Sant Math Evaluation
Sant Math Evaluation
Sant Math Evaluation
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I Introduction
The path leading to the union of the soul with the Oversoul- Sat Purush/Sat Naam or al-Haqq is known as
Sant-Mat, Guru-Mat or Sufi-Mat of the Murshid-e-Kamils- perfect Masters. Sants and Kamil Murshids
developed their faith and teachings within the cultural ambit of Hinduism and Islam, both of which emphasize
the worship of Kaal Purush- Negative Power, largely through exoteric worship, rites and rituals etc. The faith
of Sants and Kamil Sufis went beyond this stage- to the worship of ‘Akaal Purush’- Positive Power and rose
to debunk both the Pandit and the Maulvi. Although non-believers in Karma-kaand or Shari’a- the exoteric
method of worship, they often tolerated these practices, while enjoining the esoteric method of worship
within the human body-temple. Popular Hindu and Islamic names of God, such as Ram and Allah were also
used by them, while clarifying that their ishta- diety was a higher one. Central to the path is the need for a
Sant-Satguru or Kamil-murshid and contact with 'Naam' or ‘Ism-e-A’zam’ through the practice of ‘Surat-
Shabd Yoga’ or ‘Sultan-ul-Azkaar’.
Sant-Mat, the pristine path of Spirituality, can be traced back to Kabir (the 2nd of the 16 sons of the Lord,
Gyan), who took birth by the names of Sat-Sukrit, Munindra and Karunamaya in the previous ages, and
indeed comes time and again. He appears to work closely with Nanak (possibly, Vivek, the 3rd son of the
Lord) to fulfil his mission to liberate beings from the clutches of the Negative Power- Mind and Matter and
take them back to the region of the pure Spirit, Sach Khand or Muqaam-e-Haqq.
Sant-Mat is where the real Sant is. Even when a Sant lineage comes to an end in a particular locale, lesser
masters or even mere priests take over the vacated 'throne'- thus, due to the 'factionalization' and
'institutionalization' over a period of time, scores of thrones such as Kabir-panth, Nanak-panth, Dadu-panth,
Sikh-panth, Radhasoami-panth etc. continue to the day in the name of bygone Sants. The real diamond,
thus, remains hidden somewhere amidst a heap of fakes. This is all in accordance with the celestial drama
in Kabir's 'Anurag Saagar', wherein Kaal clearly states his intention of creating clones of Sant-Mat to delude
the true seekers.
1. Suhrawardia: Ziauddin Abul Najeeb (d:1167) first came to Sindh from Baghdad, and, among others, 12/9/2007
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were: Hamidu’ddin Nagauri (d:1274), Sheikh Taqi of Jhusi (d:1384), Mohd. Shah ‘Alam Bukhari (d:1475),
Baha’u’ddin Zakariyya Multani (d:1262), Saiyyed Jalalu’ddin Kasi (d:1605), who spread its message to
Gujarat, Punjab, Bihar, Bengal and Deccan.
2. Chishtia: founded by Abou Abdulla Chishti in Iran is the best known Sufi order in India. It came through
Muinuddin Chishti of Ajmer (d:1236), to be followed by Khwaja Qutbu’ddin Bakhtiar ‘Kaki’ (d:1235), Sheikh
Faridu’ddin ‘Ganj-e-Shakar’ (d:1264), Nizamuddin Aulia (d: 1325), Amir Khusrau, Malik Mohd. Jayasi
(d:1541), Sheikh Salim Chishti (d:1572) who spread it in north, west and south of India.
3. Qaadiria: founded by Sheikh Abdu’l Qaadir Jilani (d:1166) in Baghdad, came to India through Saiyed
Mohd. Ghaus of Uch (d:1552), to be followed by others like Hazrat Miyan Mir (d:1634) who laid the
foundation-stone of the Golden Temple at Amritsar, Mullah Shah, Dara Shikoh (the elder brother of Emperor
Aurangzeb), Inayat Khan, Bullehshah (d:1768), Shah Jalal, Makhdum Shah, spreading it to Kashmir,
Punjab, Bihar and Bengal.
4. Naqshbandia: founded by Khwaja Wahauddin Naqshband of Turkey, came to India through Khwaja Baqi
Billah (d: 1603) and Sheikh Ahmed Farooq ‘Sirhindi’ (d:1624), and has been popular in Punjab and Kashmir.
They conducted their devotions in silence. However, their stature was not that of Kamils.
Suhrawardias live in extreme poverty, spending time in Zikr- remembrance. Chishtias are known to be fond
of ‘Chilla’ (solitary stay for 40 days) and Sama- dances with jingling anklets, reciting the Kalma loudly.
Qawwali, invented by Amir Khusrau, is a representation of the inner sound. Qaadirias do Zikr in both loud
and low voice. Naqshbandias recite the Kalma in a low voice, follow Shari’a and Habs-e-Dam- Prana Yoga.
Prominent among the celebrated Arabic Kamil Sufis were: Shamsu’ddin Tabrizi (d:1247), ‘Attar (d:1220),
Maulana Jalalu’ddin Rumi (d:1273), Sa’di (d:1293), Khwaja Hafiz Shirazi (d:1389) and Rabi'a al-Adaurya
'Basri' (d: 801). Hasan of Basra (d: 728), his disciple Wasil ibn Ata (d: 749), Ibrahim ibn Adham (d: 777),
Maaruf al-Khirki (d: 815), Abu Yasid al-Bistami (d: 815), Ahmad ibn Khabit (d: 820), Dhul Nun (d: 859), Abu
Yasid al Bistami (d: 815), Harith al-Muhasibi (d: 857), Mansur al-Hallaj (d: 992), Abu Sayid (d: 1049), al-
Ghazzali (d: 1111), Omar Khayyam (d: 1123), Sanai (d: 1131), Ibn Arabi (d: 1240), were some of the other
prominent Sufi mystics.
Many Indian Sufis, such as Amir Khusrau (d: 1325), Sultan Bahu (d:1691), Bullehshah (d: 1758), Waris
Shah (d: 1766), also wrote in Hindi, Punjabi and Sindhi. Amongst the more recent prominent Indian Sufis 12/9/2007
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are: Mir Taqi Mir (d: 1810), Khwaja Mir Dard (d: 1785), Shah Niyaz Ahmad (d: 1833), Khwaja Haidar Ali
Atish (d: 1846), Mirza Asad Ullah Khan Ghalib (d: 1869) and Muhammad Iqbal (d: 1938).
I The Sants
Sant-Mat has remained with us for aeons in the Hindustani plain of North and West of India. Amongst the
oldest mentioned Sants are Bhakt Jaidev (possibly of Bengal, who wrote 'Geet Govind' in the late 12th
Century) and Sant Veni, Sant Sadna of Sindh, a butcher by caste (early 14th Century), Namdev the calico
printer, who was one of the five great Sants of Maharashtra (others being Gyandev, Eknath, Samarth
Ramdas and Tukaram), who died in village Ghuman in Punjab (where Baba Jaimal Singh Ji was later born)
and Sant Trilochan.
Sant-Mat received its major boost with the coming of Kabir of Benaras, weaver by caste (d:1518), of the
Nirgun school, who is considered to be the ‘Father of Sant-Mat’. Other Sants who lived around Kabir’s age
are: Sain (barber), Ravidas (cobbler), Pipa and Dhanna. Meerabai (d:1545), Surdas (d:1562) and Tulsidas
(d:1623) are Sants who rose via the Sagun school of devotion. This was the age of the reformist Bhakti
movement. Among other panths or lineages of Sants were those of Dadu (d:1603) of Rajasthan including
Rajjab and Sundardas; Bawri (16th Cent.) including Beeru, Yaari, Bula, Gulal, Bhikha and Paltu; Malukdas
(d:1701) of Allahabad, Dariya (d:1780) of Bihar; Charandas (d:1782) of Delhi; Garibdas (d:1777) of Chudani
in Haryana.
While Dharamdas succeeded Kabir at Benaras, it was left to Nanak (d:1539) in Punjab (who is said, by
some, to have been initiated by Kabir alongside or inside a river in his Astral form) and the nine following
‘Sikh’ gurus. Gobind Singh is said to have died in 1708 at Nanded. He is said to have initiated one Ratnagar
Rao Peshwa, who in turn initiated one Amritrao or Shyamrao, also in the Peshwa family, who disappeared
from Pune after refusing the Peshwa crown and surfaced at Hathras in U.P. to be known as Tulsi Sahib
whose 'Ghat Ramayan' is well known. He was succeeded by Swami Ji Maharaj Shibdayal Singh of Agra,
during whose time Sant-Mat received a further boost. While Rai Shaligram, propounder of Radhasoami faith
succeeded him at Agra, the mantle was passed on to a soldier-disciple, Baba Jaimal Singh to propagate
Sant-Mat in Punjab. Swami Ji Maharaj and Baba Jaimal Singh of Beas were respectively in the mould of
Kabir and Nanak. 12/9/2007
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The 20th century witnessed 'Gracious Sants of the Century' who presented Sant-Mat as a science and
spread it across the globe, beginning with Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji (d:1948), Sant Kirpal Singh Ji
(d:1974), who set up 'Ruhani Satsang' at Delhi, bringing leaders of various religious faiths on a single
platform, opening up an inter-faith dialogue; and in the person of Sant Darshan Singh Ji (d:1989)- who
founded 'Sawan Kirpal Ruhani Mission', adopted the Sufi metaphor of the ‘Saqi’ (Divine Cupbearer) in his
Urdu poetry- in him the twin streams of perfect Masters- the Sufis and the Sants, appear to have merged,
proclaiming their unity. He coined terms such as ‘Positive and Negative Mysticism’ and ‘Soulergy’/’Innergy’,
and spoke of the ‘Challenge of the Inner Space’.
Currently the torch is being carried forth by the living Master, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, who with his
background as a Communications Engineer-Scientist presents Spirituality as Mother of all Science. He
speaks of the ‘Ecology of the Soul’. It is through his efforts, we are seeing the dawn of Sat Yuga- the
'Golden Age of Spirituality', bringing Love, Unity and Peace to human-kind across the globe.
That these Masters, who have been with us in recent times are Param-Sants- the very highest cosmic
beings is without doubt. Three of the recent Masters who have come in a single family are the 'divine Trinity',
who are known to come together. Only the Masters know their own true self, but we can surmise that Sant
Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj was an avataar of Kabir/ Paltu/Swami Ji and the living Master, Sant Rajinder
Singh Ji Maharaj is an avataar of Namdev/Nanak/Baba Jaimal Singh Ji (the ‘Janma Sakhi of Guru Nanak’
written by Bhai Bala also clearly mentions that Nanak’s prophesy that He Himself shall be reborn to bring
about the New Age). It is scarcely surprising that since the announcement of the dawn of the ‘Golden
Age’ (Sat yuga) in 1974 by Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj (in the presence of the then Prime Minister of India,
Mrs. Indira Gandhi)- perhaps the same as Tulsidas/Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, at Delhi, doors have been
opened to one and all for receiving the gift of 'Naam', with only conditions of ethical living and vegetarian,
non-intoxicating diet being imposed.
While feeding milk to deity of Vishnu, or "Vitthal" one day, he was upset at its
not accepting the drink and refused to budge until it actually did so. Skinning
the bark of tree for his mother's medicine one day, he was so pained at its
"bleeding" that he gave up the act. Meeting seers such as Gyandev, he
realised the need for a Guru. He found a leper lying at the Nagnath temple
with his feet upon the idol. At his protesting, the leper told him to put them
where the Lord did not exist. Touched deeply, he carried the leper outside,
only to find the radiant form of a handsome youth. Thus initiated by his Guru
Visoba Khechar, he gave up Karma-kaand (external observances). "Vitthal"
now became the name of the Supreme Lord to him. His lyrical
"Abhangs" (hymns in Marathi) are the oldest compositions of a Sant known to us. They denounce external
observances and are full of love for the Lord. He travelled with Gyandev to places such as Rajasthan.
He left his home at the age of 27, travelling for 25 years to Gujarat, MP, Rajasthan, UP, Bihar and Punjab.
He constructed the "Namiana" tank at Bhattiwal, Gurdaspur district and another at Ghuman, Batala district.
He passed away at Ghuman, where it is said the temple turned around for him. It was at this very place that
centuries later, another saint, Baba Jaimal Singh Ji was to be born. 12/9/2007
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He is the first Perfect Master to have revealed the secrets of the entire creation to world at large (see his two
verses, both entitled: "Kar Nainon Deedar"). He met with opposition from Pandits and Maulvis alike. Sultan
Sikandar Lodi attempted to punish him by various means such as by drowning, by fire and by mauling under
an elephant's feet. His verses, though encompassing the highest secrets of Sant-Mat, clearly remain close
to the common man's heart even today. He often uses strong language to denounce the prevalent ritualism.
Of his works are 'Bijak', 'Granthavali', 'Shabdavali' and 'Anurag Saagar'. The King of Benaras was among his
disciples. He had a galaxy of renowned disciples such as: Dharamdas Ji, Mir Taqi, Ganaka Ji, Pipa Ji,
Dhanna Ji, Sadana Ji etc.
Towards the last part of his life, he settled at Kartarpur, which he founded on banks of river Ravi. During the 12/9/2007
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last years he witnessed the brutal sacking of Saiyidpur by Emperor Babar. Upon his death, his body was
also claimed by both Hindus and Muslims. Monuments raised at the spot were swept away by the river. It
was here the city of Dera Baba Nanak came to be built.
He was born "Lehna" at Matte ki Sarai, district Ferozepur to Pheru and Mata Daya. He married Bibi Khivi
and had a daughter, Amro and 2 sons, Datu and Dasu. He was initially a devotee of Shakti and used to go
on annual pilgrimage to Jwalamukhi. He came across one Jodha, a devotee of Guru Nanak in his village,
Khadur and during one such pilgrimage, after hearing 'Asa di Var', he visited Guru Nanak at Kartarpur and
remained on at his feet for ever. He served his Guru with great devotion and passing the difficult test of
implicit obeyance to construct a broken wall during rain and eating of a corpse (which turned into a sweet-
dish!), he was chosen his successor. He was very fond of children and considered them worthy of
He would take care of the sick and lepers. The institution of Langar was greatly expanded by him. A few of
his verses are included in 'Granth Sahib'. Emperor Humayun, having been defeated by Shershah, visited
him. Angered at having to wait, he wished to kill the Guru, but his sword would not come out of his scabbard,
but was forgiven and given the boon of victory. Guru Angad devised the Gurmukhi script and had Guru
Nanak Ji's biography written by Bhai Bala, who was associated with him since childhood and accompanied
him on his journeys along with Bhai Mardana, a Muslim Rabbab-player. He passed away after handing over
successorship to Amar Das, after duly testing him.
Born to Tejbhan Bhalla and Mata Lakshmi at Basarke. He married Bibi Mansa Devi and had 2 sons, Mohan
and Mohri and 2 daughters, Dani and Bhani by her. He lived a simple life as farmer and trader.
He went to the river Ganga on pilgrimage each year and worshipped in the Vaishnav tradition, but was
always on lookout for a perfect Guru. One day, he was deeply touched by Guru Angad's daughter singing
Gurbani and thus came to find his Guru's feet. He would serve his Guru- filling water, collecting firewood and
cleaning utensils, despite his age of 73 years. He would travel to Goindwal, which was founded under his
direction, without showing his back towards Khadur. He fell into a weaver's pit during heavy rains while filling
his Guru's pot at river Beas, but was found reciting 'Jap Ji' when extricated. His Guru embraced him and
pronounced him 'Saviour of the downtrodden'. When kicked by Datu, Guru Angad's son, he begged to be
forgiven for his old bones hurting his feet. His Langar- free kitchen, famous for serving all, had Emperor
Akbar for a visitor. His wife one day pointed to a handsome youth, "Jetha" selling gram, saying she desired a
son-in-law like him. That youth came to marry his daughter and to become his successor, Guru Ramdas.
He constructed the pond "Santokh Sar" at Goindwal and laid foundation of the pond at Amritsar. He set up
22 religious centres across India. At Emperor Akbar's bidding, he visited Hardwar on a pilgrimage to mollify
the Hindus who charged him of defiling their faith. His verses are included in the 'Granth Sahib'. 'Anand' is
his best known work, which is sung during festivals.
Born "Jetha" at Lahore to Haridas Sodhi and Mata Daya, he married Bibi Bhani, daughter of Guru Amar Das
Ji and had 3 sons, Prithichand, Mahadev and Arjan Dev. His Guru, pleased with him for passing tests such
as repeated construction of a portico and with Bibi Bhani for supporting his 3-legged cot while he meditated
upon it, gave them boon that Gurudom would remain for generations in their family, but would be full of 12/9/2007
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He was destituted at an early age and had to struggle hard for his living and traded in boiled gram. He was
known to be truthful and gentle from his very childhood and was a model of humility and served the needy
with all his heart. He did great physical sewa during the construction of the tank at Goindwal. He created the
holy city Amritsar and its holy pond. Thereafter he busied himself in his mission's. He appointed "Mansads"
for spreading the faith and his fame spread far and wide and many holy men came to his feet. Srichand,
Guru Nanak's son, who founded the 'Udasi' faith, visited him and asked the reason for his long beard and
was greatly pleased when he replied that it was for wiping his feet. His bani compiled in the 'Holy Granth' is
full of love and devotion to the Guru. He found his son, Arjan most obedient of his sons as he readily agreed
to go to a wedding at his bidding. His two jealous elder sons tried to do away with Arjan's letters seeking to
return, but were exposed. He passed away after handing over his mantle to Arjan Dev Ji.
Arjan Dev was born at Goindwal to Guru Ramdas Ji and Mata Bhani
(daughter of Guru Amar Das Ji). He married Bibi Ganga and had a son, Har-
gobind in 1652. He passed away at Lahore on the banks of river Ravi. He
was the first Guru to succeed his father, after proving himself worthy. He
constructed many lakes, founded many cities and organised the mission
very efficiently. He also collated the Banis- verses of the previous perfect
Masters with great effort and published 'Granth Sahib', that includes his own
verses. 'Sukhmani' is the best known of his writings, others being 'Bawan
Akhari' and 'Barahmasa'.
He was accused at the court of Emperor Jahangir of being critical of both Hinduism and Islam and of
befriending his younger son, Khusrau, considered a traitor. He was fined Rs. 2,00,000, which he refused to
pay. He was then punished by Chandushah by being seated on a pan over burning fire, with burning hot
sand poured over him upto his neck. He suffered in silence in obedience to the Will of the Lord. On the fifth
day, he passed away after appointing Har0gobind Ji as his successor.
Born with the blessings of Baba Budha (the 'elderly one') to Guru Arjan Dev and Mata Ganga at Badali, who
foretold of his crushing his enemies. He had son Guruditta and Ani Rai by wife, Bibi Damodari, Atal Rai and
Tegh Bahadur by Bibi Marwahi and Surya Mall by Bibi Mahadevi.
He survived several attempts on his life by his father's enemies such as Prithia. The 6th Sikh Guru on were
forced to involve themselves in politics due to the misdeeds of the Emperor towards the 5th Guru. At his
coronation, Guru Har-gobind took to warrior's clothes and sought weapons as gifts. He started carrying two
swords- one for Piri- spiritual needs and other for Miri- worldly needs.
He appointed 52 bodyguards who laid foundation of the Sikh army. He was taken captive by Emperor
Jahangir while hunting as his guest, thanks to machinations of Chandushah, his father's arch-enemy and
held at Gwalior fort. He was released along with several kings due to efforts of one, Wazir Khan.
Chandushah was disgraced eventually for not handing over Guru Arjan's garland to the emperor. He built
"Akal Takht" near Golden Temple at Amritsar, where weapons were stored. He also built the Kaulsar pond 12/9/2007
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at Amritsar with the money bequeathed by Bibi Kaulan, who came to him at behest of Sufi Miyan Mir.
Empress Noorjahan also came for his darshan. When the Sikhs captured Emperor Shahjahan's pet vulture
for attacking another bird, a battle broke out between the Sikh and Mughal armies, which the Sikhs won.
Two other battles followed. He thus brought Sikhs great glory. He had his son, Har-rai coronated by Bhai
Bhanna, son of Bhai Budha and passed away at Patalpuri.
Second son of Guruditta, elder son of Guru Har-gobind and Mata Nihal. He sent special medicines at the
bidding of Sufi Miyan Mir to treat Dara Shikoh, Emperor Shahjahan's elder son. Dara went to meet him at
Kiratpur, but eventually met him on the banks of river Beas. He sent his elder son, Ramrai to Emperor
Aurangzeb's court to answer charges that he was campaigning against Islam and was befriending Dara
Shikoh. However, Ram-rai's suggestion that a certain shlok in the 'Aadi Granth' needed correction did not
please him and he was not given successorship. Instead, it was given to his younger son, Har-krishan.
Born to Guru Har-rai and Mata Krishan Kunwar, he ascended the throne when only 5 years, 3 months old.
His elder brother Ram-rai, who was away to Delhi at that time, became bitter. The emperor sent Raja
Jaisingh of Amber to invite the Guru to his court, but he first refused stating it was against the ideals of his
predecessors. However, he later relented and headed toward Delhi.
On the fourth day of journey, he was stricken with chicken-pox. He passed away at Bala Sahib after
appointing one, Baba Bakle as his successor.
He was youngest son of Guru Har-gobind Ji and Mata Nanki. He went to live in Bakla after death of Guru
Hargobind Ji. Upon Guru Harkrishan's death, one, Makkhan Shah who wished to offer 500 sovereigns to the
Guru. After testing the 22 Sodhi families of Bakla, found Tegh Bahadur Ji most suitable. He married Bibi
Gujri of Kartarpur and a son, Gobind Singh was born to them at Patna.
He left Kiratpur on account of the harassment of his brother Dhirmal, Ramrai and other Sodhis and founded
the city of Anandpur and began his mission there. Later he also travelled to Malwa, Agra, Allahabad,
Benaras, Gaya and Patna. He met Sant Malukdas at Manikpur. He first agreed to join Ram Singh, son of Jai
Singh of Jaipur to fight against Aurangzeb, but made a treaty with him at behest of King of Kamrup.
Aurangzeb began converting Brahmins of Kashmir to Islam and they came to him for succour. He said this
was possible only if a great personage sacrificed his life. His son, Gobind suggested that the Guru himself
would be most appropriate for sacrifice. The brahmins agreed to conversion if the Guru himself converted.
He was captured and accused of looking at the Begums in "Purdah". He was put in an iron cage, tortured
and beheaded. Some of his followers managed to hide his body in a house, which caught fire, burning his
body. His bani, incorporated in the 'Granth Sahib' is replete with the spirit of renunciation and sacrifice. He is
remembered for his bravery, despite his humble nature.
He passed away at Delhi after sacrificing his head at the spot where Gurdwara Sisganj is situated. 12/9/2007
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Gobind Singh was born "Gobind Rai" to Guru Tegh Bahadur at Patna. He had son, Ajit by wife Bibi Sundari.
Sons, Zorawar, Jujhar and Fateh Singh were born by his second wife, Bibi Jita. From childhood, he was
fond of exercising and sports. He began organizing Sikhs into an army to avenge his father's death. He
construted a fort at Ponta. He fought with both the hill kings and the Mughals. His 2 sons were killed in
attack on Anandpur and 2 other interred into a wall for refusing to convert to Islam. At Kishangarh, he asked
for sacrifice of 5 heads and pretended to behead those who offered them. With these initiates, he founded
the institution of Khalsa- Pure Ones. He ordained them to wear the Katar- dagger, Kangha- comb, Kachh-
underwear, Kesh- hair and Kada- bracelet and gave them slogans "Waheguru Ji ka Khalsa" and "Waheguru
Ji ki Fateh". 'Zafarnama' in Farsi was written by him to Aurangzeb during his escape from Anandpur.
Besides a collection, 'Dasam Granth', he also had several translations of Ramayan, Mahabharat etc. done to
Sanskrit. Bhai Kanhaiya was his disciple, who would feed water during battles to friend and foes alike.
Banda Bahadur was a Sadhu, who avenged the Guru after his death.
He went to Nanded in Maharashtra, where a Pathan attacked him with a dagger while sleeping. His wound
burst one day and he is said to have disappeared after exhorting Sikhs to live by commandments of 'Holy
Granth'. He left his holy Light with Sant Ratnagar Rao in the family of the Peshwas- rulers of Pune.
Born to Peshwa Baji Rao-I's daughter, Amrit Rao alias Shyam Rao showed
early disinterest in worldly life and was inclined to devotion. Married early to
Laxmibai, he had a son. In 1804, his father by adoption Raghunath Rao,
wished him coronated. But the night prior to coronation, he disappeared atop
a white charger amidst thunder and lightening. In his lieu, his brother Baji
Rao-II was coronated. After several years of wandering, he emerged at
Hathras in U.P. to be known as Tulsi Sahib or "Dakkhini Baba"- Saint from
South. He was initiated by Sant Ratnagar Rao Ji, in the Peshwa family and
spent several years in meditation. His dialogues with Sheikh Taqi, Sadhu
Managiri, Kabir-panthis- Phooldas and Revtidas, Nanak-panthi Palakram,
Priyelal Gosain who came to his feet have been recorded. He travelled to
various nearby states as well. His books include 'Shabdavali', 'Ratna-
Saagar', 'Ghat (Nirgun) Ramayan' and 'Padma-Saagar'. He revealed of his
previous birth as Tulsidas of Benaras, who wrote the Sagun Ramayan-
Visiting the family of Dilwali Singh Seth at Agra, he accidentally stepped over expensive linen laid out to dry.
But seeing his mother's humility, who thanked him instead, asked her for a boon. She begged him to grant it
to her daughter-in-law, who wished for a son. He blessed her saying her son would be no ordinary mortal
and in 1818, Swami Ji was born to her.
In his last years, his body below waist remained numb due to withdrawal of the Spirit. When Swami Ji learnt
of his departing, he ran barefoot towards Hathras. Sahib Ji left his body after gazing deeply into Swami Ji's
Swami Ji was born at Agra in August, 1818 to Lala Dilwali Singh Seth and
Mahamaya, a Nanak-panthi Sehejdhari Khatri devoted to Sikh scriptures,
who was a satsangi of Tulsi Sahib of Hathras, who initiated Swamiji at an
early age and gave him his spiritual mantle before passing away in 1843.
Began mastering Hindi, Gurmukhi, Farsi, Sanskrit and Arabic at age of 5 and
served briefly as teacher at Banda and Ballabhgarh and briefly practiced
money-lending. 12/9/2007
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He married Narain Devi (Radha Ji), daughter of Lala Izzat Rai of Faridabad. She served him and the visitors
with great devotion and love until her death in 1894. At the age of six, he began spiritual practices in a small
closet that lasted 15 years and giving discourses to visiting sadhus and faqirs, initially at the Gurudwara at
Mai Than and then at his residence. Despite his frugal diet, he would meditate for days on and give Satsang
for 8-10 hrs. In 1861, the Satsang was thrown open to public at large, reviving traditions of Kabir and Nanak.
After 17.1/2 years, his Satsang shifted to Soami Bagh outside the city and was attended by thousands of
householders and sadhus, men and women, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Jains and Christians. Of them, Baba
Jaimal Singh, Rai Shaligram, Pratap Singh, Shibbo Ji and Bukki Ji were prominent.
Before passing away on 15th June, 1878 he explained that his faith was that of Anami. He had also foretold
of a phenomenal growth of the faith and a great awakening for human-kind in the years to come. The advent
of Swami Ji marked a major milestone of revitalization in the history of Sant-Mat.
Born in 1838 in village Ghuman of Gurdaspur, Punjab, where Sant Namdev had died, to Bhai Jodh Singh, a
Sikh cultivator and Bibi Daya Kaur, whose prayer for a godly son was answered by Namdev Ji in her dream.
Began mastering Sikh scriptures from age of 5 under Bhai Khem Das, who gave him Sohang Japa. He
learnt Pranayam and Ghor Anhad from Yogis and Sadhus and mastered Hindu texts. But yearning for secret
of 'Naam' and 'Panch Shabd', he visited numerous Sikh holy places. A Sikh initiated him into the first two
Shabdas. At Peshawar, a mastana Sikh suggested his going eastwards. Returned home, only to leave again
at 16. He met Baba Kahan of Vairach, who said he was collecting bricks for his future dwelling. He also met
a Sadhu doing penance in thick jungle near Haridwar who told him of his Guru at Agra. Reaching Agra, he
overheard someone discussing a 'Swami Ji'. Reaching the feet of Swami Ji, his doubts were set to rest
when put to meditation, though initially uneasy at his Guru not being a Sikh. In 1856,joined a regiment of
sepoys passing thru Agra, later 24th Sikh regiment and travelled with it. During Anglo-Afghan war of 1879,
he would meditate in a pit, but enemy soldiers seeing his radiance, would not harm him.
Returning to Agra, Swami Ji gave him authority to initiate and to take, what was originally the wealth of Sikh
Gurus of Punjab, back to it. He retired in 1889 and returned to Agra in 1890, after Swami Ji's death. Later,
he settled at Beas. Many, including Muslims, flocked to him. He passed away on 29th December, 1903. 12/9/2007
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Dr. Brock, Dr. Johnson, Dr. Schmidt, Mr. Myers and Col.
Saunders were some of the notables who flocked to him. True to his name, Sawan- The Season of Rain, he
showered his Master's wealth freely.
He had 'Gurmat-Siddhant' written under his specific instructions by Sant Kirpal Singh Ji to distil knowledge of
God. He entrusted task of 'Naam' initiation to Sant Kirpal Singh Ji in late 1947 and approved his proposal for
setting up 'Ruhani Satsang' for spiritual uplift of mankind. He transferred his spiritual wealth to Sant Kirpal
Singh Ji, telling him that people would flock to him and passed away on 2nd April, 1948 after initiating
1,25,375 souls.
He wrote 12 books and many booklets on comparative religion and spirituality. He was honoured by Pope
with the 'Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta'. He visited Ardha-kumbha mela at Haridwar and
gave Satsangs. He set up 'Manav Kendras' at Dehradun and Kandhari.
He addressed Indian Parliament and announced dawn of 'Sat yuga' in 1974. He passed away on 21st
August, 1974 after handing over his spiritual mantle to Sant Darshan Singh Ji two days earlier. 12/9/2007
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He helped Sant Kirpal Singh Ji in his mission as member of the Managing Committee. He served in
Executive Committee of the 'World Fellowship of Religions' and as Secretary, 'First Unity of Man
Conference'. He began his spiritual ministry in 1974 on Sant Kirpal Singh Ji's demise and established
'Sawan Kirpal Ruhani Mission' in 1976. 'Kirpal Ashram' was founded by him in 1977. He was elected
President, '6th Conference of World Religions' and presided over sessions of '15th Human Unity
He broadcast poetry on radio in 1938 and published Sufi Urdu mystic poetry, 'Talash-e-Noor', 'Manzil-e-
Noor', 'Mataa-e-Noor' and 'Jadaa-e-Noor', for which he was proclaimed the greatest Mystic poet of our
times; English poetry, 'Cry of the Soul', 'A Tear and A Star'; prose, 'Secret of Secrets', 'Spiritual Awakening',
'The Challenge of Inner Space', 'Soulergy', 'Ambassadors of Peace' etc. He received literary awards of Urdu
Academies of Delhi, UP and Punjab states. He undertook World Tours in 1978, 1983, 1986 and 1988 and
prayed at the UN for World Peace. He received Medals of UNO and of Congress of Colombia, Tributes of
US House of Representatives and Michigan Legislature, Honours/Keys to Cities of Detroit, St. Petersberg
and Cali. He served the victims of Mexico City earthquake, Colombia volcanic eruption and Ethiopia famine.
Sants (Perfect Masters), the embodiment of Lord, are known to speak the 'Language of the Day'. It is no
surprise hence that He should come in times when Science and Spirituality are to meet, in the guise of a
Technologist. A Communications expert, he draws neat parallels of Spirituality with it- both aim at conquest
of of Space and Time and to bring humanity together. An embodiment of 'Positive Mysticism', he echoes
modern concerns in the 'Ecology of the Soul'. 12/9/2007
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He has been touring countries in North and South Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Australia
and Oceania, and all over India.
He has been internationally recognized for his work toward inner and outer peace through spirituality. His
training in both mysticism and science has helped him express the age-old mystical teachings in clear,
logical language. His message of unity, peace, and love for all humanity has been acclaimed by enlightened
leaders everywhere. Recognizing the transcendent oneness at the heart of all religions, he emphasizes
prayer and meditation as the true building blocks for achieving peace.
Sant Rajinder Singh Ji's talks have been broadcast internationally on radio and television. His publications
include books in English and Hindi and hundreds of articles on spiritual topics. Among his books in English
are: 'Ecology of the Soul and Positive Mysticism', 'Education for a Peaceful World', 'Empowering Your Soul
Through Meditation', 'Inner and Outer Peace Through Meditation' and 'Vision of the New Millennium'.
Some of the awards and honours received by him are: · 'Banner of Peace', Mexico City, Mexico on 14th
July, 1990- an honour given earlier to Presidents Gorbachev of USSR and Oscar Arias of Costa Rica and
the Dalai Lama. · 'Medal and Plaque of Cali', bestowed by the President of the City council of Cali, Colombia
on 21st June, 1990. · 'Medal of Cultural Merit' from National Minister of Education, in Bogota, Colombia on
28th June, 1990. · 'Special Tribute' from Michigan State Legislature · Spark M. Matsunaga Peace
Foundation on 5th April, 1992. · 'Golden Cross of the Order of Santiago de Cali' on 21 May, 1992. · Plaque
from Fe-Code (National Federation of Educators of Colombia) presented in Bogota, Colombia on 17
December, 1992. · 'Peace Award': Interfaith Center of New York and the Temple of Understanding- a United
Nations NGO on 5th June, 1997. · 'Simon Bolivar Award' for his service in the field of Science, Education
and Culture presented by Ministry of Education of Colombia, in Bogota on 18 December, 1992. · 'Key to the
City of Medellin' (Colombia) on 21 December, 1992. · 'Golden Key of the City of Palmira' presented by the
Mayor on 23 December, 1992. · 'Guest of Honor of City Council of Popayan' - 25 December, 1992. ·
'Sabastian de Belalenzar Award' presented by Mayor of Cali on 26 December, 1992. · 'International
Distinguished Leadership Award' from the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, on 7th November, 1998. ·
'Guest of Honor' of the City by the Mayor-in-charge, Dr. Oscar Guzaman of Palmir, Cali, Colombia on 27th
November, 1998. · "Doctor Honoris Causa" from Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, Peru for his efforts
in the field of education and peace and honorary doctorate from Universidad Federico Villarreal, Peru for his
efforts in bridging science and spirituality and facilitating human unity through communication. · Declared
Honorary Citizen by the government of Loreto, Peru and awarded with the "Key to the City of Iquitos, Peru"
in 2004.
Note: for an alternative view of Radhasoami History, see Some Futher Details on Sant Mat, and
Surat Shabd Yoga
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text content by a student of Sant Mat (Sawan-Kirpal tradition - see also Science of Spirituality website).
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