IEEE STD 946-2020 DC Short Circuit Calculation
IEEE STD 946-2020 DC Short Circuit Calculation
IEEE STD 946-2020 DC Short Circuit Calculation
IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of DC Power Systems for Stationary Applications
Annex D
Due to the battery time constant, the maximum coincident short-circuit current can be conservatively
calculated as the sum of the peak sho1t-circuit current from the battery and the peak sho1t -circuit current value
from the charger (Figure D. l ).
Inductive loads such as de motors, if operating, \Vil! contribute to the total fault current. The maximtun current
that a de 1notor delivers at its terminals is limited by the effective transient armature resistance Rd of the range
ofO. l to 0. 15 per unit. Thus, the maximum fault current for a fault at the motor terminals typically ranges from
seven to ten times the motor's rated armature current. Therefore, it is conservative to estimate the maximum
current that a motor contributes is ten times the motor's rated full-load current. When a more accurate value is
required, the sho1t -circuit current should be calculated using specific rd data or from test data obtained from
the motor manufacturer. (IEEE Std 446 [B 11] : Emergency and standby systems for industrial and commercial
applications and IEEE Std 666.)
Each installation should be evaluated by the design engineer to determine the magnitude of the sho1t -circuit
currents from the battery, charger, motors, etc. Any non-typical installation should be evaluated by the design
engineer to verify that the peak values of the batte1y and charger short-circuit currents are not coincident.
IEEE Std 946-2020
IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of DC Power Systems for Stationary Applications
Battery cables: 2-1 IC 350 kcmil cables/leg, each 12.3 m (40.5 ft)
The battery ti1ne constant and apparent inductance under short-circuit conditions are calculated as follows:
. 11 ms
Battery tune constant: T = = 2. 2 ms
Battery inductance: lb = T x Rb = 2. 2£ - 3 x 0. 006786 = 14. 9 µH
The time constant for the cornbination of the battery and cables is calculated as follows:
lb + l 14.9£-6 + 36.2£-6
Tl = Rb +R2 - = 6 ms (D.l)
0. 006786 + 0. 0017
2 Vpc*60 120 v
17-) - 14 141 A
lb = Rb +R2 - -(0- .-00_6_7_86_+_0_.0-0-
17 141 A is a maximwn current \vhen the battery current peaks at 30 ms after the fault.
IEEE Std 946-2020
IEEE Recommended Practice for the Design of DC Power Systems for Stationary Applications
-------~ -----
,, -= --- ---------
--- ~----
10000 I-
6000 - - - I
4000 I
~• •
. ·-••
• • •• ... •• •• .•··•·•···••··••·•••·••·· ····· • ••
••• • • ••
•• •• ••••
~ ..• • ••
Time (ms)
Figure D.1- Typical short-circuit current evolution at the de bus connected to a battery
in parallel with current-limited charger