SAP SD - Quick Guide

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6/25/23, 5:24 AM SAP SD - Quick Guide

SAP SD - Quick Guide

SAP SD - Introduction
SAP Sales and Distribution is one of the key components of SAP ERP system and is used to
manage shipping, billing, selling and transportation of products and services in an organization.

SAP Sales and Distribution module is a part of SAP Logistics module that manages customer
relationship starting from raising a quotation to sales order and billing of the product or service.
This module is closely integrated with other modules like SAP Material Management and PP.

Key Components in SAP SD

The key components in SAP Sales and Distribution module are −

Customer and Vendor Master Data

Sales Support
Shipping of Material
Sales Activities
Billing related
Transportation of products
Credit Management
Contract Handling and Management
Foreign Trade
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SAP Sales and Distribution Cycle

SAP SD - Organizational Structure

SAP provides many components to complete SAP Sales and Distribution organizational
structure like Sales Areas, Distribution Channels, Divisions, etc. The SAP SD organization
structure majorly consists of two steps −

Creation of Organization elements in SAP system, and

second is to link each element as per requirement.

On top of this organization structure in the SD module, sales organization is at highest level and
is responsible for distribution of goods and services. SAP recommends to keep the number of
sales organization in an organizational structure to be minimum. This will help in making the
reporting process easy and ideally it should have a single sales organization.

The next level is distribution channel, which tells the medium by which the products and
services are distributed by an organization to its end users. Division in an organizational
structure, which represents a product or service line in a single organization.

A sales area is known as entity, which is required to process an order in a company. It comprises
of sales organization, distribution channel and a division.

In SAP SD organizational structure, each sales organization is assigned to a company code.

Then the distribution channel and divisions are assigned to sales organization and all of these
comprise to make a sales area.

In the first step of an SD organizational structure, sales organization is assigned to a company

code and then is to define a distribution channel and then division to a sales organization. 2/104
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The following diagram shows the organizational structure of a Sales and Distribution module −

Material management
Material Management is one of the key modules in SAP ERP System and covers the day to day
business operations related to inventory and procurement. This module is closely integrated
with other modules of R/3 systems like Finance Accounting and Controlling, Sales and
Distribution, Quality Management, Product Planning.

Integration with Sales and Distribution SD Module

Consider an example of creating a sales order in SAP SD, it involves copying the details of items
from Material Management. Availability check of the item and price details are also taken from
MM, but this can be controlled in the SD module. To create inbound and outbound delivery of
goods for a sales order, shipping details, loading point etc. also comes from the Material Master.

The item that is placed using a Sales order must be extended to the sales area of an
organization to sales order/customer, otherwise it won’t be possible to transact with this
material. This confirms that there is a link between SAP SD and MM module, when a sales
order is created and fulfilled. Similarly, there are many other links between two modules.

Finance and Accounting

SAP FI stands for Financial Accounting and it is one of the important modules of SAP ERP. It is
used to store the financial data of an organization. SAP FI helps to analyze the financial
condition of a company in the market. It can integrate with other SAP modules like SD, PP, SAP
MM, SAP SCM etc.

For SAP FI-MM, use T-code: OBYC 3/104
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In case of a standard sales order, you create an outbound goods delivery to the customer. Here
movement 601 takes place. This movement is configured in MM and movement of goods hit
some G/L account in FI. This shows the integration between SAP SD, FI and MM module.

Document Flow
This shows how a transaction in one system effects the details in other systems of an SAP

Consider the following transaction −

For SAP FI-MM, use T-code: OBYC

Whenever there is a delivery created with reference to a sales order, goods movement takes
place in the system. 4/104
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In case of a standard sales order in the SD module, you create an outbound goods delivery to
the customer. Availability check and retail price of that product is checked in the MM module.
Here, movement 601 takes place. This movement is configured in the MM and movement of
goods hit some G/L account in FI. Every such movement of goods hits General Ledger account in

The accounts posting in FI is done with reference to the billing documents like credit and debit
note, invoice etc. created in SD and hence this is the link between SD and FI. This shows the
document flow between different modules.

Process Chain
SD module is closely integrated with other SAP modules. The following tables will give you a
brief idea on how SD is linked with other modules − 5/104
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Sales Order
Link Points Module Involved

Availability Check MM

Credit Check FI

Costing CO/MM

Tax Determination FI

Transfer of Requirements PP/MM

Integration Point Module

Debit A/R FI/CO

Credit Revenue FI/CO

Updates G/l (Tax,discounts,surcharges,etc) FI/CO

Milestone Billing PS

Goods Delivery and Issue of goods

Integration Module

Availability Check MM

Credit Check FI

Reduces Stock MM

Reduces Inventory FI/CO

Reduces Eliminated PP/MM

SAP SD - Customer & Material Master Data

Master data is one of the key factors in Sales and Distribution module. There are two levels of
masters in SD.

The first level master includes −

Customer Master
Material Master
Pricing Conditions 6/104
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While, the second level master is −

Output condition

Create a Customer Master Record

The customer master data contains the information about business transaction and how
transactions are recorded and executed by the system. A Master contains the information about
the customers that an organization uses to do business with them.

Key tables in Customer Master

Table Name Key Description

KNA1 KUNNR General Information





VCKUN CCINS,CCNUM,KUNNR Credit Card Assignment

KNVK PARNR Contact Person

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Main Transaction Codes in a Customer Master

S.No Transaction Codes & Description

XD01, XD02, XD03

Used to create/change/display customer centrally


Used to create/change/display customer sales area


Used to create/change/display customer company code


Display change documents


Used to block Customer − Global, order, delivery, billing, sales area, etc.


Used for deletion


Change Account Group


Create Contact Person

Creating a Customer Master Data

To create a customer master data, you need to use an Account group.

T-Code: XD01/VD01/FD01

Note that if you use − 8/104
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XD01 − This Includes sales area in the customer master and data is stored in tables KNA1,
KNB1 and KNVV.
VD01 − This includes sales area & data, which will be stored in tables KNA1, KNB1 and
KNVV and there is no company code data in this.

FD01 − This is company code level & data is stored in tables KNA1 and KNB1.

Then a new window will open. Enter the following details −

Select the Account Group from the list.

Enter the customer number and select the company code.

Then you can enter the Sales Area details like −

Sales Organization
Distribution Channel

In case you want to take reference from an existing customer to create customer master, you
can use the reference option.

Once all the details are selected, click the Tick mark. 9/104
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A new window will open to enter the customer master data. This customer master data has 3
key sections −

General Data like Title, Name, Address, etc.

Company Code Data and
Sales Area Data.

Note that this region fields define the tax calculation like VAT, CST, etc. The next step is to go to
Control Data and enter the following details. 10/104
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Then you have to enter the particulars in Payment Transaction tab and enter the details of –
Bank City, Bank Key, Bank Account and Account Holder Name. You can also add more details by
clicking on the Bank data button.

The next step is to go to the Sales Area data and enter the details – Shipping Data, Customer
Pricing and Partner Functions, etc. 11/104
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Next is to click on the Save icon at the top and you will get a confirmation that the customer has
been created with #.

If you have to make any further changes to the customer’s master data, you can use T-Code:

SAP SD - Create Partner Function

Partner function allows you to identify which functions a partner has to perform in any business
process. Consider a simplest case, where all the customer functions are performed by the
partner customer. As these are mandatory functions, they have to be defined as obligatory
functions in a SD system.

These functions are categorized as per partner type in Sales and Distribution system. The below
partner types are Customer, Vendor, Personnel, Contact Person and common partner functions
as per these partner types are −

Partner Type Customer

Ship-To –Party

Partner Type Contact Person

Partner Type Vendor
Forwarding Agent
Partner Type Personnel
Employee Responsible
Sales Personnel

The following tables show the main partner types and their corresponding partner function in
Sales and Distribution −

Note that if a partner belongs to a different partner type, in this case you need to create a
master records for that partner. 12/104
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Partner Type Partner Function Entry from System Master Record

Customer(CU) Customer number customer master

Sold-to Party(SP)
Ship-to Party(SH)

Bill-to Party(BP)


Vendor(V) Forwarding agent(fwdg Vendor number Vendor master record


responsible(ER) Personnel master
Personnel number
Sales Personnel(SP)

Contact Contact Person(CP) Contact Partner number (created in customer

Person(CP) master record,no
master record of its

Creating a Partner Function

Use T-Code: VOPAN

A new window will open. Select the Partner Object and click the Change button. 13/104
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It will open a new window with the name Partner Determination Procedures. Go to New

Enter the name and partner determination procedure and double click on Partner Function in
left pane.

Click the New Entries button. 14/104
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Enter the Partner function details − Name, Type, etc. KU- stands for Customer.

Next is to click on the Partner Function under Partner Determination Procedure node and enter
the details Partner Det. Procedure, Name, Partner Function.

Then, we need to assign this partner determination procedure to the Partner Object. The
Partner Object would be a Customer for this example. Then Click on Account Groups and Select
the Account group name from the list. Once it is done, Click Save, it will save the partner

SAP SD - Create Material Stock

Suppose you have implemented SAP in your company and now you want to put all your stocks
in the SD system. For this, use T-Code: MB1C Movement Type: 561 this is for Good receipts
without reference.

Movement Type: 501 − this is used for receiving goods with a Purchase Order. 15/104
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A new window will open. Enter the document date, Plant and storage location, Movement type,

Select the Movement type from the list and Press Enter after selecting all the details.

A new window will open. Enter the material code and quantity for which stock needs to be
created and then click Save. 16/104
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A message “Document 300045646 posted” will be displayed.

SAP SD - Create MM for Sales View

A Material Master is created in SAP SD system by the material department. Once it is created,
the person who manages sales related material has to extend sales views.

Use T-Code: MM01 to create material master for different views. To check the changes, use T-
Code: MM04

A new window will open. Enter the Industry Sector and Material Type. Click Select View(s). 17/104
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Select Sales Org Data 1, Sales Org Data 2, Sales: General/Plant Data and click the Green tick
mark below. 18/104
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Then a new window will open. Enter the Plant, Sales Organization and Distribution Channel for
which the material is to be extended. Repeated entries have to be made for various materials
with the above selections.

A new window will open, then you can enter the following details −

Material Details
Base unit of Measure
Material Group
Tax 19/104
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Then, go to Sales Org 2 tab. This information is required for analysis.

Material Statistics Group − Value should be ‘1’ always. Value in this field with Customer
Statistical Group maintained in customer master will update the information system.

Gen Item Category Group and Item Category Group − Generally for Finished Products
value NORM will default in both the fields. 20/104
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Go to Sales − General/Plant tab. Enter the value of Availability check, Transport group and
loading group, SerialNoProfile (managed if base unit of measure is discrete, not required here)
and Press Enter → Yes 21/104
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You will get a confirmation message.

SAP SD - Customer Account Groups

There are different types of customer account groups that can be created.

Group Name

X001 Domestic Customers

X002 Export Customers

X003 One Time Customers 22/104
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How to create a Customer Account Group?

Go to SPRO → SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → AR and AP → Customer
Accounts → Master Data → Preparations for creating customer master data → Define Account
Groups with screen layout (Customers) → Execute

A new window will open → click New entries.

Then again a new window will open. Enter the following details in it.

Customer Account Group − Enter a 4-digit account group.

Name − Enter a name under the General data field.

Field Status − Click on the Company code data. 23/104
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Once you select the field status, a new window will open. Then, select Account Management
from the selected group and the click Reconciliation account ‘Req. Entry’

Once this is done, click Save to save this configuration. Similarly, you can also create X002,
X003 for other customers. 24/104
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SAP SD - Pre-Sales Activities

All Sales activities in this SAP SD system can be divided into presales and post sales activities.
Pre-sales activities are classified as activities that take place before a product is sold to the
customer. In contrast, post-sales activities are those that take place after a product is sold.

There are two types of pre-sales activities in Sales and Distribution −

Inquiries are the inquiries received from customers like, if a product is available, costing of
product, delivery of a product, etc.

Different T-Codes
VA11 − Create Inquiry Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Inquiry → Create.

VA12 − Change Inquiry

VA13 − Display/Search Inquiry

A quotation is a legal document to the customer for delivery of goods and services.

Different T-Codes
VA21 − Create Quotation

VA22 − Change Quotation

VA23 − Display/Search Quotation

In this chapter, we will see how to create inquiries in SAP SD.

Create Inquiries
An Inquiry is not a legal document and is used to record the information about delivery or
services from customers. The information that is captured using an inquiry is related to
materials and quality of goods.

Menu Path: Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Inquiry → Create T-Code: VA11

When you run this T-code, you need to fill the below information to create an inquiry. 25/104
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Field Data

Inquiry type ZEC 1 (IECPP inquiry)

Sales organization 4000

Distribution channel 40

Division 00

Enter Inquiry Type as IN and Organizational Data as below and then click Sales.

The Sales Office is an optional entry, which helps in reporting. Then a new window will open.
Enter Partner Function (Sold-To-Party/Ship-To-Party). Enter the material code and quantity and
then Click Save. 26/104
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A Message − Inquiry 10000037 has been saved will be displayed.

SAP SD - Create Quotations

A quotation is a legal document to the customer for delivery of goods and services. This is
normally issued after an inquiry from the customer or without an inquiry.

SAP R/3 Menu − Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Quotation → Create T-Code:
VA21 27/104
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Enter the Quotation Type, then you can enter the Sales Organization, Distribution Channel,
Division and then click Create with Reference.

A new window will open, then enter the Inquiry number and click Copy. It will fetch all the
details from that Inquiry document.

Then another new window will open. Enter the following details −

Enter Partner Function, Sold-To-Party, Ship-To-Party

Enter Purchase Order #
Enter Valid from and Valid to Date
Enter Quantity of material 28/104
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After this, click save. A Message will be displayed “Quotation 40000047 has been saved.”

SAP SD - Sales Support

Sales support is one of the key components in Sales and Distribution module. It is also called
computer Aided Selling, SD-CAS. This module helps organizations to create new sales, tracking
of existing sales, and performance as well, which eventually helps in improving the marketing
and sales of an organization.

This SAP SD Sales support module provides an option of creating an email list of the customers
and directly sending mails for new leads. The sales support stores all the data pertaining to the
sales and distribution related to customers, products, materials, competitor products, etc.

SAP Sales Support Tables

VBKA 29/104
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SAP Sales Support Transaction Codes


SAP SD - Sales Order Processing

There are various modules which are helpful in creating, processing, as well as controlling the
sales and distribution operations. These include −

Sales Order Processing

Creation of Sales Order with Reference
Item Categories
Schedule Lines Categories
Copy Control
Log of Incomplete Items

In this chapter, we will discuss how to process sales orders in SAP SD.

Sales Order Processing

Sales order processing describes a function related to the wholesale part of an organizational

The most common functions under the sales order processing are −

Availability of the articles purchased.

Checking for incomplete data.
Checking the status of the sales transaction.
Calculation of pricing and taxes.
Schedule the deliveries of goods.
Printing of documents or e-transfer of documents.

All these functions can be configured automatically or manually as per the system
configuration. The data from these functions is stored in a sales document and can be changed 30/104
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manually during the processing. A sales document can be a single document or can be part of a
series consisting of interrelated documents.

There is a customer telephone inquiry in the system. Then the customer requests a quotation,
which can be created by referring to the same inquiry. Next, assume that the customer places
an order on the basis of that quotation and a sales order is created by copying the information
from this quotation and if at all there are any modifications that are required. The merchandise
is then shipped and the bill is sent to this customer. After the delivery of goods, this customer
raises a claim of damaged articles. Then a delivery can be created free of charge with reference
to the sales order.

All these sales documents − starting with the inquiry, quotation, raising a sales order, delivery
of goods, billing document to customer and the free of charge delivery forms a document flow.
The data flow from one document to another removes or decreases the practice of manual
processing and helps in simpler problem resolution.

SAP SD - Creation of Sales Order

A Sales order is a request made by a customer to the company for delivery of some defined
quantity of goods or a service in a specific time period.

The Structure of a Sales Order

An inquiry from a customer consists of one or more items that contains the quantity of a
material or service entered in the order. The quantity in a sales order is further divided into
business lines and comprises of various subsets and delivering dates. The items mentioned in
the Sales order are combined in a hierarchy and allows to differentiate between batches or to
use combinations of materials. All the valid conditions on these items are mentioned in item
conditions. These conditions for an item can be derived via a full condition and can be valid for
the entire sales order.

You can divide an item to multiple billing plan deadlines and each of them will tell you the time,
when a fixed amount of the item is to be billed.

VA02 − Edit a Sales Order.

VA03 − Display a Sales Order.

T-Code − VA01 Create a Sales Order 31/104
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A new window will open, then you can enter the below details −

Enter the Order Type, below order types are available. Enter the sales organization, distribution
channel and division. You can also click on Create with Reference option to open a Sales order
with reference to an inquiry or even a quotation.

CR Credit Memo

GK Master Contact

KA Consignment Pick-up

KB Consignment fill-up

KE Consignment issue

FD Delivery free of charge

CQ Quantity contract

SD Subsequent Del. Free of charge

KR Consignment returns

DR Debit memo request

PV Item Proposal

RE Returns

RK Invoice correction request

RZ Returns scheduling agreement

SO Rush order

OR Standard Order 32/104
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Once you click on Create with Reference, a new window will open. Enter the Quotation number
and click on Copy.

It will open a new window. Enter the following details −

Enter Ship-To-Party, Purchase Order and Date.

Enter the Required Delivery Date.
Enter the item details. 33/104
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In VA01, it allows you to enter header data and item data. Then to enter Header data, click on
Goto Tab → Header and select header data. The next step is to click on the Goto tab → Item →
select item data and once done click on OK.

After this you can click on the save icon at the top. You will get a confirmation message −

SAP SD - Defining a Sales Document

There are different types of sales documents that can be defined in a SAP system. These
include −

Credit Memo
Debit Memo
Standard Order
Delivery Returns, etc.

To define a Sales Document − Enter T-Code: VOV8 or SPRO → IMG → Sales and Distribution →
Sales → Sales Document → Sales Document Header → Define Sales Document Type. 34/104
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A new window will open, go to New entries.

Then you can enter the mandatory fields in this new window. 35/104
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Click the save icon at the top.

SAP SD - Item Categories

An item category is used to define if an item is suitable for billing or pricing. It defines the
additional control functions for a sales document.

Example − A standard item function is totally different from the function of a free of charge item
or a text item.

As per the sales document type, you can define different types of item categories. If required,
you can also modify the existing item categories or can also define new item categories. An item
category can be defined on the basis of the following questions −

General Data Control Elements

An item refers to a material or a text item?
Whether pricing has to be carried out for an item?

Are schedule lines allowed for an item? 37/104
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When the item has to be considered as completed?

If an item cannot be fully delivered, a message will appear in the system or not?
Which partner functions are allowed for an item?

Which output is allowed for business transactions?

Shipping Data Control Elements

Is the volume and weight of an item determined?
Whether this Item is relevant for a delivery or not?

Billing Data Control Elements

Is the item suitable for billing?
Should the cost of this item be determined?

Is it a return item?

Whether it is a statistical item?

Categorization Description of an Item

TAN Standard Item

TAB Individual Purchase Order

TAS Third Party Item

TAD Service

TANN Free of charge item

TATX Text item

AFX Inquiry item

AGX Quotation item

To create an Item − T-Code: VOV4 38/104
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The list of all existing items will be displayed. Then you can click on New Entries to create a
new item.

A new window will now open, then you can enter the below details −

Sales Document Type → Item → Item Category (This will be default as per the Sales
Document Type. You can change it with a manual item category.) → Manual item category (You
can use manual item category in place of default item category) 39/104
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Once all the details are mentioned, click on the save icon.

SAP SD - Schedule Lines Categories

In a sales document, items are divided into one or more schedule lines. These lines vary as per
the date and quantity. You can define multiple control elements for these schedule lines. Items
with schedule lines are only copied to the SAP system. These schedule lines contain important
information like delivery dates and quantity, available inventory, etc.

You can define different schedule line categories as per the sales document type and item
category. The various control elements related to general data and shipping data are used for
categorizing schedule lines. You can also define new schedule lines and the system
administrator manages data related to control elements.

General Data Control Elements

If an availability check is carried out in system?
Is it a schedule line for a return item?
Whether a customer request is posted to purchase department?

Shipping Data Control Elements

If a delivery block is set automatically for a defined schedule line?
Is the schedule line relevant for delivery?

The categorization of schedule line majorly varies as per the item category of a corresponding
item and the material requirement planning MRP. This is defined in the material master record.
The categories for a schedule line are defined automatically as per their values in the 40/104
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corresponding table. In case if it is required, you can do some manual changes to the values in
the sales document, but can’t change all the values.

How to Define Schedule Line Categories?

It can be defined in the following ways −

You can copy an existing schedule line category and make changes as per the requirement.
Changes can be made to the existing schedule line category.

Creation of a new schedule line category.

Schedule Line Categories in different sales document

Inquiry −

No delivery of an item.
No availability check.
Information purpose.

Quotation −

No Delivery.
No Movement.

Order −

Schedule line is suitable for delivery.

Movement Type 601.

Return −

Schedule line is suitable for delivery.

Movement Type 651.

Defining a Schedule line Category −

T-Code: VOV6 41/104
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A new window will open, then you can click on New Entries.

Once the details are entered, then click on the save icon at the top. 42/104
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SAP SD - Copy Control

Copy Control is defined as a process in which important transactions in a sales document are
copied from one document to other. It consists of routines, which determine the system on how
the data is to be copied from a source document to a target document. A SAP system contains a
number of these routines and you can also create additional routines to meet the business
requirements. To create a new routine, you can use an existing sales document as a reference.

How to find Copy Controls in SAP system?

These controls are created and configured under IMG and can be found at the following menu
path −

SPRO → IMG → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Maintain copy control for sales

SPRO → IMG → Sales and Distribution → Shipping → Specify copy control for deliveries.

SPRO → IMG → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Documents → Maintain copy
control for billing.

You can also use the following T-Codes to find copy controls in a system −

VTAA − This control is used for copying from sales order to sales order

VTLA − This control is used control for copying from sales order to delivery

VTFL − This control is used control for copying from delivery to billing doc
VTFF − This control is used control for copying from billing doc to billing doc

VTAF − This control is used control for copying from billing doc to sales order
VTFA − This control is used control for copying from sales order to billing doc

How Copy Controls work in SAP system?

You can setup Copy controls in a system at three different levels in a Sales Order −

Header level. 43/104
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Item level.

Schedule line level (Only relevant, when you copy from a sales order to sales order or from
billing doc to sales order).

The Header Copy Control routine is required when you copy data from header of a source
document to the header of a target document.

T-Code: VTLA to check copy control between sales order and delivery.

You can check the source of a routing by selecting the routine and press F4. To open it in the
ABAP editor, you can press F5. Copy controls for an item can be checked by a double click on
the item folder and choosing an item category and then clicking on the Display view item
overview screen. You can then use the F1 key to find out how each routine is employed. The
target documents will be assigned an updated reference status in the copied item.

The following types of status can be possible for an item −

Not relevant − it tells if an item is not relevant for copying.

Not referenced − it tells an item has not been copied.

Partially referenced − it tells if an item quantity is fully copied.

Fully referenced − It tells if an entire item quantity has been copied or not and an item
cannot be referenced further.

You can also display reference status for a copy control −

Select the Header → Status for the status of the entire document. This field is used − Field

Select an Item → To find the status of the line item. This field is used − VBUP-RFSTA. 44/104
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SAP SD - Log of INComplete Items

You can also define a sales activity or a sales document as incomplete. How the system behaves
when you create such document in system is shown below.

The following entries can be made to the system for incomplete data −

Header Data of a Sales document

Item Data of a Sales Document
Schedule Line Data of Sales Document
Sales Activity Data
Partner Data
Delivery Header Data
Delivery Item Data

Use T-Code: OVA2 or the below menu path to display the incomplete group −

SPRO → IMG → Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → log of incomplete item → Define
Incompleteness Procedure → Execute

A new window will now open and you can check the list of this incomplete group. 45/104
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To assign incompletion procedures to each document type. You can use T-Code: VUA2 or SPRO
→ IMG → Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → log of incomplete item → Assign
Incompleteness procedure.

Then a new window will open. Please select Assign procedures to Sales Document Type. 46/104
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You can now view document configuration using a VOV8, but it can only be changed here. If you
don’t want to populate a procedure cos of an incomplete field, you can select IC check box. 47/104
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Important T-Codes to be used for this

OVA2 − To define incompletion procedure.
VUA4 − To assign incompletion procedure to delivery type.

VUPA − To assign incompletion procedure to Partner functions.

VUC2 − To assign incompletion procedure to Sales Activities.

OVA0 − To define Status groups.

VUA2 − To assign incompletion procedure to Sales Document Header.

V.02 − Execute to get a checklist of incomplete sales orders.

VUA2 − To set a warning or error message on document save.

VUP2 − To assign incompletion procedure to Sales item category.

VUE2 − To assign incompletion procedure to Schedule line category.

Key tables to check Incompletion Logs

VBUV − Incompletion log - Sales documents

VBUK − Header incompletion

TVUVG − Groups

V50UC − Incompletion log − Deliveries

V50UC_USER − Incompletion log − Deliveries − Enhancements

TVUV − Procedures

TVUVF − Fields

TVUVS − Status groups

VBUP − Item incompletion

TVUVFC − Fcodes

FMII1 − Funds Management Account Assignment Data

SAP SD - Pricing
Pricing in Sales and Distribution is used to define the calculation of prices for external vendors
or customers and cost. This condition is defined as a set of conditions when a price is calculated. 48/104
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Consider a case when customer orders specific quantity of a product on a particular day. Various
factors like customer, product, order quantity and date tells the final price to that customer. This
information is stored in the system as master data in the form of condition records.

There are various pricing elements like prices, surcharges, discounts, and taxes, which are
defined in SAP system as condition types. To manage pricing information for a pricing element
in a system, you have to create condition records.

Manual Pricing
While processing a sales order, you can also manipulate the pricing at the item as well as the
header level. Manual processing of a price screen is dependent on individual condition types.
During a Sales Order processing using manual processing for a condition type, you can perform
the below activities −

Deleting the pricing element.

Changing a condition amount.
Entering additional pricing elements.

How to add Pricing elements manually?

If you want to add customer discount manually in the pricing screen of a sales order, click on
Add line. In Data screen, you can enter additional conditions like – customer discount in the
condition type field. Enter a percentage range and then press ENTER. You can also delete
pricing elements in item pricing and header screens. To do this, select the particular condition by
positioning the cursor and click on delete line.

Note that all header conditions defined at header level cannot be changed at the item level, and
conditions defined at this level cannot be changed at the header level. Only the Conditions that
you define at both header and item conditions can only be edited at both levels.

SAP SD - Condition Record & Table

A Condition table is defined as a combination of keys to identify an individual condition record.
A condition record is defined as how system stores the specific condition.

Example of a Condition Record − Entering the price of a product or to specify the discount for a
privileged customer.

Example of a Condition Table − Condition records for a customer specific material prices are
stored by a sales department. SAP system contains a conditional table 005 for this purpose. 49/104
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Key of table 005 includes the following field −

Sales Organization
Distribution Channel

In the first two fields, the customer and material determines the relationship between
customers and specific materials. The last two fields are used to identify organization data in a
SAP system. Now, if sales department in an organization enters a condition record for discount
to one privileged customer, the system will automatically make use of the condition table 005
to store the record and define a key. Any standard SAP system contains predefined condition
tables and specifies for each access in a predefined access sequence.

Creating Condition Tables

In a SAP system, you can create or change existing condition tables. As per the new business
requirement in an organization, you can create new condition tables.

Go to SPRO → IMG → Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Pricing → Pricing Control →
Define Conditional Tables

A new window will open and then you can select from create, change or display field as per the
requirement. To create a new table, you have to select create and click on Choose. 50/104
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Enter condition table in table field and then you can enter the existing table to copy the

Once data is copied, you can modify the table as per the business requirement.

SAP SD - Condition Techniques & Types

Condition type is defined as specific features of daily pricing activities in a SAP system. Using
the condition type, you can also put different condition types for each pricing, discounts on
goods, tax and surcharge that occurs in business transactions. 51/104
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Condition type allows you to define the discount for special material. This can be specified in
the system to calculate discount as an amount or it can calculate discount in terms of
percentage. In case you have to use both discount types, two separate condition types have to
be defined in the system.

There are predefined condition types in a standard system − 52/104
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S.No Condition Type & Description




Material Discount


Customer-specific material discount


Customer discount


Price group discount


Freight surcharge(by item)


State tax


Country tax


City tax

How to create or change an existing condition type in a system?

You can change or maintain existing condition type in a standard system. You can also create a
new condition types as per business requirements in your organization. 53/104
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Go to SPRO → IMG → Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Pricing → Pricing Control →
Define Condition Types

A new window will open. Select maintain and then change as per the requirement and click on

Once you select Maintain Condition Types and click on Choose, a new window will open. Select
a condition type and click on copy. 54/104
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Enter the name of condition type. Fill the details for Control Data −

Condition Class (A, B, D, E)

Condition Type (A-Percentage, B- Amount, C, G)
Condition Category (Cost, Price, etc.)
Rounding rule (Commercial, round up, round down)
Structure Condition

Group Condition data

Changes which can be made

Master Data Section 55/104
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Scale and Control Data 2 section

Once all the details are entered, click on the save icon at the top.

SAP SD - Access Sequence

This is the search strategy, which is used by the system to find valid data for a particular
condition type. It tells about the order in which a system searches for the data. An access
sequence consists of one or more access sequences. It helps the system to search first, second
and so on until it finds a valid record. An access sequence is defined for each condition type
where a condition record is created.

You can create or maintain access sequence in customizing −

Go to SPRO → IMG → Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Pricing → Pricing Control →
Define Access Sequences. 56/104
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Determine Pricing by item Category

It is not necessary that all the items are suitable for pricing or not. If an item is not relevant for
pricing, then line item will be blank for that item. An Item category is used to control the pricing
of an item.

Billing Item Categories

An item is suitable for billing?
Cost of item should be determined?
Is it a return item?
Whether it is a statistical item?

T-Code: OVKO

Enter Pricing flag in pricing field. 57/104
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Enter Statistical value as − Blank, X, Y. Statistical value flag control an item in sales document
as shown below.

Click the save button.

SAP SD - Prices, Surcharges & Discounts

Prices and Types

In a standard SAP system, price is defined as gross price of a material. Below are the predefined
price types in a system −

Material Price
Price List Type
Customer specific price 58/104
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By default, the system takes gross price in the automatic pricing for a business transaction. In a
standard SAP system, system takes customer specific price. If no such price exists, system
checks for a valid price list type. If this is also not present in the system, it takes the material

Material Prices
When material price is created, it means – the price for a specific material or pricing for a
specific material type. A combination of sales organization and distribution channel for which
material price is valid.

Price List Types

As per your business requirement in an organization, you can define your own price list.

Example − Price list can be created as per the customer type like Retail, Wholesale customer
and so on. Price list can also be created as per currency type.

Customer Specific Prices − You can also create pricing records for specific customers. You can
assign pricing record for specific combination of customers and material type.

Surcharges and Discounts

A standard SAP system includes a variety of common discount types. You can also define or
customize discounts and surcharges as per the business requirement.

A Standard SAP system includes the below mentioned discount types − 59/104
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Discount(Key) Kind of Discount

Customer(K007) Percentage

Material(K004) Absolute

Price group(K020) Percentage

Material group(K029) Absolute discount by weight

Customer/material(K005) Absolute

Customer/material group(K030) Percentage

Price group/material(K032) Absolute

Price group/material group(K030) Percentage

Rebate processing(BO01) Group rebate(%)

Rebate processing(BO02) Material rebate(fixed)

Rebate processing(BO03) Customer rebate(%)

Inter-company processing(PI01) Intercompany discount(fixed)

Inter-company processing(PI02) Intercompany discount(%)

Invoice lists(RL00) Factoring discount

Invoice lists(MW15) Factoring discount tax

While creating a condition record, you can use any of above standard discount types. While
doing automatic pricing, system checks for the discount that satisfies a certain condition and it
checks for a valid condition record. If a discount refers to a group like a material group or price
groups, that particular group must be assigned to a relevant customer or material master record
before automatic pricing is done in the system.

SAP SD - Product Proposals

A Product Proposal helps an organization to increase the sales by recommending other
products to the already added products or by replacing the one already added. The products
recommended can be cheaper, expensive or similar to the product that are requested by the

An Automatic Product Proposal is one of the most powerful tool used in online marketing of
products. Product Proposals can be mapped to specific requirement of business partners to
match their market requirement. You can use Top n Product list to provide the list of products 60/104
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proposed. The data in a product proposal is integrated with SAP CRM module to get product
master data.

A Product proposal also supports features like cross selling, up selling and down selling, Top N
Product list, proposing accessories for specific products and generating product proposals with
respect to specific promotions.

Cross Selling − The product association rules are defined for products and relationship
between different products. Each rule contains a leading product and the dependent
products to be suggested with these products. This allows you to offer other products with
the one already added by a customer.

Up-Selling and Down Selling − If you are selling a specific product you can define other
products to be proposed. These proposed products are defined using down selling and up
selling rules.

Top N Product Lists − With the use of SAP NetWeaver BI component, you can define a list
of top products for a target group.

Proposing Accessories − This is maintained in the product master data and with already
added products. It suggests suitable accessories that can be added.
Generating Product Proposal w.r.t specific promotions − You can assign a specific product
to a promotion for a customer.

SAP SD - Listing, Determination & Exclusion

Listing, Determination and material exclusion is a key feature provided by SAP SD that allows
the sale of materials to allowed/disallowed customers.

Listing − You can create a material list for specific customers, which allows those
customers to order only those materials which are maintained in the list.

Exclusion − You can also maintain an exclusion record for specific customers and this
doesn’t allow that customer to order those materials.

To display Material listing and exclusion, go to SPRO → Sales and Distribution → Basic
functions → Listing/Exclusion. 61/104
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A new window will open, then you can Activate Listing/Exclusion as shown in the following
image and then click choose. 62/104
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It will show you the existing material listing and exclusion as per the selection.

Creating Material Exclusion

Use T-Code: VB01

Select Exclusion Type: B001 and click Key combination to select material and customer. 63/104
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Click on the save icon and a confirmation message will be displayed.

SAP SD - Sales Order Types

In a SAP system, you define different sales document types according to different business
transactions. Business transactions are recorded in a system as sales documents and are
grouped into the below mentioned categories −

Inquiries and Quotations come under pre-sales documents.

Sales Orders − that are placed by customers.

Outline agreement − includes contracts and scheduling documents.

Post sales documents − includes customer feedbacks on delivered products and

complaints, free replacements and return products, etc. 64/104
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Types of Sales Orders

Cash Sales
This is defined as an order type, where the customer places an order, picks up the order and
pays for the goods. In this order type, delivery of the order is executed immediately, when the
order has been entered. Cash invoice and billing can be printed immediately from the order. No
receivables are entered for customer as invoice amount is paid in cash and directly entered to a
cash account.

Rush Order
In this order type, delivery of goods is picked by the customer or you deliver the goods on the
same day, when the order is placed.

Scheduling Agreement
A scheduling agreement is defined as an external agreement with the customer having details
of quantity of goods and delivery dates. This information is mentioned as schedule lines in a
standard system. These schedule lines can be created with the scheduling agreement or you
can also create these at a later stage. The deliveries are processed for a scheduling agreement
in similar way it is processed for a normal delivery. Once the delivery is done, system updates
the delivered quantity in the scheduling agreement.

Consignment Fill-up
In this sales order type, goods are produced and moved to a warehouse or provided to an agent
to deliver to end customer.

Consignment Issue
In this order type, whenever there is requirement from a customer, he will move to the
warehouse or contact the agent and this will be treated as a sale.

Third-Party Order
In a third-party order type, products are not delivered to the customer and then you have to
handover the order to a third-party vendor, who is responsible to deliver the items to the
customer and generate the bill.

SAP SD - Free of Charge Deliveries

Free of charge delivery or subsequent delivery is made, when a customer is not satisfied with
the products or the quantity of good is lesser when delivered. The company has to initiate a 65/104
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return as per the customer’s request. In this delivery, customer is not charged for shipping of

Steps to be followed in case of Return request

Credit Memo − This is done when the customer wants a refund for the delivered goods.
The system creates a credit memo sales document for the customer with reference to the
sales order.

Subsequent Delivery − This includes free of charge delivery of disputed goods to the
customer. This is required when incorrect quantity of goods are delivered to the customer.

Creating a return request in the system: T-Code: VA01. Then enter the details as shown below

Enter Sale Order number and click Copy. 66/104
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Then you can enter the following details −

PO Number
PO Date
Order Reason
Order Quantity and then Click save. 67/104
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For creating a Return Delivery Document, use T-Code: VL01N.

Enter the Shipping Point and then Delivery Date as Return Delivery and then press ENTER. 68/104
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You can then enter Quantity of goods and click save.

For creating Free of Charge Delivery, use T-Code: VA01

Order Type: Delivery free of charge

Enter the PO number and click Copy.

Enter Order Reason and Quantity. 69/104
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Click the save button.

SAP SD - Outline Agreements

The vendor selection is an important process in the procurement cycle. Vendors can be selected
by a quotation process. Once these vendors are shortlisted by an organization. They enter into
an agreement with a certain vendor to supply specific items with certain conditions. This
happens when an agreement is reached or a formal contract is signed with the vendor. So, this
outline agreement is a long term purchasing agreement with the vendor. The key points about
an outline agreement are as follows −

An outline agreement is a long term purchasing agreement with the vendor. It contains the
terms and conditions regarding the material that is to be supplied by the vendor.

These outline agreements are valid up to a certain period of time and cover a certain
predefined quantity or value.

An Outline agreement is of two types, which includes − Contract and a Scheduling Agreement.

Contract Agreement
A Contract is basically a long term outline agreement between the vendor and the ordering
party. It is made on predefined material or services to be given over a certain framework of time.

There are two types of contract −

Quantity Contract − In this type of contract, the overall value is specified in terms of total
quantity of material to be supplied by vendor.
Value Contract − In this contract type, the overall value is specified in terms of total amount
to be paid for that material to the vendor.

A Contract can be created by following the steps shown below −

Path to Create Contract

Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Outline Agreement → Contract → Create.

T-code: ME31K

On the SAP Menu screen, select Create execute icon by following the above path. 70/104
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Then, provide the name of vendor, type of contract, purchasing organization, purchasing group
and plant along with the agreement date.

Fill in all the necessary details like agreement validity start date, end date, and pay terms (i.e.
terms of payment). 71/104
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Then provide the material number along with target quantity. If the quantity contract or net
price of value contract and material group. Click save. A new Contract will be created.

Scheduling Agreement
A Scheduling Agreement is a long term outline agreement between the vendor and the
ordering party. This is done over a predefined material or service, which are procured on
predetermined dates over an already agreed framework of time. A Scheduling agreement can
be created by the following two steps −

Creating scheduling agreement

Maintain scheduling lines for the agreement 72/104
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Creating a Scheduling Agreement

This can be created by following the steps shown below.

The path to create a Scheduling Agreement − Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing

→ Outline Agreement → Scheduling Agreement → Create → Vendor Known.

T-code: ME31L

On the SAP Menu screen, select Create execute icon by following the above step.

Provide the name of that vendor, agreement type (LP for scheduling agreement), purchasing
organization, purchasing group, plant along with agreement date. 73/104
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Fill in all the necessary details like agreement validity start date, end date, payment terms.

Provide material number along with target quantity, net price, currency and material group.
Click save. A new Scheduling Agreement will be created. 74/104
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Maintain scheduling lines for the agreement

These schedule lines can be maintained for scheduling agreement by following these steps −

Path to maintain Schedule Lines − Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Outline

Agreement → Scheduling Agreement → Delivery Schedule → Maintain.

On a SAP Menu screen, select Maintain execute icon by following the above step.

Provide a Scheduling Agreement number. Select line item. Go to the Item tab at the top →
Select Delivery schedule. 75/104
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Provide a delivery schedule date and target quantity. Click save. The schedule lines are now
maintained for the scheduling agreement.

SAP SD - Quota Arrangement

A particular material can be procured from different vendors depending on the customer
requirement. So, the total requirement of a material is distributed to different vendor’s i.e. quota
is assigned to each source of supply. This is known as quota arrangement.

The key points about quota arrangement are as follows −

Quota arrangement divides the total requirement of material among certain sources of supply,
i.e. vendors and then assigns quota to each source. This particular quota specifies the portion of
material that is to be procured from this assigned vendor or source. Quota rating is used to
determine the amount of material that is to be assigned to a particular source or vendor. The
source with lowest quota rating represents the valid source.

Quota rating can be calculated by the following formula −

Quota rating = (Quota Allocated Quantity + Quota Base Quantity)/Quota

Where the Quota Allocated Quantity is the total quantity from all orders that are procured from
a particular source. Quota Base Quantity is the quantity from a new source of supply. Quota is
the total requirement of material that is given to a particular source of supply.

The mandatory setting before creating quota is – information record and source list should be
maintained for the particular material. Also, in the material master, the source list and quota
arrangement usage check box should be checked. This setting can be made in the material
master by going to T-Code MM03. In the purchasing view, check the quota arrangement usage
and source list. Setting is now maintained for quota arrangement. 76/104
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Create Quota Arrangement

Quota arrangement divides the total requirement of a material among certain sources of supply
i.e. vendors. Quota arrangement can be created by following the steps shown below.

Path to create Quota Arrangement − Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing →

Master Data → Quota Arrangement → Maintain.

T-Code: MEQ1

On the Sap Menu screen, select Maintain execute icon by following the above step. 77/104
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Enter the material number and plant for which quota arrangement needs to be maintained.

Enter the names of the vendor’s along with all the assigned and allocated quantity to them.
Click save. Quota arrangement is now maintained for this particular material. 78/104
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SAP SD - Special Business Process

In SAP Sales and Distribution module, along with the processing of normal sales orders, you
can also create special business processes like configurable products, items manufactured on
order, etc.

Consignments Processing
Consignments are known as products, which are owned by your company and are located at the
client location. It is not required for the customer to pay for these goods, until they are moved
from the consignment stock. The customers can also return the products in consignment stock,
which are not required.

Key Features of Consignment Stock

The goods in a consignment stock can be accessed by the customer at any time.
Consignment goods are stored by the customers at their warehouse.

Customer has to only pay for goods, which are removed from the stock and only for the
quantity taken.

As the consignment stock is still a part of company’s valuable stock, so there is a need to
manage this in the system. You must manage the consignment stock separately, so that
company should be aware, which stock is available at the customer location. This should be
managed separately for each customer.

For an organization, consignment stock is managed as a special stock in inventory and this helps
you to track returnable goods from the customer. Consignment stock management includes four
key activities in the system, which are −

Creating a Consignment Fill-Up (Stock is fill up at warehouse).

Creating Consignment Issue (Stock issued from warehouse).
Creating a Consignment Pick-Up (Stock return to manufacturer).
Displaying Consignment Returns (Stock return from customer). 79/104
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Creating a Consignment Fill-up

In this, stock is stored at the customer location and owned by the company. This is called
Consignment fill up (CF) and sales order –KB is used for this.

T-Code: VA01

Enter Order Type and then enter Organization Data −

A new window will open, then you can enter the following details −

Purchase Order Number

Purchase Order Date
Order Quantity

Once these details are entered, click Save.

Consignment Issue
This is for the goods that are issued to the customer from a warehouse.

T-Code: VA01 80/104
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Order Type: CI

Sales Order Type: KE

Click save.

Consignment Return
This is done for the goods returned from the customer.

T-Code: VA01

Order Type: CONR

Sales Order Type: KA

Click save, once all the details are entered. 81/104
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Consignment Pickup
When a customer requests return of a product to the company, this is known as a consignment
pick up.

T-Code: VA01

Order Type: CP

Sales Order Type: KR

Once these details are entered, click save.

SAP SD - Shipping
Shipping is defined as a very important activity in the sales process. It comes under the logistics
chain and guarantees customer service and distribution of goods. It is a significant component of
Sales and Distribution module. It is used to perform outbound delivery and other shipping
activities like picking and packing of the goods.

In the shipping process, there are a few key sub processes, which include −

Delivery processing of the goods

Picking of items
Packing of the goods
Post goods issue
Shipping communication
Planning & monitoring of shipping
Other functions like batch determination, serial numbers, inspection, etc. 82/104
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Organizational Units in Shipping

In shipping the stock of goods is managed at Storage Locations.

The shipping point key characteristics include −

It is under client location.

An Outbound Delivery is processed from a single Shipping point.
Shipping point is determined at Item level in the order.
Shipping point can process outbound deliveries of several plants.

You can also assign several shipping points to one plant, but each point should have a different
loading equipment or a different processing time.

Other Organization units are warehouse#, type of storage, etc.

There is a warehouse# that is assigned to a plant and storage location. There can be multiple
storage locations in a plant and they can point to one warehouse.

Shipping Point & Route Determination

Route determination is done based on the target country and transportation zone along with
the shipping point. If you have the same shipping points for two deliveries to the same country
and same transportation zone, then the same route determination is applied to both.

While creating a delivery document, its route is determined based on the shipping party and
ship to party information.

How to define Modes of Transport?

Go to: SPRO → IMG → Logistics Execution → Transportation → Basic Transportation Function
→ Routes → Define Routes → Define modes of transport → Execute. 83/104
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A new window will open, Click New Entries.

Enter the following details −

Shipping Type,
Description, and
Click save. 84/104
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SAP SD - Define Routes & Stages

Go to: SPRO → IMG → Logistics Execution → Transportation → Basic Transportation Function
→ Routes → Define Routes → Define Routes and Stages → Execute

A new window will open and it will show the list of existing routes, Click New Entries. 85/104
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Enter the details in new window along with route stages and define. Once these details are
entered click save. 86/104
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Maintain stages for all routes

Go to: SPRO → IMG → Logistics Execution → Transportation → Basic Transportation Function
→ Routes → Define Routes → Maintain Stages for all routes.

Enter the following details −

Stage Category
Departure Point
Destination Point, etc.
Once done, click save. 87/104
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SAP SD - Outbound Delivery

With the availability of material or transport scheduling date, outbound delivery is required for
due shipping lines. It involves shipping activities like picking of goods, transportation
scheduling, etc. An outbound delivery is done with the shipping points and is determined at the
time of placing the order. You can also define a shipping point manually at a later stage.

Following are some checklist points to be carried out when a delivery is created −

To check the material and order to ensure if the outbound delivery of goods is possible.

Defining the quantity of goods and its availability.

Packing the outbound delivery.

Calculating weight or volume of delivery.

Find out the delivery situation and the delivery agreement.

Defining the route.

Finding the pickup location.

Quality check of material to be delivered.

Updating and changing the status of the sales order.

If there is a change in a delivery situation, you can change the delivery after it is created.

How to create an Outbound Delivery?

If you know the order number, you can create one outbound delivery for a single order. You can
change the shipping data at any point, if required.

Use T-Code: VL10B 88/104
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Enter the Shipping Point from shipping data. In the Purchase Order tab, enter PO number due
for delivery and quantity.

To create an outbound delivery with Order Ref or W/O Order Reference, use T-Code: VL01N

To change the outbound delivery, Use T-Code: VL02N 89/104
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SAP SD - Delivery Processing

There are various functions in delivery processing like −

Quantity Management and adjustment

Text Management

You can post quantity difference in the inbound delivery for outbound delivery to post change in
delivery. Using text management, you can make the following changes to the delivery
document like −


If you want to create and save new texts for a particular delivery, this can also be done.

Printing is done in EWM to print delivery notes. You can create an outbound delivery order or an
outbound delivery. Validation in EWM is used to verify the delivery document, if it is complete
and can be further processed in the system.

SAP SD - Picking, Packing & Post Good Issue

Picking of goods is done in SAP warehouse management system. It is done via a transfer order,
which is used for picking list and to withdraw the goods from the stock.

There are three types of Picking −

Picking of goods individually

Picking as per defined intervals
Automatic Picking in SAP SD module 90/104
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Packing of goods is done with the packing material and to be created as material type −
“VERP”. This can be done in two ways −


The Post Good Issue (PGI) is the last step in delivery processing and in this goods ownership is
moved to the customer and stock is updated as per delivery.

These functions can be performed in the system using the following steps −

Creating an Outbound delivery

Creating Picking Request
Create Packaging
Creating Post Goods Issue

Creating an Outbound Delivery

Use T-Code: VL01N

Click save.

Creating a Picking Request

Use T-Code: LT03

Enter Warehouse #
Enter Plant
Enter Delivery
Press Enter. 91/104
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Click save.

Creating a Packing Request

Use T-Code: VL02N

Enter Outbound Delivery and click Pack.

Select Pack Material and Enter Packaging Material details.

Click save. 92/104
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Post Good Issue PGI

T-Code: VL02N

Click Post Good Issue and a message will appear − Replenishment Delivery has been saved.

PGI creates two documents −

Material Document
Accounting Document

SAP SD - Introduction to Billing

In SAP Sales and Distribution module, billing is known as the final stage for executing business
transactions. When an order is processed and delivery is made, billing information is available
at each stage of this order processing.

Billing contains the following components −

Credit and Debit memos for return goods.

Invoice creation for delivery and services.
Cancel Billing transactions.
Pricing Functions.
Discount and Rebates.
Transferring billing data to Financial Accounting FI.

Billing is closely integrated with organization structure and it can be assigned to Sales
Organization, a Distribution Channel, and a division.

Key functions in Billing −

Types of Billing
Match codes
Number Range
Blocking Reasons
Display billing list 93/104
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Display billing due list

Billing Document Types

A billing document is created for a credit memo, debit memo, an invoice or a cancelled
transaction. Each billing document has a header and list of items under it. Billing documents are
normally controlled by the billing type.

In a billing document header, it contains general data like −

Date of Billing
Payer identification number
Billing value
Partner Identification numbers like ship to party, sold to party, etc.
Pricing Elements

In the list of items, you should maintain the following data −

Material Number
Quantity of goods
Volume and weight
Value of Individual items
Pricing element for individual items

While doing the billing processing, you create, change and delete the billing documents like −
invoices, credit memos, debit memos, etc.

Billing Processing also includes creation of billing documents as per the below reference −

To a sales order
To a delivery
To external transactions

You can refer to an entire document, individual items or partial quantities of items.

A Billing document can be created in the following ways −

When a system processes a billing due list automatically as a background task.

By manually processing from a worklist.

You can also create a billing document explicitly 94/104
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Creation of Billing Documents

Use T-Code: VF01

Go to Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Document → Create.

A new window will open, then you can enter the Billing Type, Date and enter the document
number you want to create. Click save.

VF02 − To change the Billing Document

VF03 − Display Billing Document 95/104
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VF11 − Cancel a Billing Document

VF05 − List Billing Document

SAP SD - Billing Methods

A billing method determines whether you have to create an invoice for every delivery or you
want to send an invoice to the customer each month.

You can use the following billing method types −

Individual Billing per sales document.

Collective Billing method for multiple sales document.
Invoice Split for several billing documents for one or more sales document.

In Individual Billing method, you can make the setting in system to create single billing
document for each sales document. Example: One invoice per delivery.

In Collective Billing, it allows you to combine different documents like sales orders and/or
deliveries either partially or fully in a common billing document.

Invoice Splits allow you to create invoices as per the specific criteria.

Billing Plan
A billing plan in SAP SD is defined as a plan with individual billing dates for goods and services
and it doesn’t depend on the delivery of goods. Using this bill plan, you can bill for a service or
product at regular time intervals or at specific dates defined in the system in advance.

As per the business transactions, a system allows you to process any of the billing plan type.
There are two types of billing plan −

Milestone Billing
Periodic Billing

Milestone billing includes dividing the total billed amount in multiple billing dates that are
defined in a billing plan. When there is a milestone reached as per defined in the system,
customer is charged as per the project cost or a predefined amount as per the bill plan.
Milestone billing is normally used for long term projects.

Periodic billing includes charging of bill amount at a regular interval of time. Example: Suppose
you have to pay a rental amount monthly as per the contract. The system can process monthly
payment as per the schedule. Periodic billing plan is normally used in the following categories −

For a Service like Annual Maintenance contracts, etc.

For lease agreements. 96/104
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Intellectual Property Management.

Assigning Billing Plans to Business Transactions

In SAP system, you can mention if one billing plan is applicable for all the products in a
business transaction or you can define separate bill plans for each transaction goods as per the

Note that you can define a billing plan in SAP CRM system − Customer Relationship
Management → Transactions → Basic Settings → Billing Plan

You cannot use billing plans created in SAP CRM system in SAP ERP system.

Revenue Account Determination

Revenue account is used for revenue recognition and is used for integrating SAP SD module
and Finance Accounting module. As per the billing document to account, system determines the
correct G/L account for posting the revenue as per the revenue account determination.

To configure Revenue Account Determination: Use T-Code: OVK5


Go to SPRO → IMG → Sales and Distribution → Basic Function → Account Assignment/Costing

→ Revenue Account Determination → Check Master data relevant for Determination.

Using this, you can define −

Account Assignment for Materials

Account Assignment for Customers

Select any one of them and click Choose. 97/104
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Materials − Account Assignment Groups − Using this option, you can divide materials into
different groups, services and retails groups. You maintain this in Material Master MM01/MM02
under Sales → Sales Org 2 view.

Customers − Account Assignment Groups − Using this option, you can divide customer into
different groups. Example: You can divide customers into domestic customers and non-domestic
or overseas. You maintain this in Payer Customer Master using VD01/XD01/VD02/XD02 under
billing document tab of Sales Area Data.

To create and display the condition table for revenue account determination −

Go to SPRO → IMG → SD → Basic Function → Account Assignment → Account

Assignment/Costing → Revenue Account Determination → Define dependency of Revenue
Account Determination → Execute. 98/104
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A new window will open, then you can select the relevant option related to the condition table
and click Choose.

The following T-Codes can be used for managing condition tables 99/104
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S.No. TCode & Description


Account Determination : Create tables


Account Determination : Change table


Account determination : display tables


Field catalog : Allowed fields for the tables

The next step is to define access sequence and account determination type.

Define and Assign Account Determination Procedure −

The first step is to define and assign an account key and then
Assignment of General Ledger account.

Useful Structure in Revenue Account Determination −

S.No Structure & Description


Account Determination Communication Header


Account Determination Communication Item

SAP SD - Credit Management

Credit management deals with selling of goods and collecting money at a later stage. The
credit limit for a customer depends on the payment method and customer payment history. The
payment for the goods is based on payment conditions based on the business transaction. 100/104
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A customer’s credit limit is set as 10000 and he makes an order worth 6000 and payment term
of 30 days at 4%. Now if payment is made within 30 days, customer will get 4% discount on
the payment.

Why do we need Credit Management?

Credit management allows you to reduce the credit risk by setting up the credit limit for the
customers. You can get warning alerts for a customer or a group of customers.

Key Features of Credit Management

As per your credit needs, you can define your various credit policies as per different criteria. This
also allows you to define key points in Sales and Distribution system, where the system checks
are performed.

While processing an order, the system allows a representative to get the information about
customer’s credit details. When a customer is about to reach his credit limit. An electronic email
can be sent to the customer automatically. The credit representative in your company has an
option to review the credit situation of a customer quickly and accurately and to decide if to
extend the credit limit or not.

Types of Credit Management

There are two types of credit management −

Simple Credit Check

Automatic Credit Check

Simple credit check involves comparing customer credit limit to the total of all items and open
item values in the order.

Credit Limit = Open item values + Value of current Sales Order

Open items are defined as the products that are invoiced to the customer, but payment has not
been received yet. You can configure the system in such a way that it sends a warning message
to the customer, when their credit limit is exceeded.

Automatic Credit Check involves checking open items and open deliveries of goods as well. If
the credit limit is crossed, a customer can still make the order because of a good payment
history with the company. This can be defined as − Static and dynamic credit check. 101/104
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Static Credit Limit Determination

Types of checking groups − Sales, Delivery and Good Issue. You can block the order at all these

Risk Category − It is used to determine how much credit has to be given to the customer.

High Risk − Low Credit

Low Risk − More Credit

Medium Risk − Average Credit

Dynamic Credit Limit Determination

It is used to determine the credit limit of their customer by considering a horizon period −

Open Document
Open Deliveries
Open Billings
Open Items
Horizon Period

Now if the horizon period is defined as 4 months, the system will not consider these documents
for 4 months.

Assigning Company Code to Credit Control Area

SPRO → IMG → Enterprise Structure → Assignment → Financial Accounting → Assign
company code to credit control area

A new window will open, then you can set the automatic credit check. 102/104
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Defining Credit Groups

Go to: SPRO → IMG → Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Credit Management/Risk
Management → Define Credit Groups

The following credit groups are defined in a SAP system −

Credit group for sales order

Credit group for deliveries
Credit Group for goods issue

SAP SD - Mapping Enterprise Structure

The enterprise structure represents the business structure in the real world. You can map
various organizational units to enterprise structure as per the requirement like – Client,
Distribution channel, division, company code, Sales office, Shipping Point, Loading point, etc.
You can assign an organization unit to a single module (Example- A company code can be
assigned to Sales and Distribution module) or to multiple modules. 103/104
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A client is an independent organizational unit and legal unit. Generic data and multiple tables
are saved at client level for multiple organizational structure. Client is known at the top level in
an enterprise structure. You can assign multiple company codes to a client.

Company Code
A company code is defined as an independent legal unit in an organization. Company code is an
organizational unit created in Finance Accounting. At the company code level, you can create
P/L statements and Balance sheets. You can assign multiple company codes to a client.

Sales Organization
A Sales organization is used to distribute products and services. You can assign a single or
multiple sales organization to a company code. You can assign one or more Plant to Sales
organization and it is not unique, so you can have one plant assigned to multiple Sales
organizations. Sales organizations can be used to perform search criteria to list sales documents
and to create deliveries and billing worklist. You can mention different output types for sales
and billing document for each sales organization.

Distribution Channel
It is defined as a medium, which is used to send goods and services to the customer. You can
assign a distribution channel to a single or many Sales Organizations. You can set distribution
channel as per company’s market policy or as per an internal organization. You can use master
data in one distribution channel to other distribution channel. You can assign a sales office to a
distribution channel.

A division is defined as a product line or grouping of services or material. You can assign a
division to one or more sales organization. A product is always assigned to one division. You can
assign a Sales Office to a division. There are various organization units like Sales Area,
Warehouse, delivery point, shipping point etc. that can be mapped to one or more SAP
modules. 104/104

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