LR Paper
LR Paper
LR Paper
As more and more crime takes on a digital aspect, law enforcement bodies must tackle an online environ-
ment generating huge volumes of data. Manual inspections becoming increasingly infeasible, law enforce-
ment bodies are optimising online investigations through data-mining technologies. Such technologies must
be well-designed and rigorously grounded, yet no survey of the online data-mining literature exists which
examines their techniques, applications and rigour. This article remedies this gap through a systematic
mapping study describing online data mining literature which visibly targets law enforcement applications,
using evidence-based practices in survey-making to produce a replicable analysis which can be methodolog-
ically examined for deficiencies.
Categories and Subject Descriptors: [Applied computing]: Surveillance mechanisms; [Social and pro-
fessional topics]: Government surveillance; [General and reference]: Surveys and overviews
General Terms: Documentation, Security, Measurement
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Systematic survey, literature review, online data mining, OSINT, open-
source intelligence, law enforcement, cybercrime
ACM Reference Format:
Edwards, M., Rashid, A., and Rayson P., 2015. A Systematic Survey of Online Data Mining Technology
Intended for Law Enforcement ACM Comput. Surv. 48, 1, Article 1 (July 2015), 56 pages.
The increasing fusion of digital and physical life presents two key challenges to law
enforcement agencies: the population’s online presence means law enforcement must
learn to adapt to crimes taking place only online, and yet this increasingly digital
interaction also provides a valuable and increasingly necessary evidential resource
for officers investigating both physical and online crimes. With Internet accessibility
widening and more and more crime taking on a digital aspect, online investigation is
becoming a critical tool for law enforcement organisations, and scientific examination
of such processes becomes ever more a key issue.
With manual inspection of online information being labour-intensive and the un-
precedented scale of information online, law enforcement agencies seek to optimise
their surveillance or investigation of online data sources through the use of various
data mining technologies. This behaviour has diverse implications, including raising
social and ethical questions about privacy and the role of state surveillance as well as
posing unique technical challenges for the data mining technologies being employed.
The field of computer science, particularly data mining research, has a key role to
play in shaping the future of these investigations. To date there is no comprehensive
Authors’ address: Security Lancaster, School of Computing and Communications, InfoLab21, Lancaster Uni-
versity, UK
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ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 48, No. 1, Article 1, Publication date: July 2015.
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survey which draws together those problems already being addressed in the computer
science literature around this field and highlights which areas need to be given more
attention. Our aim in this paper is to remedy this gap by identifying open research
problems and a research agenda for the community at large.
While the broader aim of our study is to survey the literature for gaps, guiding
questions were developed to help target the extraction of information:
(1) What are the problems (crimes, investigative requirements) are being addressed
in the literature?
(2) Which online data sources are being used?
(3) What are the methods (data mining techniques) which are being employed to pro-
vide solutions?
(4) Are studies making use of multiple data sources?
(5) Are studies validating their contribution’s utility to law enforcement practitioners?
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 48, No. 1, Article 1, Publication date: July 2015.
A Systematic Survey of Online Data Mining Technology Intended for Law Enforcement 1:3
A systematic literature review (SLR) attempts to provide answers to a specific research
question through a transparent and objective approach to the collection and synthesis
of existing scientific literature on the topic. This method can be contrasted with non-
systematic literature reviews, whose contents may be unrepresentative of a field of
research due to, for example, narrative-driven distortion, where reviewers include only
papers whose findings support their line of argument; or narrowness of study, where
reviewers are unaware of a large number of relevant publications because they were
never personally exposed to them.
In designing our survey, we drew heavily on the work of [Okoli and Schabram 2010],
which recommends an explicit eight-step system to SLRs. Certain key deviations from
this procedure adapted the process to the specific form of systematic literature review
we engaged in, namely, a systematic mapping study (SMS). A description of the main
features of SMSs is provided by [Budgen et al. 2008], but the key distinction between
the two types can be summarised as an SMS being an SLR which aims to more broadly
survey the available literature rather than answer specific research questions.
1 These were identified through a series of pilot searches to determine the relevance and effectiveness of
particular search strings.
2 In the ScienceDirect search engine, queries matching over 1000 results will only return the first 1000 items,
and a similar effect at 2000 results is observed in the IEEExplore search engine. None of our search queries
reached such limits.
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(3) Does the study appear to have a methodology which involves either fully auto-
mated or machine-assisted processing of data?
Following the screening process, we gathered all references from each of the 116
accepted papers, along with all papers identified by Google Scholar as having cited the
accepted items. These were also put through the screening process above.
2.3. Limitations
There are a number of limitations inherent in the methodology of this review which
should be considered when examining its results. The most prominent is that the
judgement of whether any candidate article met the inclusion criteria was performed
by only one person. This increases the risk of reviewer bias and human error affecting
results, especially with regards to the classification of borderline cases. An alternate
methodology using multiple reviewers could mitigate this risk, but raises new prob-
lems of inter-reviewer consistency, not to mention practical considerations of funding
and training. A sample of candidate articles were independently reviewed by a second
reviewer following the same protocol, with a disagreement rate of 15% between the
two reviewers over the acceptance of articles.
The range of our query terms was necessarily limited in order to produce a man-
ageable volume of candidate articles to be considered for inclusion. While efforts were
made to select the most relevant query terms, a side effect of this necessarily limited
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A Systematic Survey of Online Data Mining Technology Intended for Law Enforcement 1:5
range is that some relevant works may not have been considered for inclusion in the
The use of search terms which explicitly reference crime and law enforcement meant
that only papers which explicitly identified their methods as being relevant to such an
application area would be included. As such, papers describing methods which are or
may be useful to law enforcement in online data mining tasks may have escaped inclu-
sion. Additionally, we must consider the possibility that research behind tools devel-
oped specifically for law enforcement application in this domain may have been with-
held from publication, either due to commercial confidentiality or for considerations
of the public good. Indeed, since the collection of data for this review was completed,
mainstream attention has been drawn to the revealed reality of this possibility [Green-
wald et al. 2013].
The initial sources considered for analysis were four large computer science publi-
cation databases. While other sources were therefore initially excluded, there was no
source restriction (beyond attainability) placed on items from papers’ citation lists or
papers identified by Google Scholar as having cited included titles. In total, 93 confer-
ences and 59 journals provided articles. The most prominent venues in the accepted
paper corpus were the IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics conference, and the
Digital Investigation journal.
Within the 206 papers reviewed, we identified 8 broad problem topics that the papers
sought to address; represented as columns in Table II:
(1) Financial crime, which relates to fraud or crimes like copyright infringement whose
principle damage is economic. Financial criminal activity does not always leave
visible traces in online data sources, as much financial information is kept pri-
vate. However, a number of specific areas are visible. Primarily there is the ex-
ample of copyright infringement, one of the more widespread criminal activities
visible online, can be examined via a number of public interfaces, not least the P2P
filesharing mechanisms often used to commit it. Another online lens into finan-
cial crime comes via online auction sites, whose transactions are to some extent
available to the public for scrutiny. Finally, when an allegation of fraud is being
investigated, the email records of suspects can indicate collusion and/or implicate
(2) Cybercrime, which is intended to cover crimes focused on information systems.
While a majority of cybercrime will take place online, and leave traces in data
sources such as firewall and server logs, much of this category of crime is excluded
from our study, as it involves a vast body of work in intrusion detection and similar
fields. The works which we did consider in the scope of this study which dealt with
cybercrime mostly focused on the social and economic background to cybercriminal
activity, often mined from online fora where criminals share or sell information.
(3) Criminal threats or harassment. The type of threat dealt with in this category
ranges from the identification of serious bomb and murder threats in messages, to
filtering instances of ‘trolling’, where the aim is merely to provoke shock. Identify-
ing such messages has proven more difficult than the identification of spam mail,
due to the varied possible representations of threats, and some form of sentiment
analysis may prove critical to any solution to this problem.
(4) Police intelligence — the creation of tools to support government or law-
enforcement in the general detection of crime – is one of broader problem cate-
gories when it comes to criminal acts addressed. Generally speaking, the interest
is in either the investigation of criminal organisations or some spatially-restricted
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prediction of crime, but other minor crimes are also addressed. A large body of this
work aims to augment police investigations by filtering knowledge from web-based
news articles, the intent being to provide situational awareness and keep investi-
gators abreast with public information.
(5) Crimes against children, including grooming and child trafficking. Online groom-
ing of children has become very high-profile, and a number of publications focus
on means of detecting it – either by identifying the age of a conversational partner
or by directly modelling predatory behaviour in instant messaging conversation.
Other online data is also examined in relation to these crimes, most significantly
filesharing networks which are often used to distribute images or videos of child
(6) Criminal or otherwise links to extremism and terrorism. The specific nature of
the problem addressed is entirely focused on either white supremacists from the
United States or else Islamic fundamentalists. In both cases, the primary online
lenses into the groups are the online fora they use to discuss matters pertaining
to their ideologies, and much of the research effort is in examining their social
networks and analysing the persuasive techniques they have employed.
(7) Identification of online individuals in criminal contexts. The Internet being a the-
oretically anonymous medium, a critical issue for many criminal matters is identi-
fying a person. Given the highly-textual nature of much online activity, means for
identifying a person from their writing dominate this problem, but data sources
can be diverse, including email, online posts, instant messaging logs and even im-
Table II. Number of studies for each Method and Problem category. Row totals indicate the number of papers per method, but rows will
not add up to these totals due to multiple-problem studies. Similarly, the totals will not sum to 206 because of multiple method categories
being assigned to several papers and the column totals indicate papers per problem, not counting duplicates across rows.
Finance Cybercrime Harassment Unclear Intelligence Children Extremism Identification Total
CV 3 0 2 2 0 6 2 6 21
SNA 2 2 0 0 8 0 9 1 22
IE 2 4 0 2 14 6 14 0 39
ML 3 1 7 4 3 4 10 11 43
NLP:AA 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 28 30
NLP:AP 0 0 1 1 0 14 2 1 19
NLP:SA 0 0 5 0 0 0 8 0 13
NLP:TC 2 1 4 1 3 7 4 1 23
NLP:O 0 0 0 7 0 1 0 0 8
ETC 2 6 0 2 3 5 4 9 29
Total 12 14 14 15 24 37 47 48 206
Additionally, some papers made reference to criminality in a broad sense, but ap-
peared not to address specific crimes or categories of crime. These were labelled as
‘Unclear’. Some papers were labelled as addressing multiple problem topics. The most
prominent problem topic was online identification — broadly, the problem of identify-
ing individuals based on only online data, a problem which was particularly related to
the analysis of malicious emails and language-based classifiers. This topic was closely
matched numerically by those papers addressing extremism or terrorism. Generally,
the crimes most often focused on were terrorism or extremism related, or else linked
to crimes against children.
Also identified were five broad classes of method common to several papers, includ-
ing different types of online data being gathered and analysed. These are represented
as rows in Table II. Of the method categories, the largest was natural language pro-
cessing (NLP), with machine learning (ML), information extraction (IE), social net-
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A Systematic Survey of Online Data Mining Technology Intended for Law Enforcement 1:7
work analysis (SNA) and computer vision (CV) falling far behind. Some papers did not
fit into these five categories neatly, so a miscellaneous (‘ETC’) category houses them.
The NLP subsection, due to being much greater in size, is broken down into Authorship
Attribution (AA), Author Profiling (AP), Sentiment Analysis (SA), Text Classification
(TC) and Other Methods (O). Data types observed included web page and forum con-
tents, including data from social networks, email data, instant messaging data and
network traces.
We next provide a short analysis of each paper collected. These reviews are collected
by topic area in order to facilitate access for researchers from different fields. Each of
the following subsections discusses papers grouped by the broad class of the method
they follow, with the nested subsections further dividing the topic by the broad class of
the problem addressed.
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[Mohamed and Yampolskiy 2012a; Mohamed and Yampolskiy 2012b] both continue
with the use of wavelet-based local binary patterns, for re-detecting avatar faces, but
with new variations, one making use of Eigenfaces and the other making use of di-
rectional statistical features. Both experiments re-used the Second Life and Entropia
datasets presented in the previous publications. In the first of these two publications,
the authors mention the design of a fully automated system for addressing the crop-
ping problem as a target for ongoing work. In the second, the authors include a com-
parison of the classification time for a number of leading techniques, an important
consideration for any near-realtime detection and recognition system.
In summary, this niche area of facial recognition has shown significant development
with regards to the core task of re-identification of avatars from within an online en-
vironment like Second Life or Entropia. Still awaiting research is meaningful deploy-
ment of these classification systems, with work evaluating automated cropping and
exploring usable interfaces to the online environment appearing on the horizon. In
crossing realities, some initial work evaluating the traceability of the results of auto-
matic avatar generation has been undertaken (e.g. [Klare et al. 2011]), but it remains
to be seen if links between a user’s visual appearance and virtual avatar can be deter-
mined, or indeed if avatars are consistent across online environments.
Other computer vision work on identification includes that of [Zhang et al. 2009] and
[Wei et al. 2008]. [Zhang et al. 2009] focus specifically on image spam — spam emails
which make use of text presented as images in order to avoid text-based filtering tech-
niques. They cluster spam images by visual features, and report a high success rate
with respect to a manually-identified ground truth. Their approach analyses images
for evidence of various types of template being reused by spammers, as divined by lay-
out, colour and texture. What they do not report in this paper is whether typical spam
filtering, or indeed linguistic analysis, can be applied to text extracted via optical char-
acter recognition. [Wei et al. 2008] describe a more general spam-origin toolkit which
makes use of website image comparison (from following links in spam emails) as one
tool in its arsenal, alongside WHOIS and IP lookup information and more typical email
attributes such as subject lines. While their analysis of a researcher-gathered dataset
appears to reveal interesting clusters of spam, and the utility of the website image
comparison in particular is demonstrated by all but one cluster centring on one web-
site image, an evaluation against manually-identified ground truth would be stronger
justification of the method’s validity.
3.1.2. Computer Vision and Crimes against Children. Computer vision’s role in preventing
crimes against children is mostly connected to the recognition of child abuse imagery
in an online population of images. This can be either searching for known child abuse
imagery in order to filter it or identify distributors, or else identifying new examples.
A common problem in the second domain is distinguishing between ordinary adult
pornographic material and images of children in pornographic context, which is highly
visually similar.
[Haggerty et al. 2008] present the FORWEB system, which focuses on forensic appli-
cations of existing signature analysis and web-crawling systems, the key motivation of
the authors being to automate the search and discovery process involving networked
servers. They clearly distinguish their approach from established storage media anal-
ysis tools like EnCase in much the same way as this review separates these areas
of study. Their file-fingerprinting scheme aims to identify images based on properties
which are much less likely to be affected by the simple alterations which throw off
hash-based file comparisons, and combined with the spidering bot this becomes a use-
ful tool for detecting known malicious images. Like all such tools, this relies on the
existence of an up-to-date database of known suspect files (a resource which may in
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A Systematic Survey of Online Data Mining Technology Intended for Law Enforcement 1:9
itself bring significant performance overhead) and does not address the aim of identi-
fying unknown media of a suspect nature.
[Ibrahim 2009] takes a quite different approach, detailing a method whereby image
files are identified on the network, reconstructed and then classified as either child
abuse media or not by both a machine learning system and an image matching system
similar to FORWEB’s fingerprinting scheme — the intent being that such a system
would be installed on network boundaries to filter child abuse material. Aside from
concerns about network performance, a major weakness of their trial of the system is
that for legal reasons their system only attempted to distinguish between nude and
non-nude images, which is clearly a far easier task than distinguishing child features
from adult ones.
This also applies to [Uke and Thool 2012], which opens with a motivation of pre-
venting child abuse, but in a sudden switch focuses on identifying pornographic video
scenes as a proxy. The paper neither provides an implementation nor an evaluation of
the system, merely outlining methods to be explored.
This more difficult child-recognition task is tackled by [Islam et al. 2011]. They fo-
cus on detecting child exploitation material on social networks, but contribute an al-
gorithm which could equally apply to P2P networks. Their skin detection technique is
specifically tuned for the detection of child skin tones, and they also suggest techniques
which help detect pornographic context. While these proposed methods are indeed crit-
ical research areas for computer vision in child protection, the authors do not provide
the results of an evaluation or even a completed system.
Also attempting this task, [Shupo et al. 2006] aim at detecting child abuse mate-
rial on the network level, as an alternative to manually searching suspicious venues
or application-layer networks. Their classification system, consisting of a stochastic
learning weak estimator combined with a linear classifier, was trained and trialled
on a sanitised dataset provided by Candian law enforcement, a rare example of child
abuse imagery being available for training. Notably, the classifier was tested on par-
tial as well as whole images, taking into account likely fragmentation of images over a
network link. While valuable for this alone, the classifiers being trialled still produced
less-than-ideal rates of false positives for a tool to be deployed at the network level.
Estimations of the base rates for child abuse material versus adult pornography sug-
gest that alerts generated may be mostly incorrect – though this does not invalidate
the utility of the classifier as a tool for network monitoring, given appropriate human
3.1.3. Computer Vision and Threats or Harassment. There is a specific use-case for com-
puter vision in detecting visual (as opposed to verbal or written) forms of harassment
in video communication. As these systems are intended to be deployed on large video-
streaming populations, performance is critical to creating a deployable solution. The
particular misbehaviour discussed in these papers has some particular visual chal-
lenges regarding lighting and the potential detection of faces.
[Xing et al. 2011] outline an unusual problem specific to the anonymous video-
pairing site Chatroulette – users exposing themselves to strangers. They stress that
a considerable proportion of Chatroulette’s userbase would be classed as minors, and
that site policy on age restriction and obscenity is difficult to enforce due to the anony-
mous nature of the service. The authors note that de-anonymising the service could
solve this issue, but would damage one of the site’s key features in the process, and so
turn to video-analytic approaches for detecting offensive users. Their key observations
include that misbehaving users usually hide their faces, and that misbehaving users’
images differ from pornographic images in that they often stay partially clothed and
only expose their genitals. Their system therefore focuses on detecting user faces as a
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key feature in making a decision about the probability of misbehaviour, along with a
novel skin detection system which takes into account the abnormal context of webcam
images. While they evaluate their classification accuracy, they do not report on perfor-
mance speed, an issue which would appear critical for their problem domain, as extra
delay in connection would impair the appeal of the Chatroulette service.
[Cheng et al. 2012] refine this first approach into a fine-grained cascaded classifi-
cation solution which filters out easily disambiguated images earlier in the process
for the sake of efficiency. They also integrate new work on gathering contextual infor-
mation from webcam images and a new fusion system for combining probabilities of
misbehaviour. The improved system is evaluated against their older system and other
contenders, showing significant improvement, particularly in regard to the previously
unaddressed matter of classification latency.
3.1.4. Computer Vision and Terrorism/Extremism. A limited deployment of computer vision
techniques in counter-terrorism is seen in the context of the analysis of propaganda
videos released by jihadists. The problems they address are of coding the content of
the videos in a pseudo-automated fashion, where correct identification can be an aide
to intelligence work.
[Salem et al. 2006] present an exploratory study of jihadi videos which attempts to
highlight the research and intelligence need for automatic exploration of jihadi video
content, and produce a tool to support manual coding of videos for this purpose. The
results are demonstrative of the effectiveness of their analysis on a set of terrorist
videos and not that of the performance of their coding toolkit.
[Salem et al. 2008] provide an extended version of the same research, again with
more focus on the content analysis than on the support tool. In both cases, while the
authors’ work is presented as a stage towards automated video content analysis, the
requirements for progression from manual intervention are not fully detailed.
3.1.5. Computer Vision and Financial Crime. Computer vision has seen deployment in
anti-piracy efforts. The systems in this section are attempting to detect copies of re-
stricted material from being distributed online by comparing content to a stored visual
fingerprint of pirated material – techniques also deployed in detecting known child
abuse media. The problems addressed in these publications are primarily infrastruc-
tural, attempting to resolve detection efforts with minimal impact on legitimate traffic.
[Yin et al. 2009a; Hui et al. 2009] describe a system for large-scale online monitoring
at the Content Distribution Network level, wherein videos are fingerprinted based on
certain visual cues and compared to a blacklist of pirated material. Their system is
particularly notable due to the fact that it was actually deployed on a large CDN,
although the evaluation presented seems to be from laboratory results rather than
real-world performance. Nonetheless, it would appear that their system is resilient
to minor tampering such as is common with pirated material. Notably for a system
to be deployed at a large scale, the performance overhead is quite significant, with
fingerprinting and search time together incurring a 40 second delay, raising questions
about usability.
[Hui et al. 2012] address problems linked to the computational and networking over-
head of this large-scale video processing by deploying server clusters closer to the user
in the content distribution network and distributing tasks between nodes based on
proximity and computational load. This results in reduced processing time as com-
pared to existing approaches, but still requires well over a minute to perform detection
on movie-length items. It would appear that, despite ongoing work to address this
issue, there is scope for improvement in the efficiency and scalability of video copy
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A Systematic Survey of Online Data Mining Technology Intended for Law Enforcement 1:11
3.1.6. Other Computer Vision Applications. [Hu et al. 2007] target the detection of pornog-
raphy, but do so with reference to illegal or offensive activity — whether the authors
suspect that pornography is illegal, or target illegal pornography particularly but work
with proxy data, is unclear. Their method addresses not only image recognition, but
also the text processing of suspected pornographic web content, combining this infor-
mation in their classifier. Their contour-based detection method appears to perform
better than region-based skin detection, specifically with regard to false positive rates
including bikini or face-focused images.
[Wang et al. 2012] describe existing general-purpose information filtering systems
which they suggest could be used to defend users against various types of information,
insult or crime. A range of methods and systems for information filtering are outlined,
but neither methods nor systems are subject to a great deal of scrutiny. How informa-
tion filtering technologies such as those presented can be linked to the prevention of
crime is also not clearly outlined.
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[Patil et al. 2012] describe the Dark Web Attribute System which applies content and
link attributes to items from the Dark Web collection, calculating measures of techni-
cal sophistication for various linked terrorist websites. The evaluation lacks rigour,
however, and doesn’t effectively demonstrate what might well be useful annotation
[Chaurasia et al. 2012] describe the application of SNA techniques as part of a sys-
tem for identifying and monitoring terrorists at the ISP level, also advocating their sys-
tem’s use for targeted disruption of terrorist networks through identifying key nodes.
The paper describes only a theoretical system and provides no evaluation. Most press-
ingly for a paper advocating large-scale surveillance, they include no discussion of the
likely rate of false positives. Their baseline is also likely to be misleading, as they
base their threshold of typical terrorist behaviour on only terrorist content, ignoring
the possibility that terrorist individuals may access other sites. A more behaviourally
sound model of terrorist web usage would be of use in improving such a system.
[Negnevitsky et al. 2005] describe a method utilising social network analysis for
detecting changes in a group’s behavioural patterns, as observed via email communi-
cations. They particularly highlight homeland security and intelligence applications of
this method. They do not provide an evaluation in this paper, but discuss their ongoing
development of a simulated email dataset for that purpose. As they discuss, their cur-
rent model does not handle dynamic social networks such as those they expect in real
data, an area which needs redressing. A key limitation of any such simulation would
be its validity as a predictor of performance on a real email network – it would seem
more advisable to work with real email datasets in developing the analysis methods
outlined, even where this means working with proxy data rather than actual terrorist
network data.
[Sureka et al. 2010] analyse YouTube’s social graph to discover extremist videos
and communities. Their system works from a seed list of videos to discover YouTube
videos which are hate speech and users advocating acts of aggression. The authors
discuss the network properties of the connections they found – including the different
types of YouTube network – alongside brief topic analysis of user comments. The main
contribution here is the development of search support tools for an intelligence analyst,
adding structure and ranking content, but there is limited comment on the scope of the
In summary, social network analysis has been applied to a number of terrorism-
related datasets with some success, but current studies tend to present either toolsets
which, due to the nature of terrorist content, often cannot be evaluated easily, or else
exploratory analyses of a particular network which demonstrate some value but do
not generalise. A theme common to a small number of papers has been using topic
analysis of text to better subdivide communities of interest, but it would appear that
this approach has yet to be validated in a meaningful manner.
3.2.2. SNA and Police Intelligence. As with terrorist organisations, social network anal-
ysis has been applied to online information about criminal organisations, often mined
from news reports or other unstructured text documents. This provision provides for
opportunities – additional information on time or space of interactions may be avail-
able – but also additional challenges in that relationships are not necessarily correctly
represented in such secondary sources.
[Peng and Wang 2008] provide a case study where link analysis – with links in the
form of webpage co-occurrence – is used to trace a notorious violent criminal, produc-
ing link charts for known members of his gang and related individuals. The method
presented relies on Google search results to identify relevant web pages, which may
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picious information – while fully automated analysis is not necessarily desirable, for
purposes of evaluation it is necessary to distinguish the performance of the support
tool from the performance of the authors. A blinded study with a number of analy-
sis engine users compared to a number of manual analysis users would provide more
objective assessment of their network-mining engine’s utility.
3.2.3. SNA and Cybercrime. [Ma et al. 2011] focus on the construction of social networks
from email and blog data linked specifically to cybercriminal activity. The paper refers
most often to cybercrime as its motivation, but also to terrorists who ‘upload obscene
pictures’. The degree to which authorship identification techniques were applied is
[Nirkhi et al. 2012] apply SNA techniques — as part of a toolkit with other subsys-
tems — to help identify cybercriminals from email data. They appear to have imple-
mented their system and even gathered a dataset (Enron) to trial it on, but provide no
evaluation in this paper.
3.2.4. SNA and Financial Crime. [Gray and Debreceny 2007] address financial crime
through application of social network analysis in mining corporate emails to prevent
fraudulent transactions. Taking the approach that data outside the accounting infor-
mation system should help protect against fraud involving senior management figures,
they strive to mine both the textual content and social networks of email data. They
provide a competent review of relevant work and use the Enron email dataset as an
illustrative example.
[Pandit et al. 2007] also use SNA in detecting fraud, but as applied to transaction
data from online auctions. Their method, working as a third-party service, applies
Markov Random Fields to model the networks and belief propogation to detect fraud
within the network. Their positive evaluation includes both a synthetic dataset and
a transaction dataset scraped from the popular auction network eBay. A third-party
approach such as this would appear to allow their system to adapt to a number of
auction platforms, but with a risk of being rendered ineffectual by changes to site
templates or APIs.
3.2.5. SNA and Identification. [Hadjidj et al. 2009] turn SNA methods to forensic (i.e.
identification) analysis of temporal email data. The SNA component of this mostly text-
mining tool is employed to provide behavioural, temporal and geographic modelling
information. A partial evaluation of a different module of the toolset is provided using
the Enron email database, but the SNA component is presented merely as a useful
analytics and visualisation workbench.
3.2.6. SNA and Crimes Against Children. [Frank et al. 2010] examine the structure of on-
line child exploitation networks, building networks of websites based on their links
and a set of predefined bad keywords, with the ultimate goal of identifying the major
nodes whose removal would most disrupt online exploitation. They demonstrate their
deployment on four networks crawled from websites identified through search results,
identifying the key nodes through the top 10 values for in-degree and for severity of
content as identified through keywords. They also find that centrality does not cor-
relate with severity of content, but severe websites were highly linked to each other,
suggesting scope for targeting subnetworks of the most extreme material where law
enforcement resources are scarce.
3.3. Information Extraction
3.3.1. Information Extraction in Terrorism and Extremism. A variety of information extrac-
tion techniques can be applied in analysis of terrorists and extremism, including topic
mining and summarization. Websites and forums frequented by these groups are par-
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ticularly rich source of information. The main body of research tends to focus on either
white supremacist groups in the US or Islamic fundamentalists.
[Marcus 1998] describes a system called ProfileMiner for combating cyberterrorism.
This system amounts to an interface or series of interfaces to a database of online
information, the compilation of which is left unspecified but appears to be tied to a
commercial product called MAVIS. No evaluation is provided, nor is it clear whether
the interface was actually constructed rather than simply designed.
[Zhou et al. 2005a] briefly outline the motivation for and design of the Dark Web
Portal, a resource used in several papers addressing information extraction from ter-
rorist and extremist sites. [Zhou et al. 2005b] describe a semi-automated system for
collecting and analyzing information on ‘Dark Web’ sites, and apply this to a selection
of United States extremist web sites. Their results and methodology are subjected to
an expert evaluation with a positive outcome. While their automated collection stage
(outlined in more detail itself in [Zhou et al. 2007]) appears effective, their approach
to filtering the results of said searches involves manual filtering of hundreds of URLs
followed by a second stage of search to manually bulk out the results. If value over
that of a typical search engine is to be added in a semi-automated collection and filter-
ing system, it must be to reduce such loads on the analyst. The work by [Chen et al.
2008] appears to be linked, in which a case study is carried out to collect and analyse
examples of Arabic fora. The same levels of expert evaluation and manual workload
are evident, suggesting that the only key difference in the two works is the community
being analysed.
[Qin et al. 2007; Chen et al. 2008] take a similar approach in what may be a con-
tinuation of the same line of research. A coding system referred to as the Dark Web
Attribute System is developed to look specifically for signs of technical sophistication
and content richness in the design of the websites of extremist groups. The first paper
uses this framework to compare terrorist sites to those of US government agencies
while the second compares the internet presence of extremist organisations drawn
from three geographical regions. The latter’s detailed analysis of these technical indi-
cators highlights how relatively innocuous details can be of interest when examined
at scale. A combination of this attribute system with an automatic collection system
could prove useful in identifying new groups that show above-average sophistication,
perhaps thus better helping identify key emerging threats.
[Gerstenfeld et al. 2003] report on the observed typical behaviours of those hold-
ing supremacist or separatist beliefs, as determined through an examination of 157
purposefully-selected extremist sites. Their findings include interesting results such
as disavowal of racism and a low rate of direct incitement to violence. The authors also
comment on the utility of the internet to widely-scattered extremist groups. Though
their motivation is given in terms of extremism generally, their sample appears focused
particularly on a certain group of white supremacist sites, with Islamic extremists ap-
pearing only in an ‘Other’ category.
[Yang et al. 2009] describe how web crawling technology is integrated with NLP
techniques to extract common topics from websites hosted by extremists or terrorists.
Though their evaluation does include an attempt to assess the compactness of topics, a
notable problem with their LDA results is the generation of several reasonably similar
topics. A means of better combining (or representing the distinction between) such
groups could be considered an area for study in the field of topic extraction in general.
[Yang and Ng 2009] relate how a clustering opinion-extraction method targeted
specifically at opinions expressed in online discussion is trialled on a corpus drawn
from Myspace, including discussions about terrorism. Their clustering method at-
tempts to overcome some limitations with the DBSCAN clustering mechanism, focus-
ing on a distance-base clustering method. More detail on the TFIDF mechanism by
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which web opinions can be represented as a vector of core concepts could help gener-
alise their method to non-clustering applications.
[Jayanthi and Sasikala 2011] describe a process of mining hyperlinks from terrorist
web pages as part of link analysis. However, only a simulation of output from a toolkit
is provided.
[Inyaem et al. 2009] focus on gathering open-source information about terrorism
via summarisation of web-based news articles. Though some details appear obscured
by poor translation, the authors seem to find support for an ontological approach to
detection of terrorist events, comparing this approach to a gazetteer and some form of
grammatical parser in an evaluation on Thai news articles.
Of additional interest to this problem topic and method is an information extraction
tool which is designed for general intelligence use [Skillicorn and Vats 2007]. It makes
use of terrorist subjects as an illustrative case study. The network study of blogging
sites [Xu and Chau 2006], which focuses on extremist hate groups, is also relevant.
3.3.2. Information Extraction and Police Intelligence. Information extraction can be applied
to online sources for intelligence on organised criminal activity. That the core of this is
a collection of web-mining toolkits suggests common research interest around synthe-
sis of web-based news articles for intelligence purposes, heavily reliant on named en-
tity recognition techniques, with some recurring problems including the identification
of relevant articles for processing and the reliance on a domain lexicon for identifying
key information.
[Ge et al. 2010] focus on extracting ‘story’ patterns from web-based news articles as
part of open-source intelligence efforts, with pattern-matching begun by the detection
of trigger words indicating certain events. Their system is demonstrated on a collection
of Chinese news articles on the 2008 Mumbai attacks, but what their published results
show is unclear. Their system’s reliance on trigger words seems to suggest that indi-
vidual implementation will either require existing domain knowledge, reducing utility
for emerging events, or else be general terms which may not fully capture specific nar-
ratives. The question of how appropriate news articles are gathered for processing is
also critical for deploying such a system.
[Ku et al. 2008] focus on extracting crime information – in the form of key phrases –
from narrative reports, which is applied primarily to police and witness reporting, but
is noted for potential application to web news. Similarly to the previous study, their
approach struggles with a scalable system for managing a crime lexicon, which they
resolve with manually-created lists supplemented by dictionary resources.
[Atkinson et al. 2010] also describe efforts to gather structured knowledge from web-
based news articles for EU security purposes, clustering articles based on textual sim-
ilarity and geographical location, then applying other event extraction tools. There is
a lack of detail on the operation of these tools.
[Wenhua and Na 2010] discuss an extension of the Encase forensics toolset to allow
analysis of web pages regarding some form of illegal gambling activity. They attempt
to mine not only entities, but also the relationships between entities, in an unsuper-
vised manner. However, their approach to information extraction appears to be overly
tailored to their chosen problem domain for it to generalise to other scenarios. No eval-
uation is provided.
[Skillicorn and Vats 2007] focus on the problem of gathering novel information about
a topic, relative to a specified set of existing knowledge. They make use of web search
engine results regarding the known topic and use these web pages to form new queries
based on prominent nouns, clustering the results based on descriptive nouns. Their
ATHENS approach is trialled on terrorism topics, but could equally apply to other law-
enforcement or defense uses. Their method for selecting descriptive nouns compares
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the frequency in the web pages under review to the frequency in the British National
Corpus, a standard English corpus. While this approach is domain independent, strict
comparisons are likely to lead to spurious noun-phrases being identified, so it would
be better to search only for nouns whose frequency is significantly greater than in the
reference corpus in order to prevent common variations diluting search terms. In the
same vein, the BNC relies on texts now well over a decade old, and is not likely to
include a number of now-common proper nouns. A different reference corpus, perhaps
drawn specifically from web sources, might make a more suitable baseline.
[Wang et al. 2012c] use Twitter as a source of general crime prediction, drawing on
automatic semantic analysis, event extraction and geographical information systems
to map crime hotspots. In an evaluation on actual hit-and-run crime data, their sys-
tem outperforms a baseline uniform model. While there may be scope for improvement
in the predictive technique, more interesting developments are likely to be found in
modification of the model for deployment on a streaming Twitter feed. [Wang et al.
2012a] do so, using Twitter data to model criminal incidents geographically. They ap-
ply a spatio-temporal generalised additive model to a combination of geographical and
demographic features of an area and textual features extracted from the Twitter feed
of a news agency, evaluating their performance against actual crime incidence rates.
Their analysis shows that the textual features provided by the Twitter data improve
prediction accuracy as compared to a previous model only using geographic and demo-
graphic information.
[Giacobe et al. 2010] aim at gathering information in extreme events, describing an
approach to open-source intelligence which was applied in an artificial competition
environment (searching for red balloons), and how experiences in the challenge may
relate generally to intelligence-gathering, particularly with regard to false-reporting.
Their overview is high-level and rather specific to their challenge, but includes refer-
ence to a number of techniques and technologies not otherwise captured by this review.
[Dudas 2013] focuses on the detection and analysis of ‘dark networks’, with specific
focus on visualisation tools for handling networks parsed from Twitter and placed by
geolocation. No formal evaluation is provided, but the paper discusses trial usage on
real networks of interest.
[Johnson et al. 2012] look at finding relationships between unstructured law en-
forcement texts (emails) and using said relationships to help augment information of
interest, analysing the semantic relatedness of documents and linking identified en-
tities. A demonstrative application is presented, acting on a sanitized corpus of real
law enforcement emails. Given appropriate consideration of scalability, this informa-
tion linking tool would appear to be an impressive resource for augmentation of police
3.3.3. Information Extraction and Crimes against Children. Information extraction tech-
niques are sparsely deployed in child protection, mostly aimed at child sexual traf-
ficking. Their aims include identifying children known to be missing by monitoring
trafficking networks and chatrooms for mentions of their names or other identifying
[Wang et al. 2012b] present an approach to combating the sexual trafficking of chil-
dren through examination of open sources such as classified advertisement sites and
bulletin boards. They examine such resources for evidence of trafficking networks and
introduce techniques to search for victims under aliases and misspelt names. Though
the authors do not present an evaluation, they discuss ongoing trial deployment, high-
lighting challenges specifically related to anonymisation of the toolkit’s interactions
with sites to prevent counter-intelligence, and with scaling their approach to wider
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[Romaniuk 2000] approaches the same problem from a different angle, applying in-
telligent agents to identify missing children on the internet by connecting information
in open databases of missing children with web crawling and IRC chat monitoring. The
approach was partially implemented as the SADIE system at the time of publication.
The proposed ecosystem of agents dealing with specific data sources appears flexible,
but the exact means of calculating results’ similarity to a short query – a very key
detail for any of the agents – is left unspecified.
A common theme to both these sexual trafficking technologies is the integration of
information from multiple sources, but both publications appear to focus on different
sources for their information. This may, in part, be due to the large time gap between
the two papers. The SADIE system outlines a high-level approach to multiple data
source integration, but leaves many implementation matters unresolved.
[Marjuni et al. 2009] attempt to extract crime information (Who, Where, When, How,
What, Why) from chat logs, drawing on published examples of sexual abuse from adult
dating and scam interactions as their data source. Tokenisation and part-of-speech
tagging of the data is discussed. Classification accuracy results for their crime infor-
mation categories are also presented, though how these results were derived is unclear.
While mining instrumental crime information as would fit the given categories could
well prove useful to investigators, the paper does not present a coherent solution for
the purpose.
3.3.4. Information Extraction and Cybercrime. Cybercriminal activity has also been mined
from online data sources, the primary source being fora where they sell or exchange
[Spencer 2008] uses an XML framework to mark up relationships extracted from
hacker fora, essentially mapping the social network of said fora for usage by police.
The paper focuses heavily on the choice of technology and representation for the task
– XPath queries on tidied HTML source of the fora – with no real evaluation of the
value to law enforcement. Furthermore, the approach relies on manual exploration of
the XPath query space for page sources, a process which could, at the least, have been
guided through generated templates.
[Zhuge et al. 2009] present a study of the cybercriminal economy on the Chinese
web, attempting to model the extent of this black market and the amount of mali-
cious code involved in its constituent websites. In addition to these contributions, the
authors offer detailed description of a cybercriminal infrastructure. Their estimation
of the value of cybercriminal assets, and particularly their attempt at breaking down
these totals by classification allows law enforcement and cyber-security vendors to fo-
cus their efforts where greatest impact can be effected.
Additionally, some papers discussed earlier fall into this category.[Ma et al. 2011]
construct networks of cybercriminal activity from email and blog data while [Marcus
1998] describes a system designed for fighting cyberterrorism through handling of col-
lected intelligence sources.
3.3.5. Information Extraction and Finance. [Bernard et al. 2011] address a financial crimi-
nal matter (money laundering) by helping track financial services through web mining.
Their tool crawls the web, identifying online financial trading sites through a gener-
alised linear model applied to textual features. While the presented accuracy appears
impressive, the results were obtained via an artificially balanced dataset wherein
roughly a quarter of all websites were actually OFT (Online Financial Trading) sites
– a situation which is unlikely to be the case when the system is deployed on the web
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3.3.6. Information Extraction and Online Identification. [Zhu 2007; Aggarwal et al. 2007; Bali
2007] all cover various aspects of an email de-anonymisation workbench built on a set
of mature UNIX tools. This UnMask toolkit focuses specifically on detecting and coun-
tering spoofing attempts within email messages, examining email bodies and headers
particularly for examples of spoofed links, forms and headers, and storing evidence
in a manner suitable for law enforcement use. Their aim of achieving this through
combining a variety of pre-existing tools is laudable for its software reuse, but there
is a lack of rigorous analysis of the performance of the anti-spoofing components. The
papers, however, do include a case study demonstrating potential uses of the toolkit
during an investigation.
3.3.7. Other Information Extraction Applications. [Broadway et al. 2008] describe a study
aimed at improving the analysis of forensic network traces from investigations, pre-
senting a high-level packet analysis tool which has been developed and compared to
existing tools, but not formally evaluated.
[alias Balamurugan et al. 2007] cover the detection of ‘suspicious’ or ‘deceptive’
emails. They do not provide a clear definition of what that may mean, but an ominous
reference to national security. They apply a series of classifiers to an insufficiently
explained dataset, and report high classification accuracies, particularly for the IBk
decision tree.
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ters detectable in the training set, but may suffer in a deployment where new clusters
of phishing email begin to appear.
The other identification studies using machine learning more generally address the
identification of criminals from email data. The approaches discussed below are some-
what unusual as compared to the more standard classifiers discussed in the later NLP
section, but contain some overlap.
[Iqbal et al. 2010] make use of an existing speaker recognition framework from the
field of speech processing in an attempt at authorship analysis, using several classi-
fiers. The framework is evaluated against the Enron email dataset with results indi-
cating a competitive approach, although the requirement of 200 training emails per
author is not insignificant.
[Schmid 2012] explores the application of associative classification to authorship
attribution of text, in an approach which requires the extraction and amalgamation
of rules. However, the system performs poorly on a multi-author dataset, with a best
classification accuracy of 50% on only 10 possible authors.
[Stamatatos 2006] covers authorship attribution in a trial dataset of an online
newsletter. The approach uses classifier ensembles, demonstrating how a range of di-
verse classifiers can be constructed through exhaustive disjoint subspacing, and show-
ing that the approach outperforms a simple SVM model using word frequencies. The
author goes on to enhance the model with a cross-validated committees technique.
3.4.2. Machine Learning and Terrorism and Extremism. Machine learning is deployed both
in detecting terrorism-related activities and in identifying terrorists from their online
[Cheong and Lee 2011] explore microblogging within the terrorism informatics do-
main. They perform an observational analysis of the Twitter network’s response to two
real-life terrorist events, and use this as inspiration for the design of an information-
gathering framework. They later apply the framework to a synthetic dataset of events
which share some properties with terrorism events. They also apply a variety of com-
mon machine learning analyses to their dataset in an exploratory manner.
[Sahito et al. 2011] link streams of Twitter data to other resources through Open
Data mechanisms. They apply named entity recognition to the content of Tweets. They
mention the terrorism domain, their aim being to allow for structural links to entities
to be be imposed on unstructured Twitter data to better allow law enforcement to
parse and respond to events detected via Twitter. However, the implementation of this
is relegated to future work.
[Nizamani et al. 2013] evaluate a number of machine learning methods (the ID3
decision tree algorithm, logistic regression, Naive Bayes and SVM) for the purpose of
detecting suspicious emails. As well as developing a terrorism-related email dataset for
the purposes of this comparison (including real messages gathered from newsgroups),
they develop a feature selection system that provides consistent improvement to the
results of all of the tested classifiers. They report that for their application, logistic
regression and ID3 outperformed the Naive Bayes and SVM classifiers.
[Shen and Boongoen 2012] use a qualitative formalism as the basis for a fuzzy analy-
sis, applying this to link analysis and the determination of aliases. They evaluate their
system against unspecialised unsupervised learning systems on a constructed terror-
ism dataset gathered from web articles, an author publication dataset (DBLP) and
an email dataset. Their system appears to outperform a number of similar link-based
[Elovici et al. 2004; Elovici et al. 2010] employ web usage data to identify terror-
related activities, training a classifier on the web usage of ordinary users and a col-
lection of known terrorist web sites. The aim is to deploy a system which monitors
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A Systematic Survey of Online Data Mining Technology Intended for Law Enforcement 1:21
the web access of users (at an ISP or organisational access provider level) and raises
alerts whenever a user accesses abnormal content. The civil liberty implications of
such a mass-monitoring system could rightly be challenged, but more practical issues
may prevent adoption. Their detection system reached an AUC of 91% on their exper-
imental dataset, rising to 99.7% with additional components. Given the large number
of normal users and relatively tiny number of real, detectable terrorist usages of ac-
tual networks, even such a classifier would produce an unreasonable volume of false
alerts for every true event it captured. This issue is not unique to the work of these
authors, but applies to all systems of this kind. Nonetheless, these two papers consist
of a coherent description of the development of a high-performance classifier for web
usage data.
[Tinguriya and Kumar 2010] suggest a self-organising map approach to classifying
web users from usage data. They provide no evaluation or appraisal of their proposed
system, and indeed minimal description of its proposed operation.
[Endy et al. 2010] have developed what they term an intelligent search procedure
for webmining cyber-terrorism information, feeding a vector representation of 600 ar-
ticles, half related to cyberterrorism, into a self-organising map, the results of which
they then briefly dissect. Their presentation of the SOM as a heat-coloured grid seems
ill-suited for law enforcement analysts.
[Yang et al. 2012] focus on identifying extremist content in social media sites, draw-
ing their design inspiration from biological immune systems. They build a mathemati-
cal representation of lymphocytes which incorporates lexical, sentiment and syntactic
features of text as a precursor to a semi-supervised classification system. In an evalu-
ation of this system on violent messages scraped from a white supremacist web forum,
their system outperformed two benchmark labelling systems.
3.4.3. Machine Learning and Harassment. Machine learning can be deployed to detect
threatening textual communications, the aim in most cases being to produce a classi-
fier which separates threatening messages from normal communication.
Appavu and Rajaram [Appavu alias Balamurugan and Rajaram 2008] compare a
decision tree classifier with SVM and Naive Bayes classifiers, using two email corpora
and two different feature selection mechanisms (information gain and term frequency
variance). They find decision trees to outperform SVM and Naive Bayes in detect-
ing examples of threatening email. A follow-on paper [Appavu et al. 2009] repeats
this analysis, but includes the Ad Infinitum algorithm, which outperforms the other
methods. [Banday et al. 2011] later revisit this work, looking also at the detection of
threatening emails. The authors compare the data of Appavu and Rajaram to their
own Naive Bayes approach, which makes use of different features (single and mul-
tiple keywords as well as weighted keywords with context matching). Measuring the
accuracy of results with the F1-score rather than simple percentage accuracy, they
find that their weighted multiple keyword system with context matching performs in
a manner competitive with the better methods from Appavu and Rajaram’s analysis.
They do not make a direct comparison due to the different datasets underlying results,
but a review of F1 scores indicates that some of the methods presented by Appavu and
Rajaram may be better classifiers.
[Xu et al. 2012b] identify emotions common in cyber-bullying, and develop a train-
ing procedure to help recognise these emotions from text without reference to a la-
belled training set. They evaluate their zero-label-trained SVM system on a labelled
Wikipedia corpus, finding that it has lower cross-validation error than three baseline
methods. They also apply it to Twitter traces involving bullying, finding that only a
relatively small proportion of said traces showed emotion, and that where emotion
was detected it did not necessarily reflect severity or sincerity. [Yin et al. 2009b] in-
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group labels across a range of feature set sizes is demonstrated. The results show that
while all three systems performed in a satisfactory manner, SVM and Naive Bayes
increased in accuracy as the number of features increased, while the neural network
peaked at 70 features.
[Stolfo et al. 2006b] describe the application of a general-purpose email-mining
toolkit to behavioural analysis, with a case study in detecting viral emails in an archive
of the emails provided by 15 users. The system performs well when introduced to sud-
den and abnormal flows, but struggles to detect slow campaigns for the delivery of
email. The degree to which virality can sensibly be detected from such a small user
corpus is debatable. The paper also provides a lengthy demonstration of the overall
capabilities of the email-mining toolset.
3.4.7. Other Machine Learning Applications. [Do et al. 2004] approach the problem of
pornographic web page identification with two classifier components. One component
classifies web pages into various predefined categories, which can then be used to fil-
ter these web pages from access. The other component analyses the behaviour of users
with respect to the category of sites accessed. They test their system – with a vari-
ety of classifiers – against commercially-available web filters, and find that their best
classifier outperforms them.
[Tian et al. 2010] focus on the effect of pornography on young people as their moti-
vation. They note failures of strict rule-based and keyword-based systems for filtering
undesirable information, and propose a system which gathers a broader range of fea-
tures from a page to assist in classification. They do not evaluate the performance of
this proposed system.
[Lim et al. 2007] attempt to detect abnormal patterns of email traffic using a hierar-
chical fuzzy system. They develop three different system architectures, and trial these
systems on a selection of threads from the Enron email dataset, finding that all three
agree with each other in the ranking of abnormality of communication links. Whether
such a test holds external validity is hard to determine.
[Benjamin and Chen 2012] apply machine learning to recognise the traits of key ac-
tors in hacker communities. Their regression analysis of the social structure of hacker
fora from the United States and China, determines that involvement in a number of
threads, total message volume and number of attachments uploaded are the major fac-
tors which explain the reputation score of members of the community. While the paper
focuses on cybercrime as a domain, its results could be said to apply more to certain
online forum communities, of a criminal or otherwise nature.
3.5. Natural Language Processing
Due to the size of this category, subcategories of papers using similar NLP methods
have been defined.
— Authorship Analysis: The identification of texts as belonging to a particular author.
— Author Profiling: The identification of qualities of a text’s author.
— Sentiment Analysis: The analysis of opinion or emotion markers in text.
— Text Classification: Classification of a text into one of a range of categories.
— Other: NLP-based methods which do not fall under the other categories.
Authorship Attribution.
3.5.1. Authorship Attribution and Online Identification. Authorship attribution is naturally
tied closely to the problem domain of online identification, and a wide range of tech-
niques have been applied on a number of datasets. Typical problems for such studies
include deciding upon the most appropriate feature set to use in classification, and
finding appropriate methods for different data sources. Other for or highly related to
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this field include authorship verification, authorship similarity detection and stylo-
metric comparison, with different clusters focusing on either the conflation of author
identities or the assignment of specific texts to an author, but the technical challenges
of both tasks are expressible within the same framework.
[Ma et al. 2009b] apply authorship attribution specifically to phishing emails, aim-
ing to cluster messages based on othographic features using an adapted form of the
K-means algorithm. They reason that the semantics of phishing emails are often too
similar to be useful for disambiguation. They provide an evaluation on a collection of
2048 known phishing emails, with several differing initial parameters for their clus-
tering algorithm and gradually refined feature sets. While their method appears to
produce reliable clusters, a validated dataset would be useful for verification purposes.
[De Vel et al. 2001] make use of both structural and linguistic features and an SVM
classifier. They validate their approach on a collection of emails to particular news-
groups, finding high accuracy in most cases. They additionally investigate the use of
word collocation and the dimensionality of function words in a bid to improve classifi-
cation accuracy. However, this does not improve performance.
[Zheng et al. 2003] compare decision trees, neural networks and support vector ma-
chines on a corpus drawn from English email messages and both English and Chinese
BBS postings. The best results are for SVM classification of the English newsgroup
postings, with neural network performance lagging slightly behind. They note a drop
in performance in their Chinese dataset, which they ascribe to fewer style features
for that language. A follow-up paper [Zheng et al. 2005] makes use of an extended
set of features and the same set of classifiers, again finding that the SVM classifier
outperforms the C4.5 decision trees and the neural network.
[Corney 2003] also covers the reduction of authorship attribution to a pattern of cer-
tain writing features, applying this approach with an SVM classifier to public-domain
books, theses and the author’s own email collection, with good results in each case. The
results show that function words appear to make the best features.
[Teng et al. 2004] suggest the use of an SVM classifier for authorship attribution on
emails, explaining the operation of the classifier and listing some structural features
of email which might be useful, but providing no evaluation. Given the prior existence
of work such as [De Vel et al. 2001], this would appear to be of at best explanatory
[Stamatatos 2006] explores authorship attribution via an ensemble of SVM classi-
fiers and a feature set subspacing approach. Exhaustive disjoint subspacing is com-
pared with the k-random classifiers method of ensemble construction, finding that the
former outperforms the latter and also outperforms an SVM classifier when small sub-
set sizes are chosen.
[Stamatatos 2008] covers the class imbalance problem in authorship attribution,
where the volume of available training text for some candidate authors is extremely
low. A new method for handling imbalanced datasets through variable-length sampling
of training data is presented. The method is compared against a re-sampling variant to
the existing under- and over-sampling methods, making use of both English and Arabic
datasets. The results show that the method resulting in the best net improvement to
the accuracy of an SVM classifier trained on the resulting training set is the random
re-sampling of text from the available training data.
[Abbasi and Chen 2008] provide a useful review of the state-of-the-art and go on to
demonstrate a classification method which makes use of individual author-level fea-
ture subsets from a large feature space. They compare this method to an SVM classifier
with a feature set drawn from previous literature and to an ensemble of SVM classi-
fiers with an extended feature set, using a range of online text forms (the Enron email
dataset, eBay comments, posts from an online forum and chat logs). Their system out-
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A Systematic Survey of Online Data Mining Technology Intended for Law Enforcement 1:25
perform both competitive methods on the email, comment and chat datasets, but not on
the forum messages, where the ensemble of SVM classifiers performed best. Alongside
the identification experiment, they also distinguish the task of detecting similarity,
and perform a similar evaluation for that purpose, finding their method outperforms
the competitive baseline methods.
[Dardick et al. 2007] focus particularly on blogs, covering the ethical debate over
why bloggers may legitimately seek anonymity, and why law enforcement may wish to
circumvent this barrier of anonymity. The paper covers technical approaches to stylom-
etry only briefly and at a high level. [Dreier 2009] explores the same topic with more
technical detail, creating a baseline model of authors based on frequency of characters
and words, and using individual deviation from this baseline as the features for clas-
sification. Both Naive Bayes and SVM classifiers are evaluated, finding low average
accuracy across all authors, but that certain authors were extremely well-predicted.
[Ma et al. 2008; Ma et al. 2009a] focus on applying authorship attribution to Chi-
nese online texts. The first paper focuses on authorship attribution in email, covering
issues such as the lack of explicit word boundaries in Chinese text and the selection
of sequential patterns from texts, passing said patterns to an SVM classifier. In their
evaluation they provided 30 training examples for three authors, and had 20 further
emails classified as belonging to one of these three authors, with a classification rate of
90%. In the second paper, the authors also apply their classifier to blog and BBS mes-
sages, drawing a comparison between three classifiers, one of which uses linguistic
features, another which uses structural features, and one which uses both. They find
the classifier using the combined feature set outperformed the others, though they all
performed at above 65% accuracy. They also examine the effect of varying the number
of authors to classify texts, finding that larger numbers of authors caused accuracy to
[Iqbal et al. 2008; Iqbal et al. 2010; Iqbal et al. 2013; Iqbal 2011] all address author-
ship attribution through frequent pattern mining. The first of the publications focuses
on the notion of frequent patterns as a means of ensuring the forensic worth of author-
ship attribution techniques, objecting to the lack of intuitive explanation in an SVM
classifier. They use a combination of lexical, syntactic, structural and content-specific
features in their method, detecting frequent writing patterns in an author’s text and
filtering out frequent patterns which are common to a large number of authors. They
validate the viability of their method in an evaluation on the Enron email dataset. In
the second publication, the authors use standard clustering algorithms to group texts
together as a prerequisite to mining frequent patterns for author identification. They
examine the accuracy of the resulting output as a means of evaluating which clustering
mechanism is best-suited to the task, again using the Enron email dataset as a source.
The third publication presents frequent-pattern writeprints as a ‘unified’ solution to
authorship analysis. The authors describe use cases involving small and large training
samples, and also extend their system to discovering characteristics of an author. The
evaluations on the Enron email dataset are repeated, and alongside these results a
trial of the characterisation application is carried out. The results show that for gen-
der prediction the approach performs slightly better than random assignment, and for
location prediction, with three classes, it again performs with accuracy slightly above
that which one would expect for random assignment. Finally, [Iqbal 2011] combines
this research into one volume, providing greater detail on the difference in approach
between two versions of the classifier, with extensions covering somewhat separate
problems of extracting cliques and topics from chat logs.
[Orebaugh 2006; Orebaugh and Allnutt 2009; Orebaugh and Allnutt 2010] cover au-
thorship analysis on instant messaging communications. The first publication focuses
on examining character frequency as a stylometric feature, examining the frequencies
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of characters in a small four-author dataset and testing for whether frequency of char-
acters is distinct. The results show that uppercase characters, numbers and special
characters are distinguishing and may be used as a form of intrusion detection system.
In the second publication, the authors analyse what appears to be the same dataset,
but with an extended range of features, including sentence structure and pre-defined
sets of special characters. They apply three classifiers – the J48 decision tree, the IBk
nearest neighbour classifier and a Naive Bayesian classifier – to these features, and
find a high accuracy in each case, though given the sample size this would not be un-
expected. They analyse the distinguishing features and find that abbreviations are the
best discriminators, followed by the use of special characters. In the final publication,
the authors expand their evaluation to include two larger datasets, examining the use-
ful features for accurate classification in each system, and using different classifiers.
They find high accuracy with an SVM classifier trained on a range of 356 features,
including lexical and syntactic features as well as the previously-used structural and
frequency attributes. On a dataset of 105 authors, they achieve 84.44% accuracy.
[Layton et al. 2010] cover a particularly constrained form of authorship attribution
which is particular to online discourse – attribution of Tweets to their authors. They
detail the structural properties of Tweets and present a preliminary analysis of the
viability of attribution using Tweets. They find classification accuracy of approximately
60% for 20 training examples, and highlight that adding training Tweets increased
accuracy up to 120 examples, after which increases appear not to be significant.
[Chen et al. 2011] apply a frequent-pattern mining approach on the Enron email
dataset. Writeprints – consisting of numeric representations of the relative frequency
of stylistic features extracted from an author’s text – are constructed and then com-
pared in order to determine whether authors are similar enough to be the same. They
compare SVM, PCA, K-NN, DT and K-means approaches, finding SVM to have supe-
rior classification accuracy.
[Khan 2012] uses a bag-of-words model of email bodies and applies a Naive Bayes
ensemble method to attribute emails drawn from the Enron email corpus. The method
chieves a respectable classification accuracy, outperforming previous work on the same
dataset, but it does perform best when given messages over 100 words, which slightly
limits application to online texts.
[Pearl and Steyvers 2012] cover the detection of ‘authorship deception’, which in-
cludes both a normal attribution use case and an imitation attack whereby authors
attempt to imitate the writing style of a victim. Their method involves building a
writeprint of stylometric and content features, and applying logistic regression as a
classifier. Evaluation on a blog dataset shows good performance in the classic attribu-
tion case, and a small evaluation of the imitation case shows highly positive results.
[Liu et al. 2012] attempt to address issues with the difficulty of writeprint com-
parison through a novel semi-random subspace method, which also aims to overcome
redundancy in feature sets. A detailed description and theoretical analysis of the
methodis provided, followed by an empirical evaluation on a subset of a large English
corpus, displaying accuracy results with regard to both the number of authors and the
number of texts available per author. In all cases they compare their method to other
well-performing classifier ensembles, with a positive result.
Given that the aims and methodologies of many authorship attribution papers tar-
geting identification are comparable, results and methods from various studies may be
contrasted with each other. Table III gives an overview of some of the best results from
each paper, noting the dataset and number of classes being attempted. Important ad-
ditional information including length of texts used, texts per author, and features used
in classification are all left to the original texts. Items are sorted chronologically.
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A Systematic Survey of Online Data Mining Technology Intended for Law Enforcement 1:27
3.5.2. Authorship Attribution and Cybercrime. [Gray et al. 1997] cover the application of
authorship analysis techniques to software source code, demonstrating how the means
of expression can vary even when programmers are solving the same problem. Their
motivation is the attribution of malicious code, just as in natural language analyses
the application is attribution of malicious or incriminating messages. They identify a
number of features which could be useful for authorship attribution, and present two
short case studies of events where malicious code has been examined for attribution to
its owner.
A number of other papers focusing on online identification of authors cited cyber-
crime in a general sense, but made no specific link to the domain as defined in this
study, and hence have not been included in our analysis.
3.5.3. Authorship Attribution and Terrorism and Extremism. [Abbasi and Chen 2005] discuss
authorship attribution with particular application to the forum postings of extremist
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organisations, with a focus on selecting an appropriate feature set for classifying Ara-
bic text. They describe a study using SVM and C4.5 classifiers, applied to both English
text from a Klu Klux Klan forum and Arabic text from posts associated with the Pales-
tinian Al-Aqsa Martyrs group. They find slightly better performance at classifying En-
glish text authors than Arabic authors, and note that SVM significantly outperformed
C4.5, going on to dissect the important features in classification for both languages.
Author Profiling.
3.5.4. Author Profiling and Crimes Against Children. Author profiling is widely deployed
in the detection of sexual predators from chat transcripts. The typical classification
is between text written by a child and text written by an adult. Some problems arise
from attempting to parse net-speak with traditional linguistic tools, although there are
indications that use of such language can itself be a useful age-determining feature.
[Pendar 2007] applies SVM and k-nearest neighbour classifiers to binary classifica-
tion of predator and victim in chat logs from a vigilante website. They make use of word
n-grams, with minimal pre-processing, as their input to a feature extraction function.
They find their best classification rate (94.3%) comes from the k-NN classifier with a k
of 30 and 10,000 features, both inputs being the largest of various levels tried.
[Tam 2009] detail a method for distinguishing between teen and adult conversations,
with application to detecting sexual predators. Using a chat corpus, they attempt to
distinguish between teens and chat users of different age brackets, using word and
character n-grams in a Naive Bayes classifier and then an SVM classifier, finding that
the SVM classifier outperformed Naive Bayes. Unsurprisingly, the most difficult-to-
distinguish age group were the authors in their 20’s.
[Kontostathis et al. 2009] compare a rule-based approach to log classification to a
human analysis. They describe how a new iteration in a rule-based analysis of chat
logs differs from a previous version of the tool in more appropriately identifying com-
binations of keywords in chat lines. The inter-coder reliability between their new tool
and human analysis is reported as much improved. A follow-up work by the same au-
thors [Kontostathis et al. 2010] surveys the literature regarding both sexual predation
and cyberbullying, and as such covers some work on profiling sexual predators.
[Michalopoulos and Mavridis 2011] focus on detecting a grooming author by clas-
sifying messages into one of three attack categories and then combining classifica-
tion probabilities. They perform a comparative evaluation with a number of different
classification algorithms, finding SVM to perform poorly next to k-NN, Naive Bayes,
Maximum Entropy and Expectation Maximisation. They consider their Naive Bayes
approach the most suitable.
[Peersman et al. 2011] aims at predicting both age and gender of chat authors,
with application to checking the truthfulness of reported profiles on social media sites.
Working with a corpus drawn from a Belgian social network, they discuss several is-
sues particular to online chat corpora, including shortness of texts and the variability
of Dutch net-speak. They avoid issues of stemming and more involved linguistic anal-
ysis by utilising word and character n-grams. They find that word unigrams are the
features best used for distinguishing between age and sex categories, achieving good
accuracy in both cases.
[Inches and Crestani 2011], is notable in covering both author characterisation and
topic detection, addressing general text-based surveillance. They describe a short char-
acterisation experiment wherein Twitter users who are informative for a particular
topic are identified, using a broad feature set and the expectation maximisation clus-
tering algorithm.
[Bogdanova et al. 2012a; Bogdanova et al. 2012b] focus on two different sub-
problems in the identification of sexual predators. The first draws on the concept of
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Table IV. Summary Comparison of Author Profiling Approaches applied to Crimes Against Children
fixated discourse – that predators will return to the subject of sex throughout groom-
ing conversations. The authors apply a sentiment similarity measure to lexical chains
identified from text. They hypothesise that long lexical chains related to sex are in-
dicative of authors being sexual predators. They find some evidence for this in a com-
parison of the length of sex-fixated lexical chains in both a sexual predator corpus and
a cyber-sex corpus. The second publication turns to the use of sentiment and emotion
features in conversations involving sexual predators. The authors identify from related
work that several sentiment features are linked to sexual predation, and construct a
feature set based on sentiment markers. This feature set is compared to a number of
simple character and word-based feature sets in a Naive Bayes classifier running over
a corpus of chat logs from a vigilante website combined with ordinary cyber-sex logs.
[Inches and Crestani 2012] cover the 2012 International Sexual Predator Identifica-
tion Competition, detailing a common evaluation framework against which 16 methods
for identification of sexual predators could be evaluated in a comparable manner. The
competitors were provided with a sample of 30% of a synthetic dataset constructed
from a vigilante site and publicly-available IRC logs, and evaluated based on the F-
score of their method’s performance on the remainder of the set. The paper provides
an overview of participants’ approaches as well as their results. A more detailed ac-
count of the method used by the winning competitor [Villatoro-Tello et al. 2012] is also
included in our review, as are the methods used by two other competitors [Morris and
Hirst 2012; Peersman et al. 2012] who were placed 4th and 6th respectively. A master’s
thesis [Morris 2013] by the author of the 4th-ranked paper provides additional detail
on their method’s unsuccessful behavioural analysis addition to an SVM classifier us-
ing unigram and bigram features.
Some of the approaches taken in author profiling in this domain can be broadly
compared to each other, so we provide a summary comparison table in Table IV. The
two types of task attempted are distinguishing predators from their textual contribu-
tions and determining the age of authors as part of such a system. Note that many
important details on the precise features and processes used in classification are best
explained in the original publications, and note also that the figures given for author
age classification are figures focused on general child-versus adult classification, and
the results for more specific age groups vary from this figure within publications – the
general effect being that older adults are easier to distinguish from teens and chil-
dren. Additional comparable approaches can be seen in the results reported by [Inches
and Crestani 2012], our figure for [Villatoro-Tello et al. 2012] being their (the topmost-
ranked) performance on that evaluation.
3.5.5. Author Profiling in Terrorism and Extremism. [Gawron et al. 2012] use a vocabulary of
group membership markers to rank documents by the degree of militancy of the author,
with the aim of building more efficient search tools for such material. Working with a
corpus of white extremist websites, they find that these hand-selected features, when
weighted by TF-IDF, correlate more closely with human rankings of militancy than
full feature-sets or feature-sets selected from those words with the highest mutual
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information. They also outperform a variant using weights based on a cosine similarity
measure. They also find that an SVM using TF-IDF and the full vocabulary performs
best at classifying texts as militant.
3.5.6. Author Profiling in Threats and Harassment. [Chen et al. 2012] aim to profile users
who are likely to send out abusive messages. They do this through a combination of
lexical and syntactic features and independent sentence offensiveness measures which
draw upon a form of sentiment analysis. They distinguish the degree to which profan-
ity determines offensiveness and produce some tailored rules for identifying name-
calling. Their evaluation against manual markup of 249 Youtube users’ comments
shows high abusiveness classification accuracy.
3.5.7. Other Author Profiling Applications. [Pham et al. 2009] do not make specific refer-
ence to a particular type of crime – beyond a generic formulation of ‘cybercrime’ – but
undertake a range of author profiling, ambitiously attempting to derive not only age
and gender information, but also the occupation of the author. They gather a corpus
of well-used Vietnamese blogs, and run a large number of classifiers in a compara-
tive evaluation for each classification task. They find, for the most part, that an IBk
decision tree algorithm is best-performing, with the exception of the occupation classi-
fication, which is best served by a random forests classifier.
Sentiment Analysis.
3.5.8. Sentiment Analysis and Terrorism and Extremism. [Abbasi 2007; Abbasi et al. 2008]
explore sentiment analysis on US and Middle Eastern web forum postings. In the first
paper, the authors focus on the detection of emotions or affects in web-based discourse.
The authors manually construct a lexicon mapping terms to a score of intensity in
a particular category of sentiment. They proceed to a case study comparing the US
and Middle Eastern extremist groups based on the intensity of the hate and violence
intensity of their postings, finding a linear relationship in both cases and a strong
one in the case of the Middle Eastern groups. In the second paper, the authors move
towards automated sentiment classification of English and Arabic content. They use a
range of stylistic and syntactic features and make use of a genetic algorithm to aid in
feature selection. SVM classification using this system performed well at classification
on a benchmark movie review dataset and on manually tagged English and Arabic
forum postings.
[Yang et al. 2011] study detection of radical opinions in web forum postings. They
particularly focus on detecting the features which are most relevant to such a specific
form of classification task, working with a full range of lexical, structural, syntactic
and content features. They validate their method on two U.S. based hate group fora,
and find that a choice of lexicon for context is highly important. Their experimentation
with a number of classifiers found SVM to outperform Naive Bayes and Adaboost.
[Rohn and Erez 2012] provide a very high-level description of mining of online infor-
mation about agro-terrorism, providing no detailed implementation steps nor evalua-
3.5.9. Sentiment Analysis and Threats and Harassment. Sentiment analysis has a particu-
lar role to play in detecting threats and harassment in text, due to its ability to detect
the tone of conversation. It has been applied with some success to posts in both online
fora and social media.
[Sobkowicz and Sobkowicz 2010] study the dynamics of political discussions on Pol-
ish internet fora, drawing on them as a source of strongly bipolar exchanges. They
perform a topological assessment of the discussion network, and undertake a detailed
analysis of the nature of user interactions and thread popularity based on political
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 48, No. 1, Article 1, Publication date: July 2015.
A Systematic Survey of Online Data Mining Technology Intended for Law Enforcement 1:31
affiliation of participants. They note a connection to analyses of hate groups, and con-
tradict existing understanding of contrasting views leading to averaging of opinion.
[Warner and Hirschberg 2012] focus on detecting hate speech on the web, discussing
issues with clearly defining hate speech — such as distinguishing reclamation or dis-
cussion of racial slurs from their offensive deployment. They perform a manual coding
of hate speech related to Jews, and compare an SVM classifier using a number of fea-
ture sets to this ground truth, finding acceptable classification accuracy on a unigram
feature set.
[Ptaszynski et al. 2010] cover cyber-bullying, detailing the design of a tool to help
assist parents and school personnel in spotting malicious online posts. Drawing on a
dataset of manually-gathered cyber-bullying instances, they perform a comparative af-
fect analysis to distinguish the degree of emotion associated with cyber-bullying texts,
drawing on an existing affect analysis framework with emoticon support. They found
that there were not notably more emotive items in the positively labelled set, but that
there were significantly more vulgarities. Interestingly, they also found evidence of sar-
casm in their bullying dataset, with the category of ‘fondness’ ranking unexpectedly
high. Based on this analysis, they build a machine learning system to be integrated
into a web crawler for classifying malicious posts.
[Xu et al. 2012a] present social media as a valuable resource for facilitating aca-
demic study of bullying, and highlight a number of key challenges for the NLP com-
munity to overcome, using Twitter as a source for example data and a number of ex-
ploratory analyses. Their detailed exploration of the topic is a broad starting-point for
researchers to expand on.
Text Classification.
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spellchecking and automated translation. They delve into the issue of chat normalisa-
tion in some depth, and construct a normalisation system based on a source channel
model and phonetic mapping. Their system performs well compared to the ordinary
source channel model.
[Kramer 2010] presents an anomaly detection framework for time-dependant
datasets, applying this to a collection of forum posts from the Dark Web Portal as
a trial application. The approach detects significant shifts in forum posting trends,
drawing out some of its potential applications.
[Appavu et al. 2007] turn to an association rule mining approach for detecting decep-
tion, which uses a keyword-based feature selection trained on existing data to learn
rules for classification. A synthetic, unspecified, dataset is used to generate a single
rule, which is reported, but its utility at classification is not reported.
[Keila and Skillicorn 2005] cover deception detection from linguistic cues in the En-
ron email dataset. There is a detailed explanation of the application of singular value
decomposition but no in-depth analysis of the approach is provided.
[Shukur et al. 2011] focus on NLP means of detecting deception in online chat soft-
ware, speculating that an ontology-driven approach may be best, though no implemen-
tation is carried out. The paper consists mostly of a discussion of a possible approaches
and an outline of an ontology.
In this section, we summarise key information which can be inferred from the corpus
of publications included in our study.
4.1.1. What are the problems (crimes, investigative requirements) are being addressed in the liter-
ature?. As can be seen in Figure 1(a), a number of high-impact crimes such as terrorism
and the sexual predation of children are prominent topics, alongside more broadly ap-
plicable aims such as identification of offenders using online data.
In addition, Figure 1(a) shows the most common problem topics over time. It can be
seen that topics such as the identification of internet users and the investigation of
terrorism or extremism remain relatively stable (as a percentage of research output)
over time, while the attention to crimes against children appears to have increased
since around 2009.
The problem of online identification was most often associated with NLP approaches
to uncovering the author of a given written text, an aim relevant to legal debates about
incriminating texts such as emails or blog posts. The authorship attribution literature
connected to this aim appears to be rich and mature, with a number of comparable
studies. This topic is extended somewhat in combined NLP and ML work – sometimes
including computer vision techniques – which aims to cluster spam or phishing email
campaigns to identify common origins, and similar aims motivate more traditional IP-
lookup approaches. A very much distinct body of research by A.A. Mohamed and R.V.
Yampolskiy also addresses identification, their focus being on approaches to identify-
ing people via online avatars in virtual games.
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 48, No. 1, Article 1, Publication date: July 2015.
1:34 Edwards et al.
Paper problem topics over time Paper technique fields over time
40 Problem Method
Cybercrime NLP.SA
Threat NLP.AP
Unclear CV
Intelligence SNA
Children NLP.TC
Extremism ETC
Identification NLP.AA
<no year>
<no year>
(a) The most common problem topics over publication (b) The most common techniques over publication
years years
Data Type
<no year>
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A Systematic Survey of Online Data Mining Technology Intended for Law Enforcement 1:35
publications was also investigating and monitoring online communities, which sug-
gests that there may be a binding theme of investigating online criminal communities.
There are two main categories of crimes against children visible in the reviewed
publications. The first, and most common, is the detection of sexual predators engaged
in online conversation with children, the aim being to detect attempts at grooming
children for contact, a problem which by its nature draws heavily on NLP approaches.
The second is the detection of child abuse material, which includes both CV attempts to
discern such content from images and videos and filename-based attempts to quantify
the volume of such content on a number of P2P filesharing networks.
Financial crime publications either address copyright infringement on P2P net-
works, or else the detection of fraud, usually from auction sites. Intelligence tools are
most often concerned with either mining criminal social networks from open sources,
or providing alerts about potential criminal activity, often with respect to certain geo-
graphic or temporal limits.
Those papers whose focus was least obviously a criminal matter often made refer-
ence to pornography, which may be indicative of different legal frameworks and cul-
tural backgrounds. Such results in this review might be considered to address parental
control systems rather than strictly handle criminal content.
It is worth noting that ‘terrorism’ and ‘cybercrime’ were both often used as general
motivations, not necessarily specific to the paper’s focus, with 74 papers containing a
reference to ‘terrorism’ and 50 papers referencing ‘cybercrime’ compared to 47 and 12
papers actually labelled as addressing these topics.
4.1.2. What are the methods which are being employed to provide solutions?. Natural Lan-
guage Processing (NLP) is highly dominant in our results, with around half of all col-
lected papers making some use of NLP techniques in some way. The presentation in
Figure 1(b) breaks down this category along closer lines. The heavily textual nature of
most electronic communications makes this a somewhat unsurprising result. Machine
Learning techniques are also well-represented, with common classifiers like SVMs and
Naive Bayes being applied to a variety of problems.
There are 21 papers in the review (10.2% of the corpus) which make some use of
computer vision or image processing techniques. The low proportion of such papers
may be linked to the choice of search terms in the discovery phase of the review — there
was no CV-linked term included, but there were NLP and SNA terms. Of these 21, 16
papers made use of only CV techniques. As is to be expected, most of the data sources
used in this area were forms of image and video, with only a couple of exceptions where
web and email data was processed visually.
22 papers in the review (10.7%) made use of some form of social network analysis
(SNA). This number appears relatively low given a search term specifically selected
for these methods, perhaps indicating a research area which requires further explo-
ration. Of these 22 papers, 13 were labelled as only using SNA methods, the others
overlapping with techniques from the domains of information extraction and natural
language processing. The data used in these papers were primarily web data, including
blogs and fora, but email data also formed a sizeable proportion of the study.
39 papers in the review (18.9%) focused on helping combat crime by mining infor-
mation from public resources. Of these, 24 were labelled as solely oriented towards
information extraction, while the remainder also used methods involving natural lan-
guage processing and social network analysis. The vast majority of information extrac-
tion studies made use of web-based data, including online fora and social networking
services like Twitter.
There are 43 papers (20.9%) which make use of machine learning techniques, only
20 of which make exclusive use of such techniques. Of the other 23, 18 use some form of
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NLP technique, indicating a significant overlap between those papers labelled as using
machine learning and those labelled as using natural language processing. Such a
relationship is retrospectively unsurprising given the close relationship between these
fields. The 43 papers were fairly evenly divided with respect to the data types studied,
with email and web data each featuring in nearly half of all studies. Four studies
handled chat data and two studies — one overlapping with CV techniques — made
use of image data.
92 studies from the review (44.7% of the total) used some form of natural language
processing, making this by far the largest category of methods. Of these 92, 65 used
only NLP techniques, making this also the category with least overlap with other
methods (closely followed by the much smaller group of computer vision). The large
number of NLP-related studies collected may be linked to the inclusion of two terms
in the search procedure which link to NLP.
There were 27 papers which did not fit within any of the broader technique cate-
gories. Chat data and network trace data were more prominent amongst these papers
than in the main categories. Often these papers described frameworks or abstract pro-
cesses for combating a threat.
4.1.3. Which online data sources are being used?. A breakdown of the different broad cat-
egories of data is provided in Figure 1(c). Most commonly examined was web data,
with nearly half of all publications making some use of textual or semistructured web
data. Within this category, simple web pages are most favoured, with social media –
particularly Twitter – second and online fora third most popular. Behind Web data
comes the other significant data source, email, which has the advantage of being both
long-established and well-used. Chat data from instant messaging applications forms
the third key data type under analysis, with comparatively few papers making use of
images or videos.
With regard to specific data sources, a few common elements were observed across
— The Enron email dataset is a dataset of roughly half a million email messages
from roughly 150 users. It was originally made public as a result of Federal Energy
Regulation Commission’s investigation into the Enron corporation. A full explana-
tion of the dataset is provided by [Klimt and Yang 2004]. As a labelled dataset of
authors and a large volume of messages produced by them, this corpus was often a
standard reference for studies attempting authorship attribution, but also used in
some studies based on social network analysis. A total of 22 papers make reference
to the Enron dataset.
— PervertedJustice3 is a vigilante website where volunteers run sting operations by
posing as minors and luring paedophiles into volunteering identifying and incrim-
inating information. They publish a large and growing corpus of chat logs involv-
ing attempted grooming, which have been used frequently in studies attempting to
identify sexual predators or analyse stages of grooming attacks. The common use
of this resource points to a common issue for researchers working on such topics –
the lack of actual case data to work with means that researchers must work with
proxy data. The degree to which predator-volunteer conversations accurately reflect
predator-child conversations is unclear, in part also due to this lack of real case data
to verify results. 15 papers make reference to this resource.
— The Dark Web Forum Portal is a search and summarisation interface to a col-
lection of 28 fora which are linked to extremist or terrorist material. As a standard
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proxy data such as adult pornography – and even studies merely attempting to quan-
tify the presence of child abuse media, where filename-only approaches are dominant.
Publications investigating terrorism or extremism also have access to a common
data source in the form of the Dark Web Forum Portal, though it appears to be less
uniformly drawn upon. With this topic, widely mentioned even in publications not
directly addressing it, scarcity of ground truth information about real-world threats
appears to have diverted many efforts in the open literature into exploration of the
networking and rhetorical properties of self-identified online extremist communities.
As is revealed in the breakdown of the quality analysis in Appendix A, a signifi-
cant proportion of publications reviewed had deficiencies in evaluation and indeed a
quarter of publications had no evaluation. While in a minority of cases this may be be-
cause the paper proceeds via theoretical proof, or because the format of the publication
does not allow sufficient space, in others poor adherence to scientific standards are
evident. Especially when designing methods for use in law enforcement or intelligence
deployments, where lives may directly be ruined by underperforming analysis tools,
researchers must be focused on the best way to identify objective truth regarding their
In some cases, with papers relying on social network analysis or information ex-
traction methods, and particularly where the method designed was semi-automated or
involved visualisation, evaluation sections presented only demonstrative case studies
as support for their tool or method’s utility, which is sufficient only for exploratory pre-
sentations. If the contribution is increased performance of the analyst interfacing with
the software, sufficiently defensible user trials must be presented, and the same might
be said for tools which aim to help an analyst seek resources on the Web.
In other cases, laboratory evaluations of classifiers were presented, but insufficiently
comparable to the real-world deployment scenarios. With the exception of copyright
infringement, most fields of study in this review hold an inherent class imbalance
problem – there are far fewer traces of criminals in the online world than there are
traces of innocent netizens, and classifiers operating on a general population must thus
overcome the likelihood of high rates of false alerts. Synthetic but unrealistic datasets
may demonstrate a classifier’s theoretical ability, but evaluations should always be
linked to actual deployment scenarios.
A small number of long-term projects and toolsets were referenced in multiple pa-
pers gathered by this review. In some cases, these publications report on significant in-
cremental improvements on developed approaches, with fresh evaluations (e.g., [Bali
2007; Mohamed and Yampolskiy 2012a; Mohamed and Yampolskiy 2012b]). In more
modular systems, such as the Email Mining Toolkit, the discussion is limited to brief
description of individual components of a larger toolset (e.g., [Stolfo et al. 2006a; Stolfo
and Hershkop 2005]). The lack of detail makes it difficult to ascertain the strengths
and weaknesses of such extensions with respect to each other as well as other com-
parable approaches. Further work and more detailed evaluations are needed to fully
understand the effectiveness of such extensions.
Impacting and underlying this study’s results is the rapid pace of development in on-
line mediums. While certain technologies such as email have remained fundamentally
consistent over the years, the same cannot be said for all online activity which draws
law enforcement attention. Individual games and social networking platforms can be-
come popular, draw law enforcement attention, and then become unpopular even as
researchers devise the appropriate tools to analyse this content — some of the data
sources in reviewed papers are from what might now be thought of as essentially dead
communities. Certain methods, such as analysis of written text, can be generalised
across a number of platforms and data sources, and are as such especially valuable.
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A Systematic Survey of Online Data Mining Technology Intended for Law Enforcement 1:39
The current volume of papers making use of multiple data sources is low, with infor-
mation extraction studies being the most likely to attempt this. The community should
put greater focus on tools which generalise to different applications. Many methods
may already be transferable, but studies attempting to replicate the performance of a
method on a new type of data are very rare. The cross-examination of different data
sets might also help standards of evaluation for researchers working in areas where
accurate ground truth is not readily available.
A number of papers on textual analysis and information extraction subjects demon-
strate that their methods work with multiple languages, the most common being En-
glish and Arabic. English being dominant globally, online and in science makes it a
clear target for analysis, whereas Arabic is clearly targeted by law enforcement and
intelligence interest in counter-terrorism applications. The linguistic challenges be-
hind textual analysis should not be forgotten or assumed solved when dealing with
less-analysed tongues, but law enforcement should be aware that such technology ex-
ists outside of what is collected in this review, even if it does not advertise itself as
applicable to law enforcement.
Finally, the extremely low overall level of engagement with actual law enforcement
bodies or domain experts appears problematic for a corpus of papers specifically se-
lected for referencing their intended deployment with law enforcement. This is not
necessarily a problem which may be overcome by the research community alone, but
attempts should be made to involve relevant professionals in the evaluation of tools
being designed for their use.
5.1. Further Work
Replication of this work could prove useful to the community, firstly in the ordinary
sense of validating this study’s results and conclusions and helping shape the method,
and secondly in identifying ongoing trends in publication which follow from the end
of this corpus. The area of crime informatics appears to be expanding rapidly, and
a significant volume of new contributions should be expected over the coming years,
which will no doubt alter the picture presented in this paper’s results. For instance,
studies making use of real case data from law enforcement and live evaluations in law
enforcement settings, e.g. [Hurley et al. 2013; Rashid et al. 2013; Peersman et al. 2014]
and use of data from forums exclusively used by criminals, e.g. [Afroz et al. 2014] have
started to appear. It would be interesting to study if this trend continues and whether
the research community can build shared real-world data sources for both evaluating
the tools and techniques and for pursuing a research agenda on multi-source data
synthesis for law enforcement applications.
Additionally, this study could be used as a basis for deeper systematic exploration
of the literature regarding a particular subgroup of topics or techniques identified in
our results. Researchers with domain knowledge in a particular area may wish to
expand our results through refined keyword selection or deeper following of references
in already-identified work.
5.2. Bibliography and Supplementary Material
Some additional analysis of this dataset – including the results of a quality analysis,
reviews for literature which was not easily classified, a guidance table for reading
the results by problem topic, and a description of some publication patterns – were
excluded from this document due to space considerations. They are made available as
supplementary electronic material.
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The quality analysis outlined in Section 2.2 indicated high variation in the quality
of papers, with an average overall score of 2.15, with a large standard deviation of
0.95. This agrees with reviewer impressions of the highly differing quality of reviewed
While most studies (85%) outlined their proposed method with appropriate detail
(those which did not nearly always being short position papers) and nearly three-
quarters of all included papers described some form of evaluation, 47% of the studies
included appeared to use neither an appropriate statistical evaluation nor domain ex-
perts in their evaluation. Though it should be acknowledged that this figure includes
many studies where neither was appropriate, having such a large proportion of studies
lack rigorous evaluation is problematic.
Table V. Quality Analysis results by problem topic
Topic Average Quality Score SD
Harassment 2.54 0.75
Identification 2.35 0.84
Children 2.24 1.02
Finance 2.21 0.94
Extremism 2.1 0.94
Intelligence 1.91 0.92
Cybercrime 1.5 1.04
As shown in Table V, individual problem topics differed from the mean, though few
in a manner which can be shown to be statistically significant, due in part to the
high variance in scores. We can see that within this review, studies promoting general
intelligence toolkits, tackling cybercrime and addressing extremism were on average of
lower quality, and that studies exploring harassment and cyberbullying or attempting
to identify individuals were on average of higher quality, but it would be dangerous to
infer much from such summary measures given the continually high deviation.
Table VI. Quality Analysis results by field of
Topic Average Quality Score SD
NLP:AP 2.74 0.84
NLP:AA 2.6 0.75
ML 2.52 0.74
NLP:SA 2.46 0.9
NLP 2.4 0.82
NLP:TC 2.37 0.63
CV 2.05 0.8
IE 1.88 0.94
NLP:O 1.69 1.07
SNA 1.55 0.71
Table VI shows a similar breakdown for the different fields of technique. It appears
that NLP and Machine Learning studies have generally higher than average quality
scores. In the case of NLP subfields like Author Profiling and Authorship Analysis,
there are enough studies that these deviations can be be considered significant at the
5% level. The fields of Social Networking Analysis and Information Extraction appear
to suffer from a lack of means for concrete evaluation of the performance of their meth-
ods on criminal datasets, appearing with below-average scores for paper quality.
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A Systematic Survey of Online Data Mining Technology Intended for Law Enforcement 1:41
B.0.1. Temporal. Analysis of the publications over time shows a clear bias for the past
decade, the oldest paper with a known publication date being from 1997. Our queries
of academic databases were only limited in date to include publications from 1970
onwards, so this would appear to be representative of publication trends. It would also
appear that this area of research has been expanding rapidly over the past decade.
B.0.2. Venues. The venue which produced the most papers included in this review is
the Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) conference, with 15 publications, closely
followed by the Journal of Digital Investigation with 8 publications. Following these
two were three venues with four publications apiece: the Journal of the American Soci-
ety for Information Science and Technology, the proceedings of the International Con-
ference on Digital Government Research and the ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Intelli-
gence and Security Informatics.
B.0.3. Authors. Of the 473 individual authors, 103 contributed to more than one pa-
per, 35 contributed to more than two papers and 19 contributed to more than three
papers included in our review — these authors are noted in Table VII. The author
appearing on the most papers was Hsinchun Chen, of the University of Arizona, with
contributions to 16 papers, most of which dealt with web and web forum mining for
the monitoring of violent extremists. His co-author Edna Reid also makes the list as
the second most represented author in our review.
Table VII. Authors with contributions to more than
3 papers included in the review
Author Number of Papers
Chen, Hsinchun 16
Reid, Edna 7
Iqbal, Farkhund 6
Qin, Jialun 6
Zhou, Yilu 6
Debbabi, Mourad 5
Fung, Benjamin C. M. 5
Skillicorn, D. B. 5
Watters, Paul A. 5
Yampolskiy, Roman V. 5
Abbasi, Ahmed 4
Appavu, S. 4
Edwards, Lynne 4
Kontostathis, April 4
Lai, Guanpi 4
Ma, Jianbin 4
Rajaram, R. 4
Teng, Guifa 4
Yearwood, John L. 4
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C.1. Other Identification Methods
[Dickson 2006b; Dickson 2006b; Dickson 2006a] examine the operation of common on-
line chat protocols and programs to provide aid to online investigations. The focus of
these papers leans towards forensics, providing specific details of default directories
and operations where evidence such as logs and ‘buddy lists’ may be found. Some de-
tails could also be relevant to off-the-wire capture and analysis. [Van Dongen 2007] is
similar in nature, appearing to primarily act as an update in that it examined Win-
dows Live Messenger 8.0 rather than MSN Messenger 7.5.
[Prusty et al. 2011] describe a vulnerability in the OneSwarm P2P filesharing net-
work which allows law enforcement to identify the source of shared content, with ref-
erence to the sharing of child exploitation material on that network, but also with
reference to private investigation for copyright infringement. Their attacks require
substantial investment from law enforcement, with a requirement to compromise 25%
of the network.
[Stolfo and Hershkop 2005] outline the general framework of the Email Mining
Toolkit. While the EMT has several intelligent modules detailed in other work within
this review, this particular paper includes only the highest-level overview of such func-
tionality, and includes no evaluation in itself.
[Lalla 2011] proposes a forensic methodology for handling email data, including con-
sideration of data mining and classification stages while preserving the legal admissi-
bility of evidence.
ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 48, No. 1, Article 1, Publication date: July 2015.
A Systematic Survey of Online Data Mining Technology Intended for Law Enforcement 1:43
a few potential data sources. The paper only identifies possible areas of exploration,
and does not in itself describe a system.
C.3. Other Studies on Crimes Against Children
[Chopra et al. 2006] propose to combat child abuse material at the network level by
maintaining a time-relative obscenity score for every source IP address. They aim to
derive obscenity measures from feature extraction on images reconstructed from IP
packets. No evaluation of the approach is provided.
[Garcia-Ruiz et al. 2009] focus on describing the distribution of child abuse material
on the online game Second Life, reviewing various ethical issues with monitoring the
game as well as comparing Second Life’s tools with measures which are common in
other social networks.
[Latapy et al. 2013] quantify child abuse material on the eDonkey filesharing net-
work. They base their analysis on two separate network captures of queries sent to two
of the main eDonkey servers, with an expert analysis to aid with their keyword-based
quantification of paedophile queries. They use the combination of IP address and port
to work back from keywords and estimate the number users of eDonkey issuing such
queries. They report that roughly 0.2% of eDonkey users search for paedophilic ma-
terial. While the use of experts in validation strengthens confidence in the results as
presented, this method would appear difficult to replicate.
[Gupta et al. 2012] aims to provide a deep understanding of paedophile grooming
conversational strategy, working from a manual analysis of online paedophile chat
logs to identify the different stages of grooming in chat. As with many studies in this
area, their data is drawn from the Perverted Justice vigilante site. As well as a set of
six categories of grooming conversational phase, they define conditional probabilities
for transition between different stages.
C.4. Other Studies on Terrorism and Extremism
[Glaser et al. 2002] focus on the advocation of racial violence in online fora, approach-
ing the issue through semi-structured interviews with members of racist internet chat
rooms. They capitalise on the candour in opinions expressed online to gather close per-
spective on precise conditions leading to the advocation of violence. They provide a
narrative analysis of their results.
[Freiburger and Crane 2008] contribute a systemic model of terrorist use of the
internet, framing evidence from previous studies in terms of social learning theory,
including comment on the power of group membership to the isolated, and the use
of the uncensored internet for promotion of terrorist aims. They lay out some angles
of approach for counter-terrorism online, including the infiltration of planning stages
conducted in public.
[Cao 2008] proposes a field of behavior informatics and analysis, including terrorism
and monitoring online communities among its motivations. The proposal motivates a
range of data mining around behaviour, but is a broad appeal rather than a description
of specific technology.
[Oh et al. 2011] present a case study covering the Mumbai terrorist attack based on
Twitter data. They provide a deep analysis of the events of the attack as they relate
to the social network, including the use of Twitter for situational awareness by the
attackers’ remote handlers and by mainstream media organisations. While they thus
demonstrate the utility of Twitter as an information source for online data mining
within the intelligence and law enforcement domain, they only go so far as to provide
a conceptual framework for information control.
[Prentice et al. 2011] cover linguistic analysis of a corpus of violence-inciting on-
line texts related to a specific event. The authors use a semi-automated coding system
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Section 3 and the related Appendix C orders the literature by the methods used. Read-
ers interested in particular problems rather than methods may wish to use the follow-
ing table to find discussion of relevant studies.
Problem Sections
Financial Crime 3.1.5, 3.2.4, 3.3.5, 3.4.5, 3.5.15, C.5
Cybercrime 3.2.3, 3.3.4, 3.5.2, 3.5.14, C.2
Threats and Harassment 3.1.3, 3.4.3, 3.5.6, 3.5.9, 3.5.13
Intelligence 3.2.2, 3.3.2, 3.4.6, 3.5.12, C.6
Crimes against Children 3.1.2, 3.2.6, 3.3.3, 3.4.4, 3.5.4, 3.5.10, C.3
Terrorism and Extremism 3.1.4, 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.4.2, 3.5.3, 3.5.5, 3.5.8, 3.5.11, C.4
Online Identification 3.1.1, 3.2.5, 3.3.6, 3.4.1, 3.5.1, C.1
Unclear Problems 3.1.6, 3.3.7, 3.4.7, 3.5.7, 3.5.15, C.7
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