Score Card Set
Score Card Set
Score Card Set
SET ID 230356913
Marks Scored in SET 1 May 06, Marks Scored in SET 2 May 14,
Sections Max Marks
2023 2023
General English 16 8.00
Quantitative 16 5.00
General Awareness 16 6.00
Analytical and Logical
12 7.00
Total 60 26.00
Your SET 2023 Overall percentile shown above has been calculated based on the higher of the scores obtained by you (in case you have
appeared for more than one SET Test). A rigorous process that had been statistically tested was administered to ensure that unique types
of questions were framed under a specific topic across the question papers. The normal spread was ensured so that there was no unfair
advantage to candidates who opted for any specific test / multiple tests. This has ensured normalization of the spread of questions
across sections. Furthermore, the question papers were normalized for level of difficulty across two tests. No correspondence regarding
this will be entertained.
SET 2023 score card is valid for admission to the programmes offered in the academic year 2023-24 only.
Candidates will be shortlisted for the Personal Interaction -Writing Ability Test (PI-WAT) / Studio Test-Personal Interaction (ST-
PI) process based on his / her SET Percentile.
Only candidates who have appeared for the Symbiosis Entrance Test (SET-2023) are entitled to receive the SET score card. Candidates
are advised to take a printout of this score card, which shall be the candidate's official result.
Candidates should note that the SET 2023 score card is an important document, without which candidates will not be permitted to
appear for the further selection process of institute (s). The score card should be retained until the completion of the programme, if
Any unlawful attempt or concealment of material facts by candidates at any stage of the admission process discovered during or after
the admission has been granted shall result in the cancellation of candidature.
The SET percentile does not automatically make candidates eligible for admission to any of the registered programmes of any
constituent institutes PI-WAT / ST-PI of Symbiosis International (Deemed University).
For PI -WAT / ST-PI dates, please refer to the respective institute's website.
All disputes will be subject to the legal jurisdiction of Pune City only.
Any attempt to impersonate or indulge in any malpractice, identified at any stage of the admission process would disqualify candidates
from the admission processes of Symbiosis International (Deemed University) and may also lead to appropriate legal action as deemed
In all matters concerning SET 2023, Symbiosis International (Deemed University's) decision will be final and binding on the
candidates. All disputes will be subject to the legal jurisdiction of Pune City only.
* 'Wards of serving/retired defence personnel' category is applicable only to SICSR. For other institutes, Candidates who have selected
'Wards of serving/retired defence personnel' will be treated as OPEN category only.
Your SET percentile will be sent to the following Undergraduate Institutes of Symbiosis International (Deemed University) provided you
have registered and paid for that institute (s) programme (s).