Agronomy (Soils) - Module A - Origins
Agronomy (Soils) - Module A - Origins
Agronomy (Soils) - Module A - Origins
Creating soil involves the physical, chemical and biological transformation of rock into a loose
material capable of supporting plant life. This long and complex procedure had its beginnings in
ancient geological events that created bedrock and broke it up into the raw material for soil. The
raw materials that became soils in Western Canada originated from two important geological
processes: sedimentary bedrock formation and glaciation.
Western Canada has been periodically flooded under large oceans and freshwater seas over
the past several 100 million years. The sediments collected at the bottom of these water bodies
reached tremendous thickness over long periods of time and ultimately became compressed
into huge slabs of sedimentary bedrock. Since the various water bodies contained unique
proportions of minerals and organisms, the sediments deposited and the bedrock that formed
from each event were unique. A series of bedrock layers up to 3000 meters in depth exist below
the surface over much of central and southern Alberta. These layers represent sedimentary
deposits from the most recent flooding events (near the surface) to the most ancient deposits
which are found at great depths.
The bedrock layers in Alberta are tilted from the horizontal causing different layers to be
exposed at the surface as you move across Alberta from the Rockies to the Saskatchewan
The unique characteristics of bedrock deposits directly influences the soil types that develop
from them. For example, soils that develop from the weathering of salt-free bedrock like the
Paskapoo formation tend to produce nonsaline soils. Soils that develop from the weathering
Edmonton formation bedrock tend to be more saline because the rock texture (particle size) are
influenced by the bedrock from which the soil material was weathered.
Despite the strong influence of bedrock on soil qualities, prairie soils often bear little
resemblance to the bedrock they rest on. That’s because the broken-up materials at the earth’s
surface have often been moved great distances from the bedrock they originated from by wind,
water or ancient glaciers.
BEARPAW shales, clay and salts marine deposits associated with high
sodium “hardpan” soils
The huge flowing slabs of ice had the effect of leveling and scouring the earth’s surface. The
bedrock material under the ice was ground up and pushed along, creating an unsorted mixture
of particle sizes that ranged from stones and boulders to fine flower (clay) sizes. This mixture
was originally called boulder clay but is now referred to as glacial till or morainal material.
Glacial till accumulates within the ice of moving glaciers and is often transported hundreds of
kilometers from its place of origin. Glacial till is the most common surficial material found across
the prairies.
Water Deposits
The melting back of the ice sheets created a surface different from the bedrock surface
that had previously existed. The mizute of ice and till that was washed away from the
glacier by streams and rivers was sorted according to size by the meltwater. Larger
particles such as sands, gravel and small stones settled out of flowing water. These
coarse fluvial deposits now remain where rivers once flowed 10,000 years ago. Fine
sand, silt and clay particles were carried to glacial lakes where they settled out in
relatively still waters and formed level to gently undulating lake-bed deposits. These well
sorted sediment are usually stratified and referred to as lacustrine materials.
Wind Deposits
After the glacier melted and the land dried up, the bare surface was exposed to winds
that re-worked the materials. Two types of eolian (wind) deposits occur as the result of
this resorting process: sand dunes formed from the coarse particle size fractions and
loess formed from finer particles (very fine sands, silts and clays) which settled out of
dust clouds and were deposited as veneers and blankets usually over glacial till.
1. How were the layers of sedimentary bedrock beneath us formed?
Sedimentary bedrock formed from the accumulation of sediment at the bottom of seas and
oceans that once covered large parts of North America. Over millions of years the sediments
were compressed into rock.
2. Why is the kind of sedimentary bedrock found near the earth’s surface differ from one part of
Alberta to another?
Sedimentary bedrock differs from one area to another in Alberta because the earth’s crust has
been tilled by mountain formation. This tilling caused different layers to be exposed at the
surface across Alberta.
4. Define.
a. Fluvial - stream deposited materials
Fluvial material usually consists of gravels and sands that have settled out of
flowing waters of glacial streams
b. Glacial Till - unsorted ice-deposited material
Glacial till is material directly deposited by glacial ice and not sorted by wind or
water. The material ranges from clay-sized particles to stones and boulders
c. Lacustrine - lake deposited material
Lacustrine material consists of finer particles of silts and clay deposited in the still
waters of glacial lakes
d. Eolian - wind deposited material
Eolian material can consist of coarser particles sorted by wind into dunes or very
fine sandy and silty materials settling out of dust clouds accumulating to form
loess (veneers and blankets of strongly sorted material usually overlying glacial
The kinds of changes and the extent of the changes that occur as soils develop are controlled
by five soil forming factors: climate, organisms, parent materials, topography and time. The five
soil forming factors can be represented in the form of an equation as follows:
This equation means that the unique product we call soil develops from the accumulated effects
of all five soil forming factors occurring over long periods of time. The differences between soils
across the prairies result from the variations in climate, organisms, parent materials or
topography that occur from place to place.
The surficial geological materials in which soils form are known as parent materials. Differences
between various parent materials led to the development of very different kinds of soils. Basic
chemical and physical properties of soil including salt content, pH, texture and structure are
strongly influenced by the composition of the original parent material. The three main groups of
parent materials are transported materials, residual materials and organic materials.
This soil forming factor includes the plants, animals and microorganisms that live in the soil.
Living organisms cause soil mixing and nutrient cycling. They also have a strong influence on
the accumulation of organic matter and the development of soil structure (the way the soil
components clump together). Surface vegetation has the most profound effect on soil
development. In western Canada, soil zones correspond to the areas of grasslands, forest and
transitional vegetation that once grew there.
Soils have developed over a long period of time and continue to change slowly into the future.
Under ideal conditions that favor intense weathering, a distinct soil profile can develop from
parent material in about 200 years. On the other hand, in a less favorable environment it could
take several thousand years for a recognizable soil to form.
Humans are sometimes considered to be a sixth soil forming factor. Humans can modify the
impact of the factors responsible for soil formation through activities such as cultivation and
logging. Humans can also have a strong impact on the living organisms’ factor by removal of
trees or cultivation of grassland. These activities have a major influence on soil additions and
losses, microbial activity and the subsequent soil development.
6. How long does it take for a soil the develop out of parent materials under ideal conditions?
Under ideal conditions, that are favor intense weathering, a distinct soil profile can develop in
about 200 years.
The proportions of mineral and organic components change very slowly in soil but the
proportions of water and air vary constantly depending on moisture supply. The percentage of
air and water has a large impact on soil productivity. Optimum moisture content for plant growth
is about 25% of total volume (50% of the total pore volume). Air simply occupies the pore space
(spaces between soil particles) not filled with water.
Primary minerals have remained relatively unchanged in composition since they formed from
cooling lava. Quartz (silicone dioxide), the most common example, can be easily observed
under a microscope as shiny, clear crystals common in sand samples. Primary minerals found
in soils are resistant to weathering (breakdown). They are usually large particles that contribute
to air and water movement but are less important for fertility or water holding capacity. (Igneous
Secondary minerals include silicate clays and iron or aluminum oxides which have been formed
over time from the weathering process that breaks down minerals. Primary minerals dominate
the coarse particle sizes and secondary minerals makeup the majority of the fine sized particles.
Secondary minerals influence important soil properties including fertility and water holding
Carbonate minerals are a special group of secondary minerals that are composed mainly of
calcite (CaCo3) and dolomite (CaMg(Co3)2). These minerals originated in the limestone
bedrock that was crushed by the glacial ice sheets as they moved across the continent. There
are also numerous secondary minerals that have been formed by dissolving of primary
carbonates and their precipitation or crystallization in modified form.
Carbonate minerals maintain alkaline pH (>7) in soils and provide essential nutrients for plant
growth (calcium and magnesium). Carbonate minerals may interfere with plant growth when
present in high amounts. Carbonate levels in surface horizons usually decrease over time due
to leaching from rainfall and natural acids. The presence of soil carbonates can be easily tested
for by adding a few drops of dilute HCl to a soil same and watching for effervescence (bubbling)
that occurs when it reacts with the carbonates.
*Adhesion - holds 2 things together
*Cohesion - water bonds to itself
Soil water influences plant growth, as well as the speed of soil development, the amount of
organic matter that accumulates and the stability of soil aggregates (clods).
Soil water is held against the downward pull of gravity in the pore spaces by the combined
forces of adhesion and cohesion. Adhesion is the force that causes water and soil particles to
be attracted to each other and cohesion is the attractive force between water molecules
themselves. Together, these forces cause a considerable portion of the water that drains
through a soil to be held against the sides of mineral and organic particles in the soil pore
space. The combined total of all water held in soil pore spaces is referred to as the soil
Since water is attracted to the sides of soil particles, the amount of water held in a soil will be
strongly influenced by the total surface area of the particles. Large sand-sized particles have
relatively small total surface area per soil volume, and create large pore spaces between
particles through which water can easily drain. Soils with higher clay and humus contents store
larger amounts of water because of the tremendous amount of total surface area that they
provide to attract water molecules.
Soils with high clay content may hold large total amounts of water, but much of it is held with too
much force to allow plants to use it. This tightly held water is called unavailable water. The water
plants are able to absorb what is called available water. Sandy soils tend to have low total water
holding capacities but a large amount of their water is available for plant growth. Medium
textured soils (loams) tend to have the best water holding characteristics since they contain a
combination of large and small particle and pore space sizes.
Soil air occupies the spaces not filled with soil particles or water. Soil air exchanges slowly with
atmospheric air but differs in several respects:
- soil air is not interconnected; therefore, its composition varies from place to place
- soil air usually has a relative humidity close to 100% (95-100%) in moist soils
- the concentration of carbon dioxide is often a hundred times higher in air than the 0.05
found in atmospheric air
- the concentration of oxygen in soil is often half of the 20% found in atmospheric air
Soil air is most beneficial to plant growth when it contains high levels of oxygen and low levels
of the toxic gases that may build up under low oxygen conditions. The content and composition
of soil air is mainly determined by soil particle size, bulk density and water content.
Soils with large interconnected pore spaces exchange air more freely with the atmosphere. This
includes sandy soils and soil with high levels of organic matter. Soils with large amounts of very
small soil particles (such as clays) have smaller pore spaces which are less interconnected and
do not rapidly exchange gases with the atmosphere.
Soil water content influences air content directly since air simply moves into those pore spaces
not occupied by water. When soil has a low water content, air moves freely between soil and the
atmosphere and the composition of soil air will be similar to atmospheric air. When soil has a
high-water content air tends to get trapped in small pockets and microbial processes bring about
changes in the concentration of gases. For example, carbon dioxide levels build up and oxygen
levels drop due to the respiration of aerobic microbes (those which require oxygen to survive)
dominate. Anaerobic microbes (those that thrive without oxygen) produce poisonous end
products including ethylene, methane, and H2S which can be toxic to plant growth when
present in sufficient amounts.
Soil air is also affected by the demand for oxygen from microbes and plant roots, as well as the
effect of farm management factors such as manure additions or tillage. Manure additions speed
up microbial activity, depleting oxygen levels more quickly. Tillage usually aerates and loosens
the soil. Tillage when the soil is too wet can cause competition and lead to poorer air exchange
with the atmosphere due to an adverse effect on soil structure.
1. The simple definition of soil has 3 characteristics. Name them.
A soil must be unconsolidated, occur naturally and have distinct layers when viewed from the
2. Explain the difference between primary and secondary minerals.
Primary minerals have been relatively unchanged since they were cooled from lava. Secondary
minerals are new minerals that have formed over time from the weathering products of primary
minerals. Secondary minerals crystals are usually much smaller in size and provide more in the
way of fertility and water holding.
3. What simple test can be used to determine the carbonate content of soils?
Carbonate minerals will effervescent (bubble) when they come in contact with dilute HCl acid.
6. Which soil components have the most impact on water holding capacity?
Soils with high clay and humus content store larger amounts of soil water.
7. Which soil conditions promote free exchange of air between the atmosphere and the soil?
Soils with large interconnected pore spaces and low water content promote free exchange of air
between the soil and atmosphere.
Water also plays a significant role in the development of soil horizons. The downward
movement of water may move soil particles, nutrients, organic matter and various chemical
compounds deeper into the soil. As these processes continue, the parent material near the
surface changes and distinct layers become visible. Over a period of time, the development of
thick layers give rise to soil profiles that reflect specific sets of soil forming processes.
A soil profile is vertical slice of the soil through all its horizons. It extends down into the parent
material to a maximum depth of two meters. Soils in Canada are classified according to
properties that can be observed and measured in a soil profile.
A soil profile contains distinct horizontal layers of soil called horizons which differ from each
other in their physical and chemical properties. Two of the most obvious characteristics of soil
horizons are color and structure (the shapes of soil clods) which usually change distinctly at the
border between two horizons. Master soil horizons are the primary layers that are designated A,
B or C in mineral soil material. Organic soil horizons are designated LFH or O.
LFH Horizon
- an organic horizon that accumulates at the soil surface made primarily of leaf litter.
Occurs mainly under forest.
A Horizon
- A mineral soil horizon formed at or near the soil surface. In grassland soils, this horizon
usually has the highest levels of organic matter and biological life. In forested soils it has
experienced the greatest degree of loss of salts and fine soil particles through leaching.
B Horizon
- A mineral horizon which has accumulated materials such as clay particles and humus
from the layers above. It has undergone some chemical change which often gives it a
brownish color, different from the horizon above, and a specific structure (natural
grouping of soil particles).
C Horizon
- A mineral horizon which has been comparatively unaffected by the soil forming
except for the accumulations of soluble salts and carbonates. This horizon is nearly the
same as the original soil and parent material.
Soil horizons are more completely described by attaching a lower-case suffix (such as f, h, k
etc.) to the master soil horizon designation (A, B, or C). These suffixes represent specific
conditions that occur within the master horizon. For example, a soil horizon designated Ah is a
A horizon which has been enriched by the accumulation of humus. A soil horizon designated Ck
is a C horizon that contains carbonate materials which will effervesce when dilute hydrochloric
acid [HCl] is added.
In western Canada, native grasslands formed mainly in the drier areas of southern Alberta,
Saskatchewan and Manitoba. Forests developed in the more humid climate bordering the
northern and western fringes of the prairie region. While both grassland and forest added
organic matter to the soil, the kind and amount produced by each was quite different and led to
very different profile arrangements.
The effects of climate and vegetation on soil profiles continues into the B horizons. The
subsurface horizons under grasslands and forest soils have been developed different colors and
The subsurface horizon in all well-drained grassland soil becomes modified (changed) over time
by chemical and physical processes to form a Bm horizon. Bm horizons are brownish in color
and are made of large elongated (slender or tapering form) soil peds (clumps) called prismatic
structures that allow water drainage and root penetration.
The subsurface of forested soils has a Bt horizon which has been enriched with clay particles
that coat the small, blocky shaped soil peds. Bt horizons swell up when wet, and cause poor
drainage and reduced root penetration.
- soils which are similar in very specific ways are grouped together in the same soil series. Soils
in the same series will have similar texture, structure, depth of soil horizons, pH, stones, etc.
Luvisolic - these are they “gray wooded” soils which form under LFH, Ae, Bt,
forest vegetation Ck
- have LFH litter layer and eluviated (leached) surface
mineral horizon (Ae)
- usually less productive for field crops that Chernozemic
- found mostly in gray soil zone
- Gray Brown Luvisol, Gray Luvisol
Solonetzic - developed on parent materials containing high levels of Ah, Ae, Bnt,
sodium (Na) salts Csk
- often found together with Chernozemic soils
- the B horizon has a columnar structure that is hard when
dry and sticky when wet
- called “hardpan soils” and often require special
management techniques such as deep plowing or surface
- Solonetz, Solodized Solonetz, Solod
4. Describe three ways in which soil profiles from grasslands and forested soils differ.
Three differences between the surface horizons of grassland and forested soils:
Organic matter is distributed deep into the A horizon of a grassland but lies mainly at the
surface of forested soils.
The mineral surface horizon of a grassland is much more fertile than the forested soil.
The pH of the surface horizon in a grassland soil is usually neutral or alkaline whereas a
forested soil is acidic.