FIDP Organization and Management
FIDP Organization and Management
FIDP Organization and Management
Specialized Subject Description: This course is designed to familiarize the students with the basic concepts, principles, and processes related to business organization, and the functional areas of management. Particular
emphasis will be given to the study of management functions like planning, organizing, leading, and controlling, and orient the students on the importance of these functions and the role of each area in entrepreneurship.
Culminating Performance Standard: At the end of the course, students should acquire ideas about the basic concepts, principles, and processes related to business organization, apply principles and theories in analyzing
business cases and this could be used by them in the future.
Chapter1. Nature Demonstrate the The learners shallDiscuss the meaning and Explain the meaning, U Understandin Quizzes Communication Modular Approach
and Concept of understanding of… be able to… functions of U functions, types and g Collaboration (Distance)
Management 1. Functions, management theories of Case Study Critical Thinking Interactive Learning
Definition and types and Apply management ABM_AOM11-Ia-b-1 Management Analysis Skills and Discussion
functions of Basic concepts and theories of theories& concepts (Blended)
management 2. theories of Management in solving business Explain the various U Graded Recitation
Evolution of management cases types of management
management theories ABM_AOM11- Article Profiling
theories 3. Ia-b-2
Functions, roles, and
Skills of a manager Explain the functions,
roles, and skills of a U
Chapter 2. The Firm The role of PEST and Analyze the various Identify various forces/ U Analyze various U Analyzing Quizzes Communication Modular Approach
and its Environment business in the SWOT environmental elements of the firm’s forces/elements (Distance)
1. Environmental environment, and strategies forces affecting environment influencing local and Case Study Collaboration Interactive Learning
forces and how the the firm and ABM_AOM11-Ic-d-4 international business Analysis and Discussion
environmental environment affects summarize these environment using Critical Thinking (Blended)
scanning the firm. using Political Summarize these forces PEST and SWOT Graded Recitation Skills
2.The local and Forms and Economic Social using the PEST and U strategies
international economic and Technological SWOT analyses Article Profiling
business roles of Analysis PEST) ABM_AOM11-Ic-d-5 Analyze the forms and
environment of the business and Strengths, economic roles of U Analyzing
firm Organization Weaknesses, Describe the local and business Organizations
3. Phases of s Opportunities and international business
economic Threats (SWOT) environment of a firm U Differentiate the
development Phases of Analysis ABM_AOM11-Ic-d-6 phases of economic
4. Forms of business economic frameworks development and its U Analyzing
organizations development Explain the role of impact to business
business in relation to environment
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Don Mariano Marcos Ave., Laoag City, Ilocos Norte
4. Formulate a
decision from
Chapter5.Staffing The process of Staffing Conduct and 26. adopt effective Discuss the concept U Understandin Quizzes Communication Modular Approach
1. Definition and recruiting, prepare job rewards system D and nature of staffing g (Distance)
nature of staffing selecting, and analysis ABM_AOM11-IIa-b-26 Case Study Collaboration Interactive Learning
training employees Compensatio Analyze the process of Analysis and Discussion
2. Recruitment n/w ages and recruiting, selecting U Analyzing Critical Thinking (Blended)
3. Selection performance and training Graded Recitation Skills
4. Training and employees
development Article Profiling
5. Examine the functions
Compensation/wage and importance of
s and performance compensation, wages U Analyzing
evaluation/appraisal and performance
6. Employee evaluation, appraisal,
relations reward system,
7. Employee employee relations and
movements movement
8.Rewards Systems
Chapter6.Leading How motivation, Theories of Demonstrate Discuss the nature of U Quizzes Modular Approach
1.Definition leadership, and motivation knowledge in directing (Distance)
2.Motivation communication motivation, ABM_AOM11-IIc-e-27 Analyze motivation, Case Study Communication Interactive Learning
3.Leadershiptheories work in an Styles of leadership, and leadership, and U Analyzing Analysis Collaboration and Discussion
4.Communication organization leadership communication by Differentiate leading to communication work Critical Thinking (Blended)
5.Managementof solving business managing U in an organization Graded Recitation Skills
change and Communicati cases ABM_AOM11-Iic-e-28
diversity 6.Filipino on Article Profiling
and foreign Identify the different
Cultures theories of motivation
ABM_AOM11-Iic-e-29 U
Differentiate styles of
3.recognize the
Interrelationship of
Filipino from foreign U
Chapter7.Controling Different Control Apply appropriate Discuss the nature of U Apply the concept and D Applying Quizzes Communication Modular Approach
1. Definition and controlling methods methods and control measures controlling nature of different (Distance)
nature of and techniques techniques in for a specific ABM_AOM11-IIf-h-34 control methods and Case Study Collaboration Interactive Learning
management control accounting Business situation techniques in Analysis and Discussion
2.The link between and Describe the link accounting and Critical Thinking (Blended)
planning and marketing between planning and U marketing Graded Recitation Skills
controlling controlling
3.Control methods ABM_AOM11-IIf-h-35 Article Profiling
And systems
4. Application of Distinguish control
management control methods and systems
in accounting and ABM_AOM11-IIf-h-36 U
marketing concepts
and techniques Apply management
5. Role of budgets in controlling accounting
planning and control and marketing concepts
and techniques
ABM_AOM11-IIf-h-37 U
Chapter8. a. Human 39.explainthenatureand U Explain the nature and Quizzes Modular Approach
Introduction to the Resource role in the firm of the role in the firm of the (Distance)
Different Functional Management following functional following functional Case Study Interactive Learning
Areas of b. Marketing areas of management: areas of management: Analysis and Discussion
Management a. Management a. Human Resource a. Human Resource (Blended)
Human Resource Operations Management Management Graded Recitation Communication
Management The different Management b. Marketing b. Marketing Collaboration
b. Marketing functional areas of Financial Select one’s area of Management Management U Understandin Article Profiling Critical Thinking
Management management Management interest for future c. Operations c. Operations g Skills
c. Operations Material and career path Management Management
Management Procurement d. Financial d. Financial
d. Financial Management Management Management
Management Office e. Material and e. Material and
e. Information & Management Procurement Procurement
Communication g. Management Management
Technology Information& f. Office Management f. Office Management
Management Communicati g. Information & g. Information&
on Communication Communication
Technology Technology Technology
Management Management Management