2011 Basketball Registration
2011 Basketball Registration
2011 Basketball Registration
Freshman 3rd/4th grade Junior Varsity 5th/6th grade Seniors 7th/8th grade
NOTE: A $20 fee will be assessed for late registrations. Visit www.byaasports.com for registration dates and locations. $50.00 Uniform deposit check is required. . REGISTRATION FEES: $60.00 1 CHILD $90.00 2 CHILDREN RD TH TH $30.00 ADDITIONAL FOR 3 , 4 , 5 , ETC. Cash
Head Coach
Assistant Coach
Todays date:
Check number:
Receipt number:
Street address
Zip code:
UNIFORM SIZING CHART: YOUTH: Y Small, Y Med, Y Large ADULT: A Small, A Med, A Large, A XLarge Shirt Size Pants Size Height: ft in Weight: lbs
E-Mail 2:
EMERGENCY AUTHORIZATION Does the participant have a history of illness or allergies? If yes, describe Yes No Name of participants doctor: Doctors phone:
In case of emergency, I/We hereby authorize emergency treatment and/or care of the above participant at any hospital. If in an emergency I/We cannot be reached, please contact: Relationship to participant: Phone number: Other phone number:
PARENT OR GUARDIAN AUTHORIZATION, DISCLAIMER, AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY As the parent/legal guardian of (childs name), I give my approval for his/her participation in any and all activities during the current season for the sport indicated above. I assume all risks and hazards incidental to such participation including transportation to and from the activities. I do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify and agree to hold harmless the participants in the BYAA program and persons transporting my child to and from activities for any claims arising out of any injury to my child, except to the extent and in the amount covered by the accident-liability insurance carried by the Athletic Association. I also, give my permission for BYAA to take and use any photograph or video/audio recording which my child appears for promotional purposes on the association website. I accept that tryouts may be held when necessary for team selections based on league guidelines. I acknowledge and agree to the BYAA commitment and disciplinary policy posted at WWW.BYAASPORTS.COM and recognizes that participation is subject to the by-laws established by the association. I consent to and attest to all the information on this form. Date: Patient/Guardian signature
Player: __________________________________________ League Name: Belvidere Youth Athletic Association Parent or Guardian Authorization:
In case of emergency, if family physician cannot be reached, I hereby authorize my child to be treated by Certified Medical Personnel (i.e. EMT, First Responder, E.R. Physician, etc). Family Physician: ____________________________________ Phone: ______________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ Hospital Preference: _______________________________________________________________ In Case of Emergency Contact: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Name Phone home/cell Relationship to Player
Name Phone home/cell Relationship to Player
Name Phone home/cell Relationship to Player
Please list any allergies/medical problems, including those requiring maintenance medications (i.e. diabetic, asthma, seizure disorder):
Medical Diagnosis Medication Dosage Frequency of Dosage
The purpose of the above listed information is to ensure that medical personnel have details of any medical problem which may interfere with or alter treatment.
Authorized Parent/Guardian Signature
Date: ______________________
WARNING: Protective equipment cannot prevent all injuries a player might receive while participating in sports. 2011 Basketball Registration LAST REVISED 10/5/2011