Optics and Laser Technology: R. Al Mahmud, R.H. Sagor, M.Z.M Khan
Optics and Laser Technology: R. Al Mahmud, R.H. Sagor, M.Z.M Khan
Optics and Laser Technology: R. Al Mahmud, R.H. Sagor, M.Z.M Khan
Surface Plasmon (SP) based biosensors have attracted the scientific community owing to their wide range of applications and remarkable performance in the past few
years. Exploiting the principle of SP propagation at metal-dielectric and the subsequent surface plasmon resonance (SPR) has established these sensors as a promising
candidates in biosensing applications with sensitivities reaching as high as 67000 nm/refractive index unit (nm/RIU). In this work, we have extensively discussed and
summarized SP refractive index (RI) based biosensors from the literature and their performance since 2015. Moreover, we have categorized the biosensors into three
classes based on SP excitation and its deployment in sensing RI of biomaterials or analytes. Firstly, fiber based, which includes photonic crystal fiber (PCF) and other
optical fibers, where extensive work has been accomplished. Following are the multilayer structure based SP RI biosensors engaging either 2D materials or gratings
and have reported sensitivities of 243 deg/RIU and 2300 nm/RIU, respectively. Lastly, metal–insulator-metal (MIM) biosensors exhibit small footprint features and
the possibility of photonic integration, exhibiting sensitivity as high as 7564 nm/RIU. In general, the state-of-the-art topologies in these categories, employed
materials, design parameters, and their performances metrics in terms of sensitivity, the figure of merit (FOM), detection range (DR), detection limit (DL), etc., are
incorporated and may serve as an extensive assemblage of SP RI biosensors for scientific and industry committees.
Index Terms—Surface Plasmon, Refractive index sensors, Biosensors, Metal-insulator–metal, Photonic crystal fiber, Multicore fiber, 2D materials, Gratings.
1. Introduction allowing easy detection with high sensitivity. For instance, detection of
different diseases [7], blood component detection [8–14], biological
RESEARCHERS have been considering SP based photonic devices as a molecule detection [15–17], DNA related detection [18–20], cancerous
potential alternative to the traditional ones owing to numerous advan cell detection [21–27], virus and bacterium detection [28–31], detec
tages, such as compactness, efficiency, fast, low-cost, and the possibility tion of protein and glucose concentration in human urine [6,32], protein
of photonic integration, despite a few disadvantages, such as immobi detection [32–35], etc., are reported in the literature with SP RI
lization effects, mass transport limitations, and the impact of a strong biosensors.
electromagnetic field on the resonance. In particular, the miniaturiza Moreover, multiple approaches have been developed to design SP RI
tion of SP photonic devices that may overcome the diffraction limit of biosensors with high-performance characteristics and convenient
light could enable subwavelength size designs. For instance, SP based fabrication. Biosensor parameters such as sensitivity, the FOM, DL,
optical filters [1], demultiplexers [2], amplifiers, switches [3,4], sensors operating RI and wavelength range, full width at half maximum
[5,6], splitters, etc., are reported. In recent years, standing out from (FWHM), etc., are being measured or calculated to determine the sensor
these devices are the SP based sensors, which could detect minor quality. In this regard, researchers are striving to enhance these metrics
changes in sensing material’s refractive index (RI) in an environment, by offering various device designs while considering sensor simplicity
and have been garnering strong attention in biosensing applications and ease of fabrication. For instance, selection of materials (novel ma
since various biomaterials, liquid analytes, gases (i.e., different terials like 2D materials, organic materials, etc.), geometries design
cancerous cells, blood components) exhibits specific RI values. This (optical fiber based, discrete multilayer based, compact metal–insulator-
feature has been exploited to conveniently sense their RI change, thus metal or grating based), excitation of SP in terms of orientation and
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: rabiul.eee@iut-dhaka.edu (R.A. Mahmud), sagor@iut-dhaka.edu (R.H. Sagor), zahedmk@kfupm.edu.sa (M.Z.M Khan).
Currently with Optoelectronics Research Laboratory, Electrical Engineering Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran
31261, Saudi Arabia.
Received 4 October 2022; Received in revised form 10 November 2022; Accepted 17 November 2022
0030-3992/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.A. Mahmud et al. Optics and Laser Technology 159 (2023) 108939
magnitude, placement of input and output ports, etc. are considered that our study focuses primarily on biosensing applications that exclusively
essentially dictates the SP RI biosensors effectiveness. Although a range employ sensors exploiting SP based sensing techniques. It provides re
of performance metrics, as highlighted above, indicate the quality of the searchers with greater exposure to the most current developments in this
SP RI biosensors; in this work, the single decisive indicator to apprehend area of SP RI biosensors.
better designs when evaluating their different types, is chosen to be This review work is organized as follows: Section II provides the
sensitivity. This important parameter is utilized to compare a compre background about SP, its types, and resonance conditions. Subsequently,
hensive range of RI biosensors, with the understanding that most sensors the categorization of various SP RI biosensors reported in the literature
in a specific category possess comparable sensitivity units. is discussed. Section III provides a comprehensive review of fiber based
In literature, considering fiber based SP RI biosensors, photonic biosensors, while Sections IV and V discuss the multiplayer based and
crystal fiber (PCF) designs have been shown to outperform the other MIM based biosensors. The study is concluded with the conclusion and a
fiber based counterparts in terms of sensitivity, demonstrating a value of few possible future directions.
as high as 67000 nm/RIU [36]. The most notable PCF configurations are
circular and D-shaped, including interior and exterior sensing mecha 2. Background
nisms dictated by the positioning of the analytes, and Gold/Silver is the
most common and crucial plasmonic material. In the other fiber based SP RI biosensors presented in this review work involve surface
designs, U-shaped, uncladded, and multicore fiber (MCF) based SP RI plasmon polaritons (SPPs) in the form of surface plasmon waves (SPW)
biosensors are among the fabricated and practically tested devices in the or localized surface plasmon (LSP). In comparison, their corresponding
literature. On the other hand, sensors employing prism and multilayer resonance conditions are referred to as SPR and localized surface plas
2D materials (Graphene, MoS2 WS2, etc.), including plasmonic and other mon resonance (LSPR). More details about these SPs are discussed in
materials providing strength and stability, have very recently attracted subsequent sections. SPPs are generally created when electromagnetic
the scientific community to realize SP RI biosensors with superior per (EM) fields interact with electron oscillations as they pass across the
formance characteristics. However, most of these reported biosensors interface between a conductor and a dielectric. The strength of this EM
are simulation based, exhibiting sensitivities of either ~ 53–243 deg/ wave will be maximum at the interface and decrease with the materials’
RIU. depth. The portion of penetration of the EM wave is much higher in the
Alternatively, a multilayer grating based SP RI biosensor is being dielectric material than in the metal, which implies that the wave
revisited by researchers with a multilayer topology by sandwiching propagates along the interface while a major part is in the dielectric
various materials, such as Polystyrene, Cytop polymer, etc., along with region. LSP terminology is considered when the interface is in the form
metallic layers, for the purpose of sensitivity enhancement. Besides, of metallic nanostructures and dielectrics. The free cloud of electrons on
reports under this class of SP RI biosensors have successfully fabricated the metallic nanostructures oscillates collectively due to external exci
and experimentally demonstrated the performance with analytes. tation of the EM field in the form of light. The resonance condition for
Lastly, MIM based SP RI biosensors are another group of devices that SPP and LSP is the SPR and LSPR, respectively. Fig. 2 depicts the SPPs at
exhibit unique features such as the most compact size, comparable the dielectric-metal interface and LSPR with metal nanoparticles. In the
performance with discrete sensors, and easily integrated on a photonic subsequent sections, each class of SP RI biosensor begins with a basic
integrated chip. Device configuration exploiting SP in a waveguide description of the underlying working principle, followed by a
configuration with a ring resonator and relying on the interference comprehensive discussion on reported works from literature while
principle is the basis of MIM based biosensors, unlike the other sensors incorporating various assessing parameters, viz. design considerations,
that are based on SP resonance conditions. This category’s sensitivities geometries, simulation, experimental methodologies, and performance
are numerically reported in the ~ 1100–7500 nm/RIU range. Different metrics that determine the quality of the biosensor.
categories of SP RI biosensors considered in the review: optical fiber,
multilayer 2D material and gratings, and MIM configurations, are pre 3. Fiber-based biosensors
sented in Fig. 1.
Some of the recent reviews discussed surface plasmon resonance Most of the commonly deployed optical fibers in sensing are made of
(SPR) based biosensing for COVID-19 diagnosis [37], SPR based sensors
for biomolecules and gas detection with carbon nanomaterials [38],
optical fiber biosensors with novel nanomaterials [39], optical fiber
sensors for environmental health monitoring with nanocomposite Thin-
film [40], sensing and supercontinuum generation applications with
PCF [41], detection of physical, chemical, and biological parameters
with fiber Bragg grating [42], ultrasonic wave application with phase
shifted fiber Bragg grating [43]. In-depth discussions of the sensing
method and application are included in these reviews, most focusing on
a specific optical sensing technique and application. On the other hand,
Fig. 1. Different categories of surface plasmon based refractive Fig. 2. Generation of (a) SPP at the metal and dielectric interface and (b) LSPR
index biosensors. at the metal nanostructure and dielectric interface. From Guo et al. [44].
R.A. Mahmud et al. Optics and Laser Technology 159 (2023) 108939
Silica and consist of a core and a cladding. The RI of the cylindrical core, the refractive indices of the core and the cladding, respectively. When
which is surrounded by the cladding, exhibits a higher value to ascertain the light transverse mode propagates along the fiber length, most of the
the total internal reflection (TIR). In other words, the angle of incidence EM wave exists in the core, while a minor part, known as the evanescent
of the light at the core-cladding interface must be higher than the critical wave, exists in the cladding region. This field exhibits an exponential
angle θc = sin− 1 (n2 /n1 ), as dictated by Snell’s law, where n1 and n2 are decay while penetrating the cladding region compared to its value at the
Table 1
Recent advancements in the design and performance of PCF based SP RI biosensors.
Ref. Year PCF Materials Sensing Biomaterials Sensitivity DL (RIU) DR (RI) λR (µm) S/ DwA?
Configuration (nm/RIU) FOM E (Y/N)
[36] 2022 D‑shaped Gold coated Stages of RBCs of Malaria 67,000 1.5 × 10− 6 1.30–1.40 1.2–3.2 S Y
disease FOM: 279.16
[30] 2022 D‑shaped MXene between Protein, viruses, cancer, 13,000 1.075 × 10− 6 1.33–1.39 – S Y
Silica and Gold and blood cells FOM: 130
[49] 2021 D‑shaped Silver coated Biochemical analytes, food 3735 2.105 × 10− 5 1.37–1.41 1.4–2.2 S –
with Graphene quality, and medical 4485.7 0.667 × 10− 5 1.36–1.41
and ZnO diagnosis
[50] 2021 D‑shaped Graphene coating Low‑index liquid analyte 2320 FOM: 127 1.27–1.37 1.07–1.4 S N
of silver nanofilm
[51] 2020 D-shaped Titanium nitride – − 16275 – 1.44–1.48 – S N
− 7571 1.485–1.52
[55] 2019 D-shaped Gold nanofilm High-index analyte 9300 – 1.45–1.6 – S N
[56] 2019 Side-polished D- Gold thin film Bovine serum albumin 6328 FOM: 46.1 1.333–1.404 – E Y
[61] 2018 D-shaped Gold gratings – 3340 5.98 × 10-6 1.36–1.38 – S N
[45] 2017 D-shaped Gold and TiO2 – 46,000 – 1.34–1.35 0.5–1.7 S N
coated on fiber
[62] 2017 Side-polished D- Silver coated Bio-chemical 21,700 – 1.33–1.34 0.5–0.9 E Y
[63] 2017 Side-polished D- Gold coated on – 7381 – 1.40–1.42 0.5–1.2 S, N
shaped fiber E
[64] 2017 D-shaped ITO coated on – 6000 – 1.30–1.31 1.0–1.1 S N
[122] 2022 Circular-shaped Gold coated with Biochemical sensing, 10,000 2 × 10− 1.35–1.40 0.5–1.35 S N
TiO2 medical testing
− 6
[46] 2022 Circular-shaped TiO2 between Liquid analytes 20,000 5 × 10 1.34–1.38 0.9–1.65 S Y
metal and FOM: 93.45
[8] 2022 Circular-shaped Gold and Blood composition 12,400 8.06 × 10− 1.33–1.40 0.6–1.1 S Y
Titanium Dioxide
[21] 2022 Circular-shaped Silica and Indium Plasma cells in human 6701.03 0.0097 1.3246–1.3634 1.4–2.2 S Y
Tin Oxide blood
− 5
[47] 2021 Circular-shaped Gold and MgF2 – 27,959 3.70 × 10 1.32–1.38 1.7–3.7 S N
− 6
[26] 2021 Circular-shaped Au coated with Cancer cells 12857.14 7.77 × 10 1.360–1.401 0.6–1.6 S Y
TiO2 (TM) FOM 17.39
14285.71 7.00 × 10− 6
(TE) FOM 21.61
[28] 2021 Circular-shaped Gold coated Pseudomonas bacteria 20,000 5.26 × 10− 6 1.33–1.42 0.5–1.5 S Y
[48] 2021 Circular-shaped Gold coated Organic chemicals, 14,500 6.9 × 10− 6 1.35–1.41 0.55–0.8 S N
biochemical analyte FOM: 387
[7] 2021 Circular-shaped Gold coated Malaria in human body 8206.9 0.007 – 0.7–1.0 S Y
10,000 0.019
14285.71 0.029
[52] 2020 Circularly Slotted Gold coated – 6666 6.25 × 10− 6 1.4–1.46 0.5–1.1 S N
[53] 2019 Circular-shaped Alcohols 40,000 8 × 10-3 1.33–1.53 1.5–3.0 S Y
[54] 2019 Circular-shaped Gold coated – 12,000 8.33 × 10-6 1.33–1.40 0.55–0.95 S N
[15] 2018 Circular-shaped Gold coated Biochemical and 9000 1.11 × 10-5 1.34–1.37 0.5–1.1 S N
biological analyte
[59] 2018 Circular-shaped Gold coated – 6000 1.66 × 10-5 1.36–1.39 0.7–0.9 S N
[16] 2016 Circular-shaped Copper and Biomolecules, organic 2000 5 × 10-5 1.33–1.37 0.53–0.75 S N
Graphene chemicals
[25] 2019 Bowl-shaped Titanium coated Various cancer cells 10,000 9.33 × 10− 1.36–1.401 0.5–2.0 S Y
[57] 2019 Trapezoidal Gold layer – 4400 – 1.44–1.57, 1.41–1.51, – S Y
analyte channel 6100 1.40–1.49, 1.40–1.44.
[58] 2018 Birefringent Gold coated Biochemical and 15,180 5.6818 × 1.40–1.43 0.8–1.55 S N
biological analyte 10− 6
[60] 2018 Spiral-shaped Gold coated Biological analyte 4600 2.17 × 10− 1.33–1.38 0.55–0.8 S N
[65] 2017 Coating outside Gold coated Biological analyte 2200 – 1.33–1.36 0.5–0.74 S N
[66] 2016 Coating outside Gold coated Biological and 1000 1 × 10-4 1.33–1.36 0.6–0.75 S N
biochemical analyte
*DL: Detection Limit; DR: Detection Range; λR: Operating wavelength range; S/E: Simulation/Experiment; DwA: Demonstration with analyte? Y/S: Yes/No.
R.A. Mahmud et al. Optics and Laser Technology 159 (2023) 108939
R.A. Mahmud et al. Optics and Laser Technology 159 (2023) 108939
detect blood composition and plasma cells in human blood. IV). The authors reported wavelength sensitivity of 40000 nm/RIU,
In 2021, Ahmed et al. [47] proposed a circular-shaped PCF biosensor resolution of 8 × 10-3 RIU, able to detect RI in the 1.33–1.53 range.
based on metal films coated with Gold and MgF2 and air holes placed In general, PCF based SP RI sensors are attracting researchers as a
inside. On the other hand, the holes outside the metallic ring encompass viable configuration for biosensing applications, and a summary of these
the analyte, as depicted in Fig. 3(c). The authors have optimized the size sensors since 2015 is comprehensively summarized in Table 1. For
of inner air holes and the analyte holes for optimum sensor performance instance, along with the sensitivity, FOM and DL were reported as per
and demonstrated a sensitivity of 27958.49 nm/RIU with a sensing formance parameters, with the maximum FOM of 387 for circular sha
resolution of 3.70094 × 10-5 RIU and RI range of 1.32–1.38. Moreover, ped PCF and most of the DL in the 10-5 range. In addition, conventional
two resonance peaks operating at two different wavelength ranges have [54], bowel-shaped [25], D-shaped [55,56] were reported in the year
been reported while highlighting possible fabrication techniques. 2019, demonstrating sensitivities in the range of 440 – 12000 nm/RIU.
In the same year, Ramola et al. [26], on the other hand, presented On the other hand, in the years 2018 [15,58–61], 2017 [45,62–65], and
another approach to circular shaped PCF by including both air holes and 2016 [16,66], PCF based SP RI sensors with a sensitivity range of ~
holes to hold the analyte inside the circular Gold and TiO2 layers. The 3340–15180 nm/RIU, ~2220–67000 nm/RIU and ~ 1000–2000 nm/
authors have investigated this biosensor as a potential cancer cell de RIU, respectively, were, thus indicating a progressive improvement in
tector. They have numerically illustrated that different cancer cells viz. the sensors’ performance. However, most of these reports are simulation
skin, cervical, blood, adrenal gland, and breast cancer, could be detec based except references [56,62], and [63], which reported a side-
ted. The sensor was analyzed under transverse magnetic (TM) and polished D-shaped PCF biosensor exhibiting sensitives of 6328, 21700,
transverse electric (TE) mode operation and reported a sensitivity of and 7381 nm/RIU, respectively, and able to detect corresponding RI
12857.14 nm/RIU and 14285.71 nm/RIU, respectively, and corre range of 1.333–1.404, 1.33–1.34 and 1.40–1.42. In fact, reference [56]
sponding sensing resolution of 7.77 × 10− 6 RIU and 7.00 × 10− 6 RIU. demonstrated a sensitivity of 1.17 nm/(mg/mL) for sensing Bovine serum
The device could efficiently sense cancerous cells in the human body in albumin protein.
the RI range of 1.360–1.401 with a FOM of 17.39 and 21.61 for the TM B. Other Fiber-based Biosensor.
and TE modes, respectively. This section discusses optical fibers, other than PCF, deployed as SP
Next, a simulation based circular PCF, shown in Fig. 3(d), was pro RI sensors. In these optical fibers, optical wave traverse in the core along
posed to detect Pseudomonas bacteria by Jahan et al. [28]. The design with the evanescent wave in the cladding, which decays along its depth,
depicts the arrangement of the air holes inside the circular Gold layer as represented by Eqns. (1) and (2). To sense the biological specimen,
coated with the analyte layer. The sensitivity was investigated in terms evanescent waves of the optical fiber are exploited and exposed to the
of wavelength shift and amplitude variation, which reached 20000 nm/ metal-dielectric interface to excite SPP. This is accomplished by
RIU and 1380 RIU− 1, respectively. The sensor could detect RI change in removing a portion of the cladding material, as shown in Fig. 4, and
the range of 1.33–1.42 having a spectral resolution of 5.26 × 10− 6 RIU. replacing it with a metallic layer or metallic nanostructure.
Besides investigating the tolerance of different biosensor design pa The dielectric layer after the metal layer is usually the sensing ma
rameters, the authors reported a regression equation, shown below, terial layer. The resonance condition will occur when the optical wave
representing the resonant wavelength λres in terms of the RI of the an vector of the evanescent wave, generated by the light coupled into the
alyte na , given by: fiber, matches the SPP at the metal-dielectric layer. For the same light
source and incident angle, resonance condition and transmittance can be
λres = 92424n2a − 247488na + 166214. (5)
altered by changing the material characteristics, which is essentially the
In the same year, Chaudhary et al. [7] proposed an SPR based analyte that needs to be detected and sensed. Developments of these
biosensor with circular PCF to detect malaria in the human body. The types of optical fiber based sensors are summarized in Table. 2
reported sensor can detect different phases of the disease by sensing the [18,19,23,24,29,31–35,68–78].
RI shift of the infected red blood cells (RBCs) in the blood. The sensor For instance, very recently, Wang et al. (2022) proposed a multi
includes an analyte (RBCs) coating layer over the circular Gold layer and mode–photosensitive–multimode optical fiber LSPR biosensor designed
air holes arranged hexagonally with two different diameter sizes. The air to detect Cardiac Troponin I protein [35]. In this case, Gold nanoparticles
holes were designed in the background material Silica, which is common (NPs) along with Graphene oxide (GO) and MoS2 NPs were used to
in PCF based sensors. Authors have incorporated the dispersion of Silica enhance the sensor’s performance (sensitivity and stability), with metal
with Sellmeier’s equation, given by: nanoparticles being the key to achieving LSPR. The experimentally
measured sensitivity of 3.4 pm/(ng/mL), DL of 96.2638 ng/mL, and a
B1 B2 B3
n2Silica (λ) = 1 + ( )+ ( )+ ( ) (6) correlation coefficient of 0.928 has been reported. Furthermore, the
sensor depicted a linear DR of 0–1000 (ng/mL). In another experimental
C1 C2 C3
1− λ2
1− λ2
1− λ2
work in the same year [69], hollow core fiber was employed in tandem
where nSilica is the RI of Silica, λ is the operating wavelength, and B1, B2,
B3, C1, C2, and C3 represent Eqn. (6) coefficients, given by 0.6961663,
0.4079426, 0.8974794, 0.00467914826 μm2 , 0.0135120631 μm2 , and
97.9340025 μm2 , respectively. Later, through simulations, sensitivities
for the three phases were determined to be 14285.71 nm/RIU (Ring
phase), 10000 nm/RIU (Trophozoite phase), and 8206.9 nm/RIU
(Schizont phase).
In 2019, Ahmed et al. [53] reported an SPR based biosensor that
could detect different alcohols. The alcohols presented as analytes were
Methanol, Ethanol, Propanol, Butanol, Pentanol, and Phenol, with
refractive indices of 1.33, 1.36, 1.39, 1.40, 1.41, and 1.53, respectively.
A circular PCF was proposed with a Gold-coated circular layer over the
Silica. The analytes were placed in the outer ring of the Gold layer, and
the air holes were on the Silica. In the simulations, Eqn. (6) was utilized
to incorporate the Silica dispersion relation and commonly employed
the Drude-Lorentz model for Gold characteristics (discussed in Section. Fig. 4. Sensing principle of other optical fiber based SP RI biosensors. Adapted
from Ritzefeld et al. [79].
R.A. Mahmud et al. Optics and Laser Technology 159 (2023) 108939
Table 2
Recent advancements in the design and performance of other optical fiber based SP RI biosensors.
Ref Year Fiber Materials Sensing Biomaterials Sensitivity DL (RIU) DR (RI) λR (µm) S/ Fab? DwA
Configuration FOM E (Y/N)
(RIU− 1)
[35] 2022 Multimode GO/Gold NP/ Cardiac Troponin I 3.4 pm/ 96.26 0–1000 ng/mL 0.4–0.9 E – Y
MoS2NP protein (ng/mL) ng/mL
[123] 2022 Convex fiber- Gold NPs/Nb2CTx Creatinine detection 3.1 pm/µM – 0–2000 µM 0.4–1 E – Y
tapered MXene in aquaculture
[69] 2022 Hollow core Gold NPs DNA hybridization 4.04 nm/ 1 pM 1 pM-10 nM 0.5–0.8 E – Y
[68] 2022 Optical Fiber Gold film coating Biomaterials 10570 nm/ FOM: 1.3–1.41 0.5–1.3 S – N
RIU 97.88
[23] 2021 Optical Fiber 2D materials Cancer 232.33 deg/ FOM: – – S – Y
RIU 6654.5
[71] 2018 Optical Fiber Gold film coating Glucose and 22779 nm/ FOM: 1.3–1.335 0.9–1.5 E Y Y
biosensing RIU 61.2
[19] 2017 Optical Fiber MoS2/Graphene/ DNA hybridization 105.71 deg/ FOM: – – S – Y
Silver RIU 23.23
[78] 2015 Optical Fiber Gold/Graphene – – – 1.33–0.37 0.3–0.9 – – –
[18] 2021 Tilted Bragg Gold coating Monitoring of DNA 1000 nm/ – ~1.34 1.53–1.6 S – Y
grating MCF immobilization RIU
[29] 2021 MCF Gold NPs/MoS2 Shigella Bacteria – 1.56 1–109 CFU/mL 0.43–0.52 E Y Y
[24] 2020 MCF Gold NPs/GO/CuO Cancer cells – 10 Cells/ 102-106 cells/mL 0.43–0.5 E Y Y
nanoflowers mL
[70] 2019 U-shaped side Gold coating – 43 dB/RIU – 1.33–1.4 0.4–0.8 E – Y
polished 1233 nm/
[33] 2020 U-shaped MoS2 nanosheet/ Human IgG protein 6184.4 nm/ – 1.3314–1.3614, 0.6–1.0 E Y Y
Gold film RIU 19.7 ng/mL
[31] 2018 U-shaped plastic Gold coating E. coli bacteria 800 nm/ 106 CFU/ 1.33–1.39 – E Y Y
[73] 2017 U-shaped Silver NPs coating Biotechnology and 1198 nm/ – 1.3657–1.3557 0.3–0.8 E Y Y
food safety RIU
[74] 2017 U-shaped Silver film coating – 700.3 nm/ – 1.330–1.3657 0.3–0.8 E Y Y
[76] 2016 U-shaped Silver – 1771 nm/ 0.0037 1.3388–1.3639 0.45–0.7 E – Y
RIU ng/mL
2 8
[72] 2018 Ω‑Shaped – Salmonella – 128 5 × 10 -1 × 10 – E – Y
Typhimurium CFU/mL CFU/mL
[34] 2017 Uncladded Gold C-reactive protein 2659.64 – 1.3345–1.3592, – E Y Y
nm/RIU 0.01–20 µg/mL
[75] 2017 Uncladded Silver NPs Triacylglycerides 28.5 nm/ 0.016 nM – – E – Y
[32] 2016 Tilted FBG Silver coating Urinary proteins 8000 dB/ – 1.3400–1.3408 1.44–1.54 E Y Y
[77] 2016 Side-polished Silver/Silicon/ Uric acid 10.50 nm/ – 0–0.9 mM 0.4–1.1 E Y Y
plastic Polyacrylamide gel mM
*DL: Detection Limit; DR: Detection Range; λR: Operating wavelength range; S/E: Simulation/Experiment; Fab: Fabricated or Fabrication discussed? DwA: Demon
stration with analyte? Y/S: Yes/No.
with Gold NPs for DNA hybridization, reporting a sensitivity of 4.04 nm/ detect human IgG protein. The sensor was prepared by removing the
log(µM) with a DL of 1 pM. Besides, simulation work on optical fiber coatings from the fiber to reach the core and then bending it to provide a
[68] with Gold film coating has also been investigated for potential U-shape. Authors have fabricated two variations, viz. fiber-MoS2-Gold
biomaterials detection, exhibiting a sensitivity of 10570 nm/RIU. film and fiber-Gold film-MoS2, and investigated their performance. The
In 2021, SP RI biosensors based on tilted Bragg grating MCF [18] and former sensor configuration demonstrated a 25 % enhanced sensitivity
MCF with MoS2 and Gold NPs were reported and summarized in Table. 2 of 6184.4 nm/RIU compared to the latter when detecting human IgG,
for the detection of biomaterials. For instance, Kumar et al. [29] pro exhibiting a DL of 19.7 ng/mL. Initially, alcohol solutions with different
posed a biosensor that can detect Shigella bacteria with MCF based on refractive indices of 1.3314, 1.3423, 1.3537, 1.3593, and 1.3623 were
LSPR. The design consists of a single mode fiber (SMF) spliced with prepared and detected with the experimental setup. Later, human IgG
seven cores MCF arranged hexagonally, as illustrated in Fig. 5(a). Gold solution was prepared and tested, leading to the successful detection of
and MoS2 NPs were employed in the design for LSPR excitation and to low concentration analyte.
enhance the sensor’s performance. The sensor was fabricated and In 2018, Arcas et al. [31] proposed a U-shaped optical fiber sensor
experimentally investigated to detect the bacteria in a liquid. The results based on SPR and bending loss to detect Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria.
show that the sensor successfully detected Shigella bacteria linearly from To detect this bacterium, an E. coli antibody was used for immuno
1 to 109 Colony-Forming Units/mL (CFU/mL) within 5 min, exhibiting a capture. The immunocapture technique that attaches only the target
DL of 1.56 CFU/mL. In the same year, MCF with embedded Gold NPs analyte to the surface of the sensor has been illustrated in Fig. 5(c) for
with Graphene dioxide and CuO nanoflowers was proposed and inves sensing the bacteria. The authors have fabricated the U-shaped plastic
tigated to detect cancer cells [24] and reported a DL of 10 cells/mL and a optical fiber with a 10 µm cladding thickness and an 8 mm U-curve
range of 102–106 cells/mL. diameter. The effect of Gold film thickness was also evaluated with a
In 2020, Song et al. [33] reported a U-shaped modified optical fiber sensor without any Gold coating showing a similar performance to that
biosensor covered with MoS2 and Gold film, as shown in Fig. 5(b), to of a sensor coated with 18 mm of Gold film. However, designs with thick
R.A. Mahmud et al. Optics and Laser Technology 159 (2023) 108939
greater interaction of the evanescent field of optical fiber with the an
alyte compared to the straight fiber counterpart. Furthermore, as sum
marized in Table. 2, several reports have appeared in other years
(2015–2017), employing different configurations of optical fibers to
detect urinary proteins, uric acid, DNA hybridization, etc. The most
recent technological breakthrough in SP RI biosensor deployability is
the fabrication and practical demonstration that this category of optical
fiber based biosensor has displayed.
4. Multilayer-based biosensors
SPP can propagate along the waveguide if excited by the optical light
wave with sufficient energy and requires the wave vector of these two
waves to be equal. In this case, the propagation constant of the SPP or
SPW is given by:
[ ]
ω εm εd
kspp = (7)
c εm + εd
Ω2p ∑
fm ω2p
εm = 1 − + ( ) . (8)
ω(ω − iΓ0 ) m=1 ω2m − ω2 + iωΓm
R.A. Mahmud et al. Optics and Laser Technology 159 (2023) 108939
condition kd ⩾kSPP .
In recent years, prism based SP RI biosensor has been revisited and is
gaining popularity owing to the possibility of realizing multilayer
configuration while incorporating the new wave of 2D material layers to
enhance the sensor performance and stability. Table 3
[5,17,20,22,82–98] summarizes the recent developments of 2D material
based biosensors incorporating prism; however, most of them are found
to be simulation based. A few of the reports from Table 3 are summa
rized in the following.
In 2022, Sathya et al. reported a bi-metallic SPR based biosensor with
multilayer 2D materials which can detect medical, chemical, and bio
Fig. 6. Basic prism based SP RI biosensor configurations. (a) Otto and (b) logical analytes [5]. In this case, ε-SnSe (Tin selenide) was sandwiched
Kretschmann arrangements. Adapted from Treebupachatsakul et al. [80]. between two Gold layers, followed by Graphene and the sensing me
dium, in the proposed dual 2D material based SP RI sensor configura
the generated evanescent wave will be able to penetrate through the thin tion. The sensor arrangement was completed with a BK7 prism in a
metal film and excite SPW at the metal-dielectric interface (i.e., at the Kretschmann configuration. The sensor numerically demonstrated a
other end of the metal). The propagation constant of the evanescent maximum sensitivity 93.81 % larger than a conventional sensor without
wave at the interface of the prism and other (metal or dielectric) layers is 2D materials, reaching a value of 214 deg/RIU at an operating wave
modified compared to Eqn. (9), and expressed as: length of 633 nm. It was argued that ε-SnSe benefited the sensor design
by directly improving the performance parameters, and Graphene hel
ω √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
kd = εpm sinθ (10) ped in better recognizing biomolecules in the RI range of 1.338–1.377.
In the same year, a couple of more works employing SnSe and Graphene
where εpm is the dielectric constant of the prism (usually glass) and θ is were proposed [22,82] for detecting cancer cells and Colorectal Cancer
the angle of incidence of the light on the prism-metal interface pene Alliance (CEA) biomarkers, as tabulated in Table. 3.
trating through the prism. Hence, excitation of the propagating SP can Last year, in 2021, Verma et al. proposed a multilayered biosensor
be achieved by choosing an appropriate θ that satisfies the resonance with 2D materials exhibiting a sensitivity of 206 deg/RIU, which could
Table 3
Recent advancements in the design and performance of 2D material multilayer prism based SP RI biosensors.
Ref Year Material Layers Features/Sensing Biomaterials Sensitivity λE DR [RI] FOM FWHM S/ DwA
(deg/RIU) (nm) (RIU− 1) (Deg) E (Y/N)
[5] 2022 Prism/Gold/ε-SnSe/Gold/ 93.81 % better than the typical 214 633 1.338–1.377 – – S N
Graphene/SM sensor without 2D material
[124] 2022 Prism/ Ag/MXene/ Ag2/ ZnO/ – 161 633 1.33–1.35 67.93 2.37 S Y
[22] 2022 Prism/Silver/SnSe/Heterostructure Cancerous cell 187 – 1.33–1.41 24.83 – S Y
[93] 2022 Prism/Ti/Silver/ MoS2/Graphene/ CEA biomarker 144.72 633 1.334–1.37 62.38 – S Y
[94] 2021 Prism/Gold/Heterostructure BP/ – 224.57 633 – 36.17 6.209 S N
[95] 2021 Prism/Gold/Borophene/ LOD: 4.84 × 10 206.26 632.8 1.33–1.335 – – S N
[96] 2020 Prism/Gold/2WS2/Ni/Graphene/ – 243.31 632.8 1.33–1.365 34.03 7.15 S N
[97] 2020 Prism/Gold/Heterostructure BP- – 194.8 633 1.33–1.37 – – S N
[98] 2019 Prism/Gold/MoS2/Ni/Graphene/ – 229 633 1.33–1.35 – – S N
[82] 2019 Prism/Gold/WS2/MXene/SM – 198 633 ~1.33 – – S N
[83] 2019 Prism/Silver/Franckeite/SM – 188 633 1.33–1.36 – – S N
[84] 2019 Prism/Gold/Si/BP/TMDC layers/ – 163.1 633 ~1.33 11.13 14.65 S N
[85] 2019 Prism/Gold/Silver/TiO2/ – 53 633 – 33.13 1.6 S N
[86] 2018 Prism/Gold/BP/WS2/SM – 187.22 633 – 18.72 – S N
[17] 2018 Prism/Gold/WS2/Graphene/SM Biomolecular interactions with min. 95.71 633 – QF:25.19 – S Y
Ref. 3.15 × 10− 2
[87] 2018 Prism/Gold/MoS2/Graphene/SM – 73.5 632.8 – – 17.6 S Y
[88] 2017 Prism/Gold/Si/MoS2/Gold/ – 210 633 1.33–1.335 – – S N
[89] 2017 Prism/Air/MoS2/Al/MoS2/ – 190.83 633 1.33–1.42 – – S N
[20] 2017 Prism/Gold/MoS2/Graphene/SM DNA hybridization with min. 89.29 633 – QF:13.13 – S Y
Ref. 2.5 × 10− 2
[90] 2016 Prism/Gold/MoS2/Gold/Graphene/ – 182 633 1.33–1.36 – – S N
[91] 2016 Prism/Gold/Si/MoS2/SM Min. ref. 2.56 × 10− 155.68 600 – – 17.46 S N
[92] 2015 Prism/Cr/Ag/Graphene/Affinity/ – 68.03 – 1.33–1.40 9.69 – S N
*SM: Sensing Medium; DL: Detection Limit; DR: Detection Range; λE: Excitation wavelength; Min. Ref.: Minimum reflectivity; LOD: Limit of detection; S/E: Simulation/
Experiment; QF: Quality factor; DwA: Demonstration with analyte? Y/S: Yes/No.
R.A. Mahmud et al. Optics and Laser Technology 159 (2023) 108939
sense biomolecules of DNA/RNA and other bioanalytes [95]. Different layer, which aided in increased sensitivity.
layers of the proposed sensor configuration have been depicted in Fig. 7 Another approach to enhance the performance of the multilayer SP
(a). Authors numerically investigated six structures with varying com RI biosensor was proposed in 2019 by Nisha et al. In this case, sand
binations of layers using Graphene, Antimonene, and Borophene in be wiching a 2D material layer with Gold and noble magnetic material
tween Silver and sensing medium. Specifically, the Gold-Borophene- (Nickel) has shown a sensitivity of 229 deg/RIU [98]. The work
Antimonene sensing medium structure has shown maximum sensi comprehensively discussed the effect of a number of layers of Graphene/
tivity with a high penetration depth of 76.73 nm. Authors attributed the MoS2 2D materials by utilizing the Fresnel transfer matrix method and
enhanced sensitivity of the biosensor to the Borophene and Antimonene numerically simulating the incident and reflection characteristics at 633
layers and the higher electronic density of Borophene for chemical nm. It was shown that the proposed sensor could detect a RI range of
binding, effective charge transfer, and more delocalized 5s/5p orbitals 1.33–1.35, implying potential sensing applications in the chemical,
of Antimonene for improved bimolecular absorptions. Moreover, the medical, and biological fields.
authors also briefly discussed a plausible fabrication method for the In 2019, Xu et al. theoretically studied a prism based multilayer SP RI
proposed sensor via chemical vapor deposition (CVD) and laser irradi biosensor employing a new family of 2D materials called MXene and
ation techniques. TMDC [82]. The suggested design was based on a Prism/Gold/WS2/
In the same year, Singh et al. reported another heterostructure Ti3C2Tx/sensing medium multilayer structure that has been tuned for
multilayered SP RI biosensor with numerical simulation [94]. The the number of layers of 2D materials to obtain improved sensitivity. For
sensor displayed a sensitivity of 224.57 deg/RIU, FOM, FWHM, and a single layer of MXene and five layers of WS2, the authors achieved the
detection accuracy of 36.17 RIU− 1, 6.2091 deg, and 0.161 deg− 1, best sensitivity of 198 deg/RIU at an excitation wavelength of 633 nm.
respectively. The sensor heterostructure consists of Blue Phosphorene Moreover, the sensor was numerically capable of sensing RI around
(BP)/MoS2 sandwiched between the Gold film and the sensing layer in a 1.33, thus applicable in biochemical sensing. Later this year [83–85] and
Kretschmann configuration, as shown in Fig. 7(b). A maximum angular in previous years, 2018 [17,86,87], 2017 [88,89], 2016–15 [90–92],
shift of 252 deg/RIU was reported when employing two layers of 2D several reports on the application of 2D materials in SP RI biosensing
materials. applications employing prism based multilayer structure have been re
Later, in 2020, Alagdar et al. reported a multilayered biosensor with ported and has been summarized in Table. 3 in terms of configuration,
transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) with Graphene 2D material, features, sensitivity, DL, etc.
Tungsten disulfide (WS2), etc., and Gold layer [96], as shown in Fig. 7 However, it is noteworthy to mention the work of Rahman et al. in
(c). The simulation results predicted a sensitivity of 243.31 deg/RIU 2017, who proposed an SP RI biosensor that can detect DNA hybridi
with 34.03 RIU− 1 FOM and 7.15 deg FWHM by optimizing TMDC layers. zation in a Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS) solution with an excitation
In the same year, Singh et al. developed a BP/MoS2 heterostructure and wavelength of 633 nm [20]. The PBS solution comprises 0.0003 mol
Antimonene based SP RI sensor with increased sensitivity by enhancing Sodium Phosphate monobasic, 0.022 mol Sodium Chloride, 0.0016 mol
the charge transfer between the metal and dielectric layers with the help Sodium Phosphate dibasic, and 0.00054 mol Potassium Chloride, all of
of the BP/MoS2 heterostructure [97]. With sensor layers optimization, a which were mixed in MilliQ water at a physiological pH of 7.5. The
sensitivity of 198.4 deg/RIU was numerically calculated, which could sensor configuration consists of layers of 2D materials in the Kretsch
detect RI changes of roughly 1.33. Moreover, it was shown that the TM mann arrangement. The multilayers consist of Gold/MoS2/Graphene/
field intensity of light wave increased in the Gold layer, reached a sensing medium, where MoS2 exhibits high optical absorption effi
maximum at BP/MoS2 heterostructure-Antimonene interface, and then ciency, was used adjacent to the Graphene layer that exhibits poor op
decreased in the sensing layer. This was attributed to the confinement tical absorption efficiency, and the Gold layer to improve the
and strong control of the charge carrier in the BP/MoS2 region, sug performance. Besides, Graphene also protected the MoS2 layer from
gesting effective charge transfer from the sensing medium to the Gold contamination or decomposition in the ambient environment. The
sensor could numerically detect mismatched target DNA and comple
mentary target compared to the Probe DNA and achieved a sensitivity of
89.29 deg/RIU with a FOM of 13.13 RIU− 1 and minimum reflection of
2.5 × 10− 2.
B. Grating-based Biosensors.
The grating based biosensors utilize a dielectric/metal grating design
to achieve the SP resonance condition. When an optical light EM wave
falls on the metal-dielectric interface exhibiting gratings with an inci
R.A. Mahmud et al. Optics and Laser Technology 159 (2023) 108939
dence angleθ, its momentum increases due to diffraction. The basic imaging pattern in a periodic grating structure. The authors employed
structure of the grating based biosensor is depicted in Fig. 8. The x-axis Cytop polymer as noble metal and investigated different biomaterials
component of the wave vector of the optical light wave increased by an like Ether, Ethyleneglycol, Chlorobenzene, and Quinoline, with the
amount of G, known as the wavenumber of the grating, for the increase frequency-dependent RI. The structure of the sensor is depicted in Fig. 9
in the diffraction order m = + 1, to enable wave vector matching of the (a), which exhibits a grating period Λ with a 50 % duty cycle. The
light wave and the SPP. When the light is incident on the metallic grating repetition of the self-imaging pattern occurs at the Talbot plane, which is
structure, it scatters, and the propagation constant of the diffracted a distance denoted by dTalbot , that can be expressed as the following
optical light wave changes by a multiple of the wave number of the equation for a diffraction grating structure:
grating structure. Furthermore, in this case, the SP resonance occurs √̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
when the wave number of the diffracted light due to grating kd , which dTalbot = (λ/nr )(1 − 1 − (λ/nr Λ)2 ) (12)
changes with the diffraction order, excites the SPW along the metal-
dielectric interface, i.e., when kd ⩾kSPP . The wave number of the where λ represents operating wavelength in free space and nr describes
metallic grating is given by: the background refractive index. The self-imaging pattern of the sensor
without biomaterial and air differs from those with air and other ma
2π 2π
kd = kx + mG = nd sinθ + m (11)
λ Λ
Table 4
Recent advancements in the design and performance of multilayer grating based SP RI biosensors.
Ref Year Materials Features/Sensing Sensitivity θI Λ DR (RI) FOM λR (µm) S/ DwA
Biomaterials (nm/RIU) (deg) (nm) (RIU− 1) E (Y/N)
[106] 2022 Gold thin film/Si Bilayer trapezoidal 786 40 633 1.33–1.37 30 0.4–1.5 E Y
grating fabrication
[107] 2022 Silver/Polystyrene or Lipid membranes and 494 – 1.329–1.3792 – 0.75–0.94 E Y
Polydimethylsiloxane rafts
[108] 2022 Gold grating/ Nano-imprint 311.97 25 741 1.34–1.446 – 0.45–1.05 E Y
Polydimethylsiloxane technology fabrication
[109] 2021 Cytop Polymer grating – 324 – 1.3–1.65 20.99 0.55–0.65 S Y
[10] 2020 Gold coated BAF10 grating Blood glucose 2300 0 1060 1.33–1.38 1500 1.3–2.0 S Y
[110] 2020 Silica/SiO2/Al – 2077.26 55 6733 (m 1.33–1.36 – 1.0–1.3 E Y
= 3)
[111] 2020 Gold coated Si based grating – 1820 0 1800 1.33–1.4 293.5 2.3–2.5 S N
[112] 2020 Graphene/Gold grating LOD:0.00005 RIU 1782 – 1800 1.1–2.1 QF: – S Y
[113] 2019 Al coated – 1200 – 1200 1.33–1.37 – 0.5–1.0 E Y
[99] 2019 Gold grating/nitride – 1140 0 1140 1.33–1.37 – 1.3–1.65 S N
[27] 2018 Gold/Al coated Lung cancer biomarkers 1349.8 – 1.32–1.34 – 0.8–1.14 S Y
[100] 2018 Al coated/DVD-R – 637 30 740 1.33–1.37 – 0.6–0.75 E Y
[102] 2017 Gold coated – 800 ± 27 0 730 1.33–1.4 – 0.97–1.08 E Y
[103] 2017 Gold coated – 647.8 0 550 1.33–1.357 – 0.65–0.85 E Y
[104] 2017 Gold coated LOD: 6.3 × 10− 6 425 70 320 – 35 0.6–0.9 E Y
[105] 2017 Silver/Gold coated LOD: 4.12 × 10− 5 356 0 320 1.335–1.3596 – 0.46–0.54 E Y
*DR: Detection Range; FOM: Figure of merit; θI: Incident angle, measure normal to the interface; Λ: Grating period; λR: Operating wavelength range; LOD: Limit of
detection; S/E: Simulation/Experiment; DwA: Demonstration with analyte? Y/S: Yes/No.
R.A. Mahmud et al. Optics and Laser Technology 159 (2023) 108939
terials (Ethyleneglycol, Chlorobenzene, Quinoline). In this case, the grating based sensor design obtained a sensitivity of 1200 nm/RIU and
sensor sensitivity was calculated as Δλ/Δn, Δλ representing the reflec DR of 1.33–1.37. It is noteworthy to mention that in 2018, Dai et al.
tion red-blue shifts in the self-imaging pattern due to the change of proposed rectangular grating with Silver and experimentally reported a
biomaterials and Δn the change in the RI of the biomaterials. The pro sensitivity of 254.13 deg/RIU [101]. The sensor demonstrated a DR of
posed sensor achieved a sensitivity of 324 nm/RIU with a FOM of 20.99, 1.333–1.386 RI and exhibited a grating period of 480 nm.
the ability to distinguish RI range of 1.35–1.65, and could be a potential
on-chip biosensor with a plasmonic Talbot effect. 5. MIM-based biosensors
Next, Zeng et al. [111] reported another biosensor that can detect in
the RI range of 1.33–1.40, which falls within the range of several bio Strong field confinement is a fundamental requirement for compact
logical and chemical specimens. For instance, the RI of glucose con interconnections in highly integrated optical circuitry and biosensors.
centration and different cancer cells falls within the range. The sensor MIM structures are one of the most popular topologies that effectively
structure was based on SiO2 substrate with Si grating material and Silver confines the EM field while incurring a significant degree of propagation
plasmonic material, as depicted in Fig. 9(b). A layer of BK7 glass was loss. To illustrate the function of a MIM based SP RI biosensor, a
placed above the Silver layer while the analyte was placed under this straightforward arrangement consisting of a metallic ring resonator and
plasmonic layer to enhance the sensor stability. The RI of SiO2 was a straight metallic waveguide over a dielectric substrate with unidirec
modeled employing Eqn. (6) (Sellmeier’s equation), while for the BK7 tional coupling is shown in Fig. 10. In this case, the matrix describing the
glass, the RI was expressed as: relationship between the input and output of the arrangement is given
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ by:
1.039612λ2 0.231792λ2 1.010469λ2 [ ] [ ][ ]
nBK7 = 1 + 2 + 2 + 2 (13) Et1 t κ Ei1
λ − 0.00600 λ − 0.02002 λ − 103.56065 = * * (17)
Et2 − κ t Ei2
where λ represents the operating wavelength of light in µm. Moreover, Ei1 represents the optical light wave complex mode amplitude at the
numerical simulations also showed three intensity peaks at three input port of the straight waveguide, Et1 denotes the transmission
different wavelengths, which was explained by the following Fabry- complex mode amplitude at the output port, Et2 is the coupled complex
Pérot like-cavity expression: mode amplitude to the ring, and Ei2 is the complex mode amplitude
4πnf transmitted from the ring. The coupling parameters κ and t are defined
hcosθ = 2mπ (14) by the coupling mechanism [115], and * denotes the complex conjugate.
The coupling is assumed to be lossless, and the attenuation constant α
where, h represents the cavity length, nf is the RI of the material between includes discrete losses that occur throughout the transit of waves
Silver and Si, termed as a spacer layer, θ is the diffraction angle, λp through the resonator. While SPP propagates through the straight
represents the peak intensity wavelength, and m is a positive integer. waveguide, a part of it couples to the ring resonator and then couples
Sensor simulations depicted that the peaks were ~ 1836 nm apart from back to the straight waveguide, yielding a resonance condition at a
each other and exhibited a sensitivity of 1820 nm/RIU with an FWHM of particular wavelength. This resonant wavelength λm is given by [116]:
6.2 nm and a high FOM of 293.5 RIU− 1 in the wavelength range of Re(neff ) × Peff
2300–2530 nm. λm = (18)
m − (φ/2π)
In the same year (2020), Chamoli et al. [10] proposed a grating based SP
RI sensor to detect glucose concentration in human blood. The authors where, neff refers to the effective index, Peff refers to the effective path
designed the sensor with Si3N4 as the substrate and barium flint (BAF10) glass traversed by the SPP in the resonator, φ refers to the total phase shift at
as the grating material on the plasmonic Gold metal layer. In their simulation, the edges of the resonator, and m refers to a positive number. The ma
the RI of BAF10 was incorporated according to the following governing terial or analyte whose RI is to be determined is usually placed in the
2 2 2
equation: n2BAF10 − 1 = λ2 − 1.5851495λ + 0.143559385λ + 1.08521269λ
0.00926681282 λ2 − 0.0424489805 λ2 − 105.613573
where λ represents the operating wavelength and nBAF10 is the RI of BAF10 Ring and cavity resonators are most commonly used in biosensing
glass. Moreover, the classical Drude-Lorentz model (Eqn. (8)) was employed applications to generate a frequency spectrum, such as Lorentzian,
to model the Gold plasmonic material. The sensor structure is shown in Fig. 9 Notch-type, and Fano-resonance types, and exhibit a specific resonant
(c) with grating height h, grating width W, and grating periodΛ. The RI of frequency or wavelength that varies as a function of the RI of the
glucose, which was the analyte, depends on its concentration in the blood and
was expressed as:
n = nw + aC (16)
R.A. Mahmud et al. Optics and Laser Technology 159 (2023) 108939
dielectric placed in the cavity. The sensitivity, in this case, for the MIM where C(mgdL− 1 ) is the electrolyte concentration and k is the concen
based SP RI biosensors, is the ratio of variation in resonant wavelength tration factor. Moreover, sample preparation details were also discussed.
to the variation in RI. Moreover, the FWHM of the spectrum is a measure The sensor demonstrated a sensitivity of 7564 nm/RIU and a FOM of
of the bandwidth, and FOM is the ratio of the sensitivity to the FWHM of 120, with a quality factor and DL of 96.47 and 1.32 × 10-7 RIU,
the resonance spectrum. Table 5 presents the most recent developments respectively. Moreover, the sensor detected temperature change with a
of MIM based SP RI biosensors along with the biomaterial detected to sensitivity of 3.40 nm/oC-1. The same year, Bahri et al. reported a rect
evaluate the performance [9,11–14,117–121]. angular cavity based SP RI biosensor [118]. The sensor numerically
In 2022, Chao et al. proposed a MIM based SP RI sensor that could be exhibited a sensitivity of 3010 nm/RIU and an RI DR of 1.0–1.08.
a potential lab-on-chip sensor for biochemical applications, such as Following this, Li et al. [119] proposed a different MIM based SP RI
glucose concentration in urine [6]. Three sensor designs were consid biosensor with a Q-shaped resonator in the same year, which could
ered: disk-type, ring-type, and modified ring-type (another straight monitor trace element concentrations in the human body. Silver metal
waveguide with air passing through the middle of the ring resonator). was employed for SPP excitation, and the sensor structure is depicted in
Simulation results indicated a maximum sensitivity of 2800 nm/RIU Fig. 11(c). Employing the Finite Element Method (FEM), the authors
from the modified ring-type configuration, exhibiting a maximum FOM demonstrated a high FOM of 211.42 RIU− 1 and a 2260 nm/RIU sensi
of 333.3 RIU− 1. The dipping strength, which shows the sensor accuracy, tivity. The sensor was also shown to detect Na + ions with a sensitivity of
was calculated to be 86.97 %. Moreover, the sensor detected a change of 0.505 nm/mgdL-1, facilitating human body monitoring.
0.001 RI in glucose concentration of human urine, thus demonstrating a In 2020, Rakhshani proposed a sensor with a MIM configuration
quality factor in the range of 46.92–87.10. In the same year, S. Rohimah featuring two concentric square resonators, which was numerically
et al. [9] proposed and demonstrated a Silver based obround-shaped analyzed [12]. The sensor utilized Silver plasmonic metal with SiO2 as
MIM biosensor numerically using blood plasma as an analyte, exhibit substrate, which could determine human blood groups, and demon
ing FOM of 33,562 RIU− 1 and being able to detect RI range of 1.0–1.1. strated a sensitivity of 1380 nm/RIU with FOM and a sensing resolution
Hassan et al. developed a MIM based SP RI biosensor in 2021 that of 142 RIU− 1 and 7.24 × 10-4, respectively. The authors also highlighted
incorporated nanodot-loaded rectangular cavities as resonators [11]. the possibility of detecting two blood groups simultaneously. Next,
Although the work was simulation based, the authors recommended Bazgir et al. developed a dumbbell slotted waveguide design with Silver
nanoimprint lithography as a viable fabrication method and discussed and numerically achieved a sensitivity of 1260 nm/RIU with a RI DR of
various steps. The proposed sensor design and fabrication steps are 1.0–1.4.
illustrated in Fig. 11(a) and (b), respectively. The presented Silver In 2018, various resonator cavity shapes based SP RI biosensors have
rectangular cavities based sensor was investigated with blood electro been proposed and investigated. For instance, racetrack [13] and ellip
lytes and glucose. The refractive indices of major blood components tical [14] resonators, and two MIM waveguides coupled with a ring
Na+, K+, and glucose, which regulate the biological systems and dis resonator [121] for detecting Hemoglobin concentration, viruses, and
eases of the human body, have been theoretically calculated by the biomolecules. The structures adopted Silver plasmonic material and
following equations: exhibited sensitivity in the range of 1100–4650 nm/RIU, as summarized
( )
)2 in Table. 5. The maximum FOM of 33,562 RIU− 1 was achieved with an
nNa+ = 1.3373 + 1.768 × 10− 3 − 5.8 × 10− 6 (19) obround shaped resonator for a sensitivity of 1636 nm/RIU. In general,
393 393
the practical implementation of MIM based biosensors has been chal
( ) ( )2 lenging despite the sensor exhibiting several advantages of photonic
Ck Ck
nK + = 1.3352 + 1.6167 × 10− 3
− 4 × 10− 7 (20) integration, compact size, etc. From the literature, the nanoimprint
529.8 529.8
fabrication technique seems promising and may open a new paradigm
nglucose = 0.00011889Ck + 1.33230545 (21) for the realization of lab-on-chip MIM based biosensing applications;
however, its experimental demonstration is still lacking in the literature.
Table 5
Recent advancements in the design and performance parameters of MIM based SP RI biosensors.
Ref Year Features Materials Sensing Biomaterials Sensitivity DL DR (RI) FOM λR (µm) S/ DwA
(nm/RIU) (RIU) (RIU− 1) E (Y/N)
[9] 2022 Obround shaped Silver Blood plasma 1636 – 1.0–1.1, 33,562 0.6–2.0 S Y
resonator ~1.32
[6] 2022 Ring-type resonator with Silver Glucose concentration in 2800 – 1.335–1.342 333.3 0.6–1.6 S Y
air path urine
[11] 2021 Rectangular cavities Silver Blood electrolytes and 7564 1.32 × – 120 2.0–4.0 S Y
Glucose 10− 7
[118] 2021 Rectangular cavity Silver – 3010 3.84 × 1.0–1.08 – 0.9–3.5 S N
10− 6
[119] 2021 Q-Resonator Silver Trace element 2260 – 1.362–1.385 211.42 1.5–2.0 S Y
concentration in human
[12] 2020 Two double-square Silver/ Human blood groups 1380 7.24 × 1.0–1.6 142 0.5–2.0 S Y
resonators SiO2 10-4
[120] 2020 Dumbbell slot waveguide Silver – 1260 – 1.0–1.4 120 0.86–1.86 S N
[13] 2018 Racetrack resonator Silver/ Hemoglobin 4650 – 1.0–1.1 37 1.4–1.8 S Y
SiO2 concentration 2.4–2.9
[121] 2018 Two MIM waveguides Silver Biomolecules, viruses 1383 – 1.33–1.35 – 1.8–1.95 S Y
coupled to a ring
[14] 2018 Elliptical resonators Silver Hemoglobin 1100 – 1.0–1.03 224 0.9–1.1 S Y
*DL: Detection limit; DR: Detection Range: FOM: Figure of merit; λR: Operating wavelength range; S/E: Simulation/Experiment; DwA: Demonstration with analyte? Y/
S: Yes/No.
R.A. Mahmud et al. Optics and Laser Technology 159 (2023) 108939
Data availability
R.A. Mahmud et al. Optics and Laser Technology 159 (2023) 108939
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