Unit 5 Exercises
Unit 5 Exercises
Unit 5 Exercises
1) A few days ago, the following lawsuits were filed in court claiming that their
relationship was an employment relationship:
b. The NGO volunteer, what requirement does she not meet to be a labor?
c. Does Laura have the right to claim that her relationship was an employment
relationship? Why?
2) The following workers claim that the activities they have performed are an
employment relationship and therefore constitute an employment contract:
Because when you pass the competitive examination you are a civil
servant and this is regulated by other administrative laws.
3) Juana has been complaining about the company for several reasons. On the one
hand, on Saturdays she cannot go to play in her sports team and the company does
not accept her sister as a substitute. On the other hand, he would like to make
changes, but the company tells him that he must follow the instructions given to
him. Finally, I would like to have a share in the company's profits since I contribute
to it.
a. Why can't her sister replace her?
4) In a family business, the owner has been hiring a number of family members,
including his spouse, his two daughters over the age of 30, his nephew and a
daughter of his spouse from his previous marriage.
a. What is the degree of consanguinity of your nephew, your mother-in-law
and the daughter of the former spouse?
b. If the owner lives with his spouse and two daughters, does he have an
employment relationship with them?
5) Hierarchically order the following sources of law: Royal Decree, Constitution, local
and professional custom, ILO convention, employment contract, collective
bargaining agreement and workers' statute.
6) Indicate the following regulations which rank or type of law they are:
a. The Workers' Statute, which unifies several laws into one.
7) After the last elections in the Congress of Deputies there are 2 new parties that have
been represented (PODEMOS and CIUDADANOS).
a. If any of them wanted to reform a law that deals with a fundamental right,
what kind of law would be passed?
c. If any of you were part of the government, what kind of regulations would
you approve as a government?
d. If the government were in a hurry to pass a law because it is urgent, what
kind of law would it pass?
1º Catering Services Management
8) Every year the ROYAL DECREE on the SMI is approved, which for 2019 is €900.
A worker who works under the metal workers' agreement is paid €950, as it is
established by his or her professional category in the agreement. However, this
employee has an added availability bonus of €50 voluntarily given to him by the
company, so that in the end he receives €1000.
a. Is it legal for me to earn more than the agreement? Why?
YES, in this case, it is the ROYAL DECREE that establishes that the
minimum interprofessional wage is 900€, as it is a higher standard, it
establishes that as a minimum, the worker must receive that, therefore,
the collective bargaining agreement can improve it.
c. Can the employee agree in the contract to earn less than the collective
bargaining agreement? Why?
10) A female employee is not assigned any tasks in order to make her bored and leave
the company voluntarily. As the employee's future at the company is bleak, she
decides to look for herself and starts working at the same time in another company
that is in direct competition with the one where she is now. At the same time, it
collects data from the customers of the first company and passes it on to the other
a. Which of the worker's rights has been violated?
The right of effective occupation, the employer must give you work.
The duty to act in good faith, not being able to disclose company secrets.
She is not honest in her work
11) Manuel, Andrea and Esther are 3 friends who have decided to enroll in a training
course in Health Emergencies in the afternoon at the same time they are working.
Manuel works in a stationery store in a fixed schedule from 9 am to 2 pm and from
5 pm to 8 pm, so I ask not to go in the afternoons. Andrea works in a clothing store
one week in the mornings and one week in the afternoons. Esther has been denied
the change of shift to mornings, but not to worry, because when she has exams, her
shift will be changed to mornings.
a. Can Manuel ask not to work evenings? Why?
Yes, because you have the right to choose your work shift in order to be
able to carry out any official study.
12) Alfonso is an express courier for a large company. In addition, he has his own
courier company, which he has not reported to the company at all. One day the
company catches Alfonso delivering parcels to other customers off the route in the
company's own van. In addition, the company's urgent shipments had not been
delivered that day and had been backordered for the following day.
a. What duty has he breached by the fact that he has his own company in the
same activity?
b. What duty has he breached by using the company van for other business?
He is not diligent, does not pay care and attention to his work, as this is
measured by the normal performance agreed upon.
c. What duty have you failed to fulfill with respect to your work?
13) Mari Carmen and Diana have been given new instructions about their work. Mari
Carmen has been told that she must go faster, so she should not waste so much time
putting on and taking off the protective measures on the machinery, otherwise she
will be fired for poor performance. Diana has been given a work instruction that she
is not sure if it is really her turn to do it or not, so she does not know whether to
comply with it or not because of the reprisals that may follow.
a. Can Mari Carmen refuse to comply with this order? For what reason?
Yes, because it has an individual right that is the health and safety
policy at work, where the employer has a duty of safety with respect to
the worker and therefore must adopt measures to prevent occupational
Comply with the orders and then complain in court if you disagree.
In the event that it is not legal and involves harm to the employee or
affects his or her private life or violates his or her dignity.
14) A company is recruiting candidates for a warehouse worker position. The offer on
their website states the following: must be male, cannot be working at the same time
in any company of any kind, is required to act with maximum diligence and
contribute to the improvement of the quality of the company. The unions do not see
some of these requirements as legal and are considering filing a lawsuit.
a. Can the company state on its website that one of the requirements is to be a
man? Why?
1º Catering Services Management
b. Would it be illegal to hire a candidate who works for another company at the
same time? Why?
No, because we have the right to freely choose our profession and trade.
Yes, these are 2 labor duties that the worker must have.
15) A worker has been refusing to wear personal protective equipment for the last week.
The company is considering what action it could take with the worker to avoid
setting a bad example and also to prevent a future workplace accident.
a. What can the company do?
It may impose a penalty on the employee for failure to comply with the
duty to take preventive measures. To occupational hazards
b. If the company takes this measure, what can the employee do if he/she does
not agree?
Claim in court.
16) Fran and Luis do not get along well at work. One day Luis insults Fran, which
reaches the ears of the company's management and they decide to impose a sanction
for serious misconduct. Some managers want to penalize you by taking away 3 days
of vacation that the company will give you extra, others prefer to suspend you from
your job and salary for 3 days, and others choose to take away the productivity
bonus from your paycheck next month.
a. Which of the 3 measures is it legal for the company to apply?
The first one is to take away 3 extra days of vacation that the company
will give him, since this is not included in the contract and is given as
long as he has his corresponding vacation days by law.
b. If the company takes 25 working days to sanction you for this serious
misconduct from the time it learns of the facts, is it time-barred?
20 working days.
17) The company "Que bien se vive aquí, SA" management suspects that some workers
waste a lot of time and do not work as they should. They believe that some workers
come and go from one office to another or spend a lot of time consulting web pages
unrelated to the company, so they are considering implementing a system for
monitoring workers.
a. Can the company install image and sound cameras? Why?
The company can install video surveillance cameras that only record the
image only when it is the only way to obtain that information, using it
proportionally and having the minimum of damages.
c. What are the requirements for monitoring the use of company computers?
A sheet must be signed where the workers have signed that they are
informed of the rules of use, surveillance and sanctions.
18) A company has received several complaints that some of its employees' personal
belongings have been disappearing lately, so it wants to carry out searches on the
employees. On the other hand, you have suspicions that a worker is on sick leave
without a real reason for it.
a. Can you conduct searches of workers, their lockers and belongings? In
which cases?
Respecting their dignity and privacy as much as possible and with the
presence of a representative of the workers or another worker.
c. How can the company carry out health surveillance with respect to this
1º Catering Services Management
19) Juan Jesús has been dismissed by the company for disciplinary reasons. He does not
agree, so he intends to complain to the company again and again until the law allows
it because he is convinced that he is right and will not stop in his attempt.
a. Which is the first court or tribunal before which you have to file the lawsuit?
The first court where you should file your claim is the SOCIAL
c. And if you want to claim this last sentence, where should you claim?
20) The workers affected by a collective layoff (ERE) are not satisfied with the
dismissal and plan to file a claim in court. There are 2 work centers affected by the
ERE, one is in Teruel and the other in Madrid, however, only those in the Teruel
center are considering filing a claim.
a. Where should the workers affected by the Teruel center file a claim if they
alone were to file the lawsuit?
c. If they were not satisfied with the sentence, where could they appeal the
In the event that only those from Teruel filed the complaint, they would
In the event that both (MADRID and TERUEL) appeal the sentences, they
would have to do so in the SUPERMUM COURT.