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Full Text 02
Bona Ryan
Bona Ryan
This thesis is a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master degree in Erasmus Mundus
Master Programme Sustainable Construction under Natural Hazard and Catastrophic Events
(SUSCOS). The work presented here was performed at the Department of Civil, Environmental and
Natural Resources Engineering of Luleå University of Technology at the Division of Structural and
Construction Engineering, with research focus on renewable energy structures.
There are many people who had essential part in the creation of this thesis. The author would like to
express his gratitude to the supervisor Prof. Efthymios Koltsakis, for his continuous supervision,
guidance and support during this thesis work. Likewise, to Phd candidate Panagiotis Manoleas, a
special word of appreciation, for his measureless help and invaluable feedback in the numerical
modeling and development of this thesis, despite of the tight schedule of his own work. All their
supports were deeply acknowledged.
I also would like to thank my SUSCOS colleagues here in Sweden for the time we spent together in
the middle of extreme cold weather, for those related to the thesis and other stuff as well.
Special acknowledgements are addressed to programme coordinators Prof. Ing. František Wald from
Czech Technical University in Prague, Prof. Luis Simoes da Silva from University of Coimbra, Prof.
Dan Dubina, Ph.D. from Polytechnica University Timisoara, Prof. Dr. Jean-Pierre Jaspart from
University of Liege, and Prof. Dr. R. Landolfo from University Federico II Naples, and all the people
who involved in the Consortium of Erasmus Mundus SUSCOS Master Programme. This program,
that connects six European technical universities together, has created a huge opportunity for me to
meet and learn a lot from European most recognized steel experts. It is a big privilege to be a part of
research focused on steel structure engineering.
Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my parents, my brothers Joy and Aldo, my
girlfriend Rina, and friends whose support have been always available and who helped me during this
period of my life, even from distance, with kind words, encouragement, and infinite love. To my
family I dedicate this thesis.
The trend of structural engineering in the recent years is toward the use of lighter and more
economical structural elements. In steel construction, peculiarly, thin-walled structural elements are
becoming more popular and have a growing importance. Improved techniques in a manufacturing of
thin-walled elements have led to increased competitiveness of such products in the building
applications. Some examples of such structural element can be found in everyday life in form of
columns, studs, roofing trusses, and light-weight frames. However, the use of slender profiles and a
complex cross sections shape lead to requirements to study instability phenomenon in a form of local,
distortional, flexural, torsional and coupled instability. Such complex structural behavior is inevitably
accompanied by demand to improve calculation methods and design provisions. In this thesis, an
innovative solution of structural element composed of thin-walled plates is proposed for the
application on lattice support structure of wind turbine.
Thin-walled cold-formed profiles are steel products usually made from cold rolled coils and folded in
the second step. In this way, only open profiles can be produced. The predominant problem of the
open cross-section is the excessive torsional effect caused by the non-coincidence between the shear
center and mass center, and a poor torsional resistance. A better response is possible with closed cross
sections, but such profiles could not be produced by the folding. The solution is to make semi-closed
section by assembling them into polygonal profiles with mechanical fasteners, as presented in this
Objective of this work is to study the proposed structural sections in design situation and to
investigate possible design models. The expected structural behavior of the column is a mixture
between the open and closed cross-section. These cases will be investigated through numerical study.
In this thesis presented a comprehensive parametric study on the ultimate strength of proposed cold-
formed steel columns using the Finite Element package ABAQUS. FE models were first developed
for columns by using automation that was made through MATLAB and Python script. The buckling
and non-linear FE study was done for the investigation of local (L), distortional (D) and global (G)
possible buckling failures and ultimate resistance, respectively. Modelling issues such as boundary
conditions, meshing, initial imperfections, material models, and non-linear solution controls in FEA
were also addressed.
The parametric study involved series of profiles of built-up polygonal cross-section types with varied
thickness (t), number of corners (n), diameter (d), slenderness (slend), yield strength (fy), number of
points along corner radii (np), extension lip length (lext), gusset plate thickness (tg), member length (l),
and density of fasteners (s/d ratio), loaded in compression and bending moment. The bending moment
occurs as the effect of forces acting on the connection. The purpose of this analysis is to study the
critical load, cross-sectional behavior, influence of the amplitude of initial imperfections on the
ultimate load, and influence of each parameter used in the analysis through Full Factorial Design.
Key Words
Lattice tower, Thin-walled element, Semi-closed polygonal section, Finite element analysis,
Parametric study, Buckling, Python script, Matlab script, Eurocode 3, Factorial design
Table of Contents
PREFACE ................................................................................................................................................ i
ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................................... iii
NOTATIONS .......................................................................................................................................... v
1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Objectives and Expected Research Achievement ................................................................... 2
1.3 Limitation................................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Methodology ........................................................................................................................... 3
1.5 Organization of the Thesis ...................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Type of Towers for Wind Energy Converter .......................................................................... 5
1.6.1 Welded steel shell tower ................................................................................................. 5
1.6.2 Pretensioned Concrete Tower ......................................................................................... 6
1.6.3 Concrete/Steel Hybrid Tower ......................................................................................... 7
1.6.4 Lattice Tower .................................................................................................................. 8
1.6.5 Hybrid Lattice-Tubular Towers ...................................................................................... 9
1.6.6 Summary of Type of Support Structure ........................................................................ 10
1.7 Semi-closed polygonal section trusses .................................................................................. 11
EUROCODES....................................................................................................................................... 13
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 13
2.2 Manufacturing of Cold-Formed Steel Section ...................................................................... 14
2.2.1 Peculiar Characteristic of Cold-Formed Sections ......................................................... 16
2.3 Buckling Behaviour .............................................................................................................. 17
2.3.1 Elastic buckling of column ........................................................................................... 17
2.3.2 Buckling behaviour of cold-formed structural members .............................................. 20
2.3.3 Coupled Instabilities ..................................................................................................... 22
2.3.4 Open section, free and prevented warping .................................................................... 25
2.3.5 Closed section, free warping ......................................................................................... 28
2.3.6 Buckling of Thin Plates according to Eurocodes .......................................................... 28
2.3.7 Buckling of cold-formed sections according to Eurocodes .......................................... 31 Ultimate Limit States. EC3-1-3 -6 ................................................................................ 33 Buckling Resistance. EC3-1-3 -6.2 ............................................................................... 34
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
At current stage of wind converter development, reducing the amount of input cost is still a big
challenge. Wind energy is positive in the way that the wind resource is renewable and it does not
produce harmful impact like greenhouse gas from conventional power source. However, one of the
shortcomings with wind power generation is that the amount of investment cost makes it not as much
commercially competitive as other conventional power generation sources for the time being. Efforts
are being carried out to optimize it. As for optimization of structural form, lattice system is proposed
as support structure for wind turbine. Lattice structure possesses advantages in that it generally
requires less material and the wind load impact is also reduced due to the reduced impacted area
compared with monopole structure. In this part, lattice structure composed of steel semi-closed
polygonal cross-section made by cold-formed thin-walled plates is proposed for more efficient
structural solution, and compared to other common type of wind turbine towers. This novel built-up
structural section is expected to deliver robust structure with economical feature.
1.1 Background
Wind power is considered one of the most promising alternative energy resources for production
of electricity. One major advantage that wind power offers compared to conventional ways of
producing energy such as fossil energy and nuclear energy is the low emission of carbon dioxide CO2
during production of electrical energy. It is a clean renewable energy. In the last decades extensive
research and huge resources have been focused on production of wind power around the world,
especially in the European Union (EU) where annual wind power installations have increased steadily
over the past 15 years from 3.2 GW in 2000 to 12.8 GW in 2015, an annual growth rate of over 9%
A wind power station consists of a supporting tower structure with a turbine nacelle at the top.
The cost of the tower is one of the most important aspects to address at the moment of design stage
and installation. Based on experience, it covers approximately 20%of the total manufacturing cost for
a wind turbine [2]. For turbines with higher rated power capacity, the percentage could be even
increasing. Moreover, the height of the tower is an important factor in the efficiency of using wind
power. Higher tower solutions have a significant role in reducing the unit costs of generated
electricity [3], likewise latest development in wind power industry includes the effort to achieve larger
blades radius and consequently higher tower. Building higher tower increases the output of wind
power as the wind becomes more constant, less turbulence and the wind speed increases with the
increase of the tower height. Hence, the optimization of supporting tower for more economical
solution while keeping the structural performance is necessary.
Reduction of investment cost could be made through various ways. The structural system
optimization can be done either in the material or form of structure. The manufacturing cost can also
be optimized by means of mass production. The latter is one factor that has driven large scale wind
farm development. One possibility to reduce costs of tower manufacturing could be to produce them
in smaller parts that are easier and less expensive to transport. For such a solution to be
Introduction 1
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
feasible it is important that the resulting structure and connections has the required stability and load
resistance. The problem of transportation of tower to inland sites and erection method significantly
decreases if the tower is built by sections instead of large cross-section and in long segments.
Moreover, the price of the tower can also be decreased by the use of thin elements with high strength
In the current design of steel towers for onshore wind turbines the most common type of tower is
cylindrical tubular tower. Some challenging limitations regarding tower height and erection process
attributed to this type of structures including transportation restriction for maximum shell diameter of
4 – 4.5m, fatigue endurance due to transversal and longitudinal welding, connection problems with
thick flanges, expensive rolling process, and lifting technology that limit the height of current
installed tower to be 80 – 100m.Lattice or truss support structure then proposed to deal with such
problems, however the steel CHS section as common cross section for this type of structure for high
onshore wind turbine has complication in welding connection and member thickness. All these issues
will eventually affect the cost effectiveness of tower component in the overall building cost. Many
researches have been looking for different solutions to these problems. Three projects which have
been dealing with these questions are the HISTWIN [4], HISTWIN2 [5], and the on-going
AEOLUS4FUTURE [6]. New challenging load conditions and new type of support structures for
wind energy converter which foster new structural concepts and high performance material became
the focus of those researches. As part of these projects, Heistermann [7] proved a new solution with
friction connections to replace the traditional in flange connection, and then Garson [8] conducted
comprehensive study of polygonal tubular towers made of folded plates. In 2008 the steel supplier
“Rautaruukki Oy” [3] developed a method to build a lattice tower of 160 m using a new section type
made from cold-formed steel as illustrated in Figure 11. The latter type of structural member is
adopted in this thesis.
Besides the structural performance of member, one important issue for the stability of the
presented tower is to analyze the connections required to maintain the structural performance. As the
joint behavior affects distribution of both internal forces and moments as well as deformations of the
structure, its investigation is very important. Therefore, the work presented here also addressed
questions related to the structural characteristic of bolted connection on the lattice column made of
polygonal thin-walled folded plates. Globally, this work is intended to promote competitiveness of
semi-closed polygonal cross section for truss structure application.
The main objective of this thesis is to study the structural behaviour of semi-closed polygonal column
subject to various geometrical configuration and loading schemes. Another aspect with regard to the
connections on this type of member is also considered. As of structural joints are characterized by
means of their resistance, stiffness and rotation capacity, one parameter investigated here is estimation
of stiffness of the connection under prescribed set of parameters.. The overall objectives are achieved
by performing an extensive numerical parametric study to analyze and investigate the influence of
different parameters on the response of the member.
2 Introduction
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
1. Are the existing Eurocode EN1993 part 1-3 [9]analytical models for cold-formed steel
sections suitable for predicting the critical axial force and bending moment on the proposed
semi-closed polygonal section with bolted connection?
3. As for parametric studies, how far is the influence of each parameter on the structural
response of the model?
1.3 Limitation
This thesis is endeavoring to solve the challenges for application of a new type of truss member as
support structure of wind turbine and the purpose is to achieve a balance point between the safety,
cost and the overall performance. Limitations exist because there is little existing experience and
research to learn from for this thesis topic and many resources in the steel thin-walled are not
accessible. This thesis work was carried out based on conceptual studies and numerical analysis and
there was limited verification from physical modeling. The thesis is therefore trying to produce a
work within its scope that could be useful or applied as a reference when future relevant projects are
to be performed.
The study performed in this thesis deals with the structural behavior of steel semi-closed polygonal
sections with bolted connection in lattice structure, with focus on buckling behaviour, ultimate
resistance and connection stiffness. In the numerical analyses, different types of structural
configurations have been considered. Several parameters are applied on the parametric study to
identify the influence on the response of the member. Thus, the analysis is limited to these specific
prescribed parameters. The studied members in this thesis are series of segment of corner chord on
lattice tower.
1.4 Methodology
To address the objectives and answers of the research questions in this thesis the following research
methodology was adopted:
1. In the first step, a literature review has been carried out to identify the status of existing
research work related to cold-formed polygonal section. The existing rules according to
Eurocode EN1993 are briefly presented. Results from other researches are also presented. A
particular focus was on built-up section made of thin-walled folded plates with bolted
Introduction 3
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
2. Thereafter, automation was carried out to build 3D finite element models of the sub-
assemblies for parametric studies. MATLAB code was used to generate profiles of model and
continued with automation in Python. Focus is given to numerically study and investigate the
influence of different parameters on the response of the section.
3. After evaluating the results, focus is shifted to the stiffness prediction of connection on the
studied columns. In addition, influence of imperfection is also investigated.
4. An evaluation of the results of the models performed by FEM and recommendation for the
applicability of numerical calculation for this type of cross-section with regard to the
standards of Eurocodes for steel design: EN 1993 part 1-3 [9] and EN1993 part 1-5 [10] was
The thesis consists of seven chapters excluding annexes. A brief summary of the content of each
chapter is explained as follows.
Chapter 1 gives a background and a brief introduction of the research subject. Therein, also
present the objectives and expected research achievements, limitations, and research
Chapter 2 gives a state of the art review. It starts with an overview of the rules for the considered
type of thin-plates as presented in Eurocode EN1993. In addition research results from other
references are also presented.
Chapter 3 presents the procedure of parametric studies and numerical analysis. Detail description
of FE models developed for the proposed semi-closed polygonal cross-section is described here.
Chapter 4 describes the evaluation of result from FE-calculations and parametric studies for the
proposed polygonal cross-section.
Chapter 5 gives procedure for the numerical modeling and calculation of stiffness of the bolt
connection along the member
Chapter 6 gives the investigation of moment-rotation behaviour of the gusset connection on the
Chapter 7 sums up the main conclusions achieved and provide some suggestions for future work
related to the research presented in this thesis.
4 Introduction
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
The welded steel shell tower today dominates the wind turbine market. It consists of cylinders made
of steel plate bent to a circular shape and welded longitudinally (Figure 1).
). Transversal welds connect
several such cylinders to form a tower section. Each section ends with a steel flange in each end. The
sections are bolted to each other. The bottom flange is connected to the foundation and the top one to
the nacelle.
In the dimensioning load case, the tower is affected by the thrust from the rotor. This thrust will create
a bending moment, which increases with the distance from the turbine shaft, i.e. inversely
proportional to the height above the ground. To cope with this increasing bending moment it is
favourable to make the tower conical in shape, to the limit of buckling. However, land transportation
even with a special permit is not possible for diameters exceeding 4.55 m in Sweden. Other countries
and certain roads may create even more severe restrictions, e.g. 3.5 3 5 m. To a certain degree these
restrictions may be counteracted by an increase of plate thickness, however, the tower will wi then
become less economical [11].
Introduction 5
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
The specific investment cost for the different alternatives is summarized in Figure 2. The intended
higher hub height alternative was not possible to attain with the 4.5 m base diameter limitation. For
the 5 MW turbine the limit was 100 m. For all towers the maximum plate thickness is 75 mm.
According to one source, some manufacturers experience difficulties
difficulties above 50 mm.
Figure 2.. Summary of specific investment cost for 3 and 5 MW wind turbines furnished with welded steel shell
towers, maximum diameter 4.5 m [11]
Besides making the tower expensive, a small tower diameter also means difficulties with transferring
the loads into the foundation
ndation and also with the distribution of the loads in the foundation [12].
In a concrete tower the concrete proper only withstands pressure. The ability to absorb tension is
provided primarily by pretensioned tendons, located in ducts in the concrete or internal/external of the
concrete walls. Putting them internal or external enables easy inspection. There are also traditional
untensioned reinforcement bars cast into the concrete
concrete shell, necessary to provide the compressive
A concrete tower is clearly dimensioned by the extreme load case, since it has large margins towards
fatigue. It is assumed that the concrete is pretensioned by the tendons to 20 MPa. In the extreme
extre load
case the pressure side is offloaded to close to zero whereas the tension on the other side is doubled.
By increasing the thickness of the concrete cover it may be possible to increase the lifetime to e.g. 50
years. One concrete tower may then serve for two generations of machineries, with obvious
economical savings (Figure 3).
Compared to steel towers, concrete towers are much heavier and takes longer time to erect. On the
other hand, the concrete or the concrete elements, if made small enough, are not subject to
transportation restrictions, as for the case with welded steel towers with large base diameters.
6 Introduction
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
Figure 3.. Summary of specific investment cost for 3 and 5 MW wind turbines furnished
with slip formed concrete towers [11]
Regardless if the tower is slip formed or assembled from precast elements, it is advantageous to install
the post-stressing
stressing tendons from below, thus not needing to lift the heavy rolls of tendons to the tower
top. Then it is however necessary to furnish the foundation with a cellar [12].
The idea behind building a hybrid concrete/steel tower is to use concrete in the wide lower part and
steel in the upper part, where a conventional welded steel shell tower section may be designed without
any risk of conflict with the transportation limitations. In reality it also makes it easier to design
desig the
concrete part and to get the eigen-frequencies
eigen right [11].
Introduction 7
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
Figure 5.. Summary of specific investment cost for 3 and 5 MW wind turbines furnished
with hybrid concrete/steel towers[11]
It is clear that they often are considerably lighter than towers based on other technologies. The
physical background to this phenomenon is the large widths of the lower sections. The need for
material to take strain
ain or pressure is inversely proportional to the width. With a tubular section a thin-
walled construction will finally meet with buckling, which restrains the maximum diameter. A lattice
design does not buckle like a shell. The risk of buckling of the individual
individual members is controlled by
inserting numerous struts that give the lattice tower its characteristic look.
The basic advantage of lattice towers is cost, since a lattice tower requires only half as much material
as a freely standing tubular tower with a similar stiffness as already described above (Figure 7). In
terms of structural optimization, this type of tower
wer could reduce the cost of the tower about 20% or
even higher when it is applied
pplied as support structure for wind turbine. One another stated advantage of
lattice towers is that they should have less aerodynamic drag and hence create less tower shadow and
noise. Moreover, transportation of lattice elements is also much more convenient when there is
limitation of 4-6m width for road transportation capacity, while a larger dimension
mension of monopole is
required for a larger scale wind turbine.
8 Introduction
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
The visual qualities are controversial, especially due to the resemblance to towers for high-voltage
power lines, generally claimed to be ugly. An open design, like a lattice tower, is more prone to icing
an a tubular tower. The possible impact on the dynamic properties may be the most severe
consequence, which may endanger the wind turbine in an extreme case. It may also be a problem for
maintenance personnel, even if their elevator runs on heated rails. Another
Another danger for such tower is
the increased risk of falling ice. The last resort for evacuating a wind turbine nacelle is normally by a
rope to the ground.
Figure 7.. Specific investment cost for 3 MW wind turbine furnished with
lattice towers
Introduction 9
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
The tower can be climbed from the inside and is equipped with working platforms, ladder with fall
protection system and a service lift. The bottom cabinet sections are arranged in the transition piece.
The cabinet sections are connected to the generator and the top cabinet in the nacelle via power and
control cables. At the tower top the cables are routed through a cable loop. It allows the nacelle to turn
several times in each direction without damaging the cables. The power cables between WTG and
grid are routed through conduits. The tower is protected against corrosion with special coating.
A tower of this type was installed at the wind farm in Gujarat, India (Figure 8). It is expected that this
new type of towers produces about 10 to 12% more energy, because gains against the normal towers
more than 40 meters in total height, with a combined height of 120 meters compared to the 80 meters
of most tubular towers, therefore it is ideal for low wind areas, due to its superior performance, with a
potential to be installed in all parts of the world, without having to look for places where the wind
speed is high [12].
In the early stage of wind energy development and especially when the size of wind turbine was not
such big, the emphasis was given on cost reduction of the mechanical parts, not of the tower. That is
why the tubular tower was very widely used. However, as commercialization of wind energy is driven
and the size of wind turbine grows, the cost optimization associated with the turbine support structure
is of major interests after cost reduction measurements on mechanical components, e.g. the gearbox
and generator are done. This is why these years the lattice structure is receiving more and more
attentions, especially on large scale wind turbines.
A comparison in terms of the investment cost of a commissioned wind turbine divided by the yearly
production, called the specific cost for the presented types of tower is shown in Figure 9 below.
10 Introduction
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
Figure 9.. Tower cost for the alternative designs. Power 3 MW, hub height 125 m[11].
1.7 Semi-closed
closed polygonal section trusses
The idea of using built-up polygonal profile member made of folded plates for the truss
trus element is an
innovative and recent solution,, therefore the research and previous studies
studies about this matter are not
much available. The objective is to maximize the efficiency
efficie of the cross-sectio
section by its geometry,
while minimizing the quantity of steel
ste used. This can lead to great economical al and environmental
benefits. There is no extended research and literature behind this type
t of built-up
up hollow sections so
far and therefore there are many uncertainties
unce on how these elements would behave under loads.
A detailed research study about this type of section was performed in [8],, which investigated the
resistance of the polygonal cross-sections
cross for tubular tower application.. The focus of that research is
the use of thin walls on bolted elements in wind tower applications and the assessment of the design
methods according to Eurocodes in i comparison with FEM analysis. The results of the study show that
Introduction 11
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
the Eurocode EN1993 part 1-33 and part 1-61 are in a good agreement when compared to the laboratory
sts and FEM analysis performed, whenever the axial resistance tance was done on the folded
fold plates. A
smaller difference between numerical and analytical results was obtained when
when calculating the critical
load with EN1993 part 1-5,, rather than with part 1-6.
1 Therefore, in this thesis EN1993 part 1-5 is also
used in order
der to determine the critical load of plates. It is also shown that the strength of the folded
plate, even with less material used in the cross-section
cross section has a higher efficiency than the plates with
circular cross-sections [8].
(b) (c)
12 Introduction
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
Cold-formed steel sections demonstrates extensive applicability, even it is a relatively new system, due
to some great advantages, such as high strength-to-weight ratio, reduced labor costs and fast erection
due to the light weight of cold-formed members. In the form of individual plates, they have an inherent
weakness in their small torsional stiffness, which is unfavorable for compressive members. The
solution is to make closed section by assembling them with fasteners. Cold-formed steel design is
dominated by two specific problems, i.e. (1) stability behaviour, which is dominant for design criteria
of thin sections, and (2) connecting technology, which is specific and influences significantly the
structural performance and design detailing. The work presented in this chapter deals with resistance
of the proposed section in relation with stability and connection, based on analytical approach in the
2.1 Introduction
In steel construction cold-formed structural members are becoming more popular and have a growing
importance. One of the reasons is the versatile nature which allows for the forming of almost any
section geometry which can be produced at low-cost by cold forming and rolling from thin steel
sheets. Cold–formed steel sections are usually thinner than hot–rolled sections and can be subject to
different modes of failure and deformation and therefore extensive testing is required to provide a
guideline for the design of cold-formed thin-walled structural members [14].
The main mechanical properties (yield point, tensile strength and ductility) of cold-formed steel
sections, particularly at the corners, are considerably different from those of the flat steel sheet, plate,
strip or bar before forming. This is because the cold–forming operation increases the yield point and
tensile strength, and at the same time decreases the ductility. Design codes have been generated for
cold-formed steel structures subjected to various loading scenarios which can cause buckling, bending
and web crippling or a combination.
Cold formed sections can be optimized for different purposes and they are fairly inexpensive to
produce in small series by brake forming. The first objective of the optimization is to avoid the
detrimental effects of local buckling of compressed parts. This is done by folds and by forming
intermediate stiffeners in wide flat parts. Most of the cold-formed members have open cross-sections
with a very small torsional stiffness. This means that the resistance to global buckling frequently is
governed by torsional or torsional-flexural buckling with a relatively low resistance compared to
flexural buckling. One way of improving the resistance is to make the cross-section closed by using
mechanical fasteners for the connection, which will be investigated in this thesis. It is here called a
semi-closed cross-section because it is not continuously and rigidly connected.
Using the newest developments in material technology and in cold forming technique the processing
of steel sheets with yield strength ranging from 250 MPa to 700 MPa and larger sheet thicknesses
becomes possible. Due to that, trusses with cold formed sections show a marked reduction in weight
in comparison to hot rolled sections. However, this advantage can only be used for structures, where
serviceability is not decisive, which is the case for trusses with their large flexural rigidity. For
conventional truss structures made from hot rolled sections, design details were optimised during
decades of application, while for an economical design of trusses made of cold formed sections, new
cross-section types as well as truss connections details need to be developed. In a research [15] a
certain type of built-up cross-section was proposed and investigated by using an analytical
calculation based on the Generalized Beam Theory (GBT), which was then compared to experimental
data and numerical calculations. The steps and principles that should be followed when using the
implementation of GBT formulation were aimed to perform first-order elastic–plastic analyses of
thin-walled members. In that research, the GBT results were compared to numerical calculation by
ABAQUS shell finite element, and the results showed a very good agreement. However, it was shown
that FE analysis provides better and more accurate results than the GBT procedure and therefore, in
this work an FEM approach is adopted.
The objective of this chapter is to assess the established design procedure of an axially compressed
cold-formed steel member and stiffness of the connection. The investigated steel member is a segment
of a semi-closed corner chord as illustrated in Figure 11. The element was intended to be used as part
of a lattice tower for wind turbines. The resistance to axial compression of the folded plate was
analysed according to the rules of EN-1993 rules part 1-3 [9] for the folded cold-formed members and
then evaluated with the help of FEA.
Cold-formed members are steel products made from coated or uncoated hot-rolled or cold-rolled flat
strips or coils. Within the permitted range of tolerances, they have constant or variable cross section.
Individual structural members (bar members) obtained from so called “long products” including
single open sections, open built-up sections, and closed built-up sections.
Cold-formed members are normally manufactured by one of two processes, namely:
- Roll forming;
- Folding and press braking.
Roll forming consists of feeding a continuous steel strip through a series of opposing rolls to
progressively deform the steel plastically to form the desired shape. Each pair of rolls produces a
fixed amount of deformation in a sequence of type shown in Figure 12a. Each pair of opposing rolls is
called a stage as shown in Figure 12. In general, the more complex the cross sectional shape, the
greater the number of stages required.
Folding is the simplest process, in which specimens of short lengths, and of simple geometry are
produced from a sheet of material by folding a series of bends, as shown in Figure 13. This process
has very limited application.
Press braking is more widely used, and a greater variety of cross sectional forms can be produced by
this process. Here a section is formed from a length of strip by pressing the strip between shaped dies
to form the profile shape, as shown in Figure 14. Usually each bend is formed separately. This process
also has limitations on the profiled geometry which can be formed and, often more importantly, on the
lengths of sections which can be produced. Press braking is normally
normally restricted to sections of length
less than 5 m although press brakes capable of producing 8 m long members are in use in industry.
Compared to hot-rolled
rolled steel sections, the manufacturing technology of cold-formed
cold formed steel sections
causes some peculiar characteristics. First of all, cold-forming
cold forming leads to a modification of the stress-
strain curve of the steel. With respect to the virgin material, cold-rolling
rolling provides an increase of the
yield strength and, sometimes, of the ultimate strength that is important in the corners and still
appreciable in the flanges, while press braking leave these characteristics nearly unchanged in the
Table 1.. Influence of manufacturing process on the strengths of hot and cold-formed
cold formed sections
The increase of the yield strength is due to strain hardening and depends on the type of steel used for
cold rolling. On the other hand, the increase
increase of the ultimate strength is related to strain aging, which is
accompanied by a decrease of the ductility and depends on the metallurgical properties of the
material. Eurocodes provide formulas to evaluate the increase of yield strength of cold-formed
cold steel
sections, compared to that of the basic material.
rolled profiles are affected by residual stresses, which result from air cooling after hot-rolling.
These stresses are mostly of membrane type, they depend on the shape of sections and have a
significant influence on the buckling strength. In the case of cold-formed
cold formed sections the residual stresses
are mainly of flexural type (Figure 15),
15) influenced by cold rolling procedure, and their influence on
the buckling strength is less important than membrane
membrane residual stresses as shown in Table 2.
Figure 15.flexural
.flexural residual stresses in a lipped channel cold-formed
cold formed steel section
In a Linear Buckling Analysis, it is assumed that the column is centrically loaded, the material is
homogeneous, isotropic and perfectly elastic and that the deflections are small. A maximum maxi
compressive stress is not taken into account. This way, a buckling load can be found by finding an
equilibrium between the compressive force multiplied with an eccentricity (which is only present if
buckling occurs) and the flexural stiffness of the column
column where the axial compressive force is called
the disturbing force and the force caused by the flexural stiffness of the column is called the internal
resisting moment. The disturbing force and the internal resisting moment must be in equilibrium for
thee column to be stable. Using a differential equation to describe its behavior, the first order or linear
buckling load can bee found by equation below,
below which is found by solving
ving the differential equation.
. .
Ncr is the critical load or buckling load of the column
EI is the flexural stiffness of the column
L is the system length
K is effective length factor
And critical stress is defined by:
σcr is the critical stress, the stress whereby
w the column buckles
λ is the slenderness of the column
A is the area of the section
i is the radius of gyration, determined by
With the above equations a graph can be plotted with the critical stress on the vertical axis and the
slenderness on the horizontal axis (Figure 17).
It can be seen that the critical stress increases when the slenderness decreases. The stress even exceeds
the yielding stress of steel. Of course, this is impossible, but as outlined before, it is assumed the
material is perfectly elastic and a maximum stress
st is not taken into account.
Figure 18.
18 Stability of a member under axial compression
The use of thinner sections and high strength steels leads to design problems for structural engineers
which may not normally be encountered in routine structural steel design. Structural instability
instabi of
sections is most likely to occur as a result of the thickness of the
he sections, leading to reduced buckling
loads (and stresses), and the use of higher strength steel typically makes the buckling stress and yield
stress of the thin-walled
walled sections approximately equal.
Distortional buckling is characterised by rotation of the flange at the flange/web junction in members
with edge stiffened elements and occurs only for open cross-sections
cross sections where the compressed flanges
buckle inward
ard or outward along the length of a member as shown in Figure 19(b).(b). This is the form of
a ”semi–local” buckling mode which can generally arise at somewhat longerr wavelengths,
wavelengths generally
intermediate between that of local buckling and global buckling.
buckling. The distortional buckling mode has
been found to govern the strength of sections with intermediately stiffened elements [16], [17]. The
elastically determined post–buckling
buckling behaviour is generally stable, but in–plane
plane deformations can
encourage substantial membrane stresses and rapidly produce yield and failure in the stiffeners [19],
Figure 20.Buckling
Buckling strength versus half-wavelength
half th for a lipped channel in
compression (Hancock, 2001)
In general, the
he buckling mode is influenced by cross–section
cross geometry, end conditions, loading
load and
material. Also, introducing openings and imperfections to structures
ctures has a significant effect on the
critical buckling load and the buckling mode [24], [25].
Figure 21 shows the difference in behaviour of a thick-walled slender column in compression and a
thin-walled column. It shows the behaviour of a thick-walled bar that it begins to depart from the
elastic curve at point B when the first fibre reaches the yield stress, Nel, and it reaches
reach its maximum
(ultimate) load capacity, Nu, at point C; after which the load drops gradually
gradually and the curve approaches
the theoretical rigid-plastic
plastic curve asymptotically.
asymptotically The elastic theory is able to define the deflections
and stresses up to the point of first yield and the load at which first yield occurs. The position of the
rigid-plastic curve determines the absolute limit of the load carrying capacity,
capacity, above which the
structure cannot support the load and remain in a state of equilibrium.
In many practical cases, as it is for thin walled members, the loss of stability is often complicated by
the occurrence of two or more eigenmodes at coincident or nearly coincident critical loads. This leads
to an increase in sensitivity to geometric imperfection
imperfection with reduction (erosion) of the expected
buckling strength.
The natural effect of geometrical imperfections is the erosion of the cusp formed by the interaction of
the pre-critical and post-critical
critical paths. In the case of coupled instabilities (termed herein used to
express the simultaneous occurrence of different buckling modes) further reduction is produced.
The occurrence of simultaneous buckling arises in practical situations when the attempt is done to
optimize the structurere by choosing a specific geometry that allows the buckling modes to have the
same critical load: this is the so-called
called “simultaneous buckling design principle”.
The matter is to analyse which are the effects of one buckling mode on the other; the interaction
between the two modes generates a change in the buckling shape causing severe imperfection
sensitivity and modifying the apparent optimization assumed with this approach.
Figure 22.. Model used by Croll and Walker (1972) to illustrate interaction of critical loads
By introducing the potential energy of the illustrated model and deriving the equilibrium equations
four solutions are obtained, the next figures
figu depict their expression:
(a) (b)
Figure 23.. a) Stability paths for coupling between relatively close critical loads;
b) Stability paths for coupling between coincident critical
criti loads
If the two modes that couple have wavelengths of about the same order the post-
post-critical path shows a
weak or moderate interaction: this is the case of coupling between flexural and flexural-torsional
buckling of mono-symmetrical
symmetrical compressed members.
If high difference exists between the two buckling modes wavelengths, as for an overall buckling that
couples with a local one, a big erosion might occur.
For thin-walled
walled members, a typical situation is a preliminary coupling between multiple local
buckling modes with m-1, 1, m, m+1 half-wavelength
half wavelength which give rise to an unstable post-critical
post path
characterized by the localisation of the buckling patterns (experimental tests showed that the
periodical local buckling mode develops at failure a local mechanism). The second interaction occurs
between a stable post-critical
critical overall buckling mode (i.e. flexural or torsional-flexural)
torsional with the
unstable localized mode, this leads to a very unstable post-critical
post behavior.
Dubina [26] suggested a reduction from the theoretical buckling load less than 30% in the coupling
between flexural and flexural-torsional
torsional buckling, more than 50% in the coupling
coupling between an overall
mode with localized one.
In the case of asymmetric cross sections, the modes are coupled and the lowest bucking load is lower
than each one associated to the independent modes described above: in this case the column buckles
in a flexural-torsional mode.
The rectangular coordinate system (x, y, z) are defined in accordance with the principal axes of the
cross-section having the origin at the mass center G, but the displacements (u, v, θ) are taken to shear
center S of coordinates (xo, yo).
+ − − ! 0
#$ + $ + # −% ! 0
&! + −' ( ! + ) # −% ! − − * 0
+ + % + , + -# −- + -& .&
and βx, βy, βω are the Wagner’s coefficients, that represent the symmetry degree of the section respect
the relative axis. They are equal to:
-# 0 % + 1 −2
# 3
- 0 % + %1 − 2% 0
-& 0 % + 41
& 3
This is a system of three linear non-homogenous differential equation with the unknown su, v and θ.
An exact solution is possible and has been written by Culver, who found the unknown variables
resolving separately the homogenous particular problem. The twelve integration constants can be
determined giving the followed twelve boundary conditions for both the extremes:
In the exact approach, the evaluation of the integration constant it is not always simple and fast. There
is an approximate way for find the same solution, and that studied by Pekoz and Celebi using the
Galerkin method. They supposed the rotation and deflection functions with the following form:
− : −:
9 9
$ ;9 $9 − : −:
2 #
7 <9 79
Where u0, v0, θ0 are function of z, and they respect the boundary conditions imposed, therefore simple
supported beam-column.
Applying the Galerkin method to the previous differential equations, and using those displacements
functions, a system of three linear equations with the unknowns A0, B0, C0 is possible to be solved.
G − # L
0 − 9 E E
9 E E
= 0 #− − # − %9 > A B;9 C −
− − <9 F K
# − %9 ?9 @−
E − − %9 E
9 >
9 #
D # J
And the constants K1 and K2 are the integration coefficients functions of the boundary conditions
used, which for this case take the following value 0.8834 and 4.1223 respectively in accordance with
the Pekoz and Celebi solution.
In the case of mono-symmetry cross-section, which is subject to an axial force P in the plan of
symmetry (ey = 0) it is possible to write an independent equation of in-plane bending about x-axis and
two homogenous simultaneous equations of flexural torsional buckling.
− 9 − #
− − − %9 ; 0
+ , Z 9[ \ ]
# # >
− # − %9 > ?9 @− <9 0
# − @ ±` # − @ +4 # @ # − %9 /?9 >
2[1 − − %9 /?9 ]
# >
The theory explained in the previous paragraph can be used in case of closed section only in free
warping, where the displacement along the profile are free.
The studied cross section is doubly-symmetrical, in this case the flexural buckling mode about x and
y-axis is independent from other modes because the shift xo and yo between shear center and centroid
is zero. Further, this cross-section is not susceptible to torsion due to coincidence of shear center and
The resistance of a thin plate under compressive forces is calculated in two steps; first calculating the
critical load (elastic or buckling analysis) and second the determination of the ultimate load level
(post-buckling analysis), when the behaviour is not linear any more due to plasticity or loss of
EN-1993 part 1-5[10]defined the critical compressive stress for buckling of a plate element as:
. Y
Re . .
12. (1 − f ) P
where; kσ is the plate buckling coefficient that depends on the support conditions of the plate.
When an element is formed from a folded plate the width of the element b can be defined in different
ways. EN 1993 part 1-5 does not take the bent parts of the cross-section into consideration and the use
of EN 1993 part 1-6 is recommended by the standard. This should be done by calculating a notional
flat width bp of the plane elements, which is measured from the midpoints of the adjacent corner
elements (Figure 27). Hence the critical stress becomes:
. Y
= Re . .
12. (1 − f ) Pg
Where; kσ is the buckling coefficient (4 for internal compression elements and 0.43 for outstand
compression elements).
The minimum critical load is obtained from the outer plate both in using the elastic plate theory and in
calculations with the notional flat width bp.
• The
he ultimate load for plates in compression
In a linear elastic analysis of compression, the stress distribution is assumed to remain uniform until
the plate buckles. In post-buckling
buckling however, stresses are re-distributed
re distributed in the plate. Equilibrium paths,
the influence of imperfections and load eccentricities may be analysed by means of equations of
equilibrium or energy methods. In order to avoid complex analysis in design, the criteria of effective
width is used, where a simply supported plate is considered and axially loaded in two sides, the stress
distribution in a buckled cross-section
section of the plate is simplified into two stress blocks with constant
stress over the total width. EN 1993 part 1-51 5 determined the effective width by using reduction factor
ρ, this
is factor is obtained as follows:
Prss h. P
If the flat width b is replaced by the notional flat width bp from EN 1993 part 1-3,
1 equation above
Prss h. Pg
h 1 M g j 0.673
1 0.055. 3 o
h M iii
g t 0.673 P Y h j 1.0
is the ratio of the extreme fibre stresses;
1 0.188
h P Y h j 1.0
iii w
28.4 z {Re
If we compare the notional flat width bp and the effective width beff we get two expressions for the
cross section area as:
| = } Pg . Y
rss = } Prss . Y
In the ultimate limit state EN 1993-1-3 differs from part 1-5 since it allows a consideration of an
average yield strength fya (due to different levels of cold working) if there is no reduction due to local
and/or distortional buckling, this average yield strength fya is illustrated in equation 15 and it is found
in EN1993 part 1-3 chapter 6.1.3(1) [9]. Thus the characteristic resistance for uniform compressed
plate should be determined as follows:
,€• = | ƒM x + M„−M x . 4. …1 − † ‰Š ≤ |. M „ if rss = |
Due to local buckling the centroid of the effective cross-section does not coincide with the centroid of
the gross cross-section described in EN1993 part 1-5 chapter 4.3(3) [10]. Therefore, an additional
bending moment, considering the shift of the centroidal axis, should be considered. The characteristic
slenderness iii
buckling resistance for flexural buckling of a column made of thin plate is based on the relative
̅ = `3.sŒ
for class cross-section 1, 2, 3
` ‡““
̅ = `3.sŒ ≡ ‘Ž• ’
• v †q
for class cross-sections 4
̅ = `”
s Œ
Using the relative slenderness ̅ and an imperfection factor α of 0.49 (in accordance with buckling
curve c in EN 1993 part 1-1) the reduction factor • for the buckling resistance can be calculated as:
– + )– − ̅ *
– = 0.5. (1 + ˜ ̅ − 0.2 + ̅ )
The part considers the slenderness of the single plate, which composes the cross-section. The
maximum ratio b/t have to be lower of a particular value, which depend on the relative position in the
cross-section of the elements tested and the presence of stiffeners as shown in table 5.1 of Eurocode 3
part 1-3.
The maximum width-to-thickness ratios for the section studied are satisfied in all cases, with all the
In this part is considered the local and distortional buckling, that influence is accounted through the
definition of effective cross section properties. This means that the non-uniform stress distribution
that arise in the post local (or distortional) buckling range, is replaced by an uniform distribution of
the maximum stress acting on a reduced portion of the element, having same thickness but reduced
The researches of the effective reaction section applied at an entire global section is complicated, and
for that reason the assumption of the Eurocode and other codes, to consider the member as an
assembly of individual plates simply supporting each other at boundaries. In the studied cross-section,
every side is considered simply supported, included the flange and its stiffener, which dimension is
not so important to influence the effective area of the flange.
The effective width of a compression element should be based on the comprehensive stress σcom,Ed in
the element when the cross-section resistance is reached. Since this value is not initially known, an
iterative procedure needs to be performed until the initial stress used to calculate the effective area
coincides with the stress corresponding to the cross section resistance.
Local buckling can occur either simultaneously with distortional buckling, or at higher or lower loads.
The two modes can interact too but the post–critical coupled mode is stable and, consequently, the
local and distortional buckling strengths can be assessed independently of whether they occur
simultaneously. In design codes, these two problems are treated separately.
For the studied case the element are classified as doubly supported compression element and outstand
compression element.
The effective width beff of a compression element is defined as:
Prss = hP
The reduction factor ρ is based on the largest compressive stress σcom,Ed acting on the element when
the cross section resistance is reached. The calculation for taking into account
ount local buckling is done
in accordance to EC3-1-5,5, as described in section 3.3.6.
Distortional buckling of compression members is governed by the rotational stiffness at the
web/flange junction; deeper webs are more flexible and thus provide less rotational stiffness to the
web/flange juncture. EN1993-11-3 does not provide explicit cit provisions for distortional buckling.
However, a calculation procedure
cedure can be obtained from the interpretation of the rules given in the
code for plane elements with edge or intermediate stiffeners in compression.
The procedure of calculation in EN1993-1-3
EN1993 is performed by assuming that the stiffener will behave
as a member with continuous partial restraint subject to compression.
compression The partial restraint is
represented by spring stiffness which values depend on the boundary conditions of the plate and the
flexural stiffness of the adjacent elements of the cross section. The value of spring stiffness can be
determined byy applying a unit load per unit length at the location of the stiffener.
stiffener The value of
rotational spring stiffness Cθ represents the bending stiffness of the web part of the cross-section.
Therefore, the spring stiffness K per unit length can be determined from:
Figure 28.. Procedure for calculating the spring stiffness according to EN1993-1-3
The calculation of elastic critical buckling stress is performed based on Timoshenko & Gere (1961)
using assumption of a strut on an elastic foundation, as follows:
. .
›. ›.
As and Is are the effective cross sectional
sect area and second moment of area of the stiffener according to
EN1993-1-3, as illustrated in Figure
Fig 29 for an edge stiffener;
λ = L / m is the half-wavelength;
wavelength; m is the number of half-wavelengths.
The slenderness or half-wavelength of buckling can be derived from equation above by applying:
œ . ›
For an infinitely long strut, the critical buckling stress can be derived, after substitution, as:
2. { . . ›
where Weff is the effective resistance of the cross section and a linear distribution of stress across the
cross-section is taken.
”• . ,”• + Δ. ,”•
+ ≤1
,€• . ,€•, ¢
Δ. ,”• = ”• • is the additional moment for the eccentricity between the gross area and the
effective one
. ,€•, ¢ is the pure moment resistance
• ,€• žŸ9
¦ p §.¨
£¤ £p ¥†
is the reduction factor for the relevant buckling mode,
– = 0.5[1 + ˜ ̅ − 0.2 + ̅ ]
The appropriate imperfection factor for the relevant buckling mode should be obtained from Table 6.2
in EC3.
In part EC3- (3) is prescribed that for closed built-up section (as could be intended the studied
one) curve b should be used which corresponding α is equal to 0.34.
{ rss /
= = 93,9z
rss /
Where Ncr is the axial critical load for the pertinent instability, therefore the minimum critical load
Ncr,T elastic critical force for torsional buckling
Ncr,TF elastic critical force for flexural-torsional buckling
+ + +:
Jω warping constant of gross-section
[1 + − W1 − X +4« ¬ ]
, ,( ,( ,(
2- , , ,
- 1−« ¬
The design buckling resistance of a member susceptible to lateral torsional buckling should be taken
•‘( ≤1
–‘( + [–‘( − 0.75iiii
‘( ]
iiii {. ,ۥ
‘( =
Mcr is the elastic critical moment of the gross-section for lateral-torsional buckling, which is taken
in literature
@- - -
. ' + +[ ] +
& @ @
N &
N 2 N 2 N
βy is the Wagner coefficient around the y-y axis, which represents the symmetry degree of the
Thin cylindrical shells structures under compressive stresses are known to be sensitive to
imperfections which reduce their resistance considerably. Therefore, local buckling is one of the most
important criteria in the calculations of the maximum strength of such shells. The bending stress
which varies trough the shell thickness, does not affect the stability of the shell, except in as much as
they may cause yield of the material of the shell and in this case local reduction in the stiffness of the
shell. In general there are two ways in which an elastic structure may become unstable. These are
commonly termed as snap-through and bifurcation point illustrated in Figure 18.
a. Elastic buckling
For thin circular shells the elastic theory of the shell is given by Timoshenko where the elastic critical
stress in the case for symmetrical buckling of the thin shell is defined as:
1 .Y .Y
= . ≅ 0.605 .
{3. (1 − f ? ?
When analysing buckling in a shell, it is important to consider in addition to axial compression, the
strain of the middle surface in the circumferential direction. Thus the strain energy of the shell is
increased. This increase in energy must be equal to the work done by the compressive load as the
cylinder shortens owing to buckling. The buckling mode can be given as:
±. . %
° = ° .V S… ‰ . sin (S. µ)
The critical load of a structure in the elastic range can be obtained from eigenvalue analysis if the
geometry of the structure up to buckling remains essentially unchanged as in a compressed column.
However, in many practically important buckling problems for shells e.g. for axis symmetrically
loaded shells of revolution the critical load and the buckling mode is significantly affected by pre-
buckling geometric nonlinearity. Linear eigen value analysis is required to find the elastic bifurcation
point on the pre-buckling path and thus predict the critical load and mode.
The ratio of these two loads is used to determine the shell relative slenderness ̅ of the shell:
2. The linear elastic critical load
Where fy is the yield strength of the shell and vw is the critical stress value of the shell. The
combination of the relative slenderness with different reduction factors governs the assessment of the
relative plastic and elastic behaviour of the shell.
The buckling stress calculation is done based on the evaluation of the ultimate load according to the
EN 1993 part 1-6 and EN 1993 part 3-2 which are defined by the variation of the reduction factors of:
1. Geometry
2. Load case
3. Fabrication quality
The critical stress in EN 1993 part 1-6 is determined by the variation of Donnell’s theory with the
introduction of the coefficient factor Cx. The factor Cx refers to the length of the shell defined from
long to short cylinders where:
0.2 Y
<#,• = 1.36 − +1 − 2. 4. ,
<#,x ?
Cx,N represents the reduction in the elastic critical stress. And Cx,b is a parameter depending on the
boundary conditions. The idea to classify shells into strength groups according to the quality of
construction was introduced into the Eurocode. The characteristic determinate factor used to calculate
the sensitivity of the elastic buckling strength of the shell to both imperfections and geometry non-
linearity is calculated as follow:
1 ?
Δ° .` .Y
· Y
Where Q is the meridional compression fabrication quality parameter with three fabrication tolerance
quality class. The meridional buckling parameter factor αx is determined as a function of the non-
dimensional imperfection amplitude Δw/t since this measure raised in all imperfection sensitivity
analyses for the geometric and quality fabrication of the shells.
˜# =
¸¹ >.ºº
1 + 1.91 . … ‰
The buckling reduction factor χ is determined as a function of the relative slenderness of the shell ̅#
•=1 if ̅# ≤ ̅9
¦ ¼
† ¥¦
if ̅9 < ̅# < ̅9
• = 1 − -. «¦†» ¥ ¦†§ ¬
y §
if ̅g ≤ ̅#
• = «¦ »p ¬
β is the plastic range factor
η is the interaction exponent
̅9 is the meridional squash limit for short and medium cylinder is defined as:
̅ g = ` ¾»
The plastic relative slenderness
À = • .M •
This procedure of shell assessment will be used in Chapter 4 when calculating the ultimate resistance
of members. Diagram below shows the workflow of the of the shell assessment with the above
mentioned methods.
Figure 30.. Workflow of resistance analysis of cylindrical shell based on EN 1993 part 1-6
So far the focus of all the research carried out on bolted connections in steel structures has been on the
strength of such joints. However it has long been realized that, as well as strength, connection
stiffness is important to a sound design and successful use of steel in any building. Traditionally,
connections have been designed as either pinned (implying no moment transfer) or rigid (implying
complete rotational continuity) in steel frames - alternatively referred to as simple and continuous
construction. Lattice structure is no exception to this tradition. At present, the truss design is
constantly being carried out with ideally hinged joints in the finite element models.
apply probably due to difficulties of assessment and/or insufficient guidelines of such connections.
Finite element analysis is then needed to know the actual stiffness of the connection.
This thesis is made to describe a finite element investigation on rotational stiffness of semi-closed
polygonal steel section members in lattice structures.. In practice, the stiffness of the connection
obtained from moment-rotation
rotation relation would represent the real rigidity of that connection,
connection which
affects the behavior of structure. The stiffness of connection will affects distribution of both internal
forces and moments as well as deformations of the structure. Moreover, it affects the buckling length
factor which
hich in turn determines the first order elastic buckling load of a member. The first order
buckling load, material properties and a buckling curve are then used to determine an elastic-plastic
buckling load. In many cases, the significance of connection stiffness
stiffness to the response of entire
structure is not negligible [28].. This shows the importance of determination of the real stiffness of
connections rather than assuming it as fully hinge (pinned) or fixed (rigid) ones.
Figure 31.Typical
Typical moment-rotation
moment rotation characteristics of a bolted connection
Figure 32 shows the bending moment distributions for a pinned, rigid and semi-
semi rigid beam. It can be
seen that with pinned connections the mid-span
mid span moment is critical, whereas with rigid joints the end-
moments are critical. If semi-rigid
rigid joints are used, these two moments
moments may be more nearly balanced,
and the optimum solution is when the mid-span
mid moment and the end-moments
moments are equal. Hence,
consideration of the moment/rotation characteristics of bolted connections can be of vital importance
to economic design.
The thesis consists of two parts; a literature study and a report about the analytical and numerical
investigation. The first part is made to gain insight into the moment-rotation
moment rotation characteristics of
members in the lattice girder, with emphasis on hollow structural
structural members in lattice structures, and to
make clear what has already been done and what is known. The second part describes the performed
numerical study, where the methodology, used parameters and conclusions are discussed with
emphasis on connections ns with semi-closed
semi closed polygonal sections. This novel type of section is a new
alternative in steel lattice girder structures so that not many researches have been performed,
especially related to its connection in which this thesis tries to explore.
š. ÁÂ . 1µ
Á . − .Â¥> / µÂ µÂ¥>
Figure 33.
33 Moment-rotation behaviour of a semi-rigid joint
The hinge can be replaced with a rotational spring to model the semi-rigid
semi rigid nature of the joint. To
consider the appropriate stiffness of the spring a quantity called fixity factor is introduced. The fixity
factor is defined as ratio of angles seen Figure 34.
µ ™¤
˜ Å
µ> Ÿ
™ ™‘
or if fixity factor
ctor is known, the respective rotational
rotationa stiffness can be solved, thus
3 ˜
1 ˜
Fixity factor can get values α ∈ [0,1] where 0 means ideally hinged and 1 means ideally rigid
connection. Eurocode 1993-1-8[[27],, on the other hand, gives values for the limits of ideally rigid or
hinged joints. A joint can treated ideally rigid if the stiffness satisfies
˜Ç 0.893
Also, if stiffness satisfies
Rj U? ˜j 0.143
2 7
the joint can be treated ideally hinged.
EN 1993-1-8 [27] distinguishes between three simplified joint models: A simple model in which the
joint is assumed to be nominally pinned, thus not transmitting bending moments; a continuous joint
model in which the joint behaviour is considered not to have any effect on the analysis; and a semi- semi
continuous model in which the behaviour of the joint has to be taken into account in the global
analysis. Three different kinds of global analyses are considered. In an elastic global analysis a joint is
classified according to its rotational stiffness, whereas in a rigid-plastic
rigid plastic analysis it is categorised based
on its strength. An elastic-plastic
plastic global analysis requires both strength and stiffness for classification.
A short summary is depicted in Table 3.
Joints which are classified according to their design moment resistance are divided into three classes –
nominally pinned, partial-strength
strength and full-strength.
full strength. Nominally pinned joints are defined as joints
with a design moment resistance Mj,Rd smaller than 0.25 times the design moment resistance of a full-
strength joint. In order to classify a full-strength
full joint a comparison of its design moment resistance
Mj,Rd is made with respect to the design plastic bending moment resistance Mpl,Rd of the adjacent
members (beam or column). All joints which do not meet the criteria for nominally pinned or full- full
strength joints are considered
ed to be partial-strength.
If a joint is classified by its stiffness, it should be categorized into nominally pinned, rigid and semi-
rigid joints. Nominally pinned joints shall transmit internal forces without developing significant
moments, whereas rigid joints are assumed to have sufficient rotational stiffness as to fully transfer
the moment acting on the connection. All joints which do not meet the criteria for nominally pinned
or rigid joints are considered to be semi-rigid.
Figure 35.
35 Rigidity in elastic calculation (Eurocode 3:1-8) [27]
The determination of the stiffness is not discussed for bolted connections of lattice systems. For these
connections, only the capacity (strength) of the connections is considered, with assumption of pinned
The structure
ure with bolted joints to be analyzed is discretized with a number of elements and then
assembled at nodes. The elements of different type and shape with complex loads and boundary
surface S with the traction vector È̅ prescribed on a part of the surface SF. The finite element
conditions can be used simultaneously using FEM. Consider an element of volume volume V bounded by a
formulation is to begin with a variational principle related to total potential energy as follows:
0 ÉÌ z1Í − 0 ÊÌ È̅ 1Ð 0,
where σ, ɛ and u are stress, strain and displacement vector, respectively. The first order
or variation of
the functional equation above can be written as
š 0 ÉÌ šz1Í 0 šÊÌ È̅ 1Ð 0
Using constitutive equation É ÑÒand strain–displacement relation Ó ÔÊ,, the above equation is
derived is derived as
where N is matrix of shape functions. Equation above is the basic equation for the finite element
discretization and can be converted to algebraic equations as follows:
ÖÊ ×
where K is the element stiffness matrix, f is the vector of surface loads. This equation
uation system can be
solved for unknown displacement vector u using commercial FEM software.
In this section definition of stiffness matrix of a structure is given.. This concept will be used and
developed in the next chapter for calculating stiffness of bolted connection along the lip of polygonal
plates. Consider a simple example structure, as follows.
By applying displacement at node 1 while nodes 2 and 3 are held fixed, the force k21 and k31 can be
obtained. Similarly, it allows knowing the other entries of the global stiffness matrix.
In general:
ÝÞß Force at node ′ié due to ÊëìÈ ñìòóôõö÷ø÷ëÈ at node ′j′ keeping õôô Èý÷ þÈý÷ ëþñ÷ò ×ì ÷ñ
Taking into account the rotational degree of freedom, the above equation can be extended into:
In the FEM modeling, each bolt connection on the lips provide translational (spring) stiffness in 2
DOF, i.e. x- and y-direction
direction and rotational stiffness in 1 DOF, i.e. z-direction.
direction. Detail method and
calculation of connection stiffness is given in Chapter 5.
2.6 Imperfections
walled structures, in general, are slender structural elements rather sensitive for an influence of
geometrical imperfections and eccentricity of applied load. In order to study the influence of these
parameters on the behavior of the compressed member it is necessary to perform non-linear non FE
Moreover, non-linear
linear analysis is considered when non-linearity of the material, such as plasticity,
plasticity and
of the geometry of the profile, is present, or post-buckling
post g behavior is of interest.
interest This is the main
objective of this section. This was possible by a step-by-step
step step loading process, which simulates a more
realistic behavior of the structure, which is programmed in ABAQUS/Standard. Incremental
procedure based on RIKSIKS algorithm is used to solve system of non-linear
non linear equations.
In linear elastic stress analysis, equilibrium is based on the original undeformed configuration; while
for linear elastic instability problem, deformed shape is considered, although the deformation
deform before
instability is usually very small compared to structure’s original geometry. For this type of problems,
theory of linear elastic buckling analysis serves well in predicting the onsite
onsite of the buckling or critical
loads. In other situations, whenn a structure undergoes finite deformation due to complex load or
material plasticity before instability actually occurs, system parameters change along with the
deformation, thus, makes the eigenvalue analysis inaccurate to perform. If the he system accumulated
deformation is not negligible prior to instability due to the loads that ultimately causes its instability,
the critical load becomes system configuration or deformation dependent.
dependent In this case, a nonlinear
analysis becomes necessary in order to simulate
simulate this type of highly unstable behavior due to lack of
the inclusion of large deviation
ion from the original geometry.
During the unstable phase of the response, static equilibrium states can be found by using the
“modified Riks method” [29]. This method can be used for cases where the loading is proportional,
where the load magnitudes are governed by a single scalar parameter. The basic Riks algorithm is
essentially Newton’s method with load magnitude as an additional unknown to solve simultaneously
for loads and displacements, thus, it can provide solutions even in cases of complex and unstable
response as that one shown in the graph of Figure 36.
As for material plasticity, realistic description of the steel behavior is obtained from the coupon tests.
Therefore, true stress-strain curve modified from the test results was used as an assumption for the
material behaviour.
w Àr 1+z
zw Àr NS 1 + z
zg zw −
w Àr
w Àr Àr
The application of cold-formed steel members for truss structure is relatively new in building
construction. The knowledge of structural behaviour of this steel member especially for the proposed
type of section is not widely acquired. Limitations due to little existing experience and research for
this type of structure has prompted tests and experiments to be performed in order either to get better
understanding of real behaviour of the structure or establish design approach. In this part an
extensive parametric study by numerical FEM analysis was proposed. By doing so, it is expected that
the structural characteristic and behaviour of semi-closed polygonal cross-section can be well-
understood and bring in useful recommendation for design purpose. Parametric studies were carried
out through automation using MATLAB and Python script. Scripting is a powerful tool for calculating
a large number of cross-sections in parametric studies that evade laborious task in conventional
method while keeping the functionality of FEM ABAQUS. A set of parameters, e.g., cross-section
geometries, material, slenderness, bolt spacing were determined in this study.
3.1 Introduction
In order to gain a deeper understanding and formulate hypotheses for the structural behavior of semi-
closed thin-walled steel columns with polygonal section, a comprehensive parametric study was
carried out by means of finite element modelling in ABAQUS.
It is vital to first develop a reliable FE model capable of producing realistic and accurate results,
particularly for elastic buckling and non-linear ultimate modes and loads. As the material and
geometric non-linear modelling of thin-walled structures is sensitive to modelling inputs and
assumptions[17], caution should be exercised when defining issues such as the type and size of the
element, the material, boundary conditions, imperfections, and solution controls, etc. The model
should also be validated before trusting it to generate further data for design purposes. This part
follows these principles and describes the essential stages in the development of FE models for
columns susceptible to local, distortional, or global buckling, and any possible interactions between
these basic buckling modes.
Subsequently, by way of a rigorous and systematic procedure, parametric studies were carried out to
produce more than one hundred numerical models. Simulations of the proposed columns subjected to
axial compressive load with elastic buckling and non-linear analysis, were performed. Data obtained
from the parametric studies mainly included the elastic buckling loads and ultimate strengths of the
FE models, as well as load-displacement relations.
The finite element modeling was an integrated process, performed in parallel with parametric study.
Both processes were created through automation using MATLAB and Python script. First, the profiles
geometrical database of the sections was generated by using MATLAB code. This database was then
exported to Python via pickle file. Then the automation was performed in Python environment that
will be fed to ABAQUS. The automation process in Python was carried out through back and forth
modeling process between ABAQUS/CAE and Python to build the final working models and
eventually used as an input file for ABAQUS. This input file of all models was then run
simultaneously in batch mode of ABAQUS platform. Therefore, it can be said that the FE modeling
were carried out in fully automation method.
ABAQUS/standard v6.14was used as solvers for the FE simulations, while codes using MATLAB
R2015a and Python 2.7.3 were developed to perform the pre-processing (including generating input
files) and post-processing tasks. Most simulations were performed on the Cluster with parallel servers
provided by LTU’s computer lab. The large number of simulations included in the parametric studies
would have been impossible without these high performance computing facilities, although the
systematic procedure developed to conduct the parametric studies also enabled the successful
execution of the large number of analyses.
An FE analysis generally requires three steps: (i) pre-processing to build up the FE model and
generate the input file, (ii) job-running by submitting the input file, and (iii) post-processing to extract
the results. This study attempted to maximise the level of automation involved in these steps in order
to increase the efficiency and capacity of the parametric studies. This automation was mainly
achieved using scripts written in the Python language integrated into ABAQUS.
As mentioned above, the job-running step was computationally intensive and was performed in
parallel-computing cluster and servers. However, the pre-processing and post-processing steps could
be particularly input/output (I/O) intensive yet computationally less intensive, so most operations in
these two steps were performed in the local computer.
The following flowchart in Figure 37 describes the general procedure used in this research to carry
out FE parametric studies for thin-walled steel columns. Efforts were made to increase the level of
automation while retaining the accuracy and reliability of the analysis at three key stages, i.e. pre-
processing, job running, and postprocessing.
The pre-processing stage in a commercial FE program is normally carried out in a Graphical User
Interface (GUI) which requires a significant amount of computing time, which means that this
conventional approach is not feasible for a large number of simulations. For this reason an input file
generator coded in Python was used where the profiles of section coded in and imported from
In order to generate an input file for a number of particular types of cross-section, the pre-processing
process included the following key steps:
(i) Cross-section profiling. A number of cross-sections needed to be modeled for each type
of polygonal shape and cross-sectional criteria. The profiles were selected to cover the
practical range of applicability and cross-section slenderness values. In the present
parametric studies, profiles of all types of cross-section were generated in MATLAB
code, bringing out profiles database. This profile database was then converted into a file
format i.e. pickle that is compatible for exporting to Python
3. Out 5. Out
Profiles database Pickle database
Profiles database (profiles.mat) Profiles database (profiles.pkl)
Profiles metadata (meta.mat) Profiles metadata (meta.pkl)
6. User – Function
Automation of modelling with Python script
Parts creation, bolt spacing and perforation, material properties 7. User – Function
Generate model in
Abaqus CAE
Assembly of instances Identify Python
method in Abaqus
Interaction: rigid body constraint for bolt connection, coupling Journal .jnl file
constraint for BC
(ii) Prepare all parameters for the parametric studies. Set up all requested parameters and
initial data. The requested parameters included the cross-sectional characteristics, i.e.,
polygonal type, diameter, slenderness, bending radius to thickness ratio, number of points
along the bend, extension lip length to diameter ratio, thickness of the gusset plate to
thickness of sector ratio; material; member length, etc., while the initial data included the
cross-section geometrical information, non-dimensional slenderness and all other settings
for the input data. Initial data were created in MATLAB together with profile database.
This meta database was then converted into a file format i.e. pickle that is compatible for
exporting to Python
(iii) Importing profiles database and profiles meta database from MATLAB into Python via
pickle file Create automation in Python as input file for ABAQUS. As mentioned
previously, a parametric study input file is an inventory that includes the definitions of all
the models and jobs for both the elastic buckling and collapse analyses. The calculation of
bolt spacing was also performed for each column such that the spacing effect on
distortional buckling of the model will be investigated. After that, input file for all models
was ready for job running in the cluster. It is worth mentioning that on the script the
workflow and explanation, in the form of comments, was included for all relevant coding
paragraphs for human readable purpose.
The optimal way to run simulations depends largely on the resources available. The general
availability of CPU, memory, disk storage capacity, will influence the way the simulations were run.
Therefore, the job running task used high performance computing facilities provided by LTU. The
following points will introduce the general steps involved in the simulation process:
(i) Sub-divide the input file into groups: elastic buckling analyses and collapse analyses
(ii) Sub-divide the input files into different groups according to CPU number required for
each job. In this study, the size of the file closely related to the number of partition of
parts, the number of elements and hence the DOFs in the model. Number of partitioning
became the most significant factor for the file size. Each group served as the basic
submission batches that contained several hundred input files, depending on their sizes
(iii) Create batch files. Batch files for all computing facilities were generated simultaneously
(iv) Submit batch files. The number of batches that could be submitted concurrently depended
on the capacity of the specific facility with the CPUs, memory, hard disk and running
time allowed for each batch may also affecting. Commands were used for submission to a
facility operating on Linux.
When simulations in each batch of submissions were completed the output result files were
downloaded back to the peripheral storage devices of a local PC. Once all the result files for all
analysis type of a particular cross-section were collected, the post-processing stage commenced. Its
main purpose in this study was to obtain the data set for parametric studies, such as first elastic
buckling load and mode, as well as the failure mode and ultimate strength for each simulation. The
following paragraph will describe the general post-processing steps of analyses:
(i) Generate a Windows batch file to copy all the result files into one directory
(ii) Extract results. The results for each buckling and collapse analysis were fetched from the
ABAQUS.odb files and saved in a text file by using Python script
(iii) Reading each result data to check whether the analysis successfully performed; the job
name of any analysis that did not complete was recorded in a text file
(iv) For those jobs not successfully done, find out the reason behind it. Modify the original
input file and generate new input file accordingly. Then, loop back the process to step
Once the result data of all elastic buckling and collapse analyses, it becomes raw data for further
analysis. Therefore, these data was turned into final result sheet for columns made from a particular
cross-section, generated and classified for each intended parameter. The relevant results were then
used for parametric studies presented in Chapter 4.
The studied members is chord segment of lattice tower with hexagonal base shape as the common
shape for lattice wind turbine tower, hence it forms 120˚ of angle between the horizontal beams. The
chord column has three shapes according to number of side or bend, namely 6-sided (hexagon), 9-
sided (nonagon), and 12-sided (dodecagon), as shown in Figure 41.
The chord is a built-up member composed of folded plates and gusset plates. The close-up picture of
the member is shown in Figure 40. Assembly of the member is performed by bolting them along the
lips of the folded plate at a specified spacing. As for the connection between chord and diagonals,
gusset plates coming out from the core of the chord provide the joint.
bolt connection
packing plate
folded plate
gusset plate
As can be seen in Figure 42, forces acting on diagonals may create bending moment at the connection
with the chord, and consequently utilizes rotational capacity of the joint. This aspect will be further
investigated in Chapter 4.
3.4.1 Units Geometry
The function script contains codes of geometrical calculation to generate [x,y] coordinates of the
profile based on the predefined geometrical parameters. The step-by-step explanation of the codes is
presented here.
>> Line 1-2
Function script, contains output variables and input variables of the function.
>> Line 3-36
The script contains recommended input argument. Descriptions of each input argument are also given.
>>Line 40-45
Characteristics of profile were defined here. Thickness of profile is calculated according to cross-
sectional slenderness (slend) as a function of diameter and epsilon. The slenderness range was chosen
so as the cross section class to be in the limit between Class 3 and 4,
4, based on EC 3-1-1.
‚ 150
z Y
70 ‚
The thin-walled
walled profile usually made of plates which fall in Class 4 cross-section.
cross section. However, in order
to limit the complication of effective cross section in calculation, profile in between these cross-
section classes is chosen. In the parametric study, only two values of profile slenderness were
analysed, i.e. 90 as the lower bound and 110 as the upper bound. Thickness calculation is rounded to
get integer value.
>>Line 46-142
The script contains calculations for the x,y coordinate to produce profile of a sector. The step can be
summarized, as follows:
① Calculate center of polygon (0,
( 0) ② calculate polygon’s corner (xi, yi) ③ calculate center of
bending arc (xc, yc) ④ calculate x, y coordinate of the arch’s points (xarc, yarc) ⑤ loop
⑥ calculate lip’s center of bending arc (x
( cs, ycs) ⑦ calculate x, y coordinate of the lip’s arch’s
points (xsarc, ysarc) ⑧ loop ⑨ calculate point of the lip (xstart, ystart) and (xfinish, yfinish)
Theta (θ) is the relative angle between lines, while phi (φ)
( ) is the absolute angle of points with respect
to x-axis; n is number of corners.
corners. From the phi angle the coordinate of polygon’s corners can be
calculated. Detail of geometry calculation can be seen in Figure 46-48.
The center of bending arcs (xc, yc) then calculated with refer to the obtained x, y values, by using
Pythagorean theorem. This center point
poin become a reference for calculation of x, y coordinates along
the bent (xarc, yarc).
Loop function was used to generate these arc’s points as many as nbend input argument. Angle of the
midline (φm) was used as reference angle for calculating each arch’s point.
The bend center coordinate for end bend can be calculated in the similar way. Loop function was used
to generate these arc’s points as many as nbend input argument.
The next part of calculation is to define the x, y coordinate for the lip ends. These two points will be
the start and end point of profile coordinates, respectively. Pythagorean theorem as per Figure 48
4 was
used to calculate this point.
The last point of lip can be calculated accordingly. Finally, the last step is to collect all points that
were calculated into a sorted array. Coordinates
C along the flat plate (xstart,
xstart, xend; ystart, yend)
yend and
corners (xsarc, xarc; ysarc, yarc)) of the profile were generated, as follows.
The complete pcoords.m script for generation of x,y coordinate can be found in Annex A.1 line 1 –
Figure 48 and 49 shows that thehe calculation takes into account the actual gap between profiles which
comes from half the thickness of sector profiles and gusset plate thickness. This arrangement has been
made to make sure that at there is neither overlap nor gap when all the parts are assembled. The
calculation also related to the thickness extrusion method used in ABAQUS, which in this case usesuse
middle plane extrusion.
Thickness of gusset
sset plate was locked to gusset-to-sector
gusset thickness ratio (t_ratio
t_ratio), while thickness of
sector was locked to cross-sectional
sectional slenderness (slend).
The above pcoords.m script was then further developed and used to create another script, script named
polygoner.m, in order to generate
nerate profile coordinates for ranges of parameter values. The script was
also intended to create metadata file, for the purpose of storing geometry variable database needed for
modelling automation in Python.
The range and single value of input arguments were determined as per Table 6. There is one new
variable in the function script, i.e. lambda. This variable is non-dimensional
dimensional slenderness, which
determines the critical buckling length of a member.
̅ ;
.M .N
̅ W X
Variable lambda will be used to calculate length of the profiles. It will take the information stored in
meta database, e.g. cross-section
section properties.
>> Line 35-44
he process was done by running loop through the values within the given ranges. The for…end
command was used to make loop of profiles, with i, j, and k as range of numbers for n, d, and slend
parameter, respectively. Firstly, it
i calls pcoords function to get data for profile and then collect x, y
coordinates of profiles into profiles database.
Number of Total
Parameter Description Function Value(s) model for number of
each profile models acc.
n number of corners [6, 9, 12] 6 3
d diameter of chord [300:200:900] 500, 700, 900 3
slend profile slenderness 90, 110 2
fy yield strength 355 355 1
bending radius to
rcoef 6 6 1
thickness ratio 18
number of points
nbend 5 5 1
along the bend
lip length to
l_ratio 0.1 0.1 1
diameter ratio
gusset to sector
t_ratio 1.2 1.2 1
thickness ratio
. .
len length of chord i W X 0.65, 1.0, 1.25 3
From Table 5 above it can be seen that there are one other parameter besides the ones defined in
MATLAB function script above. This parameter is bolt density (b_ratio). This parameter, together
with length parameter, are important in the buckling behavior of the member since they affect the
buckling half-wave length of the member which in turn becomes decisive parameters for the buckling
The length of chord is calculated by keeping the non-dimensional slenderness i to certain values,
and interaction buckling failure mode, as described in Chapter 2.
which are 0.65, 1.0, and 1.25. These values were chosen to make sure the member will not either be
too slender or too stocky. The calculation require cross-section properties: area of closed cross-
section, A, and moment of inertia, I and this was carried out in MATLAB script and stored in meta
file which then used in the Python script.
The bolt density as function of spacing-to-diameter ratio was fully calculated in Python, together with
the creation of bolt holes. The s/d ratio was determined to observe the influence of bolt density to
distortional and local buckling occurrences, which in this study was taken 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0. This part
will be further explained in the section of perforation modeling.
Five parameters which have varied values: n, d, slend, len, and b determine the naming of numerical
model. In order to make easy identification, it was decided to name the models with numbers, as
The variable number for naming and the corresponding value is shown in the table below.
i j k l b
var. ID 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 3 5 1 2 3 1 2 3
values 6 9 12 300 500 700 900 90 110 0.65 1.0 1.25 3 4 5
# Module imports
import scipy.io as sio
import pickle
def mat2pkl(filename):
# Load the matlab file
database = sio.loadmat(filename+'.mat')
Each model represents a corner chord member of lattice tower and was created as a segment,
segment consist
of three connection parts, located at the ends of segment and at the middle, and chord in between the
connection parts. The configuration is shown in Figure 50.
The material property given by EC3 for cold-formed profile and used in the normal production is
S355, which properties are summarized in the following table:
• Elastic
Table 6. Steel property used
Type of steel Grade Fyb [N/mm2] Fu [N/mm2]
The nominal value for the elastic characteristic of steel was taken from modulus of elasticity E = 210
000 N/mm2, and poison’s ratio is 0.3.The following recommendations have to be respected:
o Fu/fyb = 1,10
o Elongation at failure = 15%
o ɛu = 15 ɛy
• Plastic
The plastic characteristic of steel was taken from relationship between yield stress and plastic strain
defined based on uniaxial coupon test data from Complab LTU. The testing machine measured total
strain and reaction value of each specimen from elastic range until failure. It is worth noting that the
true stress-strain data was used as input into ABAQUS as a series of data points.
The plasticity table is taking values without the elastic part. In essence, the plastic strain is obtained
by subtracting the elastic part from the total strain:
zw w = zr + zg
zg = zw w − zr = zw w −
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45
Step of constructing plasticity table for the use in FEM can be summarized as follows.
1. Take specific stress at plastic zone from true stress-strain
stress curve
2. Take the corresponding total strain with excluding elasticity (use tangent of elastic portion, E,
to calculate elastic strain)
3. Add
dd a few points on the plastic part (e.g. in range 0% - 14%) while keeping the last two
points has a moderate inclination. This is due to the reason that ABAQUS will continue the
curve by extrapolating these two values. A steep increase of this part may cause over-strength
in the FEM analysis.
# Yield stress Plastic strain # Yield stress Plastic strain # Yield stress Plastic strain
1 381.1 0 4 418.0 0.0228 7 539.1 0.0765
2 391.2 0.0053 5 444.2 0.0310 8 562.1 0.1009
3 404.8 0.0197 6 499.8 0.0503 9 584.6 0.1221
10 596.4 0.1394
The data encapsulated by an object are called the members of the object. The functions that
manipulate the data are called methods.
methods. A method that creates an object is called a constructor.
Ownership defines the access path to the objects. Any Python statement that accesses the Session,
Mdb, or Odb is called a command.
Commands are used to access objects by stepping through the hierarchy of objects in the object
model. All commands mirror the structure
structur of the object model. For example:
It can be interpreted that the cell with an index of 4 in the part named crankcase in the model named
block in the model database mdb is assigned to the variable cell4.
The first script need to be defined is importing Abaqus modules. Each module has functionality
attributed to it. Modules are imported using the import statement, the same as any other Python
from caeModules import *
Workflow of the modeling process in Python for part module can be described as follows.
Each model consists of two parts, ‘sector’ and ‘gusset’ part. Sector part represents the folded plate and
was profiled in MATLAB script, which then imported in Python. Gusset part represents the gusset
plate at connection regions, protruding
pr from the center of assembly cross-section
section to the chord-
diagonals connection.
o Sector
The script for modeling parts in loop, in accordance with the workflow mentioned above is written
below. Thicknesses of sector part are locked based on width-to-thickness ratio (slend
slend) parameter. The
calculation was performed in MATLAB script.
Ó .
. W X
In Python, profiles will be extruded based on this calculation with total length equal to the length of
one segment, composed of two chords and three gusset plates.
. ! " +#. $%
One peculiarity in Python is that the indexing starts from 0 and not from 1 as it is usually,
usual so a list of
10 items numerates [0, 1, 2, 3, ...,
... 8, 9].
i refers to input variable number of corners
j refers to input variable diameter
k refers to input variable cross-section
section slenderness
l refers to input variable length
The detail script for creating sector part can be seen in Annex A.4
A. line 51 – 90.
o Gusset
The gusset plate has to be adjusted according
accord to the profile’s diameter. Unlike the sector part, profile
of gusset part was created directly in Python
Pyt due to fixed shape of the gusset for all sections. The
variable need to be calculated is radial length of gusset from the center point [0.0,
[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
0.0 to the tip
of lips. This calculation is a bit tricky since the radius of assembly section,, apart from the lips, uses
the bended corner as the end point. This makes the calculated radius become slightly less than the
actual radius. A modified code was made to consider this thing.
cknesses of gusset plate is locked based on gusset plate-to-sector
plate sector thickness ratio (t_ratio),
( set at
value of 1.2.
The script sequence for gusset part inside the looping function is written below.
Length of gusset plate is set equal to the diameter of assembly section, lg = d.. The profile of gusset
was then extruded based on the above parameter.
The detail script for creating gusset part can be seen in Annex A.4 line 200 – 253..
o Perforation
In part module, calculation of bolts
bolt position was also performed. Bolts, located both at connection
part and along chord region, were modelled
model by holes with diameter equal to washer diameter. This
was made to take into account the effect of contact interaction between the member plate and a bolt
washer. Creating holes were chosen instead of creating circle partition since the area inside the circle
is of no interest in this study and also this method will obviate complicated mesh of circle region.
Nonetheless, partitions still need to be made
made near the hole to apply structured mesh.
The connections provided by bolts will be modeled by tie constraining the perimeter of the holes. This
will be further explained in the section of interaction module.
6. Create a list of z coordinates for the bolts;
& & +
o First space:
o All the following space Þ Þ¥& +
7. Create the holes
o Holes are created using hole extrusion tool, require edges
o The .getClosest method could be used to find the edges of the lips
8. Make longitudinal partitioning based on the calculated z-distance
z distance (± distance
dist from the hole
The longitudinal partitioning is needed to make structured mesh apart of the circle region.
This partitioning can be done by:
o Creating datum planes as offsets from principal plane XY
o Partitioning face (select all faces) based on the datum planes
M16 bolts, with washer diameter dw= 30mm, were used in all models. The choice of bolt size was
made considering that the bolts will only act as a tie of the plates, without significant forces work on
Calculation of z-distances
distances along z-axis
axis is needed to get the exact position of bolts. This was done by
calculating the bolt space along the clear span between joints and the remaining distance distribute
evenly at both ends. Bolt space on connection region was made denser than the clear span s to provide
sufficient stiffness of the connection between chord and another member.
The coding for perforation adopts the tool for making holes extrusion available in ABAQUS. This
tool uses edges to define position of holes. Two edges were needed, both are on the lip region. In
order to select the edge, the .getClosest
.getClose method can be used. Format of method:
This method will find the edge close to the selected point which taken from profile database. After
that, by using the calculated distance from each edge, hole extrusion will be created. Distance1 was
Figure 56.
56 Method for perforation using edges in ABAQUS
(a) Perforated
forated ‘sector’ part (b) Perforated ‘gusset’ part
Figure 57.
57 Modelling of perforation on part (Model 1-1-1-1) Partition
Because of the perforation with circular shape there is issue with meshing. Therefore, the part will be
partitioned into several parts. It is also advantageous for applying different mesh density at connection
regions. Partition will be done in part level since dependent part instance type was chosen. The
partition process can be presented in following script and figures.
- Sector
Partitions were made at the vicinity of the holes as a strip with the help of series of datum planes. This
hod will allow the application of structured mesh in the region outside the holes, while keeping
free mesh near the hole circle.
The position of datum planes was calculated by utilizing the bolts position points, taking distance half
lip width toward both sides from center of hole.
- Gusset
Partitioning of gusset was performed in the similar way with the partitioning of sector. However, for
gusset .PartitionFaceByShortestPath method was adopted instead of ByDatumPlanes
ByDatumP since the
partition needed for gusset are along the longitudinal direction.
direction Format of the method:
PartitionFaceByShortestPath(faces=, point1=, point2=)
This method uses shortest path between two points as the cut line. First, datum points were set at the
end sides of each fin of gusset plate at a distance of lip-width from the gusset tip.. Coordinate of datum
point was taken from profiles meta database. Selection of faces used .getClosest method to find the
face from the coordinate of datum point.
After creating datum points at each fin of gusset plate, partition can be defined at the path connected
those datum points. The .getClosest
getClosest method was used to find nd the created datum points in partitioning
The detail script for creating partition on sector part can be seen in Annex A.4 line 173 – 195, while
for gusset part on line 299 – 342..
For batch of model intended for static Riks analysis, the plastic material properties are added to the
material assignment. This was done to understand the behaviour of the model in non-linear
non range
when undergoing plastic stress. Ultimate resistance, load–displacement relationship,
relationship and post-yielding
characteristic of the model will be observed.
observed The value of this property was taken from stress-strain
relationship in Table 7.
For gusset plate, similar section definition code was assigned. Only thickness
hickness of the shell is different,
current_tg, which was set as function of gusset thickness-to-sector
sector thickness ratio (t_ratio).
Section assignment was applied with middle surface as the offset type. For selection of part to be
assigned, set of all faces was used.
In order to have the assembly of one segment model,, three instances of sector part and three instances
of gusset part should be created. Sector instances were positioned through adopting radial pattern
method available in ABAQUS. It allows the created instances going on according to the global
coordinate system and positioned dependently to each other. The created instances were set refer to
axis of rotation by 120˚.. A datum axis was created at z-axis for this purpose.
After gusset instances were created, they were going to be placed at connection region, at the far end
and at the middle of segment model. Gusset instances were positioned through translation method
with defined vector coordinate (0.0, 0.0, z). Z-point
point coordinate was taken from profiles
profi metadata file.
First the reference points (RPs) were created. These reference points will also be used for boundary
conditions (BCs) and loading conditions. RPs were made at the two two ends and at the middle of the
In this stage, it is important to create sets of geometry since the interaction will involve numbers of
nodes and edges. Identification of set will ease the workflow of coding.
Sets then made for each master and slave node, the ‘RP-end1 set’ and ‘RP-end22 set’ for the reference
point, and ‘end1-face’
face’ and ‘end2-face’
‘end2 for the end edges. The creation of coupling constraint used
.findAt method to select the reference point (RP) as master node, and .getByBoundingBox method to
select the faces of slave nodes. The arguments to findAt are an arbitrary point on an edge, face, or cell
or the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates
coordinates of a vertex. findAt returns an object that contains the id of the vertex
or the id of the edge, face, or cell that includes the arbitrary point The .getByBoundingBoxmethod
.getByBoundingBox is
capable of selecting objects that lie entirely within the selection volume.
volume Six points need to be defined
for the box. Format of the method:
.findAt(x, y, z)
.getByBoundingBox(xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax)
The second end coupling at another end (End 2) and the third coupling at the middle connection
(Middle) were made in the same way as above. A distinction for middle connection is that the mid-RP
master nodes coupled with the three fins’ intersection edge as the slave nodes (Figure 66).
Tied element:
- Holes perimeter on sector and gusset plates
The master nodes are nodes along the holes perimeter and the slave nodes are the nodes along the
holes perimeter at the opposite side.
Gusset plate
The codes for tie constraint were made by first creating the sets of node region for each constraint
pair. Sets of node were stored to later facilitate nodes selection using .findAt method.
As it can be noticed in Figure 688, the tie constraint physically displaces the nodes of the slave region
to meet the master nodes, which
hich is unrealistic.
The type of constraint intended in this study is the one that only couples the node DOFs, without
changing the geometry. The attempt to constraint the connection holes then will be done with rigid
body type of constraint instead of tie.
tie For this type of constraint, reference points, RPs, must be
created for each bolt and then all corresponding surfaces by coupled as a rigid body to the RP.
Codes for rigid body constraint principally made in the same way with the tie constraint previously
described,, only sets of reference points need to be created to act as master nodes. Sets of node were
stored as variables, to facilitate nodes selection using .findAt method.
First, position of each bolt was defined for sector (‘sh’) and gusset (‘gh’) using profiles database and
function of bolt position in gusset plate, respectively.
These sets of point then multiplied in order to obtain the points on the other instances. Rotation matrix
(Rmat) method was used to calculate the points for sector plate.
After that, reference points and set of reference point were created by using .findAt method. In the
following section will be described the codes for rigid body constraint as End1 connection. The
remaining region, i.e., Middle connection, Span1, Span2, and End2 connection were made with the
same flow.
The RPs and tie region were made in loop of number of bolts along z-direction
direction based on bolt function
previously defined. findAt method used to select ‘sh’ and ‘gh’ points and stored them in set. This
function will create constraint between the set of reference points and the corresponding set
s of tie
regions, with number of constraints as many as the hole pairs.
It can be seen in the figure,, the rigid body constraint works well,
well as expected in rigid connection. The
geometry at hole circle does not change and tied accordingly. Therefore,
Therefore, this type of constraint was
used for modeling the bolt connection.
The boundary conditions adopted in the model correspond to those applies for truss structure.
structur Pinned
support at the two ends of the column was used. As mentioned above, the boundary condition will be
put on the end reference point (RP) and connected to the member by kinematic coupling constraint.
This way, the coupling nodes, i.e., the chord ends
end are constrained to the rigid body motion of a single
node (RP). Therefore, all the constrained
constrained degrees of freedom transmitted at this node.
node It will allow the
end chord to rotate globally instead of each edge move locally if BC along edges is applied.
BCend-1 at one end reference node has u1, u2, u3 restrained translational DOFs and ur3 restrained
rotational DOFs, while BC end-22 at the other end has u3 free to accommodate the application of load.
A BC was added for the middle joint. This joint is stabilised
stabilised by the converging diagonals so the global
buckling length
ngth is the length of one span. In this middle joint BC, All DOFs of the nodes on the edges
are coupledd to the RP and the RP is restrained
restrained on U1 and U2. It can move on the z axis and it can
rotate freely
reely because the converging diagonals do not provide any rotational stiffness (it is very small
and neglected).
The RP was selected from the predefined set of reference points by using .findAt method. Script for
end2-BC and middle-BC BC were made in the similar way as above. All boundary conditions were
created in the initial step.
(b) axial-bending
Mesh control with quadratic shape of element was used since it can be applied to any planar or curved
surface. The reason behind this is that the
the high order approximation for the finite element (keeping the
same size) leads to thee small error for the solution if all parameters (boundary conditions, geometry,
materials) are sufficiently smooth. Moreover, it can avoid error due to shear locking in bending
problem commonly found in triangular shape. Thus the quadratic approximation is i used. Module
In the FE analysis, the load history of the simulation will be divided into a number of steps. Each step
is called a period of “time,” and based on this step ABAQUS calculates the response of the model to a
certain set of loads and boundary conditions. The analysis procedure may be specified by user to
determine the type of response, and may change analysis procedures from step to step.
In ABAQUS FE analysis there are two main groups of analysis procedure:
procedure: linear perturbation and
general. In this parametric study linear eigenvalue analysis and static Riks analysis were employed.
Linear eigenvalue analysis is generally used
used to estimate the critical (bifurcation) load and buckling
shape of the structure. On the other hand, load-deflection (Riks) analysis had been used to incorporate
concern about material nonlinearity, geometric nonlinearity prior to buckling, and postbuckling
The Riks method uses the load magnitude as an additionaladditional unknown; it will solve loads and
displacements simultaneously. In order to measure the progress of the solution,
solution ABAQUS uses the
“arc length,” l, along the static equilibrium path in load-displacement space. By using this, solutions
can be provided regardless of whether the response is stable or unstable.
Two kinds of Riks analysis were employed in this study, axial only (N) and axial bending (N+M)
analysis. Imperfection
The geometrically and materially nonlinear analysis with imperfection using Riks solver solve obtain the
shape of imperfection according to thethe first buckling mode shape from linear perturbation analysis,
and its magnitude according to recommendation in EC3-1-5.The EC3 The procedure to include this
imperfection is performed by editing
edit keywords. The displacement data for different buckling
bucklin shapes
is written to the node file, which then is used for Riks analysis as the shape of imperfection.
imperfection In Python
the process of writing, deleting, and modifying keyword is possibly done with the built-in
keywordBlock method.. This method automates the process to synchronize, insert, and replace text
The amplitude of imperfection taken for the analysis is equal to s/2000,, with s is bolt spacing.
Distance of bolt spacing was chosen instead of overall length since it was revealed that the dominant
buckling mode occurred is sectional buckling, not the flexural one. The use of elastic buckling mode
as the shape of geometric imperfections itself and the chosen magnitude was a conservative approach
(Moen 2008) [30]. Module
Once all of the tasks involved in defining
de a model is finished, the Job module can be assigned to
analyze the model. The jobob will be created for each model and then submitted to cluster which
comprise multiple processor. It will divide the model analysis
ana into multiple tasks according to number
of processor.
At the end of script, a command to create input file was made. Therefore, the input file will be created
for each model.
Chapter 3 detailed the development of the FE models, and showed that the input file coded in Python
was able to generate reliable FE models of proposed polygonal thin-walled walled columns. These FE
models can therefore be readily used for extensive parametric studies towards design purposes. A
total of more than 150 FE elastic buckling and collapse analyses have been conducted in the
parametric studies, involving
ng variables such as number of corner (n), diameter of cross-section
cross (d),
slenderness (slend), yield strength (fy), bending radius to thickness ratio (rcoef), number of points
along the bend (nbend), lip length to diameter ratio (l_ratio), gusset to sector thickness ratio (t_ratio),
bolt spacing (b),, and member length (l). Evaluation of the results will be carried out with Factorial
4.1 Post-Processing
In this chapter,, results from the analysis will be presented. After downloading all result files from the
cluster, a method was used to call the required output variables and arrange them in a convenient
format for the further study. This was done through automation using Python script dedicated to
collect data from .odb files and present them in a certain tabulated database.
Automated post-
To access the output database, odbAccess module was used. This post-processing
processing work will produce
an external data outside ABAQUS,
ABAQUS with the following approach:
• Open and read
ead data from all .odb files
• Write the required data in predefined format to an output database (.dat)
• Capture the visualization from viewport module and save them in certain format (.png)
By doing so, data analysis, e.g. statistics and probability of the results can be carried out more
handily. In this parametric study, the output database was analysed by statistical analysis, i.e. factorial
design which will be described in the next section.
In this parametric study, results from FEA will be assessed with Factorial Experimental Design.
Actually, the factorial design is a statistical approach where the design has at least two factors, each
with discrete possible values known as "levels", and where the calculated experimental units will
consider all possible combinations of these levels across all factors. In this case, a full factorial design
was used. It is also known as a fully crossed design. In this analysis method, the analyst can study the
effect of each factor on the response variable and their significance,, as well as the significance of
interactions between factors on the response variable. Moreover, multiple
ultiple response variables can be
studied at once.
The example of two level full factorial design with three factors: 23 design, is shown below.
Factors are A, B, and C, with interaction AB, AC, BC, and ABC. Number of runs to be performed
grows exponentially with number of factors (2k). Response variable for each run as a function of
interaction is indicated as y1…y8.Main and interaction effect then can be calculated, as follows.
Or can be expressed:
The parametric study that performed in this thesis is a multi-level level full factorial with four factors
(diameter, cross section slenderness, member
mem slenderness, and bolt spacing). To evaluate the result of
a factorial design, a graph that is called
called factor interaction plot is a powerful tool. This can be done in
MATLAB, as carried out in this section. Complete MATLAB script for factorial design and
generating interaction plot can be seen in Annex A.3.
The plots show mean values. As it can be seen in Figure 76, the mean values of ultimate loads for
different diameters and bolt spacing were given on the vertical axis, while input variables of the factor
was given on the horizontal axis. For example, plot line with blue color represent the factor
eraction of model with bolt spacing b=3, for diameter d=500, 700, 900. Whereas, the green color
and red color plots represent models with bolt spacing b=4 and b=5,
=5, respectively. Taking one point on
the plot, e.g. bolt spacing b=3
=3 and diameter d=900, it willl give a mean value of ultimate load of
3, which is 12.6x106N.
models 1-4-3-1-3, 1-4-3-2-3, 1-44-3-3-3, 1-4-5-1-3, 1-4-5-2-3, and 1-4-5-3-3,
This way the important factors and interaction between factors can be identified. Main effects may be
identified directly from the response variable attributed to the factor, while the interaction exists if the
plot lines are not parallel. A 2k design (full factorial) will always give more information than one-
time (OFAT) method, where interaction can never be identified. If the OFAT method is
used, the measured response will always confound main interaction effects (if interaction exist),
which may lead to wrong conclusion. The T results from OFAT method are only valid for those fixed
values of the other factors.
Figure 78 shows the interaction plot for models subject to combined axial compression force and
bending moment. It can be seen that the plot shows the same trend as for models under pure axial
compression. The results may conclude that with application of relatively small bending moment, e.g.
0.1Mu, no significant change on the ultimate strength expected to occur. The magnitude of applied
bending moment might be too small for a significant influence, however ideally no bending moment
should exist in the truss member. Small bending moment was applied in order to take into account
moment at the joint due to unbalance force from diagonals, which may be found in practical
Figure 79 and 80 shows the interaction plot for models RIKS-NM15 and RIKS-NM-05, respectively.
No significant difference between them and the models with pure axial compression, i.e. RIKS-N.
In order to analyse the behaviour of the built-up columns the methodology as for the whole chord
column (elastic buckling and non-linear post-buckling analysis, see chapter 2.3 and 2.7) were used.
The analysis of elastic buckling was intended as the initial step of analysis for predicting the ultimate
resistance of the proposed members. Since geometrical non-linearity, non-linear material, and
imperfection exist and play an important influence on the ultimate resistance of this type of members,
elastic buckling analysis cannot give accurate prediction of the resistance of the member even though
it is related to the resistance. Therefore, a geometrical and material non-linear analysis with
imperfection (GMNIA) was used for this purpose. However, determination of an accurate elastic
buckling load and mode shape is important to the existing design method. The correlation between the
elastic buckling and ultimate resistance of cold-formed members provides the basis for the design
strength, e.g. when using Direct Strength Method. In this study, elastic buckling analysis was used,
among others, to give imperfection mode shape for the non-linear analysis and calculation of member
In the non-linear analysis, imperfections based on the mode shape from the buckling analysis have
been introduced in accordance to EC 1993-1-5 [10]. For these calculations a value of s/2000 (s is the
spacing of lip’s bolt connection) was taken for the first four mode shapes from elastic buckling
analysis, and then was used as initial imperfection. Distance s was chosen since sectorial buckling was
the expected critical buckling mode in these models. Details of modelling the imperfection are
described in Chapter 3.4.
Annex C.1 shows the first buckling mode shapes of all 54 models for the considered parameters.
Example of buckling mode shape is shown in Figure 81. Buckling mode shape of the models with the
lowest non-dimensional global slenderness ( ̅ ), i.e. 0.65 are characterized by distortional buckling of
the sector plate in between the lip’s bolt connection,
connection whereas higher non-dimensional
dimensional slenderness, i.e.
1.0 and 1.25 were dominated by flexural buckling and interaction flexural-distortional
distortional buckling. This
phenomenon occurs since correlated with length of the member or half-wave
half wave length of the buckling.
Moreover, no torsional or torsional-flexural
torsional flexural mode govern as the lowest critical buckling load which
indicate that in these column models the torsional stiffness is almost fully developed.
developed This semi-
closed configuration of section member provides
provide effective way to drastically increase the torsional
rigidity, compared to the one as individual plate.
Results of elastic buckling analysis for all models are presented in Table 9.. It can be seen from the
table that the theoretical
heoretical or Euler elastic buckling calculations based on EC1993-1-1
EC1993 have a
disagreement on the FEM analysis critical load for models with distortional-controlled
controlled buckling.
buckling In
this case, the Euler critical loads are much higher than results from FEM analysis since the Euler
buckling formulae consider thee member as a whole perfect column and for flexural case only, without
taking into account local or distortional buckling and interaction between them. In other hand, FEM
analysed the member as a built--up plates connected together as semi-closed
closed section,
section considering the
real geometrical conditions.. Therefore, the effect of non-fully
non fully rigid connected plates to the buckling
behaviour was taken into account in FEM. With increasing bolt spacing, the critical loads decrease,
and consequently the ratio of FEM-to-Euler
FEM critical load increases.
In FEM, buckling
uckling analyses were performed forr four eigenvalues and mode shapes for all models. It
was shown that from the other buckling mode shapes,
shape , the deformation of the models were changing
and unsymmetrical.. It proves that in some cases, choosing a suitable buckling mode shape is
complicated. Itt will influence on the cost of performing the analysis and accuracy of the results.
Therefore, in this
his study the imperfection took the first until the fourth mode shapes in order to make it
more realistic.
Figure 82.
82 First four buckling mode shape of Model 1-2-3-2-3
(b) d-parameter=700
Elastic theory Numerical
Dia. Thick. Slend. Length (Euler Analysis
spacing Buckling
Model ID buckling) (FEM)
d t λ l s/d Ncrit Ncrit
[mm] [mm] [-] [mm] [-] [kN] [kN]
1 3 3 1 3 3 20741 15768 dist.
1 3 3 1 4 0.65 25339 4 20741 11605 dist.
1 3 3 1 5 5 20741 9277 dist.
1 3 3 2 3 3 9295 9487 flex.
1 3 3 2 4 12 1 37852 4 9295 9333 flex.
1 3 3 2 5 5 9295 8383 dist.
1 3 3 3 3 3 6083 6300 flex.
1 3 3 3 4 1.25 46790 4 6083 6239 flex.
1 3 3 3 5 5 6083 6157 flex.
1 3 5 1 3 3 17374 11900 dist.
1 3 5 1 4 0.65 25347 4 17374 8683 dist.
1 3 5 1 5 5 17374 6907 dist.
1 3 5 2 3 3 7785 7933 flex.
1 3 5 2 4 10 1 37865 4 7785 7797 flex.
1 3 5 2 5 5 7785 6169 dist.
1 3 5 3 3 3 5095 5271 flex.
1 3 5 3 4 1.25 46806 4 5095 5218 flex.
1 3 5 3 5 5 5095 5147 flex.
(c) d-parameter=900
Elastic theory Numerical
Dia. Thick. Slend. Length (Euler Analysis
spacing Buckling
Model ID buckling) (FEM)
d t λ l s/d Ncrit Ncrit
[mm] [mm] [-] [mm] [-] [kN] [kN]
1 4 3 1 3 3 33361 24696 dist.
1 4 3 1 4 0.65 32580 4 33361 17943 dist.
1 4 3 1 5 5 33361 14242 dist.
1 4 3 2 3 3 14950 15182 flex.
1 4 3 2 4 15 1 48669 4 14950 14924 flex-dist
1 4 3 2 5 5 14950 12777 dist.
1 4 3 3 3 3 9784 10095 flex.
1 4 3 3 4 1.25 60161 4 9784 9992 flex.
1 4 3 3 5 5 9784 9857 flex.
1 4 5 1 3 3 29029 19850 dist.
1 4 5 1 4 0.65 32588 4 29029 14355 dist.
1 4 5 1 5 5 29029 13347 dist.
1 4 5 2 3 3 13008 13193 flex.
1 4 5 2 4 13 1 48682 4 13008 12956 flex-dist
1 4 5 2 5 5 13008 10076 dist.
1 4 5 3 3 3 8513 8777 flex.
1 4 5 3 4 1.25 60177 4 8513 8685 flex.
1 4 5 3 5 5 8513 8563 flex.
The comparison of elastic critical load between the models with predefined parameters can be seen in
Table 9. Critical load of the models are significantly higher for larger diameter as the inertia increases.
With the same cross sectional slenderness, the average increases of critical load are 90.8% and 62.8%
for changing diameter 500mm to 700mm and diameter 700mm to 900mm, respectively. The
thicknesses of plates also affect the critical load. An average increase of 17.6% for models d=900mm
with thickness from 13mm to 15mm. Higher slenderness, consequently longer member, has lower
critical load. An average decrease of 36.9% on critical load was experienced for models by
changing ̅ =0.65 into ̅ =1.0, and 33.6% decrease of critical load was experienced for models by
changing ̅ =1.0 into ̅ =1.25. Effect of bolt spacing on the critical load depends on the length of
member. The effect is significant for short member, in this case ̅ =0.65, with average decrease of
26.7% and 17.9% by changing the bolt spacing from 3d to 4d and 4d to 5d, respectively. For member
with ̅ =1.0 an average decrease of 1.7% for changing bolt spacing from 3d to 4d, meanwhile for
member with ̅ =1.25 an average decrease of 0.9% for changing bolt spacing from 3d to 4d.
0.2 flex-dist-controlled
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000
Figure 83. Pcrit-to-Pe ratio
This analysis shows that the bolt spacing of 3d – 5d on this type of polygonal sections gives elastic
buckling modes of distortional, flexural, and flexural-distortional. With this bolt density, influence of
the stiffness of the lip connection on triggering different elastic buckling type, i.e. local buckling is
not sufficient since result shows that all buckling modes lies in range of distortional and flexural type.
Elastic buckling prediction by current design specification (i.e. EC1993) for local and flexural mode
is only appropriate when the members are wholly thin plate and column, respectively. Moreover, for
distortional buckling prediction there is no explicit expression available. In this case, where the
members are semi-closed built-up column composed of folded plates, there is no expressions in
Eurocode for predicting the elastic critical buckling, either for sectorial or global buckling modes. An
element model and semi-empirical model for elastic buckling prediction of open cross-sections was
developed by AISI (1996), Lau and Hancock (1987), and Schafer (2008). Application of the latter
calculation method can be found in finite-strip method, e.g. CUFSM. Therefore, models and
expressions of elastic buckling for semi-closed cross-sections need to be developed and evaluated to
determine whether a similar correlation to that for open cross-section also exists for semi-closed
Using elastic buckling loads obtained from FE models as the basis for semi-closed polygonal columns
would be ineffective, because it would have to exert enormous effort to create an FE model and then
inspect and choose the appropriate buckling mode. Limited number of models run in this parametric
study made it not feasible to provide equations for the elastic buckling loads.
A total of 216 non-linear collapse analyses were carried out for all column models with predefined
parameters and under pure axial compression (N) and combined axial-bending moment (NM0.05,
NM0.1, and NM0.15), of which all analyses successfully reached the ultimate loads. Table 10shows
the ultimate load and corresponding displacement for all models which includes the defining variables
and types of failure. The results were obtained by Python automation from ABAQUS as described in
Chapter 4.1.
Table 10. Ultimate loads and corresponding displacement from FE non-linear analysis for models RIKS-N
(a) d-parameter=500
bolt Normalized
Dia. Thick. Slend. Length Max. load Shortening
spacing resistance Failure
Model ID
Pu disp Pu/Pyg
[mm] [mm] [-] [mm] [-] [kN] [mm] [-]
1 2 3 1 3 3 5625.7 29.13 1.00 dist.
1 2 3 1 4 0.65 18098 4 4982.5 26.03 0.89 dist.
1 2 3 1 5 5 4531.8 24.75 0.81 dist.
1 2 3 2 3 3 4865.7 37.93 0.87 dist.
1 2 3 2 4 9 1 27035 4 4555.0 35.44 0.82 dist.
1 2 3 2 5 5 4126.2 32.17 0.74 dist.
1 2 3 3 3 3 3335.7 34.09 0.60 dist-flex
1 2 3 3 4 1.25 33419 4 3269.5 33.10 0.59 dist-flex
1 2 3 3 5 5 3176.2 31.49 0.57 dist-flex
1 2 5 1 3 3 4132.5 27.34 0.95 dist.
1 2 5 1 4 0.65 18106 4 3576.7 24.21 0.82 dist.
1 2 5 1 5 5 3161.9 23.20 0.72 dist.
1 2 5 2 3 3 3665.2 36.35 0.84 dist.
1 2 5 2 4 7 1 27048 4 3241.9 32.20 0.74 dist.
1 2 5 2 5 5 2840.9 28.59 0.65 dist.
1 2 5 3 3 3 2606.7 33.78 0.60 dist-flex
1 2 5 3 4 1.25 33435 4 2496.8 31.14 0.57 dist-flex
1 2 5 3 5 5 2405.3 30.03 0.55 dist-flex
bolt Normalized
Dia. Thick. Slend. Length Max. load Shortening
spacing resistance Failure
Model ID
Pu disp Pu/Pyg
[mm] [mm] [-] [mm] [-] [kN] [mm] [-]
1 3 3 1 3 3 10583.1 41.10 1.00 dist.
1 3 3 1 4 0.65 25339 4 9053.7 35.59 0.87 dist.
1 3 3 1 5 5 8140.8 33.86 0.78 dist.
1 3 3 2 3 3 8974.8 52.52 0.86 dist.
1 3 3 2 4 12 1 37852 4 8128.1 47.34 0.78 dist.
1 3 3 2 5 5 7400.3 43.45 0.71 dist.
1 3 3 3 3 3 6192.9 47.06 0.59 dist-flex
1 3 3 3 4 1.25 46790 4 6020.5 45.09 0.58 dist-flex
1 3 3 3 5 5 5901.9 43.72 0.57 dist-flex
1 3 5 1 3 3 8309.6 38.52 0.95 dist.
1 3 5 1 4 0.65 25347 4 7358.9 34.13 0.84 dist.
1 3 5 1 5 5 6417.5 32.86 0.74 dist.
1 3 5 2 3 3 7105.3 49.55 0.81 dist.
1 3 5 2 4 10 1 37865 4 6373.9 44.55 0.73 dist.
1 3 5 2 5 5 5661.1 40.01 0.65 dist.
1 3 5 3 3 3 5177.7 47.83 0.59 dist-flex
1 3 5 3 4 1.25 46806 4 4985.4 44.02 0.57 dist-flex
1 3 5 3 5 5 4683.0 40.90 0.54 dist-flex
(c) d-parameter=900
bolt Normalized
Dia. Thick. Slend. Length Max. load Shortening
spacing resistance Failure
Model ID
Pu disp Pu/Pyg
[mm] [mm] [-] [mm] [-] [kN] [mm] [-]
1 4 3 1 3 3 16670.0 51.85 0.99 dist.
1 4 3 1 4 0.65 32580 4 14571.6 45.18 0.87 dist.
1 4 3 1 5 5 12630.0 41.79 0.75 dist.
1 4 3 2 3 3 14330.1 66.74 0.86 dist.
1 4 3 2 4 15 1 48669 4 13158.7 61.34 0.79 dist.
1 4 3 2 5 5 11412.8 53.88 0.68 dist.
1 4 3 3 3 3 9958.4 60.53 0.59 dist-flex
1 4 3 3 4 1.25 60161 4 9777.5 58.85 0.58 dist-flex
1 4 3 3 5 5 9320.6 54.80 0.56 dist-flex
1 4 5 1 3 3 13828.6 49.28 0.95 dist.
1 4 5 1 4 0.65 32588 4 11788.0 43.61 0.81 dist.
1 4 5 1 5 5 10664.4 42.53 0.73 dist.
1 4 5 2 3 3 12124.6 65.03 0.83 dist.
1 4 5 2 4 13 1 48682 4 10701.6 57.72 0.73 dist.
1 4 5 2 5 5 9216.9 50.32 0.63 dist.
1 4 5 3 3 3 8656.9 61.02 0.59 dist-flex
1 4 5 3 4 1.25 60177 4 8400.3 57.10 0.58 dist-flex
1 4 5 3 5 5 7913.5 53.21 0.54 dist-flex
From the above tables, it can be seen that the failure mode of the models are dominated by distortional
failure with the remaining models show interaction distortional-flexural failure. Annex C.2 provides
the screenshots of the models at failure state taken from ABAQUS non-linear analysis. The difference
of this result to the elastic buckling analysis can be clearly noticed, where there is no independent
global flexural failure mode in non-linear analysis. This affirms the significant influence of material
and geometrical non-linearity and imperfections on the ultimate resistance of the studied models. The
results for combined axial compression- bending moment (RIKS-NM) models are presented in the
next section.
The results of the parametric studies of all column models are presented in Figure 84 in the form of
normalized resistance (Pu-FEM/Pyg) based on fully effective cross-section resistance (Pyg) versus local
slenderness λcr-FEM=(Pyg/Pcr-FEM)0.5 based on Pyg and the critical buckling load by the FEM analysis. It
is important to note that the failure mode of all models in this non-linear study is distortional type,
while some of the first critical buckling loads by FEM discussed in previous section (4.3.1) were the
flexural type. Therefore, it is needed to obtain distortional buckling loads for those models in order to
have proper local slenderness, according to the actual failure mode. This is performed by looking at
other buckling modes which give distortional type of buckling in ABAQUS. Then, these critical
buckling loads (Table 11) were taken for constructing the graph. Figure 84 also shows the EC1993-1-
3 [9] resistance curve for distortional buckling mode, and other codes for different buckling modes.
From the graph it is worth noted that there are two obvious scatters of data points when slenderness
0.9<λcr-FEM<1.2. The higher scatter group corresponds to those columns which failed in a pure
distortional mode, while the lower scatter corresponds to those columns failed in distortional-flexural
interaction. This means although the vast majority of the failure modes from the FEM are distortional
modes, an interaction distortional-flexural failure did occur for models with high global slenderness, ̅
= 1.25, in which give lower strength than the distortional modes. Figure 84 shows that in case of
distortional failure, a full proportion of the numerical ultimate resistance were slightly underestimated
by the Code, which means that EC1993-1-3 corresponds to the FEM analysis results and gives safe
but less conservative prediction. It can be said that the EC1993-1-3 curve almost forms the lower
bound of the numerical ultimate resistance for the studied models. The detail discussion and
verification of analysis based on design code specification (EC1993) is given in the next section.
A small scatters of data points which appeared below the EC1993-1-3 strength curve in the graph are
all models with global slenderness ̅ = 1.25, and a safe estimates of strength cannot be provided by
EC1993-1-3 since it is an interaction modes. Very unsafe predictions were provided by the EC1993-1-
3 curve for those models. These data points fell on local slenderness, i.e. λcr-FEM≥ 0.9 for models with
bolt spacing ratio, b = 4 and larger slenderness λcr-FEM≥ 1.0 for models with b = 5. The flexural
slenderness which was significantly high and larger than the distortional slenderness may induce the
flexural deformation interacted with the distortional mode. It is suggested by this parametric study
that the EC1993-1-3 curve provides safe (or almost safe) predictions if the columns fail in a pure
distortional mode, whereas give unsafe prediction if the columns fail in interaction mode, D-F
interaction in this case.
By travelling from the highest to the lowest Pu-FEM/Pyg values, the scatter of data points correspond to
the increase of bolt spacing ratio b-parameter. This shows that with the increase of bolt spacing, being
from b=3 to b=4 and b=5, the ultimate resistance tends to decrease.
This shows that the non-dimensional slenderness and bolt spacing are the most influencing parameter
which characteristics resulted in significantly deviated ultimate resistance. Likewise, the diameter d-
parameter and thickness t-parameter give unfavourable effect on the ultimate resistance when it
increases, however this influence is not significant and considerably lower than those caused by
slenderness and bolt spacing.
If Figure 84 is redrawn as Figure 85, which plots (Pu-FEM/Pyg) versus λcr-FEM= (Pyg/Pcr-FEM)0.5 for loading
condition of combined axial compression-bending moment (RIKS-NM), the scatter of data points for
the numerical ultimate resistance move slightly downward, which results in unsafe predictions for
some models even though a large portion are still on the safe side. This happens as expected since the
presence of bending moment will reduce the ultimate strength of the column due to load interaction.
The axial-moment (NM) interaction of the studied columns will be discussed in detail in the next
From this analysis it can be noted that for the studied columns, distortional failures have lower post-
buckling capacity than the other mode, i.e. local buckling. Furthermore, distortional buckling may
control the failure mechanism even when the elastic distortional buckling stress (fcrd) is higher than
the elastic flexural buckling stress (fcrf).
1.2 EC3-1-5 Eq (4.2)
EC3-1-5 Eq (4.3)
EC-3-1-1 Eq (6.49)
1 EC3-1-3 Eq (5.12)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Figure 84. Parametric study results of the studied columns (normalized resistance based on Pyg
vs. slenderness based on Pyg and FEM critical buckling loads): Models RIKS-N
As shown in the subchapter 4.3 Factorial design, the most significant factor interaction are member
slenderness-bolt spacing and member slenderness-diameter, hence plot was also made for diameter
group scatter, as shown below. As for diameter, the phenomenon of interaction distortional-flexural
failure did occur for models with all diameters, i.e. 500, 700, and 900, when high global slenderness,
̅ = 1.25 possessed.
1.2 d=900
EC3-1-5 Eq (4.2)
EC3-1-5 Eq (4.3)
EC-3-1-1 Eq (6.49)
EC3-1-3 Eq (5.12)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
λcr-FEM=(Pyg/Pcr-FEM )0.5
Figure 85. Parametric study results of the studied columns (normalized resistance based on Pyg
vs. slenderness based on Pyg and FEM critical buckling loads): Models RIKS-N
As a sample for visualization of failure mode, Figure 86 shows a typical distortional buckling mode at
the ultimate load of model RIKS-N-1-2-5-1-3. The colour contours represent the magnitudes of von
Misses stress. Complete screenshots of failure mode for all models are given in Annex C.2.
The failure is characterized by buckling of the lips outward, while no significant rotation along its
weak axis experienced by the entire column. This type of buckling is also known as “stiffener flexural
buckling” or “local-torsional buckling”. Lips as connection between plates in this type of sections can
be considered as the stiffener. Distortional mode well recognized by rotation of the flange at the
flange-web junction or displacement of the intermediate stiffener normal to the plane of the element.
The junction point between flange and web moves inward or outward, as exhibited in the result of
numerical analysis of this parametric study. Distortional buckling exists at intermediate longitudinal
half sine waves (half-wavelength), between short local buckling half-wavelength and long flexural or
flexural-torsional buckling half-wavelength. In this case, the half-wavelength is the bolt spacing
distance (s).
Meanwhile, Figure 87 shows the failure mode by interaction between distortional and flexural
buckling for models with ̅ = 1.25. The failure mode is characterized by buckling of the lips outward
and at the same time, large rotation of the entire member.
1.4 b=3
1.2 EC3-1-5
5 Eq (4.2)
5 Eq (4.3)
1 Eq (6.49)
1 EC3-1-3
3 Eq (5.12)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
λcr-FEM=(Pyg/Pcr-FEM )0.5
Figure 86.. Parametric study results of the studied columns (normalized resistance based on Pyg
vs. slenderness based on Pyg and FEM critical buckling loads): Models RIKS-NM01
Moreover, this parametric study is expected to rule out the limit of normalized resistance for the
expected failure mode, in this case distortional buckling, based on slenderness of the member. From
graph in Figure 81, it can be suggested that the expression used in EC1993-1-33 for reduction factor
due to distortional buckling (Eq. 5.12) may be adopted for the semi-closed
semi closed polygonal
polygon type of cross-
section undergoes pure distortional buckling mode used in this parametric study,
study with provision of
global slenderness, ̅ < 1.25.. The EC1993-1-3
EC1993 3 became the lower bound for the results of numerical
ultimate strength.
•• = 1.0
0 if ̅• <0.65; ̅ < 1.25
•• = 1.47
47 − 0.723 ̅• if 0.65< ̅• <1.38; ̅ < 1.25
•• =
̅• Ç1.38; ̅ < 1.25
¦ if
EC3-1-3 Eq (5.12)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
λcr-FEM=(Pyg/Pcr-FEM )0.5
Figure 89. Parametric study results of the studied columns (normalized resistance based on Pyg
vs. slenderness based on Pyg and FEM critical buckling loads): Pure distortional mode
EC3-1-3 Eq (5.12)
y = -0.1751x + 0.7576
R2 = 0.914
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Figure 90. Parametric study results of the studied columns (normalized resistance based on Pyg
vs. slenderness based on Pyg and FEM critical buckling loads): Distortional-flexural interaction
The critical buckling mode for various eigenmodes are shown in the following table.
EC-3-1-3 d=500
Pu [kN]
EC-3-1-3 d=700
8000 EC-3-1-3 d=900
6000 1-2-3-1-3
4000 1-3-3-1-3
2000 1-4-3-1-3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Displacement [mm]
Effect of d-parameter on the normalized resistance (Pu/Pyg) is shown in Figure 91. Six models were
taken in comparison. The curve shows that diameter change has little influence on the normalized
resistance. It means that by changing the diameter, reduction factor on ultimate cross-section
resistance due to distortional buckling deviate negligibly. An average increase of 0.64% on
normalized resistance occurs when diameter changing from 500 to 700mm, while average decrease of
2.1% occurs when diameter changing from 700 to 900mm.
0.8 1-3-3-1-3
0.6 1-2-3-2-3
0 1-4-3-3-3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Displacement [mm]
In order to make a uniform comparison of the normalized resistance between the parameters, a graph
of normalized strength (Pu/Pyg) versus length represented by global slenderness( ̅ ) was made. Figure
92 shows that different diameters have no significance on normalized resistance. The effect is less in
the members in models with larger length or higher global slenderness.
Normalized resistance
0.2 d=700
slend=90 d=900
0 b=3
Figure 93.Normalized resistance vs. length for models with different diameters
Figure 93 shows the influence of thickness t-parameter on the ultimate resistance of the members.
With decreasing thickness, the ultimate strength of the members is also decreased. Alike d-parameter,
this happens since thickness directly related to the area property of cross section. An average decrease
of 21.5% on the ultimate load is experienced by member if thickness changing from 12 to 10mm.
Likewise, the displacement experiences a decrease with decreasing thickness.
EC-3-1-3 t=12
Pu [kN]
EC-3-1-3 t=10
4000 1-3-5-1-3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Displacement [mm]
Effect of t-parameter on the normalized resistance (Pu/Pyg) is shown in Figure 94. Six models were
taken in comparison. The curve shows similar trend as the d-parameter, changing thicknesses have
little influence on the normalized resistance. By changing the thickness, reduction factor on ultimate
cross-section resistance due to distortional buckling deviate negligibly. An average decrease of 6.3%
on normalized resistance occurs when thickness changing from 12 to 10mm, while average decrease
of 5.5% occurs with thickness from 12 to 10mm for models with larger length ( ̅ =1).
0.4 1-3-5-2-3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Displacement [mm]
Figure 95 shows normalized strength (Pu/Pyg) versus length represented by global slenderness ( ̅ ) for
models with different thicknesses. As it can be seen the thickness change has little significance on
normalized resistance. The effect is less in the members in models with larger length or higher global
Normalized resistance
d=700 t=10
0.00 b=3
Figure 96. Normalized resistance vs. length for models with different thicknesses
EC-3-1-3 lambda=1.0
EC-3-1-3 lambda=1.25
1500 1-2-5-1-4
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Displacement [mm]
Figure 97. Load-displacement curve of numerical analysis for different lambda
Figure 97 shows effect of ̅ -parameter on the normalized resistance (Pu/Pyg) due to change of global
slenderness. Six models were taken in comparison. The curve shows similar trend as the other
parameters, however the difference is visible. Changing length or slenderness has significant
influence on the normalized resistance. By changing the slenderness, reduction factor on ultimate
cross-section resistance due to distortional buckling deviate considerably. An average decrease of
9.4% on normalized resistance occurs when slenderness changing from 0.65 to 1.0, while average
decrease of 22.9% occurs with changing slenderness from 1.0 into 1.25. A significant drop exists
when the slenderness is above 1.0.
0.4 1-2-5-3-4
0.3 1-2-5-1-5
0.2 1-2-5-2-5
0.1 1-2-5-3-5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Displacement [mm]
Figure 98. Load-displacement curve with normalized resistance (diff. global slenderness)
Figure 98 shows normalized strength (Pu/Pyg) versus global slenderness ( ̅ ) for models with different
lengths. As it can be seen the slenderness change has quite significant influence on normalized
resistance, especially when the slenderness is above 1.0. The effect is more when the global
slenderness is higher.
Normalized resistance
0.10 d=500 l=33435
0.00 b=4
Figure 99. . Normalized resistance vs. length for models with different lengths
ultimate resistance will be achieved. An average increase of 12.6% and 13.3% on the ultimate load
is experienced by member for changing bolt ratio from 3 to 4 and from 4 to 5, respectively. Similarly,
the displacement experiences an increase with closer bolt spacing.
EC-3-1-3 b=3
Pu [kN]
EC-3-1-3 b=4
8000 EC-3-1-3 b=5
6000 1-4-3-1-3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Displacement [mm]
Figure 100. Load-displacement curve of numerical analysis for different bolt spacing
Effect of b-parameter on the normalized resistance (Pu/Pyg) is shown in Figure 100. Nine models were
taken in comparison. Similarly to ̅ -parameters, the curve shows significant change of normalized
resistance by shifting the bolt spacing. By changing the bolt spacing, reduction factor on ultimate
cross-section resistance due to distortional buckling deviates considerably. An average decrease of
12.6% on normalized resistance occurs when bolt spacing ratio changing from 3 to 4, while average
decrease of 13.3% occurs with changing bolt spacing ratio from 4 to 5. The changes are in proportion
with the ultimate load changes.
0.8 1-4-3-1-4
0.6 1-4-3-2-3
0 1-4-3-3-5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Displacement [mm]
Figure 101. Load-displacement curve with normalized resistance (diff. bolt spacing)
Figure 101 shows normalized strength (P( u/Pyg) versus global slenderness ( ̅ ) for models with different
bolt spacing ratio. As it can be seen in the graph, the change of bolt spacing gives quite significant
influence on normalized resistance. The effect is less in the members in models with larger length or
higher global slenderness.
Normalized resistance
d=900 b=5
0.65 0.75 0.85 0.95 1.05 1.15 1.25
Figure 102.. Normalized resistance vs. length for models with different bolt spacings
4.3.3 Analytical analysis for the proposed columns according to the standard rules EN1993-1-
3 and EN1993-1-6
In this section, the results from numerical
numerical analysis of the models used in parametric studies were
compared and verified to the analytical calculations according to EN1993-1-3
EN1993 General rules for cold-
formed members and sheeting and EN1993-1-6 Strength and stability of shell structures. structures The
numerical results were compared to these two design codes with consideration that the expected
behaviour of the proposed columns is in between of plates and shell structural element. Due to large
amount of models, calculations were performed with Python script
script automation; detail of the script can
be found in the Annex A.5.
The procedure of calculation is described in chapter 2.3.7 and the complete results are presented in the
Annex. The determination of ultimate resistance of the member includes cross-section resistance and
buckling resistance. Calculation of cross-section resistance covers the local and distortional buckling
mode through reduction factor, namely ρ and χd. Reduction factor due to local buckling is applied to
the plane plate according to the class of cross-section, refer to EC1993-1-5 [10]. Meanwhile,
reduction factor due to distortional buckling is applied to the stiffener element either edge or
intermediate stiffener, and taken into account for flexural buckling of the stiffener. The reduction
factor due to local and or distortional buckling is used as the reduction of the cross-section area.
Calculation of buckling resistance of cold-formed member includes flexural (F), torsional (T), and
flexural torsional (FT) buckling. The lowest reduction factor between these three buckling modes will
govern and used as reduction in buckling resistance calculation.
Part 3.2 and 5.1 of the code rule out the requirement for geometrical and material properties
verification including material increased average yield strength (fya) and influence of rounded corners,
respectively. These two requirements were taken into account and calculated in this analysis
accordingly. Average increased average yield strength was not applicable since the effective areas of
cross section were used in the calculation, while influence of rounded corners can be neglected due to
the using of plane elements along corners during the calculation. Detail of results for this calculation
can be seen in the Annex D.
Cross section classification was carried out according to EN1993-1-1 by considering the polygonal
profiles are composed of simply supported plates. All cross-section models fall in class 3 cross-
section. Double check was done in MATLAB by calculating class of each plate and took the lowest
class as the cross-section class, and by calculating the effective area of each plate then sum up them as
the cross-section effective area. Both methods have agreement in the results. Complete script for
calculating the classification of cross section and effective area can be seen in the MATLAB script for
profiles polygoner.m line 81 – 133 in Annex A.2.
In the analytical calculation, lips along the profiles are considered as stiffeners and refer to EC1993-1-
3 part 5.5.3 plane elements with edge or intermediate stiffeners. It takes into account the assumption
that stiffener behaves as a compression element with continuous partial restraint, with a spring
stiffness and the flexural stiffness of the adjacent plane elements. This stiffener subjects to distortional
buckling mode. Reduction factor due to distortional buckling was calculated based on stiffness and
local slenderness of the stiffener. The procedure included iterative process to obtain refined and less
conservative result by calculating the effective width with a reduced compressive stress σcom,Ed =
χdfyb/γM0with χd taken from previous iteration. In this study, iteration was done until the third step
where enough convergence was achieved, χd,n≈ χd,(n-1) but χd,n≤ χd,(n-1).
Since all cross section are in class 3 then there is no local buckling mode of failure, which
corresponds to the numerical results. Therefore, reduction of cross-section area only comes from
distortional buckling, which applies to the thickness of stiffener area plus the effective portions of the
adjacent plane element.
Table 12 shows the result of analytical calculation according to EC1993-1-3 for cross-section
resistance and comparison between numerical and analytical results.
Table 12. Analytical calculation result of the cross-section resistance for studied columns according to EN1993-1-3
and comparison of the resistance to the FE results
(a) b-parameter=3
(b) b-parameter=4
The ultimate resistance of cross-section from the finite element analysis showed a good agreement
with EN-1993 part 1-3. However, some numerical models have a disagreement and show unsafe
predictions compared to the design standard. Cluster of models with global slenderness ̅ =1,25 and
bolt spacing b=3 and 4 exhibit considerably lower resistance than the design standard. Examination
showed that these models are all models failed in interaction mode, i.e. distortional-flexural
interaction, as shown in Figure 84. Therefore, it can be concluded that the analytical calculation based
on EC1993-1-3 performed in this section corresponds to the numerical analysis described in chapter
4.3.2; whereas the deviations due to the interaction mode cannot be captured by EN 1993-1-3.
Besides cross-sections resistance, design standard EC1993-1-3 requires calculation of buckling
resistance. In this case, flexural buckling was expected to govern between the three buckling modes,
i.e. flexural, torsional, and flex-torsional buckling since the semi-closed connection provide high
torsional stiffness on the cross-section, as shown in table of cross-section properties and chapter 3.2.1
verification of elastic buckling analysis. Calculation of flexural buckling resistance was done
according to EC1993-1-1. Effective area taken from cross-section resistance calculation was used
when calculating the global slenderness. Buckling class b=0.34 was used, as recommended by
EC1993-1-3. The reduction factor is mainly determined by those two above-mentioned properties. As
for torsional buckling, the expression in EC1993-1-3 was used. Principally, the reduction factor for
torsional and flexural torsional buckling is calculated by substituting elastic critical stress in in the
equations of flexural buckling with torsional and flexural-torsional critical stress. The lowest
reduction factor will be the governing buckling mode and then used in the buckling resistance
x,€• = •. rss .
Table 13. Analytical calculation result of the buckling resistance for studied columns according to EN1993-1-3 and
comparison of the resistance to the FE results
(a) b-parameter=3
(b) b-parameter=4
Table 13 shows the results of buckling resistance calculation according to EC1993-1-3 and
comparison with numerical results. As expected, the governing global buckling mode was flexural
type. No reduction on torsional buckling mode proves that the torsional stiffness of the cross section
was fully (or almost fully) developed, and moreover shows the effectiveness of lip connection that
form semi-closed cross-section. As for comparison, it can be seen that the ultimate resistance from FE
analysis were much higher than the EC-1993-1-3 buckling resistance. The design standard
underpredicted the strengths of all models since the failure modes that occurred were not global
flexural type. From these analyses it is known that this type of cross-section, with the specified local
and global slenderness, seemed much more prominent for distortional failure mode.
It is worth noting that for this type of cross-section, adopting the design standard without knowing the
exact failure mode can result in too conservative predictions. Local slenderness comes from the bolt
spacing which significantly determine the failure mode and hence the ultimate strength of the
member, is not included in the current design standard.
The procedure of calculation based on EC1993-1-6 is described in chapter 2.3.8 and the workflow can
be seen in Figure 30.Ultimate resistance calculation was intended to investigate loss of stability under
compressive membrane or shear membrane stresses in the shell wall, as expected will govern in this
studied columns. The buckling limit state (LS3) was calculated for this purpose.
Design resistances for stress components are obtained using buckling reduction factors χ taking into
- Imperfections depending on the Fabrication Tolerance Quality Class
- Boundary Conditions of the cylindrical shell
The partial safety factor may be defined in the National Annex. The recommended value is žŸ> =
1.1. The buckling reduction factors are determined as a function of the relative slenderness of the
shell, defined for different stress components, i.e. meridional, circumferential and shear. The elastic
critical buckling stresses were obtained using appropriate expression in Annex D of EC1993-1-6. In
this study, the parameter Cxb was taken equal to 1.0 as a conservative value for long equivalent
cylinders, while the characteristic imperfection amplitude Δwk was calculated based on fabrication
taken as ̅#9=0.2, β=0.6, and η=1.0. Detail calculation of analytical based on EC1993-1-6 can be seen
quality parameter Q, which is taken as Class C (normal), equal to 16. Other parameters should be
in Python script in Annex A.5. Results of the analytical calculation are presented in Table 18. For
cross-sections with class 3, the design resistance was calculated as the full effective cross-section
resistance, as per EC1993-1-1.
Table 14. Analytical calculation result of the design resistance for studied columns according to EN1993-1-6 and
comparison of the resistance to the FE results
(a) b-parameter=3
Real Design
d t l d/t λ s/d Class Area FE FE/
cs-slend resistance
Model ID analysis EC3-1-6
Ag NRd_shell
[mm] [mm] [mm] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [cm ] [kN] [kN] [-]
12313 500 9 18098 55.6 83.9 3 157.0 5573.43 5625.7 1.01
13313 700 12 25339 58.3 88.1 3 293.5 10418.6 10583.1 1.02
14313 900 15 32580 60.0 90.6 4 472.0 13714.0 16670.0 1.22
12513 500 7 18106 71.4 107.9 4 123.0 3495.4 4132.5 1.18
13513 700 10 25347 70.0 105.7 4 245.8 7005.2 8309.6 1.19
14513 900 13 32588 69.2 104.6 4 410.7 11721.7 13828.6 1.18
12323 500 9 27035 55.6 83.9 3 157.0 5573.4 4865.7 0.87
13323 700 12 37852 58.3 88.1 3 293.5 10418.6 8974.8 0.86
14323 900 15 48669 60.0 90.6 4 472.0 13714.0 14330.1 1.04
1 3
12523 500 7 27048 71.4 107.9 4 123.0 3495.4 3665.2 1.05
13523 700 10 37865 70.0 105.7 4 245.8 7005.2 7105.3 1.01
14523 900 13 48682 69.2 104.6 4 410.7 11721.7 12124.6 1.03
12333 500 9 33419 55.6 83.9 3 157.0 5573.4 3335.7 0.60
13333 700 12 46790 58.3 88.1 3 293.5 10418.6 6192.9 0.59
14333 900 15 60161 60.0 90.6 4 472.0 13714.0 9958.4 0.73
12533 500 7 33435 71.4 107.9 4 123.0 3495.4 2606.7 0.75
13533 700 10 46806 70.0 105.7 4 245.8 7005.2 5177.7 0.74
14533 900 13 60177 69.2 104.6 4 410.7 11721.7 8656.9 0.74
Real Design
d t l d/t λ s/d Class Area FE FE/
cs-slend resistance
Model ID analysis EC3-1-6
Ag NRd_shell
[mm] [mm] [mm] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [cm ] [kN] [kN] [-]
12314 500 9 18098 55.6 83.9 3 157.0 5573.4 4982.5 0.89
13314 700 12 25339 58.3 88.1 3 293.5 10418.6 9053.7 0.87
14314 900 15 32580 60.0 90.6 4 472.0 13714.0 14571.6 1.06
12514 500 7 18106 71.4 107.9 4 123.0 3495.4 3576.7 1.02
13514 700 10 25347 70.0 105.7 4 245.8 7005.2 7358.9 1.05
14514 900 13 32588 69.2 104.6 4 410.7 11721.7 11788.0 1.01
12324 500 9 27035 55.6 83.9 3 157.0 5573.4 4555.0 0.82
13324 700 12 37852 58.3 88.1 3 293.5 10418.6 8128.1 0.78
14324 900 15 48669 60.0 90.6 4 472.0 13714.0 13158.7 0.96
1 4
12524 500 7 27048 71.4 107.9 4 123.0 3495.4 3241.9 0.93
13524 700 10 37865 70.0 105.7 4 245.8 7005.2 6373.9 0.91
14524 900 13 48682 69.2 104.6 4 410.7 11721.7 10701.6 0.91
12334 500 9 33419 55.6 83.9 3 157.0 5573.4 3269.5 0.59
13334 700 12 46790 58.3 88.1 3 293.5 10418.6 6020.5 0.58
14334 900 15 60161 60.0 90.6 4 472.0 13714.0 9777.5 0.71
12534 500 7 33435 71.4 107.9 4 123.0 3495.4 2496.8 0.71
13534 700 10 46806 70.0 105.7 4 245.8 7005.2 4985.4 0.71
14534 900 13 60177 69.2 104.6 4 410.7 11721.7 8400.3 0.72
(c) b-parameter=5
Real Design
d t l d/t λ s/d Class Area FE FE/
cs-slend resistance
Model ID analysis EC3-1-6
Ag NRd_shell
[mm] [mm] [mm] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [cm ] [kN] [kN] [-]
12315 500 9 18098 55.6 83.9 3 157.0 5573.4 4531.8 0.81
13315 700 12 25339 58.3 88.1 3 293.5 10418.6 8140.8 0.78
14315 900 15 32580 60.0 90.6 4 472.0 13714.0 12630.0 0.92
12515 500 7 18106 71.4 107.9 4 123.0 3495.4 3161.9 0.90
13515 700 10 25347 70.0 105.7 4 245.8 7005.2 6417.5 0.92
14515 900 13 32588 69.2 104.6 4 410.7 11721.7 10664.4 0.91
12325 500 9 27035 55.6 83.9 3 157.0 5573.4 4126.2 0.74
13325 700 12 37852 58.3 88.1 3 293.5 10418.6 7400.3 0.71
14325 900 15 48669 60.0 90.6 4 472.0 13714.0 11412.8 0.83
1 5
12525 500 7 27048 71.4 107.9 4 123.0 3495.4 2840.9 0.81
13525 700 10 37865 70.0 105.7 4 245.8 7005.2 5661.1 0.81
14525 900 13 48682 69.2 104.6 4 410.7 11721.7 9216.9 0.79
12335 500 9 33419 55.6 83.9 3 157.0 5573.4 3176.2 0.57
13335 700 12 46790 58.3 88.1 3 293.5 10418.6 5901.9 0.57
14335 900 15 60161 60.0 90.6 4 472.0 13714.0 9320.6 0.68
12535 500 7 33435 71.4 107.9 4 123.0 3495.4 2405.3 0.69
13535 700 10 46806 70.0 105.7 4 245.8 7005.2 4683.0 0.67
14535 900 13 60177 69.2 104.6 4 410.7 11721.7 7913.5 0.68
Table 14 shows the ultimate resistance based on the design standard and comparison with FE analysis.
It shows the same trend as resistance calculated by EC1993-1-3, characterized by declining resistance
with increasing member slenderness and bolt spacing. However, more models are in unsafe region
when comparing the FE results with the analytical ones. This result gives an insight that EN1993-1-6
overpredicted the ultimate strength for majority of the models.
The disagreement significantly increases when the member slenderness and bolt spacing increases. It
provides very unsafe predictions for members with high slenderness and bolt spacing. Those result
suggested that analytical resistance calculation according to EN1993-1-6 is not applicable for this type
of cross section with the predefined parameters, since the expression was derived for flexural buckling
due to bending and does not take into account distortional buckling, which exists and was dominant
mode in this case.
Taking the general overview of verification on ultimate resistance between the FE results and
analytical calculation according to Eurocode, it can be seen that the studied columns show an in-
between post-buckling behaviour of perfect column and shell structures. It should be treated as built-
up member composed of plates and hence to be designed accordingly.
Table 15. Comparison of ultimate resistance of the studied column according to FE analysis and design standards
EC1993-1-3 and EC1993-1-6
(a) b-parameter=3
d t λ s/d Area EC3-1-3 EC3-1-6
analysis EC3-1-3 EC3-1-6
Nc,Rd Nb,Rd Nd_shell NFEM,Rd
Model ID cross
cross buckling
Ag buckling section
[mm] [mm] [-] [cm ] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [-] [-] [-]
12313 500 9 157.0 5003.9 4097.5 5573.4 5625.7 1.12 1.37 1.01
13313 700 12 293.5 9192.4 7536.4 10418.6 10583.1 1.15 1.40 1.02
14313 900 15 472.0 14653.3 12022.1 13714.0 16670.0 1.14 1.39 1.22
12513 500 7 123.0 3724.3 3069.7 3495.4 4132.5 1.11 1.35 1.18
13513 700 10 245.8 7425.1 6116.7 7005.2 8309.6 1.12 1.36 1.19
14513 900 13 410.7 12398.7 10210.9 11721.7 13828.6 1.12 1.35 1.18
12323 500 9 157.0 4927.1 3011.8 5573.4 4865.7 0.99 1.62 0.87
13323 700 12 293.5 9038.6 5541.8 10418.6 8974.8 0.99 1.62 0.86
14323 900 15 472.0 14391.9 8839.9 13714.0 14330.1 1.00 1.62 1.04
1 3
12523 500 7 123.0 3650.2 2268.5 3495.4 3665.2 1.00 1.62 1.05
13523 700 10 245.8 7213.2 4476.4 7005.2 7105.3 0.99 1.59 1.01
14523 900 13 410.7 12148.3 7533.4 11721.7 12124.6 1.00 1.61 1.03
12333 500 9 157.0 3020.0 1408.2 5573.4 3335.7 1.10 2.37 0.60
13333 700 12 293.5 5628.8 2635.6 10418.6 6192.9 1.10 2.35 0.59
14333 900 15 472.0 9024.0 4235.6 13714.0 9958.4 1.10 2.35 0.73
12533 500 7 123.0 2369.0 1129.9 3495.4 2606.7 1.10 2.31 0.75
13533 700 10 245.8 4710.1 2242.1 7005.2 5177.7 1.10 2.31 0.74
14533 900 13 410.7 7846.1 3731.1 11721.7 8656.9 1.10 2.32 0.74
(c) b-parameter=5
d t λ s/d Area EC3-1-3 EC3-1-6
analysis EC3-1-3 EC3-1-6
Nc,Rd Nb,Rd Nd_shell NFEM,Rd
Model ID cross
cross buckling
Ag buckling section
[mm] [mm] [-] [cm ] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [-] [-] [-]
12315 500 9 157.0 4082.8 3343.3 5573.4 4531.8 1.11 1.36 0.81
13315 700 12 293.5 7332.6 6011.6 10418.6 8140.8 1.11 1.35 0.78
14315 900 15 472.0 11491.3 9427.9 13714.0 12630.0 1.10 1.34 0.92
12515 500 7 123.0 2912.5 2400.6 3495.4 3161.9 1.09 1.32 0.90
13515 700 10 245.8 5736.4 4725.6 7005.2 6417.5 1.12 1.36 0.92
14515 900 13 410.7 10415.4 8577.5 11721.7 10664.4 1.02 1.24 0.91
12325 500 9 157.0 3890.3 2378.1 5573.4 4126.2 1.06 1.74 0.74
13325 700 12 293.5 6917.5 4241.3 10418.6 7400.3 1.07 1.74 0.71
14325 900 15 472.0 10758.1 6607.9 13714.0 11412.8 1.06 1.73 0.83
1 5
12525 500 7 123.0 2720.3 1690.5 3495.4 2840.9 1.04 1.68 0.81
13525 700 10 245.8 5323.7 3303.8 7005.2 5661.1 1.06 1.71 0.81
14525 900 13 410.7 8752.7 5427.7 11721.7 9216.9 1.05 1.70 0.79
12335 500 9 157.0 3836.6 1789.0 5573.4 3176.2 0.83 1.78 0.57
13335 700 12 293.5 6798.7 3183.3 10418.6 5901.9 0.87 1.85 0.57
14335 900 15 472.0 10545.4 4949.7 13714.0 9320.6 0.88 1.88 0.68
12535 500 7 123.0 2664.5 1270.9 3495.4 2405.3 0.90 1.89 0.69
13535 700 10 245.8 5206.3 2478.4 7005.2 4683.0 0.90 1.89 0.67
14535 900 13 410.7 8538.3 4060.3 11721.7 7913.5 0.93 1.95 0.68
Based on Table 15, a relation between ultimate resistance of semi-closed polygonal profiles and the
‘equivalent’ cylindrical shell can be made. Figure 103 and 104 shows the ultimate resistance
polygonal-cylinder ratio (Pu-poly/Pu-cshell) versus member global slenderness ( ̅ ) of all columns. As
shown in the subchapter 4.3 Factorial design, the most significant factor interaction are member
slenderness-bolt spacing and member slenderness-diameter, hence scatter plot was made for this two
factor interactions. It can be seen that resistance of semi-closed polygonal profiles are higher than the
same diameter circular shell when bolt spacing ratio are 3 and for global slenderness of 0.65. The
higher the bolt spacing and member slenderness, the polygonal profiles tend to have declining
resistance and hence pose lower capacity than the circular ones.
y = -0.715x + 1.625 b=4
1.20 R² = 0.785 b=5
y = -0.508x + 1.337
R² = 0.720
Pu-poly / Pu-cshell
y = -0.380x + 1.133
0.80 R² = 0.747
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50
Figure 104. Comparison of resistance between polygonal vs. cylindrical shell (scatters’ icon in varied b)
As for diameter point of view, resistance of semi-closed polygonal profiles are higher than the same
diameter circular shell for diameter 900, 700 and 500, with global slenderness of 0.65 and bolt
spacing ratio of 3. Similarly as above, the higher the member slenderness, the polygonal profiles tend
to have declining resistance and hence pose lower capacity than the circular ones.
1.20 y = -0.553x + 1.430 d=900
R² = 0.668
Pu-poly / Pu-cshell
y = -0.518x + 1.331
R² = 0.595
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5
Figure 105. Comparison of resistance between polygonal vs. cylindrical shell (scatters’ icon in varied d)
(a) Elastic and plastic limit envelopes for (b) Plastic limit envelope
elope with stress distributions
a rectangular cross section
Figure 106.Interaction
Interaction curve for combined bending (M) and axial force (N)
EC1993-1-33 suggests the interaction between axial force and bending moment to be obtained from
order analysis of the member, based on the properties of the effective cross-section.
cross An
interaction formula is defined, as follows.
+W j 1.0
9.® 9.®
”• ”•
x,ۥ x,ۥ
where Nb,Rd is the design the design buckling resistance of a compression member (flexural, torsional
or torsional-flexural
flexural buckling) and Mb,Rd is the design bending moment resistance and MEd includes
the effects of shift of neutral axis, if relevant.
induced by unbalanced axial forces from diagonals. Therefore a small proportion of plastic moment
capacity was taken. Total of 162 models with combined axial compression and bending moment were
created and analysed.
Axial compression load, CF3, was applied at one end of the column while bending moment about x-
axis, CM1, applied at middle connection of the member.
Table 16.Ultimate resistance and corresponding displacement for models subject to axial compression and bending
(a) d-parameter=500
Dia. Thick. Slend. Max. load Shortening Max. load Shortening Max. load Shortening Max. load Shortening
Model ID N N-M (05) N-M (10) N-M (15)
d t λ s/d
Pu disp Pu disp Pu disp Pu disp
[mm] [mm] [-] [-] [kN] [mm] [kN] [mm] [kN] [mm] [kN] [mm]
1 2 3 1 3 3 5625.7 29.13 5605.36 29.03 5545.8 28.72 5466.43 28.29
1 2 3 1 4 0.65 4 4982.5 26.03 5014.15 26.34 5036.6 26.45 5043.99 26.32
1 2 3 1 5 5 4531.8 24.75 4508.34 24.49 4483.6 24.23 4465.95 24.16
1 2 3 2 3 3 4865.7 37.93 4666.12 36.39 4520.4 35.23 4401.06 34.38
1 2 3 2 4 9 1 4 4555.0 35.44 4690.57 36.39 4744.3 36.95 4601.61 35.84
1 2 3 2 5 5 4126.2 32.17 4135.20 32.28 4065.0 31.80 3979.55 31.08
1 2 3 3 3 3 3335.7 34.09 3363.15 33.56 3321.8 33.91 3275.82 33.48
1 2 3 3 4 1.25 4 3269.5 33.10 3306.80 32.62 3269.4 32.29 3219.05 32.11
1 2 3 3 5 5 3176.2 31.49 3231.36 31.82 3199.2 31.26 3155.90 31.12
1 2 5 1 3 3 4132.5 27.34 4123.04 27.26 4092.6 27.06 4058.97 26.86
1 2 5 1 4 0.65 4 3576.7 24.21 3590.68 24.29 3596.1 24.31 3595.79 24.39
1 2 5 1 5 5 3161.9 23.20 3151.29 23.02 3130.2 22.68 3082.00 21.02
1 2 5 2 3 3 3665.2 36.35 3868.25 38.25 3797.8 37.65 3677.00 36.57
1 2 5 2 4 7 1 4 3241.9 32.20 3268.79 32.45 3227.8 32.15 3178.39 31.61
1 2 5 2 5 5 2840.9 28.59 2803.88 28.36 2768.9 28.05 2734.77 27.83
1 2 5 3 3 3 2606.7 33.78 2682.04 32.95 2616.0 33.37 2565.73 32.58
1 2 5 3 4 1.25 4 2496.8 31.14 2565.54 31.90 2572.0 31.91 2512.11 31.39
1 2 5 3 5 5 2405.3 30.03 2473.61 30.67 2694.5 33.12 2420.80 29.99
(b) b-parameter=700
Dia. Thick. Slend. Max. load Shortening Max. load Shortening Max. load Shortening Max. load Shortening
Model ID N N-M (05) N-M (10) N-M (15)
d t λ s/d
Pu disp Pu disp Pu disp Pu disp
[mm] [mm] [-] [-] [kN] [mm] [kN] [mm] [kN] [mm] [kN] [mm]
1 3 3 1 3 3 10583.1 41.10 10451.10 40.54 10282.8 39.92 10116.05 39.30
1 3 3 1 4 0.65 4 9053.7 35.59 9129.54 35.51 9188.0 35.69 9231.05 35.87
1 3 3 1 5 5 8140.8 33.86 8166.73 34.09 8124.0 33.62 7977.14 31.25
1 3 3 2 3 3 8974.8 52.52 8689.70 50.90 8469.3 49.77 8272.49 48.72
1 3 3 2 4 12 1 4 8128.1 47.34 8263.92 48.24 8202.6 47.90 8033.41 47.04
1 3 3 2 5 5 7400.3 43.45 7346.71 43.11 7212.7 42.33 7094.29 41.70
1 3 3 3 3 3 6192.9 47.06 6401.78 46.04 6215.2 47.12 6088.92 45.39
1 3 3 3 4 1.25 4 6020.5 45.09 6150.01 45.43 6284.8 46.69 6052.44 45.10
1 3 3 3 5 5 5901.9 43.72 6029.10 44.63 6401.1 46.10 5909.22 43.29
1 3 5 1 3 3 8309.6 38.52 8190.04 37.96 8055.9 37.39 7938.30 36.86
1 3 5 1 4 0.65 4 7358.9 34.13 7341.72 34.05 7270.4 33.72 7169.81 33.33
1 3 5 1 5 5 6417.5 32.86 6408.45 32.98 6351.3 32.44 6090.13 28.48
1 3 5 2 3 3 7105.3 49.55 7334.15 51.22 6955.5 48.71 6813.75 47.73
1 3 5 2 4 10 1 4 6373.9 44.55 6515.84 45.36 6567.2 45.79 6461.13 45.10
1 3 5 2 5 5 5661.1 40.01 5593.41 39.46 5520.2 39.03 5455.60 38.78
1 3 5 3 3 3 5177.7 47.83 5147.44 47.26 5090.7 48.07 5037.88 46.74
1 3 5 3 4 1.25 4 4985.4 44.02 5019.61 44.96 4947.7 43.99 4872.77 43.39
1 3 5 3 5 5 4683.0 40.90 4729.89 41.38 4746.5 41.93 4691.82 41.49
Table 16 shows the results of ultimate resistance and corresponding displacement for models subject
to axial compression and bending moment. As expected, the presence of bending moment slightly
lowers the ultimate strength of the columns due to the interaction between them. In average, the
ultimate load decreased 0.52% by applying bending moment. However, some models show an
anomaly where the ultimate strength went higher as bending moment was applied. A close
examination on the failure state of the members suggested that the increase happened due to the
favourable effect of moment direction on the flexural mode of the column under axial loading. It gives
stabilizing effect to the secondary moment resulting from the applied axial load P and the deflection
of the member. Then at a point of certain increased applied moment, the flexural mode changes
direction and the resistance decent. The application of bending moment will change the contribution
from other modes, i.e. flexural mode on the interaction and hence change the failure mode.
1.2 b=5
EC3-1-5 Eq (4.2)
EC3-1-5 Eq (4.3)
EC-3-1-1 Eq (6.49)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
λcr-FEM=(Pyg/Pcr-FEM )0.5
Figure 107.Parametric study results of the studied columns (normalized resistance based on Pyg
vs. slenderness based on Pyg and FEM critical buckling loads): Models RIKS-NM05
1.2 EC3-1-5 Eq (4.2)
EC3-1-5 Eq (4.3)
EC-3-1-1 Eq (6.49)
1 EC3-1-3 Eq (5.12)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
λcr-FEM=(Pyg/Pcr-FEM )0.5
Figure 108.Parametric study results of the studied columns (normalized resistance based on Pyg
vs. slenderness based on Pyg and FEM critical buckling loads): Models RIKS-NM10
1.2 EC3-1-5 Eq (4.2)
EC3-1-5 Eq (4.3)
EC-3-1-1 Eq (6.49)
1 EC3-1-3 Eq (5.12)
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8
Figure 109.Parametric study results of the studied columns (normalized resistance based on Pyg
vs. slenderness based on Pyg and FEM critical buckling loads): Models RIKS-NM15
Figure 106 – 108 shows the normalized resistance versus slenderness of the models subject to
combined axial compression and bending moment. It can be seen that in general more scatter of data
points are in unsafe region found in the models. Models with low slenderness tend to be more affected
by the moment application, while some models with high slenderness were more likely to experience
an increase of ultimate strength.
Axial – bending moment interaction curves were constructed to give a clearer picture of the influence
of N-M interaction on the ultimate strength of the models. The curve compared group of models with
the same diameter and cross-section slenderness, different lambda and bolt spacing.
RIKS- 1 2 3 1 3
1 RIKS- 1 2 3 1 4
RIKS- 1 2 3 1 5
RIKS- 1 2 3 2 3
RIKS- 1 2 3 2 4
0.7 RIKS- 1 2 3 2 5
RIKS- 1 2 3 3 3
RIKS- 1 2 3 3 4
0.5 RIKS- 1 2 3 3 5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Figure 110. N-M interaction curve for models with kept dia. 500 and slend. 90;
varied lambda and bolt spacing
RIKS- 1 4 5 1 3
1 RIKS- 1 4 5 1 4
RIKS- 1 4 5 1 5
RIKS- 1 4 5 2 3
RIKS- 1 4 5 2 4
0.7 RIKS- 1 4 5 2 5
RIKS- 1 4 5 3 3
RIKS- 1 4 5 3 4
0.5 RIKS- 1 4 5 3 5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Figure 111. N-M interaction curve for models with kept dia. 900 and slend. 110;
varied lambda and bolt spacing
The axial-bending moment interaction curve shows that the parameters did influence significantly on
the effect of bending moment to the ultimate strength of the members. Slenderness λ-parameter
seemed to give more considerably effect on the N-M interaction, compared to other parameters. The
effect of interaction was higher with higher slenderness. More slender columns were also more likely
to have higher contribution from flexural mode in the interaction of failure. Complete N-M interaction
curve can be seen in Annex B.3.
Figure 111 shows failure mode of model 1-2-5-3-5 under pure axial compression force and combined
bending with 0.05M, 0.1M, and 0,15M. By applying bending moment with various magnitudes, the
failure mode shape of the member was changed and the resistance changed accordingly.
RIKS-NM 1-2-…
-1.60E-02 -1.40E-02 -1.20E-02 -1.00E-02 -8.00E-03 -6.00E-03 -4.00E-03 -2.00E-03 0.00E+00 2.00E-03
Rotation [rad]
Figure 113. Rotation u1 of model RIKS-NM-1-2-5-3-5
4.3.5 Resistance-to-weight
weight ratio
In order to assess the efficiency of a structure - normally associated with the amount of material used,
a strength-to-weight
weight ratio was calculated. It compares the weight of the structure itself to the amount
of weight it can carry/support without collapsing. A very high strength-to-weight
strength weight ratio can be
achieved either by optimizing the material or the structural system itself. As material, steel has a good
strength-to-weight ratio; steel construction requires less material than the traditional construction
technologies and contributes to reducing a building's environmental impact. Since one of the purposes
of developing this type of structural member is as structural optimization, this parameter becomes
important to be considered.
Due to large number of models, only samples were taken for the comparison here. Complete
calculation data of s/w ratio can be seen in the Annex D. Strength-to-weight ratio was calculated for
different diameter, thickness, bolt spacing and length.
2 lambda=1.25
N/mass [kN/kg]
500 600 700 800 900
Diameter [mm]
Profiles with diameter 500mm give the highest strength-to-weight ratio and with increasing diameter,
the ratio decreases. The Effect is less in the members with high slenderness.
N/mass [kN/kg]
0.2 lambda=0.65
0 lambda=1.25
10 11 12
Thickness [mm]
Influence of thickness is not significant on the strength-to-weight ratio. Higher thickness gives higher
s/w ratio. Meanwhile, bolt spacing ratio equal to 3d gives the highest s/w ratio. By increasing bolt
spacing, the ratio will decrease, however the influence is less for high slenderness.
N/mass [kN/kg]
d=500 lambda=1.0
0 lambda=1.25
3 4 5
Figure 116 shows that the influence of member slenderness on s/w ratio was significant. The ratio
dropped considerably with increasing slenderness; the s/w ratio less than 1.0 was shown by members
with slenderness ̅ >1.
N/mass [kN/kg]
0.65 0.80 0.95 1.10 1.25
From the comparison, it can be seen that the significant parameters on the strength-to-weight ratio
were member slenderness and diameter. The choice of geometrical properties in the design of semi-
closed polygonal cross-section is of important aspect and will determine the resistance and
effectiveness of the structure.
As a more accurate and reliable method of analysis, interaction plot from factorial design was created
to see the significant factor and interaction between factors for response variable: strength-to-weight
ratio. From Figure 117, it can be seen that the most significant factor for s/w ratio is member
slenderness and then diameter. Meanwhile, the most significant interaction is member slenderness-
diameter and member slenderness-bolt spacing.
This far, from the analysis it is known that two factors in this parametric study were the most
significant factor for the resistance of the members: diameter and member slenderness. As for
interaction between factors, the significant interaction is from member slenderness-diameter and
member slenderness bolt spacing.
Finite Element Modelling
Modelli and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
The value of connection stiffness on the lips of folded plates becomes one important parameter in the
study. These stiffnesses will determine the buckling behaviour of the member as a semi-closed
semi section
and are useful for application in finite strip numerical modeling, e.g. CUFSM. For such thin walled
open section, stability i.e.. distortional buckling, is one of the most dangerous failure cases, it leads to
brittle failure. At the end, the acquired stiffness of connection can also be used to establish effective
bolting density for this type of semi-closed
semi cross section.
As described in the introduction chapter that as individual plate, the section has very small torsional
stiffness, which in turn inherit very low stability, so that it is unfavorable for compression
compress members. It
will crush at a low level of compressive loading. One way of improving the resistance is to assemble
them and make the cross-section
section closed by using mechanical fasteners. It is called semi-closed cross-
section because it is not continuously and rigidly connected.
connected Therefore, the level of connection, in this
case is its stiffness, play a vital role in the stability and resistance of the member.
olts were devices used to connect the folded plates to form the assembled closed section. The bolts
were placed in correspondence to the middle line of each lip of folded plates longitudinally along the
span. Spacing of the bolt was one parameter
p in the parametric study with the calculation and result
already described in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4, respectively. In the modeling process, rigid-body
constraint which working between paired holes perimeter represent the bolt connection.
In this chapter, analyses were carried out in FEM ABAQUS for certain models in order to obtain
translational and rotational spring stiffness of the connection.. The relationship between developed
reaction force and relative displacement was adopted to estimate the stiffness value.
In order to simulate the stiffness calculation of bolt, unit displacement is given for each bolt set in
radial direction. This scheme was modeled by applying the displacement on this RP. Reaction force at
the RP of the bolt set was then measured to get the spring stiffness in this direction (Figure 119).
138 Finite Element Modelling of the Stiffness onn Lips’ Bolted Connections
Finite Element Modelling
Modelli and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
d. Apply displacement on the DOF1. Both bolts take displacement on the x and y as cosine and
sine function accordingly
e. Request output for the reaction forces on the RPs corresponding to the 3 DOFs (in order to
request outputs for reaction forces it needs to designate sets in ABAQUS so as to create 6 sets
for the 6 bolts of the 3 DOFs)
f. So, for three sequential bolt sets, DOF1 is the first, DOF2 and DOF3 are the two following
bolt sets accordingly. Do the same for the next bolt set, one space next to the first set. Lock
the first set and apply the displacement on the second. The same goes for the third
g. Those reaction forces will give the diagonally symmetric 3x3 [K] matrix
4. To take into account rotational stiffness:
a. Restrain the rotations on the RPs as well. Then it will add the rotational DOF in the matrix
which will become 6x6
b. First lock rotations and apply the displacements and then lock the displacements and apply a
rotation around z. In both cases read the output for the forces U1, U2 and moment UR3
Therefore, the
he main stiffness of each bolt is the reaction of this bolt when displacement is applied.
There is some additional stiffness coming from the rest of the bolts but it will be small. These are the
off-diagonal numbers on 6x6 stiffness matrix.
It can be noted that actually it only needs
need to apply the displacement on one bolt set (a pair of bolts)
and measure the reactions on this one and the two neighboring sets. This means no repetition to be
performed for the other two sets. The reactions would be the same.
R = Rdd = R>>
R > =R d = Rd = R>
Rd> = R>d
This also applies for moment rotation. The 6x6 [K] matrix then can be simplified as follows.
The shaded quadrants which come from rotational reaction due to translational displacement and
translational reaction due to rotational displacement,
displacement respectively, can be neglected due to small
values of them. The main diagonal as the most significant entities is of interest in this study,
stu i.e. k11
and k44. These two values are going to be used in CUFSM as translational stiffness and rotational
stiffness, respectively, of the interaction between folded plates.
In finite element strip software package CUFSM, there is no tool for applying point-based
point connection
to assemble thin-walled profiles since the software is mostly used for open cross-section.
Alternatively, stiffness per unit length can be applied between profiles so that the profiles will be
considered as a semi-closed
closed cross-section.
cross Therefore, FEM modelling was carried out in order to get
proper stiffness values to be used in CUFSM.
CUFSM Compared to ABAQUS, CUFSM has peculiar ability in
providing buckling stress of each buckling mode,
mode interaction of them and contribution from each
mode so that a clear picture of buckling behaviour of the thin-walled member can be given.
Some models in the parametric studies were used for calculation of lips’ connection stiffness.
Modelling was done by modifying the Python
Py script for intended parameters
ameters used in the calculation.
Parameters such as number of corners, diameter, and cross-section
cross section slenderness were modified on the
loop lines. Example of script for model with n=12, d=700, slend=140 140 (thickness=8mm)
(thickness=8 is shown
for i in range(2,3,1):
for j in range(2,3,1):
for k in range(7,8,1):
for l in range(1):
As for bolt spacing, the s/d ratio can be changed to define the space value.
Static general analysis was used in this analysis, therefore the script should be modified as follows.
load_step = c_model.StaticStep(
Sets of points were created at the reference points of rigid body constraint to accommodate history
output request. Reaction forces at corresponding RPs were then measured in sequential manner as
described above.
140 Finite Element Modelling of the Stiffness onn Lips’ Bolted Connections
Finite Element Modelling
Modelli and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
Figure 122.. Set of boundary conditions at active DOF and locked DOF
5.2 Results
The main purpose of this analysis is to get spring values to be fed to finite strip package CUFSM
which is used in another thesis (Jimmy and Hamse, 2017). 2017) The supplementary functionalities in
CUFSM can be used to compare and complement the results obtained in this thesis.
thesis Another purpose
is to see the influence of some parameters to the stiffness value.
5.2.1 Influence of diameter and plate thickness on the stiffness of lips’ connection
Results for translational spring value due to translational (u1, u2, u3) and rotational (ur1, ur2, ur3)
load are shown in Table 17. It can be seen that translational stiffness of the consecutive bolts has the
most significant value on the first bolt (k11) where the load is applied, and reduces significantly on the
third bolt (k13) with negligible value. It is the reason that in the analysis three bolts were taken and
measured in sequential manner.. This way, the connection stiffness that the other two sectors provide
can be obtained while taking into account the neighboring bolts.
Translational stiffnesses due to rotational load, indicated as k14, k15, and k16 in the matrix, have small
values and can be neglegted.
Results for rotational spring due to translational (u1, u2, u3) and rotational (ur1, ur2,
ur2 ur3) load are
shown as well in Table 117.. The same principle as described above applies to the rotational stiffness,
the first bolt (k44) due to rotational load has the most significant value while the remaining reduces as
distance increases.
Likewise, rotational stiffnesses due to translational load, indicated as k41, k42, and k43 in the matrix,
have small values and can be neglegted.
Figure 122 shows that stiffnesses decrease with increasing diameter. This corresponds to the Hooke’s
law that length of member is inversely proportional to its stiffness. In average, with increasing
diameter by 45%, the translational stiffness will experience decrease by 36%. However, effect of
diameter is not significant for rotational stiffness and shows the opposite trend to the translational
stiffness. In average, with increasing diameter by 45%, the rotational stiffness will experience
increase by 6%.
k (kN) 200 t4
300 t4
k (kNm)
250 t5
200 d700 t6
150 d500
d700 t8
50 d500d500 d500 t11
0 d300 d300 t15
0 3 6 9 12 15
thickness (mm)
d t
k11 k44
300 5
500 +66.7% 5 -48.36% +6.82%
300 6
500 +66.7% 6 -46.14% +8.96%
500 8
700 +40.0% 8 -35.26% +6.35%
500 11
700 +40.0% 11 -33.29% +6.21%
900 +28.6% 11 -27.16% +5.95%
700 15
900 +28.6% 15 -27.38% +3.56%
avg +45.08% -36.26% +6.31%
In contrary, Figure 123 shows that stiffnesses increase with increasing thickness. This also
corresponds to the Hooke’s law that area of cross section is proportional to its stiffness. In average,
with increasing thickness by 67%, the translational stiffness will experience increase by 67%.
Likewise, with increasing thickness by 67%, the rotational stiffness will experience increase by 83%.
150 d300
t6 t11
t8 d500
t11 d700
t5 t6
50 t8
0 200 400 600 800 1000
diameter (mm)
250 d300
200 t11 t11
t11 d500
100 t8
t6 t6 t8 d900
0 t5 t5
d t
k11 k44
300 4
300 5 +25.0% +43.15% +52.08%
300 6 +20.0% +35.71% +44.91%
500 5
500 6 +20.0% +41.53% +47.82%
500 8 +33.3% +71.78% +85.12%
500 11 +37.5% +82.90% +109.26%
d t
k11 k44
700 8
700 11 +37.5% +88.47% +108.99%
700 15 +36.4% +85.39% +110.71%
900 11
900 15 +36.4% +84.83% +105.96%
avg +66.7% +66.72% +83.11%
diff diff
d t s/d d t s/d
k11 k44 k11 k44
300 5 1 500 5 1
300 5 2 -60.88% -46.72% 500 5 2 -56.99% -31.68%
300 5 3 -42.74% -27.93% 500 5 3 -38.21% -27.32%
300 6 1 500 6 1
300 6 2 -59.71% -42.94% 500 6 2 -55.84% -32.60%
300 6 3 -40.10% -19.20% 500 6 3 -38.21% -25.85%
avg -50.86% -34.20% avg -47.31% -29.36%
150 d300; t5
d300; t6
d500; t5
d500; t6
0 1 2 3 4
s/d ratio
k (kNm)
40 d300; t5
30 d300; t6
20 d500; t5
10 d500; t6
0 1 2 3 4
s/d ratio
Table 20. Stiffness of lip connection for models with different number of corners (n) and diameter (d)
u1 u2 u3 ur1 ur2 ur3
transl. spring (kN)
n b d t k11 k12 k13 k14 k15 k16
6 2 500 8 105.791 44.482 5.117 2.803 1.737 0.152
9 2 500 8 78.296 30.749 4.439 2.561 1.605 0.145
12 2 500 8 72.540 28.038 4.308 2.451 1.551 0.147
6 2 700 8 68.489 27.898 3.775 2.723 1.504 0.077
9 2 700 8 50.357 19.603 2.833 2.527 1.418 0.047
12 2 700 8 46.172 17.758 2.612 2.438 1.384 0.036
rot. spring (kNm)
k41 k42 k43 k44 k45 k46
6 2 500 8 0.256 0.028 0.031 82.921 19.905 2.032
9 2 500 8 0.216 0.008 0.022 83.259 18.795 2.016
12 2 500 8 0.201 0.001 0.019 82.278 17.628 1.934
6 2 700 8 0.153 0.002 0.031 88.187 23.459 0.107
9 2 700 8 0.132 0.007 0.021 87.795 22.324 0.216
12 2 700 8 0.121 0.011 0.018 86.456 21.075 0.309
b d t n
k11 k44
2 500 8 6
2 500 8 9 -25.99% 0.41%
2 500 8 12 -7.35% -1.18%
2 700 8 6
2 700 8 9 -26.47% -0.44%
2 700 8 12 -8.31% -1.53%
avg -17.03% -0.68%
k (kN)
60 d500
40 d700
0 3 6 9 12 15
k (kNm)
0 3 6 9 12 15
Von misses stresses and deformed shape at the region of load application can be seen in Figure 126
below. It is shown that as expected, the response
respo is still in elastic range.
Figure 127.
127 Von misses stress at location of load application
148 Finite Element Modelling of the Stiffness onn Lips’ Bolted Connections
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
Behavior and design of thin-walled steel columns requires consideration of failure modes from local,
distortional and Euler (i.e. flexural or flexural-torsional) buckling. A parametric study on the ultimate
strengths of semi-closed thin-walled polygonal columns was presented in order to have those
understandings on this specific type of cross-section. Finite element models were first developed in
ABAQUS by using Python automation for the predefined parameters, i.e. diameter, profile
slenderness, member slenderness, and bolt spacing. Issues such as application of initial geometric
imperfections, material modelling, and loading conditions were addressed. Total 216 FE models were
created and analysed in this parametric study. The results from FE analysis were then compared
against analytical solutions carried out according to the design standard EC1993-1-3 and EC1993-1-6.
Elastic buckling analysis of FE models shows that the studied models have predominant distortional
buckling as the first buckling mode. Meanwhile, some models buckled in flexural and flexural-
distortional buckling mode. For this type semi-closed built-up column composed of folded plates,
there is no expression in the Eurocode for predicting the elastic critical buckling, either for sectorial or
global buckling modes. FE analyses need to be performed to obtain accurate elastic buckling critical
load and mode shape.
From non-linear post-buckling analysis considering material, geometrical non-linearity and initial
imperfections, it can be concluded that FE models in the range of the predefined parameters failed in
predominant distortional mode. Models with high global slenderness, ̅ =1.25, experienced
distortional-flexural interaction with significantly lower resistance than the one failed in pure
distortional mode. From this analysis it is suggested that for the models in this parametric study,
distortional failures have lower post-buckling capacity than other failure modes, and distortional
buckling may control the failure mechanism even when the elastic distortional buckling stress (fcrd) is
higher than the elastic flexural buckling stress (fcrf). Moreover, it was noticed that members with high
distortional and global slenderness have higher parameter sensitivity on the ultimate strength and
failure mode interaction.
It is concluded that for this type of semi-closed hexagonal cross-section, bolt spacing-to-diameter
ratio (s/d) of 3, 4, and 5 gives a dominated distortional post-buckling failure mode. This phenomenon
occurs for member slenderness ( ̅ ) range of 0.65 to 1.25.
Evaluation of ultimate resistance according to EN1993-1-3 shows that for members with ̅ =0.65 and
̅ =1.0 a good agreement was obtained, while for very slender columns ̅ =1.25 a large scatter
numerical results were in found in unsafe region. This corresponds to the FE results which exhibit a
distortional-flexural interaction mode in those models. Interaction failure mode causes the resistance
to drop. Therefore, it can be suggested that the expression used in EC1993-1-3 for reduction factor
due to distortional buckling (Eq. 5.12) may be adopted for the semi-closed polygonal type of cross-
section undergoes pure distortional buckling mode used in this parametric study, with provision of
global slenderness, ̅ < 1.25. The EC1993-1-3 became the lower bound for the results of numerical
ultimate strength. It is important to note that for this type of cross-section, a careful application of
design standard shall be done since current design methods ignore buckling interaction and do not
explicitly consider sectional buckling. Knowing the exact failure mode is necessary, in order to avoid
too conservative predictions.
Design according to EN1993-1-6 has disagreement with the FE results with the analytical ones,
especially for models with high slenderness. This result gives an insight that EN1993-1-6
overpredicted the ultimate strength for majority of the models. It is suggested that analytical resistance
calculation according to EN1993-1-6 is not applicable for this type of cross section under the
predefined parameters. By using this calculation for comparing the studied semi-closed polygonal
profiles versus ‘equivalent’ cylindrical profiles, it was revealed that polygonal profiles with bolt
spacing ratio, b=3 and global slenderness ̅ =0.65 have higher ultimate resistances than the cylindrical
ones. The higher the bolt spacing and member slenderness, the polygonal profiles tend to have
declining resistance and hence pose lower capacity than the circular profiles.
Analyses of members subject to combined axial compression force and bending moment were carried
out to see the effect of bending moment on ultimate resistance and influence of parameters on the N-
M interaction. Three magnitude of moment, i.e. 0.05Mu, 0.1Mu, and 0.15Mu was applied. Axial-
bending moment interaction curve shows that the existence of bending moment tends to decrease the
ultimate strength of the member and may change the failure mode shape, however the effect was not
Full factorial design with four parameters was carried out in this study in order to determine the main
and interaction effects in the models. From the interaction plot it can be concluded that diameter (d-
parameter) have the most significant influence on the ultimate strength, and followed by member
slenderness (λ-parameter). Profile slenderness (slend-parameter) and bolt spacing (b-parameter) have
relatively moderate influence. Interaction diameter-member slenderness and interaction member
slenderness-bolt spacing are the most significant among all interactions. Profile slenderness
dependency is negligible since interaction between profile slenderness with other factors were very
small. Visible effect of interaction are especially shown when the factors interact with member
slenderness ̅ =1.25.
In terms of strength-to-weight ratio, member slenderness and diameter are most the significant
parameters on it. The choice of proper geometrical properties in the design of semi-closed polygonal
cross-section is of important aspect and will determine the resistance and effectiveness of the
Calculations of the stiffness of lips’ bolted connection were done. The results show that this spring
stiffness value was mostly influenced by diameter and thickness of the profiles. The method of
calculation can be applied for the purpose of required spring values for finite strip package, e.g.
CUFSM. The spring values are to be fed into the software with not a straightforward way though.
To extend the work in this thesis, the following recommendations can be considered regarding further
research of the semi-closed thin-walled polygonal profiles for truss columns:
1. A more extensive parametric study with larger range of parameters should be done, especially
for the significant parameters. Boundary conditions, parameter of bolt spacing and member
length shall be arranged to set the member for a specific failure mode, and therefore cover all
possible failure modes and interaction between them.
2. Study of the effect of lips’ connection stiffness at the joint area on the behaviour and design
of the member.
3. Validation of the numerical analysis with experimental tests.
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152 References
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
List of Annexes:
153 Annexes
List of Annexes:
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Walled Steel Polygonal
Columns under Compression and Bending Moment
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed
Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Walled Steel Polygonal
Columns under Compression and Bending Moment
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed
Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Walled Steel Polygonal
Columns under Compression and Bending Moment
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Walled Steel Polygonal
Columns under Compression and Bending Moment
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed
Semi Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Walled Steel Polygonal
Columns under Compression and Bending Moment
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed
Semi Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Walled Steel Polygonal
Columns under Compression and Bending Moment
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed
Semi Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Walled Steel Polygonal
Columns under Compression and Bending Moment
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed
Semi Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Walled Steel Polygonal
Columns under Compression and Bending Moment
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed
Semi Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Walled Steel Polygonal
Columns under Compression and Bending Moment
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed
Semi Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Walled Steel Polygonal
Columns under Compression and Bending Moment
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed
Semi Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Walled Steel Polygonal
Columns under Compression and Bending Moment
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed
Semi Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Walled Steel Polygonal
Columns under Compression and Bending Moment
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed
Semi Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed
Semi Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Walled Steel Polygonal
Columns under Compression and Bending Moment
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed
Semi Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Walled Steel Polygonal
Columns under Compression and Bending Moment
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed
Semi Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Walled Steel Polygonal
Columns under Compression and Bending Moment
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled
Steel Polygonal Columns
RIKS-N- 1-2-3-1-3
RIKS-N- 1-2-3-1-4
RIKS-N- 1-2-3-2-3
[kN] RIKS-N- 1-2-3-2-4
RIKS-N- 1-2-3-2-5
RIKS-N- 1-2-3-3-3
1000 RIKS-N- 1-2-3-3-4
RIKS-N- 1-2-3-3-5
0 10 20 30 40
Displacement [mm]
Figure B.1 Load-displacement curve for models with kept d=500, slend=90;
varied lambda λ=0.65, 1.0 & 1.25, bolt ratio b=3, 4, & 5
RIKS-N- 1-2-5-2-3
Load 2500
RIKS-N- 1-2-5-2-4
[kN] 2000
RIKS-N- 1-2-5-2-5
RIKS-N- 1-2-5-3-3
RIKS-N- 1-2-5-3-4
RIKS-N- 1-2-5-3-5
0 10 20 30 40
Displacement [mm]
Figure B.2 Load-displacement curve for models with kept d=500, slend=110;
varied lambda λ=0.65, 1.0 & 1.25, bolt ratio b=3, 4, & 5
RIKS-N- 1-3-3-1-3
RIKS-N- 1-3-3-1-4
RIKS-N- 1-3-3-2-3
6000 RIKS-N- 1-3-3-2-4
RIKS-N- 1-3-3-2-5
RIKS-N- 1-3-3-3-3
RIKS-N- 1-3-3-3-5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Displacement [mm]
Figure B.3 Load-displacement curve for models with kept d=700, slend=90;
varied lambda λ=0.65, 1.0 & 1.25, bolt ratio b=3, 4, & 5
RIKS-N- 1-3-5-2-3
Load 5000
RIKS-N- 1-3-5-2-4
[kN] 4000
RIKS-N- 1-3-5-2-5
RIKS-N- 1-3-5-3-3
RIKS-N- 1-3-5-3-4
RIKS-N- 1-3-5-3-5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Displacement [mm]
Figure B.4 Load-displacement curve for models with kept d=700, slend=110;
varied lambda λ=0.65, 1.0 & 1.25, bolt ratio b=3, 4, & 5
RIKS-N- 1-4-3-1-5
RIKS-N- 1-4-3-2-3
Load 10000
RIKS-N- 1-4-3-2-4
[kN] 8000
RIKS-N- 1-4-3-2-5
RIKS-N- 1-4-3-3-3
RIKS-N- 1-4-3-3-4
RIKS-N- 1-4-3-3-5
0 20 40 60 80
Displacement [mm]
Figure B.5 Load-displacement curve for models with kept d=900, slend=90;
varied lambda λ=0.65, 1.0 & 1.25, bolt ratio b=3, 4, & 5
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Displacement [mm]
Figure B.6 Load-displacement curve for models with kept d=900, slend=110;
varied lambda λ=0.65, 1.0 & 1.25, bolt ratio b=3, 4, & 5
0.00E+00 5.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.50E-02 2.00E-02 2.50E-02 3.00E-02 3.50E-02
rotation [rad]
RIKS-NM 1-2-3-1-3 RIKS-NM 1-2-3-1-4 RIKS-NM 1-2-3-1-5
RIKS-NM 1-2-3-2-3 RIKS-NM 1-2-3-2-4 RIKS-NM 1-2-3-2-5
RIKS-NM 1-2-3-3-3 RIKS-NM 1-2-3-3-4 RIKS-NM 1-2-3-3-5
Figure B.1 Load-rotation curve for models with kept d=500, slend=90;
varied lambda λ=0.65, 1.0 & 1.25, bolt ratio b=3, 4, & 5
Figure B.2 Load-rotation curve for models with kept d=500, slend=110;
varied lambda λ=0.65, 1.0 & 1.25, bolt ratio b=3, 4, & 5
-2.50E-02 -2.00E-02 -1.50E-02 -1.00E-02 -5.00E-03 0.00E+00 5.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.50E-02 2.00E-02 2.50E-02
Rotation [rad]
RIKS-NM 1-3-3-1-3 RIKS-NM 1-3-3-1-4 RIKS-NM 1-3-3-1-5
RIKS-NM 1-3-3-2-3 RIKS-NM 1-3-3-2-4 RIKS-NM 1-3-3-2-5
RIKS-NM 1-3-3-3-3 RIKS-NM 1-3-3-3-4 RIKS-NM 1-3-3-3-5
Figure B.3 Load-rotation curve for models with kept d=700, slend=90;
varied lambda λ=0.65, 1.0 & 1.25, bolt ratio b=3, 4, & 5
Figure B.4 Load-rotation curve for models with kept d=700, slend=110;
varied lambda λ=0.65, 1.0 & 1.25, bolt ratio b=3, 4, & 5
Figure B.5 Load-rotation curve for models with kept d=900, slend=90;
varied lambda λ=0.65, 1.0 & 1.25, bolt ratio b=3, 4, & 5
Figure B.6 Load-rotation curve for models with kept d=900, slend=110;
varied lambda λ=0.65, 1.0 & 1.25, bolt ratio b=3, 4, & 5
RIKS- 1 2 3 1 3
1 RIKS- 1 2 3 1 4
RIKS- 1 2 3 1 5
RIKS- 1 2 3 2 3
0.8 RIKS- 1 2 3 2 4
0.7 RIKS- 1 2 3 2 5
RIKS- 1 2 3 3 3
RIKS- 1 2 3 3 4
0.5 RIKS- 1 2 3 3 5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Figure B.1 N-M interaction curve for models with kept d=500, slend=90;
varied lambda λ=0.65, 1.0 & 1.25, bolt ratio b=3, 4, & 5
RIKS- 1 2 5 1 3
1 RIKS- 1 2 5 1 4
RIKS- 1 2 5 1 5
RIKS- 1 2 5 2 3
0.8 RIKS- 1 2 5 2 4
0.7 RIKS- 1 2 5 2 5
RIKS- 1 2 5 3 3
RIKS- 1 2 5 3 4
0.5 RIKS- 1 2 5 3 5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Figure B.2 N-M interaction curve for models with kept d=500, slend=110;
varied lambda λ=0.65, 1.0 & 1.25, bolt ratio b=3, 4, & 5
N /Nu
RIKS- 1 3 3 1 3
1 RIKS- 1 3 3 1 4
0.9 RIKS- 1 3 3 1 5
0.8 RIKS- 1 3 3 2 3
RIKS- 1 3 3 2 4
RIKS- 1 3 3 2 5
0.6 RIKS- 1 3 3 3 3
0.5 RIKS- 1 3 3 3 4
0.4 RIKS- 1 3 3 3 5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Figure B.3 N-M interaction curve for models with kept d=700, slend=90;
varied lambda λ=0.65, 1.0 & 1.25, bolt ratio b=3, 4, & 5
0.9 RIKS- 1 3 5 1 3
RIKS- 1 3 5 1 4
0.8 RIKS- 1 3 5 1 5
RIKS- 1 3 5 2 3
RIKS- 1 3 5 2 4
0.6 RIKS- 1 3 5 2 5
RIKS- 1 3 5 3 3
0.5 RIKS- 1 3 5 3 4
RIKS- 1 3 5 3 5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Figure B.4 N-M interaction curve for models with kept d=700, slend=110;
varied lambda λ=0.65, 1.0 & 1.25, bolt ratio b=3, 4, & 5
RIKS- 1 4 3 1 3
1 RIKS- 1 4 3 1 4
RIKS- 1 4 3 1 5
RIKS- 1 4 3 2 3
0.8 RIKS- 1 4 3 2 4
0.7 RIKS- 1 4 3 2 5
RIKS- 1 4 3 3 3
RIKS- 1 4 3 3 4
0.5 RIKS- 1 4 3 3 5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Figure B.5 N-M interaction curve for models with kept d=900, slend=90;
varied lambda λ=0.65, 1.0 & 1.25, bolt ratio b=3, 4, & 5
RIKS- 1 4 5 1 3
1 RIKS- 1 4 5 1 4
RIKS- 1 4 5 1 5
RIKS- 1 4 5 2 3
0.8 RIKS- 1 4 5 2 4
0.7 RIKS- 1 4 5 2 5
RIKS- 1 4 5 3 3
RIKS- 1 4 5 3 4
0.5 RIKS- 1 4 5 3 5
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Figure B.6 N-M interaction curve for models with kept d=900, slend=110;
varied lambda λ=0.65, 1.0 & 1.25, bolt ratio b=3, 4, & 5
2 2 2
n d t l b [mm] [mm] [mm] [-] [-] [-] [N] [mm] [-] [mm ] [-] [mm ] [-] [mm ] [-] [N] [N] [-] [-] [-] [N] [N] [MPa] [kg] [kN/kg]
1 2 3 1 3 500 9 18098 55.6 0.65 3 5625706 29.13 83.9 15700 3 15700 0.90 14096 3 5573434 5003923 0.82 1.0 0.82 4070662 5573434 390.8 2230 2.52
1 3 3 1 3 700 12 25339 58.3 0.65 3 10583087 41.10 88.1 29348 3 29348 0.88 25894 3 10418590 9192417 0.82 1.0 0.82 7575642 10418590 389.0 5838 1.81
1 4 3 1 3 900 15 32580 60.0 0.65 3 16670033 51.85 90.6 47204 3 47204 0.87 41277 4 16757418 14653327 0.82 1.0 0.82 12152574 16757418 388.0 12072 1.38
1 2 5 1 3 500 7 18106 71.4 0.65 3 4132538 27.34 107.9 12298 3 12298 0.85 10491 4 4365948 3724270 0.82 1.0 0.82 3111015 4365948 382.6 1748 2.36
1 3 5 1 3 700 10 25347 70.0 0.65 3 8309604 38.52 105.7 24582 3 24582 0.85 20916 4 8726522 7425069 0.82 1.0 0.82 6231490 8726522 383.2 4891 1.70
1 4 5 1 3 900 13 32588 69.2 0.65 3 13828574 49.28 104.6 41073 3 41073 0.85 34926 4 14580769 12398696 0.82 1.0 0.82 10423917 14580769 383.5 10507 1.32
1 2 3 2 3 500 9 27035 55.6 1 3 4865735 37.93 83.9 15700 3 15700 0.88 13879 3 5573434 4927056 0.61 1.0 0.61 2945890 5573434 390.8 3332 1.46
1 3 3 2 3 700 12 37852 58.3 1 3 8974794 52.52 88.1 29348 3 29348 0.87 25461 3 10418590 9038614 0.61 1.0 0.61 5491181 10418590 389.0 8720 1.03
1 4 3 2 3 900 15 48669 60.0 1 3 14330121 66.74 90.6 47204 3 47204 0.86 40540 4 16757418 14391859 0.61 1.0 0.61 8817113 16757418 388.0 18034 0.79
1 2 5 2 3 500 7 27048 71.4 1 3 3665155 36.35 107.9 12298 3 12298 0.84 10282 4 4365948 3650204 0.62 1.0 0.62 2271261 4365948 382.6 2611 1.40
1 3 5 2 3 700 10 37865 70.0 1 3 7105255 49.55 105.7 24582 3 24582 0.83 20319 4 8726522 7213206 0.62 1.0 0.62 4546017 8726522 383.2 7307 0.97
1 4 5 2 3 900 13 48682 69.2 1 3 12124579 65.03 104.6 41073 3 41073 0.83 34221 4 14580769 12148284 0.62 1.0 0.62 7601410 14580769 383.5 15696 0.77
1 2 3 3 3 500 9 33419 55.6 1.25 3 3335747 34.09 83.9 15700 3 15700 0.54 8507 3 5573434 3019951 0.47 1.0 0.47 2255339 5573434 390.8 4119 0.81
1 3 3 3 3 700 12 46790 58.3 1.25 3 6192939 47.06 88.1 29348 3 29348 0.54 15856 3 10418590 5628825 0.47 1.0 0.47 4207730 10418590 389.0 10780 0.57
1 4 3 3 3 900 15 60161 60.0 1.25 3 9958434 60.53 90.6 47204 3 47204 0.54 25420 4 16757418 9023969 0.47 1.0 0.47 6759878 16757418 388.0 22293 0.45
1 2 5 3 3 500 7 33435 71.4 1.25 3 2606744 33.78 107.9 12298 3 12298 0.54 6673 4 4365948 2368985 0.48 1.0 0.48 1747482 4365948 382.6 3228 0.81
1 3 5 3 3 700 10 46806 70.0 1.25 3 5177700 47.83 105.7 24582 3 24582 0.54 13268 4 8726522 4710080 0.48 1.0 0.48 3496152 8726522 383.2 9032 0.57
1 4 5 3 3 900 13 60177 69.2 1.25 3 8656932 61.02 104.6 41073 3 41073 0.54 22102 4 14580769 7846074 0.48 1.0 0.48 5844575 14580769 383.5 19402 0.45
1 2 3 1 4 500 9 18098 55.6 0.65 4 4982469 26.03 83.9 15700 3 15700 0.81 12683 3 5573434 4502428 0.82 1.0 0.82 4070662 5573434 390.8 2230 2.23
1 3 3 1 4 700 12 25339 58.3 0.65 4 9053748 35.59 88.1 29348 3 29348 0.78 23037 3 10418590 8178229 0.82 1.0 0.82 7575642 10418590 389.0 5838 1.55
1 4 3 1 4 900 15 32580 60.0 0.65 4 14571561 45.18 90.6 47204 3 47204 0.77 36408 4 16757418 12924900 0.82 1.0 0.82 12152574 16757418 388.0 12072 1.21
1 2 5 1 4 500 7 18106 71.4 0.65 4 3576703 24.21 107.9 12298 3 12298 0.75 9235 4 4365948 3278378 0.82 1.0 0.82 3111015 4365948 382.6 1748 2.05
1 3 5 1 4 700 10 25347 70.0 0.65 4 7358898 34.13 105.7 24582 3 24582 0.75 18318 4 8726522 6502901 0.82 1.0 0.82 6231490 8726522 383.2 4891 1.50
1 4 5 1 4 900 13 32588 69.2 0.65 4 11788016 43.61 104.6 41073 3 41073 0.74 30449 4 14580769 10809407 0.82 1.0 0.82 10423917 14580769 383.5 10507 1.12
1 2 3 2 4 500 9 27035 55.6 1 4 4554955 35.44 83.9 15700 3 15700 0.78 12304 3 5573434 4367961 0.61 1.0 0.61 2945890 5573434 390.8 3332 1.37
1 3 3 2 4 700 12 37852 58.3 1 4 8128143 47.34 88.1 29348 3 29348 0.76 22234 3 10418590 7893145 0.61 1.0 0.61 5491181 10418590 389.0 8720 0.93
1 4 3 2 4 900 15 48669 60.0 1 4 13158688 61.34 90.6 47204 3 47204 0.74 35005 4 16757418 12426866 0.61 1.0 0.61 8817113 16757418 388.0 18034 0.73
ANNEX D. 207
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled Steel Polygonal Columns
2 2 2
n d t l b [mm] [mm] [mm] [-] [-] [-] [N] [mm] [-] [mm ] [-] [mm ] [-] [mm ] [-] [N] [N] [-] [-] [-] [N] [N] [MPa] [kg] [kN/kg]
1 2 5 2 4 500 7 27048 71.4 1 4 3241900 32.20 107.9 12298 3 12298 0.72 8854 4 4365948 3143084 0.62 1.0 0.62 2271261 4365948 382.6 2611 1.24
1 3 5 2 4 700 10 37865 70.0 1 4 6373937 44.55 105.7 24582 3 24582 0.71 17524 4 8726522 6220994 0.62 1.0 0.62 4546017 8726522 383.2 7307 0.87
1 4 5 2 4 900 13 48682 69.2 1 4 10701573 57.72 104.6 41073 3 41073 0.71 29076 4 14580769 10322023 0.62 1.0 0.62 7601410 14580769 383.5 15696 0.68
1 2 3 3 4 500 9 33419 55.6 1.25 4 3269501 33.10 83.9 15700 3 15700 0.78 12204 3 5573434 4332464 0.47 1.0 0.47 2255339 5573434 390.8 4119 0.79
1 3 3 3 4 700 12 46790 58.3 1.25 4 6020515 45.09 88.1 29348 3 29348 0.75 22020 3 10418590 7817013 0.47 1.0 0.47 4207730 10418590 389.0 10780 0.56
1 4 3 3 4 900 15 60161 60.0 1.25 4 9777493 58.85 90.6 47204 3 47204 0.73 34629 4 16757418 12293238 0.47 1.0 0.47 6759878 16757418 388.0 22293 0.44
1 2 5 3 4 500 7 33435 71.4 1.25 4 2496823 31.14 107.9 12298 3 12298 0.71 8752 4 4365948 3107017 0.48 1.0 0.48 1747482 4365948 382.6 3228 0.77
1 3 5 3 4 700 10 46806 70.0 1.25 4 4985356 44.02 105.7 24582 3 24582 0.70 17314 4 8726522 6146646 0.48 1.0 0.48 3496152 8726522 383.2 9032 0.55
1 4 5 3 4 900 13 60177 69.2 1.25 4 8400347 57.10 104.6 41073 3 41073 0.70 28703 4 14580769 10189730 0.48 1.0 0.48 5844575 14580769 383.5 19402 0.43
1 2 3 1 5 500 9 18098 55.6 0.65 5 4531789 24.75 83.9 15700 3 15700 0.73 11501 3 5573434 4082844 0.82 1.0 0.82 4070662 5573434 390.8 2230 2.03
1 3 3 1 5 700 12 25339 58.3 0.65 5 8140806 33.86 88.1 29348 3 29348 0.70 20655 3 10418590 7332567 0.82 1.0 0.82 7575642 10418590 389.0 5838 1.39
1 4 3 1 5 900 15 32580 60.0 0.65 5 12630036 41.79 90.6 47204 3 47204 0.69 32370 4 16757418 11491298 0.82 1.0 0.82 12152574 16757418 388.0 12072 1.05
1 2 5 1 5 500 7 18106 71.4 0.65 5 3161856 23.20 107.9 12298 3 12298 0.67 8204 4 4365948 2912516 0.82 1.0 0.82 3111015 4365948 382.6 1748 1.81
1 3 5 1 5 700 10 25347 70.0 0.65 5 6417546 32.86 105.7 24582 3 24582 0.66 16159 4 8726522 5736437 0.82 1.0 0.82 6231490 8726522 383.2 4891 1.31
1 4 5 1 5 900 13 32588 69.2 0.65 5 10664361 42.53 104.6 41073 3 41073 0.71 29339 4 14580769 10415366 0.82 1.0 0.82 10423917 14580769 383.5 10507 1.01
1 2 3 2 5 500 9 27035 55.6 1 5 4126212 32.17 83.9 15700 3 15700 0.70 10959 3 5573434 3890319 0.61 1.0 0.61 2945890 5573434 390.8 3332 1.24
1 3 3 2 5 700 12 37852 58.3 1 5 7400332 43.45 88.1 29348 3 29348 0.66 19486 3 10418590 6917544 0.61 1.0 0.61 5491181 10418590 389.0 8720 0.85
1 4 3 2 5 900 15 48669 60.0 1 5 11412761 53.88 90.6 47204 3 47204 0.64 30305 4 16757418 10758139 0.61 1.0 0.61 8817113 16757418 388.0 18034 0.63
1 2 5 2 5 500 7 27048 71.4 1 5 2840900 28.59 107.9 12298 3 12298 0.62 7663 4 4365948 2720258 0.62 1.0 0.62 2271261 4365948 382.6 2611 1.09
1 3 5 2 5 700 10 37865 70.0 1 5 5661079 40.01 105.7 24582 3 24582 0.61 14996 4 8726522 5323710 0.62 1.0 0.62 4546017 8726522 383.2 7307 0.77
1 4 5 2 5 900 13 48682 69.2 1 5 9216875 50.32 104.6 41073 3 41073 0.60 24655 4 14580769 8752650 0.62 1.0 0.62 7601410 14580769 383.5 15696 0.59
1 2 3 3 5 500 9 33419 55.6 1.25 5 3176238 31.49 83.9 15700 3 15700 0.69 10807 3 5573434 3836554 0.47 1.0 0.47 2255339 5573434 390.8 4119 0.77
1 3 3 3 5 700 12 46790 58.3 1.25 5 5901916 43.72 88.1 29348 3 29348 0.65 19151 3 10418590 6798664 0.47 1.0 0.47 4207730 10418590 389.0 10780 0.55
1 4 3 3 5 900 15 60161 60.0 1.25 5 9320637 54.80 90.6 47204 3 47204 0.63 29705 4 16757418 10545433 0.47 1.0 0.47 6759878 16757418 388.0 22293 0.42
1 2 5 3 5 500 7 33435 71.4 1.25 5 2405325 30.03 107.9 12298 3 12298 0.61 7506 4 4365948 2664540 0.48 1.0 0.48 1747482 4365948 382.6 3228 0.75
1 3 5 3 5 700 10 46806 70.0 1.25 5 4682954 40.90 105.7 24582 3 24582 0.60 14666 4 8726522 5206291 0.48 1.0 0.48 3496152 8726522 383.2 9032 0.52
1 4 5 3 5 900 13 60177 69.2 1.25 5 7913537 53.21 104.6 41073 3 41073 0.59 24052 4 14580769 8538333 0.48 1.0 0.48 5844575 14580769 383.5 19402 0.41
ANNEX D. 208
Finite Element Modelling and Parametric Studies of Semi-Closed Thin-Walled Steel Polygonal Columns
i j k l b D T L A M Ixx Iyy iy It Iw
[-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm2] [kg/m] [mm4] [mm4] [mm] [mm4] [mm6]
x102 x106 x106 x106 x1012
1 2 3 1 3 500 9 18098 157.00 123.24 438.34 438.34 170.92 138.36 71.72
1 3 3 1 3 700 12 25339 293.48 230.38 1606.29 1606.29 240.01 419.90 515.53
1 4 3 1 3 900 15 32580 472.04 370.55 4271.20 4271.20 309.15 951.58 2267.05
1 2 5 1 3 500 7 18106 122.98 96.54 343.73 343.73 173.83 151.87 56.42
1 3 5 1 3 700 10 25347 245.82 192.97 1346.41 1346.41 243.00 459.43 433.13
1 4 5 1 3 900 13 32588 410.73 322.42 3718.53 3718.53 312.18 1033.09 1977.27
1 2 3 2 3 500 9 27035 157.00 123.24 438.34 438.34 170.92 138.36 71.72
1 3 3 2 3 700 12 37852 293.48 230.38 1606.29 1606.29 240.01 419.90 515.53
1 4 3 2 3 900 15 48669 472.04 370.55 4271.20 4271.20 309.15 951.58 2267.05
1 2 5 2 3 500 7 27048 122.98 96.54 343.73 343.73 173.83 151.87 56.42
1 3 5 2 3 700 10 37865 245.82 192.97 1346.41 1346.41 243.00 459.43 433.13
1 4 5 2 3 900 13 48682 410.73 322.42 3718.53 3718.53 312.18 1033.09 1977.27
1 2 3 3 3 500 9 33419 157.00 123.24 438.34 438.34 170.92 138.36 71.72
1 3 3 3 3 700 12 46790 293.48 230.38 1606.29 1606.29 240.01 419.90 515.53
1 4 3 3 3 900 15 60161 472.04 370.55 4271.20 4271.20 309.15 951.58 2267.05
1 2 5 3 3 500 7 33435 122.98 96.54 343.73 343.73 173.83 151.87 56.42
1 3 5 3 3 700 10 46806 245.82 192.97 1346.41 1346.41 243.00 459.43 433.13
1 4 5 3 3 900 13 60177 410.73 322.42 3718.53 3718.53 312.18 1033.09 1977.27
ANNEX E. 209