2022 July Set General Paper
2022 July Set General Paper
2022 July Set General Paper
1. Select the Odd one out from the given list of Tripitakka:
A) Sutta Pitakka B) Vinaya Pitakka
C) Abhidhamma Pitakka D) Sravana Pitakka
2. How many fundamental principles are mentioned in National Education Policy 2020?
A) 5 B) 7 C) 3 D) 9
3. “Kids learn to link their actions with consequences, when they're allowed to
experience the consequences of their behaviour”. Select the suitable school of
philosophy related with this above mentioned statement:
A) Pragmatism B) Idealism C) Realism D) Naturalism
4. The state of being where every individual in a religiously diverse society has the
rights, freedom, and safety to worship, according to their conscience is known as
religious ------.
A) Pluralism B) Activism
C) Totalitarianism D) Monism
8. The section of IT Act which deals with punishment for online abuse of children:
A) 64 B B) 65 B C) 66 B D) 67 B
11. The main purpose of maintaining a “human climate” in the classroom is to:
A) Understand each student’s family background
B) Enhance development of total personality of a student
C) Know the interest and special needs of each student
D) Promote constructive and positive behaviour among students
12. Development proceeds from head to foot. The principle followed here is:
A) Proximo - distal B) Cephalo caudal
C) Cumulative D) Interrelatedness
13. Raju is a tenth standard student .He always shows very risky behaviour. Commonly
this characteristic of Raju is mainly due to his:
A) Proactive behaviour B) Restless behaviour
C) Hyperactivity D) Approval seeking behaviour
18. A 14 year old boy who runs away from school habitually without proper permission
can be named as:
A) Dropout B) Juvenile delinquent
C) Truant D) Socially disadvantaged
19. One of the most favourable factor in selecting a teaching profession is:
A) Good social status and income
B) Minimum working anxiety
C) Opportunity for doing socially useful work
D) Maximum job satisfaction due to less mental pressure
21. Who among the following is known as the father of Inclusive Education?
A) Allen Bloom B) Ovide Decroly
C) John Dewey D) Lev Vygotsky
24 Select the first dedicated "Educational Satellite" that provide the country with satellite
based two way communication to class room for delivering educational materials.
27. Pedagogy that encourages to question the inequalities that exists in society is known as---
A) Constructive B) Creative C) Evaluative D) Critical
28. The right associated with intangible assets owned by a person or company and
protected against use without consent:
A) Patency B) Copy right C) IPR D) Contract
29. The members of the society start deviating from the values that are practiced results in
A) crisis B) challenge
C) deterioration D) transformation
30. Lack or denial of resources, rights, goods and services, and the inability to participate
in the normal relationships and activities, available to the majority of people in a
society is experiencing social ------.
A) change B) mobility C) denial D) exclusion
31. The process of social, psychological, and cultural change that stems from the
balancing of two cultures while adapting to the prevailing culture of the society.
A) Social change B) Acculturation
C) Cultural diffusion D) Cultural identity
33. Which of the following does not come under the pillars of education?
A) Learning to do B) Learning to live together
C) Learning to be D) Learning to learn
34. Arrange the following according to the year in which the report was implemented:
1. Sargent Report 2. Mudaliar Commission Report
3. University Education Commission 4. Yashpal Committee Report
A) 1, 2, 3 ,4 B) 2, 1, 3, 4 C) 1, 3, 2, 4 D) 3, 1, 2, 4
35. Identify the key behaviour for effective teaching from the list given below:
1. Varying modes of instruction 2. Organizing the content
3. Clarity in content presentation 4. Engage the students in active learning
5. Preparing students for the examination
36. Which among the following is best suited for defining the professionalism of teachers?
A) Participation in training programmes
B) To be responsive to children
C) Good administration skills
D) Follow professional code of conduct
39. Which among the following are ‘teacher- centred’ methods of teaching?
1. Lecturing with power point presentation
2. Heuristic method
3. Team teaching
4. Pair-share discussions
43. Which among the following is best suited for assessment of performance skills?
A) Portfolio B) Rubrics
C) Checklist D) Rating scale
45. The principle of communication which states that communication must not be in
conflict with the policies and objectives of the organisation:
A) Principle of consistency B) Principle of informality
C) Principle of adequacy D) Principle of clarity
51. A cautious approach to computing where users take basic precautions to reduce
information security risks is called:
A) Security control B) Authentication
C) Defensive computing D) Phishing
56. Which of the following agency provides comprehensive management training for
managerial level officers in the education sector to take up innovative programs in
education in Kerala?
58. NEP 2020 has introduced the term ABC which stands for:
A) Assessment Based on Credits
B) Academic Bank of Credit
C) Assessment Blended Curriculum
D) Academic Book of Credit
60. The most important teacher competency needed for the effective transaction of the
curriculum is:
A) Evaluation competency
B) Competency in preparing teaching aids
C) Communication competency
D) Contextual competency