The Five Fragments - Idafah
The Five Fragments - Idafah
The Five Fragments - Idafah
By the end of this lesson, I should be able to…
Identify the idafah fragment
Translate all of the special mudafs
Recite the اﻷ ﺎء اﻟﺨﻤﺴﺔ
Translate the idafah fragment from Arabic to English and English to Arabic
3 - IDAFAH ()إﺿﺎﻓﺔ
Now that we’ve completed the study of individual words, we can learn how words
come together to create fragments. A fragment is more than a word but less than
a complete sentence. In Arabic there are five commonly used fragments that
involve isms:
1. Idafah ِإﺿﺎﻓَﺔ
ٌ ﺟﺎر و ﻣ ْﺠﺮ
2. Harf of jarr ور ٌ
ُ َ َ
3. Harf of nasb ﺐ و ِا ُﻬﺎ ٍ ف َﻧ ْﺼ ْ
ُ ﺣﺮ
َ َ
ٌ ٌ
4. Mawsoof-sifah ﻣ ْﻮﺻ ْﻮف و ِﺻ َﻔﺔ
َ ُ َ
5. Pointer word fragments ﺸﺎر ِإﻟَ ْﻴ ِﻪ ٌ ِا ْﺳﻢ اﻹﺷﺎرة و ﻣ
ُ َ ِ َ ِ ُ
3.1: Fragments - Idafah
An idafah is a fragment which brings two isms together with the word ‘of’ in
between them. For example, Messenger of Allah, friend of mine, imam of a masjid.
In Arabic, the word before ‘of’ is called the mudhaf ( )ﻣﻀﺎف and the word after ‘of’
is called the mudhaf-ilayhi ()ﻣﻀﺎف ِإﻟﻴ ِﻪ.
Primary Rules for the Idhafah
a. In ﺟﺮstatus
b. After the ﻣﻀﺎف
4. The last property of the ﻣﻀﺎف, its type, is dictated by the ﻣﻀﺎف ِإﻟﻴ ِﻪ
ُ ُ
Basic Kinds of Idafah:
There are three basic kinds of idafah:
1. “of” translation eg: Imam of the masjid ِإﻣﺎم اﻟﻤ ْﺴ ِﺠ ِﺪ
َ ُ
2. Pronoun attached to an ism eg: His house ُ ﺑ ْﻴﺘُﻪ
3. Special Mudhafs eg: Under the earth ﻷ ْر ِض َ ﺖا َﺗﺤ
3.1.2: Fragments – Idafah – Five Special Isms ُ اﻟﺨﻤﺴﺔ ﻷ ﺎء
َ ا
َ َ ُ
The five special isms are called so because when these words are mudhafs their
status is not shown by ending sound or ending combination. Their status is shown
by ending letter.
The five special isms are:
ٌ أBrother خ
Father ب َ َ أMouth ﻓ َ ٌﻢIn-law ﺣ ٌﻢ
Possessor-of ذُو
Note: ذُوis always a mudahf. Unlike the other isms it never stands alone.
Raf: Ends in و Nasb: Ends with ا Jarr: Ends with ي
ٍ َأ
خ ْ
ِ َأ ﺣ ٍﻢ
َ ِﻲ
Always a
Mudhaf ذَا
ﲑ ﻌ ﺑ ﻞ ْ وﻧﻤﲑ أ ْﻫﻠﻨﺎ وﻧ ْﺤﻔﻆ أﺧﺎﻧﺎ وﻧ ْﺰداد ﻛAnd we will obtain supplies for our family and protect our
ٍ َ َ ُ َ َ َ َ َ َ ُ َ َ َ َ َ َُ ِ َ َ
brother and obtain an increase of a camel's load (12:65)
َ ﻮﺳ ﺪ ِرﻳﺢ ﻳ ﺟ
ِ ﻷ
َ َ ّ ﺎل أَﺑﻮ ُ ْ ِإ ﻗtheir father said, "Indeed, I find the smell of Joseph (12:94)
ُ ُ َ ُ ِ ُ َ َ
ْ ْ ْ ْ ْ
ُ ْﻢ ُ ْﻢ وﺟﻪ ُأ َ ِﺑﻴ ً
ﻒ أ َ ِو اﻃﺮﺣﻮه أَرﺿﺎ ﻳﺨ ُﻞ َﻟ ﻮﺳ ﻳ ﻮا ﻠ ﺘ اﻗ
َ ُ ُ ُ ُ Kill Joseph or cast him out to [another] land;
َ َ ُ ُ َ
the countenance of your father will [then] be only for you, (12:9)
ْ ْ ْ
ِ َ اﷲ ُذُو اﻟ َﻔﻀ ِﻞ اﻟ
ِ ﻌ َ ّ َوand Allah is the possessor of great bounty. (2:105)
ﻛ ّ َﻔ ْﻴ ِﻪ ِإ َ اﻟﻤﺎ ِء ﻟِﻴ ْﺒﻠ ُ َﻎ ﻓَﺎه
َ ﻂ
ِ ﺎﺳ
ِ ﻛﺒ like one who stretches his hands toward water [from afar, calling it] to reach
ُ َ َ ََ
his mouth, (13:14)
2. The two conditions for the ﻣﻀﺎف إﻟﻴﻪare that is must be in _________ status
and come directly after the ________________.
1. The word before “of” is called ___________________.
2. The word after “of” is called _____________________.
3. Whenever a pronoun is attached to an ism the pronoun is in ___________
Identify whether the following are idafahs (write Y or N). Some examples have been
done for you.
ْﻗ ْ ْ ْ
1. ﻚﻠِ ﺒ 2. ﺤﻮن ﻠ ﻔاﻟﻤ 3. ﺑﻌ ِﺪ ِﻣﻴﺜَﺎ ِﻗ ِﻪ
َ َ َ ُ ِ ُ ُُ َ
Y (special mudhaf) N(pronoun can’t be
mudhaf, also second
word isn’t jarr)
ْ ْ ْ
4. اﻷر ِض
َ ات و
ِ اﻟﺴﻤﺎو
َ ّ َﻏ ْﻴﺐ 5. ت ْ
ِ ﺣ َﺬر اﻟ َﻤﻮ 6. ﻛُ ّﻠ َ َﻬﺎ
َ َ َ َ َ َ
7. ُ ْﻢ ﻣﻌ 8. ﻛُ ّ ِﻞ َ ْ ٍء 9. أ َ َﺎ ِء َﻫ ٰـ ُﺆ َﻻ ِء
اﷲ 10. ﺧ وﻗُﻮد َﻫﺎ 11. آل ﻓِ ْﺮﻋ ْﻮن 12.
َ َ َ َّ ُ ُ َ َ َ
ْ ْ
19. أَﻧﻔُ َﺴ ُ ﻓ َ ْﻮ َﻗ َﻬﺎ 20. 21. أَﻧﺖ اﻟﻌ ِﻠ
ُ َ َ
اﻟﺴ َﻔ َﻬﺎء 22.
ﻦ ُّ آﻣ اﷲِ 23.
َﻋﻬ َﺪ ّ َ ﻛُﻨ ُ ْ ﺻﺎ ِد ِﻗﲔَ 24.
ُ َ َ َ
اﻟ ُﻤ ْﺠ ِﺮﻣﻮن اﻟﻨَّﺎر 28. 29. ُ ْﻢ ﻫﺎﻧ ْ
ﺑُﺮ َ اﷲ 30. اﺗﺨﺬ
َ ُ َ َّ َ َ َّ ُ
)Highlight the idafahs in the following ayat from Surah Kahf (11-15
ﻗ ْﻠﻨﺎ إذًا ﺷﻄﻄًﺎ ﴿ ﴾١٤ﻫـﺆﻻ ِء ﻗ ْﻮﻣﻨﺎ اﺗﺨﺬوا ﻣﻦ دوﻧﻪ آ ًﺔ ﻟ ْﻮﻻ ﻳﺄْﺗﻮن ﻋﻠ ْ ﻢ ﺴ ْﻠﻄﺎن ﺑﲔ ﻓﻤﻦْ
َ ٰ ُ َ َ ُ َ َّ َ ُ ِ ُ ِ ِ ِ َ َّ َ َ ُ َ َ َ ِ ِ ُ َ ٍ َ ِ ّ ٍ َ َ ُ َ ِ َ َ
ْ ْ
ﻛ ِﺬﺑﺎ ﴿﴾١٥
اﷲِ َ ٰ
ﱰى َﻋ َ ّ َﻦ اﻓ َ َ
أَﻇ َﻠ ُﻢ ِﻣ ّ َﻤ ِ