Complete Modeling of Hydrodynamic Bearings With A Boundary Parameterization Approach
Complete Modeling of Hydrodynamic Bearings With A Boundary Parameterization Approach
Complete Modeling of Hydrodynamic Bearings With A Boundary Parameterization Approach
Institute of Computing, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Department of Mechanical Engineering, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The present work aims to revisit the simplifications made in the Navier-
Stokes equations for the flow between two cylinders with a small thickness of
lubricating oil film. Through a dimensionless analysis, the terms of these
equations are mapped and ordered by importance for the hydrodynamic
bearing application. An effective parameterization of the geometry is pro-
posed, enabling a more detailed description of the problem and its adapta-
tion to other contexts. At the end, an elliptical partial differential equation is
reached and solved by the centered finite difference method, whose solution is
the pressure field between the cylinders. To illustrate the effectiveness of the
proposed approach, the model is applied to hydrodynamic bearings, where
the pressure field and some parameters resulting from it, such as stiffness
and damping coefficients, are computed. Based on the facilities offered by
the parameterization of the geometry, two different configurations are pre-
sented: (1) elliptical and (2) worn bearings. Their responses are evaluated
and a comparative analysis is performed. The modeling exposed in this text,
as well as all its simulations were developed to integrate Ross-Rotordynamics,
an open library in Python, available on the GitHub platform.
Keywords: Lubrication Theory, Geometry parameterization, Numerical
Simulation, Hydrodynamic Bearings, Dynamic Coefficients
1. Introduction
The dynamics of rotating machinery has been actively studied since the
beginning of the last century. Many industries rely on the performance of
such machines. Any failure or malfunction affects the productivity of the
researcher to use the computer for the numerical calculations of the solutions
from circular bearings, elliptical bearings and a three lobes bearing. In 1981,
Singhal [16] applied finite differences to the Reynolds equation.
In addition to the lubrication theory, the studies carried out by Pina
and Carvalho [17], Andrade [18] and Queiroz [19] are relevant because their
work has inspired the parameterization used in the description of the geome-
try. The well-known collection of lecture notes recorded by San Andres [20],
especially the 1 to 5 notes, were essential for understanding the context of hy-
drodynamic bearings. The works of Frene et al [21], Hamrock [22] and Ishida
and Yamamoto [23] stand out, for this text, in what concerns the approxima-
tions of the Reynolds equation. The three authors present basic concepts of
hydrodynamic bearing geometry and use the approximate equation for short
and infinitely long bearings. Finally, the research of Machado and Cavalca
[24] presents solutions for bearings of different geometries. Machado [25] an-
alyzes dynamic and operational characteristics of different configurations of
hydrodynamic radial bearings: a cylindrical, an elliptical and a trilobular.
Already Machado and Cavalca [24] expose a numerical model that character-
izes the bearing with wear on its wall, analyzing its influence on the dynamic
response of the rotor.
In this article, a study of a fluid film flow between two surfaces is carried
out in a novel way. A new and effective parameterization of the geometry
is presented to describe the journal bearing, allowing a more detailed de-
scription of the problem. Instead of describing the geometry in terms of a
gap function, this work describes the geometry of both the rotor and sta-
tor. Thus, different type of bearings can be modeled by simply defining the
desired shape for each surface. Once the domain is defined, the pressure dis-
tribution of the fluid is obtained by means of the lubrication theory. First,
the governing equations of a differential fluid element are determined by the
Navier-Stokes equations and they are simplified to obtained the Reynolds
equation, whose solution is the pressure field of the fluid flow. This equa-
tion is discretized by means of the finite differences method. The pressure
field is then obtained and verified with results available in the literature.
Afterwards, the fluid forces are linearized around the equilibrium point of
the rotor and the dynamic coefficients (stiffness and damping) are computed
by the least squares method. This methodology is tested for three different
geometries: (1) a cylindrical bearing, (2) a lemon bearing and a (c) bearing
with a worn stator. More details about the modeling presented in this text
can be found in Mota [26].
Figure 1: Schematic drawing of an eccentricity journal bearing
2. Problem description
In this article, the dynamics of the fluid flow in the annular space between
two cylinders is studied. This is a representation of a hydrodynamic bearing.
The system is shown in Fig. 1. The external cylinder, with radius Ro is
called stator and the internal cylinder, with radius Ri , is the rotor which
spins with a speed ω.
With the rotation speed, the rotor moves to an eccentric position. Any
point on the rotor’s surface can be described as (see Fig. 1)
Rθ = Ri2 − e2 sin2 α + e cos α , (1)
3π π 3π
− θ + β, if + β ≤ θ < + β (I)
2 2 2
α= ,
− 3π 3π 5π
− θ + β , if +β ≤θ < + β (II)
2 2 2
3. Theoretical Modeling
The dynamic of the fluid between the rotor and stator is modeled using
the Navier-Stokes equations and the continuity equation. For this problem,
the equations are
ρ + v · ∇v = ∇ · σ, (2a)
+ ∇ · (ρv) = 0, (2b)
where ρ is the specific mass of the fluid; v is the velocity field vector in cylin-
drical coordinates with components u (axial), v (radial) and w (tangential);
and σ = −pI + τ is Cauchy’s tensor in terms of the pressure field p, the
tension tensor τ and the identity tensor I.
Assuming an incompressible Newtonian fluid in a steady-state laminar
flow, Eqs. (2) can be simplified [27]. First, ρ can be considered constant.
Also, the shear stress is proportional to its deformation rate, i.e., τ = µ(∇v).
Moreover, the fluid is considered in a steady state, where the quantities do
not vary over time. Thus, Eq. (2) can be rewritten as:
1 ∂ 2u ∂ 2u
∂u ∂u w ∂u ∂p 1 ∂ ∂u
ρ u +v + =− +µ r + 2 2 + 2 . (4a)
∂z ∂r r ∂θ ∂z r ∂r ∂r r ∂θ ∂z
Radial direction, r:
∂v w ∂v w2
ρ v +u + − =
∂r ∂z r ∂θ r
1 ∂ 2v 2 ∂w ∂ 2 v
∂p ∂ 1 ∂(rv)
− +µ + 2 2− 2 + 2 . (4b)
∂r ∂r r ∂r r ∂θ r ∂θ ∂z
Tangent direction, θ:
∂w ∂w w ∂w vw
ρ v +u + + =
∂r ∂z r ∂θ r
1 ∂ 2w 2 ∂v ∂ 2 w
1 ∂p ∂ 1 ∂(rw)
− +µ + 2 2 + 2 + . (4c)
r ∂θ ∂r r ∂r r ∂θ r ∂θ ∂z 2
1 ∂(rv) 1 ∂w ∂u
+ + = 0. (4d)
r ∂r r ∂θ ∂z
This system of partial differential equations is nonlinear, and the veloc-
ity and pressure fields are unknown. After applying the proper boundary
conditions, it can be approximated numerically. However, additional simpli-
fications can be applied when a dimensional analysis is performed.
3.1. Dimensionless Navier-Stokes equations
The fact that the radial clearance F = Ro − Ri is very small compared
to the radii Ro and Ri , and the length L is used to decide which terms
can be neglected. First, consider U a typical speed and L a characteristic
length with the same order of magnitude as Ro and Ri . Then, the following
dimensionless variables are introduced:
µU L
u = U û, v = U v̂, w = U ŵ, p = P p̂, P = ,
∆z = L∆ẑ, ∆r = F ∆r̂, ∆(rθ) = L∆(r̂θ) , (5)
where the hat symbol means dimensionless variable. Note that the ex-
pression for P was used since the pressure exhibits a higher variation near
the smallest fluid width. Now, using the dimensionless variables (5) in (4a)
∂U û ∂U û U ŵ ∂U û
ρ U û + U v̂ + =
∂Lẑ ∂F r̂ Lr̂ ∂θ
1 ∂ 2 U û ∂ 2 U û
∂P p̂ 1 ∂ ∂U û
− +µ Lr̂ + 2 2 + .
∂Lẑ Lr̂ ∂F r̂ ∂F r̂ L r̂ ∂θ2 ∂L2 ẑ 2
by (F/L)2 and (F/L) are neglected and Eqs. (4a), (4b) and (4c) become:
∂p 1 ∂ ∂u
− + r = 0, (9a)
∂z r ∂r ∂r
− = 0, (9b)
∂ 1 ∂(rw) 1 ∂p
− = 0. (9c)
∂r r ∂r r ∂θ
After this process, the number of terms was reduced considerably. For
the equation along the radial direction (9b), the radial velocity disappeared
and the pressure gradient along this direction is zero.
3.2. Velocities
Equations (9a) and (9c) can now be integrated in order to compute the
velocities u and w:
∂p 1 2
u= r + c1 ln r + c2 , (10a)
∂z 4
1 ∂p 1 c4
w= r ln r − + c3 r + , (10b)
2 ∂θ 2 r
where c1 , c2 , c3 and c4 are constants. Since the fluid speed is zero at
the stator and equal to the tangential speed W at the rotor’s surface, the
boundary conditions are: u(Ro ) = 0, u(Rθ ) = 0, w(Ro ) = 0 and w(Rθ ) =
ωRi = W . Thus, the description of the velocities u and w is obtained as a
function of the pressure gradient:
" #
∂p Rθ2 (Ro2 − Rθ2 )
r r
u= − 2 ln −1 , (11a)
∂z 4 Rθ Ri ln(Ro /Rθ ) Rθ
1 ∂p 1 1
w= r ln r − + Kr − ln Ro + K −
2 ∂θ 2 r 2
W Rθ Ro
+ 2 r − , (11b)
(Rθ − Ro2 ) r
1 2 1 2 1
K= 2 Rθ ln Rθ − − Ro ln Ro − . (12)
Ro − Rθ2 2 2
3.3. Continuity Equation
In order to obtain the pressure field, the continuity equation (4d) is inte-
grated in the annular region of interest,
Z Ro Z Ro Z Ro
∂(rv) ∂w ∂(ru)
dr + dr + dr = 0 . (13)
Rθ ∂r R ∂θ R ∂z
| {z } | θ {z } | θ {z }
Z Ro Z Ro
∂ ∂Rθ ∂
w dr + w(Rθ ) + ru dr − Rθ v(Rθ ) = 0 (14)
∂θ Rθ ∂θ ∂z Rθ
The remaining boundary conditions w(Rθ ) and v(Rθ ) are obtained by kine-
matics. First, consider a point A at the surface of the rotor, as shown in Fig.
2. The poition vector of this point, with respect to a cylindrical coordinate
Figure 2: Graphical description of the speed of point A.
pA = Rθ eθ , (15)
vrad = u(Rθ ) = ω , (17a)
vtan = w(Rθ ) = ωRθ . (17b)
The boundary conditions in Eq. (17) are substituted in Eq. (14), which
Z Ro Z Ro
∂ ∂
w dr + ru dr = 0 (18)
∂θ Rθ ∂z Rθ
Finally, the speeds u and w in Eqs. (11a) and (11b) are substituted in
Eq. (18) and integrated:
∂ ∂p ∂ ∂p ∂
C1 + C2 = C0 (19)
∂θ ∂θ ∂z ∂z ∂θ
Ro 1
C0 = −W Rθ ln 1+ 2 − (20)
Rθ (Ro − Rθ2 ) 2
Rθ 1 2 2 2 2
C1 = [R ln Ro − Rθ ln Rθ − Ro − Rθ (1 + K)] −
2 2Rθ o
1 Ro
ln Rθ − + K ln
2µ 2 Rθ
Figure 3: Rectangular mesh used for discretization of the equation and graphic translation
of the centered finite difference method; adapted from [18].
After the substitution of Eq. (23) in Eq. (19), the following algebraic
equation is obtained:
(C2(i−1,j) ) (C1(i,j−1) ) (C1(i,j) + C1(i,j−1) ) (C1(i,j) + C1(i,j−1) )
pi−1,j + pi,j−1 − pi,j + +
∆z 2 ∆θ2 ∆θ2 ∆z 2
(C1(i,j) ) (C2(i,j) ) 1
pi,j+1 + p i+1,j = C 0W (i,j) − C 0W (i,j−1) , (24)
∆θ2 ∆z 2 ∆θ
where the pressure at the node (i, j) is written as p(i, j). The boundary
conditions of Eq. (24) are:
Eq. (24) can be expressed in a matrix form as
Mp = f , (25)
p = p0,0 p0,1 . . . pNZ ,Nθ , (26)
f = f0,0 f0,1 . . . fNZ ,Nθ , (27)
and M is a sparse matrix. Eq. (25) is assembled in Python and solved with
the SymPy1 library.
Z L Z π
fN = −Ri p(θ, z) cos θdθdz (28a)
0 0
Z LZ π
fT = R i p(θ, z) sin θdθdz (28b)
0 0
Since the pressure field is discrete, the double integrals are computed
numerically using the Simpson’s method.
https : / / docs . scipy . org / doc / scipy / reference / generated / scipy . sparse .
forces oppose to them. If only the weight of the rotor is considered, the cen-
ter of the spinning rotor stays in an equilibrium position where the weight
is balanced with the fluid film forces. This position can be described by the
eccentric displacement e and the attitude angle β, as shown in Fig. 1. At
this position, the following condition must be satisfied:
S= , (31)
πW F 2
where F = Ro − Ri is the radial clearance.
This nondimensional number is directly linked to the equilibrium position.
Fig. 4 illustrates this relation.
Figure 4: Path taken by the center of the rotor related to the Sommerfeld Number; adapted
from [30].
6. Dynamic Coefficients
In the previous section, the fluid film forces calculated are valid only at the
static equilibrium of the rotor’s center. If the rotor performs small movements
around such position, the fluid film forces vary. One way to characterize the
relation between the forces and small displacements around the equilibrium
position is to determine the stiffness and damping coefficients.
vA = v r + vp (32)
where vr is the velocity of A due to the rotation speed and vp is the velocity
acquired by the perturbation. In order to derive an equation for vp , the
small displacements around the equilibrium position (x0 , y0 ) are assumed of
the following form:
where (vp )x and (vp )y stand for the speeds when perturbations along the
horizontal and vertical directions are applied, respectively. In cylindrical
coordinates, and using Eq. (34), one arrives to:
(vA )x = ω + ωp xp cos (ωp t) cos (θ) er + (ωRθ − ωp xp cos (ωp t) sin (θ))eθ
∂θ | {z }
| {z } (vtan )x
(vrad )x
(vA )y = ω + ωp yp cos (ωp t) sin (θ) er + (ωRθ − ωp yp cos (ωp t) cos (θ))eθ
∂θ | {z }
| {z } (vtan )y
(vrad )y
(vrad )x = u(Rθ )x = ω + ωp xp cos (ωp t) cos (θ), (36a)
(vtan )x = w(Rθ )x = ωRθ − ωp xp cos (ωp t) sin (θ), (36b)
(vrad )y = u(Rθ )y = ω + ωp yp cos (ωp t) sin (θ), (36c)
(vtan )y = w(Rθ )y = ωRθ − ωp yp cos (ωp t) cos (θ). (36d)
Thus, for an excitation along the x direction, the fluid film forces are
computed according to the equation:
Z LZ π
(fx (t))x =Ri p(θ, z, t; xp , ωp ) sin θ cos βdθdz
0 0
Z LZ π
+ Ri p(θ, z, t; xp , ωp ) cos θ sin βdθdz (38a)
0 0
Z LZ π
(fy (t))x =Ri p(θ, z, t; xp , ωp ) sin θ sin βdθdz
0 0
Z LZ π
− Ri p(θ, z, t; xp , ωp ) cos θ cos βdθdz, (38b)
0 0
∂fx ∂fx
Kxx = , Kxy = ,
∂x ∂y
∂fy ∂fy
Kyx = , Kyy = ,
∂x ∂y
∂fx ∂fx
Cxx = , Cxy = ,
∂ ẋ ∂ ẏ
∂fy ∂fy
Cyx = , Cyy = .
∂ ẋ ∂ ẏ
The terms Kxx , Kyy , Cxx and Cyy are called the direct stifness coeffi-
cients and direct damping coefficients, respectively. Kxy , Kyx , Cxy and Cyx
are called the cross-coupled stiffness coefficients and cross-coupled damping
coefficients, respectively.
By including the effects of the perturbation in the simplified equation
(19), it is possible to rewrite the Taylor Series expansion of the forces in Eq.
(39) as a function of the time t. Thus, for each direction of disturbance the
fluid film forces are:
Note that the ∆x(t), ∆ẋ(t), ∆y(t) and ∆ẏ(t) are known by Eq. (33); fx0 and
fy0 are the forces at the equilibrium position from Eq. (30); and (fx (t))x ,
(fy (t))x , (fx (t))y and (fy (t))y are obtained from Eq. (38).
Equation (40) can be written in matrix form as:
• Towards x:
∆x[0] ∆ẋ[0] (fx [0])x − fx0 (fy [0])x − fy0
∆x[1] ∆ẋ[1]
(fx [1])x − fx0 (fy [1])x − fy0
kxx kyx
= .
.. ..
c c .. ..
. . xx yx . .
∆x[N − 1] ∆ẋ[N − 1] (fx [N − 1])x − fx0 (fy [N − 1])x − fy0
| {z } | {z }
Ax Fx
• Towards y:
∆y[0] ∆ẏ[0] (fx [0])y − fx0 (fy [0])y − fy0
∆y[1] ∆ẏ[1]
(fx [1])y − fx0 (fy [1])y − fy0
kxy kyy
= .
.. ..
c c .. ..
. . xy yy . .
∆y[N − 1] ∆ẏ[N − 1] (fx [N − 1])y − fx0 (fy [N − 1])y − fy0
| {z } | {z }
Ay Fy
Or, in order to simplify the notation:
kxx kyx kxy kyy
Ax = Fx e Ay = Fy . (43)
cxx cyx cxy cyy
with small to moderate values of the bearing eccentricity, e ≤ 0.75F ) already
with the ratio L/D ≤ 1/2.
To analyze the short journal bearing, the pressure variation in the z
direction is considered much larger than in the θ direction, i.e. ∂p/∂θ
∂p/∂z. Thus, the first term in the Eq. (11a) is neglected, and one obtains
" 2 #
−3µω sin θ L L2
p= z− − , (46)
(Rθ − Ri )2 (1 + cos θ)3 2 4
where = is the eccentricity ratio and ω the rotor speed.
Ro − Ri
Element Value
Rotor radius (Ri ) 0.2 [m]
Gap (F ) 0.0001 [m]
Load (W ) 50 [N ]
Ratio L/D 1/8
Viscosity (µ) 0.015 [P a.s]
Rotation speed (ω) 10.472 [rad/s]
Table 1: Parameters used for the simulation on a short cylindrical bearing.
Ekxx Ekxy 0.017 0.003 Ecxx Ecxy 0.005 0.04
≈ e ≈ (47)
Ekyx Ekyy 0.001 0.04 Ecyx Ecyy 0.06 0.002
Pressure along in the middle of the bearing
Ishida and Yamamoto (2021)
1.0 Present work
Pressure [Pa]
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Figure 5: Pressure field obtained for a short journal bearing; Table 1. Comparison of the
current results with the one found in [23].
Now that the proposed computational model was verified with the short
bearing approximation found in the literature, the new geometry parameter-
ization, developed in Section 2, can be explored in other bearing configura-
tions, or other machine elements.
and Beek [32] claim that this bearing configuration is relatively cheap and
easy to manufacture, as it is made from adaptations in the cylindrical bearing
itself, being composed of two circular arcs (cuts from the original structure),
with aligned centers, generating two horizontal slits, as shown in Fig. 6.
Ro∗ = Ro2 − 2 sin2 α + cos α, (48)
π/2 + θ, se θ ∈ 1st quadrant
3π/2 + θ, se θ ∈ 2nd quadrant
where α = .
θ − π/2, se θ ∈ 3rd quadrant
5π/2 − θ, ∈ 4th quadrant
se θ
Another important parameter to be defined is the preload m which, in
Element Value
Stator radius (Ro ) 0.015 [m]
Gap (F ) 9 · 10−5 [m]
Length (L) 0.02 [m]
Load (W ) 100 [N ]
Viscosity (µ) 5.449 · 10−2 [P a.s]
Rotation speed (ω) 261.8 [rad/s]
Table 2: Numerical simulation for the elliptical bearing.
Pressure [Pa]
Pressure (×1e5)
3 2
L 0.0
[m0.5 0 0
] (×1.0 6
1e-1.5 2 4 0 2 4 6
2) 2.0 0 [ ra d ] [rad]
(a) Pressure distribution. (b) Side view.
Pressure [Pa]
Pressure (×1e5)
3 2
2 1
L 0.0
[m0.5 0 0
] (×1.0
1e-1.5 2 4d] 6 0 2 4 6
2) 2.0 0 [ ra [rad]
(a) Pressure distribution. (b) Side view.
Pressure [Pa]
Pressure (×1e5)
6 0.4
4 0.2
L 0.0
[m0.5 0 0.0
] (×1.0
1e-1.5 2 4d] 6 0 2 4 6
2) 2.0 0 [ ra [rad]
(a) Pressure distribution. (b) Side view.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 10: Pressure along θ in the middle of the elliptical bearing for different values of
the preload m.
Posição do centro do rotor
/2 Posição do centro do rotor
Figure 11: Variation of the equilibrium position on the elliptical bearing for different
Fluid film forces
Forces [N]
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Preload m
Figure 12: Behavior of radial and tangential forces on the elliptical bearing for different
effects of vibration on the system, and that high values of these coefficients
are desired.
The difference between the results of the cylindrical and elliptical bearing
is clear. In the first configuration, all the factors that reduce the eccentricity
imply a decrease in the pressure field, forces and variation of the dynamic co-
efficients. For the elliptical bearing configuration, the exact opposite occurs.
By increasing the preload, rotor and stator become closer to concentricity
and, this yields an increase in all the results just mentioned. However, the
increase of the stiffness cross coefficient indicates that the system risks to be
1e7 1e5
8 kxx cxx
kxy cxy
6 kyx
3 cyx
kyy cyy
2 1
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Preload m Preload m
(a) Stiffness coefficients. (b) Damping coefficients.
Figure 13: Dynamic coefficients of the elliptical bearing for different preloads.
Ro∗ = Ro + dθ (50)
Figure 14: Schematic drawing of a worn bearing.
Element Value
Stator radius (Ro ) 0.015 [m]
Gap (F ) 9 · 10−6 [m]
Length (L) 0.02 [m]
Load (W ) 18.9 [N ]
Viscosity (µ) 0.1044 [P a.s]
Rotation speed (ω) 104.72 [rad/s]
Table 3: Numerical simulation for the worn bearing.
0, se 0 ≤ θ ≤ θs , θf ≤ θ ≤ 2π
where dθ = .
d0 − F (1 + cos (θ − π/2)) , se θs < θ < θf
In θs and θf , the wear depth is zero, so the location of the edges can be
defined as follows:
With the geometry described as above, and data shown in Table 3, the
results for the pressure field in the bearing with wear are verified with [24].
1.0 1e5
Pressure [Pa]
10 0.6
Pressure (×1e4)
6 0.4
4 0.2
L 0.0
[m0.5 0 0.0
] (×1.0 6
1e-1.5 2 4 0 2 4 6
2) 2.0 0 [ ra d ] [rad]
(a) Pressure distribution. (b) Side view.
1.0 1e5
Pressure [Pa]
10 0.6
Pressure (×1e4)
6 0.4
4 0.2
L 0.0
[m0.5 0 0.0
] (×1.0
1e-1.5 2 4d] 6 0 2 4 6
2) 2.0 0 [ ra [rad]
(a) Pressure distribution. (b) Side view.
Pressure [Pa]
14 0.8
Pressure (×1e4)
10 0.6
6 0.4
4 0.2
L 0.0
[m0.5 0 0.0
] (×1.0
1e-1.5 2 4d] 6 0 2 4 6
2) 2.0 0 [ ra [rad]
(a) Pressure distribution. (b) Side view.
Pressure [Pa]
Pressure (×1e4)
6 0.4
4 0.2
L 0.0
[m0.5 0 0.0
] (×1.0
1e-1.5 2 4d] 6 0 2 4 6
2) 2.0 0 [ ra [rad]
(a) Pressure distribution. (b) Side view.
0.75 d0 = 80 m
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 19: Pressure along θ in the middle of the bearing with wear to different depths d0
(γ = 10◦ ).
The depth of wear on the structure also influences the equilibrium position
of the rotor, as seen in Figs. 20. As the depth d0 increases, the center of the
rotor moves away from the center of the stator, increasing the eccentricity. In
addition to the direction opposite to the center of the stator, the path taken
d0 = 80 m 0.2
0 20 40 60 80
3 /2 Wear depth d0 [ m]
(a) Rotor center. (b) Variation of eccentricity.
Figure 20: Variation of the balance position in the bearing with wear for different depths
d0 (γ = 10◦ ).
Fluid film forces
Forces [N]
10.0 T
0 20 40 60 80
Wear depth d0
Figure 21: Behavior of radial and tangential forces on the bearing with wear to different
depths d0 (γ = 10◦ ).
0 1
1 0
0 25 50 75 0 25 50 75
Wear depth d0 [ m] Wear depth d0 [ m]
(a) Stiffness coefficients. (b) Damping coefficients.
Figure 22: Dynamic bearing coefficients with wear for different depths d0 (γ = 10◦ ).
Figure 23: Schematic drawing listing the three bearing configurations shown.
Element Value
Stator radius (Ro ) 0.015 [m]
Gap (F ) 9 · 10−5 [m]
Length (L) 0.02 [m]
Load (W ) 100 [N ]
Viscosity (µ) 0.05449 [P a.s]
Rotation speed (ω) 50 ≤ ω ≤ 550 [rad/s]
Table 4: Numerical simulation for the comparison of bearing geometries.
ations in geometry that directly affect the dynamic response of the system.
The stiffness coefficients show intervals in which the risk of instabilities is
more critical, which can serve to indicate operational conditions that should
be avoided.
Posição do centro do rotor
Posição do centro do rotor
elliptical cylindrical
wear 1.0 elliptical
Figure 24: Balance position for different bearing configurations, varying the rotation speed.
In order to compare the results, the data shown in Table 4 is used, adapt-
ing only the specifics of each geometry and varying the rotation speed in
the range of 50 ≤ ω ≤ 550 [rad/s]. For the elliptical bearing the preload
m = 0.4 was considered and, for the bearing with wear, the maximum depth
d0 = 50[µm] with an angular displacement γ = 10◦ . The schematic draw-
ing that relates the three bearing configurations is illustrated in Fig. 23, in
which the geometries are indicated by the letters C, E and D, representing
cylindrical, elliptical and worn bearings, respectively.
Figures. 24 (a-b) illustrate the variation of the equilibrium position for the
cylindrical, elliptical and worn bearing. In the three cases, the eccentricity
decreases with the increase of the rotation speed. However, it is possible
to observe the different paths. While the cylindrical bearing moves in a
semicircle-like path, the elliptical bearing generates a steeper curve, in which
most points are aligned with the horizontal axis. On the other hand, the
worn bearing has much higher eccentricities for all speeds. It is interesting
to highlight the difference between the bearing balance positions with and
without wear. Despite having very similar geometry, wear alters the position
of the rotor center and the way it behaves at different speeds.
As already shown, the pressure behavior is changed for each geometry.
Fig. 25 demonstrates these changes in order to facilitate comparison. It is
Pressure along in the middle of the bearing
4 Wear
Pressure [Pa]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 25: Pressures along θ in the middle of the bearing for different geometry configu-
rations, varying the rotation speed.
noticed that, in addition to the new peak, the maximum pressure value is
also modified. The cylindrical bearing has the lowest pressure value, while
the elliptical reaches the greatest magnitude, even though the configuration
with the least eccentricity. It is also possible to notice that the wear causes an
increase in the pressure comparing to the cylindrical bearing, also modifying
the place where the pressure reaches its highest value.
The radial and tangential components of the forces of the fluid film (Fig.
26), as well as the pressure fields, are different for the three cases presented.
In cylindrical and elliptical bearings, the radial force N presents a clear
decrease when the rotation speed increases, even reaching negative values,
for the case of the elliptical bearing. For wear, the decrease of this component
is moderate, with values much higher than the tangential force T , which is
also growing smoothly. The tangential force T for the elliptical bearing is
little influenced by the rotation speed. From 150 rad/s up, the this force is
almost constant for the rotation speed range analyzed. On the other hand,
for cylindrical geometry, varying the rotation speed has a higher impact on
the forces.
Finally, Figs. 27 (a-d) and 27 (a-d) show the variations of each term
of the stiffness and damping coefficients for the different geometries in the
Fluid film forces
f_N (cylindrical)
100 f_T (cylindrical)
f_N (elliptical)
80 f_T (elliptical)
f_N (wear)
60 f_T (wear)
Forces [N]
Figure 26: Forces for different bearing configurations, varying the rotation speed. The con-
tinuous line represents the radial component and the dashed line represents the tangential
rotation speed range adopted. Some characteristics stand out in these results
and are commented below.
Regarding the stiffness coefficients, it is noticed that, in the elliptical
bearing, the terms kxy and kyy have rapid growing up to ω ≈ 300[rad/s] and,
then there is a drastic reduction in their values, which does not occur in the
other two geometries. The term kxx shows little variation with the rotation
speed for the cylindrical bearing. It decreases for the elliptical bearing and
develops much higher values for the wear geometry. The terms kxy , kyx and
kyy show similar growth and decrease their values in cylindrical and worn
bearings, with the greatest difference between them in the crossover term
kyx .
In order to analyze the stability conditions in the different bearings, it
is necessary to compare the direct and crossed stiffness coefficients for the
same direction. Such comparison becomes more understandable in Figs. 28
(a-b), which illustrate the differences (kxx −kxy ) and (kyy −kyx ) in the applied
rotation speed range. If these differences are negative, they mean that the
cross term has a higher value than the direct term, indicating possibility of
rotor instability. It is desired that these values are high and positive. In
Cylindrical Wear Cylindrical Wear
1e6 Elliptical 1e6 Elliptical
3 4
kxx [N/m]
kxy [N/m]
2 2
200 400 200 400
Rotor speed [rad/s] Rotor speed [rad/s]
(a) kxx (b) kxy
kyy [N/m]
6 2
7 0
200 400 200 400
Rotor speed [rad/s] Rotor speed [rad/s]
(c) kyx (d) kyy
Figure 27: Stiffness coefficients for different bearing configurations, varying the rotation
Cylindrical Wear Cylindrical Wear
1e6 Elliptical 1e7 Elliptical
kxx kxy [N/m]
Figure 28: Difference between the direct and cross terms of stiffness in each direction.
this way, it is possible to notice that the differences, for the three bearing
configurations in the x direction, tend to decrease. However, the elliptical
bearing presents a different behavior from the others, with the cross term
greater than the direct one for rotation speeds in the range 100 < ω <
300 [rad/s]. The difference in the terms in the y direction is positive for the
entire variation, for the three geometries, also showing much less uniformity
in the elliptical bearing.
Unlike what happens in stiffness, damping is not as sensitive to the pres-
ence of faults. All coefficients develop close values for cylindrical and worn
bearings, except for the direct terms cxx , which is different for lower speeds,
but end up getting closer as the speed increases. The elliptical geometry
results in damping coefficients that follow the same growth and decrease
patterns as the others, but always with higher values. The cross terms cxy
and cyx show increasing and negative values for all cases. However, with
higher rotation speeds, they become positive only on the elliptical bearing.
Direct terms decrease in all cases without reaching negative results.
Cylindrical Wear Cylindrical Wear
1e4 Elliptical 1e4 Elliptical
cxx [N-s/m]
cxy [N-s/m]
4 4
2 6
200 400 200 400
Rotor speed [rad/s] Rotor speed [rad/s]
(a) cxx (b) cxy
0 1.5
cyx [N-s/m]
cyy [N-s/m]
6 0.5
Figure 29: Damping coefficients for different bearing configurations, varying the speed.
8. Conclusions
Considering the flow of a small thickness of lubricating oil film between
two cylinders, this work presents a review of the whole Lubrication Theory,
starting from the Navier-Stokes Eq. (2a) until reaching an elliptical partial
differential Eq. (19) that describes the pressure field in the annular space,
corresponding to the well-known Reynolds equation normally used in the
literature on the subject.
Through a dimensionless analysis, it was possible to promote a mapping
of the terms of the equations, ordering them by relevance in the physical
phenomenon for this type of situation. By revisiting this formulation, it was
also possible to choose a new and effective parameterization of geometry,
which enables a more detailed description of the problem, allowing to adapt
the modeling of this work to other contexts.
Without changing the proposed model, simulations were carried out in
different configurations of hydrodynamic bearings. This parameterization
also allows the model to be adapted in the future for many other geometries,
including changes not only in the tangential direction, but also in the axial
direction. In addition, the equations were written in cylindrical coordinates
in order to preserve the effects of curvature, which may be interesting for
future works.
The pressure field was obtained numerically through the centered finite
differences method. This result was verified from its application in simula-
tions for cylindrical hydrodynamic bearings, comparing the responses of this
model with those obtained through classic approaches in the literature.
A new methodology was presented, different from the one commonly used
in the literature, to compute the stiffness and damping coefficients. This
alternative, through a Least Squares solution obtained by the Moore-Penrose
pseudo inverse, making the process computationally effective.
Another relevant result is the construction of the algorithm in Python,
developed by the authors of this research and used in all the simulations
presented. Through Fluid Flow it is possible to choose geometric and opera-
tional parameters according to analyzes of the desired pressure performance,
forces, equilibrium position, dynamic coefficients, etc. In addition, the low
computational cost of the implemented modeling allows to generate different
simulations, which enables its use in machine learning algorithms, a function
already explored in Ross, which contains a stochastic module to provide this
type of analysis. This module also explores uncertainties about the model
presented in this work, such as, for example, the impact of the equilibrium
position on the dynamic coefficients.
Two other configurations of hydrodynamic bearings were also presented:
the elliptical and wear bearing. These new structures, obtained through
changes only in the geometric description of the problem, without changing
the modeling, portray the gain resulting from the chosen parameterization.
In each situation, the impact of these changes on the dynamic response of
the system was analyzed and, finally, comparisons were made between the
three geometries, exploring the changes in the responses for different rotation
The results obtained make clear the impact of the variation of the bearing
type on the fluid model’s responses. The elliptical bearing, introduced as an
alternative to correct the instabilities generated in the cylindrical bearing,
showed the high stiffness coefficients, which might lead to rotor instability.
As for the bearing with wear, it is clear that even small changes compromise
the entire response of the model. The pressure field changes dramatically, as
do the forces and stiffness. On the other hand, the worn does not seem to
influence the system’s damping so much.
It is concluded that the description of geometry is fundamental for the
success of the modeling. It is worth noting that the parameterization chosen
for the description of the problem allows such changes to be made naturally,
without the need to modify the model. Furthermore the proposed model
may constitute a tool for choosing the best geometry, in order to optimize
the operation of rotating machines within their specific contexts.
9. Acknowledgements
The code used for the simulations presented in this paper is part of
ROSS3 , an open source library written in Python for rotordynamic analy-
sis, by [31].
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