Crime D Ata Mining
Crime D Ata Mining
Crime D Ata Mining
Entity extraction.
Clustering techniques.
Association rule mining.
Deviation detection.
String comparator.
Social network analysis.
Crime data mining framework
P ro b le m s : D ru g , C y b e rcrim e ,
Te rro rism e tc .
C lu e : C rim in a ls o fte n d e v e lo p s
n e tw o rk s in w h ich th e y fo rm
g ro u p s o r te a m s to ca rry o u t
v a rio u s ille g a l a ctiv a te s .
To identify subgroups and key
members in the criminal
networks and studying
interaction patterns
To develop effective strategies
for disrupting the networks
Data collection
164 Criminals
Sub Groups