DLL - G6 Tle-He - W10
DLL - G6 Tle-He - W10
DLL - G6 Tle-He - W10
A. Content Standards demonstrates an understanding of and skills in the basics of food preservation
B. Performance Standards preserve food/s using appropriate tools and materials and applying the basics of food
C. Learning Competencies / markets preserved/processed food in varied/ creative ways with pride. TLE6HE-0j- 15
Write the LC code for each
D. Discussing new concepts One of the steps to ensure the success of the family Guidelines in Designing
and practicing new skills #1 business is planning to undertake is to know food Packaging
marketing. Food marketing is the set of activities to 1. Make several studies or
communicate with the consumers through marketing designs to choose from.
techniques. Some activities are the following: 2. Make sure that the cost of
the packaging does not
1. Direct Marketing – through demonstrations, promo exceed 15 to 20 percent
offers in malls, trade exhibits and other public venues. of the cost of the product
2. Advertising in Print Media - promoting products 3. Make the packaging
through advertisements in newspapers, magazines and attractive to showcase your
flyers. product but make sure it
does not become too
3. Distributing Products via Transport System – expensive.
reached the consumers faster through the means of 4. Label the Packaging with
land, air and sea transportation spreading promotions the name of the product. If it
is a food item, put
and feedbacks.
the ingredients used in the
4. Internet or Online Marketing - combines web and
e-mail to advertise and drive e-commerce sales.
There are a few factors that
are considered as key in
5. Radio Advertising - station airing of their spot or product packaging
mentioning the product as advertisement in exchange design. They can be listed as:
of cash as payment. a. Shape
b. Printed images or Graphics
6. Television Advertisement - is a span of television
c. Packaging Material
which conveys a massage, typically to market a product
d. Practicality
or service.
e. Environmental Impact
7. Cause Marketing - is a cooperative effort between
f. Printed Information
a for-profit business and a non-profit organization to
mutually promote a benefit from social and other
Computing Cost, Sales and
charitable causes.
Cost refers to all expenses
8. Co-branding and affinity Marketing - is a incurred in producing the
methodology in which at least two brands join together product. It consists of
to promote or sell a single product or service. cost of production which
includes cost of ingredients,
9. Point-of-Purchase Marketing (POP) - sells to packaging and other
captive audience (those shoppers already in store and materials used in the
ready to purchase). production and the cost of
operation which includes
10. Word of Mouth Advertising – a recommendation labor,
from a friend, colleague or a family member. rental utilities-water,
electricity, taxes,
transportation and repairs of
equipment and
E.Discussing new concepts and We market our products to be able to get prospective How would you know if you
practicing new skills#2
buyers. Here are some tips to serve as your guide to have earned from your project?
succeed in this livelihood: • First, you have to compute for
the mark-up in order for you to
Place - make sure that you are accessible to your determine the
market. You might want to join local trade fairs to bring selling price to compute for the
your products closer to prospective buyers or visitors. profit earned.
• Use the formula Gross Sales
Expenses= Profit.
Quality Product – Before launching your product,
• Deduct cost from the total
conduct a product tasting among friends, family
amount sold.
members, and neighbors. Take note of their comments
• The excess amount less the
and suggestions to improve quality. Try them out until
cost is the profit.
you come up with the best quality product.