High Performance SRB Technical White Paper
High Performance SRB Technical White Paper
High Performance SRB Technical White Paper
Spherical Roller Bearings:
Meeting Today’s Greater Demands
Authors: John Rhodes, Senior Product Development Engineer and Karen Clever, Product Manager - Spherical Roller Bearings
Table of Contents:
Market Demands 2 High-Performance Spherical Roller Bearings:
The Case for Meeting Today’s Greater Demands
Spherical Roller Bearings 2
Parameters 4 • A stronger response to the tougher requirements
of heavy machines and equipment
Key Design Elements 5
• New high-performance bearing design aims at elevated load, speed and
Design Validation 8 temperature needs
Spherical roller bearings provide for precise, repeatable motion and reliable
extended operation in the world’s most demanding industrial applications.
Timken® High-Performance Spherical Roller Bearings were designed as
a stronger response to today’s tougher environments and the increasing
requirements of heavy industry.
Market Demands
Today, industry expectations push the limits of durability and production in
heavy industry, putting traditional machine and component designs to the
test. The global marketplace demands greater reliability at higher operating
temperatures, loading and speeds, emphasizing increased efficiency
every step of the way. For many, opportunity will come from incremental
improvements to existing technologies rather than major advances—logic
evidenced in the design ofTimken high-performance spherical roller bearings.
As oil producers drill deeper and further offshore, as paper mills commission
bigger and faster machines, as mining operations grow more remote and
as construction faces more punishing conditions, plant and equipment
operators increasingly look to suppliers and manufacturers to generate new
operational efficiencies. Across industries, the goal is measurable gains in
performance, productivity and profitability resulting from improvements to
existing systems, processes and assets.
Spherical roller bearings are used not only where shaft misalignments are
common, but where contamination, shock and vibration also are constant
challenges. Their robust design and higher tolerance for misalignment are
especially suited to heavy machinery, industrial equipment and large gearboxes.
Typical markets and applications include:
High-Performance Spherical Roller Bearings:
3 Meeting Today’s Greater Demand
• Power Gen – Coal (pulverizers, gear drives, pumps, draft fans, conveyors)
High-Performance Parameters
“High performance” relative to spherical roller bearings is described as
an increase in bearing service life, which allows the potential to downsize
other component selections while maintaining current levels of system
performance (that is, smaller equipment and systems working more
efficiently/effectively; increased power density translating to greater power
throughput and longer system life).
Internal geometry
At the heart of spherical roller bearing design is the inner ring geometry
(Figure 3), requiring both precise design specification and manufacturing
consistency. The inner ring allows a complex interaction between the bearing
contact angle and raceway profile1, which must be specified to achieve the
optimal combination of size and form to produce the most efficient raceway-
roller dynamics (Figure 4).
thereby greatly reducing rolling contact fatigue life. Timken employs a multi-
tiered method of assessing profiles. Figure 4a provides a typical result for a
raceway profile trace assessment, relative to the high-performance design
intent envelope depicted by the bold radii. Figure 4b predicts contact stress
results for a profile trace versus the nominal design intent. Given the stress
peaks that would result in premature life predictions, this profile would not
be acceptable.
Figure 4:
High-performance spherical roller
bearing component explosion The micro raceway texture was also improved by reducing the composite
highlighting inner ring. surface roughness. This has a direct effect on increasing the operating
lambda (λ) ratio (Figure 5), where lambda equals the predicted operating oil
Figure 4a:
Raceway profile gauge envelope.
Figure 4b:
Stress profile assessment.
High-Performance Spherical Roller Bearings:
6 Meeting Today’s Greater Demand
Cage construction
Cages (also called retainers) serve several purposes in the proper operation
of a rolling element bearing, including separating the rolling elements
Figure 5: to prevent roller-on-roller contact and wear. Cages also align the rolling
Lubrication lambda ratio improvement. elements on the inner ring outside the operating load zone to minimize roller
sliding, skidding and skewing.
The new design incorporates the same positive aspects of existing Timken
steel cages, including inner ring piloting, low mass, low inertia, an individual
cage for each row, no separate center ring for roller axial positioning and
introduces slots in the outboard face of the cage (Figure 6). The symmetrical
openings are oriented between the cage pockets to facilitate lubricant flow in
Figure 6: and out of the inner ring raceway. This helps to assure lubricant availability
Timken high-performance EJ assembly.
to these rolling contact surfaces to generate a satisfactory film while further
reducing the potential for extreme heat due to viscous shear from excessive
lubricant supply.
Cage guidance
The EJ design includes two independent cages (one for each row of rollers),
which are assembled into an individual bearing.This allows each path of cage
and rollers to operate independently. The window-style pocket construction
reduces bending stresses. The cage is guided on the inner ring (opposed to
roller guidance, which transitions loads to the rollers, generating more heat)
and runs above pitch. This increases cage stiffness and reduces stress under
high shock load or acceleration.
Figure 7:
EJ steel cage.
High-Performance Spherical Roller Bearings:
7 Meeting Today’s Greater Demand
Figure 8:
Large EJ steel cage.
For bearings with an O.D. greater than 400 mm, the cage and roller mass can become substantial and negatively
impact bearing heat generation and operating temperatures. To counter this, the bore of larger EJ steel cages is
specifically profiled to minimize friction and associated heat generation from contact with the inner ring pilot surface.
Roller guidance
Rollers are guided by the edges of the cage pocket for smaller bearings (<400 mm O.D.). For larger sizes, the pocket
is contoured with four pads (strategically located on the bridge surface) that contact and orient the rollers coming
into and out of the bearing operating load zone. This interaction minimizes potential for negative roller skew and its
associated increase in friction torque and operating temperature (Figure 8).
Eliminating the guide ring further creates extra space within the design envelope to accommodate longer rollers,
meaning increased load capacity. Alternatively, lubricant flow between the roller paths is improved by increasing
available void volume.
Thus, the EJ cage pocket design can translate to reduced bearing operating temperature and running torque in
applications where central ring-guided spherical roller bearings are currently used.
Note: Roller/cage interface design optimization was also performed on Timken brass cage offerings (EM and EMB). Brass cages
are more resistant to extreme loads and shock (meeting the demands of vibrating screen and high-speed planetary gearbox
applications, for example). They are also suited for low-lubrication conditions due to the dissimilar material of the rollers and
cage. Cage fingers provide constant, precise roller guidance.
High-Performance Spherical Roller Bearings:
8 Meeting Today’s Greater Demand
Design Validation
Validation of the Timken high-performance spherical roller Bearing design was extensive in order to meet the
stringent requirements of Timken brand products. This included standardized fatigue life testing to confirm durability
under strenuous and accelerated operating conditions, as well as testing on different platforms to verify bearing
heat generation response as measured by outer-ring temperature. An assessment of competitive high-performance
products was also completed, and the results compared to the Timken high-performance spherical roller earing.
Specifically, testing sought to: 1) Substantiate an increased dynamic load and thermal speed rating over previous
Timken spherical roller bearings and 2) Validate a lower operating temperature and longer service life compared to
other leading high-performance designs.
Timken SYBER analytical modeling software is used to establish the predicted bearing performance based on the
bearing metrology and test conditions. Test results are evaluated using Weibull statistics regarding L15.91 life and
the associated 65 percent confidence bands to establish test performance. The Weibull result is then compared to
the SYBER predictions, and an assessment is made regarding acceptability of the resultant life ratio. These ratios are
reviewed to determine their degree of support for intended rating performance levels.
Figure 9:
SYBER modeling of life test
High-Performance Spherical Roller Bearings:
9 Meeting Today’s Greater Demand
Life testing
Validation life testing consisted of a number of bearing test populations spread across four basic size and series
designs. For each, individual groups of a minimum of 24 bearings were run using the accelerated testing format.
Multiple groups were run for each size, and in total, 27 groups (more than 592 individual bearings) were tested as
summarized in Table 1. Monitored parameters included vibration, temperature, torque, bearing condition and duration.
For each of the four spherical roller bearing series tested, SYBER was used to establish predicted life for given
conditions. The Weibull results were then divided by the SYBER predicted fully adjusted lives, with a dynamic load
rating calculated per ISO 2819 to produce the ISO Life Test Ratios (summarized in Figure 10). A Life Test Ratio of 1
indicates product performance barely supports the prediction when a basic ISO 281 dynamic load rating is used.
It can be seen here that all groups’ Life Ratios exceed 2.5, and the LCL65 limits exceed 2 for all conditions. This
is required if the product is to be deemed “high performing” with an associated increased dynamic load rating.
Testing sought to substantiate product performance and produce data to support an increased dynamic load
rating. Figure 11 shows the High-Performance Life Test Ratio after the bearing dynamic load rating is increased, this
time using the Timken rating methodology2; 10 as the base. It can be seen that all Life Ratios are greater than 1, and
most are 2 or more. The lower confidence bands are also significantly greater than 1, indicating high confidence
in an increased load rating of this magnitude.
Table 1:
Life and Durability Testing.
High-Performance Spherical Roller Bearings:
10 Meeting Today’s Greater Demand
Figure 10:
ISO Life Test Ratio for four basic test
group sizes.
Figure 11:
High-Performance Life Test Ratio for four
basic test group sizes.
Figure 12:
Competitive Life Testing for 22212.
High-Performance Spherical Roller Bearings:
11 Meeting Today’s Greater Demand
Each of the competitive products was assigned an enhanced dynamic load rating compared to ISO 281
calculations9. As shown in Figure 12, it is clear that not all spherical roller bearings categorized as “high-
performance” perform to the same level. All competitor life ratios are less than 1, and assessment of
the 65 percent confidence bands indicates statistically significant differences between some competitive
designs and the corresponding Timken design. The larger size of the bands also indicates greater variation
in the populations for the competitive products.
A second aim of heat generation testing was to assess the life test arrangement with a combined radial
and axial load condition. Radial loads were applied in the conventional manner through the center
bearings, while axial loads were applied to the end of the outboard bearing housings. This produces a
combined radial and axial loading condition on the outboard end bearing positions, and maintains a pure
radial load on the center bearings.
Temperature (deg C)
The test matrix (Table 2) consists of three different load levels (defined by increasing the radial equivalent
load to decrease the capacity to load ratio), with four combinations of axial to radial load ratio (producing
the same radial equivalent load). Each bearing arrangement was operated through four increasing speed
conditions (1200, 2400, 3600 and 4800 rpm) for each of the 12 load steps. This combined matrix produced
48 load and speed steps for assessment of bearing operating temperature.
Table 2:
22212 Combined load
heat generation test plan.
The bearings were lubricated by a circulating oil system, providing a nominal 0.95 l/min oil flow per
bearing, and the 37.85 liter oil sump was allowed to seek its own stabilized temperature based on total
system heat generation. The system was allowed to operate until thermal equilibrium was obtained,
based on stabilized operating temperatures. The results for average O.D. temperature are summarized
in Figure 14.
Figure 14:
Combined load test temperature results,
end and center bearings.
High-Performance Spherical Roller Bearings:
13 Meeting Today’s Greater Demand
The Timken hgh-performance spherical roller bearing produced superior results while operating the
coolest for the demanding combined load end positions. Consistent with the life test temperature results,
Competitor B produced the highest operating temperatures, while Competitor C experienced particularly
elevated temperatures for the center bearing positions. Thus, the test suggests longer service life for the
Timken bearing as a result of reduced operating temperatures.
As confirmed by infrared thermography (Figure 16), distinctive temperature profiles develop during the
test. The operating pattern for the Timken bearing is shown compared to a competitive arrangement.
Figure 15:
Bearing O.D. temperature comparison
for vibratory testing.
Figure 16:
Infrared thermography of vibratory
Graphic representation of thermographic readings in a typical industrial setting based on actual test results.
High-Performance Spherical Roller Bearings:
14 Meeting Today’s Greater Demand
Competitor B
85°C 89°C (192.2°F) Timken
185°F 86°C (186.8°F)
Target L10
80°C Calculated Life
For any product to be backed by the Timken brand, the test results
must be substantiated for all involved production supply chains, and
quality manufacturing processes capable of consistently achieving
high performance must be demonstrated. This was accomplished
by multiple-year evaluations of the total Timken high-performance
spherical roller bearing supply chain, which confirmed that
specifications and procedures are in place to ensure production will
support the Timken brand promise.
1. Harris, T.A. and Kotzalas, M.N. (2007), Rolling Bearing Analysis, 5th
Ed – Advanced Concepts of Bearing Technology, CRC Press, Boca
2. Moyer, C.A., Nixon, H.P. and Bhatia, R.R. (1988), “Tapered Roller
Bearing Performance for the 1990’s,” SAE Paper #881232, SAE
International, Warrendale.
3. Stover, J.D., Kolarik, R.V. and Keener, D.M. (1990), “The Detection of
Aluminum Oxide Stringers in Steel Using an Ultrasonic Measuring
Method,” Proc. 31st Mechanical Working and Steel Processing
Conference, p. 431-440.
5. Moyer, C.A. and Bahney, L.L. (1990), “Modifying the Lambda Ratio
to Functional Line Contacts,” STLE Tribology Transactions, v. 33, n.
4, p. 535-542.
7. Zaretsky, E.V. ed. (1971), Life Adjustment Factors for Ball and Roller
Bearings, An Engineering Design Guide, ASME, New York.
9. ISO 281 (2007), Rolling Bearings – Dynamic Load Ratings and Rating
Life. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva.
10. Dominik, W. K. (1984), “Rating and Life Formulas for Tapered Roller
Bearings,” SAE Paper #841121, SAE International, Warrendale.
11-15 :29 TKN High Performance SRB Technical White Paper | Timken ® is a registered trademark of The Timken Company. | © 2015 The Timken Company | Printed in U.S.A.