Material Safety Data Sheet: F108 EZEFLO F108 Surfactant
Material Safety Data Sheet: F108 EZEFLO F108 Surfactant
Material Safety Data Sheet: F108 EZEFLO F108 Surfactant
Eye contact: Immediately flush eyes with water for 30 minutes while holding eyelids
Skin contact: Wash off immediately with soap and plenty of water removing all
contaminated clothes and shoes. Seek medical attention if irritation occurs.
Ingestion: Seek medical attention. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious
Inhalation: Move to fresh air. Consult a physician if necessary.
110 Schlumberger Drive, Sugar Land, Texas 77478, USA. Phone (281) 285-7873 Page 1 of 7
Product code: F108 Revision date: 03 March 2010
Special exposure hazards arising from the substance or preparation itself, its combustion
products, or released gases:
When heated strongly or burned, oxides of carbon and harmful organic chemical fumes are released.
Other information:
Solutions extremely slippery when spilled.
NFPA rating:
Health: 2
Flammability: 1
Instability: 0
Special: None
Precautions: Avoid contact with eyes. Do not get on skin or clothing. Wash thoroughly
after handling.
Safe handling advice: Wear suitable protective equipment.
Technical measures/ Store in well ventilated area out of direct sunlight.
storage conditions:
Packaging requirements: High density polyethylene (HDPE) drum or can.
Incompatible products: Oxidizing agents.
110 Schlumberger Drive, Sugar Land, Texas 77478, USA. Phone (281) 285-7873 Page 2 of 7
Product code: F108 Revision date: 03 March 2010
Particles Not Otherw ise Regulated/Specified [PNOR or PNOS] (insoluble or poorly soluble):
- OSHA PEL's for Inert or Nuisance Dust are covered by PNOR limits: respirable fraction: 5 mg/m3; total dust 15 mg/m3.
ACGIH PNOS Recommendations: airborne concentrations should be kept below 3 mg/m3, respirable particulate, and 10 mg/m3,
inhalable particles.
110 Schlumberger Drive, Sugar Land, Texas 77478, USA. Phone (281) 285-7873 Page 3 of 7
Product code: F108 Revision date: 03 March 2010
Stable under recommended storage conditions.
Conditions to avoid:
None reasonably foreseeable.
Hazardous polymerization:
Hazardous polymerization does not occur.
Other Information:
Contaminated surfaces will be extremely slippery.
Information given is based on data on the components and the toxicology of similar products.
Eye contact: Severe eye irritation. Causes pain and redness. Prolonged or repeated
contact may cause mild burn.
Skin contact: Irritant; may cause pain, redness, dermatitis.
Ingestion: Swallowing large amounts may be harmful.
Inhalation: This is an unlikely route of exposure.
Sensitization - lung: Not known to cause allergic reaction.
Sensitization - skin: Not known to cause allergic reaction.
110 Schlumberger Drive, Sugar Land, Texas 77478, USA. Phone (281) 285-7873 Page 4 of 7
Product code: F108 Revision date: 03 March 2010
Amine derivative
Bioaccum ulation: log Pow = < 0
Persistence / degradability: Readily biodegradable.
Algae toxicity: 72h EC50= 0.22 mg/l (Skeletonema costatum)
Contaminated packaging:
Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. If reusable containers are used, send them back to the
product supplier, after the required rinsing.
Shipping name: Not regulated.
UN number: None
Shipping name: Not regulated.
UN number: None
TDG (Canada):
Shipping name: Not regulated.
PIN: None
110 Schlumberger Drive, Sugar Land, Texas 77478, USA. Phone (281) 285-7873 Page 5 of 7
Product code: F108 Revision date: 03 March 2010
Note 1:
For the applicab le placard selection refer to the appropriate transport regulations; the selection may vary
depending on the cargo size and categories of other hazardous materials in the cargo.
USA, Toxic Substances Control This product complies with TSCA requirements.
Act inventory (TSCA):
IMPORTS, USA: No import volume restrictions.
Canada, Domestic Substance This product complies with DSL requirements.
List (DSL):
IMPORTS, Canada: No import volume restrictions.
U.S.A. Regulations
EPA, Sections 311 and 312 - Material Safety Data Sheet Requirements (40 CFR 370):
110 Schlumberger Drive, Sugar Land, Texas 77478, USA. Phone (281) 285-7873 Page 6 of 7
Product code: F108 Revision date: 03 March 2010
Current references:
1. Threshold Limit Values for Chemical Substances and Physical Agents and Biological Exposure Indices.
American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, Cincinnati OH.
2. IARC Monograms on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Man. World Health
Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer. Geneva, Switzerland.
3. Annual Report on Carcinogens. National Toxicology Program. U.S. Department of Heath and Human
Services, Pub lic Health Service.
4. NIOSH Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (RTECS). National Institute for Occupational safety
and Health. Cincinnati, OH.
5. LOLI Database.
Explanation of terms:
ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienist
ACGIH-TL: Threshold Limit Value
DSL: Domestic Substance List
HMIRC: Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission
IARC: International Agency for Research on Cancer
NTP: National Toxicology Program
NIOSH: National Institute of Occupational Safety & Health
NIOSH-REL: Recommended Exposure Limit
OSHA: Occupational Safety & Health Administration
OSHA-PEL: Permissible Exposure Limit
TSCA: Toxic Substance Control Act (Inventory)
Occupational Exposure Limits indicators: TWA - Time Weighted Average; STEL - Short Term Limit; C - Ceiling
Limit;units: [mg/m 3]
ACGIH Notations:
"Skin" refers to the potential significant contribution to the overall exposure by the cutaneous route, including
mucous membranes and the eyes, either by contact with vapors or by direct skin contact with the substance.
"A" notation indicates carcinogenicity as follows:
ACGIH classification: A1 - Confirmed Human Carcinogen; A2 - Suspected Human Carcinogen; A3 - Confirmed
Animal Carcinogen with Unknown Relevance to Humans; A4 - Not Classifiable as a Human Carcinogen; A5 - Not
suspected as a Human Carcinogen.
"SEN" refers to the potential for an agent to product sensitization as confirmed by human and animal data.
Section(s) revised: 9
The information and recommendations contained herein are based upon tests believed to be reliable. How ever, Schlumberger
does not guarantee their accuracy or completeness NOR SHALL ANY OF THIS INFORMATION CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY,
FITNESS OF THE GOODS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Adjustment to conform to actual conditions of usage may be required.
Schlumberger assumes no responsibility for results obtained or for incidental or consequential damages, including lost profits
arising from the use of these data. No w arranty against infringement of any patent, copyright or trademark is made or implied.
110 Schlumberger Drive, Sugar Land, Texas 77478, USA. Phone (281) 285-7873 Page 7 of 7