Title of The Book Thermal Turbomachinery
Title of The Book Thermal Turbomachinery
Title of The Book Thermal Turbomachinery
Course has been accredited by: Commission for Accreditation of Serbian Ministry for Education,
Science and Technological Development
Lecturer: Dr. Vojin Grkovic, Full Professor
Lecturers were hold: 2008/09 through 2013/14 school year in Serbian and 2014/15 in English
Summary of the course: The course is divided in seven chapters as described below.
c1 p2
comprise first law of thermodynamics, second law of α1
thermodynamic, Irreversible changes of state, energy, δ
exergy and anergy, as well as polytrophic changes of state.
tg 1 1 tg
1 Ma sin
Gas flow basics comprise equation of continuity, 1
2 2 1
1 1
momentum equation, moment of momentum equation,
δ→0 → sin α = 1/Ma
equation of conservation of energy and stagnation
properties. Characteristics of compressible fluid flow
comprise explanations on Mach's waves, standing shock wave and sloped shock waves and sloped
decompressed waves. Fanno's process and Rayleigh's process are also explained and discussed.
In the third chapter is given analytical interpretation of transformation of enthalpy into kinetic
p 1
energy and transformation of kinetic energy into enthalpy,
Isentropic efficiency of
compression as function of
both in the cases of reversible and irreversible expansions pressure ratio and polytropic
p 0
1 1
and compressions. Polytropic efficiency, isentropic
efficiency: s
efficiency, isothermal efficiency and efficiency of nozzles 0
1 p
Isentropic efficiency
expressions derived are given. Finally, a number of of expansion as function of 0
pressure ratio and 1
exercises are numerically solved. 1
1 p0 1
polytropic efficiency: s
In fourth chapter is explained transformation of b
c1u t
fluids ki etic e ergy i to shaft’s echa ical work a d
a d
In fifth chapter is considered efficiency of energy transformation at the stage blading of thermal
turbomachines. The analytical expressions for efficiency 0 M ,h , 1’ 1 2’ 2 cg cg
are derivate as function of the stage geometry and cg
examples are also given. Typical values of the main design c 0
w 2’
c 1’
are considered Curtis's (two row, impulse) stage and
general axial turbine stage with air-cooled blades both
exemplified with appropriate numerical calculation procedures, as well as the comparison of stages with
several velocity degrees (several rows, impulses). The analytical expressions for efficiency of
Ljungstrom's stage of radial turbine and the stage of centripetal radial turbine are developed as function
of the stage geometry and velocity ratio. Further are considered a compressor stage, as well as the
dimensionless parameters of thermal turbomachinery stages.
10 18 T3=1573 K
solved procedure for single reheat cycle efficiency 40 3 14
3 3
calculation is also given. In the scope of gas turbine cycles 3 3 T3=1373 K
Without cooling
With cooling
are considered: basic Joule’s cycle, basic Joule’s cycle with Numbers by curves denote
compressor’s pressure ratio
non-adiabatic expansion (case of cooled blades) Joule’s 100 200 300 400 500
cycle with heat recuperation, Joule’s cycle with
intercooling, Joule’s cycle with reheating, Joule’s cycle with
intercooling and reheating and Joule’s cycle with steam injection. Appropriate analytical expressions for
cycle efficiency calculations are also theoretically developed and explained. Dependence of efficiency on
the specific useful work is used as the main thermodynamic characteristics of the cycle, as well as for the
comparison of the cycles. The numerically solved procedures for efficiency calculation of basic Joule’s
cycles with adiabatic and with non-adiabatic expansions are given too. The effects of cooling on the
basic characteristics of the Joule’s cycle are also explained. Finally is considered combination of Joule’s
and Rankine-Clausius cycles.