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Course: __ POWER PLANT Section; 7 ENGINE STUDIES Duration: ___849_ HOURS Th Ref: ‘Subject Level | ae PISTON ENGINE (350 Hours) 71 INTRODUCTION TO PISTON ENGINE 1 14 a+ Identification of types. b- Inline and horizontally opposed. c- Radial Engines. d- Cooling methods . e- Basic cycle of operation. f- - Aero engine requirements . g- Film-ABC of i.e. Engine. 7.2 RELATED ENGINE THEOR 0 uM a-° Gas laws. b- Adiabatic and Isothermal changes - c- Temperature measuring scales: it~ "fahrenheit. . ti- Celsius. iii rankin, iv- kelvin, v- conversion os scales. ' Volumetric efficiency, thermal efficiency and mechanical effict- ency. e- Compression ratio. f+ Indicated horse power, brake horse power, friction horse power. ‘g- Brake mean effective pressure and torque. h- Take off power, rated power, critical altitude. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 18th, 1980.Ref: Subject Level Time (hours) 7.3 74 7.6 OPERATING PRINCIPLES a- Otto cycle. b- Modified Otto cycle. DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY Acceleration , Absolute pressure atmos- pheric pressure, Bore, B.D.C, centri fugal force, centre of gravity couple, clearance volume, displacement, energy, force H.P., impluse, iner- tia, inflow, I.M.E.P., kinetic energy mass, momentum, machine outflow, potential energy, speed stroke, swept volume specific fuel consumption T.D.C., vector, velocity, valve lag, valve lead, valve overlap weight, work. ENGINE COMPONENT a- Ideritification. b- Basic functions. c- Rero-engine requirements . ie power/weight ratio. M+ S.P.G. iii- reliability. d- Visit to Engine Overhaul Shop. IGNITION a- Punction of Ignition system. b- Types of system, 1- * battery. M+ low tension. ii- high tension, u 04 07 21 21 PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 1sth,1980.. Time Ref: Subject Level (isu) Cont'd... c- Sparking plugs. i types ., fi- _screched. {Mi- hot and cold types. iv- long reach, short reach. v- resistor. vi- sparking plug handling. d- Magneto. i component, fi- electrical & magnetic circuit. ili- principles of operation. e- Rotating magnet. f+ Polar inductor. g- Advance and retard spark compensated cams. 2 h- Synchrémsed and staggered timing. ~ i- Magneto timing. j- Ignition hardness. ‘Components and operation of ie low tension type. ii- high tension type. Sii- switches and switch leads. 17 CARBURATLON a. a- Principles’. b- Simple carburattor. c+ Modified carburattor. d- Definition of carburattor. e- Types of carburattor: A float types. {l- pressure types. ili- fuel injection. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-} April 15th 1980.Refi Subject Level * (hours) Cont'd... Operating principles of each type carburettor. 9- Carburetor icing prevention. h- ° Carburettor and injector permitted adjustment. 7.8 FUEL SYSTEM 21 a- Principles of system & component. b- Identify components. c- Identify fue). d- Specification of fuels. e- Physical properties . f- Tank location. g- Fuel contaminauts (refer to filter). h- Tank construction. 7.9 AVIATION FUELS. 07 Defination and general information. {source of supply) . b- Chemical compusition, heat energy. c- Health and fire hazard. d- Specification of fuel, e- Solvent and corrosive properties, 7.10 PROPERTIES OF GASOLINE 33 a- Volatility, flash point. b- Knock value (aromatic and lead content) . c- Vapour pressure, Ash content etc. d- Calorific value. ¢- Spontaneous ignition temperature. 7AL PROPERTIES OF KEROSINE 3b a- Volatility. b- Flash point. c+ Freeze puiat. PLA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, 1980, sas ny+ Time Ref: Subject Level ey Cont'd... Vapour pressure. e- Calorific value. f- S.I.T, number. 732 FUEL/AIR RATIO 3y a- Chemically correct mixture. b- Best power mixture effect on performance. c- Lean mixture and rich mixture. d- Effect of air/fuel ratio change in reciprocating engine, 7.13 TYPES OF SYSTEM 3b a- Fuel system types. b- Gravity. c- Pressure. 7.14 COMPONENTS 3h a- Construction and function. b- Tank. c= Pump and relief valve. d- Shut off values. e- Selector valves. f- Strainer and filters. g- Fuel lines and identification. h- Fuel quantity gauges. i+ Flow meter. j- Pressure gauges. k- Pressure warning system, 1+) Primers. 7S LUBRICATING SYSTEM 07 a- Requirements & types of lubricating oll. b- Types of system. co Wet sump. d+ Dry sump. PIA TRAINING.CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th ,1980.Ref: Subject Level Time (hours) 7.16 TYPICAL LUBRICATING SYSTEM. 21 a- Tank, b- Pump. c- Filter. d- Anti surge valve. e- Thermostatic valve, f- Cooler. 717 POWER PLANT 14 a- Atypical power plant layout including. b- Engine mounting. c- Control system. d- Airflow venting and zones. e- Exhaust. f- Fire warning and extinguishing systems, 7.18 ENGINE ACCESSORIES “4 Installation and inspection of a- Pump. b- Starters. o- Generator. d- Alternators. 7,19 PROPELLERS 21 &- Propeller principles. b- Blade theory ,forces ,thrust, drag types. c- Operation of propellers ,wind~ milling feathering, reversing, constant speeding etc. d- Constant speed unit. e- Adjustment. 7.20 TROUBLE SHOOTING 07 a- Failure to start or continual running, b- Back firing. - PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th,1980,‘Time Ref: ' Subject Level ' fue.) Cont'd... ¢- Roughness, detonation, vibration. d- Low power. e- R.P.M, surging. {Oil pressure fault. g- Manifold pressure & supercharger fault. 7.21 ENGINE MAINTENANCE 3b a- Compression testing & cylind replacement. b- Repairs and modifications. ¢- Engine changing. d- Inhibiting. e- Storage and transport. 7.22 THE COOLING SYSTEM 03 - An cooling, fins, baffles7-cowls = and shutters. Liquid cooling, jackets, thermo- static valve fan, pump. 7.23 ENGINE RUNNING o7 a- Precaution. b- Starting, running and stopping procedure. c~ Run up checks. d- The supervisor and team. e- Duties of members f- Pre-arranged signals. g- Emergency action. 7.24 REVIEW AND TEST 7.28 PRACTICAL 105 a- Piston engine overhaul procedure. b- Engine dis-agsembly procedure. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15ti,1980.+ Time Refi ' Subject Level (hours) Cont'd... ¢- Cleaning methods. d- Inspection procedure. e~ Re-work, f- Assembly procedure. g- Pre-start servicing. h- Engine test run. i+ Documentation. GAS TURBINE ENGINES (485 Hours) 1 7.26 INTRODUCTION TO GAS TURBINE ENGINE 2 a- History, b- Development. c- Comparison of jet propelled and reci- Procating type aircraft. d- Identifications of section and function. 7.27 LAWS OF PHYSICS APPLIED TO JET PROPULSION 21 a- Inertia. b- Momentum. c- Action and re-action. d- Laws governing energy changes. e- Application of Bernoulis theorem, f= The principle of brayton cycle. g- Thrust calculation. he Pactors effecting thrust. i+ Thrust horse power. j- Equivalent shaft horse power. 7.28 TYPES OF JET ENGINE 4 a- Ram jets (athodyd, pulse jet). b- Rocket (solid and liquid fuel) . c- Turbo jet. d- Turbo fan. e- Turbo prop. FIA TRAINING CENTRE Tssue-1 April 15th, 1980.Subject Level aia (hours) COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT ENGINE TYPE 07 a- The speed spectrum. b- Comparison of turbojet, turbo prop. and turbo fan. c- Advantages and dis-advantages of each type. JET ENGINE PERFORMANCE 33 a- The gas turbine thermal cycle. b- The constant pressure cycle. c- Thermal efficiency. d- Overall efficiency. e- Propulsive efficiency. THRUST 3h a- Gross thrust. b- Net thrust. c- Thrust distribution. _. e d- Mass. . e- Force. EFFECT OF VARIABLES ON THRUST 07 a- Altitude. b- Humidity. c- Temperature. d- Ram pressure. e- Aircraft speed. ALRINLET DUCTS a. a- Purpose and operation. b- Types of air inlets _: in wing inlet. ii- nose inlet. ili- annular nose inlet, iv- external scoop. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th 1980.Time Ref!" Subject Level * (hours) Cont'd... ve flush duct. vi- single entry. vit- double entry, vili- variable geometry, 7.34 COMPRESSORS 70 a- Purpose and operation, b- Mass flow. c- Types of compressor. i centrifugal flow, fi- axial flow, Mil- single spool, iv- twin spool. v- triple spool, d- Compressor stall and surge. “ é e- Stall and-surge prevention : i+ variable inlet guide vanes, fi- variable stator vanes. ili- compressor bleed valve. iv- twin spool compressor . 7.38 COMBUSTION SYSTEM 56 COMBUSTION SYSTEM &- Purpose of combustion section. b- Combustion phenomena gas turbine. c- Requirements of turbine fuel and its properties. d- Fuel manifolds. e- Fuel nozzles : ie simplex. fi- duplex. ili- iubbock, PLA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th,1980.» ‘Time + Subject Level Gnas) Cont'd... f- Combustion chambers : iad can or independent type. ii- annular type. iil- can annular type iv- primary, secondary and tertiary airflow. TURBINE 35 a- Purpose. b- Principle and operation of turbine. c- Types of turbine : ie impulse. i+ re-action. ill- combination of impulse and re-action. d- Stages : i- single stage. a ii- multi stage. e- Creep of material. 7.37 EXHAUST 07 a- Purpose and operation. b- Thermocouples and pressure sensing transmitter. c- Propelling nozzles i- convergent. ii- convergent - divergent. fil- varlable geometry. iv- fixed geometry. 7.38 ‘THRUST REVERSER 108 a- Purpose and operation. b- Clainshell type. PIA TRAINENG CENTRE Tssue-1 April 15th, 1980.A Level ' Time Ref: Subject thours) Cont'd... c- Target type. d- Thrust speiler, 7.39 NOISE SUPPRESSOR lod a~ Purpose and operation. b- Corrugated type, co Mull tube, d- Other methods of noise suppression. ede lowering fen speed. ii- removal of 1,G.¥, 7,40 TERUST AUGMENTATION o7 a- After burning. b- Duct burning. = Water injection, 7.AL STARTING SysTEM 14 = ®- Purpose and operation of starting cycle. b- Types of starters : Le eclectic, Ale air starter, {i- combustion starters. . Wo cartiidge, guid & imping 7.42 IGNITION SYSTEM 21 IGNITION SYSTEM a~ Requirements of system be. Types of system : i- high tension. ie Jow tension. cy Types of igniter plugs ; ir turch igniter, dL~ Surface discharge, iii- annwier and constrained, gap, PLA TRAINING GENTRE Tssue-i April 25th 1960, beeTime : Sub ‘ Ref: subject Level“ ¢cwa) Cont'd d- Capacity in ules. e- Starting procedures , running checks and stopping engine. 7.43 ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM 2ay a@- Purpose and requirements . be Variables effecting engine controls. c- Fuel control units. d- Open and close loop system. e- Hydromechanical and electronic types. f Comparison of turbo jet and turbo Prop. contro] requirements . g- Gomponents and operaticn of a typeical fuel control system. 7.44 LUBRICATION SYSTEM M4 a- Requirements of a lubricating oil. = b- Specification of otls c- Purpose of lubricating system. d- Dry sump system. e- Wet sump system. {- Total loss system. g- Components and operation of typical system, Air sealing of bearings. 7.aS ENGINE COOLING AND SEALING SYSTEM 07 a- Purpose. b- Gooling of engine components turbine exhaust unit etc. - Types of air seals, interstage of com- pressor air/air seal, air/gas seal. 7.46 CING SYSTEM o7 a@- Gauses of ictng condition. b- Components & operation of a typical system. PIA TRAINING GENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, 1980.4 , Time Ref: "Subject Level (hours) 7a? GAS TURBINE INSTRUMENTATION 14 a- Reason for Instrumentation, b- Seasing paints. c- Principle and operation of instrumen~ tation. d- ‘Techometers. e- Pressure gauges. f. Temperature gauges. ¢- Engine power output gauges. h- Flow gauges. 4+ Vibration morxtors . 7.48 ENGINE ACCESSORIES a4 a- Gonstant speed drive. b- Installation, c+ Maintenance. 7.49 THE TURBO. PROP ENGINE _ - al Compenents of turbo prop engine, reduction gear. b- Control of propeller and compressor. c- Anti windmiliing drag system, purpose and pitch stop. G~ Negative torque contrel. e- Turbo prop. brakes. 7.50 GAS TURK.NE MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE PROCEDURE 07 a- Minor maintenance and limitation. b- Overhaul requirements. c~ Repair and modifications. d- Engine removal and installation. e- Engine testing. 7.51 ENGINE INHIBITING STORAGE 6& TRANSIT 3 a- Short term, b- Long term, PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-2 Apri 15th, 1980,Subject Level Giger) SAFETY IN RESPECT OF 3} a- Air intake. b- Exhaust efflux. c Noise. d- Ignition. COWLING 103 a- Piston. b- Gas turbine. c- Access doors. d- Inspection. e- Functions and design of cowling : i- air flow. ii- cooling. ili- zonning. f- Access of cowling 1+ Inspection poins. ii- fastening. ili- removal and fitting. iv- inspection and repair. POSITIONING & SECURING AIRGRAFT ON SITE 10} a- Clearance check for exhaust and slip stream blast. b- Security of wheel. c= Positioning ground equipment. d- Checking of foreign objects. e- Engine running team : 1+ the supervisor and team. + duties of members. ili- pre-arranged signals. iv- emergency action. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, 1980. PeetCourse: __ POWER PLANT Section: ___6P_AIRFRAME STUDIES ——SE_AIRPRAME STUDIES Duration: 140 HOURS Ref: "Subject Level ' Time (hours) 6P.1 INTRODUCTION TO PRINGIPLES OF FIGHT 11 AE SSORUCTION TO PRINCIPLES OF FLIGHT ae be ce ge ee Simple Aerodynamics (programmed) . Bernoulli's theorem (programmed) . Newton's Laws of Motion, Streamlining. (programmed) , Air speed and ground speed. 6P.2 INTRODUCTION 70 THE POUR FORCES 0 RAROPUCTION TO THE FOUR FORCES as be co a Lit, ) Weight. ) Thrust. ) Programmed. Drag.) : = 6P.3 PRINCIPLES OF FLIGHT 1 PRINCIPLES OF FLIGHT ae be ea a e fe Production of lift and drag. The wing section : in airflow about the wing, {i- . pressure distribution about the wing. Ai- effects of speed on lift. iv- effects of air density on lift. Introduction to drag : i analysis of drag ~ profile and induced. Mi- total drag. Wing plan forms. Stalling. Lift augmentation. 07 a1 PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue- April 15th, 1980,Ref: ‘Subject Level * (hours ) Cont'd... g- Effects of forces in Flight : i conditions of equilibrium. ii- straight and level flight. iii- gliding, iv- climbing, ve turning. h- Aerodynamics of flight controls : in, control surfaces, il- elevator system. iii- aileron system. iv- rudder systems. ve control balancing, vi- trim tabs. vii- balance tabs, viil= servo tabs. ix+ control locks. i+ Stability : it inherent stability. ii- stability and balance. dil- static stability. iv- dynamic stability. v- longitudinal stability. vi- lateral stability. vii- directional stability. 21 6P.4 PRESSURISATION & AIR-CONDITIONING ut a- Basic principles. b- Atmospheric conditions . c- Airframe structure. d- Cabin sealing : i= pressurised areas. ~ methods of sealing. iii repairs. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, Subject Level + Time {hours) Cont'd... Typical system layout + t= supply. ii- distribution . ili- reciroulation. iv- exhaust. f Methods of Air supply : i- engine bleed. air driven compressors. ill mechanically driven compressors . 9- Air flow control : i- automatic flow control. li- __ pneumatic mass flow control. a he Cabin pressure control : typical system. : control components, cabin pressure reltef valve, negative pressure relief vaive. Cabin temperature & humidity control : i- cooling = methods control . lt- refrigeration = air cycle system, vapour cycle system. {li- heating = systems. = temperature control. TUBE BENDING AND PLARING 1 “4 ‘TUBE BENDING AND FLARING a- Cutting. be Bending methods , cerrobend & machine. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th,1980.Time t Li aoe Subject evel * og vcs) Cont'd... c- Flaring and pre-setting methods. d- Inspection proceedures, including ball tests. e- Testing of tubes, f- Storage procedures. 6P.6 PIPES AND HOSES Tt 3h a- Manufacture of end fittings. h- Inspection and testing. c- Identification and storage. 6P.7 ALRGRAFT FASTENING DEVICES i 3h a+ Nut and bolt identification = i= American system, tas ‘British system. + 6P.8 AURGRAFT CONTROL GABLES eoeae 4 a- Methods of identification. b- Manufacture, c- Look clad cables. d- Proof tests. 6P.9 FLYING CONTROL SYSTEMS T 3h a- Manually operated systems. b- Rigging. c- Checks and inspection. 6P.10 HYDRAULICS 1 108 a- Fluids and seals. b- System diagram. c- Engine pumps variable displacement, d- Pressure regulators. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, 1980.Ref: Subject Level | Time (hours) e- Simple relief valves. f- Accumulators, diaphragm, bladder and piston types, §- Selector and shut off valves, he Restrictors and check valves. i- Reservoirs and filters. j- Testing of hydraulic components, 6P.11 WHEEL BRAKE UNITS I 34 WHEEL BRAKE UNITS a- Types, b- Overhaul and test procedures, c- Adjustments. TESTS AND REVIEW ab TESTS AND REVIEW 6P.12 AIRCRAFT CONTROL PANEL 1 07 AURCRAFT CONTROL PANEL e a- Dis-mantling procedures, b- Rectification, c- Assembly procedure, d- Rigging, - Functional test. f Locking procedures. : 6P.13 BALANCING I 3h a- Static, b= Dynamic. 6P.14 LANDING GEAR 1 07 LANDING GEAI a- Configurations. b- Types of shock absorbers. &- Servicing of shook absorber. a- Types of wheels and tyre construction, ¢- Maintenance requirements on wheels and tyres, PLA TRA NING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th,1980, aFras Time ae * Subject Level * 7 (hours) FUEL SYSTEMS 1 10% a- Requirements of an aircraft’fuel system. b- System - components, c- Testing. d- Fueling and de-fueling safety precautions . LCE ELIMINATION T 3h a- Requirements of a system. b- Types of systems. c- Components . d~ Application of systems. PNEUMATICS T 3d a-. Principles of pneumatic system. b~ Typical systems (low & high pressure). “© c= System application, : ae FIBREGLASS REPAIR I 07 a- Exercise in fibre-glass repair. : PLA’ TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th,1980,Course: __ POWER PLANT Section: > _ ELEGTRIGAL STUDIES” Duration: _ 105 Hours Refi Subject Level + Time (hours) i 8A,1 ELECTRO-staTIgg W ab ELECTRO- STATICS fr Froduction of Static eleouicity, b- Froduction of Static electuicity, ducing fuelling operation, e- Lightening and bonding, Static discharge wicks. eA2 ELECTRICAL FUNDA}.ENTALS, ui aL ELECTRICAL FUNDA) ENTALS, @- Ohm's Law, b> Unit of electrical pressure, power, resistance, flow and quantity, ©” Factors governing the passage of a charge in a cireuit, d+ Series circuits, tots) resistance, _ voltage drog étc. e- Parallel circuits, branch currents , f Sertes parallel circuits, total resig_ tance voltage and current, 9- Production of electricity, connection of cells. h- Measurement of restetance-Ohm's Law. i>. Grouping of resistor in: * t peratiet. series, tii- series paraliel. | J- Series and parallel circuits, k~ Grouping of cells. 8A.3 ELECTRICAL MEASURING tNSTRUMENTS Wr 07 SSUERLCAL MEAS URING INSTRUMENTS a- Reading meter scales, b-. Veltmeters , c- Ammeters PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 Apri 15th 1990,Time a- Types. b- Construction. c+ Speeltic gravity. d- Charaing procedures, e- Grouping of batteries . Subject : ubject Level" qorray Cont'd... @- Ghmmeters. e- Multimeters. f£ Teating of cireult installation with Mogger and Ohmmater. CONDUCTORS Tr, 3h a+ Conduction of a current in 4 circult containing + i= Asolid conductor, di- | Aliguid conductor. 4ii- "| A gaseous conductcr. MAGNETISM AND ELECTRO-MAGNETIC w 14 a+ Magnetic materials. b- Magnetic field. ¢- Earths Magnetic fleld, _ _ d= Self, mutual induction. e+ Solenoid relays. f- Left hand rule of generators. g- Magnetic effect of a current. h- Magnetic fleld of @ solenoid. PRIMARY CELLS I yy a- Types. b- Construction, ¢- Polarisation. SECONDARY CELLS u ae FIA TRAINING GENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, 1980,4 + Time Ref: Subject Level hours) gA,13 METHODS OP TESTING ELECTRIC CIRCUIT =o 07 a- Electric of electric current. b- Testing slectric devices. c~ Methods of cleaning. d- Continuity test. e- Insulation test. f- Gleaniag of viberating contacts . g- Trouble shootag. “REVIEW & TEST ub BAI4 ELECTRO-MAGNETIC INDUCTION I ly a- Theory of Magnetism. b~ Application of lenzes law. c- Self inductance. d- Bolenotds and relays, SA,15 DIRECT CURRENT GENERATORS i 1 ‘a- Theory, construdtion, features and functions . b+ Residual Magnetism, co Types and uses. d- Aicctaft D.C. power supply system. . 8A.16 DIRECT CURRENT MOTORS I az - Theory, construction, features and functions. h- Counter and net EMP. c+ Types and uses, d- Use of D.C. motors in aircraft, 8A.17 VOLTAGE REGULATORS 1 cea a- Principle. b- Vibrator and carbon file type. c+ Current Imiters . d- Reverse current cut out. FIA TRALNING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, 1980.Ref: * Subject Level me (hours) BAB AIRCRAFT BATTERIES ig o7 AIRCRAFT BATTERIES @- Construction . b- Panciples. ¢- Charging. a Tests. e- Installation. f- Precautions of electrolyte handling. A.9 CARGUIT PROTECTION iva a1 a- Fuses. b- Girouit. s- Current limiter. aa.lo ELECTRICAL DATA m a Electrical symbols, be Electrical diagrams. ol - BALL PRINCIPLES AND USE OP * PRINGIPLES AND USE OP a- Capacitors. b- Transiormers . BALL2 ELECTRICAL GIRGUIT Tq ELECTRICAL CIRGUIT a- Switches. b- Solenoids, c- Relays. d- Rheostat. e Fuses, £- Glrcult breakers. g- Symbols. Q- Use of muitimetors , i~ Testing of solencids. J> Installation and operation of solenoids. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th 1980,Reis @A.18 BALLS 8A.20 8A.21 BA,22 BA.23 Subject MULTE~GENERATOR oIRCUITS a- Paralleling. b- Equalising circuits, e- Generator ballancing, POWER clRcurrs POWER CIRCUITS a- A/C battery, be External power, €- Typical lay outs, ELECTRICAL HARD WARE AND WIRING SESRTNICAL HARD WARE AND WIRING a Diagram symbols. Cable sizes, identification and wire codes, c- Gbndults and shielding. d- Cable bundles end tying. c- Terminals, connectors and switches. {= Junction Eones and bonding. a Lamps and sockote. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS SAPETY PRECAUTIONS a-- High voltage. . b- Electric shocks and burns. ALTERNATING CURRENT ALTERNATING CURRENT a- Definition and characteristics. by Frequency phase and cycle, c- Resistance and resonance, GENERATORS Theory, construction, features and functigas, b= A.C. power supply system in the aircraft. Level Time hours) a ar FIA TRAINING CENTRE Tssue-t April 15th, 1980.» Time 2 of Sub Ret: ubject Level ' hours) 9A.24 ‘TRANSFORMERS 1 on a~ Features ond functions. be Types and uses, $A.25 REQTIFIERS 1 oO Metal types, half wave, and full wave. BR,26 VOLTAGE REGULATORS I uy a- Theory, construction, features and functions . be Types and uses. e- Voltage control. 84,27 ALG, MOTORS 1 02 a- theory and construction. PLA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th 1960.Course:, power prawn Section: __9p, INSTRUMENT STUDLES —SLINSIRUMENT STUDIES Duraiton: _35 Hours OURS Refi Subject Level + BAL INTRODUCTION 79 INSTRUMENTS I 2 Eror, Hysteresis, Bb Sensinvity, soterence, S~ Operation aad construciton of pressute sensitive elements , pbaules ,daphraghms, bellow, Bourdon type, ¢- Aircraft pressure instruments and their types of movemert (General only), Instrument mountings . 9A,2 ESSENTIAL FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS 0 RSM ATAL FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS be pudt State system and layouts _ be, Berometers ~ Altimoters ~ c~ Rate of climb indicators , G~ Air speed indicators. &- Film "From the Smaiiest*, Time (hours) 9A.3 TACHOMETERS (Mechanical) 0 TACHOMErERs a Drive shaft. b- Centrifugal. e- Magnetic drag. 9A.4 COMPASSES 1 &~ Terminology, types, errors, and corrections, Landing compass, SAS SYROSCOMG INSTRUMENTS I a- Gyro principles, Db DG. AL, Téa, o> Simple vacuum system, PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 1sth,1980,Time Ref: ‘ Subject Level ' (hours) 9A.E TEMPERATURE INDICATION 0 02; @ Pressure bulb, b- Bi-metallic spring, c~ Thermocouple, d- Resistance type, 9A,7 REMOTE INDICATING SYSTEMS i 3h SEMOTE INDICATING SYSTEMS a- Desyn, b- Selsyn, c Autosyn. a= Magnosyn, e- Synchros, i Serves, 9A.8 INSTRUMENT FUNDAMENTALS Tl i INSTRUMENT FUNDAMENTALS: a- Glasses of instruments ; engine. Si Aight, ili- system, iv- functional test, REVIEW AND Tesr 02 AEMEW AND Tegr PLA TRAINING CENTRE Tssue-1 Apnl (5th, 1980,ELECTRIGAL/INSTRUMENT COURSE. SEO: 8 BASIC ELECTRICS 570 Hours, SEC: 9 BASIC INSTRUMENTS 420 Hous, SEC: 10 BASIC ELECTRONICS 17S Hours, SEG: 6 AIRFRAME STUDIES 105 Hours. SEC: 7E_ ENGINE srupirs 35_Hours, TOTAL : 1305 Hours BsCourse: __ELECTRGAL (ANSTRU MENT Section: 8 ELEGTRICAL STUDES Duratio: 570 HOURS : Time Ref Subject Level ura) al SAFETY ity 06 a- General precuation, b- Precautions regarding aircraft. c- Precaution regarding material and eau pment, Precautions in using tools, power tools nd portable power tools. @- High voltage precautions. f- Low voltage precautions. g~ Electrical fires. h- Battery safety precautions. i- Oxygen handling, j~ Volttle and flamable liquids. k- First aid for electrical-shock. © I+ Safety precautions while working around the aircraft hy day and by night. 8.2 ATOMIC STRUCTURE It Oz a- Matter, b- Bloctrone, protons & neuteras, o- -Electrene shells, d- Atomic weight and atomic number. 8.3 STATIC ELECTR CITY Bt 02 a- Coulomb's Law of charges. b- Hlectle field. 8.4 POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE u 02 a- Potential between different charges. b- The volt, ‘~ Primary methods of producing veltage. PIA TRAINING CENTRE ssue-l April 15th, 1980,a es Ref" Subject Level + Time thours) 8.5 CURRENT. ELECTRICITY. Tt 4 a- Charge in motion, -” b- Conductors and insulators” : c- The ampere,” 8.6 RESISTANCE 1 FI i a- Factors effecting resistance.” . b- The Ohms, a 8.7 SEMPLE ELECTRIC CIROUIT. 1 a3 SIMPLE FLFCTR C CIRGUIT ih. a Closed circult, b- Open ctrouit & short circuit, ¢% 1 e- Connecting components into circult, 8.8 OHM’ LAW 1 07 M Application and catculation of current, voltage &-resistance, 6.9 MEASUREMENT t 06 be : - Measuring current voltage and ~~ . resistance, : be Use of Ammeter, Voltmeter & Ohmmetés. . ; c+ Reading meter Scales and reading electrical symbols, : a.lo ELECTRICAl POWER & ENERGY 1 04 o- Units of work, power & energy b- The heating effect of current , ' ce Ws ExI, we d- Kilowatt hours and H.P, - Joule's equevatont & heat units, eu RESISTANCE CONNECTIONS i 09 ‘RISISTANCE CONNECTIONS: a~ Series ctreutt, be Parallel etrowlt, FIA TRAINING CENTRE Issues] April 15th, 1980,Refs Sunfect Cont'd... d- Applications of insulating materiais. e- Aircraft wire and cables. systems , o- Wiring ; Circuit wires and able identification 1- wirtng fatiure. is looming & cable laying, Sil~ routing cable , Iv~ cable tying, 8.15 SOLDERING METHODS SOERERING METHODS ar Type & purpose of soldering metertal . be Soldering cables plugs tag strip. 8.16 REVIEW AND Teg ‘REVIEW AND Tegr 8.17 THERMO ELECTRICITY . a- Thermocouple principles , b- Hot & cold furetion, c- Application tn aircraft, 8.18 BATTER ES a> Primary Cells ; I Chemical action & polarization, i- sertes & paraliel connected celle. bo Secondary Cells : 1- types-acid & atkaiine, H- chemical action, it~ capacity & rating, ive test & safety precautions , v- charging methods. Level * sy V T hours} Ty os os 42 AA TRA'NING CENTRE Tssue-1 April Lah L990. aTime © Subject Level (yore) Cont'd... o> Aircraft battery systems : i+. installating and testing. Ml typical etreuit. 19 CAPACI TANGE & CAPACITORS w 12 a- Di-eleciric materials. b- Units of capacitance. c+ Capacitors types & safety precautions. d- Capacitors rating. e~ Series & parallel connections, 8,20 INDUCTORS ie rok a. Units of inductor, b- Simple inductor. e- Series & parallel connections of __ inductors. a _ 6.21 MAGNETISM & MAGNETIC FIELD 1 14 a- Temperary & permanent magnets. b- Magnetic fleld, poles, flux Hines. c+ Laws of repulsion & attraction, d- Permeability residual magnetism, reluctance and hysteresis. E 8.22 ELECTRO-MAGNETISM a7 a- Magnetle’effect of a current ina signle conductor and In a colled conductor. b- Factors effecting the strength of flux. ¢- Solenoids and relays. d- Applications of solencids and relays to aircraft. 8.23 ELECTRO-MAGNETIG 1 DUCTION 2b a- Self induction. b= Mutual induction, PA TRAINING CFNTRE Tssue-1 April 15th, 1980, —Ref: Subject Level ' me (hours) 8.24 8.25 8.26 8.27 AIRCRAFT ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. AND HARDWARE 1 AND HARDWARE a- Switche: b- Relays, - Electrical connectors i- Types. il- moisture proofing, d- Terminal blocks, junction boxes, support clamps, and shock mounts. e- Conduct and fitting. f- Cable terminating, splicing and sleeving. g- Fasteners and clips, h- Cirouit protectors : is fuses and fuse-holder, {1 cfrcult breakers. {M-current limiters, 1+ Bending & screening methods and material bonding devices-static discharge probes, SOLDERING MATHODS 1 @- Manufacture of heat sink, b- Soldering hairsprings, resistors. TEST & REVIEW ELECTRICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENT 1 ELECTRICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENT @- Moving coil type. b- Moving tron type. c- Shunts and multipliers. d- Rectifier type A.C. instruments. e- Decade box, f- Dynamotor . g- Megger. h- Low range ohmmeters. 69 a7 0s 28 PLA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, 1980,1 Thme 2 ' Subject Level | Rei: ubjec’ evel ae Cont'd... i- Wattmeters. j- KVAR meter. k- Gurrent transformers & clamp on ammeters. 8.28 SINGLE PHASE ALTERNATING GURRENT a 268 A.C, generation : 1- frequency . » li- _ sinoscidal wave from. iii- intantaneous, peak, R.M.S. and average valve. Circuits containing only resistance. i+ e,m,£, and current in phase, ii+ voltage, current & power measure ment., | ~ e+ Cireuit contaiiiing indicator : i- inductive reactance. ii- wattless current. Aii- power in resistive and inductive circult., d- Capacitance i+ capacitives reactance ii- voltage/current relationship Impedance : i> current flow ina circuit containing capacitance, inductance and resis- tance. ii- calculations, April 15th 1980. FIA TRAINING CENTRE oe1 Time Ref: "Subject Level (hours) Cont'd... & Filters : i- low pass fitter. 8.29 8.30 8.31 8,32 PIA TRAINING CENTRE Tssue-1 April 15th 1980, H> high pass filter, Nis resonant & interference filters, POLY PHASE ALTERNATING CURRENT 1 06 POLY PHASE ALTERNATING CURRENT 8 Poly piiase generation. b- Advantages of poly phase A.C, in aircraft , c- Wges & delte connections . a- Watts & VARS in poly-phase circuits , D.C, GENERATOR 1 35 B.C, GENERATOR a- E.M.F. generation, b= Typical constructions , c- _ Principles of operation, = i- serles,.shunt & compound, H- commutation, a- Fault finding & rectification. TYPLGAL AIRCRAFT D.O, GENERATOR SYSTEM w 21 a- Single generator systems, b- Reverse current relays, e- Voltage regulator, ¢- Multiple generator system. e- Equializing shunts and circuits, Fault finding and rectification on systems and components . D.C. MOTORS 1 21 a- Typical constructio, b- Principles of operation : i- series, shunt and compound,Time Ref: Subject Level (hours) Cont'd... iis) commutation, iii- back #.m.f. c- Speed centre. d- Fault find and rectification, 8.93 TYPIOAL AIRGRAPTA,C, GENERATOR SYSTEMS, Mu a- Generator construction. b- Multiple generator operation. c- Single & three-phase generators , d- Constant speed drive. e- Control : i- voltage. li load division. f-. Fault protection, 8.34 ALC. MOTORS = = it 14 a- Typical construction of single phase commutater & induction motors . b- Three phase motors. c- Speed & torque characteristic. d= Bynchronous motors . ‘ 8.36 ‘TRANSFORMERS it “4 a- Typical construction. 1 be Transformer, c- Voltage tum ratio. d- Frequency effect. e- . Three phase transformer. 8.36 MAGNET CG AMPLIFIERS i a1 a= Excitation. be Saturable reactor. i PLA TRAINING CENTRE Tasue-1 April 15th, 1980,a Ref: Subject Level ' ek 8.37 SOLDERING MgrHOps Ir 50 SOLDERING METHODS > Soldering transistors and other heat sensitive componetns , b- Soldering printed circuit board, - Desoldering methods , : 8.38 METAL RECTIALER u 12 6.39 REVIEW & Tes 05 PLA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th,1980, PLCourse: __ ELECTRICAL ANSTRUMENT Section: __9 INSTRUMENT Duration: _12 WEEKS 426 HOURS Refi" Subject Level gal THE ATMOSPHERE 1 a- Composetion. b- Atmospheric temperature, pressure and density including units of measure- meni, c- International standard atmosphere, d- Simple hygrometry, ssturation points dew points, relative humidity. 9.2 INTRODUCTION TO PRESSURE LNSTRUMENT i =a- The memometers-the barometer 9.3 PNEUMATIC INSTRUM) ul a- Pressure sensing elements. b- Pitot & static systems. c- Principles of the air-speed indicator altimeter, machmeter. 9.4 HYDRAULIC INSTRUMENTS I a- Pressure sensing elements. b- Pressure switches and machanisms, c- Fluid pressure gauges, 9.5 ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS. 1 @- Temperature gauges, thermocouple and resistance bulb. b-. Bridges and ratio type indicator. c- Engine driven tachometers. Time (hours) aL le. 36 1s 36 PLA TRAINING CENTRE Iseue-1 Abril 15th, 1980,Subject : Level ERECT READING COMPASS ag a- The eath's Magnetic fleld, b= Operating principles. e- Swinging method. OXYGEN SYSTEMS 1 @- Safety requirement. be Oxygen equipment. c- Servicing. REVIEW AND Tsp LSTRUMENT MECHANISM ie INSTRUMENT MECHANISM Sectors, escapments , balance wheels, staffs, plvots, bearings, bushes, clutches, counters, and clocks. HERMAT C SEALING u a- Instrument cages. b- Glasses, bozele and seals c- Evacuating, purging sealing. GYRO8COF! G INSTRUMENTS I &- Gyro principles. b- Directional gyro. c- Artifical horizon, d- Turn and bank indicator, SYNCHRO TYPE INSTRUMENT saa a> Simple D.C. synchro system typical construction, b- Simple A.C, synchro typical construction, co Simple serve mechanisms d- Damping methods. e- Application, Time thours) 18 36 or 30 18 60 36 PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th,1980.Refs! 9.13 9.16 9.17 Subject Level TEST EQUIPMENT 0 @- Standard & sub-standard test equipment. h- Understand the principles of operation, the comect use of: digital voltmeter, multimeters. dead weight tester, cathode ray oscillascope waveform demonstraction only. MEGNET SING METHODS ul a- Use of magnetising and demacnetising equipment. b- Magnetic compdnent calibration. BALANCING 0 Static and dynamic. Methods . BEARING BUSHES AND SEALS u Aircraft instruments and eleciricel types, Removal cleaning, lubrication, installation, REVIEW AND TEST Time (hours) 30 18 09 23 os, Tssue-1 April 15th 1980.Course: _ELEGTRI GALANSTRU MENT/RADIO Section: _10_ELEGTRONICS _ Duration: fice ass Ref: Subject Lever + Time (hours) 10.1 EMISSION 1 az a- Type of Emission. b- Practical thermiontc emitter. o- Directly & indirectly heated emitters. 10.2 DIODE VALVES 0 02 a+ Construction. b- Characteristic. ¢- ° Application . 10.3 ‘TRIODE VALVE 0 06 a- Gonstruction, b- Characteristics. = = = c- Use as an amplifier, 10.4 MULT -ELEMENT VALVES a 06 - Construction, characteristic and application of : i- tetrodes, li- beam power tetrodes. b- Construction, characteristic and application of : i- pentodes, li- variable mupentodes , 10.5 GAS FILLED VALVES u o4 &- Conduction in gas filled diode. bo Limitations. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 16th, 1960.Ref: ' Subject Level (hours) Cont'd... c= Gas diodes-charactaristics and application. d- Thyratron-characteristics and application. 10.6 POWER SUPPLIES 1 42 a- Metal rectifier. b- Half wave, full wave, and bridge rectifiers using valves and metal reotfier. c- Filtering circuit. d- Voltage doubler. e- Voltage regulator using soft end hard tubes. 10.7 AMPLIFIER n 18 a- Classification of amplifier. b= Voltage amplifier i> types of biases. fi- R.G. choke & transformer couplinng. 4il- stage gain. iv- frequency response. c+ Power amplifiers : i- class ‘A’ signle ended. ii- class ’A’ push-full. ili- class "BY push-full. iv- amplifiers in parallel, 10.8 OSCILLATORS " 14 a- Damped & undamped oscillations. b- Function of feed back in oscillators, c- Tuned circuit osefilators : i- tuned grid untuned plate oscillators ii harttey oscillators, PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th 1980.
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