As 2878
As 2878
As 2878
Australian/New Zealand Standard™
Originated as MP 45—1979.
Previous edition AS 2878—1986.
Jointly revised and designated AS/NZS 2878:2000.
© Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
All rights are reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of the
Jointly published by Standards Australia International Ltd, GPO Box 5420, Sydney, NSW 2001
and Standards New Zealand, Private Bag 2439, Wellington 6020
ISBN 0 7337 3518 5
AS/NZS 2878:2000 2
This Standard was prepared by the joint Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand
Committee TM/3, Timber Grading, to supersede AS 2878—1986.
The objective of this Standard is to provide producers and users of structural timber with
procedures for establishing the strength group to which a species belongs for use in stress-
grading structural timber and determining structural properties.
Strength grouping was introduced in 1939 and has since been developed and refined to
simplify the presentation and utilization of the information obtained about some hundreds
of timber species.
A strength group may be visualized as a nominal species with established clear-wood
strength properties representing a collection of actual timber species that have similar or
slightly higher mean strength values. The group limits have been chosen so that the ratio
between representative strength values of groups is constant at approximately 1.2.
Where the wood of several species is virtually identical, they have been grouped under one
standard trade name in AS 2543, Nomenclature of Australian Timbers. Because no purpose
is served in separating them, timbers so grouped are regarded as a ‘species group’. This is
not to be confused with a ‘species mixture’ which is a marketing term for a mixture of
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species and for which the strength group is that of the lowest species strength group in the
To cater for normal commercial timber production, visual structural grading rules have been
developed with the ratio of strength values between the grades being the same as that
between the strength groups. Consequently the interaction of strength groups and visual
grades leads to a limited number of sets of design values, termed stress grades.
The following changes have been made for this edition:
(a) No consideration of species groups; only single species considered.
(b) Index properties are included.
(c) Compression test omitted (in line with International Standards).
(d) Timber sample may now be taken from mill production.
(e) Specimen size to be 20 × 20 mm in cross-section.
(f) Specimens to be clear of corewood and brittle heart.
(g) Minimum sample size for positive grouping is increased to 30.
(h) Tighter specification of moisture content conditions.
(i) Test report required.
(j) Slight modification in specified test procedures.
The term ‘normative’ has been used in this Standard to define the application of the
appendix to which it applies. A normative appendix is an integral part of a Standard.
3 AS/NZS 2878:2000
A SAMPLING ...............................................................................................................30
B MECHANICAL TESTS.............................................................................................31
AS/NZS 2878:2000 4
This Standard establishes a procedure for the classification of timber species into strength
groups based either on the values obtained from testing small clear specimens or on the
species mean density at 12 percent moisture content. It specifies the unseasoned and
seasoned strength groups of most of the timber species used in Australia.
NOTE: This Standard does not deal with the role that these strength groups play in the
determination of stress grades, basic working stresses and characteristic properties, nor does it
cover alternative means of determining stress grades of timber.
This Standard describes procedures for single species and does not cover species groups
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except where strength groups are given in Tables 3.1 and 3.2.
For the purpose of this Standard the definitions below apply.
1.3.1 Species mean
Mean value of a given property estimated from a representative sample (see Appendix A).
1.3.2 Strength group
Classification into which a timber species or species group, as listed in Tables 3.1 and 3.2,
is assigned on the basis of the mechanical properties of material free of strength-reducing
characteristics or density determination of the species.
NOTE: In descending order there are seven strength groups for unseasoned timber (S1 to S7) and
eight strength groups for seasoned timber (SD1 to SD8). Depending on the nature and amount of
data on which the classification is made, a strength group may be termed ‘positive’ or
‘provisional’ (see Clauses 1.3.4 and 1.3.5).
5 AS/NZS 2878:2000
AS/NZS 2878:2000 6
A seasoned and an unseasoned strength group shall be established as being appropriate for
use in the structural design of timber of a species in accordance with Clauses 2.2 and 2.3.
Where a strength group is established in accordance with Clause 2.3, it shall be placed in
brackets to indicate its provisional nature.
A species shall be given either a positive or a provisional strength grouping depending on
the amount and reliability of the information available for the species. Provisional strength
groupings are conservative, and desirably so, because of the predictive relationships in
making the assessment. When adequate information is available on the strength of the
species in one moisture state, i.e. unseasoned or seasoned, but not in the other, a positive
strength group shall be assigned for the one that is well documented and a provisional
strength group for the other.
2.2.1 Sampling
Test specimens shall be taken from a minimum of five properly selected trees of the species
being evaluated in accordance with Appendix A.
2.2.2 Testing
A minimum number of 30 test specimens shall be tested in accordance with Appendix B.
NOTE: Values for bending strength and modulus of elasticity are obtained from the tests and the
calculated species mean values.
2.2.3 Unseasoned material
Species mean values obtained from tests on unseasoned material will allow the species to be
strength grouped in accordance with Clauses 2.2.5 and 2.2.6 for use in the unseasoned
condition (i.e. assigned to an ‘S’ group).
2.2.4 Seasoned material
Specimens used to assess the properties of seasoned timber must have a moisture content
within the range of 10–14 percent at the time of test.
For each one percent difference in moisture content from 12 percent, the test data for
bending strength shall be adjusted by 4 percent and the test data for modulus of elasticity by
1.5 percent. For test moisture contents above 12 percent the adjustments are positive and for
test moisture contents below 12 percent the adjustments are negative.
Species mean values obtained by adjustment to 12 percent moisture content of the results
obtained from tests on kiln-dried or air-dried material will allow the species to be strength
grouped in accordance with Clauses 2.2.5 and 2.2.6 for use in the seasoned condition
(i.e. assigned to an ‘SD’ group).
2.2.5 Preliminary comparison based on individual critical properties
The species mean values for bending strength and modulus of elasticity are first compared
separately with the minimum values listed for each strength group (see Tables 2.1 and 2.2).
The value of a property measured in the seasoned state shall be adjusted to the reference
moisture content of 12 percent (see Clause 2.2.4) before it is compared with the tabulated
values of SD1 to SD8 in Table 2.2.
7 AS/NZS 2878:2000
Strength group
Minimum species mean
S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
Bending strength, MPa 103 86 73 62 52 43 36
Modulus of elasticity, 16 300 14 200 12 400 10 700 9 100 7 900 6 900
Modulus of elasticity, 21 500 18 500 16 000 14 000 12 100 10 500 9 100 7 900
AS/NZS 2878:2000 8
Preliminary classification*
Strength group assessed as S or SD
Bending strength Modulus of elasticity
x x x
x x–2 x–1
x x+2 x+1
* Strength group x – 1 is stronger than strength group x; e.g. if strength group S4 is
denoted by x then strength group S3 is denoted by x – 1.
9 AS/NZS 2878:2000
(a) Unseasoned material
Strength group S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7
Based on mean density
at 12 percent moisture 1180 1030 900 800 700 600 500
content, kg/m3
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AS/NZS 2878:2000 10
This Section gives strength groups that have been established for a number of timbers (as
defined by Standard trade name) as they are grown in Australia or imported from elsewhere.
The strength groups given for the species groups covered in this Section are deemed to
comply with the requirements of Section 2.
Ref. No. Preferred common name (Botanical name (s)) Unseasoned Seasoned
1 alder, blush (Sloanea australis) S5 SD6
2 alder, brown (Caldcluvia paniculosa) S5 SD6
3 alder, buff (Apodytes brachystylis) (S6) (SD6)
4 alder, hard (Pullea stutzeri) (S4) (SD4)
6 alder, pink (Gillbeea adenopetala) (S7) (SD7)
8 alder, rose (Caldcluvia australiensis) S6 SD6
9 alder, white (Polyosma alangiacea) (S5) (SD6)
10 almond, rose (Owenia venosa) (S3) (SD3)
11 almondbark (Prunus ternerana) (S7) (SD7)
13 antiaris (Antiaris toxicaria) (< S7) (SD8)
14 apple, Argyle (Eucalyptus cinerea) (S6) (SD6)
15 apple, black (Planchonella australis) S3 SD3
16 apple, broad-leaved (Angophora subvelutina) S4 (SD5)
18 apple, narrow-leaved (Angophora bakeri) (S5) (SD5)
19 apple, rough-barked (Angophora floribunda) (S4) (SD5)
20 apple, smooth-barked (Angophora costata) S3 SD3
21 apple, smudgy (Angophora woodsiana) (S3) (SD4)
22 ash, alpine (Eucalyptus delegatensis) S4 SD4
23 ash, Bennett’s (Flindersia bennettiana) (S4) (SD4)
11 AS/NZS 2878:2000
Ref. No. Preferred common name (Botanical name (s)) Unseasoned Seasoned
24 ash, Blue Mountains (Eucalyptus oreades) (S5) SD5
25 ash, Crow’s (Flindersia australis) S2 SD3
27 ash, hickory (Flindersia ifflaiana) S1 SD2
28 ash, leopard (Flindersia collina) (S3) (SD3)
30 ash, mountain (E. regnans) S4 SD3
31 ash, penta (Pentaceras australe) (S3) (SD3)
32 ash, pink (Alphitonia petriei) (S7) (SD7)
33 ash, red (Alphitonia excelsa) (S3) (SD3)
34 ash, scaly (Ganophyllum falcatum) S4 SD4
35 ash, silky (Ehretia acuminata) (S6) (SD7)
36 ash, silver (Flindersia bourjotiana) S4 SD5
37 ash, silvertop (Eucalyptus sieberi) S3 SD3
38 ash, white (E. fraxinoides) (S4) (SD3)
39 aspen, hard (Acronychia laevis) (S6) (SD6)
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AS/NZS 2878:2000 12
Ref. No. Preferred common name (Botanical name (s)) Unseasoned Seasoned
68 beech, silky (Citronella moorei) (S4) (SD4)
71 beech, tetra (Tetrasynandra laxiflora) (S7) (SD7)
72 beech, white (Gmelina dalrympleana) S6 (SD6)
73 beech, winter (Bubbia semecarpoides) (S6) (SD6)
74 beech, yellow (Hedycarya loxocarya) (S6) (SD6)
75 beefwood (Grevillea striata) (S3) (SD4)
76 belah (Casuarina cristata) (S2) (SD2)
77 bellfruit-tree (Codonocarpus attenuatus) (< S7) (< SD8)
78 bignonia (Deplanchea tetraphylla) (S7) (SD8)
79 birch, brown (Excoecaria dallachyana) (S5) (SD6)
81 birch, silver (Betula pendula) (S5) (SD6)
83 birch, white (Betula pubescens) S5 SD5
84 blackbutt (Eucalyptus pilularis) S2 SD2
86 blackbutt, New England (E. andrewsii) S3 SD3
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13 AS/NZS 2878:2000
Ref. No. Preferred common name (Botanical name (s)) Unseasoned Seasoned
126 box, grey (E. microcarpa, E. woollsiana, S2 SD2
E. moluccana)
127 box, grey, coast (E. bosistoana) S1 SD1
128 box, grey, Craven (E. largeana) S1 SD1
129 box, grey, narrow-leaved (E. pilligaensis) (S2) (SD2)
132 box, ironwood (Choricarpia leptopetala, (S3) (SD3)
C. subargenta)
133 box, kanuka (Tristania exiliflora, T. laurina) (S2) (SD3)
134 box, long-leaved (E. goniocalyx, E. nortonii) S3 SD4
138 box, red (E. polyanthemos) S3 SD4
139 box, red, Molloy (E. leptophleba) (S2) (SD2)
143 box, slaty (E. dawsonii) (S3) (SD4)
145 box, swamp (Lophostemon suaveolens) S6 SD6
146 box, swamp, northern (Lophostemon (S2) (SD3)
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AS/NZS 2878:2000 14
Ref. No. Preferred common name (Botanical name (s)) Unseasoned Seasoned
175 calophyllum, beach (Calophyllum inophyllum) S5 SD6
176 camphorwood (Cinnamomum culilawan) (S5) (SD5)
178 candlebark (Eucalyptus rubida) S5 SD5
179 candlenut (Aleurites moluccana) (S7) (SD7)
181 carabeen, bolly (Aristotelia megalosperma) (S6) (SD6)
183 carabeen, grey (Sloanea machbrydei) (S6) (SD6)
185 carabeen, white (Sloanea langii) (S5) (SD6)
186 carabeen, yellow (Sloanea woolsii) S4 SD4
187 carallia (Carallia brachiata) S4 (SD5)
188 carbeen (Corymbia tessellaris) (S1) (SD1)
189 carbeen, broad-leaved (E. clavigera) (S3) (SD3)
190 cassia (Cassia brewsteri) (S5) (SD5)
191 cedar, Java (Bischofia javanica) (S6) (SD6)
192 cedar, onion (Owenia cepiodora) (S6) (SD6)
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15 AS/NZS 2878:2000
Ref. No. Preferred common name (Botanical name (s)) Unseasoned Seasoned
231 doughwood (Melicope octandra) S6 SD6
232 duboisia (Duboisia leichhardtii) (S7) (SD8)
233 ebony, Australian (Diospyros ferrea var humilis, (S1) (SD1)
D. ferrea var reticulata)
234 ebony, grey (Diospyros fasciculosa) (S4) (SD4)
235 endospermum (Endospermum myrmecophilum, (S7) (SD8)
Endospermum peltatum)
236 evodia (Melicope elleryana) (S6) (SD6)
237 evodia, northern (Melicope vitiflora) (S6) (SD6)
238 evodia, white (Melicope micrococca) S7 SD6
239 evodia, yellow (Euodia bonwickii) (S7) (SD8)
240 figwood (Ficus spp.) (< S7) (< SD8)
241 fir, Douglas* (Pseudotsuga menziesii) S6 SD6
242 frangipani, native (Hymenosporum flavum) (S5) (SD6)
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AS/NZS 2878:2000 16
Ref. No. Preferred common name (Botanical name (s)) Unseasoned Seasoned
283 gum, ribbon, rough-barked (E. huberiana) (S4) (SD5)
284 gum, rose (E. grandis) S3 SD4
285 gum, round-leaved (E. deanei) S3 (SD4)
286 gum salmon (E. salmonophloia) (S2) (SD3)
288 gum, scribbly (E. haemastoma, E. racemose, (S4) (SD5)
E. signata)
289 gum, shining (E. nitens) S4 SD4
292 gum, snow (E. debeauzavillei) (S5) (SD6)
293 gum, spotted (Corymbia citriodora, C. henryi, S2 SD2
C. maculata)
294 gum, sugar (E. cladocalyx) S3 SD3
295 gum, swamp (E. camphora) S4 SD4
296 gum, Tingiringi (E. glaucescens) (S7) (SD7)
297 gum, tumbledown (E. dealbata) (S3) (SD3)
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17 AS/NZS 2878:2000
Ref. No. Preferred common name (Botanical name (s)) Unseasoned Seasoned
334 ironbox, black (E. raveratiana) S2 SD3
335 ironwood (Backhousia myrtifolia) S1 SD2
336 ironwood, Cooktown (Erythrophleum S1 (SD1)
337 ironwood, scrub (Austromyrtus acmenoides) (S4) (SD4)
338 ivorywood (Siphonodon australis, S4 (SD4)
S. membranaceus)
339 ivorywood, weeping (Siphonodon pendulus) (S5) (SD6)
340 jam, raspberry (Acacia acuminata) (S2) (SD2)
341 jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) S4 SD4
342 kamala (Malotus discolor, M. philippensis, (S5) (SD5)
M. ricinoides, Rockinghamia angustifolia)
344 karri (E. diversicolor) S3 SD2
346 kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus) (< S7) (SD8)
350 kurrajong, flame (Brachychiton acerifolius) (< S7) (< SD8)
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AS/NZS 2878:2000 18
Ref. No. Preferred common name (Botanical name (s)) Unseasoned Seasoned
378 mahogany, buff (Dysoxylum klanderi, Dysoxylum (S4) (SD4)
379 mahogany, cream (Chisocheton longistipitatus) (S7) (SD7)
381 mahogany, ivory (Dysoxylum gaudichaudianum) (S5) (SD5)
382 mahogany, miva (Dysoxylum crebriforme, (S5) (SD6)
D. mollissimum)
383 mahogany, pink (Dysoxylum oppositifolium) (S5) (SD5)
384 mahogany, red (Euclayptus pellita, E. resinifera) (S2) (SD3)
385 mahogany, rose (Dysoxylum fraserianum) S5 SD5
386 mahogany, rusty (Dysoxylum rufum) (S6) (SD6)
387 mahogany, southern (E. botryoides) S2 SD3
388 mahogany, spicy (Dysoxylum micranthum) (S5) (SD5)
389 mahogany, spur (Dysoxylum pettigrewianum) (S3) (SD4)
390 mahogany, swamp (E. robusta) (S3) (SD4)
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19 AS/NZS 2878:2000
Ref. No. Preferred common name (Botanical name (s)) Unseasoned Seasoned
437 milkwood, hard (Alstonia muellerana, A. villosa, (S4) (SD4)
A. spectabilis)
441 morrell, red (E. longicornis) S3 (SD3)
442 motherumbah (Acacia cheelii) (S4) (SD4)
444 mulga (Acacia aneura) (S1) (SD1)
446 muskheart, canary (Alangium villosum) (S5) (SD6)
447 myall (Acacia pendula) (S1) (SD2)
450 myrtle, brown (Decaspermum humile) (S4) (SD5)
454 myrtle, pink (Metrosideros queenslandica) (S5) (SD5)
456 needlewood (Hakea divaricata, H. leucoptera, (S3) (SD3)
H. lissosperma, H. lorea, H. vittata)
457 nutmeg (Myristica spp. Horsfieldia spp.) (S7) (SD7)
458 oak, bull (Allocasuarina luehmannii) (S2) (SD2)
459 oak, Caledonian (Carnarvonia araliifolia) S4 (SD5)
461 oak, satin (Alloxylon wickhamii) S6 SD7
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AS/NZS 2878:2000 20
Ref. No. Preferred common name (Botanical name (s)) Unseasoned Seasoned
487 oak, tulip, Mackay (Argyrodendron S3 SD3
488 oak, tulip, red (Argyrodendron peralatum, A. sp.) S3 SD4
489 ochna, brown (Brackenridgea nitidula subsp. (S4) (SD4)
490 olive, long-leaved (Notelaea longifolia) (S3) (SD3)
492 olive, native (Olea paniculata) (S3) (SD4)
494 ooline (Cadellia pentastylis) (S2) (SD2)
495 ooline, scrub (Guilfoylia monostylis) (S3) (SD4)
497 orange, wild (Capparis mitchellii) (S4) (SD5)
500 parinari (Parinari corymbosum) (S3) (SD3)
501 pear, woody (Xylomelum pyriforme) (S5) (SD6)
502 penda, brown (Xanthostemon chrysanthus) (S2) (SD2)
503 penda, Daintree (Lindsayomyrtus brachyandrus) (S5) (SD6)
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21 AS/NZS 2878:2000
Ref. No. Preferred common name (Botanical name (s)) Unseasoned Seasoned
544 cypress (Callitris glaucophylla) (previously S5 SD6
white cypress pine)
545 pine, hoop (Araucaria cunninghamii) S6 SD5
546 pine, Huon (Lagarostrobus franklinii) S6 SD6
548 pine, kauri, Queensland (Agathis atropurpurea, (S7) (SD8)
A. microstachya, A. robusta)
549 pine, King William (Athrotaxis selaginoides) S7 SD8
551 pine, loblolly (Pinus taeda) S6 SD6
554 pine, maritime (Pinus pinaster) (S6) SD6
556 pine, patula (Pinus patula) (S7) (SD7)
557 pine, pencil, Tasmanian (Athrotaxis (< S7) (SD8)
558 pine, ponderosa (western yellow) (Pinus (< S7) (< SD8)
559 pine, radiata* (Pinus radiata) S6 SD6
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AS/NZS 2878:2000 22
Ref. No. Preferred common name (Botanical name (s)) Unseasoned Seasoned
586 quandong, silver (Elaeocarpus angustifolius, S5 SD6
E. grandis)
587 quandong, tropical (Elaeocarpus largiflorens) (< S7) (SD8)
591 rapanea (Rapanea achradifolia) (S3) (SD4)
592 redheart (Dissiliarria baloghioides) (S3) (SD3)
594 ribbonwood (Idiospermum australiense) (S5) (SD5)
595 rosewood, inland (Alectryon oleifolius) (S2) (SD2)
597 rosewood, scentless (Synoum glandulosum) (S6) (SD6)
598 rustyjacket (Eucalyptus peltata) (S2) (SD3)
599 saffronheart (Halfordia kendack, H. scleroxyla) (S1) (SD2)
601 salwood, brown (Acacia aulacocarpa) (S5) (SD5)
602 sandalbox (Eremophila mitchellii) (S3) (SD3)
603 sandalwood (Santalum lanceolatum, S. spicatum) (S3) (SD4)
604 sassafras (Daphnandra dielsii, D. micrantha, (S6) (SD6)
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23 AS/NZS 2878:2000
Ref. No. Preferred common name (Botanical name (s)) Unseasoned Seasoned
629 satinash, rose (Syzygium crebrinerva, S. francisii, (S5) (SD5)
S. johnsonii)
632 satinash, southern (Acmena ingens) (S7) (SD7)
633 satinash, weeping (Waterhousea floribunda) (S5) (SD5)
634 satinash, yellow (Syzygium cornicortea) (S5) (SD6)
635 satinay (Syncarpia hillii) S3 SD3
637 satinheart, green (Geijera salicifolia) (S2) (SD3)
638 satinheart, yellow (Acradenia euodiiformis) (S3) (SD3)
639 satinwood, tulip (Rhodosphaera rhodanthema) (S6) (SD6)
641 scolopia (Scolopia brounii) (S5) (SD5)
642 sheoak, beach (Casuarina equisetifolia, (S3) (SD3)
C. nodiflora, C. papuana)
643 sheoak, black (Allocasuarina littoralis) (S5) (SD5)
645 sheoak, drooping (Casuarina stricta) (S4) (SD4)
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AS/NZS 2878:2000 24
Ref. No. Preferred common name (Botanical name (s)) Unseasoned Seasoned
675 stringybark, needlebark ( E. planchoniana) (S3) (SD3)
676 stringybark, red (E. macrorhyncha) S3 SD4
677 stringybark, silvertop (E. laevopinea) S2 (SD2)
678 stringybark, Tindale’s (E. tindaliae) S2 (SD2)
680 stringybark, white (E. eugenioides, E. globoidea, S3 SD3
E. phaeotricha)
681 stringybark, yellow (E. muelleriana) S3 SD3
684 sycamore, pink (Ceratopetalum virchowii) (S5) (SD5)
685 sycamore, satin (Ceratopetalum succirubrum) (S6) (SD6)
686 sycamore, silver (Cryptocarya glaucesens) S5 SD4
687 synima (Synima cordieri) (S3) (SD3)
688 tallowwood (E. microcorys) S2 SD2
689 tamarind (Diploglotus australis) S4 SD3
690 tamarind, brown (Castanospora alphandii) (S5) (SD6)
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25 AS/NZS 2878:2000
Ref. No. Preferred common name (Botanical name (s)) Unseasoned Seasoned
729 walnut, ball-fruited (Endiandra globosa) (S3) (SD4)
730 walnut, blush (Beilschmiedia obtusifolia, (S5) (SD5)
B. colina, Endiandra bessaphila)
731 walnut, blush, Boonjie (Beilschmiedia volckii) (S7) (SD7)
732 walnut, brown (Endiandra acuminata, (S5) (SD5)
E. dichrophylla, E. glauca, E. rubescens
beilshmiedea tooram)
733 walnut, buff (Endiandra longipedicellata, (S4) (SD4)
E. delsiaria)
734 walnut, candle (Endiandra desiaria) (S5) (SD5)
735 walnut, Dorrigo (Endiandra crassiflora) (S4) (SD5)
736 walnut, grey (Beilschmiedia elliptica) (S4) (SD5)
737 walnut, hairy (Endiandra pubens) (S5) (SD5)
738 walnut, ivory (Beilschmiedia oligandra, (S6) (SD7)
B. recurva)
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AS/NZS 2878:2000 26
Ref. No. Preferred common name (Botanical name (s)) Unseasoned Seasoned
775 woollybutt, Camden (E. macarthurii) (S4) (SD5)
776 woollybutt, northern (E. miniata) (S2) (SD3)
777 yapunyah (E. ochrophloii) (S2) (SD2)
778 yapunyah, mountain (E. thozetiana) (S2) (SD2)
779 yarran (Acacia homalophylla) (S1) (SD1)
780 yate (E. cornuta) S2 SD2
782 yellowheart (Fragrea fragraeacea, F. gracilipea) (S3) (SD3)
783 yellowjacket (Corymbia bloxsomei) (S4) (SD4)
784 yellowjacket, large-fruited (Corymbia (S3) (S3)
785 yellowwood (Flindersia xanthoxyla) S4 SD3
787 yellowwood, thorny (Zanthoxylum (S6) (SD6)
788 yertchuk (E. consideniana) S3 SD3
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27 AS/NZS 2878:2000
Ref. No. Preferred common name (Botanical name (s)) Unseasoned Seasoned
13 amberoi (Pterocymbium spp.) <S7 SD8
27 balau (Shorea spp.) S3 (SD3)
28 balau, red (Shorea spp.) S3 (SD3)
33 basswood, prefixed by the name of the supplying (S7) (SD8)
country (Endospermum spp.),
38 beech, New Guinea (Nothofagus spp.) S3 SD3
56 calophyllum, prefixed by the name of the S5 SD6
supplying country (Calophyllum spp.)
78 cheesewood, white (Alstonia scholaris) S7 SD8
79 chengal (Balanocarpus heimii) S1 SD2
109 erima (Octomeles sumatrana) <S7 SD8
126 giam (Hopea spp.) S1 SD1
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AS/NZS 2878:2000 28
Ref. No. Preferred common name (Botanical name (s)) Unseasoned Seasoned
323 ramin, prefixed by the name of the supplying S4 SD4
country (Gonystylus spp.)
332 rosewood, prefixed by the name of the supplying S4 SD5
country (Pterocarpus indicus)
339 satinash, New Guinea (Syzygium spp.) (S4) (SD5)
343 sepetir (Sindora spp. Copaifera spp.) S4 (SD5)
367 taun (Pometia spp.) S4 SD4
373,374, terminalia (brown, red brown and yellow) S6 SD6
375 (Terminalia spp.)
384 vitex, prefixed by the name of the supplying (S4) (SD5)
country (Vitex cofassus)
389 walnut, New Guinea (Dracontomelum spp.) S5 SD6
73 cedar, red, western (Thuja plicata) <S7 SD8
111 fir, alpine (Abies lasiocarpa) S7 SD7
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29 AS/NZS 2878:2000
Ref. No. Preferred common name (Botanical name (s)) Unseasoned Seasoned
351 spruce, Engelmann (Picea englemannii) S7 SD6*
353 spruce, red (Picea rubens) S7 SD6
354 spruce, Sitka (Picea sitchensis) S7 SD6
356 spruce, white (Picea glauca) S7 SD7
* Applies to timber of Canadian origin.
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AS/NZS 2878:2000 30
Valid sampling is achieved when the distribution of values in the sample represents the
distribution of values in the population, and when the sample is free of bias. Failure to
adopt a proper sampling procedure will prevent valid estimates of sampling errors from
being calculated, and consequently the accuracy of the calculated means and other statistics
will be doubtful.
estimate than increasing the number of specimens within a tree; therefore, the optimal
sample contains one specimen per tree.
A detailed discussion of sampling and its technical background is given in CSIRO Forest
Products Technical Note No 5, Sampling of Timber for Evaluation of Species Properties.
31 AS/NZS 2878:2000
The test specimens to be used shall be 20 × 20 × 300 mm long. They shall be selected from
boards of wood so as to be parallel to the longitudinal grain of the wood, and to have one
face as near as possible to the radial direction.
The specimens shall be cut out of clear wood, i.e. wood clear of knots and other botanical
features. For softwoods the specimens shall be clear of corewood, i.e. at least 50 mm from
the centre of the pith; for hardwoods the specimens shall be clear of brittle heart.
Prior to testing, all specimens shall be conditioned so that the moisture content is constant
throughout the specimen, i.e. a ‘skin-effect’ caused by the occurrence of differential
moisture contents within a specimen shall be avoided.
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The specimen shall be tested in centre-point loading over a span of 280 mm. Orient the
specimen so that the growth rings run vertically (or as close to the vertical as possible
depending on how the specimen was cut). Load the specimens to failure and record the
modulus of elasticity and bending strength.
After the specimen has failed, examine the ruptured surface to check that the specimen
complies with the target requirements specified in Paragraph B1. Any non-compliance
(such as the occurrence of hidden knots, corewood in softwoods, brittle heart in hardwoods
or slope of grain greater than 1 in 10) shall cause the specimen to be rejected.
The moisture content of the timber at the time of test shall be measured.
NOTE: The methods used in Australia for the testing of small clear specimens of timber to
determine mechanical strength properties are described by Mack, J. J. (1979) Australian Methods
for Mechanically Testing Small Clear Specimens of Timber, CSIRO Division of Building
Research, Technical Paper (Second Series) No. 31. In the absence of an Australian Standard,
BS 373, or ISO 3133 and ISO 3349 may be used following the procedure given in this Standard.
Standards Australia
Standards Australia is an independent company, limited by guarantee, which prepares and publishes
most of the voluntary technical and commercial standards used in Australia. These standards are
developed through an open process of consultation and consensus, in which all interested parties are
invited to participate. Through a Memorandum of Understanding with the Commonwealth
government, Standards Australia is recognized as Australia’s peak national standards body.
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International Involvement
Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand are responsible for ensuring that the Australian
and New Zealand viewpoints are considered in the formulation of international Standards and that
the latest international experience is incorporated in national and Joint Standards. This role is vital
in assisting local industry to compete in international markets. Both organizations are the national
members of ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International
Electrotechnical Commission).
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