BAM 127 Day 6 - TG
BAM 127 Day 6 - TG
BAM 127 Day 6 - TG
Productivity Tip: Take breaks, there’s a limit to how long anybody can devote deep focus to a task.
Give a brief recap of the topics from module 4. Call 2-3 students to recite and share his/her
takeaways from the latter. Also, ask if there are some questions or clarification from your previous
Relate the Gross Income and the Situs of income to today’s lesson objectives.
One of the inherent limitations of the power to tax is territoriality. It means that Philippine tax
laws can only be enforced within the Philippine Territory. In today’s module, we will discuss the
different classes of taxpayers, as defined by NIRC, and identify who among them will be subjected
to Philippine Tax laws.
a. Residents of the Philippines [Secs. 23 (A) and 24 (A)]
Citizens of the Philippines b. Not Residents of the Philippines [Secs. 23 (B) and 24 (A)]
c. OFW and Seaman [Sec. 23 (C) and 24 (A)]
a. Residents of the Philippines
Aliens b. Not Residents of the Philippines [Secs. 22 (G); 23 (D); 25 (A) and
c. Aliens employed by multinational companies, offshore banking
units, and petroleum contractors and subcontractors
An estate, in common law, is the net worth of a person at any point
in time alive or dead. It is the sum of a person's assets – legal rights,
interests, and entitlements to property of any kind – less all liabilities
Estates and Trusts at that time. The issue is of special legal significance on a question of
bankruptcy and the death of the person
3. Resident Alien – a person who resides in the Philippines but is not a citizen thereof. The
intention is material for the determination. An alien who stays in the Philippines for more than 1
year is considered a resident.
4. Non-resident Alien – a person who does not resides in the Philippines and not a citizen
4.1 Non-resident Alien – ETB – Stays for more than 180 days during the taxable year.
4.2 Non-resident Alien – NETB - Stays 180 days at most during the taxable year.
Domestic Corporations Domestic Corporations are liable to pay corporate income tax from
(Sec. 27) sources within or without.
a. Resident Corporations - foreign corporations engaged in trade
Foreign Corporations or business in the Philippines; Not Residents of the Philippines
[Secs. 22 (G); 23 (D); 25 (A) and (B)
b. Non-resident corporations - foreign corporations not engaged
in business or trade in the Philippines.
Partnerships a. Taxable Partnership
b. Exempt Partnership
- General Professional Partnership (GPP)
- Joint Venture or Consortium…
1. Domestic Corporation –a corporation created and organized under the law of the Philippines;
2. Foreign Corporations – are those which are created and organized under foreign laws:
a. Resident – having a permanent establishment/branch in the Philippines, acquiring residency for
tax purposes; b. Non-resident – no permanent establishment in the Philippines; not regularly
engaged in trade or business in the Philippines
SEC. 23. General Principles of Income Taxation in the Philippines. - Except when otherwise provided in this
(A) A citizen of the Philippines residing therein is taxable on all income derived from sources within and without
the Philippines;
(B) A nonresident citizen is taxable only on income derived from sources within the Philippines;
(C) An individual citizen of the Philippines who is working and deriving income from abroad as an overseas
contract worker is taxable only on income derived from sources within the Philippines: Provided, That a seaman
who is a citizen of the Philippines and who receives compensation for services rendered abroad as a member of
the complement of a vessel engaged exclusively in international trade shall be treated as an overseas contract
(D) An alien individual, whether a resident or not of the Philippines, is taxable only on income derived from
sources within the Philippines;
(E) A domestic corporation is taxable on all income derived from sources within and without the Philippines; and
(F) A foreign corporation, whether engaged or not in trade or business in the Philippines, is taxable only on
income derived from sources within the Philippines.
Taxability of Individuals
Note: For simplicity, resident citizens are taxable on their worldwide income, while all the rest (Non-
resident Citizens and Aliens [whether resident or non-resident) are taxable only on their income from
sources within the Philippines.
Taxability of Corporations
Congratulations for finishing day 3! Consistency is key, keep it up! Shade the number of the module that you
Did you have challenges learning the concepts in this module? If none, which parts of the module helped you
learn the concepts?
1. Who are citizens of the Philippines –Under Sec. 1, Art. IV of the 1987 Constitution, the
following are citizens of the Philippines.
(1) Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of this Constitution;
(2) Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines;
(3) Those born before January 17, 1973, of Filipino Mothers, who elect Philippine citizenship
upon reaching the age of majority; and
(4) Those who are naturalized in accordance with law.
b. A citizen of the Philippines who leaves the Philippines during the taxable year to reside abroad,
either as an immigrant or for employment on a permanent basis. A good example would be
Overseas Contract Workers (OCW) or Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) who were issued an
overseas employment permit. For purposes of income tax, a seaman is considered an OCW.
c. A citizen of the Philippines who works and derives income from abroad and whose employment
thereat requires him to be physically present abroad most of the time during the taxable year.
“Most of the time” meaning at least 183 days. (Sec. 2 of RR No. 1-79)
d. A citizen who has been previously considered a non-resident citizen and who arrives in the
Philippines at any time during the taxable year to reside permanently in the Philippines shall
likewise be treated as a non-resident citizen for the taxable year with respect to his income
derived from sources abroad until the date of his arrival in the Philippines. (Sec. 22[E] of the Tax
Key to Corrections:
Exercise 1
Exercise 2