotonergic function, whereas
manganese clearly down-regulates serotonin levels (Ashner & Kimelberg 1996).
In addition, data on crime indicate that rates of alcoholism influence behavior
independently of industrial releases of either lead or manganese, reinforcing the
belief of many researchers that alcoholism is strongly influenced by genetic
factors. It follows from this as well as the diverse socioeconomic and cultural
factors influencing alcohol consumption that the pattern of correlation between
leaded gas sales and alcohol consumption should differ from that observed for
homicides by young males.
The data confirm this hunch, pointing to puzzling associations that might
further implicate lead neurotoxicity in social behavior. The correlation between
leaded gasoline sales in the 1960s and 1970s and alcohol consumption 17 years
later is negative (r = -.307). Nor do leaded gasoline sales strongly associate with
the same year's alcohol consumption (r = .228). Oddly enough, however, if
statistics are matched with a lag of 5 years, there is a stronger association (r =
284 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
.689). This suggests that recent lead exposure may influence some aspect of
alcoholic consumption, since a lag of 5 years means that when leaded gasoline
sales ended, the principal effect probably concerned children between the ages
of 8 and 13 (the average age when teenages first start drinking [Masters and
Coplan 1999a]).
Because alcoholism is primarily associated with serotonin, a neurotransmitter
that is not a primary target of lead toxicity, these data suggest that the influence
of lead on drinking behavior might concern the impulsivity with which people
consume alcohol rather than the fact of consumption itself. If so, we might
expect differences in the kinds of alcohol consumed to be more susceptible to
lead toxicity than the overall consumption patterns.
When alcohol sales are broken down into beer, wine, and spirits (hard
liquor), this is precisely what we find. If each year's sales of leaded gas are
correlated with contemporary sales of each type of beverage, it becomes obvious
that leaded gasoline was associated with a shift from beer and wine to distilled
spirits as the drink of choice. The correlation between sales of spirits in years
between 1949 and 1993 and sales of leaded gasoline during, the same year is
.811 (p = .000), whereas both beer and wine sales are negatively and weakly
correlated with leaded gas.
Unlike crime, the effect of exposure to leaded gasoline on alcohol seems to
be a breakdown of aversion to the effects of rapid inebriation, at most triggered
by lowering inhibition in late childhood. The correlation implies that the effect
may have been strong, but many other cultural factors could also have
contributed to the growing market for beer and wine. However that may be,
since the brain dysfunction associated with alcohol consumption differs from
that underlying homicide, it is not surprising that the precise pattern of
association with exposure to fumes from leaded gasoline is also different.
These temporal relationships need further study. Although it is necessary to
control for diverse social and geographic factors, the differences noted above are
consistent with other data showing the behavioral effects of lead intake. If
confirmed, such complex findings as the lagged effects of banning leaded
gasoline on homicide and a markedly different pattern of influence on drinking
patterns would constitute additional evidence for the neurotoxicity hypothesis
(Masters 2001).
In some respects, the most intriguing and important analyses concern factors
that enhance the uptake of lead. While pollution in the form of leaded gasoline
fumes that are inhaled by pregnant mothers and infants would directly impact
the developing brain, uptake of other sources of heavy metals may be enhanced
by additional risk-cofactors in the environment.
Research with Myron Coplan and Brian Hone focused on one such factor,
the use of silicofluorides in the fluoridation of public water supplies. Virtually
all testing of fluoridation chemistry (with the exception of several early studies)
Pollution, Brain Chemistry, and Violence 285
has focused on the efficacy of sodium fluoride (NaF) in preventing caries. More
recently, a few studies have considered the health effects of NaF—but none
consider fluosilicic acid (H SiF ) and sodium silicofluoride (Na SiF ) and
2 6 2 6
compare them to sodium fluoride (Coplan, Hone & Masters 1999a). EPA
officials admit that they have no data on health or behavior effects of these
chemicals (Fox 1999). Because the silicofluorides are used in the water
treatment for over 90% of Americans receiving fluoridated water, this failure to
study them is all the more surprising (Coplan, Masters & Hone 1999).
These chemicals deserve study because, in a sample of 250,000 children in
Massachusetts, those living in communities using silicofluorides had signifi-
cantly higher average blood lead levels than those in communities that do not
fluoridate at all or that use sodium fluoride (Masters & Coplan 1999).
Multivariate analyses shows that lead uptake from known environmental sources
of pollution, such as average lead levels in 90th percentile first draw water and
percent of housing built before 1940, was significantly higher in communities
that also use SiF in water treatment (see Figure 15.1).
4.00 -i-
15 15 15 15
pbb ppb ppb ppb
Lead in Water
ANOVA Significance:
% Houses pre 1940: p = .00901, F 21.17
90th percentile 1st Draw Lead > 15ppb: p = .0101, F 6.75
Silicofluoride use: p = .0177, F 5.63
Interaction effect
silicofluoride use * 1st Draw Lead in Water: p = .0422, F 4.18
Moreover, using a matched set of towns that do and do not fluoridate with
these chemicals, SiF is associated with higher rates of crime and higher
educational expenditures.
286 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
These associations between SiF and higher percentages of children with lead
in excess of lOmcg/dL have been confirmed in studies of rural counties in
Georgia and Wisconsin as well as in the 35 urban counties sampled in the
National Health and Nutrition Evaluation Survey or NHANES III (Masters,
Coplan & Hone 1999b). While these national data from NHANES III do not
include counties with populations under 500,000, they show graphically that the
greater vulnerability of racial minorities to higher lead uptake—long noted in
studies of lead toxicity—is enhanced in communities using silicofluoride in their
water (see Figures 15.2a and 15.2b).
• Black, Non-H
• Mexican
0 Other
• White, Non-H
H i g h Fl M e d Fl Low Fl Unknown
Figure I5.2a. Fluoridation and Race as Factors in Blood Level of Children 3-5
Pollution, Brain Chemistry, and Violence 287
• Black, Non-H
D Mexican
B Other
• White, Non-H.
Figure 15.2b. Fluoridation and Race as Factors in Blood Level of Children 5-17
alcoholism and cocaine consumption of over 30,000 criminals tested for drug
use by the NIJ in 24 large cities (Masters, Coplan & Hone 1999a). The effect of
SiF on cocaine usage—noted above in passing—was predicted as a behavioral
correlate of lead neurotoxicity because cocaine, unlike the other drugs tested
(which did not show higher usage in SiF communities) is a nonselective
dopamine reuptake inhibitor (see Tables 15.2a, b; Figures 15.3a, b).
Variable: 95% Lower: 95% Upper: 90% Lower: 90% Upper: Partial F:
"%SiF 0.000108 0.000628 0.00015 0.000587 7.723575
UNEMPLOYMEN... 0.000051 0.000101 0.000055 0.000097 35.863607
PC INCOME BL... -2.11E-08 1.25E-09 -1.93E-08 -5.50E-10 3.035O91
PC INCOME 5.78E-08 1.33E-07 6.39E-08 1.27E-07 24.893561
MEDIAN GRADE... 0.00007 0.00034 0,000091 0.000318 8.831041
MEDIAN YEAR... -0.000005 0.000011 -0.000004 0.00001 0.517055
% BLACK 0.000044 0.000056 0.000045 0.000055 • 308.544769
% GRADUATE ... -0.000036 -0.000007 -0.000034 -0.00001 8.791723
% RURAL -0.00003 -0.000024 -0.000029 -0.000024 350.752619
Note: In 1991, silicofluorides are again a significant predictor of violent crime controlling for eight
other variables. Unlike 1986, in 1991 age of housing is a significant predictor whereas per capita
income among blacks is no longer significantly associated with rates of violent crime in the U.S.
Compiled from EPA and FBI data.
290 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
SilicofluorideWater&Lead Pollution as
Predictors of 1985 Violent Crime Rate
(All US Counties, n = 2871)
0.005 l 1
Figure 15.3a. Silicofluoride Water and Lead Pollution of Predictors of 1985 Violent
Crime Rate
Pollution, Brain Chemistry, and Violence 291
S i l i c o f i u o r i d e W a t e r & L e a d P o l l u t i o n as
P r e d i c t o r s of 1991 V i o l e n t C r i m e
R a t e (All U S C o u n t i e s )
0.008 -l 1
Figure 15.3b. Silicofluoride Water and Lead Pollution as Predictors of 1991 Violent
Crime Rate
292 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
The time-series data showing the lagged effects of leaded gasoline sales
suggest another manifestation of SiF enhancement of anti-social behavior due to
lead neurotoxicity. Leaded gas sales were virtually the same in 1960 and in
1980, three years after the peak sales in 1977. But 17 years after the second of
these dates, the 14-17 and 18-24 homicide rates had only fallen from their peak
values to 1.5 times their earlier base rates. Although other factors contribute to
rates of violent behavior, the impact of socioeconomic or demographic causes of
homicidal behavior seems to have been strengthened at the same time due to
increasing SiF usage. Combined with other evidence presented here, this
suggests that violent crime rates peaked around 1992-94 and subsequently
declined in part due to the changing sales of leaded gasoline, with effects
modified by other likely environmental influences such as SiF usage as well as
more conventional socio-economic or cultural factors.
Finally, since lead neurotoxicity has also been implicated in ADHD and
other learning disabilities (Tuthill 1996; Needleman 1999), we have also begun
to explore the possibility that rates of these learning problems are higher in
communities that treat water supplies with silicofluorides. A first test, using an
informal survey in a set of small New York cities with populations between
40,000 and 70,000 with and without SiF treated water, showed risk ratios of
about 1.38 both for high school students coded with a learning disability and for
students receiving medication for ADD/ADHD.
These findings are congruent with data linking environmental pollution,
alcoholism, and substance abuse to crime (see Wilson and Petersilia 1995, Ch.
13). Diverse research perspectives are thus consistent with neurotoxin-induced
dysfunctions that increase alcohol and drug usage as a crude form of self-
medication. Because substance abuse can in turn exacerbate learning deficits
and antisocial behavior, this perspective suggests that neurotoxicity may be one
of the triggering factors in a multifactorial system leading to increased risks of
anti-social behavior (Masters, Coplan & Hone 1999b).
It should be obvious that examining the possible behavior effects of lead and
other toxic elements is far from a "reductionist" approach to human behavior.
Many other factors, including genes, diet, socioeconomic status, demography,
and technology come into play. While the ban on the sale of leaded gasoline was
based on a general notion of the dangers of lead toxicity, political dialogue,
prudent judgment, and effective decision-making—not some automatic effect of
heavy metals themselves—were the basis of this public policy. Indeed, the
toxicity of leaded gasoline was well known to those who introduced it, and the
original approval of its use rested on economic and political interests rather than
Integrating environmental factors such as pollution with evolutionary
neuroscience in the study of behavior adds something of great importance to our
knowledge. The data presented above, for example, suggest that the public
policy decision to ban leaded gasoline may have been far more effective than
even its most fervent supporters have imagined.
These effects also cast new light on the political bias that surrounds many
environmental issues. On the left, social ills are often blamed on economic or
cultural factors that have been described as "socially constructed." On the right,
the costs of environmental legislation have often been said to exceed its benefits
by far. If our data are valid and predictive, neither side has even begun to under-
stand the true dimensions of our social problems and the gains from dealing with
them in a scientifically effective manner.
Whether we are assessing the consequences of established policies or
proposing new initiatives, it is increasingly necessary to follow Paul MacLean's
footsteps into the challenging, complex, and utterly fascinating terrain that links
disciplines that have too long been ignored by conventional social scientists. In
the long run, such interdisciplinary perspectives must transform the insularity of
academia if our civilization is to survive the technological changes that will
continue to assault us in the 21st century.
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Steven A. Peterson
as "in the nature of things." Philosophers have referred to this as reification or,
perhaps more accurately, hypostatizing, attributing "a separate or higher reality
to something, thus abstracting it from its relationship of dependence on other
things." (Clark 1976: 6). Reification is a process by which values, beliefs, and
other human "creations" become transmuted into "things-in-themselves," and
are considered apart from the human activity that actually created them. Berger
and Luckmann define reification in much the same terms, when they note that
this is "the apprehension of human phenomena as if they were things, that is, in
non-human or possibly suprahuman terms . . . [R]eification is the apprehension
of the products of human activity as if they were something else than human
products—such as facts of nature, results of economic laws, or manifestations of
divine will." (1966: 89).
The irony of the human ability to create a conceptual world is that its
products may be accorded superordinate status over their creators—perhaps as
the delusions of schizophrenics become seen as "outside" them (for more
complete discussion of this analogy, see Peterson with Sicherman 1995) It
seems very easy for people to come to accept living in a world of abstractions,
which they consider as guides to their behavior.
Only when there is questioning of the dominant, reified values guiding the
people are there likely to be significant prospects for change. One must no
longer view the totality of reigning values, products of human relations, as
things-in-themselves, as eternal verities, as superordinate guides to behavior.
One must discern that these things are actually creations of human activity, not
separate from that activity, and, therefore, changeable or endable.
Arbib, Erdi, and Szentagothai (1998) have argued that the concept of the
schema is central to linking brain function with brain structure. A schema is the
brain's internal representation of "reality" "out there." These structures help
make sense of a complex world, a world producing a wide array of stimuli
which impinge upon the individual. Morton Hunt notes (1982: 173):
Our method of making categories has a simple and obvious biological rationale: it is
the mind's way of representing reality in the most cognitively economical form. In the
real world . . . traits occur in 'correlational structures'; observable characteristics tend to
go together in bunches . . . We may not have innate ideas . . . but our minds filter and
compile incoming data in such ways that we tend to form prototypes and categories
without help or instruction.
The basic idea of schema theory is that much of what people see and
comprehend about the world is more closely tied to the internal schema than to
the external stimulus itself. As a theory of comprehension, schema theory states
that we often understand only those events that are consistent with our schemata,
and that we either ignore or misunderstand those events that are not. As an
orientation toward memory, schema theory states that enduring memory does
not typically occur independent of schemata. If our comprehension of things is
guided and organized by schemata, so is our memory.
Arbib et al. claim that their (1998: 35) "contribution has been to provide a
schema theory that can bridge from the external characterization of function to
the interactions of brain regions and the inner workings of neural circuitry."
They consider two categories of schema—a perceptual schema and the motor
schema. In the process, they attempt to, then, link perception and action. In the
final analysis, they note that through the schema (Arbib et al. 1998: 344), "The
brain 'models' the world so that when we recognize something, we 'see' in it
things that will guide our interaction with it." Ulric Neisser, a leading cognitive
psychologist, speaks generally of the psychobiological roots of schemata (the
plural form of the term schema) (1976: 54):
From the biological point of view, a schema is part of the nervous system. It is some
active array of physiological structures and processes: not a center in the brain, but an
entire system that includes receptors and afferents and feed-forward units and efferents.
Within the brain itself there must be entities whose activities account for the modifiability
and organization of the schema: assemblages of neurons, functional hierarchies,
fluctuating electrical potentials, and other things still unguessed.
In the following paragraphs, we consider the following brain areas: the basal
ganglia, the thalamus, the hypothalamus, the limbic system, the neocortex (is
there hope for creating a more authentic world here?), and an internal reward
system based upon either (both) endogenous opiates or (and) dopamine. (For a
detailed atlas of the human brain, see Mai, Assheuer, and Paxino 1997.)
To help guide the discussion of a neuropsychology of reification, Figure 16.1
outlines a circuit diagram suggesting the substrates for reifying; text elaborating
upon this model is presented below (the author freely notes that experts advance
somewhat different sets of afferents and efferents to each of the brain structures
in the circuit diagram; thus, the diagram in Figure 16.1 is something like a
"consensus" version).
Basal Ganglia
Key structures in the basal ganglia include the substantia nigra (very
important for producing a key neurotransmitter, dopamine), the neostriatum
(composed of the putamen and caudate nucleus), and the globus pallidus.
The basal ganglia have traditionally been looked at as central to motor
control (e.g. Arbib et a l l 9 9 8 ; Cote & Crutcher 1991; Denny-Brown 1962;
Beatty 1995; Rolls & Williams 1987). However, studies suggest that these
Reification and Hegemony 303
Is it possible that through these neural elaborations nature has revamped the striatal
complex so that it serves as a playback mechanism not only for ancestral behavior, but
also currently learned performance? We close with one more thought. It is traditional to
belittle the role of instincts in human behavior. But how should we categorize those
actions that seem to stem from a predisposition to ritualistic, compulsive, or imitative
behavior . . . or to a propensity to seek and bow to precedent?
The thalamus receives afferents (incoming nerve signals) from the pallidum
and substantia nigra in three of its nuclei—the lateral ventral, anterior ventral,
and centrum medianum. Additional relevant afferents for these nuclei include
the neocortex and other thalamic nuclei, making them uniquely situated to
correlate and integrate input from a wide variety of brain centers. The lateral
ventral and anterior ventral nuclei project to both motor and sensory areas of the
neocortex (Peele 1977). The centrum medianum projects to the neostriatum
(NS), completing a neostriatum - > pallidum - > thalamus - > neostsiatum loop.
It also projects to other thalamic areas, such as the dorsomedial nucleus which,
in turn, has nerve connection to the hypothalamus and amygdala, the latter a key
center in the limbic system (Peele 1977: 291-294). Peele has suggested that
(1977: 293) "the dorsomedial nucleus would appear to be involved in
mechanisms underlying emotional expression" and that this nucleus projects to
both the neostriatum and the pallidum. This series of connections may provide
the link between "affect" (centered to a large extent in the limbic system, the
seat of emotions) and "rigidification" (centered to some extent in the basal
Functions of the thalamus vary across nuclei, as implied in the previous
paragraph. The dorsal tier nuclei seem associated to some extent with the
"mobilization of mental energy," speech, and memory (Fuster 1973; Bennett
1977: 202-205). Some studies have indicated that lesions in the anterior nuclei
are related to diminished emotional reactivity in some animal species. The
dorsomedial nucleus appears to have both inhibitory and initiating centers for
emotional behavior (Bennett 1977: 143-144). The latter nucleus, once more,
projects nerve fibers to both NS and pallidum, linking the basal ganglia to the
The thalamus is apt to be a part of the system involved in organizing the
propensity to take part in reifying or hypostatizing because of its role as a relay
station to the neocortex. It is centrally located so that it can collate information
from a variety of areas that send data to the neocortex through thalamic nuclei
(Clark 1975; Kelly 1991; Kelly & Dodd 1991; Lezak 1995).
Limbic System
Some experts argue that the limbic system is a basic center for species-
specific behavior. Schmidt, for instance, has claimed that for humans this would
translate into "'emotions,' 'affective behavior,' 'feelings'. . . In this sense one
function of the limbic system would be to control the expression of the
emotions"(1978: 266). Thus, the limbic system—and especially the amygdala
and septum—is key to understanding emotion (Beatty 1995; Lezak 1995).
MacLean has applied this general perspective to the expression of affect
toward values and beliefs. He notes (1977: 319):
Reification and Hegemony 305
People view the neocortex as the seat of higher cognitive and intellectual
functions. This view, as we have already seen, is oversimplified, since other
brain centers are also involved in such functions. Nonetheless, as Gardner has
put it: "Human behavior is correlated to a large extent with the relatively
massive size of the forebrain. Here reside most of the mechanisms governing
learning, memory, intelligence, language, emotion, and behavior" (1975: 3 7 4 -
Different areas of the neocortex have extensive connections with many of the
structures thus far noted. Efferents from all parts of the neocortex project to the
basal ganglia, the thalamus, the limbic system, and—indirectly—the hypothala-
mus. In turn, the neocortex receives nerve messages directly from the limbic
system and thalamus and indirectly from the basal ganglia and hypothalamus
(Gardner 1975; Peele 1977). This set of connections raises the possibility that
there can be a cortical overriding of holding fiercely to ideas. Schmidt, for
instance, has noted that (1978: 306) "one of the roles of the frontal lobes is
related to the learned control of innate behavior pattern."
The neocortex has an important role in emotional processes. The limbic
system does not work alone to produce affect. Connections between the neo-
cortex and the limbic system suggest that (Schmidt 1978: 266) "it is in the
neocortex that environmental events receive their affective coloration and thus
their 'meaning' to the organism." In short, the limbic system produces primitive
emotions and the neocortex interprets these. Extensive reciprocal connections
between the frontal lobes of the neocortex and the limbic system indicate that
this neocortical area has as one role the learned control of species-specific
behavior patterns and emotions (Schmidt 1978: 305-306). Clinical findings,
indeed, show that frontal lobe problems are associated with difficulty in
controlling behaviors and emotions (e.g., Beatty 1995).
306 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
Randall Sengel (1979) has linked memories with emotion in his delineation
of a neurological basis for cooperative behavior (For political applications, see
Davies 1976). His central hypothesis is that (1979: 49) "during human
evolution, the emotional states associated with defense, competition, and
hunting could reinforce successful cooperative behavior through the influence of
the limbic system and/or emotionality for social behavior." The author notes that
the limbic system links affect with memory and learning. Sengel asserts that
(1979: 50): "It is assumed that any perceptual experience which acquires an
emotional connotation during memory storage will, upon recall and comparison,
endow current experience with emotional and motivational significance." In like
fashion, learning of ideas or concepts can, through limbic system connections,
cloak these abstractions with affect. (For an argument which relies on
holological theory and comes to similar conclusions, see G. Schubert 1983.)
Sengel's argument is a good base upon which to elaborate some of the
cognitive functions of the CNS. Incoming information is processed and may be
stored in long-term memory. Preexisting schemata help to shape how memories
are stored. Information may be either assimilated (fit into an existing schema) or
lead to accommodation (in which a schema changes somewhat to take into
account new information). Assimilation is likely to take place under normal
circumstances, as we tend to be conservative with our schemata. That is, we tend
to assimilate information to fit with our existing schemata. And, to complete the
argument with respect to hypostatizing, a reification is simply a schema, a
mental representation of a concept, value, or belief.
Returning once more to Sengel's argument, these reifications would be
linked with the limbic system and, hence, affect. It is also easy to see how these
reified notions could be linked to the neostriatum where "rigidification" takes
The actual motivation to reify ideas and beliefs may be a product of what
James Danielli (1980) once referred to as the "internal reward system." Danielli
asserts that his overall argument becomes more plausible in light of recent work
on CNS opiate peptides-enkephalins and endorphins, substances which have
both analgesic (pain-reducing) and euphoric effects. Studies suggest that such
substances could underlie this reward system. Others have suggested that
dopamine, another significant product of the basal ganglia (especially the
substantia nigra), could be associated with reward (Depue & Collins 1999). The
naturally occurring opiates are concentrated in the pallidum, caudate nucleus,
hypothalamus, thalamus, and amygdala and affect the firing of neurons in other
areas of the brain such as the hippocampus and neocortex (e.g., Guillemin 1978;
Pert 1978).
Solomon Snyder has said of the opiates' functions: "The dorsal medial
thalamus is strongly associated with frontal and limbic cortical areas involved in
Reification and Hegemony 307
Reifying and the brain may thus be wed. Social conditioning brought on
through a concurrence of messages transmitted and reinforced by influential
agencies of socialization (e.g., religion, the family, the media, schools, and so
on) leads to an increased probability of individuals learning appropriate sets of
values and beliefs. Mechanisms underlying learning and memory would process
these and then store them in long-term memory. Coupling these values with the
internal reward system would provide a motivation for adherence to these values
and behavior consistent with them. The euphoria associated with deeply held
values would lend these great potency (through the release of endogenous
opiates or dopaminergic reinforcement). Corticostriatal connections, in turn,
would rigidity these values, possibly through dopaminergic (e.g., Broekkamp et
al. 1977) and/or endorphinergic reinforcement. Extensive reciprocal cortico-
limbic and indirect pallido-limbic links through the thalamus would provide the
means whereby values stored in long-term memory and rigidified by neostriatal
processing would be clothed in affect, once more, through the reinforcing effects
of dopamine and/or endorphins.
Finally, cortico-striatal, corticothalamic, and cortico-limbic pathways would
allow for the conscious override of hypostatized values and beliefs and their
effects. How easy or difficult the override would be is a function of the extent to
which the values have been conditioned and reinforced in the first place.
308 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
The Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci elaborated the idea of hegemony in the
early part of the twentieth century; his views represent the starting point for
analysis. Gramsci's hegemony emphasizes how values supportive of dominant
interests in society get passed on to the masses and thereby, once accepted by
the multitudes, come to reinforce the domination of the existing elite. Dawson,
Prewitt, and Dawson state that (1977: 26):
Hegemonic theory starts with the assumption that government would not be possible
unless the strains and tensions associated with the unequal allocation of values in society
were somehow muted . . . Unless the losers come to see that the way things are is
'natural' or 'appropriate' or 'legitimate,' social disruptions are likely. Socialization is
viewed as the learning that leads the losers to accept the way things are, even to think that
the way things are is in their best interests.
Normally, citizens come to accept things the way that they are—as benign,
useful, legitimate, and "right." As Gramsci puts it, "humans are (1957: 59)
conformist to some conformity." This supports the continuation of the status
quo—and, by definition, those who benefit from the current state of affairs
maintain their sway with this sort of mindset. Those who are powerful and
wealthy will stay that way, in part, because the bulk of the people accept this
situation. How do the mass of people come to accept values that lead to their
continuing status as losers in the struggle for life and reward? Williams,
summarizing Gramsci, states that hegemony is: "an order in which a certain way
of life and thought is dominant, in which one concept of reality is diffused
throughout society in all its institutional and private manifestations, informing
with its spirit all taste, morality, customs, religious and political principles, and
all social relations, particularly in their intellectual and moral connotations"
(1960: 587).
The basic premise is that those in power who control the economic and
political structures also control the transmission of messages, the views of
reality, to the masses. In a capitalist society, those who are not wealthy are
continually told that (a) if they work really hard, they can make it and get rich—
so do not rock the boat and jeopardize your chances of joining the elite; (b) if the
elite get wealthier, then this will trickle down and benefit those who are not in
the ranks of the well-to-do. By being told this over and over, the mass of people
come to accept their status in society and allow the powerful to stay powerful,
the wealthy to stay wealthy.
Hegemony, according to Gramsci, is the result of a bloc of interests united
behind a common set of values and norms, which—upon being transmitted to
Reification and Hegemony 309
The extreme plasticity of human social behavior, Bergson notes, is both a great strength
and a danger. If each family worked out its own rules of behavior, the society as a whole
would disintegrate into chaos. To counteract selfish behavior and the dissolving power of
high intelligence and idiosyncrasy, each society must codify itself. Within broad limits
any set of conventions works better than none at all. Because arbitrary codes work,
organizations tend to be inefficient and marred by unnecessary inequities . . . .
The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
But the arbitrariness of sanctification engenders criticism, and within the more liberal
and self-conscious systems visionaries and revolutionaries set out to change the system.
Their ultimate purpose is to elevate codes of their own devising. Reform meets
repression, because to the extent that the reigning code has been sanctified and
mythologized, the majority of people regard it as beyond question, and disagreement is
defined as blasphemy (1978: 185-186).
Here, Wilson is working at the society wide level of analysis. The important
point is that even arbitrary codes may be sanctified. When these systems of
sanctification exist and are accepted pretty much as given by the mass of people,
then the odds of social order are much increased providing, in the final analysis,
an environment more conducive for individuals' reproductive success.
Conformity to sanctifications (which are, to use our terminology, reified values)
confers, then, reproductive advantage to individuals. Wilson further states:
The key point is that when individuals accept certain values within a society
as given—as they reify these values—this influences social stability which, in
turn, affects individuals! reproductive success. Thus, through inclusive fitness
doctrine, we can hypothesize that there is a selection advantage for people to see
the world populated with reifications standing apart as "ideas become real."
It is because the norms of social life are taken by people as givens that they react to them,
whether by conformity or deviance, in such powerful ways. Once their arbitrariness is
grasped they lose their power, and the individual is 'free.' Once the 'implicit' becomes
'explicit' we see it for what it is—an idea, a construct in the minds of those around us
that earlier we shared.
But, in de Musset's words, 'qui s'eleve, si'sole.' The price for standing apart, for
observing, for ceasing to be engage is the very price of freedom—a falling apart of the
security structures of the mind, a frightening took into the unknown . . . (1976: 206, 209):
delusions and hallucinations that can drive the behavior of schizophrenics. The question
is: who's normal and who's crazy?(see Rosenhan 1973). Individuals will become guided
by higher values or beliefs, and one continues to behave, perhaps appropriately, when
there are abundant data that one is following the wrong course of action. Obviously,
when one meets a schizophrenic in the acute stage of the problem, one knows that a
schizophrenic is not a normal person. But is it so very different in kind (albeit it is in
degree) to see a true believer in action, ignoring facts from the surrounding world in order
to promulgate and continue supporting his or her religious values? Or political views? Or
personal philosophy? This is a question worthy of serious refection.
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Kent Bailey*
* I wish to thank Valerius Geist for his personal support and for his clear delineation of
"classic regression." Thanks also to the many people who provided helpful feedback
including Patrict Callahan, Paul Gilbert, and Bill Tillier.
318 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
and cognition (Matlin & Foley 1992); these co-integrate in numerous ways to
form complex motivational/emotive/behavioral/conceptual adaptations of the
human mind (Kendrick, Sadalla & Keefe 1998). The Swiss Knife metaphor
(Cosmides 1994) is frequently used to characterize the specificity/functionality
of module-based adaptations such as male jealousy, kin recognition, space
preference and territoriality, sexual orientation and mate preference, strategies
governing reciprocity (Cosmides & Tooby 1992), balanced social relations
(Bailey 2000), and so on (see Pinker 1994). Unfortunately, we do not have a
reasonably complete neurohistological, neurochemical, or neurofunctional
understanding of any single module, and integrated adaptations are even more
elusive. We are even more in the dark regarding how various modules/
adaptations excite, inhibit, complement, or otherwise interact with each other.
The implicit hierarchical arrangement of the various modules and adapta-
tions adds another important level of complexity. Clearly, modular processes/
adaptations differ in ancestral history and complexity ranging from the wood
tick's reaction to a single molecule of bombykol (see Bailey 1987b), to the
specialized bug detector units in frog's brains (Lettvin et al. 1959), to the highly
integrated hormonal and neural mechanisms underlying maternal behavior in
rats (Fahrbach & Pfaff 1982), to the neurologically circumscribed lateral hypo-
thalamic stalk and attack patterns in cats (Moyer 1976), and, finally, on to the
neocortically mediated conceptual modules of human beings. The brain and its
functions have been viewed hierarchically over most of the history of neuro-
science (Smith 1992), and it is important to focus on how ancestrally older and
newer motivational/behavioral/cognitive systems operate in the vertical dimen-
Neuroscientists are making steady progress in mapping complex functional
relationships across vertical levels of the brain. For example, Le Doux's (1996)
model of fear and aversive conditioning features hierarchical co-integration of
phylogenetically older and newer brain systems that govern processes of learn-
ing and extinction, escape responses, memory of past fear experiences, and, in
humans, various subjective meanings associated with threatening and dangerous
events. At the simplest level of Le Doux's model, the amygdala identifies and
processes potentially dangerous stimuli quickly, reactively, and nonconsciously
in a strict stimulus-response or releaser-action pattern. The amygdala represents
a kind of "triggering device for the execution of survival functions" (Le Doux
1996: 224), and, under circumstances of extreme threat or when higher functions
(e.g., the hippocampus or prefrontal circuits) are disabled, the amydala can
operate essentially on its own. In humans, emotional reactivity and response to
threat typically operate within a complex, hierarchical feedback system involv-
ing the amygdala, the hippocampus, and the prefrontal neocortex where the
latter two systems exert modulatory control over the automatic and quick-
reacting amygdala. Given that connections "down" from the higher two centers
are weaker than connections "up" from the amygdala (Le Doux 1996), fairly
frequent neurological regression or shortcircuiting of the more advanced
amygdala-hippocampus-prefrontal neocortex would be expected: "This may
explain why it is so easy for emotional information to invade our conscious
Upshifting and Downshifting the Triune Brain 319
thoughts, but so hard for us to gain conscious control over our emotions" (Le
Doux 1996:265).
The main point here is that in a matter of seconds, a culturally refined, controlled
individual can regress to the emotionality characteristic of his evolutionary
forebears, and at that moment he is little different from them . . . under severe
stress, threat, provocation, or loss of "control" through alcohol ingestion, drugs, and
so forth, we temporarily lose our humanity, our culture, our rationality (Bailey
Although a variety of ecological pressures may move a culture away from its
ancestral form, the existence of innate biases with respect to human behavior will
produce a tendency for us to return to ancestral ways of behaving. This process is
called ancestralization (Crawford 1998: 292; emphasis in original).
At heart we are still a primitive people. We evolve far more slowly than our culture
. . . Culture may dress up the appearance of people, but it seems to be too shallow to
affect their nature deeply. In crises our natures reverts (Edey & Johanson 1990:
phylogenetic regression, where the attachment and hedonic modes were yet to
evolve (Gilbert 1989: 196).
Thus we have the phenomenon . . . that I have called "downshifting." When the
individual detects threat. . . full use of the great new cerebral brain is suspended,
and faster-acting, simpler brain resources take larger roles (Hart 1983: 108;
emphasis in original).
[In regression] both the phylogenetic and ontogenetic clocks are turned back
(Meerlo 1962: 79) . . . regressive behavior is so much more seductive and
contaminating than civilized, restrained behavior (p. 78).
Most of us today seem to have a latent emotional affinity with members of our
groups . . . our own kind collectively; such feelings show up in times of crisis, or
in evocative situations (Mellen 1981: 273).
Indeed, grand mal epilepsy can . . . be described as a disease in which the cognitive
drivers are all turned off because a kind of electrical storm in the brain, and the
victim is left momentarily with nothing operative but his neural chassis. This is a
profound impairment, temporarily regressing the individual back several hundreds
of millions of years (Sagan 1977 57-58; emphasis added).
In man, the neocortical mantle is thought to be the seat of logical and mathematical
reasoning, knowledge and understanding, analytical and synthetic processes,
invention and fantasy, philosophy and religion, meditation and intuition. However.
. . some behaviors and aspects of mental disease suggest a regression of brain
functioning to a predominantly paleomammalian (limbic) or reptilian level. In this
last instance . . . the breakdown of social, familial, parental behavior, and personal
care is often accompanied by the emergence of asocial, hostile, and aggressive
behaviors, and "reptilian" man emerges (Valzelli 1981: 38; emphasis added).
Each of the quotes in Table 17.1 proceeds from a basic "return to animality"
metaphor, but from there each approach develops its own distinctive emphasis:
Bailey emphasizes loss of control over emotionality, Meerlo the "seductive"
nature of regression, Eibl-Eibesfeldt the re-activation of older agonic and sexual
mechanisms, Eibl-Eibesfeldt and Gilbert the de-activation of affectional
systems, Edney and Johanson the thin veneer of culture, Crawford a return to
earlier ancestral patterns, and most imply some form of neurological regression
from higher to lower centers (especially Bailey, Hart, Sagan, and most notably
322 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
Valzelli). Note the number of quotes that emphasize danger, stress, or privation
as the primary elicitors of the regressive process (Bailey, Hart, Holloway,
Mellen; see also Geist 1978). The proposed stress-regression linkage will be
discussed further in the next section.
In a recent personal communication subsequently excerpted in the ASCAP
Newsletter (January 2000a), Valerius Geist described the "classic" form of
phylogenetic regression whereby a member of a particular species
occasionally—when under stress—will activate patterns of behavior distinctive
to closely related ancestral species:
For human beings, the species continuum forms, in theory, from n number of
subcontinua representing motivational, emotional, behavioral, and fantasy compo-
nents operating at a given moment in time. Such subprocesses are few in simple
animals and are highly integrated and firmly directed toward fitness goals, but
dissonances between subprocesses may be seen in conflict situations (Hinde 1970),
displacement activities (Eibl-Eibesfeldt 1989), or deceptive behavior (Eibl-
Eibesfeldt 1989). Deception is especially widespread in birds and mammals and
Geist (1978; 2000) discusses many rich examples including mountain sheep
"lying" about their intent to clash to catch the opponent unawares; young male
mountain sheep faking estrus to gain acceptance of older males; the broken wing
display of plovers and other birds to lure predators away from young; sham feeding
by ungulates as a means of catching predators off guard; and so on.
With more complex and highly evolved mammals and primates, some
control over the interaction of subprocesses is possible, and human beings are
masters of the capacity to feel one way and act another or to wish for one thing
yet pursue another. Nevertheless, most human behavior is species-congruent,
orderly and goal-directed, and significant decomposition of complex adaptations
is the exception rather than the rule. Ultimately, however, humans are blessed
and burdened with the freedom to not only temporarily de-couple from the
evolutionary process, but to manipulate the subprocesses underlying response
output as well. Thus, one might be smiling at a person while simultaneously
harboring hatred and perhaps imagining harm coming to the person; essentially,
several regressive and progressive subprocesses may be simultaneously active
with momentary placement on the continuum roughly reflecting the algebraic
Upshifting and Downshifting the Triune Brain 327
storage of body parts, and cannibalism) or Gary Heidnik (even more cannibalism
than Dahmer) would seem to plumb depths of prehuman animality, but we can only
surmise what the "most primitive" of all humans responses might be in the abstract.
Practically, however, the idea that atavistic predatory tendencies lie in the deep
recesses of the reptilian brain which can erupt into overt patterns of stalking, brutal
killing, and cannibalism serves as a meaningful baseline for "deepest levels of
primitiveness" in this chapter.
When in the hypothetically deepest of regressive states, primitive emotions and
drives of the subcortical centers are in full control (see Bailey 1987b; Buck 1999;
Geist 1978; Le Doux 1996); psychological functions are dominated by unconscious
(Le Doux 1996), narcissistic, selfish (Buck 1999), and opportunistic themes; finer
linguistic outputs, future projections, self-control, and abstract problem-solving are
muted or lost; and the motive apparatus is dominated by the "selfish gene," kin-
selective processes, and current and/or ancestral fitness-targeted imperatives. At
such times, the person truly is not himself or herself but is rather a temporary
creation of past evolutionary processes. Once the state passes, the person may feel
shocked and dismayed by his or her loss of humanity.
Each member of a particular species has its own individual continuum and
individual modal range of response. This is where behavior of living beings
occurs. The actual individual continuum is embedded within its hypothetical
species continuum and, by definition, cannot be wider than that continuum. In
Upshifting and Downshifting the Triune Brain 331
simple animals, the individual and species continua overlap greatly, the
individual modal range of response and the species ranges of response overlap
greatly, and there is relatively little variation in adaptational processes either
within or between members of the species. The effects of what Wilson (1975)
calls phylogenetic inertia is especially evident in simpler species; that is, simple
organisms seldom stray from their evolved genetic programming that is,
ultimately, targeted toward species-defined fitness imperatives.
As more complex organisms evolved, both within-individual and between-
individual sources of variation entered the picture. Rather than all members of
an ancient species carrying out species mandates in virtually the same way,
where individual and species continua and their respective modal ranges were
virtually identical, many new possibilities entered the equation. For example,
human beings vary greatly in the respective widths of their personal continua
(e.g., a regressed schizophrenic versus Stephen Hawking), in the dynamics of
movement on their individual continua (patterns of progression-regression), in
the width and placement of their modal ranges of response on their individual
continua, and in the congruence between personal modal ranges and the
hypothetical species modal range of response. All of this potential for variation
does not imply limitless personal freedom or even the probability that most
human beings will deviate all that much from species mandates to survive and
reproduce; indeed, even though people have the potential for vast amounts of
variation due to high intelligence, accumulated knowledge, cultural program-
ming, and various environmental pressures, phylogenetic inertia and the
pleasure of acting "normally" as a species member keeps most individual zones
of response near the species one.
(Eaton, Shostak, & Konner 1998; Lappe' 1994; Nesse & Williams 1995;
Williams & Nesse 1991) including reproductive cancer in women (Coe &
Steadman 1995; Eaton et al. 1994), the problem of drug addiction (Nesse &
Berridge 1997), the practice of psychotherapy (Bailey 2000; Glantz & Pearce
1989), modern angst and despair (Wright 1995), problems in the classroom
(Bernhard 1988) and the workplace (Bernhard & Glantz 1991), and the
problems of modern life in general (Tooby & Cosmides 1990). The strengths
and weaknesses of mismatch theory have been discussed at length by Crawford
(1998; see also Geist 1978), and he calls for both more rigorous theory and more
rigorous research paradigms for assessing EEA-current environment differences.
Continuum theory construes mismatch as a condition in which the personal
modal range of response sufficiently differs from the hypothetical species modal
range so as to induce dishomeostasis physically and internal tension and
subjective discomfort psychologically. In theory, the species modal range in
current humans overlaps greatly with that of Homo sapiens 40,000 years ago, for
only so much disparity can be tolerated at the population level; thus, most
human beings of the world are expected to "match" species requirements well
enough to avoid pathological effects. Individual modal ranges, however, can be
all over the place, and many individuals—especially those who have progressed
highly in modern technocracies—find themselves estranged and distanced from
nature (Bailey 1996 ASCAP series; Wright 1995). Many of the various
"diseases of civilization" (Eaton, Shostak, & Konner 1988; Nesse & Williams
1995), including cancer, heart disease, and many other medical conditions,
crime and drug addiction, anxiety and depression, anorexia and bulimia, and so
on, reflect major disparities in the species and personal modal ranges.
Treatment and therapy for such conditions—whether they are primarily medical
or psychological—often feature various back-to-nature themes that implicitly
encourage increased congruence between the species and individual modal
ranges of response.
A brief comparison of the species continua and modal ranges for Homo sapiens
(just following the "great cultural leap forward" [Diamond 1989] around 40,000
years ago) and modern human beings will help to illustrate continuum dynamics
and the regression-progression model. Prior to the great leap, our hunting and
gathering ancestors were essentially the same as moderns in the genetic, neurolog-
ical, and behavioral potential for speech and language, complex kinship and social
relations, tools and technology, and culture in general, but the Rubicon had not yet
been crossed. No one knows exactly why, but relatively conservative and stagnant
cultural patterns suddenly gave way in the Late Paleolithic to the creation and
storage of new ideas that were the seeds of modern civilization. In Valerius Geist's
(1978) terminology, the privation-stressed, static, and survival-obsessed mainten-
ance phenotype of early Homo was more or less permanently supplanted by the
growth, future-oriented, and resource maximalization policies of the dispersal
Upshifting and Downshifting the Triune Brain 333
phenotype. During the last 20-35 thousand years new tools of bone, antler and
ivory appeared, and other innovations included spear throwers, needles and sewing,
more elaborate personal adornments and decorations, endowed burials (e.g., various
materials were interred with the deceased), complex art forms, and progressively
more elaborate habitation sites (Shick & Toth 1993). Kinship patterns were leading
to stronger, more well-defined sexual contracts, a firmer sense of family that
included a greater proportion of fictive kin and in-laws as well as genetic relatives,
more complex coalition-building made possible by marriage across previously
isolated or antagonistic groups, and the burgeoning of trade and reciprocal relations
among unfamiliars and people from distant locales (see Shreeve 1995 for an
excellent discussion).
Once the great leap forward had occurred, both the species continuum and the
species modal range were extended considerably over those of Homo erectus (see
Walker & Shipman 1996) and the earlier versions of Homo sapiens. With little in
the way of new phylogenetic adaptations, Homo now surged forward by virtue of
exaptation (viz., the exploitation of old adaptations for new purposes, see Gould &
Vrba 1982; see also Femald 1992) and processes of cultural evolution subserved by
fast-paced positive feedback mechanisms that contrasted with the vastly slower,
negative feedback processes of organic evolution. Once cultural material could be
stored permanently in the form of cave art, stone and metal tools and artifacts, and
later writing, culture could feed on itself and grow at a geometric rate. It is these
forms of social, technological, and cultural growth that have produced the modern
human society with its staggering advances in knowledge, technology, and control
over Mother Nature. Aside from these mighty cultural advances, the human being
of today is little different emotionally or motivationally from the earliest Homo or
even from other animals for that matter: otherwise "why do we continue to do the
things other animals do?" (MacLean 1978). In sum, the wider species continuum
and the wider modal range in modern humans reflect a small number of phylo-
genetic accretions at the progressive-cognitive of the scale that allow for seemingly
limitless generation, storage, and application of complex cultural information.
Figure 17.1 compares earlier Homo sapiens with modern human beings in terms
of continuum dynamics and MacLeanian processes of progression and regression.
The species continua and modal ranges are estimated but hopefully provide reason-
able approximations of those that characterize early and modern human beings.
Note first that both the species continuum and modal range of response is
appreciably wider in modern humans, as are both the submodal zone of regression
and the supramodal zone of progression. In sum, modern human beings have far
more options for response outputs both within and out of the species modal range
of response, and the options are particularly rich at the neocortically-mediated
progressive end of the scale.
Although the theoretical options for response available to moderns are vast,
their modal range of response is only marginally wider than that of earlier Homo.
However, the modern modal range has shifted in toto toward the progressive pole
by virtue of presses to master a highly complex culture and compete in highly
aggressive economic and informational meritocracies.
334 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
Primitive Advanced
Pole Pole
Modal Range
Figure 17.1. Species Continua and Modal Zones for Homo Sapiens
lower or higher pole), and by the frequency and amplitude of movement on the
continuum. Most normal persons in modern technological cultures have wide
primitive-advanced continua due to educationally and culturally extended upper
poles, and, given numerous social presses for appropriate culturally "advanced"
behavior, they tend to operate publicly well above their species modal range mid-
points. However, lower points would be expected on respective continua for private
behavior, private feelings, and private fantasies, where cultural pressures to
conform are diminished or nullified. Of all expressions, fantasies would seem to
most freely reflect the inner world of feelings, motives, and fleeting images that
have been carried over in the evolutionary process (Bailey, Burns & Bazan 1982).
Public behavior, by contrast, is typically least connected to the older systems, and is
more likely to follow the immediate mandates of group process, social etiquette,
and rule of law.
Clearly, issues of normality/abnormality, social propriety, conformity/noncon-
formity, hypocrisy, deception, and realness as a person revolve around the dyna-
mics of progression-regression and the congruence and noncongruence of compo-
nent subsystems operating at any one time. Our selfish, inherently amoral and
potentially brutal natural selves must always be tidied up for culture, and much of
this involves hiding, repressing, rationalizing, and sublimating the socially unaccep-
table outward aspects of our ancient adaptations. That is, one set of continuum
dynamics may characterize presentable behavior while an entirely different and
even contradictory set may characterize the inner world of self, motives, and
feelings. For example, sociopaths who have the benefits of reasonably high
intelligence and a charming social presentation are often able to manipulate and
victimize others through guile, deception, and subtle forms of intimidation
(Cleckley 1976; Mealey 1995; Meloy 1988; Tillier 2000). By misrepresenting his
true motivations of selfishness, greed, and predation, the skillful sociopath is able to
play his ancient regressive games with impunity.
The complexity of continuum dynamics is evident in the truncated or phylo-
genetically fixated behavior and reliance on subneocortical mechanisms seen in the
mentally retarded (Bailey, Tipton & Taylor 1977; Hereford, Cleland, & Fellner
1973; Mac Andrew & Edgerton 1964), the highly variable regression-progression
patterns of the schizophrenic, the inwardly regressive yet outwardly progressive
behavior of the manipulative sociopath (Meloy 1988), the regressive limbic disturb-
ances in severe depressives (problems in eating, sleeping, pleasure-unpleasure,
sexuality, aggression, and sociality in general) in conjunction with progressive
neocortical inputs such as guilt and self-recrimination, the sudden regressive,
epileptoid discharges of aggression in otherwise normal persons (Bailey 1987b),
and so forth. As we will see, the epileptoid, fundamentally predatory, and appar-
ently pleasurable actions of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold at the Colombine High
School rampage on April 20, 1999, are explicable from the progression-regression
standpoint as well.
336 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
On Tuesday morning, April 20, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold,
unloaded two black duffel bags filled with guns and bombs and began to shoot
their classmates at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. Four hours
later, twelve students and a teacher had been killed and Harris and Klebold were
found in the school library dead from self-inflicted gunshot wounds.
Eric Harris
The parents, older brother and Eric lived in an upper-middle class subdivision
on the outskirts of Littleton, Colorado. The father was a highly decorated Air Force
officer, the mother was well-liked in the neighborhood, and the older brother was a
successful athlete. Overall, the family appeared normal to neighbors and friends.
Eric was extremely shy but bright and capable in school. He had a talent for
computers, loved violent video games, and assumed a leadership role among his
small circle of friends. He seldom had a girl friend and was often lonely and
depressed. He sought sanctuary in the Trenchcoat Mafia from the taunts and abuse
from the "jocks" at school.
Although Eric was probably clinically depressed, extremely angry, and socially
alienated, no one would have deduced beforehand that he or Dylan Klebold were
capable of their vicious killing spree. However, there were a number of aggravating
circumstances in Eric's background that probably contributed to—but did not
directly cause—his "inexplicable" behavior. Included among these were frustration
and anger due to his role as "social outcast"; being bullied and humiliated by
athletes at school; frustration, anger, and thoughts of revenge toward various
"enemies"; violent fantasies and racist ideology expressed on a personal website;
fascination with guns, killing, military violence, and Adolph Hitler; fascination with
violent video games such as Doom and Duke Nukem; use of alcohol, prescription
drugs, and the serotonergic antidepressant Luvox; concerns over his sick dog;
rejection from the Marine Corps five days before killings; and the recent breakup of
close friendship with male neighbor Brooks Brown.
Dylan Klebold
Dylan Klebold was loved and doted upon by his liberal and affluent parents.
They feared problems with older brother Byron but never with the quiet, shy, and
accommodating Dylan. The mother came from a wealthy and prominent Jewish
family and the father was a successful geophysicist before going into real estate.
The Klebolds looked like the perfect family to neighbors and friends. Dylan was a
tall, extremely bright, and quiet kid with a knack for math and computers. He
towered over others physically, but tended to lack motivation and direction. He was
lonely and insecure and would often hand out cookies to classmates to make a good
Upshifting and Downshifting the Triune Brain 337
impression. Dylan seemed like a basically normal person whose most fateful
personality trait was his willingness to follow others, especially Eric Harris.
Whereas Eric Harris suffered from depression, chronic rage, and possible
pharmacological complications, Dylan Klebold was essentially a normal young
man. However, he appeared to identify with and model after Eric's anger, violent
and paranoid obsessions, and, subsequently, phylogenetically downshifted right
along with him to the point of killing his classmates. Indeed, while in the regressive
state during the killings, Klebold appeared every bit as vicious and inhuman as the
instigator Eric Harris. Dylan Klebold personifies what Joost Meerlo (1962) calls the
"seductive" and "contaminating" nature of such regression. Not only is phylo-
genetic regression easy to elicit, inherently pleasurable, and responsive to stress, it
is also extremely easy to effect through processes of identification and modeling.
Psychological research has shown that modeling disinhibition is far easier than
modeling inhibition (Bandura 1969), and passive phylogenetic regression is a form
of disinhibition involving loss of neocortical control over the reptilian and
paleomammalian centers (Bailey 1987b). The Columbine killings show that even a
normal person such as Dylan Klebold can do the most horrific things while under
the influence the "modeling" influence of someone in a deeply regressive state of
birth, ambivalence toward the mother, rejection by his foster father, confused self-
identity, rejection by women, fascination with pornography, use of alcohol and
marijuana, fantasies about killing, and a host of other variables. In my view,
however, these conditions could never lead to murderous sexual aggression without
the existence of sexual and predatory centers deep in the brain that are accessible
via phylogenetic regression. The killing sprees of Ted Bundy or Eric Harris and
Dylan Klebold are not directly caused by stress or an accumulation of stressors,
although they no doubt help to set off the reaction. It is the readiness of the reptilian
and paleomammalian systems in the brains of human males to be "set o f f that
more accurately captures the asocial behavior of the Bundys, Harrises and
Sixth, there was a significant element of active or neocortically augmented
regression in the months leading up to and during the Columbine killings. Racist
philosophy, hatred of enemies, thoughts of revenge against the jocks, and a sense of
self-as-victim made it that much easier for Harris and Klebold to dehumanize their
enemies and turn them into prey to be brutalized and killed in the most cold-
blooded fashion. This form of regression lies behind the most demonic and
depraved aspects of the human condition, including racism, genocide, war, and
hatred of all things different from one's self and kin.
Seventh, lethal regressions of the Harris and Klebold type involve a deact-
ivation of higher affectional, empathic (MacLean 1977), prosocial, moral and
prefrontal processing of future consequences (see Buck 1999) simultaneous with
the activation of subcortical predatory, rage, and violence areas of the brain
(Valzelli 1981). As Harris and Klebold gleefully and brutally killed their school-
mates, the warmth, love, and kinship areas of the brain were completely shut down,
and people became mere objects or "prey." MacLean's (1982) more phylogenet-
ically advanced third or thalamocingulate division of the limbic system governing
"family-related behavior" was clearly deactivated, as was any indication of
attachment or love (Buck 1999), friendship, caring or altruism, or even the barest
traces of kinship (see Bailey 2000). Adding fuel to the fire was the deactivation of
fear, aversion, and punishment processes that typically inhibit aggression and
violence (and psychopathy, see Mealey 1995); this probably involved selective de-
activation of the amygdala/hippocampus/prefrontal fear axis (see Le Doux 1996)
where fear functions were more or less shut off and defensive functions were
subdued (Harris and Kelbold were not subjected to counterattack by their victims),
but predatory attack and generalized aggression functions of the amygdala were left
unconstrained (see Bailey 1987b: 365-372).
Lastly, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were essentially normal but somewhat
evolutionarily "mismatched" members of species Homo sapiens whose individual
species continua were extended due to education and privilege, whose modal
ranges of response were similarly extended, and whose supramodal or progressive
ranges were extended quite above the norm. They were highly educated and intelli-
gent young men whose frustration and anger set them on a path of regression that
ultimately nullified all of their cultural achievements and led to the deaths of 15
people, including themselves.
340 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
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This chapter builds upon the triune modular brain concept of Paul MacLean to
create a new model of our neural architecture called the conflict systems
neurobehavioral (CSN) model. It develops reciprocal algorithms of behavior,
involving the tug and pull between ego and empathy, neocortical representations
of phylogenetically established self-preservation and affectional brain structures.
These algorithms are applied to the ubiquitous phenomenon of social
reciprocity. The same fundamental algorithms are further shown to be the
underlying dynamic of social exchange as well as the transactional market
governed by the so-called laws of supply and demand. The reciprocal algorithms
are offered as the evolved mechanism complement to Hamilton's rule of
inclusive fitness. The linkage of their mathematical expressions is demonstrated.
The neural algorithms are also expressed in the invisible hand concept of Adam
Smith, which, as a basic economic concept, has been the source of much
theoretical speculation in microeconomic theory. The linkage of Hamilton's rule
with the reciprocal neural algorithms combined with the sourcing of economic
and social exchange in the neural dynamic allows a theoretical basis for the
integration of evolutionary psychology with evolutionary neuroscience as a
foundation for economics and the social sciences.
To proceed with developing the conflict systems neurobehavioral (CNS)
model, I begin with the work of Paul D. MacLean. MacLean, who was founder
and longtime chief of the Laboratory of Brain Evolution and Behavior of the
National Institutes of Health, is our leading evolutionary neuroscientist.
MacLean's triune brain concept has been one of the most influential ideas in
brain science since World War II (e.g., see Durant in Harrington 1992: 268).
Nevertheless, it has also been criticized in some quarters of neuroscience.
346 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
Although much of this criticism has recently been shown to be inaccurate and
based upon misinterpretations of MacLean's position, the presentation in this
chapter is adjusted to accommodate those criticisms where clarification is
indicated. In his encyclopedic summary of the last fifty years of brain research,
MacLean (1990) documents the human brain as an evolved three-level
interconnected, modular structure (see Figure 18.1). This structure comprises a
self-preservational, maintenance component inherited from the stem reptiles of
the Permian and Triassic periods (between 225-250 mya), called the
protoreptilian complex, a later modified and evolved mammalian affectional
complex, and a most recently modified and elaborated higher cortex.
Figure 18.1. A Simplified, Modified Sketch of the Interconnected Modular Triune Brain
Structure. After MacLean. As represented here the three brain divisions do not constitute
distinct additions but rather modifications and elaborations of probable preexisting homo-
logues reflecting phylogenetic continuity.
are usually called the hindbrain and the midbrain (i.e., the brain stem) as well as
in certain structures at the base of the forebrain (i.e., the basal ganglia), this
primal and innermost core of the human brain made up almost the entire brain in
ancestral fishes, amphibians, and amniotes (although not necessarily their
modern representatives).
The next developmental stage of our brain, which comes from rudimentary
mammalian life and which MacLean called the paleo- or "old" mammalian
brain, is identified with the structures designated collectively as our limbic
system. Developing from homologues preexisting in the protoreptilian brain,
these newly elaborated limbic tissue clusters included such physiological
structures as the amygdala, the hypothalamus, the hippocampus, the thalamus,
and the limbic cingulate cortex. Behavioral contributions to life from these
modified and elaborated paleo-mammalian structures, or limbic system,
included, among other things, the mammalian features (absent in the stem
vertebrates) of warm-bloodedness, nursing, infant care, and extended social
bonding. These new characteristics were then neurally integrated with the life-
support functional and behavioral circuitry of the protoreptilian brain tissues to
create the more complex life form of mammals.
The neocortex, which MacLean called the neo- or "new" mammalian brain,
is the most recent stage of brain modification and elaboration. This great mass of
hemispherical brain matter that dominates the skull case of higher primates and
man, by elaborating the preexisting homologues present in the brains of early
vertebrates, overgrew and encased the earlier ("paleo") mammalian and
protoreptilian neural tissues, but essentially did not replace them. As a conse-
quence of this neocortical evolution and growth, those older brain parts evolved
greater complexity in support of these new tissue structures and in response to
the behavioral adaptations necessary to life's increasingly sophisticated circum-
The unique features of the human brain evolved over a period of several
million years in a primarily kinship based foraging society where sharing or
reciprocity was essential to survival and which reinforced the adaptive evolution
of the mammalian characteristics of self-preservation and affection. Ego and
empathy, self-interest and other-interest, are key features of our personal and
social behavior. To relate these to MacLean's concept we need a subjective/
behavioral rather than a neurophysiological vocabulary—one that will express
what the presence of our protoreptilian and paleomammalian brain structures
mean with regard to our day-to-day, subjectively experienced, behavioral initia-
tives and responses to one another and the world we live in. In computer-related
vocabulary, familiar to us all through cognitive psychology and artificial
intelligence, I use the software designer's vocabulary of programs and program-
ming. I will speak of our three developmental brain levels as behavioral pro-
grams or sets of programs that subjectively drive and generate specific, and
348 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
objectively observable, behaviors.
From the predominantly survival-centered promptings of the ancestral proto-
reptilian tissues, as elaborated in the human brain, arise the motivational source
for egoistic, surviving, self-interested subjective experience and behaviors. Here
are the cold-blooded, seemingly passionless, single-minded behaviors that we
have generally associated with the present-day lizard, the snake, and that most
maligned of fishes, the shark.
Here is a world revolving almost exclusively around matters of self-preser-
vation. The protoreptilian brain structures, then, will be referred to as our self-
preservation programming.
From the infant nursing, care-giving, and social bonding initiatives and
responses of the mammalian modifications and elaborations arise the motiva-
tional source for nurturing, empathetic, other-interested experiences and
behaviors. Here are the warm-blooded, passionate, body-contacting, bonding
behaviors that we've come to identify with the lion, the wolf, the primates.
Here is a world in which nearly single-minded self-preservation is simul-
taneously complemented and counterpoised by the conflicting demands of
affection. The early mammalian modifications, then will be referred to as our
affectional programming
Before I go on to discuss the neo-mammalian neocortical structures in
behavioral terms, I wish to pause to consider how these first two sets of pro-
grams function together.
These core behavioral program modules, composed of (or served by) sets or
subsystems of modules, of our brain structure serve as dynamic factors of our
behavior. They are energy-driven by our cellular as well as overall bodily
processes of metabolism as mediated by hormonal, neurotransmitter, and neural
architecture. Each is an inextricable part of our makeup, because each is "wired
into" our brain structure by the process of evolution. The degree of genome
control seems, however, to vary with the mechanism. Older brain parts like the
hindbrain and parts of the limbic system, phylogenetically old and necessary for
survival, seem to be more closely under genetic control. Other more recent
tissues in the neocortex depend also on development and environmental
experience. Damasio (1999, 1994) uses the terms preset and preorganized,
apparently (and appropriately, I think) to avoid the implication of an overly
deterministic prewiring in some brain regions. Behavioral conflict exists, then,
simply by virtue of the presence of these two large-scale energy-driven modular
program sets in our lives—up and running even prior to birth. Their mere
physiological presence sets us up for a life of inner and outer struggle, as we are
driven by and respond to their contending demands. Conflict is more than an
externalized, objective ethical, moral, or decision-making dilemma, however.
Subjectively, feelings of satisfaction occur when we can express our felt motives,
while feelings of frustration occur when either our self-preservational or
Neural Algorithms, Hamilton's Rule, and Economics 349
In other words, our executive programming, especially our frontal cortex,
has the capability and the responsibility for cognitively representing these limbic
and protoreptilian brain connections and inputs and making what may be
thought of as our moral as well as rational choices among our conflicting,
impulsive, and irrational or nonrational motivations. This self conscious, gene-
ralizing, choosing capacity accompanied, of course, with language, is what
differentiates us from even closely related primate species and makes findings in
primate behavior, although highly interesting and unquestionably important,
insufficient in themselves to fully understand and account for human behavior.
mode of motor control that is holistic and impulsive. On the other hand, they
suggest that the ventral limbic pathway from the amygdala to the orbital frontal
cortex may implement a more restricted mode of motor control reflecting the
adaptive constraints of self preservation (1995: 233-234). The orbital frontal
cortex via its connections to the anterior cingulate gyrus, amygdala and other
limbic structures seems especially important to the interaction of ego and
empathy (Damasio 1994; Schnider & Gutbrod 1999; Fuster 1999; see also
Weisfeld, this volume). Such findings are consistent with the CSN model in
which ego and empathy represent conflicting subcortical inputs into the cortical
executive. Several researchers have posited the dynamic of conflicting modules,
vying for ascendency in behavior and consciousness (e.g., Edelman & Tononi
2000; Edelman 1992; Dennett 1998; Pinker 1997).
Although it is beyond the scope of this chapter to attempt to deal with the as
yet partially understood detailed electrochemical physiology of such egoistic/
empathetic conflict, it is appropriate to acknowledge that such behavior is made
possible in part by the complex electro-chemical excitatory and inhibitory
interactions among groups of interconnected neurons (e.g., see the discussions in
Koch 1999; Cowan et al. 1997; Fuster 1997: 102-149; Gutnick & Mody 1995).
The role of hormones and neurotransmitters must also be acknowledged in
any complete analysis. For instance, from the egoistic perspective, testosterone
is associated with competitiveness and power urges. Serotonin levels in humans
seem related to confidence and self-esteem. On the empathetic side, oxytocin,
arginine vasopressin, and prolactin are important to pair bonding and maternal
as well as paternal caring behavior. Opioids (endorphins and enkaphalins) seem
important to positive social relationships. For readers interested in more detail,
two recent and wide-ranging volumes update the research focusing specifically
on affiliation and affection: Carter et al. (1997), The Integrative Neurobiology of
Affiliation, and Panksepp (1998), Affective Neuroscience. Panksepp especially
speculates on the contrast between testosterone-driven power urges and oxytocin
and opioid mediated affectional behavior (1998: 250-259; see also Toates
2001). Damasio reminds us, however, that there is a popular tendency to
overemphasize the efficacy of hormones by themselves. Their action depends
upon neural architecture and their effects may vary in different brain regions
(1994: 77-78).
Figure 18.3. The Major Ranges/Modes of Behavior. To simplify the graph, the three
points are intended to mark the center points of each range, with varying mixes of ego
and empathy on either side of each point. The graph thus intends to communicate, not a
zero-sum, either/or set of behavioral options or expressions, but a spectrum of the
increasing or decreasing (depending on direction of movement) proportions of ego and
empathy in behavior (see note 16). The graph represents only what may be thought of as
central tendencies of interactive behavior and is far too simple to represent all the
shadings of emotion and motivation.
The range of dynamic balance represents a working balance between ego and
empathy. At this point our behavioral programs are operating in roughly equal
measure. I speak of "working," "rough," or "dynamic" balance because the tug-
and-pull between the two programs continues ceaselessly. The dynamic nature
of the programming means that "perfect" balance may be a theoretical point,
unattainable in practice. Our more balanced behavior tends to be characterized
by equality, justice, sharing, and other behaviors that show respect for ourselves
and others. In fact, respect for self and others is the keynote of the range of
dynamic balance.
The extent to which the programs of self-preservation and affection, ego and
empathy, are out of balance, or pulling against each other, is a measure of
behavioral tension. We experience this behavioral tension both internally and
between ourselves and others, in any relationship or interaction. Unmanaged or
excessive tension becomes, of course, behavioral stress. But that is not all.
Important also is the degree of energy we give to the interaction or the
relationship. The amount of energy we put into any activity depends mostly
upon how important we think it is or how enthusiastic we feel about it. In
competitive sports or contests, qualitative differences in energy are easily
observed. In intellectual contests, like chess, the energy invested may be intense,
356 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
From the dynamic interplay of ego, empathy, and activity level come the
following algorithmic rule statements which may be considered a research
program to be tested empirically.
The reactions that build in ourselves and others do so potentially in proportion to the
behavioral tension created by egoistic, self-interested behavior.
That is, the harder I hit you, the harder you hit me in return. Or the fouler a
name you call me, the fouler a name I call you in return. Or perhaps with more
sophistication, I resolve the tension in me by an act of visible "superiority." I
ignore you—although I could call you an even fouler name, if I chose.
Behavior on the other side of the scale is described in the second rule
Within ourselves, the tension created by the tug of the neglected self-interest (ego) is
experienced as a feeling that "others owe us one" and a growing need to "collect our
due." This tension, especially if it continues over time, may be experienced as resentment
at being exploited, taken for granted, not appreciated, or victimized by others.
Within others, the tension created is experienced as a sense of obligation toward us.
The reactions that build in ourselves and others, again, are in proportion to the
behavioral tension created. And again, the unmanaged, or excessive tension is exper-
ienced as behavioral stress.
3. Behavior in the range of dynamic balance expresses the approximate balance of ego
and empathy. It is the position of least behavioral tension. Within ourselves and others, it
creates feelings of mutuality and shared respect.
The norm of reciprocity has long been a major theme in anthropology and
sociology (e.g., see Gouldner 1960; van Baal 1975; Bowles & Gintis 1998: esp.
Ch. 17) and more recently in economics (e.g., Fehr & Gachter 2000). This
universally observed norm, found in all societies, primitive and modern, has
been accounted for, or shown to be possible, in evolutionary theory by such
concepts as kin selection, inclusive fitness (Hamilton 1964), reciprocal altruism
(Trivers 1971, 1981; Alexander 1987), and game theory (Maynard Smith 1982;
Axelrod & Hamilton 1981). These efforts draw upon gene-centered perspec-
tives, which see such reciprocity as basically selfish. More recently, extensive
reciprocity seen as based not upon selfishness, but empathy, has reportedly been
observed in the behavior of rhesus monkeys (de Waal 1996). F. de Waal's
approach is a welcome departure that tries to escape the selfishness of gene-
centered approaches and looks to the implied motivational mechanisms. All
these approaches, however, to include that of de Waal's, have been based on the
external observation of behavior. They have not attempted to identify or even
speculate upon the neural mechanisms within the organism that must necessarily
have been selected for by the evolutionary process to accomplish the functions
of motivating, maintaining, and rewarding such observed reciprocal behavior.
I suggest it is time now to consider fully what the newer findings of
neuroscience add to the discussions from the gene-centered and ethological
perspectives. I think that at this time in our evolutionary thinking, it has been
established beyond any reasonable doubt, by the work of Hamilton, Trivers,
Alexander, Maynard Smith, et al., that even from the most hard-core selfish
gene perspective, the basis for the closely related behaviors of reciprocity,
cooperation, and altruism has, from the Darwinian or the Neo-Darwinian
perspective, been established in the human genome (e.g., see the summary in
Corning 1996). The presence of these behaviors has further been confirmed by
quantities of observational data in primates, even in studies of early protohuman
hominids (Isaac 1978), and by extensive anthropological and sociological obser-
Neural Algorithms, Hamilton's Rule, and Economics 361
In other words, we now know that we must have, wired into our brain and
nervous system, the neural mechanisms that make such behaviors possible. It is
time, therefore, with the full emergence of neuroscience, to make every effort to
identify and specify these brain mechanisms and extrapolate the implications of
their presence and functioning for our personal and social lives. Although it has
failed to adequately incorporate the literature of evolutionary neuroscience, this
is, in fact, the thrust of the emergent subdiscipline of evolutionary psychology
(Cosmides & Tooby 1989; Tooby & Cosmides 1989; Barkow, Cosmides, &
Tooby 1992; Crawford & Krebs 1998; Buss 1999).
In those times, when people consumed what they produced, the excess that
they shared with, gave to, or provided for the needs or demands of the family or
community was in the nature of natural affection or empathy. The reward for the
empathetic, supplying act was emotional—there was not a specific, but a diffuse
value assigned to it. It also had social effects—the givers, providers gaining
status in the group. The emotional and the social effects were both directly
governed by the reciprocal algorithms of behavior.
Let us look more closely. The provider, say the warrior brought meat from
the hunt or the wife brought berries and fruits from the field, tanned skins, and
so on, to give to the family or group (cf. Willhoite 1981: 242). The act of
providing, giving, created behavioral tension in the giver, who acting empathet-
ically denied ego to some degree and required a response of acknowledgment,
gratitude, respect, affection, or some other reaffirmation of ego. This providing
or giving also created behavioral tension in the receivers. It was a service to
their ego, their needs or demands—to their own preservation—which created
tension requiring an offsetting empathetic response, a thank-you, an expression
of appreciation or respect. In any family or close group, even now, this dynamic
flows constantly, even in the smallest activities. In the small group the rewards,
the reciprocations, are largely not quantified, but are diffuse. They become
obligations—bonds—that hold the group together for protection or mutual
survival. Nevertheless, they must achieve some approximation of balance or the
unresolved tension will build within the group and become disruptive. Expres-
sions for thank you and you 're welcome, found in all known human languages,
reflect this reciprocity.
362 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
The Gift
From the gift evolved the transaction—namely the gift with the reciprocal
specified or quantified. The transaction is the beginning of the contract, perhaps
of the market itself. The transaction operates, however, by the same algorithms
of behavior as the gift—except that it attempts to head off the residual,
unresolved behavioral tension that creates a condition of obligation or bonding.
After all, in the market, we may be dealing with strangers not to be seen again.
Nevertheless, it retains its essential mammalian characteristics as an act of
empathy, of nurturing, which requires a balancing reciprocal act in payment to
When we encounter its equivalent in the impersonalized market economy of
today, how often do we feel the subjective experience of the transaction? We
take our sick child to the doctor, who empathetically and carefully applies the
knowledge it took 10 years and a fortune to gain. We pay the bill—that is, we
make a return gift with money that represents a portion of our accumulated
education and labor. The scenario is repeated in transactions with the plumber,
the carpenter, the computer maker. The behavioral algorithms still apply, but the
feeling, the subjective experience has to a large degree been lost.
But wait! Let the transaction go wrong, the expected reciprocals not be
forthcoming and the behavioral tension becomes immediately and personally
felt. The reality of the transaction—the market—reveals itself with clarity and
intensity. No one likes to be cheated or short-changed. And most will be moti-
vated to take some action to correct the imbalance in expected reciprocity or
harbor the behavioral tension indefinitely to be acted upon in the future.
The evolution of the transactional market (demand and supply) as shaped by
neural architecture can be summarized in Figure 18.4.
Neural Algorithms, Hamilton's Rule, and Economics 363
E m e r g e n c e o f
self-sacrifice compromise power-seeking
submission fairness domination
responsiveness equality assertiveness
supportiveness competitiveness
others over self self over others
From the transactional perspective, the CSN model also provides under-
pinning for what is called metaeconomics and the question of multiple utilities
(Lynne 1999, 2000; Lutz 1993; Etzioni 1986). The CSN model shows that the
tug and pull between ego and empathy goes on constantly within us and between
us as we interact socially. To the extent that our economic transactions or
choices are social, and they inevitably are, they will involve the tug-and-pull of
ego and empathy to some degree. The very nature of social or market exchange
is transactional or interpersonal. The idea that we make independent choices
separate from interpersonal or social concerns is largely illusional. The transac-
tional atom when opened up is shown to be composed of ego and empathy in a
state of negotiated tension (Cory 1999: 77-78). There is therefore some degree
of behavioral tension from the tug and pull of ego and empathy, an implicit, if
not actual, dual or multiple motive or perhaps utility on both sides in every
social or market choice or transaction. The degree of tug and pull or behavioral
tension will depend upon the triviality or significance of the transaction—
something neoclassical theory does not discriminate.
The confounding of self-reference with self-interest is a fundamental fallacy
of the neoclassical approach that allows the subsuming of all motives under the
rubric of self-interest and obscures the roughly equal role of empathy. Taking
the individual as the starting point, microeconomic theory mistakenly transforms
this individual or self-referential perspective into an all-inclusive motive of self-
interest. From this logically unwarranted transformation any other motive is
seen as proceeding from self Therefore empathy (and its derivatives of cooper-
ation and altruism, even love) can be trivialized as tastes or preferences indis-
tinguishable in significance from coffee, tea, or milk. But the hidden duality of
ego and empathy is seen in every demand curve and supply curve, especially
when both are combined to show price equilibrium. The dual roles are always
present implicitly if not explicitly. The supplier performs the empathetic role;
the demander performs the egoistic role. (See Appendix 18.1 for examples of the
hidden duality of ego and empathy within the customary self-referential neo-
classical perspective.)
In terms of physics, the neural network architecture of ego and empathy may
be seen as interlocked, often conflictual motive forces, each with its own moti-
vated vector, which in their interactional dynamic produce a resultant vector that
determines choice. But the organic, neural dynamic is more complex than the
representation as forces of physics suggests. The choice does not necessarily
mark the once and for all release or resolution of behavioral tension, as assumed
in the mathematical representations of classical economics. Owing to the neural
capacity for memory combined with emotion, important choices may carry a
residual of behavioral tension that may be cumulative in its social effects. And
the organic social algorithm is, further, homeostatic in its function—like other
algorithmic physiological regulatory processes of the body (e.g., blood sugar,
body temperature) that serve to adjust function and behavior to keep us, for the
most part, within survival limits.
Neural Algorithms, Hamilton's Rule, and Economics 365
The invisible hand as the tug and pull of ego and empathy is expressed in the
market structure as demand and supply. The reciprocal dynamic tends to work
despite the unidimensional overemphasis on self-interest in classical economics
by the fallacy of self-reference. This is because the very structure itself of the
market is the institutionalized product of the ego/empathy dynamic of our
evolved neural architecture. Our self-survival ego demands are rooted ultimately
in our ancestral protoreptilian or vertebrate neural complexes. Contrastingly, the
act of providing or supplying, is fundamentally an act of mammalian nurturing.
The market exchange system originated from this dynamic. The market could
never have evolved or been maintained on the basis of ego or self-interest alone.
Without empathy we would not know how or what to do to respond to the needs
of others.
BT (behavioral tension) = Ego/Empathy = ±1 (as dynamic equilibrium or
unity, dynamic balance)
BT = Ego = ±1 (approx. equilibrium or unity)
Emp dynamic balance
I suggest that the equation developed from our neural architecture expresses
the central tendency of the social brain proposed by the Group for the
Neural Algorithms, Hamilton's Rule, and Economics 367
rb - c > 0 or c < rb
BT = Benefit = ± 1
BEHAVIORAL TENSION = EGO = ±1 (approx. equilibrium or unity)
EMPATHY dynamic balance
Social Psychology:
INTERPERSONAL TENSION - EGO - ± 1 (approx. equilibrium or unity)
EMP dynamic balance
EQUILIBRIUM PRICE - DEMAND = ± 1 (approx. equilibrium or unity)
SUPPLY dynamic balance
Political Economy:
POLITICAL TENSION = DOMINATION = ±1 (approx. equilibrium or unity)
SUBORDINATION dynamic balance
Invisible Hand
Of economics:
Of politics:
The CSN model, emerging from evolved neural architecture, not only offers
a mathematically represented mechanism for the social brain of psychiatry, it
permits the unifying of evolutionary neuroscience with the central inclusive
fitness concept of evolutionary psychology. Further, it anchors market theory
firmly in neuroscience and supports the introduction of the moral component of
Neural Algorithms, Hamilton's Rule, and Economics 369
empathy into the rational calculus of economics and other social sciences. The
model supports on-going efforts in economics and sociology to introduce
cooperation and fairness, trust and morality into the neoclassical calculus and
definitively counters the long-prevailing, inaccurate, and troubling self-
interested bias of received microeconomic theory. The CSN model provides the
basis for a new research program to develop and test the hypotheses proceeding
therefrom and to explore the potential implications for rethinking aspects of
contemporary economic and political policy.
The Demand, Supply, and Equilibrium curves that follow are presented in very
simplified form. They, nevertheless, illustrate the essential features of all such curves.
$50 1 unit
$30 3 units
$10 5 units
0 1
The demand curve slopes downward because as price increases on the y-axis, the quantity
people are willing and able to buy generally decreases (x-axis). Even the single actor
perspective of the demand curve shows the duality of exchange expressive of our neural
architecture: Price = give = empathy; Quantity = take = ego. In other words, price is what
we give, quantity is what we take. The demand curve, therefore, illustrates the reciprocal,
give-and-take, empathy-ego social exchange relationship.
370 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
$50 5 units
$30 3 units
$10 1 unit
0 1
The supply curve slopes upward because as price increases (y-axis) suppliers are willing
and able to provide more units. The supply curve, like the demand curve, shows the
duality of exchange expressive of our neural architecture. From this perspective: Quantity
provided = give = empathy; Price = take = ego. Again, the supply curve illustrates a
reciprocal, give-and-take, empathy-ego social exchange relationship.
0 1 2 3 4 5
Neural Algorithms, Hamilton 's Rule, and Economics 371
The duality of exchange expressive of our neural architecture is most clearly seen in
the graph of demand and supply curves combined to show their equilibrium point. The
supplier performs the empathetic structural or institutional role; the demander performs
the egoistic structural or institutional role. In standard economics the demand and supply
curves are related only at the point of equilibrium.
The formula derived from our neural architecture provides a significant insight:
In economics price is treated as exogenous. That is, demand and supply curves are
related only at the equilibrium price. Price as an exogenous variable draws them together
but remains essentially unexplained. The formula from neural architecture demonstrates
the continuing relationship between demand and supply and the source of motivation for
change that brings demand and supply into equilibrium—behavioral tension that
motivates buyers and sellers to change their behavior. Thus, all points on the demand and
supply curves that do not match the equilibrium point are indicators of behavioral
tension. This effectively unifies the dynamics of neural architecture with economics.
As represented in standard texts (e.g., see Landsburg 1992) on price theory, demand
and supply are functions that convert prices to quantities.
The fact that the demand curve slopes downward is expressed by the inequality
The fact that the supply curve slopes upward is expressed by the inequality
D(P) = S(P)
Again, in this case as well as in the illustrations of the demand, supply, and
equilibrium curves, when treated in the standard manner demand and supply are related
only at the point of equilibrium—the equilibrium price. Price, again, is an exogenous
variable that brings them together but remains essentially unexplained. Demand and
supply are treated separately prior to the equilibrium point. The calculus model used in
economics as reflected above does not represent the relationship of behavioral tension
that exists at all other points. The formula from neural architecture does this:
This reinforces or confirms the previous insight that all other points (prices) on the
demand and supply curves are indicators of behavioral tension. Behavioral tension in
equilibrium, then, equals price in equilibrium, and price or behavioral tension not in
equilibrium is what motivates demanders and suppliers to alter prices or respond to them.
Such is the essence of any negotiating process in the market, no matter how formalized. It
is seen clearly in domestic flea markets and in many similar institutions (e.g., bazaars)
around the world. Price, thus, becomes an endogenous variable; that is, one that we can
explain or account for (Cory 2001a, b).
1. See Reiner (1990) and Campbell (1992). A great deal of unreflective and inaccurate
criticism of MacLean's position by Reiner and Campbell is obviated by a close reading of
MacLean's recent work.
2. Cory (1998, 1999) documents in detail the inaccuracies and misrepresentations of
MacLean's work in the reviews by Reiner (1990) and Campbell (1992), which have been
relied on by other scholars. Cory concludes that the triune brain concept, when properly
represented, is soundly grounded in evolutionary neuroscience, and with some
clarifications, is the most useful concept for linking neuroscience with the more highly
integrated concepts of the social sciences. Although the concept may lack the desired
Neural Algorithms, Hamilton's Rule, and Economics 373
in Panksepp (1998); Numan and Sheehan (1997); Fleming et al. (1996); MacLean (1990:
380-410; 520-562). For a popular treatment see Taylor (2002)
8. In cognitive neuroscience brain modules are commonly seen as competing and also
cooperating (e.g., see Crick 1994, Baars 1997). The idea of competing or conflicting
modules contriving behavioral tension is also acknowledged by Pinker (1997: 58, 65).
9. The evolution of the neocortex, our big brain, was in all probability greatly
enhanced by the tug and pull of our conflicting programs. Humphrey (1976) sees the
function of the intellect providing the ability to cope with problems of interpersonal
relationships. See also the discussion in Masters (1989: 16-26) and Erdal and Whiten
(1996). Cummins (1998) argues that interpersonal relationships, competing and cooper-
ating with conspecifics for limited resources, is the chief problem confronting social
mammals. Cummins concentrates on dominance hierarchies which she sees as dynamic
rather than static.
10. Damasio's "somatic marker" hypothesis by which emotions become connected by
learning to certain behavioral scenarios is an example of a functional mechanism for
producing behavioral tension/stress (1994: 165-201). Also see the comment on chronic
mental stress (1994: 119-120). Tension and stress are mediated by hormones and neuro-
transmitters acting within neural architecture, rather than through the so-called hydraulic
pressure model of earlier psychodynamic models.
11. A language module did not, of course, pop out of nowhere and appear in the
neocortex. The capacity for spoken language involved modifications of supporting
anatomical structures including the laryngeal tract, tongue, velum (which can seal the
nose from the mouth) and the neural connections that tied in with motor areas necessary
for the production of speech. These all evolved relatively concommitantly from the
hominid ancestral line and, combined with the elaboration of the neocortical structures of
thought and syntax, made language possible. This example of the complexity of language
development provides a caveat to avoid overly simplistic one for one specialized module
for specific behavioral or functional adaptation positions. The work of Philip Lieberman,
a linguistic psychologist at Brown University, is especially relevant for the understanding
of this very complex language capability. See the up-to-date treatment of these issues in
Lieberman (1998, 2000).
12. The ability to self-consciously generalize is apparently a unique gift of the
neocortex with it billions of neurons interconnected into hierarchical networks. The level
of generalization issue in all our disciplines likely springs from this. That is, we can move
from parts to wholes in generalizing and from wholes to parts in analyzing freely up and
down throughout our neural networks. Generalizing (and implicitly analyzing) been
recognized by scholars in many disciplines as perhaps the defining characteristic of the
human brain (e.g., Hofstader 1995: 75; Einstein 1954: 293). This generalizing capacity
loosens up the tight wiring of routines and characteristics of earlier brain structures and
allows us to manage and, to some degree, overcome the mechanisms that we inherited in
common with kindred species (e.g., see Panksepp 1998: 301). In other words, the
generalizing, analyzing capacities of the neocortex change the rules of the game for us
humans by freeing us up from the blind tyranny of primitive mechanisms. This capacity
must always be weighed when trying to apply findings in, for example, even primate
ethology to humans. One of the reasons our feelings and motives are so difficult to
verbalize and communicate to others is probably because the earlier evolved brain
(reptilian and limbic) systems are nonverbal. Their input enters the neocortex through
neural pathways as inarticulate urgings, feelings. It falls to the neocortex with its verbal
and generalizing ability to develop words and concepts to attempt to understand,
represent, and convey these inarticulate urgings. MacLean (1992: 58) states that the
Neural Algorithms, Hamilton's Rule, and Economics 375
triune brain structure provides us with the inheritance of three mentalities, two of which
lack the capacity for verbal communication.
13. My use of the term empathy here includes the affectional feelings of sympathy
which are dependent upon empathy, plus cognitive aspects (Hoffman 1981, 2000). Losco
has noted that empathy, amplified by cognitive processes, could serve as an evolved
mediator of pro-social behavior (1986: 125). Empathy and sympathy are frequently used
inclusively, especially in more recent writing (Eisenberg 1994; Batson 1991). For this
reason, in order to suggest the inclusion of sympathy, I have chosen to use the term
empathetic rather than the more usual empathic. The positing of the ego and empathy
dynamic goes back to the historical juxtaposition of self-interest or egoism and sympathy
or fellow feeling of in the thought of David Hume, Adam Smith, and Schopenhauer
(Wispe 1991). The present articulation goes back to my doctoral thesis done at Stanford
University (1974). The conflict systems neurobehavioral model was applied in several
programs which I authored for corporate management training through the education and
consulting corporation United States Education Systems during the period 1976-85.
Recently Roger Masters (1989) has also noted the possible innate roots of contradictory
impulses to include selfishness and cooperative or altruistic behavior in human
nature.Trudi Miller (1993) has also drawn our attention to this historical duality and
suggested its applicability for today. Neither Hume, Smith, Schopenhauer, Wispe,
Masters nor Miller, however, attempted to articulate a model of behavior based upon this
duality, or as MacLean calls it "triality", acknowledging the role of the neocortex in
articulating the otherwise nonverbal urgings (1993).
14. The frontal neocortex especially has long been recognized to be involved in
executive functions. See the excellent summary and discussion of findings in Miller and
Cummings (1999), Fuster (1997: 150-84). See also Pribram (1973; 1994). Although
executive function is frequently equated with frontal cortex function Eslinger (1996)
reminds us that the neural substrate of executive functions is better conceptualized as a
neural network which includes the synchronized activity of multiple regions, cortical and
subcortical (1996: 392). Eslinger also notes the usual neglect of critically important
affectively based empathy and social and interpersonal behaviors in neuropsychological,
information-processing, and behavioral approaches (390-391).
15. Levine (1986) has also considered MacLean's triune modular concept as a useful
tool in network modeling.
16. The dynamic of the model, the tug and pull of ego and empathy, self- and other-
interest allows the expression of the mix of motive and behavior as a range or spectrum.
The usual dichotomizing of self-interest and altruism is seen only at the extremes of
ranges. All or most of behavior is a mix of varying proportions. Jencks (1990: 53-54)
also notes that every motive or act falls somewhere on a spectrum or range between the
extremes of selfishness and unselfishness. Teske (1997) sees a blend of self-and other-
interest in his identity construction concept.
17. See Eckel and Grossman (1997). Without making any connection with brain
science or the reciprocal algorithms of behavior, the authors use a typology of fairness
(for me, for you, for us) which expresses the conflict systems model and the reciprocal
algorithms of behavior.
18. That is, in physics it is not known exactly why and how wave function collapses or
reduction occurs and how eigenstates are determined (e.g., see Hameroff & Penrose
1996: 311). The standard Copenhagen Interpretation sees collapse as occurring at
randomly measured values when the quantum system interacted with its environment,
was otherwise measured, or consciously observed; (e.g., see Stapp's 1972 well-known
article on the Copenhagen Interpretation). Penrose (1994) and Hameroff and Penrose
(1996) introduce a new physical ingredient they call objective reduction (OR), which
376 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
become guided and tuned into orchestrated OR, in which quantum systems can self-
collapse by reaching a threshold related to quantum gravity. Harth notes, in summarizing
his sketchpad model, that "the transformation from the extended activities in the
association areas and working memory to specific mental images may be likened to the
collapse of a wave function in quantum mechanics." He does not, however, imply any
quantum effect (1997: 1250).
19. Since the formula represents a reciprocal tug and pull dynamic of neural
architecture in which the deviation from equilibrium indexes behavioral tension, either
ego or empathy may be expressed as numerator or dominator for convenience sake to
keep the quotient a whole number and not a fraction (see Cory 1999: 97-100).
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From the viewpoint of the computational modeler and systems theorist, Paul
MacLean's major contribution to behavioral and cognitive neuroscience is not
so much his evolutionary perspective. In fact, his great work entails a view of
human nature that includes motivations other than mere survival. Rather, his
modular approach commands attention. The functional division of the brain into
a part related to habits and instinctive behavior, a part related to emotional and
social behavior, and a part related to higher cognitive and semantic processing
provides a useful basis for modeling, even if the assignment of brain areas to
these parts turns out to differ somewhat from what MacLean has exactly
proposed. Many neural network modelers, including the authors of this chapter,
have devoted much of their careers to trying to understand what MacLean called
the "man, horse, and crocodile" within us and the brain systems that subserve
communication between these three "animals." This chapter reports on these
Neural networks, now a fad, exude a mystique. Yet their study is really
nothing more than the quantitative theory of how neural and cognitive systems
are organized. (While neural networks are used for engineering purposes as
well as biological modeling, the biologically relevant sort are essentially
indistinguishable from the large system aspect of computational neuroscience.
The distinction between those two terms is more sociological than it is
Many people upon hearing the term "neural network" think of a very specific
three-layer structure, variously called back propagation networks or multilayer
perceptrons, developed by Paul Werbos and popularized by David Rumelhart
and James McClelland. This is in fact the type of neural network that has had
the widest engineering applications so far because it has some intriguing
mathematical properties that enable it to solve a wide class of input-output
mapping problems. Yet this is only one of many types of neural networks in the
current literature, and not generally regarded as the type closest to the actual
architecture of the brain.
So neural networks are not a particular narrow class of structures. Yet, what
are they? No definition has gained universal agreement. The closest is probably
one developed in 1988 by a team of experts commissioned by the United States
Department of Defense:
are inspired by the architecture of biological nervous systems, which use many simple
processing elements operating in parallel.
The specific type of structures used in neural network models depend on the
class of cognitive and behavioral functions they are trying to reproduce. For
example, it has been argued that sensory pattern categorization and motor
control require fundamentally different types of neural network architectures.
Several early neural network models derived from first principles included
drive or motivational representations, particularly models of classical (Pavlo-
vian) conditioning. Grossberg, building on his own previous network models of
pattern learning, asked how a network exposed to two or more patterns can learn
both patterns without confusing them or learning a meaningless mixture of
them. For example, animals can learn that one stimulus predicts food
reinforcement and another stimulus predicts sexual reinforcement. Grossberg
found that this type of learning was facilitated by having nodes in the network
that represent drives such as the hunger and sex drives, in addition to the sensory
and motor representations that were included in earlier versions of his network.
He postulated these drive sources as analogous to hypothalamus or limbic
system areas. Further extensions of this network included both positive and
negative drive loci, and opponent processing of changes in affective value of
2 17
Motivation also played a prime role in the model of Klopf, ' who for a short
time worked in the same laboratory as MacLean at Poolesville, Maryland.
Klopf regarded the seeking of pleasure and avoidance of pain as the force
driving every organism's behavior, and indeed regarded survival (or homeo-
stasis) as a subgoal of net pleasure maximization (for which he coined the term
heterostasis). This type of "hedonism," Klopf believed, also occurs at the level
of single neurons, which "try" to maximize depolarization from other neurons
and minimize hyperpolarization. The theory integrated aspects of the triune
brain, in that each of the three parts of the brain tries separately to maximize its
own positive stimulation. The reticular formation, part of the reptilian brain, is
the final arbiter of decisions, and the limbic and neocortical systems have
specific functions in implementing those decisions. As with Grossberg's work,
this theory evolved into a computational model of the time course of Pavlovian
Similar ideas for quantitative representation of emotional variables deve-
loped independently in Russia, largely in isolation from Western scientists.
There Pavlov's tradition dominated in science, and was encouraged as socially
useful by a repressive government interested in emotional control of its people.
In this framework Rosenstein developed an abstract neural network model
based, as was Klopf s, on the notion that organisms seek to optimize the level of
386 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
The last section shows that biologically motivated neural network principles
have a longer history than generally believed. Yet another 10 to 20 years would
transpire before networks had evolved to the point of modeling anything close to
the "triune brain" at a system level. This scientific evolutionary process is still
A first example includes the model by Daniel Levine and his colleagues of
24 25
the effects of frontal lobe damage on the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. ' On
this test, the subjects have to figure out the criteria for classifying cards based on
the experimenter saying "right" or "wrong" without saying why. At various
points the experimenter changes the classification criterion (which could be
color, shape, or number of the designs of the card faces) without warning.
Errors made by people with dorsolateral prefrontal damage on this test are
mainly of a perseverative nature; that is, they classify cards by criteria that were
formerly, but are no longer, correct.
The card-sorting model of Levine and his co-workers is not neuro-
anatomically correct but includes subnetworks conceived as analogous to the
triune brain. The network includes two layers coding features (color, shape, or
number) and card categories, considered analogous to parts of the "neomam-
malian" visual neocortex. The interactions between feature and category layers
are modulated by signals representing attentional biases toward one or another
of the three feature classes. These biases are in turn influenced by two sets of
signals, one connoting positive or negative valuation (from the experimenter),
the other connoting cognitive habit based on previous responses. Prefrontal
damage is mimicked by weakening of the influence of the "paleomammalian"
valuation signals (based on the strong connectivity between prefrontal cortex
and various limbic and hypothalamic areas). In the absence of strong effects of
negative feedback, a positive feedback loop develops between the categori-
zations, the attentional biases, and the "reptilian" habit signals. Mortimer
Neural Network Theory 387
The models discussed in the last section are steps toward unified, biolog-
ically realistic models of interactions among the three parts of MacLean's triune
brain. They are not so much the separate biological computers MacLean
described as they are functional modules in an overall dynamical system for
making flexible responses to a nonstationary environment. Each of the models
so far includes only parts of the overall picture. Other parts of the picture have
so far been modeled only at the macro or cognitive level, and not yet mapped in
detail to brain areas.
For example, the two authors are currently developing a neural network
model based on the social and economic theory of the reciprocal modular brain
propounded by Gerald Cory. Cory argued, and we agree, that current economic
theories have tended to overemphasize the self-interested side of economic
behavior. In fact, he went on, people are equally motivated by the need to help
and empathize with others, in part because social systems are based on
reciprocity and people need to give benefits to others in order to receive benefits
in return. Hence his socioeconomic model is based on a tug-of-war between the
claims of self-interest, mediated roughly by MacLean's reptilian brain, and of
388 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
Figure 19.1. Oscillatory Interaction between "Selfishness" and "Empathy" Node Activ-
ities when Biases in Network Shift at Regular Time Intervals
This type of balance between the selfishness and empathy systems was
obtained in Figure 19.2 by adding to the network a third node representing an
idealized "frontal lobe executive." As Cory suggested, the frontal lobes exert a
kind of higher-order mediating function that makes sure that neither the self-
interest nor the empathic claims are neglected. The influence of the frontal
mediation parameter causes biases in favor of empathy or selfishness to shift
when either variable is too low, but to shift in a gradual rather than a sudden
We add the caveat that this network is primitive compared with both the
anatomical interconnections of the brain and the interacting behaviors it seeks to
represent. None of the actual connectivity between the prefrontal cortex and
either the basal ganglia, midbrain transmitter systems, or limbic system has yet
been incorporated here.
390 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
Figure 19.2. Graph of "Selfishness" and "Empathy" Activities with Addition of Frontal
Executive" Node
One of the authors (D.S.L.) got his start in behavioral neuroscience in the late
1960s when he arrived with a mathematics background at the National Institutes
of Health. Paul MacLean, one of his mentors, challenged him to develop a
mathematics of emotions, where "positives" and "negatives" prevailed but no
"zero." On the abstract level, this has already been accomplished by the
dynamical systems approach to neural networks. What has not been done yet is
the development of a good model for specific emotions (anger, fear, joy, and so
forth) and their interrelationship. Models have not yet captured the intricate
connections between the limbic system, hypothalamus, and what Pribram called
the "four Fs": feeding, fleeing, fighting, and sex.
Yet as computational modeling becomes more and more a part of neuro-
physiology and neuropsychology, the current methods and architectures are
likely to reach that point in the next several years. In this process of theoretical
understanding, the triune brain, as a source both of functional constructs and of
metaphors, will remain useful.
Some of the details of MacLean's earlier formulation of triune concepts have
been modified by the development of science. MacLean incorporates much of
this modification in his updated and encyclopedic The Triune Brain in Evolution
published in 1990. For example, the mapping between specific brain areas and
roles is fully acknowledged to be more complex than the rather neat panellation
3 7
of his earlier articles (e.g., see Pribram for other ideas about the limbic
system, and Houk, Davis & Beiser for newer hypothesis about the basal
ganglia). Also, the idea from these earlier articles about three separate biological
computers with different information processing styles has gradually yielded to
a more integrated dynamical systems approach in which all three brains play
constructive roles. The paranoid streak that MacLean discussed and related to
limbic system and R-complex information-processing actually has a
neocortical component as well, because paranoia directed at a particular group
requires the neocortical facility of categorization. Similarly, information pro-
cessing of a caring and cooperative nature requires parts of all three brains.
Yet it is not in the minutiae but in the overarching concepts that triunity
remains scientifically useful. MacLean was one of several scientists promoting
the ideas that emotion is coequal with reason in decision-making and that
instinct or habit is dissociable from emotion. Both of these are seminal ideas in
behavioral neuroscience, and modern computational theories increasingly
assume them as basic truths.
The triune brain can also be a source of valuable metaphors for explaining
processes in a number of disciplines. Sam Leven reviews the literature about
different processes in a wide range of social science areas including organiza-
tional management, decision theory, developmental psychology and many
others. He finds analogues of the instinctive/emotional/rational "triunity" in all
of them. For example, he cites work in managerial psychology describing three
styles of people at work: implementing (an "instinctive" process); pathfinding
(an "emotional" process); and problem solving (a "rational" process). Leven
392 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
1. Klopf AH: The Hedonistic Neuron: a Theory of Memory, Learning, and Intelli-
gence. Washington hemisphere, 1982.
2. Levine DS: Steps toward a neural theory of self-actualization. World Congress on
Neural Networks, San Diego (Vol. I, pp. 215-220). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Associates, 1994.
3. Maslow AH: Toward a Psychology of Being. NY: Van Nostrand, 1968.
4. MacLean PD: The Triune Brain in Evolution: Role in Paleocerebral Functions.
NY: Plenum, 1990.
5. MacLean PD: New findings relevant to the evolution of psychosexual functions of
the brain. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1962; 135, 289-301. (Quotation is on
p. 289.)
6. Damasio A: Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain. NY:
Grosset/Putnam, 1994.
7. Levine DS, Leven SJ (Eds.): Motivation, Emotion, and Goal Direction in Neural
Networks. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1992, p. vii.
8. Nauta WJH: Personal communication, March 1971.
9. Pribram KH, McGuinness D: Arousal, activation, and effort in the control of
attention. Psychological Review, 1975; 82, 116-149.
10. Levine DS: Introduction to Neural and Cognitive Modeling. Mahwah, NJ: Law-
rence Erlbaum Associates, 2000.
11. Werbos PJ: Beyond regression: New tools for prediction and analysis in the
behavioral sciences. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Harvard University, 1974.
Reprinted as The Roots of Backpropagation: From Ordered Derivatives to Neural
Networks and Political Forecasting. NY: Wiley, 1993.
12. Rumelhart DE, McClelland JL (Eds.): Parallel Distributed Processing: Explo-
rations in the Microstructure of Cognition. Vol 1 and 2, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
13. DARPA Neural Network Study. Alexandria, VA: AFCEA International Press,
1988, p. 60.
14. Gaudiano P, Grossberg S: Vector associative maps: Unsupervised real time error-
based learning and control of movement trajectories. Neural Networks, 1991; 4, 147-183.
(Reference is on pp. 180-181.)
15. Grossberg S: On the dynamics of operant conditioning. Journal of Theoretical
Biology, 1971; 33, 225-255.
Neural Network Theory 393
34. Grossberg S, Levine DS: Some developmental and attentional biases in the
contrast enhancement and short-term memory of recurrent neural networks. Journal of
Theoretical Biology, 1975; 53, 341-380.
35. Levine DS: Don't just stand there, optimize something! In DS Levine & W
Elsberry (Eds.): Optimality in Biological and Artificial Networks? (pp. 3-18). Mahwah,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1997.
36. Pribram KH: The intrinsic systems of the forebrain. In J Field, HW Magoun, VE
Hall (Eds.), Handbook of Physiology, Neurophysiology II (pp. 1323-1344). Washing-
ton, DC: American Physiological Society, 1960.
37. Pribram KH: Emotion: a neurobehavioral analysis. In KR Scherer & P Ekman
(Eds.), Approaches to Emotion (pp. 13-38). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
38. Houk J C , Davis JL, Beiser DG (Eds.): Models of Information Processing in the
Basal Ganglia. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995.
39. MacLean PD: The paranoid streak in man. In A Koestler & J Smythies (Eds.):
BeyondReductionism. (pp. 1-21). London: Hutchinson and Company Limited, 1969.
40. MacLean PD: Triune brain. In G. Adelman (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Neuroscience
(vol. II, pp. 1235-1237). Boston: Birkhauser, 1987.
41. Leven SJ: Choice and Neural Process. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Univer-
sity of Texas at Arlington, 1987.
42. Leavitt H: Corporate Pathfinders. Homewood, IL: Dow Jones-Irwin, 1986.
43. Leven SJ: Learned helplessness, memory, and the dynamics of hope. In DS
Levine & SJ Leven (Eds.): Motivation, Emotion, and Goal Direction in Neural Networks.
(pp. 259-299). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1992.
44. Levine, DS: Do we know what we want? World Congress on Neural Networks,
Washington, DC (Vol. 2, pp. 955-962). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
As shown in the varied articles that comprise this volume, MacLean's influence
spans many disciplines. Although this single volume cannot capture the full
range of MacLean's influence, it does delineate some major thrusts that draw
substantially upon his contributions. In this chapter we attempt to sum up the
main features of the various chapters and identify some convergences and
frontiers deriving from the emerging literature, which spans multiple disciplines
and perspectives.
others, Itzkoff saw the neo- or isocortex as leading the Darwinian evolutionary
selection path from early vertebrate neural architecture to the brain of Homo
sapiens. Although we end up with a largely chicken-or-egg question in our
current state of knowledge, Itzkoff s chapter reminds us that in evolution, like
adaptive behavior, feedback and general recursiveness in interaction among the
many variables prohibits a simplistic linear account of brain evolution. For
example, Gilsofi and Mora (2000) recently argued uniquely for the previously
neglected role of temperature regulation in the progressive encephalization that
characterized mammalian evolution. Once again we are reminded that science
progresses in a seemingly dialectical manner by successive divergences and
convergences, by successive reductions and integrations.
The chapter by Masters proceeded from the perspective of evolutionary
neuroscience to examine the effects of environmental pollution upon abnormal
social behavior. Masters presented provocative and disturbing evidence that the
introduction of heavy metals (e.g., lead, cadmium, aluminum, and others) into
the environment through industry and technology has produced defects in the
functioning of our evolved neural architecture contributing to violent behavior
and learning deficits. These heavy elements were not present at modern levels in
our environment of evolutionary adaptation and therefore our nervous system
did not evolve adequate protection against them. When uptaken into the brain
and nervous system, these elements interfere with the normal neurological
functioning and information processing. Social science has previously attempted
to explain the resulting deviancy by purely social factors. Masters argued that a
complete understanding—even prevention and mitigation—of such deviant
behaviors must include a full grasp of the new findings proceeding from
evolutionary neuroscience. Based upon a clearly demonstrated need for such
cross-disciplinary exchange, Masters concluded with an appeal for an end to
academic insularity and convergence to a unified scientific approach to confront
the challenges of our industrial and technological civilization.
The chapters in Part VI carried forward the challenge by Masters for a
convergence with the social sciences necessitated by the advances in
evolutionary biology and neuroscience. Proceeding from a different level of
integration toward the same objective of convergence, they comprised a
bridging effort between the concepts of evolutionary neuroethology and those of
social psychology and socio-economic theory. Peterson drew upon MacLean's
thought to discuss the human tendency to give created beliefs superordinate
status. This tendency to reification becomes understandable when seen as rooted
in the species-typical ritualizing behaviors of the neostriatum, MacLean's
protoreptilian brain. Peterson argued that although reification and the related
concept of hegemony have stabilizing effects on society, they also contributed to
the sanctifying of domination and social inequality.
Bailey presented his model of paleopsychology, which builds upon and
extends MacLean's research and concepts, to develop new clinical insights as
well as a bridge from individual into social psychology. Bailey saw the human
brain as capable of upshifting to control by the higher and more recently evolved
neocortical centers as well as downshifting to control by the more primitive
400 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
The foregoing paragraphs have shown the various convergences from several
disciplinary perspectives, some of which also indicate frontiers for future
research. In this remaining section we will point out further the frontiers of
research and integration that challenge us from the evolutionary perspective.
The frontiers of research extend in both directions from evolutionary
neuroscience—up the scale of integration and down—in both reductive and
holistic directions. The emergent disciplines of biophysics and molecular bio-
logy are moving us in a reductive direction that is throwing almost dazzling new
light on the nature of life itself and the evolutionary process. New detail and
new concepts will emerge as the linkages between ancient DNA, RNA,
neuropeptide and protein configurations, and body plans merge with our still-
developing grasp of brain evolution.
In the opposite direction, moving up the scale of integration, new research
and developments are taking us up the standard hierarchy of academic
disciplines, giving us new insights into our psychological, even social and
economic functioning. For instance, the pleasure-pain principle has been a
mainstay of psychoanalytical as well as behavioral psychology since Freud's
popularization of it in his writings. This was complemented more recently by the
agonic/hedonic systems structure so effectively presented and developed by
Michael R. A. Chance and others (see Chance, 1988, 1984; also Montagner et al.
1970; Hold 1976; Pearce and Newton 1969). Both perspectives have led to
useful insights and interpretations. MacLean's formulation further provides the
foundation in neuroscience for the emergence of another perspective on the
structure of behavior—the dynamic interplay of self-preservation and affectional
circuitry, neocortically represented in the concepts of ego and empathy as set out
by Cory (1999; also this volume). Neither perspective is exclusive of the others
but each allows insightful and useful discriminations and interpretations that
vary from their particular viewpoints. The evolutionary perspective based on
MacLean's triarchic concept presents a frontier for research that has yet to be
fully explored in its implications for social theory.
Also at the immediate frontier of research is the necessity to integrate with
evolutionary neuroscience the findings of the research programs progressing
under the general academic rubric of evolutionary psychology. In their article
"The Seven Sins of Evolutionary Psychology" Panksepp and Pankepp (2000)
have detailed convincingly the case for integration. As noted in the introductory
chapter, current mainstream evolutionary psychology fails to even acknowledge
the seminal early work of evolutionary neuroscience. Cory's proposed linkage
of Hamilton's rule and the reciprocal algorithms of our evolved neural architec-
ture may represent a helpful step in that direction. We should correct this
isolation first in such closely related fields so that we are avoiding needless
duplication of effort—reinvention of the wheel. In our departmented university
system of disciplines, such isolation persists in many areas of modern science.
A full integration of evolutionary neuroscience with evolutionary psychology is
in the interest of good science and will avoid the repetition of awkward
402 The Evolutionary Neuroethology of Paul MacLean
Chance, Michael R. A. 1984. "Biological Systems Synthesis of Mentality and the Nature
of the Two Modes of Mental Operation: Hedonic and Agonic." Man-Environment
Systems, 14 (2), 143-157.
Chance, Michael R. A. (Ed.). 1988. Social Fabrics of the Mind. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates.
Cory, Gerald A., Jr. 1999. The Reciprocal Modular Brain in Economics and Politics.
NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Cory, Gerald A., Jr. 2000. Toward Consilience: The Bioneurological Basis of Behavior,
Thought, Experience, and Language. NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Damasio, A. R. 1999. The Feeling of What Happens. NY: Harcourt Brace.
Gilsofi, Carl V. and Francisco Mora. 2000. The Hot Brain: Survival, Temperature, and
the Human Body. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Hold, B.C.L. 1976. "Attention structure and rank specific behaviour in pre-school
children." In M.R.A. Chance and R.R. Larsen (eds.) The Social Structure of Atten-
tion. NY: John Wiley.
Lawrence, Paul R. and Nohria, Nitin. 2002. Driven: How Human Nature Shapes Our
Choices. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Lieberman, Philip. 2000. Human Language and Our Reptilian Brain. Cambridge, MA:
Harvard University Press.
Margulis, Lynn. 1998. Symbiotic Planet: A New Look at Evolution. NY: Basic Books.
Margulis, Lynn and Sagan, Dorion. 1997. Slanted Truths: Essays on Gaia, Symbiosis and
Evolution. NY: Copernicus Books.
Convergences and Frontiers 403
Montagner. H.; Henry, J.; Lombardst, ML; Restoin, A.; Benedini, M.; Godard, F.; Boillot,
F., Pretot, M.; Bolzoni, D.; Burnod, J.; & Nicolas, R. 1970. "Behavioral: Profile and
Corticosteriod Excretion Rhythms in Young Children from 1-6 years." In V.
Reynolds and N.G. Burton-Jones (eds.). Human Behavior and Adaptation. London:
Taylor and Francis.
Panksepp, Jaak. 1998. Affective Neuroscience. NY: Oxford University Press.
Panksepp, Jaak and Jules B. Panksepp. 2000. "The Seven Sins of Evolutionary
Psychology." Pp 108-131 in Evolution and Cognition, Vol 6, No 2.
Pearce. J. and S. Newton. 1969 The Conditions of Human Growth. NY: Citadel.
Pinker, Steven. 1997. How the Mind Works. NY: Norton.
Wilson, Edward O. 1998 Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge. NY: Alfred A. Knopf.
Wilson, Edward O. 1993. "Analyzing the Superorganism: The Legacy of Whitman and
Wheeler." Pp. 243-255 in The Biological Century. Ed. by R. B. Barlow, Jr., J. E.
Dowling, and G. Weissmann. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Gardner, R., xxxiii, 40, 44, 85, 1 0 2 - Gouldner, A., 360, 378
103 116, 131-132, 149-150, 341 Grafman, J., 25
395-396 Graham, R., 149
Garey, L., 165 Gram, L., 174, 179,189
Garrison, F., 134, 149 Gramski, A., 299, 308-310, 313
Gaudiano, P., 392 Graybiel, A., 48-56, 58, 61, 75-77, 79,
Gauthier, J., 80 81
Gawin, F., 142, 149 Greenberg, N., xxxiii, 45, 165, 396
Gazzaniga, M., 91-92, 103, 257, 2 7 5 - Gromminger, O., 76
276, 294, 378 Groenewegen, H., 48, 78
Gee, H., 103 Grossberg, S., 384-385, 388, 392, 3 9 3 -
Gehring, W., 18, 26, 44, 96, 103 394
Geist, V., 317, 322-326, 330, 332-333, Grossman, J., 375, 378
341 Grossman, P., 378
Gemar, M., 122, 132 Gruenewald, T., 381
George, A., 148 Gruter, M , 184, 189, 293-294
George, K., 295 Guillemin, R., 303, 313
George, M , 74 Guillery, R., 352, 381
Gergel, I., 132 Gulson, B., 282, 294
German, D., 78 Gurdjieff, 113, 115
Geschwind, N., 168, 188 Gurung, R., 381
Ghiglieri, M., 339, 341 Gutbrod, K., 353, 381
Giammanco, S., 267-268, 274 Gutnick, M , 353, 378
Gibson, K., 378
Gilbert, P., 100, 104, 125-126, 1 3 1 - Haber, S., 56, 78
132, 138, 143-144, 149-150, 213, Hadley, M., 63, 78
317,321-323,341 Haeckel, E., 10, 17
Gillberg, C., 161, 165 Haig, D., 255, 257
Gilsofi, C., 399, 402 Hailman, J., 54, 78
Gintis, H., 360, 376 Haider, G., 44
Girgis, M , 203,212 Haley, J., 131
Glantz, K., 143, 149, 332, 340-341 Halgren, E., 200, 210, 212
Glausiusz, J., 255 Hall, B., 17-18, 26
Glod, C . 74 Hall, L., 74
Gloor, P., 24, 26, 103, 185, 187-189, Hall, V., 227, 394
196, 198, 200, 202,212, 228 Hallett, M., 25
Glowinski, J., 78, 81 Hamburg, D., 338, 343
Godard, F., 403 Hameroff, S., 375, 379
Goddard, C., 174, 179, 185-186, 188- Hamilton, S., 163, 166, 304, 314
189 Hamilton, W., 149, 255, 360, 367, 376,
Goldberg, E., 351, 378 379
Goldenberg, G., 60, 76 Hanson, N., 169, 179, 189
Goldstein, D., 63, 76 Happe, F„ 163, 165
Goldstein, K., 228 Harley, J., 12, 27
Gonzalez, A., 46, 50, 64, 79 Harlow, H., 8, 133, 148-149, 373, 379
Goodall, J., 261,373, 378 Harlow, M., 149, 379
Goodman, D., 293 Harper, R., 75
Goodwin, B., 257 Harrington, A., 10, 26, 345, 379
Goos, L., 256 Harris, Eric, 317, 324, 336-340
Gould, S., 18, 32, 36, 165, 333, 341, Harris, J., xxxiv, 155, 165, 249, 257,
343 377, 397
Name Index 411
Harris, S., 228 Hodos, W., 12, 16, 21-23, 25, 46, 75,
Hart, L., 321-322, 341-342 116
Harm, E., 352, 376, 379 Hoebel, B., 294
Hartmann, L., 145, 149 Hoffman, A., 78, 185, 188
Hasey, G., 125, 131 Hoffman, M., 63, 375, 379
Hashimoto, R., 60, 78 Hofstader, D., 374, 379
Hauser, M., 157, 255 Hogness, D., 44
Hawking, S., 328-329 Holahan, J., 74
Hayek, F., 169-170, 189, Hold, B., 401^102
Hayes, A., 52, 59, 78, Hollandsworth, J., 313
Hayes, B., 236, 255 Holloway, R., 212, 321-322, 341
Hazrati, L., 46-47, 59, 63, 80 Holstege, G., 80
Heath, R., 185, 189 Holt, D., 56, 78
Heckers, S., 56, 78 Holthoff-Detto, V., 14, 26
Heidegger, M., 310, 313 Hone, B., 277-280, 283, 289, 295
Heidnik, Gary, 328 Hornak, I , 213
Heilman, K., 303, 313 Hornykiewicz, O., 191, 303, 313
Heimer, L., 52, 76, 78 Horowitz, S., 188
Heiss, W., 26 Houk, J., 48, 52, 75, 391, 394
Helbing, D., 255 Hovde, K., 78
Heller, W., 350, 379 Howell, T., 139
Hen, R., 140, 149 Hrdy, S., 234, 256
Henderson, L., 273 Huether, G., 63, 78
Henderson, R., 44 Hugdahl, K., 377
Hendrickson, C., 26 Hull, C., 312
Henriksen, L., 79 Hume, D., 375
Henry, J., 145, 149, 402 Humphrey, N., 373-374, 379
Herbert, E., 43 Humphrey, T., 199, 203,212
Hercus, M., 63, 78 Hunt, M., 301, 313
Hereford, S., 341 Huntingford, F., 116, 196, 212
Herholz, K., 26 Huntington, A., 295
Herman, M., 24, 78 Hussein, Saddam, 117
Hernandez, A., 79 Huttenlocher, P., 138, 149
Herrero Hernandez, E., 294 Huxley, J., 53, 78
Herrick, C., 6, 97, 104, 275 Huxley, T., 157, 165
Herrnstein, R., 325, 330, 341 Hyde, T., 78
Hersh, L., 78 Hyman, S., 150
Herve, D., 49, 78-79
Hess, E., 257 Ingle, D., 77
Hess, G., 149 Ingrao, B., 366, 379
Hesse, H., 160 Insel, T., 55, 74, 78
Heymer, A., 54, 78 Iqbal, M., 75
Hickman, C., 12, 26 Irwin, I., 72-73, 79
Hickman, F., 26 Isaac, G., 360, 373, 379
Higgins, J., 25 Isaacson, R., 265, 274 305, 313
Hilburn-Cobb, C., 121, 131 Israel, G., 366, 379
Hill, D., 143, 149 Itzkoff, S., xxxiv, 259, 398
Hillegaart, V., 78 Ivry, R., 294
Hinde, R., 326, 341, 379, 389
Hirosaka, O., 79 Jablonski, D., 63, 69, 78
Hitri, A., 151 Jackson, D., 116, 131
412 Name Index
Jackson, J., 31, 40, 43, 133, 149, 218, Kawagoe, R., 79
227, 275 Keck, P., 141, 149
Jackson, R., 277, 295 Keefe, R., 217, 341
James, W., 4 Keele, S., 78
Jamison, K., 256 Keenleyside, M., 144, 150
Jani, N., xxxv, 383, 400 Keff, A., 116
Janssen, P., 141-142, 149 Keil, F., 79
Janvier, P., 273 Kellam, S., 227
Jasper, H., 6, 218-220. 226-227, Kellerman, H., 8
398 Kelly, J., 295, 304, 313
Jencks, C , 353, 375, 379 Kelly, P., 314
Jenike, M , 166 Kelly, S., 295
Jenner, P., 71-72, 79 Kemp, G., 75
Jennett, B, 205, 211 Kemp, J., 303, 313
Jenssen, T., 54, 78 Kemper, T., 146, 150, 161-162, 164
Jerison, H., 263, 265, 273-274, 398 Kendler, K., 228
Jessell, T., 6, 26, 198, 212, 312, 373, Kendrick, D., 317, 341
377, 379 Kerbeshian, J., 104
Jog, M., 52, 55, 78 Kerr, M , 255
Johanson, D., 320, 322, 341 Kessler, J., 26
Johanson, Z., 274 Kevles, D., 104
Johansson, M., 165 Keverne, E., 81
Johnson, D., 80 Keyes, D., 303, 311, 313
Johnson, R., 131 Khuder, S., 296
Joiner, T., 116 Kieffer, J., 294
Jones, B., 228 Kilts, C., 80
Jones, D., 79 Kim, C., 79
Jones, R., 77 Kimble, D., 5, 7, 15, 26
Jouvet, M., 159, 165 Kimelberg, M., 276-277, 283, 293
Juberg, D., 295 Kimura, D., 256
Jueptner, M , 52, 79 Kimura, M , 33, 43, 77
Jung, C , 183, 189 Kinkle, Kip, 280
Kinsey, W., 381
Kaada, B., 3, 7, 185, 189 Kirkpatrick, B., 25, 376
Kaas, J., 103 Kirkpatrick, S, 255
Kaftawy, A., 244, 294 Kitt, C., 63, 75, 79
Kagan, J., 95, 104 Klebold, D., 317, 324, 336-340
Kahn, R., 149 Klein, D., 131
Kakade, S., 76 Klein, L., 381
Kalin, N., 26 Kleinman, J., 78
Kandel, E., 16, 26, 93, 104, 198, 212, Kleinow, K., 77
352, 373, 379 Kling, A., 184, 189, 197-199, 202, 206,
Kandler, O., 273 212,
Kanner, L., 165 Klopf A., 384-385, 392-393
Kant, I., 182, 189 Klopfer, P., 75
Kaplan, H., 116 Kluver, FL, 133, 148, 150,
Karoum, F., 151 Knecht, J., 160
Kaszniak, A., 378-379 Knobil, E., 380
Katz, B., 294-295 Knowlton, B., 52, 79
Kauffman, S., xxxiv, 232, 234, 236, Knutson, B., 130-131
238, 244, 250, 255, 398 Ko, G., 149
Name Index 413
Urbilateralia, 34, 42
James Brody, Clinical Psychologist, 1262 West Bridge St., Spring City, PA
Gerald A. Cory, Jr., Director, The Center for Behavioral Ecology and San Jose
State University, San Jose, CA