Business Law
Business Law
Business Law
PARTNERSHIP AS JURIDICAL PERSONALITY (ARTICLE 1768): It is separate and distinct from that of each
General Partnership Limited Partnership
where all partners are general partners whose liability where at least one of the partners are liable only up
extends to their individual properties, after the assets to the extent of his contribution
of the partnership have been exhausted;
Partnership w/ a Fixed Term or Particular Partnership at Will
upon arrival of the fixed term or fulfillment of a where there is no fixed term or particular
particular undertaking, the partnership is dissolved, undertaking (existence is solely dependent on the
and if continued, it will constitute a partnership at will will of the partners, applying affection societatis
and the rights and duties of the partners remain the and delectus personae)
same, so far as is consistent with a partnership at will.
may be revoked by a vote of the partners representing the controlling interest EVEN WITHOUT just or
lawful cause.
Rule #3: No Managing Partner; WITH Stipulation that no partner cannot act without the support
of partners: the concurrence of all shall be necessary for the validity of the acts, and the absence or
disability of any one of them cannot be alleged.
Except: if there is imminent danger of grave or irreparable injury to the partnership.
Rule #4: No agreement as to the management of partnership: All the partners shall be considered
agents and whatever any one of them may do alone shall bind the partnership, without prejudice to
the provisions of Art. 1801 (on Multiple Managing Partners) (any can oppose, controlling interest will
Except: None of the partners may make important alterations in the immovable property of the
partnership without the consent of the others, even if it may be useful to the partnership.
Exception to the exception: if the refusal of consent by the other partners is manifestly prejudicial to
the interest of the partnership, the court’s intervention may be sought (approval of courts necessary
to make alterations kahit others oppose).
Other obligations:
1. Not to convert partnership funds/property for his own use (malversation) (Art. 1788)
2. To account for and hold as trustee, unauthorized or secret personal profits (Art. 1807)
3. Pay for damages caused by his fault (cannot be reduced just because of a partner's
efforts, except if effort is extraordinary) (Art. 1794)
4. Share with other partners the share of the partnership credit which he has received
from an insolvent firm debtor (Art. 1743)
5. Keep the partnership books in the principal office (except when otherwise agreed) and
allow other partners to have access, inspect, and copy the same.
6. Reimburse the partnership of damages suffered by it through his fault. a. The liability
for damages is not compensable with profits and benefits earned for the partnership;
b. Damages, however, may be decreased by courts if through the partner’s
extraordinary efforts, the partnership earned unusual profits.
7. To inform the other partners on all matters affecting the partnership or relative to
partnership affairs.
8. To observe the diligence of a good father of a family in all his dealings. 9. To adhere to
the partnership agreement and decisions of appointed managing partner.
1. Unless there is a stipulation to the contrary, the partners shall contribute equal shares
to the capital of the partnership.
2. As a rule, the contribution must be provided upon perfection of the contract, except if
the partners stipulate otherwise.
3. A partner who has undertaken to contribute a sum of money and fails to do so becomes
a debtor for the interest and damages from the time he should have complied with his
obligation. Thus, no demand shall be necessary since the law specifically provides for
the liability in case of delay (demand is not necessary to consider delay of a partner).
a. A partner is likewise liable similar to a vendor:
b. He is bound to deliver the fruits thereof for the time they should have been
delivered, without the need of demand (Art. 1786).
c. A partner must exercise due diligence in preserving the thing promised to be
contributed; otherwise, he shall be liable for loss and deterioration.
d. Warrant the thing delivered against eviction
Risk of loss:
1. Thing contributed is specific and determinate which is NOT fungible and only their use
and fruits may be for the common benefit (res perit domino); and
2. There is stipulation that he shall bear the loss of the thing brought and appraised in the
1. Thing contributed are
a. fungible;
b. cannot be kept without deteriorating (depreciation is borne by the
partnership); or
c. they were contributed to be sold; and
2. There was appraisal in the inventory and no stipulation that partner will bear the loss.
Industrial partners except if there is stipulation that he will likewise contribute
If there is stipulation to the contrary
Capitalist partners - the prohibition is limited to businesses in the same industry as that of
the partnership which may result in competition.
1. When it is expressly stipulated that the capitalist partner can so engage himself;
2. When the other partners allow him to do so, whether expressly or impliedly;
3. During the period of liquidation and winding up, when the partnership is already non-
4. When the general-capitalist partner becomes a limited partner in a competitive
Effect of non-compliance: The capitalist partners may either
1. He shall bring to the partnership all the profits illegally obtained;
2. He is liable, personally, for all the losses;
3. He may be ousted for loss of trust and confidence.
Strangers who include their name in the firm are liable as partners because of estoppel
but do not have the rights of the partners (to protect customers from being misled).
If a limited partner included his name in the firm name, he shall be liable as a general
However, any partner may enter into a separate obligation to perform a partnership
Any stipulation to the contrary is VOID (as to third persons), except as to the partners.
3. Authority to act for and in behalf of the partnership: Every partner is an agent of
the partnership for the purpose of its business. The authority of the partner to act in
behalf of the partnership may be:
1. EXPRESS (agreed upon and expressly granted); or
2. IMPLIED - implied from the express authority (inventory manager: buy
inventory); or
3. APPARENT - when he apparently (a) carries on the usual business of the
partnership and (b) the person to whom he is dealing has no knowledge of the
fact that he has no such authority.
If the partner is not carrying on the usual business of the partnership, the act will not
bind the partnership unless it is authorized by the other partners
Except when authorized by the other partners or unless they have abandoned the
6. Solidary liability for quasi-delict/ torts: Where, by any wrongful act or omission
of any partner acting in the ordinary course of the business of the partnership or with
the authority of co-partners, loss or injury is caused to any person, not being a partner
in the partnership, or any penalty is incurred, the partnership is liable therefor to the
same extent as the partner so acting or omitting to act.
Limited liability: a limited partners’ liability is limited only to his capital contribution. Such that, after
exhaustion of partnership assets, he cannot be made to contribute to answer the remaining liabilities
to third parties.