Toaz - Info Gulika PR

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1. in lagn it gives diseases

2. in 2nd lack of wealth and ugly looks
3. in 3rd good looking, good position and honors
4. in 4th unhappy , sinful and vaayu dosh
5. in 5th shortlife, mean, sterile or low libido, controlled by wife
6. in 6th strong, without enemies, helpful and friendly
7. henpecked , sinful, will take money from wife and will run after other women
8. lack any virtues, poor, unhappy
9. evil. lazy, story teller and not doer, unhappy and nobody
10. religious, blessed with sons, virtuous , perform great deeds
11. will be leader, powerful, will indulge in high class women
12. unfortunate, defective body, sinful and will indulge in low class people

Gulika holds a position of prime importance in the evaluation of a natal chart. Also called as
Maandi, it, like Rahu and Ketu, has no physical existence. But it always makes a difference in the
natal chart output. Gulika is generally considered the most malefic entity in a chart. According to
the set standards of assessment of maleficence, it surpasses all natural malefics. Gulika enjoys a
special status almost like an independent planet, and in astrological classics it is considered as a
minor planet or subplanet.
In the traditional astrological practice, the Gulika-Kundali (a horoscopic chart, with houses
reckoned from the position of Gulika) used to be an essential component of the Janma-patri (the
scroll carrying the horoscopic details of a native, according to the traditional system of making
horoscopes in India).

Gulika and Maandi

In Vedic astrology, Gulika and Maandi are considered synonymous although some people try to
differentiate between them. Gulika denotes a certain segment of time controlled by Saturn. The
word ‘Maandi’ is derived from Manda or sluggish, another name of Saturn. According to the Brihat
Parashara Hora Shastra :

ukekUrja rq rL;So ekfUnfjR;fHk/kh;rsAA

That is: Of the same (i.e., Gulika), another name is Maandi.

Fixing the Gulika

The position of Gulika is different for daytime (from sunrise to sunset) and night time (from sunset
sunrise). The duration of the day or of the night (as the case may be) is divided into eight parts.
The segment belonging to Saturn is known as Gulika. For daytime, the first segment (the first
one-eighth of the night) belongs to the planetary lord of the weekday that falls fifth from the
weekday under consideration. The subsequent segments belong similarly to other planets that
rule the weekdays in natural order. The eighth part here too is without a lord. In each case the
part belonging to Saturn is called as Gulika.

The Controversy
The segment of Saturn during the day or during the night would have some duration. Some
people think that the ending moment of Saturn’s segment is the time to calculate the position of
Gulika. They determine the ascendant for the ending moment of Saturn’s part; the cusp thus
obtained is considered the ‘longitude’ of Gulika. However, the above-mentioned concept results
from an erroneous nderstanding of the shloka from the Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, which is
as follows :
xqfydkjEHkdkys ;r~ LQqVa ;TtUedkfyde~A
xqfyda çksP;rs rLekr~ tkrdL; Qya onsr~AA
That is: The cusp of the sign rising at the beginning of the Gulika segment is considered as
Gulika-from this the chart must be analysed.

There is a popular, but vague, method of finding out the Gulika. According to this, for a day of 30
Ghatis, the rising time for Gulika during the day, for the seven days from Sunday to Saturday, is at
26, 22, 18, 14, 10, 6 and 2 Ghatis from the time of sunrise. For night time, the order from Sunday
onwards is 10, 6, 2, 22, 18 and 14 ghatis from sunset. This method is not accurate. The Prashna
Marga, a south India treatise, also refers to the Gulika and Maandi being the same.

Results of Gulika
• Gulika in the first house most certainly reduces the good results of the chart. The impact is
maximum in malevolence when the cusp of the lagna and the Gulika are close in degrees. This
means that birth taking place at the commencement of the Gulika-kaala suffers the maximum
affliction. In such a situation, the Raja-yogas or other benefic yogas lose their potence. The
Phala-deepika states:
xqfydL; rq la;ksxks nks"kkUloZ=k fufnZ'ksr~A
That is: Determine all adverse results from Gulika’s association.

• When the nakshatra of the lagna and Gulika are mutually trinal, the basic benevolence of the
lagna nakshatra lord (LNL) is lost. Nakshatras 1, 10 and 19 are mutually trinal.

• Gulika spoils the benefic significations of most of the houses by occupying them. Thus, all
troubles ensue when Gulika occupies the lagna. In the second house, it curtails family comforts
and financial savings. Poor social status results when Gulika occupies the fourth house. In the
fifth, it leads to troubles from progeny. And so on.

• Of all the sub-planets, Gulika and Yamakantaka (the subplanet represented by Jupiter’s
segment) surpass all others in maleficence and beneficance respectively.

• Only in houses 3, 6, 10 and 11 does Gulika generate benefical results. In the tenth house,
however, it indicates delay in getting established
in a career.

• The good results of Gulika (from its placement in the above houses) are lost when the rashi and
navamsha lords of Gulika are neecha (debilitated) or combust.

Gulika with Natural Karakas

The association of Gulika with a natural Karaka (significator) always destroys the good effects of
Karaka. Classics hold the opinion that Gulika conjunct with the Sun creates lack of comforts for
father, with the Moon it is bad for mother, and with Mars it is adverse for brother. When Gulika
joins Mercury, the native becomes mentally disturbed. With Jupiter, the native becomes a
hypocrite. Gulika with Venus brings troubles from women and ruins marital life. Association with
Saturn leads to disease and skin disorder, with Rahu it leads to proneness to infection, and with
Ketu fear from fire.
Gulika can alter the results of other planetary yogas in the chart. All good yogas are lost when the
birth time and the Gulika-Kaala coincide together with another inauspicious factor like
Mahapaata, Gandanta, Visha-Ghati, etc. (refer to our article: ‘Pitfalls in Astrology’, vide the Vedic
Astrology Vol. 5, No. 3, May-June 2001 issue).

In Chart 1 (born on May 6, 1982; at 11:30 hours; in Nepal), the lagna is Karka (Cancer), at 23º06'.
Gulika lagna is 2S11º54', associated with Rahu. The native is mentally retarded. A Mahapaata
birth is also confirmed here.
A Special Rule
A point 180º from Gulika is also considered as acutely malefic in the natal chart. This point must
be taken into consideration when the lethal potential of a planet is to be determined. This is better
known as the Pramaana Gulika in Vedic astrology. The dispositor of Gulika or Pramaana Gulika
may prove fatal during its dasha, etc., displacing the other maraka or killer planets.

Dashas and Transits

• The dasha periods of the dispositor of Gulika or its navamsha lord may prove hazardous.
Chart 2 (born on October 17, 1955; at 17:30 hours; at Pune) belongs to an erstwhile famous ??
actress, Smita Patil. Her lagna is Meena (Pisces) while Gulika occupies Makara (Capricorn) in the
eleventh house. She died of meningitis in the Saturn-Mars period. Saturn is the rashi lord of
Gulika while Mars is its navamsha lord.

• Gulika in houses 1, 5 or 9 authorises the lagna lord to disburse the maraka effect during its

• Trouble results during the dasha of a planet that happens to be an associate of Gulika in the
rashi chart.

• Severe troubles are also likely during the dasha of any planet associating with Gulika in the
navamsha or the dwadashamsha charts.

• Specially adverse results ensue during the dasha period, of Jupiter or Saturn when they
associate with Gulika in the navamsha, or the dasha of the Sun when it associates with Gulika in
the dwadashamsha, or that of the Moon associating with Gulika in the Trimamsha chart.

• The Pramaana Gulika deserves the same treatment as Gulika (vide supra).

• The transit of Saturn and Jupiter over the navamsha sign lord of Gulika, that of the Sun over the
Dwadashamsha sign lord of Gulika, and that of the Moon over the Trimshamsha sign lord of
Gulika, put the native in trouble. This is according to the Prashna Marga, which states:
eUnkseq"; uoka'kikfJrx`gs e`R;qçnk;h xq#&
HkkZuq}kZn'kHkkxikfJrx`gs f=a'kka'ki{ksZ 'k'khA

• All trikona (1, 5, 9) rashis should be considered in application of transits.

Gulika and Accidents

• Gulika is extremely important as an active killer in Vedic astrology. It is used in the judgement of
longevity, along with dasha and transit.

• The lagna, the Moon and Gulika falling in Dwiswabha (dual) or

Sthira (fixed) signs prompt multiple ailments and fatality. In Chara (movable) signs, it leads to
good health and long life.

• The lagna, the Moon and Gulika falling in mutual trikonas in the navamsha chart, particularly in
rashis 4, 8 and 12 are fatal. Such a native is disease prone and accident prone. This is according
to the following dictum of the Prashna Marga: sphnt
vU;ksU;a ;fn rs f=dks.kHkxrk Hkkxk egkjksxnkA
n`"Vk eksgdjk ;qrk ej.knk% dfdZf=dks.ks n`<+e~AA

Gulika and Longevity

For the calculation of longevity, the lagna, the Moon the Sun and Gulika are all important. A
special rule for assessment of longevity involves using the cusp of the lagna and the longitudes of
the Sun, the Moon and Gulika. This is as follows:
Lagna ´ 5 + Gulika = Prana Sphnt
Moon ´ 8 + Gulika = Deha Sphnt
Gulika ´ 7 + Sun = Mrityu Sphnt
When the sum of Prana and Deha is more then the Mrityu, the native is likely to live long.
However, if Mirtyu is bigger than the Sun of Prana and Deha, a rudder end of life is indicated.
Chart 3 (born on November 19, 1917; at 23:11 hours IST; at Allahabad) belongs to the Late Indian
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Here, the lagna is 3S27º22', the Sun is 7S04º7', the Moon 9S05º35'
and Gulika 1S29º23'.
The sum of Prana and Deha is 1S2º16' while Mrityu is 2S15º04'. The native met a tragic end.

• Although Gulika is favoured in the third house, it turns death-inflicting when joined by or
aspected by Saturn.

• Gulika in the third with the Moon or receiving the full aspect of the Moon causes tuberculosis or
other internal fatal disease.

Daily Results of Gulika

• Add the cusp of the lagna to the ‘longitude’ of Gulika. The month when the Sun transits the
resultant sign leads to troubles and miseries.

• The most hazardous day is when the Moon transits the sign obtained from adding the longitude
of the Moon to that of Gulika.

• Add the lagna, the Moon and Gulika. The resultant ‘rashi’ is to be considered fatal. The month,
the day and the lagna indicated by the sum obtained above must be avoided in all major
In the example (chart 3) given above, Gulika is at 1S29º23'. This indicates Kanya (Virgo)
navamsha, Mesha (Aries) Dwadashamsha and Vrishchika (Scorpio) Trimshamsha for Gulika. The
native was shot dead on October 31, 1984 at around 10:00 hours IST, at Delhi (Chart 4). The
ascendant is Vrishchika, with Saturn in Tula along with the Sun, Jupiter and Gulika are in Dhanu
(Sagittarius). The Moon is in Makara (Capricorn) while the navamsha lagna is Meena (Pisces).
Adding the Moon and Gulika of the native of chart 3, we get Meena (Pisces). This is in time with
rising lagna of chart 4 as well as with its navamsha lagna. The natal Gulika was in Mesha (Aries)
Dwadashamsha (Chart 3). At the time of the fatal mishap, Jupiter and Gulika were in times of
(see chart 4).

Gulika and Progeny

• Gulika in the fifth house, particularly in rashis 3, 6, 10 and 11, leads to lack of children. In such a
situation, the native is likely to have some defect in his generative organs.

• Gulika may ensure successful conception when: (i) Gulika and the Moon are in the same sign;
(ii) Gulika is with the fifth lord; (iii) Gulika is aspected by the fifth lord; (iv) Gulika in the other sign
of the fifth lord; (v) Navamsha lords of Gulika and the Moon are related mutually.

• A successful conception results when Jupiter transits the times of Gulika rashi or Gulika
navamsha rashi. When Gulika is in any of the first six rashis (Mesha to Kanya), consider the
transit of Jupiter
from the Gulika rashi. When it is in the last six signs (Tula to Meena), consider the transit from
Gulika navamsha rashi.

Gulika in Special Lagnas

• Gulika in houses 1 or 7 in the Pada Lagna causes grey hair, ill health and serious disease of the

• When AK and Gulika occupy the Karkamsha lagna and both are aspected by the waxing Moon,
there ensue losses from repeated theft.

• The native dies of poisoning if Gulika in Karkamsha lagna is not aspected by any planet.
It may be noted that the same aspects, as applicable to the natal chart, are to be applied to all the
special lagna charts like Karakamsha, Pada, Upa-pada, Navamsha, etc.

Raja-yoga from Gulika

The dispositor of Gulika, a its navamsha lord, placed in a kendra or trikona,
or in its own sign or in exaltation, mollifies the adverse effects of Gulika and gives yoga effects,
though its lethal propensity (markatwa) would remain intact.
The Phaladeepika states:
xqfydHkouukFks dsUæxs ok f=dks.ks cfyfu
futx`gLFks LoksPpfe=fLFkrs okA
jFkxtrqjxk.kka uk;dks ekjrqy;ks
efgri`Fkq;'kk% L;kUesfnuhe.MysUæ%AA
That is: Let the Gulika be in a kendra, a trikona, or be strong, in its own house, or in exaltation or
in a friendly house. A potent Raja-yoga results from this disposition.

In chart 3 (vide supra), Gulika is in the eleventh house. Its sign lord Venus is strong, in its own
navamsha. The Gulika navamsha rashi lord in time shows a good and strong Raja-yoga.

In the horoscope of Mr. Chandra Babu Naidu (Chart 5, born on April 27, 1951; at 6:30 hours IST;
at Hyderabad), the lagna is 0S22º16'. Gulika is 1S08º37'. Gulika rashi lord Venus and navamsha
lord Jupiter, are in there own signs. Its Dwadashamsha lord Sun is exalted. A strong Raja-yoga is
formed and the native becomes powerful during Jupiter dasha. During Jupiter-Venus, the Raja-
yoga results would be enhanced.

Ms Jai Lalitha (Chart 6) was born on February 24, 1948; 14:34 hours IST; at Chennai. Gulika is at
1S20º14' in the twelfth house. However, its rashi lord Venus is exalted in the tenth house. This
exhibits a potential Raja-yoga.

To Mitigate the Evil

The evil of Gulika must be neutralised by prescribed remedies. Says Parashara:
nhia f'koky;s HkDR;k xks?k`rsu çnki;sr~A
Parashara thus recommends that one should worship lord Shiva regularly in the evening, bow
down to the Sun-god and lord Vishnu in the morning, and light a holy lamp of ‘ghee’ before a
Shiva temple. This would defy the evil arising out of an adverse disposition of Gulika.

By dividing Dinamanna i.e. the diurnal period by 8, we get eight parts of the time between sunrise
and sunset. The first part of the time is ruled by the lord of the day like Sun for Sunday, Moon for
Monday. The part of time which falls after the time ruled by Saturn belongs to Gulika.
Similarly for fixing Gulika in night birth, we take Ratrimanna i.e. the nocturnal period and divide in
equal eight parts. Here the eighth part too belong to Saturn and is called Gulika. However, the
usage method of finding out the Gulika is based on a day and night of 30 ghatis = 12 hours each.
Rising time for Gulika during the day for seven days for Sunday to Saturday is at 26, 22, 18, 14, 10,
6 and 2 ghatis from the time of sunrise. For night, the order from Sunday onwards is 10, 6, 2, 22,
18, and 14 ghatis from sunset.
Rishi Parasara in the following sloka has described the commencement of Gulika as follows:
गगललिककारम्भ ककालिल यत्स्फग टट तज्जन्मककाललिकमम।
गगललिकट पमररोच्यतल तस्मकाज्जकातकस्य फलिट
वदलत। म ।
Here the cusp of the sign rising at the beginning of the Gulika segment is considered as Gulika.
First House - Native posses cruel attitude, suffer from eye problems. Hate classical and traditional
literature and rituals. Always cursing himself.
Second House - Speaks ill of others. Involve himself in domestic troubles. Face financial hardship.
Third House - Proudy, selfish and remain aloof from society. Fond of drinking and always fighting
with siblings.
Fourth House - Lives in dirty atmosphere. Shortage of funds and no pleasure of any conveyance.
Fifth House - Worries on account of children. Dogmatic views and lack higher education.
Sixth House- Involve himself in many vices and suffers from its ill effects. Always troubled by
Seventh House - Character doubtful and spoils reputation in family circle – Suspicious about
Eighth House - Life full of unending troubles. Suffer from chronic diseases – speak ill of others.
Always threat to longevity.
Ninth House - Suffering due to early death of father. No religious aptitude.
Tenth House - No proper and gainful sources of income. Changing profession and unsuccessful in
Eleventh House - Gains from progeny. Plenty of wealth. Luxurious life style.
Twelth House - Poor living. Unable to meet fimily expenses. Depend on others for financial help.
Gulika gives favourable results in upachaya houses like 3 – 6 – 10 and 11. The unavourable results
of Gulika are lost when the rashi and Navamsa Lords of Gulika dispositor are debilitated or combust.


The natural karaka planets when associated with Gulika destroy or diminish good results of that
Gulika and Sun - Harmful to the longevity of Father.
Gulika and Moon - Loss of comforts from mother.
Gulika and Mars - Adverse family relations with co-borns and suffer from their early death.
Gulika and Mercury - Native remain mentally disturbed.
Gulika and Jupiter - Person misuse the religious feelings of others. Pose himself as religious
Gulika and Venus - Suffers due to bad company of doubtful character women and ruins his marital
Gulika and Saturn - Suffer from skin and allergy diseases.
Gulika and Rahu - Prone to infection and virus diseases.
Gulika and Ketu - Fear from bad characters and criminals.


Even with many unfavourable traits mentioned above, Gulika posses powers of conferring Raja Yoga
like honouring the native with highest position in profession/career, dignity and honour throughout
life, political powers leading to holding ministerial post. Name and fame and comforts of luxurious
Phala Deepika Chapter 25 sloka – 18 describe as follows:

गगललिकभवननकाथल कलन्दमरगल वका लतमरकरोणल बललिलन लनजगहग स्थल स्वरोच्चलमतमरलस्थतल वका।

रथगजतगरगकाणकाट नकायकरो मकारतगल्यरो मलहतपथ ग यग शकास्स्यकान्मललदननीमण्डलिलन्दमररः।।
These Raja Yogas will fructify in case the dispositor of Gulika; its Navamsa lords are placed in
Kendra or trikona houses or in its own sign or in its exaltation. These avasthas of Gulika dispositor
nullify the adverse effects of Gulika and give Raj Yoga results. But its propensity as maraca remain

The above principles are explained in the following horoscopes:

J.L. Nehru DOB 14.11.1889 TOB 23.00 hrs. POB, Allahabad.

Gulika is located in 3rd house in Virgo and its dispositor is placed in 4th Kendra house. Thus
dispositor being place in Kendra has given the native the powers to rule India. Mercury is associated
with own Sign Lord Venus which is also 11th Lord and conferred him lot of wealth and reputation.


Ratan Tata DOB 28.12.1936 TOB 06.30 hrs. POB Mumbai.

Gulika is placed in 8th house in
cancer and its Lord Moon is in 7th
Kendra house. So the dispositor
be placed in Kendra has given lot
of family wealth to the native
since childhood. The native is
controlling lot of enterprises
successfully in the country.
List of other horoscopes where
the above principle is applicable
1. AB Bajpai

DOB 25.12.1924 TOB 05.45 hrs.

POB Gwalior.
2. Dr. Kunal Choudhary (USA)
DOB 15.10.1961 TOB 05.15 hrs.
POB Muzaffarpur.
3. Prof. S.N. Gaur (Chest
Diseases Specialist)
DOB 23.05.1952 TOB 22.45 hrs.
POB Delhi.
4. Jugal Kishore Birla
DOB 23.05.1883 TOB 09.30 hrs.
POB Plani.
5. Former Judge, Delhi High Court
DOB 12.04.1940 TOB 01.21 hrs. POB Shahjahanpur.
Jaya Lalita
DOB 24.02.1948 TOB 14.34 hrs. POB Chennai.
Pooja Sharma (National Kabbadi Champion)
DOB 31.08.1984 TOB 05.00 hrs. POB Meerut.
DOB 12.01.1863 TOB 06.40 hrs. POB Calcutta.

Puranik Origin
RAVANA, King of Lanka, who is credited with great achievements in the yogic line and
attained several sidhis,
wanted that his expected son, should be the greatest of all and thought that, the
only way to ensure this, would
be to make all planets occupy their Exaltation signs at the time of birth. Further, he
thought that this was possible
only through Tapas (yogic meditation). He started Tapas and as each planet reached
its Exaltation, he stopped them from moving into the next sign, by holding them by
their legs. He completed this process and was awaiting the birth of his son whom he
was going to name INDRAJIT. Saturn, understanding the motive of this game, took a
violent jump from Exaltation to his Debilitation in Aries. While he did so, Saturn's feet
broke of and remained in Ravana's hands; the latter in desperation and disgust,
threw them of. Since there was life left in the two feet, they joined together and took
the shape of GULIKA or MANDI, who then occupied the 12th house at the birth
of INDRAJIT who, as a result of this, had his longevity reduced and met with his end
near about the same time as Ravana in the great battle of Ramayana. Since Gulika is
an ofshoot of Saturn, in Astrology, he is known as the son of Saturn. So goes one

In the Navagraha Beejakshara Mantra, Gulika is described

as SARWA HANTHRE (destroyer of all). In the whole of
Kerala and many parts of South India, Gulika is treated as the 10th planet and is,
undoubtedly the greatest of the
Upa-Grahas or subsidiary planets. Even today, it would be difficult to see
a Kerala Horoscope without Gulika being
located in Rasi, Bhava and Navamsa kundali. When the rising sign in any horoscope is
in doubt, there are rules to
fix the Asdt with reference to Gulika. If Gulika is found in any Asdt, astrologers are
never in doubt about the
accuracy of the Asdt. It is even said that there will be greater number of births when
the sign occupied by Gulika
is rising or sign whose trines are occupied by Gulika are rising. Gulika is the planet
that breaks, spoils and destroys
many things. When the sign occupied by him is rising, he tries to break open
the garba-patra of an enciente woman
in the advanced stages.

References to Gulika are found in this foundation book, in many chapters; yet it is
surprising that the status of Gulika
in horoscopes is not appreciated in many parts of India; may be, many are ignorant of
the importance attached to it
by the Maharshi.

Like Saturn, Gulika confers auspicious effects in 3, 6 and 11th houses when he is
In conjunction with any planet, he will spoil the planet(s) so involved.

How to locate Gulika on the zodiac

Gulika is not visible on the zodiac, since it is an imaginary point like Dragon's Head or
Tail and is arrived at with
reference to the actual degree rising at Sunrise/Sunset. The following table indicates
the time of rising of Gulika,
both after Sunrise and Sunset :-

Hours after Sunrise Hours after Sunset
Hrs Mts Hrs Mts

Sunday 10-24 4-00

Monday 8-48 2-24
Tuesday 7-12 0-48
Wednesday 5-36 10-24
Thursday 4-00 8-48
Friday 2-24 7-12
Saturday 0-48 5-36

The hours and minutes given above are based on the assumption that days and
nights are of equal duration,
namely 12 hours each. When they vary, the hours and minutes given above should
also vary pro-rata.

For these purposes, the Hindu System of determining days and nights should be
followed i.e. on the basis of
(say) Monday beginning at Sunrise on Monday and lasting till Sunrise on Tuesday
Example :
In Bombay on 31st August 1960, Sunrise was at 6-23 am and the degree
occupied by Sun was
15°-43' Leo (as per Prof. BV Raman's Ayanamsa), thus the rising degree of
zodiac at Sunrise was
15°-43' Leo. As per the table above, the degree occupied by Gulika rises 5
hours 36 minutes i.e.
Gulika rises in Scorpio at 10° (5 hours 36 minutes = 336' divided by 4 =
84°. Leo 16° (i.e.136°)
plus 84° = 220° = Scorpio 10°. From this position, Navamsa and
other vargas are determined.
Sunset was at 6-55 pm. Setting degree was 16°-13'. Gulika rises 10 hours
24 minutes after Sunset.
(10 hrs 24 mts = 624 minutes = 156° or 5 signs and 6° away from setting
degree = Cancer 23°).

Effect of Gulika in various bhavas

Asdt Sufferings from chronic diseases, wounds on limbs

2nd Shabbily dressed; used to vulgar or impolite talk
3rd Courageous but hatred towards his own brothers
4th Fear from foes; meagre material happiness
5th Suffers from shooting pains, few or no children, disrespects the
6th Conscious of his own shortcomings
7th Oversexed; evil/cross eyed; harasses his wife; hates own relatives
8th Short life; good intellect; suffers from various diseases;
meets his end with poison or fire
9th Bereft of charities and kindness
10th Reputed; takes interest in others' affairs; has a dignity of his own;
wedded to poverty
11th A number of servants under him; financial status
12th Shortage of any limb or organ or defect somewhere;
ill-shaped nails; troubled by bad dreams.

Effects of Gulika in conjunction with planets

Gulika conjunct SUN - Death of Father

MOON - Troubles to and dissensions with mother
MARS - Separation/bitterness with brothers
MERCURY - Hysteria
JUPITER - Hypocrisy
VENUS - Intimacy with low class/caste people
SATURN - Leprosy
D. HEAD - Suffers from septic poison/diseases arising
from poison
D. TAIL - Fear from fire

Note : Conjunction in this context means stay in any sign together.

The nearer the planets are, greater the effects of conjunction.

In Horary Astrology, Gulika is considered as not only a first class malefic but the worst
malefic. If he is found
rising (or occupies the rising sign), reverse results only are predicted. If there are
benefic aspects on Gulika,
some lessening of the evil effects are conceded, but the evil effects are never totally

Kerala astrologers take the dispositor of Gulika also into account.

Gulika Rasyadipatya and Gulika Bhavanadipatya are black-marks on the planets

Effects of Gulika in Various Houses

Effects of Gulika in Various Houses (up to Sloka 73). If Gulika is in 1st House, the
native will be afflicted by diseases, be lustful, sinful, crafty, wicked and very
63. If Gulika is in 2nd House, the native will be unsightly in appearance, miserable,
mean, given to vices, shameless and penniless.
64. If Gulika is in 3rd House, the native will be charming in appearance, will head a
village, be fond of virtuous men and be honoured by the king.
65. If Gulika is in 4th House, the native will be sickly, devoid of happiness, sinful and
afflicted due to windy and billious excesses.
66. If Gulika is in 5th House, the native will not be praise-worthy, be poor, short-lived,
spiteful, mean, be a eunuch, be subdued by his wife and be a heterodox.
67. If Gulika is in 6th House, the native will be devoid of enemies, be strong-bodied,
splendorous, liked by his wife, enthusiastic, very friendly and helpful in disposition.
68. If Gulika is in 7th House, the native will subdue to his spouse, be sinful, will go to
others females, be emaciated, devoid of friendship and will live on his wifes wealth.
69. If Gulika is in 8th House, the native will be troubled by hunger, be miserable,
cruel, very much short-tempered, very unkind, poor and bereft of good qualities.
70. If Gulika is in 9th House, the native will undergo many ordeals, be emaciated, will
perform evil acts, be very unkind, sluggish and be a talebearer.
71. If Gulika is in 10th House, the native will be endowed with sons, be happy, will
enjoy many things, be fond of worshipping gods and fire and will practice meditation
and religion.
72. If Gulika is in 11th House, the native will enjoy women of class, be a leader of
men, be helpful to his relatives, be short stature and be an emperor.
73. If Gulika is in 12th House, the native will indulge in base deeds, be sinful,
defective-limbed, unfortunate, indolent and will join mean people.

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