MEZ Induction Motor
MEZ Induction Motor
MEZ Induction Motor
Manufacturer :
Elektromotory s.r.o.
Rukan Aries Niaga BlokAl No. 24, 2B
Jl. Taman Aries, Jakarta Barat
Tet. (021 ) 22544488 (N), 22544666 (H ), 58906938-39
Fax. (021) 22544747
E-mail :
The ll4anufacturer
Siemens Elektromotory s.r.o., the manu-
facturer of MEZ motors with two manufac-
turing plants in Czech Republic, Europe, sLEut'EN l:
and Siemens Standard Motors Limited are
wholly owned and managed by Siemens AG
group of Germany. It is part of Siemens AG's
Standard Drive. division currently based
in Erlangen, at southern part of Germany.
Types of lWotors
a MEZ lE1 motors, including series of '1
0BG and 11BG,
are manufactured and assembled in Europe and Siemens Elektromotory s.r.o., Plant Mohelnice. one of S,e-s'-. -..Jfacturing plants
Siemens Standard Motors Limited and exported in located in the city of Mohelnice, Czech Republtc. praducss l,lZZ l,lators of frames
completely built-up form with original packing to various 63 up to 1 60.
countries in the world, including lndonesia.
a All the motors passed various tight tests and a lnsulation
examinations during different production stages before Motor winding is of copper wire of insulation Class F,
arriving your factories. with temperature rise of Class B according to IEC 85
(CSN 33 0250).The winding can withstand a maximum
Qeneral Specifications temperature rise of B0"C at a maximum ambient
temperature of 40'C.
a Voltages - Frequency - Power Output a Enclosure
The 1OBG and 11BG series motors are delivered with Standard motors are of totally enclosed lP-55 enclosure
either 220V D / 3B0V Y, 50Hz or 380V D / 660V Y, in accordance with IEC 34-5 (EN 60034-5, CSN 350001)
50Hz as standard. The power output references are and thus water projected by a nozzle against the motor
according to DIN 42673 and DIN 42677. shall have no harmful effect. IP-56 enclosure is optional.
r)-H L1
Protection against harmful
deposits of dust. Dust cannot
Water projected by noozle
against the machine from
enter in an amount sufficient to
t, any direction shall have no
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u2 ryl v2
tP-66 The ingress of dust is totally
prevented from entering the
Water from heavy seas or
o water projected in powerful
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internal part of body. jets shali not enter the
@ illEZ rNDUCrroN MoroRS
be delivered according to IEC 34-7 (EN 60034-7, CSN 56 6201 6201 M3x9
60034-7) as shown in the table below : 63 6201 6201 M4x13
71 6202 6202 M5x12.5
Foot Mounted : lM 1081 80 6004 6004 M6x16
Flange Mounted : lM 3041, lM 3641 90 6205 6004 M8x19
100 6205 2Z 6206 22 M10x22
112 6205 22 6206 22 M10x22
132 6208 2Z 6208 22 M12x28
it 1..
6209 2Z
6210 Z C3
6210 Z C3
22 M1
NI 1
i'I iil
l'_ 200 6212 Z C3 6212 Z C3 M20x42
l-lode I il\4 83 IIV V5 IM V6 il\,4 86
225 6213 Z C3 6213 Z C3 M20x42
ilv 1011 ilv ilv 250 6215 Z C3 6215 Z C3 M20x42
tEc 34-7 Code ll I t\,,t 1 001 1031 1 051
ilv 1 081 280S 6217 ZC3 6217 C3 M20x42
280M 63'17 C3 631 7 C3 M20x42
621 I
i:::-i:l'l 55 C3 6219 C3 M20x42
i, 631 I 9 M20x42
FIGURES ,1 !, ii'i:.-ar..r' r
3151 (2P) 621 9
621 I
C3 M20x42
r 3151 (4-8P) 631 I C3 631 I C3 M20x42
Code I IIV 87 IIV 88 IIV 85
il\t B14 IM V'] A
IEC 34-7
Code ll tM 1061 tM 1071
ilv 3001
ltv 3601
ltll JUUl
[\4 3601
Bearing Arrangements
ilv 1 081 IV 304 3641 Standard bearing designs are as below :
Ordering Znformation:
Frame sizes
180 [/ to 250 M
Please provide us with following information of motors
you need in your purchase order when placing an order
. Type of motor (such as 0BG, 11BG etc), '1
1OBG & 11BG* Series : 80M - 355L (Energy Saving)
Motor Order Output Speed Efficiency COS Stator Nominal ls Ts Tm Moment Weight
Type Code Hp Kw (RPM) n I Current at Torque of inertia (kS)
380 V (A) (Nm) lf Tf Tf (ks m2)
80M 10BG/118G 080-2AA.. 1 0.75 2845 76 0.83 1.81 2.5 6.1 2.3 2.7 o.0oo8 14
8oM loBG/118G 083-2AA.. 1.5 1.1 2B4o 77.4 0.84 2.57 3.7 7 2.3 2.5 0.0009 15
90s 10BG/11BG 090-2AA.. 2 1.5 2840 79 0.84 3.43 5 6.9 2.3 2.3 0.0012 22
901 10BG/118G 096-24,4.. 3 2.2 2840 81.1 0.85 4.85 7.4 6.9 2.3 2.8 0.0014 24
1001 10BG/118G 106-2AA.. 4 3 2860 83 0.88 6.31 10 6.9 2.3 2.8 0.0039 33
112M 1oBGtl1BG 113-2AA.. 5.5 4 2880 85 0.88 8.'1 13.3 7.2 2.3 2.8 0.0055 38
1325 10BG/118G 130-2AA.. 7.5 5.5 2900 86 0.BB 11 18.1 7.5 2.3 2.8 0.0109 58
1325 10BG/118G 131-2AA.. 10 7.5 2900 87 0.88 14.9 24.7 7.4 2.3 2.8 0.013 63
160M '108G/118G 163-2A4.. 15 11 2930 88.4 0.89 21.2 35.9 7.5 2.5 2.6 0.038 105
160M 10BG/118G 164-2A4.. 20 15 2930 89.4 0.89 28.6 48.9 7.3 2.5 2.9 0.045 115
1601 10BG/118G 166-24,4.. 25 18.5 2930 91 0.9 34.3 60.3 7.2 2.5 2.8 0.055 128
180M 10BG/11BG 183-2AA.. 30 22 2940 91.2 0.89 41.2 71.5 7.5 2.3 2.9 0.075 165
200L 10BG|11BG 206-2AA.. 40 30 2950 91 .4 0.9 55.4 97.1 6.9 2.2 2.9 0.124 225
2ool loBG/11F.G 207-2AA.. 50 37 2g5o 92 0.9 67.9 120 7.1 2.3 2.g 0.139 246
225M 10BG111BG 223-2AA.. 60 45 2960 92.5 0.9 82.1 145 7.3 2.5 2.9 0.233 296
25oM 10BG/118G 253-2A8.. 75 55 2965 93 0.9 1oO 177 7.5 2.5 2.g 0.312 390
2805 10BG/11BG 280-2AB.. 100 75 2970 93.6 0.9 135 241 7.5 2.3 2.9 0.597 504
280M 10BG/'11BG 283-2A8.. 125 90 2970 93.9 0.91 160 289 7.5 2 2.3 0.675 536
3155 10BG/118G 310-2AC.. 150 110 2975 94 0.91 195 353 7.1 1.8 2.2 1.18 865
315M 10BG/118G 313-2AC.. 175 132 2975 94.5 0.91 233 424 7.1 1.8 2.2 1.55 960
3151 10BG/118G 316-2AC.. 220 160 2975 94.6 0.92 279 514 7 1.9 2.5 1.76 1035
3151 'I0BG/118G317-2AC..270 200 2975 94.8 0.92 348 642 7.1 1.8 2.2 2.02 1160
355M 10BG/1'1 BG 353-2AC70 300 220 2987 94.8 0.92 383 703 7.1 1.4 2.2 3.02 1545
355M 10BG/118G 354-2AC7o 335 250 2gB7 g5.2 0.9 444 7gg 7.1 1.4 2.2 3.56 1650
3551 10BG/11BG 356-2AC70 370 280 2987 95.2 0.9 497 895 7.1 1.4 2.2 3.84 1650
3551 10BG/118G 357-2AC7o 420 315 2987 95.4 0.9 558 1oO7 7.1 1.4 2.2 4.16 1790
10BG & 11BG* Series : 200L - 355L (Energy Saving)
Motor Order Output Speed Efficiency COS Stator Nominal ls Ts Tm Moment Weight
Type Code Hp Kw (RPM) n Q Current at Torque of inertia (kS)
380 V (A) (Nm) lf Tf Tf (kg m2)
2B0M 0BG/ 8G 283-4AA.. 125 90 1480
1 1 1 94.3 0.87 167 580 7 .2 2.4 2.8 1 .46 582
3155 10BG/118G 310-4A8.. 150 110 14BO 94.6 0.88 201 710 6.2 2.3 2.8 900
315M 10BG/118G 313-4A8.. 175 132 1480 94.9 0.88 240 852 6.1 2.2 2.8 3.29 995
3151 10BG/118G 316-4A8.. 220 160 1480 95.1 0.89 287 1032 6.5 2.2 2.8 1070
315L 10BG/11BG 317-4A8.. 270 200 1480 95.3 0.89 358 1291 6.4 2.1 2.8 4.49 1220
355M l oBG/11 BG 353-4AB7o 3oO 220 1490 95 0.89 395 1410 6.9 1.6 2.2 1 645
355M '108G/11BG 354-4A870 335 250 1490 95.2 0.87 459 1602 6.9 1.6 2.2 5.67 1685
3551 10BG/11 BG 356-4A870 370 2BO 1490 g5.2 0.87 514 1794 6.9 1.6 2.2 1780
3551 10BG/118G 357-4A870 420 315 1490 95.2 0.87 578 2019 6.9 1.6 2.2 6.66 1890
112M 10BG111BG 113-6AA.. 3 2.2 935 80 0.75 5.6 22.5 5 2.4 2.4 0.0138 40
1325 10BG/11BG 130-64A.. 4 3 960 81.5 0.76 7.4 29.8 6 2.1 2.6 0.0286 56
132M 10BG/118G 133-6AA.. 5.5 4 960 82 0.76 9.8 38.2 6 2.1 2.8 0.036 68
132M 10BG111BG 134-6AA.. 7.5 5.5 960 84.4 0.77 12.9 52.5 6.4 2.1 2.8 0.045 75
160M 10BG/11BG 163-6A4.. 10 7.5 970 86 0.77 17.2 71.6 6.5 2 2.7 0.088 104
1601 10BG/118G 166-6AA.. 15 11 970 87.5 0.78 24.5 105.1 6.5 2 2.9 0.116 127
1801 10BG/118G 186-6A4.. 20 15 970 89 0.83 30.9 143 6.5 2.2 2.7 0.207 167
2001 10BG/11BG 206-6A8.. 25 18.5 980 90 0.81 38.6 177 6.5 2.2 2.8 0.315 210
2001 10BG/118G 207-6A8.. 30 22 980 90 0.83 44.7 210 6.5 2.1 2.6 0.36 223
225M 10BGI11BG 223-6A8.. 40 30 980 91.7 0.84 59.2 287 6.5 2 2.6 0.547 290
250M '108G/118G 253-6A8.. 50 37 980 92 0.86 71 353 6.9 2.1 2.8 0.834 375
2805 10BG/118G 280-6A8.. 60 45 980 92.5 0.86 86 430 7 2.2 2.8 1.39 492
2B0M '108G/118G 283-6A8.. 75 55 980 92.8 0.86 105 525 7 2.1 2 1.65 530
3155 10BG/118G 310-6A8.. 100 75 989 93.5 0.86 142 724 7 2.3 2.8 4.11 820
315M 10BG/11BG 313-6A8.. 125 90 989 93.8 0.86 170 869 6.2 2 2.7 4.28 895
3151 10BG/118G 316-6A8.. 150 110 989 94.3 0.86 206 1062 6.2 2 2.6 5.45 1010
3151 10BG/118G 317-6A8.. 175 132 989 94.6 0.87 244 1274 6.5 2 2.8 6.12 1080
355M 10BG/118G 353-6A876 220 160 989 94.5 0.88 292 1609 6.7 1.9 2 8.85 1590
355M 10BG/11BG354-6AB76 245 185 989 94.5 0.BB 338 1861 6.7 1.9 2 8.98 1660
355M 10BG/118G 355-6A876 270 200 989 94.7 0.BB 365 2012 6.7 , 1.9 2 9.55 1730
3551 10BG/11BG 356-6A876 300 220 989 94.7 0.88 401 2213 6.7 1.9 2 10.09 1835
1 0BGi 11 BG 083-4AA (4P - 1 HP), 83 1 0BG/1 1 BG 106-44A (4P - 3HP), 83 1 0BG/l 1 BG 1 63-44,4 (4P - 1 5HP), 83
24 1oo
001 BG 0'l 06...01 07
0BG/1 '160 63
1 1 1 140 205 204 270 385
112M '10BG/118G 0'113 190 140
* 28 60 M1o
112 'tz 230 228 300 400
1 32S 10BG/118G 0130...0131 470
132M 1 0BG/'1'1 BG 0'1 33...01 34
2, 4,6 216 B9 38 B0 10 M12 270 267 345
160M '1
0BG/1 1 BG 01 63...01 64 210 6'15
254 108 42 12 37 160 320 325 420
1 601
10BG/118G 0'166 254 665
180M 10BG/118G 0183 241 '110
tc M16
'1801 '108G/118G 0'186 279 121 4B 14 42.5 180 355 366 455
279 730
2001 10BG/118G 0206...0207 3'18 305 133 55 16 49 200 395 408 505 770
2255 1 0BG/1 1 BG 0220 4 286 60 140 1B 53 815
2 356 149 55 110 16 49 225 435 456 560 820
225M 1BGtl1BG 0223 311
4,6 845
250M 10BG/118G 0253 406 349 168 '18
250 490 otc 915
65 58
2 960
280S 10BG/118G 0280 368 140
457 190
75 n 67.5
550 ; 680
2 18 280
280M 0BG/118G 0283 65 5B M20 1010
4,6 75 20 67.5 1 030
2 65 1B 58 1190
31 55 0BG/11BG 0310 406
4,6 80 170 22 71 1220
2 65 140 18 58 '1300
31 5M 10BG/11BG 0313 508 457 216 315 635 639 845
4,6 80 170 22 71 '1330
2 65 140 1B 58 1 300
31 5L 0BG/118G 03'16...0317 508 28
4.6 80 170 22 71 1 330
2 75 140 20 67.5 1 500
355M oBG/118G 0353...035s 560
4.6 95 170 25 B6 M24 1 530
610 355 730 718 1010
2 75 140 20 67.5 M20 1 500
3551 10BG/'l I BG 0356...0357 630
4,6 95 170 25 86 M24 1 530
@ MEZ rNDUCrroN MoroRS
TEFC, Squirrel Cage Rotor, Fully Tropicalised
Series:1OBG & 11BG (Frame:80M -280M)
1 0BG/1 1 BG 096-44A (4P - 2HP), 85 '1OBG/11BG 130-4AA (4P - 7 5HP), 85 10BG/'11 BG 163-44A (4P - 20HP), 85
Frame Size Poles SiT hole DB]AC HF L
10BG/118G 0253
10BG/11BG 0280
10BG11BG 0283
4.b 75
O Fans are plastic, fan covers are made of steel sheet. O Basic motor parts are made of cast iron, and both the
cooling fans and fan covers are made of plastic.
O Rotor cage is made of die-cast aluminium. The rotor
C End shields are made of grey cast iron. lnsulation of
lamination stack ib pressed onto the shaft, dynamically
balanced with half-key and fitted with ball bearings, copper wires is Class F with temperature rise of Class
B according to IEC 85.
O The motors are fitted with one protective mounting
O Motor feet are cast on to the frame body.
terminal situated in the terminal box. ln case an earth
terminal is required, a protrusion is provided on the motor
frame. O Standard voltages are 220Y1380V 50Hz (Frame 80-112)
380V D / 660V,A, 50 Hz (Frame 132-315). Other voltages
are available on request.
83 Mountinn
\*t \ff@ ga
Part List
85 Mounting
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