Genetics Final Examination Reviewer
Genetics Final Examination Reviewer
Genetics Final Examination Reviewer
Lamarck’s Mistakes
- Lamarck Did NOT Know how traits were
inherited (Traits are passed through genes)
- Genes Are NOT Changed By Activities In Life
- Change Through Mutation Occurs Before
An Organism Is Born
Mechanism (1): All in the Genes Mutations are rare and often have damaging
effects. Consequently organisms have
The genetic make-up of an organism is special enzymes whose job it is to repair
known as its genotype. faulty DNA.
The basic similarity of all living things yet all have a common shared characteristic:
suggests that they evolved from a single bilateral symmetry
common ancestor.
The coccyx is a much reduced version of Marsupials occur in two populations today in the
an ancestral tail, which was formerly Americas and Australia.
adapted to aid balance and climbing.
This shows the group evolved before the
Another vestigial structure in humans is continents drifted apart
the appendix.
Charles Darwin
There is heredity.
Divergent Evolution - two or more distinct
The surviving brown beetles have brown
species share a common ancestor from
baby beetles because this trait has a genetic
which they diverged.
Convergent Evolution - occurs when two
organisms that lack a recent common
ancestor end up more and more alike as they
adapt to a similar ecological niche.
Other Terms:
Spider Silk
Molecular Genetics
- Studies the structure and function of genes
at the molecular level.
Risks of Genetically Modified Organisms - Studies how the genes are transferred from
generation to generation.
1. Allergenicity - Human Genome Project - mapping the
2. Gene Transfer entire genome.
3. Loss of biodiversity
4. Reduced effectiveness of pesticides as The important aspects of gene expression
insects become resistant to engineered
toxins. Complex Behavior is either:
but how do they affect these behaviors? Chromosome contain many genes.
We know, from thousands of studies using Genes are portions of DNA sequences that
many different methodologies, that both code for protein synthesis; this is how we get
genes and environment are important to behavior.
understand if we hope to untangle the
mysteries of virtually any behavior. An allele is a variation of a gene and can be
either long or short.
Why do we care?
Genes do not affect behavior unless they become templates or master patterns for proteins.
This happens through either transcription or translation.
Two kinds of cells relevant to psychology are those that make up neurons and endocrine
Evidence of Evolution
The theory of Biological Evolution makes two very bold claims about living creatures:
1. All living things are related. They evolved from a common ancestor.
2. 2.The evolution of living things is powered by natural processes. Things which can be
studied and understood.
To make sure that the evidence is true, i-fit in sila sa following categories:
Cetaceans - this branch includes whales, dolphins and porpoises. Biologist claim that all
these creatures are closely related, and that the entire group evolved from an ancient 4
legged land mammal. Whales don't have noses like other mammals but they breathe
through their blowholes. Some whales have two blowholes that look like nostrils but
dolphins and porpoises have one.
Embryology - is the study of how creatures develop before being born or hatching from an
The extinct basilosaurid whale are known from multiple well preserved skeletons. They
appear to have lived roughly 34 to 40 million years ago.
The Maiacetus Inuus hip bones seem sturdy enough to walk on land but this animal is
considered to be a whale for many reasons:
1. Their skeletons have all been found among fossils of sea-creatures.
2. Their short legs combined with long flat fingers and toes, suggest they were strong
swimmers with webbed hands and feet.
3. The maiacetus's teeth and unique structure of her middle ear bones and bulbs behind her
jaw match with basilosaurid whales and modern whales
Maiacetus Inuus appears to be a walking whale. They lived roughly about 47.5 million years
The fossils of many ancient whale-like mammals have been found, and people continue to
find more. Together, these fossils blur the line between 4 legged land mammals and fully
aquatic whales, solidifying the idea that whales indeed evolved from land creatures like:
Indohyus, Pakicetus, Ambulocetus, Dorudon, and Dolphin.
DNA molecules contain chemical codes which act like recipes for living things. Without ever
looking at bones, embryos, or anatomy, researchers can compare the DNA code of different
living creatures to find out who is most closely related to who.
A gene is a long stretch of DNA containing information that codes for something. Usually, a
protein or a group of protein.
Point mutations can edit small bits of information within a gene. Modifying the type of
protein it builds. These small edits are extremely important for evolution but if we compare
the genes of flower and dolphin. Even though, they do have many genes in common,
dolphins also have entirely new genes that flowers do not have. Vice versa.
Scientists have discovered many natural mechanisms for the evolution of new genes.
One of the most common and well-understood pathway is a duplication event followed by
further mutations.
Other times entire genes can be duplicated, dramatically increasing the length of a creature
genetic code.
During duplication, and in the generation that follow, further mutations can occur in the new
gene giving rise to entirely new genetic information. Information that codes for new proteins
with new functions.
Scientists have directly-observed duplication events in the lab many times over, because of
this they can now examine the genetic code of any living creatures , look for known
signatures of past duplication events, begin to piece together an understanding of how
specific genes likely evolved.
RNase1 is a protein found all throughout the cells and blood. Experiment have shown that
this protein help our cells fight against viruses by attaching yo and breaking down virus
It breaks down genes from the cells of the food you've been eating, converting those genes
into nutrients that your body can absorb.
Genes inside the saliva glands of most creatures, humans included, produce special proteins
that are able to start breaking down food on a chemical level, even before it gets to the
Clots actually form through a series of chemical reactions that can quickly seal the wound,
even underwater. This ability is possible in part because of a protein called FactorX. It is
found in the blood of many animals including fish, frogs, snakes, birds, and even people.
FactorX normally exists in a dormant or sleeping stare, drifting about the bloodstream with
no effect. When a blood vessel is cut, however, chemicals in the damaged tissue activate
factorX at the scene of the injury. It initiates a series of chemical reactions, causing a clot to
form in seal the wound.
New genes evolve because of gene duplication and then accumulate new mutations.
Darwin's last publications on April 6, 1882 called On the Dispersal of Freshwater Bivalves in
a prestigious journal called Nature.
On the Dispersal of Freshwater Bivalves talks about the finding of a freshwater beetle
clamped to its leg was a freshwater clam or a cockle. It resolved this great debate about why
freshwater cockles were similar among disjunct lakes in the British midlands.
Darwin was sent this beetle with a cockle clamped to its leg by a shoemaker who was
working in the British midlands, who was an amateur naturalist named Walter Drawbridge
Crick's grandson was the one with his colleague, Jim Watson that made the second great
discovery which is the 3-dimensional structure of DNA.
Fitness-related traits means traits that improve the probability of survival or reproduction of
organisms in natural populations.
J.B.S Haldane, one of the founders of population genetics, argued that adaptive mutations
tend to be dominant because when they first appear, they are visible to selection and then
can quickly spread through the population.
The most abundant mammal in North America is deer mice or mice in the genus