Bank Nifty

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What Influences ROA of the Bank Nifty?

Rajveer S. Rawlin,
Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore, India.

Ramaswamy Shanmugam,
PSG Institute of Management, PSG College of Technology, Peelamedu,

Poojtha Elango,
Ramaiah Institute of Management, Bangalore, India

Abstract: Indian banking stocks have been rising off of late. This is despite
lingering asset quality issues that have plagued the banking sector over the past
five years following a sluggish economy and a weakening Rupee. The bank nifty
index is a key index comprising of the largest bank stocks in India. It would prove
useful to understand the key drivers of profitability of the components of this index
which would throw light on the profitability of the banking sector at large. This
paper studied the influence of key internal determinants on the profitability of
bank nifty components over a ten-year period form 2009-2018. The profitability
measure chosen was the Return on Assets. The internal determinants chosen for
the study comprised of the logarithm of bank size as measured by stock market
capitalization,a key lending measure the deposit/credit ratio, income measures
that include interest income/average working funds and non-interest income/
average working funds, a key productivity measure in business per employee,
a key asset quality measure the %Net NPA and a measure of capital adequacy
the capital adequacy ratio.Asset quality, capital adequacy, income measures
and bank size proved to be the important drivers of profitability of bank nifty
components. Stakeholders of banks should focus on these determinants as they
seek to understand the rapidly evolving Indian banking landscape.
Keywords: Bank Profitability, Determinants, Indian Banking Sector, Market
capitalization, NPA, Capital Adequacy
Banking stocks have been correcting off late. This is despite severely
deterioratingasset quality in the Indian banking landscape. The deteriorating asset
quality coupled with the implementation of Basel III norms by the Reserve Bank
of India (RBI) has continued to keep bank margins under pressure. Given that the
banking sector often serves as the back bone of the economy it would be useful to
ascertain the

Great Lakes Herald 25 September 2019, Vol 13, Issue No.2

drivers of profitability of this sector. This paper looks at the drivers of profitability
of the bank nifty index which consists of India’s largest public and private sector
There are several factors that impact the profitability of banks (Sufian and
Habibullah, (2010); Dietrich and Wanzenried, (2011)). These factors can be
broadly classified as either internal determinants that originate within the
firm such as bank size, capital, risk management, expenses management, and
diversification (Molyneux and Thornton, (1992); Goddard et al., (2004); Bodla
and Verma, (2006)) or external determinants that are outside the firm like market
concentration, industry size and ownership, inflation, interest rates, money supply
and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Athanasoglou et al., (2008); Chirwa, (2003)).
In the current study we focus primarily on the relationship of a selected group
of internal determinants with the profitability of India’s largest listed banks that
constitute the bank nifty index. The profitability measured by the return of assets
(ROA). The internal factors chosen include key bank metrics, income measures,
and productivity measures, measures of capital adequacy, asset quality and lending
efficiency.The study covered the ten-year period from the financial years ending
March 2009 to March 2018.
Literature Review:
Sufian, (2009) examined the determinants of Malaysian domestic and foreign
commercial bank profitability during the period 2000-2004. The independent
bank specific variables used in the study were total loans divided by total assets,
logarithm of total assets, loans loss pro- visions divided by total loans, non- interest
income divided by total assets, total overhead expenses divided by total assets, and
book value of stock- holder’s equity. The profitability measure ROA served as the
dependent variable.
It was found that Malaysian banks with higher credit risk and loan concentration
exhibit lower profitability levels. Additionally, banks that have a higher level of
capitalization, higher proportion of income from noninterest sources, and high
operational expenses proved to be relatively more profitable.
Godard et al., (2004) studied a sample of 583 commercial, savings, and co-operative
banks from five major European Union countries during the mid-1990s. Here the
vector auto regression (VAR) model was used to study the relationship between
the return on equity, logarithmic size and logarithmic growth of the banks. They
found that banks that maintain a high capital-assets ratio grew at a modest rate,
with their growth found to be linked to macroeconomic conditions. They also
found a positive relationship between concentration and bank profitability.

Great Lakes Herald 26 September 2019, Vol 13, Issue No.2

Chronopoulos et al., (2013)studied a sample of US banks from 1984 to 2010.
Here bank profitability as determined by the Return on Assets (ROA) is modeled
as a function of regulatory factors, industry and economy wide factors and bank
specific factors. They found size, diversification, liquidity, credit risk and asset
growth significantly influenced bank profitability. Profits are found to be cyclical
in nature, tending to increase during phases of economic growth and falling during
periods of slow growth. The great recession of 2008 was found to increase the
persistence of bank profitability following regulations directed at stabilizing the
banking system.
Zarrouk et al., (2016) compared Islamic banking to conventional banking in the
Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. A sample of 51 Islamic banks was
chosen for the study covering a period from 1994 to 2012. Here ROA, ROE and
net profit margin served as the dependent variables. The independent variables
chosen include bank specific variables such as the loans to total assets, loan loss
provision to net interest revenue, loan-loss- reserves-to-gross-loans, tier 1 capital
ratio, asset utilization and income expense ratio, equity to total assets, equity to
debt ratio, cost to income ratio, book value per share, earnings per share and the
total liabilities to total assets ratio.
Other independent variables chosen were macro-economic variables such as the
GDP per capita and investment and the annual inflation rate. The study found that
Islamic bank profitability is positively affected by banks’ cost-effectiveness, asset
quality and level of capitalization. The inflation rate negatively impacted Islamic
bank profitability. Overall the profitability determinants did not differ significantly
for Islamic and conventional banks.
Growe et al., (2014) studied the profitability and performance measurement of
U.S. regional banks during the period from 1994 to 2011. They found that the
efficiency ratio and provisions for credit losses negatively impact profitability
while equity scaled by assets positively impacts profitability. Additionally, the level
of nonperforming assets negatively influences profitability while macroeconomic
variables did not influence profitability.
Massod and Ashraf, (2012) looked at the effect of bank specific variables such
as asset size, capital adequacy, asset quality, liquidity, operating efficiency and
financial risk and macroeconomic determinants such as the annual real gross
domestic growth rate and the annual inflation rate on profitability as measured
by the return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE) of banks in 12 Islamic
countries with a fixed effects panel data model.

Great Lakes Herald 27 September 2019, Vol 13, Issue No.2

Their study found that banks with larger asset sizeswere highly profitable. Capital
adequacy and the loans to assets also positively influenced profitability. Gearing
was positively correlated to ROA but negatively correlated to ROE suggesting
that financial risk at Islamic banks influenced ROA positively but impacted ROE
Liu and Wilson, (2010) examined the role of key determinants on the profitability of
Japanese banks over the period 2000 to 2007. The measures of profitability chosen
were: ROA, ROE and net interest margin (NIM). The independent variables that
were chosen included bank specific and macroeconomic determinants.
The bank specific determinants chosen were: noninterest income to total operating
income ratio, the loans to assets ratio, the capital to assets ratio, the cost to income
ratio, the ratio of impaired loan to gross loans granted and market share. The
macro economic variables chosen were the sum of the squares of each bank’s
market shares, the real GDP growth of Japan and the stock market capitalization
relative to GDP.
Their study found that well capitalized, efficient banks, with lower credit risks
tended to outperform their less capitalized, less efficient counterparts having
higher credit risks. Additionally, concentration, Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
growth and the extent of stock market development played an important role in
determining the profitability of Japanese banks.
Tan and Floros, (2012) examined the determinants of profitability of Chinese
banks. Over 100 Chinese banks were studied from 2003 to 2009. The measures of
profitability used as dependent variables were: the return on assets and net interest
margin. The independent variables included bank specific, industry specific and
macroeconomic variables.
Bank specific variables chosen were: the log of total assets,loan loss provisions to
total loans, loans to assets,tax to operating profit before tax, shareholder’s equity
to total assets, overhead expenses to total assets,noninterest income to gross
revenues and gross revenue to number of employees. Industry specific variables
included bank assets to assets of banking industry,bank assets to GDP and market
capitalization of listed companies to GDP. The annual inflation rate was the
macroeconomic variable chosen.
Their study found a positive relationship between bank profitability and cost
efficiency, banking sector development, stock market development and inflation
in China. The authors suggested that low profitability can be explained by higher
volumes of non-traditional activity and higher taxation. The authors further
suggested that Chinese banks must increase their productivity to boost their
profitability. They also suggested that the government should gradually continue

Great Lakes Herald 28 September 2019, Vol 13, Issue No.2

to open up the banking sector, as the development of the financial sector would
help in increasing bank profits.
Research Methodology:
This study used historical data of India’s largest public and private sector banks that
constitute the bank nifty index to study the relationship between key determinants
of profitability and important profitability measures. The sample consists of 4
Public sector banks and 7 private sector banks which are constituents of the bank
nifty index, that have been listed for a period of at least 5 years. These were studied
over a 10 period between the financial years ending March 2009 and March 2018.
The following variables have been considered for the study:
Independent Variables:
Key Stock Markets Metrics:
- The logarithm of Bank size (S) as measured by stock market capitalization
Key lending measure:
- The credit deposit ratio (CDR).
Income Measures:
- Interest income to average working funds (IIAWF)
- Noninterest income/average working funds (NIIAWF)
Productivity measure:
- Business per employee (BPE).
Measure of Capital Adequacy:
- The capital adequacy ratio (CAR).
Measure of Asset Quality:
–The logarithm of the percentage net non-performing assets (NNPA).
Dependent Variable:
Bank Profitability as measured by the Return on Assets (ROA)
The study was conducted with annual data for the ten-year period spanning from
the financial years ending March 2009 to March 2018.Historical data on all of the
above were obtained from the Capitaline financial database and the Reserve Bank
of India data base on the Indian economy. The relationship between the variables
was analyzed with the GRETL econometrics package.Descriptive statistics that
includes mean, median and standard deviation was performed on all variables. Q-Q
plots and normality tests were used to ascertain normality of the data. Variables

Great Lakes Herald 29 September 2019, Vol 13, Issue No.2

that did not fit a normal distribution were normalized by taking their logarithms.
Correlation analysis wasused to study the relationship between the respective
variables. P-values were used to assess the statistical significance of the correlations
observed at 95% confidence intervals. Then quantile regression analysis was used
to study the impact of all the independent variables taken individually and together
on the profitabilityas measured by ROA of the respective banks.
The Breusch Pagan test was used to detect heteroscedasticity in the data. Given
the presence of heteroscedasticity a robust estimation was performed using the
quantile regression technique to estimate the relationship between the variables.
The Akaike Criterion (AIC) was used to validate the model fit. Variance Inflation
Factor (VIF) was used to detect multi-collinearity in the data. The normality of the
residuals was also checked.
This research study attempted to examine the determinants of ROA of India’s
listed public and private sector banks that constitute the bank nifty index. Some
key metrics of these banks are listed below (Table 1).
Table 1: Bank Nifty Components
Market Net Interest
Bank Net Profit Total Assets
Capitalization Income
HDFC Bank 654,208 21,078 98,972 1,244,541
State Bank of India 324,499 862 242,869 3,680,914
Kotak Mahindra
283,296 4,865 23,943 312,172
ICICI Bank 275,571 3,363 63,401 879189
Axis Bank 197,990 4,677 54,986 800,997
Induslnd Bank 91,049 3,301 22,261 221,626
Yes Bank 21,844 1,720 29,625 312446
Bank of Baroda 48,450 434 49,974 780,987
Punjab National
34,715 -9,976 51,310 774,950
Federal Bank 21,101 1,244 11,419 159,340
Canara Bank 21,422 347 46,810 694,767
Source:, As on: 13.07.2019, Values in 10Million Rupees.

Great Lakes Herald 30 September 2019, Vol 13, Issue No.2

Descriptive statistics of the variables is summarized below. Normality tests
were conducted to determine if the variables fit normal distributions. Variables
that didn’t fit normal distributions were normalized by taking their respective
logarithms (Table 2).
Table 2: Summary Statistics of Variables

Variable Mean Median Standard

Return on Assets 1.1865 1.3500 0.6879
Log (Bank Size) 10.593 10.527 1.2061
Capital Adequacy 15.17 15.22 2.3889
Business per Employee 11.283 10.765 3.9780
Credit Deposit Ratio 80.654 77.665 9.9141
Log (Percentage Net -0.1574 -0.1230 1.2579
Interest Income to 8.5485 8.7200 1.1950
Average Working
Noninterest Income to 1.5647 1.5200 0.52738
Average Working

Correlation analysis showed that ROA had a slight positive relationship with the
logarithm of bank size and the credit deposit ratioanda strong positive relationship
with the capital adequacy ratio, interest income to average working funds and
noninterest income to average working funds. ROA showed also showed a weak
relationship with business per employees and a strong negative relationship
with the logarithm of net non-performing assets. The correlations observed were
statistically significant at the 95% confidence level (Table 3).

Great Lakes Herald 31 September 2019, Vol 13, Issue No.2

Table 3: Correlation Analysis
Dependent Independent Correlation Relationship P Value
Variable Variable Coefficient (95%
(Profitability) (Determinant) (R) Confidence)
ROA Log (Bank 0.1917 + 0.0448
Size)(log S)
ROA Capital Adequacy 0.6111 + 0.0000
Ratio (CAR)
ROA Business per 0.3660 - 0.0001
Employee (BPE)
ROA Credit Deposit 0.4471 + 0.0000
Ratio (CDR)
ROA Log (The 0.7276 - 0.0000
percentage Net
Assets) (log
ROA Interest Income to 0.6188 + 0.0000
Average Working
Funds (IIAWF)
ROA Noninterest 0.5837 + 0.0000
Income to Average
Working Funds

Regression was performed between the dependent variable ROA and all the
independent variables.The impacting independent variables as indicated by the P
Values were log bank size, the credit deposit ratio, log Net NPA, interest income to
average working funds and business per employee. Other variables were excluded
from further analysis (Tables 4, 5). The AIC value improved slightly on excluding
non-impacting variables confirming the goodness of fit (Tables 4, 5).

Great Lakes Herald 32 September 2019, Vol 13, Issue No.2

Table 4: Results of Regression, ROA= function (All independent variables)
Dependent Independent Coefficient P Value AIC
Variable Variable
ROA Constant −2.43547 0.0000 61.69
Log S 0.125170 0.0000
CAR 0.0228249 0.1836
BPE −0.0241205 0.0044
CDR 0.0110042 0.0101
Log NNPA −0.307363 0.0000
IIAWF 0.130247 0.0000
NIIAWF 0.110322 0.1227

Table 5: Results of Regression, ROA = function (Impacting variables)

Dependent Independent Coefficient P Value AIC
Variable Variable
ROA Constant −2.27348 0.0000 61.62
Log S 0.125170 0.0000
BPE −0.0278069 0.0011
CDR 0.0171725 0.0000
Log NNPA −0.346228 0.0000
IIAWF 0.124045 0.0000

The results of the tests for normality of residuals and heteroscedasticity accepted
the alternate hypotheses. Thus the residuals are not normally distributed and
heteroscedasticityis present in the data (Table 6).
Table 6:Tests forNormality of Residuals and Heteroscedasticity
Test Null Hypothesis Test Statistic P value
Test for normality of Error is normally Chi-square(2) = 0.0000
residual distributed 20.39
Breusch Pagan test Heteroscedasticity not LM = 23.0954 0.0003
for heteroscedasticity present

Great Lakes Herald 33 September 2019, Vol 13, Issue No.2

The results of the tests for multi-collinearity show that the variance inflation
factors of all impacting variables were below 5 suggesting there is no problem
with multi-collinearity (Table 7).
Table 7:TestforMulti-Collinearity
Dependent Independent Variance
Variable Variable Inflation
ROA Log S 1.853
BPE 1.247
CDR 1.894
Log NNPA 1.575
IIAWF 2.288

With the residuals not being normal and heteroscedasticity being present in the
data we can’t rely on the regression results and a more robust estimation involving
either a panel regression or quantile regression is required. The Quantile regression
technique was used in this study to get a more robust estimation.
The quantile regression performed between the dependent variable ROA and all
the independent variables indicated that the impacting variables were log bank
size, the capital adequacy ratio, log Net NPA and interest income to average
working funds. Other variables were excluded from further analysis. The AIC
values indicate that the goodness of fit remains intact (Tables 8, 9).
Table 8: Results of Quantile Regression, ROA= function (All independent variables)
Dependent Independent Coefficient P Value AIC
Variable Variable
ROA Constant −2.75936 0.0000 44.55
Log S 0.130458 0.0008
CAR 0.0427711 0.0089
BPE −0.00285481 0.7995
CDR 0.00777203 0.1466
Log NNPA −0.256464 0.0000
IIAWF 0.137602 0.0008
NIIAWF 0.111658 0.1537

Great Lakes Herald 34 September 2019, Vol 13, Issue No.2

Table 9: Results of Quantile Regression, ROA= function (Impacting variables)
Dependent Independent Coefficient P Value AIC
Variable Variable
ROA Constant −3.19130 0.0000 61.62
CAR 0.0636988 0.0000
Log S 0.177443 0.0000
Log NNPA −0.263420 0.0000
IIAWF 0.181940 0.0000

Discussion and Analysis:

This research study attempted to examine the profitability of the largest listed
commercial banks in India that constitute the bank nifty index. The study looked
at the impact of some key determinants on profitability of listed public and private
sector banks in India over a 10-year period. 4 listed public sector banks and 7 listed
private sector banks that are constituents of the bank nifty index with a listing
history of at least 5 years were considered for the study (Table 1) that covered
the period from the financial year ending March 2009 to the financial year ending
March 2018.
Bank profitability was measured by the return on assets (ROA). The determinants
of profitability studied were measures of size, asset quality, capital adequacy,
income, productivity and lending. Quantile regression analysis were used to
analyze the impact of these determinants on bank profitability.
Asset quality proved to bea highly influential determinant of bank profitability
(Table 9). A measure of asset quality percentage the logarithm of Net NPA,
negatively impacted profitability as measured by the return on assets. Zarrouk et
al., (2016) similarly found that asset quality was a key determinant of profitability
of a sample of 51 Islamic banks in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Capital adequacy positively impacted bank profitability as measured by the return
on assets(Table 9). While examining a sample of Indonesian banks from 1990-
2005, Sufian & Habibullah, (2010) also found that highly capitalized banks were
more profitable.
Bank size significantly positively impacted profitability as measured by the return
on assets(Table 9). Dietrich and Wanzenried, (2011) similarly observed a positive
impact of stock market capitalization on bank profitability when studying 453
banks in Switzerland from 1999 to 2008.

Great Lakes Herald 35 September 2019, Vol 13, Issue No.2

Interest income measures impacted bank profitability as measured by the return on
assets positively(Table 9). Interest income is the major source of income for most
Indian banks. Ganesan, (2001) also found this to be true for a large sample of public
sector banks in India studied over a 4 year period.The study has implications for
key stakeholders of banks. Bank managers can focus on asset quality and control
non-performing assets to maximize ROA. Bank managers can also ensure their
banks are well capitalized and maximize their capital adequacy levels ahead of
industry norms to increase their ROA.
Investors can identify profitable banks by looking for well capitalized banks that
have capital adequacy levels well in excess of industry norms. Investors can also
focus on banks with very high asset quality as these banks tend to be a lot more
profitable than their counterparts. The RBI can continue to tighten asset quality
norms to help banks identify problem assets well in advance. The RBI can require
banks to have a robust loan recovery process for identified problem loans, to
enable banks to maintain and improve their profitability. With the implementation
of Basel III norms, the RBI can ensure that banks are well capitalized and have
capital adequacy levels in excess of Basel III requirements that will help banks
absorb any major external shocks.
This study focused on the impact of some key internal determinants of profitability
on the profitability of listed commercial banks in India. The measure of profitability
used in the study was the return on assets (ROA). The internal determinants
selected were bank size as measured by market capitalization, a lending measure
namely the deposit to credit ratio, income measures covering interest income to
average working funds and noninterest income to average working funds, a key
productivity measure in business per employee, a measure of capital adequacy
which is the capital adequacy ratio and a measure of asset quality as determined
by the percentage Net NPA.
Measures of size, asset quality, capital adequacy and interest income proved to be
influential determinants of profitability as measured by the return on assets. Thus
bank managers must focus on asset quality, improve their capital adequacy and
increase their interest income streams to improve profitability. Investors can focus
on these parameters to identify highly profitable banks. The RBI can monitor these
parameters as they seek to help banks overcome the ever present challenges of
asset quality and capital adequacy in today’s ever changing banking landscape.

Great Lakes Herald 36 September 2019, Vol 13, Issue No.2

The study only considered the impact of a select group of internal determinants
on profitability of listed commercial banks in India. Only listed public sector and
private sector banks in the bank nifty index that have been listed for a period
of at least 5 years were considered for the study. External determinants like
macroeconomic factors and exchange rates were not considered. Additionally
qualitative factors such as customer preferences and customer service were not
considered. The impact of technology as a determinant was also not considered.
In addition, the study also assumed variables vary linearly with each other which
may not be the case, always.

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Great Lakes Herald 38 September 2019, Vol 13, Issue No.2

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