UNFCCC Daily Program 4

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Tuesday, 4 October 2011

United Nations Climate Change Talks - October 2011 17 October 2011 ATLAPA Convention Centre, Panama City

Daily Programme
Informal groups of the Convention and Protocol bodies
AWG-KP 10.0011.30 11.3012.15 12.1513.00 15.0016.30 15.0016.30 Contact group on item 3 (Open to Parties and observers) Spin-off group on Chapter IV (Parties and Observer States only) Spin-off group on Chapter V (Parties and Observer States only) Spin-off group on Chapter II (Parties and Observer States only) Spin-off group on Chapter I (Parties and Observer States only) San Blas La Huaca La Huaca Cestas Contadora

The Daily Programme is available at <http://unfccc.int/>. Participants are kindly reminded to consult the CCTV monitors for any last-minute changes to the Daily Programme. In order to reduce paper consumption, participants are kindly requested to retain copies of documents throughout the sessions.

FCCC/2011/III/OD/4 GE.11-70515
Please recycle

-2AWG-LCA 10.0013.00 Informal group on nationally appropriate mitigation commitments or actions by developed country Parties (agenda item 3.2.1) (Parties and Observer States only) Informal group on review: further definition of its scope and development of its modalities (agenda item 4) (Parties and Observer States only) Informal group on policy approaches and positive incentives on issues relating to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries; and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries (agenda item 3.2.3) (Parties and Observer States only) Informal group on technology development and transfer (agenda item 3.5) (Parties and Observer States only) Informal group on continued discussion of legal options with the aim of completing an agreed outcome based on decision 1/CP.13, the work done at the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties and proposals made by Parties under Article 17 of the Convention (agenda item 5) (Open to Parties and observers) Informal group on nationally appropriate mitigation actions by developing country Parties (agenda item 3.2.2) (Parties and Observer States only) Informal group on capacity-building (agenda item 3.6) (Parties and Observer States only) Informal group on finance (agenda item 3.4) (Parties and Observer States only) Informal group on enhanced action on adaptation (agenda item 3.3) (Parties and Observer States only) Informal group on a shared vision for long-term cooperative action (agenda item 3.1) (Parties and Observer States only) Informal group on technology development and transfer (agenda item 3.5) (Parties and Observer States only) Contadora

10.0011.30 10.0011.30

Cestas La Huaca

11.3013.00 11.3013.00

Bocas Panam


San Blas

15.0016.30 15.0016.30 15.0016.30 16.3018.00

Boquete Bocas Panama Portobelo




Incoming Presidency of COP 17/CMP 7 Open-ended informal consultation

Tuesday, 4 October 2011 13.1515.00 (Room Portobelo) Open to stakeholders only (observer organizations) Wednesday, 5 October 2011 13.1515.00 (Room Contadora) Open to Parties and Observer States only H.E. Ambassador Nozipho Joyce Mxakato-Diseko, on behalf of the Incoming President of COP 17/CMP 7, invites delegates to an open-ended informal consultation to be held in two sessions, to solicit their views. A note from the Incoming Presidency on Informal Consultations: Panama, available at <http://unfccc.int>, provides information on the background to the consultation and suggests guiding questions to help focus the discussion. Secretariat contact: Ms. Tracey Lue tlue@unfccc.int

Additional documentation
List of registered participants Please note that corrections to the list of registered participants should be given to Ms. Vera-Lynn Watson (Registration Counter) by noon, at the latest, on Wednesday, 5 October 2011. The final list of participants will be available on the UNFCCC website on Friday, 7 October 2011.

Groups other than the Convention and Protocol bodies

(Closed meetings) Please note that some of the following events will take place at the following venues: European Union Pavilion Room Warszawa 08.0009.00 08.0009.00 08.0009.00 08.0009.00 African Group Alliance of Small Island States Delegation of Colombia on behalf of the Highly Vulnerable Countries Delegation of El Salvador on behalf of SICA Countries San Lorenzo Cestas Warszawa (EU Pavilion) Portobelo

-409.0010.00 09.0010.00 09.0010.00 09.0010.00 13.0014.00 13.0014.00 14.0015.00 18.0019.00 18.0019.00 18.0019.00 18.0019.00 Delegation of the Democratic Republic of the Congo on behalf of Congo Basin Countries Environmental Integrity Group European Union Coordination Meeting Group of 77 and China Coalition for Rainforest Nations Least Developed Countries Coordination Meeting Group of 77 and China African Group Alliance of Small Island States Delegation of the Plurational State of Bolivia on behalf of ALBA European Union Coordination Meeting Chaquira Bejuco Chocoe Panam La Huaca Cestas La Huaca La Huaca La Huaca Boquete Cestas Panam

Meetings of observer organizations

(Closed meetings) Please note that some of the following events will take place at the following venues: Sheraton Hotel Room Caleta 08.0009.00 09.0010.00 09.0010.00 09.0010.00 09.0010.00 12.0013.00 13.0014.00 15.0016.00 Women and gender non-governmental organizations Business and industry non-governmental organizations (BINGOs) Indigenous peoples organizations (IPOs) Trade unions non-governmental organizations (TUNGOs) Youth non-governmental organizations (YOUNGOs) AWG-LCA Chair briefing for observer organizations Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Executive Secretary briefing for observer organizations Caleta (Sheraton) Caleta (Sheraton) Cestas Cafeteria, ground floor ATLAPA Taboga (Sheraton) Portobelo Caleta (Sheraton) Portobelo


Status report on consideration of agenda items as at 3 October 2011

AWG-KP agenda item 2 2 (a) 2 (b) Organizational matters Adoption of the agenda Organization of the work of the session Agenda adopted Organization of the work agreed Contact group on agenda item 3 chaired by Ambassador Adrian Macey (New Zealand), Chair of the AWG-KP Secretariat contact: Ms. Karen Smith (+507 67495938) The Contact group on item 3 has organized its work in five spin-off groups as follows: Spin-off group on Chapter I (Amendments/numbers), co-facilitated by Mr. Leon Charles (Grenada) and Mr. Jrgen Lefevere (EU) Secretariat contact: Ms. Katia Simeonova (+507 67496967) Spin-off group on Chapter II (LULUCF), co-facilitated by Mr. Marcelo Rocha (Brazil) and Mr. Peter Iversen (Denmark) Secretariat contact: Ms. Maria Sanz Sanchez (+507 67496948) Spin-off group on Chapter III (Mechanisms), co-facilitated by Mr. Pedro Barata (Portugal) and Mr. El Hadji Mbaye Diagne (Senegal) Secretariat contact: Mr. Niclas Svenningsen (+507 67497116) Spin-off group on Chapter IV (Basket of methodological issues), facilitated by Mrs. Madeleine Diouf (Senegal), Vice Chair of the AWG-KP Secretariat contact: Mr. Vitor Gois Ferreira (+507 67496768) Spin-off group on Chapter V (Potential consequences), facilitated by Mr. Eduardo Calvo (Peru) Secretariat contact: Ms. Hanna Hoffmann (+507 67496818) 4 Other matters No other matters were raised Status

Consideration of further commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol

AWG-LCA agenda item 2 2 (a) Organizational matters Adoption of the agenda


Agenda adopted

-62 (b) 3 Organization of the work of the session Preparation of an outcome to be presented to the Conference of the Parties for adoption at its sixteenth session to enable the full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention through long-term cooperative action now, up to and beyond 2012 Organization of the work agreed Contact group on agenda items 3, 4, 5 and 6 chaired by Mr. Daniel A. Reifsnyder, Chair of the AWG-LCA (United States of America) Secretariat contact: Ms. Olga Pilifosova (+507 67494773) The contact group launched informal work on: A shared vision for long-term cooperative action (agenda item 3.1), facilitated by Ms. Margaret Mukahanana-Sangarwe (Zimbabwe), Vice Chair of the AWG-LCA Secretariat contact: Mr. Florin Vladu (+507 67497062) 4 Review: further definition of its scope and development of its modalities Nationally appropriate mitigation commitments or actions by developed country Parties (agenda item 3.2.1), co-facilitated by Ms. Karine Hertzberg (Norway) and Mr. Jos Alberto Garibaldi Fernandez (Peru) Secretariat contact: Ms. Katia Simeonova (+507 67496967) Possible elements of draft guidelines for biennial reports of developed country Parties (version of 3 October@18:00) available at the documents counter Possible elements of modalities and procedures for international assessment and review (version of 3 October@18:00) available at the documents counter Nationally appropriate mitigation actions by developing country Parties (agenda item 3.2.2), cofacilitated by Ms. Karine Hertzberg (Norway) and Mr. Jos Alberto Garibaldi Fernandez (Peru) Secretariat contact: Mr. William Kojo AgyemangBonsu (+507 67496665) Policy approaches and positive incentives on issues relating to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries; and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries (agenda item 3.2.3), facilitated by Mr. Antonio Gabriel La Via (Philippines) Secretariat contact: Ms. Maria Sanz-Sanchez (+507 67496948) Cooperative sectoral approaches and sector-specific actions, in order to enhance the implementation of Article 4, paragraph 1(c), of the Convention (agenda item 3.2.4), facilitated by Mr. George Wamukoya (Kenya) Secretariat contact: Ms. Maria Sanz-Sanchez (+507 67496948)

Continued discussion of legal options with the aim of completing an agreed outcome based on decision 1/CP.13, the work done at the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties and proposals made by Parties under Article 17 of the Convention

-76 Other matters Various approaches, including opportunities for using markets, to enhance the cost-effectiveness of, and to promote, mitigation actions, bearing in mind different circumstances of developed and developing countries (agenda item 3.2.5), facilitated by Ms. Alexa Kleysteuber (Chile) Secretariat contact: Mr. Niclas Svenningsen (+507 67497116) Economic and social consequences of response measures (agenda item 3.2.6), facilitated by Mr. Crispin dAuvergne (Saint Lucia) Secretariat contact: Ms. Hanna Hoffmann (+507 67496818) Enhanced action on adaptation (agenda item 3.3), facilitated by Ms. Margaret Mukahanana-Sangarwe (Zimbabwe), Vice-chair of the AWG-LCA Secretariat contact: Ms. Annett Moehner (+507 67497027) Finance (agenda item 3.4), facilitated by Mr. George Brsting (Norway) and Ms. Suzanty Sitorus (Indonesia) Secretariat contact: Mr. Yolando Velasco (+507 67496527) Technology development and transfer (agenda item 3.5), facilitated by Mr. Jukka Uosukainen (Finland) Secretariat contact: Ms. Wanna Tanunchaiwatana (+507 67496490) Draft text for a draft decision (version of 3 October 2011@22:45) available at the documents counter after 08.45 Capacity-building (agenda item 3.6), facilitated by Mr. Jukka Uosukainen (Finland) Secretariat contact: Ms. Alla Metelitsa (+507 67496340) In-depth discussion on Capacity Building work in institutions and initiatives under the convention, Summary by the facilitator (version of 3 October@22:00) available at the documents counter after 10.00 Review: further definition of its scope and development of its modalities (agenda item 4), facilitated by Ms. Margaret Mukahanana-Sangarwe (Zimbabwe), Vice Chair of the AWG-LCA Secretariat contact: Mr. Florin Vladu (+507 67497062)

6 (a)

Parties included in Annex I to the Convention undergoing the process of transition to a market economy

-86 (b) Parties included in Annex I to the Convention whose special circumstances are recognized by the Conference of the Parties Continued discussion of legal options with the aim of completing an agreed outcome based on decision 1/CP.13, the work done at the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties and proposals made by Parties under Article 17 of the Convention (agenda item 5), facilitated by Ms. Maria del Socorro Flores Liera (Mexico) Secretariat contact: Mr. Jane Bulmer (+507 67496099) Other matters: Parties included in Annex I to the Convention undergoing the process of transition to a market economy and Parties included in Annex I to the Convention whose special circumstances are recognized by the Conference of the Parties (agenda item 6 (a) and (b)), facilitated by Mr. Kunihiko Shimada (Japan) Secretariat contact: Ms. Nattley Williams (+507 67496279) The conference room papers (CRPs) containing submissions by Parties are available electronically on the UNFCCC website at < http://unfccc.int/meetings/ad_hoc_working_groups/lca/items/6189.php>.

Preliminary schedule of meetings for Wednesday, 5 October 2011

This preliminary schedule is designed to give participants an overview for planning purposes. The information is indicative and subject to change, depending on the requirements of the negotiating process. Please consult the relevant days Daily Programme for final details, and the CCTV monitors for any last-minute changes. AWG-KP a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Spin-off group on Chapter I Contact group on item 3 Spin-off group on Chapter I Spin-off group on Chapter II

AWG-LCA a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. Informal group on cooperative sectoral approaches and sector-specific actions, in order to enhance the implementation of Article 4, paragraph 1(c), of the Convention (agenda item 3.2.4) Informal group on enhanced action on adaptation (agenda item 3.3) Informal group on various approaches, including opportunities for using markets, to enhance the cost-effectiveness of, and to promote, mitigation actions, bearing in mind different circumstances of developed and developing countries (agenda item 3.2.5) Contact Group on items 3, 4, 5 and 6 Informal group on finance (agenda item 3.4)

-9p.m. p.m. p.m. Informal group on nationally appropriate mitigation commitments or actions by developed country Parties (agenda item 3.2.1) Informal group on enhanced action on adaptation (agenda item 3.3) Informal group on economic and social consequences of response measures (agenda item 3.2.6) Informal group on continued discussion of legal options with the aim of completing an agreed outcome based on decision 1/CP.13, the work done at the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties and proposals made by Parties under Article 17 of the Convention (agenda item 5) Informal group on various approaches, including opportunities for using markets, to enhance the cost-effectiveness of, and to promote, mitigation actions, bearing in mind different circumstances of developed and developing countries (agenda item 3.2.5) Informal group on technology development and transfer (agenda item 3.5) Cooperative sectoral approaches and sector-specific actions, in order to enhance the implementation of Article 4, paragraph 1(c), of the Convention (agenda item 3.2.4)


p.m. p.m. p.m.

Special Announcements
COP 17/CMP 7 Information Desk The Government of South Africa will provide INFORMATION on visas to Parties and observer organizations intending to attend COP 17/CMP 7. Representatives are located next to the information desk in the foyer of the ATLAPA Convention Centre (Las Tapices). The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is offering participants guided tours, in Spanish and English, through Casco Antiguo de Panama. The tour busses depart from the ATLAPA Convention Centre at 13.00 and return at 15.00. For more information, please contact the Panama information desk in the foyer.

Panama City Tour

Availability of meeting The demand for meeting rooms is expected to exceed the capacity of the conference rooms premises and priority will be given to meetings directly associated with the negotiating process. The secretariat appreciates participants understanding in this connection. Meetings will therefore only be confirmed at the earliest one day prior to the requested meeting taking place. Conference brochures In line with the secretariats efforts towards climate neutrality, the conference brochures Information for Participants and Side Events and Exhibits Brochure are available in electronic format only at: <http://unfccc.int/>. The secretariat encourages all participants to support this initiative by refraining from printing, or printing only the required information if necessary. The making of audio and video recordings, including any external transmission, by Party or observer organization delegations during open and closed official meetings and in designated security zones is not permitted. The secretariat provides audio recordings of official meetings, as required by Parties. Webcasts are provided for open plenary meetings and press conferences.

Use of audio/video recording devices by participants at UNFCCC sessions

- 10 Meditation room The Meditation Room is located on the first floor of the ATLAPA Convention Centre, behind meeting room Panam. For the duration of the sessions, all official meetings and press conferences will be available live and on demand, with English or floor audio streams. On-demand files will be available shortly after the close of each meeting. Publications that are clearly attributed to a Party or an admitted observer organization that is not exhibiting may be distributed and displayed at the Climate Change Publications Counter, after approval. The counter is located on the ground floor in the foyer of the ATLAPA conference center. For approval, please provide a sample to the Observer Organizations Liaison Team at the Conference Affairs Services Office. The counter cannot manage large volumes, but will assist in changing the range of documents on display. Organizers of Exhibits are requested to display and distribute documents at their own booths. Contact: Ms. Edith Kimotho Tel: +507 6749 7229 <ekimotho@unfccc.int> Online Services@Panama Besides classical website information on <http://unfccc.int>, the secretariat is offering the mobile version of the UNFCCC website <mobile.unfccc.int> and the official iPhone/iPad application Negotiator for the conference. Using the iPhone/iPad application Negotiator, users can: get logistical information about the conference (directories, venue maps, etc.); read the latest documents, agendas and meeting information; view the latest YouTube videos and photos from the conference; join the conference via the Facebook and Twitter channels. Please note: The iPhone/iPad app, Negotiator can be downloaded for FREE via iTunes app store: <http://unfccc.int/iphoneapp>. The secretariat is offering a special online reporting service to the media. On a daily basis, an online video will be made available on the website <http://unfccc.int> summarizing the secretariats daily press briefing. This video can be viewed and downloaded for Podcast. The secretariat is encouraging online media to link to the online video. All videos can be found on <YouTube.com/climateconference> and iTunes. Community tools, such as Facebook, Twitter and Flickr will allow to participate and to respond to the conference in Panama. All links can be found on the Panama conference page on <http://unfccc.int>. Medical and security Emergencies For medical emergencies, please contact the first aid personnel in the Emergency Room located on the first floor of the ATLAPA Convention Centre between meeting rooms Panam and Bocas, just before the entrance to Foyer Teatro Anayansi. For other emergencies, please contact United Nations security staff (wearing either a United Nations uniform or an armband) located at the entrance or call: On-site Security Duty Officer: Tel: +507 6749 7358

Webcasts of the sessions Climate Change Publications Counter

- 11 Security Participants should ensure that they wear their conference badge in full view at all times, as the security officers may request them to verify their identity. This may lead to some inconvenience, but it is expected that participants will appreciate the need for such arrangements. In order to ensure compliance with building fire regulations, UN Security may ask participants to refrain from accessing meeting rooms or vacate meeting rooms if the room capacity is full. Thank you for your cooperation. Participants are reminded not to leave personal belongings in meeting rooms. The Security office, located next to the Registration Desk in the lobby of the conference center, is responsible for lost and found items. Pigeonholes for the distribution of official documents and messages, which delegates are kindly requested to check at regular intervals, are located next to the Documents Distribution counter. Participants are requested to refrain from distributing non-official material via the pigeonholes.

Building fire regulations

Lost and found items

Pigeonholes for delegates

Delegation nameplates Delegates are kindly requested not to remove country nameplates from the meeting rooms. The secretariat is unable to replace these at short notice and this can lead to serious disruptions at meetings. Facilities for observer organizations The business and industry non-governmental organizations (BINGOs) and the environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGOs) constituencies have offices located on the first floor of the ATLAPA conference center. BINGO office ENGO office Facilitator: Ms. Norine Kennedy (USCIB) Facilitator: Mr. David Turnbull <nkennedy@uscib.org> (CAN International) <dturnbull@climatenetwork.org> A cafeteria is located on the ground floor of the ATLAPA Convention Centre, next to the Participants Center in the foyer of the Cayucos Bar. There is also a snack bar on the ground floor, located immediately outside the conference venue near Registration (exits 3 and 4). An additional snack bar is located on the first floor of the ATLAPA Convention Centre near the meeting room Bocas. Restaurants Las Hadas, Cafe Bahia and Crostini are located at the Sheraton Hotel. For further information on places to eat in Panama, please visit <http://degustapanama.com> (website available in English and Spanish).

Catering services

Key contacts
Executive Secretary Director for Implementation Strategy Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG-KP) Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (AWG-LCA) Coordinator, Conference Affairs Services Ms. Christiana Figueres Mr. Halldr Thorgeirsson Mr. Sergey Kononov Ms. Olga Pilifosova Ms. Salwa Dallalah

- 12 Chief Legal Adviser Liaison with Government delegates and registration; funding for delegations Liaison with observer organizations Conference Spokesperson Mr. Dan Bondi Ogolla Mr. Horacio Peluffo Mr. Warren Waetford Mr. Eric Hall

For a full schedule of side events during the sessions and a list of the exhibits, please visit the UNFCCC website at <http://unfccc.int/>. The secretariat would like to note that the scheduling of events remains dependent upon the demands of the negotiating process. For short-term changes please consult the CCTV monitors. Descriptions of the events listed below have been reproduced as received, and without formal editing.

Side events
Time Title/Theme Climate Change and Innovation: Accessing and Using Technology Information - Joint WIPO/IETA event WIPO presents its global technology database to support the Climate Technology Centre and developing countries to ensure funding for partnership projects with tailor-made know-how matching, and IETA presents potential approaches to make projects more financeable through cost and risk reductions. Land Management and Climate Change: The perspective of indigenous people For centuries, indigenous people have been managing their lands in a sustainable manner and it is important at this juncture in REDD to take into account the experiences they can show us today. In this side event we want to share these experiences in Mesoamerica. Indigenous territories, Biocultural Protocols and REDD The event will feature inspiring examples of Indigenous territories and their contribution to forest conservation and restoration. The event will specifically discuss appropriate and effective support systems for such initiatives and the role of biocultural protocols and safeguards. Organizer International Emissions Trading Association (IETA) Mr. Cedric Ammann ammann@ieta.org +41 22 7370500 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Mr. Joe Bradley joe.bradley@wipo.int +41 22 3388038 IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature Ms. Pauline Buffle pauline.buffle@iucn.org +4 22 9990260 Chorcha (Sheraton) Venue

13.00 14.30

13.00 14.30

Miraflores (Sheraton)

14.45 16.15

Global Forest Coalition (GFC) Ms. Simone Lovera-Bilderbeek simone.lovera@globalforestcoaliti on.org +595 21 663654 Fundacin para la Promocin del Conocimiento Indgena (FPCI) Mr. Onel Masardule masardule@me.com +507 3 921074

Chorcha (Sheraton)

- 13 Vulnerability and Extreme Events in Central America Central America will present evidence and information registered in terms of loss and damage due to extreme phenomena associated to climate variability and climate change in the last decade. This information ratifies the condition of Central America as a higly vulnerable region. Indigenous Peoples' Experiences and Perspectives in Piloting REDD Plus in Indigenous Communities The side event highlights indigenous peoples' experiences, perspectives and challenges in piloting REDD Plus in their communities in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Scaling-up Climate Finance from 2013 How to ensure sufficient and scalable longterm public climate finance starting in 2013, after the end of FSF. CAN will discuss the need for new and additional budget contributions and assess options for mobilizing supplementary sources of innovative public finance, consistent with CBDR. Climate Financial Flows to LowEmission, Climate-Resilient Development Strategies: Ibero-America Sectoral climate financial flows assessments are paving the way for the preparation of Low-Emission, ClimateResilient Development Strategies and strengthening the ability for countries to leverage carbon markets. This side event features governments sharing best practices. Global CO2 standard agreed for international shipping Mandatory measures to reduce GHG emissions from international shipping were adopted by Parties to MARPOL Annex VI represented at MEPC 62, representing the first ever mandatory global GHG reduction regime for an international industry sector. Forest accounting basics: LULUCF and REDD Ensuring the environmental integrity of forest accounting in Annex I has been a persistent challenge. Panelists from EDF and other organizations will explain the evolution of the LULUCF rules, highlight their relevance for REDD+, and explain how Parties can fix them in Durban. Comisin Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo (CCAD) Mr. Carlos Gmez cgomez@sica.int +503 0 22488848

14.45 16.15

Miraflores (Sheraton)

16.30 18.00

Tebtebba Foundation Mr. Raymond de Chavez raymond@tebtebba.org +63 74 4447703

Chorcha (Sheraton)

16.30 18.00

Climate Action Network International (CAN International) Mr. Montana Burgess mburgess@climatenetwork.org +1 202 6216309

Miraflores (Sheraton)

18.15 19.45

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Ms. Cassie Flynn cassie.flynn@undp.org +1 212 9066591

Chorcha (Sheraton)

18.15 19.45

International Maritime Organization (IMO) Ms. Lucy Essuman lessuman@imo.org +44 207 4634210

Miraflores (Sheraton)

18.15 19.45

Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) Mr. Cory Lewis clewis@edf.org +1 202 5723277

Balboa (Sheraton)

- 14 Foro Indgena de Abya Yala sobre el C.C. - Consentimiento previo libre y informado PP.II. y REDD Analizar los derechos de los PP.II. referente a las negociaciones internacionales y implementacin de proyectos REDD en territorios indgenas Analyze the rights of Indigenous Peoples regarding international negotiations and the implementation of REDD in indigenous territories. Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions an overview Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) are currently developed in many countries. The side event will provide an overview of the activities worldwide and present some lessons learned. Moving Beyond Fossil Fuels: The Demand and the Detail Join us for a discussion at the heart of climate mitigation - moving beyond fossil fuels. 350.org will present the public demand from 1000s of grassroots actions around the world just one week before. Partners will lay out the blueprint of how the UNFCCC can assist in meeting that bold vision. Asociacin AK Tenamit (AAT) Mr. Steve Dudenhoefer duden1@me.com +502 2254 1560 Chorcha (Sheraton)

20.00 21.30

20.00 21.30

climatepolicy.net e.V. Mr. Niklas Hhne n.hoehne@ecofys.com +49 221 27070101

Miraflores (Sheraton)

20.00 21.30

Sustainable Markets Foundation 350.org Mr. Jeremy Osborn jeremy@350.org +1 802 5524067

Balboa (Sheraton)

Other activities
Descriptions of the events listed below have been reproduced as received, and without formal editing. Time Title/Theme Fossil Of The Day Awards Members of the Climate Action Network International will present the traditional "Fossil of the Day Awards" at 6pm at the CAN booth. Moving Planet Photo Exhibit On 24 September, 2011, millions rallied around the world for Moving Planet, an international day of action to move beyond fossil fuels. These photos capture a small selection of over 2,000 actions in 180 countries that were coordinated by 350.org and many allies. Organizer Climate Action Network International Ms. Montana Burgess mburgess@climatenetwork.org +507 6475 2346 350.org Mr. Juan Carlos Soriano juan@350.org +507 60029341 Los Tapices Venue CANInternational exhibit booth outside plenary Las Blas

18.00 18.30

All day

Published by the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Bonn, Germany

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