The use of data-driven approaches by law enforcement is at an inflection point.
Heralded in the 1990s as the next great revolution in police work, almost a decade of
criticism has led police departments to rein in their ambitions of fighting crime using big
data and computer algorithms [1]. For example, after years of local resistance and
national criticism about racial bias and other civil liberties concerns, the Los Angeles
Police Department, in the spring of 2020, ended its decade-long experiment with
PredPol, an algorithmic crime forecasting system designed to predict the location of
property crimes [2,3]. Others have followed suit: in June of 2020, Santa Cruz, California
became the first U.S. city to ban predictive policing technology [4]. In January of 2021,
the city council in Oakland, California voted unanimously to ban both predictive policing
and biometric surveillance technology [5].
At the same time that some municipalities are erecting barriers to the use of
data-driven methods in policing, more departments use data-driven methods than ever
before. Given the constantly evolving landscape of data-driven policing methods and
the inconsistent publicity about the use of such technologies, it is difficult to know
precisely how many departments employ data-driven methods, but it is safe to say that
most major cities across the U.S., as well as several smaller cities and towns, use one
or more forms of data-driven policing technology. On its website, Geolitica (formerly
PredPol) claims its software currently “help[s] protect roughly one out of every 30
people in the United States.”[6] Furthermore, even some departments that have
discontinued using certain methods still rely on others. For example, despite
abandoning PredPol, the LAPD Strategic Plan for 2019-2021 lists “enhancing data-
driven policing” as the #1 activity in its initiative to reduce crime and victimization [7].
This paper synthesizes scholarship from several academic disciplines to identify and
analyze five major ethical challenges facing data-driven policing. Because the term
“data-driven policing” emcompasses a broad swath of technologies, we first outline
several data-driven policing initiatives currently in use in the United States. We then lay
out the five ethical challenges. Certain of these challenges have received considerable
attention already, while others have been largely overlooked; in many cases, the
challenges have been raised in the context of related discussions. Our goal here is to
articulate and clarify these ethical challenges, while also highlighting areas where these
issues intersect and overlap. Ultimately, responsible data-driven policing requires
collaboration between communities, academics, technology developers, police
departments, and policy-makers to confront and address these challenges. And as we
will see, it may also require critically reexamining the role and value of police in society.
Before beginning, however, two caveats are in order: First, our focus in this
paper is the deployment of data-driven policing tools in the US context. We draw on
international scholarship where applicable, but the distinctive and complex relationship
between policing and race in the US makes it challenging to import lessons from case
studies outside of the US. With this in mind, we have tried to proceed cautiously.
Second, given the limited space available in a journal-length article, it would be
impossible to offer an in-depth survey of every piece of scholarship that bears on the
challenges we raise in this paper. Therefore, we have not attempted it. Instead we have
supported our analysis of the emerging major challenges with what we take to be
representative work in the field. What we provide in this article is neither intended to be
comprehensive nor to be the final word on data-driven policing. For example, some
scholars have raised worries about the prospect of mass public surveillance enabled by
automated license plate readers and facial recognition-enabled CCTV cameras of the
sort found in the United Kingdom and China. Others have hailed mass surveillance as a
potential solution to existential threats to humanity [8–11]. While we touch on these
technologies, we do not devote significant space to speculating about large scale
societal ramifications of these technologies such as how they might transform the
relationship between the citizen and the state. And while we attempt to give adequate
attention to so-called “structuralist” critiques of data-driven systems, much more could
be said [12]. Nonetheless, we hope what follows gives the reader a sense of some of
the obstacles and open questions facing any attempt at a holistic assessment of data-
driven policing.
What is data-driven policing?
Data-driven policing is part of a larger “big data” revolution across sectors, including
medicine, finance, transportation, and criminal justice. What characterizes big data
systems, of which data-driven policing is one instance, is that they make use of vast
quantities of data from a variety of data sources, and, using rapid computer processing
and algorithms, identify correlations or patterns in the data--often patterns that humans
would otherwise overlook--in order to classify new instances in the domain of interest
[8,13,14]. This process of pattern recognition and classification occurs through the use
of computer algorithms, which are sometimes developed through the process of
machine learning [15]. A computer algorithm is a set of logical operations expressed in
computer code designed to solve a problem or accomplish a task (e.g., rank-ordering
websites on the basis of an input keyword). Machine learning is a method of computer
science by which a computer system is “trained” to reason or make inferences from
inputs. In contrast with a method whereby inference rules are hand coded for the
system to follow, the aim of machine learning is to enable the system to develop its own
rule or set of rules from a given set of examples in order to classify new instances in the
domain of interest. This requires providing the computer system with a large set of
examples and a set of tools to enable it to infer rules for correctly classifying new
instances [16].
With this background in mind, data-driven policing can be understood as the use
of big data systems to make classifications of interest to law enforcement. As we
discuss below, machine learning can produce data-driven policing systems whose
operations are very difficult for humans to understand, when the example sets from
which the system learns are very large and the classification rules the system learns are
very complicated. At its core, then, data-driven policing involves police agencies
making decisions by harnessing vast quantities of data and identifying patterns in that
data with assistance from computer systems. This characterization of data-driven
policing includes a variety of big data applications in law enforcement. Let us consider
some examples.
The LAPD pioneered perhaps the most well known and widely critiqued data-
driven policing application. Starting in 2011 the LAPD began an experiment with
PredPol. PredPol is a computer program developed by anthropologist Jeffrey
Brantingham and computer scientist George Mohler. Its purpose is to predict crime
using a proprietary computer algorithm trained on data about the type, location, and
time of crime. Premised on a criminological phenomenon known as the “near repeat
effect,” wherein one crime event in an area tends to give rise to a spike in similar crimes
in that area, PredPol was used by the LAPD to forecast future property crime—vehicular
theft and theft from a vehicle—at highly specific locations and times during a police
officer’s patrol shift [17]. These forecasts are displayed on a computer screen as “heat
maps” of 500x500 square foot boxes indicating high-risk areas in the officer’s beat.
Additional information about time, location, and type of recent crime incidents can be
incorporated each day to update the algorithm’s forecasts. While the LAPD discontinued
its use of PredPol in the spring of 2020, PredPol has become one of the most widely
used pieces of predictive policing software in the United States [18]. Internationally,
since 2015, the city of New Delhi's CMAPS program (Crime Mapping Analytics and
Predictive System) has provided police with algorithmically-determined maps of
predicted crime hotspots, based on historical data and continuously updated data from
emergency calls and “first information reports” [19].
Whereas PredPol was primarily used by the LAPD to assist in-house decision-
making about where police officers on patrol spent their uncommitted time, other data-
driven systems are advertised as being more holistic in their application. Risk Terrain
Modeling (RTM) is a crime forecasting system developed by Rutgers criminologists Joel
Caplan and Leslie Kennedy. RTM is theoretically grounded in so-called “opportunity
theory,” which explains criminal activity in terms of the social and physical features of
places that give rise to opportunities to commit crime [20]. To understand where
opportunities for crime are most abundant, one must be able to identify the features of
places that give rise to those opportunities. As such, RTM forecasts crime at a location
by incorporating in its model the features of a location that are the underlying causes of
crime. Once the features of locations that give rise to crime are identified, geographic
units are assigned a value depending on the presence or absence of those features.
The higher the value at a location the greater the risk of crime at that location. One key
difference between RTM and PredPol is that RTM forecasts take into account both
crime data and information about the features of a place that make it vulnerable to
crime, whereas PredPol merely makes use of past crime data. A further difference is
that RTM is not designed to predict specifically when crime will occur. It simply identifies
areas facing the greatest risk. It therefore does not lend itself as easily to allocating
officer patrols. Instead it suggests solutions to crime that target the features of places
that give rise to crime. In one project, RTM was used to identify locations in need of
measures to prevent shootings in New Jersey. Spatial features indicating areas of
greatest need included the addresses of known gang members, retail businesses and
drug arrests for sale or possession [21].
Still other data-driven policing methods are designed not to predict high-risk
places but high-risk people. Around the same time that the LAPD began its experiment
with PredPol, it adopted another predictive policing method called “Operation LASER,”
short for Los Angeles Strategic Extraction and Restoration Program [22]. Part of
Operation LASER involved identifying a list of “chronic offenders.” The list of chronic
offenders was compiled using information gathered from patrol units, field interview
cards, traffic citations, crime and arrest reports and criminal histories. Chronic offenders
are ranked by a points system. Points-accruing features included having a violent crime
conviction, a known gang affiliation, having been arrested for possession of a handgun,
and police contacts. From this list, the LAPD generated “Chronic Offender Bulletins,”
which included information about the individual’s arrest history, physical markers, gang
affiliation, parole status, warrants, and recent police contacts, among other information.
These bulletins were circulated within departments so as to inform officers on patrol
about which individuals required the most attention [13]. After an internal audit in 2019
revealed gross inconsistencies in the application of Operation LASER by officers in the
field, LAPD discontinued the program.
Person-based policing programs remain in use by police departments across the
United States and abroad. For example, the Tampa Bay Times recently revealed some
of the inner workings of Pasco County Sheriff’s Office’s Intelligence Led Policing
program [23]. Part of the Sheriff’s Office’s intelligence-led policing approach is to look
for “prolific offenders” in Pasco County, described in the intelligence-led policing manual
as individuals who are “not likely to reform.” The prolific offender designation is
determined in part by using an algorithm to assign points to members of the community
if they have been arrested for a violent crime, narcotics violation, theft, or if they are
suspected of any such offenses. Point “enhancements” are assigned for involvement in
five or more crime reports either as a reporting person, victim, or witness. The more
points a person has, the higher risk they are deemed to be of committing a future crime.
District analysts review the points assigned to individuals by the algorithm and may
designate them as prolific offenders. These individuals are then singled out for greater
police scrutiny. We say more about Pasco County’s Intelligence Led Policing program
The London Gangs Matrix has been used by the London Metropolitan Police
since 2011 to identify individuals at high risk of involvement in the city’s gang activity
and includes both individuals who are associated with committing gang-related crime as
well as victims. The London Gangs Matrix is a database jointly maintained by the
different borough divisions of the Metropolitan Police of the city of London. Its purpose
is to track individuals – especially youths – who are likely to be involved with gangs.
Each borough uses its own standards to determine who should be included (or
“Matrixed”), but the official operating procedures require that a police recommendation
for inclusion be corroborated by at least one other source or partner organization, such
as local social services authorities. Once an individual has been made a “gang
nominal”, they are assigned an algorithmically-determined, color-coded status meant to
show their likelihood to be involved in gang violence. Those coded as “Red” are
supposed to be the most likely to be involved in violent crimes, followed by the
moderate-risk “Amber” and the low-risk “Green” designations. Risk scores are based on
history of violence according to police records, assessments by police intelligence
analysts, and assessments or recommendations from partner organizations. At any
given time, a significant portion – roughly 38% prior to 2019 – of the Matrix will be made
up of nominals who are not only Green but have a risk score of zero, meaning that the
police and partner organizations have determined that they are involved with gangs but
have no chance of being involved in violence [24,25]. Individuals who have been
Matrixed do not suffer any explicit legal consequences. They do, however, seem to face
increased police surveillance. Although no causal relationship between inclusion on the
Matrix and police activity can be assumed, nominals are more than twice as likely as
non-nominals to be stopped and searched [24].
In addition to these systems, police departments have begun to employ methods
relying upon and furthering the use of existing technologies. For example, facial
recognition technology uses algorithms that allow police to identify wanted criminals or
suspicious individuals without the use of human analysts. Such systems rely on existing
surveillance technology infrastructure, such as CCTV and social media, and are
expected to be integrated into police-worn body cameras in the near future [26]. Large-
scale trials of live facial recognition software have recently been performed by the
London Metropolitan Police, and similar technologies are already widely used by the
Chinese government [27–29].
Facial recognition methods raise ethical concerns that are distinct from other
algorithmic systems we have discussed. For one thing, facial recognition systems
collect (and store) data on countless civilians via widespread and persistent surveillance
in various public spaces. This introduces heightened risks of privacy violations, misuse
or abuse, and accidental harm to innocents. While these harms are not entirely unique
to facial recognition, they do arise in a distinctive form as a result of these systems. By
contrast, the other algorithmic programs we have canvassed focus in general on
existing crime data and other relevant demographic data. Much of the ongoing scholarly
debate surrounding facial recognition underscores these and other issues [30].
However, it is important to understand facial recognition not simply in isolation, but as
part of a broader pattern of algorithmic policing, especially as these different systems
are often used in tandem.
Having laid out some common data-driven policing applications, we now turn to
several of the most significant challenges for the use of data-driven policing that have
emerged from the scholarly literature. Several of these challenges concern the specific
conditions of implementation of the applications; other challenges call into question
some of the goals of policing that using the applications presupposes.
bias in police officers’ choices about whom to investigate. If arrests for drug and
nuisance crimes are a reflection of racial bias on the part of police, and arrests are used
to generate the forecasts of predictive policing systems, then these systems will tend to
forecast greater crime than actually exists in communities where racial minorities are
concentrated. Thus, residents of those communities will often face unnecessary, and
sometimes unwanted, additional police attention. Second, once police inundate an area,
this can lead to even more police contacts, incidents, and arrests in minority
communities. This data is fed back into the system and used to make future predictions,
leading to a “ratchet effect” of escalating police attention [32]. Danielle Ensign et al have
called this cycle of ever-escalating police attention caused by predictive policing a
“runaway feedback loop” [33]. Insofar as the predictive success of predictive policing
systems hinges on ratcheting up the unjust and discriminatory policing patterns of the
past, these systems are not ethically justifiable. Nor are they particularly useful.
Facial recognition systems face similar concerns. Whereas much of the public
concern surrounding such systems concerns privacy, the disparate rates of false
positives between genders and races is also a cause for concern. If members of
minority groups have higher rates of false positive identification as persons of interest,
they will be more likely to receive unwanted police attention, which could yield greater
risks of harms during these interactions [34].
Whether the concern about discriminatory treatment applies to particular data-
driven systems will depend on a number of factors, including the kind of data the system
uses to generate predictions. For example, the LAPD adopted PredPol in part because
the system does not rely on arrest data to generate crime forecasts. In this way it seems
to avoid influence from police officer selection bias. Sean Malinowski of the LAPD
describes this rationale in Andrew Guthrie Ferguson’s seminal book on constitutional
issues related to data-driven policing.
...arrests are not part of the equation [in generating PredPols forecasts].
We felt this was important because we heard from some community
members that they were concerned about the program creating a kind of
self-fulfilling prophecy from under which a community could not
recover...In our model, we would hope to deploy the officer based on
crime only and then deny the criminal the opportunity to commit the crime
in the first place [8].
Even without arrest data, a ratchet effect can occur, depending on what non-
arrest data is used in a predictive model. For example, police reports can come from
community members reporting crimes and from officers looking for crimes, so police
reports are susceptible to influence from selection bias. Emergency calls for service, on
the other hand, are entirely community-driven, so they offer an attractive alternative to
arrest data and crime reports. But even data about emergency calls is not immune from
influence by human bias. Marda and Narayan have identified several potential sources
of bias within the New Delhi place-based predictive policing system CMAPS, which
makes predictions solely on the basis of data from past emergency calls for service and
police reports [19]. First, historical police records in Delhi may reflect the biases of the
reporting officers, who might have been more likely to record crimes perpetrated by
individuals from minority communities. Second, calls to Dial 100 may come
disproportionately from wealthier and more socially empowered citizens, and wealthier,
better educated callers might be better equipped to provide the detailed information that
is operationalizable by CMAPS.
Other police departments using data-driven policing systems have seemingly
ignored the threat of a ratchet effect altogether. Pasco County’s Intelligence Led
Policing identifies “prolific offenders” using a variety of data sources, each of which is
susceptible to influence by police bias. By assigning points to individuals based on
arrests and mere suspicion of criminality, the Pasco County system faces a clear threat
from differential selection. By “enhancing” point assignments for mere involvement in
crime reports, either as a reporting person, victim, or witness, the system risks placing
undue burden on innocent members of the community.
Perhaps the most remarkable fact about the public and academic conversation
around data-driven is how little evidence exists either of bias and discriminatory
impacts, or of data-driven policing’s efficacy in preventing crime. In the U.S. context only
a small handful of studies have been published assessing the efficacy of data-driven
programs [35], and only one published study has examined the racially discriminatory
impact of PredPol on arrest rates [36], finding no statistically significant effect on racial
disparities in arrests. Of course, absence of evidence is not evidence of absence,
particularly when access to data-driven policing systems is denied to the public or to
academic investigators, as it often is [35].
Something else that has been lost in the discussions of bias and discriminatory
impacts is how to better include members of minority communities in decision-making
about data-driven systems and additional police attention being directed toward their
community. No studies have been published about public attitudes toward the use of
algorithms to predict where crime will occur or who will commit it. National surveys paint
a complicated picture of minority attitudes toward police presence in their communities.
Black Americans express much less favorable attitudes toward police than do White
Americans [37], and black Americans have a long-documented distrust of the legal
system and of police in particular [38–40]. And yet in a recent Gallup poll, 61% of Black
Americans wanted police presence in their area to remain the same, and 19% wanted
police to spend more time in their area [41]. The details of when, how, and what sort of
police attention in minority communities is an unwanted burden is a complicated matter.
Person-based predictive policing programs like Pasco County’s prolific offender
program raise a host of distinct concerns relating to civil liberties and surveillance. What
academics and journalists have found most troubling about these programs is that they
often target individuals who are not suspected of any particular crime, but, because of
their social networks, have become associated with criminal activity. For example, an
Enforcement Notice by the Information Commissioner, responsible for enforcing data
regulation for the Metropolitan Police, found that the London Gangs Matrix used by the
Metropolitan Police included both victims and perpetrators of gang violence, and that it
failed to distinguish between them [42,43].
Once police have fixed their gaze on a so-called prolific offender, and information
about their prolific offender status circulates to other institutions, it can become virtually
impossible to get back onto the right side of the law [13]. Data about criminal justice
contacts is increasingly integrated and shared across institutions. One consequence of
labeling some individuals as chronic or prolific offenders is therefore that people with
records of contact with the criminal justice system may shy away from other institutions
that keep formal records. Sociologist Sarah Brayne has argued that individuals with
police contacts, arrests, or convictions are less likely to participate in medical, financial,
or educational institutions, or the labor market than individuals who do not have those
recorded contacts with the criminal justice system [44]. Thus, what begins as an
inequality in the criminal justice system can entrench inequality in access to other vital
social services.
Being marked by an algorithm as a prolific offender has implications for
constitutional protections as well. The fourth amendment protects citizens from
unreasonable stops, searches, and seizures by law enforcement. Whether a stop
counts as reasonable depends in part on whether a police officer had reasonable
suspicion that the subject of the search was involved in a criminal activity. As Andrew
Ferguson has noted in several places, what constitutes reasonable suspicion for a
search might be affected by algorithmic classifications [45]. Behavior that would
otherwise be insufficiently suspicious to justify a search may warrant a search if the
officer observing the person knows that he or she has been flagged as a “prolific
offender” by a predictive policing program. But this additional suspicion has nothing to
do with the current activities of the suspect. The suspicion is grounded in a statistical
inference made by a computer algorithm.
Addressing discrimination and violations of civil liberties in data-driven policing
requires a multi-pronged approach. As we’ve suggested, care must be taken in data
source selection and processing to avoid a ratchet effect. Beyond that, continuous
monitoring of the impacts of data-driven systems on communities is required to guard
against disparate impacts [46–48]. This has not been done effectively in the past. One
of the key deficiencies of the PredPol program identified in the Office of the Inspector
General’s audit of LAPD’s data-driven policing programs was inconsistent recording by
officers of time spent in the designated high-risk zones [49]. The program had been in
effect for approaching ten years by the time the OIG made this discovery.
Challenge #2 What data for which purposes?
Our second challenge concerns two assumptions made by proponents of data-driven
policing that its critics have called into question.
with one like RTM that incorporates data from non-law enforcement agencies about
features of high crime places. Such a system might, for example, find correlations
between poor street lighting or multi-family housing and auto vehicle theft. But here the
system has moved away from crime prediction to diagnosis, and it therefore suggests
different non-enforcement-oriented solutions. Addressing the underlying features of
places that make them vulnerable to crime might require engaging non-law-enforcement
agencies like public works, sanitation, or urban planning. Therefore, choices about
which data to use in data-driven policing implicitly or explicitly involve choices about the
proper role of police in crime prevention. While choices about technology adoption can
shape policing practice, they will not satisfy all of the demands of reformers. RTM, for
example, is designed to facilitate collaboration between police and city agencies on
non-enforcement-oriented solutions to crime, but RTM does not tackle the underlying
socio-economic conditions of peoples’ lives that make them vulnerable to crime or
criminality. And so RTM does not directly address calls to redirect law enforcement
funding to other social services such as education and mental health so as to target the
underlying social drivers of crime.
Further, much of the focus of big data policing systems centers on ‘street
crime’—e.g., property damage, theft, assault, and so forth. This focus is a choice on the
part of police departments and those responsible for designing and programming these
systems. What is often referred to as ‘white-collar crime’, as well as other types of
harmful and socially disruptive criminal activity, is not often actively pursued by local
police departments. There are several possible explanations for this focus, such as the
significant data available on street crime, which better enables the discovery of patterns
within the data that facilitates future predictions. Or it could be attributed to political
pressures, departmental expertise, and so forth. In any case, it is important to recognize
that, as a result of this narrower focus, the measurements of success or failure of data-
driven systems will be sensitive only to their ability to thwart this particular subset of
crimes. This leads to several underappreciated issues, such as the creation of
incentives for police departments to increase focus on crimes disproportionately
committed by the poor; the increased criminalization of certain minor offenses; and the
heightened potential for harassment of those with prior criminal activity, and unwanted
attention to those in certain geographic areas [46].
These examples illustrate several aspects of the broader ethical concern relating
to implementation of these data-driven methods. More generally, police departments
implementing such technologies face the following challenge: What data should we use,
and for what purposes should we use it? Much of the discussion surrounding the
implementation of data-driven policing systems has thus far ignored this question. As a
first step, departments planning to adopt such methods ought to scrutinize some of the
values and priorities that adoption assumes. And this scrutiny must not occur in a
vacuum. Insofar as data-driven policing systems encourage more aggressive
enforcement-oriented policing tactics than other systems, community members have a
significant stake in participating in the deliberative process about which systems are
adopted. For example, citizen-led police advisory councils must be empowered to
communicate to police the needs and concerns of community members. As we discuss
in Challenge #4 below, this will require greater transparency about the role that data-
driven systems play in policing.
Assumption 2 The second major assumption taken for granted by advocates of data-
driven policing, and which we have been granting so far, is that the primary function of
data-driven tools in policing is to promote social well-being. A growing chorus of critics
has called this assumption into question by calling into question the social value of
police [51,52]. Calls to abolish or defund the police have grown in volume and frequency
over the past decade as killings of unarmed Black men and women by police continue
to make national headlines. If policing is not a legitimate institution, then the tools it uses
are not legitimate either. Police abolitionists have argued that the institution of policing
is, and always has been, an unjust mechanism of social control of minority bodies, and
that one need only glimpse the history of policing to see that this is true [53]. On this
view, data-driven policing tools only serve to maintain that control [54]. Indeed, some of
the staunchest opponents of data-driven policing are explicitly abolitionist. Hamid Khan
is the director of the Stop LAPD Spying Coalition, the leading anti-data-driven activist
group in Los Angeles. In interviews he has described the group as “fiercely abolitionist”
[55]. Khan’s opposition to data-driven technologies like PredPol and Operation Laser is
founded in a commitment to the idea that the system of which these tools are a part is
irredeemably racist.
Opposition to data-driven policing that is rooted in the police abolitionist
movement leaves little room for reform. From this perspective, any tool of the police will,
necessarily, be used for oppressive purposes and so must be dismantled. Data-driven
technologies are a tool of the police. Therefore they must be dismantled. Whether or not
one accepts the premise of the abolitionist movement, the critique raises a vital
complication for the question we started with: “which data for which purposes?” If
existing data-driven policing technologies are tools of oppression and racial control,
then we shouldn’t be using data at all in the service of these technologies [56]. Instead
what data we use, and how we use it, requires reimagining the fundamental goals
guiding technology development. Ruha Benjamin is a leading academic voice of this
perspective, arguing that the social aim of technology should be to promote equity and
social justice, and not be driven by concerns for maximal efficiency and profit motive
This raises a key question: when evaluating a data-driven system’s accuracy,
transparency, or fairness, what is the relevant standard of success? More specifically,
what constitutes adequate performance by the data-driven system such that a law
enforcement agency is justified in implementing it in their decision-making process?
This question faces applications of algorithms and machine learning across all
sectors, but it arises in high relief in criminal justice contexts, where the stakes are very
high. Is it good enough for data-driven policing systems to make more accurate
classifications, offer greater transparency with respect to the factors that play a role in
institutional decision-making, and produce criminal justice outcomes that better align
with societal commitments to fairness than the status quo in policing? Alternatively,
should algorithmic systems be held to a significantly higher standard than the status quo
in each of these regards? While the algorithms will never be perfect, neither is the
status quo. And waiting too long to adopt the technology might allow inferior policing
operations to prevail in the meantime.
To illustrate the issue at stake, let us consider Chicago’s experiment with a
person-based predictive policing system called “Strategic Subject’s List,” also known as
“The Heat List.” The Heat List, now defunct, used an algorithm to identify individuals at
high risk of perpetrating or being victimized by a crime. The algorithm assigned rankings
to individuals on the basis of certain features, including arrests for drugs, illegal
possession of a firearm, assaults, and gang membership. Investigations of this program
revealed significant racial disparities in risk assignments. Black men were vastly
overrepresented among subjects on the Heat List [57]. A similar racial disparity was
found during the course of an internal audit of the London Gangs Matrix [24]. Do these
disparities alone mean that Chicago Police should have stopped using the Heat List to
assess risk of criminality and victimization?
Answering this requires first establishing a standard of success for data-driven
tools in criminal justice. One simple standard is that implementing an algorithmic tool is
justified if the tool surpasses human decision-making in the same domain of application
[58]. If one aim of these tools is to produce less discriminatory outcomes than human
decision-makers, this aim might still be achieved even if The Heat List over-represents
members of some racial groups. First, scholars specializing in the evaluation of risk
assessment tools in criminal courts have argued that tradeoffs between accuracy and
fairness apply in this context regardless of whether or not one uses algorithms in the
decision-making task [59]. Second, adopting data-driven tools might sometimes be
preferable to human decision-makers in the same domain even if the tools do not
produce perfectly fair outcomes. For, even without perfect knowledge of a data-driven
system’s inner workings, algorithmic systems provide unique opportunities to identify
the sources of discriminatory impacts and suggest remedies for those sources. A
growing field sometimes called “explainable AI” is concerned with making the
determinations of algorithmic systems interpretable or understandable to the human
subjects affected by them [60,61]. One subfield of explainable AI is concerned with
explaining the discriminatory behavior of data-driven systems. As Jon Kleinberg et al
put it, when it comes to addressing discriminatory outcomes, “The opacity of the
algorithm does not prevent us from scrutinizing its construction or experimenting with its
behavior – two activities that are impossible with humans” [62]. Furthermore, they
argue, a properly calibrated algorithm can counteract discriminatory intent by human
decision-makers in criminal justice by providing a “counterweight” to their judgment [62].
That is, the determinations of a non-discriminatory risk assessment system can be used
as a check against discriminatory decision-making by human officials. We note in
Challenge #4 below various obstacles to inspecting the inner workings of data-driven
systems for discriminatory potential, but these obstacles are not obviously greater in the
case of data-driven systems than they are for human decision-making. The inner
workings of the human brain that give rise to our choices remain largely an
impenetrable black box, the sources of human bias are often unknown to the decision-
maker or to observers, and bias in humans is often deeply intractable [63]. So, if the
standard for success is that the system performs better than a human with respect to
fairness, transparency, and accuracy, success might be within reach.
One concern with setting human performance as the standard of success is that
it might set the bar too low. For example, in the one academic study measuring
PredPol’s predictive accuracy in the field in comparison with human crime analysts,
PredPol’s predictions were compared with human crime analysts in Kent, UK and Los
Angeles, California. In Los Angeles, PredPol predicted 4.7% of crimes compared with
2.2% predicted by human crime analysts. On one reading of the results, PredPol was a
vast improvement over human crime analysts, more than doubling their accuracy. But
this feat is only impressive if we think that human crime analysts are already pretty good
at predicting where crime is going to occur. Does predicting 2.2% of the locations where
crime will occur amount to expertise? And is it worth investing in an algorithmic system
that predicts 2.5% more crime than human analysts? As Andrew Ferguson says,
describing the study, “To say X is better than Y is only really meaningful if you have a
baseline understanding of the value of Y. Maybe both the algorithm and the analyst are
terrible, so being better than terrible is not necessarily worth the investment” [8]. And as
Ferguson notes, there are no academic studies measuring the accuracy of human crime
analysts, so it is at present impossible to assess their adequacy as a baseline of
Brantingham and Valasik’s study examining discriminatory arrest patterns when
using PredPol found no significant differences in the proportion of arrests by racial-
ethnic groups when comparing police patrols allocated by PredPol to patrols allocated
by human crime analysts [36]. But once again, achieving parity with human decision-
makers may set the bar for success too low if arrest patterns are themselves racially
biased. If too many Blacks and Latinos are arrested when patrol officers are distributed
in accordance with the predictions of human analysts, maintaining that same proportion
of arrests of Blacks and Latinos is not something to be celebrated. We should instead
demand that the algorithmic system improve on the status quo. And indeed, the
differential selection of arrestees by race and ethnicity is a well-established
phenomenon for certain types of crime [13,64,65]. An advocate of police reform will not
be satisfied by the fact that data-driven policing systems maintain, but fail to improve on,
discriminatory patterns of policing. Rather, they will claim that this maintenance of the
status quo is precisely why these systems are unacceptable.
on several fronts. First, government institutions ought to be capable of publicly justifying
their treatment of citizens to the citizens affected. But technical and proprietary opacity
hinders their ability to do so.
Moreover, both sorts of opacity have the potential to sow distrust and skepticism
toward police, which may worsen many of the problems these technologies are
intended to resolve. For example, many police departments have adopted data-driven
systems in response to concerns about racial bias in policing that occurs when police
departments rely entirely on officers’ individual judgment and discretion. In response to
a critical exposé of their Intelligence Led Policing Program practices in the Tampa Bay
Times, the Sheriff’s Department in Pasco County, Florida wrote that their system:
removes any opportunity for bias by removing descriptive features and focuses
strictly on the criminal history of the individual, regardless of their race, gender,
creed or any other identifying factors. We are surprised to see a system that is
blind to anything but the criminal history of an individual is under attack, instead
of being celebrated as an important step forward in our country. [71]
to be at all effective, secrecy threatens citizens’ ability to hold law enforcement
Most of the data-driven technologies employed by police departments across the
country suffer from various sorts of opacity. For one thing, many of the most high-profile
technologies have been developed and maintained by private companies, which are
legally afforded (and typically retain) the right not to disclose certain proprietary
elements of these systems to the departments that use them, or to the general public.
Police departments are often given full authority to procure these systems from vendors
directly and to implement them without oversight from the public or from city
commissions [72,73]. Privatization thus poses a significant obstacle to the efforts of
concerned citizens, advocacy groups, and those directly impacted by these systems to
hold law enforcement accountable. Without full access to these systems, any attempts
at holding law enforcement accountable will be incomplete.
One potential step toward addressing this issue is to require technology
companies to release proprietary information to the relevant parties in certain cases.
Companies have thus far largely resisted this idea, and police departments have shown
little interest in insisting on it as a condition of contracting with technology firms, but
courts have recently indicated that this may change. In a recent case, New Jersey v.
Pickett, the court ruled that defendants have a right to inspect and understand the
software that is used to provide evidence against them, after a defendant had previously
been denied access to the proprietary DNA software that served as the basis for his
arrest [73]. Perhaps other courts will follow suit for algorithmic technologies used in
other facets of the criminal justice system, including policing.
While this case suggests a form of legal recourse for defendants subjected to
algorithmic decision-making, it faces legally and morally unsettled questions about how
to weigh individuals' rights to explanation for algorithmic decision-making against the
intellectual property rights of private firms. If the source code of algorithmic systems are
protected as trade secrets, even in criminal proceedings, then there are legal limits to
the inspection of those systems by defendants. The extent to which algorithmic systems
should be protected as trade secrets remains in dispute [75]. Settling that dispute is
beyond the scope of this paper. Even once these questions are settled, the right to
inspect and understand algorithmic systems is highly limited. The right to inspection was
extended only to those accused of crimes but not other interested parties, such as
advocacy groups and other oversight organizations, who might play a role in helping to
prevent abuses of these systems before they begin. Furthermore, courts are in general
a weak mechanism for oversight of law enforcement, since the courts are
constitutionally limited in the ways they can provide a check on law enforcement
practices. As Erik Bakke argues, “The Fourth Amendment’s protections apply only after
there is an invasion of a reasonable expectation of privacy. Because predictive policing
is used for surveillance, which does not require reasonable suspicion, police can
observe citizens without any court interference” [68]. Thus, full accountability is unlikely
to be achieved through the courts alone.
It is widely thought that accountability can be improved by subjecting data-driven
systems to ‘algorithmic audits’ and ‘algorithmic impact assessments’, in which an
independent organization evaluates the system for bias, unfair treatment, improper
data, corrupt source codes, harmful impacts and other problems [76,77]. Legislative
momentum is building to require that private firms regularly evaluate and remedy any
flaws or biases in their algorithmic systems. In April 2019, U.S. Senators Cory Booker
and Ron Wyden, along with Rep. Yvette D. Clarke introduced The Algorithmic
Accountability Act, which would authorize the Federal Trade Commission to require
companies to conduct regular impact assessments of certain “automated decision
systems” [78]. Such a requirement should extend to those private algorithms being
leased by U.S. law enforcement agencies and courts. If algorithmic auditing only looks
at the system’s inputs and outputs, without inspecting the system’s source code, it might
circumvent some of the intellectual property concerns raised above [79].
Joy Buolamwini’s work auditing commercial facial analysis models used by IBM,
Microsoft, and Megvii (Face++) provides an encouraging example of how audits can
address biases embedded in AI systems. Within seven months of an initial audit
demonstrating disparities in accuracy of facial analysis between men and women, and
between light and dark skinned people, IBM, Microsoft, and Megvii released new
versions of their software that significantly reduced those disparities [80].
Another encouraging example of algorithmic auditing in practice comes from a
collaboration between ShotSpotter Technologies and NYU’s Policing Project.
ShotSpotter Inc. is a private technology firm whose product uses computer sensors to
identify and analyze gunshots and then notify law enforcement. The Policing Project,
run out of NYU’s School of Law, “partners with communities and police to promote
public safety through transparency, equity, and democratic engagement” [81].
ShotSpotter voluntarily approached the Policing Project to conduct an audit of potential
privacy threats to bystanders whose voices might be picked up by the ShotSpotter
sensors. While the audit revealed little threat of unintended voice surveillance, the
Policing Project’s final report on the audit happily describes that ShotSpotter “adopted
nearly all of our [privacy protection] recommendations verbatim” [81].
These stories are promising, and algorithm audits are, to be sure, an essential
step in ensuring law enforcement accountability; however, several key issues remain.
First, the auditing process itself requires significant transparency—that is, measures
must be put in place to ‘audit the auditors’, or to otherwise ensure the independence of
the auditing process. Without this, there will remain incentives for departments to
employ only those auditors that are most favorable to them, and for auditors to provide
only the most favorable results.
Moreover, even if such audits are fully independent, measures must be put in
place to ensure the full unredacted reports are released without spin. Recently, a
company called HireVue, which uses AI during job interviews to evaluate job
candidates, hired an outside consulting firm, headed by AI expert Cathy O’Neil, to
perform an audit of their software [82]. As requested, O’Neil’s team focused on a
specific piece of HireVue’s technology; but the company used the largely positive audit
to suggest that their entire system had been vindicated—a conclusion that extended far
beyond the evidence from the audit. While HireVue is a public company, similar
concerns about transparency in the audit process itself affect public institutions like law
enforcement. To be sure, algorithm audits are an important step, but they can also be
used as a form of “accountability theater” that obscures more than it illuminates.
A further way to promote accountability is through legislative action. City
commissions that oversee police departments can create citizen-led councils to act as a
conduit through which the community can offer recommendations and advice to police
about the impact of police work on their communities. These councils should include as
part of their charge the evaluation of new technological policing systems, particularly
their impact on minorities. These bodies, sometimes called “citizen advisory councils,”
are useful tools of communication and trust building between police and communities,
but they provide limited accountability insofar as the council serves a merely advisory
role; city officials or police departments can opt to ignore the recommendations. A more
demanding approach would require prior legislative authorization by city officials of any
new data-driven technologies by police [83,84].
Our discussion in this essay is far from exhaustive. Each of the ethical challenges we
discussed raises many more complex and nuanced issues than we have addressed
here. Furthermore, there are many other urgent technical, legal, and ethical challenges
facing data-driven policing.
For certain of these challenges, there are clear pathways forward. For instance,
as we have noted, several of the problems, such as those concerning opacity and
oversight, can be partially addressed via legislation or departmental policies that require
that any companies contracted to provide algorithmic technologies to police
departments waive the relevant intellectual property rights in certain contexts and to
submit to regular external independent audits. None of these steps is a panacea, and
they each raise further issues that must be addressed as well.
Other challenges, such as those relating to bias, data selection, standards of
success, and deeper questions about the social value of police require more collective
deliberation. This deliberation must be informed by academics, technologists, law
enforcement, and, most importantly, the lived experience of the public. Some scholars
have recently considered whether addressing algorithmic bias directly in the design and
programming might mitigate or eliminate these negative effects, and the initial results
appear promising [59]. There are, however, concerns with this approach; and some will
find the possibility of any amount of encoded bias unacceptable.
While police departments nationwide vie for better data-driven technologies to
support their mission to protect and serve their communities, advocacy groups and the
broader public are calling for the discontinuation of data-driven policing programs. As
we have attempted to show here, what ought to be done about data-driven policing is a
complex and multi-faceted issue. It will be virtually impossible to satisfy all sides of the
debate. Those who wish to continue on the path to better data-driven policing must work
to address the challenges we have raised above, and many other issues that are raised
by this technological shift. And those who oppose data-driven policing practices ought to
be aware of and sensitive to the full range of challenges, their complexity, and the
various possible pathways forward. Socially responsible data-driven policing requires
collaboration between academics, technology developers, police departments, and
policy-makers to confront and address these challenges. Most importantly, it requires
engagement with and oversight by affected communities, especially those who have
become deeply skeptical about the enterprise of policing.
Conflict of interest statement: On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author
states that there is no conflict of interest.
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