A Sensitivity Study of Relevant Parameters On Sand Production in Unconsolidated Sandstone Reservoirs
A Sensitivity Study of Relevant Parameters On Sand Production in Unconsolidated Sandstone Reservoirs
A Sensitivity Study of Relevant Parameters On Sand Production in Unconsolidated Sandstone Reservoirs
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2 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Mohammad Tabaeh Hayavi on 02 October 2020.
Sand production is a prevalent problem during oil and gas production from weakly consolidated or
unconsolidated formations. It can erode downhole equipment and surface facilities, cause pipeline
blockage, leakage and damage casing and generate additional need for sand disposal. Decision for
appropriate sand control strategy requires engineering analysis of the key parameters affecting sand
production to evaluate timing and severity of sanding over the life of field conditions. This paper
presents the effects of reservoir and geomechanical parameters including well trajectory, poroelastic
stress coefficient, Biot’s factore, maximum horizontal stress, horizontal stress anisotropy ratio, cohesive
strength and Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS) on sand production from openhole wells. The results
indicated that the critical bottomhole flowing pressure increases with increasing the poroelastic stress
coefficient, Biot’s factor, maximum horizontal stress and horizontal stress anisotropy ratio, but
decreases with increasing the cohesive strength and UCS of rocks. Furthermore, the results show that
the wellbore inclination and azimuth have a significant role in sanding potential during production. Also,
it is concluded that in normal stress regime the critical bottom hole flowing pressure of a horizontal
borehole is greater than the vertical borehole, so the vertical boreholes have less potential for sanding
than the horizontal boreholes and almost all the deviated wells. Accurate prediction of the conditions for
sand production is critical to the design of cost effective completion.
Key words: Sand production, geomechanical parameters, well trajectory, biot’s factor, horizontal stress.
Production of oil and gas from hydrocarbon-bearing and has been observed in field data. Wells drilled into
reservoirs can result in a reduction of the reservoir pore depleting fields will experience this change in the stress
pressure (formation pressure) unless pressure support is acting within the field. This has important implications for
provided from a gas cap or an aquifer. A reduction in the well design as an increasing number of wells are being
reservoir pressure, in turn, results in a reduction in the designed as openhole or barefoot completions. Well
stresses acting within the reservoir. This stress-depletion design is also becoming increasingly customised in order
response is known from simple theoretical calculations to minimise the number of wells required to drain a field.
Author(s) agree that this article remain permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 International License
Consequently, large horizontal well sections are drilled the critical production rate at which the cavity becomes
with multilateral branches - several horizontal well unstable should be determined during oil and gas
sections drilled from one producing well. An important production in weakly consolidated or unconsolidated
aspect of the design for these customised and multilateral formations.
wells is the openhole stability over the lifetime of the field, Morita et al. (1987) by separating the effect of well
which is dependent on how the reservoir stresses will pressure and local pressure gradient around the cavity,
change with depletion (Addis, 1997). proposed an analytical approach to study the effects of
In the petroleum industry, the term ―sand production‖ many parameters on sand production. It was pointed out
refers to the production of solid particles together with the that the following parameters may affect sand production:
formation fluids from depleted reservoirs. This (1) Boundary loads such as well pressure and in-situ
phenomenon is common mainly in weak sandstone stresses; (2) Fluid flow induced force which is dependent
reservoirs and is a possible consequence of the on such factors as flow rate, permeability, viscosities of
degradation of the mechanical properties of the rock fluids, relative permeability for multiphase flow and fluid
surrounding the wellbore caused by drilling, completion, saturation, (3) rock deformation character, (4) rock
and production operations particularly, during the strength character, (5) perforation cavity geometry and
production phase, the decrease of pore pressure causes shot density, (6) cyclic loading history.
a concentration of stresses around the wellbore and the Sanding onset prediction involves stress calculation at
perforation tips which, in turn, can lead to the failure of cavity (including wellbore or perforation tunnel) surface.
the rock. When the right conditions are met, e. g. Even though a numerical model, such as finite element
production rates sufficiently high, then the failed rock can model, is more general, analytical or semi-analytical
be mobilized and the fluid flow can drag to the surface models may be more convenient and easier to use under
grains, particles or aggregates of the damaged rock special conditions. Besides, an analytical model is always
(Volonté et al., 2010). useful to verify numerical models. In petroleum
Sanding can erode downhole equipment and surface engineering, the vertical/horizontal wellbore, perforation
facilities, cause pipeline blockage, leakage and damage tunnel and their adjacent formation are often
casing due to formation subsidence, lead to more approximated as thick-walled hollow cylinder. Using this
frequent well intervention and workovers, and generate approximation, it can be able to obtain an analytical or
additional need for sand disposal (Addis, 1997). Decision semi-analytical solution for the near wellbore/perforation
for appropriate sand control strategy requires engineering tunnel stress state and use it in sand production
analysis of the key parameters affecting sand production prediction (Yi, 2003).
to evaluate timing and severity of sanding over the life of Drilling the wellbore or creating any cavity like
field conditions. perforations, changes the stress pattern in the medium
Sand production mechanisms can be summarized into around the cavity (Dai et al., 2014). Increase of
the following points (Wang et al., 2005): (1) Shear failure drawdown augments effective stresses in an interval
induced by fluid pressure drawdown can lead to the around the wellbore. This is attributed to the fact that
breaking of sand grain bonds and the alteration of the pore pressure recovers much more slowly compared to
material’s mechanical properties; (2) Tensile failure total stresses. Therefore, shear stresses increase around
caused by high hydrocarbon production rates can lead to the cavities once higher drawdowns are used. In this
dilation of solid skeleton and the loss of solid particles respect, acts depletion very similarly to drawdown in
mechanical interactions through disaggregation; (3) High increasing shear stresses around the cavities. Shear
stresses due to completion cause the formation to fail (in failure induced by fluid pressure drawdown takes place
compression) whereas fluid viscous drag forces bring the once shear stresses exceed limit shear strength of the
failed materials from the perforation tunnels into the intact rock and can lead to the breaking of sand grain
wellbore. bonds and the alteration of the material’s mechanical
There are many factors that must be considered to properties. Shear failure mechanism is mainly active
obtain a comprehensive understanding of how and why around the cavities where two major criteria are fulfilled.
sand production occurs and such factors include: (1) First, shear stresses are very high and second,
Geological factors. (2) Rock composition. (3) Mechanical differential deformations are possible (Nouri et al., 2003).
factors. (4) Drilling practices. (5) Production operations Sanding related studies can go back to the 1920’s, and
(Joseph et al., 2012). before the 1970’s, most studies were associated with
Tao et al. (2008) reported that as the flow rate is sand control, and then the interests shifted to the
increased, the wellbore pressure decreases and the determination of onset of sand production and a Mohr-
effective tangential stress in the elastic zone increases. Coulomb (M-C) type shear failure was initially postulated
On the other hand, the effective stresses in the plastic (Luo et al., 2012).
zone decrease with increasing flow rates due to the The objective of this paper is to present the sensitivity
increase in the pore pressure gradient. analyses of reservoir and geomechanical parameters on
Increasing the flow rate can initiate sanding, therefore the sand production from open hole wellbores.
Figure 1. Stress transformation geometry for a deviated borehole (12).
( )
z = v +2 H h + (Pwf Ppf ) Pwf Introducing Equations 4 into 9 (major and minor effective
(4) principal stresses are tangential and radial stresses,
respectively), the critical bottom hole flowing pressure for
Where is the effective radial stress, is the effective prevention of sand production from a open hole wellbore
tangential (hoop) stress, is the effective axial stress is:
induced around the wellbore. For a laterally large
reservoir compared to its thickness, the change in vertical
stress is considered negligible and therefore it is usually (11)
kept constant (Rahman et al., 2008). The maximum and
minimum horizontal stresses are updated as follows,
(10) ( ) (12)
Young modulus (psi).
v ∫ ̅ (16)
Geomechanical parameter
Vertical stress ( ) 9500 psi
Maximum horizontal stress ( ) 6100 psi
Minimum horizontal stress ( ) 4300 psi
Biot’s coefficient ( ) 0.744
Static Poisson’s ratio ( ) 0.3
Static Young’s Modulus (Es) 6* 10^6 psi
Reservoir properties
Wellbore radius (Rw) 0.416 ft
Initial reservoir pressure (Pri) 4200 psi
Farfield pore pressure ( Pfp) 4000 psi
Figure 5. Sand free operating envelope plots for different values of UCS.
Figure 6. Prediction of UCS for Ahvaz sandstone member.
strength (IUCS). Figure 6 show the values of initial and sanding potential is highly sensitive to the inclination in all
promoted uniaxial compressive strength (UCSi and direction or azimuth.
UCSp) for prevention of sand production at current
production condition as function of depth for Ahwaz
sandstone member. Effect of horizontal stress anisotropy
Figure 8. Effects of maximum horizontal stress and horizontal stress anisotropy on CBHFP.
Figure 9. Effect of Biot’s factor and poroelastic stress coefficient on CBHFP.
concluded that the CBHFP increases by increasing of the and UCS of rocks.
poroelastic stress coefficient in particular Biot’s factor.
Also in a fixed poroelastic stress coefficient an increase
in Biot’s factor increases the CBHFP. Conflicts of Interests