10lasw3q4 PDF
10lasw3q4 PDF
10lasw3q4 PDF
Department of Education
Region V-Bicol
In this worksheet, you will discover that defining is easier if you know the technique on
how to do it. Let’s find out what are those!
First, let us define what definition is. Definition is a formal and concise statement of the
meaning of a word, phrase or concept. When we define, we give the essential properties of
something. In expanded definition, we give the specific essential properties of a word or
concept. We provide more information to make the definition more precise.
How do you write expanded definition. In using expanded definition, we follow and
observe certain structure. The first thing that you need to know is how to write a formal
sentence definition of the term you are writing about. Write the term in the beginning of the
extended definition. It establishes the focus for the rest of the discussion. According to
McMurrey (2017), it is "formal" because it uses a certain form.
Take a look at this sample.
What are the patterns or techniques that you can use in writing expanded definitions?
McMurrey also called these as sources of extended or expanded definitions. Here are some
of the common pattern/techniques or sources:
1. Etymology. The etymology (the origin of the word) is a common way to begin an extended
definition. In addition to giving the origin, it can be helpful to show how the meaning or usage
has changed over time.
2. Exemplification. Giving examples is a common way to extend the definition of a word.
3. Comparison. If the word being defined is complex, it can be compared to something which
is simpler (by giving an analogy).
4. Contrast. The word can be contrasted with others in the same category which are close in
5. Classification. If the word being defined can be divided into different types, classification
can be used to extend the definition.
6. Process. If the word being defined is a process, or is used to carry out a process, then the
definition can be extended by explaining the process.
7. Negation. It is sometimes helpful to extend the definition of the word by explaining what it
is not, in order to explain what it is.
8. Description. If the word being defined is something physical, then a description of its
characteristics, possibly including a diagram, might be appropriate.
9. Enumeration. If the word being defined has many characteristics, then it might be helpful
to enumerate (i.e. list) each of these characteristics in detail.
In writing a research paper, you will discover that you need to explain certain words or
concepts in your research clearly and accurately. You need to define it conceptually (the
dictionary meaning of the word) and theoretically or how you will use that term in your research
paper. This is where you can apply the skill on expanded definitions of word. In the example
below, sources of extended definitions are elaborately used. Guide questions were provided
to help and guide you how these sources contribute in writing manuscripts and reports
including research papers.
Sources of Extended Definition
Description Does anything related to the term being defined need to be
Process narration Is there some process (natural,social) associated with the term that
should be discussed?
Additional definitions Do unfamiliar terms occurring in the definition also need definition?
Historical Is there some history, some key individuals related to term being
background defined? Would that discussion contribute to the definition of the
Cause, causes Does the reader need to know about causes related to the term being
Effects, results, Does the reader need to know about effects related to the term being
consequences defined?
Problems, solutions Does the term being defined represent a problem or a solution?
Statistics Should you discuss numerical data related to the term defined-
percentages, amounts, etc.?
Uses, applications Would it help to discuss uses or applications related to the term?
Similarities, Is the term similar to or different from something else? Would an
differences, analogy help define the term?
Classes, types, Are there categories that the term can be divided into Does it belong
categories to a certain category?
Examples Would examples contribute to the definition of the term?
Future Would an understanding of the roots, the etymology of the word help
developments, define it?
Word origins Should future developments related to the term be discussed? Does
it have implications-good, bad, both?
Negatives Would explaining what the term is not, what it does not refer to help?
Advantages, Are there advantages and disadvantages related to the term that can
disadvantages be discussed?
Figure 1: Sources of Extended Definitions by David McMurrey
Source: Extended Definition by David McMurrey licensed under (CC BY 4.0) retrieved at
The next example shows an outline of a report wherein various sources of extended definitions
were applied.
Figure 2: A sample outline where sources of extending definitions is stated on the right side.
Source: Extended Definition by David McMurrey licensed under (CC BY 4.0) retrieved
What are some of the techniques used in the outline? Write your answer
Good Job! Now, take a look at Figure 3. It is the report written based on the given outline
Figure 3: Sample Report applying extended definitions based on the outline on Figure 2.
Source: Extended Definition by David McMurrey licensed under (CC BY 4.0) retrieved at
Does the report clearly state the concept being defined based on the outline?
Did it give the audience adequate information about the topic being discussed?
How does the knowledge on expanded definition help the writer?
A.Practice Tasks
Practice Task 1: Spot the Technique!
Directions: Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
1. The subordinate image of women is suggested in this passage by the way they are
treated and addressed by the male characters. (2)The language Falstaff uses in addressing
the hostess of the tavern , for example, echoes the treatment of women in other parts of the
play.(3) In this passage, instead of apologizing to the hostess for his rudeness towards her,
Falstaff says that he “forgives” (3.3.176) her and orders her with commands.(4) In addition,
the brusqueness of his manner is accentuated by short, terse phrases —“go make ready,”
“love thy husband,” “look to thy servants,” “cherish thy guests” and “be gone” (3.3.176-180).
1. What technique of extended definition is used in the paragraph?
a. Exemplification b. Comparison c. Contrast d. etymology
2. …Nwoye further argues that in traditional African societies individuals operate within
a community and one’s identity is largely influenced by sharing and acknowledging cultural
principles. He also suggests that the communal identification comes with multiple obligations
and loyalties. For example, amongst Black South Africans in particular, there are cultural
practices relating to marriage, which will be discussed in detail in subsequent sections. These
cultural practices can be seen as socially constructed loyalties to which people adhere.
___________________________________________________________ _________
Source: https://repository.up.ac.za/bitstream/handle/2263/25564/01chapter1.pdf?sequence=2&isAllowed=y
B. Assessment
Directions: Write a three-paragraph introduction on any of the given environmental
issues using the techniques of expanded definitions. Use the outline below as your guide.
a. Global Warming
b. Air Pollution
c. Garbage Disposal
Be guided by the rubric below.
Content -40%
Use of Definitions -40%
Use of Conventions of Language -20%
Total -100%
Great! You have completed all of the tasks that were assigned to you. It is now time to
reflect on the important knowledge you have added to your knowledge bank. Fill out the
thought prompts below to demonstrate your understanding.
Definition by David McMurrey licensed under (CC BY 4.0) retrieved at
Congratulations! You have completed your learning adventure! Good luck on your
next learning journey!
Prepared by:
Practice Task 1
1. b 2. d
Practice Task 2
1. …South Africa is a diverse society with multi-racial, multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and multi-lingual attributes. It is a country that has a rich history, a history that
has contributed to how people of this society construct their lives, their identities, their behaviors and their world-views. This study made use of this diverse
context by choosing a sample from the wide population that could be experiencing similar challenges. The target population for this study was Black women
who have professional careers.
Techniques of expanded definition: Description
2. …Nwoye further argues that in traditional African societies individuals operate within a community and one’s identity is largely influenced by sharing and
acknowledging cultural principles. He also suggests that the communal identification comes with multiple obligations and loyalties. For example, amongst Black
South Africans in particular, there are cultural practices relating to marriage, which will be discussed in detail in subsequent sections. These cultural practices
can be seen as socially constructed loyalties to which people adhere.
Techniques of expanded definition: Exemplification
Answer may vary.
Oas, Albay
Oas Polytechnic School
Polangui, ALbay
Polangui General Comprehensive High School