Dual-Transformer-Based DAB Converter With Wide ZVS Range For Wide Voltage Conversion Gain Application
Dual-Transformer-Based DAB Converter With Wide ZVS Range For Wide Voltage Conversion Gain Application
Dual-Transformer-Based DAB Converter With Wide ZVS Range For Wide Voltage Conversion Gain Application
4, APRIL 2018
Abstract—A control strategy is proposed for the dual- distribution system [3]. The dual-active-bridge (DAB) dc–dc
transformer-based dual-active-bridge converter to achieve converter, first proposed in [4], has been an attractive alter-
wide zero-voltage switching (ZVS) range for wide voltage native to these applications owing to its advantages such as
conversion gain range application. The phase-shift control
is adopted for the dual-transformer-based converter with zero-voltage switching (ZVS), high power density, bidirectional
minimum power switches employing half bridge output, and power control, galvanic isolation, and a symmetric structure.
a control law is proposed to achieve wide ZVS range and The DAB dc–dc converter generally consists of two active
reduce the current-related loss. With the proposed method, bridges and one transformer with a relatively large leakage in-
four switches of the converter can achieve full range of ZVS.
ductance. The phases of two high-frequency voltages generated
The other two switches can achieve full-range ZVS under
positive power flow, while a slightly reduced ZVS region un- by the two bridges are shifted to control the delivered power.
der reverse power flow. Unlike the methods employing three Many research studies can be found on modulation strategies
control degrees of freedom, the proposed method only uti- for these DAB converters [5]. Single-phase-shift control [6],
lizes two decoupled control variables, making the controller [7] is very simple. The two high-frequency voltages generated
easy to be implemented, more reliable, and independent of by the two active bridges are both square waves with a fixed
the converter parameters. In addition, the design of turns ra-
tios for the two transformers is also optimized based on the duty ratio 0.5, and the power transfer is controlled only by the
control law and loss analysis. The effectiveness of the con- phase-shift ratio between the two voltages. This method can
verter with the proposed control is verified by experimental achieve full-range ZVS, low peak current, and low circulating
results from a 1-kW prototype. current under the optimal operating point when the input volt-
Index Terms—Dual-active-bridge (DAB) converter, dual- age V1 equals N V2 , where V2 is the output voltage and N is
transformer-based, wide conversion gain, wide zero-voltage the transformer turns ratio. However, under nonoptimal operat-
switching (ZVS) range. ing conditions when V1 varies from N V2 , the converter suffers
from high peak current, large root-mean-square (RMS) current,
I. INTRODUCTION and reduced ZVS range. To achieve better performance under
the nonoptimal operating gain, the extended phase shift (EPS)
IDIRECTIONAL dc–dc converters are important power
B interfaces for many power applications, such as an en-
ergy storage system [1], an electric vehicle charger [2], and a
can be adopted [8]. Instead of fixing the two duty ratios of the
bridges to be 0.5, it utilizes one duty ratio as an extra control
degree of freedom to obtain reduced loss and wider ZVS range.
Furthermore, to optimize the converter performance, both duty
Manuscript received April 19, 2017; revised July 29, 2017; accepted ratios can be utilized in the control such as dual-phase-shift con-
August 30, 2017. Date of publication September 29, 2017; date of current
version January 5, 2018. This work was supported in part by the National trol [9] and triple-phase-shift (TPS) control [10]. The challenge
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 51577012, in part for these methods is how to find the optimal combinations of the
by the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in the University of three independent control variables, which include the phase-
China under Grant NCET-13-0043, in part by the State Key Laboratory
of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources shift ratio and two duty ratios. As a result, the control laws
under Grant LATS17019, in part by the Key Laboratory of Solar Thermal aimed for different optimization goals [11] have been studied,
Energy and Photovoltaic System of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, such as minimum nonactive current [12], minimum conduc-
in part by the Technology Foundation for Selected Overseas Chinese
Scholar (2014), in part by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social tion loss [13], minimum reactive power [14], full range of ZVS
Security of China, and in part by the 2016 Fundamental Research Fund [15], etc. However, all these methods are based on the complex
of Beijing Institute of Technology. (Corresponding author: Deshang Sha.) power calculation and various working mode classifications and
The authors are with the Advanced Power Conversion Center, School
of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China are highly dependent on system parameters.
(e-mail: xuguobit@bit.edu.cn; shadeshang@bit.edu.cn; xuyaxiong@bit. To achieve wide ZVS range and simplify the calculation com-
edu.cn; liaoxiaozhong@bit.edu.cn). plexity of TPS control, the boundary trapezoidal modulation
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. control [16] utilizing the magnetizing current can be used, and a
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2017.2756601 universal model [17] based on the fundamental-optimal strategy
0278-0046 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
All of the six switches are driven with a 50% duty cycle. transformers vD E is the same as that of stage 1. vF G is changed
For the primary side, the four switches work the same as a to be V2 /2. In this stage, the transformer leakage current is is
conventional phase-shift full bridge converter. The other two changing with a relatively lower constant slew rate, and its value
capacitors C11 and C12 , together with the leg of S1 and S2 , can be expressed as
work as an additional half bridge with a fixed 50% duty cycle.
The primary sides of the two transformers are in parallel and is (t − t2 ) = is (t2 ) + (vD E − vF G )(t − t2 )/Lk
the secondary sides are in series. With this configuration, four vD E = N1 V1 + N2 V1 /2, vF G = V2 /2.
voltage levels can be generated in the vD E waveform and are
controlled with the duty ratio D1 . In the secondary side, the Stage 4 (t3 , t4 ) [see Fig. 3(d)]: At t3 , S4 is turned OFF.
leakage Lk provides the power link between the high-frequency iT 1 starts to discharge the junction capacitor of S3 and charge
transformer output voltage vD E and the output voltage vF G of the junction capacitor of S4 . At the end of this charging pro-
the half bridge in the secondary side. The bidirectional power cess, the body diode conducts to create ZVS for S3 in the next
transfer is controlled by the phase-shift ratio Φ between vD E stage. The charging energy stored in these capacitors is ignored,
and vF G . and the ZVS condition for S3 is
In view of the high-frequency voltage waveform induced on iT 1 (t3 ) = is (t3 )N1 > 0. (4)
the leakage inductor (VD E ), it actually consists of four voltage
levels unlike three voltage levels for the other DAB converter. Stage 5 (t4 , t5 ) [see Fig. 3(e)]: At t4 , S3 is turned ON under
Through a proper method to generate the four voltage levels, ZVS. During this stage, vA C changes to be zero. vD E becomes
the peak current and the reactive current of the converter can N2 V1 /2. The relationship between transformer current and volt-
be tightly controlled when the voltage V1 or V2 changes. This ages can be expressed as
characteristic provides the possibility for the converter to have a
is (t − t4 ) = is (t4 ) + (vD E − vF G )(t − t4 )/Lk
better performance under wide voltage gain range application. (5)
vD E = N2 V1 /2, vF G = V2 /2.
B. Working Stages of the Converter Stage 6 (t5 , t6 ) [see Fig. 3(f)]: S1 is turned OFF at t5 . During
Since the PWM signals are symmetrical during two half this interval, the junction capacitor of S2 is discharged, and
switching cycles, the mode of operation is analyzed only within its drain–source voltage decreases. At the end of this interval,
one half cycle from t0 to t6 , as shown in Fig. 2. The correspond- the drain–source voltage of S2 is zero, and the bode diode is
ing six working modes are illustrated in Fig. 3. conduced, leading to ZVS turned ON for the next stage. The
Stage 1 (t0 , t1 ) [see Fig. 3(a)]: Prior to t0 , S4 and S6 are ZVS condition for S2 can be shown as
ON, and S1 , S2 , S3 , and S5 are OFF. At t0 , S1 is turned ON.
iT 1 (t3 ) + iT 2 (t3 ) = is (t3 )(N1 + N2 ) > 0. (6)
During this stage, vA C is equal to V1 , and vA B is equal to
V1 /2. Consequently, the total secondary-side voltage of the two
transformers vD E is N1 V1 + N2 V1 /2, and the high-frequency III. ZVS CONSTRAINTS AND CONTROL
voltage vF G generated by the half bridge in V2 side is −V2 /2. A. Current Range for ZVS
The transformer current is starts to increase with a constant slew
rate, and the following relationship is obtained: Similar to many other DAB converters, the converter perfor-
mance is dependent on more than one control variable. It is
is (t − t0 ) = is (t0 ) + (vD E − vF G )(t − t0 )/Lk controlled by the full-bridge duty cycle D1 and the phase-shift
(1) ratio Φ between vD E and vF G . Different combinations of them
vD E = N1 V1 + N2 V1 /2, vF G = −V2 /2
can have different working patterns, leading to different ZVS
where 1:N1 and 1:N2 are the turns ratios for transformers T1 performances. In the previous section, the case of 0 < Φ < D1 is
and T2 , respectively. taken as an example to study the converter working principles.
Stage 2 (t1 , t2 ) [see Fig. 3(b)]: At time t1 , S6 is turned If all the combinations of D1 and Φ are taken into consider-
OFF. The transformer current is starts to discharge the junc- ation, three more cases should be considered: D1 < Φ < 0.5,
tion capacitor of S5 and to charge the junction capacitor of D1 − 0.5 < Φ < 0, and − 0.5 < Φ < D1 − 0.5. The theoretical
S6 . When the drain–source voltage of S6 is charged to V2 , the waveforms for all the four cases are illustrated, respectively, in
drain–source voltage of S5 is zero, then the body diode will Fig. 4. The cases when Φ > 0 are shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b),
be conducted to create the ZVS turn-on condition for S5 in the and the cases when Φ < 0 are shown in Fig. 4(c) and (d). As
next stage. Because the leakage inductance is relatively large discussed from working stages 2, 4, and 6 for pattern A, which
for DAB converters, the current required to charge/discharge is shown in Fig. 3, ZVS is only determined by the polarity of
the two drain–source capacitors is small and can be neglected the transformer current at the instant when the switch is turned
to simplify ZVS analysis. Hence, the ZVS condition for S5 can ON. According to this principle, current constraints of ZVS can
be obtained as be summed up in Table I.
The expressions for these currents in Table I can be calculated
is (t1 ) > 0. (2)
based on the voltage induced across the leakage inductance
Stage 3 (t2 , t3 ) [see Fig. 3(c)]: At t2 , S5 is turned ON under during each working stage. Taking pattern A for instance, the
ZVS. In this stage, the total secondary-side voltage of the two relationships between the current and the voltages are shown
Fig. 3. Working stages. (a) Stage 1. (b) Stage 2. (c) Stage 3. (d) Stage 4. (e) Stage 5. (f) Stage 6.
A:0 < Φ < D 1 −4V 2 Φ < E 4[V 2 Φ + D 1 (2N 1 V 1 + N 2 V 1 − V 2 )] > E 4(2N 1 + N 2 )V 1 Φ > E
B:D 1 < Φ < 0.5 −4V 2 Φ < E 4[V 2 (D 1 − Φ) + D 1 V 1 (2N 1 + N 2 )] > E 4V 1 (2D 1 N 1 + N 2 Φ) > E
C:D 1 − 0.5 < Φ < 0 −4V 2 |Φ| < E 4[V 2 (D 1 + |Φ|) − D 1 V 1 (2N 1 + N 2 )] > E −4N 2 V 1 |Φ| < −E
D:-0.5 < Φ < D 1 − 0.5 −4V 2 |Φ| < E 2[V 2 (2D 1 − 1 + 2|Φ|) + N 2 V 1 (2D 1 − 1)] > −E −4V 1 [2N 1 (D 1 − 0.5 + |Φ|) + N 2 |Φ|] < −E
E = (V 2 − N 1 V 1 − 4D 1 N 1 V 1 ).
S1 , S2 S3 , S4 S5 , S6
Φ (N 2 + 4 D 1 N 1 )
B: AS N 2 + (2D 1 + 1)N 1 > 2D 1 AS
C: AS 4D 1 N 1 (D 1 + |Φ| − 0.5) < −N 2 |Φ| AS
N 2 (1 −2 D 1 −|Φ |
D: AS D 1 + |Φ| − 0.5 > 4D 1 N 1 AS
AS: always satisfied. Fig. 6. ZVS region for S 3 and S 4 under different D 1 m in . (G m a x =
2G m in , D 1 m a x = 0.5). (a)D 1 m in = 0. (b) D 1 m in = 0.05.
B. Turns Ratios circulating current and lower RMS current for the secondary
With the given specifications of Gm in and Gm ax , substitution side should be around 0 or 0.05.
of these values along with D1m ax = 0.5 into (11) leads to Meanwhile, as mentioned before in Section III, the ZVS re-
gion of S3 and S4 is related to the value of D1m in . The cases for
N1 = 1/(5 − 10D1m in ) the ZVS region under different D1m in are shown in Fig. 12. As
N2 = (2 − 8D1m in )/(5 − 10D1m in ). shown, if D1m in is chosen to be slightly larger than 0, the ZVS
region can be changed. Unlike the case when D1m in = 0, ZVS
According to (17), to ensure that N1 and N2 are positive val- under all the positive power flow conditions can be achieved, and
ues, D1m in should be limited as 0 ≤ D1m in < 0.25. Besides, the ZVS region under reverse power flow is enlarged. Therefore,
based on (17), if D1m in is determined, the value for both N2 and the minimum duty cycle is designed as D1m in = 0.05 to obtain
N1 can be directly solved from (17). Therefore, the design of wider ZVS ranges and also smaller RMS current performance.
the two turns ratios can be simplified to find an optimal value for Then, according to (17), the two turns ratios can be obtained as
D1m in , which obtains wide ZVS range and low current-related N1 = 29 and N2 = 11 4
loss. In Fig. 11, RMS currents for the two transformers and the
circulating current of transformer T1 are compared for different VI. COMPARISON
D1m in at the rated load condition. In Fig. 11(a) and (b), the
primary currents for transformers T1 and T2 are illustrated, re- A. Device RMS and Device Turn-Off Current
spectively. As D1m in decreases from 0.2 to 0, T1 primary current
is decreasing and T2 primary current is increasing within whole The RMS currents and turn-off currents of all the devices are
input voltage ranges. If D1m in becomes smaller, the circulating presented in Fig. 13 for a dual-transformer-based DAB converter
current of T1 will have less impact on the power transfer be- with the proposed control and designed turns ratios under rated
cause of the reduced total RMS current, which corresponds to load. Also, the comparisons have been made with a conventional
Fig. 11(c). As shown in Fig. 11(c), the RMS circulating current half-bridge DAB (CHDAB) converter consisting a full bridge at
is lower if D1m in becomes smaller such as 0 and 0.05. Fig. 11(d) the V1 side and a half bridge at the V2 side. The EPS control in
shows the RMS current of the secondary side. The cases when [8] aimed at achieving wide ZVS range is applied to the CHDAB
D1m in ≥ 0.1 are also not preferred because the RMS currents converters, and the turns ratio is designed to be 1:2/5 to make
are much higher than the other cases when the input voltage the voltage matching occur at 120 V. The leakage inductance
is higher than 180 V. The better cases to gain the minimum value is 2.6 μH.
Fig. 13. Device RMS and turn-off current comparison under rated
power (P o = 1 kW). (a) Device RMS current comparison. (b) Device
turn-off current comparison.
Fig. 19. Switches ZVS waveforms under V 1 = 120 V for different loads.
(a) 200 W, S 1 . (b) 200 W, S 3 . (c) 200 W, S 5 . (d) 1000 W, S 1 . (e) 1000 W,
S 3 . (f) 1000 W, S 5 .
board, a control board, a driver board, and the main circuit. The
controller TMS320F28335 from TI Company is used to imple-
ment the control. The sampling rate of the control is the same Fig. 21. Experimental waveforms under load step changing for different
as the switching frequency 50 kHz. FDA38N30 from Fairchild input voltages V 1 = 120 V: (a) half to full load; (b) full to half load.
is used for the primary-side devices, and FQA90N15 is used for V 1 = 180 V: (c) half to full load; (d) full to half load. V 1 = 180 V: (e) half
to full load; (f) full to half load.
the secondary-side devices.
The experimental waveforms under rated power Po = 1 kW
are shown in Fig. 17. vA B and vA C are the primary-side volt- D1 is at its maximum value of 0.5. With the proposed control,
ages of the two transformers, respectively, and vF G is the voltage the converter works at a condition exactly the same as the opti-
generated by the half bridge in the V2 side. is is the current of mal operating point for conventional DAB converters with SPS
leakage inductance Lk , whose polarity at switch turn-on instant control. Consequently, ZVS is easily achieved as seen from the
determines the ZVS performance. As shown in Fig. 17(a), when polarity of the current at the moment when the switches turn ON.
V1 = 120 V, vA B and vA C are both square waveforms, and Lower conduction loss can also be obtained. Meanwhile, when
Fig. 22. Efficiency comparisons under different voltages. (a) 120 V. (b) 180 V. (c) 240 V.
V1 increases, such as 150, 180, and 210 V in Fig. 17(b)–(d), converter, especially under the light-load condition. Meanwhile,
respectively, the duty cycle is gradually decreased to obtain the for the dual-transformer-based converter with the proposed con-
voltage–second balance between the voltages at the two ports of trol, even though the converter has a similar RMS current for
the leakage inductance. As seen from the relationship between each devices, the efficiency with V1 = 180 V is higher because
the duty cycle and phase-shift ratio in these cases, the converter it has lower transformer loss and turn-off loss.
works in pattern A when V1 = 150 and 180 V and in pattern B
when V1 = 180 V. These match with the theoretical waveforms VIII. CONCLUSION
shown in Fig. 4(a). In addition, judging from the current polar-
In this paper, a control law was proposed to achieve wide
ities of is at the turn-on instants, ZVS is achieved for all the
ZVS range for dual-transformer-based DAB converters for wide
three cases. When V1 = 240 V as seen from Fig. 17(e), D1 is
voltage gain range applications. The characteristics of the dual-
almost zero; therefore, the two voltages applied to Lk are almost
transformer-based DAB converters with phase-shift control have
the same with the case in Fig. 17(a), which explains why is is
been analyzed. Based on that, the duty ratio of one bridge can be
similar for the two cases. At the two boundary input voltage
fixed as 0.5 without loss of ZVS capability. Therefore, the half-
values, the converter can automatically shift the working mode
bridge converter is used at one side of the transformer to reduce
to achieve low peak current and circulating current.
the total switching numbers and eliminate one control variable.
Fig. 18 shows the experimental waveforms at light-load con-
The proposed control is less dependent on the converter pa-
ditions (Po = 200 W). As seen in Fig. 18(a) and (d), the wave-
rameters, and no classification of the working modes is needed
forms are also similar, and both of them are working in the
for real-time control. With the proposed method, four switches
optimal operating condition when full ZVS ranges and low con-
of the converter can achieve full range of ZVS. The other two
duction loss can be obtained. As for the cases when V1 = 150
switches can achieve full-range ZVS under positive power flow,
and 180 V, the converter works in the region of pattern C, which
while a slightly reduced ZVS region under reverse power flow.
matches with the theoretical waveforms shown in Fig. 4(c).
The power transfer characteristics, ZVS performance, and turns
Also, ZVS for the switches can be obtained judging from the
ratios design have been introduced in this paper. A 1-kW proto-
polarity of the current at each turn-on instant.
type has been built up to verify the effectiveness of the proposed
The soft switching experimental results for different input
control and the dual-transformer-based converter. The results
voltages under different loads are shown in Figs. 19 and 20.
show that the studied converter with the proposed control is an
The switch drain-to-source voltage, the switch gate voltage, and
attractive candidate for the applications requiring wide conver-
the leakage inductor current are captured for each subfigure. As
sion gain range and bidirectional power flow.
illustrated, ZVS can be achieved both at light load (200 W) and
heavy load (1 kW) under different input voltages.
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[21] G. Ning, W. Chen, L. Shu, and X. Qu, “A hybrid ZVZCS dual-transformer- 1984, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in con-
based full-bridge converter operating in DCM for MVDC grids,” IEEE trol sciences and engineering from Beijing Insti-
Trans. Power Electron., vol. 32, no. 7, pp. 5162–5170, Jul. 2017. tute of Technology, Beijing, China, in 2004.
[22] H. Wu, L. Chen, and Y. Xing, “Secondary-side phase-shift-controlled dual- She was a Visitor Researcher with the De-
transformer-based asymmetrical dual-bridge converter with wide voltage partment of Electrical and Electronic Engineer-
gain,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 30, no. 10, pp. 5381–5392, Oct. ing, University of Central Lancashire, Preston,
2015. U.K., from 1995 to 1996. She is currently an As-
[23] K. Shi, D. Zhang, Z. Zhou, M. Zhang, and Y. Gu, “A novel phase-shift dual sociate Dean and Full Professor with the School
full-bridge converter with full soft-switching range and wide conversion of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology. Her current research in-
range,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 31, no. 11, pp. 7747–7760, Nov. terests include power electronics, motor drives, and renewable energy
2016. power conversion.