Mishra & Ojha (2015) Chemical Sand Consolidation An Overview
Mishra & Ojha (2015) Chemical Sand Consolidation An Overview
Mishra & Ojha (2015) Chemical Sand Consolidation An Overview
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Sand production from reservoir is a critical issue related to oil/gas fields because it gives rise
to many serious problems in oil/gas production. Sand production from wells can damage the
surface and subsurface facilities as well as it can reduce the well productivity, thus it can have
adverse effects on economy of oil production. Sand control is requisite to economical
extraction of oil/gas from the unconsolidated formations. So the development in the sand
control techniques is ongoing in the oil industry. Several methods comprising mechanical and
chemical methods of sand consolidation have been developed by different researchers in past.
This paper comprehensively reviews the mechanism of sand production and control, different
investigations and techniques utilized in chemical sand consolidation process. Different resin
systems, other chemical systems and their implementation techniques to consolidate the loose
sand formation are discussed in this review article.
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Chemical Sand Consolidation Mishra and Ojha
Mechanical devices, i.e., sand screens, filters; Reservoir Pressure Depletion in Relatively
liners fail to foreclose the flow of sand Strong Formations
particles completely into the production When field became mature, pore pressure
equipment. These mechanical devices often depletion brings challenges in sand control
interfere in the workover and completion [33]. Reservoir fluid supports the in-situ
operations that are applied continuously during stresses in the formation along with its
production life of the wellbore [11, 13, 21]. inherent strength [34]. As production reached
Mechanical devices have been successful in to state of depletion, there is not enough
limited applications; restrict larger sand reservoir fluid to support the formation which
particles only which are not very efficient [22]. in turn increases the amount of effective stress
Chemical method involves the introduction of applied to the formation, the formation may be
resin, plastics or other chemicals into crushed, creating sand grains fines that are
incompetent formation layers adjacent to the produced along with the formation fluids [16].
wellbore. Chemicals help to bind sand grains During initial production stage, high
tightly to increase the strength of formation production rate is usually desired for economic
sand without much loss in formation reasons; however, too high drawdown can
characteristics so that sand grains can result in erosion at the sand face [27, 31, 35,
withstand the drag forces applied by the 36].
flowing fluids at desired production rate [23–
26]. High Production Rate
The key factor in sand production is the
CAUSES OF SAND PRODUCTION formation failure, which is governed by in-situ
Solid production from an oil field consists of stresses in addition to mechanical properties of
load bearing solids and fine solids. Fine solids rock. As the production rate increases, applied
are not part of mechanical structure of stress on the formation increases due to rise in
formation. Some fine solids are probably drag forces. When applied stress exceeds the
always produced. Thus sand control means formation strength, sand production begins
control of load bearing solids [23, 27]. Sand [31, 37]. If flow rate increases further sand
production can be considered as a three step production becomes excessive which is an
process: (1) failure of the formation matrix, (2) economic issue for production stresses around
erosion of failed sand grains, (3) transported the wellbore/perforations are more
by the formation fluid through wellbore up to concentrated and weak rocks are prone to
the surface. These three steps are governed by deformation under these conditions. Sand
drag forces, cohesive breakdown, and well production caused due to very high flowrate of
hydraulics respectively [28]. The causes of reservoir fluid referred as catastrophic sand
sand production are briefly described below: production [38, 39].
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Journal of Petroleum Engineering & Technology
Volume 5, Issue 2
ISSN: 2231-1785(online), ISSN: 2321-5178(print)
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Chemical Sand Consolidation Mishra and Ojha
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Journal of Petroleum Engineering & Technology
Volume 5, Issue 2
ISSN: 2231-1785(online), ISSN: 2321-5178(print)
does not accelerate the rate of polymerization. 60 to 300°F; (c) large volume of the catalyst
Thus it shortens the initial resin precipitation solution could be tolerated without removing
time. But its presence significantly reduced the the resin from the formation.
cost of the sand consolidation treatment by
eliminating the need for a water-removing pre- Weaver reported in his work that injection of
flush. Dewprashad et al., suggested a new HT catalyzed furan resin compound into the near
epoxy resin system which had several wellbore area of gas storage well can prevent
advantages over previous epoxy systems [56]. the withdrawal of sand with gas being
removed from the reservoir [59]. In
In this resin system, resin and hardener can be peninsular, Malaysia, several methods ranging
premixed and can be stored for a long time and from choke management to screen technology
can be used when needed. It had a lower cure were introduced to tackle with the production
rate even at higher temperature. It was more of sand but these did not reach to the success.
compatible with fracturing treatments fluids, An externally catalyzed furan resin treatment
and it provided superior compressive strength. using coil tubing as fluid conveyance tool
Recently Songire et al., developed an aqueous combined with an inflatable packer to
based resin (ABR) system which is a resin selectively treat the desired zone was applied
emulsion in an aqueous medium [57]. They to this oil field. This successfully resolved the
tested it at a well located in Nile delta (Egypt). sand production problem compared to all other
sand control treatments that have been used in
In this system a water soluble activator was those oil wells [60].
added to the brine phase while injecting the
dispersion into the formation. The droplets An injection sequence of diesel oil pre-flush
were attracted towards the contact point followed by the resin placement, diesel oil
between the sand grains caused by the spacer and catalyst was complicated and
capillary forces, which resulted in a high- provided inconsistent results. This method has
strength consolidated sand mass. This system been facing disposal and fire hazard problems.
had very low viscosity (close to water) to In 1970’s process was modified and diesel oil
overcome the pumping problems. This system was replaced by brine for pre-flush and spacer
can be converted into foam using nitrogen injection. However, success rate and reliability
hence better placement and consolidation can were not improved. Friedman described a
be achieved with little amount of consolidating furan based consolidation system which
material. Epoxy resin system was prevalent in involved the injection of a furfuryl
use from 1940 to 1990 with the developments alcohol/ester diluent/sulfuric acid mixture with
in its application but the advancement in other high quality steam after an ester-acid pre-flush
resins and chemicals has limited its to achieve a rapid consolidation near the
application. perforation [61]. To get a good quality of
consolidation the resin must be deposited
Furan Resin System uniformly on the surface of sand grains. The
Young developed an acid-catalyzed furan resin formation water removal by displacement with
system to consolidate loose formations diesel/surfactant was inefficient and costly.
containing clays in the oil fields [58]. This Resin placement by displacement with another
system possesses the multi-step process fluid, such as diesel or brine was not reliable
involving (1) injection of low-viscosity in heterogeneous formations.
consolidating fluid (2) placement of diesel oil
spacer (3) placement of diesel oil catalyst To overcome these problems, Shu et al.,
solution. This system was different from the utilized phase separation mechanism for the
others by the following: (a) it has property to placement of the resin rather than conventional
shrink certain part of hydrated clay with in the fluid displacement [62]. He reported that, the
formation sand up to an extent that can solution of furan resin in a water miscible
enhance the permeability of the consolidated organic solvent like lower alcohol, acetic acid
sand mass; (b) the system can be applied in the injected into water-wet formation followed by
formations having temperature ranging from injection of spacer volume of water and
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Chemical Sand Consolidation Mishra and Ojha
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Journal of Petroleum Engineering & Technology
Volume 5, Issue 2
ISSN: 2231-1785(online), ISSN: 2321-5178(print)
Other Chemical Systems and Methods Torrest proposed an alternative method for the
The organic cementing material such as epoxy wells where shut-in is unacceptable for the
resin, furan resin, phenol-formaldehyde, can resin/plastic consolidation [70]. This method
be utilized at reservoir temperature up to 80°C followed injection of a catalyst that activates
but at higher temperature they get degraded the sand and then injection of an aqueous
subjecting to thermal and hydraulic solution of nickel salts co ntaining a chemical
degradation. So some other chemical reducing agent. The metal layer coating
consolidation systems were proposed to occurred spontaneously on the sand grains,
overcome the problems related with the use of binding them into a consolidated mass. This
resin systems. technique provided better bonding strength
and suitable for the exposure to the
Fitzerald applied warm air coking to control temperature beyond the range of plastic sand
the sand production from the unconsolidated consolidation. Curtice suggested an improved
sand formation [68]. This technique involves method and composition to consolidate loose
the injection of heated air into the desired formations [11]. He pumped light Portland
formation, saturated with heavy viscous crude cement along with other additives like ground
oil. Initially oxidation of crude oil increases its silica for consolidation of formation. This
viscosity that prevents complete displacement method and composition was particularly
of the oil by heated air. adaptable for use in any type of well
completion but it was generally used in a well
The progressive heating of the crude oil results wherein casing had been set and which had
into an insoluble coke which binds the sand perforations therein at the desired intervals
grains together. This method was potentially behind which the unconsolidated formations
benefited to stabilizing the unconsolidating sands were located.
sand in the formation having 14°API gravity
oil. This method provided the compressive Davies et al., reported a treatment using
strength of 1400 psi with 70% permeability silicon halide compounds as consolidating
retention. Aslensen reported a solder glass agent [55]. These agents have been found to be
sand consolidation which was like a easy in handling in the field. By a simple
development of warm air coking [69]. injection technique, silicon halide compound
can be injected either in gaseous or liquid form
This involved the injection of solder glass down the well into the formation. It is
followed by the injection of heated air. This imperative that water is present around the
dispersed the solution throughout the contact points of adjacent sand grains in the
formation sand resulting in the uniform formation parts into which the silicon halogen
deposition of the solder glass on the sand compounds is injected. Amorphous silicon
grains. The resulted consolidated mass was dioxide formed by the reaction of water with
largely impervious to the temperature and the silicon halide will bond the sand grains
chemical attack. It was able to withstand the together, thereby increasing the compressive
high velocity fluid flow. This method was strength of the formation. In order to retain a
applied in the Fruitvale field in Kern Country, sufficient permeability of the consolidated
California where mechanical method of sand formation, the water should be present therein
control had proven to be ineffective in solving relatively in small quantity.
the sand production problems.
A new composition to improve the efficiency
The commercially available chemicals for the of sand consolidation method was reported by
sand consolidation like epoxy, phenolic-resin, Anthony in 1983 [71]. Solution of an organic
furan etc. were acceptable for certain case but silicate and alcohol is first injected into the
most of them had a limited temperature range. said formation. Most commercially available
28 wells of Fruitvale field were treated with tetraethyl silicate was applied in this method.
this technique, of which 20 were successful Then after the water is injected which
having no sand production with good displaced the organic silicate away from the
productivity. wellbore. Organic silicates are insoluble in
JoPET (2015) 21-34 © STM Journals 2015. All Rights Reserved Page 27
Chemical Sand Consolidation Mishra and Ojha
water and organic silicates are hydrolyzed completed 11 vertical wells and two horizontal
when it come in contact with proton source wells over five years with minor or no sand
water to polymerize into a coating like binding production problems. They injected 80%
mass fluid from the permeable formation quality steam into the desired formation
maintaining the formation’s permeability. This through willpower at 1600 psi and 600°F,
composition had advantages over alkali metal which resulted in effective consolidation. Hot
silicate solutions. Some part of the solution alkaline water steam caused dissolution of
reacts with the residual formation water in formation minerals which precipitated that
areas having less mobility which was not naturally bonded the sand grains together and
swept by alcohol-silicate solution and flush controlled the sand movement into the
water. This method and composition wellbore. This method offered better control of
strengthen the treated part of the formation fluid entry into the wellbore.
without affecting the permeability to oil and
gas. It retained the desired degree of This method of sand control resulted in
permeability [71]. effective sand consolidation without adversely
affecting formation permeability and
Asphaltic content of the petroleum was proved productivity [74]. Karen reported that 13
to be fruitful to consolidate the loose sand vertical wells and 7 horizontal wells were
formation in 1985 by Wiechel. He proposed a treated with high pH steam in the Wilmington
method which involves the injection of field, California from 1991 to 1996 and this
bituminous, asphaltic petroleum in to the method was very much economic [75]. To
desired porous medium followed by the better understand the process Moreno et al.
injection of a solvent (methyl chloroform) and conducted an experimental study using the
steam in to the asphalt saturated sand sample of (1) pure quartz; (2) pure fledspar;
formation to cause the precipitation and (3) 50:50 (by weight) mixture of these two.
solidification of it respectively to bind the sand They injected high-temperature (250–260°C)
grains strongly. Consolidated permeable mass solution of sodium carbonate (pH, 11–12)
resulted from this process was insensitive to [76]. They reported that both the zeolite and
thermal fluids and could be applicable with silica might be the cementing agents. Osman
thermal recovery. This method resulted in et al., utilized low-temperature oxidation
compressive strength greater than 500 psi. (LTO) of crude oil in the porous medium as a
Steam injection caused an increment in cost of sand consolidation technique [77]. It is
application of this method [46]. reported that light oil were more susceptible to
LTO than heavy oils [78]. LTO resulted in
An oil-insoluble rubber can be applied to form increase in viscosity of oil [79, 73] which
a flexible permeable barrier around the increases the asphaltenes and resins content in
wellbore which retrains the movement of the the oil [80].
sand particles. A water emulsion of nitrile or
carboxylated nitrile rubber which also contains The LTO reactions can produce a heavy coke
an ester (ethyl monochloroacetate or ethyl like material, which cements sand grains
acetate) and a dibasic acid such as together to increase compressive strength of
ethylenediamine was injected into the loose formations. Aggour et al., developed a
formations, the ester hydrolyzed, reducing the full scale physical model to test the durability
pH which destabilized the emulsion and of the consolidation [81]. They reported the
caused the nitrile rubber to coat the sand compressive strength between 1800 and
grains. The crosslinking of the rubber was 2300 psi with permeability retention up to
enhanced by ethylenediamine. This chemical 95% which was more than the prior technique
composition has been resulted in a flexible and involving in-situ high temperature oxidation of
permeable mass which can sustain mechanical the hydrocarbon. Blast furnace slag and steel
forces associated with workover and making slag were used as consolidating
completions [72–73]. A novel sand material along with calcium hydroxide and
consolidation technique using alkaline steam calcium carbonate as the chemical activators.
injection in Tarzone, Willmington field, The compressive strength was given by these
California is reported in a case study. They reactive components blast furnace slag and
JoPET (2015) 21-34 © STM Journals 2015. All Rights Reserved Page 28
Journal of Petroleum Engineering & Technology
Volume 5, Issue 2
ISSN: 2231-1785(online), ISSN: 2321-5178(print)
steel making slag were up to 108 and 158 psi change in saturation. This system would be
respectively after curing at 95°C for 24 h and well suited to fields with low reservoir
absolute permeabilities were 0.28 and 0.375 D pressure [84].
respectively. This method and composition for
sand consolidation was very economical Larsen provided a new method to prevent sand
because these two new components were very production from an unconsolidated sand
cheap and easily available [82]. formation, which involves a controlled in-situ
enzymatic precipitation of calcium carbonate
Espin introduced the application of scale on the surface of the sand grains and
nanoparticles in sand consolidation of loose forms bridges between them [85]. Thus,
formations [83]. Since very long time organic strengthen the sand formation. This method is
compounds or resins were being used as termed as the quasinatural consolidation
consolidating material with two-step or three- (QNC). QNC-solution contained Ca2+, urea
step operations which were very cumbersome and urease. Calcium carbonate precipitation
and difficult itself. This method was very was controlled by the urease concentration and
simple and easy to apply in the fields. This temperature. This method was applicable in
method comprised a step of providing a well the temperature range from 25 to 65°C. The
drilled to the loose formation to be treated and compressive strength obtained was 1532 psi
injection of a fluid suspension nanoparticles with the reduction in permeability about 25%
into that formation. This resulted in stable from the initial.
bridges between sand grains increasing its
strength so that it can bear the sufficient Sand agglomeration system (SAS) is a new
friction force. Young’s modulus of chemical method which alters the zeta
consolidated sand formation was greater than potential of any solid surfaces when they come
1.0×106 psi was reported and before it was in contact. When zeta potential of surface
0.4×106 psi. Water was used as curing agent. changes, the material attraction between them
To accelerate curing process pH of the system increases and agglomerates. It is found that
was altered to basic. SAS treatment provided a quick payout time;
so should be considered as a key alternative to
Several sand consolidation chemicals were conventional methods. It can be used in
evaluated for their ability to consolidate sand. existing mechanical sand control on wells
The evaluation was done by measuring sand which is under repair.
production and permeability before and after
treatment for each experiment. Different This chemical method of sand consolidation
groups of chemicals were tested: (a) (SAS) can be used in both lower and higher
Organosilanes, (b) Enzyme derived method permeability formations. SAS treatment does
based on precipitation of CaCO3. The best not cause formation damage. It reduces the
overall chemical was an organosilane. Design time for consolidating process [86]. Use of
of experiments was done in order to nanoparticles to control sand production and
investigate the influence of concentration of fine migration from loose formations was
the chemical, the temperature during shut-in investigated. Aluminum oxide (Al2O3),
and the shut-in time on sand production and Magnesium oxide (MgO), Zink oxide (ZnO),
permeability impairment. Iron oxide (Fe2O3), Hydrophobic silicon oxide
(SiO2(H)), Silane treated silicon oxide
The result showed that increasing (SiO2(S)), etc. were used.
concentration and shut-in temperature
decreased sand production and increased All experiments were conducted in both
pressure drop during sand production, whereas absence and presence of crude oil at
shut-in time had only a minor effect. It was atmospheric conditions. The results showed
reported that the treatment solution was oil that increase in nanoparticle concentration
soluble, it did not alter the relative tends to decrease fine migration. The results
permeability of the oil bearing zone, thus shows that the nanoparticles of Aluminum
reducing the risk of increased skin due to oxide, Zirconium oxide, Nickel oxide, Silane
JoPET (2015) 21-34 © STM Journals 2015. All Rights Reserved Page 29
Chemical Sand Consolidation Mishra and Ojha
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enhance the readability/easiness to make it Nigeria Annual International Conference
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conclude that a lot of work has been done on 2013. SPE 167516.
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been developed for better results. Ordinarily New Sand Control System. Fall Meeting
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