Aen QB
Aen QB
Aen QB
2 Rebound: Rebound refers to the movement of the vehicle suspension in the opposite direction of
jounce. The downward travel of the tyre and wheel that extends the spring and shock absorber is called
rebound, or extension. When the spring is deflected, it stores energy
3. Sprung and Unsprung Musses: The total mass of a vehicle, for the purpose of the suspension design,
is broken up into two parts-sprung and unsprung.
Unsprung weight consists of tyres, wheels and suspension components that attach these items to the main
body chassis structure
2. Give any four probable causes of tyre wear and give it’s remedies.
ANS. :- 1) Incorrect inflation ----ensure correct tyre pressure.
3. Less possibility of arcing at spark plug. Spark plug fouling is greatly reduced.
5. Produce a maximum output voltage which is attainted in a very short time and with a very limited
discharge, resulting in regular engine running, even with dirty/foul spark plug and wide, plug gap.
6. No change in ignition timing due to absence of C.B. point, Cam, etc. which expose to wear and tear.
8. Input current and output available voltage are constant over a wide speed range.
21. Explain all batteries rating.
22. State the need of charging system. Explain construction and operation of charging system used in
23. Explain testing of lead acid battery. Elaborate procedure of testing.
24. Sketch and explain working of fuel level gauge.
ANS.:- A fuel gauge (or gas gauge) is an instrument used to indicate the level of fuel contained in a tank.
Commonly used in most motor vehicles, these may also be used for any tank including underground storage
tanks. As used in vehicles, the gauge consists of two parts:
=The sensing unit
=The indicator
The sensing unit usually uses a float
connected to a potentiometer,
typically printed ink design in a
modern automobile. As the tank
empties, the float drops and slides a
moving contact along the resistor,
increasing its resistance. In
addition, when the resistance is at a
certain point, it will also turn on a
"low fuel" light on some vehicles.
Most new cars have an arrow on the
fuel gauge. It indicates which side
the gas tank is on.
Meanwhile, the indicator unit
(usually mounted on the dashboard)
is measuring and displaying the
amount of electric current flowing
through the sending unit. When the
tank level is high and maximum
current is flowing, the needle points to "F" indicating a full tank. When the tank is empty and the least
current is flowing, the needle points to "E" indicating an empty tank.
1. Student A says that the reserve rating of a battery is the amount of steady current that a fully charged
battery can supply for 20 hours without the voltage falling below 10.5 volts.
Student B says that ampere-hour ratings state how many hours the battery is capable of supplying 25
Who is correct & why?
2. Define HGV,LGV & Driver, Passenger
ANS.:- HGV:A( Heavy Goods Vehicle) heavy goods vehicle" means any goods carriage the gross vehicle
weight of which, or a tractor or a road-roller the unladen weight of either of which, exceeds 12,000
LGV: Light goods vehicle (LGV)light motor vehicle" means a transport vehicle or omnibus the gross
vehicle weight of either of which or a motor car or tractor or road-roller the unladen weight of any of
which, does not exceed 7.500 kilograms.
"Driver" includes, in relation to a motor vehicle which is drawn by another motor vehicle, the person
who acts as a steersman of the drawn vehicle.
3. Describe collapsible steering column with neat sketch.
ANS.:- Collapsible steering column- in case of an accident it reduces the driver's risk of hitting the
steering wheel. This steering mechanism is introduced to enhance vehicle safety when collision occurs to
protect the driver from causing serious injured.
1. Steering column assembly
2. Steering column
3. Intermediate shaft
4. Universal joint
5. Power assisted steering column connecting the gearbox
Collapsible steering column consists of a long shaft. The long shaft consist of two shafts or column
interlock with the intermediate shaft with inner and outer sleeve. The outer sleeve is present on shaft
connecting the gearbox
The sleeve is provided with number of steel bearings pressed in between sleeve, the inner shaft to slip
inside the housing like a telescopic manner and when compressed during crashed occurs by absorbing
energy from the impact.
The long shaft is connected the steering wheel to the vehicle's gearbox.
4. Draw a neat sketch of Traffic sign STOP and NO PARKING.
5. Draw labelled layout of a modern service station used in automobile workshop.
6. List any four records to be kept in service station.
ANS.:- 1. Change the engine oil
2. Replace the oil filter
3. Replace the air filter
4. Replace the fuel filter
5. Replace the cabin or a/c filter
6. Replace the spark plugs
7. Describe duties and responsibilities of RTO.
• Conducting driving tests
• Issuing and renewing the driving licenses
• Inspecting the vehicle insurance
• Clearing the pollution test
• Collection of road fund licenses and road tax/excise duty
• Granting international driving licenses
• Maintaining the database of the registered vehicles
• Selling customized registrations
• Providing badges to the taxi and auto rickshaw
8. Draw organization chart of commissioner of transport
9. Explain significance of a service station.
10. Explain the type of road safety signs with examples.