Paper 2
Paper 2
Paper 2
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2956323, IEEE Journal
of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
Abstract—A linearized hybrid modulation scheme for the DAB [12]–[14]. In order to overcome this drawback, many im-
converter is proposed in this paper. For the purpose of minimizing proved modulation methods are introduced to extend the DAB
the conduction losses dissipated on the transformer and the soft-switching operating range, such as extended phase-shift
power transistors, an optimal relationship function between the
two control variables employed in extended phase shift (EPS) (EPS) modulation [15], dual phase-shift (DPS) modulation
modulation can be derived. However, the obtained relationship [16], [17] and triple phase-shift (TPS) modulation [18]–[21].
function is a complex expression, which is not good for simple on- Other than only one phase shift in SPS, these improved
line control. Hence, a linearized modulation scheme is proposed modulation schemes try to introduce more control variables.
in this paper. This modulation scheme can achieve a quasi- In the simple SPS modulation, only the outer phase shift
minimum RMS value of the leakage inductance current for
the same output power. Meanwhile, the zero voltage switching between the primary and the secondary full bridge is regulated,
(ZVS) of the power transistors can be achieved over the whole leading to a two-level primary and secondary winding voltage.
power range. The power transfer capability is also kept same If varying inner phase shift (as defined in Section II-B) is
as the optimal EPS scheme. Finally, experiments are conducted considered, the winding voltages turn to three-level because
on a laboratory prototype to validate the effect of the linearized the diagonal switches in each full bridge are not turned on
modulation scheme on the reduction of conduction losses. The
experimental results present an improved converter efficiency or off synchronously any more. Taking [21] as an example,
and the realization of ZVS. a comprehensive searching of operation modes with TPS is
implemented, and the corresponding soft-switching boundaries
for each operation mode are derived. However, the analysis of
I. I NTRODUCTION power transfer range is absent, which is important for selecting
Firstly proposed in 1988 [1], the dual active bridge (DAB) proper operation mode due to the varying given powers.
converter is now widely used in many applications such Alternatively, applying multiple control variables makes it
as distributed power systems and energy storage [2], [3]. possible to realize a more ambitious target, such as current
Due to its advantages of galvanic isolation and bidirectional stress optimization [22]–[26], backflow power reduction [27]
power flow, DAB converters are applied among multiple and non-active power loss minimization [28]. Actually, these
dc energy sources such as battery packs, ultra-capacitors optimization targets are based on optimizing different parts of
and photovoltaic submodules to match various voltage levels the leakage inductance current, e.g. current stress optimization
[4]–[7]. Moreover, since the DAB converter can naturally usually refers to reducing the peak value of the leakage
achieve zero voltage switching (ZVS) without any auxiliary inductance current, backflow power is often related to the
components and has a simple and symmetrical structure, it is intervals when the current direction is reversed into the power
also a potential candidate for high efficiency and high power source.
density applications such as electric vehicles and aerospace Besides, many optimized control schemes are focusing on
[8]–[11]. For the same reason, the DAB is also an ideal dc- reducing the root mean square (RMS) value of the leakage
dc conversion choice for applications where modular design inductance current [29]–[32], which is closely related to the
is often needed such as energy storage systems and power conduction losses of the power semiconductors and high-
electronic transformers. frequency transformer. Notably, hybrid modulation methods
A conventional way to control the DAB converter is could be adopted in order to extend the converter performance
using single phase shift (SPS) modulation to fulfill the over a wide operation range [33], [34]. Furthermore, the
power/voltage/current requirements. SPS is simple and easy switching frequency can also be varied aiming at specific
for real time control. However, utilizing this simple modulation optimization objects. In [35], the switching frequency is varied
scheme can not guarantee ZVS if the voltage ratio deviates to modulate the DAB in a specific single-stage ac-dc converter.
far from one, which results in poor efficiency at partial load In [36], the circulating current is minimized over a wide power
conditions. Notably, under this situation, even the switches range using variable frequency modulation.
might be broken with excessive dv/dt caused by ZVS failure Among the aforementioned modulation methods, some of
them are complicated and not easy to implement. One usual
This paper is an extension of the conference paper with the title of “An situation is that in order to make the DAB converter work
Optimized Control Scheme for Reducing Conduction and Switching Losses in
Dual Active Bridge Converters”, which was presented in Proc. IEEE Energy at the optimal operation point, massive calculations are often
Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2018. conducted to handle those complex relationships among the
2168-6777 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2956323, IEEE Journal
of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
control variables. The reason is that at least three limitations i1 HB1 HB2 i2 io
should be taken into account during the operation, i.e. the
ZVS range, the power transfer capability and the optimization S1 S2 S5 S6
L ip is
targets. Of course, there exist other factors depending on + +
different requirements, such as the voltage variation range, V1 _ C1 vp vs C2 _ V2
the transient response or the effect of the passive components.
One way to solve the complexity is to adopt a look-up table S3 n : 1S S8
S4 7
in the control process, where the optimal operation points
are calculated in advance and input into a table prior to the
converter operation. But the performance of this method is Fig. 1. Topology of the dual active bridge (DAB) converter.
adversely affected by the components mismatched parameters
due to their tolerances, temperature dependency and lifetime. ni1 HB1 2
nip L/n is HB2 i2
Moreover, a large memory is needed to guarantee the accuracy DC AC
if the converter has to work in a wide operation range. In + +
V1/n _ vp/n vs _ V2
terms of the variable switching frequency modulation, one AC DC
large challenge is the design of passive components and the
electromagnetic interference filter. Fig. 2. Simplified DAB model by referring the converter to the secondary side
In order to make the DAB converter more adaptive and of the transformer.
applicable, this paper proposes an optimized hybrid modu-
lation scheme to simplify the control process based on EPS
middle terminals of which are linked by a high-frequency
modulation. The main contributions of this paper are:
transformer and the side ends are paralleled with the input
• The comprehensive analysis of the power transfer range
and output dc voltage ports. In order to flexibly adjust the
for each operation mode, which is derived based on the leakage inductance, an auxiliary inductor is cascaded with the
ZVS conditions rather than operation mode boundary high-voltage primary winding so that a lower additional power
conditions as in some literature. loss is induced compared to the secondary low-voltage high-
• The analytical optimization expressions for each opera-
current winding.
tion mode are derived in order to minimize the RMS The magnetizing inductance is considered much larger than
value of the leakage inductance current. the leakage inductance, leading to negligible magnetizing
• Several simplified optimization methods are proposed
current compared with the load current. Therefore in the T-type
based on different voltage ratio requirements and pre- transformer equivalent circuit, the branch with magnetizing
ferred working conditions in various applications. inductor can be seen as an open circuit. On this basis, the
• Independent of the voltage ratio limitation and being
DAB model is obtained as shown in Fig. 2 after referring the
simpler than other methods, the linearized optimization circuit parameters to the secondary side.
method is applied to the available DAB setup in this paper
and validated by the experimental results.
B. Operation Modes
This paper is organized as follows. Firstly, the EPS based
operation modes for boost and buck scenarios under ZVS Due to the bidirectional power transfer ability and the
conditions are presented in Section II. Next, according to the symmetrical topology, the DAB converter has four operating
derived operation modes in Section II and selected components scenarios: forward/backward, buck/boost. Assuming the power
for the DAB setup, the losses distribution are calculated in flow is from the primary side to the secondary side, a factor
Section III. In Section IV, an optimal modulation scheme k is introduced as
(called ‘OMS1’ in the following) is firstly derived. In order V1
to simplify this scheme and considering different voltage k= (1)
ratio requirements, three approximated modulation schemes
are developed. With the aim of selecting the most suitable to signify the voltage ratio. k < 1 and k > 1 denote boost and
modulation method, a through comparison is presented among buck scenarios, respectively.
these four schemes at the end of Section IV. Therefore, In order to simplify the calculations, the base power Pb and
in Section V, the selected linear scheme is applied into a base current Ib defined in (2) are used to normalize the real
laboratory prototype to validate the feasibility on conduction values. Therein, V1 , V2 and fsw denote the input, output dc
losses reduction and ZVS realization. Finally, conclusions are voltage and the switching frequency, respectively. L is the total
given in Section VI. inductance consisting of the transformer leakage inductance
and the auxiliary inductance.
8Lfsw 8Lfsw
A. DAB Model The power is mainly controlled by the outer phase shift
The topology of the DAB converter is shown in Fig. 1. ϕ, which is the displacement angle between the fundamental
It consists mainly of two full bridges HB1 and HB2 , the components of vp and vs . If Dϕ = ϕ/π is defined for
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2956323, IEEE Journal
of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
Is,rms[pu] Mode I 99K Fig. 4(a)
t 8k
[t0 , t1 ] is (t)[pu] = t − 2k + 2Dα
t0 t1 t2 Tsw
8(k − 1)
(b) [t1 , t2 ] is (t)[pu] = t + 2 − 2k + 4Dϕ
(a) Tsw
Fig. 3. (a) typical SPS working waveforms over one switching period, which [t2 , t3 ] is (t)[pu] = t − 2k − 2Dα
is a special case of EPS by setting Dα = 1 in Mode II (b) the output power
Po and the RMS leakage inductance current I L,rms of the DAB converter with Mode II 99K Fig. 4(b)
repect to Dϕ , k = 0.75 in this case.
8(k + 1)
[t0 , t1 ] is (t)[pu] = t − 2k − 4Dϕ + 2
φ Mode Ⅰ φ Mode Ⅱ [t1 , t2 ] is (t)[pu] = t − 2k + 2Dα
vp vp 8(k − 1)
[t2 , t3 ] is (t)[pu] = t − 2k + 2 + 4Dϕ
vs α vs α
Mode III 99K Fig. 5(a)
is is 8
t t [t0 , t1 ] is (t)[pu] = t − (2k − 2)Dα − 4Dϕ
t0 t1 t2 t3 t0 t1 t2 t3 Tsw
(a) (b) [t1 , t2 ] is (t)[pu] = − t − (2k + 2)Dα + 4Dϕ + 4
Fig. 4. In boost scenario, typical EPS working waveforms in one switching 8(k − 1)
[t2 , t3 ] is (t)[pu] = t + (2k − 2)Dα + 4Dϕ + 4 − 4k
period (a) Mode I, Dϕ < (1 − Dα )/2 (b) Mode II, Dϕ > (1 − Dα )/2 . Tsw
Mode IV 99K Fig. 5(b)
α Mode Ⅲ α Mode Ⅳ 8
[t0 , t1 ] is (t)[pu] = t − (2k − 2)Dα − 4Dϕ
vp φ vp φ Tsw
8(k + 1)
[t1 , t2 ] is (t)[pu] = t + (2k + 2)Dα − 4Dϕ − 4k
vs vs Tsw
8(k − 1)
is [t2 , t3 ] is (t)[pu] = t + (2k − 2)Dα + 4Dϕ + 4 − 4k
is Tsw
t t
t0 t1 t2 t3 t0 t1 t2 t3
Fig. 5. In buck scenario, typical EPS working waveforms in one switching
period (a) Mode III, Dϕ < (1 − Dα )/2 (b) Mode IV, Dϕ > (1 − Dα )/2 .
Mode I 2k/(1 − k)Dϕ < Dα < k, 0 < Dϕ < (1 − k)/2
2168-6777 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2956323, IEEE Journal
of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2956323, IEEE Journal
of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
Percentage (%)
Components Parameters 60
Primary winding of the DAB HF RT rp =607.9 mΩ
transformer: 35 turns copper foil @Ta =25 o C 20
Auxiliary Inductor (core type: ETD44/22/15 material: N87) Operating the converter under ZVS conditions, the cal-
culated losses percentages of different dissipation parts are
VL lL µef f Cm α β
shown in Fig. 7. It can be seen that for the given setup,
17.8 cm2 10.3 cm 120 10 1.26 2.15 the conduction losses are the dominating part over the whole
power range, although the switching losses are almost equal
to the conduction losses in light load. Besides, the conduction
RDSonp /Nswp and RDSons /Nsws are the equivalent switch losses portion increases a lot in the heavy load. therefore,
on-state resistance if each switch consists of Nswp and Nsws reducing conduction losses is of high importance to improve
paralleled semiconductors in the primary and secondary full- the system performance.
bridges, respectively.
On the basis of ZVS turn-on, only turn-off losses are
considered for calculating switching losses for each transistor, IV. O PTIMIZED M ODULATION S CHEMES FOR R EDUCING
which can be estimated by [40] C ONDUCTION L OSSES
tru + tf i
psw = UDS · Iof f · · fsw (12) As shown in Fig. 7, conduction losses are the major loss
2 source for the given converter setup, which are determined
where UDS denotes the turn-off voltage and Iof f is the current by the RMS value of the leakage inductance current Is,rms
at switching-off instants. tru and tf i are the voltage rise time seen from (9) and (11). It is also shown in (6) that there are
and current fall time during switching-off transients. infinite combinations of Dα and Dϕ for the same average
output power, which provides the possibility to reduce the
C. Capacitors conduction losses without sacrificing other performances. Fig.
8 illustrates an example of operating waveforms with different
The losses dissipated on the input and output capacitors are
values of Dα and Dϕ but with the same output power. Clearly,
calculated with the equivalent series resistance (ESR), which
the RMS current in Fig. 8(b) is smaller than Fig. 8(a).
can be obtained from the datasheet, leading to
As proved in the following, for different output power levels,
RESR 2 there exist an optimal operating point at which the leakage
pcap = I (13)
Ncap c inductance current is minimized and simultaneously the ZVS
where Ncap is the number of parallel capacitors. The selected can be guaranteed. But the derived analytical solutions are
capacitors are one B43544A6397M000 (C1 =0.39 mF ) on the too complex for practical control. Therefore, a linearized
input side and five EETEE2D301HJ in parallel (C2 =1.5 mF ) modulation scheme is proposed to simplify the control process.
on the output side.
2168-6777 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2956323, IEEE Journal
of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
t t
vs vs
Mode I 99K Fig. 4(a)
is is q
1− (1 − k)2 − 4k(2 − k)Dϕ
t t Dα,opt1 = , 0 < Dϕ ≤
2−k 2
2168-6777 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2956323, IEEE Journal
of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
Po[pu] = 0.42
Po[pu] = 0.33
Po[pu] = 0.23
Po[pu] = 0.14
Po[pu] = 0.047
Is,rms surface
for Mode Ⅱ
Fig. 10. The relationship function Dα = f (Dϕ ) in OMS1 (denoted by the
Dα,opt1 curve blue curve) including the gray ZVS range and colored power curves in: (a)
for Mode Ⅱ Boost scenarios (k = 0.75 in this case). (b) Buck scenarios ( k = 1.5 in this
Fig. 9. 3D plot of the RMS leakage inductance current as the function of Dα relationship Dα = f (Dϕ ) for minimum Is,rms is represented
and Dϕ in boost scenario (k = 0.75 in this case) for (a) Mode I (b) Mode by the blue curve. Either in buck scenario (Fig. 10(a)) or boost
II. The expressions of Dα,opt1 for achieving minimum Is,rms at different
power levels can be found in Table VI. scenario (Fig. 10(b)), there are four key intersections induced
by the segmented optimal function, which are shown by the
red points. From left to right, the coordinates of these four
if Dϕ is close to 0.5, the optimal Dα is equal to 1, meaning √ points are derived as [0, k/(2 − k)], [(1 − k)/2, k], [(k −
that the DAB converter transfers to the SPS modulation. 1+ 1 − k 2 )/(2k), 1], [0.5, 1]in√Fig. 10(a), and [0, 1/(2k−1)],
The modulation scheme for achieving minimum Is,rms is [(k − 1)/(2k), 1/k], [(1 − k + k 2 − 1)/2, 1], [0.5, 1] in Fig.
termed as Optimized Modulation Scheme 1 (OMS1). Although 10(b). Since the power is increased with Dϕ and Dα , three
the RMS leakage inductance current can be theoretically different load situations are divided by the four intersections,
minimized by adopting Dα,opt1 , it is difficult to realize OMS1 i.e. light load, medium load and heavy load. Based on different
in practical control due to the complex relationship between voltage ratio requirements and load situations, the Dα,opt1
Dα and Dϕ , as shown in Table VI. expression can be simplified in various ways.
Thus it is important to simplify the relationship expression 1) Unified Modulation Scheme (OMS2): A unified modula-
between Dα and Dϕ . Besides Dα and Dϕ , the RMS leakage tion scheme can be derived by applying curve fitting technique
inductance current is also determined by the voltage ratio k among the three points [0, 1/(2k −1)], [(k −1)/(2k), 1/k] and
(ref. Table V). For different applications, the input and output [0.5, 1], resulting in
voltage may change broadly, implying various voltage ratio 4 (3k − 2) 2 2 (2k − 1) k
requirements. On this basis, the following simplifying schemes Dα.opt2 = Dϕ + Dϕ + (23)
k (k − 2) k 2−k
are optimized considering both conduction losses reduction
and different voltage ratio ranges. which is as proposed in [41]. In this scheme, only one
B. Simplified Optimal Modulation Schemes expression is needed over the three load conditions.
Similarly, the unified modulation expression in buck scenar-
Due to the fact that the OMS1 is hard to realize, it is ios also can be derived as follows.
necessary to simplify the modulation scheme and meanwhile
4k(2k − 3) 2 1
keep Is,rms as close to the minimum value as possible for Dα,opt2 = Dϕ + (4 − 2k)Dϕ + (24)
reducing the conduction losses. As shown in Fig. 10, the 2k − 1 2k − 1
gray areas are limited by ZVS conditions and the colored The relation expressions denoted by (23) and (24) are
curves denote different output powers. The derived optimal plotted as the red curves in Fig. 11. Nevertheless, depending
2168-6777 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2956323, IEEE Journal
of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
(a) (a)
(b) (b)
Fig. 11. The relationship function of (a) (23) for Boost scenarios (k = 0.75 Fig. 12. Two ZVS failure cases for Dα,opt2 in boost scenarios (a) k = 0.85
in this case). (b) (24) for Buck scenarios ( k = 1.5 in this case) in unified (b) k = 0.4 in unified modulation scheme (OMS2)
modulation scheme (OMS2), denoted by the red curves.
on the varying voltage ratio k, the red curve could exceed kept at 1 in the range of Dϕ ∈ [(k − 1 + 1 − k 2 )/(2k), 0.5].
the gray ZVS range. For example, two failed cases caused The simplified result will be
by too large or too small k in boost scenarios are shown in
Fig. 12, where part of the red curve is beyond the ZVS region.
Therefore, there is a limited range of k for unified modulation. Ak · Dϕ2 + Bk · Dϕ + Ck ,
k + 1 − k2 − 1
In order to satisfy Dα,opt2 ≤ 1 for any value of Dϕ in
Dα,opt3 = 0 < Dϕ < (27)
[0, 0.5], the symmetry axis of (23) should be larger than 0.5, √ 2k
k + 1 − k2 − 1
then the maximum value of k can be solved, which is
1, ≤ Dϕ ≤
2k 2
(2k − 1)(2 − k) 1
≥ −→ kmax = 0.78 (25)
4(3k − 2) 2
On the other hand, in order to avoid the situation shown
in Fig. 12(b), Dα,opt2 in (23) should be larger than the ZVS √
8 − 8k − 4k 2 1 − k 2 + 8k 3 − 8k 2 − 8k + 8
border 2kDϕ /(1 − k) for any Dϕ ∈ [0, (1 − k)/2], leading to A
(2 − k) (1 − k 2 )
1 − k 2 + 2k 3 − 6k 2 − 4k + 4
4 − 4k − 2k
k2 1−k Bk =
≥ −→ kmin = 0.45 (26) k (k + 1) (k − 2)
2(3k − 5k + 2) 2
Ck =
Similarly, the k range for (24) can be obtained in the same (28)
way, which is within [1.28, 2.23] in buck scenarios for unified
Applying a similar change into the buck scenarios, the curve
modulation scheme.
fitting results are as follows.
2) Partially Unified Modulation Scheme (OMS3): Seen
from Table VI, EPS transfers into SPS (Dα,opt1 = 1) in heavy
load. If the SPS is kept for easy control, the complex optimal
Ak · Dϕ2 + Bk · Dϕ + Ck ,
expressions in light and medium load can be unified with
1 − k + k2 − 1
one expression. In this regard, another group√ of three points Dα,opt3 = 0 < Dϕ < (29)
[0, k/(2 − k)], [(1 − k)/2, k] and [(k − 1 + 1 − k 2 )/(2k), 1] √ 2
1 − k + k2 − 1
in boost scenarios are used for curve fitting, and the Dα is 1, ≤ Dϕ ≤
2 2
2168-6777 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2956323, IEEE Journal
of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
2168-6777 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2956323, IEEE Journal
of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
C OMPARISON OF OMS1, OMS2, OMS3 AND OMS4 Start the proposed hybrid OMS4 by applying below
procedure; given: V1, L, n, Po,ref and fsw
Unification limita- Calculation burden Complexity Calculate k, Pb, Pmin, Pmax
fixed k varying k No
If Po,ref/Pb ϵ [Pmin, Pmax] Stop
OMS4 F FF FFFF FFF 7·F k >1 or k <1 Po,act = V2 •󠄥 Io, Po,err = Po,ref - Po,act
Modulation module
Dual active bridge DC-DC converter
2168-6777 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2956323, IEEE Journal
of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
parative experiments are conducted for each mode: group one 2 μs/div
(G1) adopts the optimized linear modulation (OMS4) and the (c)
other group (G2) does not use any optimized scheme (but still vs (100 V/div)
modulated by EPS). Moreover, for the purpose of highlighting
the effect of the conduction losses, the operating points of
two groups are both located within the ZVS range. As shown is (25 A/div)
in IV-B3, the piecewise linear scheme has three segments.
Therefore, for either boost or buck scenarios, the measured ZVS vGS,S7 (10 V/div)
working waveforms with three different output power levels vDS,S7 (100 V/div)
are shown in the following.
In Mode I, the steady state waveforms of the DAB con- 2 μs/div
verter are illustrated in Fig. 17, where vp and vs are voltage
Fig. 17. Experimental waveforms of DAB converter in Mode I where V1 =120
waveforms generated by HB1 and HB2 , and ip , is are the V, V2 =46 V (k = 0.75) (a) working waveforms without optimized modulation
primary and secondary transformer current, respectively. Fig. (b) working waveforms with linearized modulation scheme (c) ZVS realization
17(a) shows the measured waveforms when the DAB converter without optimized modulation (d) ZVS realization with linearized modulation
works without adopting any optimized modulation (belongs
to G2). Fig. 17(b) shows the working waveforms when the
converter is modulated by linearized scheme (belongs to G1).
The output power for both situations is given at 190 W. As 17(d), corresponding to the working conditions in Fig. 17(a)
marked in the figure, the value of Is.rms in Fig. 17(b) is lower and Fig. 17(b), respectively. It can be seen that the switching-
than that in Fig. 17(a), indicating the effectiveness of OMS4 on signal (i.e. rising edge) of vGS,S7 comes after the drain-
in reducing the conduction losses of the DAB converter. As a source voltage vDS,S7 becoming zero, which implies that the
result, the overall system efficiency is improved from 92.5% to transistor S7 has achieved zero-voltage turn-on.
95 %. Besides, in order to directly see if the ZVS is achieved, In Mode II, the converter is operated at two power levels
the drain-source voltage and the gate signal of S7 (turned on (i.e. 430 W and 700 W) and the working waveforms are
at the rising edge of vs ) are illustrated in Fig. 17(c) and Fig. shown in Fig. 18 and Fig. 19, respectively. Although there
2168-6777 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2956323, IEEE Journal
of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
is (25 A/div)
5 μs/div is (25 A/div) 5 μs/div
(a) (a)
is (25 A/div)
is (25 A/div)
2 μs/div
2 μs/div
(c) (c)
vs (100 V/div)
vs (100 V/div)
is (25 A/div)
is (25 A/div)
2168-6777 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2956323, IEEE Journal
of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
(a) (a)
@ Po=150 W, Is.rms=7.57 A, η=94.0 % @ Po=1100 W, Is.rms=30.10 A, η=90.7 %
vs (100V/div) vs (100V/div)
is (25 A/div)
is (25 A/div)
ZVS vGS,S7 (10 V/div) ZVS vGS,S7 (10 V/div)
vDS,S7 (100 V/div)
Fig. 20. Experimental waveforms of DAB converter in Mode III where Fig. 21. Experimental waveforms of DAB converter in Mode IV where
V1 =190 V, V2 =36 V (k = 1.5) (a) working waveforms without optimized V1 =190 V, V2 =36 V (k = 1.5) (a) working waveforms without optimized
modulation (b) working waveforms with linearized modulation scheme (c) modulation (b) working waveforms with linearized modulation scheme (c)
ZVS realization without optimized modulation (d) ZVS realization with ZVS realization without optimized modulation (d) ZVS realization with
linearized modulation scheme. linearized modulation scheme.
2168-6777 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2956323, IEEE Journal
of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
(a) V2 (100V/div)
Po=700 W Po=150 W
@ Po=1200 W, Is.rms=32.40 A, η=89.5 % io (10 A/div)
vs (100V/div)
is (30 A/div)
Fig. 23. Dynamic response with the output power (a) increased from 150 W
to 700 W (b) decreased from 700 W to 150 W in boost scenario (V1 =120 V,
is (25 A/div) 5 μs/div
V2 =46 V).
vs (100 V/div)
is (25 A/div)
vGS,S7 (10 V/div) ZVS
vDS,S7 (100 V/div) 2 μs/div
vs (100 V/div)
is (25 A/div)
vDS,S7 (100 V/div) 2 μs/div
2168-6777 (c) 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/JESTPE.2019.2956323, IEEE Journal
of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
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