U16sss Inap PM
U16sss Inap PM
U16sss Inap PM
Revision History
Issue Date Description
15 Oct 2017 CS1+ Protocol added.
Parameter ‘INPN_EventTypeBCSM’ [24] corrected to be INPN_EventTypeBCSM(0)
[192] in various protocol tables.
Parameter for BCSM event ‘AnalyzedInformation’ corrected; in various protocol
14 Oct 2016 Added parameter area to INAP_MSG_ERROR_IND message
Added error codes
Added INAPPN_riid parameter to message types table
Corrected ITU CS-1 InitialDP table
13 Apr 2016 Addition of Extended Dialog Ranges
Addition of new values for INAPPN_prov_rsn
Addition of INAPPN_dlg_idle_timeout parameter.
Addition of AIN services: ResourceClear, SendNotification and TerminationAttempt.
INAP timers Configuration is in seconds (manual correction).
Some ellipsis parameters moved to the end of the operation.
Module Configuration message uses format version 1
12 Jun 2008 Rebranding and updates.
CAMEL v4 and CAMEL v4 for IMS added.
11 Aug 2007 CAP v3 documentation revised.
Minor corrections and updates.
10 Dec 2005 Added new parameters (qos, user_information, report_cause)
Addition of a subset of AIN operations from GR-1299-CORE (AINGR).
Minor corrections and updates.
9 Jul 2003 Addition of all CAP V3 operations and selected AIN operations.
8 Jul 2003 Branding changed: references to System7 removed.
7 Jul 2001 Addition of remaining operations for ETSI CS-2.
6 Mar 2001 Addition of operations for ETSI CS-2 SCF-SRF interface.
5 May 2000 Extension of protocol support to provide access to operations and application contexts
in ITU CS-1 (Oct ‘95) and CAMEL (v1 and v2).
Enhanced support for the sending and receiving of operation extensions.
Addition of new parameter for close pre-arranged end handling.
4 May 1999 Completion of all ETSI CS-1 operations and application contexts included in ETS 300
374-1. Includes details of new operations and additional parameters required to
support these new operations. Addition of the procedure IN_version procedure to
provide API version information.
3 Feb 1999 Addition of seven more ETSI 300-374-1 operations.
2 Nov 1998 Minor Corrections.
Notes on use of “pre-arranged end” of INAP dialogues
1 Oct 1998 First Issue. INAP interface.
Note: The latest release issue of this guide can be found at:
Revision History
Revision History............................................................................................................ 3
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 6
1.1 Feature Overview ................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Related Documentation ........................................................................................................... 7
1.3 Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 1. INAP at an SCP .......................................................................................................... 9
1 Introduction
1 Introduction
The Dialogic® DSI Protocol stacks INAP module enables development of
Intelligent Network applications in the SS7 environment. The User application
is provided with simple access to the operations specified in the Intelligent
Network Application Protocol (INAP).
The INAP module consists in an event driven task using standard DSI
structured message types, which provides a control interface at the service
provider level. A suite of API functions is also supplied to provide a
convenient interface for the user application as well as coding and decoding
of IN operations.
Both the INAP module and the suite of API functions are written using the ‘C’
programming language. They are fully portable and make no operating
system or compiler specific references.
This manual provides an overview of the API IN functions and the interface to
the INAP module. It includes details of all API function parameters and the
structure of messages used to interface to the INAP module.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
1 Introduction
1.3 Abbreviations
The following table provides a list of abbreviations used in this manual.
Abbreviation Description
AIN Advanced Intelligent Network
ANSI American National Standards Institute
APDU Application Protocol Data Unit
ASE Application Service Element
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One
CAMEL Customized Application for Mobile Network Enhanced Logic
CAP CAMEL Application Part
CCITT The International Telegraph & Telephone Consultative Committee
CS-1 Capability Set One
CS-2 Capability Set Two
CUSF Call Unrelated Service Function
FE Functional Entity
FEAM Functional Entity Access Manager
INAP Intelligent Network Application Protocol
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union (formerly CCITT)
MACF Multiple Association Control Function
MTP Message Transfer Part
SACF Single Association Control Function
SCCP Signaling Connection Control Part
SCF Service Control Function
SCP Service Control Point
SRF Specialized Resource Function
SSF Service Switching Function
TCAP Transaction Capabilities Application Part
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
2 General Description
[INAP Module]
The module is event driven. It has a single input queue into which messages
from other modules (TCAP, INAP-User, management etc.) are written. The
module processes each message in turn until the input queue is empty, in
which case it will do nothing until the next event is received. Output from the
module is directed depending on the type of event to the TCAP module, the
INAP User module, the Management module or the Maintenance module.
2 General Description
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
3 INAP Module User Interface
3.1 Introduction
The INAP module is event driven.
The INAP module - User interface is message based and uses the following
message types:
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
INAP-DELIMIT-REQ 0x3 Used to indicate that any components supplied should now
be transmitted to the remote FE. The dialogue remains open.
INAP-U-ABORT-REQ 0x4 Used to indicate that the user wishes to abort this dialogue.
Any outstanding components are discarded.
INAP-OPEN-RSP 0x81 Used to accept or reject a dialogue request from a remote
3 INAP Module User Interface
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Message sent from the User to the INAP module containing a dialogue
request primitive.
Message Format
Message Header
type INAP_MSG_DLG_REQ (0xc7f2)
id dialogue_ID
src Sending module_id
rsp_req 0
hclass 0
status 0
err_info 0
len Number of bytes of user data
Parameter Area
Offset Size Name
0 1 Dialogue primitive type octet.
1 len - 2 Parameters in Name-Length-Data format.
len - 1 1 Set to zero indicating end of message.
This message is used by the User to send dialogue primitives to the INAP
module. All dialogue primitives contain a dialogue ID which is encoded in the
message header. It does not form part of the parameter area. It must be
provided by the User with the INAP-OPEN-REQ primitive and used in the
message header of all subsequent dialogue primitives associated with that
dialogue. Operation invocations, results and errors are also associated with a
particular dialogue using this dialogue ID.
See Section 3.2 Dialog Primitive Types on page 13 for details of primitive
3 INAP Module User Interface
INAP Primitive
Destination A O
Originating B O
Destination A
Originating B
Result M
Refuse reason O
Release method M
User reason M
Application O O O O
context name
Application C O
context index
User Information O O O
Idle Timeout O O O
Symbol Description
M Mandatory The message will be discarded if the corresponding parameter is
O Optional The parameter is not essential
A Exclusive OR One of the parameters marked A must be included.
B Exclusive OR One of the parameters marked B must be included.
C Conditional The parameter marked C must be included if Application Context
negotiation is enabled i.e., if the INAP_MSG_CNF_AC message
has been issued at least once.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Dialogue event indication message sent from the INAP module to the user.
Message Format
Message Header
Field Name Meaning
type INAP_MSG_DLG_IND (0x87f3)
id Dialogue_ID
dst User module_id
rsp_req 0
hclass 0
status 0
err_info 0
len Number of bytes of user data
Parameter Area
Offset Size Name
0 1 Dialogue primitive type octet.
1 len - 2 Parameters in Name-Length-Data format.
len – 1 1 Set to zero indicating end of message.
This message is used by the INAP module to indicate dialogue events to the
User application.
All protocol messages must contain the dialogue ID of the dialogue to which
they refer. This is encoded in the message header. The INAP module assigns
the dialogue id for an incoming dialogue request (OPEN IND primitive).
See Section 3.2 Dialog Primitive Types on page 13 for details of dialogue
primitive usage.
3 INAP Module User Interface
The following table lists the parameters associated with each dialogue
indication primitive:
INAP Primitive
Result M
Refuse reason O
User reason M
Provider reason M
context name
context index
Source M
Release confirm O
Report Cause O
User Information O O O O
Symbol Description
M Mandatory The parameter will always be included in the message
O Optional The parameter may or may not be included in the message
depending on the circumstances in which the message is sent.
A Exclusive OR One of the parameters marked A must be included.
B Exclusive OR One of the parameters marked B must be included.
C Conditional The parameter marked C must be included if Application Context
negotiation is enabled i.e., if the INAP_MSG_CNF_AC message
has been issued at least once.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
The coding for each parameter type is given in the following tables:
3 INAP Module User Interface
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter data Allows the user to distinguish between a normal “basic” or “pre-arranged”
termination of a dialogue. If this parameter is not present, then a normal
release should be assumed.
0 – normal release indication. The dialogue has been closed by the
remote system.
1 – release confirm indication. The indication is generated to confirm
that the dialogue has been closed using a pre-arranged end. All
operations have been completed or have timed-out.
3 INAP Module User Interface
Parameter data Provides the user with an abort cause when the network aborts a dialogue.
0 – provider malfunction
1 – supporting dialogue/transaction released
2 – resource limitation
3 – maintenance activity
4 – version incompatibility
5 – abnormal INAP dialogue
6 – invalid PDU
7 - idle timout
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
3 INAP Module User Interface
Protocol message sent from the User to the INAP module containing a single
INAP operation invocation, result or error.
Message Format
Message Header
Field Name Meaning
type INAP_MSG_SRV_REQ (0xc7f0)
id Dialogue_ID
src Sending module_id
rsp_req 0
hclass 0
status 0
err_info 0
len Number of bytes of user data
Parameter Area
Offset Size Name
0 1 Component Type octet.
1 len – 2 Parameters in Name-Length-Data format.
len – 1 1 Set to zero indicating end of message.
This message allows the user to send INAP operation invoke, result and error
components to a remote Functional Entity via an open dialogue. It is also
used to issue problem codes relating to received components.
The User's components are formatted as a TCAP component following the
basic ASN.1 encoding rules.
All service request messages must contain the dialogue ID of the dialogue to
which they belong. This is encoded in the message header and does not form
part of the parameter area.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
The following parameters are defined for use in service request messages:
Component Type
Invoke ID M M M M
Linked ID O
Component M M M
Op code M
Parent Ind O
Class M
Timeout M
Problem code M
Dialog ID (DID) O O O O
Symbol Description
M Mandatory The message will be discarded if the corresponding parameter is
O Optional The parameter is not essential
3 INAP Module User Interface
Protocol message sent from the INAP module to the user containing a
received operation invoke, result or error component.
Message Format
Message Header
Field Name Meaning
type INAP_MSG_SRV_IND (0x87f1)
id Dialogue_ID
dst User module_id
rsp_req 0
hclass 0
status 0
err_info 0
len Number of bytes of user data
Parameter Area
Offset Size Name
0 1 Component Type octet.
1 Len - 2 Parameters in Name-Length-Data format.
len – 1 1 Set to zero indicating end of message.
The INAP module uses this message to send received INAP operation invoke,
result and error components to the User.
The received components are formatted as a TCAP component following the
basic ASN.1 encoding rules.
All service indication messages must contain the dialogue ID of the dialogue
to which they belong. This is encoded in the message header and does not
form part of the parameter area.
The following parameters are defined for use in service indication messages:
Component Type
Component M M A
Invoke ID M M M
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Component Type
Linked ID O
Linked Op code O M M
Provider Error A
Dialog ID (DID) O O O
Symbol Description
M Mandatory The parameter will always be included in the message.
O Optional The parameter may or may not be included in the message
depending on the circumstances in which the message is sent.
C Conditional The parameter will be included in the message if Application
Context negotiation is enabled, i.e. at least one
INAP_MSG_CNF_AC message has been issued.
A Exclusive OR One of the parameters marked A will always be included in the
3 INAP Module User Interface
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3 INAP Module User Interface
Parameter data Used by the User application to indicate to the INAP module that the
operation being invoked has defined linked operations. This allows the
INAP module to reject inappropriate received linked operation
0: The operation being invoked does not have any specified linked
1: The operation being invoked has specified linked operations.
If this parameter is omitted it is assumed the operation being invoked
does not have specified linked operations.
Where the INAP API code functions are used, this parameter is supplied
automatically if the operation is able to be a parent of a linked operation.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
4 Functional API User Interface
4.1 Introduction
The INAP module provides the means for transmitting INAP operations
between Functional Entities. The module requires the INAP operations coded
as a TCAP component ([4] on page 7), following the basic ASN.1 encoding
rules ([3] on page 7).
A suite of API functions is supplied to provide a convenient way to build and
recover the INAP module messages. The API functions also provide the
coding and de-coding of INAP operations and their parameters as TCAP
The API interface is entirely procedural. The user application need not be
aware of the data structures used to handle the dialogue primitives and
service requests.
The suite of API functions provides the following features:
Message buffer allocation and de-allocation.
Dialogue handling.
IN service handling.
Generic Parameter handling.
Component code and decode.
Ability to send and receive user extensions to operations.
The API suite of functions is generic to all INAP services. INAP operations
and associated parameters are identified using API interface codes that are
defined in the API header file “in_inc.h”.
The user places INAP operations and associated parameters in a "component
structure". The type definition of this component structure is available to the
user, permitting the user to create instances of it as required. However, the
API functions conceal the internal contents of the structure from the user
API functions are used to obtain an inter-process message structure.
An API coding function is then used to build an INAP Service Request
message in this message structure using the contents of the component
structure. The INAP operation and associated parameters placed in the
component structure by the user application are coded using the Basic
Encoding Rules of ASN.1 see [3] on page 7.
An API function can then be used to send the message structure to the INAP
Operation results and errors are handled in a similar way.
API function suites are available for the ETSI, ITU, CAMEL, AIN and CS1+
standards for INAP.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Where two function names are presented, the IN_* function is for use when the Extended Dialog ID option is disabled
(dlg_id is 16 bits) and the IN_EXT_* function is for use when the option is enabled (dlg_id is 32 bits).
4 Functional API User Interface
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Note A: An error status is returned if the parameter, operation or error is invalid or is too
large for the component structure. However, it is not necessary to check the
status after setting each parameter. The first error to occur is recorded in the
component structure and may be obtained using the function
IN_get_component_first_error(). The functions IN_code_operation_invoke(),
IN_code_result() or IN_code_error() will return IN_ERROR_IN_COMPONENT if an
error is stored in the component structure during an attempt to build an INAP
4 Functional API User Interface
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4 Functional API User Interface
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Dependant of whether the function is for Extended Dialog IDs (IN_EXT_*) or not (IN_*).
4 Functional API User Interface
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4 Functional API User Interface
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
4 Functional API User Interface
Opening a Dialogue
In order to open a dialogue with a remote system the user application obtains
a message structure and fills in the associated parameters. The message can
then be set as a dialogue open before sending to the INAP module. One of
the parameters in the open message should indicate the application context
to be used for the length of the dialogue. This can either be the application
context index or full application context. The application context index is used
to reference a pre-configured application context.
h = IN_alloc_message(0);
Nothing will be sent to the remote system at this point. The INAP binary
module is waiting for any INAP operation invocations with which the user may
wish to open the dialogue. The dialogue id chosen for the open request
should be an idle dialogue from the outgoing range defined by the values in
the INAP configuration message (see Section 5.1 INAP Configuration Request
on page 57).
Sending an Operation
To send an operation on an opened dialogue first a message structure is
obtained in the same way as for dialogue messages. The user must then
initialize an instance of a component structure, denoted here as ‘cpt’. This
initializes the fields in the component structure, including setting the protocol
to be used to encode or decode messages. The cpt structure is used to store
information ready for encoding into a message structure. The
IN_set_operation is used to set the operation and timeout values. The
IN_set_component_parameter procedure is used to store parameter data into
the cpt structure. Once all of the required parameters are stored in the
component, the IN_code_operation_invoke encodes the data from the cpt
structure into the message structure ready for sending to the INAP module.
h = IN_alloc_message(0);
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Sending a Delimit
The delimit message is built and sent in a similar way to the open message.
Once this is received by the INAP binary, any pending components will be
sent to the remote system in a TCAP Begin message.
h = IN_alloc_message(0);
h = GCT_receive();
switch (h->type)
switch (dlg_type_ptr)
4 Functional API User Interface
Decoding an Operation
The operation invoke message is received in the same way as the dialogue
open response, but in this case the message type will indicate it is a service
indication. The procedure IN_get_component_type can be used to see the
procedure is an operation invoke. Just as when encoding an operation into a
service request, a component structure must be initialized ready for use when
decoding a component from a service indication message.
h = GCT_receive();
switch (h->type)
switch (cpt_type)
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Receiving a Close
The procedure GCT_receive can be used to receive the incoming message.
The message type will indicate that it is a dialogue indication and the
procedure IN_get_dialogue_type will show the message is a close.
h = GCT_receive();
switch (h->type)
switch (dlg_type_ptr)
The close indicates that the dialogue should be ended and no further
communication for that dialogue is possible. Resources for that dialogue
should be closed and the dialogue id should be made available for re-use.
4 Functional API User Interface
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
h = GCT_receive();
switch (h->type)
switch (dlg_type_ptr)
Decoding an Operation
The operation decode can be performed as described in Decoding an
Operation on page 46.
4 Functional API User Interface
Decoding a Delimit
The procedure GCT_receive can be used to receive the incoming message.
The message type will indicate it is a dialogue indication and the procedure
IN_get_dialogue_type will show the message is a delimit.
h = GCT_receive();
switch (h->type)
switch (dlg_type_ptr)
The delimit indicates that all of the pending group of operations, results or
errors received from the remote system in the same message over the
signaling link have been sent from the INAP binary.
m = IN_alloc_message(0);
Sending an Operation
The operation encode and send can be performed as described in Sending an
Operation on page 44.
As before the sending of the operation will not trigger a message to be sent
to INAP until a delimit (or close) is sent to INAP.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Sending a Close
The close request is sent to end the dialogue with the remote system and the
release method parameter should be used to show whether this should be a
normal or pre-arranged end.
m = IN_alloc_message(0):
Dialogue with PRE_ARRANGED_END
End below
for timeout
4 Functional API User Interface
Destination address A
Originating address B
Destination reference A
Originating reference B
Result M
Refuse reason O
Release method M
User reason M
Application context
Application context
User Information
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Idle Timeout O O O
Symbol Description
M Mandatory The message will be discarded if the corresponding parameter is
O Optional The parameter is not essential
A Exclusive OR One of the parameters marked A must be included.
B Exclusive OR One of the parameters marked B must be included.
C Conditional The parameter marked C must be included if AC negotiation is
The parameters that may be recovered from the message structure using the
IN_get_dialogue_param() function for each of the message primitive types
are summarized below.
Result M
context O O O O O
4 Functional API User Interface
context C O
Source M
The API user should not defined Dialog ID as a parameter, this is handled automatically by the API functions (IN_EXT_*)
when the dialog is codedor or the service built.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
The parameters are used as required by the INAP module. See Chapter 3
INAP Module User Interface on page 12.
5 Non-Primitive Interface
5 Non-Primitive Interface
In addition to the primitive interface for passing INAP protocol messages
between the INAP module and the User application, the INAP module
supports a non-primitive interface for implementation-specific functionality.
The non-primitive interface permits the configuration of the INAP module.
It also allows the INAP module to supply diagnostic information, protocol
error events and software error events to the local system management and
maintenance modules.
This section describes the formats of all the messages used in the non-
primitive interface.
All of the messages handled by the INAP module may request a confirmation
by setting the rsp_req field in the message header.
The confirmation message consists of the received message echoed back to
the sending module. The status field of the confirmation message header may
take one of the following values.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Message Format
Message Header
Field Name Meaning
type INAP_MSG_CONFIG (0x77f4)
id 0
src Sending module_id
rsp_req used to request a confirmation
hclass 0
status 0
err_info 0
len 40
Parameter Area
Offset Size Name
0 1 user_id
1 1 TCAP_id
2 1 mngt_id
3 1 maint_id
4 1 trace_id
5 1 version – set to 1
6 4 base_usr_ogdlg_id
10 4 base_usr_icdlg_id
14 4 base_tc_ogdlg_id
18 4 base_tc_icdlg_id
22 4 nog_dialogues
26 4 nic_dialogues
30 4 num_invokes
34 4 options
38 2 reserved
This message is used to configure the INAP module for operation. It should
be the first message sent to the module. Any messages received before a
valid configuration message will be discarded. It should only be issued once.
5 Non-Primitive Interface
The message parameters relate to the environment in which the INAP module
is operating.
Parameter Description
Message Format Version. For the format defined in this document set this to
1. Older formats will continue to work for a period, but support may
eventually be discontinued.
Management module ID. The module to which software event indications are
Trace module ID. The module to which trace event indications are sent.
The first dialogue ID for outgoing dialogues. The user assigns dialogue IDs for
outgoing dialogues. The User should assign values in the range
base_ogdlg_id to (base_ogdlg_id + nog_dialogues - 1). The user must ensure
that the dialogue ID is included in all protocol messages sent via the outgoing
The first dialogue ID for incoming dialogues. The INAP module allocates the
dialogue ID for incoming dialogues. It uses values in the range base_icdlg_id
to (base_icdlg_id + nic_dialogues - 1) for this purpose. It is important that
different ranges of values are used for incoming and outgoing dialogues on
the user interface. This prevents the INAP module assigning a dialogue ID to
an incoming dialogue at the same instant the user assigns it to an outgoing
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
The first dialogue ID for outgoing dialogues for use on the INAP module -
TCAP interface. The INAP module allocates dialogue IDs for outgoing
dialogues. It uses values in the range base_tc_ogdlg_id to (base_tc_ogdlg_id
+ nog_dialogues - 1) for this purpose.
The first dialogue ID for incoming dialogues for use on the INAP module -
TCAP interface. The TCAP module allocates the dialogue ID for incoming
dialogues. It uses values in the range base_tc_icdlg_id to (base_tc_icdlg_id +
nic_dialogues - 1) for this purpose. It is important that different ranges of
values are used for incoming and outgoing dialogues on the INAP module –
TCAP interface. This prevents the INAP module assigning a dialogue id to an
outgoing dialogue at the same instant TCAP assigns it to an incoming
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Message used to configure a Network Context.
Message Format
Message Header
Field Name Meaning
type INAP_MSG_NC_CONFIG (0x77f8)
id Network Context id (value 1 to 3)
src Sending module_id
rsp_req used to request a confirmation
hclass 0
status 0
err_info 0
len 40
Parameter Area
Offset Size Name
0 1 cnf_ver
1 1 user_id
2 1 TCAP_id
3 2 options
5 35 reserved
This allows the configuration of additional Network Contexts. The
INAP_MSG_CONFIG (0x77f4) message should be used to configure the
default Network Context for the first network. For each subsequent Network
Context, the message INAP_MSG_NC_CONFIG is required. The
INAP_MSG_NC_CONFIG message contains parameters to define address
format and INAP specific options and therefore allows different behavior for
the module to be selected depending on the Network Context of the dialogue.
The meaning of the parameters in the INAP_MSG_NC_CONFIG message is
the same as the equivalent parameters in the INAP_MSG_CONFIG message.
When used to support multiple local point codes within the same network, the
options settings should typically be the same in both messages.
Parameter Description
Network Context Id
5 Non-Primitive Interface
The Network Context id will identify the Network Context being defined. The
default Network Context (0) is configured using the existing
INAP_MSG_CONFIG message therefore this message should only be used for
Network Contexts 1 to 3. This assumes that four Network Contexts are
Run-time options assigned for this NC. Defined according to the options field
table for the INAP_MSG_CONFIG message.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Message used to set up default protocol timers for use by the INAP module.
Message Format
Message Header
Field Name Meaning
type INAP_MSG_CNF_TIM (0x77f5)
id 0
src Sending module_id
rsp_req used to request a confirmation
hclass 0
status 0
err_info 0
len 40
Parameter Area
Offset Size Name
0 2 tguard
This message is used to configure the INAP protocol timers for operation. It
should be sent to the module before any protocol messages are sent or
Timer values are in seconds.
Parameter Description
Timer: Waiting for a response from the User application. A minimum value of
5 seconds is recommended. If the Configure Timers message is not sent, a
default value of 50 seconds will be used.
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Message Format
Message Header
Field Name Meaning
type INAP_MSG_CNF_FE (0x77f7)
id FE reference
src Sending module_id
rsp_req used to request a confirmation
hclass 0
status 0
err_info 0
len 40
Parameter Area
Offset Size Name
0 2 FE options
2 1 Local FE module ID
3 1 FE SCCP address length
4 18 FE SCCP address
22 2 NC
24 16 Reserved
This message is used to configure the INAP functional entity records for
operation. These allow the User application to refer to Functional Entities in
the network via a local reference rather than providing the full SCCP address.
All Functional Entity configuration messages must contain the FE reference
assigned by the User application to this FE. This is encoded in the message
header and does not form part of the parameter area. The user may
subsequently use this reference in the “Destination FE” or “Originating FE”
parameters of the INAP_OPEN_DLG primitive or “IN_dialogue_open” API
function. This reference is used instead of the destination or origination
address parameter.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Description
FE options
Local FE module ID
Note: Any message received whose destination address has not been configured using
the FE configuration message is sent to the User Application Module ID configured
in the module configuration message.
Note: Within the local SCCP module, local FEs must be configured as Local Sub Systems.
If the INAP and TCAP module are to be shared between FEs, all Local Sub Systems
must be configured to use the same TCAP module ID.
FE SCCP address
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Message used to set up the internal Application Context records.
Message Format
Message Header
Field Name Meaning
type INAP_MSG_CNF_AC (0x77f6)
id Application Context Reference
src Sending module_id
rsp_req used to request a confirmation
hclass 0
status 0
err_info 0
len 9 + ac_len
Parameter Area
Offset Size Name
0 8 Reserved
8 1 Application Context Length (ac_len)
9 ac_len Application Context
This message is used to configure the INAP Application Context records for
use. These control the application context negotiation that the module
conducts during dialogue establishment. All supported application contexts
must be individually configured using this message.
The module will only accept incoming dialogues with configured Application
Contexts. If a dialogue request with an unconfigured context is received, a
dialogue abort message is returned to the requesting Functional Entity.
If no supported Application Contexts are configured, the application context
negotiation is disabled. The module will accept all incoming dialogues.
The number of Application Context records available to the user is configured
at module initialization using the Module Configuration message.
All Application Context configuration messages must contain the AC reference
assigned by the User application to this AC. This is encoded in the message
header and does not form part of the parameter area. The user may
subsequently use this reference in the “ac_reference” parameter of the
INAP_OPEN_DLG primitive or “IN_dialogue_open” API function to indicate the
application context required for the dialogue.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Description
Application Context
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Message used to request the module type and software revision number.
Message Format
Message Header
Field Name Meaning
type GEN_MSG_MOD_IDENT (0x6111)
id 0
src Originating module ID
rsp_req Sending layer’s bit must be set
hclass 0
status 0
err_info 0
len 28
Parameter Area
Offset Size Name
0 2 type Currently undefined
2 1 maj_rev Major version number
3 1 min_rev Minor version number
4 24 text Null terminated string giving textual module identity
This message is provided to request a reply indicating the software version
for module under test.
On receipt of this request the module returns the message with status
"SUCCESS" to the sender including the information requested.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Message used by INAP to indicate an implementation specific software related
event to the local management module.
Message Format
Message Header
Field Name Meaning
type INAP_MSG_ERROR_IND (0x07f8)
id See below
dst Management module id
rsp_req 0
class 0
status Software event code (see below)
err_info 0
len 0 or 4
Parameter Area
Offset Size Name
0 4 Dialog ID
This message is used by INAP to notify system management of various
software events which under normal operating conditions should not occur.
These events may be due to lack of system resource or error within the
Parameter Description
Dialog ID
The 32 bit Dialog ID of the current dialog. The parameter is only returned
when the INAPF_EXT_DID option is set.
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Valid dialogue states that may be reported in software event indications with status
INAPSWE_USER_MSG_UNEXP (12) are listed in the table below:
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Message Format
Message Header
Field Name Meaning
type INAP_MSG_MAINT_IND (0x07f9)
id See below
dst Maintenance module id
rsp_req 0
class 0
status Maintenance event code (see below)
err_info 0
len 0
This message is used by INAP to indicate a protocol related to the
maintenance module.
5 Non-Primitive Interface
This message is issued by the INAP module to notify system management of
general software events that under normal operating conditions should not
occur. These events may be due to lack of system resources or errors within
the software.
Message Format
Message Header
Field Name Meaning
type MGT_MSG_EVENT_IND (0x0008)
id 0
dst Management module ID
rsp_req 0
hclass 0
status Management event code (see below)
err_info Time-stamp
reserved 0
len 0
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Message used to configure INAP to send a trace message to the trace module
whenever a specific message type is sent or received. The trace module is
identified in the INAP configuration request message.
Message Format
Message Header
Field Name Meaning
type INAP_MSG_TRACE_MASK (0x57fb)
id 0
src Sending module ID
rsp_req Used to request a confirmation
hclass 0
status 0
err_info 0
len 12
Parameter Area
Offset Size Name
0 4 op_evt_mask - Output event trace mask
4 4 ip_evt_mask - Input event trace mask
8 4 non_prim_mask - Non-primitive trace mask
The output event trace mask. This is a 32-bit value with bits set to 1 to cause
a trace message to be sent to the system trace module when INAP sends the
associated protocol message.
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
The input event trace mask. This is a 32-bit value with bits set to 1 to cause a
trace message to be sent to the system trace module when INAP receives the
associated protocol message.
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
The non-primitive trace mask. This is a 32-bit value with bits set to 1 to
cause a trace message to be sent to the system trace module when INAP
receives the associated non-primitive message.
Bit 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Bit 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8
Value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
5 Non-Primitive Interface
The INAP trace event masks are used to enable tracing of all messages sent
or received by the INAP module. The traced messages are reported in event
indication messages as shown below:
Message Format
Message Header
Field Name Meaning
type MGT_MSG_TRACE_EV (0x0003)
id 0
dst Trace module id
rsp_req 0
hclass 0
status 0
err_info 0
len 18 + length of traced data
Parameter Area
Offset Size Name
0 1 source module id
1 1 destination module id
2 2 id
4 2 type
6 2 status
8 4 timestamp
12 4 pointer to the message being traced
16 2 data length
18 0 .. 280 data - Data taken from the contents of the MSG parameter area.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Message used to configure which maintenance events INAP should trigger the
sending of a maintenance event indication message.
Message Format
Message Header
Field Name Meaning
type INAP_MSG_S_MAINT_MASK (0x57fd)
id 0
src Sending module ID
rsp_req Used to request a confirmation
class 0
status 0
err_info 0
len 9
Parameter Area
Offset Size Name
0 9 mask
A bit mask indicating the maintenance events which are active. A ‘1’ indicates
that an event is active and a ‘0’ indicates that it is not. The first octet sent is
for maintenance event codes 0-7, (bit 0 for event code 0) the second octet
for maintenance event codes 8-15, (bit 0 for event code 8) etc.
Pad unused bits with zeros.
The maintenance events currently reported in the INAP Maintenance Event
Indication message detailed in Section 5.8 INAP Maintenance Event Indication
on page 71.
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Message used to configure the software error events for which INAP will send
a software event indication message.
Message Format
Message Header
Field Name Meaning
type INAP_MSG_S_ERROR_MASK (0x57fc)
id 0
src Sending module ID
rsp_req Used to request a confirmation
class 0
status 0
err_info 0
len 9
Parameter Area
Offset Size Name
0 9 mask
A bit mask indicating the software events which are active. A ‘1’ indicates
that an event is active, and a ‘0’ indicates that is not active. The first octet
sent is for software event codes 0-7 (bit 0 for event code 0), the second octet
for software event codes 8-15 (bit 0 for event code 8), etc.
Pad unused bits with zeros.
All software events currently reported in the INAP Software Event Indication
message detailed in Section 5.7 INAP Software Event Indication on page 69
are enabled by default.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
The INAP module requires a periodic “tick timer” message. This must be sent
at the required frequency, nominally every tenth of a second.
Message Format
Message Header
Field Name Meaning
type TM_EXP (0xc002)
id Index to timer table
src Sending module ID
rsp_req 0
class 0
status 0
err_info 0
len 4
Parameter Area
Offset Size Name
0 4 Timer type
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.1 Overview
This appendix contains the following information:
Supported INAP Application Contexts. See page 81.
Supported INAP Operations. See page 85.
Supported INAP Operation Parameters. See page 89.
ETSI CS-1 Operation Definitions. See page 91.
ITU-T CS-1 Operation Definitions. See page 106.
CAMEL v1 Operation Definitions. See page 121.
CAMEL v2 Operation Definitions. See page 125.
CAMEL v3 Operation Definitions. See page 137.
CAMEL v4 Operation Definitions. See page 164.
CAMEL v4 for IMS Operation Definitions. See page 202.
ETSI CS-2 Operation Definitions. See page 206.
CS1+ Operation Definitions. See page 249.
AIN Operation Definitions. See page 269.
Operation Extensions. See page 282.
Supported INAP Parameter List. See page 284.
Supported INAP Operation Result. See page 311.
Supported INAP Errors. See page 316.
Supported INAP Error Parameters. See page 318.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Note: The INAP module may be configured to supply raw Application Context data to the
User Application if required. See Section 5.1 INAP Configuration Request on page
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.2.3 CAMEL v1
Specification: CAMEL Application Part (CAP) GSM 09.78 version 5.6.0 Release 1996
B.2.4 CAMEL v2
Specification: CAMEL Application Part (CAP) GSM 09.78 version 6.3.0 Release 1997
B.2.5 CAMEL v3
Specification: CAMEL Application Part (CAP) 3GPP TS 29.078 version 4.6.0 Release 2002
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.2.6 CAMEL v4
Specification: CAMEL Application Part (CAP) 3GPP TS 29.078 7.3.0 (2006-06). See Section B.10
CAMEL v4 Operation Definitions on page 164 for operation parameter definitions.
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.2.9 AIN
Specification: GR-1299-CORE, Issue 7, November 2001
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
5 Non-Primitive Interface
INOP_PlayTone and INOP_ManageTriggerData both use value 97. INOP_PlayTone is used for CAMEL v4 and
INOP_ManageTriggerData is used for ETSI CS-2.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
INOP_AssistRequestInstructions and INOP_retrieve both use value 16. INOP_retrieve is only used by CS1+. CS1+
however uses both operations (controlling which one by using the selected AC).
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.4.1 Case 1
In the case 1 above the parameter name mnemonic for PrimParamA would be
INPN_PrimParamA(n). In this form, the ‘n’ represents the position in the
sequence. Thus, to get the first, second or third element in the sequence, the
parameter names INPN_PrimParamA(0), INPN_PrimParamA(1) or
INPN_PrimParamA(2) should be used.
B.4.2 Case 2
5 Non-Primitive Interface
This form of parameter name makes it possible to use the parameter names
in loops:
Symbol Description
M Mandatory The message will be discarded if the corresponding parameter
is omitted. It must be present for the operation to be formatted.
O Optional The parameter is not essential and need not be present in order
to format or recover an operation.
C Choice This parameter is part of a choice structure. Only one of the
parameters in the choice should be present.
D Default The parameter may be omitted from a message being sent. On
reception, if the parameter is not present in the message, the
default value for the parameter is recovered into the cpt
A ASN.1 Encoded This parameter is sent or received in raw ASN.1 coded form.
The parameter is included to allow user defined extensions to
the operations with the operation definition needing to be
changed. If more than one encoded parameter is present in the
case of Ellipsis data the component parameter will be a
concatenation of all of the encoded data.
For each letter, the number following it represents the depth of the sub-table
in constructed parameters. For example, the ConnectToResource operation
(Appendix B.5.5 ConnectToResource on page 93) has the IPRoutingAddress
and Null parameters marked as C2. The depth of two shows they are part of
the constructed parameter ResourceAddress marked as M.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.5.1 InitialDP
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M
DialledDigits INPN_DialledDigits 4 0x4 O
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x5 O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x6 O
CallingPartyBuisness GroupID INPN_CallingPartyBuisness GroupID 7 0x7 O
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x8 O
CallingPartySubaddress INPN_CallingPartySubaddress 9 0x9 O
CGEncountered INPN_cGEncountered 10 0xa O
IPSSPCapabilities INPN_IPSSPCapabilities 11 0xb O
IPAvailable INPN_IPAvailable 12 0xc O
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0xf O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ServiceProfileIdentifier INPN_ServiceProfileIdentifier 16 0x10 O
TerminalType INPN_TerminalType 17 0x11 O
HighLayerCompatibility INPN_HighLayerCompatibility 19 0x13 O
ServiceInteraction Indicators INPN_ServiceInteraction Indicators 20 0x14 O
AdditionalCallingParty Number INPN_AdditionalCallingParty Number 21 0x15 O
ForwardCallIndicators INPN_ForwardCallIndicators 22 0x16 O
BearerCapability INPN_BearerCapability 23 0x17 O
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(0) 192 0xc0 O
RedirectingPartyID INPN_RedirectingPartyID 25 0x19 O
RedirectionInformation INPN_RedirectionInformation 26 0x20 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.5.2 AssistRequestInstructions
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f M
IPAvailable INPN_IPAvailable 12 0xc O
IPSSPCapabilities INPN_IPSSPCapabilities 11 0xb O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.5.3 EstablishTemporaryConnection
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
AssistingSSPIPRouting INPN_AssistingSSPIPRouting 102 0x66 M
Address Address
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f O
ScfID INPN_ScfID 38 0x26 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ServiceInteraction Indicators INPN_ServiceInteraction Indicators 20 0x14 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.5.4 DisconnectForwardConnection
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.5.5 ConnectToResource
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ResourceAddress M
IPRoutingAddress INPN_IPRoutingAddress 31 0x1f C2
Null n/a C2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ServiceInteraction Indicators INPN_ServiceInteraction Indicators 20 0x14 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.5.6 Connect
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
DestinationRouting INPN_DestinationRouting Address(n) 27 0x1b M
Address (n = 0)
AlertingPattern INPN_AlertingPattern 30 0x1e O
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f O
CutAndPaste INPN_CutAndPaste 32 0x20 O
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0cf O
RouteList INPN_RouteList(n) 35 0x23 O
(n = 0 to 2) to to
37 0x25
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ScfID INPN_ScfID 38 0x26 O
ForwardingCondition INPN_ForwardingCondition 33 0x21 O
ServiceInteraction INPN_ServiceInteraction Indicators 20 0x15 O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x6 O
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x8 O
RedirectingPartyID INPN_RedirectingPartyID 25 0x19 O
RedirectionInformation INPN_RedirectionInformation 26 0x1a O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.5.7 ReleaseCall
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Cause INPN_Cause 41 0x29 O
B.5.8 RequestReportBCSMEvent
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
BCSMEvents (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 15) M
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(n) 192 to 207 0xc0 to 0xcf M2
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(n) 208 to 223 0xd0 to 0xdf M2
LegID O2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 to 239 0xe0 to 0xef C3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(n) 240 to 255 0xf0 to 0xff C3
DPSpecificCriteria O2
NumberOfDigits INPN_NumberOfDigits(n) 160 to 175 0xa0 to 0xaf C3
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.5.9 EventReportBCSM
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(0) 192 0xc0 M
EventSpecificInformationBCSM O
CollectedInfo C2
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x05 M3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
AnalyzedInformation C2
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x05 M3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
RouteSelectFailure C2
FailureCause INPN_FailureCause 94 0x5e O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
OcalledPartyBusy C2
BusyCause INPN_BusyCause 95 0x5f O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
OnoAnswer C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Oanswer C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
OmidCall C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Odisconnect C2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
TcalledPartyBusy C2
BusyCause INPN_BusyCause 95 0x5f O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
TnoAnswer C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Tanswer C2
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
TmidCall C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Tdisconnect C2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 to 239 0xe0 to 0xef C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(n) 240 to 255 0xf0 to 0xff C2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
MiscCallInfo O
MessageType INPN_MessageType 56 0x38 D2
Default = request(0)
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.5.10 RequestNotificationChargingEvent
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ChargingEvent (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 16) M
EventTypeCharging INPN_EventTypeCharging(n) 272 to 287 0x110 to 0x11f M2
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(n) 208 to 223 0xd0 to 0xdf M2
LegID O2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 to 239 0xe0 to 0xef C3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(n) 240 to 255 0xf0 to 0xff C3
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.5.11 EventNotificationCharging
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
EventTypeCharging INPN_EventTypeCharging(0) 272 0x110 M
EventSpecificInformationCharging INPN_EventSpecificInformationCharging 58 0x3a O
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(0) 208 0xd0 M
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.5.12 CollectInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.5.13 Continue
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
B.5.14 InitiateCallAttempt
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
DestinationRouting Address INPN_DestinationRouting Address(n) 27 0x1b M
(n = 0)
AlertingPattern INPN_AlertingPattern 30 0x1e O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ServiceInteraction Indicators INPN_ServiceInteraction Indicators 20 0x15 O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x6 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.5.15 ResetTimer
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
TimerID INPN_TimerID 61 0x3d M
TimerValue INPN_TimerValue 62 0x3e M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.5.16 FurnishChargingInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeId INPN_InvokeId 1 0x1 M
FurnishCharging Information INPN_FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics 34 0x22 M
B.5.17 ApplyCharging
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
AchBillingCharging INPN_AchBillingCharging 52 0x34 M
Characteristics Characteristics
SendCalculationToSCP INPN_SendCalculationToSCP 53 0x35 D
Indication Indication
Default = False
PartyToCharge O
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.5.18 ApplyChargingReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CallResult INPN_CallResult 55 0x37 M
B.5.19 CallGap
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
GapCriteria M
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(0) 308 0x134 C2
GapOnService C2
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
CalledAddressAndService C2
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(0) 308 0x134 M3
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
CallingAddressAndService C2
CallingAddressValue INPN_CallingAddressValue 99 0x63 M3
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O3
GapIndicators M
Gap Duration INPN_Gap_Duration 72 0x48 M2
GapInterval INPN_GapInterval 73 0x49 M2
ControlType INPN_ControlType 101 0x65 O
GapTreatment O
InformationToSend C2
See InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100.
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 C2
Both C2
InformationToSend M3
See InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100.
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 M3
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
InformationToSend (Sub-table)
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InbandInfo C
MessageID O2
ElementaryMessageID INPN_ElementaryMessageID 628 0x274 C3
Text C3
MessageContent INPN_MessageContent 65 0x41 M4
Attributes INPN_Attributes 66 0x42 O4
ElementaryMessageIDs INPN_Elementary MessageIDs(n) 256 to 271 0x100 to 0x11f C3
VariableMessage C3
ElementaryMessageID INPN_Variable_MessageID 629 0x275 M4
VariableParts M4
Integer INPN_Integer(n) 528 to 532 0x210 to 0x214 C5
Number INPN_Number(n) 533 to 537 0x215 to 0x210 C5
Time INPN_Time(n) 538 to 541 0x21a to x21e C5
Date INPN_Date(n) 542 to 547 0x21f to 0x223 C5
Price INPN_Price(n) 548 to 552 0x224 to x229 C5
NumberOfRepetitions INPN_NumberOfRepetitions 88 0x58 O2
Duration INPN_Duration 89 0x59 O2
Interval INPN_Interval 90 0x5a O2
Ellipsis INPN_InbandInfo_Ellipsis 1383 0x567 A2
(present in CAP V3 only)
Tone C
ToneID INPN_ToneID 64 0x40 M2
Duration INPN_Duration 89 0x59 O2
Ellipsis INPN_Tone_Ellipsis 1375 0x55f A2
(present in CAP V3 and
CAP V4 only)
DisplayInformation INPN_DisplayInformation 91 0x5b C
(absent in CAP V3 and
InfoToSend_Ellipsis INPN_InfoToSend_Ellipsis 634 0x27a C
(absent in CAP V3 and
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.5.20 ActivateServiceFiltering
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
FilteredCallTreatment M
SFBillingCharging INPN_SFBillingCharging 92 0x5c M2
Characteristics Characteristics
InformationToSend O2
See InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100.
MaximumNumberOf Counters INPN_MaximumNumberOf Counters 93 0x5d O2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O2
FilteringCharacteristics M
Interval INPN_Interval 90 0x5a C2
NumberOfCalls INPN_NumberOfCalls 97 0x61 C2
FilteringTimeout M
Filtering Duration INPN_Filtering_Duration 98 0x62 C2
StopTime INPN_StopTime 100 0x64 C2
FilteringCriteria M
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 C2
AddressAndService C2
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(0) 308 0x134 M3
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
CallingAddressValue INPN_CallingAddressValue 99 0x63 O3
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O3
StartTime O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.5.21 ServiceFilteringResponse
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CountersValue (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 100) M
CounterID INPN_CounterID 328 0x148 M2
to to
427 0x1ab
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
CounterValue INPN_CounterValue 428 0x1ac M2
to to
527 0x20f
FilteringCriteria M
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 C2
AddressAndService C2
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(0) 308 0x134 M3
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
CallingAddressValue INPN_CallingAddressValue 99 0x63 O3
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O3
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.5.22 CallInformationReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
RequestedInformationReport (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 5) M
RequestedInformationType INPN_RequestedInformationType 288 0x120 M2
to to
292 0x124
RequestedInformationValue M2
CallAttemptEllapsedTimeValue INPN_CallAttemptEllapsedTimeValue(n) 293 0x125 C3
to to
297 0x129
CallStopTimeValue INPN_CallStopTimeValue(n) 298 0x12a C3
to to
302 0x12e
CallConnectedElapsedTimeValue INPN_CallConnectedElapsedTimeValue(n) 303 0x12f to C3
to 0x133
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(n) 308 0x134 C3
to to
312 0x138
ReleaseCauseValue INPN_ReleaseCauseValue(in 313 0x139 C3
to to
317 0x13d
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.5.23 CallInformationRequest
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
RequestedInformationReport (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 5) M
RequestedInformationType INPN_RequestedInformationType 288 0x120 M2
to to
292 0x124
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.5.24 SendChargingInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
SCIBillingCharging INPN_SCIBillingCharging 87 0x57 M
Characteristics Characteristics
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.5.25 PlayAnnouncement
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
InformationToSend O
InformationToSend M2
See InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100.
DisconnectFromIP Forbidden INPN_DisconnectFromIP Forbidden 59 0x3b D
Default = True
RequestAnnouncement Complete INPN_RequestAnnouncement Complete 60 0x3c D
Default = True
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.5.26 PromptAndCollectUserInformation
INOP_ PromptAndCollectUserInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CollectedInfo M
CollectedDigits M2
MinimumNumberOfDigits INPN_MinimumNumberOfDigits 74 0x3b D3
Default = 1
MaximumNumberOf Digits INPN_MaximumNumberOf Digits 75 0x3c M3
EndOfReplyDigit INPN_EndOfReplyDigit 76 0x3d O3
CancelDigit INPN_CancelDigit 77 0x3e O3
StartDigit INPN_StartDigit 78 0x3f O3
FirstDigitTimeOut INPN_FirstDigitTimeOut 79 0x40 O3
InterDigitTimeOut INPN_InterDigitTimeOut 80 0x41 O3
Errortreatment INPN_Errortreatment 81 0x42 D3
Default = StfErrorAndInfo
InterDigitTimeOut INPN_InterDigitTimeOut 82 0x43 D3
Default = True
InterruptableAndInd INPN_InterruptableAnnInd 83 0x44 D3
Default = False
VoiceBack INPN_VoiceBack 84 0x45 D3
Default = False
DisconnectFromIP Forbidden INPN_DisconnectFromIP Forbidden 59 0x3b D
Default = True
InformationToSend M2
See InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100.
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.5.27 SpecializedResourceReport
INOP_ SpecializedResourceReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
LinkedID INPN_LinkedID 2 0x2 O
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.5.28 Cancel
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Cancel_InvokeID INPN_Cancel_InvokeID 86 0x56 O
B.5.29 ActivityTest
INOP_ ActivityTest
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.6.1 InitialDP
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 O
DialledDigits INPN_DialledDigits 4 0x4 O
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x5 O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x6 O
CallingPartyBuisness GroupID INPN_CallingPartyBuisness GroupID 7 0x7 O
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x8 O
CallingPartySubaddress INPN_CallingPartySubaddress 9 0x9 O
CGEncountered INPN_cGEncountered 10 0xa O
IPSSPCapabilities INPN_IPSSPCapabilities 11 0xb O
IPAvailable INPN_IPAvailable 12 0xc O
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O
MiscCallInfo O
MessageType INPN_MessageType 56 0x38 M2
dpAssignment INPN_DPAssignment 14 0xe O2
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0xf O
ServiceProfileIdentifier INPN_ServiceProfileIdentifier 16 0x10 O
TerminalType INPN_TerminalType 17 0x12 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
TriggerType INPN_TriggerType 18 0x13 O
HighLayerCompatibility INPN_HighLayerCompatibility 19 0x14 O
ServiceInteractionIndicators INPN_ServiceInteractionIndicators 20 0x15 O
AdditionalCallingParty Number INPN_AdditionalCallingParty Number 21 0x16 O
ForwardCallIndicators INPN_ForwardCallIndicators 22 0x17 O
BearerCapability O
BearerCapability INPN_BearerCapability 23 0x2a C2
Tmr INPN_Tmr 104 0x68 C2
BearerCapEllipsis INPN_BearerCap_Ellipsis 119 0x77 C2
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(0) 192 0xc0 O
RedirectingPartyID INPN_RedirectingPartyID 25 0x2a O
RedirectionInformation INPN_RedirectionInformation 26 0x2b O
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.6.2 AssistRequestInstructions
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f M
IPAvailable INPN_IPAvailable 12 0xc O
IPSSPCapabilities INPN_IPSSPCapabilities 11 0xb O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.6.3 EstablishTemporaryConnection
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
AssistingSSPIPRouting INPN_AssistingSSPIPRouting Address 102 0x1 M
LegID O2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 0xe0 C3
to to 0xef
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(n) 240 0xf0 C3
to to 0xff
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f O
ScfID INPN_ScfID 38 0x26 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ServiceInteraction Indicators INPN_ServiceInteraction Indicators 20 0x14 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.6.4 DisconnectForwardConnection
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
B.6.5 ConnectToResource
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ResourceAddress M
IPRoutingAddress INPN_IPRoutingAddress 31 0x1f C2
LegID O2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 to 0xe0 to C3
239 0xef
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(n) 240 to 0xf0 to C3
255 0xff
Both O2
IPRoutingAddress INPN_IPRoutingAddress 31 0x1f M3
LegID M3
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 to 0xe0 to O3
239 0xef
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(n) 240 to 0xf0 to O3
255 0xff
Null n/a C2
ServiceInteraction Indicators INPN_ServiceInteraction Indicators 20 0x15 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.6.6 Connect
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
DestinationRouting Address INPN_DestinationRouting Address(n) 27 to 0x1b M
(n = 0 to 2) 29 to
AlertingPattern INPN_AlertingPattern 30 0x1e O
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f O
CutAndPaste INPN_CutAndPaste 32 0x20 O
ForwardingCondition INPN_ForwardingCondition 33 0x21 O
ISDNAccessRelated INPN_ISDNAccessRelated Information 34 0x22 O
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0xf O
RouteList INPN_RouteList(n) 35 to 0x23 O
(n = 0 to 2) 37 to
ScfID INPN_ScfID 38 0x26 O
TravellingClassMark INPN_TravellingClassMark 39 0x27 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Carrier INPN_Carrier 40 0x28 O
ServiceInteraction Indicators INPN_ServiceInteraction Indicators 20 0x15 O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x6 O
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x8 O
RedirectingPartyID INPN_RedirectingPartyID 25 0x19 O
RedirectionInformation INPN_RedirectionInformation 26 0x1a O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.6.7 ReleaseCall
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Cause INPN_Cause 41 0x29 O
B.6.8 RequestReportBCSMEvent
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
BCSMEvents (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 15) M
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(n) 192 to 207 0xc0 to 0xcf M2
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(n) 208 to 223 0xd0 to 0xdf M2
LegID O2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 to 239 0xe0 to 0xef C3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(n) 240 to 255 0xf0 to 0xff C3
DPSpecificCriteria O2
NumberOfDigits INPN_NumberOfDigits(n) 160 to 175 0xa0 to 0xaf C3
ApplicationTimer INPN_ApplicationTimer(n) 176 to 191 0xb0 to 0xbf C3
BCSMEventCorrelationID INPN_BCSMEventCorrelationID 24 0x18 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.6.9 EventReportBCSM
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(0) 192 0xc0 M
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f O
EventSpecificInformationBCSM O
CollectedInfo C2
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x05 M3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
AnalyzedInformation C2
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x05 M3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
RouteSelectFailure C2
FailureCause INPN_FailureCause 94 0x5e O3
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
OcalledPartyBusy C2
BusyCause INPN_BusyCause 95 0x5f O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
OnoAnswer C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Oanswer C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
OmidCall C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Odisconnect C2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
TcalledPartyBusy C2
BusyCause INPN_BusyCause 95 0x5f O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
TnoAnswer C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Tanswer C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
TmidCall C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Tdisconnect C2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 to 239 0xe0 to 0xef C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(n) 240 to 255 0xf0 to 0xff C2
MiscCallInfo O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
MessageType INPN_MessageType 56 0x38 D2
Default = request(0)
DPAssignment INPN_DPAssignment 14 0xe O2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.6.10 RequestNotificationChargingEvent
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ChargingEvent (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 16) M
EventTypeCharging INPN_EventTypeCharging(n) 272 to 287 0x110 to 0x11f M2
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(n) 208 to 223 0xd0 to 0xdf M2
LegID O2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 to 239 0xe0 to 0xef C3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(n) 240 to 255 0xf0 to 0xff C3
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.6.11 EventNotificationCharging
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
EventTypeCharging INPN_EventTypeCharging(0) 272 0x110 M
EventSpecificInformationCharging INPN_EventSpecificInformationCharging 58 0x3a O
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(0) 208 0xd0 M
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.6.12 CollectInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
AlertingPattern INPN_AlertingPattern 30 0x1e O
NumberingPlan INPN_NumberingPlan 107 0x6b O
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0xf O
TravellingClassMark INPN_TravellingClassMark 39 0x27 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x6 O
DialledDigits INPN_DialledDigits 4 0x4 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.6.13 Continue
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
B.6.14 InitiateCallAttempt
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
DestinationRouting Address INPN_DestinationRouting Address(n) 27 0x1b M
(n = 0)
AlertingPattern INPN_AlertingPattern 30 0x1e O
ISDNAccessRelated INPN_ISDNAccessRelated Information 34 0x22 O
TravellingClassMark INPN_TravellingClassMark 39 0x27 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ServiceInteraction Indicators INPN_ServiceInteraction Indicators 20 0x15 O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x6 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.6.15 ResetTimer
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
TimerID INPN_TimerID 61 0x3d M
TimerValue INPN_TimerValue 62 0x3e M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.6.16 FurnishChargingInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeId INPN_InvokeId 1 0x1 M
FurnishCharging Information INPN_FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics 34 0x22 M
B.6.17 ApplyCharging
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
AchBillingCharging Characteristics INPN_AchBillingCharging Characteristics 52 0x34 M
PartyToCharge O
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.6.18 ApplyChargingReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CallResult INPN_CallResult 55 0x37 M
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.6.19 CallGap
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
GapCriteria M
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(0) 308 0x134 C2
GapOnService C2
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
CalledAddressAndService C2
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(0) 308 0x134 M3
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
CallingAddressAndService C2
CallingAddressValue INPN_CallingAddressValue 99 0x63 M3
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O3
GapIndicators M
Gap Duration INPN_Gap_Duration 72 0x48 M2
GapInterval INPN_GapInterval 73 0x49 M2
ControlType INPN_ControlType 101 0x65 O
GapTreatment O
InformationToSend C2
See InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 C2
Both C2
InformationToSend M3
See InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 M3
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.6.20 ActivateServiceFiltering
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
FilteredCallTreatment M
SFBillingCharging Characteristics INPN_SFBillingCharging Characteristics 92 0x5c M2
InformationToSend O2
See InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.6.21 ServiceFilteringResponse
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CountersValue (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 100) M
CounterID INPN_CounterID 328 to 427 0x148 to 0x1ab M2
CounterValue INPN_CounterValue 428 to 527 0x1ac to 0x20f M2
FilteringCriteria M
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 C2
AddressAndService C2
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(0) 308 0x134 M3
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
CallingAddressValue INPN_CallingAddressValue 99 0x63 O3
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O3
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ResponseCondition INPN_ResponseCondition 105 0x69 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.6.22 CallInformationReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
RequestedInformationReport (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 5) M
RequestedInformationType INPN_RequestedInformationType 288 to 0x120 to M2
292 0x124
RequestedInformationValue M2
CallAttemptEllapsed TimeValue INPN_CallAttemptEllapsedTime Value(n) 293 to 0x125 to C3
297 0x129
CallStopTimeValue INPN_CallStopTimeValue(n) 298 to 0x12a to C3
302 0x12e
CallConnectedElapsedTimeValue INPN_CallConnectedElapsedTimeValue(n) 303 to 0x12f to C3
307 0x133
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(n) 308 to 0x134 to C3
312 0x138
ReleaseCauseValue INPN_ReleaseCauseValue(in 313 to 0x139 to C3
317 0x13d
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.6.23 CallInformationRequest
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
RequestedInformationReport (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 5) M
RequestedInformationType INPN_RequestedInformationType 288 to 0x120 to M2
292 0x124
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.6.24 SendChargingInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
SCIBillingCharging Characteristics INPN_SCIBillingCharging Characteristics 87 0x57 M
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.6.25 PlayAnnouncement
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
InformationToSend O
See InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100 M2
DisconnectFromIP INPN_DisconnectFromIP Forbidden 59 0x3b D
Default = True
RequestAnnouncement INPN_RequestAnnouncement Complete 60 0x3c D
Default = True
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.6.26 PromptAndCollectUserInformation
INOP_ PromptAndCollectUserInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CollectedInfo M
CollectedDigits M2
MinimumNumberOfDigits INPN_MinimumNumberOfDigits 74 0x4a D3
Default = 1
MaximumNumberOfDigits INPN_MaximumNumberOfDigits 75 0x4b M3
EndOfReplyDigit INPN_EndOfReplyDigit 76 0x4c O3
CancelDigit INPN_CancelDigit 77 0x4d O3
StartDigit INPN_StartDigit 78 0x4e O3
FirstDigitTimeOut INPN_FirstDigitTimeOut 79 0x4f O3
InterDigitTimeOut INPN_InterDigitTimeOut 80 0x50 O3
Errortreatment INPN_Errortreatment 81 0x51 D3
Default = StfErrorAndInfo
InterDigitTimeOut INPN_InterDigitTimeOut 82 0x52 D3
Default = True
InterruptableAndInd INPN_InterruptableAnnInd 83 0x53 D3
Default = False
VoiceBack INPN_VoiceBack 84 0x54 D3
Default = False
DisconnectFromIP Forbidden INPN_DisconnectFromIP Forbidden 59 0x55 D
Default = True
InformationToSend O
InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100 M2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.6.27 SpecializedResourceReport
INOP_ SpecializedResourceReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
LinkedID INPN_LinkedID 2 0x2 O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.6.28 Cancel
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Cancel_InvokeID INPN_Cancel_InvokeID 86 0x56 O
B.6.29 ActivityTest
INOP_ ActivityTest
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.7.1 InitialDP
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M
DialledDigits INPN_DialledDigits 4 0x4 O
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x5 O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x6 O
CallingPartyBuisness GroupID INPN_CallingPartyBuisness GroupID 7 0x7 O
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x8 O
CallingPartySubaddress INPN_CallingPartySubaddress 9 0x9 O
CGEncountered INPN_cGEncountered 10 0xa O
IPSSPCapabilities INPN_IPSSPCapabilities 11 0xb O
IPAvailable INPN_IPAvailable 12 0xc O
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0xf O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ServiceProfileIdentifier INPN_ServiceProfileIdentifier 16 0x10 O
TerminalType INPN_TerminalType 17 0x11 O
HighLayerCompatibility INPN_HighLayerCompatibility 19 0x13 O
ServiceInteraction Indicators INPN_ServiceInteraction Indicators 20 0x14 O
AdditionalCallingParty Number INPN_AdditionalCallingParty Number 21 0x15 O
ForwardCallIndicators INPN_ForwardCallIndicators 22 0x16 O
BearerCapability INPN_BearerCapability 23 0x17 O
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(0) 192 0xc0 O
RedirectingPartyID INPN_RedirectingPartyID 25 0x19 O
RedirectionInformation INPN_RedirectionInformation 26 0x20 O
SubscriberState O
AssumedIdle INPN_AssumedIdle 134 0x85 C2
CamelBusy INPN_CamelBusy 135 0x86 C2
NetDetNotReachable INPN_NetDetNotReachable 136 0x88 C2
NotProvidedFromVLR INPN_NotProvidedFromVLR 137 0x89 C2
LocationInfo O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
AgeOfLocation Information INPN_AgeOfLocation Information 124 0x7c O2
GeographicalInformation INPN_GeographicalInformation 125 0x7d O2
Vlr_Number INPN_Vlr_Number 126 0x7e O2
LocationNumber INPN_LI_LocationNumber 127 0x7f O2
CellIdOrLAIb O2
CellIdFixedLength INPN_CellIdFixedLength 122 0x7a C3
LAIFixedLength INPN_LAIFixedLength 123 0x7b C3
ExtensionContainer INPN_ExtensionContainer 128 0x80 O2
LocationInfo Ellipsis INPN_LocationInfo_Ellipsis 114 0x72 O2
Ext_BasicSrvCode O
BearerServiceCode INPN_Ext_BearerServiceCode 120 0x78 C2
TeleserviceCode INPN_Ext_TeleserviceCode 121 0x79 C2
CallReferenceNumber INPN_CallReferenceNumber 131 0x83 O
MSCAddress INPN_MSCAddress 132 0x84 O
CalledPartyBCDNumber INPN_CalledPartyBCDNumber 129 0x81 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.7.2 Connect
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
DestinationRouting Address INPN_DestinationRouting 27 0x1b M
(n = 0)
AlertingPattern INPN_AlertingPattern 30 0x1e O
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0xf O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Generic Numbers (SEQUENCE, size 1 to 5) O
GenericNumber INPN_GenericNumber(n) 67 to 0x43 to O
71 0x47
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x8 O
RedirectingPartyID INPN_RedirectingPartyID 25 0x19 O
RedirectionInformation INPN_RedirectionInformation 26 0x1a O
SuppressionOf INPN_SuppressionOf 109 0x6d O
Announcement Announcement
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
OCSIApplicable INPN_OCSIApplicable 110 0x6e O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.7.3 ReleaseCall
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Cause INPN_Cause 41 0x29 O
B.7.4 RequestReportBCSMEvent
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
BCSMEvents (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 15) M
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(n) 192 to 207 0xc0 to 0xcf M2
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(n) 208 to 223 0xd0 to 0xdf M2
LegID O2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 to 239 0xe0 to 0xef C3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(n) 240 to 255 0xf0 to 0xff C3
DPSpecificCriteria O2
NumberOfDigits INPN_NumberOfDigits(n) 160 to 175 0xa0 to 0xaf C3
ApplicationTimer INPN_ApplicationTimer(n) 176 to 191 0xb0 to 0xbf C3
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.7.5 EventReportBCSM
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(0) 192 0xc0 M
EventSpecificInformationBCSM O
Odisconnect C2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Tdisconnect C2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 to 239 0xe0 to 0xef C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(n) 240 to 255 0xf0 to 0xff C2
MiscCallInfo O
MessageType INPN_MessageType 56 0x38 D2
Default = request(0)
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.7.6 Continue
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
B.7.7 ActivityTest
INOP_ ActivityTest
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.8.1 InitialDP
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x5 O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x6 O
CallingPartyBuisness INPN_CallingPartyBuisness 7 0x7 O
GroupID GroupID
IPSSPCapabilities INPN_IPSSPCapabilities 11 0xb O
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0xf O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
HighLayerCompatibility INPN_HighLayerCompatibility 19 0x13 O
AdditionalCallingParty INPN_AdditionalCallingParty 21 0x15 O
Number Number
BearerCapability INPN_BearerCapability 23 0x17 O
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(0) 192 0xc0 O
RedirectingPartyID INPN_RedirectingPartyID 25 0x19 O
RedirectionInformation INPN_RedirectionInformation 26 0x1a O
SubscriberState O
AssumedIdle INPN_AssumedIdle 134 0x86 C2
CamelBusy INPN_CamelBusy 135 0x87 C2
NetDetNotReachable INPN_NetDetNotReachable 136 0x88 C2
NotProvidedFromVLR INPN_NotProvidedFromVLR 137 0x89 C2
LocationInfo O
AgeOfLocation Information INPN_AgeOfLocation Information 124 0x7c O2
GeographicalInformation INPN_GeographicalInformation 125 0x7d O2
Vlr_Number INPN_Vlr_Number 126 0x7e O2
LocationNumber INPN_LI_LocationNumber 127 0x7f O2
CellIdOrLAIb O2
CellIdFixedLength INPN_CellIdFixedLength 122 0x7a C3
LAIFixedLength INPN_LAIFixedLength 123 0x7b C3
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
ExtensionContainer INPN_ExtensionContainer 128 0x80 O2
LocationInfo Ellipsis INPN_LocationInfo_Ellipsis 114 0x72 O2
Ext_BasicSrvCode O
BearerServiceCode INPN_Ext_BearerServiceCode 120 0x78 C2
TeleserviceCode INPN_Ext_TeleserviceCode 121 0x79 C2
CallReferenceNumber INPN_CallReferenceNumber 131 0x83 O
MSCAddress INPN_MSCAddress 132 0x84 O
CalledPartyBCDNumber INPN_CalledPartyBCDNumber 129 0x81 O
TimeAndTimezone INPN_TimeAndTimezone 703 0x2bf O
GSM_Forwarding Pending INPN_GSM_ForwardingPending 133 0x85 O
IDPArgExtension O
NACarrierInfo O2
NACarrierID INPN_NACarrierID 140 0x8c O3
NACICSelectionType INPN_NACICSelectionType 139 0x8b O3
NACarrierInfo_Ellipsis INPN_NACarrierInfo_Ellipsis 116 0x74 O3
NAOliInfo INPN_NAOliInfo 141 0x8d O2
NAChargeNumber INPN_NAChargeNumber 142 0x8e O2
InitialDPArgExt_Ellipsis INPN_InitialDPArgExt_Ellipsis 117 0x75 O2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.8.2 AssistRequestInstructions
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f M
IPSSPCapabilities INPN_IPSSPCapabilities 11 0xb O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.8.3 EstablishTemporaryConnection
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
AssistingSSPIPRouting Address INPN_AssistingSSPIPRouting Address 102 0x1 M
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f O
ScfID INPN_ScfID 38 0x26 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo O
BothwayThrough ConnectionIndicator INPN_BothwayThrough 111 0x6f O2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.8.4 DisconnectForwardConnection
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
B.8.5 ConnectToResource
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ResourceAddress M
IPRoutingAddress INPN_IPRoutingAddress 31 0x1f C2
Null n/a C2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo O
BothwayThrough INPN_BothwayThrough 111 0x6f O2
ConnectionIndicator ConnectionIndicator
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.8.6 Connect
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
DestinationRouting Address INPN_DestinationRouting Address(n) 27 0x1b M
(n = 0)
AlertingPattern INPN_AlertingPattern 30 0x1e O
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0xf O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x8 O
RedirectingPartyID INPN_RedirectingPartyID 25 0x19 O
RedirectionInformation INPN_RedirectionInformation 26 0x1a O
Generic Numbers (SEQUENCE, size 1 to 5) O
GenericNumber INPN_GenericNumber(n) 67 to 0x43 O
71 to
SuppressionOf Announcement INPN_SuppressionOf Announcement 109 0x6d O
OCSIApplicable INPN_OCSIApplicable 110 0x6e O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
NA-Info O
NACarrierInfo O2
NACarrierID INPN_NACarrierID 140 0x8c O3
NACICSelectionType INPN_NACICSelectionType 139 0x8b O3
NACarrierInfo_Ellipsis INPN_NACarrierInfo_Ellipsis 116 0x74 O3
NAOliInfo INPN_NAOliInfo 141 0x8d O2
NAChargeNumber INPN_NAChargeNumber 142 0x8e O2
NAInfo_Ellipsis INPN_NAInfo_Ellipsis 115 0x73 O2
B.8.7 ReleaseCall
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Cause INPN_Cause 41 0x29 O
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.8.8 RequestReportBCSMEvent
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
BCSMEvents (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 16) M
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(n) 192 to 207 0xc0 to 0xcf M2
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(n) 208 to 223 0xd0 to 0xdf M2
LegID O2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 to 239 0xe0 to 0xef C3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(n) 240 to 255 0xf0 to 0xff C3
DPSpecificCriteria O2
NumberOfDigits INPN_NumberOfDigits(n) 160 to 175 0xa0 to 0xaf C3
ApplicationTimer INPN_ApplicationTimer(n) 176 to 191 0xb0 to 0xbf C3
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.8.9 EventReportBCSM
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(0) 192 0xc0 M
EventSpecificInformationBCSM O
RouteSelectFailure C2
FailureCause INPN_FailureCause 94 0x5e O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
OcalledPartyBusy C2
BusyCause INPN_BusyCause 95 0x5f O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
OnoAnswer C2
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Oanswer C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Odisconnect C2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
TcalledPartyBusy C2
BusyCause INPN_BusyCause 95 0x5f O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
TnoAnswer C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Tanswer C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Tdisconnect C2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 to 239 0xe0 to 0xef C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(n) 240 to 255 0xf0 to 0xff C2
MiscCallInfo O
MessageType INPN_MessageType 56 0x38 D2
Default = request(0)
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.8.10 Continue
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
B.8.11 ResetTimer
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
TimerID INPN_TimerID 61 0x3d M
TimerValue INPN_TimerValue 62 0x3e M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.8.12 FurnishChargingInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeId INPN_InvokeId 1 0x1 M
FreeFormatData INPN_FreeFormData 319 0x13f M2
PartyToCharge O2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C3
AppendFreeFormatData INPN_AppendFreeFormData 637 0x27d O2
B.8.13 ApplyCharging
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
AchBillingCharging Characteristics M
TimeDurationCharging M2
MaxCallPeriodDuration INPN_MaxCallPeriodDuration 159 0x9f M3
ReleaseIfDurationExceeded O3
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
Tone INPN_Tone 778 0x30a D4
Default = False
Ellipsis INPN_RelIfDurEx_Ellipsis 4179 0x1053 A4
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O4
TariffSwitchInterval INPN_TariffSwitchInterval 158 0x9e O3
PartyToCharge O
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 O2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.8.14 ApplyChargingReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CallResult INPN_CallResult 55 0x37 M
B.8.15 CallInformationReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
RequestedInformationReport (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 5) M
RequestedInformationType INPN_RequestedInformationType 288 to 0x120 to M2
292 0x124
RequestedInformationValue M2
CallAttemptEllapsedTimeValue INPN_CallAttemptEllapsedTimeValue(n) 293 to 0x125 to C3
297 0x129
CallStopTimeValue INPN_CallStopTimeValue(n) 298 to 0x12a to C3
302 0x12e
CallConnectedElapsedTimeValue INPN_CallConnectedElapsedTimeValue(n) 303 to 0x12f to C3
307 0x133
ReleaseCauseValue INPN_ReleaseCauseValue(in 313 to 0x139 to C3
317 0x13d
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 0xe0 to C2
to 239 0xef
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(n) 240 to 0xf0 to C2
255 0xff
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.8.16 CallInformationRequest
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
RequestedInformationReport (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 5) M
RequestedInformation Type INPN_RequestedInformation Type 288 to 292 0x120 to 0x124 M2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 to 239 0xe0 to 0xef C2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.8.17 SendChargingInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CAMEL SCIBillingCharging Characteristics M
AOC BeforeAnswer C2
CAMEL AOC BeforeAnswer INPN_CAMEL_AOC_ BeforeAnswer 143 0x8f Note6
InitialCAI M3
Initial CAI E1 INPN_Initial_CAI_E1 144 0x90 O4
Initial CAI E2 INPN_Initial_CAI_E2 145 0x91 O4
Initial CAI E3 INPN_Initial_CAI_E3 146 0x92 O4
Initial CAI E4 INPN_Initial_CAI_E4 147 0x93 O4
Initial CAI E5 INPN_Initial_CAI_E5 148 0x94 O4
Initial CAI E6 INPN_Initial_CAI_E6 149 0x95 O4
INPN_CAMEL_AOC_BeforeAnswer will not be formatted or decoded. It is used to determine if the AOC is for before or after
answer. If present, AOCBeforeAnswer will be sent, otherwise AOCAfterAnswer will be sent. The data stored in the
INPN_CAMEL_AOC_BeforeAnswer may be of any value.
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
Initial CAI E7 INPN_Initial_CAI_E7 150 0x96 O4
AOC Subsequent O3
Subsequent CAI E1 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E1 151 0x97 O4
Subsequent CAI E2 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E2 152 0x98 O4
Subsequent CAI E3 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E3 153 0x99 O4
Subsequent CAI E4 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E4 154 0x9a O4
Subsequent CAI E5 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E5 155 0x9b O4
Subsequent CAI E6 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E6 156 0x9c O4
Subsequent CAI E7 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E7 157 0x9d O4
AOC Subsequent C2
Subsequent CAI E1 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E1 151 0x97 O3
Subsequent CAI E2 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E2 152 0x98 O3
Subsequent CAI E3 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E3 153 0x99 O3
Subsequent CAI E4 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E4 154 0x9a O3
Subsequent CAI E5 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E5 155 0x9b O3
Subsequent CAI E6 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E6 156 0x9c O3
Subsequent CAI E7 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E7 157 0x9d O3
TariffSwitchInterval INPN_TariffSwitchInterval 158 0x9e O2
SendingSideID M
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 M
Extensions O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.8.18 PlayAnnouncement
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
InformationToSend O
See InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100 M2
DisconnectFromIP Forbidden INPN_DisconnectFromIP Forbidden 59 0x3b D
Default = True
RequestAnnouncement Complete INPN_RequestAnnouncement Complete 60 0x3c D
Default = True
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.8.19 PromptAndCollectUserInformation
INOP_ PromptAndCollectUserInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CollectedInfo M
CollectedDigits M2
MinimumNumberOfDigits INPN_MinimumNumberOfDigits 74 0x3b D3
Default = 1
MaximumNumberOf Digits INPN_MaximumNumberOf Digits 75 0x3c M3
EndOfReplyDigit INPN_EndOfReplyDigit 76 0x3d O3
CancelDigit INPN_CancelDigit 77 0x3e O3
StartDigit INPN_StartDigit 78 0x3f O3
FirstDigitTimeOut INPN_FirstDigitTimeOut 79 0x40 O3
InterDigitTimeOut INPN_InterDigitTimeOut 80 0x41 O3
Errortreatment INPN_Errortreatment 81 0x42 D3
Default = StfErrorAndInfo
InterDigitTimeOut INPN_InterDigitTimeOut 82 0x43 D3
Default = True
InterruptableAndInd INPN_InterruptableAnnInd 83 0x44 D3
Default = False
VoiceBack INPN_VoiceBack 84 0x45 D3
Default = False
DisconnectFromIP Forbidden INPN_DisconnectFromIP Forbidden 59 0x3b D
Default = True
InformationToSend O
See InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100 M2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.8.20 SpecializedResourceReport
INOP_ SpecializedResourceReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
LinkedID INPN_LinkedID 2 0x2 O
B.8.21 Cancel
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Cancel_InvokeID INPN_Cancel_InvokeID 86 0x56 O
B.8.22 ActivityTest
INOP_ ActivityTest
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.9.1 InitialDP
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x5 O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x6 O
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x8 O
cGEncountered INPN_cGEncountered 10 0xa O
IPSSPCapabilities INPN_IPSSPCapabilities 11 0xb O
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0xf O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
HighLayerCompatibility INPN_HighLayerCompatibility 19 0x13 O
AdditionalCallingParty Number INPN_AdditionalCallingParty Number 21 0x15 O
BearerCapability INPN_BearerCapability 23 0x17 O2
Ellipsis INPN_BearerCap_Ellipsis 119 0x77 O2
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(0) 192 0xc0 O
RedirectingPartyID INPN_RedirectingPartyID 25 0x19 O
RedirectionInformation INPN_RedirectionInformation 26 0x1a O
Cause INPN_Cause 41 0x29 O
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo O
See ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo (sub-table) on page 138 O2
Carrier INPN_Carrier 40 0x28 O
CUG-Index INPN_CUG_Index 644 0x284 O
CUG-Interlock INPN_CUG_Interlock 645 0x285 O
CUG-OutgoingAccess INPN_CUG_OutgoingAccess 646 0x286 O
SubscriberState O
AssumedIdle INPN_AssumedIdle 134 0x86 C2
CamelBusy INPN_CamelBusy 135 0x87 C2
NetDetNotReachable INPN_NetDetNotReachable 136 0x88 C2
NotProvidedFromVLR INPN_NotProvidedFromVLR 137 0x89 C2
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
LocationInformation O
See LocationInformation (sub-table) on page 139 O2
Ext_BasicSrvCode O
BearerServiceCode INPN_Ext_BearerServiceCode 120 0x78 C2
TeleserviceCode INPN_Ext_TeleserviceCode 121 0x79 C2
CallReferenceNumber INPN_CallReferenceNumber 131 0x83 O
MSCAddress INPN_MSCAddress 132 0x84 O
CalledPartyBCDNumber INPN_CalledPartyBCDNumber 129 0x81 O
TimeAndTimezone INPN_TimeAndTimezone 703 0x2bf O
GSM_Forwarding Pending INPN_GSM_ForwardingPending 133 0x85 O
IDPArgExtension O
GMSC Address INPN_GMSCAddress 653 0x28d O2
InitialDPArgExt_Ellipsis INPN_InitialDPArgExt_Ellipsis 117 0x75 O2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo (sub-table)
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
ForwardServiceInteractionInd O
ConferenceTreatment INPN_Fw_Conference TreatmentInd 711 0x2c7 O2
CallDiversionTreatment INPN_CallDiversionTreatment 712 0x2c8 O2
Indicator Ind
CallingPartyRestriction Indicator INPN_CallingPartyRestriction Ind 714 0x2ca O2
Ellipsis INPN_ForwardServIntInd_Ellipsis 1402 0x57a A2
BackwardServiceInteractionInd O
ConferenceTreatmentIndicator INPN_Bw_Conference TreatmentInd 710 0x2c6 O2
CallCompletionTreatmentIndicator INPN_CallCompletionTreatmentInd 716 0x2cc O2
Ellipsis INPN_BackwardServIntInd _Ellipsis 1403 0x57b A2
BothwayThrough ConnectionInd INPN_BothwayThrough 111 0x6f O
ConnectedNumber Treatment INPN_ConnectedNumber Treatment 718 0x2ce O
NonCUGCall INPN_NonCUGCall 663 0x297 O
HoldTreatmentIndicator INPN_HoldTreatmentInd 656 0x290 O
CWTreatmentIndicator INPN_CWTreatmentInd 647 0x287 O
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
ECTTreatmentindicator INPN_ECTTreatmentind 709 0x2c5 O
Ellipsis INPN_ServIntActInd2_Ellipsis 1404 0x57c A
LocationInformation (sub-table)
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
AgeOfLocation Information INPN_AgeOfLocation Information 124 0x7c O
GeographicalInformation INPN_GeographicalInformation 125 0x7d O
Vlr_Number INPN_Vlr_Number 126 0x7e O
LocationNumber INPN_LI_LocationNumber 127 0x7f O
CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdOrLAI O
CellGlobalIdOrServiceAreaIdFixedLength INPN_CellIdFixedLength 122 0x7a C2
LAIFixedLength INPN_LAIFixedLength 123 0x7b C2
ExtensionContainer INPN_ExtensionContainer 128 0x80 O
Ellipsis INPN_LocationInfo_Ellipsis 114 0x72 A
SelectLSA-Id INPN_SelectLSAIdentity 765 0x2fd O
ISDNAddressString INPN_ISDNAddressString 726 0x2d6 O
GeodeticInformation INPN_GeodeticInformation 4229 0x1085 O
CurrentLocationRetrieved INPN_CurLocRetrieved 4228 0x1084 O
SAI-Present INPN_SAIPresent 763 0x2fb O
B.9.2 AssistRequestInstructions
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f M
IPSSPCapabilities INPN_IPSSPCapabilities 11 0xb M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.9.3 EstablishTemporaryConnection
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
AssistingSSPIPRouting Address INPN_AssistingSSPIPRouting 102 0x1 M
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f O
ScfID INPN_ScfID 38 0x26 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Carrier INPN_Carrier 40 0x28 O
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo O
See ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo (sub-table) on page 138 O2
NaOliInfo INPN_NaOliInfo 141 0x8d O
ChargeNumber INPN_ChargeNumber 642 0x282 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.9.4 DisconnectForwardConnection
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
B.9.5 ConnectToResource
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ResourceAddress M
IPRoutingAddress INPN_IPRoutingAddress 31 0x1f C2
None INPN_None 650 0x28a C2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo O
See ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo (sub-table) on page 138 O2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.9.6 Connect
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
DestinationRouting Address INPN_DestinationRouting Address(0) 27 0x1b M
AlertingPattern INPN_AlertingPattern 30 0x1e O
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0xf O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Carrier INPN_Carrier 40 0x28 O
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x8 O
RedirectingPartyID INPN_RedirectingPartyID 25 0x19 O
RedirectionInformation INPN_RedirectionInformation 26 0x1a O
GenericNumbers (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 5) O
GenericNumber INPN_GenericNumber(n) 67 to 71 0x43 to O2
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo O
(see ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo (sub-table) on page 138) O2
ChargeNumber INPN_ChargeNumber 642 0x282 O
CUG-Interlock INPN_CUG_Interlock 645 0x285 O
CUG-OutgoingAccess INPN_CUG_OutgoingAccess 646 0x286 O
Suppression of Announcement INPN_SuppressionOfAnnouncement 109 0x6d O
OCSIApplicable INPN_OCSIApplicable 110 0x6e O
NaOliInfo INPN_NAOliInfo 141 0x8d O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.9.7 ReleaseCall
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Cause INPN_Cause 41 0x29 O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.9.8 RequestReportBCSMEvent
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
BCSMEvents (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 10) M
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(n) 192 to 0xc0 to M2
201 0xc9
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(n) 208 to 0xd0 to M2
217 0xd9
LegID O2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 to 0xe0 to C3
233 0xe9
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(n) 240 to 0xf0 to C3
249 0xf9
DpSpecificCriteria O2
ApplicationTimer INPN_ApplicationTimer(n) 176 to 0xb0 to O3
185 0xb9
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
The BCSMEvent structure can be repeated up to ten times for each operation.
Replace ‘n’ with the position in the sequence of BCSMEvents starting from 0.
The LegID for each event may be specified as either a SendingSideID or a
ReceivingSideID. For some events, the LegID parameter is mandatory; for
example, events O-MidCall, O-Disconnect, T-MidCall and T-Disconnect in
CAMEL CAP v2 must have this parameter present. For other events, the legID
may take default values.
B.9.9 EventReportBCSM
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(0) 192 0xc0 M
EventSpecificInformationBCSM O
RouteSelectFailure C2
FailureCause INPN_FailureCause 94 0x5e O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
OcalledPartyBusy C2
BusyCause INPN_BusyCause 95 0x5f O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
OnoAnswer C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Oanswer C2
DestinationAddress INPN_DestinationAddr 648 0x288 O3
Or-Call INPN_OrCall 664 0x298 O3
ForwardedCall INPN_ForwardedCall 651 0x28b O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Odisconnect C2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
TcalledPartyBusy C2
BusyCause INPN_BusyCause 95 0x5f O3
CallForwarded INPN_CallForwarded 639 0x27f O3
RouteNotPermitted INPN_RouteNotPermitted 753 0x2f1 O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
TnoAnswer C2
CallForwarded INPN_CallForwarded 639 0x27f O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Tanswer C2
DestinationAddress INPN_DestinationAddr 648 0x288 O3
Or-Call INPN_OrCall 664 0x298 O3
ForwardedCall INPN_ForwardedCall 651 0x28b O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Tdisconnect C2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 O2
MiscCallInfo O
MessageType INPN_MessageType 56 0x38 O2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.9.10 Continue
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
B.9.11 ResetTimer
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
TimerID INPN_TimerID 61 0x3d M
TimerValue INPN_TimerValue 62 0x3e M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.9.12 FurnishChargingInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeId INPN_InvokeId 1 0x1 M
FreeFormatData INPN_FreeFormData 319 0x13f M2
PartyToCharge O2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 O3
AppendFreeFormatData INPN_AppendFreeFormData 637 0x27d D2
Default = overwrite (0)
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.9.13 ApplyCharging
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
TimeDurationCharging M
MaxCallPeriodDuration INPN_MaxCallPeriodDuration 159 0x9f M2
ReleaseIfDuration Exceeded INPN_ReleaseIfDurExceeded 750 0x2ee D2
Default = False
TariffSwitchInterval INPN_TariffSwitchInterval 158 0x9e O2
Tone INPN_Tone 778 0x30a D2
Default = False
Extensions2 (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O2
Ellipsis INPN_TmDurChar_Ellipsis 1374 0x55e A2
PartyToCharge O
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 O2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.9.14 ApplyChargingReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CAMEL-CallResult M
TimeDurationChargingResult M2
PartyToCharge M3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 M4
TimeInformation M3
TimeIfNoTariffSwitch INPN_TimeIfNoTariffSwitch 776 0x308 C4
TimeIfTariffSwitch C4
TimeSinceTariffSwitch INPN_TmSinceTariffSwch 777 0x309 M5
TariffSwitchInterval INPN_TariffSwitchInterval 158 0x9e O5
CallActive INPN_CallActive 638 0x27e D3
Default = True
CallReleasedAtTcpExpiry INPN_CallReleasedAtTcpExp 640 0x280 O3
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O3
Ellipsis INPN_TmDurCharRes_Ellipsis 1373 0x55d O3
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.9.15 CallGap
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
GapCriteria M
BasicGapCriteria C1
CalledAddressAndService C2
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(0) 308 0x134 M3
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
Ellipsis INPN_CldAddrServ_Ellipsis 1398 0x576 O3
CallingAddressAndService C2
CallingAddressValue INPN_CallingAddressValue 99 0x63 M3
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
Ellipsis INPN_ClgAddrServ_Ellipsis 1400 0x578 O3
GapOnService C2
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
Ellipsis INPN_GapOnServ_Ellipsis 1401 0x579 O3
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(0) 308 0x134 C2
CompoundGapCriteria C1
CompoundCalledAddressAndService C2
CalledAddressValue INPN_ComCalledAddressValue 894 0x37e M3
ServiceKey INPN_ComServiceKey 893 0x37d M3
Ellipsis INPN_CldAddrServ_Ellipsis 1398 0x576 O3
CompoundCallingAddressAndService C2
CallingAddressValue INPN_CallingAddressValue 99 0x63 M3
ServiceKey INPN_ComServiceKey 893 0x37d M3
Ellipsis INPN_ClgAddrServ_Ellipsis 1400 0x578 O3
CompoundGapOnService C2
ServiceKey INPN_ComServiceKey 893 0x37d M3
Ellipsis INPN_GapOnServ_Ellipsis 1401 0x579 O3
CompoundCalledAddressValue INPN_ComCalledAddressValue 894 0x37e C2
ScfId INPN_ScfID 38 0x26 O2
GapIndicators M
GapDuration INPN_Gap_Duration 72 0x48 M2
GapInterval INPN_GapInterval 73 0x49 M2
Ellipsis INPN_GapInd_Ellipsis 1411 0x583 A2
ControlType INPN_ControlType 101 0x65 O
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
GapTreatment O
InformationToSend C2
See InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100 O3
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 C2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.9.16 CallInformationReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
RequestedInformationList (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 4) M
RequestedInformationType INPN_RequestedInformationType 288 to 0x120 to M2
291 0x123
RequestedInformationValue M2
CallAttemptEllapsedTimeValue INPN_CallAttemptEllapsedTimeValue(n) 293 to 0x125 to C3
296 0x128
CallStopTimeValue INPN_CallStopTimeValue(n) 298 to 0x12a to C3
301 0x12d
CallConnectedElapsedTimeValue INPN_CallConnectedElapsedTimeValue(n) 303 to 0x12f to C3
306 0x132
ReleaseCauseValue INPN_ReleaseCauseValue(n) 313 to 0x139 to C3
316 0x13c
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 O2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.9.17 CallInformationRequest
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
RequestedInformationReport (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 4) M
RequestedInformation Type(n) INPN_RequestedInformation Type(n) 288 0x120 M2
to to
291 0x123
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 O2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.9.18 SendChargingInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CAMEL-SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics M
AOCBeforeAnswer C2
AOCInitial M3
E1 INPN_Initial_CAI_E1 144 0x90 O4
E2 INPN_Initial_CAI_E2 145 0x91 O4
E3 INPN_Initial_CAI_E3 146 0x92 O4
E4 INPN_Initial_CAI_E4 147 0x93 O4
E5 INPN_Initial_CAI_E5 148 0x94 O4
E6 INPN_Initial_CAI_E6 149 0x95 O4
E7 INPN_Initial_CAI_E7 150 0x96 O4
AOCSubsequent O3
CAI-GSM0224 M4
E1 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E1 151 0x97 O5
E2 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E2 152 0x98 O5
E3 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E3 153 0x99 O5
E4 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E4 154 0x9a O5
E5 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E5 155 0x9b O5
E6 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E6 156 0x9c O5
E7 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E7 157 0x9d O5
TariffSwitchInterval INPN_TariffSwitchInterval 158 0x9e O4
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
AOCAfterAnswer C2
AOCSubsequent O3
CAI-GSM0224 M4
E1 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E1 151 0x97 O5
E2 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E2 152 0x98 O5
E3 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E3 153 0x99 O5
E4 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E4 154 0x9a O5
E5 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E5 155 0x9b O5
E6 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E6 156 0x9c O5
E7 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E7 157 0x9d O5
TariffSwitchInterval INPN_TariffSwitchInterval 158 0x9e O4
PartyToCharge M
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 M2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.9.19 PlayAnnouncement
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
InformationToSend M
See InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100 M2
DisconnectFromIP Forbidden INPN_DisconnectFromIP Forbidden 59 0x3b D
Default = True
RequestAnnouncement Complete INPN_RequestAnnouncement Complete 60 0x3c D
Default = True
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.9.20 PromptAndCollectUserInformation
INOP_ PromptAndCollectUserInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CollectedInfo M
CollectedDigits M2
MinimumNumberOfDigits INPN_MinimumNumberOfDigits 74 0x4a D3
Default = 1
MaximumNumberOf Digits INPN_MaximumNumberOf Digits 75 0x4b M3
EndOfReplyDigit INPN_EndOfReplyDigit 76 0x4c O3
CancelDigit INPN_CancelDigit 77 0x4d O3
StartDigit INPN_StartDigit 78 0x4e O3
FirstDigitTimeOut INPN_FirstDigitTimeOut 79 0x4f O3
InterDigitTimeOut INPN_InterDigitTimeOut 80 0x50 O3
Errortreatment INPN_Errortreatment 81 0x51 D3
Default = StfErrorAndInfo
InterruptableAndInd INPN_InterruptableAnnInd 82 0x52 D3
Default = True
VoiceInformation INPN_VoiceInformation 83 0x53 D3
Default = False
VoiceBack INPN_VoiceBack 84 0x54 D3
Default = False
DisconnectFromIP Forbidden INPN_DisconnectFromIP Forbidden 59 0x3b D
Default = True
InformationToSend O
See InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100 M2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.9.21 SpecializedResourceReport
INOP_ SpecializedResourceReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
LinkedID INPN_LinkedID 2 0x2 O
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.9.22 Cancel
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Cancel_InvokeID INPN_Cancel_InvokeID 86 0x56 O
B.9.23 ActivityTest
INOP_ ActivityTest
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
B.9.24 ContinueWithArg
INOP_ ContinueWithArgument
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
AlertingPattern INPN_AlertingPattern 30 0x1e O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo O
See ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo (sub-table) on page 138 O2
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x8 O
GenericNumbers (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 5) O
GenericNumber INPN_GenericNumber(n) 67 to 0x43 to O2
71 0x47
CUG_Interlock INPN_CUG_Interlock 645 0x285 O
CUG_OutgoingAccess INPN_CUG_OutgoingAccess 646 0x286 O
ChargeNumber INPN_ChargeNumber 642 0x282 O
Carrier INPN_Carrier 40 0x28 O
SuppressionOfAnnouncement INPN_SuppressionOfAnnouncement 109 0x6d O
NAOliInfo INPN_NAOliInfo 141 0x8d O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.9.25 InitialDPSMS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Servicekey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 O
DestinationSubscriber Number INPN_DestSubscriberNumber 649 0x289 O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x6 O
EventTypeSMS INPN_EventTypeSMS(0) 861 0x35d O
LocationInformationMSC O
See LocationInformation (sub-table) on page 139 O2
LocationInformationGPRS O
See LocationInformationGPRS (sub-table) below O2
SMSCAddress INPN_SMSCAddress 768 0x300 O
TimeAndTimeZone INPN_TimeAndTimezone 703 0x2bf O
TPShortMessage SubmissionInfo INPN_TPShtMsgSubInfo 781 0x30d O
TPProtocolIdentifier INPN_TPProtocolID 780 0x30c O
TPDataCodingScheme INPN_TPDataCodingScheme 779 0x30b O
TPValidityPeriod INPN_TPValidityPeriod 782 0x30e O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
SMSReferenceNumber INPN_SMSReferenceNumber 770 0x302 O
MSCAddress INPN_MSCAddress 132 0x84 O
SGSN Number INPN_SGSNNumber 767 0x2ff O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
LocationInformationGPRS (sub-table)
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
CellGlobalIdOrService AreaIdOrLAI INPN_CGlobal_Sarea_LAI 641 0x281 O
RoutingAreaIdentity INPN_GPRSRoutingAreaID 897 0x381 O
GeographicalInformation INPN_GPRSGeographical Information 895 0x37f O
SGSN Number INPN_LocationInfoGPRS_SGSNNumber 4231 0x1087 O
SelectedLSAIdentity INPN_LocationInfoGPRS_SelLSAIdentity 4281 0x10b9 O
ExtensionContainer INPN_GPRSExtensionContainer 896 0x380 O
Ellipsis INPN_LocationInfoGPRS_Ellipsis 1369 0x559 A
SAI-Present INPN_LocationInfoGPRS_SAIPresent 4232 0x1088 O
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.9.26 FurnishChargingInformationSMS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
FreeFormatData INPN_FreeFormData 319 0x13f M2
AppendFreeFormatData INPN_AppendFreeFormData 637 0x27d D2
Default = overwrite (0)
B.9.28 RequestReportSMSEvent
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
SMSEvents (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 10) M
EventTypeSMS INPN_EventTypeSMS(n) 861 to 870 0x35d to 0x366 M2
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(n) 208 to 217 0xd0 to 0xd9 M2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.9.29 EventReportSMS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
EventTypeSMS INPN_EventType(0) 861 M
EventSpecificInformationSMS O
O-SMSFailureSpecificInfo C2
FailureCause INPN_FailureCause 94 0x5e M3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfoSMS _Ellipsis 1371 0x55b A3
O-SMSSubmitSpecificInfo C2
--No Info--
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfoSMS _Ellipsis 1371 0x55b A3
MiscCallInfo O
MessageType INPN_MessageType 56 0x38 O2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.9.30 ContinueSMS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
B.9.31 ReleaseSMS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
RPCause INPN_RPCause 762 0x2fa M
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.9.32 ResetTimerSMS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
TimerID INPN_TimerID 61 0x3d M
TimerValue INPN_TimerValue 62 0x3e M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.9.33 ActivityTestGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
B.9.34 ApplyChargingGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ChargingCharacteristics M
MaxTransferredVolume INPN_MaxTransferredVol 659 0x293 C2
MaxElapsedTime INPN_MaxElapsedTime 658 0x292 C2
TariffSwitchInterval INPN_TariffSwitchInterval 158 0x9e O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.9.35 ApplyChargingReportGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ChargingResult M
TransferredVolume C2
VolumeIfNoTariffSwitch INPN_VolIfNoTariffSwch 785 0x311 C3
VolumeIfTariffSwitch C3
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
VolumeSinceLastTariff Switch INPN_VolLastTariffSwch 783 0x30f M4
VolumeTariffSwitch Interval INPN_VolTariffSwchInt 784 0x310 O4
ElapsedTime C2
TimeGPRSIfNoTariff Switch INPN_TmGPRSIfNoTariffSwch 776 0x308 C3
TimeGPRSIfTariffSwitch C3
TimeGPRSSinceLast TariffSwitch INPN_TmGPRSSinceLast TariffSwch 774 0x306 M4
TimeGPRSTariffSwitch Interval INPN_TmGPRSTariffSwchInt 775 0x307 O4
QualityOfService O
See CAMEL v3 QualityOfService (sub-table) on page 157 O2
Active INPN_Active 636 0x27c D
Default = True
ChargingRollOver O
TransferredVolumeRollOver C2
Ro-VolumeIfNoTariff Switch INPN_RO_VoIIfNoTariffSwch 761 0x2f9 C3
Ro-VolumeIfTariffSwitch C3
Ro-VolumeSinceLast TariffSwitch INPN_RO_VolLastTariffSwch 759 0x2f7 M4
Ro-VolumeTariffSwitch Interval INPN_RO_VolTariffSwchInt 760 0x2f8 O4
ElapsedTimeRollOver C2
Ro-TimeGPRSIfNoTariff Switch INPN_RO_TmGPRSNoTariff Swch 756 0x2f4 C3
Ro-TimeGPRSIfTariffSwitch C3
Ro-TimeGPRSSinceLast TariffSwitch INPN_RO_TmGPRSLastTariffSwch 757 0x2f5 M4
Ro-TimeGPRSTariff SwitchInterval INPN_RO_TmGPRSTariffSwchInt 758 0x2f6 O4
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.9.36 CancelGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.9.37 ConnectGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
AccessPointName INPN_AccessPtName 592 0x250 M
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.9.38 ContinueGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.9.39 EntityReleasedGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
GPRSCause INPN_GPRSCause 654 0x28e M
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.9.40 FurnishChargingInformationGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
FreeFormatData INPN_FreeFormData 319 0x13f M2
AppendFreeFormatData INPN_AppendFreeFormData 637 0x27d D2
Default = overwrite (0)
Ellipsis INPN_FCIGPRSseq_Ellipsis 1367 0x557
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.9.41 InitialDPGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Servicekey INPN_Servicekey 3 0x3 M
GPRSEventType INPN_GPRSEventType(0) 877 0x36d M
TimeAndTimeZone INPN_TimeAndTimezone 703 0x2bf M
MSNetworkCapability INPN_MSNetworkCapability 661 0x295 M2
MSRadioAccess Capability INPN_MSRadioAccess Capability 662 0x296 O2
EndUserAddress O
PDPTypeOrganisation INPN_PDPTypeOrganisation 749 0x2ed M2
PDPTypeNumber INPN_PDPTypeNumber 748 0x2ec M2
PDPAddress INPN_PDPAddress 666 0x29a O2
QualityOfService O
See CAMEL v3 QualityOfService (sub-table) on page 157 O2
AccessPointName INPN_AccessPtName 592 0x250 O
RoutingAreaIdentity INPN_RoutingAreaID 754 0x2f2 O
ChargingID INPN_ChargingID 643 0x283 O
SGSNCapabilities INPN_SGSNCapabilities 766 0x2fe O
LocationInformationGPRS O
See LocationInformationGPRS (sub-table) on page 152 O2
PDPInitiationType INPN_PDPInitiationType 667 0x29b O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
GGSNAddress INPN_GGSNAddress 652 0x28c O
SecondaryPDP-Context INPN_SecondaryPDPContext 764 0x2fc O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.9.42 ReleaseGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
GPRSCause INPN_GPRSCause 654 0x28e M
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.9.43 EventReportGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
GPRSEventType INPN_GPRSEventType(0) 877 0x36d M
MiscCallInfo O
MessageType INPN_MessageType 56 0x38 O2
GPRSEventSpecificInformation O
AttachChangeOfPositionSpecificInformation C2
LocationInformationGPRS (see LocationInformationGPRS (sub-table) on page 152) O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfoGPRS _Ellipsis 1372 0x55c A3
PDP-ContextChangeOfPositionSpecificInformation C2
AccessPointName INPN_AccessPtName 592 0x250 O3
GPRSChargingID INPN_GPRSChargingID 655 0x28f O3
LocationInformationGPRS (see LocationInformationGPRS (sub-table) on page 152) O3
EndUserAddress O3
PDPTypeOrganisation INPN_PDPTypeOrganisation 749 0x2ed M4
PDPTypeNumber INPN_PDPTypeNumber 748 0x2ec M4
PDPAddress INPN_PDPAddress 666 0x29a O4
QualityOfService (see CAMEL v3 QualityOfService (sub-table) on page 157) O3
TimeAndTimeZone INPN_TimeAndTimezone 703 0x2bf O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfoGPRS _Ellipsis 1372 0x55c A3
GGSNAddress INPN_GGSNAddress 652 0x28c O3
DetachSpecificInformation C2
InitiatingEntity INPN_InitiatingEntity 942 0x3ae O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfoGPRS _Ellipsis 1372 0x55c A3
RoutingAreaUpdate INPN_RoutingAreaUpdate 755 0x2f3 O3
DisconnectSpecificInformation C2
InitiatingEntity INPN_InitiatingEntity 942 0x3ae O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfoGPRS _Ellipsis 1372 0x55c A3
RoutingAreaUpdate INPN_RoutingAreaUpdate 755 0x2f3 O3
PDPContextEstablishmentSpecificInformation C2
AccessPointName INPN_AccessPtName 592 0x250 O3
EndUserAddress O3
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
PDPTypeOrganisation INPN_PDPTypeOrganisation 749 0x2ed M4
PDPTypeNumber INPN_PDPTypeNumber 748 0x2ec M4
PDPAddress INPN_PDPAddress 666 0x29a O4
QualityOfService (see CAMEL v3 QualityOfService (sub-table) on page 157) O3
LocationInformationGPRS (see LocationInformationGPRS (sub-table) on page 152) O3
TimeAndTimeZone INPN_TimeAndTimezone 703 0x2bf O3
PDPInitiationType INPN_PDPInitiationType 667 0x29b O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfoGPRS _Ellipsis 1372 0x55c A3
SecondaryPDP-Context INPN_SecondaryPDPContext 764 0x2fc O3
PDPContextEstablishmentAcknowledgementSpecificInformation C2
AccessPointName INPN_AccessPtName 592 0x250 O3
GPRSChargingID INPN_GPRSChargingID 655 0x28f O3
EndUserAddress O3
PDPTypeOrganisation INPN_PDPTypeOrganisation 749 0x2ed M4
PDPTypeNumber INPN_PDPTypeNumber 748 0x2ec M4
PDPAddress INPN_PDPAddress 666 0x29a O4
QualityOfService (see CAMEL v3 QualityOfService (sub-table) on page 157) O3
LocationInformationGPRS (see LocationInformationGPRS (sub-table) on page 152) O3
TimeAndTimeZone INPN_TimeAndTimezone 703 0x2bf O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfoGPRS _Ellipsis 1372 0x55c A3
GGSNAddress INPN_GGSNAddress 652 0x28c O3
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.9.44 RequestReportGPRSEvent
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
GPRSEvent (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 10) M
GPRSEventType INPN_GPRSEventType(n) 877 to 886 0x36d to 0x376 M2
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(n) 208 to 217 0xd0 to 0xd9 M2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.9.45 ResetTimerGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
TimerID INPN_TimerID 61 0x3d D
Default = tssf (0)
TimerValue INPN_TimerValue 62 0x3e M
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.9.46 SendChargingInformationGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CAMEL-SCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics M
AOCInitial M3
E1 INPN_Initial_CAI_E1 144 0x90 O4
E2 INPN_Initial_CAI_E2 145 0x91 O4
E3 INPN_Initial_CAI_E3 146 0x92 O4
E4 INPN_Initial_CAI_E4 147 0x93 O4
E5 INPN_Initial_CAI_E5 148 0x94 O4
E6 INPN_Initial_CAI_E6 149 0x95 O4
E7 INPN_Initial_CAI_E7 150 0x96 O4
AOCSubsequent O3
CAI-GSM0224 M4
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
E1 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E1 151 0x97 O5
E2 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E2 152 0x98 O5
E3 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E3 153 0x99 O5
E4 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E4 154 0x9a O5
E5 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E5 155 0x9b O5
E6 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E6 156 0x9c O5
E7 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E7 157 0x9d O5
TariffSwitchInterval INPN_TariffSwitchInterval 158 0x9e O4
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A2
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.10.1 InitialDP
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x03 M
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x05 O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x06 O
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x08 O
cGEncountered INPN_cGEncountered 10 0x0a O
IPSSPCapabilities INPN_IPSSPCapabilities 11 0x0b O
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0x0d O
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0x0f O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
HighLayerCompatibility INPN_HighLayerCompatibility 19 0x13 O
AdditionalCallingParty Number INPN_AdditionalCallingParty Number 21 0x15 O
BearerCapability O
BearerCapability INPN_BearerCapability 23 0x17 C2
Ellipsis INPN_BearerCap_Ellipsis 119 0x77 C2
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(0) 192 0xc0 O
RedirectingPartyID INPN_RedirectingPartyID 25 0x19 O
RedirectionInformation INPN_RedirectionInformation 26 0x1a O
Cause INPN_Cause 41 0x29 O
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo O
(see ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo (sub-table) on page 138) O2
Carrier INPN_Carrier 40 0x28 O
CUG-Index INPN_CUG_Index 644 0x284 O
CUG-Interlock INPN_CUG_Interlock 645 0x285 O
CUG-OutgoingAccess INPN_CUG_OutgoingAccess 646 0x286 O
SubscriberState O
AssumedIdle INPN_AssumedIdle 134 0x86 C2
CamelBusy INPN_CamelBusy 135 0x87 C2
NetDetNotReachable INPN_NetDetNotReachable 136 0x88 C2
NotProvidedFromVLR INPN_NotProvidedFromVLR 137 0x89 C2
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
LocationInformation (see LocationInformation (sub-table) on page 139) O
Ext_BasicServicesCode O
BearerServiceCode INPN_Ext_BearerServiceCode 120 0x78 C2
TeleserviceCode INPN_Ext_TeleserviceCode 121 0x79 C2
CallReferenceNumber INPN_CallReferenceNumber 131 0x83 O
MSCAddress INPN_MSCAddress 132 0x84 O
CalledPartyBCDNumber INPN_CalledPartyBCDNumber 129 0x80 O
TimeAndTimezone INPN_TimeAndTimezone 703 0x2bf O
CallForwardingSS Pending INPN_GSM_ForwardingPending 133 0x85 O
IDPArgExtension O
GMSC Address INPN_GMSCAddress 653 0x28d O2
ForwardingDestNumber INPN_ForwardingDestNumber 2776 0xad8 O2
MSClassMark2 INPN_MSClassMark2 2777 0xad9 O2
IMEI INPN_IMEI 2778 0xada O2
SupportedCamelPhases INPN_SupportedCamelPhases 2779 0xadb O2
OfferedCamel4Functionalities INPN_OfferedCamel4Functionalities 2780 0xadc O2
BearerCapability2 O2
BearerCapability2 INPN_BearerCapability2 2771 0xad3 O3
Ext_BasicServiceCode2 O2
Ext_BearerServiceCode2 INPN_Ext_BearerServiceCode2 2764 0xacc C3
Ext_TeleserviceCode2 INPN_Ext_TeleserviceCode2 2765 0xacd C3
HighLayerCompatibility2 INPN_HighLayerCompatibility2 2781 0xadd O2
LowLayerCompatibility INPN_LowLayerCompatibility 2782 0xade O2
LowLayerCompatibility2 INPN_LowLayerCompatibility2 2783 0xadf O2
Ellipsis INPN_InitialDPArgExt_Ellipsis 117 0x75 A2
EnhancedDialledServicesAllowed INPN_EnhancedDialledServicesAllowed 2784 0xae0 O2
UU_Data O2
UUIndicator INPN_UUIndicator 2773 0xad5 O3
UUI INPN_UUI 2774 0xad6 O3
uusCFInteraction INPN_uusCFInteraction 2775 0xad7 O3
UU_ExtensionContainer INPN_UU_ExtensionContainer 4230 0x1086 O3
Ellipsis INPN_UU_Ellipsis 4216 0x1078 A3
CollectInformationAllowed INPN_collectInformationAllowed 2785 0xae1 O2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.10.2 AssistRequestInstructions
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f M
IPSSPCapabilities INPN_IPSSPCapabilities 11 0x0b M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.3 EstablishTemporaryConnection
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
AssistingSSPIPRouting INPN_AssistingSSPIPRouting 102 0x66 M
Address Address
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f O
ScfID INPN_ScfID 38 0x26 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Carrier INPN_Carrier 40 0x28 O
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo O
(see ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo (sub-table) on page 138) O2
CallSegmentId INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 O
NAOliInfo INPN_NAOliInfo 141 0x8d O
ChargeNumber INPN_ChargeNumber 642 0x282 O
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0x0f O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x06 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.4 DisconnectForwardConnection
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.10.5 DFCWithArgument
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.6 ConnectToResource
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
ResourceAddress M
IPRoutingAddress INPN_IPRoutingAddress 31 0x1f C2
None INPN_None 650 0x28a C2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo O
(see ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo (sub-table) on page 138) O2
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.7 Connect
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
DestinationRouting Address INPN_DestinationRouting 27 0x1b M
AlertingPattern INPN_AlertingPattern 30 0x1e O
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0x0f O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Carrier INPN_Carrier 40 0x28 O
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x08 O
RedirectingPartyID INPN_RedirectingPartyID 25 0x19 O
RedirectionInformation INPN_RedirectionInformation 26 0x1a O
GenericNumbers (SET, size = 1 to 5) O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
GenericNumber INPN_GenericNumber(n) 67 to 0x43 to O2
71 0x47
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo O
(see ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo (sub-table) on page 138) O2
ChargeNumber INPN_ChargeNumber 642 0x282 O
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
CUG-Interlock INPN_CUG_Interlock 645 0x285 O
CUG-OutgoingAccess INPN_CUG_OutgoingAccess 646 0x286 O
Suppression of INPN_SuppressionOfAnnouncement 109 0x6d O
OCSIApplicable INPN_OCSIApplicable 110 0x6e O
NaOliInfo INPN_NAOliInfo 141 0x8d O
BorInterrogationRequested INPN_BorInterrogationRequested 2787 0xae3 O
SuppressNCSI INPN_SuppressNCSI 2788 0xae4 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.8 ReleaseCall
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
Cause INPN_Cause 41 0x29 M
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.10.9 RequestReportBCSMEvent
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
BCSMEvents (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 16) M
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(n) 192 to 0xc0 to M2
207 0xcf
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(n) 208 to 0xd0 to M2
223 0xdf
LegID O2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 to 0xe0 to C3
239 0xef
The BCSMEvent structure can be repeated up to 16 times for each operation. Replace ‘n’ with the position in the sequence
of BCSMEvents starting from 0. The CAP v4 specification indicates that the structure may be repeated up to 30 times. This
has not been implemented due to implementation reasons.
The ChangeOfLocation structure can be repeated up to 10 times – for each instance of BCSMEvent. This nesting has
required that the instances of the ChangeOfLocation parameters are given unique names; for example,
INPN_ServiceAreaId9(15) for the ServiceAreaId parameter in the 10th instance of ChangeOfLocation within the 16th BCSM
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
ServiceAreaId INPN_ServiceAreaId0(n) 2901 to 0xb55 to O6
2916 0xb64
LocationAreaId INPN_LocationAreaId0(n) 2917 to 0xb65 to O6
2932 0xb74
InterSystemHandOver INPN_InterSystemHandOver0(n) 2933 to 0xb75 to O6
2948 0xb84
InterPLMNHandOver INPN_InterPLMNHandOver0(n) 2949 to 0xb85 to O6
2964 0xb94
InterMSCHandOver INPN_InterMSCHandOver0(n) 2965 to 0xb95 to O6
2980 0xba4
ChangeOfLocationAlt0 O6
Ellipsis INPN_ChangeOfLocationEllipsis0(n) 2981 to 0xba5 to A7
2996 0xbb4
ChangeOfLocation[1] O5
CellGlobalId INPN_CellGlobalId1(n) 2997 to 0xbb5 to O6
3012 0xbc4
ServiceAreaId INPN_ServiceAreaId1(n) 3013 to 0xbc5 to O6
3028 0xbd4
LocationAreaId INPN_LocationAreaId1(n) 3029 to 0xbd5 to O6
3044 0xbe4
InterSystemHandOver INPN_InterSystemHandOver1(n) 3045 to 0xbe5 to O6
3060 0xbf4
InterPLMNHandOver INPN_InterPLMNHandOver1(n) 3061 to 0xbf5 to O6
3076 0xc04
InterMSCHandOver INPN_InterMSCHandOver1(n) 3077 to 0xc05 to O6
3092 0xc14
ChangeOfLocationAlt1 O6
Ellipsis INPN_ChangeOfLocationEllipsis1(n) 3093 to 0xc15 to A7
3108 0xc24
ChangeOfLocation[2] O5
CellGlobalId INPN_CellGlobalId2(n) 3109 to 0xc25 to O6
3124 0xc34
ServiceAreaId INPN_ServiceAreaId2(n) 3125 to 0xc35 to O6
3140 0xc44
LocationAreaId INPN_LocationAreaId2(n) 3141 to 0xc45 to O6
3156 0xc54
InterSystemHandOver INPN_InterSystemHandOver2(n) 3157 to 0xc55 to O6
3172 0xc64
InterPLMNHandOver INPN_InterPLMNHandOver2(n) 3173 to 0xc65 to O6
3188 0xc74
InterMSCHandOver INPN_InterMSCHandOver2(n) 3189 to 0xc75 to O6
3204 0xc84
ChangeOfLocationAlt2 O6
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
Ellipsis INPN_ChangeOfLocationEllipsis2(n) 3205 to 0xc85 to A7
3220 0xc94
ChangeOfLocation[3] O5
CellGlobalId INPN_CellGlobalId3(n) 3221 to 0xc95 to O6
3236 0xca4
ServiceAreaId INPN_ServiceAreaId3(n) 3237 to 0xca5 to O6
3252 0xcb4
LocationAreaId INPN_LocationAreaId3(n) 3253 to 0xcb5 to O6
3268 0xcc4
InterSystemHandOver INPN_InterSystemHandOver3(n) 3269 to 0xcc5 to O6
3284 0xcd4
InterPLMNHandOver INPN_InterPLMNHandOver3(n) 3285 to 0xcd5 to O6
3300 0xce4
InterMSCHandOver INPN_InterMSCHandOver3(n) 3301 to 0xce5 to O6
3316 0xcf4
ChangeOfLocationAlt3 O6
Ellipsis INPN_ChangeOfLocationEllipsis3(n) 3317 to 0xcf5 to A7
3332 0xd04
ChangeOfLocation[4] O5
CellGlobalId INPN_CellGlobalId4(n) 3333 to 0xd05 to O6
3348 0xd14
ServiceAreaId INPN_ServiceAreaId4(n) 3349 to 0xd15 to O6
3364 0xd24
LocationAreaId INPN_LocationAreaId4(n) 3365 to 0xd25 to O6
3380 0xd34
InterSystemHandOver INPN_InterSystemHandOver4(n 3381 to 0xd35 to O6
3396 0xd44
InterPLMNHandOver INPN_InterPLMNHandOver4(n) 3397 to 0xd45 to O6
3412 0xd54
InterMSCHandOver INPN_InterMSCHandOver4(n) 3413 to 0xd55 to O6
3428 0xd64
ChangeOfLocationAlt4 O6
Ellipsis INPN_ChangeOfLocationEllipsis4(n) 3429 to 0xd65 to A7
3444 0xd74
ChangeOfLocation[5] O5
CellGlobalId INPN_CellGlobalId5(n) 3445 to 0xd75 to O6
3460 0xd84
ServiceAreaId INPN_ServiceAreaId5(n) 3461 to 0xd85 to O6
3476 0xd94
LocationAreaId INPN_LocationAreaId5(n) 3477 to 0xd95 to O6
3492 0xda4
InterSystemHandOver INPN_InterSystemHandOver5(n) 3493 to 0xda5 to O6
3508 0xdb4
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InterPLMNHandOver INPN_InterPLMNHandOver5(n) 3509 to 0xdb5 to O6
3524 0xdc4
InterMSCHandOver INPN_InterMSCHandOver5(n) 3525 to 0xdc5 to O6
3540 0xdd4
ChangeOfLocationAlt5 O6
Ellipsis INPN_ChangeOfLocationEllipsis5(n) 3541 to 0xdd5 to A7
3556 0xde4
ChangeOfLocation[6] O5
CellGlobalId INPN_CellGlobalId6(n) 3557 to 0xde5 to O6
3572 0xdf4
ServiceAreaId INPN_ServiceAreaId6(n) 3573 to 0xdf5 to O6
3588 0xe04
LocationAreaId INPN_LocationAreaId6(n) 3589 to 0xe05 to O6
3604 0xe14
InterSystemHandOver INPN_InterSystemHandOver6(n) 3605 to 0xe15 to O6
3620 0xe24
InterPLMNHandOver INPN_InterPLMNHandOver6(n) 3621 to 0xe25 to O6
3636 0xe34
InterMSCHandOver INPN_InterMSCHandOver6(n) 3637 to 0xe35 to O6
3652 0xe44
ChangeOfLocationAlt6 O6
Ellipsis INPN_ChangeOfLocationEllipsis6(n) 3653 to 0xe45 to A7
3668 0xe54
ChangeOfLocation[7] O5
CellGlobalId INPN_CellGlobalId7(n) 3669 to 0xe55 to O6
3684 0xe64
ServiceAreaId INPN_ServiceAreaId7(n) 3685 to 0xe65 to O6
3700 0xe74
LocationAreaId INPN_LocationAreaId7(n) 3701 to 0xe75 to O6
3716 0xe84
InterSystemHandOver INPN_InterSystemHandOver7(n) 3717 to 0xe85 to O6
3732 0xe94
InterPLMNHandOver INPN_InterPLMNHandOver7(n) 3733 to 0xe95 to O6
3748 0xea4
InterMSCHandOver INPN_InterMSCHandOver7(n) 3749 to 0xea5 to O6
3764 0xeb4
ChangeOfLocationAlt7 O6
Ellipsis INPN_ChangeOfLocationEllipsis7(n) 3765 to 0xeb5 to A7
3780 0xec4
ChangeOfLocation[8] O5
CellGlobalId INPN_CellGlobalId8(n) 3781 to 0xec5 to O6
3796 0xed4
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
ServiceAreaId INPN_ServiceAreaId8(n) 3797 to 0xed5 to O6
3812 0xee4
LocationAreaId INPN_LocationAreaId8(n) 3813 to 0xee5 to O6
3828 0xef4
InterSystemHandOver INPN_InterSystemHandOver8(n) 3829 to 0xef5 to O6
3844 0xf04
InterPLMNHandOver INPN_InterPLMNHandOver8(n) 3845 to 0xf05 to O6
3860 0xf14
InterMSCHandOver INPN_InterMSCHandOver8(n) 3861 to 0xf15 to O6
3876 0xf24
ChangeOfLocationAlt8 O6
Ellipsis INPN_ChangeOfLocationEllipsis8(n) 3877 to 0xf25 to A7
3892 0xf34
ChangeOfLocation[9] O5
CellGlobalId INPN_CellGlobalId9(n) 3893 to 0xf35 to O6
3908 0xf44
ServiceAreaId INPN_ServiceAreaId9(n) 3909 to 0xf45 to O6
3924 0xf54
LocationAreaId INPN_LocationAreaId9(n) 3925 to 0xf55 to O6
3940 0xf64
InterSystemHandOver INPN_InterSystemHandOver9(n) 3941 to 0xf65 to O6
3956 0xf74
InterPLMNHandOver INPN_InterPLMNHandOver9(n) 3957 to 0xf75 to O6
3972 0xf84
InterMSCHandOver INPN_InterMSCHandOver9(n) 3973 to 0xf85 to O6
3988 0xf94
ChangeOfLocationAlt9 O6
Ellipsis INPN_ChangeOfLocationEllipsis9(n) 3989 to 0xf95 to A7
4004 0xfa4
NumberOfDigits INPN_NumberOfDigits(n) 160 to 0xa0 to O4
175 0xaf
InterDigitTimeout INPN_InterDigitTimeout(n) 2869 to 0xb35 to O4
2884 0xb44
Ellipsis INPN_DpSpecCritAltEllipsis(n) A4
INPN_AutomaticRearm(n) 4005 to 0xfa5 to O2
4020 0xfb4
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.10.10 EventReportBCSM
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(0). 192 0xc0 M
See Error! Reference source not
ound.BCSM Event Codes see page 309.
EventSpecificInformationBCSM O
RouteSelectFailure C2
FailureCause INPN_FailureCause 94 0x5e O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
OcalledPartyBusy C2
BusyCause INPN_BusyCause 95 0x5f O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
OnoAnswer C2
--No Info--
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Oanswer C2
DestinationAddress INPN_DestinationAddr 648 0x288 O3
Or-Call INPN_OrCall 664 0x298 O3
ForwardedCall INPN_ForwardedCall 651 0x28b O3
ChargeIndicator INPN_ChargeIndicator 4182 0x1056 O3
Ext_BasicServiceCode O3
Ext_BearerServiceCode INPN_Ext_BearerServiceCode 120 0x78 C4
Ext_TeleserviceCode INPN_Ext_TeleserviceCode 121 0x79 C4
Ext_BasicServiceCode2 O3
Ext_BearerServiceCode INPN_Ext_BearerServiceCode2 2764 0xacc C4
Ext_TeleserviceCode INPN_Ext_TeleserviceCode2 2765 0xacd C4
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Omidcall C2
MidCallEvents O3
DTMFDigitsCompleted INPN_DTMFDigitsCompleted 4183 0x1057 C4
DTMFDigitsTimeOut INPN_DTMFDigitsTimeOut 4184 0x1058 C4
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Odisconnect C2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O3
The event specific information formatted or recovered is dependent on the value of INPN_EventTypeBCSM(0). For
example, if its value is Tdisconnect, then the format procedures will use the parameter INPN_ReleaseCause.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
TcalledPartyBusy C2
BusyCause INPN_BusyCause 95 0x5f O3
CallForwarded INPN_CallForwarded 639 0x27f O3
RouteNotPermitted INPN_RouteNotPermitted 753 0x2f1 O3
ForwardingDestinationNumber INPN_forwardingDestinationNumber 4185 0x1059 O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
TnoAnswer C2
CallForwarded INPN_CallForwarded 639 0x27f O3
ForwardingDestinationNumber INPN_forwardingDestinationNumber 4185 0x1059 O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Tanswer C2
DestinationAddress INPN_DestinationAddr 648 0x288 O3
Or-Call INPN_OrCall 664 0x298 O3
ForwardedCall INPN_ForwardedCall 651 0x28b O3
ChargeIndicator INPN_ChargeIndicator 4182 0x1056 O3
Ext_BasicServiceCode O3
Ext_BearerServiceCode INPN_Ext_BearerServiceCode 120 0x78 C4
Ext_TeleserviceCode INPN_Ext_TeleserviceCode 121 0x79 C4
Ext_BasicServiceCode2 O3
Ext_BearerServiceCode INPN_Ext_BearerServiceCode2 2764 0xacc C4
Ext_TeleserviceCode INPN_Ext_TeleserviceCode2 2765 0xacd C4
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Tmidcall C2
MidCallEvents O3
DTMFDigitsCompleted INPN_DTMFDigitsCompleted 4183 0x1057 C4
DTMFDigitsTimeOut INPN_DTMFDigitsTimeOut 4184 0x1058 C4
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Tdisconnect C2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
OtermSeized C2
LocationInformation (see LocationInformation (sub-table) on page 139) O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
CallAccepted C2
LocationInformation (see LocationInformation (sub-table) on page 139) O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Oabandon C2
RouteNotPermitted INPN_RouteNotPermitted 753 0x2f1 O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
OchangeOfPosition C2
LocationInformation (see LocationInformation (sub-table) on page 139) O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
MetDPCriteriaList (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 10) O3
EnteringCellGlobalId INPN_EnteringCellGlobalId(n) 4053 to 0xfd5 to C4
4062 0xfde
LeavingCellGlobalId INPN_LeavingCellGlobalId(n) 4063 to 0xfdf to C4
4072 0xfe8
EnteringServiceAreaId INPN_EnteringServiceAreaId(n) 4073 to 0xfe9 to C4
4082 0xff2
LeavingServiceAreaId INPN_LeavingServiceAreaId(n) 4083 to 0xff3 to C4
4092 0xffc
EnteringLocationAreaId INPN_EnteringLocationAreaId(n) 4093 to 0xffd to C4
4102 0x1006
LeavingLocationAreaId INPN_LeavingLocationAreaId(n) 4103 to 0x1007 to C4
4112 0x1010
InterSystemHandOverToUMTS INPN_InterSystemHandOverToUMTS(n) 4113 to 0x1011 to C4
4122 0x101a
InterSystemHandOverToGSM INPN_InterSystemHandOverToGSM(n) 4123 to 0x101b to C4
4132 0x1024
InterPLMNHandOver INPN_InterPLMNHandOver(n) 4133 to 0x1025 to C4
4142 0x102e
InterMSCHandOver INPN_InterMSCHandOver(n) 4143 to 0x102f to C4
4152 0x1038
MetDPCriterionAlt C4
Ellipsis INPN_MetDPCriterion_Ellipsis(n) 4153 to 0x1039 to A5
4162 0x1042
TchangeOfPosition C2
LocationInformation (see LocationInformation (sub-table) on page 139) O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
For MetDPCriteriaList, each of the up to 10 instances may use any of the parameters listed after it.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
MetDPCriteriaList – defined as above O3
DpSpecificInfoAlt (default match) C2
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
oServiceChangeSpecificInfo O3
Ext_BasicServiceCode O4
Ext_BearerServiceCode INPN_Ext_BearerServiceCode 120 0x78 C5
Ext_TeleserviceCode INPN_Ext_TeleserviceCode 121 0x79 C5
Ellipsis INPN_oServiceChargeInfo_Ellipsis 4222 0x107e A4
InitiatorOfServiceCharge INPN_oInitiatorOfServiceCharge 4224 0x1080 O4
NatureOfServiceCharge INPN_oNatureOfServiceCharge 4226 0x1082 O4
tServiceChangeSpecificInfo O3
Ext_BasicServiceCode O4
Ext_BearerServiceCode INPN_Ext_BearerServiceCode_tServChng 4180 0x1054 C5
Ext_TeleserviceCode INPN_Ext_TeleserviceCode_tServChng 4181 0x1055 C5
Ellipsis INPN_tServiceChargeInfo_Ellipsis 4223 0x107f A4
InitiatorOfServiceCharge INPN_tInitiatorOfServiceCharge 4225 0x1081 O4
NatureOfServiceCharge INPN_tNatureOfServiceCharge 4227 0x1083 O4
collectedInfoSpecificInfo O3
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x05 O4
Ellipsis INPN_CollectedInfo_Ellipsis 4221 0x107d A4
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 O2
MiscCallInfo O
MessageType INPN_MessageType 56 0x38 O2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.11 CollectInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.10.12 Continue
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
B.10.13 InitiateCallAttempt
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
DestinationRoutingAddress INPN_DestinationRoutingAddress(0) 27 0x1b M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
LegToBeCreated O
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
NewCallSegment INPN_NewCallSegment(0) 1036 0x40c O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x06 O
CallReferenceNumber INPN_CallReferenceNumber 131 0x83 O
GsmSCFAddress INPN_GsmSCFAddress 4186 0x105a O
Suppress-T-CSI INPN_SuppressTCSI 4187 0x105b O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.14 ResetTimer
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
TimerID INPN_TimerID 61 0x3d D
Default = tssf (0)
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.10.15 FurnishChargingInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeId INPN_InvokeId 1 0x01 M
FreeFormatData INPN_FreeFormData 319 0x13f M2
PartyToCharge O2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 O3
AppendFreeFormatData INPN_AppendFreeFormData 637 0x27d D2
Default = overwrite(0)
B.10.16 ApplyCharging
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
AChBillingChargingCharacteristics M
TimeDurationCharging M2
MaxCallPeriodDuration INPN_MaxCallPeriodDuration 159 0x9f M3
ReleaseIfDuration Exceeded INPN_ReleaseIfDurExceeded 750 0x2ee D3
Default = FALSE
TariffSwitchInterval INPN_TariffSwitchInterval 158 0x9e O3
AudibleIndicator O3
Tone INPN_AudibleIndicTone 4214 0x1076 C4
BurstListO3 C4
WarningPeriod INPN_warningPeriod 4213 0x1075 D5
Default = 30
Burst O5
NumberOfBursts INPN_numberOfBursts 4193 0x1061 D6
Default = 1
BurstInterval INPN_burstInterval 4194 0x1062 D6
Default = 2
NumberOfTonesInBurst INPN_numberOfTonesInBurst 4195 0x1063 D6
Default = 3
ToneDuration INPN_toneDuration 4196 0x1064 D6
Default = 2
ToneInterval INPN_toneInterval 4197 0x1065 D6
Default = 2
Ellipsis INPN_BurstEllipsis 4211 0x1073 A6
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
Ellipsis INPN_BurstListEllipsis 4212 0x1074 A5
Extensions2 (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O3
Ellipsis INPN_TmDurChar_Ellipsis 1374 0x55e A3
PartyToCharge O
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 O2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
AChChargingAddress O
LegID C2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(1) 225 0xe1 C3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(1) 241 0xf1 C3
SrfConnection INPN_SrfConnection 2786 0xae2 C2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.17 ApplyChargingReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
CallResult M
TimeDurationChargingResult M2
PartyToCharge M3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 M4
TimeInformation M3
TimeIfNoTariffSwitch INPN_TmIfNoTariffSwch 776 0x308 C4
TimeIfTariffSwitch C4
TimeSinceTariffSwitch INPN_TmSinceTariffSwch 777 0x309 M5
TariffSwitchInterval INPN_TariffSwitchInterval 158 0x9e O5
LegActive INPN_LegActive 4215 0x1077 D3
Default = TRUE
CallLegReleasedAtTcpExpiry INPN_CallReleasedAtTcpExp 640 0x280 O3
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O3
AChChargingAddress O3
LegID C4
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(1) 225 0xe1 C5
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(1) 241 0xf1 C5
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
SrfConnection INPN_SrfConnection 2786 0xae2 C4
Ellipsis INPN_TmDurCharRes_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A3
B.10.18 CallGap
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
GapCriteria M
BasicGapCriteria C2
CalledAddressAndService C3
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(0) 308 0x134 M4
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x03 M4
Ellipsis INPN_CldAddrServ_Ellipsis 1398 0x576 A4
CallingAddressAndService C3
CallingAddressValue INPN_CallingAddressValue 99 0x63 M4
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x03 M4
Ellipsis INPN_ClgAddrServ_Ellipsis 1400 0x578 A4
GapOnService C3
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x03 M4
Ellipsis INPN_GapOnServ_Ellipsis 1401 0x579 A4
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(0) 308 0x134 C3
CompoundGapCriteria C2
CompoundBasicGapCriteria M3
CompoundCalledAddressAndService C4
CalledAddressValue INPN_ComCalledAddressValue 894 0x37e M5
ServiceKey INPN_ComServiceKey 893 0x37d M5
Ellipsis INPN_CldAddrServ_Ellipsis 1398 0x576 A5
CompoundCallingAddressAndService C4
CallingAddressValue INPN_CallingAddressValue 99 0x63 M5
ServiceKey INPN_ComServiceKey 893 0x37d M5
Ellipsis INPN_ClgAddrServ_Ellipsis 1400 0x578 A5
CompoundGapOnService C4
ServiceKey INPN_ComServiceKey 893 0x37d M5
Ellipsis INPN_GapOnServ_Ellipsis 1401 0x579 A5
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
CalledAddressValue INPN_ComCalledAddressValue 894 0x37e C4
ScfID INPN_ScfID 38 0x26 O3
GapIndicators M
GapDuration INPN_Gap_Duration 72 0x48 M2
GapInterval INPN_GapInterval 73 0x49 M2
Ellipsis INPN_GapInd_Ellipsis 1411 0x583 A2
ControlType INPN_ControlType 101 0x65 O
GapTreatment O
InformationToSend (see InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100) C2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 C2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.19 CallInformationReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
RequestedInformationList (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 4) M
RequestedInformationType INPN_RequestedInformationType(n) 288 to 0x120 to M2
291 0x123
RequestedInformationValue M2
CallAttemptEllapsedTimeValue INPN_CallAttemptEllapsedTimeValue(n) 293 to 0x125 to C3
296 0x128
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 O2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.20 CallInformationRequest
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
RequestedInformationReport (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 4) M
RequestedInformation INPN_RequestedInformationType(n) 288 to 0x120 to M2
Type 291 0x123
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 O2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.21 SendChargingInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
CAMEL-SCIBillingChargingCharacteristics M
AOCBeforeAnswer11 C2
AOCInitial M3
E1 INPN_Initial_CAI_E1 144 0x90 O4
E2 INPN_Initial_CAI_E2 145 0x91 O4
E3 INPN_Initial_CAI_E3 146 0x92 O4
E4 INPN_Initial_CAI_E4 147 0x93 O4
E5 INPN_Initial_CAI_E5 148 0x94 O4
E6 INPN_Initial_CAI_E6 149 0x95 O4
E7 INPN_Initial_CAI_E7 150 0x96 O4
The parameters INPN_CAMEL_AOC_BeforeAnswer and INPN_CAMEL_AOC_AfterAnswer are used to determine if the AOC
is for before or after answer. If present, AOCBeforeAnswer or AOCAfterAnswer will be sent, otherwise the AOC-Extension
will be sent. The parameters are not formatted or decoded and may be of any value.
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
AOCSubsequent O3
CAI-GSM0224 M4
E1 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E1 151 0x97 O5
E2 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E2 152 0x98 O5
E3 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E3 153 0x99 O5
E4 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E4 154 0x9a O5
E5 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E5 155 0x9b O5
E6 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E6 156 0x9c O5
E7 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E7 157 0x9d O5
TariffSwitchInterval INPN_TariffSwitchInterval 158 0x9e O4
AOCAfterAnswer C2
AOCSubsequent O3
CAI-GSM0224 M4
E1 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E1 151 0x97 O5
E2 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E2 152 0x98 O5
E3 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E3 153 0x99 O5
E4 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E4 154 0x9a O5
E5 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E5 155 0x9b O5
E6 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E6 156 0x9c O5
E7 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E7 157 0x9d O5
TariffSwitchInterval INPN_TariffSwitchInterval 158 0x9e O4
AOC-Extension (CAMEL-SCIBillingChargingCharacteristicsAlt)24 C2
Ellipsis INPN_SCIBCCAlt_Ellipsis 4218 0x107a A3
PartyToCharge M
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
The parameters INPN_CAMEL_AOC_BeforeAnswer and INPN_CAMEL_AOC_AfterAnswer are used to determine if the AOC
is for before or after answer. If present, AOCBeforeAnswer or AOCAfterAnswer will be sent, otherwise the AOC-Extension
will be sent. The parameters are not formatted or decoded and may be of any value.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.10.22 PlayAnnouncement
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
InformationToSend (see InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100) M
DisconnectFromIP Forbidden INPN_DisconnectFromIP Forbidden 59 0x3b D
Default = TRUE
RequestAnnouncement INPN_RequestAnnouncement 60 0x3c D
CompleteNotification Complete
Default = TRUE
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 O
RequestAnnouncementStartedNotification INPN_RequestAnnouncementStarted 4189 0x105d D
Default - FALSE
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.23 PromptAndCollectUserInformation
INOP_ PromptAndCollectUserInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
CollectedInfo M
CollectedDigits M2
MinimumNbOfDigits INPN_MinimumNumberOfDigits 74 0x4a D3
Default = 1
MaximumNbOf Digits INPN_MaximumNumberOfDigits 75 0x4b M3
EndOfReplyDigit INPN_EndOfReplyDigit 76 0x4c O3
CancelDigit INPN_CancelDigit 77 0x4d O3
StartDigit INPN_StartDigit 78 0x4e O3
FirstDigitTimeOut INPN_FirstDigitTimeOut 79 0x4f O3
InterDigitTimeOut INPN_InterDigitTimeOut 80 0x50 O3
ErrorTreatment INPN_Errortreatment 81 0x51 D3
Default: = StfErrorAndInfo
InterruptableAndInd INPN_InterruptableAnnInd 82 0x52 D3
Default = TRUE
VoiceInformation INPN_VoiceInformation 83 0x53 D3
Default = FALSE
5 Non-Primitive Interface
INOP_ PromptAndCollectUserInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
VoiceBack INPN_VoiceBack 84 0x54 D3
Default = FALSE
DisconnectFromIP Forbidden INPN_DisconnectFromIPForbidden 59 0x3b D
Default = TRUE
InformationToSend (see InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100) O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 O
RequestAnnouncementStartedNotification INPN_RequestAnnouncementStarted 4189 0x105d D
Default - FALSE
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.24 SpecializedResourceReport
INOP_ SpecializedResourceReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
LinkedID INPN_LinkedID 2 0x02 O
AllAnnouncementsComplete INPN_AllAnnouncementsComplete 4190 0x105e C
FirstAnnouncementStarted INPN_FirstAnnouncementStarted 4191 0x105f C
B.10.25 Cancel
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
Cancel_InvokeID INPN_Cancel_InvokeID 86 0x56 C
AllRequests INPN_CancelAllRequests 4219 0x107b C
CallSegmentToCancel C
Cancel_InvokeID INPN_Cancel_InvokeID 86 0x56 O2
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 O2
Ellipsis INPN_CallSegToCancelEllipsis 4210 0x1072 A2
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.10.26 ActivityTest
INOP_ ActivityTest
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
B.10.27 ContinueWithArg
INOP_ ContinueWithArgument
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
AlertingPattern INPN_AlertingPattern 30 0x1e O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo O
(see ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo (sub-table) on page 138)
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x08 O
GenericNumbers (SET, size = 1 to 5) O
GenericNumber INPN_GenericNumber(n) 67 to 0x43 to O2
71 0x47
CUG_Interlock INPN_CUG_Interlock 645 0x285 O
CUG_OutgoingAccess INPN_CUG_OutgoingAccess 646 0x286 O
ChargeNumber INPN_ChargeNumber 642 0x282 O
Carrier INPN_Carrier 40 0x28 O
SuppressionOfAnnouncement INPN_SuppressionOfAnnouncement 109 0x6d O
NAOliInfo INPN_NAOliInfo 141 0x8d O
BorInterrogationRequested INPN_BorInterrogationRequested 2787 0xae3 O
Suppress-O-CSI INPN_SuppressOCSI 4200 0x1068 O
ContinueWithArgumentArgExtension O
Suppress-D-CSI INPN_SuppressDCSI 4198 0x1066 O2
Suppress-N-CSI INPN_SuppressNCSI 2788 0xae4 O2
SuppressOutgoingCallBarring INPN_SuppressOutgoingCallBarring 4199 0x1067 O2
LegOrCallSegment O2
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 C3
LegId C3
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C4
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C4
Ellipsis INPN_ContinueWithArgumentExtensionEllipsis 4209 0x1071 A2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.10.28 DisconnectLeg
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
LegToBeReleased M
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.29 MoveLeg
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
LegIDToMove M
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.30 SplitLeg
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
LegToBeSplit M
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
NewCallSegment INPN_NewCallSegment(0) 1036 0x40c O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.10.31 EntityReleased
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
CallSegmentFailure C
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 O2
Cause INPN_Cause 41 0x29 O2
Ellipsis INPN_CallSegmentFailure_Ellipsis 4192 0x1060 A2
BCSMFailure C
LegId O2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C3
Cause INPN_BCSMCause 4208 0x1070 O2
Ellipsis INPN_BCSMFailure_Ellipsis 946 0x3b2 A2
B.10.32 PlayTone
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
LegOrCallSegment M
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 C2
LegId C2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C3
Burst M
NumberOfBursts INPN_numberOfBursts 4193 0x1061 D2
Default = 1
BurstInterval INPN_burstInterval 4194 0x1062 D2
Default = 2
NumberOfTonesInBurst INPN_numberOfTonesInBurst 4195 0x1063 D2
Default = 3
ToneDuration INPN_toneDuration 4196 0x1064 D2
Default = 2
ToneInterval INPN_toneInterval 4197 0x1065 D2
Default = 2
Ellipsis INPN_BurstEllipsis 4211 0x1073 A2
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.33 InitialDPSMS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
Servicekey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x03 O
DestinationSubscriber Number INPN_DestSubscriberNumber 649 0x289 O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumberSMS 4188 0x105c O
EventTypeSMS INPN_EventTypeSMS(0) 861 0x35d O
LocationInformation (see LocationInformation (sub-table) on page 139) O
LocationInformationGPRS (see LocationInformationGPRS (sub-table) on page 152) O
SMSCAddress INPN_SMSCAddress 768 0x300 O
TimeAndTimeZone INPN_TimeAndTimezone 703 0x2bf O
TPShortMessage SpecificInfo INPN_TPShtMsgSubInfo 781 0x30d O
TPProtocolIdentifier INPN_TPProtocolID 780 0x30c O
TPDataCodingScheme INPN_TPDataCodingScheme 779 0x30b O
TPValidityPeriod INPN_TPValidityPeriod 782 0x30e O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
SMSReferenceNumber INPN_SMSReferenceNumber 770 0x302 O
MSCAddress INPN_MSCAddress 132 0x84 O
SGSN Number INPN_SGSNNumber 767 0x2ff O
MS-ClassMark2 INPN_MSClassMark2 2777 0xad9 O
MSNetworkCapability INPN_MSNetworkCapability 661 0x295 O2
MSRadioAccessCapability INPN_MSRadioAccessCapability 662 0x296 O2
IMEI INPN_IMEI 2778 0xada O
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x05 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.10.34 FurnishChargingInformationSMS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
FreeFormatData INPN_FreeFormData 319 0x13f M2
AppendFreeFormatData INPN_AppendFreeFormData 637 0x27d D2
Default = overwrite (0)
B.10.36 RequestReportSMSEvent
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
SMSEvents (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 10) M
EventTypeSMS INPN_EventTypeSMS(n) 861 to 870 0x35d to 0x366 M2
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(n) 208 to 217 0xd0 to 0xd9 M2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.10.37 EventReportSMS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
EventTypeSMS INPN_EventTypeSMS(0) 861 0x35d M
See SMS Event Codes below
EventSpecificInformationSMS O
O-SMSFailureSpecificInfo C2
FailureCause INPN_SMSCause 769 0x301 M3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfoSMS_Ellipsis 1371 0x55b A3
O-SMSSubmittedSpecificInfo C2
--No Info--
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfoSMS_Ellipsis 1371 0x55b A3
T-SMSFailureSpecificInfo C2
FailureCause INPN_MT_SMSCause 2772 0xad4 M3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfoSMS_Ellipsis 1371 0x55b A3
T-SMSDeliverySpecificInfo C2
--No Info--
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfoSMS_Ellipsis 1371 0x55b A3
MiscCallInfo O
MessageType INPN_MessageType 56 0x38 D2
Default = request
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
The event-specific information formatted or recovered is dependent on the value of INPN_EventTypeSMS(0).
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.10.38 ContinueSMS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
B.10.39 ReleaseSMS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
RPCause INPN_RPCause 762 0x2fa M
B.10.40 ResetTimerSMS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
TimerID INPN_TimerID 61 0x3d D
Default = tssf (0)
TimerValue INPN_TimerValue 62 0x3e M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.41 ActivityTestGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
B.10.42 ApplyChargingGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
ChargingCharacteristics M
MaxTransferredVolume INPN_MaxTransferredVol 659 0x293 C2
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
MaxElapsedTime INPN_MaxElapsedTime 658 0x292 C2
TariffSwitchInterval INPN_TariffSwitchInterval 158 0x9e O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.43 ApplyChargingReportGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
ChargingResult M
TransferredVolume C2
VolumeIfNoTariffSwitch INPN_VolIfNoTariffSwch 785 0x311 C3
VolumeIfTariffSwitch C3
VolumeSinceLastTariff Switch INPN_VolLastTariffSwch 783 0x30f M4
VolumeTariffSwitch Interval INPN_VolTariffSwchInt 784 0x310 O4
ElapsedTime C2
TimeGPRSIfNoTariff Switch INPN_TmGPRSIfNoTariffSwch 776 0x308 C3
TimeGPRSIfTariffSwitch C3
TimeGPRSSinceLast INPN_TmGPRSSinceLast¶TariffSwch 774 0x306 M4
TimeGPRSTariffSwitch Interval INPN_TmGPRSTariffSwchInt 775 0x307 O4
QualityOfService (see CAMEL v4 QualityOfService (sub-table) on page 195) O
Active INPN_Active 636 0x27c D
Default = TRUE
ChargingRollOver O
TransferredVolumeRollOver C2
Ro-VolumeIfNoTariff Switch INPN_RO_VolIfNoTariffSwch 761 0x2f9 C3
Ro-VolumeIfTariffSwitch C3
Ro-VolumeSinceLast INPN_RO_VolLastTariffSwch 759 0x2f7 M4
Ro-VolumeTariffSwitch Interval INPN_RO_VolTariffSwchInt 760 0x2f8 O4
ElapsedTimeRollOver C2
Ro-TimeGPRSIfNoTariff Switch INPN_RO_TmGPRSNoTariffSwch 756 0x2f4 C3
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
Ro-TimeGPRSIfTariffSwitch C3
Ro-TimeGPRSSinceLast INPN_RO_TmGPRSLastTariffSwch 757 0x2f5 O4
Ro-TimeGPRSTariff INPN_RO_TmGPRSTariffSwchInt 758 0x2f6 O4
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.44 CancelGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.45 ConnectGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
AccessPointName INPN_AccessPtName 592 0x250 M
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.46 ContinueGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.47 EntityReleasedGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
GPRSCause INPN_GPRSCause 654 0x28e M
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.10.48 FurnishChargingInformationGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
FreeFormatData INPN_FreeFormData 319 0x13f M2
AppendFreeFormatData INPN_AppendFreeFormData 637 0x27d D2
Default = overwrite (0)
Ellipsis INPN_FCIGPRSseq_Ellipsis 1367 0x557 A2
B.10.49 InitialDPGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
Servicekey INPN_Servicekey 3 0x03 M
GPRSEventType INPN_GPRSEventType(0) 877 0x36d M
TimeAndTimeZone INPN_TimeAndTimezone 703 0x2bf M
MSNetworkCapability INPN_MSNetworkCapability 661 0x295 M2
MSRadioAccess Capability INPN_MSRadioAccess¶Capability 662 0x296 O2
EndUserAddress O
PDPTypeOrganization INPN_PDPTypeOrganization 749 0x2ed M2
PDPTypeNumber INPN_PDPTypeNumber 748 0x2ec M2
PDPAddress INPN_PDPAddress 666 0x29a O2
QualityOfService (see CAMEL v4 QualityOfService (sub-table) on page 195) O
AccessPointName INPN_AccessPtName 592 0x250 O
RoutingAreaIdentity INPN_RoutingAreaID 754 0x2f2 O
ChargingID INPN_ChargingID 643 0x283 O
SGSNCapabilities INPN_SGSNCapabilities 766 0x2fe O
LocationInformationGPRS (see LocationInformationGPRS (sub-table) on page 152) O
PDPInitiationType INPN_PDPInitiationType 667 0x29b O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
GGSNAddress INPN_GGSNAddress 652 0x28c O
SecondaryPDP-Context INPN_SecondaryPDPContext 764 0x2fc O
IMEI INPN_IMEI 2778 0xada O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.50 ReleaseGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
GPRSCause INPN_GPRSCause 654 0x28e M
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.51 EventReportGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
GPRSEventType INPN_GPRSEventType(0) 877 0x36d M
See GPRS Event Codes on page 200
MiscCallInfo O
MessageType INPN_MessageType 56 0x38 D2
Default = request(0)
GPRSEventSpecificInformation O
AttachChangeOfPositionSpecificInformation C2
LocationInformationGPRS (see LocationInformationGPRS (sub-table) on page 152) O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfoGPRS_Ellipsis 1372 0x55c A3
PDP-ContextChangeOfPositionSpecificInformation C2
AccessPointName INPN_AccessPtName 592 0x250 O3
GPRSChargingID INPN_GPRSChargingID 655 0x28f O3
LocationInformationGPRS (see LocationInformationGPRS (sub-table) on page 152) O3
The event specific information formatted or recovered is dependent on the value of INPN_GPRSEventType(0).
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
EndUserAddress O3
PDPTypeOrganisation INPN_PDPTypeOrganisation 749 0x2ed M4
PDPTypeNumber INPN_PDPTypeNumber 748 0x2ec M4
PDPAddress INPN_PDPAddress 666 0x29a O4
QualityOfService (see CAMEL v4 QualityOfService (sub-table) on page 195) O3
TimeAndTimeZone INPN_TimeAndTimezone 703 0x2bf O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfoGPRS_Ellipsis 1372 0x55c A3
GGSNAddress INPN_GGSNAddress 652 0x28c O3
DetachSpecificInformation C2
InitiatingEntity INPN_InitiatingEntity 942 0x3ae O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfoGPRS_Ellipsis 1372 0x55c A3
RoutingAreaUpdate INPN_RoutingAreaUpdate 755 0x2f3 O3
DisconnectSpecificInformation C2
InitiatingEntity INPN_InitiatingEntity 942 0x3ae O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfoGPRS_Ellipsis 1372 0x55c A3
RoutingAreaUpdate INPN_RoutingAreaUpdate 755 0x2f3 O3
PDPContextEstablishmentSpecificInformation C2
AccessPointName INPN_AccessPtName 592 0x250 O3
EndUserAddress O3
PDPTypeOrganisation INPN_PDPTypeOrganisation 749 0x2ed M4
PDPTypeNumber INPN_PDPTypeNumber 748 0x2ec M4
PDPAddress INPN_PDPAddress 666 0x29a O4
QualityOfService (see CAMEL v4 QualityOfService (sub-table) on page 195) O3
LocationInformationGPRS (see LocationInformationGPRS (sub-table) on page 152) O3
TimeAndTimeZone INPN_TimeAndTimezone 703 0x2bf O3
PDPInitiationType INPN_PDPInitiationType 667 0x29b O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfoGPRS_Ellipsis 1372 0x55c A3
SecondaryPDP-Context INPN_SecondaryPDPContext 764 0x2fc O3
PDPContextEstablishmentAcknowledgementSpecificInformation C2
AccessPointName INPN_AccessPtName 592 0x250 O3
GPRSChargingID INPN_GPRSChargingID 655 0x28f O3
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
EndUserAddress O3
PDPTypeOrganisation INPN_PDPTypeOrganisation 749 0x2ed M4
PDPTypeNumber INPN_PDPTypeNumber 748 0x2ec M4
PDPAddress INPN_PDPAddress 666 0x29a O4
QualityOfService (see CAMEL v4 QualityOfService (sub-table) on page 195) O3
LocationInformationGPRS (see LocationInformationGPRS (sub-table) on page 152) O3
TimeAndTimeZone INPN_TimeAndTimezone 703 0x2bf O3
Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfoGPRS_Ellipsis 1372 0x55c A3
GGSNAddress INPN_GGSNAddress 652 0x28c O3
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.52 RequestReportGPRSEvent
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
GPRSEvent (SEQUENCE OF, size = 1 to 10) M
GPRSEventType INPN_GPRSEventType(n) 877 to 886 0x36d to 0x376 M2
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(n) 208 to 217 0xd0 to 0xd9 M2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.10.53 ResetTimerGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
TimerID INPN_TimerID 61 0x3d D
Default = tssf (0)
TimerValue INPN_TimerValue 62 0x3e M
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.10.54 SendChargingInformationGPRS
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
CAMEL-SCIGPRSBillingChargingCharacteristics M
AOCInitial M3
E1 INPN_Initial_CAI_E1 144 0x90 O4
E2 INPN_Initial_CAI_E2 145 0x91 O4
E3 INPN_Initial_CAI_E3 146 0x92 O4
E4 INPN_Initial_CAI_E4 147 0x93 O4
E5 INPN_Initial_CAI_E5 148 0x94 O4
E6 INPN_Initial_CAI_E6 149 0x95 O4
E7 INPN_Initial_CAI_E7 150 0x96 O4
AOCSubsequent O3
CAI-GSM0224 M4
E1 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E1 151 0x97 O5
E2 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E2 152 0x98 O5
E3 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E3 153 0x99 O5
E4 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E4 154 0x9a O5
E5 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E5 155 0x9b O5
E6 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E6 156 0x9c O5
E7 INPN_Subsequent_CAI_E7 157 0x9d O5
TariffSwitchInterval INPN_TariffSwitchInterval 158 0x9e O4
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A2
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.11.1 InitialDP
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x5 O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x6 O
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x8 O
cGEncountered INPN_cGEncountered 10 0xa O
IPSSPCapabilities INPN_IPSSPCapabilities 11 0xb O
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0xf O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
HighLayerCompatibility INPN_HighLayerCompatibility 19 0x13 O
AdditionalCallingParty Number INPN_AdditionalCallingParty Number 21 0x15 O
BearerCapability INPN_BearerCapability 23 0x17 O2
Ellipsis INPN_BearerCap_Ellipsis 119 0x77 02
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(0) 192 0xc0 O
RedirectingPartyID INPN_RedirectingPartyID 25 0x19 O
RedirectionInformation INPN_RedirectionInformation 26 0x1a O
Cause INPN_Cause 41 0x29 O
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo O
(see ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo (sub-table) on page 138)
Carrier INPN_Carrier 40 0x28 O
CUG-Index INPN_CUG_Index 644 0x284 O
CUG-Interlock INPN_CUG_Interlock 645 0x285 O
CUG-OutgoingAccess INPN_CUG_OutgoingAccess 646 0x286 O
SubscriberState O
AssumedIdle INPN_AssumedIdle 134 0x86 C2
CamelBusy INPN_CamelBusy 135 0x87 C2
NetDetNotReachable INPN_NetDetNotReachable 136 0x88 C2
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
NotProvidedFromVLR INPN_NotProvidedFromVLR 137 0x89 C2
LocationInfo (see LocationInformation (sub-table) on page 139) O
Ext_BasicSrvCode O
BearerServiceCode INPN_Ext_BearerServiceCode 120 0x78 C2
TeleserviceCode INPN_Ext_TeleserviceCode 121 0x79 C2
CallReferenceNumber INPN_CallReferenceNumber 131 0x82 O
IMSSFAddress INPN_IMSSFAddress 4335 0x10EF O
CalledPartyBCDNumber INPN_CalledPartyBCDNumber 129 0x80 O
TimeAndTimezone INPN_TimeAndTimezone 132 0x84 O
GSM_Forwarding Pending INPN_GSM_ForwardingPending 133 0x85 O
IDPArgExtension O
GMSC Address INPN_GMSC_Address 653 0x28d O2
MediaTypeInfoList INPN_MediaTypeInfo 4359- 0x1107 O3
4363 to
sipCallid INPN_SipCallId 4356 0x1104 O2
calledPartyURL INPN_CalledPartyURL 4357 0x1105 O2
callingPartyURL INPN_CallingPartyURL 4358 0x1106 O2
OriginalCalledPartyURL INPN_OriginalCalledPartyURL 4353 0x1101 O2
RedirectingPartyURL INPN_RedirectingPartyURL 4352 0x1100 O2
InitialDPArgExt_Ellipsis INPN_InitialDPArgExt_Ellipsis 117 0x75 O2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.11.2 ActivityTest
See CAP v.3. (Appendix B.9.23 ActivityTest on page 151).
B.11.3 ApplyCharging
See CAP v.3. (Appendix B.9.13 ApplyCharging on page 145).
B.11.4 ApplyChargingReport
See CAP v.3. (Appendix B.9.14 ApplyChargingReport on page 145).
B.11.5 CallGap
See CAP v.3. (Appendix B.9.15 CallGap on page 146).
B.11.6 CallInformationReport
See CAP v.3. (Appendix B.9.16 CallInformationReport on page 147).
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.11.7 CallInformationRequest
See CAP v.3. (Appendix B.9.17 CallInformationRequest on page 148).
B.11.8 PlayAnnouncement
See CAP v.3. (Appendix B.9.19 PlayAnnouncement on page 149).
B.11.9 PromptAndCollectUserInformation
See CAP v.3. (Appendix B.9.20 PromptAndCollectUserInformation on page
B.11.10 SpecializedResourceReport
See CAP v.3. (Appendix B.9.21 SpecializedResourceReport on page 150).
B.11.11 Cancel
See CAP v.3. (Appendix B.9.22 Cancel on page 151).
B.11.12 ContinueWithArg
See CAP v.3. (Appendix B.9.24 ContinueWithArg on page 151).
B.11.13 FurnishChargingInformation
See CAP v.3. (Appendix B.9.12 FurnishChargingInformation on page 144).
B.11.14 Continue
See CAP v.3. (Appendix B.9.10 Continue on page 144).
B.11.15 DisconnectForwardConnection
See CAP v.3. (Appendix B.9.4 DisconnectForwardConnection on page 140).
B.11.16 ConnectToResource
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
B.11.17 Connect
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
DestinationRouting Address INPN_DestinationRouting Address(0) 27 0x1b M
AlertingPattern INPN_AlertingPattern 30 0x1e O
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0xf O
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
(dec) (hex)
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Carrier INPN_Carrier 40 0x28 O
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x8 O
RedirectingPartyID INPN_RedirectingPartyID 25 0x19 O
RedirectionInformation INPN_RedirectionInformation 26 0x1a O
GenericNumbers (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 5) O
GenericNumber INPN_GenericNumber(n) 67 to 0x43 to O2
71 0x47
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo O
(see ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo (sub-table) on page 138)
ChargeNumber INPN_ChargeNumber 642 0x282 O
CUG-Interlock INPN_CUG_Interlock 645 0x285 O
CUG-OutgoingAccess INPN_CUG_OutgoingAccess 646 0x286 O
Suppression of Announcement INPN_SuppressionOfAnnouncement 109 0x6d O
OCSIApplicable INPN_OCSIApplicable 110 0x6e O
NaOliInfo INPN_NAOliInfo 141 0x8d O
ConnectArgExtension O
DestinationRoutingAddressURL INPN_DestinationRoutingAddressURL 4354 0x1102 O2
OriginalCalledPartyURL INPN_OriginalCalledPartyURL 4353 0x1101 O2
RedirectingPartyURL INPN_RedirectingPartyURL 4352 0x1100 O2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.11.18 ReleaseCall
See CAP v.3. (Appendix B.9.7 ReleaseCall on page 141).
B.11.19 ResetTimer
See CAP v.3. (Appendix B.9.11ResetTimeron page 144).
B.11.20 RequestReportBCSMEvent
See CAP v.3. (Appendix B.9.8 RequestReportBCSMEvent on page 142).
B.11.21 EventReportBCSM
See CAP v.3. (Appendix B.9.9 EventReportBCSM on page 142).
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.12.1 InitialDP
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x5 O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x6 O
CallingPartyBuisness GroupID INPN_CallingPartyBusiness GroupID 7 0x7 O
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x8 O
CGEncountered INPN_cGEncountered 10 0xa O
IPSSPCapabilities INPN_IPSSPCapabilities 11 0xb O
IPAvailable INPN_IPAvailable 12 0xc O
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0xf O
TerminalType INPN_TerminalType 17 0x11 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ServiceInteraction Indicators INPN_ServiceInteraction Indicators 20 0x14 O
AdditionalCallingParty Number INPN_AdditionalCallingParty Number 21 0x15 O
ForwardCallIndicators INPN_ForwardCallIndicators 22 0x16 O
BearerCapability O
BearerCap INPN_BearerCapability 23 0x17 C2
Tmr INPN_Tmr 104 0x68 C2
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(0) 192 0xc0 O
RedirectingPartyID INPN_RedirectingPartyID 25 0x19 O
RedirectionInformation INPN_RedirectionInformation 26 0x20 O
Cause INPN_Cause 41 0x29 O
ISDNAccessRelated Information INPN_ISDNAccessRelated Information 34 0x22 O
INServiceCompatibilityIndication (1..16) O
Agreements INPN_Agreements(0) 668 0x29c C2
NetworkSpecific INPN_NetworkSpecific(0) 684 0x2ac C2
GenericNumbers (1..5) O
GenericNumber INPN_GenericNumber(0) 67 0x43 O2
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo O
ForwardServiceInteractionInd O2
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
ConferenceTreatmentIndicator INPN_Fw_ConferenceTreatmentInd 711 0x2c7 O3
CallDiversionTreatmentIndicator INPN_CallDiversionTreatmentInd 712 0x2c8 O3
CallOfferingTreatmentIndicator INPN_CallOfferingTreatmentInd 713 0x2c9 O3
CallingPartyRestricationIndicator INPN_CallingPartyRestricationInd 714 0x2ca O3
BackwardServiceInteractionInd O2
ConferenceTreatmentIndicator INPN_Bw_ConferenceTreatmentInd 710 0x2c6 O3
CallCompletionTreatmentIndicator INPN_CallCompletionTreatmentInd 716 0x2cc O3
BothwayThroughConnectionInd INPN_BothwayThroughConnectionIndicator 111 0x6f O2
SuspendTimer INPN_SuspendTimer 717 0x2cd O2
ConnectedNumberTreatment INPN_ConnectedNumberTreatment 718 0x2ce O2
SupressCallDiversionNotification INPN_SuppressCallDiverNot 719 0x2cf O2
SupressCallTransferNotification INPN_SuppressCallTransferNot 720 0x2d0 O2
AllowCdINNoPresentationInd INPN_AllowCdINNoPresentInd 721 0x2d1 O2
UserDialogueDurationInd INPN_UserDialogueDuratInd 722 0x2d2 O2
ForwardGVNS INPN_ForwardGVNS 724 0x2d4 O
CreatedCallSegmentAssociation INPN_CSAID 725 0x2d5 O
USIServiceIndicator O
Global INPN_Global(0) 828 0x33c C2
Local INPN_Local(0) 844 0x34c C2
USIInformation INPN_USIInformation 704 0x2c0 O
Carrier INPN_Carrier 40 0x28 O
SubscriberState O
AssumedIdle INPN_AssumedIdle 134 0x86 M2
CamelBusy INPN_CamelBusy 135 0x87 M2
NetworkDetectionNotReachable INPN_NetDetNotReachable 136 0x88 M2
NotProvidedFromVLR INPN_NotProvidedFromVLR 137 0x89 M2
LocationInformation O
AgeOfLocation Information INPN_AgeOfLocation Information 124 0x7c O2
GeographicalInformation INPN_GeographicalInformation 125 0x7d O2
Vlr_Number INPN_Vlr_Number 126 0x7e O2
LI_LocationNumber INPN_LI_LocationNumber 127 0x7f O2
CellIdFixedLength INPN_CellIdFixedLength 122 0x7a C2
LAIFixedLength INPN_LAIFixedLength 123 0x7b C2
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
ExtensionContainer INPN_ExtensionContainer 128 0x80 O2
Ext-BasicServiceCode O
Ext-BearerServiceCode INPN_Ext_BearerServiceCode 120 0x78 C2
Ext-TeleserviceCode INPN_Ext_TeleserviceCode 121 0x79 C2
CallReferenceNumber INPN_CallReferenceNumber 131 0x83 O
MSCAddress INPN_ISDNAddressString 726 0x2d6 O
CalledPartyBCDNumber INPN_CalledPartyBCDNumber 129 0x81 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.2 AssistRequestInstructions
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f M
IPAvailable INPN_IPAvailable 12 0xc O
IPSSPCapabilities INPN_IPSSPCapabilities 11 0xb O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.3 EstablishTemporaryConnection
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
AssistingSSPIPRouting Address INPN_AssistingSSPIPRouting 102 0x66 M
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f O
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 C2
ScfID INPN_ScfID 38 0x26 C
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ServiceInteraction Indicators INPN_ServiceInteraction Indicators 20 0x14 O
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo O
ForwardServiceInteractionInd O2
ConferenceTreatment Indicator INPN_Fw_ConferenceTreatmentInd 711 0x2c7 O3
CallDiversionTreatment Indicator INPN_CallDiversionTreatmentInd 712 0x2c8 O3
CallOfferingTreatment Indicator INPN_CallOfferingTreatmentInd 713 0x2c9 O3
CallingPartyRestrication Indicator INPN_CallingPartyRestricationInd 714 0x2ca O3
BackwardServiceInteractionInd 02
ConferenceTreatment Indicator INPN_Bw_ConferenceTreatmentInd 710 0x2c6 O3
CallCompletion TreatmentIndicator INPN_CallCompletionTreatmentInd 716 0x2cc O3
BothwayThrough ConnectionInd INPN_BothwayThrough 111 0x6f O2
SuspendTimer INPN_SuspendTimer 717 0x2cd O2
ConnectedNumber Treatment INPN_ConnectedNumberTreatment 718 0x2ce O2
SupressCallDiversion Notification INPN_SuppressCallDiverNot 719 0x2cf O2
SupressCallTransfer Notification INPN_SuppressCallTransferNot 720 0x2d0 O2
AllowCdINNo PresentationInd INPN_AllowCdINNoPresentInd 721 0x2d1 O2
UserDialogueDurationInd INPN_UserDialogueDuratInd 722 0x2d2 O2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.4 DisconnectForwardConnection
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
B.12.5 ConnectToResource
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
IPAddressAndLegID C
IPRoutingAddress INPN_IPRoutingAddress 85 0x55 M2
LegID M2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C3
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
IPAddressAndCallSegID C
IPRoutingAddress INPN_IPRoutingAddress 85 0x1f M2
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 M2
IPRoutingAddress INPN_IPRoutingAddress 85 0x1f C
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
Null n/a C
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 C
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ServiceInteraction Indicators INPN_ServiceInteraction Indicators 20 0x14 O
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo O
ForwardServiceInteractionInd O2
ConferenceTreatment Indicator INPN_Fw_ConferenceTreatmentInd 711 0x2c7 O3
CallDiversionTreatment Indicator INPN_CallDiversionTreatment Ind 712 0x2c8 O3
CallOfferingTreatment Indicator INPN_CallOfferingTreatmentInd 713 0x2c9 O3
CallingPartyRestrication Indicator INPN_CallingPartyRestrication Ind 714 0x2ca O3
BackwardServiceInteractionInd O2
ConferenceTreatment Indicator INPN_Bw_ConferenceTreatmentInd 710 0x2c6 O3
CallCompletion TreatmentIndicator INPN_CallCompletionTreatmentInd 716 0x2cc O3
BothwayThrough ConnectionInd INPN_BothwayThrough 111 0x6f O2
SuspendTimer INPN_SuspendTimer 717 0x2cd O2
ConnectedNumber Treatment INPN_ConnectedNumber Treatment 718 0x2ce O2
SupressCallDiversion Notification INPN_SuppressCallDiverNot 719 0x2cf O2
SupressCallTransfer Notification INPN_SuppressCallTransferNot 720 0x2d0 O2
AllowCdINNo PresentationInd INPN_AllowCdINNoPresentInd 721 0x2d1 O2
UserDialogueDurationInd INPN_UserDialogueDuratInd 722 0x2d2 O2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.12.6 Connect
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
DestinationRouting Address INPN_DestinationRouting Address(0) 27 0x1b O
AlertingPattern INPN_AlertingPattern 30 0x1e O
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f O
CutAndPaste INPN_CutAndPaste 32 0x20 O
ISDNAccessRelated INPN_ISDNAccessRelated Information 34 0x22 O
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0xf O
RouteList INPN_RouteList(0) 35 0x23
RouteList INPN_RouteList(1) 36 0x24
RouteList INPN_RouteList(2) 37 0x25
ScfID INPN_ScfID 38 0x26 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Carrier INPN_Carrier 40 0x28 O
ServiceInteraction Indicators INPN_ServiceInteraction Indicators 20 0x14 O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x6 O
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x8 O
RedirectingPartyID INPN_RedirectingPartyID 25 0x19 O
RedirectionInformation INPN_RedirectionInformation 26 0x1a O
DisplayInformation INPN_DisplayInformation 91 0x5b O
ForwardCallIndicators INPN_ForwardCallIndicators 22 0x16 O
GenericNumbers (1..5) O
GenericNumber INPN_GenericNumber(0) 67 0x43 O2
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo O
ForwardServiceInteractionInd O2
ConferenceTreatment INPN_Fw_ConferenceTreatmentInd 711 0x2c7 O3
CallDiversionTreatment INPN_CallDiversionTreatment Ind 712 0x2c8 O3
CallOfferingTreatment INPN_CallOfferingTreatmentInd 713 0x2c9 O3
CallingPartyRestrication INPN_CallingPartyRestrication Ind 714 0x2ca O3
BackwardServiceInteractionInd O2
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
ConferenceTreatment INPN_Bw_ConferenceTreatmentInd 710 0x2c6 O3
CallCompletion INPN_CallCompletionTreatmentInd 716 0x2cc O3
BothwayThrough INPN_BothwayThrough ConnectionIndicator 111 0x6f O2
SuspendTimer INPN_SuspendTimer 717 0x2cd O2
ConnectedNumber Treatment INPN_ConnectedNumber Treatment 718 0x2ce O2
SupressCallDiversion INPN_SuppressCallDiverNot 719 0x2cf O2
SupressCallTransfer INPN_SuppressCallTransferNot 720 0x2d0 O2
AllowCdINNo PresentationInd INPN_AllowCdINNoPresentInd 721 0x2d1 O2
UserDialogueDurationInd INPN_UserDialogueDuratInd 722 0x2d2 O2
INServiceCompatibilityIndication (1..15) O
Agreements INPN_Agreements(0) 668 0x29c C2
NetworkSpecific INPN_NetworkSpecific(0) 684 0x2aC C2
ForwardGVNS INPN_ForwardGVNS 724 0x2d4 O
BackwardGVNS INPN_BackwardGVNS 723 0x2d5 O
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 O
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O
BearerCapability O
BearerCap INPN_BearerCapability 23 0x17 C2
Tmr INPN_Tmr 104 0x68 C2
SuppressionOfAnnouncement INPN_SuppressionOfAnnouncement 109 0x6d O
OCSIApplicable INPN_OCSIApplicable 110 0x6e O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.12.7 ReleaseCall
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
InitialCallSegment INPN_InitialCallSegment 745 0x2e9 M
AssociatedCallSegment M
CallSegment INPN_CallSegment 744 0x2e8 M2
ReleaseCause INPN_Cause 41 0x29 O2
AllCallSegments M
ReleaseCause INPN_Cause 41 0x29 O2
B.12.8 RequestReportBCSMEvent
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
BCSMEvents (SEQUENCE, n = 0 to 15) M
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(n) 192 to 0xc0 to M2
207 0xcf
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(n) 208 to 0xd0 to M2
223 0xdf
LegID O2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 to 0xe0 to C3
239 0xef
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(n) 240 to 0xf0 to C3
255 0xff
DPSpecificCriteria O2
NumberOfDigits INPN_NumberOfDigits(n) 160 to 0xa0 to C3
175 0xaf
ApplicationTimer INPN_ApplicationTimer(n) 176 to 0xb0 to C3
191 0xbf
MidCallControlInfo C3
MidCallCtrlSeq0 M4
MidCallInfoType0 M5
INServiceControlCode Low0 INPN_INServiceControlCode Low0(n) 1448 to 0x5a8 to M6
1463 0x5b7
INServiceControlCode High0 INPN_INServiceControlCode High0(n) 1464 to 0x5b8 to O6
1479 0x5c7
MidCallReportType0 INPN_MidCallReportType0(n) 1480 to 0x5c8 to D5
1495 0x5d7
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
MidCallCtrlSeq1 O4
MidCallInfoType1 O2
INServiceControlCode Low1 INPN_INServiceControlCode Low1(n) 1528 to 0x5f8 to M6
1543 0x607
INServiceControlCode High1 INPN_INServiceControlCode High1(n) 1544 to 0x608 to O6
1559 0x617
MidCallReportType1 INPN_MidCallReportType1(n) 1560 to 0x618 to D5
1575 0x627
MidCallCtrlSeq2 O4
MidCallInfoType2 O5
INServiceControlCode Low2 INPN_INServiceControlCode Low2(n) 1608 to 0x648 to M6
1623 0x657
INServiceControlCode High2 INPN_INServiceControlCode High2(n) 1624 to 0x658 to O6
1639 0x667
MidCallReportType2 INPN_MidCallReportType2(n) 1640 to 0x668 to D5
1655 0x677
MidCallCtrlSeq3 O4
MidCallInfoType3 O5
INServiceControlCode Low3 INPN_INServiceControlCode Low3(n) 1688 to 0x698 to M6
1703 0x6a7
INServiceControlCode High3 INPN_INServiceControlCode High3(n) 1704 to 0x6a8 to O6
1719 0x6b7
MidCallReportType3 INPN_MidCallReportType3(n) 1720 to 0x6b8 to D5
1735 0x6c7
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.12.9 EventReportBCSM
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(0) 192 0xc0 M
EventSpecificInformationBCSM O
CollectedInfo C2
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x05 M3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
AnalyzedInformation C2
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x05 M3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
RouteSelectFailure C2
FailureCause INPN_FailureCause 94 0x5e O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
OcalledPartyBusy C2
BusyCause INPN_BusyCause 95 0x5f O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
OnoAnswer C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Oanswer C2
BackwardGVNS INPN_BackwardGVNS 723 0x2d3 O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
OmidCall C2
ConnectTime INPN_ConnectTime 103 0X65 O3
oMidCallInfo C2
INServiceControlCode INPN_INServiceControlCode 701 0x2bd O4
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Odisconnect C2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O3
ConnectTime INPN_ConnectTime 103 0x5f O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
TcalledPartyBusy C2
BusyCause INPN_BusyCause 95 0x5f O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
TnoAnswer C2
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Tanswer C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
TmidCall C2
ConnectTime INPN_ConnectTime 103 0x5f O3
tMidCallInfo O3
INServiceControlCode INPN_INServiceControlCode 701 0x2bd O4
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Tdisconnect C2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O3
ConnectTime INPN_ConnectTime 95 0x5f O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
oTermSeizedSpecificInfo C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
oSuspended C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
origAttemptAuthorized C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
oReAnswer C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
facilitySelectedAndAvailable C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
callAccepted C2
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
oAbandon C2
abandonCause INPN_AbandonCause 95 0x5f O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
tAbandon C2
abandonCause INPN_AbandonCause 860 0x35c O3
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
terminationAttemptAuthorized C2
--No Info--
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 to 239 0xe0 to 0xef C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(n) 240 to 255 0xf0 to 0xff C2
MiscCallInfo O
MessageType INPN_MessageType 56 0x38 D2
Default = request(0)
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.10 RequestNotificationChargingEvent
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ChargingEvent (SEQUENCE, n = 0 to 15) M
EventTypeCharging INPN_EventTypeCharging(n) 272 to 287 0x110 to 0x11f M2
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(n) 208 to 223 0xd0 to 0xdf M2
LegID O2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 to 239 0xe0 to 0xef C3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(n) 240 to 255 0xf0 to 0xff C3
EventTypeTariff INPN_EventTypeTariff(n) 794 to 809 0x31a to 0x329 O2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.12.11 EventNotificationCharging
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
EventTypeCharging INPN_EventTypeCharging(0) 272 0x110 M
EventSpecificInformationCharging INPN_EventSpecificInformationCharging 58 0x3a O
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(0) 208 0xd0 D
EventTypeTariff INPN_EventTypeTariff(0) 794 0x31a O
EventSpecificinformationTariff INPN_EventSpecificInformationTariff 707 0x2c3 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.12 CollectInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.13 Continue
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.12.14 InitiateCallAttempt
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
DestinationRouting Address INPN_DestinationRouting Address(0) 27 0x1b M
AlertingPattern INPN_AlertingPattern 30 0x1e O
ISDNAccessRelatedInformation INPN_ISDNAccessRelatedInformation 34 0x22 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ServiceInteraction Indicators INPN_ServiceInteraction Indicators 20 0x14 O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x6 O
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 M
INServiceCompatibilityResponse O
Agreements INPN_Agreements(0) 668 0x29c C2
NetworkSpecific INPN_NetworkSpecific(0) 684 0x2ac C2
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo O
ForwardServiceInteractionInd O2
ConferenceTreatment Indicator INPN_Fw_ConferenceTreatmentInd 711 0x2c7 O3
CallDiversionTreatment Indicator INPN_CallDiversionTreatment Ind 712 0x2c8 O3
CallOfferingTreatment Indicator INPN_CallOfferingTreatmentInd 713 0x2c9 O3
CallingPartyRestrication Indicator INPN_CallingPartyRestrication Ind 714 0x2ca O3
BackwardServiceInteractionInd O2
ConferenceTreatmentIndicator INPN_Bw_ConferenceTreatmentInd 710 0x2c6 O3
CallCompletionTreatmentIndicator INPN_CallCompletionTreatmentInd 716 0x2cc O3
BothwayThrough ConnectionInd INPN_BothwayThrough 111 0x6f O2
SuspendTimer INPN_SuspendTimer 717 0x2cd O2
ConnectedNumberTreatment INPN_ConnectedNumberTreatment 718 0x2ce O2
SupressCallDiversionNotification INPN_SuppressCallDiverNot 719 0x2cf O2
SupressCallTransferNotification INPN_SuppressCallTransferNot 720 0x2d0 O2
AllowCdINNoPresentationInd INPN_AllowCdINNoPresentInd 721 0x2d1 O2
UserDialogueDurationInd INPN_UserDialogueDuratInd 722 0x2d2 O2
Carrier INPN_Carrier 40 0x28 O
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O
BearerCapability O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
BearerCap INPN_BearerCapability 23 0x17 C2
Tmr INPN_Tmr 104 0x68 C2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.15 ResetTimer
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
TimerID INPN_TimerID 61 0x3d D
TimerValue INPN_TimerValue 62 0x3e M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.16 FurnishChargingInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeId INPN_InvokeId 1 0x1 M
FurnishCharging INPN_FCIBCCS1 715 0x2cb M
Tariff O
Crgt INPN_Crgt 810 0x32a M2
Aocrg INPN_Aocrg 811 0x32b M2
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.12.17 ApplyCharging
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
AchBillingCharging INPN_AchBillingCharging 52 0x34 M
Characteristics Characteristics
SendCalculationToSCP INPN_SendCalculationToSCP 53 0x35 D
Indication Indication
Default = False
PartyToCharge O
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.18 ApplyChargingReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CallResult INPN_CallResult 55 0x37 M
B.12.19 CallGap
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
GapCriteria M
CalledAddressAndService C2
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(0) 308 0x134 M3
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
CallingAddressAndService C2
CallingAddressValue INPN_CallingAddressValue 99 0x63 M3
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O3
GapOnService C2
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(0) 308 0x134 C2
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
Null n/a
GapIndicators M
Gap Duration INPN_Gap_Duration 72 0x48 M2
GapInterval INPN_GapInterval 73 0x49 M2
ControlType INPN_ControlType 101 0x65 O
GapTreatment O
InformationToSend (see InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100) C2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 C2
Both C2
InformationToSend (see InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100) M3
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 M3
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.20 ActivateServiceFiltering
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
FilteredCallTreatment M
SFBillingCharging INPN_SFBillingCharging 92 0x5c M2
Characteristics Characteristics
InformationToSend (see InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100) O2
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
FilteringCriteria M
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 C2
AddressAndService C2
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(0) 308 0x134 M3
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
CallingAddressValue INPN_CallingAddressValue 99 0x63 O3
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O3
StartTime O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.21 ServiceFilteringResponse
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CountersValue (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 100) M
CounterID INPN_CounterID 328 to 427 0x148 to 0x1ab M2
CounterValue INPN_CounterValue 428 to 527 0x1ac to 0x20f M2
FilteringCriteria M
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 C2
AddressAndService C2
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(0) 308 0x134 M3
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
CallingAddressValue INPN_CallingAddressValue 99 0x63 O3
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O3
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.12.22 CallInformationReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
RequestedInformationReport (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 5) M
RequestedInformationType INPN_RequestedInformationType 288 0x120 M2
to to
292 0x124
RequestedInformationValue M2
CallAttemptEllapsed TimeValue INPN_CallAttemptEllapsedTimeValue(n) 293 0x125 C3
to to
297 0x129
CallStopTimeValue INPN_CallStopTimeValue(n) 298 0x12a C3
to to
302 0x12e
CallConnectedElapsedTimeValue INPN_CallConnectedElapsedTimeValue(n) 303 0x12f C3
to to
307 0x133
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(n) 308 0x134 C3
to to
312 0x138
ReleaseCauseValue INPN_ReleaseCauseValue(in 313 0x139 C3
to to
317 0x13d
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
LegID O2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C3
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.23 CallInformationRequest
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
RequestedInformationReport (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 5) M
RequestedInformationType INPN_RequestedInformationType 288 to 0x120 to M2
292 0x124
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
LegID O2
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C3
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.24 SendChargingInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
SCIBillingCharging INPN_SCIBillingCharging 87 0x57 M
Characteristics Characteristics
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
TariffMessage INPN_TariffMessage 956 0x3bc O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.25 PlayAnnouncement
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
InformationToSend (see InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100) O
DisconnectFromIP INPN_DisconnectFromIP Forbidden 59 0x3b D
Default = True
RequestAnnouncement INPN_RequestAnnouncement Complete 60 0x3c D
Default = True
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.26 PromptAndCollectUserInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CollectedInfo M
CollectedDigits M2
MinimumNumberOfDigits INPN_MinimumNumberOfDigits 74 0x4a D3
Default = 1
MaximumNumberOf Digits INPN_MaximumNumberOf Digits 75 0x4b M3
EndOfReplyDigit INPN_EndOfReplyDigit 76 0x4c O3
CancelDigit INPN_CancelDigit 77 0x4d O3
StartDigit INPN_StartDigit 78 0x4e O3
FirstDigitTimeOut INPN_FirstDigitTimeOut 79 0x4f O3
InterDigitTimeOut INPN_InterDigitTimeOut 80 0x50 O3
Errortreatment INPN_Errortreatment 81 0x41 D3
Default = StfErrorAndInfo
InterDigitTimeOut INPN_InterDigitTimeOut 82 0x42 D3
Default = True
InterruptableAndInd INPN_InterruptableAnnInd 83 0x43 D3
Default = False
VoiceBack INPN_VoiceBack 84 0x44 D3
Default = False
DisconnectFromIP Forbidden INPN_DisconnectFromIP Forbidden 59 0x3b D
Default = True
InformationToSend (see InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100) O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.12.27 SpecializedResourceReport
INOP_ SpecializedResourceReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
LinkedID INPN_LinkedID 2 0x2 O
B.12.28 Cancel
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Cancel_InvokeID INPN_Cancel_InvokeID 86 0x56 O
CallSegmentToCancel O
Cancel_InvokeID INPN_Cancel_InvokeID 86 0x56 M2
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 M2
B.12.29 ActivityTest
INOP_ ActivityTest
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
B.12.30 DFC_With_Argument
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
LegID C2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C3
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 C2
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.31 ContinueWithArgument
INOP_ ContinueWithArgument
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
LegID C2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C3
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID_Array(0) 1004 0x3ec C2
AlertingPattern INPN_AlertingPattern 30 0x1e O
GenericName INPN_GenericName 934 0x3ae O
INServiceCompatibilityResponse O
Agreements INPN_Agreements 668 0x29c C2
NetworkSpecific INPN_NetworkSpecific 684 0x2ac C2
ForwardGVNS INPN_ForwardGVNS 724 0x2d4 O
BackwardGVNS INPN_BackwardGVNS 723 0x2d3 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo O
ForwardServiceInteractionInd O2
ServiceInt_Ind_Two INPN_ServiceInt_Ind_Two 942 0x3ae O
ConferenceTreatmentIndicator INPN_Fw_ConferenceTreatmentInd 711 0x2c7 O3
CallDiversionTreatmentIndicator INPN_CallDiversionTreatmentInd 712 0x2c8 O3
CallOfferingTreatmentIndicator INPN_CallOfferingTreatmentInd 713 0x2c9 O3
CallingPartyRestricationIndicator INPN_CallingPartyRestricationInd 714 0x2ca O3
BackwardServiceInteractionInd O2
ConferenceTreatmentIndicator INPN_Bw_ConferenceTreatmentInd 710 0x2c6 O3
CallCompletionTreatmentIndicator INPN_CallCompletionTreatmentInd 716 0x2cc O3
BothwayThroughConnectionInd INPN_BothwayThroughConnectionIndicator 111 0x6f O2
SuspendTimer INPN_SuspendTimer 717 0x2cd O2
ConnectedNumberTreatment INPN_ConnectedNumberTreatment 718 0x2ce O2
SupressCallDiversionNotification INPN_SuppressCallDiverNot 719 0x2cf O2
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
INOP_ ContinueWithArgument
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
SupressCallTransferNotification INPN_SuppressCallTransferNot 720 0x2d0 O2
AllowCdINNoPresentationInd INPN_AllowCdINNoPresentInd 721 0x2d1 O2
UserDialogueDurationInd INPN_UserDialogueDuratInd 722 0x2d2 O2
ServiceInteractionIndicatorsTwo INPN_ServIntActInd2_Ellipsis 1404 0x57c O2
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.32 CreateCallSegmentAssociation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.33 DisconnectLeg
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Leg to be released M
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.12.34 MergeCallSegments
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
SourceCallSegment INPN_SourceCallSegment(0) 1020 0x3fc M
TargetCallSegment INPN_TargetCallSegment 936 0x3a8 D
Default = 1 (InitialCallSegment)
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.35 MoveCallSegment
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
TargetCallSegment INPN_TargetCallSegment 937 0x3a7 M
Association Association
CallSegments (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 16) M
SourceCallSegment INPN_SourceCallSegment(n) 1020 to 0x3fc to D2
Default = 1 1035 0x40b
NewCallSegment INPN_NewCallSegment(n) 1036 to 0x40c to M2
1051 0x41b
Legs M
SourceLeg INPN_SourceLeg(n) 972 to 0x3cc to M2
987 0x3db
NewLeg INPN_NewLeg(n) 988 to 0x3dc to M2
1003 0x3eb
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.12.36 MoveLeg
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Leg ID to be move M
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
TargetCallSegment INPN_TargetCallSegment 936 0x3a8 D
Default = 1 (InitialCallSegment)
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.37 SplitLeg
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Leg ID to be split M
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
NewCallSegment INPN_NewCallSegment(0) 1036 0x40c M2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.38 EntityReleased
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CS Failure C
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 02
Reason INPN_EntityReleased_Reason 943 0x3af O2
Cause INPN_EntityReleased_Cause 944 0x3b0 02
Ellipsis INPN_CSFailure_Ellipsis 945 0x3b1 A2
BCSM Failure C
Leg ID to be split M2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C3
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C3
Reason INPN_EntityReleased_Reason 943 0x3af O2
Cause INPN_EntityReleased_Cause 944 0x3b0 O2
Ellipsis INPN_BCSMFailure_Ellipsis 946 0x3b2 A2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.39 ManageTriggerData
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ActionIndicator INPN_ActionIndicator 947 0x3b3 M
TriggerDataIdentifier M
TriggerID INPN_EventTypeBCSM(0) 192 0xc0 M2
ProfileIdentifier M2
Access INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x5 C3
FacilityGroup C3
TrunkGroupID INPN_TrunkGroupID 951 0x3b7 C4
PrivateFacilityID INPN_PrivateFacilityID 952 0x3b8 C4
HuntGroup INPN_HuntGroup 953 0x3b9 C4
RouteIndex INPN_RouteIndex 954 0x3ba C4
Ellipsis INPN_TriggerDataId_Ellipsis 950 0x3b6 A2
RegistratorIdentifier INPN_RegistratorIdentifier 949 0x3b5 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.12.40 RequestReportUTSI
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
RequestedUTSIList (SEQUENCE, size 1..16) M
USIServiceIndicator M2
Global INPN_Global(n) 828 to 843 0x33c to 0x34b C3
Local INPN_Local(n) 844 to 859 0x34c to 35b C3
USIMonitorMode INPN_USIMonitorMode(n) 812 to 827 0x32c to 0x33b M2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
LegID O2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 D3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C3
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.41 SendSTUI
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
USIServiceIndicator M
Global INPN_Global 828 0x33c C2
Local INPN_Local 844 0x34c C2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 D2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
USIInformation INPN_USIInformation 704 0x2c0 M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.12.42 ReportUTSI
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
USIServiceIndicator M
Global INPN_Global(0) 828 0x33c C2
Local INPN_Local(0) 844 0x34c C2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 D2
USIInformation INPN_USIInformation 704 0x2c0 M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.43 PromptAndReceiveMessage
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
DisconnectFromIP Forbidden INPN_DisconnectFromIP Forbidden 59 0x3b D
Default = True
InformationToSend (see InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100) O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
SubscriberID INPN_SubscriberID 321 0x141 O
MailBoxID INPN_MailBoxID 322 0x142 O
InformationToRecord M
Record_MessageID INPN_Record_MessageID 630 O2
MessageDeletionTime Out INPN_MessageDeletionTime Out 625 0x271 O2
TimeToRecord INPN_TimeToRecord 626 0x272 O2
Control Digits O2
EndOfRecordingDigit INPN_EndOfRecordingDigit 553 0x229 O3
CancelDigit INPN_CancelDigit 77 0x4d O3
ReplayDigit INPN_ReplayDigit 554 0x22a O3
RestartRecordingDigit INPN_RestartRecordingDigit 555 0x22b O3
RestartAllowed INPN_RestartAllowed 556 0x22c D3
Default = False
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
ReplayAllowed INPN_ReplayAllowed 557 0x22d D3
Default = False
ControlDigits_Ellipsis INPN_ControlDigits_Ellipsis 558 0x22e A3
InfoToRecord_Ellipsis INPN_InfoToRecord_Ellipsis 559 0x22f A2
Media INPN_Media 323 0x143 D
Default = VoiceMail (0)
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.44 ScriptInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ScriptId Local Identifier INPN_ScriptId_Local 324 0x144 C
ScriptId Global Identifier INPN_ScriptId_Global 325 0x145 C
ScriptSpecificInfo INPN_ScriptSpecificInfo 326 0x146 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.45 ScriptEvent
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ScriptId Local Identifier INPN_ScriptId_Local 324 0x144 C
ScriptId Global Identifier INPN_ScriptId_Global 325 0x145 C
ScriptResult INPN_ScriptResult 327 0x146 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 O
LastEventIndicator INPN_LastEventIndicator 627 0x273 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.12.46 ScriptRun
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ScriptId Local Identifier INPN_ScriptId_Local 324 0x144 C
ScriptId Global Identifier INPN_ScriptId_Global 325 0x145 C
ScriptSpecificInfo INPN_ScriptSpecificInfo 326 0x146 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
DisconnectFromIP INPN_DisconnectFromIP Forbidden 59 0x3b O
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.47 ScriptClose
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ScriptId Local Identifier INPN_ScriptId_Local 324 0x144 C
ScriptId Global Identifier INPN_ScriptId_Global 325 0x145 C
ScriptSpecificInfo INPN_ScriptSpecificInfo 326 0x146 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
CallSegmentID INPN_CallSegmentID 320 0x140 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.48 EstablishChargingRecord
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
UserCredit O
Currancy C2
CurrencyID INPN_CurrencyID 1244 0x4dc M3
Amount INPN_Amount 1245 0x4dd M3
CurrencyValue Ellipsis INPN_CurrencyValue_Ellipsis 1246 0x4de A3
CreditUnit INPN_CreditUnit 1368 0x C2
ChargingParameters O
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
UnitsPerInterval INPN_UnitsPerInterval 1247 0x4df M2
TimePerInterval INPN_TimePerInterval 1248 0x4e0 M2
ScalingFactor INPN_ScalingFactor 1249 0x4e1 M2
InitialUnitIncrement INPN_InitialUnitIncrement 1250 0x4e2 O2
UnitsPerDataInterval INPN_UnitsPerDataInterval 1251 0x4e3 O2
SegmentsPerData Interval INPN_SegmentsPerDataInterval 1252 0x4e4 O2
InitialTimeInterval INPN_InitialTimeInterval 1253 0x4e4 O2
ChargingParameters Ellipsis INPN_ChargingParameters_ Ellipsis 1254 0x4e6 O2
SecurityParameters O
CertificationPath INPN_CertificationPath 1294 0x50e O2
DistinguishedName INPN_DistinguishedName 1295 0x50f O2
UTCTime INPN_UTCTime 1296 0x510 O2
Random INPN_Random 1297 0x511 O2
Target INPN_Target 1298 0x512 O2
Response INPN_Response 1299 0x513 O2
OperationCode INPN_OperationCode 1300 0x514 O2
AttributeCertificationPath INPN_AttributeCertificationPath 1301 0x515 O2
ErrorProtection INPN_ErrorProtection 1302 0x516 O2
ReportExpected INPN_ReportExpected 1278 0x4fe O
Default = True
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.49 HandlingInformationRequest
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
RequestedType INPN_RequestedType 1279 0x4ff O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x6 O
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x5 O
DialledDigits INPN_DialledDigits 4 0x4 O
RedirectingPartyID INPN_RedirectingPartyID 25 0x19 O
RedirectionInformation INPN_RedirectionInformation 26 0x1a O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0xf O
NumberOfCallAttempts INPN_NumberOfCallAttempts 1280 0x500 O
HighLayerCompatibility INPN_HighLayerCompatibility 19 0x19 O
BearerCapability INPN_BearerCapability 23 0x17 O
InvokedSupplementary Service INPN_InvokedSupplementary Service 1281 0x501 O
ActiveSupplementary Services INPN_ActiveSupplementary Services 1282 0x502 O
CauseOfLastCallFailure INPN_CauseOfLastCallFailure 1283 0x503 O
UserInteractionModes INPN_UserInteractionModes 1284 0x504 O
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x8 O
CallingPartyBusinessGroupID INPN_CallingPartyBusiness GroupID 7 0x7 O
SecurityParameters O
CertificationPath INPN_CertificationPath 1294 0x50e O2
DistinguishedName INPN_DistinguishedName 1295 0x50f O2
UTCTime INPN_UTCTime 1296 0x510 O2
Random INPN_Random 1297 0x511 O2
Target INPN_Target 1298 0x512 O2
Response INPN_Response 1299 0x513 O2
OperationCode INPN_OperationCode 1300 0x514 O2
AttributeCertificationPath INPN_AttributeCertificationPath 1301 0x515 O2
ErrorProtection INPN_ErrorProtection 1302 0x516 O2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.50 HandlingInformationResult
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
RoutingAddress O
RoutingProhibited INPN_RoutingProhibited 1260 0x4ec C2
DestinationRouting Address INPN_DestinationRouting Address(0) 27 0x1b C2
HighLayerCompatibility INPN_HighLayerCompatibility 19 0x19 O
SupplimentaryServices INPN_SupplimentaryServices 1277 0x4fd O
PreferredLanguagge INPN_PreferredLanguage 1285 0x505 O
Carrier INPN_Carrier 40 0x28 O
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x6 O
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0xf O
RedirectingPartyID INPN_RedirectingPartyID 25 0x19 O
RedirectionInformation INPN_RedirectionInformation 26 0x1a O
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x8 O
SecurityParameters O
CertificationPath INPN_CertificationPath 1294 0x50e O2
DistinguishedName INPN_DistinguishedName 1295 0x50f O2
UTCTime INPN_UTCTime 1296 0x510 O2
Random INPN_Random 1297 0x511 O2
Target INPN_Target 1298 0x512 O2
Response INPN_Response 1299 0x513 O2
OperationCode INPN_OperationCode 1300 0x514 O2
AttributeCertificationPath INPN_AttributeCertificationPath 1301 0x515 O2
ErrorProtection INPN_ErrorProtection 1302 0x516 O2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.51 NetworkCapability
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
BearerCapabilities (Bitstring) INPN_Bits_BearerCapabilities 1286 0x506 O
HighLayerCompatiblities INPN_Bits_HighLayer 1287 0x507 O
(Bitstring) Compatiblities
SupplimentaryServices INPN_SupplimentaryServices 1277 0x4fd O
SecurityParameters O
CertificationPath INPN_CertificationPath 1294 0x50e O2
DistinguishedName INPN_DistinguishedName 1295 0x50f O2
UTCTime INPN_UTCTime 1296 0x510 O2
Random INPN_Random 1297 0x511 O2
Target INPN_Target 1298 0x512 O2
Response INPN_Response 1299 0x513 O2
OperationCode INPN_OperationCode 1300 0x514 O2
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
AttributeCertificationPath INPN_AttributeCertificationPath 1301 0x515 O2
ErrorProtection INPN_ErrorProtection 1302 0x516 O2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.52 NotificationProvided
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Notification INPN_Notification M
Notification Information O
UserAbandon C2
EventSpecInfo Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
CallFailure C2
FailureCause INPN_FailureCause 94 0x5e
EventSpecInfo Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
NoReply C2
EventSpecInfo Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
CallRelease C2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O3
TimeStamp INPN_TimeStamp 1292 0x50c O3
EventSpecInfo Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
SSInvocation C2
InvokableService INPN_InvokableService 1293 0x50d O3
EventSpecInfo Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
CreditLimitReached C2
TimeStamp INPN_TimeStamp 1292 0x50c O3
EventSpecInfo Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
CallDuration C2
TimeStamp INPN_TimeStamp 1292 0x50c O3
EventSpecInfo Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
CalledNumber C2
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x5 O3
EventSpecInfo Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
AnsweredCall C2
TimeStamp INPN_TimeStamp 1292 0x50c O3
EventSpecInfo Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A3
SecurityParameters O
CertificationPath INPN_CertificationPath 1294 0x50e O2
DistinguishedName INPN_DistinguishedName 1295 0x50f O2
UTCTime INPN_UTCTime 1296 0x510 O2
Random INPN_Random 1297 0x511 O2
Target INPN_Target 1298 0x512 O2
Response INPN_Response 1299 0x513 O2
OperationCode INPN_OperationCode 1300 0x514 O2
AttributeCertificationPath INPN_AttributeCertificationPath 1301 0x515 O2
ErrorProtection INPN_ErrorProtection 1302 0x516 O2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.53 ConfirmedNotificationProvided
As per Section B.12.52 NotificationProvided on page 240.
B.12.54 ProvideUserInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Constraints M
MaximumNumberOf Digits INPN_MaximumNumberOfDigits 75 0x4b
MinimumNumberOf Digits INPN_MinimumNumberOfDigits 74 0x4a
TypeOfRequestedInfo INPN_TypeOfRequestedInfo 1097 0x449 D2
Default = numericString 0
NumberOfAllowedRetries INPN_NumberOfAllowedRetries 1098 0x44a D2
Default = 0
Info to send (See InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100) O
Error Info (See Error InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 242) O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
TypeOfRequestedInfo INPN_TypeOfRequestedInfo 1097 0x449 D
Default = numericString 0
NumberOfAllowedRetries INPN_NumberOfAllowedRetries 1098 0x44a D
Default = 0
Actions INPN_Actions 1290 0x50a O
PreferredLanguagge INPN_PreferredLanguage 1285 0x505 O
SecurityParameters O
CertificationPath INPN_CertificationPath 1294 0x50e O2
DistinguishedName INPN_DistinguishedName 1295 0x50f O2
UTCTime INPN_UTCTime 1296 0x510 O2
Random INPN_Random 1297 0x511 O2
Target INPN_Target 1298 0x512 O2
Response INPN_Response 1299 0x513 O2
OperationCode INPN_OperationCode 1300 0x514 O2
AttributeCertificationPath INPN_AttributeCertificationPath 1301 0x515 O2
ErrorProtection INPN_ErrorProtection 1302 0x516 O2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Error InformationToSend
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
Number INPN_ Error_Number(n) 1073 to 0x431 to C5
1077 0x435
Time INPN_ Error_Time(n) 1078 to 0x436 to C5
1082 0x43a
Date INPN_ Error_Date(n) 1083 to 0x43b to C5
1087 0x43f
Price INPN_ Error_Price(n) 1088 to 0x440 to C5
1092 0x444
NumberOfRepetitions INPN_ Error_NumberOf 1093 0x445 O2
Duration INPN_ Error_Duration 1094 0x446 O2
Interval INPN_ Error_Interval 1095 0x447 O2
Tone C
ToneID INPN_ Error_ToneID 1259 0x4eb M2
Duration INPN_ Error_Duration 1094 0x446 O2
DisplayInformation INPN_ Error_DisplayInformation 1096 0x447 C
B.12.55 ConfirmedReportChargingInformation
As per Section B.12.56 ReportChargingInformation below.
B.12.56 ReportChargingInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CallRecord O
Duration INPN_Duration 89 0x59 M2
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x6 M2
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x5 M2
CallRecord_Ellipsis INPN_CallRecord_Ellipsis 1099 0x44b A2
UserCredit O
CurrencyValue C2
CurrencyID INPN_CurrencyID 1244 0x4dc M3
Amount INPN_Amount 1245 0x4dd M3
CurrencyValue Ellipsis INPN_CurrencyValue_Ellipsis 1246 0x4de A3
CreditUnit INPN_CreditUnit 1368 0x558 C2
UniqueCallID INPN_UniqueCallID 1289 0x509 O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
AccountNumber INPN_AccountNumber 1291 0x50b O
SecurityParameters O
CertificationPath INPN_CertificationPath 1294 0x50e O2
DistinguishedName INPN_DistinguishedName 1295 0x50f O2
UTCTime INPN_UTCTime 1296 0x510 O2
Random INPN_Random 1297 0x511 O2
Target INPN_Target 1298 0x512 O2
Response INPN_Response 1299 0x513 O2
OperationCode INPN_OperationCode 1300 0x514 O2
AttributeCertificationPath INPN_AttributeCertificationPath 1301 0x515 O2
ErrorProtection INPN_ErrorProtection 1302 0x516 O2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.57 RequestNotification
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
RequestedNotifications (Request up to 9 notifications, n = 0 up to 8) O
UserAbandon(n) INPN_UserAbandon(n) 1100 to 1115 0x44c to C2
CallFailure(n) INPN_CallFailure(n) 1116 to 1131 0x45c to C2
NoReply(n) INPN_NoReply(n) 1132 to 1147 0x46c to C2
CallRelease(n) INPN_CallRelease(n) 1148 to 1163 0x47c to C2
SS_Invocation(n) INPN_SS_Invocation(n) 1164 to 1179 0x48c to C2
CreditLimitReached(n) INPN_CreditLimitReached(n) 1180 to 1195 0x49c to C2
CallDuration(n) INPN_CallDuration(n) 1196 to 1211 0x4ac to C2
CalledNumber(n) INPN_CalledNumber(n) 1212 to 1227 0x4bc to C2
AnsweredCall(n) INPN_AnsweredCall(n) 1228 to 1243 0x4cc to C2
SecurityParameters O
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
CertificationPath INPN_CertificationPath 1294 0x50e O2
DistinguishedName INPN_DistinguishedName 1295 0x50f O2
UTCTime INPN_UTCTime 1296 0x510 O2
Random INPN_Random 1297 0x511 O2
Target INPN_Target 1298 0x512 O2
Response INPN_Response 1299 0x513 O2
OperationCode INPN_OperationCode 1300 0x514 O2
AttributeCertificationPath INPN_AttributeCertificationPath 1301 0x515 O2
ErrorProtection INPN_ErrorProtection 1302 0x516 O2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.58 InitiateAssociation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x5 M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
USIServiceIndicator O
Global INPN_Global(0) 828 0x33c C2
Local INPN_Local(0) 844 0x34c C2
USIInformation INPN_USIInformation 704 0x2c0 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.12.59 ReleaseAssociation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Cause INPN_Cause 41 0x29 M
B.12.60 RequestReportBCUSMEvent
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
BCUSMEvents (0..15) M
EventType INPN_EventTypeBCUSM(n) 728 to 743 0x2d8 to 0x2e7 M2
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(n) 208 to 223 0xd0 to 0xdf M2
Duration INPN_Duration 89 0x59 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
CUDPCriteria O
LocalValue INPN_LocalValue 702 0x2be C2
Global INPN_Global(0) 828 0x33c C2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.12.61 InitialAssociationDP
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Servicekey INPN_Duration 89 0x59 M
CUApplicationInd O
LocalValue INPN_LocalValue 702 0x2be C2
Global INPN_Global(0) 828 0x33c C2
MiscCallInfo O
MessageType INPN_MessageType 56 0x38 M2
EventTypeBCUSM INPN_EventTypeBCUSM(0) 728 0x2d8 O
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x5 O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x6 O
CallingPartySubAddress INPN_CallingPartySubaddress 9 0x9 O
HighLayerCompatibility INPN_HighLayerCompatibility 19 0x13 O
BearerCapability O
BearerCap INPN_BearerCapability 23 0x17 C2
Tmr INPN_Tmr 104 0x68 C2
USIServiceIndicator O
Global INPN_Global(0) 828 0x33c C2
Local INPN_Local(0) 844 0x34c C2
USIInformation INPN_USIInformation 704 0x2c0 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.62 ConnectAssociation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x5 M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.12.63 ContinueAssociation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.12.64 EventReportBCUSM
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
EventTypeBCUSM INPN_EventTypeBCUSM(0) 728 0x2d8 O
EventSpecificInformationBCUSM O
ComponentReceivedSpecificInfo C2
ComponentReceivedinfo INPN_CompRecSpecInfo 705 0x2c1 O3
AssociationReleaseRequestedSpecificInfo C2
AssociationReleaseInfo INPN_AssRelReqSpecInfo 706 0x2c2 O3
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O3
MiscCallInfo O
MessageType INPN_Messagetype 56 0x38 M2
CUApplicationInd O
LocalValue INPN_LocalValue 702 0x2be C2
Global INPN_Global(0) 828 0x33c C2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 C2
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 C2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.13.1 InitialDP
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x03 M
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x05 O
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x06 O
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x08 O
CGEncountered INPN_cGEncountered 10 0x0a O
IPSSPCapabilities INPN_IPSSPCapabilities 11 0x0b O
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0x0d O
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0x0f O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
HighLayerCompatibility INPN_HighLayerCompatibility 19 0x13 O
IdpServiceInteractionIndictators O
ForwardServiceInteractionIndicators O2
ConferenceTreatmentInd for INPN_Fw_ConferenceTreatmentInd 711 0x2c7 O3
CallDiversionTreatmentInd INPN_CallDiversionTreatmentInd 712 0x2c8 O3
CallOfferingTreatmentInd INPN_CallOfferingTreatmentInd 713 0x2c9 O3
CS1+ CallTransferTreatmentInd INPN_CS1P_Fw_CallTransferTreatmentInd 4404 0x1134 O3
Ellipsis for INPN_CS1P_Fw_ServIntInd_Ellipsis 4406 0x1136 O3
BackwardsServiceInteractionIndictators O2
ConferenceTreatmentInd for INPN_Bw_ConferenceTreatmentInd 710 0x2c6 O3
CS1+ CallTransferTreatmentInd INPN_CS1P_Bw_CallTransferTreatmentInd 4405 0x1135 O3
Ellipsis for INPN_CS1P_Bw_ServIntInd_Ellipsis 4407 0x1137 O3
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
Ellipsis for INPN_CS1P_IdpServIntInd_Ellipsis 4407 0x1137 O2
AdditionalCallingParty Number INPN_AdditionalCallingParty Number 21 0x15 O
ForwardCallIndicators INPN_ForwardCallIndicators 22 0x16 O
BearerCapability O
BearerCapability INPN_CS1P_BearerCapability 4382 0x111e C1
Tmr INPN_CS1P_Tmr 4383 0x111f C1
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(0) 192 0xc0 O
RedirectingPartyID INPN_RedirectingPartyID 25 0x19 O
RedirectionInformation INPN_RedirectionInformation 26 0x20 O
TriggerType INPN_TriggerType 18 0x12 O
CS1+ LegIDs INPN_CS1P_LegIDs 4412 0x113c O
CS1+ RouteOrigin INPN_CS1P_RouteOrigin 4413 0x113d O
CS1+ TestIndication INPN_CS1P_TestIndication 4414 0x113e O
CS1+ CUGCallIndicator INPN_CS1P_CUGCallIndicator 4384 0x1120 O
CS1+ CUGInterlockCode INPN_CS1P_CUGInterlockCode 4385 0x1121 O
CS1+ GenericDigitsSet INPN_CS1P_GenericDigitsSet 4387 0x1123 O
CS1+ GenericNumberSet INPN_CS1P_GenericNumberSet 4388 0x1124 O
CS1+ Cause INPN_CS1P_Cause 4415 0x113f O
CS1+ HandOverInfo O
CS1+ HandOverCounter INPN_CS1P_HandOverCounter 4416 0x1140 O2
CS1+ SendingSCPAddress INPN_CS1P_SendingScpAddress 4419 0x1143 O2
CS1+ SendingSCPDialogueInfo INPN_CS1P_SendingScpDlgInfo 4420 0x1144 O2
CS1+ SendingSCPCorrelatioInfo INPN_CS1P_SendingScpCorrInfo 4421 0x1145 O2
CS1+ ReceivingSCPAddress INPN_CS1P_ReceivingScpAddress 4422 0x1146 O2
CS1+ INPN_CS1P_ReceivingScpDlgInfo 4423 0x1147 O2
CS1+ INPN_CS1P_ReceivingScpCorrInfo 4424 0x1148 O2
CS1+ HandOverNumber INPN_CS1P_HandOverNumber 4417 0x1141 O2
CS1+ HandOverData INPN_CS1P_HandOverData 4418 0x1142 O2
Ellipsis for CS1+ HandOverInfo INPN_CS1P_HandOverInfo_Ellipsis 4425 0x1149 O2
CS1+ ForwardGvnsIndicator O
CS1+ OPSPIdentification INPN_CS1P_OpspIdentification 4390 0x1126 O2
CS1+ GVNSUserGroupID INPN_CS1P_GvnsUserGroupId 4391 0x1127 O2
CS1+ TNRNumber INPN_CS1P_TnrNumber 4392 0x1128 O2
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
Ellipsis for CS1+ INPN_CS1P_FwdGvnsInd_Ellipsis 4393 0x1129 O2
CS1+ BackwardGvnsIndicator INPN_CS1P_BackwardGvnsIndicator 4397 0x112d O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.13.2 HoldCallPartyConnection
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
SendingSideID INPN_CS1P_SendingSideID 4380 0x111c M2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.13.3 Reconnect
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
SendingSideID INPN_CS1P_SendingSideID 4380 0x111c M2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.13.4 ReleaseCallPartyConnection
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Leg To Be Released M
SendingSideID INPN_CS1P_SendingSideID 4380 0x111c M2
ReleaseCause INPN_CS1P_Cause 4415 0x113f O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.13.5 AssistRequestInstructions
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f M
IPAvailable INPN_IPAvailable 12 0x0c O
IPSSPCapabilities INPN_IPSSPCapabilities 11 0x0b O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.13.6 Retrieve15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
OperationID INPN_CS1P_OperationId 4435 0x1153 M
ApplicationID INPN_CS1P_ApplicationId 4436 0x1154 M
DataItemID INPN_CS1P_DataItemId 4437 0x1155 M
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.13.7 EstablishTemporaryConnection
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
CS1+ LegID O
CS1+ SendingSideID INPN_CS1P_SendingSideID 4380 0x111 O2
AssistingSSPIPRouting Address INPN_AssistingSSPIPRouting Address 102 0x66 M
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f O
ScfID INPN_ScfID 38 0x26 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ETCServiceInteractionIndicators O
BackwardServiceInteractionIndictators O2
For the CS1+ protocol, the Retrieve and AssistRequestInstructions operations use the same op code value (16). The API
will use the presence or absence of Retrieve’s first mandatory parameter (OperationID) to determine how to encode/decode
the operation.
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
ConferenceTreatmentInd for INPN_Bw_ConferenceTreatmentInd 710 0x2c6 O3
CS1+ CallTransferTreatmentInd for INPN_CS1P_Bw_CallTransferTreatme 4405 0x1135 O3
BackwardsServiceInteractionIndictators ntInd
Ellipsis for INPN_CS1P_Bw_ServIntInd_Ellipsis 4407 0x1137 O3
BothwayThroughConnnectIndicator INPN_CS1P_BothwayThroughConInd 4428 0x114c O2
ConnectedNumberTreatmentIndicator INPN_CS1P_ConnectedNumTreatInd 4427 0x114b O2
Ellipsis for INPN_CS1P_EtcServIntInd_Ellipsis 4434 0x1152 O2
CS1+ RouteList O
CS1+ RouteIndex INPN_CS1P_RouteIndex 4394 0x112a O2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.13.8 DisconnectForwardConnection
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CS1+ LegID O
CS1+ SendingSideID INPN_CS1P_SendingSideID 4380 0x111c O2
CS1+ Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.13.9 ConnectToResource
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ResourceAddress M
IPRoutingAddress INPN_IPRoutingAddress 31 0x1f C2
Null n/a C2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ServiceInteraction Indicators INPN_ServiceInteraction Indicators 20 0x14 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.13.10 Connect
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
CS1+ LegToBeCreated D
CS1+ SendingSideID INPN_CS1P_SendingSideID 4380 0x111c O2
CS1+ BearerCapability O
CS1+ BearerCapability INPN_CS1P_BearerCapability 4382 0x111e C1
CS1+ Tmr INPN_CS1P_Tmr 4383 0x111f C1
CS1+ CUGCallIndicator INPN_CS1P_CUGCallIndicator 4384 0x1120 O
CS1+ CUGInterlockCode INPN_CS1P_CUGInterlockCode 4385 0x1121 O
CS1+ ForwardCallIndicators INPN_CS1P_ForwardCallIndicators 4386 0x1122 O
CS1+ GenericDigitsSet INPN_CS1P_GenericDigitsSet 4387 0x1123 O
CS1+ GenericNumberSet INPN_CS1P_GenericNumberSet 4388 0x1124 O
CS1+ HighLayerCompatibility INPN_CS1P_HighLayerCompatibility 4389 0x1125 O
CS1+ ForwardGvnsIndicator O
CS1+ OPSPIdentification INPN_CS1P_OpspIdentification 4390 0x1126 O2
CS1+ GVNSUserGroupID INPN_CS1P_GvnsUserGroupId 4391 0x1127 O2
CS1+ TNRNumber INPN_CS1P_TnrNumber 4392 0x1128 O2
Ellipsis for CS1+ INPN_CS1P_FwdGvnsInd_Ellipsis 4393 0x1129 O2
DestinationRoutingAddress O
DestinationRouting Address INPN_DestinationRouting Address(0) 27 0x1b O2
AlertingPattern INPN_AlertingPattern 30 0x1e O
CorrelationID INPN_CorrelationID 31 0x1f O
CutAndPaste INPN_CutAndPaste 32 0x20 O
OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 15 0cf O
RouteList O
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
CS1+ CallTransferTreatmentInd for INPN_CS1P_Fw_CallTransferTreatmentInd 4404 0x1134 O3
Ellipsis for ForwardService INPN_CS1P_Fw_ServIntInd_Ellipsis 4406 0x1136 O3
BackwardsServiceInteractionIndictators O2
ConferenceTreatmentInd for INPN_Bw_ConferenceTreatmentInd 710 0x2c6 O3
CS1+ CallTransferTreatmentInd for INPN_CS1P_Bw_CallTransferTreatmentInd 4405 0x1135 O3
Ellipsis for BackwardsService INPN_CS1P_Bw_ServIntInd_Ellipsis 4407 0x1137 O3
SuspendTimer INPN_SuspendTimer 717 0x2cd O2
ConnectedNumTreatInd INPN_CS1P_ConnectedNumTreatInd 4427 0x114b O2
Ellipsis for INPN_CS1P_ConServIntInd_Ellipsis 4433 0x1151 O2
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x06 O
CallingPartysCategory INPN_CallingPartysCategory 8 0x08 O
RedirectingPartyID INPN_RedirectingPartyID 25 0x19 O
RedirectionInformation INPN_RedirectionInformation 26 0x1a O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.13.11 ReleaseCall
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Cause INPN_Cause 41 0x29 O
B.13.12 RequestReportBCSMEvent
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
BCSMEvents (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 15) M
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(n) 192 to 207 0xc0 to 0xcf M2
5 Non-Primitive Interface
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(n) 208 to 223 0xd0 to 0xdf M2
LegID O2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 to 239 0xe0 to 0xef C3
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(n) 240 to 255 0xf0 to 0xff C3
DPSpecificCriteria O2
NumberOfDigits INPN_NumberOfDigits(n) 160 to 175 0xa0 to 0xaf C3
B.13.13 EventReportBCSM
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
EventTypeBCSM INPN_EventTypeBCSM(0) 192 0xc0 M
EventSpecificInformationBCSM O
CollectedInfo C1
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x05 M2
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A2
AnalyzedInformation C1
CalledPartyNumber INPN_CalledPartyNumber 5 0x05 M2
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A2
RouteSelectFailure C1
FailureCause INPN_FailureCause 94 0x5e O2
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A2
oCalledPartyBusy C1
BusyCause INPN_BusyCause 95 0x5f O2
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A2
CS1+ oCalledPartyNotReachable C1
CS1+ NotReachableCause INPN_CS1P_NotReachableCause 4395 0x112b O2
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A2
CS1+ oAlerting C1
CS1+ BackwardCallIndicators INPN_CS1P_BackwardCallIndicators 4396 0x112c O2
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A2
oNoAnswer C1
--No Info--
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A2
oAnswer C1
CS1+ TimeToAnswer INPN_CS1P_TimeToAnswer 4398 0x112e O2
CS1+ BackwardCallIndicators INPN_CS1P_BackwardCallIndicators 4396 0x112c O2
CS1+ BackwardGvnsIndicator INPN_CS1P_BackwardGvnsIndicator 4397 0x112d O2
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A2
oMidCall C1
CS1+ MidCallEventsInfo INPN_CS1P_MidCallEventsInfo 4399 0x112f O2
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A2
oDisconnect C1
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O2
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A2
CS1+ tRouteSelectFailure C1
CS1+ FailureCause INPN_FailureCause 94 0x5e O2
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A2
tCalledPartyBusy C1
BusyCause INPN_BusyCause 95 0x5f O2
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A2
CS1+ tCalledPartyNotReachable C1
CS1+ NotReachableCause INPN_CS1P_NotReachableCause 4395 0x112b O2
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A2
CS1+ tAlerting C1
CS1+ BackwardCallIndicators INPN_CS1P_BackwardCallIndicators 4396 0x112c O2
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A2
tNoAnswer C1
--No Info--
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A2
tAnswer C1
CS1+ TimeToAnswer INPN_CS1P_TimeToAnswer 4398 0x112e O2
CS1+ BackwardCallIndicators INPN_CS1P_BackwardCallIndicators 4396 0x112c O2
CS1+ BackwardGvnsIndicator INPN_CS1P_BackwardGvnsIndicator 4397 0x112d O2
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A2
tMidCall C1
CS1+ MidCallEventsInfo INPN_CS1P_MidCallEventsInfo 4399 0x112f O2
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A2
tDisconnect C1
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O2
EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis INPN_EventSpecInfo_Ellipsis 113 0x71 A2
ReceivingSideID INPN_CS1P_ReceivingSideID 4381 0x111d O2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
MiscCallInfo D
MessageType INPN_MessageType 56 0x38 O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.13.14 RequestNotificationChargingEvent
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ChargingEvent (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 3) M
EventTypeCharging INPN_EventTypeCharging(n) 272 to 274 0x110 to 0x112 M2
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(n) 208 to 210 0xd0 to 0xd2 M2
LegID O2
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(n) 224 to 226 0xe0 to 0xe2 O3
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.13.15 EventNotificationCharging
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
EventTypeCharging INPN_EventTypeCharging(0) 272 0x110 M
EventSpecificInformationCharging INPN_EventSpecificInformationCharging 58 0x3a O
ReceivingSideID INPN_ReceivingSideID(0) 240 0xf0 O2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
MonitorMode INPN_MonitorMode(0) 208 0xd0 M
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.13.16 CollectInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.13.17 Continue
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CS1+ LegID O
CS1+ SendingSideID INPN_CS1P_SendingSideID 4380 0x111c O2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.13.18 InitiateCallAttempt
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CS1+ OriginalCalledPartyID INPN_CS1P_OriginalCalledPartyID 4408 0x1138 O
CS1+ LegID D
CS1+ SendingSideID INPN_CS1P_SendingSideID 4380 0x111c O2
CS1+ CallingPartysCategory INPN_CS1P_CallingPartysCategory 4409 0x1139 O
CS1+ RedirectingPartyID INPN_CS1P_RedirectingPartyID 4410 0x113a O
CS1+ RedirectionInformation INPN_CS1P_RedirectionInformation 4411 0x113b O
CS1+ BearerCapability O
CS1+ BearerCapability INPN_CS1P_BearerCapability 4382 0x111e C1
CS1+ Tmr INPN_CS1P_Tmr 4383 0x111f C1
CS1+ CUGCallIndicator INPN_CS1P_CUGCallIndicator 4384 0x1120 O
CS1+ CUGInterlockCode INPN_CS1P_CUGInterlockCode 4385 0x1121 O
CS1+ ForwardCallIndicators INPN_CS1P_ForwardCallIndicators 4386 0x1122 O
CS1+ GenericDigitsSet INPN_CS1P_GenericDigitsSet 4387 0x1123 O
CS1+ GenericNumberSet INPN_CS1P_GenericNumberSet 4388 0x1124 O
CS1+ HighLayerCompatibility INPN_CS1P_HighLayerCompatibility 4389 0x1125 O
CS1+ ForwardGvnsIndicator O
CS1+ OPSPIdentification INPN_CS1P_OpspIdentification 4390 0x1126 O2
CS1+ GVNSUserGroupID INPN_CS1P_GvnsUserGroupId 4391 0x1127 O2
CS1+ TNRNumber INPN_CS1P_TnrNumber 4392 0x1128 O2
Ellipsis for CS1+ INPN_CS1P_FwdGvnsInd_Ellipsis 4393 0x1129 O2
DestinationRouting Address M
DestinationRouting Address INPN_DestinationRouting Address(0) 27 0x1b M2
AlertingPattern INPN_AlertingPattern 30 0x1e O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
ICAServiceInteractionIndicators O
ForwardServiceInteractionIndicators O2
ConferenceTreatmentInd for INPN_Fw_ConferenceTreatmentInd 711 0x2c7 O3
CallDiversionTreatmentInd INPN_CallDiversionTreatmentInd 712 0x2c8 O3
CallOfferingTreatmentInd INPN_CallOfferingTreatmentInd 713 0x2c9 O3
CS1+ CallTransferTreatmentInd for INPN_CS1P_Fw_CallTransferTreatmentInd 4404 0x1134 O3
Ellipsis for INPN_CS1P_Fw_ServIntInd_Ellipsis 4406 0x1136 O3
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
SuspendTimer INPN_SuspendTimer 717 0x2cd O2
Ellipsis for INPN_CS1P_IcaServIntInd_Ellipsis 4432 0x1150 O2
CallingPartyNumber INPN_CallingPartyNumber 6 0x06 O
CS1+ RouteList O
CS1+ RouteIndex INPN_CS1P_RouteIndex 4394 0x112a O2
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.13.19 ResetTimer
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
TimerID INPN_TimerID 61 0x3d M
TimerValue INPN_TimerValue 62 0x3e M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.13.20 FurnishChargingInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeId INPN_InvokeId 1 0x1 M
FurnishCharging Information INPN_FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics 34 0x22 M
B.13.21 ApplyCharging
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
AchBillingCharging INPN_AchBillingCharging 52 0x34 M
Characteristics Characteristics
SendCalculationToSCP INPN_SendCalculationToSCP 53 0x35 D
Indication Indication
PartyToCharge O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 O2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.13.22 ApplyChargingReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CallResult INPN_CallResult 55 0x37 M
B.13.23 CallGap
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
GapCriteria M
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(0) 308 0x134 C2
GapOnService C2
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
CalledAddressAndService C2
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(0) 308 0x134 M3
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
CallingAddressAndService C2
CallingAddressValue INPN_CallingAddressValue 99 0x63 M3
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O3
GapIndicators M
Gap Duration INPN_Gap_Duration 72 0x48 M2
GapInterval INPN_GapInterval 73 0x49 M2
ControlType INPN_ControlType 101 0x65 O
GapTreatment O
InformationToSend C2
See InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100.
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 C2
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
Both C2
InformationToSend M3
See InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100.
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 M3
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.13.24 ActivateServiceFiltering
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
FilteredCallTreatment M
SFBillingCharging INPN_SFBillingCharging 92 0x5c M2
Characteristics Characteristics
InformationToSend O2
See InformationToSend (Sub-table) on page 100.
MaximumNumberOf Counters INPN_MaximumNumberOf Counters 93 0x5d O2
ReleaseCause INPN_ReleaseCause 96 0x60 O2
FilteringCharacteristics M
Interval INPN_Interval 90 0x5a C2
NumberOfCalls INPN_NumberOfCalls 97 0x61 C2
FilteringTimeout M
Filtering Duration INPN_Filtering_Duration 98 0x62 C2
StopTime INPN_StopTime 100 0x64 C2
FilteringCriteria M
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 C2
AddressAndService C2
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(0) 308 0x134 M3
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x3 M3
CallingAddressValue INPN_CallingAddressValue 99 0x63 O3
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0xd O3
StartTime O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.13.25 ServiceFilteringResponse
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
CountersValue (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 100) M
CounterID INPN_CounterID 328 0x148 M2
to to
427 0x1ab
CounterValue INPN_CounterValue 428 0x1ac M2
to to
527 0x20f
FilteringCriteria M
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x03 C2
AddressAndService C2
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(0) 308 0x134 M3
ServiceKey INPN_ServiceKey 3 0x03 M3
CallingAddressValue INPN_CallingAddressValue 99 0x63 O3
LocationNumber INPN_LocationNumber 13 0x0d O3
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.13.26 CallInformationReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
RequestedInformationReport (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 5) M
RequestedInformationType INPN_RequestedInformationType 288 0x120 M2
to to
292 0x124
RequestedInformationValue M2
CallAttemptEllapsedTimeValue INPN_CallAttemptEllapsedTimeValue(n) 293 0x125 C3
to to
297 0x129
CallStopTimeValue INPN_CallStopTimeValue(n) 298 0x12a C3
to to
302 0x12e
CallConnectedElapsedTimeValue INPN_CallConnectedElapsedTimeValue(n) 303 0x12f to C3
to 0x133
CalledAddressValue INPN_CalledAddressValue(n) 308 0x134 C3
to to
312 0x138
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
ReleaseCauseValue INPN_ReleaseCauseValue(in 313 0x139 C3
to to
317 0x13d
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.13.27 CallInformationRequest
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
RequestedInformationReport (SEQUENCE, size = 1 to 5) M
RequestedInformationType INPN_RequestedInformationType 288 0x120 M2
to to
292 0x124
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.13.28 SendChargingInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
SCIBillingCharging INPN_SCIBillingCharging 87 0x57 M
Characteristics Characteristics
SendingSideID INPN_SendingSideID(0) 224 0xe0 O2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.13.29 PlayAnnouncement
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
CS1+ LegID O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.13.30 PromptAndCollectUserInformation
INOP_ PromptAndCollectUserInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
CS1+ LegID
CS1+ SendingSideID INPN_CS1P_SendingSideID 4380 0x111c O2
CS1+ INPN_CS1P_RequestAnnouncementStarted 4400 0x1130 D
CS1+ RequestAnnouncement INPN_CS1P_RequestAnnouncementComplete 4401 0x1131 D
CollectedInfo M
CollectedDigits M2
MinimumNumberOfDigits INPN_MinimumNumberOfDigits 74 0x3b D3
MaximumNumberOf Digits INPN_MaximumNumberOf Digits 75 0x3c M3
EndOfReplyDigit INPN_EndOfReplyDigit 76 0x3d O3
CancelDigit INPN_CancelDigit 77 0x3e O3
StartDigit INPN_StartDigit 78 0x3f O3
FirstDigitTimeOut INPN_FirstDigitTimeOut 79 0x40 O3
InterDigitTimeOut INPN_InterDigitTimeOut 80 0x41 O3
Errortreatment INPN_Errortreatment 81 0x42 D3
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
INOP_ PromptAndCollectUserInformation
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InterDigitTimeOut INPN_InterDigitTimeOut 82 0x43 D3
InterruptableAndInd INPN_InterruptableAnnInd 83 0x44 D3
VoiceBack INPN_VoiceBack 84 0x45 D3
CS1+ Total_ElapsedTimeout INPN_CS1P_Total_ElapsedTimeout 4403 0x1133 O3
Ellipsis for CollectedDigits INPN_CS1P_CollectedDigits_Ellipsis 4430 0x114e A3
DisconnectFromIP Forbidden INPN_DisconnectFromIP Forbidden 59 0x3b D
InformationToSend O
InbandInfo C2
MessageID INPN_CS1P_MessageId 4402 0x1132 M3
NumberOfRepetitions INPN_NumberOfRepetitions 88 0x58 O3
Duration INPN_Duration 89 0x59 O3
Interval INPN_Interval 90 0x5a O3
Tone C2
ToneID INPN_ToneID 64 0x40 M3
Duration INPN_Duration 89 0x59 O3
DisplayInformation INPN_DisplayInformation 91 0x5b C2
CS1+ TextID INPN_CS1P_TextId 4429 0x114d C2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
B.13.31 SpecializedResourceReport
INOP_ SpecializedResourceReport
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
LinkedID INPN_LinkedID 2 0x02 O
CS1+ AnnouncementStarted INPN_CS1P_AnnouncementStarted 4426 0x114a O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.13.32 Cancel
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
Cancel_InvokeID INPN_Cancel_InvokeID 86 0x56 O
B.13.33 ActivityTest
INOP_ ActivityTest
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.14.1 AnalyzeRoute
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID AINPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ChargeNumber AINPN_ChargeNumber 6 0x6 O
CallingPartyID AINPN_CallingPartyID 7 0x7 O
ChargePartyStationType AINPN_ChargePartyStationType 8 0x8 O
CalledPartyID AINPN_CalledPartyID 3 0x3 O
OutpulseNumber AINPN_OutpulseNumber 50 0x32 O
Tcm AINPN_Tcm 13 0xd O
PrimaryTrunkGroup AINPN_PrimaryTrunkGroup 51 0x33 O
AlternateTrunkGroup AINPN_AlternateTrunkGroup 52 0x34 O
SecondAlternateTrunkGroup AINPN_SecondAlternateTrunkGroup 53 0x35 O
PassiveLegTreatment AINPN_PassiveLegTreatment 56 0x38 O
RedirectingPartyID AINPN_RedirectingPartyID 548 0x224 O
PrimaryBillingIndicator AINPN_PrimaryBillingInd 57 0x39 O
AlternateBillingIndicator AINPN_AlternateBillingInd 58 0x3a O
SecondAlternateBillingIndicator AINPN_SecondAlternateBillingInd 59 0x3b O
OverflowBillingIndicator AINPN_OverflowBillingInd 60 0x3c O
AMAAlternateBillingNumber AINPN_AMAAlternateBillingNumber 61 0x3d O
AMABusinessCustomerID AINPN_AMABusinessCustomerID 62 0x3e O
AMALineNumberList (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 1) O
AMALineNumber AINPN_AMALineNumber 69 to 70 0x45 to M2
AMAslpID AINPN_AMAslpID 63 0x3f O
AMADigitsDialedWCList (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 4) O
AMADigitsDialedWC AINPN_AMADigitsDialedWC 71 to 75 0x47 to M2
Amp1 AINPN_Amp1 15 0xf O
Amp2 O
SpcID AINPN_SpcID 32 0x20 C3
ISDNDeviceID AINPN_ISDNDeviceID 33 0x21 C3
AmpClogSeqNo AINPN_AmpClogSeqNo 34 0x22 O2
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
AmpCLogRepInd AINPN_AmpCLogRepInd 35 0x23 O2
AmpCallProgInd AINPN_AmpCallProgInd 36 0x24 O2
AmpTestReqInd AINPN_AmpTestReqInd 37 0x25 O2
AmpCLogName AINPN_AmpCLogName 38 0x26 O2
AmpSvcProvID AINPN_AmpSvcProvID 39 0x27 O2
ServiceProviderID O
Ocn AINPN_Ocn 553 0x229 C2
MsrID AINPN_MsrID 554 0x22a C2
ServiceContext AINPN_ServiceContext 64 0x40 O
AMABillingFeature AINPN_AMABillingFeature 65 0x41 O
AMASequenceNumber AINPN_AMASequenceNumber 18 0x12 O
RedirectionInformation AINPN_RedirectionInformation 549 0x225 O
CarrierUsage AINPN_CarrierUsage 66 0x42 O
ExtensionParameter O
GenericAddressList (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 4) O
GenericAddress AINPN_GenericAddress 40 to 44 0x28 to M2
NetworkSpecificFacilities AINPN_NetworkSpecificFacilities 19 0x13 O
CallingPartyBGID AINPN_CallingPartyBGID 546 0x222 O
ForwardCallIndicators AINPN_ForwardCallIndicators 550 226 O
AMAServiceProvider AINPN_AMAServiceProviderID 67 0x43 O
Prefix AINPN_Prefix 22 0x16 O
GenericDigitsList (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 4) O
GenericDigits AINPN_GenericDigits 45 to 49 0x2d to M2
ApplyRestrictions AINPN_ApplyRestrictions 68 0x44 O
DisplayText (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 14) O
DisplayInformation M2
Blank AINPN_Blank 76 to 90 0x4c to C3
Skip AINPN_Skip 91 to 105 0x5b to C3
Continuation AINPN_Continuation 106 to 0x6a to C3
120 0x78
CalledAddress AINPN_CalledAddress 121 to 0x79 to C3
135 0x87
Cause AINPN_Cause 136 to 0x88 to C3
150 0x96
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
ProgressInd AINPN_ProgressInd 151 to 0x97 to C3
165 0xa5
NotificationInd AINPN_NotificationInd 166 to 0xa6 to C3
180 0xb4
Prompt AINPN_Prompt 181 to 0xb5 to C3
195 0xc3
AccumulatedDigits AINPN_AccumulatedDigits 196 to 0xc4 to C3
210 0xd2
Status AINPN_Status 211 to 0xd3 to C3
225 0xe1
Inband AINPN_Inband 226 to 0xe2 to C3
240 0xf0
CallingAddress AINPN_CallingAddress 241 to 0xf1 to C3
255 0xff
Reason AINPN_Reason 256 to 100 to C3
270 0x10e
CallingPartyName AINPN_CallingPartyName 271 to 0x10f C3
285 to
CalledPartyName AINPN_CalledPartyName 286 to 0x11e C3
300 to x12c
OriginalCalledName AINPN_OrigCalledName 301 to 0x12d C3
315 to
RedirectingName AINPN_RedirectingName 316 to 0x13c C3
330 to
ConnectedName AINPN_ConnectedName 331 to 0x14b C3
345 to
OrigRestrictions AINPN_OrigRestrictions 346 to 0x15a C3
360 to
DateTimeOfDay AINPN_DateTimeOfDay 361 to 0x169 C3
375 to
CallAppearanceID AINPN_CallAppearanceID 376 to 0x178 C3
390 to
FeatureAddress AINPN_FeatureAddress 391 to 0x187 C3
405 to
RedirectionName AINPN_RedirectionName 406 to 0x196 C3
420 to
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
RedirectionNumber AINPN_RedirectionNumber 421 to 0x1a5 C3
435 to
RedirectingNumber AINPN_RedirectingNumber 436 to 0x1b4 C3
450 to
OriginalCalledNumber AINPN_OrigCalledNumber 451 to 0x1c3 C3
465 to
ConnectedNumber AINPN_ConnectedNumber 466 to 0x1d2 C3
480 to
Text AINPN_Text 481 to 0x1e1 C3
495 to
RedirectingReason AINPN_RedirectingReason 496 to 0x1f0 C3
510 to
GenericName AINPN_GenericName 551 0x227 O
B.14.2 InfoAnalyzed
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID AINPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
UserID M
Dn AINPN_Dn 26 0x1a C2
Spid AINPN_Spid 25 0x19 M3
Dn AINPN_Dn 26 0x1a M3
TrunkGroupID AINPN_TrunkGroupId 27 0x1b C2
PrivateFacilityGID AINPN_PrivateFacilityGID 28 0x1c C2
ADSIcpeID AINPN_ADSIcpeID 29 0x1d C2
Ssp AINPN_Ssp 30 0x1e C2
DialingPlan AINPN_DialingPlan 31 0x1f C2
BearerCapability AINPN_BearerCapability 545 0x221 M
CalledPartyID AINPN_CalledPartyID 3 0x3 O
Lata AINPN_Lata 4 0x4 O
TriggerCriteriaType AINPN_TriggerCritType 5 0x5 O
ChargeNumber AINPN_ChargeNumber 6 0x6 O
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
CallingPartyID AINPN_CallingPartyID 7 0x7 O
CallingPartyBGID AINPN_CallingPartyBGID 546 0x222 O
ChargePartyStationType AINPN_ChargePartyStationType 8 0x8 O
Carrier AINPN_Carrier 552 0x228 O
AccessCode AINPN_AccessCode 9 0x9 O
CollectedAddressInfo AINPN_CollectedAddressInfo 10 0xa O
VerticalServiceCode AINPN_VerticalServiceCode 12 0xc O
Tcm AINPN_Tcm 13 0xd O
OriginalCalledPartyID AINPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 547 0x223 O
RedirectingPartyID AINPN_RedirectingPartyID 548 0x224 O
RedirectionInformation AINPN_RedirectionInformation 549 0x225 O
ACGEncountered AINPN_ACGEncountered 14 0xe O
Amp1 AINPN_Amp1 15 0xf O
Amp2 O
SpcID AINPN_SpcID 32 0x20 C3
ISDNDeviceID AINPN_ISDNDeviceID 33 0x21 C3
AmpClogSeqNo AINPN_AmpClogSeqNo 34 0x22 O2
AmpCLogRepInd AINPN_AmpCLogRepInd 35 0x23 O2
AmpCallProgInd AINPN_AmpCallProgInd 36 0x24 O2
AmpTestReqInd AINPN_AmpTestReqInd 37 0x25 O2
AmpCLogName AINPN_AmpCLogName 38 0x26 O2
AmpSvcProvID AINPN_AmpSvcProvID 39 0x27 O2
Sap AINPN_Sap 16 0x10 O
STRConnection AINPN_STRConnection 17 0x11 O
AMASequenceNumber AINPN_AMASequenceNumber 18 0x12 O
ExtensionParameter O
GenericAddressList (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 4) O
GenericAddress AINPN_GenericAddress 40 0x28 M2
to to 0x2c
NetworkSpecificFacilities AINPN_NetworkSpecificFacilities 19 0x13 O
CTRConnection AINPN_CTRConnection 20 0x14 O
JurisdictionInformation AINPN_JurisdictionInformation 21 0x15 O
Prefix AINPN_Prefix 22 0x16 O
GenericDigitsList (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 4) O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
GenericDigits AINPN_GenericDigits 45 0x2d M2
to to 0x31
CallingGeodeticLocation AINPN_CallingGeodeticLocation 23 0x17 O
TriggerInformation AINPN_TriggerInformation 24 0x18 O
B.14.3 InfoCollected
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID AINPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
UserID M
Dn AINPN_Dn 26 0x1a C2
Spid AINPN_Spid 25 0x19 M3
Dn AINPN_Dn 26 0x1a M3
TrunkGroupID AINPN_TrunkGroupId 27 0x1b C2
PrivateFacilityGID AINPN_PrivateFacilityGID 28 0x1c C2
ADSIcpeID AINPN_ADSIcpeID 29 0x1d C2
Ssp AINPN_Ssp 30 0x1e C2
DiallingPlan AINPN_DiallingPlan 31 0x1f C2
BearerCapability AINPN_BearerCapability 545 0x221 M
ChargeNumber AINPN_ChargeNumber 6 0x6 O
Lata AINPN_Lata 4 0x4 O
TriggerCriteriaType AINPN_TriggerCritType 5 0x5 O
CallingPartyID AINPN_CallingPartyID 7 0x7 O
ChargePartyStationType AINPN_ChargePartyStationType 8 0x8 O
AccessCode AINPN_AccessCode 9 0x9 O
CollectedAddressInfo AINPN_CollectedAddressInfo 10 0xa O
VerticalServiceCode AINPN_VerticalServiceCode 12 0xc O
Tcm AINPN_Tcm 13 0xd O
OriginalCalledPartyID AINPN_OriginalCalledPartyID 547 0x223 O
RedirectingPartyID AINPN_RedirectingPartyID 548 0x224 O
RedirectionInformation AINPN_RedirectionInformation 549 0x225 O
ACGEncountered AINPN_ACGEncountered 14 0xe O
Amp1 AINPN_Amp1 15 0xf O
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
Amp2 O
SpcID AINPN_SpcID 32 0x20 C3
ISDNDeviceID AINPN_ISDNDeviceID 33 0x21 C3
AmpClogSeqNo AINPN_AmpClogSeqNo 34 0x22 O2
AmpCLogRepInd AINPN_AmpCLogRepInd 35 0x23 O2
AmpCallProgInd AINPN_AmpCallProgInd 36 0x24 O2
AmpTestReqInd AINPN_AmpTestReqInd 37 0x25 O2
AmpCLogName AINPN_AmpCLogName 38 0x26 O2
AmpSvcProvID AINPN_AmpSvcProvID 39 0x27 O2
Sap AINPN_Sap 16 0x10 O
GenericAddressList (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 4) O
GenericAddress AINPN_GenericAddress 40 0x28 M2
to 44 to 0x2c
AMASequenceNumber AINPN_AMASequenceNumber 18 0x12 O
ExtensionParameter O
Prefix AINPN_Prefix 22 0x16 O
GenericDigitsList (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 4) O
GenericDigits AINPN_GenericDigits 45 0x2d M2
to 49 to 0x31
CallingGeodeticLocation AINPN_CallingGeodeticLocation 23 0x17 O
TriggerInformation AINPN_TriggerInformation 24 0x18 O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.14.4 Disconnect
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID AINPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
PrimaryBillingIndicator AINPN_PrimaryBillingInd 57 0x39 O
AMAAlternateBillingNumber AINPN_AMAAlternateBillingNumber 61 0x3d O
AMABusinessCustomerID AINPN_AMABusinessCustomerID 62 0x3e O
AMALineNumberList (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 1) O
AMALineNumber AINPN_AMALineNumber 69 to 0x45 to M2
70 0x46
AMAslpID AINPN_AMAslpID 63 0x3f O
AMADigitsDialedWCList (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 4) O
AMADigitsDialedWC AINPN_AMADigitsDialedWC 71 to 0x47 to M2
75 0x4b
Amp1 AINPN_Amp1 15 0xf O
Amp2 O
SpcID AINPN_SpcID 32 0x20 C3
ISDNDeviceID AINPN_ISDNDeviceID 33 0x21 C3
AmpClogSeqNo AINPN_AmpClogSeqNo 34 0x22 O2
AmpCLogRepInd AINPN_AmpCLogRepInd 35 0x23 O2
AmpCallProgInd AINPN_AmpCallProgInd 36 0x24 O2
AmpTestReqInd AINPN_AmpTestReqInd 37 0x25 O2
AmpCLogName AINPN_AmpCLogName 38 0x26 O2
AmpSvcProvID AINPN_AmpSvcProvID 39 0x27 O2
ServiceProviderID O
Ocn AINPN_Ocn 553 0x229 C2
MsrID AINPN_MsrID 554 0x22a C2
ServiceContext AINPN_ServiceContext 64 0x40 O
AMABillingFeature AINPN_AMABillingFeature 65 0x41 O
AMASequenceNumber AINPN_AMASequenceNumber 18 0x12 O
ExtensionParameter O
AMAServiceProvider AINPN_AMAServiceProviderID 67 0x43 O
RTPReroutingNumber AINPN_RTPReroutingNumber 511 0x1ff O
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
B.14.5 SendToResource
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID AINPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ResourceType AINPN_ResourceType 515 0x203 M
StrParameterBlock M
AnnouncementBlock C2
UninterAnnounceBlock (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 9) O3
AnnounceElement AINPN_AnnounceElement0 524 to 0x20c to M4
533 0x215
InterAnnounceBlock (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 9) O3
AnnounceElement AINPN_AnnounceElement1 534 to 0x216 to M4
543 0x21f
AnnouncementDigitBlock C2
MaximumDigits AINPN_MaximumDigits 523 0x20b M3
UninterAnnounceBlock (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 9) O3
AnnounceElement AINPN_AnnounceElement0 524 to 0x20c to M4
533 0x215
InterAnnounceBlock (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 9) O3
AnnounceElement AINPN_AnnounceElement1 534 to 0x216 to M4
543 0x21f
FlexParameterBlock AINPN_FlexParameterBlk 522 0x20a C2
DisconnectFlag AINPN_DisconnectFlag 516 0x204 O
AnswerIndicator AINPN_AnswerIndicator 517 0x205 O
PrimaryBillingIndicator AINPN_PrimaryBillingInd 57 0x39 O
AMAAlternateBillingNumber AINPN_AMAAlternateBillingNumber 61 0x3d O
AMABusinessCustomerID AINPN_AMABusinessCustomerID 62 0x3e O
AMALineNumberList (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 1) O
AMALineNumber AINPN_AMALineNumber 69 to 0x45 to M2
70 0x46
AMAslpID AINPN_AMAslpID 63 0x3f O
AMADigitsDialedWCList (SEQUENCE, size = 0 to 4) O
AMADigitsDialedWC AINPN_AMADigitsDialedWC 71 to 0x47 to M2
75 0x4b
Amp1 AINPN_Amp1 15 0xf O
Amp2 O
SpcID AINPN_SpcID 32 0x20 C3
ISDNDeviceID AINPN_ISDNDeviceID 33 0x21 C3
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
AmpClogSeqNo AINPN_AmpClogSeqNo 34 0x22 O2
AmpCLogRepInd AINPN_AmpCLogRepInd 35 0x23 O2
AmpCallProgInd AINPN_AmpCallProgInd 36 0x24 O2
AmpTestReqInd AINPN_AmpTestReqInd 37 0x25 O2
AmpCLogName AINPN_AmpCLogName 38 0x26 O2
AmpSvcProvID AINPN_AmpSvcProvID 39 0x27 O2
DestinationAddress AINPN_DestinationAddress 512 0x200 O
DPConverter AINPN_DPConverter 513 0x201 O
AMAMeasure AINPN_AMAMeasure 514 0x202 O
ServiceProviderID O
Ocn AINPN_Ocn 553 229 C2
MsrID AINPN_MsrID 554 0x22a C2
ServiceContext AINPN_ServiceContext 64 0x40 O
AMABillingFeature AINPN_AMABillingFeature 65 0x41 O
AMASequenceNumber AINPN_AMASequenceNumber 18 0x12 O
ExtensionParameter O
AMAServiceProvider AINPN_AMAServiceProviderID 67 0x43 O
ExtendedRinging AINPN_ExtendedRinging 518 0x206 O
Carrier AINPN_Carrier 552 0x228 O
AlternateCarrier AINPN_AlternateCarrier 54 0x36 O
SecondAlternateCarrier AINPN_SecondAlternateCarrier 55 0x37 O
CarrierUsage AINPN_CarrierUsage 66 0x42 O
ChargeNumber AINPN_ChargeNumber 6 0x6 O
ChargePartyStationType AINPN_ChargePartyStationType 8 0x8 O
TSTRCTimer AINPN_TSTRCTimer 519 0x207 O
PartyID AINPN_PartyID 520 0x208 O
PartyOnHold AINPN_PartyOnHold 521 0x209 O
CalledPartyID AINPN_CalledPartyID 3 0x3 O
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B.14.6 ResourceClear
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID AINPN_InvokeID 1 0x01
ClearCause AINPN_ClearCause 631 0x277
CollectedDigits AINPN_CollectedDigits 11 0x0b
CollectedAddressInfo AINPN_CollectedAddressInfo 10 0x0a
Carrier AINPN_Carrier 552 0x228
FailureCause AINPN_FailureCause 632 0x278
Amp1 AINPN_Amp1 15 0x0f
SpcID AINPN_SpcID 32 0x20
ISDNDeviceID AINPN_ISDNDeviceID 33 0x21
AmpClogSeqNo AINPN_AmpClogSeqNo 34 0x22
AmpCLogRepInd AINPN_AmpCLogRepInd 35 0x23
AmpCallProgInd AINPN_AmpCallProgInd 36 0x24
AmpTestReqInd AINPN_AmpTestReqInd 37 0x25
AmpCLogName AINPN_AmpCLogName 38 0x26
AmpSvcProvID AINPN_AmpSvcProvID 39 0x27
AMATimeDuration AINPN_AMATimeDuration 637 0x27d
AMATimeGuard AINPN_AMATimeGuard 638 0x27e
ClearCauseData AINPN_ClearCauseData 634 0x27a
IPReturnBlock AINPN_IPReturnBlock 635 0x27b
B.14.7 SendNotification
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID AINPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
EchoData AINPN_EchoData 639 0x27f M
ExtensionParameter O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
B.14.8 TerminationAttempt
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID AINPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
UserID M
Dn AINPN_Dn 26 0x1a C2
Spid AINPN_Spid 25 0x19 M3
Dn AINPN_Dn 26 0x1a M3
TrunkGroupID AINPN_TrunkGroupID 27 0x1b C2
PrivateFacilityGID AINPN_ PrivateFacilityGID 28 0x1c C2
ADSIcpeID AINPN_ ADSIcpeID 29 0x1d C2
Ssp AINPN_Ssp 30 0x1e C2
DialingPlan AINPN_DialingPlan 31 0x1f C2
BearerCapability AINPN_BearerCapability 545 0x221 M
CalledPartyID AINPN_CalledPartyID 3 0x03 O
Lata AINPN_Lata 4 0x04 O
TriggerCriteriaType AINPN_ TriggerCriteriaType 5 0x05 O
CalledPartyStationType AINPN_ CalledPartyStationType 630 0x276 O
ChargeNumber AINPN_ ChargeNumber 6 0x06 O
CallingPartyID AINPN_ CallingPartyID 7 0x07 O
ChargePartyStationType AINPN_ ChargePartyStationType 8 0x08 O
Tcm AINPN_Tcm 13 0x0d O
OriginalCalledPartyID AINPN_ OriginalCalledPartyID 547 0x223 O
RedirectingPartyID AINPN_ RedirectingPartyID 548 0x224 O
RedirectionInformation AINPN_ RedirectionInformation 549 0x225 O
GenericName AINPN_ GenericName 551 0x227 O
ACGEncountered AINPN_ ACGEncountered 14 0x0e O
Amp1 AINPN_Amp1 15 0x0f O
Amp2 O
SpcID AINPN_SpcID 32 0x20 C3
ISDNDeviceID AINPN_ISDNDeviceID 33 0x21 C3
AmpClogSeqNo AINPN_AmpClogSeqNo 34 0x22 O2
AmpCLogRepInd AINPN_AmpCLogRepInd 35 0x23 O2
AmpCallProgInd AINPN_AmpCallProgInd 36 0x24 O2
AmpTestReqInd AINPN_AmpTestReqInd 37 0x25 O2
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Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
AmpCLogName AINPN_AmpCLogName 38 0x26 O2
AmpSvcProvID AINPN_AmpSvcProvID 39 0x27 O2
Sap AINPN_Sap 16 0x10 O
STRConnection AINPN_ STRConnection 17 0x11 O
AMASequenceNumber AINPN_ AMASequenceNumber 18 0x12 O
ExtensionParameter O
CTRConnection AINPN_ CTRConnection 20 0x14 O
RTPServiceIndicator AINPN_ RTPServiceIndicator 636 0x27c O
GenericAddressList (SEQUENCE, size 0 to 4) O
GenericAddress AINPN_GenericAddress 40 to 44 0x28 to 0x2c M2
GenericDigitList (SEQUENCE, size 0 to 4) O
GenericDigits AINPN_GenericDigits 45 to 49 0x2d to 0x31 M2
TriggerInformation AINPN_ TriggerInformation 24 0x18 O
CallingGeodeticLocation AINPN_ CallingGeodeticLocation 23 0x17 O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
When formatting or recovering extension types, integer tags are usually used.
INPN_Extension_Type_parameters should be used in those cases.
In some cases, an objectIdentifier tag may be used as an alternative to the
integer tag when formatting or recovering extension types.
INPN_Extension_Type_ObjId parameter should then be used.
Extension Support 2 is used exclusively by CAP V3 in the ApplyCharging
operation. Apart from the parameter values, the operation is the same as
Extension Support above.
Extension Support 2
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
Extensions (SEQUENCE, n = 0 to 15) O
RequestedInformationType INPN_Extension_Type2(n) 2700 to 0xa8c to M
n=0 to 15 2715 0xa9b
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5 Non-Primitive Interface
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5 Non-Primitive Interface
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The AIN services also use the Extension Parameters defined for the INAP
services. The same parameter names and values are used, e.g.
INPN_Extension_Type (560-575). See Section B.15.
5 Non-Primitive Interface
The following table lists additional BCSM Event Codes used by CS1+ Protocol
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Note: Not all of the protocols supported include all of these operations.
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
DigitsResponse INPN_DigitsResponse 47 0x2f M
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ReceivedStatus INPN_ReceivedStatus 631 0x277 M
RecordedMessageID INPN_RecordedMessageID 632 0x278 O
RecordedMessageUnits INPN_RecordedMessageUnits 633 0x279 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Received Information (size = 1 to 16) M
IA5String INPN_IA5String(n) 1261 to 0x4ed to O2
(n = 0 to 15) 1276 0x4fc
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ActionPerformed INPN_ActionPerformed 948 0x3b4 O
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
NewCallSegment Association INPN_NewCallSegment Association 935 0x3a7 M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
BearerCapabilities (Bitstring) INPN_Bits_BearerCapabilities 1286 0x506 O
HighLayerCompatiblities INPN_Bits_HighLayer Compatiblities 1287 0x507 O
SupplimentaryServices INPN_SupplimentaryServices 1277 0x4fd O
SecurityParameters O
CertificationPath INPN_CertificationPath 1294 0x50e O2
DistinguishedName INPN_DistinguishedName 1295 0x50f O2
UTCTime INPN_UTCTime 1296 0x510 O2
Random INPN_Random 1297 0x511 O2
Target INPN_Target 1298 0x512 O2
Response INPN_Response 1299 0x513 O2
OperationCod INPN_OperationCode 1300 0x514 O2
AttributeCertificationPath INPN_AttributeCertificationPath 1301 0x515 O2
ErrorProtection INPN_ErrorProtection 1302 0x516 O2
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Ellipsis INPN_Ellipsis 112 0x70 A
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
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Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID AINPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
ExtensionParameter (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Extensions (see Appendix B.15 Operation Extensions on page 282) O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Note: The "provider error" error indicates an error at the INAP - TCAP level. It may not
be sent by the User Application. It may be received in response to any operation
invoked by the user.
A CS1+ protocol Error (some of these error codes share a value with a standard ETSI error code)
Dialogic® DSI Protocol Stacks INAP Programmer's Manual Issue 15
5 Non-Primitive Interface
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
CancelFailed_Problem INPN_CancelFailed_Problem 42 0x2a M
CancelFailed_Operation INPN_CancelFailed_Operation 43 0x2b M
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
RequestedInfoError INPN_RequestedInfoError 44 0x2c M
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ImproperCallerResponse INPN_CS1P_ImproperCallerResponse 4440 0x1158 O
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
SystemFailure INPN_SystemFailure 45 0x2d M
This Error parameter is mandatory for CS1+ protocol.
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Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
TaskRefused INPN_TaskRefused 46 0x2e M
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
Provider Error INPN_provider_error 50 0x32 M
Parameter Mnemonic Value Value
(dec) (hex)
InvokeID INPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
OperationReturnId INPN_CS1P_OperationReturnId 4439 0x1157 M
The "Provider Error" error indicates an error in the INAP - TCAP layers. The contents of the associated Provider Error
parameter are specified in Section 3.9 INAP Service Primitive Parameters on page 29.
For correct CS1+ operation, the INPN_CS1P_OperationReturnId parameter should be defined as the binary octet string,
{ 0x01, 0x00, 0x01 }
5 Non-Primitive Interface
The following tables show the format for AIN Error reporting.
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID AINPN_InvokeID 1 0x01 M
FailureCause AINPN_FailureCause 632 0x278 M
FailureCauseData AINPN_FailureCauseData 633 0x279 O
ExtensionParameter O
Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
InvokeID AINPN_InvokeID 1 0x1 M
ApplicationErrorString M
ErrorCause AINPN_ErrorCause 556 0x22c M2
FailedMessage O
opCode AINPN_OperationCode 2 0x2 M2
parameter AINPN_Parameter 555 0x22b O2
invParams AINPN_InvParms 557 0x22d O2
UserID O
Dn AINPN_Dn 26 0x1a C2
Spid AINPN_Spid 25 0x19 M3
Dn AINPN_Dn 26 0x1a M3
TrunkGroupID AINPN_TrunkGroupId 27 0x1b C2
PrivateFacilityGID AINPN_PrivateFacilityGID 28 0x1c C2
ADSIcpeID AINPN_ADSIcpeID 29 0x1d C2
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Parameter Mnemonic Value
dec hex
Ssp AINPN_Ssp 30 0x1e C2
DiallingPlan AINPN_DiallingPlan 31 0x1f C2
ExtensionParameter O
5 Non-Primitive Interface
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Note: For more information on the MSG message structure, see Appendix A of the
Software Environment Programmer’s Manual.