Visit Nutmeg Field in Lampung Report

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District area visited :

- Tanggamus
- Pesawaran

Respondent :
- KPH Kota Agung Utara , Tanggamus
o KTH Sumber Rezeki
o Local Collector Mrs Parsini
- KPH Pesawaran
o KTH Sumber Jaya
o KTH Alam Pala Makmur
o KTH Serumpun Jaya
o Local Collector Mr. Suroto
o Local distiller Mr. Sutoyo
Note : Result on Attachment

a. Kabupaten Tanggamus :

Tanggamus adalah kabupaten yang memiliki petani yang sudah cukup lama
berbudiya tanaman pala. Tanaman pala tersebar dalam area warga dan Hutan
Kemasyarakatan (HKm) akan tetapi hampir 80% area yang masih fokus budidaya pala adalah
area HKm. Tanggamus mempunyai 3 KPH yang terdiri dari :
- KPH Kota Agung Utara
- KPH Batu Tegi
- KPH Pematang Neba
Dari 3 Kabupaten ini hanya KPH Kota Agung Utara yang masih aktif dalam menghimpun
kegiatan petani pala, untuk KPH yang lainnya didominasi oleh tanaman selain pala, akan
setiap KPH masih belum mempunyai data yang Valid akan luasan, jumlah petani dan potensi
Berikut terdapat data dari HKM Gapoktan Pala Makmur yang berada di Area KPH Kota
Agung Utara :

Supply Chain Tanggamus District :

Collector Local District
Farmers district Distilerry
keliling Collector Collector

Noted :
- Possible to across another district depend of the price, Example : Nutmeg from
Tanggamus can deliver to Pesawaran or Bandar Lampung.
- Distilerry can across to another district, Example : Pesawaran Distillery
b. Kabupaten Pesawaran

Kabupaten Pesawaran adalah salah satu kabupaten yang memiliki potensi

komoditas Pala yang cukup tinggi, dari hasil buah pal aitu sendiri sampai dengan
dalam bentuk olahan, hingga saat ini petani, pengepul dan penyuling masih terus
aktif berkolaborasi dalam mengisi permintaan pasar akan kebutuhan buah pala dan
produk olahan buah pala. Akan tetapi data yang cukup valid masih belum tersedia
seperti, data jumlah petani, luasan dan potensi dari komoditas itu sendiri, pihak KPH
masih menunggu hasil sensus pertanian tahun 2023.

Adapun data yang diperoleh dari visit lapangan dan menemui beberapa
narasumber (terlampir), berikut data-data yang diperoleh :

No Gapoktan KTH Total Jumlah Ha Potensi rata-rata

anggota (Kering)/ Ha / tahun
1 Serumpun Jaya 194 316 300 kg
2 Sumber Makmur 182 378 340 kg
3 Alam Pala Lestari 213 438 400 kg
4 Pujo Makmur 247 534 240 kg
Total 836 1664 1280 kg

Data source : Data yang dimiliki masing-masing KTH

Supply Chain in Kabupaten Pesawaran :




Guideline Interview/Questionnaire

Name of respondent : Sugiyanto

Age : 38th
Education : SMA
Address : Dadimulyo, Kec. Wonosobo, Kab. Tanggamus
GPS coordinates
Telephone number : 082376867099

1. Nutmeg is main source of income (please select):

a. Yes : 70 %
b. No, please describe: 30 %
2. Length of experience in nutmeg farm: 10 years
3. Area size of nutmeg farm: 1 hectares ( 450 Trees)
4. Nutmeg farm status (please select):
a. Owned :0 %
b. Rental :0%
c. Others : 100 % (please specify: HKM )
5. Estimated current value of nutmeg farm (if sold): Rp N/A
6. Age of nutmeg plants:
a. Productive plants: 10 years ( 20 %)
b. Unproductive plants: 5 years (80 %)
7. Cropping pattern (please select):
a. Monoculture: ………. %
b. Intercropping: ……… % (type of crops: ……………..
c. Mixed; 100 % ( Coffee, Jengkol, Kapulaga)
8. Planting space (please select):
a. Regular: N/A %: ( N/A meter)
b. Irregular: N/A %
c. Mixed: 100 %
9. Number of nutmeg plants:
a. Productive plants: 150 trees
b. Unproductive plants: 300 trees
c. Total: 450 trees

10. Arrangement of plants based on male and female types:

a. Yes , Absolutely
b. No, reason: N/A
11. Farm maintenance (please select):
a. Fertilizing N/A
b. Pest and disease control (sometimes for ant)
c. Weeding (Manual)
d. Pruning ( 2 times / years )
e. Others: N/A
12. Farm labor:
a. Family labor: N/A %
b. Wage labor: N/A %
c. Labor cost: Rp N/A per person per day
13. Total farm cost: Rp N/A per year
14. Harvesting time (please select):
a. Peak seasons (name of month: Agustus / September)
b. Lean seasons (name of month: Februari / Maret)
15. Average frequency of harvest:
a. 1 times per week
b. 3 times per month
16. Type of production (please select):
a. Fruits: 100 %
b. Leaves: N/A %
17. Average production per harvest (please select):
a. Fruits: 160 kilograms
b. Leaves: N/A kilograms
18. Postharvest handling (please select):
a. Yes (drying, sorting, grading, others ( Drying only)
b. No
19. Dying method (please select):
a. Dried in the sun: 100%
b. Using equipment: N/A % (name of equipment: N/A)
20. Average rendement (from fresh to dried fruits): N/A %
21. Distillation (please select): N/A
a. Yes, use questionnaire for edible oil distillery
b. No, continue to the following questions
22. Use of product:
a. Self-use: N/A %
b. Sell: N/A %

23. Type of selling product:

a. Fruits: 100 %
b. Leaves: 0 %
24. Marketing fruits:
a. Fresh fruits: (N/A)
- To other farmers: ……….. %
- To distillers: …….……….. %
- To local traders: ………….. %
- To other traders: ………… % (type of trader:
b. Dried fruits:
- To other farmers: ………. %
- To distillers: ……….……. %
- To local traders: 100 %
- To other traders: ……….. % (type of trader:
25. Average fruit price:
a. Fresh fruits
- Other farmers: Rp ……………………. per kilogram
- Distillers: Rp
…………………… per kilogram
- Local traders: Rp 35.000 ,- per kilogram
- Other traders: Rp …………………… per kilogram
b. Dried fruits:
- Other farmers: Rp …………………... per kilogram
- Distillers: Rp
…………………... per kilogram
- Local traders: Rp 50.000,- per kilogram
- Other traders: Rp …………………… per kilogram
26. Delivery system:
a. Delivered by seller: 0 %
b. Pick-up by buyer: 100 %
c. Mixed: 0 %
27. Origin of buyer:
a. Local: 100 %
b. Outside (from: N/A )
28. Price determination:
a. By seller: N/A %
b. By buyer: 100 %
c. Negotiation: In case the Nutmeg is wet
d. Mixed: N/A %
29. Payment method:
a. Cash: 100 %
b. Delayed: N/A %
c. Others: N/A %
30. Tax/retribution; Rp 0,- per year
31. Number of nutmeg farmers in this area: 75 persons
32. Do you a member of farmer’s group? (please select):
a. Yes
b. No
33. If you are a member of farmer’s group;
a. Name of farmer’s group: Sumber Rezeki
b. Total number of farmer’s group: 75 persons
c. Role of farmer’s group in nutmeg farm (please describe):
34. Did you get technical assistance for nutmeg farm cultivation?
a. Yes, please describe: (N/A)
b. No, Because there is no programs for government or company
35. Have you provided by nutmeg farming program/project?
a. Yes, please describe ( Nutmeg Planlets )
b. No, why? N/A
36. Please briefly describe the obstacles encountered in farming and marketing of nutmeg:
There is no Technical Assistant and The price is not transparent
37. Please express your wishes regarding the farming and marketing of nutmeg:
Get technical assistant about nutmeg cultivation and quality
38. Please provide suggestions related to farming and marketing of nutmeg:
Have a moisture tools
39. Please simply describe your plans in the farming and marketing of nutmeg:
Prepare new planlets for planting on the farm in this last years
40. Others: N/A


Guideline Interview/Questionnaire

Name of respondent : Sapon

Age : 52th
Education : SD
Address : Banjar Negara, Kec. Wonosobo, Kab. Tanggamus
GPS coordinates
Telephone number : 081279896410

41. Nutmeg is main source of income (please select):

a. Yes : 70 %
b. No, please describe: 30 %
42. Length of experience in nutmeg farm: 25 years
43. Area size of nutmeg farm: 6 hectares
44. Nutmeg farm status (please select):
d. Owned :0 %
e. Rental :0%
f. Others : 100 % (please specify: HKM )
45. Estimated current value of nutmeg farm (if sold): Rp N/A
46. Age of nutmeg plants:
a. Productive plants: 25 years ( 80 %)
b. Unproductive plants: 25 years ( 20 %)
47. Cropping pattern (please select):
a. Monoculture: ………. %
b. Intercropping: ……… % (type of crops: ……………..
c. Mixed; 100 % ( Coffee, Jengkol, Kapulaga, Durian, Cempaka)
48. Planting space (please select):
a. Regular: N/A %: ( N/A meter)
b. Irregular: N/A %
c. Mixed: 100 %
49. Number of nutmeg plants:
a. Productive plants: 2500 trees
b. Unproductive plants: 500 trees
c. Total: 3000 trees

50. Arrangement of plants based on male and female types:

a. Yes , Absolutely
b. No, reason: N/A
51. Farm maintenance (please select):
a. Fertilizing N/A
b. Pest and disease control (sometimes for ant)
c. Weeding (Manual)
d. Pruning ( 2 times / years )
e. Others: N/A
52. Farm labor:
a. Family labor: 100 %
b. Wage labor: N/A %
c. Labor cost: Rp 65.000,- per person per day
53. Total farm cost: Rp 15.000.000,- per year
54. Harvesting time (please select):
a. Peak seasons (name of month: Agustus / September)
b. Lean seasons (name of month: Februari / Maret)
55. Average frequency of harvest:
a. 1 times per week
b. 3 times per month
56. Type of production (please select):
a. Fruits: 100 %
b. Leaves: N/A %
57. Average production per harvest (please select):
a. Fruits: 1000 kilograms
b. Leaves: N/A kilograms
58. Postharvest handling (please select):
a. Yes (drying, sorting, grading, others ( Drying only)
b. No
59. Dying method (please select):
a. Dried in the sun: 100%
b. Using equipment: N/A % (name of equipment: N/A)
60. Average rendement (from fresh to dried fruits): N/A %
61. Distillation (please select): N/A
a. Yes, use questionnaire for edible oil distillery
b. No, continue to the following questions
62. Use of product:
a. Self-use: N/A %
b. Sell: N/A %

63. Type of selling product:

a. Fruits: 100 %
b. Leaves: 0 %
64. Marketing fruits:
a. Fresh fruits: (N/A)
- To other farmers: ……….. %
- To distillers: …….……….. %
- To local traders: ………….. %
- To other traders: ………… % (type of trader:
b. Dried fruits:
- To other farmers: ………. %
- To distillers: ……….……. %
- To local traders: 100 %
- To other traders: ……….. % (type of trader:
65. Average fruit price:
a. Fresh fruits
- Other farmers: Rp ……………………. per kilogram
- Distillers: Rp
…………………… per kilogram
- Local traders: Rp 35.000 ,- per kilogram
- Other traders: Rp …………………… per kilogram
b. Dried fruits:
- Other farmers: Rp …………………... per kilogram
- Distillers: Rp
…………………... per kilogram
- Local traders: Rp 50.000,- per kilogram
- Other traders: Rp …………………… per kilogram
66. Delivery system:
a. Delivered by seller: 0 %
b. Pick-up by buyer: 100 %
c. Mixed: 0 %
67. Origin of buyer:
a. Local: 100 %
b. Outside (from: N/A )
68. Price determination:
a. By seller: N/A %
b. By buyer: 100 %
c. Negotiation: In case the Nutmeg is wet
d. Mixed: N/A %
69. Payment method:
a. Cash: 100 %
b. Delayed: N/A %
c. Others: N/A %
70. Tax/retribution; Rp 0,- per year
71. Number of nutmeg farmers in this area: 75 persons
72. Do you a member of farmer’s group? (please select):
a. Yes
b. No
73. If you are a member of farmer’s group;
a. Name of farmer’s group: Sumber Rezeki
b. Total number of farmer’s group: 75 persons
c. Role of farmer’s group in nutmeg farm (please describe):
74. Did you get technical assistance for nutmeg farm cultivation?
a. Yes, please describe: (N/A)
b. No, Because there is no programs for government or company
75. Have you provided by nutmeg farming program/project?
a. Yes, please describe ( Nutmeg Planlets )
b. No, why? N/A
76. Please briefly describe the obstacles encountered in farming and marketing of nutmeg:
There is no Technical Assistant and The price is not transparent
77. Please express your wishes regarding the farming and marketing of nutmeg:
Get technical assistant about nutmeg cultivation and quality
78. Please provide suggestions related to farming and marketing of nutmeg:
Have a moisture tools
79. Please simply describe your plans in the farming and marketing of nutmeg:
Prepare new planlets for planting on the farm in this last years
80. Others: N/A


Guideline Interview/Questionnaire

Name of respondent : Saeful Hamzah

Age : 35th
Education : SMA
Address : Penyandingan, Marga Punduh, Pesawaran
GPS coordinates
Telephone number : 085764088001

81. Nutmeg is main source of income (please select):

a. Yes : 70 %
b. No, please describe: 30 %
82. Length of experience in nutmeg farm: 25 years
83. Area size of nutmeg farm: 1 hectares
84. Nutmeg farm status (please select):
g. Owned :0 %
h. Rental :0%
i. Others : 100 % (please specify: HKM )
85. Estimated current value of nutmeg farm (if sold): Rp N/A
86. Age of nutmeg plants:
a. Productive plants: 8 years ( 50 %)
b. Unproductive plants: 5 years (50 %)
87. Cropping pattern (please select):
a. Monoculture: ………. %
b. Intercropping: ……… % (type of crops: ……………..
c. Mixed; 100 % ( Kakao, Cengkeh, Kopi)
88. Planting space (please select):
a. Regular: N/A %: ( N/A meter)
b. Irregular: N/A %
c. Mixed: 100 %
89. Number of nutmeg plants:
a. Productive plants: 200 trees
b. Unproductive plants: 200 trees
c. Total: 400 rees

90. Arrangement of plants based on male and female types:

a. Yes , Absolutely
b. No, reason: N/A
91. Farm maintenance (please select):
a. Fertilizing Yes
b. Pest and disease control (sometimes for ant)
c. Weeding (Manual)
d. Pruning ( 1 times / years )
e. Others: N/A
92. Farm labor:
a. Family labor: N/A %
b. Wage labor: N/A %
c. Labor cost: Rp N/A per person per day
93. Total farm cost: Rp 9.000.000,- per year
94. Harvesting time (please select):
a. Peak seasons (name of month: April/Mei)
b. Lean seasons (name of month: October/November)
95. Average frequency of harvest:
a. 1 times per week
b. 4 times per month
96. Type of production (please select):
a. Fruits: 100 %
b. Leaves: N/A %
97. Average production per harvest (please select):
a. Fruits: 700 kilograms
b. Leaves: N/A kilograms
98. Postharvest handling (please select):
a. Yes (drying, sorting, grading, others ( Drying only)
b. No
99. Dying method (please select):
a. Dried in the sun: 100%
b. Using equipment: N/A % (name of equipment: N/A)
100.Average rendement (from fresh to dried fruits): N/A %
101.Distillation (please select): N/A
a. Yes, use questionnaire for edible oil distillery
b. No, continue to the following questions
102.Use of product:
a. Self-use: N/A %
b. Sell: N/A %

103.Type of selling product:

a. Fruits: 100 %
b. Leaves: 20 % (Trial)
104.Marketing fruits:
a. Fresh fruits: (N/A)
- To other farmers: ……….. %
- To distillers: …….……….. %
- To local traders: ………….. %
- To other traders: ………… % (type of trader:
b. Dried fruits:
- To other farmers: ………. %
- To distillers: ……….……. %
- To local traders: 100 %
- To other traders: ……….. % (type of trader:
105.Average fruit price:
a. Fresh fruits
- Other farmers: Rp ……………………. per kilogram
- Distillers: Rp
…………………… per kilogram
- Local traders: Rp 35.000 ,- per kilogram
- Other traders: Rp …………………… per kilogram
b. Dried fruits:
- Other farmers: Rp …………………... per kilogram
- Distillers: Rp
…………………... per kilogram
- Local traders: Rp 52.000,- per kilogram
- Other traders: Rp …………………… per kilogram
106.Delivery system:
a. Delivered by seller: 0 %
b. Pick-up by buyer: 100 %
c. Mixed: 0 %
107.Origin of buyer:
a. Local: 100 %
b. Outside (from: N/A )
108.Price determination:
a. By seller: N/A %
b. By buyer: 100 %
c. Negotiation: In case the Nutmeg is wet
d. Mixed: N/A %
109.Payment method:
a. Cash: 100 %
b. Delayed: N/A %
c. Others: N/A %
110.Tax/retribution; Rp 1.500.000,- per year ( 1 KTH )
111.Number of nutmeg farmers in this area: 213 persons
112.Do you a member of farmer’s group? (please select):
a. Yes
b. No
113.If you are a member of farmer’s group;
a. Name of farmer’s group: Alam Pala Lestari
b. Total number of farmer’s group: 213 persons
c. Role of farmer’s group in nutmeg farm (please describe):
114.Did you get technical assistance for nutmeg farm cultivation?
a. Yes, please describe: (N/A)
b. No, Because there is no programs for government or company
115.Have you provided by nutmeg farming program/project?
a. Yes, please describe ( Nutmeg Planlets )
b. No, why? N/A
116.Please briefly describe the obstacles encountered in farming and marketing of nutmeg:
There is no Technical Assistant and The price is not transparent
117.Please express your wishes regarding the farming and marketing of nutmeg:
Get technical assistant about nutmeg cultivation and quality
118.Please provide suggestions related to farming and marketing of nutmeg:
Have a moisture tools
119.Please simply describe your plans in the farming and marketing of nutmeg:
Prepare new planlets for planting on the farm in this last years
120.Others: N/A



Guideline Interview/Questionnaire

Name of respondent : Maryadi

Age : 39th
Education : SMA
Address : Pujoraharjo, banjaran, Kec. Padang Cermin, Kab. Pesawaran
GPS coordinates
Telephone number : 082281932146

121.Nutmeg is main source of income (please select):

a. Yes : 70 %
b. No, please describe: 30 %
122.Length of experience in nutmeg farm: 12 years
123.Area size of nutmeg farm: 1 hectares
124.Nutmeg farm status (please select):
j. Owned :0 %
k. Rental :0%
l. Others : 100 % (please specify: HKM )
125.Estimated current value of nutmeg farm (if sold): Rp N/A
126.Age of nutmeg plants:
a. Productive plants: 12 years ( 30 %)
b. Unproductive plants: 12 years (70%)
127.Cropping pattern (please select):
a. Monoculture: ………. %
b. Intercropping: ……… % (type of crops: ……………..
c. Mixed; 100 % ( Kakao, Kapulaga )
128.Planting space (please select):
a. Regular: N/A %: ( N/A meter)
b. Irregular: N/A %
c. Mixed: 100 %
129.Number of nutmeg plants:
a. Productive plants: 60 trees
b. Unproductive plants: 300 trees
c. Total: 360 trees

130.Arrangement of plants based on male and female types:

a. Yes , Absolutely
b. No, reason: N/A
131.Farm maintenance (please select):
a. Fertilizing N/A
b. Pest and disease control (sometimes for ant)
c. Weeding (Manual)
d. Pruning (Sometimes)
e. Others: N/A
132.Farm labor:
a. Family labor: N/A %
b. Wage labor: 100 %
c. Labor cost: Rp 60.000,- per person per day
133.Total farm cost: Rp 2.000.000 per year
134.Harvesting time (please select):
a. Peak seasons (name of month: April / Mei )
b. Lean seasons (name of month: September/Oktober)
135.Average frequency of harvest:
a. 1 times per week
b. 3 times per month
136.Type of production (please select):
a. Fruits: 100 %
b. Leaves: N/A %
137.Average production per harvest (please select):
a. Fruits: 160 kilograms
b. Leaves: N/A kilograms
138.Postharvest handling (please select):
a. Yes (drying, sorting, grading, others ( Drying only)
b. No
139.Dying method (please select):
a. Dried in the sun: 100%
b. Using equipment: N/A % (name of equipment: N/A)
140.Average rendement (from fresh to dried fruits): N/A %
141.Distillation (please select): N/A
a. Yes, use questionnaire for edible oil distillery
b. No, continue to the following questions
142.Use of product:
a. Self-use: N/A %
b. Sell: N/A %

143.Type of selling product:

a. Fruits: 100 %
b. Leaves: 0 %
144.Marketing fruits:
a. Fresh fruits:
- To other farmers: ……….. %
- To distillers: …….……….. %
- To local traders: 100 %
- To other traders: ………… % (type of trader:
b. Dried fruits: N/A
- To other farmers: ………. %
- To distillers: ……….……. %
- To local traders: ………….%
- To other traders: ……….. % (type of trader:
145.Average fruit price:
a. Fresh fruits
- Other farmers: Rp ……………………. per kilogram
- Distillers: Rp
…………………… per kilogram
- Local traders: Rp 35.000 ,- per kilogram
- Other traders: Rp …………………… per kilogram
b. Dried fruits:
- Other farmers: Rp …………………... per kilogram
- Distillers: Rp
…………………... per kilogram
- Local traders: Rp ……………………. per kilogram
- Other traders: Rp …………………… per kilogram
146.Delivery system:
a. Delivered by seller: 0 %
b. Pick-up by buyer: 100 %
c. Mixed: 0 %
147.Origin of buyer:
a. Local: 100 %
b. Outside (from: N/A )
148.Price determination:
a. By seller: N/A %
b. By buyer: 100 %
c. Negotiation: In case the Nutmeg is wet
d. Mixed: N/A %
149.Payment method:
a. Cash: 100 %
b. Delayed: N/A %
c. Others: N/A %
150.Tax/retribution; Rp 1.000.000,- per year
151.Number of nutmeg farmers in this area: 247 persons
152.Do you a member of farmer’s group? (please select):
a. Yes
b. No
153.If you are a member of farmer’s group;
a. Name of farmer’s group: Pujo Makmur
b. Total number of farmer’s group: 247 persons
c. Role of farmer’s group in nutmeg farm (please describe):
154.Did you get technical assistance for nutmeg farm cultivation?
a. Yes, please describe: (N/A)
b. No, Because there is no programs for government or company
155.Have you provided by nutmeg farming program/project?
a. Yes, please describe ( Nutmeg Planlets )
b. No, why? N/A
156.Please briefly describe the obstacles encountered in farming and marketing of nutmeg:
There is no Technical Assistant and The price is not transparent
157.Please express your wishes regarding the farming and marketing of nutmeg:
Get technical assistant about nutmeg cultivation and quality
158.Please provide suggestions related to farming and marketing of nutmeg:
Have a moisture tools
159.Please simply describe your plans in the farming and marketing of nutmeg:
Prepare new planlets for planting on the farm in this last years
160.Others: N/A



Guideline Interview/Questionnaire

Name of respondent : Ahmad Rizal

Age : 46th
Education : SMA
Address : Talang Enim, Desa Maja, Kec. Marga Punduh, Kab.
GPS coordinates
Telephone number : 082176801697
161.Nutmeg is main source of income (please select):
a. Yes :
b. No, please describe: 30 % , Mostly kakao
162.Length of experience in nutmeg farm: 4 years
163.Area size of nutmeg farm: 1,5 hectares
164.Nutmeg farm status (please select):
m. Owned :0 %
n. Rental :0%
o. Others : 100 % (please specify: HKM )
165.Estimated current value of nutmeg farm (if sold): Rp N/A
166.Age of nutmeg plants:
a. Productive plants: 6 years ( 30 %)
b. Unproductive plants: 3 years (70 %)
167.Cropping pattern (please select):
a. Monoculture: ………. %
b. Intercropping: ……… % (type of crops: ……………..
c. Mixed; 100 % ( Kakao, Kapulaga, cengkeh)
168.Planting space (please select):
a. Regular: N/A %: ( N/A meter)
b. Irregular: N/A %
c. Mixed: 100 %
169.Number of nutmeg plants:
a. Productive plants: 15 trees
b. Unproductive plants: 35 trees
c. Total: 50 trees

170.Arrangement of plants based on male and female types:

a. Yes , Absolutely
b. No, reason: N/A
171.Farm maintenance (please select):
a. Fertilizing N/A
b. Pest and disease control (sometimes for ant)
c. Weeding Herbicide
d. Pruning N/A
e. Others: N/A
172.Farm labor:
a. Family labor: N/A %
b. Wage labor: N/A %
c. Labor cost: Rp N/A per person per day
173.Total farm cost: Rp N/A per year
174.Harvesting time (please select):
a. Peak seasons (name of month: Agustus / September)
b. Lean seasons (name of month: Februari / Maret)
175.Average frequency of harvest:
a. 1 times per week
b. 2 times per month
176.Type of production (please select):
a. Fruits: 100 %
b. Leaves: N/A %
177.Average production per harvest (please select):
a. Fruits: 50 kilograms
b. Leaves: N/A kilograms
178.Postharvest handling (please select):
a. Yes (drying, sorting, grading, others ( Drying only)
b. No
179.Dying method (please select):
a. Dried in the sun: 100%
b. Using equipment: N/A % (name of equipment: N/A)
180.Average rendement (from fresh to dried fruits): N/A %
181.Distillation (please select): N/A
a. Yes, use questionnaire for edible oil distillery
b. No, continue to the following questions
182.Use of product:
a. Self-use: N/A %
b. Sell: N/A %

183.Type of selling product:

a. Fruits: 100 %
b. Leaves: 0 %
184.Marketing fruits:
a. Fresh fruits: (N/A)
- To other farmers: ……….. %
- To distillers: …….……….. %
- To local traders: ………….. %
- To other traders: ………… % (type of trader:
b. Dried fruits:
- To other farmers: ………. %
- To distillers: ……….……. %
- To local traders: 100 %
- To other traders: ……….. % (type of trader:
185.Average fruit price:
a. Fresh fruits
- Other farmers: Rp ……………………. per kilogram
- Distillers: Rp
…………………… per kilogram
- Local traders: Rp 32.000 ,- per kilogram
- Other traders: Rp …………………… per kilogram
b. Dried fruits:
- Other farmers: Rp …………………... per kilogram
- Distillers: Rp
…………………... per kilogram
- Local traders: Rp …………………… per kilogram
- Other traders: Rp …………………… per kilogram
186.Delivery system:
a. Delivered by seller: 0 %
b. Pick-up by buyer: 100 %
c. Mixed: 0 %
187.Origin of buyer:
a. Local: 100 %
b. Outside (from: N/A )
188.Price determination:
a. By seller: N/A %
b. By buyer: 100 %
c. Negotiation: In case the Nutmeg is wet
d. Mixed: N/A %
189.Payment method:
a. Cash: 100 %
b. Delayed: N/A %
c. Others: N/A %
190.Tax/retribution; Rp 1.000.000,- per year
191.Number of nutmeg farmers in this area: 194 persons
192.Do you a member of farmer’s group? (please select):
a. Yes
b. No
193.If you are a member of farmer’s group;
a. Name of farmer’s group: Serumpun Jaya
b. Total number of farmer’s group: 194 persons
c. Role of farmer’s group in nutmeg farm (please describe):
194.Did you get technical assistance for nutmeg farm cultivation?
a. Yes, please describe: (N/A)
b. No, Because there is no programs for government or company
195.Have you provided by nutmeg farming program/project?
a. Yes, please describe ( Nutmeg Planlets )
b. No, why? N/A
196.Please briefly describe the obstacles encountered in farming and marketing of nutmeg:
There is no Technical Assistant and The price is not transparent
197.Please express your wishes regarding the farming and marketing of nutmeg:
Get technical assistant about nutmeg cultivation and quality
198.Please provide suggestions related to farming and marketing of nutmeg:
Have a moisture tools
199.Please simply describe your plans in the farming and marketing of nutmeg:
Prepare new planlets for planting on the farm in this last years
200.Others: N/A



Guideline Interview/Questionnaire

Name of respondent : Sutoyo

Age : 45th
Education : SMA
Address : Tanjung Jaya, Sumber Jaya, Kec. Way Ratai Kab. Pesawaran
GPS coordinates
Telephone number : 082380385403

201.Nutmeg is main source of income (please select):

a. Yes : 70 %
b. No, please describe: 30 %
202.Length of experience in nutmeg farm: 5 years
203.Area size of nutmeg farm: 2 hectares
204.Nutmeg farm status (please select):
p. Owned :0 %
q. Rental :0%
r. Others : 100 % (please specify: HKM )
205.Estimated current value of nutmeg farm (if sold): Rp N/A
206.Age of nutmeg plants:
a. Productive plants: 8 years ( 40 %)
b. Unproductive plants: 5 years (60 %)
207.Cropping pattern (please select):
a. Monoculture: ………. %
b. Intercropping: ……… % (type of crops: ……………..
c. Mixed; 100 % ( Coffee, Jengkol, Kapulaga)
208.Planting space (please select):
a. Regular: N/A %: ( N/A meter)
b. Irregular: N/A %
c. Mixed: 100 %
209.Number of nutmeg plants:
a. Productive plants: 150 trees
b. Unproductive plants: 200 trees
c. Total: 350 trees

210.Arrangement of plants based on male and female types:

a. Yes , Absolutely
b. No, reason: N/A
211.Farm maintenance (please select):
a. Fertilizing N/A
b. Pest and disease control (sometimes for ant)
c. Weeding (Manual)
d. Pruning ( 2 times / years )
e. Others: N/A
212.Farm labor:
a. Family labor: N/A %
b. Wage labor: 100 %
c. Labor cost: Rp 50.000,- per person per day
213.Total farm cost: Rp 4.000.000,- per year
214.Harvesting time (please select):
a. Peak seasons (name of month: Agustus / September)
b. Lean seasons (name of month: Februari / Maret)
215.Average frequency of harvest:
a. 1 times per week
b. 2 times per month
216.Type of production (please select):
a. Fruits: 100 %
b. Leaves: 50 %
217.Average production per harvest (please select):
a. Fruits: 100 kilograms
b. Leaves: 1000 kilograms
218.Postharvest handling (please select):
a. Yes (drying, sorting, grading, others ( Drying only)
b. No
219.Dying method (please select):
a. Dried in the sun: 100%
b. Using equipment: N/A % (name of equipment: N/A)
220.Average rendement (from fresh to dried fruits): N/A %
221.Distillation (please select): Yes
a. Yes, use questionnaire for edible oil distillery
b. No, continue to the following questions
222.Use of product:
a. Self-use: N/A %
b. Sell: 100 %

223.Type of selling product:

a. Fruits: 100 %
b. Leaves: 100 %
224.Marketing fruits:
a. Fresh fruits: (N/A)
- To other farmers: ……….. %
- To distillers: …….……….. %
- To local traders: 100 %
- To other traders: ………… % (type of trader:
b. Dried fruits:
- To other farmers: ………. %
- To distillers: ……….……. %
- To local traders: 100 %
- To other traders: ……….. % (type of trader:
225.Average fruit price:
a. Fresh fruits
- Other farmers: Rp ……………………. per kilogram
- Distillers: Rp
…………………… per kilogram
- Local traders: Rp 27.000 ,- per kilogram
- Other traders: Rp …………………… per kilogram
b. Dried fruits:
- Other farmers: Rp …………………... per kilogram
- Distillers: Rp
…………………... per kilogram
- Local traders: Rp 55.000,- per kilogram
- Other traders: Rp …………………… per kilogram
226.Delivery system:
a. Delivered by seller: 0 %
b. Pick-up by buyer: 100 %
c. Mixed: 0 %
227.Origin of buyer:
a. Local: 100 %
b. Outside (from: N/A )
228.Price determination:
a. By seller: N/A %
b. By buyer: 100 %
c. Negotiation: In case the Nutmeg is wet
d. Mixed: N/A %
229.Payment method:
a. Cash: 100 %
b. Delayed: N/A %
c. Others: N/A %
230.Tax/retribution; Rp 0,- per year
231.Number of nutmeg farmers in this area: 183 persons
232.Do you a member of farmer’s group? (please select): Yes
a. Yes
b. No
233.If you are a member of farmer’s group;
a. Name of farmer’s group: Karya Tani
b. Total number of farmer’s group: 183 persons
c. Role of farmer’s group in nutmeg farm (please describe):
234.Did you get technical assistance for nutmeg farm cultivation?
a. Yes, please describe: (N/A)
b. No, Because there is no programs for government or company
235.Have you provided by nutmeg farming program/project?
a. Yes, please describe ( Nutmeg Planlets )
b. No, why? N/A
236.Please briefly describe the obstacles encountered in farming and marketing of nutmeg:
There is no Technical Assistant and The price is not transparent
237.Please express your wishes regarding the farming and marketing of nutmeg:
Get technical assistant about nutmeg cultivation and quality
238.Please provide suggestions related to farming and marketing of nutmeg:
Have a moisture tools
239.Please simply describe your plans in the farming and marketing of nutmeg:
Prepare new planlets for planting on the farm in this last years
240.Others: N/A


Guideline Interview/Questionnaire

Please select based on type of trader accordingly:

1. Village/sub-district trader (local collector)

Name of respondent : Suroto

Age : 51
Education : SMA
Address : Dusun Sinar Dua Desa Harapan Jaya, Kecamatan Way Ratai,
GPS coordinates
Telephone number : 082184062100

241.Product type of trading:

a. Nutmeg: 100 %
b. Nutmeg/edible oil: N/A %
242.Length of experience in nutmeg trading: 18 years
243.Number of workers: 3 persons
244.Source of purchasing products:
a. Nutmeg fruits:
- Farmers: 60 %
- Other traders: 40 % (please specify: Mr. Suroto received nutmeg from
around buyers was collect by farmers, that’s mean buyers doing around the
village and directly on farmers house)
b. Nutmeg/edible oils:
- Farmers: N/A %
- Other traders: N/A % (please specify: N/A)
245.Origin of purchasing products:
a. Nutmeg fruits:
- Local: 100 %
- Outside: 0 % (origin: N/A)
b. Nutmeg/edible oils:
- Local: N/A%
- Outside: N/A% (origin: N/A)

246.Average purchasing price:

a. Nutmeg fruits: Rp 42.000 – Rp 54.000 per kilogram
b. Nutmeg/edible oil: Rp N/A per kilogram
247.Delivery system:
a. Delivered by seller: 100 %
b. Pick-up by buyer: N/A %
c. Mixed: N/A %
248.Purchasing price determinant:
a. By seller: 0 %
b. By buyer: 100 %
c. Negotiation: base on quality of nutmeg %
249.Payment method:
a. Cash: 100 %
b. Delayed: N/A %
c. Others: N/A %
250.Transportation cost responsibility:
a. Buyer : 100 %
b. Seller
c. Others

251.Selling destination of product:

a. Nutmeg fruits:
- Local trader (collector): 0 %
- Other trader: 100 % (please specify: Another werehouse )
- Market: 0 %
b. Nutmeg/edible oil:
- Local trader (collector): N/A %
- Other trader: N/A % (please specify: N/A)
- Market: N/A%
252.Origin of buyer:
a. Local 100 %
b. Outside (from: N/A)
253.Average selling price (nutmeg/edible oil):
a. Local trader (collector): Rp 40.000 – 54.000 per kilogram
b. District trader: Rp 60.000 – 65.000 per kilogram
c. Provincial trader: Rp 75.000 per kilogram
d. Exporter: Rp N/A per kilogram
e. Others: N/A per kilogram
254.Delivery system:
a. Delivered by seller: N/A %
b. Pick-up by buyer: 100 %
c. Mixed: N/A %
255.Selling price determinant:
a. By seller: N/A %
b. By buyer: N/A %
c. Negotiation: 100 %
256.Payment method:
a. Cash: 100 %
b. Delayed: N/A %
c. Others: N/A%
257.Transportation cost responsibility:
a. Buyer 100 %
b. Seller N/A %
c. Others N/A %
258.Tax and retribution: Rp 0 per year
259.Have you carried out laboratory testing for your nutmeg/edible oil?
a. Yes, please describe: N/A
b. No, why? Because of not a requirement by buyer
260.Quality control:
a. Buyer: 50 %
b. Seller: 50 %
c. Others: N/A
261.Number of trader in this area: 6 persons
262.Do you a member of organization/association? (please select):
a. Yes, please specify: N/A
b. No, why? There is no Organization/assosciation
263.If you are a member of organization/association, what is the role of this
organization/association in nutmeg/edible oil trading? (Please describe):
264.Did you get technical assistance for nutmeg/edible oil trading?
a. Yes, please describe: N/A
b. No, why? Because of the focus is just find the Nutmeg to fullfill the demand from
another city, There is no have programs from government and companys on the field
265.Please briefly describe the obstacles encountered in trading of nutmeg/edible oil:
266.Please express your wishes regarding the trading of nutmeg/edible oil:
………………………………… No have ………………………………………………..
267.Please provide suggestions related to trading of nutmeg/edible oil:
…………………………………No Have………………………….………………….
268.Please simply describe your plans in the trading of nutmeg/edible oil:


Guideline Interview/Questionnaire

Please select based on type of trader accordingly:

2. Village/sub-district trader (local collector)

Name of respondent : Parsini

Age : 38
Education : SMA
Address : Sumur Tujuh, Wonosobo, Tanggamus
GPS coordinates
Telephone number : 085279990099

270.Product type of trading:

a. Nutmeg: 100 %
b. Nutmeg/edible oil: N/A %
271.Length of experience in nutmeg trading: 7 years
272.Number of workers: 5 persons
273.Source of purchasing products:
a. Nutmeg fruits:
- Farmers: 40 %
- Other traders: 60 % (please specify: Mrs. Parsini received nutmeg from
around buyers was collect by farmers, that’s mean buyers doing around the
village and directly on farmers house)
b. Nutmeg/edible oils:
- Farmers: N/A %
- Other traders: N/A % (please specify: N/A)
274.Origin of purchasing products:
a. Nutmeg fruits:
- Local: 80 %
- Outside: 20 % (origin: Another District in Tanggamus)
b. Nutmeg/edible oils:
- Local: N/A%
- Outside: N/A% (origin: N/A)

275.Average purchasing price:

a. Nutmeg fruits: Rp 44.000 – Rp 56.000 per kilogram
b. Nutmeg/edible oil: Rp N/A per kilogram
276.Delivery system:
a. Delivered by seller: 100 %
b. Pick-up by buyer: N/A %
c. Mixed: N/A %
277.Purchasing price determinant:
a. By seller: 0 %
b. By buyer: 100 %
c. Negotiation: base on quality of nutmeg %
278.Payment method:
a. Cash: 100 %
b. Delayed: N/A %
c. Others: N/A %
279.Transportation cost responsibility:
a. Buyer : 100 %
b. Seller
c. Others

280.Selling destination of product:

a. Nutmeg fruits:
- Local trader (collector): 0 %
- Other trader: 100 % (please specify: Another werehouse )
- Market: 0 %
b. Nutmeg/edible oil:
- Local trader (collector): N/A %
- Other trader: N/A % (please specify: N/A)
- Market: N/A%
281.Origin of buyer:
a. Local 100 %
b. Outside (from: N/A)
282.Average selling price (nutmeg/edible oil):
a. Local trader (collector): Rp 30.000 – 52.000 per kilogram
b. District trader: Rp 60.000 – 65.000 per kilogram
c. Provincial trader: Rp 75.000 per kilogram
d. Exporter: Rp N/A per kilogram
e. Others: N/A per kilogram
283.Delivery system:
a. Delivered by seller: 50 %
b. Pick-up by buyer: 50 %
c. Mixed: N/A %
284.Selling price determinant:
a. By seller: N/A %
b. By buyer: N/A %
c. Negotiation: 100 %
285.Payment method:
a. Cash: 100 %
b. Delayed: N/A %
c. Others: N/A%
286.Transportation cost responsibility:
a. Buyer 100 %
b. Seller 100 %
c. Others N/A
287.Tax and retribution: Rp 0 per year
288.Have you carried out laboratory testing for your nutmeg/edible oil?
a. Yes, please describe: N/A
b. No, why? Because of not a requirement by buyer
289.Quality control:
a. Buyer: 50 %
b. Seller: 50 %
c. Others: N/A
290.Number of trader in this area: 2 persons
291.Do you a member of organization/association? (please select):
a. Yes, please specify: N/A
b. No, why? There is no Organization/assosciation
292.If you are a member of organization/association, what is the role of this
organization/association in nutmeg/edible oil trading? (Please describe):
293.Did you get technical assistance for nutmeg/edible oil trading?
a. Yes, please describe: N/A
b. No, why? Because of the focus is just find the Nutmeg to fullfill the demand from
another city, There is no have programs from government and companys on the field
294.Please briefly describe the obstacles encountered in trading of nutmeg/edible oil:
295.Please express your wishes regarding the trading of nutmeg/edible oil:
………………………………… No have ………………………………………………..
296.Please provide suggestions related to trading of nutmeg/edible oil:
…………………………………No Have………………………….………………….
297.Please simply describe your plans in the trading of nutmeg/edible oil:

Guideline Interview/Questionnaire

Name of respondent : Sutoyo

Age : 45
Education : SMA
Address : Tanjung Jaya, Sumber Jaya, Kec. Way Ratai, Kab. Pesawaran
GPS coordinates :
Telephone number : 082380385403

299.Length of experience in nutmeg distillery: 2 years

300.Age of distillery unit: 2 years
301.Value of distillery (if sold): Rp 30.000.000,-
302.Capacity of distillery: N/A kg nutmeg/edible oil per distiller ( N/A hour/day)
303.Distillery operation (please select):
a. Every day (………. hour/day)
b. ………. day per week
c. 1 week per month
304.Distillery operator (please select):
a. Family labor: N/A %
b. Wage labor: 100 %
c. Labor cost: Rp 50.000,- per person per day
305.Operational cost: Rp 7.000.000 per distillery
306.Type of raw material (please select):
a. Fruits: ………. %
b. Leaves: 100 %
307.Type of raw material (fruits):
a. Fresh fruits: ……….. %
b. Dried fruits: .………. %
a. Fresh fruits to dried fruits: ………... %
b. Fresh fruits to nutmeg oils: …….…. %
c. Dried fruits to nutmeg oils: …………%
309.Raw material (fruit) sources (please select):
a. Owned: 50%
b. Outside: 50%
310.Outside sources (please select):
a. Farmers: 100 %
b. Traders: ……….. % (from: …………………..
c. Market: ………… %
d. Others: ………… % (from: ……………..
311.Average purchasing price:
a. Fresh fruits: Rp ……….………. per kilogram
b. Dried fruits: Rp ……….……….. per kilogram
312.Delivery system:
a. Delivered by seller: 100 %
b. Pick-up by buyer: ………… %
c. Mixed: ….………………….. %
313.Purchasing price determinant:
a. By seller: ……….…. %
b. By buyer: 100 %
c. Negotiation: ………. %
314.Payment method:
a. Cash: 100 %
b. Delayed: ………. %
c. Others: …………% (please specify: ………………………………………….……..)
315.Transportation cost responsibility: Seller
a. Buyer
b. Seller
c. Others (please describe: ……………………………………………………….…….)
316.Selling destination of product (nutmeg oil):
a. Local trader (collector): 75 %
b. Other trader: ………………….. % (please specify: …………………..
c. Market: 25 %
317.Origin of buyer: Local
a. Local
b. Outside (from: ……………………………………………………………….……….)
318.Average selling price (nutmeg leaves oil):
a. Local trader (collector): Rp 500.000,- per kilogram
b. District trader: Rp 750.000,- per kilogram
c. Provincial trader: Rp ……………………………. per kilogram
d. Exporter: Rp …………………….……….………. per kilogram
e. Others: ………………………………………........ per kilogram
319.Delivery system:
a. Delivered by seller: 100 %
b. Pick-up by buyer: ………… %
c. Mixed: ….…………………. %
320.Selling price determinant:
a. By seller: ……….…. %
b. By buyer: 100 %
c. Negotiation: ………. %
321.Payment method:
a. Cash: 100 %
b. Delayed: ………. %
c. Others: …………% (please specify: ………………………………………….……..)
322.Transportation cost responsibility: Buyer
a. Buyer
b. Seller
c. Others (please describe: ……………………………………………………….…….)
323.Tax and retribution: Rp 0 per year
324.Have you carried out laboratory testing for your nutmeg oil? Yes
a. Yes, please describe: Just makesure about extract standard for first and after that just
doing the same
b. No, why? ……………………………………………………………………………...
325.Quality control:
a. Buyer: 50 %
b. Seller: 50 . %
c. Others: ……... % (please specify:
326.Number of nutmeg distillery in this area: 5 units
327.Do you a member of organization/association? (please select): N/A
a. Yes, please specify: ……………….……………………………………..
b. No, why? ……………………………………………………………………………...
328.If you are a member of organization/association, what is the role of this organization in
nutmeg distillery (please describe: ………………………………………………………..)
329.Did you get technical assistance for nutmeg distillery? N/A
a. Yes, please describe:
b. No, why ………………………………………………………………………….
330.Please briefly describe the obstacles encountered in distillery and marketing of nutmeg
There is no continuing Technical assistant about quality
331.Please express your wishes regarding the distillery and marketing of nutmeg oil:
Increasing productivity and can to be big distillery
332.Please provide suggestions related to distillery and marketing of nutmeg oil:
Please provide tools, machine with professional trainer for making good standard oil of
nutmeg or leaves of nutmeg
333.Please simply describe your plans in the distillery and marketing of nutmeg oil:
Increasing productivity eligible oil by leaves of nutmeg
334.Others: ………………………………N/A………………………………

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