Abstract: In the Mining Sector, Safety is utmost important factor. The major goal of this article was to reduce the Mine
Accidents with respect Mine Haulage and Transportation system in underground Coal mines. Total 11 major hazards are
identified as Principal Hazards in Indian coal mines, as per DGMS Circular No.5 of 2016 for which Principal Hazard
Management Plans (PHMP) are to be prepared and to be put in operation as per CMR 2017. HAULAGE and
TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM is one of them. In addition to the stipulated 11 principal hazards, no additional hazard has
been identified as a principal hazard in the Broad Brush Risk Assessment (BBRA) of the RKNT Incline Mine. However,
other hazards which are not potentially hazardous to result in multiple fatalities have been identified and Management
control plans shall be put in place for managing those hazards.
The HAULAGE & TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM hazard has been critically assessed by the Safety management team of
the mine and hazard mechanisms through which the hazard can result in a risk or an accident have been identified and
risk assessment has been done. Risk scoring has been done as per DGMS Circular No. 2 of 2011. Risk ranking has been
done to identify hazard mechanisms with higher risk scores and appropriate control measures are put in place to mitigate
the same. Existing control mechanisms have been analyzed for their effectiveness in finalizing the proposed control
measures. Responsibility fixing has been done rationally, duly considering practical possibilities. The inputs required for
effective implementation of this PHMP has been identified and action plan drawn up to procure the same.
Keywords: Mine Safety in Haulage, Safety in Mine Transportation, Underground Safety, Safety Precautions in mines
Indian Coal Mining Industry makes a major contribution to the national economy and to the wellbeing of the society as a whole.
For the continuing viability and stability of the industry, it is important that full advantage be taken of developments in mining
methods & procedures, modern machinery & equipment’s and advances in approaches to management of all mining activities,
including health & safety. While safety in any sphere of activities is important, it has special significance when the risk is greater.
Unlike other major industries, mining has high potential risk of accidents. It has a dubious distinction of involving a very high actual
hazard as the environment changes continually with the progress of work.
Hazard factors related to machinery, humans, the work environment and work methods were the causes identified for the different
types of safety risks in underground coal mines. Total 11 major hazards are identified as Principal Hazards in Indian coal mines, as
per DGMS Circular No.5 of 2016 for which Principal Hazard Management Plans (PHMP) are to be prepared and to be put in
operation as per CMR 2017.
HAULAGE and TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM is one of them. In addition to the stipulated 11 principal hazards, no additional
hazard has been identified as a principal hazard in the Broad Brush Risk Assessment (BBRA) of the RKNT Incline Mine. However,
other hazards which are not potentially hazardous to result in multiple fatalities have been identified and Management control
plans shall be put in place for managing those hazards.
As per Regulation No.104 of CMR -2017, Principal Hazard Management Plans (PHMP) are to be prepared for the identified
principal hazards in a mine and included in the SMP of the mine. HAULAGE & TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM is considered as
one of the Principal hazards, since any risk or accident arising out of the HAULAGE & TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM hazard
would result in multiple fatalities. Hence this PHMP (Principle Hazard Management Plan) for HAULAGE & TRANSPORTATION
SYSTEM is developed for implementation at the RKNT Incline mine.
The project study briefly explains the Underground Transport arrangements and Types of Haulages used in Underground coal
mines, as well as Hazards in the Haulage and transportation, Safety Devices used in Haulage Road ways etc.
Underground Transport Arrangements:
In the underground mines, the transportation system is divided in to three types they are
1. Underground to surface /main Haulage
2. Underground to underground / Gathering Haulage
3. Surface to Surface Haulage
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© 2022 IJRTI | Volume 7, Issue 6 | ISSN: 2456-3315
1. Rope haulage:
Further to the above the rope haulage is divided into the following types.
A. Direct rope haulage
Single drum direct rope haulage.
Double drum direct rope haulage.
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© 2022 IJRTI | Volume 7, Issue 6 | ISSN: 2456-3315
An endless rope passes from the driving pulley which is situated at the in by end & back again to the driving pulley. One track is
used for loaded tubs & another track is used for empty tubs
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3. Locomotive haulage.
The transport of coal, ore, workers, and materials underground by means of locomotive-hauled mine cars. The locomotive may be
powered by battery, diesel, compressed air, trolley, or some combination such as battery-trolley or trolley-cable reel.
Types of Locomotive
Diesel locomotive
Battery locomotive
Compressed air locomotive
Trolley wires locomotive
4. Aerial ropeway
An aerial ropeway is an installation in which transportation of material or men is effected by moving carriers pulled by ropes
suspended above the ground.
Aerial Rope Way types:-
Mono cable ropeway
Bi cable ropeway
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Considering the changes happening in the underground coal mines in the large scale with Advanced technology of Machinery
replacement and manpower changes, the safety for the Men and Machinery is big challenging and top priority, in this project we
identified the hazards associated with the process and operation of “Haulage and Transportation System”, they are as follows
Movement of tubs
Movement of haulage rope
Man riding Chair lift
Lack of resources
Lack of awareness/ knowledge on procedures / monitoring Mechanism
Negligence or willful disobedience
This article is reflects the actual situations of Underground coal mines with respect to the safety of “Haulage and Transportation
System” and we can effectively Control the risks in the above two different conditions by this project work
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