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a Course: COMMON (ALL TRADES) Section: 1, BENCH FITTING Duration: _ 140 RS. . + Time Ref: Subject Level ee ° (hours) BENCH HITTING (240° Hours) bis la EAND TOOLS YS ~ Description types, care and correct use of : a- Hammers b- Screw drivers c Wrenches d- Pliers e- Hacksaws ] f Files 9- Chisels h- | Taps and dies t- * Scrapers j= Reamera. _ . — 1.2 WORKSHOP TECHNIQUES 03 a- Workshop layout b- Workshop safety e- Metal cutting techniques. ff) 1.3 MEASURING AND GAUGING TOOLS 16 (British & Metric) a- Rules, Squares and Calipers b- Micro-meters c~ Vernier Calipers d- Bevel protractor e- Gauges: i i- Feeler gauges li- Radius gauges ill- Screw Pitch gauges iv- Plug ana Snap gauges. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue -1 Apri 15th,1980on as Ref: ‘Subject Level * ons, La (PRINCIPLES OF MARKING OUT 10 Basle Marking out tools and their use 1- Scribers ii- Punches Mi- Dividers tv- Sertbing block v- Vr Block vi~ Vernier Height gauge. Advanced Marking out Tools and their use : 1 That 11- Slip gauges. 1s STANDRED GAUGE SYSTEMS 02 @ritish and American Sheet Metal and = wire gauge systems. - b- Twist drill gauge systems, 1.8 DRILLING os Description, aare and correct use of : * » a- Drills , b- Drilling Machines. lz MEASUREMENTS OF SURFACE TEXTURE az Surface texture measuring techniques : 1- Specimns ii Mechanical testers ill- Optical testers iv- Light waves PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, 1980. J ERO RRETSR Te errr serene ar SRERef: Subject Level ' @oued 1.8 ig ato 1a 112 BEARINGS, 02 a- Plain metal bearings . b- Sai] and roller bearings . c- Inspection and lubrication. BOLTS AND SGREW THREADS 03 a- Thread principles and terminology, b- Thread standards + i British i- American ualfled ill- Metric. Uses and application of threads . STUDS AND THREAD INSERTS 08 a- f¥pes and uses. b- Installation and removal of studs and helicoils . Removel of broken studs. SPLINES AND KEYWAYS 3 Description, use and fitting of splines, keys and keyways. SPRINGS ot Description and use of : a- Tension springs. b- Compression spring. e~ Torsion springs. PIA TRAINING GENTRE Issue-1, Apri} 15th, 1960. q ctTime Ref: Subject Level ‘ (hours) 43 MARKING OUT, FILING & SCRAPING 18 Project No.2) a- Filing fece surface , fet. h- Filing sides square to size. c- Scraping face surface. d- Finishing. 1.14 DRILLING REAMING & TAPFING PROJECT a (Project No.3) a&- Marking, drilling and reaming of holes, b- Tapping. c- Finfshing, Las FITTING (Project No.4) 26 a- Filing blanks. b- Marking cut and cutting. c- Tiling of guides to size. d— Hitting and finishing job. ~ = 1.16 REVIEW & TEST a PIA TRAINING GENTRE Issue~1 Aprii 15th, 1960.Gourse: GQOMMON _{ALL TRADES) Section: 2. MACHINING, WELDING & HEAT TREATMENT Duration: 70 HOURS . Time Ref: ' Subject ‘Level thours) MACHINING (35 Hours) ee 2.1 ‘THE WORK 06 a- Description & purposes of Lathe. 4 b- Safety precautions. ¢- Methods of holding work. d- Speed and feeds, e- Types of turning tools. f- Setting up work and tools. 22 TURNING PRACTICE PLECE, 06 a- Setup. b- Face & Dentre drill _ c- R.H. Turning. d- LH. Turning. 2.3 STOPPED PLEGE PROJECT 08 STOPEED LECH PROIEGH ¢ a- Rough outside diameter. { b- Rough stopped portion. c- Finish te diameter, d- Finish to length. 2.4 THREADING AND BORING PROJECT 68 a~ Facing b- Drilling s- Boring d~ External turning e- External threading f- Chamfering g- Parting off h- Finish to length. PIA TRAINING GENTRE Issue-1 April 15 th, 1980,Th Ref: ‘Subject Level‘ qours) 2.8 GRINDERS o7 a- Bench grinders, Grinding wheeis. Safety precautions. b- Sharpening of chisels, drills Centrepunch and screw drivers, 2.6 WELDING L 26 a- Types of Welding. b- Gas Welding equipment. c- Arc Welding equtpment (including Orgon Arc welding) , d- Safety precautions. e- Types of Welding joints. f- Excercises in Gas Welding (Project-1). g- Excercises in Arc Welding [Project-2). h- Shop visit to cover metal spray techniques. 2.7 EAT TREATMENT SE: 1 a9 a- Hardening exercise (Profect-1). b- Tempering exercise (Project-2). c- Annealing exercise (Project~3). d- Solution treatment of Aluminium alloys. (Project-4). * e- Frecipetetion treatment. (Project-§). PIA TRAINING GENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, 1980.Course: COMMON (ALL TRADES) Section: 3. MATERIALS Duration: __60_HOURS Ref!" Subfect Level + gis MATERIALS (€0 Hours) u 3.1 STRUCTURE OF PURE METALS AND ALLOYS 02 SEER OF PURE METALS AND ALLOYS a- Grystalline nature of metals: b- Alloys, c~ Effects of hot and cold working. 22 TESTING OF METALS as &- Mechanical properties of metols . b- Tensile festing. c- Hardness testing. d- Impact testing, e- Creep testing, 3.3 STEEL 07 &- Manufacture of fron and steel, b-~ Structure of carbon steel and equilibrium diagram, c- Heat treatment, d- Case hardening, €- Classification of steel. i S.A.E. Numbering. 3.4 ALUMINIUM as a- Manufacture, b- Main alloys. o- Numbering system (American). d- Heat treatment. 3.8 COPPER 02 a- Manufacture, b- Alloys (Brasses & Bronzes} PIA TRAINING CENTRE Tague-1 April 15th 1980,Time Ref: ‘Subject Level * (hours) 3.6 TITANIUM 02 a~ Titanium alloys, b- Uses on Aircract, 3.7 MAGNESIUM oz a- Magnesium alloys. b- Uses on Aircraft. a8 METAL WORKING PROCESSES 04 a- Rolling. b- Drawing. c- Casting. d@- Extrusion. e- Forging. a9 FATIGUE o1 = a- Nature and appearence. b- Factors effecting fatigue ¢- Fatigue testing. 3.10 CLEANING PROCESSES 05 a- Cleaning with solvents, b- Vapour de-greasing . ¢- Alkaline cleaning. d- Grit blasing. @- Ultra-sontc cleaning, f- Safety-precautions. g- Visit to Shop. 3.11 GRACK DETECTION METHODS o7 a- Dye-pentrant, b- Pluorescent Dye (Zygloo) e- Ultra Sonic, d- Magnetic. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th 1980.Refi‘ Subject Level‘ (hbuls) Cont'd... e- X-Ray. f- Eddy current. g- Visit to Shop 3.12 CQRROSLON AND CORROSION PREVENTION 06 ‘a- Types of corrosion. b- Electro Chemical series. c+ Electro Chemical corrosion. d- Causes of corrosion. e- Corrosion removal. f- Gorrosion Prevention, Mechantcat Sacrificial . - Metheds used on aircraft metals, Anodising-Plating-Poli shing- Chromate treatment. 3,12 _NON-METAUILG “MATERIALS ~ or a- Plastics, General and moulding. b- Reinforced Plastics. c+ Fibre glass repairs. “ d- Materials used in aircraft windows . e- Rubber, f- Paints. a4 REVIEW AND TEST 05 PIA TRAINING CENTRE Tasue-l April 16th 1980.Course: GOMMON (ALL TRADES) Section: 4. EDUCATION —A_EDUCATION Duration: 175 HOURS Ref: Subject Level idms) MATHEMATICS & PHYSICS (105 Hours) tn 4.1 FRACTIONS oz a- Types of fraction, b- Addition, ¢- Subtraction, d- Multiplication, e+ Division by whole number f- Division by fraction. g- Exercise in fraction 42 DECIMALS 02 a- Decimal fraction. > ~ b- Addition. c- Subtraction. d- Multipiication & Division, e- Conversion to vulgar fraction, t- Conversion of vulgar fraction. g- Exercise in Decimals. 4.3 AREAS AND VOLUMES 02 @- Rectangles; Trapezoids, Polygons and Prisms. b- “Circles; Segmets; and Spheres... c- Triangles; Pyramids and cones, d- Exercises in areas and volumes. 4.4 RATIO AND PROPORTION oz @- Average and Precentages. b- Direct Proportion, c- Inverse Proportion. d- Exercises in Ratio & Proporticn, PIA TRAINING CENTRE issue-] April 15th, 1980.Subject Time (hours) Level ' 4.8 4.9 4.10 4b 4.12 EQUATIONS AND THE TRANSPOSITION OF FORMULAS Programmed, TRLGONOMETRY Programmed, LOGARITHMS Programmed, THE SLIDE RULE a~ Use of varlous common, GRAPHS @- Pie chart b- Bar graph. c- Line graph. STANDARDS @- Fundamental and derived untts. be Standard units of Measurements. c- Error in Measurement, d- Order cf accuracy. CONSOLIDATION a- Review ‘b- Frogress test. FORGES a- Defination & Examples of force. b- Defination of Equilibrium; Equilibrium & resultant. az a6 06 02 04 04 06 oz PIA TRAINING CENTRE issue-1 April 15th .1980.“a Subject Level ‘ lime {hours) Cont'd .. c~ Calculations of equilibrant and resultant in : 4 Parallel concurrent forces. ii- Parallel non-concurrent forces. Mi- Non-Paeratlel concurrent forces by triangle af forces; perallalogram of forces polygon of forces. MOMENTS a2 a- Definition of “Moment of a Force". b- Principle of moments. ¢- Application afid calculations . d- Definition of a couple. e- Definition of a torque. f- Gouples on an aircraft in flight. “4.14 DYNAMICS > - 06 a+ Definitions-velocity, acceleration speed. b- Formula for uniformly accelerated Unear metion, ¢- Calculation, d+ Newton's Lews of Motion, e- Usa of Formula - F = ma. f+ Calculations. g- Determination of "G". h- Define k Momentum. i- Principle of conservation of Momentum calculations. je Galoulations. 4.15 SIMPLE MACHINES a4 @- Defination and calculations: M.A., V.R., Mechanica! effictency. PLA TRAINING GENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, 1980.: ; Time Refr Subject Level * (hours) Cont'd... b= Pinciples of typical simple Machines is Leve's i Pullies and block & Tackle. 4ii- Wheel and axtal iv- Inclined plane ye Screw jack vi- Gears. 4,16 WORK, POWER AND ENERGY Defination of energy potentlal and Kinetic. bee Conservation of energy. i- Calculations. c+ Defination of work & formula. d= te Relationship with energy i- Calculations. ~ e- i+ “Definatlon of power. — ~ il- —_ Herse power. Mi- Calculations. f- Pinciple of band brake dynomometer. g- Efect, 4.17 FRECTION a- Siifing i Definaticn = Friction, Limiting force co-effictent . Hi- Formula FL=UxR {f- Effest of = weight. area surface(meterial). iv- Film = "Principles of Dry Fraction”, ve Calculations . b- Rolling ie Simple description . . FIA TRALNING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, 1980,Rei: ' Subject Gont'd... it Define specific heat. ly Calculations , ve Calorimetry. vie Latent heat. c- Heat Transfer, i Gonduciton, ii- Convection. fii- Radiation, d- Expansion & Contraction, 1 Explanation, il- Co-effictent of Linear expansion, ili- Stress caused by expansion con- traction, ive Calculations. ‘Thermodynamics. _ 4+ Laws of thermodynamics. ii- — Mechanical equivaleat of head. iii- Calculations, iv. Calorifie value of fuel. 4,21 PRESSURE VOLUME & TEMPERATURE IN GASES oa: e— Boyle's Law. be Charlie's Law. c Gaiculations, d- Adiabatic: Isothermal, Polytropic changes. 4.22 THE ATMOSPHERE os &- Properties: composition. b+ Atmospheric temperature, cc Atmospheric pressure. a- Mercury barometer. @- Internationa] Standard Atmosphere ; 1.C,A.N, Internationa committee on Aerial Navigation, & Isotharmal laws. PIA TRAINING GENTRE Issue-1 Aprit 15th, 1980. 'Time Refi ' Subject Level‘ howe} Cont'd... f- Simple hygrometer: saturation points , dew point; relative and absolute humtdtty, g- Pressure conservations and equivalence, h- Atmospheric density. 4.23 LIGHT of a> Nature of Light. } b- Laws of reflection, 4.24 SOUND 07 a- Wave motion and sound. b- Sound waves, c- Speed of sound, d- Shock Waves. e- Sound pitch and frequency. . f Propagation of sound, i _ g- Decibel. - h- Elements of vibration, 1- Harmor{c motion resonance, 4.25 CONSOMDATION or a- Review. bo Test. 4.26 ISLAMIC IDEOLOGY 1 7 +” PIA TRAINING CENTRE Isgue-1 April 18th, 1980.a Course: COMMON (ALL TRADES) Section: § TRADE DRAWING S FRADE DRAWING Duration: 70 HOURS Ref: Subject Level ' eure) TRADE DRAWING — (70 Hours) bed 5.1 INTRODUCTION 1O TRADE DRAWING 03 INTRODUCTION TO TRADE DRAWING a- Introduction to course. be Types of drawing instruments and their uses, c- Types and uses of pencils. d- Types and sizes of drawing paper. e- Instrument familarisation, 5.2 PRINTING 04 4- Upper and lower case lettering b- Figures, c- Nile block, d- Exercises in printing, 5.30 LINES ~ 02 a- Types and uses of different line, h- Exercise in drawing different types of nes. 5.4 PLANE GEOMETRY os a- Division of lines, arces & angles. b- Formation of anglos, c- Construction of Triangles, squares and circles. d- Construction of Polygons, ellipses. 5.5 MENSIONING 02 @~ Punctfonal and non-functional dimensions. b- Dimenstoning conventions . co Scales. FIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 Apa 18th,2980.. Time Ref: Subject Level thours) 5.6 PIGTUREAT PROTECTIONS os 2- Types of Picturlal views. b- Dimenstoning of Picturlal views. c- Exercises in Isometric and oblique views. a7 ORTHOGRAPHIC VIEWS 12 a- First angle projections. b- Third angle projection, c- Dimenstoning of Orthographic views. d- Exercises in Hirst and third angle projections, 5.8 SECTIONING o8 a Principles os sectioning, b- Full sections. c~ Half sections, Dimensioning of half sections, _ d- Off-set sections, _ _ e- Exercises in sectioning. 5.9 EREE-HAND SKETCHING 03 e- Trinciples of free~hand sketching, b- Exercises in free hand sketching. 5.10 ENGINEERING TOLERANCES 04 a- Inter-changeable manufacturing. b- Dimensional and geomatical errors. c= Quality controls and tolerances. d- Setting of the mits. e- Newall, B.3.1. and 1.8.0, system of tolerances. sal BLUE PRINT INTERPRETATION 08 a- Interpretation of title block & Material Ust, b- Interpretatlon of Drawing. c- Exercises tn interpretation. 5.12 REVIEW AND TEST 06 PIA TRAINING CENTRE Tasue-1 April 15th, 1980,AIRFRAME COURSE SEC: 6 AIRFRAME STUDIES 840 Hours, ‘ SEC: 7A ENGINE STUDIES 140 Hours. SEC: BA ELECTRICAL STUDIES 105 Hours. : SEC: 9A_ INSTRUMENT STUDIES 35_ Hours. : TOTAL 1128 Hoursat Course: AIRFRAME Section: §. AIRFRAME STUDLES fs AIRFRAME STUDLES Duration: 849 HOURS . » Time Ref Subject Level ' a oirs) 6.2 INTRODUCTION t 07 a- History of Aviation, b- Atreraft Terminology. s~ Major components of an Aircracft, 6.2 ATMOSPHERE u 07 @- Physice? properties of air, effect of Pressure, temperature, humidity and altitude on density of air. b- Regions of atmosphere and their charact- existics, c- International standard atmosphere. d- Differences between ground speed, = alr speed true air speed, indlcated ~ alr speed. 6.3 THEORY OF PLIGHT (140 Hours) pie 6.3.1 FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES. OF FLIGHT 07 FUNDAMENTAL PRINGIFLES. OF FLIGEI a- Simple aerodynamics, b- Bernoulli's Theorem. ¢- Newtons laws of motion. d- Stream lining, e- Reaction on flat plate including relative airflow and ansle of attack. f- Lft and drag. g- Centre of pressure & centre of Gravity. 6.3.2. LIFT 21 a- Bernoulli's Theorein, wind tunel and its use. b- Evolution of aerofoll. c- Terminology of aerofoll. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th ,1969,Subject Level * ‘Time (hours) 6.3.8 Cont'd... d- Pressure distribution over and under an acrofoil sectionat different angles of attack and movement of centre of pressure . e~ Shapes, types and characteristics of Aerofoll , f- Definition of boundary Layer and types of boundary layers and boundary layer control devices. g- The wing section: i- Airflow about the wing. 4i- Pressure distribution about the wing. iii Coveffictent of lift, iv- Generation of ILft and Governing factors e.g. Angle of attack, speed, density, wing arse. Co~efficient of Lift etc. v- Effects of movement of centre of pre- ssure and centre of gravity. DRAG a- Types cf Drag : Profile. ii- Induce. ii- ‘Total. b+ Aspect Ratlo and its effect on induced drag. s- Wing plan forms, their effects on lift aad crag. d- Drag Go-effictent. e- Effect of angle of attack, speed, Density, surface area and co-changes on drag. f- Lift/Drag ratio. g- Stalling : 1- Causes. u- Effects. {i~ Solutions . ty- Warning and recovery systems PIA TRAINING CENTRE Isave~1 ‘April 15th, 1980,» Time Ref: Subject Level" jroure) Gont'd.., h- Need for drag augumentation devices. 6.3.4 LIFT AUGMENTATION DEVICES a7 a- Low speed problems and thelr solutions, b- Flaps, slats and boundary layer control devices and their use. c- Types of flaps, slate, boundary layer control devices, their use. 6.3.5 35 AN ALRORAFT IN FLIGHT a- Level flight : 1 Arrangement of four forces. Me “Effect of stalling speed. Hi- Wing loading and its effect on stalling speed. iv- fect of weight, wind, attitude and altitude on stall of an aircraft. b= Gliding, Climbing and Ternlag : im Arrangement of the forces. ii- Effect of thrust, weight, head and tail winds. iil- Effect of 'g' loading on aircraft. ov Axes! i Longitudenal. M- Lateral. Uil- Normal. G- Aerodynamics of Controls : 1 Gonrol surfaces. H- Elevator systems. iil- Rudder system. iv- Atleron system. FIA TRAINING CENTRE Tssue-1 April 15th, 1980.v qi ‘Subject Level + how) Cont'd... v- Gontrol balancing. vi- Trim tabs. vil- Servo tabs. viil~ Balance tabs. ix- Control locks - e- Stability : 1- Inherent stabiuty. i- Stability and balance. {1- Static stability. iv- Dynamic stability. v- Loagitudenal, lateral, directional stability and methods iricorporated to achteve. 6.3.6 BI-PLANE 04 a-_Definition of the terms : = i+ Stagger. i= —Dacalage, it- Over hang. iv- Flying and inetdence wires. b- Advantages and disadvantages as compared to @ monoplane. 6.3.7 HIGH SPEED PLIGHT 28 a- Pressure waves and sound waves. b- Effect of temperature variation on spe of sound. co Compressibility and tucompressihility of airflow, Difference between subsonic and super- sonic, 1 Effect of compressive and expansive Go ners on subsonic and supersonte airflow. FIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 Aprii 15th, 1980,Ref: ‘Subject Level * tours} 6.3.8 SHOCK WAVE a- Formation of shock waye on aerofoils and other parts of aircraft. b- Mech angle and Mact cone. c- Effect of shock wave on aireraft and effect of shock wave on the following: i- Litt, fi- Drag - shock drag. ili- Stability - discussion of purposing, snaking ,wing heavines & duch roll, iv- Flight controls. v- Stall ~ shock stall and comparision between low speed & high speed stalls. 6.3.9 MACE NUMBER AND MACH METER a- Definition of Mech number, b- Necessity of a Mach meter on high speed aircraft. Types of Mach numkers + = is Free stream Mach No. iis Lecal Mach No. il- Critical Mach No, iv. Compressibility Mach No. v- Citical drag rise Mach No. 6.3.20 AIRFLOW DEFINITIONS a- Subsonic airflow. b- Transonic airflow, e- Supersonic airfiow, d- Hypersonic airflow. 6.3.11 DESIGN FOR HIGH SPEED TLIGHT a- — Aerofoil sections : i- ‘Flat plate. ii- Double wedge. jii- Bi-convex. ive Thickness/chorg ratio and its effect on Merlt,GL & GD, PIA TRAINING CENTRE Tssue-T ‘April 15th, 1986. SRT FS = .Refi ' Subject Level time (hours) Cont'd... b- Sweep back and its effect on Merit and boundary layers. ¢- Boundary layer controls discussion of the fotlowing : i Saw tooth/dag tooth leading edges. Le Notcheel leading edges, i- Extended leading edges. iv- Wing fences, ve Stats and slots. viz Whit comb bumps speed capsules/ carrots. vii Thickened trailing edges. vill Vortex generator, d= Area Rule : a- Purpose of area rule, b- Methods to achieve area rule : . “= indented fuselage. - delta wing aircraft. 6.3.12 EIGH SPEED CONTROLS. a- Reversal of controls. b- Power operated and power assisted controls . c- Artificial feel, d- Elevons. e- Rudder vators. f- All moving flying tail & nab tall plane. g- All moving wing tips, h- Spoilers as longitudenal controls swapt back wing aircraft, 1- Varying the cirection of useful thrust force. J- Leading edge droop & teading edge flaps. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Tssue-1 April 15th 1980.1, Time Ref: ‘Subject , Level (uours) 6.3.13 AERODYNAMICS OF ROTATING WING ALRORATT i o7 a+ Lift and thrust of rotor. b- Rotor forces. G- Collective and cyclic pitch. d- Gyroscopic precession of rotor. e- Blade flapping. {Blade dragging, g- Lift & drag of symmetrical aerafot} h- Blade pitch control in articuldted and semi rigid rotors. {+ Ground resonance . 3+ Disymmetry of lift. k- Blade stall. 1- Torque compensation. m- Tail rotor installation & control. n- Tail rotor flapping. 6.4 A/G _GONSTRUGTION (70 Hours) H @- Structural principal units. ~ b- Structural materials. c Structural members. d- Structural recuiremens. e- Principles of Designs. f- Major structural stresses, g- Fail safe, safe life methods. h- Fixed wing A/G principal componants . i+ Puselage = ic Types and construction. li- Sections of fuselage. i= Location numbering system. j- Wing: te ‘Types and construction. ii- Sections. ill- Provisioning for inspection panels, drain holes walkways, Jacky points etc. iv- Station sumbers , PLA TRALNING GENTRE. Tssue-1 April 15th 1980,Ref: "Subject Level ' Cont'd... k- Wing configurations : in Wing tip. fi- Wing skin covering : ~ bonding ~ milled skins - preformed skins ~ honey comb structure. iii- Nacelles or pods. Cowling. Empanage’, Flight control surfaces. Landing gear. Transparent panels . Assembly procedures , Jointing compounds . * Tightening of holts & spenal, Washers. Inspection of bolted joints during; - maittenance ~ 1- Inspection after abnormel occurrences m- Symmetry check. 6.5 HYDRAULICS, PNEUMATICS & PLUMBINGS (88 Hist) TI BIDBAULICS, PNEUMATICS & PLUMBINGS 6.5.1 HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS ~ 4- Fundamentals : in Application of Pascal’s Jaw, il- ‘Terminology & Transmission ,of Pressure : - Force, Pressure Area, - use of the force, pressure, area formula PIA TRAINING CENTRE Tssue-1 April 15th, i980.‘Subject Level * hours) Cont'd... b- Mechanical Advantage : i Relationship between force and distance fi~ Force Ratios : EXPERIMENTS. ie Bramah press. ti- Incompressibiiity, iil- Fidg = Pz al, ive Mad. and Vel, radio as appliad to hydraulics (fom 'C! ebovel . Force Transmisston in Hydraulic systems : ie Hydrulic fluids. + Purpose of flulds & properties: ~ - Transmission of pressure. - Lubrication. - Dissipation of heat. ili- Types of fluids: - Vegatable base. - Mineral base. > Synthetic base. ive Design of fluids : - Requirements of Hydrulic fluids. - Precaution on mixing fluids. ~ System problems with mixed fluids. ve Labi x Practical : - Mixed fluid effects. emulsification foaming. - Effects of temperature and pressure. - Familiar sation with types of Auids , their appearance, Charac~ teristics affects on different rub bere (seals), PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, 1980 aRef: ' Subject Level taut) “WARNINGS | d- Seals and Packings Hydraulic Seals + a Purpose and types. Seals packing & gaskets. {= Materials and properties. Hii- Colour coding. iv- Shaps of seals, - "0" tings. - ‘V' shapes. ~ universal gaskets. - crush washers. - square & rectangular scals ~ General information relative 10 ‘O! rings. vi~ Correct identification and packaging. vii- Installation precautions . viil- Lab and Practical : = - effect of different types of fluids on seals, fitting of seals, glands precautions . e- Systems and Components : Basic Hydraulic system. - Units & flow enalysis. - Basic maintenance procedures . H- Reservoirs. Hydraulic Reservoirs, - Purposes & genera! Information, - Types of Reservoirs . ~ Pressurised & non-pressurized. ~ Methods of pressurisation. lii~ Construction of Reservolrs. - Types of matertals. ~ Requirements for reservoirs testing pressures. FIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, 1980,Refs’ Subject Level © Time (hours) Cont’ ... ive Hydraulic Filters, - Purpose of filters. - Types = - Cuno - Micronic. : ~ Servicing of filters cleaning & replacement requirement. v- Hydraulic Pumps. - Purpose . ~ Types of pump drives : Engine Driven. Electrical . ~ Types of pumps: constant displacémont (Gear, Piston) Variable displacement. General Information : - Requirements and Characterls- tcs of pumps, Gear type. Piston type. - Restrictions on pump operation, overhaul periods. pump efficiency versus, fluid temperature . shear sections, vil- Hydraulic Check Valves + - General types. - Materials used in construction. ~ Location Ln system, ~ Maintenance. vili- Quick Dis-comnects i ~ Purpose. ~ Types. ~ Operation. - Location in syste: - Progedure for use. - Precautions, PIA TRAIN? G GENTRE Issue-2 April 15th, 1980,u Ree. * Subject Level ' Time = {hours} Cont'd... i ix- Hydraulic Auxillary Power Untt: t - Operation . procedure for use. ~ Description of unit x Pressure Regulators . - General information. - ~ - Use as an unloading vale - Regulater operation, - Types: Adjustable, Non-adjustable. x= Maintenance & Inspection. xli- By-Pass valves : - Location, ~ Position, xili- Pressure Gauges : - Purpose. ~ Types : bourdon tube type. _ — _ autosyn transmitter type. - dive Pressure Gauge snubbers + > General information, XV- Pressure Gauge Resinators : Qine restrictors). - Purpose. - Location. xvi~ Aceumulators ; - Purpose, Function of accumulators. { - Types. Diaphragm type . Description & operation, i Bladder type. Description & operation. ! Piston type. xvli- Ascumulator Operation = - Operating principles. 7 Fluid pressure revers . Air pressure. 4 site te ee FIA TRAINING GENTRE Issues1 April 15th, 1980.Time Ref: ' Subject Level * (houra) Gont xvill- By-pass check valves + - Purpose. - Gonstruction, ~ Operation. - Blaed (purpose! . - Maintenance. xix- Hand pumps + - - Purpose. - Operation. - Types : single action operation. double action operation, + Maintenance. xx- Relief valves : - Purpose. ~ Construction. ~ Typos : ball type. cone type, ~ Location. thermal relief valves . - Pressure settings. - Maintenance procedures . - Adjustable features. - Sequence for setting pressures , - System relief valves . nomenclature. operation. xxi- Selector Valves ; = Purpose. = Glessification, two way type. four way type, - Operation + different methods used. - Types : rotor type, description & operation, PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-t April 15th,1980,h Time Ref: ' Subject Level" tours) Cont'd... - Poppet type : description & operation, ~ Platon type + description & operation. ~ Open centre type + desertptipn & operation, vodi- Actuating cylinders - ‘Purpose, ‘= Types: single action single port. double actton two port. double action three part. double action four port. wodii- Hydraulic Fuse: + - Purpose, - Operation. TAB & PRACTIGAT. o- Tracing Hydraulic systems - Location of components. Purposes of each, o- Filling, bleeding & Maintenance of hydraulfc systems. o- Diagnostic Techniques, o- Dismantle. inspect and reassemble each, of the components cealt with in theory. o- Frepare sketches and dlagrams to accompany and detailed analysis of the {iems, methods of operation. o- Submit a written report on § above. PIA TRAINING GENTRE Issue-1 Apri 15th, 1980.Time * Subject Level * thous) 6.5.2 PLUMBING 1 oF ae oa Hydraulic Lines & Fittings. General Information - Lines / Types of matertals. Aluminum alloy . Teflon & Plastic, Synthetic rubber. ~ Sizes : Maasuring specifications. Common aircraft stzes. - Coding & Installation Practices : Designation by dash numbers. Installation practices. Handling of lines, Precaution during installation, Fitdngs. - Types of fittings. aC oN - MS Ermeto Soldered. - Identifying features. Colour Degree of flare Thread type. Length. ~ General Information : Three piece solderless fittings. Intermixing of parts. Identification by numbers. Lubrieants & seniing. Components. Fabrication of Hydraulic Lines, = General procedure for fabrication. ~ Fundamental procedures for tube. - routing. - Bending & use oi tube benders, PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue~1 April 15th,1980,Reft Subject Level | game Gont'd... - Tube Flaring, Single flare. Double flare, Flaring procedures. - Flareless tube fittings. Nomenclature. Installation. ~ Lubricants used. - Proper cutting methods. General maintenance procedures. LAB & PRACTICAL Practice in the handling, bending, flaring, identification of hydraulic plumbing. - Flaring & Manufacture of plpes to AN, MS standards. -- ~ Fabrication of-flareless and soldered ~ types e.¢. Ermets, Dougloo, - Bending, using hand Machine methods - and tube bending machines , ~ Lubrication techniques for fitment of hydraulic untons and jointings . - Practice in part numbering stores order~ ing procedures for lines, unions, components, ails. 6.5.3 PNEUMATICS ig 21 a- Principles of Pneumatic systems. be Types of systems : ie Jow pressure, {i- medium pressure. ili- high pressure, System layouts - ‘typical Alrcrat, PLA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 16th 1980. me er» » Time Ref: ' Subject Level ” ours) Cont'd, d- Principle of Operation of and purpose of major components = i- compressors. dir un-loading valves. iil- moisture separator. tye chemical driers, vo back pressure valves, vic filters, vil- check valves - vill- Mnes & connectors, 6.6 LANDING GEAR H 98 a- Types of landing gear configuration and components « - Retraction systems + requirements, mechanical arrangements. - Retracting mechanisms : geometry. construction actuation locking e doors . - Inspection and Testing. - Identification & Familiarisation of of types & components. be Shock Struts + = shock absorber principles = types of shock struts, = operation of each type. ~ general inspection and maintenance, - ideni{fication & Familarisation of shock struts. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 18th, 1980.+ Time Subject Level ec eve thours} Gont‘'d... Wheels and Tyres : ~ safety practices. - types of wheeis, - dismantling, inspection and assembling wheels. - tyre construction. ~ fitting and Inflation. d- Alroraft brakes : - Types, function & Operation. Dise. expanding tube. expanding shoe. - Brake systems : independant wheel . integerated . pheumatic. = Antisked devices . - Maintenance & Inspection ta — include overheated brake con- ~ - ditlon. : - Identification & Familarisatlon of brakes & Associated Equipment. e- Nose wheel steering : - principles of nose whee! steering. - contro}. = operation, - maintenance. - towing precautions. - identification & Famillarisation of nose wheel steoring. - laboratory project involving wheal, balancing, steering geometry and tracking. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 Apri] 15th,1980,h Ref: 6.7 Subject Level ' ELYING CONTROL SYSTEM a e+ Control system leyout, manual. power assisted, b. Aerodynamic effects of control surfaces, use of tabs, solts. c+ Powered controls. ~ special requirements . = feel. - Flying control systems. i cable systems. {i+ push pull rod systems. ill- chains & gearing. - Static & Dynamic ballance of elements of flying control systems. f- Power assisted & power operated controls. - system layout. ~ power supply system. - fail safe & artlficail feel devices, G- Maintenance of control systems, 1AB-& PRACTICAL Identification of components of control system. Messurement of power assisted forces on contrel rings . Balancelng of control surfaces are forces. Identification & Fam(arisation of con- vol system including starter balance luberatory project in valving use of cont. system layout panel, power assisted cont. system panel. PRESSURISATION & MRCONDITIONING t a- Basic principles. b- Atmospheric conditions. (hours) 70 70 FIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, 1940.Ref: Subject PIA TRAINING GENTRE Issue-1 April 18th,1980, Gont'd.. c- Airframe structure, d- Cabin sealing. ie pressurised araas, {i- methods of sealing. iii- repairs. e- Typical system layout . i> supply. li- distribution. iti- rectreulation, iv- exhaust. f+ Methods of air supply. ie engine bleed. fi- air driven compressors. ifi- mechanically driven compressors . g- Aurflow control. ie automatic flow control. 4i- pneumatic mass flow control. h- Cabin pressure control. 1 typical system. ii- control components . iu- cabin pressure relief valve. jv- negative pressure relief valve. i- Cabin humidity control. j- Cooling. 4 method, l- control. k- Refrigeration. 1 alt—cycle system, ji- vapour eyole system.. Time Rat: Subject Level ' (hours) Cont'd-.. 1+ Heating systems. m- Temperature control. n- Altconditioning & Pressurisation system of Fokker F-27, Aircraft. 0- Vapour cycle cooling of Boeing. p= A general knowledge of the inspection, maintenance, adjustment, common defects and functioning of F-27 system components . 6.9 OXYGEN (35 Hours) 1 35 a- Purpose of Oxygen systems, systems layout. i continuous flow. My dilutes demand, 4ii- chemical generation. iv- portable sets. _ a b= Gomponents . A storage cylinders. ii- pipe lines. {il- non-return valves. iv- filters. v- pressure reducing valves. vi- diluter demend regulator. vit~ supply sockets, vill- pressure & contents indicators. ix- oxygen masks. x- flow indicators, xi- thermal compensators. xil- dis-cherge indicators. xi- ground charging valves. 8.10 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION (35 Hours) i 35 a- Effects of ice formation on aircraft performance. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15,1980.oo + Time Ref: Subject Level * Qoel Cont'd... be Ice Formation : ie rime. li- glaze. iu- — glime, Ive frost. ve pack snow. c+ Methods of detection, d- Methods of control. ie thermal . 1$- chemical fil- mechanical dv- hot air v= electrical. e- Systems application. 1 F-27 ii- Boeing. {- Component tnspection , main- 4 tenance and repair, 6. FUEL & FUEL SYSTEMS 1 35 a- Fuels manufacturing processes. b- Additives, e- Aircraft fuels. ¢- Fuel requirements. e- Terms used in fuel technology. f£- Puture developments tr fuel. g- AVC fuel system requirements. h~ uel systems : ie the feed system, i- the vent system. Mii- the refuelling & defuelling system. PIA TRALNING GENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, 1980. ae a yeea : + Time Subject Level (hours) Gont'd... iv- the dump system. v= content indicating. vi- regid & flexiable lines. vil- effects of fuel load on aircraft performance, i+ Aircraft fueling methods and procedure: i- safety precautfons. ii- contamination testing. ili- pre-flight checks. FIRE DETECTION AND PROTECTION i 35 a- Causes of fire, b- Types of fire. c+ Types of fire or overheat detectors. d- Features of anideal fire = detectors. e- Fire detection system. in thermal switch. il- thermo-couple. il- continuous Joop. - Fire extingul shing equipment . L portable system. il- mixed system, ili- fixed system, g- Types of Extinguishant. i. mathyl bromide (M .B.} 1i- bromehicrodi fluoro methannel B.C.F.) 1i- carbon dioxide (G02) iv. water. ve bromotifuoro methane (8. 7.M.) vi- dry chemical. PLA TRALNING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th,1980. TE>» Time Ref: Subject Level (hours) Cont'd... h- Installation & Maintenance. 1. Smoke detection system. 6.13 SURV: MERGENGY EQUIPMENT a 25 a- Safety Installations. = emergency exits. ite life jackets & dinghies. ii rescue & first aid equipment, b- Maintenance and Testing. c- Permissable repairs, d- Identification and familiari sation of equipment using samples and mock-ups. e- VWsit to the Safety Equipment Shop. 6.14 GROUND HANDLING (35 Hours). nu 35 Methods used and precautions taken during : a- Towing. b- Parking and Mooring. o- Jacking, d- Lifting, e- Shoring, f- Levellinng. 9- Groung de~Leing and supplying ground power, 6.15 BLAWORTHINESS PROCEDURES T 70 a- A/G Stores procedures : = stores procedures, new stores . rework. queraniine, bonded. PLA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, 1980. i» Time Ref: "Subject Level * my Cont'd... e- Marking Parts : ~ sequence of removal, - temporary and permanent marking methods, - record system. - location and identification of marking system, - dismantle component or assambly, mark varts and reassemble in correct sequence . 6.16 INTRODUCTION 10 AIRCRAFT ECONOMICS RELATED TO MAINIENA NOE Airline : a- Planning procedures and organisation of maintenance facility : - i tkme schedules. = - is charts & indicators. 1l- critical path analysis. iv- corporate safety. General : a- Technical contret of production, quality and cost ; - limits of cost in terms of material and labour. fi- records of direct and indirect costs, 6.17 STRUCTURE KEPAIR (140 Hours) 1! 6.17.1 TOOL-HAND TOOLS DESCRIFILON, CARE AND USE: W 07 Hammers ,Snips Soldering irons ,Greovers and Riveting sets, PLA TRAINING CENTRE Tssue-1 prt] 1§th,1980,Ref: ‘ Subject Level © gm 6.17.2 SHEET-METAL MACHINES AND EQUIPMENT(?7 Hrs.) I a- Stakes 04 in hetchet stake, i- funnel stake. iis helf moon stake, ive beek iron. ve creasing iron, b- Machines ; 03 i= square shearing. te ecrnic brake. Ai- slip roll, {v- beading and swaging. 6.17.3 SHEET-METAL JOINTS DESCAILPILON , METHOD AND USE: ¢ a 07 a- Grooved seam. — = - b- Knocked up. o- Soldered lap. d- Riveted lap. e- Welded. 6.17.4 SOLDERING PRACTICES bi “4 a~ Soldering Equipment. b- Soft soldering : ie grades ii- fluxes. Mic procedure, e- Hard soldering. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, 1980,Rel: 6.17.5 6.17.6 6.17.7 Subject RIVETS AND RIVETING (28 Hours}. a- Riviting Tools. b- Sold Shank Rivets : ie heat styles & uses, — head marking. ~ code numbering. iii- terminology. iv- installation tools. ve preparation & procedure. vi removal, c- Special Rivate + Time Bevel © (ours) a7 a7 I Identification (British & American) i+ self pluging friction lock rivets. ti- self pluging mechanical rivets. iis identification. iv- installation tools. ve procedure, - Rivnuts, Explosive rivets, hi-shear rivets, Jo~bolts, and hi-lock fasteners. FASTENERS & LOCKING DEVICES (7 Hours) 0 a- Screw Threads Fasteners, description, Material & Use : - Atreraft Bolts. i- types it- identification, - Aircraft Nuts. i+ types, ii- identification, ~ Alrcratt Screws, LOCKING DEVICES Cotter pins, spring washers, tab washers ,lock plates ,wire & circlips. 04 02 ro bg 07 PIA TRAINING CENTRE Tasua-] April 15th, 1980.Refi ' Subject Level ' Time (hours) 6.17.8 TURN LOCK FASTENERS rg 03 Descriptio, use and identification of + a- Turn lock fastener style 1 b= Turn jock fastener style IL c- Turn lock fastener style Il. 6.17.9 ALRORAFT SHEET-METAL REPAIR (4 Hours) be a- Standard aircreft repair schemes and basic construction, 02 b- Shear testing of riveted joint. 02 6.17.10 BASIG SKIN REPAIR {35 Hours} it (Project - 1) a- Mark out and prepare . or b- Cut patches and doublers to size o7 c- Feld doublers and brackets. 02 d- Drill and counter sink rivet holes. os. -. @- Rivet doubler patch to base. _ 03 f- Rivet engle to base. 03 g- Rivet doubler to base, 03 h- Rivet flush patch to doubler cs i+ Microshave~ ce 6,17,11 TUBE BENDING AND FLARING (14 Hours) ta a- Tube Bending 1g is filler alloy & method of filling. ils description of tube bending machine. i bending procedures: - by hand. by machine. b- Tube Flaring, 04 L- description of tool, il- procedure. TEST AND REVIEW {07 Hours) PLA TRALNING CENTRE Issue-1 April 18th 1980,Course: __.AIRFRAME Section: 7A ENGINE STUDIES Duration: _140 HOURS Reft Subject Level ' PISTON ENGINE {70 Hours) 1 7A INTRODUCTION a- Identification of types. b- Cooling methods. c- Basic cycle of Operation. d- Film "ABC" of 1.C. Engine. 7R2 OPERATING PRINCIPLES a+ Otte cycle. b- Modffied otto cycle. 7A.3 ENGINE COMPONENTS az. Identification. = * b- Basic functions, c- Visits to Engine O/H. TAA IGNITION a- Funcitor of ignition system, (Programmed) . be Magnetos . ¢- High and low tension systems. d- Sparking plugs. 7S CARBURATION a- Principles. b- Simple carburetors. 7A FUEL SYSTEMS. a- Filters. be Priming. c- Pumps, PIA TRAINING GENTRE issue-1 Apri] 15th,1986,an Time 2 ' Subject . Ref: ubject Level (hours) 77 LUBRICATION a- Wet sump. b- Dry sump, c- Film "Lubrication". 7A. PROGRESSIVE TESTS & REVIEW 7A,9 PESTON ENGINE PRACTICAL. a- Engine dis-assembly. b- Cleaning. c- Inspection. @- Re-work, e- Assembiy, GAS TURBINE ENGINE (70 Hours) 7A.20 INTRODUGTION Brief history of a&fo engines and subsequent developments upto present day types. b- Identification and tunctions of sections. c~ Newton's Laws applied to gas turbine engine. d- The principle of the Brayton cycle. e- Hermoull's Theorem applied to gas turbine engine. t» Types of propuisive unit. g- Thrust caloulation. h- Factors effecting thrust. i. Thrust worse power, equalent sheft horse power (E,.5.H.P.). je Film, k- Wstt. TAAL AIRINLET DUGTS a- Functions. t FLA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, 1980, SRE ore ye nee:Refz Subject Level » Time (hours) 7A12 7A13 TAG TAA5 Cont'd b- Types of Air inlets : i wing inlet . ti- nose inlet. il- annular nose inlet. iv- external scoop. ve flush duct. COMPRESSORS a- Mass flow, b- Centrifugal compressor, c- Axial compressor, COMBUSTION a- Combustion phenomenan gas turbine fuei requirements and properties, b- Purpose of combustion section. “ o- “Primary, secondary end tertiary alr- flow. d- Funcilons and operation of burner. e- Ind phase review & test. TURBL a- Purpose. b- Ges energy loss. c- Function of nozzle guide vanes. d- Creep, e- Methods of blade attachment. f "Hot" section safety requirements, EXHAUST a- Purpose. be Notse shatement, ¢~ Operation of sound suppressor, d- Thrust reverser. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Iesue-1 April 18th,1980.a Subject Level Tine (hours) 7A.16 IAAT TA18 IANS 7A,20 LUBRICATION a Jet engine lubricants, b- Lubrication system, e- Seals, d- Breather system. e- Cooling and sealing. {- Phase-3 ievlew and exam, g- Review and final Exam IGNITION AND START SYSTEMS a- Ignition system, b- HAE, fgnition. plug. c- H.E. Ignition system safety. 4- Functions of start system. e- Starting condition, VISITS TO ENGINE OVERHAUL SHOP a- Dis-assembly procedures. b- Gleantng methods . ¢- Inspection procedures . d- Assembly procedures. e~ Documentation. AIRCRAFT HANDLING REVIEW AND TESTS FLA TRAINING CENTRE Tasue-1 April 15th, 1980.Course: _ ALRFRAME. Section: 8A ELECTRICAL STUDIES Duration: _ 105 HOURS Ref | Subject Leve | Tme (hours) BAL ELECTRO-STATICS t ay : @- Production of Static electricity. b- Production of Static electricity, during fuelitng operation. ¢~ Lightening and bending, Static discharge wicks. 8A.2 ELEGIRIGAL FUNDAMENTALS a 21 a- Ohm's Law, b- Unit of electrical pressure, power, resistance flow ang quantity. c+ Factors governing the passage of a charge in a ctreutt. d-_ Series circults, total resistance, _ voltage drop sic. e- Parallel cirovlts, branch currents. f+ Series parallel circults, totel rests- tance voltage and current. 9- Production of electrlcity, connection ¢ of cells, h- Measurement of resistance-Ohm's Law, : 4+ Grouping of resistor in = t parallet. ' M- series. {Mi- series parallel. J- Series and paraliel circuits. k- Grouping of cells, aA3 ELEGTRECAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS u or a-, Reading meter scales. b- Voltmeters . c- Ammeters . PIA TRAINING CENTRE fssue-1 Apell 18th 1980. ae4 nme ; 1 Subject ‘ Ref: ubject Level ‘yp oire) Cont'd... d- Ohmneters. e- Multimeters, i+ Testing of clrcult installation with Megger and Ohmmeter . BA.4 QONDUSTORS a ab a~ Ganduction of a current in a circuit containing t+ A solid conductor. fi- A quid conductor . {i- A gaseous conductor. aA. MAGNETISM AND ELEGTRO-MAGNETIG 0 4 8- Magnetic materiais . be Magnetic field. ¢- Earths Magnetio Heid. = d- Seif, mutual induction = #- Solenctd relays. f- Left hand cule of generators. g- Magnetic effect of a current. he Magnetic Held of « solencic. 84.6 PRIMARY CELLS I ay a> Types, b- Construction. c- Polartsation. BAL? SEGONDARY CELLS 0 34 a- Types. b- Construction. c+ Specific gravity. d- Charging procedures. e- Grouping of batteries, PLA TRAINLNG CENTRE issue-1 April 15th, 1980.Time ‘Subject Level’ eA.8 AIRGRAFT BATTERIES i a- Construction, b- Principles. c- Charging. d- Tests. e- Installation. 4 Precautions of electrolyte handling, BA.g CIRCUIT PROTEGTION 1 a- Fuses. b= Circuit. o- Current limiter. aA.10 ELECTRICAL DATA sat a- Electrical symbols, b= Electrical diagrams . ~ t BALI PRI NCIPLES-AND USE OF B- Capacitors b- Transformers. BAL12 ELECTR.CAL CLRCUIT a- Switches. b- Solenoids . e- Relays, d- Rheostat. e- Fuses. f- Circult breakers . g- Symbols. h- Use of multimatars i- Testing of solenoids. J- Installation and operation of solenoids, i PLA TRAINING GENTRE Issue-1 April 15th.1980.» Tne Ref: Subject Level (nours) BA.13 METHODS OF TESTING ELEGTAIG CIRCUIT a 07 a~ Electric of electric current. b- Testing electric devices. c- Methods of cleaning. d- Continuity test. e- Insulation test. f- Cleaning of viberating contacls, g- Trouble shooting. REVIEW & TEST uy aA.14 ELECTRO- MAGNETIC INDUCTION L u a- Theory of Magnetism, , b- Application of lenzes law. c Self inductance. d- Solenoids and relays, BAIS DIRECT CURRENT GENERATORS I ay a- Theory, construction, features and . functions . b- Residual Magnetism. c+ Types and uses. d- Alrerait D.C. power supply system 8A,16 DIRECT CURRENT MOTORS I 2 a- Theory, construction, features snd functions - be Counter and net EMF. e- Types and uses. d+ Use of D.C; motors in aircraft, 8A.17 VOLTAGE REGULATORS T 1y a- Principle. b- Vibrator and carbon file type. co Current Hmiters. d- Reverse current cut out. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Essve-1 April 15th 1980.+ Time : Lew Ref: Subject evel hows) 8A.18 MULTL-GENERATOR CIRCUITS t ae e- Paralleling. b- Equalising clrouits . ¢- Generator balancing. aA.19 POWER CIRCUITS 1 oz o- AVG battery, b- External power. c- Typical lay outs, 8A,20 ELIOTRI CAL HARD WARE AND WIRING T 3t a- Diagram symbols. b- Cable sizes, identification and wire codes. c+ baduits and shielding. d- Cable bundies and tying. 8- Terminals, connecters and switches. . f- Junction bones and bonding. = g- Lamps and sockets. 8A.21 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS qu } as High voltage. b- Blectric shocks and bums . BA.22 ALTERNATING CURRENT I a1 @- Definitior! and characteristics. b» Frequency phase and cycle. c- Realstance and resonance . A.23 GENERATORS, ' Theory, construction, features and functions. A.C. nower supply system in the aireraft. PIA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-2 April 15th, 1980. ee. Ref: BA,24 BA.25 BA,26 BA.27 Subject Level ' TRANSFORMERS I a- Features and functions. b- Types and uses. RECTIFIERS inf Metal types, half wave, and full wave. VOLTAGE REGULATORS il a~ Theory, Construction, Features and Functions. b- Types and uses. c= Voltage control, A.C, MOTORS WH @- Theory and construction. Time (hours) PIA TRAINING CENTRE. Issue-1 April 15th, 1980Course: AIRFRAME Section: _9A. INSTRUMENT STUDIES Duration: _35 HOURS ‘ > Time Refi Subject Level (houre} BAL INTRODUCTION TO INSTRUMENTS 1 o7 a- Dror, Hysteresis. b- Sensitivity, folerance. e- Operation and construction of pressure sensitive elements, capstles, dlaphraghms, bellow, Bourdon type. d- Aircraft pressure Instruments and their types of. movement (General only), e- Instrument mountings . 8A,2 ESSENTIAL FLLGHT INSTRUMENTS E 20 @- Pitot static system and jayouts . b- Barometers ~ Altimeters. - ce Rate of cilmb indicators. @- Air speed indicators . e- Film "From the Smallest”. 9A,3 TACHOMETERS (Mechanical) 0 3k a- Drive shaft. b- Centrifugal, e- Magnetic drag. SAA COMPASSES 1 a2 a- Terminology, types, errors, and corrections. b- Landing compass . SA.S GYROSCOPLC INSTRUMENTS 1 ay a- Gyro principles. b- D.G., AHL, T&B, c- Simple vacuum system, PLA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, 1980,Refi * Subject Level ' Time (hours) 9A.6 TEMPERATURE INDICATION u 02; a- Pressure bulb. b- Bi-metallic spring, c- Thermocouple , d- Resistance type. 9A.7 REMOTE INDICATING SYSTEMS I at a- Desyn. b- Seleyn. c- Autosyn. a- Magnesyn. e+ Synchros. f& Servos. 9A. LNSTRU MENT FUNDAMENTALS 1 y a- Classes of instruments : i engine. ~ H- flight. ii- system, tv- functional test. REVLEW AND TEST 02 PLA TRAINING CENTRE Issue-1 April 15th, 1980,SEC: SEC: BEC: SEG: GP 6P ge POWER PLANT GOURSE. ENGINE STUDIES AIRFRAME STUDIES ELECTRICAL STUDIES INSTRU MENT STUDIES 840 140 108 38. 1120 Hours. Hours, Hours, Hours, Hours
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Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1961)
The Outsider: A Novel
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The Outsider: A Novel
Stephen King
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
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The Art of Racing in the Rain: A Novel
Garth Stein
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
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The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
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A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
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