DLL Week 8 HE 6
DLL Week 8 HE 6
DLL Week 8 HE 6
A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of and skills in the basics of food preservation
B. Performance Standards Preserve food/s using appropriate tools and materials and applying the basics of food
C. Most Essential Learning Markets preserved/processed food in varied/ creative ways with pride
Teacher’s Guide
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Filipinos love to eat. One way of marketing a One should also have the What are the guidelines
A. Introduction Producing and selling product is to come up ability and knowledge in in designing a
Drill preserved or processed with a name and label marketing preserved or packaging?
Review food has a high success that will make people processed food. Family
Motivation rate and can provide remember it.This is members who would like What are the factors that
Lesson are considered as key in
additional income for the called brand recall. to venture in this
family. Like any product business should learn product packaging
Think of three possible design.
or service, however, a names for your product how to work together, be
good marketing strategy and write it down on honest in their dealings,
and program can help your notebook. be hardworking, creative
create awareness of the and persevering.
product or service and What are some tips to
best sales. We market succeed in marketing a What is the importance
our products to be able to product? of packaging the
get prospective buyers. product?
Directions: Write down Directions: Design the Directions: Design the Directions: Given the
C. Engagement the guidelines on how to packaging of your own packaging of your own mark-up, compute the
Differentiated succeed in your business. product following the product following the selling price of the
Activities 1. guidelines in designing guidelines in designing following: Use a use a
(at least 2. packaging packaging separate sheet of paper
three) 3. for your answer.
4. 1. 400 X 10% =
5. ____________
2. 600 X 15% =
3. 2000 X 20% =
4. 1500 X 12% =
5. 900 X 18% =
What are the factors that
D. Assimilation What are the tips to Why packaging is we need to consider in What is the formula in
Generalization succeed in business? important in business? making a packaging? computing the sales of a
Application certain business?
Evaluation Read and answer the Read and answer the Read and answer the
following. Write your following. Write your following. Write your Read and answer the
answer on a separate answer on a separate answer on a separate following. Write your
sheet of paper sheet of paper sheet of paper. answer on a separate
sheet of paper.
1.Which of the following
1. Good quality fruits 1. Why is packaging of is the best packaging 1. What is the formula in
and vegetables should be the product important? materials for preserved determining profit on
____________. a. It adds cost of the fruits and income?
a. fresh with bright color product. vegetables? a. Expenses – Gross
characteristics of the b. It is important for all a. dried grass sales = Profit/Income
fruits and vegetables kinds of products and it’s b. glass or plastic bottles b. Income + Expenses =
b. of unusual size and one of the first touch and cans Sales
shape points of a consumer and c. banana leaves c. Gross Sales -
c. in abundance since makes the consumer d. both A and B Expenses = Profit
they are in season want to purchase the d. Gross Sales +
d. uniform in texture and product. 2. The following are Expenses = Profit
color. c. It will not attract guidelines in designing
customers. packaging EXCEPT 2. How will you
2. One of the attitudes to one. determine the profit or
be considered in 2. What do you need to a. Make sure that the income earned from the
marketing the product is; consider in packaging cost of the packaging is sales of the
finished product. above 15 to 20 percent of processed/preserved
a. hardworking and the cost products?
persistent I. Shape, Printed of the product itself.
b. honest Information b. Label the packaging a. add the total expenses
c. thrifty II. Printed images, with the name of the b. subtract the profit
d. happy go lucky nvironmental Impact product. from the total expenses
III.raphics, Practicality c. Make several studies c. multiply the mark-up
3. _______ is promoting IV. Packaging Material or designs to choose price and the profit
and selling a product to from. d. deduct the total
potential customers. A. none of the above d. Make the packaging expenses from the total
a. Packaging B. I only sales of the product
attractive to showcase
b. Sales C. I,II,,III
your product.
c. Marketing D. I,II,III,IV 3. It refers to all
d. Computing Cost 3. Efficient preparation expenses incurred in
3. he following are
of packaging needs producing the product.
factors that are
considered as key in ____________.
a. needs careful planning a. Expenses
product packaging b. Profit
design b. careful measurement
of ingredients c. Cost
EXCEPT_______. d. Capital
a. Printed Images and c. tools and equipment
Graphics d. all of the above
d. Color
c.. Packaging Material
d. Printed Information
I understand that I understand that I understand that I understand that I understand that
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ __________________ __________________
REFLECTION I realize that I realize that I realize that I realize that I realize that
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ __________________ __________________
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