BCMBC e 44567
BCMBC e 44567
BCMBC e 44567
the Office Memorandum first read above. Category II(C) of the Schedule
for exclusion of creamy layer relating to children of employees of PSUs
requires that the posts in PSUs equivalent or comparable to the Group A
or B posts of the Government departments are to be determined for
similar application of the creamy layer exclusion criteria as ln Category
II(A) or II(B) meant for the children of Group A or B employees of the
Government departments belonging to OBC.
3. Schedule XIII of the Tamil Nadu Government Servants
(Conditions of Service) Act, 2016, specified under Section 4, classifies the
employees holdlng posts in the Government departments into Group A, B,
C or D, based on the pay scales meant for the post, as follows:-
Group A Employees in posts drawing level of pay from
Rs.59,300-1,87,7OO to Rs.1,28,900-2,25,000 (levels
25 to 32 in the a matrix).
Group B Employees in posts drawing level of pay from
Rs.35,900-1,13,500 to Rs.57,700-1,82,400 (levels 13
to 24 in the pay matr ix)
Group C Employees in posts drawing level of pay from
Rs.15,900-50,400 to Rs.35,600-1,12,800 (levels 2 to
12 in- the pay matrix),
Group D Employees in posts drawing level of pay Rs.15,700-
50,000 (level 1 in the pay 6nstrix),
4. In the Government orders fifth and sixth read above, the posts of
the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB)/ Tamil Nadu Generation and
Distribution Corporation Ltd, (TANGEDCO)/Tamil Nadu Transmission
Corporation Ltd. (TANTRANSCO) and the State Transport Corporations
which are equivalent or comparable to the posts with scales of pay under
Group A, B, C eind D of the Government departments have been
determined for the purpose of exclusion of creamy layer among OBCs in
Category II(C) of the Schedule appended to the Office Memorandum first
read above.
5. The classification of posts in all the State PSUs (excluding
TNEBffANGEDCO/TANTRANSCO and the State Transport Corporations, for
which orders have already been issued in Government orders fifth and
sixth read above) are equivalent to the corresponding Group, viz., Group
A, B, C and D, i.e., identical to that of the classification of Government
employees as per Section 4 in Scheduled XIII of the Tamil Nadu
Government Servants (Conditions of Service) Act, 2016. Further, in the
Government order third read above, with a view to bring out parity and
standardization in the pay scales available to the employees of State
Public Sector Undertakings/ Statutory Boards vis-i-vis Government
employees, orders were issued indicating that the revised pay scales
granted to the Government employees in the Government order second
read above be extended to the employees of the State Public Sector
Undertakings/ Statutory Boards, excluding those employees appointed on
part-time/ contract basis or covered by wage agreements.
All the State Public Sector U nd erta kings/Statutory Boards.
All the District Collectors in the State.
All the Departments of Secretariat, Chennai-9.
Finance (BPE) Department, Secretariat, Chennai-9.
Copy to:
The Secretary to Government of India,
Department of Personnel and Training,
Ministry of Personnel, Pensions and Public Grievances,
Government of India, New Delhi.
The Secretary to Government of India,
Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment,
Government of India, New Delhi.
The 14ember-Secreta ry,
National Commission for Backward Classes.
Trikoot, Bikaji Cama Place, New Delhi.
I / Forwarded by Order / /
? { w
Section Officer
(G.O.lv'Is.No.70, Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes & Minorities Welfare
(BCC) Department, dated 23.08.2022)
I lTtue Copy I /
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